Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Ahhh another thread headlined with Keith Odormann! You know the news week was so bad on Odumba, Odormann had to change the topic back to Bush.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Of course Darryl is silent on Helen Thomas… the doyenne of hmmm…? what is she the doyenne of? whitey house correspondents? Well most of them are empty suits, never asking the tough questions of Robert Fibbs. Butt, here’s her latest rant
Well she did add a PS – Go back to America. What a winner representing your side in the libtardo MSM.
Agree; i’m stunned by how that anti-semite has operated at the top so long. She’s been an outspoken arab apologist, but this new revelation is amazing.
And then why are American Jews so complacent/anti israel?
This fat good old boy thinks that Republican gal Haley (who other good old boys have fantasies about in their blogs) is a bit too on the “dark” side:
“We got a raghead in Washington; we don’t need one in South Carolina,” Knotts said more than once. “She’s a raghead that’s ashamed of her religion trying to hide it behind being Methodist for political reasons.”
Heh. I love the morons on “your side”. They make me laugh..
Dan Blather,Jr. No wonder nobody watches that pinworm. At least the splash at the end has it right…”Unfair and Biased.”
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Puddy uses the libtardo MSM and what does the clueless goober arschloch goatsee use? TPM? We all know what TPM said about Trigg Palin and Bristol remember? Or how about their incorrect scream on Barack The Magic Negro?
Yes clueless goober arschloch goatsee, we see where your “mind” gravitates to, the LCD of libtardo blogs!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
And of course Odumba has no clue about mobilizing the military to help with the oil cleanup. Yet he’ll make “beach visits“. Did they build special stands for TOTUS?
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Of course while you libtardos are asleep at the boob tube, mesmerized and hypnotized by Odumba reading from TOTUS, Turban Dick Durbin is up to his nasty tricks again…
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Oh my, no one “saw” this coming did they? Of course the HA libtardo crew is out of step with the rest of America!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Look back at the Bush administration. Direct your attention to the past. Pay no attention to how Obama is doing.
You fucking gullible sheep.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Do you realize virtually all the job creation in May came from the hiring of 411,000 census workers? So how is that Porkulus Bill working out for private job creation? Oh wait a minute… Most of that money went to DUMMOCRAPTIC payback for the Odumba election!
@ 7
Once again, Spuddy remonstrates by means of unenlightened, illiterate diatribe. While occasionally amusing, your particular flavor of invective has long since become wearisome.
I am going to type this in nice and slow so I can be sure you at least can sound out the bigger words.
Where are those troops?. Oh, yeah. They’re in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the Philippines, Korea and Germany. They’re in Kazakhstan and Pakistan. They’re in Israel and Great Britain. They’re everywhere, but here.
They’re too busy overseas, enforcing corporations empires and carving out new slave markets for American jobs.
What law would that fall under? There is no precedent, and no law that even allows any such use of Federal troops. That is not the purpose of a military. It is not in their training, it is not in their mission statement.
The US Navy once had the capability, but Donald Rumsfeld saw the end to that. As Secretary of Defense under Bush, he made sure the Federal Government did not even have the technology to supervise, observe and report independently of BP’s ability to control the flow of information.
The US Navy dive and Salvage School was the best and most technologically advanced in the world. They were the NASA of the Salvage industry. When Bush became president, that school was all but shut down.
Rumsfeld considered it to be surplus and redundant and therefore a waste of money. The school was stripped of funding, the equipment scrapped and sold off. He made sure that the command structure in place at the time was completely destroyed so it could never be replaced by anything but private contractors like Halliburton.
President Obama is caught in a serious quandary. In reference to this particular crime, ideally, he would order the arrest of the entire board of Directors of BP, confiscate the corporations assets and the Federal Government would take over supervision of the salvage and cleanup operations. It is within the law to do so, there is existing precedent, and would only require a majority vote of Congress.
But, if he does do that, the Fascists will scream “OMG Sozializm n commienism n everybody gonna be put in FEMA camps to be exterm’nated!”
Your element is nearly entirely predictable Spudds. You ‘baggers have played your hands too many times in the same way. Now, all that liberal free market, small government Randian propaganda and bullshit von Mises economic method is coming back to bite you in the ass, and the American People are the ones who get to eat the shit.
Go blow somebody else’s donkey, Spudds. And that goes for all you rightwing nutbags. You caused this.
Junk-shot aka ShlubbyDubb is a right-wing fiend horribly maimed and twisted mentally by years and years of mainlining right wing bullshit.
He’ll be doing the same thing a year from now as he has year after year – carrying water for the right wing propaganda machine and denigrating the rest of us who refuses to be fooled by it. The rest of us want to know the truth. The big picture. We’re the reality based community.
His kind prefers to drown in lies and hate. They’re the batshit insane community.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Oh DeathFroggy still in Odumba apologist mode. It was DUMMOCRAPTIC senators screaming for Odumba to do something fool.
Stay Stupid. Drink more of Steve’s Stupid Solution!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Notice how clueless goober arschloch goatsee first ran to TPM, Trash Polluting Morons, got his arschloch smacked by Puddy and now adds nothing new to the argument.
Once you’ve been identified as a dumb brick, you continue to sink FOREVER!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
So Darryl, why do you continue to use someone who hates Jews as a thread header? And this fool works with the attackee’s son!
Odormann… such a useless tool on the most useless cable network! He gets more views on HA than in “real time”!
As you know, I hate being the bearer of bad news to the Atheist Progressive Krowd…but I feel I have duty to enlighten them about their current plight and to keep them from falling off the LEFT-side of the Earth. To date, it appears I have been successful as they are still here (although barely!)
Saturday, June 05, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17.
Data from the Rasmussen Consumer Index surveys shows that most Republicans (57%) believe the economy is getting worse while a plurality of Democrats (46%) say it is getting better. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 29% say better and 43% worse. However, when asked about their own personal finances, a plurality of Republicans, Democrats, and unaffiliated voters all say thngs are getting worse.
Democrat candidates currently hugging ObaMao are hugging a Cactus! ObaMao has shown his inexperience at crucial times on all fronts…security, immigration, Economy, size of government, cost of government, Oil Spill crisis.
The guy is a total bust and REAL Americans that voted for him are admitting buyers remorse. Even James Cargill is screaming at the deaf-and-dumb Kommander in Chief.
Republicans are offering clear Policy Alternatives via http://www.americanroadmap.org and our next President, Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin)!
What an exciting time for those of us who believe in the Constitution and the American Way of Life.
Have you talked with your son about his girl friend? Just want to be sure all is well.
I am that I am.
@ 26
You should mention that the “girlfriend” in question seems to have an unusually deep voice, and often seems to need a shave.
Fascists are so clueless.
Deathfrogg at 13
Errors of fact abound in this little post.
The US president can send troops overseas to fulfill treaty or alliance obligations, at the request of foreign governments, or to defend US interests abroad. This is not illegal.
Nor is it your silly fantansy of a slave markets. Wow, what an imagination!
BP, if they broke laws, will pay the penalties. Obama sent the Soliciter General down there to pin a crime on them, any crime, so you can be sure they will.
To have an accident, however spectacular and tragic, is not necessarily a crime though. BP did not blow up the well. They did not murder the men aboard the rig in a dark conspiracy to collect their life insurance. They did not sabotage the well to drive up the price of oil. All the hyperbolic nonsense in this vein from the left just makes you look stupid.
Confiscation of property is possible under the law. It is only possible under certain very specific situations. If BP falls under these you can be sure your president, given his socialist tendencies, will do so. If not, shut the hell up about stealing another mans’ property.
Have a nice day.
Re 23
Obama is like one of those other fathers at your kids baseball game. He’s okay to talk to or have a beer with after the game. He’s a great conversationalist, and very charming. On the surface he seems smart and competent.
But you wouldn’t trust him enough to offer him a job or go into business with him.
Well Deathfrogg
First, I’m really curious about your tag, but that aside…
I’ll have to leave you to argue with others. I’m off to enjoy the sun.
Today’s Puddy’s Sabbath Day. So he’s here spewing hate. I understand him to believe that’s what little baby Jesus would do if he weren’t so busy in Heaven planning the apocalypse that’s to come. Of course, this was supposed to take place back in the 19th century but there was a small mixup in God communicating his plans to his prophet, Ellen White. Hey, shit happens. Even when God’s involved.
@ 26 Say, God, just what did go wrong with that? Faulty transmitter or something?
“But you wouldn’t trust him enough to offer him a job or go into business with him.”
Did you pick that up from the color of his skin or something?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Bachmann Is Grandstanding, Not Representing
“WASHINGTON (June 4) — Minnesota congresswoman … Michele Bachmann has mastered the art of bypassing the mainstream media in favor of more ideologically friendly outlets, according to … today’s Washington Post. But that appears to have come at the expense of her legislative activities.
“An independent analysis of her staff by AOL News confirms that … Bachmann had just two legislative staffers out of a staff of 17, according to public records. …
“‘For the modern-day House, that’s extraordinary low. You’d find normally a half-dozen …,’ congressional scholar Norm Ornstein told AOL News. … ‘If you don’t have a substantial legislative staff, it really means that you’re not on top of a lot of the issues that come up in Congress …,’ Ornstein said.
“Ornstein also noted that [Bachmann’s] press operation of three full-time staffers was equally ‘not normal’ in the House.
“Bachmann’s … record may bear out the structure of her office. In her four years in Congress, the Post points out that her legislative record has been scant. …
“In this session of Congress … Bachmann has introduced just 18 … pieces of legislation, only one of which has passed — a nonbinding House resolution designating the month of September as ‘National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bachmann is using her staffing allocation to employ PR flacks instead of legislative aides because, well, because she’s more interested in drawing attention to herself than representing her district. Why do the stupid voters of her disrict vote for her? It’s a mystery.
@33 – the woman is simply a cunt. Proof that some people shouldn’t breed.
@ 28
Confiscation of property is possible under the law. It is only possible under certain very specific situations. If BP falls under these you can be sure your president, given his socialist tendencies, will do so. If not, shut the hell up about stealing another mans’ property.
Tell that to all the people who have had everything they own confiscated by law enforcement officials under the guise of drug interdiction. There are literally hundreds of thousands of cases where police officers and sheriffs deputies have falsified data and planted evidence, as well as using visible detritus and the mere “reaction” of a trained animal to justify confiscating everything a person owns, merely for possession of plant matter that wasn’t illegal to possess or farm until certain racists and government thugs were threatened with loss of their jobs and primary black market revenue resources by the 21st amendment to the US Constitution.
The law is clear:
Amendment 4, United States Constitution
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Trained reactions in animals cannot be construed as probable cause, when that animal is trained to react to certain stimuli made by the handler of that animal.
It is inherently prejudicial when an animal trainer can create manufactured reactions in said animal by offering positive behavioral stimuli for positive reactions to that stimuli, and negative reactions to to the non-reaction to said stimuli.
Dogs just want to make Alpha happy. When a Alpha is unhappy, the dog suffers. Dogs instinctively know this. Therefore dogs will always do what pleases Alpha.
Amendment 5
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Actions by law enforcement personnel are NOT due process of law. Trained reactions in animals can NOT be sworn in as testimony in court. Animals cannot talk, nor are they recognized as sentient beings able to comprehend an oath of affirmation nor are they able to independently testify in an open court of law.
They simply cannot be counted as credible witnesses to a crime. They cannot be considered credible sources of information when that information is founded in the entirely subjective perceptions of the handler and trainer of that animal. Police officers are well-known for fabricating testimony, and supporting each other when that fabrication occurs.
The black market is the surest way to hide revenue streams and official corruption. If official corruption needs to hide criminal activity, the black markets are the simplest way to finance that activity, restrict public access to knowledge of that activity, and deny involvement by the corrupt individuals engaging in that activity.
The black markets are maintained as such for that very reason. Ending prohibition would eliminate those avenues of official criminality. The US government in its current incarnation needs that corruption to continue to function.
I have to wait for my son to return from a friends house to go hiking so-
On only one of the points you raise will you get an iota of argument from me. A book came out some years ago on consensual crime and the deletorious effects it has on our criminal justice system.
If a person wants to fry their own brain in their own home I really don’t care, on a few conditions. Should they be unable to work due to chemical damage they self inflicted no federal, state or other government assistance should be given them. The same laws applying to drunkenness should apply to chemical intoxication. Driving, taking care of a child and other activities endangering others while stoned are criminal offenses, and should remain so. Otherwise, if a person is so dissatisfied with their life that they need pharmaceutical escape it isn’t my business or that of the law. All the money we waste on drug interdiction could be better spent on treatment for those who want it, frankly.
Confiscation of property under drug laws is a disgrace and an injustice. Due process of law is short circuited and we become a lesser people in the light of decent society as a result.
I can’t board a plane, go into a Federal or State building or conduct any of a dozen other perfectly legal acts without being illegally searched.
I can’t trust that when I make a phone call, or check a book out of the library or search for a subject on the internet that these lawful activities aren’t illegally being surveiled by my government.
Miranda was just considerably weakened by the Supreme Court. Rabbit could comment more cogently on this, but I understand an arrested individual must ask for an attorney, not be advised that he or she has a right to do so.
Sure, the government is out of control. Does this mean we give it leave to go further into totalitarian territory in the Gulf? In my humble opinion, no. We should be reining the government in with regard to civil rights, not granting them leave to perpetrate more violations.
And the last paragraph in your post is pure paranoi.
A person who speaks after having been read their rights is presumed to have waived them. On the face this seems reasonable. If you and I are talking and I don’t stop the conversation you may assume I don’t object to its continuation.
However, an arrest is in most ways very different. Very few people in police custody will have the psychological wherewithal to refuse communication, and to do so they must communicate that refusal. Most will respond to the repeated and insistent questioning by armed and uniformed men and women in a pretty predictable way. The Roberts court made a mistake here which takes us back 30 years with respect to criminal civil rights.
@ 38
You may think it paranoid. But there once was a man named Eugene Hasenfus. He was highly experienced career pilot for a non-official, federally funded airline. His direct supervisor was named Oliver North, who had carte blanche on funding and operations of certain terrorist organizations in Central America back in the 1980’s.
Hasenfus’s aircraft was shot down over Nicaragua, one of the countries targeted by these terrorist organizations. After it was shot down, the aircraft was found to have nearly a half million US Dollars in cash, several hundred modern rifles, several thousand rounds of ammunition for those rifles, several hundred pounds of plastic explosives, and four tons of pure cocaine on board.
This was done under the direct supervision and under direct orders from the White House. Dick Cheney was the direct supervisor of Oliver North, and George Bush Sr. was the direct supervisor of Dick Cheney. Ronald Reagan gave his personal approval of the operation, and the hundreds of others just like it.
They knew full well, that they were committing federal crimes in support of terrorism. They knew full well, that the black market was the only way to fund and support that terrorism while hiding it from the public and the US Congress.
When it did finally come out, the project had already been wildly successful, and the public yawned and changed the channel.
The Americans who did denounce it, and expressed their disapproval of these operations, were themselves denounced as “liberals liars and traitors”. Even though the laws supported their position absolutely.
ah, Deathfrog; it wasn’t terrorism, it was politically charged and illegal, but don’t distort facts. They were supporting the anti communists. Go talk to a few; they were grateful for the help.
I agree it was illegal
@33 “Bachmann has introduced just 18 … pieces of legislation, only one of which has passed — a nonbinding House resolution designating the month of September as ‘National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month.’””
LMFAO!! If you missed the mesothelioma resolution whine by the trolls on the other thread, Roger, then you don’t know just how fucking funny this one is, which is too bad because this is really fucking funny. Our dumbfuck trolls were actually howling at the moon over a Democrat’s mesothelioma resolution.
Hmm, to copy a string of troll comments from that other thread, do a name change and resolution disease swap, now that’d be fucking funny. Trolls howling at the moon over a “dumb-as-a-carrot” Bachmann and her Hydrocephalus resolution. heh-
@33 “Bachmann has introduced just 18 … pieces of legislation, only one of which has passed — a nonbinding House resolution designating the month of September as ‘National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month.’””
This is why I try not to waste my time on the Bachman’s of the world.
I’ll bet this gal is marrying Rushbo for his good looks and warm heart, and could care less about his money.
Wow, another day goes by and not a single lefty wants to address Bill Maher’s racist comments.
What a bunch of hypocritical pussies.
Biggest disappointment of the Obama Presidency…is the Obama Presidency
I’d have to give a fuck about what Bill Maher says and hear the comment before I could address it and since neither of those things are going to happen any time soon I wont be addressing it any time soon.
“Wow, another day goes by and not a single lefty wants to address Bill Maher’s racist comments.”
I haven’t seen it. If I do then perhaps I’ll comment. I’d at least hope that Maher was funnier than the KLOWN was when he shared with us his racist jokes. That didn’t go over too well.
@46 – WHAT! Are you kidding me, there are racists and bigots out there. Say it isn’t so. God knows Republicans and Tea Baggers are such saints of diversity.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Libtardos only read comments from their own kind. At least the clueless goober arschloch goatsee has it stored on his home HA database. He can replay that comment over and over. Of course he isn’t commenting on it. That would entail using his “brain”. Still waiting for that day, aren’t we?
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Once again Steve Steve Steve couldn’t go a morning without a tall glass of Steve’s Stupid Solution. So Steve Steve Steve, where is placing facts and truth on a blog – spewing hate as you call it. Or is it another of your “It’s a Psych 101 thing” useless rants Steve Steve Steve?
Puddy thinks “It’s a Psych 101 thing” useless rant Steve Steve Steve.
Enjoy the sunshine… something you don’t see much from where your head is at.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
To the fool mimicking God,
Puddy’s sons’ girlfriends are going great. Glad you “asked”.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
clueless goober arschloch goatsee…
Glad you went there. Ressam, sponsored by IHH, the same fools who sponsored the flotilla. Watch the beatings delivered from “peace activists” over and over clueless goober arschloch goatsee.
Heh. Yeah, that’s the brown skinned border fiend. The Tancredo types had it right apparently.
Correct. A Pakistani trying to come in illegally. Whodathunkit? Even your home state of CA, 51% of the peeps support the Arizona law. Shows everyone how much of a dumb brick clueless goober arschloch goatsee is! And you demonstrate how much lower you can sink even in a high density viscous fluid!
Everyone on Puddy’s side outclasses you clueless goober arschloch goatsee!
Yeah the Tancredo types, like that SC good old boy going on about “ragheads”, would never imagine a darker skinned fella coming over the fair skinned border.
“Securing the Borders” my ass – just another code word for hating brown skinned people.
If batshit insane fools who buy every right wing lie and myth manufactured by the right wing noise machine outclasses people who want the best for their country then I want nothing to do with “class” as you see it.
mommy, what does daddy do all day?spews:
@57 outclasses people who want the best for their country
Other than sitting home all day pounding the keyboard while you record people’s identities on HA for your “database” and your wife works two jobs to put food on the table for her family, what exactly do you do for the community, forget the country?
Re 56
Check your facts before exposing your ignorance. The Israelis boarded the vessel with sidearms locked and shielded. They attempted to subdue armed ‘peace activists’ sponsered by terrorists. A group which outnumbered them and refused to cooperate, illegally running a blockade. Sorry, but smart people say yes sir to the big armed guys and sort out the rights and wrongs of the matter later.
At what point should a few commandos have used deadly force to subdue a large group of people who refused orders to desist? After half of them were dead? Three fourths?
Israel has a standing offer to deliver any humanitarian aid to Gaza. All they ask is the right to examine the aid and make sure it isn’t military, and they’ll bear the cost of transport to Gaza themselves. Only real humanitarian groups use this offer though. Grandstanding idiots trying to make Israel look bad run blockades.
I don’t defend Israel on everything. I think their humanitarian record with respect to the Palestineans appalling. I think if either Hamas or the Israeli leadership had a grain of sense they’d negotiate some kind of peace. After all, at some point grievances cease to be so important when your wives can’t go to a cafe or kids board a bus without fear of bombing. Religious differences seem a little less gripping to sane people when you can’t go to work because your hometown has security checkpoints which turn a 15 minute commute into 2 hours. But Israel has a right to self defense, even if leftists hate the state.
Re 57
Batshit insane is really overused, apart from being a meaningless term.
The hate speech from the left about how Republicans are all corrupt and hate the country is just ignorant.
I accept that most of those on the left (Olbermann, Schultz and other people trying to make a lot of money off inciting hatred aside) love their country and want the best for it. I happen to believe them misguided about what constitutes ‘best.’ This kind of tolerance, ironically, is sadly lacking in todays far left.
while you record people’s identities on HA for your “database”
Thanks for reminding me. I’ll record YOUR identity as “dumshit troll #umpteenth thousand”.
Highest ignorance,
Well, better things to do, but…
If you can’t engage an argument without personal attack, all it really does is show your ignorance. Your last paragraph is a de facto admission that you have no answer to the content so will try to distract me with personal abuse. Problem is, your opinion is of little value to me. It might have been of more had you actually had something to say, whether I agreed with you or not.
The weapons used were knives and iron bars, from the video and reports. While it is admittedly stupid to attack armed men with such weapons the purpose of anti-Israeli propanda generation is served in this way. If you’re asking why someone would risk suicide in this way I’m a sane person so the wrong one to ask. I heard a man on NPR a few years ago talking about his son who blew himself and a bus in Jerusalem up. His comment? I’m so proud of him. This is the kind of insane (not batshit insane, as it means nothing at all to add that descriptor if you’re above 12 years old) mentality with which the Israelis are dealing.
proud leftistspews:
60: “The hate speech from the left about how Republicans are all corrupt and hate the country is just ignorant.”
Lord, lost, you’re kidding, right? Do you honestly believe that the Left holds a candle to the Right when it comes to hate speech and accusations of hating this country? Your fellow travelers accuse anyone to the left of Jim DeMint as being either socialist or fascist, lacking any sort of love for the country, and being eager to turn the country over to terrorists. Ed Schultz and Keith Olbermann actually rely on facts and reasoned opinion in their shows. Hannity, Coulter, Beck, and Limbaugh? Ah, not so much. Sorry, guy, you’ve got the hateful nutcases by a big margin. And, don’t even get me started on Michelle Bachmann and her ilk . . .
If you’re asking for a ringing endorsement of the tone of political discourse from the right from me, you’ve got the wrong guy. Beck is a nutjob and Limbaugh a loudmouth, for starters. But I stand by the comment that this kind of hateful and ignorant speech is common on the left at least lately.
And you have to admit that the tone from the left and the right has been degenerating pretty steadily for a decade. This isn’t anything new. Jefferson was accused of everything from incest (likely untrue) to sleeping with his slaves (might have been true) during his presidential electoral race.
It is sad however that in 200 years we haven’t grown past that kind of politics.
proud leftistspews:
I’ll admit I don’t much like the tone of our political discourse, particularly in the halls of Congress.
I’ll leave on a rare point of agreement. Have a good evening.
I did not ask. I am flattered that you feel I am a fool.
BTW, Jesus was very much a fool .. but that is not bad if it is God-like.
I am that I am.
Re 68
I realize that you’re trying to be offensive and disrepectful of the deeply held beliefs of some people. I know you’re trying to irritate those whose faith you can’t share.
Oh so you’re saying these 9 people who took IDF bullets did it happily and their parents are proud of them.
What a fly on the wall you are.
9 people are DEAD!
Don Joespews:
We have a former President both admitting that he ordered someone to be tortured and saying that he would do it again. And the right wing trolls here want to talk about Bill Maher. What a bunch of incredibly stupid fucks we have for trolls.
We have a former President both admitting that he ordered someone to be tortured and saying that he would do it again.
That makes two people, Maher and W, that I could give a fuck what they think, say, or do.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Ed Schultz and Keith Olbermann actually rely on facts and reasoned opinion in their shows.
Proud Leftist, you really humor Puddy with that load of bile!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Apparently the clueless goober arschloch goatsee writes without first checking to see if his comments will seem as they floated from his arschloch…
Dogan’s father told Turkey’s state-run Anatolia News Agency that he had identified his son’s body and that he had been shot through the forehead. Still, he said, the family was not sad because they believed Furkan had died with honor.
“I feel my son has been blessed with heaven,” he said. “I am hoping to be a father worthy of my son.”
Find the link fool!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Of course this is lost on clueless goober arschloch goatsee
“The soldiers acted with the utmost nobility,” said one police source close to the Yamam. “They engaged in hand-to-hand combat, sustained injuries, but only opened fire after one of them was lying on the ground unconscious and two others had been shot. This was an unbelievable demonstration of restraint.”
PuddyEmphasis. Now where does this fools get his info from?
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Wow Steve Steve Steve looking up Congresswoman Bachmann’s record. Well Puddy looked up Senator Murray’s record…
“A resolution commending the University of Washington women’s softball team for winning the 2009 NCAA Women’s College World Series.”
“To prohibit certain funds from being used for certain efforts.”
“Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration.”
In the previous congress she managed to get 22 cosponsors on this mighty piece of legislation…
“A resolution celebrating the accomplishments of title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, also known as the Patsy Takemoto Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act, and recognizing the need to continue pursuing the goal of educational opportunities for women and girls.”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
President “Flounder” ObaMao continues his downward spiral……. Sunday, June 06, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18
And the kicker? He was an American citizen. Poor naive guy. Shouldn’t have cut his young life short by lifting a finger to help people put on a “diet” by the Israeli government.
Here’s something funny from the batshit insane right wing:
Look, we found another Obama oddball. Obama’s nominee to become commissioner for the equal opportunity employment commission is Chai Feldblum. She’s an outspoken gay rights activist, Georgetown University law professor, and she has praised polygamy and contended that traditional marriage should not have privileged status.
Let’s all congratulate Flush Limpblows on his fourthtraditional marriage!
Till death do them part!
@ 81
She’s only marrying him for his lifetime supply of Viagra. When she finds out that there is nothing for that Viagra to work on, she’ll become his 4th ex-wife. He doesn’t actually use it himself.
I give it about 3 months, and I’m being liberal with that estimate.
Besides, we know where his true tastes lie. Chained to the wall on a dirt floor in a Dominican slave brothel.
Puddy provided the things she “sponsored”… the voting record is not the measure of a senator. Everyone knows she votes per Harry Reid’s marching orders.
A great senator leaves their mark. Looks like Senator Murray left CO2 in her wake!
WHATAMORON this libtardo is.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Oh so you’re saying these 9 people who took IDF bullets did it happily and their parents are proud of them.
Puddy once again proved how much of a dumb brick you are by the use of an easily found link. And dumb brick clueless goober arschloch goatsee@80… you try and comment on the “link” you failed to find.
Butt butt butt they were “peace activists” with nothing but food supplies. We see how they attacked the Israeli men. Such peace activists.
EPIC FAIL fool! All that time spent in front of the computer and still the dumbest brick on HA!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
So now you want polygamy? What will you want next? Bestiality? Necrophilia? You think another woman will pony up to your sorry dumb brick Koro diseased arschloch?
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Send some money to them so they can be “defended”. So per your stupidity above, they should not have been arrested after all their actions and commentary?
Why do you hate America clueless goober arschloch goatsee? You are against the Arizona law… they caught a Pakistani trying to enter Arizona… clueless goober arschloch goatsee@80 brought up Ressam coming over the Canadian border trying to blow up the LA airport, supported by IHH who jock-strapped the flotilla… And now you complain about these two wonderful human beings trying to go to Somalia? It seem clueless goober arschloch goatsee really wants to see an attack under Odumba’s watch. You really hate capitalism and the United States of America! Well you are a hateful name morphing fool! No wonder clueless goober arschloch goatsee you seem to have your hand out looking for that next SEIU handout! Glenn Beck has you perfectly pegged. Are you wearing that purple tee shirt today?
You are a fool of the highest order. Maybe Goldy could award you his first libtardo fool medal. You certainly earned it.
YLB's databasespews:
@85 EPIC FAIL fool! All that time spent in front of the computer and still the dumbest brick on HA!
He relies upon me – a decade long “work in progress” – for all of his news, and I’m the first to admit that’s probably not such a great idea!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Lost… when you said this about the clueless goober arschloch goatsee
If you can’t engage an argument without personal attack, all it really does is show your ignorance.
That’s all clueless goober arschloch goatsee has. If you notice clueless goober arschloch goatsee links commentary are full of hate. clueless goober arschloch goatsee responses are full of hate. The clueless goober arschloch goatsee lives on his hate! A real ignorant dumb brick hater!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Maybe clueless goober arschloch goatsee should be called DRM – Databases R Me!
YLB's databasespews:
Please just remember that I’m also a victim.
@HIGHEST Dhimmi-dimwit
Heres what one of your flower power “peace activist” fuck-wits told his family before hoping on the S.S. Jihad…
“I am going to be a shahid; I dreamt I will become a shahid – I saw in a dream that I will be killed.”
Not to mention that when the Israelis radioed the ship the mensa members on board responded with “Shut up. Go back to Auschwitz,” and “We’re helping the Arabs go against the US, don’t forget 9/11 guys”.
Oh and they sang a nice little ditty about a massacre of Jews from the Koran.
Anti-semites masquerading as peace activists who are so inept they’d poison those they claim to want to help.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
ylb comments prove to the world every day why some progressive DUMMOCRAPTS run to Planned Parenthood for abortions! They say… “I don’t want one who will grow up like that”!
“Well you are a hateful name morphing fool!”
How thoughtless of you. You know that I love you, Puddy, but I’ve got to draw a line here. There’s only one HNMT on this blog. There will always be only one HNMT on this blog. Really, Puddy, I believe that you’ve taken a very cheap and -this one really gets me- unwitty shot at my hateful name morphing friend’s good name when you mock it in this manner. I really do prefer that you not go there again as you are much too lacking in both couth and wit.
now all the progressives play dumb and pretend they dont know about any comments made by Bill Maher…LMFAO.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Mock the clueless goober arschloch goatsee Steve Steve Steve? He who is the dumb brick is fully deserving of mockery with the drivel and bile he throws on this blog.
Junk-shot (aka Stupes aka you-know-who) was the original HNMT.
His circle jerks with MWS were legendary. Hard to believe but the HNMT we know and loathe is probably just a tad more sane. I don’t believe he’s ever circle jerked with one of his other names.
And junk-shot’s got quite a circle jerk going on in 84-97.
The moron he’s circle jerking with can’t do arithmetic. He keeps dribbling “10 years”. HA’s only been around since 2004.
9 people are DEAD.. Any IDF among the dead? Any arms found on the flotilla?
Puddy quotes this:
If you can’t engage an argument without personal attack, all it really does is show your ignorance.
Hmm, and when has Puddy posted without insulting someone or using personal attacks and invectives?
Dummocrats, libtardos…those are the only nouns that Puddy knows how to use for political opponents.
Case closed.
Puddy is a total hypocrite.
Just as an aside:
A truly religious person would never insult people using the language that Puddy does.
A truly intelligent person would never make arguments with the logical falacies that Puddy does.
So my conclusion is that Puddy is either faking his religious beliefs or is a hypocrite.
Puddy is either faking his supposed intelligence or has a true inability to think critically.
Hatred of those who loathe his views is junk-shot’s true religion.
If he was so dedicated to living his faith, he wouldn’t spend a tenth of the time he spends here and he wouldn’t behave like such an unhinged nutcase.
Uh oh, Chongo!spews:
anybody seen Capt Mu-tan?
i was watching hanah storm interview rajon rondo tonite. she was wearing a short skirt and you could see her celulite. i hope tony kornheiser didnt see it, he might say somethong and get suspended again.
Why do you hate America clueless goober arschloch goatsee?
I don’t. But one of the worst things anyone could do was vote for GWB twice. You gotta wonder if that person really cares for his country or just wants to get back at people who wouldn’t look twice at such a moron.
You are against the Arizona law…
You bet. At best it’s a waste of scare policing resources to do a federal job. At worst its asking the police to hassle people based on how they look and how they talk.
they caught a Pakistani trying to enter Arizona…
An Arizona cop did this? The law doesn’t go into effect until July 29. Fail..
clueless goober arschloch goatsee@80 brought up Ressam coming over the Canadian border trying to blow up the LA airport, supported by IHH who jock-strapped the flotilla…
Wow junk-shot, I guess that WA State law worked wonders in that case. Ooops it was federal law and a federal agent doing his job who caught the perp. And the non-white guy with the funny last name came over the fair-skinned border – not the border you keep going stupid over.
And now you complain about these two wonderful human beings trying to go to Somalia?
Oh that happened because of Obama’s incompetent peeps you went ballistic over in the underwear fire. I was just daring you to credit your beloved guy you enabled twice.
It seem clueless goober arschloch goatsee really wants to see an attack under Odumba’s watch.
Heh. You do love to fantasize do you? You already fantasized about that crazy Army shrink. You went on and on.. You love that shit junk-shot.
You really hate capitalism and the United States of America!
Well you sent your kids to a socialist university to be taught by leftist America haters like HA blogger Darryl and you subscribe to a Seattle-based socialist health plan. Doesn’t bode well for you in your puny thinking. But then you also voted for the GWB twice. Well there’s no doubt in my mind who hates America – it’s YOU.
Well you are a hateful name morphing fool!
Yeah right. MWS, Kingbud and these funny characters who pop up for you to circle jerk with are an interesting bunch. As for me, my name changes but the eye in my gravatar remains focused on your right wing bullshit.
No wonder clueless goober arschloch goatsee you seem to have your hand out looking for that next SEIU handout!
Heh. And you seem to be here after every “hand job” you get from the right wing bullshit sources.
Glenn Beck has you perfectly pegged. Are you wearing that purple tee shirt today?
LMAO!! Glenn Beck is a batshit insane dipshit. Anyone who takes that moron seriously has NOTHING, NOTHING between the ears! Good night! That was fun.
some progressive DUMMOCRAPTS run to Planned Parenthood for abortions!
Heh.. I like this one. This is too funny.
Right wing idiots like junk-shot fantasize that Dems are putting themselves out of the running by supporting reproductive freedom for women while the right wing braindeads only want shackles, jail cells, scarlet letters, whatever..
Who’s in the White House? Fantasy didn’t work too well did it?
C’ya sucka!
Uh oh, Chongo!spews:
killing babies is now called “reproductive freedom”?
Well I guess all those infertile couples having their doctors flush those extra fertilized eggs into the bio-hazard bins are going to jail as well.
Since they pony up big bucks for that service and cross ideological lines and sometimes drive fancy cars, live in fancy houses – maybe tee off at your favorite golf course – off to jail they go right?
What a dumbshit..
I love it.
Uh oh, Chongo!spews:
Pity your momma did not exorcise a little “reproductive freedom” when you were inside her belly.
Ahhh another thread headlined with Keith Odormann! You know the news week was so bad on Odumba, Odormann had to change the topic back to Bush.
Of course Darryl is silent on Helen Thomas… the doyenne of hmmm…? what is she the doyenne of? whitey house correspondents? Well most of them are empty suits, never asking the tough questions of Robert Fibbs. Butt, here’s her latest rant
Well she did add a PS – Go back to America. What a winner representing your side in the libtardo MSM.
Agree; i’m stunned by how that anti-semite has operated at the top so long. She’s been an outspoken arab apologist, but this new revelation is amazing.
And then why are American Jews so complacent/anti israel?
That woman should be run out of town.
Hey junk-shot check it out.
This fat good old boy thinks that Republican gal Haley (who other good old boys have fantasies about in their blogs) is a bit too on the “dark” side:
Heh. I love the morons on “your side”. They make me laugh..
Dan Blather,Jr. No wonder nobody watches that pinworm. At least the splash at the end has it right…”Unfair and Biased.”
Puddy uses the libtardo MSM and what does the clueless goober arschloch goatsee use? TPM? We all know what TPM said about Trigg Palin and Bristol remember? Or how about their incorrect scream on Barack The Magic Negro?
Yes clueless goober arschloch goatsee, we see where your “mind” gravitates to, the LCD of libtardo blogs!
And of course Odumba has no clue about mobilizing the military to help with the oil cleanup. Yet he’ll make “beach visits“. Did they build special stands for TOTUS?
Of course while you libtardos are asleep at the boob tube, mesmerized and hypnotized by Odumba reading from TOTUS, Turban Dick Durbin is up to his nasty tricks again…
Oh my, no one “saw” this coming did they? Of course the HA libtardo crew is out of step with the rest of America!
Hey Lee and other foolish anti-Israel libtardos, this song is for you!
This comments sez it all about “progressives”:
So does this one…
Then there are those liberal NYC policemen who set up innocents and send them to jail!
Look back at the Bush administration. Direct your attention to the past. Pay no attention to how Obama is doing.
You fucking gullible sheep.
Do you realize virtually all the job creation in May came from the hiring of 411,000 census workers? So how is that Porkulus Bill working out for private job creation? Oh wait a minute… Most of that money went to DUMMOCRAPTIC payback for the Odumba election!
@ 7
Once again, Spuddy remonstrates by means of unenlightened, illiterate diatribe. While occasionally amusing, your particular flavor of invective has long since become wearisome.
I am going to type this in nice and slow so I can be sure you at least can sound out the bigger words.
Where are those troops?. Oh, yeah. They’re in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the Philippines, Korea and Germany. They’re in Kazakhstan and Pakistan. They’re in Israel and Great Britain. They’re everywhere, but here.
They’re too busy overseas, enforcing corporations empires and carving out new slave markets for American jobs.
What law would that fall under? There is no precedent, and no law that even allows any such use of Federal troops. That is not the purpose of a military. It is not in their training, it is not in their mission statement.
The US Navy once had the capability, but Donald Rumsfeld saw the end to that. As Secretary of Defense under Bush, he made sure the Federal Government did not even have the technology to supervise, observe and report independently of BP’s ability to control the flow of information.
The US Navy dive and Salvage School was the best and most technologically advanced in the world. They were the NASA of the Salvage industry. When Bush became president, that school was all but shut down.
Rumsfeld considered it to be surplus and redundant and therefore a waste of money. The school was stripped of funding, the equipment scrapped and sold off. He made sure that the command structure in place at the time was completely destroyed so it could never be replaced by anything but private contractors like Halliburton.
President Obama is caught in a serious quandary. In reference to this particular crime, ideally, he would order the arrest of the entire board of Directors of BP, confiscate the corporations assets and the Federal Government would take over supervision of the salvage and cleanup operations. It is within the law to do so, there is existing precedent, and would only require a majority vote of Congress.
But, if he does do that, the Fascists will scream “OMG Sozializm n commienism n everybody gonna be put in FEMA camps to be exterm’nated!”
Your element is nearly entirely predictable Spudds. You ‘baggers have played your hands too many times in the same way. Now, all that liberal free market, small government Randian propaganda and bullshit von Mises economic method is coming back to bite you in the ass, and the American People are the ones who get to eat the shit.
Go blow somebody else’s donkey, Spudds. And that goes for all you rightwing nutbags. You caused this.
Helen Thomas. That is one ugly bitch.
Deathfrogg your contribution here is invaluable.
Junk-shot aka ShlubbyDubb is a right-wing fiend horribly maimed and twisted mentally by years and years of mainlining right wing bullshit.
He’ll be doing the same thing a year from now as he has year after year – carrying water for the right wing propaganda machine and denigrating the rest of us who refuses to be fooled by it. The rest of us want to know the truth. The big picture. We’re the reality based community.
His kind prefers to drown in lies and hate. They’re the batshit insane community.
Oh DeathFroggy still in Odumba apologist mode. It was DUMMOCRAPTIC senators screaming for Odumba to do something fool.
Stay Stupid. Drink more of Steve’s Stupid Solution!
Notice how clueless goober arschloch goatsee first ran to TPM, Trash Polluting Morons, got his arschloch smacked by Puddy and now adds nothing new to the argument.
Once you’ve been identified as a dumb brick, you continue to sink FOREVER!
So Darryl, why do you continue to use someone who hates Jews as a thread header? And this fool works with the attackee’s son!
Odormann… such a useless tool on the most useless cable network! He gets more views on HA than in “real time”!
Heh. Yeah, that’s the brown skinned border fiend. The Tancredo types had it right apparently.
That terraist wouldn’t have dreamed of crossing from the fair skinned border up north.
Cept for maybe this guy:
Yawwwnn.. Right wingers are so predictable.
Hey fiend. When’s holier than thou hour?
Your preacher sick or something?
Yeah right after first checking with mrc and dullfart (breitbart) and other right wing bullshit.
Does this pass muster with you?
As you know, I hate being the bearer of bad news to the Atheist Progressive Krowd…but I feel I have duty to enlighten them about their current plight and to keep them from falling off the LEFT-side of the Earth. To date, it appears I have been successful as they are still here (although barely!)
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Democrat candidates currently hugging ObaMao are hugging a Cactus! ObaMao has shown his inexperience at crucial times on all fronts…security, immigration, Economy, size of government, cost of government, Oil Spill crisis.
The guy is a total bust and REAL Americans that voted for him are admitting buyers remorse. Even James Cargill is screaming at the deaf-and-dumb Kommander in Chief.
Republicans are offering clear Policy Alternatives via http://www.americanroadmap.org and our next President, Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin)!
What an exciting time for those of us who believe in the Constitution and the American Way of Life.
Heh. Yeah. The Cargill family always struck me as a bit right wing.
Mr. Cynical
I am concerned about that mole, the one on your back.
Have it looked at by a physician, if only to reassure us both that it is benign. \\Iam that I am.
Have you talked with your son about his girl friend? Just want to be sure all is well.
I am that I am.
@ 26
You should mention that the “girlfriend” in question seems to have an unusually deep voice, and often seems to need a shave.
Fascists are so clueless.
Deathfrogg at 13
Errors of fact abound in this little post.
The US president can send troops overseas to fulfill treaty or alliance obligations, at the request of foreign governments, or to defend US interests abroad. This is not illegal.
Nor is it your silly fantansy of a slave markets. Wow, what an imagination!
BP, if they broke laws, will pay the penalties. Obama sent the Soliciter General down there to pin a crime on them, any crime, so you can be sure they will.
To have an accident, however spectacular and tragic, is not necessarily a crime though. BP did not blow up the well. They did not murder the men aboard the rig in a dark conspiracy to collect their life insurance. They did not sabotage the well to drive up the price of oil. All the hyperbolic nonsense in this vein from the left just makes you look stupid.
Confiscation of property is possible under the law. It is only possible under certain very specific situations. If BP falls under these you can be sure your president, given his socialist tendencies, will do so. If not, shut the hell up about stealing another mans’ property.
Have a nice day.
Re 23
Obama is like one of those other fathers at your kids baseball game. He’s okay to talk to or have a beer with after the game. He’s a great conversationalist, and very charming. On the surface he seems smart and competent.
But you wouldn’t trust him enough to offer him a job or go into business with him.
Well Deathfrogg
First, I’m really curious about your tag, but that aside…
I’ll have to leave you to argue with others. I’m off to enjoy the sun.
Today’s Puddy’s Sabbath Day. So he’s here spewing hate. I understand him to believe that’s what little baby Jesus would do if he weren’t so busy in Heaven planning the apocalypse that’s to come. Of course, this was supposed to take place back in the 19th century but there was a small mixup in God communicating his plans to his prophet, Ellen White. Hey, shit happens. Even when God’s involved.
@ 26 Say, God, just what did go wrong with that? Faulty transmitter or something?
“But you wouldn’t trust him enough to offer him a job or go into business with him.”
Did you pick that up from the color of his skin or something?
Bachmann Is Grandstanding, Not Representing
“WASHINGTON (June 4) — Minnesota congresswoman … Michele Bachmann has mastered the art of bypassing the mainstream media in favor of more ideologically friendly outlets, according to … today’s Washington Post. But that appears to have come at the expense of her legislative activities.
“An independent analysis of her staff by AOL News confirms that … Bachmann had just two legislative staffers out of a staff of 17, according to public records. …
“‘For the modern-day House, that’s extraordinary low. You’d find normally a half-dozen …,’ congressional scholar Norm Ornstein told AOL News. … ‘If you don’t have a substantial legislative staff, it really means that you’re not on top of a lot of the issues that come up in Congress …,’ Ornstein said.
“Ornstein also noted that [Bachmann’s] press operation of three full-time staffers was equally ‘not normal’ in the House.
“Bachmann’s … record may bear out the structure of her office. In her four years in Congress, the Post points out that her legislative record has been scant. …
“In this session of Congress … Bachmann has introduced just 18 … pieces of legislation, only one of which has passed — a nonbinding House resolution designating the month of September as ‘National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bachmann is using her staffing allocation to employ PR flacks instead of legislative aides because, well, because she’s more interested in drawing attention to herself than representing her district. Why do the stupid voters of her disrict vote for her? It’s a mystery.
@33 – the woman is simply a cunt. Proof that some people shouldn’t breed.
@ 28
Tell that to all the people who have had everything they own confiscated by law enforcement officials under the guise of drug interdiction. There are literally hundreds of thousands of cases where police officers and sheriffs deputies have falsified data and planted evidence, as well as using visible detritus and the mere “reaction” of a trained animal to justify confiscating everything a person owns, merely for possession of plant matter that wasn’t illegal to possess or farm until certain racists and government thugs were threatened with loss of their jobs and primary black market revenue resources by the 21st amendment to the US Constitution.
The law is clear:
Trained reactions in animals cannot be construed as probable cause, when that animal is trained to react to certain stimuli made by the handler of that animal.
It is inherently prejudicial when an animal trainer can create manufactured reactions in said animal by offering positive behavioral stimuli for positive reactions to that stimuli, and negative reactions to to the non-reaction to said stimuli.
Dogs just want to make Alpha happy. When a Alpha is unhappy, the dog suffers. Dogs instinctively know this. Therefore dogs will always do what pleases Alpha.
Actions by law enforcement personnel are NOT due process of law. Trained reactions in animals can NOT be sworn in as testimony in court. Animals cannot talk, nor are they recognized as sentient beings able to comprehend an oath of affirmation nor are they able to independently testify in an open court of law.
They simply cannot be counted as credible witnesses to a crime. They cannot be considered credible sources of information when that information is founded in the entirely subjective perceptions of the handler and trainer of that animal. Police officers are well-known for fabricating testimony, and supporting each other when that fabrication occurs.
The black market is the surest way to hide revenue streams and official corruption. If official corruption needs to hide criminal activity, the black markets are the simplest way to finance that activity, restrict public access to knowledge of that activity, and deny involvement by the corrupt individuals engaging in that activity.
The black markets are maintained as such for that very reason. Ending prohibition would eliminate those avenues of official criminality. The US government in its current incarnation needs that corruption to continue to function.
“daddy, did you plug the hole yet”?
Puddy – is your face too dark?
Deathfrogg @ 35
I have to wait for my son to return from a friends house to go hiking so-
On only one of the points you raise will you get an iota of argument from me. A book came out some years ago on consensual crime and the deletorious effects it has on our criminal justice system.
If a person wants to fry their own brain in their own home I really don’t care, on a few conditions. Should they be unable to work due to chemical damage they self inflicted no federal, state or other government assistance should be given them. The same laws applying to drunkenness should apply to chemical intoxication. Driving, taking care of a child and other activities endangering others while stoned are criminal offenses, and should remain so. Otherwise, if a person is so dissatisfied with their life that they need pharmaceutical escape it isn’t my business or that of the law. All the money we waste on drug interdiction could be better spent on treatment for those who want it, frankly.
Confiscation of property under drug laws is a disgrace and an injustice. Due process of law is short circuited and we become a lesser people in the light of decent society as a result.
I can’t board a plane, go into a Federal or State building or conduct any of a dozen other perfectly legal acts without being illegally searched.
I can’t trust that when I make a phone call, or check a book out of the library or search for a subject on the internet that these lawful activities aren’t illegally being surveiled by my government.
Miranda was just considerably weakened by the Supreme Court. Rabbit could comment more cogently on this, but I understand an arrested individual must ask for an attorney, not be advised that he or she has a right to do so.
Sure, the government is out of control. Does this mean we give it leave to go further into totalitarian territory in the Gulf? In my humble opinion, no. We should be reining the government in with regard to civil rights, not granting them leave to perpetrate more violations.
And the last paragraph in your post is pure paranoi.
A pretty decent article concerning my previous post at #35.
Re 38
Quick correction about Miranda-
A person who speaks after having been read their rights is presumed to have waived them. On the face this seems reasonable. If you and I are talking and I don’t stop the conversation you may assume I don’t object to its continuation.
However, an arrest is in most ways very different. Very few people in police custody will have the psychological wherewithal to refuse communication, and to do so they must communicate that refusal. Most will respond to the repeated and insistent questioning by armed and uniformed men and women in a pretty predictable way. The Roberts court made a mistake here which takes us back 30 years with respect to criminal civil rights.
@ 38
You may think it paranoid. But there once was a man named Eugene Hasenfus. He was highly experienced career pilot for a non-official, federally funded airline. His direct supervisor was named Oliver North, who had carte blanche on funding and operations of certain terrorist organizations in Central America back in the 1980’s.
Hasenfus’s aircraft was shot down over Nicaragua, one of the countries targeted by these terrorist organizations. After it was shot down, the aircraft was found to have nearly a half million US Dollars in cash, several hundred modern rifles, several thousand rounds of ammunition for those rifles, several hundred pounds of plastic explosives, and four tons of pure cocaine on board.
This was done under the direct supervision and under direct orders from the White House. Dick Cheney was the direct supervisor of Oliver North, and George Bush Sr. was the direct supervisor of Dick Cheney. Ronald Reagan gave his personal approval of the operation, and the hundreds of others just like it.
They knew full well, that they were committing federal crimes in support of terrorism. They knew full well, that the black market was the only way to fund and support that terrorism while hiding it from the public and the US Congress.
When it did finally come out, the project had already been wildly successful, and the public yawned and changed the channel.
The Americans who did denounce it, and expressed their disapproval of these operations, were themselves denounced as “liberals liars and traitors”. Even though the laws supported their position absolutely.
ah, Deathfrog; it wasn’t terrorism, it was politically charged and illegal, but don’t distort facts. They were supporting the anti communists. Go talk to a few; they were grateful for the help.
I agree it was illegal
@33 “Bachmann has introduced just 18 … pieces of legislation, only one of which has passed — a nonbinding House resolution designating the month of September as ‘National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month.’””
LMFAO!! If you missed the mesothelioma resolution whine by the trolls on the other thread, Roger, then you don’t know just how fucking funny this one is, which is too bad because this is really fucking funny. Our dumbfuck trolls were actually howling at the moon over a Democrat’s mesothelioma resolution.
Hmm, to copy a string of troll comments from that other thread, do a name change and resolution disease swap, now that’d be fucking funny. Trolls howling at the moon over a “dumb-as-a-carrot” Bachmann and her Hydrocephalus resolution. heh-
This is why I try not to waste my time on the Bachman’s of the world.
I’ll bet this gal is marrying Rushbo for his good looks and warm heart, and could care less about his money.
Wow, another day goes by and not a single lefty wants to address Bill Maher’s racist comments.
What a bunch of hypocritical pussies.
Biggest disappointment of the Obama Presidency…is the Obama Presidency
I’d have to give a fuck about what Bill Maher says and hear the comment before I could address it and since neither of those things are going to happen any time soon I wont be addressing it any time soon.
“Wow, another day goes by and not a single lefty wants to address Bill Maher’s racist comments.”
I haven’t seen it. If I do then perhaps I’ll comment. I’d at least hope that Maher was funnier than the KLOWN was when he shared with us his racist jokes. That didn’t go over too well.
@46 – WHAT! Are you kidding me, there are racists and bigots out there. Say it isn’t so. God knows Republicans and Tea Baggers are such saints of diversity.
Libtardos only read comments from their own kind. At least the clueless goober arschloch goatsee has it stored on his home HA database. He can replay that comment over and over. Of course he isn’t commenting on it. That would entail using his “brain”. Still waiting for that day, aren’t we?
Once again Steve Steve Steve couldn’t go a morning without a tall glass of Steve’s Stupid Solution. So Steve Steve Steve, where is placing facts and truth on a blog – spewing hate as you call it. Or is it another of your “It’s a Psych 101 thing” useless rants Steve Steve Steve?
Puddy thinks “It’s a Psych 101 thing” useless rant Steve Steve Steve.
Enjoy the sunshine… something you don’t see much from where your head is at.
To the fool mimicking God,
Puddy’s sons’ girlfriends are going great. Glad you “asked”.
clueless goober arschloch goatsee…
Glad you went there. Ressam, sponsored by IHH, the same fools who sponsored the flotilla. Watch the beatings delivered from “peace activists” over and over clueless goober arschloch goatsee.
Correct. A Pakistani trying to come in illegally. Whodathunkit? Even your home state of CA, 51% of the peeps support the Arizona law. Shows everyone how much of a dumb brick clueless goober arschloch goatsee is! And you demonstrate how much lower you can sink even in a high density viscous fluid!
Everyone on Puddy’s side outclasses you clueless goober arschloch goatsee!
Yeah the Tancredo types, like that SC good old boy going on about “ragheads”, would never imagine a darker skinned fella coming over the fair skinned border.
“Securing the Borders” my ass – just another code word for hating brown skinned people.
Watch the IDF kill 9 people and make lame excuses.
9 people are DEAD! Did they have guns?
If batshit insane fools who buy every right wing lie and myth manufactured by the right wing noise machine outclasses people who want the best for their country then I want nothing to do with “class” as you see it.
@57 outclasses people who want the best for their country
Other than sitting home all day pounding the keyboard while you record people’s identities on HA for your “database” and your wife works two jobs to put food on the table for her family, what exactly do you do for the community, forget the country?
Re 56
Check your facts before exposing your ignorance. The Israelis boarded the vessel with sidearms locked and shielded. They attempted to subdue armed ‘peace activists’ sponsered by terrorists. A group which outnumbered them and refused to cooperate, illegally running a blockade. Sorry, but smart people say yes sir to the big armed guys and sort out the rights and wrongs of the matter later.
At what point should a few commandos have used deadly force to subdue a large group of people who refused orders to desist? After half of them were dead? Three fourths?
Israel has a standing offer to deliver any humanitarian aid to Gaza. All they ask is the right to examine the aid and make sure it isn’t military, and they’ll bear the cost of transport to Gaza themselves. Only real humanitarian groups use this offer though. Grandstanding idiots trying to make Israel look bad run blockades.
I don’t defend Israel on everything. I think their humanitarian record with respect to the Palestineans appalling. I think if either Hamas or the Israeli leadership had a grain of sense they’d negotiate some kind of peace. After all, at some point grievances cease to be so important when your wives can’t go to a cafe or kids board a bus without fear of bombing. Religious differences seem a little less gripping to sane people when you can’t go to work because your hometown has security checkpoints which turn a 15 minute commute into 2 hours. But Israel has a right to self defense, even if leftists hate the state.
Re 57
Batshit insane is really overused, apart from being a meaningless term.
The hate speech from the left about how Republicans are all corrupt and hate the country is just ignorant.
I accept that most of those on the left (Olbermann, Schultz and other people trying to make a lot of money off inciting hatred aside) love their country and want the best for it. I happen to believe them misguided about what constitutes ‘best.’ This kind of tolerance, ironically, is sadly lacking in todays far left.
Armed? Armed with what? Oh and who were these “terrorists”?
Why are 9 people DEAD and none of them IDF?
Heh. Seems to apply to much of the drivel coming from your direction so far.
Thanks for reminding me. I’ll record YOUR identity as “dumshit troll #umpteenth thousand”.
Highest ignorance,
Well, better things to do, but…
If you can’t engage an argument without personal attack, all it really does is show your ignorance. Your last paragraph is a de facto admission that you have no answer to the content so will try to distract me with personal abuse. Problem is, your opinion is of little value to me. It might have been of more had you actually had something to say, whether I agreed with you or not.
The weapons used were knives and iron bars, from the video and reports. While it is admittedly stupid to attack armed men with such weapons the purpose of anti-Israeli propanda generation is served in this way. If you’re asking why someone would risk suicide in this way I’m a sane person so the wrong one to ask. I heard a man on NPR a few years ago talking about his son who blew himself and a bus in Jerusalem up. His comment? I’m so proud of him. This is the kind of insane (not batshit insane, as it means nothing at all to add that descriptor if you’re above 12 years old) mentality with which the Israelis are dealing.
60: “The hate speech from the left about how Republicans are all corrupt and hate the country is just ignorant.”
Lord, lost, you’re kidding, right? Do you honestly believe that the Left holds a candle to the Right when it comes to hate speech and accusations of hating this country? Your fellow travelers accuse anyone to the left of Jim DeMint as being either socialist or fascist, lacking any sort of love for the country, and being eager to turn the country over to terrorists. Ed Schultz and Keith Olbermann actually rely on facts and reasoned opinion in their shows. Hannity, Coulter, Beck, and Limbaugh? Ah, not so much. Sorry, guy, you’ve got the hateful nutcases by a big margin. And, don’t even get me started on Michelle Bachmann and her ilk . . .
If you’re asking for a ringing endorsement of the tone of political discourse from the right from me, you’ve got the wrong guy. Beck is a nutjob and Limbaugh a loudmouth, for starters. But I stand by the comment that this kind of hateful and ignorant speech is common on the left at least lately.
And you have to admit that the tone from the left and the right has been degenerating pretty steadily for a decade. This isn’t anything new. Jefferson was accused of everything from incest (likely untrue) to sleeping with his slaves (might have been true) during his presidential electoral race.
It is sad however that in 200 years we haven’t grown past that kind of politics.
I’ll admit I don’t much like the tone of our political discourse, particularly in the halls of Congress.
I’ll leave on a rare point of agreement. Have a good evening.
@31 Steve
Ask yourself … do I tell the truth here? If so, who spoke with Ms. White?
I am that I am.
@53 Puddy ..
I did not ask. I am flattered that you feel I am a fool.
BTW, Jesus was very much a fool .. but that is not bad if it is God-like.
I am that I am.
Re 68
I realize that you’re trying to be offensive and disrepectful of the deeply held beliefs of some people. I know you’re trying to irritate those whose faith you can’t share.
You’re succeeding.
Oh so you’re saying these 9 people who took IDF bullets did it happily and their parents are proud of them.
What a fly on the wall you are.
9 people are DEAD!
We have a former President both admitting that he ordered someone to be tortured and saying that he would do it again. And the right wing trolls here want to talk about Bill Maher. What a bunch of incredibly stupid fucks we have for trolls.
That makes two people, Maher and W, that I could give a fuck what they think, say, or do.
Proud Leftist, you really humor Puddy with that load of bile!
Apparently the clueless goober arschloch goatsee writes without first checking to see if his comments will seem as they floated from his arschloch…
Find the link fool!
Of course this is lost on clueless goober arschloch goatsee
PuddyEmphasis. Now where does this fools get his info from?
Wow Steve Steve Steve looking up Congresswoman Bachmann’s record. Well Puddy looked up Senator Murray’s record…
“A resolution commending the University of Washington women’s softball team for winning the 2009 NCAA Women’s College World Series.”
“To prohibit certain funds from being used for certain efforts.”
“Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration.”
In the previous congress she managed to get 22 cosponsors on this mighty piece of legislation…
“A resolution celebrating the accomplishments of title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, also known as the Patsy Takemoto Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act, and recognizing the need to continue pursuing the goal of educational opportunities for women and girls.”
President “Flounder” ObaMao continues his downward spiral…….
Sunday, June 06, 2010
@ 77, Spuddypud
Why don’t you simply provide an actual link to her voting record?
Oh, thats right, you might just realize that you would vote for her yourself.
Wow junk-shot! What restraint:
And the kicker? He was an American citizen. Poor naive guy. Shouldn’t have cut his young life short by lifting a finger to help people put on a “diet” by the Israeli government.
9 people are DEAD! None of them IDF.
Here’s something funny from the batshit insane right wing:
Let’s all congratulate Flush Limpblows on his fourth traditional marriage!
Till death do them part!
@ 81
She’s only marrying him for his lifetime supply of Viagra. When she finds out that there is nothing for that Viagra to work on, she’ll become his 4th ex-wife. He doesn’t actually use it himself.
I give it about 3 months, and I’m being liberal with that estimate.
Besides, we know where his true tastes lie. Chained to the wall on a dirt floor in a Dominican slave brothel.
The right wing morons who come here will find some way to credit this to their beloved idiot Shrubya who they voted for twice:
Anyone who voted for that moron twice truly hates this country.
Puddy provided the things she “sponsored”… the voting record is not the measure of a senator. Everyone knows she votes per Harry Reid’s marching orders.
A great senator leaves their mark. Looks like Senator Murray left CO2 in her wake!
WHATAMORON this libtardo is.
clueless goober arschloch goatsee@80,
You farted out of both of your arschlochs above
Puddy once again proved how much of a dumb brick you are by the use of an easily found link. And dumb brick clueless goober arschloch goatsee@80… you try and comment on the “link” you failed to find.
Butt butt butt they were “peace activists” with nothing but food supplies. We see how they attacked the Israeli men. Such peace activists.
EPIC FAIL fool! All that time spent in front of the computer and still the dumbest brick on HA!
clueless goober arschloch goatsee@81
So now you want polygamy? What will you want next? Bestiality? Necrophilia? You think another woman will pony up to your sorry dumb brick Koro diseased arschloch?
What’s wrong clueless goober arschloch goatsee@83?
Send some money to them so they can be “defended”. So per your stupidity above, they should not have been arrested after all their actions and commentary?
Why do you hate America clueless goober arschloch goatsee? You are against the Arizona law… they caught a Pakistani trying to enter Arizona… clueless goober arschloch goatsee@80 brought up Ressam coming over the Canadian border trying to blow up the LA airport, supported by IHH who jock-strapped the flotilla… And now you complain about these two wonderful human beings trying to go to Somalia? It seem clueless goober arschloch goatsee really wants to see an attack under Odumba’s watch. You really hate capitalism and the United States of America! Well you are a hateful name morphing fool! No wonder clueless goober arschloch goatsee you seem to have your hand out looking for that next SEIU handout! Glenn Beck has you perfectly pegged. Are you wearing that purple tee shirt today?
You are a fool of the highest order. Maybe Goldy could award you his first libtardo fool medal. You certainly earned it.
@85 EPIC FAIL fool! All that time spent in front of the computer and still the dumbest brick on HA!
He relies upon me – a decade long “work in progress” – for all of his news, and I’m the first to admit that’s probably not such a great idea!
Lost… when you said this about the clueless goober arschloch goatsee
That’s all clueless goober arschloch goatsee has. If you notice clueless goober arschloch goatsee links commentary are full of hate. clueless goober arschloch goatsee responses are full of hate. The clueless goober arschloch goatsee lives on his hate! A real ignorant dumb brick hater!
Maybe clueless goober arschloch goatsee should be called DRM – Databases R Me!
Please just remember that I’m also a victim.
@HIGHEST Dhimmi-dimwit
Heres what one of your flower power “peace activist” fuck-wits told his family before hoping on the S.S. Jihad…
“I am going to be a shahid; I dreamt I will become a shahid – I saw in a dream that I will be killed.”
Not to mention that when the Israelis radioed the ship the mensa members on board responded with “Shut up. Go back to Auschwitz,” and “We’re helping the Arabs go against the US, don’t forget 9/11 guys”.
Oh and they sang a nice little ditty about a massacre of Jews from the Koran.
Yea, and from “peace activists” . . .
And this is a riot:
Anti-semites masquerading as peace activists who are so inept they’d poison those they claim to want to help.
ylb comments prove to the world every day why some progressive DUMMOCRAPTS run to Planned Parenthood for abortions! They say… “I don’t want one who will grow up like that”!
“Well you are a hateful name morphing fool!”
How thoughtless of you. You know that I love you, Puddy, but I’ve got to draw a line here. There’s only one HNMT on this blog. There will always be only one HNMT on this blog. Really, Puddy, I believe that you’ve taken a very cheap and -this one really gets me- unwitty shot at my hateful name morphing friend’s good name when you mock it in this manner. I really do prefer that you not go there again as you are much too lacking in both couth and wit.
now all the progressives play dumb and pretend they dont know about any comments made by Bill Maher…LMFAO.
Mock the clueless goober arschloch goatsee Steve Steve Steve? He who is the dumb brick is fully deserving of mockery with the drivel and bile he throws on this blog.
Junk-shot (aka Stupes aka you-know-who) was the original HNMT.
His circle jerks with MWS were legendary. Hard to believe but the HNMT we know and loathe is probably just a tad more sane. I don’t believe he’s ever circle jerked with one of his other names.
And junk-shot’s got quite a circle jerk going on in 84-97.
The moron he’s circle jerking with can’t do arithmetic. He keeps dribbling “10 years”. HA’s only been around since 2004.
9 people are DEAD.. Any IDF among the dead? Any arms found on the flotilla?
Puddy quotes this:
Hmm, and when has Puddy posted without insulting someone or using personal attacks and invectives?
Dummocrats, libtardos…those are the only nouns that Puddy knows how to use for political opponents.
Case closed.
Puddy is a total hypocrite.
Just as an aside:
A truly religious person would never insult people using the language that Puddy does.
A truly intelligent person would never make arguments with the logical falacies that Puddy does.
So my conclusion is that Puddy is either faking his religious beliefs or is a hypocrite.
Puddy is either faking his supposed intelligence or has a true inability to think critically.
Hatred of those who loathe his views is junk-shot’s true religion.
If he was so dedicated to living his faith, he wouldn’t spend a tenth of the time he spends here and he wouldn’t behave like such an unhinged nutcase.
anybody seen Capt Mu-tan?
i was watching hanah storm interview rajon rondo tonite. she was wearing a short skirt and you could see her celulite. i hope tony kornheiser didnt see it, he might say somethong and get suspended again.
Let’s have some fun with this one.
I don’t. But one of the worst things anyone could do was vote for GWB twice. You gotta wonder if that person really cares for his country or just wants to get back at people who wouldn’t look twice at such a moron.
You bet. At best it’s a waste of scare policing resources to do a federal job. At worst its asking the police to hassle people based on how they look and how they talk.
An Arizona cop did this? The law doesn’t go into effect until July 29. Fail..
Wow junk-shot, I guess that WA State law worked wonders in that case. Ooops it was federal law and a federal agent doing his job who caught the perp. And the non-white guy with the funny last name came over the fair-skinned border – not the border you keep going stupid over.
Oh that happened because of Obama’s incompetent peeps you went ballistic over in the underwear fire. I was just daring you to credit your beloved guy you enabled twice.
Heh. You do love to fantasize do you? You already fantasized about that crazy Army shrink. You went on and on.. You love that shit junk-shot.
Well you sent your kids to a socialist university to be taught by leftist America haters like HA blogger Darryl and you subscribe to a Seattle-based socialist health plan. Doesn’t bode well for you in your puny thinking. But then you also voted for the GWB twice. Well there’s no doubt in my mind who hates America – it’s YOU.
Yeah right. MWS, Kingbud and these funny characters who pop up for you to circle jerk with are an interesting bunch. As for me, my name changes but the eye in my gravatar remains focused on your right wing bullshit.
Heh. And you seem to be here after every “hand job” you get from the right wing bullshit sources.
LMAO!! Glenn Beck is a batshit insane dipshit. Anyone who takes that moron seriously has NOTHING, NOTHING between the ears! Good night! That was fun.
Heh.. I like this one. This is too funny.
Right wing idiots like junk-shot fantasize that Dems are putting themselves out of the running by supporting reproductive freedom for women while the right wing braindeads only want shackles, jail cells, scarlet letters, whatever..
Who’s in the White House? Fantasy didn’t work too well did it?
C’ya sucka!
killing babies is now called “reproductive freedom”?
sounds like something from Orwell.
106 – And women who made that choice over their own bodies, you’d put in jail.
Right, Mr. “Young”?
and its a choice over someone else’s body, not just theirs.
Well I guess all those infertile couples having their doctors flush those extra fertilized eggs into the bio-hazard bins are going to jail as well.
Since they pony up big bucks for that service and cross ideological lines and sometimes drive fancy cars, live in fancy houses – maybe tee off at your favorite golf course – off to jail they go right?
What a dumbshit..
I love it.
Pity your momma did not exorcise a little “reproductive freedom” when you were inside her belly.
call it what you want…its still killing.
112 – likewise..
Call it what you will – it’s still a small minded little man wanting to control women.