I especially like this quote: In an e-mail statement, editor Matthew Cardinale says Springston was asked to leave APN last week “because he held on to the notion that there was an objective reality that could be reported objectively, despite the fact that that was not our editorial policy at Atlanta Progressive News.”
Well, that about sums that up.
Dino has baggage. heh- Puddy and the KLOWN have case histories.
Love how none of the righties can come out and support their boy Dino!
It looks like the state Republican Party is going to start vetting it’s candidates by conducting background checks.
My first thought was that it was a pretty good idea, and the Democrats ought to do it as well. That would eliminate the situation where the opponant knows more about your candidate than you do, and he/she is just waiting for the primary to be over to hit you with it. The goal for both parties SHOULD be to put their best candidates in the race.
But I’m skeptical about how effective this is going to be. Opposition candidates in primaries can conduct the same checks at a relatively low cost, and often leak such indescretions to the media. While it will reveal anything that’s part of the public record, that’s pretty much open game by this point anyway. What it won’t reveal is marital indescretions, such as that which entangled Sauder (R) in Indiana, Sanders (R) in S. Carolina, Spitzer (D) in New York, David Vitter (R) in Lousiana, etc.
It looks like Dino is a big fan of suitcases full of money.
I’m thinkin’ that will earn him Ted Van Dyk’s endorsement…
The only thing I can address is insurance fraud — and I see none of that at this time.
Doc Daneekaspews:
It would seem that Dino’s greatest talent from the start has been the ability to get connected types to like him. He’s probably like a lot of great salesmen. Get him in the room, with the client (customer, “up”, “mark” etc.), and let him do his thing and he can get them to like and trust him.
But those talents just don’t seem to serve him particularly well as a politician, where the crucial ability is to brand yourself (frame, etc.) and then sell that brand to a very large number of people, the vast majority of whom will never be in the same room with you. Once elected, I suspect Dino could be quite effective at getting his fellow lawmakers to go along with him. Too bad for him that what he’s interested in getting them to go along with is so unpopular with Washington voters.
# 10: Yep, I’ve noticed that too. Quite a few people say he’s very effective at working a room. But as his last campaign showed, he avoids a potential hostle (or even neutral) room, and instead prefers to meet with pre-screened friendly groups, media & public excluded, except for a handful of very carefully selected formats (such as the debates, which he couldn’t avoid). He’s ignoring his best asset. But by refusing to engage his opposition and win them over, he’s throwing away his best asset, and showing he’d probably make a poor Senator to boot. The last thing we need is another Republican marking time in Congress, voting on command from the national party leaders, and hoping the Republicans can some day get back in charge. Not too early, mind you – he would have to be in office for three or four terms to get the senioriy pull which Murray has now.
Helmet Hair Hamlet may not have had an illustrious career as a politician, but he is certainly good at fooling some of the people some of the time.
I found a copy of The Stranger at my cabin last weekend. (Left by a friend who borrowed the place.) I read about 2 pages, glanced at some appalling advertisements and used it for the only thing it is good for. Starting fires.
As for Murray she likely will win. As Seattle goes, so goes Washington, unfortunately. This doesn’t mean she is any good for Washington, or the US in general. It just means she is a lock step liberal who takes her orders from the caucus without questions.
Speaking of debates, will there be any among the Republican/teabag candidates?
The sight of Rossi sharing a stage with Don Benton, Clint Didier, Paul Akers, and the rest would be so entertaining.
My favorite Murray quote? Asked why she voted against the overwhelming will of the voters in her district on a bill she responded- “the voters don’t know what they are talking about.” Go democracy!
@15 lostinaseaofblue on 06/02/2010 at 5:24 pm:
Is that really a quote?
Or maybe that is your favorite fantasy quote?
Really a quote, from about 2 years ago. I heard it directly from her in recording on NPR, so give up the out of context Fox news spin you’re considering. (Not that I watch Fox or anything else, lacking a TV.)
And I DON’T fantasize about the Mom in Tennis Shoes. Well, unless a cold shower isn’t available.
Tell us, what district did Senator Murray represent about 2 years ago?
Yep. Standard liberal rhetoric. If you don’t agree with me you are a)stupid or b)crazy.
Look it up. Murray is arrogant and unconcerned with her constituents. Sorry about the mistep with district. I keep forgetting she represents the whole state. But then, so does she.
As for Murray she likely will win. As Seattle goes, so goes Washington, unfortunately.
Last time around, Murray pulled enough votes in Spokane that Nethercutt wasn’t even safe in his home town.
For a Republican to win they need to win big enough outside of the Puget Sound basin to make up for what they lose by in the PSB. Murray wins enough votes all around the state that this is impossible for Republicans to do.
@19 lostinaseaofblue on 06/02/2010 at 5:46 pm,
Yep. Standard lost bunk.
You claim she said something ridiculous and use it as a basis for proving she is arrogant and unconcerned with her constituents and when asked to prove she said it your retort is “Look it up“.
If it is so damn easy to find, why can’t you find it?
I don’t know if the reason you can’t find it is because you are stupid or crazy, but I damn well know you frequently make claims with no evidence to support them.
Prove me wrong. Find the reference to the absurd words you put in Senator Murray’s mouth.
Else be a responsible glibertarian and come back and apologize to her for misrepresenting her words.
“Murray wins enough votes in Benton, Clark, & Spokane counties that this is impossible for Republicans to do.”
This is usually true. An off year election in a jobless ‘recovery’ won’t help. Neither will anti encumbant sentiment in general. Sharing a party with a president whose job approval ratings aren’t great are unlikely to help her this time round either.
But it doesn’t matter. The Puget Sound drives politics for all of Washington all the time. Eastern Washington does not and will not get representation in the Senate. Murray likely will win and continue to vote against the interests of over half the state.
Lost, Do you realize that what your wrote @22 makes no sense?
I’m skeptical, as well. Lots of quotes like this either never existed, or get taken out of context. I don’t like such tactics regardless from either side.
As Clallam, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Thurston, Wahkiakum, 48.3% of Clark & 47% of Spokane counties go so does the state.
That’s what Murray pulled off time around. The only population center where Murray tanked was Benton County.
(Washington, D.C.) http://bignews.biz/?id=879406&.....ssVeterans
– Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray, Chairman of the Senate Housing Appropriations Subcommittee, announced that 25 housing vouchers worth $112,000 will be allocated to the Spokane Housing Authority to help local homeless veterans
Hey, Goldy, why no headline article on HA about Democratic county assessor Lloyd Hara’s ridiculous idea that King County go back and bill homeowners who didn’t pay enough property tax because their property was underassessed?
It’s an embarrassment that our county assessor, who is supposed to be an expert on how the property tax system works, apparently doesn’t know simple facts like the total amount of property tax a jurisdiction can collect is capped, that the assessment just determines each property’s proportionate share of the total levy, and that if you raise the assessments of a bunch of properties after the fact it would only have the effect of reducing the tax rate thereby requiring a refund to everyone else.
You’re always happy to criticize Republicans, but where are you when Democrats make bonehead mistakes?
A lobbyist who resigned from a rival political campaign is claiming to have had a tryst with a South Carolina lawmaker trying to become the state’s first female governor.
The allegation made Wednesday by lobbyist Larry Marchant is the second leveled at Republican state Rep. Nikki Haley in the past two weeks.
No worries. Governor of the Appalachian Trail, Mark Sanford, vouches for her.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Toby is 100% right on.
I have a good friend who is an Assessor in another County and he was laughing his ass off about the Harley/Hara dumbass duet!
Hey, Goldy, why no headline article on HA about Democratic county assessor Lloyd Hara’s ridiculous idea that King County go back and bill homeowners who didn’t pay enough property tax because their property was underassessed?
1. Off Topic! Ya outta be bounced!
2. Because we’re shills for the left!
3. Trade ya Lloyd Hara for Dale Washam.
Make claims without evidence? I suppose I do. This isn’t an academic journal or a court room, so I don’t often bother with a lot of cites where any halfwit could find the information themselves. Furthermore, I learned in Forensics at school that I can find an educated idiot with a half baked theory to support any claim I wish to make. So cites and evidence weigh a deal less with me than the hard common sense I learned as a child.
It wouldn’t matter if I did. You have a mindset that would disregard evidence if it didn’t fit your political beliefs.
To some degree, so do I. Progressive politicians statements nothwithstanding, I believe individuals can and should care for themselves. JFK said “ask not what your government can do for you, but what you can do for your government.” Oh wait, it was country not government.
I believe any right I give up to my government ought to be balanced with a corresponding personal good. This can be one, like good public education, which may or may not immediately impact me. A good school system makes my properties more valuable though. It makes me able to find a better workforce. It can (when students aren’t brainwashed into liberal or conservative politics) make for a better informed electorate.
But the basic value is give something/get something. Liberals and far right conservatives would have me surrender my civil or economic rights without any gain to me. To hell with both of them.
People like you would give up the rights of someone else (the wealthy, for instance with progressive taxation) which is morally bankrupt and socially disruptive. It is also simple theft, call it whatever progressive doublespeak you like.
People like you believe you can determine who is and who isn’t worthy of equal protection under the law. This creates, in the end, a society without law in any meaningful sense.
So yes, I make claims without evidence. When they are true, who needs a cite to prove it?
Politically Incorrectspews:
I should think that anything about Rossi is not important to your crowd of “progressives.” the guy can’t win because no Republican (or any other party, for that matter) can overcome the I-5 corridor that supports whatever Democrat is running. That’s just the way it is in Washington.
So, any story about Rossi is not interesting and the election scheduled for November with Murray v. Rossi is already a moot issue. Got anything interesting to talk about, Goldy?
Shorter lostinaseaofblue @32 on 06/02/2010 at 6:56 pm:
I got nothing, but at least I can type alot. Who needs facts when one has glibertarian Randroid delusional voices in one’s head?
Republican Dino Rossi said Thursday he would oppose congressional budget earmarks if he wins election to the U.S. Senate.
But in an interview with The Columbian, the former state senator and two-time gubernatorial candidate would not say how he would promote economic development in Southwest Washington. Clark County has suffered double-digit unemployment since early 2009.
Rossi declined to say whether he’d work to funnel economic development dollars to the region, as Democratic U.S. Sen. Patty Murray has done during her years as chair of the powerful transportation appropriations committee.
But, I thought Murray didn’t do anything for anyone outside of the PSR?
So yes, I make claims without evidence. When they are true, who needs a cite to prove it?
When you believe that something’s true, then everyone else in the room needs a cite to prove it. I’m still waiting for your list of Reagan policies that were “good for business.”
no Republican (or any other party, for that matter) can overcome the I-5 corridor that supports whatever Democrat is running. That’s just the way it is in Washington.
See 20,25.
Republicans can win state wide elections in WA; Rossi tied in ’04. Republicans need to not lose by very much in the PSR and win big in Clark, Benton and Spokane counties to win. Of the folks running this time around I think Benton has the best chance of doing that (I seem to be a minority!) . But, Benton’s chances of winning are still slim to none because Murray does well OUTSIDE of the PSR.
How can it be off topic if it is an open thread?
Perhaps it is you who should be “bounced” for a basic lack of understanding and decorum.
@38 lostinaseaofblue on06/02/2010 at 7:09 pm,
Not only can you not cite the quote you claimed, nor offer an apology for the mistake you made, you are unable not to double post this line of crap?
Sux to B U.
Oh hey, its an open thread. I thought it was a Rossi thread. My bad on that one.
Farley Mowatspews:
“You can do pretty much what you want as long as you do it with a smile” sums it up. Reminds me of Bobby Jindle
PI @ 33 said: “…Murray v. Rossi is already a moot issue. Got anything interesting to talk about, Goldy?”
Gee, giving up so early? He hasn’t even been a candidate for a WHOLE WEEK!
Re 41
I apologize most humbly to you for my mere existence and the sketchy service I occasionally get from Sprint for my internet. I’d throw myself on my sword, only I don’t have one.
Rather than just calling it a line of crap, try actually telling me what you believe. Or maybe why I’m wrong, rather than just hollering insults. Or really anything to the purpose. But you can’t, I guess, because I’m not wrong.
Apologize for a lack of mistake to a mistake of a Senator? When hell freezes over, or the myth of Global Warming is true. Neither appears likely.
@45 lostinaseaofblue on 06/02/2010 at 7:56 pm,
I didn’t ask you to apologize for your existence. I asked you to either prove your claim or be responsible and apologize for misrepresenting Senator Murray. You have not done that, have you?
You want to know why you are wrong? You are frequently wrong because you rely upon fantasy and disregard facts.
Want an example? How about “the myth of Global Warming is true”… of course, it’s a myth.
Mike, Mike, Mike,
Had I misrepresented Murray, I would certainly have apologized. As I didn’t, I won’t.
Remember leaked memos about how to fudge the numbers on temps, as global warming hadn’t actually been occuring? I do. Do you remember from the 70’s when the hysteria was about the coming Ice Age? I do. How about the UN relying on made up data about glaciers melting? Yeah, I remember that too.
That’s a very pretty graph you’ve got in your cite. Am I going to panic about a temp change of less than 1 degree Celsius over 100 years? One which uses as a baseline (early 1900’s) a period reputable scientists say was unusually cold? Not really. Try again, with someone who doesn’t actually know what they’re talking about. someone who takes on faith anything the political demogogue of the moment says. You know, a progressive.
….and speaking of global warming, what is Al Gore’s new carbon footprint? I assume his footprint is a wee bit bigger now that he and Tipper have the keys to their 4th mansion(which, strangely, is on the coast. I thought the coast was going to get swallowed up by rising ocean level?).
Perhaps the good Reverend Al Gore has had a change of heart concerning Global Warming.
Re 48
Gore recant? Never! He’d have to seek some honest way to get the adulation and worship he gets now from the deluded. No, I’m sure he’ll come up with some variant of a ‘vast right wing conspiracy’ to debunk his cash cow.
One thing is for sure: Al and Tipper are getting filthy rich off of Global Warming.
People need to open their eyes…and brains.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
“I saw it, and I realized I had done Israel an injustice,” one of my foreign colleagues said on Monday, with admirable candor. “At that point, and only at that point, I understood what the Israelis had been saying.”
Don’t worry Lee will never understand it.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?.....oc_id=2323 Visuals from Gaza flotilla ship of young Muslims shouting Islamic battle chant invoking the killing and defeat of Jews in battle: “Khaibar, Khaibar, oh Jews! The army of Muhammad will return!”
“During the April 2001 trial of would-be “millenium bomber” Ahmed Ressam, it was revealed that IHH had played an “important role” in the plot to blow up Los Angeles International Airport on December 31, 1999.”
Butt that’s not all… Lee’s friends on the ship were full of cash and wearing bulletproof vests.
Butt let’s rush to judgment before anyone really knows the truth! That’s the HA leftist progressive way!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
We who always think right told you leftists ObamaCare was gonna cost way over $1Trillion. You pinheads said no. Well looks like you are wrong again!
“As originally proposed, Obamacare would have ended this practice, permanently setting Medicare reimbursement rates for doctors at the true anticipated level. But the Congressional Budget Office determined that doing so would have added $208 billion to the cost of Obamacare over 10 years, forcing the CBO to declare that Obamacare added to the deficit rather than reduced it. That would have cost Obamacare votes on the House floor and quite possibly defeated the legislation.”
PuddyCommentary… You leftist were warned this bill will be a budget buster, now it seems it’s happening faster than most Congressional Donk wanted it to.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Remember these same DUMMOCRAPT types were the ones who killed the WA DC poor black kids voucher program at the behest of the Teacher Unions. How progressive you DUMMOCRAPTS are.
@37 When you believe that something’s true, then everyone else in the room needs a cite to prove it.
Of course, it helps to get them right, Don Blow. I recall when someone chased you from one end of HA to the other because of citations that were either totally phony or totally irrelevant, and by the time the fun was over you were pleading that your math skills had never really been all that sharp.
Well, at least you got that much right!
Anyway, just a little reminder on the slight chance you decide to scold someone else on the subject . . .
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
The former leader of Cuba, who has not been seen in public for nearly four years, also portrayed the U.S. president as a victim of fantasies planted in his mind by sinister advisers.
Ya know when the communists think you’re full of fantasies it’s shocking…
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Puddy wants to know, do HA progressives support Jamiel’s Law? They probably never heard of Jamiel’s Law. Puddy bet’s Steve Steve Steve, defender of all things “black” has been paying attention to this right Steve Steve Steve?
Butt we can’t deport illegal aliens right HA progressive libtardos?
Send some progressive bread to:
Foundation for Jamiel Shaw II
c/o USC Federal Credit Union
University Park Campus
1025 W 34th Street
King Hall, 2nd Floor MC 2280
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Hell, Rossi will need a lot of dem votes in the primary just to make it in the top two.
Either way, he’s toast, and just kissed another run at the governor’s chair goodbye.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Remember how all the HA libtardos were all a-twitter over the “arrest” of James O’Keefe.
Well it seems the US Attorney had to admit… “In this case, further investigation did not uncover evidence that the defendants intended to commit any felony after the entry by false pretenses despite their initial statements to the staff of Senatorial office and GSA requesting access to the central phone system. Instead, the Government’s evidence would show that the defendants misrepresented themselves and their purpose for gaining access to the central phone system to orchestrate a conversation about phone calls to the Senator’s staff and capture the conversation on video, not to actually tamper with the phone system, or to commit any other felony.”
Are you libs actually trying to convince us that Patty is intelligent?
Absolutely. Way smarter than Rod “Mr. Potatohead” Chandler, Linda Smith and George “Term Limits” Nethercutt.
She will turn out to be way smarter than Dino “I was robbed” Rossi.
And with her seniority, she’ll do a lot for Washington State.
what has the good senator carrot done or said that is worthy of her being senator? oh yeah, she’s a democrat. I believe you all are called yellow dog democrats.
Don Joespews:
@ 54
I recall when someone chased you from one end of HA…
Hm… A wingnut makes an unsubstantiated claim about me making unsubstantiated claims. Funny in a very unintentional sort of way, which is really rather typical of wingnuts.
Don Joespews:
@ 63
what has the good senator carrot done or said that is worthy of her being senator?
Kicked ass in right-wing idiots who are even less worthy of being a senator.
proud leftistspews:
Might I interrupt the politics for a moment to honor an icon of our region? I attended the Mariners game tonight. Just before the game, Junior retired. It was hard not to cry as the scoreboard played highlights of his career; some of which I witnessed, including that 1995 run from first off Edgar’s double that beat the Yankees (got drunk with Mike Tice, among others, afterward–imagine that). Damn, that lad could play baseball. Any chance even those of you on the periphery of reason, those of you who claim to be Tea Partiers, can join with those on the rational left for a moment to salute Junior?
66: Not particularly a baseball fan, but yes, thanks Junior, and I hope you have a happy and productive retirement.
59: It doesn’t matter if the flotilla folks were screaming Allah Akbar and firing off RPGs from the decks of the ships. The Israeli raid was stupid, evil and wrong, and in propaganda terms *played right into their hands*. The thought that, even on a strictly tactical level, anyone can support it is mind-boggling.
As for Murray, I’ve happily voted for her before and will again, even though she was once dumb enough to try and explain why people in Afghanistan happily supported Osama Bin Laden. (He brought lots of $$$ into the country.)
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
The thought that, even on a strictly tactical level, anyone can support it is mind-boggling.
So Geoduck, when did you start supporting Hamas? Why do you hate Israel and America so?
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Once again HA’s very own goober arschloch goatsee missed the point. Many people are falsely arrested and then made to do a perp walk only to be found innocent of the most trumped charge or fully innocent. Heck Puddy would be congratulating even you goober arschloch goatsee if you were wrongly arrested and set free.
Butt, the TPM article with the FBI arrest warrant you so gleefully placed on HA was WRONG WRONG WRONG. Another rush to judgment from one of the most rabid of HA doggies. You should have that rabies shot goober arschloch goatsee. The tag line Goldy used
“James O’Keefe, the conservative filmmaker who was behind the undercover operations that led to the ACORN scandal last year, has been arrested with three others for allegedly trying to bug the New Orleans office of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) yesterday”
was also wrong wrong wrong. Instead the US finally decided…
capture the conversation on video, not to actually tamper with the phone system, or to commit any other felony.”
That’s why you are the dumbest brick here goober arschloch goatsee.
And only in your pea-brained single cell mind did any Census sting fall flat. He hasn’t started his investigation yet. Whatamoron goober arschloch goatsee is!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Proud Leftist,
Puddy saw quite a few Junior games before he left. He went to Cincinnati and was never the same ball player. If he stayed who knows how many home runs he’d have over 630. Puddy never went to any games since he came back. It was a great and sad day.
A real first ballot on MLB Cooperstown.
Puddy hopes Junior’s dad gets the honor of introducing him there. If you’ve never been to Cooperstown you’re in for a treat!
The Puget Sound drives politics for all of Washington all the time. Eastern Washington does not and will not get representation in the Senate. Murray likely will win and continue to vote against the interests of over half the state.
Puget Sound drives Washington’s politics because that’s where the majority of the voters live. Eastern Washington is “over half the state” only if we go by area, not population.
Once again junk-shot aka #2 proves how Stoooopid he is:
He didn’t find much to expose, beyond his own pettiness. During two days as a Census trainee, O’Keefe reveals, he was paid for between three and four hours more than he actually worked. Evidently the training each day was completed by 3:30 or 4 p.m., but the crew supervisor allowed the new workers to file forms saying they had worked until 5 p.m. (He also let them take an extra 10 minutes for lunch!) Shocking, right? Especially when the Census trainees are probably unemployed, desperate people whose families might need that extra $30 or $40.
But for O’Keefe, this is serious federal “corruption” that requires naming and taping the crew supervisor and his superior, even though there is no evidence that they derived any personal enrichment or political advancement from the inaccurate time sheets. As always, his video editing style is to slice away any exculpatory material that might complicate his imaginative storyline.
Same old JOKIII, same old right wing bullshit from a miserable right wing hustler.
@71 Emily, You do know that WINGNUTIA is ablaze with the desire to repeal the 17th amendment. Do you think maybe they wish to go one step further and have representatives for area? ;-)
Many people are falsely arrested and then made to do a perp walk
He did something that landed him in jail.
I don’t recall any Acorn worker he taped wearing a prison jumpsuit. Like that lady who said she killed her husband? Remember that fool?
JOKIII is a cheap hustler helping that other hustler Breitbart draw zombie eyeballs to his website.
Zombies like you.
@70 Puddy:
Finally a post that is lucid and I can completely agree with.
Junior: We still love you and see you as “the kid” here in Seattle.
Poor Lost:
It is clear that you put in quotes ” ” something that Patty Murray supposedly said and you can’t back it up.
In addition you said something about the people in her district – something only said about a congressperson not a Senator. so clearly, either your memory is faulty or you are pushing your own personal beliefs and failing to actually take into account facts.
Oh, and by the way, if you think global warming is a myth than you are even dumber than we thought and you have no clue about science.
National and international science academies and scientific societies have assessed the current scientific opinion, in particular on recent global warming. These assessments have largely followed or endorsed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) position of January 2001 that states:
An increasing body of observations gives a collective picture of a warming world and other changes in the climate system… There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.[1]
No scientific body of national or international standing has maintained a dissenting opinion since the American Association of Petroleum Geologists adopted its current position in 2007.[2][3]
It’s been said by some on this blog that I have gravitas. That I am a Solomon-like figure whom people hold in the highest regard. To some, I’m like a wise old professor. There’s even been questions of whether or not I should have posting privileges … brb.
YLP @ 72: I’ve been through many a training session in private-sector jobs, where they call it a day whenever the instructor finishes the materials for the day. At that point they dismiss the class – no point in forcing everyone to stand around with nothing to do for the next hour or so.
Everyone gets paid for a full day, because (a) they made themselves available for a full-day’s work; (b) they already paid the expense of commuting and in some cases child care; (c) they had bypassed the opportunity for other endeavors to be available for the whole day; (d) some have transportation arrangements which mean that they still aren’t going to get home any earlier than if they worked the full day; and (e) not paying them for an hour or so, which had already been fully budgeted by the company, would have just caused more work for the payroll department, thereby offsetting any nominal benefit in reduced wages paid to the trainees.
Of course, the wingnuts hate the idea that any public-sector employee is getting paid in the first place, and go absolutely ballistic when they suspect they are getting paid more than they do. I think it’s jealousy more than anything else, in many cases tinged with racism when minorities are holding the government jobs.
In my old hometown, the newspapers are recounting how one candidate is making a big issue of some school principles participating in a golf tournament during the work day. “Getting paid to play golf” was how he calls it. What he forgets to mention is that (a) school is already out there – the principles are just finishing up the end-of-year paperwork; (b) the golf tournament is for charity; (c) each principle had to pay the $50 donation + greens fees themselves; and (d) the principles aren’t hourly employees, and often spend long evenings during the school year attending school functions, dealing with disciplinary matters, attending school board meetings, etc.
In the meantime, the “financial base of the Republican party”* continues to do very little work at all, making money of their inherited investments and making deals over cocktails at the country club or on the golf course, all the while complaining about how the “little people” just aren’t working hard enough to support their lifestyle.
Note: “Financial base of the Republican Party” refers to those who dictate the real priorities of the Republican Party, as distinquished from it’s publicly stated objectives or it’s temporary talking points. It is the moving force behind tax cuts benefiting mostly wealthy investors, as well as deregulation of favored industries. Other claimed positions of the Republican Party might be aimed at specific voting groups (i.e., anti-abortion positions aimed at the Evangelicals), but those positions are subordinate to those of the Financial Base. In many cases, it’s in the interest of the Financial Base for those other issues to remain unresolved, as they keep voter support which can be used to ensure that the Financial Base retains power.
I’m with ya on that one Proud Leftist. The heroes from that team are just about gone.
I only wish that Junior would finish out the season so they could have a huge celebration at the final game of the year(ala Edgar’s last game, which I was at – and there was not a dry eye in the house).
…and who can forget back to back home runs by father and son.
Entrepreneurs like Tim Eyman and Andrew Breitbart have profited handsomely from the boundless well of resentment from people like Puddybud who instead of working and participating to make government more effective and responsive to people, waste large portions of their lives suffused with negative emotions about government and the political process. The only kind of government spending they support is the kind that calms their morbid fears and anxieties.
It just boggles my mind that this mindset while in the minority is so prevalent that an industry has formed around it which of course needs generous infusions of capital from time to time from the wealthy patrons you mention.
proud leftistspews:
Puddy: “Puddy hopes Junior’s dad gets the honor of introducing him there.”
Nice thought, but Ken Senior died a few years back, too young.
Wow. The trolls could not think of one positive thing to say about Rossi.
@84 It can’t be easy coming up with something positive to say about the guy. Our trolls are left to babble about carrots. That’s obviously a fail.
Ken Griffey Sr. is alive and well.
He is currently a batting coach for a single A team in the Red’s farm system.
Regarding Rossi,
One thing you can say is that he was correct about the condition of WA state’s budget, and our current governor was sorely mistaken(or perhaps was just fibbing) during the last election cycle.
Perhaps Proud is confusing baseball with golf.
proud leftistspews:
You’re right. My confusion is actually unforgivable–I was thinking of Barry Bonds’ father, Bobby, who died a few years ago. Oops.
@87: Umm, Rossi did not predict a damn thing – no one did. Who knew Bush and the lack of regulation would create the worse recesssion since the 1930s.
Washington state has fared better than Oregon and California and most other states during this recession.
Under Rossi, we probably would have loosened the development rules and then had an even bigger housing market fall and crisis.
There is something to be said for controlled (as opposed to hyperbolic) growth like California and Las Vegas.
@90: Dumb baby, dumb…that is what the rightwingnuts are.
Where is Klynical who kept telling us to drill?
Where are the other wingnuts who promoted drilling offshore (like the idiot Palin).
Note to the fool and loser Lostinaseaofblue:
Patty Murray is 10X smarter than Palin.
Where were you on Palin? Hypocrite.
Dino Rossi:
Washington State Office of Financial Management estimated in early 2004 that Rossi’s 2003-2005 signature budget would “most likely” lead to a deficit of over $3 billion in 2009 and projected a “worst case” scenario deficit of over $5 billion. Upon taking office, Gov. Gregoire faced up to an immediate $2.2 billion hole, and a $5.0 billion 6-year deficit in the aftermath of Rossi’s sham budget.
And that was BEFORE the huge recession hit – things would have been much worse under Rossi.
Its pretty pathetic to think that the media, democratic party, and little Ms. Murray herself only keep illustrating the same enhanced images of what they think Dino represents.
Voters DO NOT want to hear the same old crap that Christine Gregoire used in her ‘obama wave’ campaign…in fact at this point it is just a JOKE to think this is the only political tactic Murray and supporters can come up with…
I was referring to Rossi’s assertions(during hte last election) that the state budget was/will be in the red. The current governor stated that the budget was not in trouble.
What Rossi would or could have done had he been elected is irrelevant to my post. I am merely commenting on what was said at election time.
To follow up on post #94
Here is a quote that Goldy wrote on HA after one of the debates in 2008: As they did in their first debate, the pair continued to fight over the projected $3.2 billion budget deficit. Gregoire maintains the state has a surplus and Rossi maintains Gregoire has spent the state into the red.
I think it is safe to say we do not have a budget surplus.
It’s a fair question. I think there’s a good answer.
When I met Stefan Sharkansky, I asked him why he didn’t also cover the election irregularities that happened elsewhere in our state (e.g. touchscreens in Snohomish, Yakima). His reply was (more or less), I’ve already got my cause, that other stuff is someone else’s job.
I thought about that long and hard. I decided that my expectation that Stefan be objective, nonpartisan, whatever, was my problem, not his. So I think Stefan was correct.
As Michael says above, we are, for the most part, partisans for the left. I honestly couldn’t say if Hara is in our camp, but criticizing him doesn’t benefit us.
So, I encourage you to post about it on Sound Politics. If you link to your post, I’ll be sure to read it.
Otherwise, you need some objective columnist to cover this. Someone who doesn’t bat for either team. (Not that I can name anyone.)
How’s that drilly baby drilly thing working out for you FunFacts?
Quite an “industrial accident” isn’t it?
Why aren’t people going ballistic over Bill Maher’s blatantly racist statement’s about blacks?
The silence here(and elsewhere) is….deafening. Is his racism somehow OK because he is left of center?
Comments? or silence?
Bill Maher:
“I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. You know, this is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants. That’s — (in black man voice) ‘we’ve got a motherfu**ing problem here?’ Shoot somebody in the foot”.
I understand it’s ok because he’s right wing and he’s got a cute scantily-clad conservababe on his arm. At least he did back then in his glory days pre-prison jumpsuit.
What the hell are you going on about?
Blaxploitation flix where directed and produced by black film makers.
Do you even fucking know who Pam Grier and Fred Williamson are? Go look them up and then get back to me after you have educated yourself.
..and how come you seem to be eerily silent on Bill Maher? Is it because you feel like he does?
109 – You’re going on and on about Bill Maher just wondered what you thought about the white guy I linked to in 108 exploiting negative images of black men.
Do you approve or not?
I don’t expect an answer. I’m outta here for a spell.
And for the record, Mr. Williamson has been a dinner guest in my home.
If your going to insinuate that I am a racist, you better check that shit at the front door, real quick-like.
Why the fuck would I care what some no-name white kid does? He isn’t my kid, and if he was I would bury my foot in his ass.
How interesting: you will not comment on Bill Maher, yet you bring up some irrelevant kid in order to try and make some (as yet unknown) point.
I think you need to look inward and discover what you are really feeling about black people.
I would rather converse with someone else anyway.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Fun Facts,
Typical for the dumb brick to veer away from the real story and try to make it something else. That’s why he’s a dumb brick arschloch goatsee!
It would appear that a pattern is developing with that particular person.
Well it seems that FunFacts isn’t too impressed with the “no-name” white kid I linked to in 114.
Or his playing blaxploitation pimp dress-up.
Yet every white right-wing troll and the African-American right wing troll @ 114 was HIGHLY IMPRESSED with that fool and his juvenile antics.
The fool I call junk-shot @ 114 at one time admitted in these comment threads that he believed that fake pimp actually wore his get-up to an Acorn office and paraded his miserable costume in front of the African American staff.
I’d say it’s the fool @ 114 who has a problem with black people.
120 – Meh.. Saw that around the time it came out. Didn’t care much for it then. Don’t care much for it now.
Till tomorrow.
Mr. “92k”. How’s that for a fun fact?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
96. Jason Osgood spews:
As Michael says above, we are, for the most part, partisans for the left. I honestly couldn’t say if Hara is in our camp, but criticizing him doesn’t benefit us.
I have copies of some of the e-mails sent to shitferbrains Hara by other Assessors. Hysterical! Typical Democrat. Runs for an office he is totally unqualified for….ObaMao-like! Then once in, Hara (like Oba-Mao) fails to do fundamental homework and hires an incompetent pompous asshole to advise him!
The parallels between Democrat Hara and Democrat ObaMao are stunning.
@ 114 – the pot calling the kettle black. Hypocritical nonsense from a bigot.
@122: You mean typical republican: Runs for office and is totally unqualified – that rings true for Bush, Palin and the whole lot of republicans (except McCain who was too senile).
By the way Klynical fool, why don’t you bring up that great argument for drill, baby, drill that you made a while back….you know, that there has never been a major leak in the gulf (that was a lie the first time and just plain funny now).
You have NO credibility Klynical – we just laugh at how stoooopid a rightwing demagogue can be. Thanks for amusing us and proving how ignorant rightwingnuts really are.
that there has never been a major leak in the gulf
KLOWN indeed..
Why hasn’t Goldy announced that Dr. Dre has plunked down his $1,000 to meet me at DL??
Also, I don’t see much of Dr. Dre’s postings after I accepted his challenge to see if I’m a chickenshit or not.
Pony up the cash BIG MOUTH. When Goldy posts on HA that Dr. Dre has done so, I’ll show up. (Not going to waste my time showing up and finding out Dr. Dre pussed out. Which looks to be the case.)
Puddybud is the only one who didn’t totally puss out when it comes to meeting up with me – twice.
Dr. Dre, you’re a cunt. A genuine conservative pussy.
Typical, really, when you think about it. Conservatives are always talking shit, thumping their chests, writing checks their mouth and bank accounts can’t cash and then turning tail when their bluff gets called.
I figured it would happen, but I gave Dr. Dre benefit of the doubt.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Puddy used “do google” fool. Since you love to out others, why not out yourself? Let the world know who is the dumbest brick on HA clueless arschloch goatsee. Puddy heard you haven’t visited a DL since 2005. If they be your “friends” why you so “afraid” to show your fat ASS in public?
131 – yeah I outed an anonymous troll’s ownership of a previous anonymous handle. The owner of such handle having wimped out on a bet with GBS.
He’s an ugly, name-calling coward – a credit to “your side”.
Big whup.. The coward is still anonymous and again for dozenth time I could give a flying flip who he really is..
Just like you. After reading all your ugly name-calling, all your endless reams of copy/paste right wing bullshit why the F would I ever want to meet you? I shocked enough as it is with the knowledge that such a fiend as you burdens humanity with his miserable existence.
All the drinking liberally folks – they’re great people. I admire their work. But I’m a family man. I got middle school aged kids. So I’m not into the tavern scene right now.
All in all I’ve probably been to more DL’s than you fiend.
Michael H.spews:
Does Drinking Liberally in Seattle still exist? Does it have a web site somewhere?
Michael H.spews:
Oops, I meant to post this in today’s open thread.
Hey Patty! How are you and Abramoff…er, uh, I mean the Indians, getting along these days?
Hehehe…. Too funny.
This is how progressives operate.
Be tolerant and believe like us…or else.
and another example of open minded progressives(this is for all you Seattle Times haters).
I especially like this quote:
In an e-mail statement, editor Matthew Cardinale says Springston was asked to leave APN last week “because he held on to the notion that there was an objective reality that could be reported objectively, despite the fact that that was not our editorial policy at Atlanta Progressive News.”
Well, that about sums that up.
Dino has baggage. heh- Puddy and the KLOWN have case histories.
Love how none of the righties can come out and support their boy Dino!
It looks like the state Republican Party is going to start vetting it’s candidates by conducting background checks.
Seattle P.I. – Republican Party probes GOP candidates’ backgrounds
My first thought was that it was a pretty good idea, and the Democrats ought to do it as well. That would eliminate the situation where the opponant knows more about your candidate than you do, and he/she is just waiting for the primary to be over to hit you with it. The goal for both parties SHOULD be to put their best candidates in the race.
But I’m skeptical about how effective this is going to be. Opposition candidates in primaries can conduct the same checks at a relatively low cost, and often leak such indescretions to the media. While it will reveal anything that’s part of the public record, that’s pretty much open game by this point anyway. What it won’t reveal is marital indescretions, such as that which entangled Sauder (R) in Indiana, Sanders (R) in S. Carolina, Spitzer (D) in New York, David Vitter (R) in Lousiana, etc.
It looks like Dino is a big fan of suitcases full of money.
I’m thinkin’ that will earn him Ted Van Dyk’s endorsement…
The only thing I can address is insurance fraud — and I see none of that at this time.
It would seem that Dino’s greatest talent from the start has been the ability to get connected types to like him. He’s probably like a lot of great salesmen. Get him in the room, with the client (customer, “up”, “mark” etc.), and let him do his thing and he can get them to like and trust him.
But those talents just don’t seem to serve him particularly well as a politician, where the crucial ability is to brand yourself (frame, etc.) and then sell that brand to a very large number of people, the vast majority of whom will never be in the same room with you. Once elected, I suspect Dino could be quite effective at getting his fellow lawmakers to go along with him. Too bad for him that what he’s interested in getting them to go along with is so unpopular with Washington voters.
# 10: Yep, I’ve noticed that too. Quite a few people say he’s very effective at working a room. But as his last campaign showed, he avoids a potential hostle (or even neutral) room, and instead prefers to meet with pre-screened friendly groups, media & public excluded, except for a handful of very carefully selected formats (such as the debates, which he couldn’t avoid). He’s ignoring his best asset. But by refusing to engage his opposition and win them over, he’s throwing away his best asset, and showing he’d probably make a poor Senator to boot. The last thing we need is another Republican marking time in Congress, voting on command from the national party leaders, and hoping the Republicans can some day get back in charge. Not too early, mind you – he would have to be in office for three or four terms to get the senioriy pull which Murray has now.
Helmet Hair Hamlet may not have had an illustrious career as a politician, but he is certainly good at fooling some of the people some of the time.
I found a copy of The Stranger at my cabin last weekend. (Left by a friend who borrowed the place.) I read about 2 pages, glanced at some appalling advertisements and used it for the only thing it is good for. Starting fires.
As for Murray she likely will win. As Seattle goes, so goes Washington, unfortunately. This doesn’t mean she is any good for Washington, or the US in general. It just means she is a lock step liberal who takes her orders from the caucus without questions.
Speaking of debates, will there be any among the Republican/teabag candidates?
The sight of Rossi sharing a stage with Don Benton, Clint Didier, Paul Akers, and the rest would be so entertaining.
My favorite Murray quote? Asked why she voted against the overwhelming will of the voters in her district on a bill she responded- “the voters don’t know what they are talking about.” Go democracy!
@15 lostinaseaofblue on 06/02/2010 at 5:24 pm:
Is that really a quote?
Or maybe that is your favorite fantasy quote?
Really a quote, from about 2 years ago. I heard it directly from her in recording on NPR, so give up the out of context Fox news spin you’re considering. (Not that I watch Fox or anything else, lacking a TV.)
And I DON’T fantasize about the Mom in Tennis Shoes. Well, unless a cold shower isn’t available.
@17 lostinaseaofblue on 06/02/2010 at 5:37 pm,
People can hear lots of things.
Tell us, what district did Senator Murray represent about 2 years ago?
Yep. Standard liberal rhetoric. If you don’t agree with me you are a)stupid or b)crazy.
Look it up. Murray is arrogant and unconcerned with her constituents. Sorry about the mistep with district. I keep forgetting she represents the whole state. But then, so does she.
Last time around, Murray pulled enough votes in Spokane that Nethercutt wasn’t even safe in his home town.
For a Republican to win they need to win big enough outside of the Puget Sound basin to make up for what they lose by in the PSB. Murray wins enough votes all around the state that this is impossible for Republicans to do.
@19 lostinaseaofblue on 06/02/2010 at 5:46 pm,
Yep. Standard lost bunk.
You claim she said something ridiculous and use it as a basis for proving she is arrogant and unconcerned with her constituents and when asked to prove she said it your retort is “Look it up“.
If it is so damn easy to find, why can’t you find it?
I don’t know if the reason you can’t find it is because you are stupid or crazy, but I damn well know you frequently make claims with no evidence to support them.
Prove me wrong. Find the reference to the absurd words you put in Senator Murray’s mouth.
Else be a responsible glibertarian and come back and apologize to her for misrepresenting her words.
“Murray wins enough votes in Benton, Clark, & Spokane counties that this is impossible for Republicans to do.”
This is usually true. An off year election in a jobless ‘recovery’ won’t help. Neither will anti encumbant sentiment in general. Sharing a party with a president whose job approval ratings aren’t great are unlikely to help her this time round either.
But it doesn’t matter. The Puget Sound drives politics for all of Washington all the time. Eastern Washington does not and will not get representation in the Senate. Murray likely will win and continue to vote against the interests of over half the state.
Lost, Do you realize that what your wrote @22 makes no sense?
I’m skeptical, as well. Lots of quotes like this either never existed, or get taken out of context. I don’t like such tactics regardless from either side.
As Clallam, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Thurston, Wahkiakum, 48.3% of Clark & 47% of Spokane counties go so does the state.
That’s what Murray pulled off time around. The only population center where Murray tanked was Benton County.
Murray pulls 47% in Spokane County because she does represent them.
Are you libs actually trying to convince us that Patty is intelligent? A top class citizen, one of our 100 finest?
naw, you are not that delusional
Hey, Goldy, why no headline article on HA about Democratic county assessor Lloyd Hara’s ridiculous idea that King County go back and bill homeowners who didn’t pay enough property tax because their property was underassessed?
It’s an embarrassment that our county assessor, who is supposed to be an expert on how the property tax system works, apparently doesn’t know simple facts like the total amount of property tax a jurisdiction can collect is capped, that the assessment just determines each property’s proportionate share of the total levy, and that if you raise the assessments of a bunch of properties after the fact it would only have the effect of reducing the tax rate thereby requiring a refund to everyone else.
You’re always happy to criticize Republicans, but where are you when Democrats make bonehead mistakes?
Second GOPer Claims Affair With Haley
No worries. Governor of the Appalachian Trail, Mark Sanford, vouches for her.
Toby is 100% right on.
I have a good friend who is an Assessor in another County and he was laughing his ass off about the Harley/Hara dumbass duet!
1. Off Topic! Ya outta be bounced!
2. Because we’re shills for the left!
3. Trade ya Lloyd Hara for Dale Washam.
Make claims without evidence? I suppose I do. This isn’t an academic journal or a court room, so I don’t often bother with a lot of cites where any halfwit could find the information themselves. Furthermore, I learned in Forensics at school that I can find an educated idiot with a half baked theory to support any claim I wish to make. So cites and evidence weigh a deal less with me than the hard common sense I learned as a child.
It wouldn’t matter if I did. You have a mindset that would disregard evidence if it didn’t fit your political beliefs.
To some degree, so do I. Progressive politicians statements nothwithstanding, I believe individuals can and should care for themselves. JFK said “ask not what your government can do for you, but what you can do for your government.” Oh wait, it was country not government.
I believe any right I give up to my government ought to be balanced with a corresponding personal good. This can be one, like good public education, which may or may not immediately impact me. A good school system makes my properties more valuable though. It makes me able to find a better workforce. It can (when students aren’t brainwashed into liberal or conservative politics) make for a better informed electorate.
But the basic value is give something/get something. Liberals and far right conservatives would have me surrender my civil or economic rights without any gain to me. To hell with both of them.
People like you would give up the rights of someone else (the wealthy, for instance with progressive taxation) which is morally bankrupt and socially disruptive. It is also simple theft, call it whatever progressive doublespeak you like.
People like you believe you can determine who is and who isn’t worthy of equal protection under the law. This creates, in the end, a society without law in any meaningful sense.
So yes, I make claims without evidence. When they are true, who needs a cite to prove it?
I should think that anything about Rossi is not important to your crowd of “progressives.” the guy can’t win because no Republican (or any other party, for that matter) can overcome the I-5 corridor that supports whatever Democrat is running. That’s just the way it is in Washington.
So, any story about Rossi is not interesting and the election scheduled for November with Murray v. Rossi is already a moot issue. Got anything interesting to talk about, Goldy?
Shorter lostinaseaofblue @32 on 06/02/2010 at 6:56 pm:
But, I thought Murray didn’t do anything for anyone outside of the PSR?
this youtube of the Patty Murray 4 boats for $18mm that never were used… == priceless
Lost @ 32
So yes, I make claims without evidence. When they are true, who needs a cite to prove it?
When you believe that something’s true, then everyone else in the room needs a cite to prove it. I’m still waiting for your list of Reagan policies that were “good for business.”
See 20,25.
Republicans can win state wide elections in WA; Rossi tied in ’04. Republicans need to not lose by very much in the PSR and win big in Clark, Benton and Spokane counties to win. Of the folks running this time around I think Benton has the best chance of doing that (I seem to be a minority!) . But, Benton’s chances of winning are still slim to none because Murray does well OUTSIDE of the PSR.
How can it be off topic if it is an open thread?
Perhaps it is you who should be “bounced” for a basic lack of understanding and decorum.
@38 lostinaseaofblue on06/02/2010 at 7:09 pm,
Not only can you not cite the quote you claimed, nor offer an apology for the mistake you made, you are unable not to double post this line of crap?
Sux to B U.
Oh hey, its an open thread. I thought it was a Rossi thread. My bad on that one.
“You can do pretty much what you want as long as you do it with a smile” sums it up. Reminds me of Bobby Jindle
PI @ 33 said: “…Murray v. Rossi is already a moot issue. Got anything interesting to talk about, Goldy?”
Gee, giving up so early? He hasn’t even been a candidate for a WHOLE WEEK!
Re 41
I apologize most humbly to you for my mere existence and the sketchy service I occasionally get from Sprint for my internet. I’d throw myself on my sword, only I don’t have one.
Rather than just calling it a line of crap, try actually telling me what you believe. Or maybe why I’m wrong, rather than just hollering insults. Or really anything to the purpose. But you can’t, I guess, because I’m not wrong.
Apologize for a lack of mistake to a mistake of a Senator? When hell freezes over, or the myth of Global Warming is true. Neither appears likely.
@45 lostinaseaofblue on 06/02/2010 at 7:56 pm,
I didn’t ask you to apologize for your existence. I asked you to either prove your claim or be responsible and apologize for misrepresenting Senator Murray. You have not done that, have you?
You want to know why you are wrong? You are frequently wrong because you rely upon fantasy and disregard facts.
Want an example? How about “the myth of Global Warming is true”… of course, it’s a myth.
Mike, Mike, Mike,
Had I misrepresented Murray, I would certainly have apologized. As I didn’t, I won’t.
Remember leaked memos about how to fudge the numbers on temps, as global warming hadn’t actually been occuring? I do. Do you remember from the 70’s when the hysteria was about the coming Ice Age? I do. How about the UN relying on made up data about glaciers melting? Yeah, I remember that too.
That’s a very pretty graph you’ve got in your cite. Am I going to panic about a temp change of less than 1 degree Celsius over 100 years? One which uses as a baseline (early 1900’s) a period reputable scientists say was unusually cold? Not really. Try again, with someone who doesn’t actually know what they’re talking about. someone who takes on faith anything the political demogogue of the moment says. You know, a progressive.
….and speaking of global warming, what is Al Gore’s new carbon footprint? I assume his footprint is a wee bit bigger now that he and Tipper have the keys to their 4th mansion(which, strangely, is on the coast. I thought the coast was going to get swallowed up by rising ocean level?).
Perhaps the good Reverend Al Gore has had a change of heart concerning Global Warming.
Re 48
Gore recant? Never! He’d have to seek some honest way to get the adulation and worship he gets now from the deluded. No, I’m sure he’ll come up with some variant of a ‘vast right wing conspiracy’ to debunk his cash cow.
One thing is for sure: Al and Tipper are getting filthy rich off of Global Warming.
People need to open their eyes…and brains.
Anyone know how to throw a stun grenade?
Of course Lee didn’t use competent media accounts on the IHH ship events did he?
“I saw it, and I realized I had done Israel an injustice,” one of my foreign colleagues said on Monday, with admirable candor. “At that point, and only at that point, I understood what the Israelis had been saying.”
Don’t worry Lee will never understand it.
The IHH, full of Lee’s jovial friends sent the New Years Day bomber here.
http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?.....oc_id=2323 Visuals from Gaza flotilla ship of young Muslims shouting Islamic battle chant invoking the killing and defeat of Jews in battle: “Khaibar, Khaibar, oh Jews! The army of Muhammad will return!”
“During the April 2001 trial of would-be “millenium bomber” Ahmed Ressam, it was revealed that IHH had played an “important role” in the plot to blow up Los Angeles International Airport on December 31, 1999.”
Butt that’s not all… Lee’s friends on the ship were full of cash and wearing bulletproof vests.
Butt let’s rush to judgment before anyone really knows the truth! That’s the HA leftist progressive way!
We who always think right told you leftists ObamaCare was gonna cost way over $1Trillion. You pinheads said no. Well looks like you are wrong again!
“As originally proposed, Obamacare would have ended this practice, permanently setting Medicare reimbursement rates for doctors at the true anticipated level. But the Congressional Budget Office determined that doing so would have added $208 billion to the cost of Obamacare over 10 years, forcing the CBO to declare that Obamacare added to the deficit rather than reduced it. That would have cost Obamacare votes on the House floor and quite possibly defeated the legislation.”
PuddyCommentary… You leftist were warned this bill will be a budget buster, now it seems it’s happening faster than most Congressional Donk wanted it to.
Gotta Luv NJ Governor Christie telling the truth.
Remember these same DUMMOCRAPT types were the ones who killed the WA DC poor black kids voucher program at the behest of the Teacher Unions. How progressive you DUMMOCRAPTS are.
@37 When you believe that something’s true, then everyone else in the room needs a cite to prove it.
Of course, it helps to get them right, Don Blow. I recall when someone chased you from one end of HA to the other because of citations that were either totally phony or totally irrelevant, and by the time the fun was over you were pleading that your math skills had never really been all that sharp.
Well, at least you got that much right!
Anyway, just a little reminder on the slight chance you decide to scold someone else on the subject . . .
Interesting Fidel.
Ya know when the communists think you’re full of fantasies it’s shocking…
Puddy wants to know, do HA progressives support Jamiel’s Law? They probably never heard of Jamiel’s Law. Puddy bet’s Steve Steve Steve, defender of all things “black” has been paying attention to this right Steve Steve Steve?
Butt we can’t deport illegal aliens right HA progressive libtardos?
Send some progressive bread to:
Foundation for Jamiel Shaw II
c/o USC Federal Credit Union
University Park Campus
1025 W 34th Street
King Hall, 2nd Floor MC 2280
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Hell, Rossi will need a lot of dem votes in the primary just to make it in the top two.
Either way, he’s toast, and just kissed another run at the governor’s chair goodbye.
Goldy, maybe you can get your journalism gig after all… Apply now!
The flotilla reports are still coming in…
Remember how all the HA libtardos were all a-twitter over the “arrest” of James O’Keefe.
Well it seems the US Attorney had to admit… “In this case, further investigation did not uncover evidence that the defendants intended to commit any felony after the entry by false pretenses despite their initial statements to the staff of Senatorial office and GSA requesting access to the central phone system. Instead, the Government’s evidence would show that the defendants misrepresented themselves and their purpose for gaining access to the central phone system to orchestrate a conversation about phone calls to the Senator’s staff and capture the conversation on video, not to actually tamper with the phone system, or to commit any other felony.”
Another rush to judgment from the HA fools!
61 – Yawwwwn… JOKIII was arrested and spent a night in jail.
He’s a jail bird.
Here’s a picture of him in a prison jumpsuit:
His last stunt about the Census office fell flat..
Another right wing has been.
Absolutely. Way smarter than Rod “Mr. Potatohead” Chandler, Linda Smith and George “Term Limits” Nethercutt.
She will turn out to be way smarter than Dino “I was robbed” Rossi.
And with her seniority, she’ll do a lot for Washington State.
what has the good senator carrot done or said that is worthy of her being senator? oh yeah, she’s a democrat. I believe you all are called yellow dog democrats.
@ 54
I recall when someone chased you from one end of HA…
Hm… A wingnut makes an unsubstantiated claim about me making unsubstantiated claims. Funny in a very unintentional sort of way, which is really rather typical of wingnuts.
@ 63
what has the good senator carrot done or said that is worthy of her being senator?
Kicked ass in right-wing idiots who are even less worthy of being a senator.
Might I interrupt the politics for a moment to honor an icon of our region? I attended the Mariners game tonight. Just before the game, Junior retired. It was hard not to cry as the scoreboard played highlights of his career; some of which I witnessed, including that 1995 run from first off Edgar’s double that beat the Yankees (got drunk with Mike Tice, among others, afterward–imagine that). Damn, that lad could play baseball. Any chance even those of you on the periphery of reason, those of you who claim to be Tea Partiers, can join with those on the rational left for a moment to salute Junior?
66: Not particularly a baseball fan, but yes, thanks Junior, and I hope you have a happy and productive retirement.
59: It doesn’t matter if the flotilla folks were screaming Allah Akbar and firing off RPGs from the decks of the ships. The Israeli raid was stupid, evil and wrong, and in propaganda terms *played right into their hands*. The thought that, even on a strictly tactical level, anyone can support it is mind-boggling.
As for Murray, I’ve happily voted for her before and will again, even though she was once dumb enough to try and explain why people in Afghanistan happily supported Osama Bin Laden. (He brought lots of $$$ into the country.)
So Geoduck, when did you start supporting Hamas? Why do you hate Israel and America so?
Once again HA’s very own goober arschloch goatsee missed the point. Many people are falsely arrested and then made to do a perp walk only to be found innocent of the most trumped charge or fully innocent. Heck Puddy would be congratulating even you goober arschloch goatsee if you were wrongly arrested and set free.
Butt, the TPM article with the FBI arrest warrant you so gleefully placed on HA was WRONG WRONG WRONG. Another rush to judgment from one of the most rabid of HA doggies. You should have that rabies shot goober arschloch goatsee. The tag line Goldy used
was also wrong wrong wrong. Instead the US finally decided…
That’s why you are the dumbest brick here goober arschloch goatsee.
And only in your pea-brained single cell mind did any Census sting fall flat. He hasn’t started his investigation yet. Whatamoron goober arschloch goatsee is!
Proud Leftist,
Puddy saw quite a few Junior games before he left. He went to Cincinnati and was never the same ball player. If he stayed who knows how many home runs he’d have over 630. Puddy never went to any games since he came back. It was a great and sad day.
A real first ballot on MLB Cooperstown.
Puddy hopes Junior’s dad gets the honor of introducing him there. If you’ve never been to Cooperstown you’re in for a treat!
Puget Sound drives Washington’s politics because that’s where the majority of the voters live. Eastern Washington is “over half the state” only if we go by area, not population.
Once again junk-shot aka #2 proves how Stoooopid he is:
Same old JOKIII, same old right wing bullshit from a miserable right wing hustler.
Same old junk-shot swallowing lies and nonsense.
@71 Emily, You do know that WINGNUTIA is ablaze with the desire to repeal the 17th amendment. Do you think maybe they wish to go one step further and have representatives for area? ;-)
He did something that landed him in jail.
I don’t recall any Acorn worker he taped wearing a prison jumpsuit. Like that lady who said she killed her husband? Remember that fool?
JOKIII is a cheap hustler helping that other hustler Breitbart draw zombie eyeballs to his website.
Zombies like you.
@70 Puddy:
Finally a post that is lucid and I can completely agree with.
Junior: We still love you and see you as “the kid” here in Seattle.
Poor Lost:
It is clear that you put in quotes ” ” something that Patty Murray supposedly said and you can’t back it up.
In addition you said something about the people in her district – something only said about a congressperson not a Senator. so clearly, either your memory is faulty or you are pushing your own personal beliefs and failing to actually take into account facts.
Oh, and by the way, if you think global warming is a myth than you are even dumber than we thought and you have no clue about science.
National and international science academies and scientific societies have assessed the current scientific opinion, in particular on recent global warming. These assessments have largely followed or endorsed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) position of January 2001 that states:
It’s been said by some on this blog that I have gravitas. That I am a Solomon-like figure whom people hold in the highest regard. To some, I’m like a wise old professor. There’s even been questions of whether or not I should have posting privileges … brb.
Video: Flotilla Rioters Prepare Rods, Slingshots, Broken Bottles and Metal Objects to Attack IDF Soldiers.
YLP @ 72: I’ve been through many a training session in private-sector jobs, where they call it a day whenever the instructor finishes the materials for the day. At that point they dismiss the class – no point in forcing everyone to stand around with nothing to do for the next hour or so.
Everyone gets paid for a full day, because (a) they made themselves available for a full-day’s work; (b) they already paid the expense of commuting and in some cases child care; (c) they had bypassed the opportunity for other endeavors to be available for the whole day; (d) some have transportation arrangements which mean that they still aren’t going to get home any earlier than if they worked the full day; and (e) not paying them for an hour or so, which had already been fully budgeted by the company, would have just caused more work for the payroll department, thereby offsetting any nominal benefit in reduced wages paid to the trainees.
Of course, the wingnuts hate the idea that any public-sector employee is getting paid in the first place, and go absolutely ballistic when they suspect they are getting paid more than they do. I think it’s jealousy more than anything else, in many cases tinged with racism when minorities are holding the government jobs.
In my old hometown, the newspapers are recounting how one candidate is making a big issue of some school principles participating in a golf tournament during the work day. “Getting paid to play golf” was how he calls it. What he forgets to mention is that (a) school is already out there – the principles are just finishing up the end-of-year paperwork; (b) the golf tournament is for charity; (c) each principle had to pay the $50 donation + greens fees themselves; and (d) the principles aren’t hourly employees, and often spend long evenings during the school year attending school functions, dealing with disciplinary matters, attending school board meetings, etc.
In the meantime, the “financial base of the Republican party”* continues to do very little work at all, making money of their inherited investments and making deals over cocktails at the country club or on the golf course, all the while complaining about how the “little people” just aren’t working hard enough to support their lifestyle.
Note: “Financial base of the Republican Party” refers to those who dictate the real priorities of the Republican Party, as distinquished from it’s publicly stated objectives or it’s temporary talking points. It is the moving force behind tax cuts benefiting mostly wealthy investors, as well as deregulation of favored industries. Other claimed positions of the Republican Party might be aimed at specific voting groups (i.e., anti-abortion positions aimed at the Evangelicals), but those positions are subordinate to those of the Financial Base. In many cases, it’s in the interest of the Financial Base for those other issues to remain unresolved, as they keep voter support which can be used to ensure that the Financial Base retains power.
I’m with ya on that one Proud Leftist. The heroes from that team are just about gone.
I only wish that Junior would finish out the season so they could have a huge celebration at the final game of the year(ala Edgar’s last game, which I was at – and there was not a dry eye in the house).
…and who can forget back to back home runs by father and son.
That is some classic shit.
rhp @ 79
Entrepreneurs like Tim Eyman and Andrew Breitbart have profited handsomely from the boundless well of resentment from people like Puddybud who instead of working and participating to make government more effective and responsive to people, waste large portions of their lives suffused with negative emotions about government and the political process. The only kind of government spending they support is the kind that calms their morbid fears and anxieties.
It just boggles my mind that this mindset while in the minority is so prevalent that an industry has formed around it which of course needs generous infusions of capital from time to time from the wealthy patrons you mention.
Puddy: “Puddy hopes Junior’s dad gets the honor of introducing him there.”
Nice thought, but Ken Senior died a few years back, too young.
Wow. The trolls could not think of one positive thing to say about Rossi.
@84 It can’t be easy coming up with something positive to say about the guy. Our trolls are left to babble about carrots. That’s obviously a fail.
Ken Griffey Sr. is alive and well.
He is currently a batting coach for a single A team in the Red’s farm system.
Regarding Rossi,
One thing you can say is that he was correct about the condition of WA state’s budget, and our current governor was sorely mistaken(or perhaps was just fibbing) during the last election cycle.
Perhaps Proud is confusing baseball with golf.
You’re right. My confusion is actually unforgivable–I was thinking of Barry Bonds’ father, Bobby, who died a few years ago. Oops.
Drilly, baby, drilly wingnuts…
@87: Umm, Rossi did not predict a damn thing – no one did. Who knew Bush and the lack of regulation would create the worse recesssion since the 1930s.
Washington state has fared better than Oregon and California and most other states during this recession.
Under Rossi, we probably would have loosened the development rules and then had an even bigger housing market fall and crisis.
There is something to be said for controlled (as opposed to hyperbolic) growth like California and Las Vegas.
@90: Dumb baby, dumb…that is what the rightwingnuts are.
Where is Klynical who kept telling us to drill?
Where are the other wingnuts who promoted drilling offshore (like the idiot Palin).
Note to the fool and loser Lostinaseaofblue:
Patty Murray is 10X smarter than Palin.
Where were you on Palin? Hypocrite.
Dino Rossi:
And that was BEFORE the huge recession hit – things would have been much worse under Rossi.
Its pretty pathetic to think that the media, democratic party, and little Ms. Murray herself only keep illustrating the same enhanced images of what they think Dino represents.
Voters DO NOT want to hear the same old crap that Christine Gregoire used in her ‘obama wave’ campaign…in fact at this point it is just a JOKE to think this is the only political tactic Murray and supporters can come up with…
I was referring to Rossi’s assertions(during hte last election) that the state budget was/will be in the red. The current governor stated that the budget was not in trouble.
What Rossi would or could have done had he been elected is irrelevant to my post. I am merely commenting on what was said at election time.
To follow up on post #94
Here is a quote that Goldy wrote on HA after one of the debates in 2008:
As they did in their first debate, the pair continued to fight over the projected $3.2 billion budget deficit. Gregoire maintains the state has a surplus and Rossi maintains Gregoire has spent the state into the red.
I think it is safe to say we do not have a budget surplus.
Hi Toby @ 28
It’s a fair question. I think there’s a good answer.
When I met Stefan Sharkansky, I asked him why he didn’t also cover the election irregularities that happened elsewhere in our state (e.g. touchscreens in Snohomish, Yakima). His reply was (more or less), I’ve already got my cause, that other stuff is someone else’s job.
I thought about that long and hard. I decided that my expectation that Stefan be objective, nonpartisan, whatever, was my problem, not his. So I think Stefan was correct.
As Michael says above, we are, for the most part, partisans for the left. I honestly couldn’t say if Hara is in our camp, but criticizing him doesn’t benefit us.
So, I encourage you to post about it on Sound Politics. If you link to your post, I’ll be sure to read it.
Otherwise, you need some objective columnist to cover this. Someone who doesn’t bat for either team. (Not that I can name anyone.)
Here’s some fun reality for “FunFacts”:
How’s that drilly baby drilly thing working out for you FunFacts?
Quite an “industrial accident” isn’t it?
Why aren’t people going ballistic over Bill Maher’s blatantly racist statement’s about blacks?
The silence here(and elsewhere) is….deafening. Is his racism somehow OK because he is left of center?
Comments? or silence?
Bill Maher:
“I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. You know, this is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants. That’s — (in black man voice) ‘we’ve got a motherfu**ing problem here?’ Shoot somebody in the foot”.
All “real black” men carry guns and shoot people?
Goldy, where is the thread?
Heterosexual Fun for the Family.
Yep Puddy knew Ken Sr was alive and kicking…
OKeefe a census trainee is an expose per the goober arschloch goatsee?
It’s sure is amazing how moronic the dumb brick is every day in every way!
Fun Facts,
If you noticed there was no commentary on the Jamiel’s Law post either. Progressives are a strange group of DUMMOCRAPTS!
Hmmm. Maybe just like pimps wear chinchilla, a brim and wag a skull-capped cane.
You know like in the blaxploitation flicks?
He puts it on Breitbart’s site and right wingers are supposed to eat it up.. After all it’s the product of JOKIII.
Or shit maybe not. Hannah didn’t have a starring role to my knowledge. I guess wingers were let down.
Poor JOKIII. Hannah must be too expensive for him now.
Shaft fuckin’ rocks!
I have sat and shared beers with Pam Grier and Fred Williamson. Fun times indeed and very cool people, especially Fred.
Strange though, still no comment from the more progressive types about Bill Maher’s comments.
One can only imagine the (phony) outrage by many here at HA(and in the media in general) had those same comments been made by a Hannity-type person.
Where are the good Reverends Sharpton and Jackson now? Mysteriously missing…
104 – Had a feeling you’d approve.
So you must be all for this guy:
exploiting stereotypes like this:
I understand it’s ok because he’s right wing and he’s got a cute scantily-clad conservababe on his arm. At least he did back then in his glory days pre-prison jumpsuit.
What the hell are you going on about?
Blaxploitation flix where directed and produced by black film makers.
Do you even fucking know who Pam Grier and Fred Williamson are? Go look them up and then get back to me after you have educated yourself.
..and how come you seem to be eerily silent on Bill Maher? Is it because you feel like he does?
109 – You’re going on and on about Bill Maher just wondered what you thought about the white guy I linked to in 108 exploiting negative images of black men.
Do you approve or not?
I don’t expect an answer. I’m outta here for a spell.
And for the record, Mr. Williamson has been a dinner guest in my home.
If your going to insinuate that I am a racist, you better check that shit at the front door, real quick-like.
Why the fuck would I care what some no-name white kid does? He isn’t my kid, and if he was I would bury my foot in his ass.
How interesting: you will not comment on Bill Maher, yet you bring up some irrelevant kid in order to try and make some (as yet unknown) point.
I think you need to look inward and discover what you are really feeling about black people.
I would rather converse with someone else anyway.
Fun Facts,
Typical for the dumb brick to veer away from the real story and try to make it something else. That’s why he’s a dumb brick arschloch goatsee!
It would appear that a pattern is developing with that particular person.
Heh. Whadaya think of that junk-shot @ 114?
Wow it gets better!
I’m indeed impressed. Have you had Andre Young over as well?
Well it seems that FunFacts isn’t too impressed with the “no-name” white kid I linked to in 114.
Or his playing blaxploitation pimp dress-up.
Yet every white right-wing troll and the African-American right wing troll @ 114 was HIGHLY IMPRESSED with that fool and his juvenile antics.
The fool I call junk-shot @ 114 at one time admitted in these comment threads that he believed that fake pimp actually wore his get-up to an Acorn office and paraded his miserable costume in front of the African American staff.
I’d say it’s the fool @ 114 who has a problem with black people.
Bill Maher? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
118 –
It’s a commonly used line where I come from.
Rent the movie “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” and you might get it.
120 – Meh.. Saw that around the time it came out. Didn’t care much for it then. Don’t care much for it now.
Till tomorrow.
Mr. “92k”. How’s that for a fun fact?
96. Jason Osgood spews:
I have copies of some of the e-mails sent to shitferbrains Hara by other Assessors. Hysterical! Typical Democrat. Runs for an office he is totally unqualified for….ObaMao-like! Then once in, Hara (like Oba-Mao) fails to do fundamental homework and hires an incompetent pompous asshole to advise him!
The parallels between Democrat Hara and Democrat ObaMao are stunning.
@ 114 – the pot calling the kettle black. Hypocritical nonsense from a bigot.
@122: You mean typical republican: Runs for office and is totally unqualified – that rings true for Bush, Palin and the whole lot of republicans (except McCain who was too senile).
By the way Klynical fool, why don’t you bring up that great argument for drill, baby, drill that you made a while back….you know, that there has never been a major leak in the gulf (that was a lie the first time and just plain funny now).
You have NO credibility Klynical – we just laugh at how stoooopid a rightwing demagogue can be. Thanks for amusing us and proving how ignorant rightwingnuts really are.
KLOWN indeed..
Why hasn’t Goldy announced that Dr. Dre has plunked down his $1,000 to meet me at DL??
Also, I don’t see much of Dr. Dre’s postings after I accepted his challenge to see if I’m a chickenshit or not.
Pony up the cash BIG MOUTH. When Goldy posts on HA that Dr. Dre has done so, I’ll show up. (Not going to waste my time showing up and finding out Dr. Dre pussed out. Which looks to be the case.)
Puddybud is the only one who didn’t totally puss out when it comes to meeting up with me – twice.
Dr. Dre, you’re a cunt. A genuine conservative pussy.
Typical, really, when you think about it. Conservatives are always talking shit, thumping their chests, writing checks their mouth and bank accounts can’t cash and then turning tail when their bluff gets called.
I figured it would happen, but I gave Dr. Dre benefit of the doubt.
That won’t happen again.
GBS @ 126
I believe this coward is hiding as the idiot @ 120, FunFacts.
Goldy or Darryl can verify.
Hey arschloch goatsee who is Andre Young?
Hey GBS, you just another large white guy who wears leather coats, and you ain’t that UGLY either! :)
128 – Heh.. Use da google fool.
What a moron…
Puddy used “do google” fool. Since you love to out others, why not out yourself? Let the world know who is the dumbest brick on HA clueless arschloch goatsee. Puddy heard you haven’t visited a DL since 2005. If they be your “friends” why you so “afraid” to show your fat ASS in public?
131 – yeah I outed an anonymous troll’s ownership of a previous anonymous handle. The owner of such handle having wimped out on a bet with GBS.
He’s an ugly, name-calling coward – a credit to “your side”.
Big whup.. The coward is still anonymous and again for dozenth time I could give a flying flip who he really is..
Just like you. After reading all your ugly name-calling, all your endless reams of copy/paste right wing bullshit why the F would I ever want to meet you? I shocked enough as it is with the knowledge that such a fiend as you burdens humanity with his miserable existence.
All the drinking liberally folks – they’re great people. I admire their work. But I’m a family man. I got middle school aged kids. So I’m not into the tavern scene right now.
All in all I’ve probably been to more DL’s than you fiend.
Does Drinking Liberally in Seattle still exist? Does it have a web site somewhere?
Oops, I meant to post this in today’s open thread.