Our overworked and underpaid Lee must be working terribly hard at his white racist flight to the suburbs and on his stations-of- the-cross commutes to his drug mules. So let’s forgive him for cutting corners on his post about “Obama’s Harriet Miers.”
Does it really matter that NRO was using that line almost one year ago? Or that Campos at TheDailyBeast was doing the Kagan-Miers Shuffle more than a week before Lee got around to stealing his riff?
Everybody knows that nobody comes to HA for cutting edge or originality. At least not since HA kneecapped our own original gangsta, Doktor Dre.
Everybody knows that nobody comes to HA for cutting edge or originality.
zzzzzZZZZZZzzzzz… Keep serving up that Horowitzian resentment HNMT.. How original is that!
Read something fun from tensor the other day:
Elmer Davies, in describing the most ardent supporters of Sen. Joe McCarthy, noted how many of them had been dedicated Communists in the 1930s. He noted their only consistent trait was, “they were wrong then, and they are wrong now.” Of their youthful idealism, only their extremism and malice had survived.
As Stupes would say,
A Liberal Drunk's Guide to the Universespews:
The Universe of Fine Fortified Wine, with Portland’s Marty Smith leading the way.
Authorities agree that the appropriate environment is as important to critical wine-tasting as are the tasters themselves … outdoor locale … industrial … rustic abandoned warehouses compete with artfully strewn litter for the eye’s attention. [Otherwise, Montlake’s OK.]
In keeping with fortified wine-drinking tradition, we poured out a capful or so on the ground before tasting, “for our friends who can’t be with us” …
And now for the main event, Mad Dog 20-20 Kiwi-Lemon, which is sub-fortified:
(A) malevolent, vaguely radioactive shade one taster referred to as “soylent green” … profound resemblance to antifreeze … avoiding the whole good-wine-bad-wine question by simply not being wine at all … “tart, with a foul food-coloring aftertaste” … “fluoride treatment” …
What’s the word? Thunderbird!
(S)leek, mechanistic graphics and the high-octane gleam of air-grade kerosene. … The underlying notes seem very difficult to pin down — “linseed oil,” “lighter fluid, with a varnishy finish” and “urine-soaked newspaper” … lacked character, being predominantly very sweet with an ineffable undertone of disease and decay. The best thing you can say about it is that it can’t be called overpretentious.
Several more to go, but will wait for next week’s liberally drunk. Meanwhile, here’s a Boone’s Farm Bunny Commentary: A liberal man’s throat gets mighty dry, riding the relevant range and pushing dogies and trolls over the ridge and up the draw and into the left 40. You get a big thirst that only Obama stimulus can fill, but Obama ain’t payin’ for this one and only time. That’s why this liberal’s guide is a liquid lifesaver, hombre. Prosit.
Ho and hum, little sister. So where did you rotters hide the Dre? Stick him down in Goldy’s gimp basement with Stamn?
A Liberal Drunk's Guide to YLBspews:
Extremism and malice: Pretty good description of the L.A. Theatre Works shit that NPR used our money to smear on our walls last week. Two hours of Chambers/Hiss and Julius/Ethel, all slanted and twisted and clipped and snipped as if the commies won the cold war.
As for those deluded X-treme malicious idealists who lined up behind Tailgunnger Joe, do some fun reading at tensor or wiki about Kennedy (Joseph) and Kennedy (Robert). Then come back and apologize for being a malicious deluded stupe bitch.
Queen Christine "now is not the time to raise taxes"spews:
When do we get an expose’ on how fucked up the McGinn administration is?
or maybe we dont get one because he is a progressive?
Queen Christine "now is not the time to raise taxes"spews:
@1…trust me, the good doctor is here…
Why don’t you give it a shot. How fucked is the McGinn administration?
sj wi/ Edits by Leespews:
@ 1. the audacity of dope
In another thread, Lee went so far as to remove part of a post by me w/o acknowledging his editorial contribution to my text.
Of course, I appreciate the help. I just want to assure readers of HA that anything I seem to say that is …… may have been deleted or reworded by ,,,.
So, just to be fair, I will now give him coathorship.
Seriously folks, I wish Goldy would ask Lee to follow the same rules he and others here follow. Among those ought to be a respect for fee speech. HA may not be protected by the First Amendment but surely the spirit of this Blog (David Obadiah Goldstein, DOG is GOD from right to left) ought to permeate the editors here?
sj wi/ possible Edits by Leespews:
Actually, the sad thing about Lee is that his cause is a reasonable one. Hell, I care a lot about Chihuly not getting his sales room on my land at Seattle Center. I would admire someone with the energy and focus to work on that issue.
In some ways the Kagen nomination illustrates the same point. We all know she will be confirmed by the Senate. So the purpose of the “debate” now is kind of like what my dog does at the park .. he marks off his territory by peeing .. on trees and sometimes pants. I do not think Moshe (his name) winds his case that way but what the hell it is the doggie thing to do.
Queen Christine "now is not the time to raise taxes"spews:
@8..the the mcginn admin is a joke…more stumblefucks than a shoots and ladders game…
Now all you have to do is flesh out that statement with some proof!
Queen Christine "now is not the time to raise taxes"spews:
oh the proof is out there…just look at the latest press conference regarding the choosing of a new police chief….talk about a joke..
but you know what…goldy is our resident “journalist”…I will leave it to him to “break” the stories…
Queen Christine "now is not the time to raise taxes"spews:
I sure miss Norm Rice…..
Puddybud has fun skewering Libtardosspews:
Hey arschloch…
Remember all your screaming and hollering bring up the rear of the thread on James O’Keefe? Well what happened pendejo? Wrong again of course!
TBS: Can you speak a little about your use of Saul Alinsky?
O’Keefe: Alinsky is a genius and has been central to my videos. His tactics are ideologically neutral, and stand the test of time. They can ultimately be used for truth and righteousness not just for anarchy and disorder (as they may have been used in the past).
Your ilk is what comes out of the right wing noise machine’s “rear end”.
President Obama is rapidly gaining ground.
The wingnuts must be quaking in their workboots!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 28% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13
do some fun reading at tensor or wiki about Kennedy (Joseph) and Kennedy (Robert). Then come back and apologize for being a malicious deluded stupe bitch.
Fantasize on silly HNMT about me apologizing for being so freaking boorred with your life-wasting resentments. As you know by now I don’t take orders from hate-filled right wingers with delusions of dictatorial grandeur.
I do apologize (not to you of course) for being too curious about the depths of this compulsion. How many handles? How many unread, ignored essays promulgating the most batshit insane of right wing myths? How many vicious attacks (again mostly ignored) against fellow lib-leaning commenters? So many mysteries to solve, so little time.
Oh my, you took out the “b” word. You’ve come out HNMT. I was about to admonish you to drop the “little sister” pretense. Come out HNMT, come out!
@24 Say, aren’t you the multi-name, multi-gender troll? Hey, I’m fine with multiple screen names. My friend the HNMT provides commentary with a clever choice of screen name. I get a kick out of Max’s screen names. But this secretive back and forth multiple name/gender thing, what’s up with that? I suppose it would make some kind of sense if you’re all the KLOWN’s sockpuppets. After all, that guy does have some rather obvious issues, wouldn’t you say? Hmm, then again, if you’re found to be having conversations with yourself and start talking about your dick, that might point to Puddy returning to bad habits.
Maybe Darryl can shed some light on this.
Dr. Drespews:
uh oh…it looks like Venezuala lost an natural gas platform at sea….
but..but…but…I thought that socialist rigs were more safe than capitalist ones – at least thats what some of the shleps at HA would have you think..
Comment – just goes to show industrial accidents can happen to anyone…anywhere. those of you who try and make this a political argument can shove it up your ass. :)
steph infectionspews:
Y’all have heard of Euell Gibbons and stalking the wild asparagus. SJ @9 reminds us of the perils of being stalked by a wild paranoid dope fiend.
Stephanie Miller this morning launched her show with a reprise of standard-issue leftist defamation of Clarence Thomas. She went through almost the whole hateful ugly litany: Thomas is an affirmative action baby who can’t think and can’t write because he has no brains and hands, and Thomas has no brains and hands because everybody knows he’s Scalia’s sock puppet. The only cruel cliche Miller missed was the one about Justice Thomas being a lawn jockey at the massa’s big house.
If Miller ever gets a brain and a clue, she might get around to reading Jan Crawford (Greenburg’s) book about the modern court and about Justice Thomas’s leading role in bringing our nation to justice. Greenburg demonstrates that Thomas is sometimes influenced and guided by Scalia, but that Scalia is often influenced and guided by Clarence Thomas.
As for BO’s nomination of Softball Kagan … Zoe and Kimba and Janet Waco weren’t available? And what about lovable old Judge Rabbit … chopped liver?
(And a sunny morning shout-out to my friend Steve.)
I thought that socialist rigs were more safe than capitalist ones – at least thats what some of the shleps at HA would have you think..
Heh.. Awwwww… Ain’t that just like a right winger?
Making shit up..
Dr. Drespews:
@29…not making anything up..go check your nerdly database and see who posted what….
teh fail.
Dr. Drespews:
@28…steph miller is the C word – in all caps.
that crazy bitch needs a night of rough love from Ron Jeremy to set her straight.
I’ve tried to listen to her show a few times…its just so god fucking awful that I can only stand about 20 mins of her and her lisping sidekick…
miller timespews:
Oh well … In the summer of ’64 Time or DOA Newsweek ran a pic of Barry and Steph’s daddy Bill in Zapata sombreros. Dos amigos or dos equis, your pick.
Everybody knows that my little twisted sista YLB has a Huge Hardon 4 Horowitz. A couple hours ago Orbus had a Horowitz vid, but now it’s way gone, just like sister. She missed it, and all because I didn’t get out the dictatorial diktat in time.
As you know by now I don’t take orders from hate-filled right wingers with delusions of dictatorial grandeur.
So, before it’s too late, here’s my YLB command du jour: As part of your Kennedy research, bitch, tell us which Kennedy sister dated Joe McCarthy.
Oh my, you took out the “b” word. You’ve come out HNMT. I was about to admonish you to drop the “little sister” pretense. Come out HNMT, come out!
And that’s an order. Give it up or I’ll beat the fucking Europeein’ piss out of you, homey.
(Hint: Probably wasn’t Rosemary, the phantom Kennedy lobotomized by Old Joe. Faced with the Marxist dialectic of having a frontal lobotomy or a bottle in front of me, Old Joe had the final solution: Buy both.)
miller timespews:
Ron Jeremy … old Dr. Proctor himself. Am sure that Dr. P has absolutely nothing in common with our Dr. D.
Dr. Drespews:
@33…Im better looking…and not as hairy.
gotta give props to the ole hedgehog though – how does someone that ugly get paid to bang chicks? damn.
Speaking of relief, know how they spell it in North Dakota?
telephone manspews:
Remember all your screaming and hollering bring up the rear of the thread on James O’Keefe? Well what happened pendejo?
Let’s review: Mere months ago Goldy and Jon were riding like Redford and Hoffman at Bradlee’s Washington Post. Goldy smells, we said, and Goldy smells Watergate. YLB never caught on, as usual, but everybody else understood that HA was marking its territory, setting up a death watch for the GOP and laying down friendly fire for a Pulitzer.
Sometimes, Jon, when you phuk with rats you get phuked by rats.
Dr Dre “Drill, Baby, Drill Industrial Accidents Happen”
So how is that 4 story containment box working out?
Hmmmm . . . what? It didn’t work??? Really?
Oh, oh, then Plan B the Top Hat thingy must be working, right?
Whhhhaaaat? They set it to the side?
Holy Shit, didn’t you thumb sucking idiots say drilling for oil was soooooooo safe because of today’s modern technology? Therefore, chant it with me – Drill, Baby, Drill, Drill, Baby, Drill.
So what happens if Plan C, inserting a tube in the main bore hole doesn’t work?
2 more months of 210,000 gallons of crude spilling into the Gulf of Mexico until the relief well can be drilled.
Now what are the industry experts crying about???
OH, TOO DAMN FUNN — not ENOUGH federal regulations and inspections and the regulations they have are outdated!!
Ronald Reagan was wrong – dead wrong, government isn’t the PROBLEM, REPUBLICANS are the PROBLEM.
Wrong on the environment
Wrong on energy
Wrong on national defense
Wrong on terrorism
Wrong on Civil Rights
Wrong on the military
Wrong on the V.A.
Wrong on immigration
Wrong on fiscal responsibilities
Wrong on banking regulations
Wrong on Climate Change
Wrong on Social Security
Wrong on Health Care
Wrong on Medicare Part D
Wrong on taxes
Wrong on the Constitution
Wrong on conservative activist judges
Wrong, wrong, wrong on every important issue of the day and our FUTURE.
Voting for Republicans is like voting for bin Laden – they both have the same goal — attacking the government of the United States of America.
The government of The People, for The People, by The People.
Why do you hate America?
The 2nd Comingspews:
Question @32: If Barry Goldwater came back today, wearing a sombrero, would Arizona let him in?
not making anything up..go check your nerdly database and see who posted what….
Nope. Burden of proof is on the twerp who dealt it.
Probably so stupid, doesn’t know how to hyperlink.
37 – Today I heard that it’s no 5000 barrels of day coming out of that hole.
How’s that drilly, baby, drilly thing working out for you wingdings?
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch te backend of every threadspews:
Fool AKA arschloch…
NOPE you DOPE… you made the accusation… Burden of proof rests on your sorry arschloch… the back end of every thread.. arschloch!
@ 41 – so 5000 barrels a day is acceptable? You’re one good smart shoe shiner for the Confederates.
41 – Liar. YOU came late moron.
The right wing coward said we excuse Chavez’ oil platforms.
Talking shit without backing it up.
Typical #2..
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch te backend of every threadspews:
where did Puddy say anything about 5000 barrels a day. Too much fudgepacking is affecting your “brain”.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Hey arschloch, your hero George Soros and his libtardo buds in the Managed Funds Group bet against the US last week, caused a 1000 point stock market drop, and then stole Proctor and Gamble at a cheap price and made a bundle against the common man in the stock market.
Of course this shithead Soros doesn’t bother you. Puddy been warning against this fool for a while yet you suck up his kook-aid!
George Soros and his libtardo buds in the Managed Funds Group bet against the US last week
zzzzzzzzZZZZz… No citations.. Just like that BP asking Obama for permission bullshit to foul the coasts and the fisheries of the South.
What a moronic tool. Yep, that’s our #2.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Stupid arschloch, search your feckless database… Puddy gave citations before. Butt being the caboose (arschloch) of every thread here is another fool!
“Diamond said that one stock, Accenture, with the ticker symbol ACN, dropped from $44 dollars to .01 cent per share within 15 minutes, and recovered back to $41.00 dollars. Apple computer ticker symbol AAPL dropped 60 points in 15 minutes. It went from $258 down to $199 and then recovered to $248. All of this happened within a 15-minute period. ”
You dropped shit and didn’t back it up. You said BP asked for permission to fuck up the Gulf – no citation. You claim Soros is behind the sharp drop in the stock market no citation.
Now you drop a link to a right wing bullshit site. Dandy Andy Breitbart has some bullshit editorial in it. That schmuck and any rag he writes in is as credible as jailbird JOKIII.
You think you’re clever with that caboose shit.
But I PROVED that you’re #2 – the smelly product out of the right wing’s rear end. After you stink up a place, the oil-fouled Gulf would be an escape.
Dr. Drespews:
hey YLB, when you gonna nut up and park that POS car of yours and forgo any and all petroleum products….ya, thats what I thought..
tenderhands YLB who sits in house all day long thinks he actually know something about heavy industry…LMFAO..
Dr. Drespews:
YLB reminds me of those little punk asses who used to get bitch slapped all the time at the clubs…they would mouth off until it was time to quiet them up…no closed fist even needed – just an open handed Bas Rutten slap across the face and everything was good again…kinda like a yelping little dog.
49 – When are you going to realize how freaking stupid you are?
I just CITED a report that indicates that the oil companies have been LYING about how much oil is spilling into the Gulf. Here it is again for the little tyke:
You never cited ONE incident of an HA lefty excusing Chavez’ fuck ups but you DID cite this:
Venezuelan government officials said Thursday they are investigating why a natural gas rig sank off the nation’s coast in the early morning hours, the state-run energy company said.
All 95 workers on board were rescued and no gas leaks were detected because safety valves cut off the flow, said the company, Petroleos de Venezuela, also known as PDVSA.
IN CONTRAST to the Horizon rig where 11 PEOPLE DIED and 70 THOUSAND barrels of oil per DAY may be spewing into the Gulf fouling the beaches and fisheries of the RIGHT WING South!
Whadaya freaking know? THE “SOCIALIST” rig beat the “CAPITALIST” rig!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Yes arschloch,
Your preznut gave a waiver to BP in 2009 for this well that blew up and then last Friday signed another waiver (2010) for his big oil jock strap. Facts seem to allude you… Or as we all know you run from facts.
Why do you continually skip over the fact Henry Nostrils Waxman isn’t making a big stink over this in his Congressional committee? Because those facts explode that single celled pea-brained “mind”.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
I recall you took a trip somewhere to be a loon among the fishies. At that time you tried to prove (and failed) that K.O. used “ustogether” multiple times.
Well how’s that drilly, baby, drilly thing going to work out for your favorite leisure spots?
I can see it now, you go down there, the locals cry about that rig ruining their lives and you dribble that it’s all Obama’s fault just like at another time it was all Bill Clinton’s fault.
What an insane fool!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Ahhh the caboose (ylb aschloch) of all HA comments went nutzo again.
Once again this fool can’t read. His education is from kookaid@kos.cum!
Odumba’s disciples signed the BP Waiver in 2009 and just signed another one a week ago today. Henry Nostrils Waxman has been subdued becuz his preznit has him over a barrel withhis decision on BP.
You on the other hand can’t make decisions. You have your feckless personal HA database our useless libtardo commentary!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Oh you said in 47 you had “another” cite and now you’re admitting it was the same.
Puddy has more than one cite fool.
Chucky Schumer “invited a who’s who of hedge funds to dinner at Bottega del Vino on the Upper East Side of Manhattan” and gave “some simple advice” to the “billionaires in his midst.” He told them, “If you want Washington to work with you, you had better work better with one another.” – The NY Times 2007.
You claimed you didn’t see it so Puddy ASSisted you along arschloch, the caboose of every thread! You are still a feckless arschloch moron!
Who do you think helped the financial crash of 2008 moron? Soros and his friends. It’s all there fool. Just like Soros destroyed the Pound in the early 90s, the dollar is next. Your hero arschloch! Butt facts explode your pea-brain!
61 – You sure love to read your own typing don’t you fool? How many times have you repeated that turd?
#2 – product of the Limpblows/Insanity Hannity/Murdoch/Scaife/Moon/Koch/etc right wing bullshit manure machine.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Soros has been betting against our economy and peeps are finally waking up to it. Yet, when the facts are continually presented to your insipid ASS, you are sleepwalking like usual. Soros and his MFA buds are betting on the collapse of the Euro right now moron!
And you call it right wings scare tactics. Puddy guesses truth scares you arschloch!
Well, oh my how scary Stupes.. I guess that means Obama is tanking the economy so
S O R O S..
gets a big payday..
What a dizzy fool. He’ll believe anything he’s fed.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Posts #64&65 prove Puddy’s points hands down! Facts always seem to elude the arschloch, even when the evidence is right in front of the libtardo guy with the left porn eye!
66 – Facts I accept. Stupid fantasies I laugh at. First the eco-terraists, now this twaddle.
Our overworked and underpaid Lee must be working terribly hard at his white racist flight to the suburbs and on his stations-of- the-cross commutes to his drug mules. So let’s forgive him for cutting corners on his post about “Obama’s Harriet Miers.”
Does it really matter that NRO was using that line almost one year ago? Or that Campos at TheDailyBeast was doing the Kagan-Miers Shuffle more than a week before Lee got around to stealing his riff?
Everybody knows that nobody comes to HA for cutting edge or originality. At least not since HA kneecapped our own original gangsta, Doktor Dre.
zzzzzZZZZZZzzzzz… Keep serving up that Horowitzian resentment HNMT.. How original is that!
Read something fun from tensor the other day:
As Stupes would say,
The Universe of Fine Fortified Wine, with Portland’s Marty Smith leading the way.
And now for the main event, Mad Dog 20-20 Kiwi-Lemon, which is sub-fortified:
What’s the word? Thunderbird!
Several more to go, but will wait for next week’s liberally drunk. Meanwhile, here’s a Boone’s Farm Bunny Commentary: A liberal man’s throat gets mighty dry, riding the relevant range and pushing dogies and trolls over the ridge and up the draw and into the left 40. You get a big thirst that only Obama stimulus can fill, but Obama ain’t payin’ for this one and only time. That’s why this liberal’s guide is a liquid lifesaver, hombre. Prosit.
(DailyBeast link is here …)
Ho and hum, little sister. So where did you rotters hide the Dre? Stick him down in Goldy’s gimp basement with Stamn?
Extremism and malice: Pretty good description of the L.A. Theatre Works shit that NPR used our money to smear on our walls last week. Two hours of Chambers/Hiss and Julius/Ethel, all slanted and twisted and clipped and snipped as if the commies won the cold war.
As for those deluded X-treme malicious idealists who lined up behind Tailgunnger Joe, do some fun reading at tensor or wiki about Kennedy (Joseph) and Kennedy (Robert). Then come back and apologize for being a malicious deluded stupe bitch.
When do we get an expose’ on how fucked up the McGinn administration is?
or maybe we dont get one because he is a progressive?
@1…trust me, the good doctor is here…
Why don’t you give it a shot. How fucked is the McGinn administration?
@ 1. the audacity of dope
In another thread, Lee went so far as to remove part of a post by me w/o acknowledging his editorial contribution to my text.
Of course, I appreciate the help. I just want to assure readers of HA that anything I seem to say that is …… may have been deleted or reworded by ,,,.
So, just to be fair, I will now give him coathorship.
Seriously folks, I wish Goldy would ask Lee to follow the same rules he and others here follow. Among those ought to be a respect for fee speech. HA may not be protected by the First Amendment but surely the spirit of this Blog (David Obadiah Goldstein, DOG is GOD from right to left) ought to permeate the editors here?
Actually, the sad thing about Lee is that his cause is a reasonable one. Hell, I care a lot about Chihuly not getting his sales room on my land at Seattle Center. I would admire someone with the energy and focus to work on that issue.
In some ways the Kagen nomination illustrates the same point. We all know she will be confirmed by the Senate. So the purpose of the “debate” now is kind of like what my dog does at the park .. he marks off his territory by peeing .. on trees and sometimes pants. I do not think Moshe (his name) winds his case that way but what the hell it is the doggie thing to do.
@8..the the mcginn admin is a joke…more stumblefucks than a shoots and ladders game…
Now all you have to do is flesh out that statement with some proof!
oh the proof is out there…just look at the latest press conference regarding the choosing of a new police chief….talk about a joke..
but you know what…goldy is our resident “journalist”…I will leave it to him to “break” the stories…
I sure miss Norm Rice…..
Hey arschloch…
Remember all your screaming and hollering bring up the rear of the thread on James O’Keefe? Well what happened pendejo? Wrong again of course!
15 – Like I could give a crap about what you want.
LMFAO @ the arschloch data base….what kind of mental case makes a data base about a message board?
18 – Just a normal guy curious about some peculiar obsessive compulsive or psychotic behavior.
It was a fun programming challenge to boot. Learned a lot.
15 – For the dozenth time:
Mark your calendars..July 15-18th…
2010 Mustang Roundup in Bellevue
and yes, Steve Saleen will be on the grounds to sign autographs and Saleen dashes…
Hey arschloch…
Bringing up the rear of every thread… being an abnormal arschloch of course
lol..when I saw that, I immediately thought “just a good ole boy, never meanin’ no harm…”
Heh. I proved that you’re
Your ilk is what comes out of the right wing noise machine’s “rear end”.
President Obama is rapidly gaining ground.
The wingnuts must be quaking in their workboots!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 28% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13
Fantasize on silly HNMT about me apologizing for being so freaking boorred with your life-wasting resentments. As you know by now I don’t take orders from hate-filled right wingers with delusions of dictatorial grandeur.
I do apologize (not to you of course) for being too curious about the depths of this compulsion. How many handles? How many unread, ignored essays promulgating the most batshit insane of right wing myths? How many vicious attacks (again mostly ignored) against fellow lib-leaning commenters? So many mysteries to solve, so little time.
Oh my, you took out the “b” word. You’ve come out HNMT. I was about to admonish you to drop the “little sister” pretense. Come out HNMT, come out!
@24 Say, aren’t you the multi-name, multi-gender troll? Hey, I’m fine with multiple screen names. My friend the HNMT provides commentary with a clever choice of screen name. I get a kick out of Max’s screen names. But this secretive back and forth multiple name/gender thing, what’s up with that? I suppose it would make some kind of sense if you’re all the KLOWN’s sockpuppets. After all, that guy does have some rather obvious issues, wouldn’t you say? Hmm, then again, if you’re found to be having conversations with yourself and start talking about your dick, that might point to Puddy returning to bad habits.
Maybe Darryl can shed some light on this.
uh oh…it looks like Venezuala lost an natural gas platform at sea….
but..but…but…I thought that socialist rigs were more safe than capitalist ones – at least thats what some of the shleps at HA would have you think..
socialism fail.
Comment – just goes to show industrial accidents can happen to anyone…anywhere. those of you who try and make this a political argument can shove it up your ass. :)
Y’all have heard of Euell Gibbons and stalking the wild asparagus. SJ @9 reminds us of the perils of being stalked by a wild paranoid dope fiend.
Stephanie Miller this morning launched her show with a reprise of standard-issue leftist defamation of Clarence Thomas. She went through almost the whole hateful ugly litany: Thomas is an affirmative action baby who can’t think and can’t write because he has no brains and hands, and Thomas has no brains and hands because everybody knows he’s Scalia’s sock puppet. The only cruel cliche Miller missed was the one about Justice Thomas being a lawn jockey at the massa’s big house.
If Miller ever gets a brain and a clue, she might get around to reading Jan Crawford (Greenburg’s) book about the modern court and about Justice Thomas’s leading role in bringing our nation to justice. Greenburg demonstrates that Thomas is sometimes influenced and guided by Scalia, but that Scalia is often influenced and guided by Clarence Thomas.
As for BO’s nomination of Softball Kagan … Zoe and Kimba and Janet Waco weren’t available? And what about lovable old Judge Rabbit … chopped liver?
(And a sunny morning shout-out to my friend Steve.)
Heh.. Awwwww… Ain’t that just like a right winger?
Making shit up..
@29…not making anything up..go check your nerdly database and see who posted what….
teh fail.
@28…steph miller is the C word – in all caps.
that crazy bitch needs a night of rough love from Ron Jeremy to set her straight.
I’ve tried to listen to her show a few times…its just so god fucking awful that I can only stand about 20 mins of her and her lisping sidekick…
Oh well … In the summer of ’64 Time or DOA Newsweek ran a pic of Barry and Steph’s daddy Bill in Zapata sombreros. Dos amigos or dos equis, your pick.
Everybody knows that my little twisted sista YLB has a Huge Hardon 4 Horowitz. A couple hours ago Orbus had a Horowitz vid, but now it’s way gone, just like sister. She missed it, and all because I didn’t get out the dictatorial diktat in time.
So, before it’s too late, here’s my YLB command du jour: As part of your Kennedy research, bitch, tell us which Kennedy sister dated Joe McCarthy.
And that’s an order. Give it up or I’ll beat the fucking Europeein’ piss out of you, homey.
(Hint: Probably wasn’t Rosemary, the phantom Kennedy lobotomized by Old Joe. Faced with the Marxist dialectic of having a frontal lobotomy or a bottle in front of me, Old Joe had the final solution: Buy both.)
Ron Jeremy … old Dr. Proctor himself. Am sure that Dr. P has absolutely nothing in common with our Dr. D.
@33…Im better looking…and not as hairy.
gotta give props to the ole hedgehog though – how does someone that ugly get paid to bang chicks? damn.
No resemblance at all. Wotta relief.
Speaking of relief, know how they spell it in North Dakota?
Let’s review: Mere months ago Goldy and Jon were riding like Redford and Hoffman at Bradlee’s Washington Post. Goldy smells, we said, and Goldy smells Watergate. YLB never caught on, as usual, but everybody else understood that HA was marking its territory, setting up a death watch for the GOP and laying down friendly fire for a Pulitzer.
Then ….. pffffffffffft.
Sometimes, Jon, when you phuk with rats you get phuked by rats.
Dr Dre “Drill, Baby, Drill Industrial Accidents Happen”
So how is that 4 story containment box working out?
Hmmmm . . . what? It didn’t work??? Really?
Oh, oh, then Plan B the Top Hat thingy must be working, right?
Whhhhaaaat? They set it to the side?
Holy Shit, didn’t you thumb sucking idiots say drilling for oil was soooooooo safe because of today’s modern technology? Therefore, chant it with me – Drill, Baby, Drill, Drill, Baby, Drill.
So what happens if Plan C, inserting a tube in the main bore hole doesn’t work?
2 more months of 210,000 gallons of crude spilling into the Gulf of Mexico until the relief well can be drilled.
Now what are the industry experts crying about???
OH, TOO DAMN FUNN — not ENOUGH federal regulations and inspections and the regulations they have are outdated!!
Ronald Reagan was wrong – dead wrong, government isn’t the PROBLEM, REPUBLICANS are the PROBLEM.
Wrong on the environment
Wrong on energy
Wrong on national defense
Wrong on terrorism
Wrong on Civil Rights
Wrong on the military
Wrong on the V.A.
Wrong on immigration
Wrong on fiscal responsibilities
Wrong on banking regulations
Wrong on Climate Change
Wrong on Social Security
Wrong on Health Care
Wrong on Medicare Part D
Wrong on taxes
Wrong on the Constitution
Wrong on conservative activist judges
Wrong, wrong, wrong on every important issue of the day and our FUTURE.
Voting for Republicans is like voting for bin Laden – they both have the same goal — attacking the government of the United States of America.
The government of The People, for The People, by The People.
Why do you hate America?
Question @32: If Barry Goldwater came back today, wearing a sombrero, would Arizona let him in?
Nope. Burden of proof is on the twerp who dealt it.
Probably so stupid, doesn’t know how to hyperlink.
37 – Today I heard that it’s no 5000 barrels of day coming out of that hole.
It’s 70K..
What a fucking disaster.
How’s that drilly, baby, drilly thing working out for you wingdings?
Fool AKA arschloch…
NOPE you DOPE… you made the accusation… Burden of proof rests on your sorry arschloch… the back end of every thread.. arschloch!
@ 41 – so 5000 barrels a day is acceptable? You’re one good smart shoe shiner for the Confederates.
41 – Liar. YOU came late moron.
The right wing coward said we excuse Chavez’ oil platforms.
Talking shit without backing it up.
Typical #2..
where did Puddy say anything about 5000 barrels a day. Too much fudgepacking is affecting your “brain”.
Hey arschloch, your hero George Soros and his libtardo buds in the Managed Funds Group bet against the US last week, caused a 1000 point stock market drop, and then stole Proctor and Gamble at a cheap price and made a bundle against the common man in the stock market.
Of course this shithead Soros doesn’t bother you. Puddy been warning against this fool for a while yet you suck up his kook-aid!
What a fool!
zzzzzzzzZZZZz… No citations.. Just like that BP asking Obama for permission bullshit to foul the coasts and the fisheries of the South.
What a moronic tool. Yep, that’s our #2.
Stupid arschloch, search your feckless database… Puddy gave citations before. Butt being the caboose (arschloch) of every thread here is another fool!
“Diamond said that one stock, Accenture, with the ticker symbol ACN, dropped from $44 dollars to .01 cent per share within 15 minutes, and recovered back to $41.00 dollars. Apple computer ticker symbol AAPL dropped 60 points in 15 minutes. It went from $258 down to $199 and then recovered to $248. All of this happened within a 15-minute period. ”
A dickhead and whatamoron!
Nope, not that I saw.
You dropped shit and didn’t back it up. You said BP asked for permission to fuck up the Gulf – no citation. You claim Soros is behind the sharp drop in the stock market no citation.
Now you drop a link to a right wing bullshit site. Dandy Andy Breitbart has some bullshit editorial in it. That schmuck and any rag he writes in is as credible as jailbird JOKIII.
You think you’re clever with that caboose shit.
But I PROVED that you’re #2 – the smelly product out of the right wing’s rear end. After you stink up a place, the oil-fouled Gulf would be an escape.
hey YLB, when you gonna nut up and park that POS car of yours and forgo any and all petroleum products….ya, thats what I thought..
tenderhands YLB who sits in house all day long thinks he actually know something about heavy industry…LMFAO..
YLB reminds me of those little punk asses who used to get bitch slapped all the time at the clubs…they would mouth off until it was time to quiet them up…no closed fist even needed – just an open handed Bas Rutten slap across the face and everything was good again…kinda like a yelping little dog.
too dense to even understand context..lol
49 – When are you going to realize how freaking stupid you are?
I just CITED a report that indicates that the oil companies have been LYING about how much oil is spilling into the Gulf. Here it is again for the little tyke:
That’s how an adult backs up what he claims – unlike the overgrown toddler you are.
As I stated a while back – go do something anatomically absurd to yourself with your worthless “rough” hands.
50 – LMAO!!!
And YOU are the little scared punk who bought an NWA record to calm your fears of the black kids in the Seattle CD.
What a miserable dork you are!
Hey name-calling right wing turd:
You never cited ONE incident of an HA lefty excusing Chavez’ fuck ups but you DID cite this:
IN CONTRAST to the Horizon rig where 11 PEOPLE DIED and 70 THOUSAND barrels of oil per DAY may be spewing into the Gulf fouling the beaches and fisheries of the RIGHT WING South!
Whadaya freaking know? THE “SOCIALIST” rig beat the “CAPITALIST” rig!
Yes arschloch,
Your preznut gave a waiver to BP in 2009 for this well that blew up and then last Friday signed another waiver (2010) for his big oil jock strap. Facts seem to allude you… Or as we all know you run from facts.
Why do you continually skip over the fact Henry Nostrils Waxman isn’t making a big stink over this in his Congressional committee? Because those facts explode that single celled pea-brained “mind”.
You’re a moronic blind idiot fool. Puddy used the same one from before. Now there are many new ones with different views. MORON!
You’re so stupid even calling you arschloch does a disservice to arschlochs now!
ylb arschloch…
The caboose (arschloch) of every thread.
56 – It may shock you fool but I’ve never hung on ever fart from your ugly ass.
And yeah what a source! A right wing bullshit conspiracy site.
Oh you said in 47 you had “another” cite and now you’re admitting it was the same.
Dishonorable liar (as called by Darryl) confirmed.
#2 – the product of the right wing manure machine.
It’s parked right now moron. Kind of hard and dangerous (and illegal if memory serves) to type comments on a blog and drive at the same time.
I hope you’re not doing that but we’ve seen hardly anything but “teh stupid” from you.
And a small fact for a silly fool like you: cars spend most of their time – parked.
Wow. The education I provide for moronic right wingers.
Hey Stupes,
I recall you took a trip somewhere to be a loon among the fishies. At that time you tried to prove (and failed) that K.O. used “ustogether” multiple times.
Well how’s that drilly, baby, drilly thing going to work out for your favorite leisure spots?
I can see it now, you go down there, the locals cry about that rig ruining their lives and you dribble that it’s all Obama’s fault just like at another time it was all Bill Clinton’s fault.
What an insane fool!
Ahhh the caboose (ylb aschloch) of all HA comments went nutzo again.
Once again this fool can’t read. His education is from kookaid@kos.cum!
Odumba’s disciples signed the BP Waiver in 2009 and just signed another one a week ago today. Henry Nostrils Waxman has been subdued becuz his preznit has him over a barrel withhis decision on BP.
You on the other hand can’t make decisions. You have your feckless personal HA database our useless libtardo commentary!
Puddy has more than one cite fool.
Chucky Schumer “invited a who’s who of hedge funds to dinner at Bottega del Vino on the Upper East Side of Manhattan” and gave “some simple advice” to the “billionaires in his midst.” He told them, “If you want Washington to work with you, you had better work better with one another.” – The NY Times 2007.
You claimed you didn’t see it so Puddy ASSisted you along arschloch, the caboose of every thread! You are still a feckless arschloch moron!
Who do you think helped the financial crash of 2008 moron? Soros and his friends. It’s all there fool. Just like Soros destroyed the Pound in the early 90s, the dollar is next. Your hero arschloch! Butt facts explode your pea-brain!
61 – You sure love to read your own typing don’t you fool? How many times have you repeated that turd?
#2 – product of the Limpblows/Insanity Hannity/Murdoch/Scaife/Moon/Koch/etc right wing bullshit manure machine.
Soros has been betting against our economy and peeps are finally waking up to it. Yet, when the facts are continually presented to your insipid ASS, you are sleepwalking like usual. Soros and his MFA buds are betting on the collapse of the Euro right now moron!
And you call it right wings scare tactics. Puddy guesses truth scares you arschloch!
61 – So stupid that Stupes thinks politicians of any stripe in NY would ignore constituents representing one of the nation’s largest industries.
And this moron would have one believe Soros is the only hedge fund manager in existence.
Poor fool has
S O R O S..
on the brain. What a loon!
Well, oh my how scary Stupes.. I guess that means Obama is tanking the economy so
S O R O S..
gets a big payday..
What a dizzy fool. He’ll believe anything he’s fed.
Posts #64&65 prove Puddy’s points hands down! Facts always seem to elude the arschloch, even when the evidence is right in front of the libtardo guy with the left porn eye!
66 – Facts I accept. Stupid fantasies I laugh at. First the eco-terraists, now this twaddle.
Such a silly fool..