Wow. Utterly remarkable. And, the spectacularly ironic last bit with Dennis Miller saying that Tom Coburn looked so “hat in hand” when O’Reilly asked him about whether he’d ever seen Fox News suggest that someone might go to jail for not having healthcare insurance? Truly precious. Talk about hat in hand.
How much evidence need there be to show that Fox News is a purely propagandistic organ for the wretched Right? How does this entity have any credibility? Huffington Post and are far more credible.
On a different not, I’d like to extend a kudos to Tom Coburn. I can’t stand his politics, but he actually seems to have some integrity. We don’t often see that in Republican politicians.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
“Huffington Post and are far more credible.”
LMFAO…thanks for the chuckle….
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
47% of Americans pay no federal income tax….
If the progressives want to raise taxes, why not make some of those freeloaders pay up first?
proud leftistspews:
Did you actually watch that post? Did you see what O’Reilly and Miller were saying just yesterday with regard to O’Reilly’s questions to Senator Coburn? They’re saying “gotcha” to Coburn when the “gotcha” was plainly on them. O’Reilly has the credibility of a 4 year-old caught with candy he hadn’t been given.
The 47% figure is pretty much a one (or two) shot deal. Once the tax rebates for buying houses and cars go away that figure’s going to go down.
Once again, I want wish everyone a happy confederate month. Still 2 weeks left, don’t let it go to waste, get your shoes shined today!
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@4…no, I did not watch it – nor did I comment on it.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@5…perhaps a little, but I do not think it will go down that much…its not like home purchases for first time buyers has been huge over the last year…just my opinion
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@7…you must be celebrating it, since you have brought it up multiple times….
Nice try to split hairs and back track on Fox’s part. It wont work. Well, it will work for you and the other 15%’ers.
proud leftistspews:
You wingies out there accuse Goldy of having some sort of obsession about the Seattle Times. Well, it is our state’s largest daily newspaper, by far. And, it indisputably has become Wingnut Daily. I think Goldy is far too easy on the Times. For instance: today. On the front page–the front page–is the headline, “State activists to protest at 16 sites.” There is nothing newsworthy that follows, just an advertisement for where Teabaggers have rallies planned in the Puget Sound area today for what they call Tax Day–in Seattle, Bellevue, Olympia, and Everett. You wingnuts still want to decry the “liberal media”? Bullshit. The media is yours, and the Seattle Times must go down. It is better to have no local newspaper than this one.
Actually, there’s no evidence of political motivation.
Governor Bobby Jindal’s press office released the following statement today:
Friday night, the Governor’s campaign fundraiser, Allee Bautsch, and her boyfriend were involved in an altercation in the French Quarter with a group of people.
While there were protestors around at that time, we are not aware of any evidence that the individuals involved in the altercation were protestors.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
Rich elitist progressive environmentalists tell the brown people “you cant have reliable electricity”
so here we are…brazil is suffering from a massive power shortage and fragile grid, decides to invest in GREEN, NON CARBON EMITTING, REUSABLE ENERGY and what do they get from elitist progressives? They get shit on.
Fucking typical of the hypocritical elitist progressive enviro nazi crowd: as long as they have their 24-7 power, then fuck everyone else, especially those brown people trying to grow their nation.
hey james cameron, how much power do YOU use at your numerous mansions? fuckhead reminds of algore.
If I was brazil, I would say “fuck you”, and not only build the damn, but also build a coal-fired plant just to spite these fucks.
17 – Dams silt up and are incredibly destructive. It’s better that they not be built. Small ones for irrigation are ok.
The solution to the world’s energy problems is here.. Cheap and clean..
But a total threat to the largest, most deeply entrenched, most well-connected industry of all – fossil fuel extraction.
proud leftistspews:
11 and 16
You’d think that Bobby Jindal, who wants to be President, could at least have a press office that knows that “protester” is not spelled “protestor.” Are there any literate Republicans left out there? For fuck’s sake, this is Jindal’s press office, and they can’t spell?
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@20….why dont you go to brazil and tell them that…
its real easy for you to sit back and tell them what to do from 6000 miles away………
I still say they should tell the enviro wackos to fuck off..
I agree with YLB. White American liberals know what’s best for people in Brazil.
See now, what pisses me off about this sort of thing is that all sorts of regular old folks from Brazil were against building that dam, but it only gets in the news up here when rich, white, American’s get involved. It’s just like everywhere else, everyday regular folk do all the work and then a couple rich and powerful folks who didn’t do the work and didn’t put anything on the line swoop in and take the credit. Bunch of fuckers…
White American liberals know what’s best for people in Brazil.
You’re a damned liar. I didn’t say that at all.
All I’m saying is that the people of Brazil shouldn’t copy the mistakes of the Americans (like at Glen Canyon who even Barry Goldwater admitted shouldn’t have been built) and the Chinese in the case of Three Gorges.
There’s an alternative and isn’t even a tenth of a percent as environmentally destructive.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@24….and I agree with you.
Let the people of Brazil decide what they want to do…and let the chips fall where they may.
If they decide to build the dam – fine
If they decide not to build the dam – fine
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
The enviro nazis and progressives destroyed the US nuclear industry in the 1970’s and 1980’s..
I don’t know. There’s an awful lot of gun play, militarism and macho scuba/underwater stuff in Jim Cameron’s films.
I read that he likes to off road in the desert and shoot shit up.
He’s Canadian, a halfway strong enviro and he’s got a thing for strong heroines in his movies but I see him as definitely leaning in the libertarian direction.
proud leftistspews:
Maxie @ 28
You are knee-jerk anti-environment. The default position with regard to environmental issues should always be to step back, take it slowly, let the science develop. I never understand why you righties think that full steam ahead–and fuck the science, even if there isn’t any–is the way to go.
28 – No they’re generally not but a lot of them have decided in the face of the climate crisis NOT to actively oppose any reactor development in progress.
I’ve opposed nukes all my life and I still can’t stand light water reactors on the cost and waste issues alone.
The liquid flouride thorium reactor however solves just about all the concerns that anti-nukes have had over the years. It’s the silver bullet in my view. It’s almost too good to be true.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@30…Hey dummy, the Belo Monte damn project has been in the works since the 1980’s – THATS NEARLY 30 YEARS IN CASE YOU CANT much fucking time do you need? Is that going slow enough for simpleton enviro freaks like yourself?
Its the most advanced and efficient damn project in the world..I think the “science has developed”
before typing, perhaps you should read up a little bit, asshole.
why do science-illiterate left nuts like yourself even comment on such things?
proud leftistspews:
At 15 above, I took a shot at the Seattle Times and suggested that Goldy has been too easy on the hometown rag. Now, I just got to the editorial page, where the lead op-ed says this about our state’s legislature this year: ” . . . they should have reduced the footprint of government by eliminating non-core [?] services such as the state printer, privatizing liquor stores and insisting on additional efficiencies in technologies [?].” Anybody have any idea how much that would have saved the state? Not a freaking dime, but some union workers would have gotten screwed. Our state liquor stores turn a profit, and pay living wages to their employees. ?Que es la problema?
Seattle is one of the most liberal and finest cities in the nation. Why do we have a newspaper like this one?
We haven’t paid our Seattle Times bill in over a month, but it is still getting delivered. I presume the paper keeps getting delivered because that helps advertising rates. I was going to write a letter to the editor to say why after over 20 years I was no longer subscribing (after the Times endorsed Robbie McKenna’s challenge to the federal healthcare bill), but I have not yet done so.
After today’s nonsense, I have to write to the Times. I think I also should pay to HA quarterly what I have been paying to the Seattle Times. Of course, Goldy doesn’t post box scores from Mariners games, nor does he have Doonesbury, but I can probably forgive that.
@28 they are saying nuke is the way to go..
Not me! Too bloody expensive for starters and making all the concrete and steel that you need isn’t exactly eco-friendly an uses quite a bit of energy.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
LMFAO @ #15….”the seattle times must go down”
yes indeed, when someone else has a different opinion than yours, you must shut them down and silence them.
how very typically progressive….
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@33…why are you afraid of opinions that differ from yours?
proud leftistspews:
Maxie @ 35,
Did you know that when you put words between quotation marks and attribute them to someone else who never said those words, that you can be held liable for libel?
Did I say, “the seattle times must go down”?
Don’t quote, Maxie, when it isn’t a quote. Consider that free legal advice to someone who doesn’t deserve free legal advice.
proud leftistspews:
Maxie @ 36
Hey, trust me, I’m not afraid of opinions that differ from mine. I feast on opinions that differ from mine. I am, after all, a fucking litigator. I do like, however, the opposing opinion to be reasoned; the opposing opinion should have both a factual and legal basis. I get all hyped up about that sort of differing opinion. I don’t much care for differing opinions that are simply pulled from the ass of another.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@37…go back and read YOUR OWN POST #15.
you did indeed say “the seattle times must go down”.
Here is your quote:
“You wingnuts still want to decry the “liberal media”? Bullshit. The media is yours, and the Seattle Times must go down. It is better to have no local newspaper than this one.”
and your a fucking lawyer? geezus….
you just owned yourself…and thanks for the legal advice..LMFAO…
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@38…bullshit…your and your ilk are frightened of any opinion that is different…you prove it here every day.
“the seattle times must go down”…..
proud leftistspews:
I guess I did say that. You are correct. I meant it, but didn’t think I’d said it. I apologize.
proud leftistspews:
What are you afraid of? You seem to fear so much. Change. The future. That which you don’t understand. You fear all of that, Maxie. Why? I think the future looks pretty golden, so long as you look at the future as looking golden.
SEC files FRAUD charges against Goldman & Sachs related to the SUBPRIME mortgage market.
More news to follow.
Pussy with a Slap-Chop:
Take Sen. Coburn’s advice and don’t let Fox News bias you!!!
Baaa haaa haaa haaa
Fair and Balanced: For propoganda!!
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@44..what the hell are you babbling on about? I watch FOX about as much as I watch PMSNBC, which is pretty much not at all.
nice try, but epic fail again…once again your assumptions have let you down..
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@42…fear? not anything really – as this country is greater than people, especially progressives, give it credit for.
although I am concerned with the trillions of eventual debt we are leaving our kids to deal with…they deserve better from us.
Hmm… The photo’s of out local “grass roots” tea party in my morning paper showed them holding professionally made signs with KVI Radio stamped in one corner. So much for grass roots! Does KVI have a PAC that’s paying for this little bit of campaigning?
11. Troll spews:
Democrats assault and beat couple because they were Republicans.
Lesson to “gun toting” macho talking, racist Republicans; becareful what you wish for wanting to get into brawl with Demcorats.
You’ll get your FUCKING beat down every time.
Lucky for them a broken nose, jaw and leg is all they got.
12. Vince with Slap-Chop spews:
but I thought only the tea party people were violent…
Fuck with the Bull, you get the horns.
Play with fire, you get burned.
Run your mouth to Democrats, you get a beat down.
Get the message yet?
We may walk the path of peace, but we are NOT the feminized pacifist pussies Rush Limbaugh and company “claim” we are.
The quoted Teabaggers wouldn’t know the actual Constitution from a grocery list.
50. Mark1 spews:
You Libtards may now resume soiling your panties
Wow! 1,500 – 2,000 folks turned out in Bellingham, huh?
Yeah that will create a sea change in who controls congress this year. NOT!
There’s an old saying that goes: The candle burns brightest at the end of the wick.
Tea Party purists are the last of the living, breathing Reaganites. That explains the racism, calls for violence against the government, lies and other seedy tactics deployed by these radical dead-enders.
It’s the last hoorah before the Reagan Republican ideological flame extinguishes itself.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@49..ohhhh, GBS, you tough guy you!
Did you put your brown-shirt on when you typed that response?
I especially like this one: Run your mouth to Democrats, you get a beat down.
Sounds like a threat to me – heaven forbid anyone use their right to free speech – now if someone says something GBS doesnt like, he is gonna “beat them down”…LMFAO.
way to go there! you must think you are HA’s modern day equivalent to Reinhard Heydrich….
more tough talk from behind a keyboard…lol
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@49..”We may walk the path of peace, but we are NOT the feminized pacifist pussies Rush Limbaugh and company “claim” we are.”
actually, you are…
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@48…WOW…you sure sound like a tough guy there GBS…..those sure sound like threats.
Goldy, you better control your boy there, before GBS gets this place shut down.
So, we have yet another example of how this country would function if people like GBS and Goebbels Rabbit ran the place.
Talk out of line? Get beat down..
Dont go with the socialist agenda? get beat down – or perhaps killed
Dont vote for the “correct” person? you come up missing..
Boy GBS, you sure missed your calling, as you would have fit right in with the goons in 1930’s Russia
yes GBS, Im sure the guy and his wife were out “looking for a brawl”…fucking idiot.
punk ass bitch.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
after some careful thought, GBS is more like a Lavrenti Beria wannabe than he is a Heydrich…
I would say 2000 people in bellingham is a bit more impressive than the 4000 illegal aliens and their fans that showed up in downtown seattle for the immigration reform ho-down..
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@60…little bitches like you only know how to follow orders…you would too confused if you tried to take care of yourself without any direction…
How you do get your miserable jollies being such an ignorant buffoon around here…
Life must be so grand for you out in the big wide world seeing as you spend so much time here…
Speaking of which. Got things to do..
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@63..go turn that trick ylb….rent’s due.
Pussy with a Slap-Chop:
No threats here. Just the plain spoken facts as they occured in NOLA.
The difference between me and you, and apparently the loud mouth Teabaggers and the Lieberals they ran into is that while I may talk gibberish, I don’t talk shit I can’t back up.
The broken jaw teabagger who got himself and his wife into a situation HE couldn’t handle like a man resulted in his and his wife’s public BEAT DOWN!
Or, more likely, his wife said something thinking she was with a real man and learned the hard lesson that a teabagging conservative is nothing but a chickenhawk.
54. Vince with Slap-Chop spews:
@49..”We may walk the path of peace, but we are NOT the feminized pacifist pussies Rush Limbaugh and company “claim” we are.”
actually, you are…
IF, that is true, then what kind of a piece of shit pussy must that conservative been to get his jaw and nose broken and his wife’s leg snapped like a chicken bone by some feminized pacifist pussies?
Answer: Rush is wrong as usual, and, so too, are you.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
LMFAO @ the wannabe tough man old fart..hehehehe
hey Beria GBS, why dont you just save yourself the trouble and shoot anyone who doesnt agree with you? After all, isnt that where your heading anyway?
Beria GBS and his purges, coming to a neighborhood near you…..
relax, go take a blue pill and fuck the boyfriend Beria GBS..
Wow. Utterly remarkable. And, the spectacularly ironic last bit with Dennis Miller saying that Tom Coburn looked so “hat in hand” when O’Reilly asked him about whether he’d ever seen Fox News suggest that someone might go to jail for not having healthcare insurance? Truly precious. Talk about hat in hand.
How much evidence need there be to show that Fox News is a purely propagandistic organ for the wretched Right? How does this entity have any credibility? Huffington Post and are far more credible.
On a different not, I’d like to extend a kudos to Tom Coburn. I can’t stand his politics, but he actually seems to have some integrity. We don’t often see that in Republican politicians.
“Huffington Post and are far more credible.”
LMFAO…thanks for the chuckle….
47% of Americans pay no federal income tax….
If the progressives want to raise taxes, why not make some of those freeloaders pay up first?
Did you actually watch that post? Did you see what O’Reilly and Miller were saying just yesterday with regard to O’Reilly’s questions to Senator Coburn? They’re saying “gotcha” to Coburn when the “gotcha” was plainly on them. O’Reilly has the credibility of a 4 year-old caught with candy he hadn’t been given.
The 47% figure is pretty much a one (or two) shot deal. Once the tax rebates for buying houses and cars go away that figure’s going to go down.
David Brooks is high on crack, btw.
Once again, I want wish everyone a happy confederate month. Still 2 weeks left, don’t let it go to waste, get your shoes shined today!
@4…no, I did not watch it – nor did I comment on it.
@5…perhaps a little, but I do not think it will go down that much…its not like home purchases for first time buyers has been huge over the last year…just my opinion
@7…you must be celebrating it, since you have brought it up multiple times….
Democrats assault and beat couple because they were Republicans.
but I thought only the tea party people were violent…
Interesting Goldy. You keep posting this stuff, but dont look at the fact. See what just played on Fox News.
Nice try to split hairs and back track on Fox’s part. It wont work. Well, it will work for you and the other 15%’ers.
You wingies out there accuse Goldy of having some sort of obsession about the Seattle Times. Well, it is our state’s largest daily newspaper, by far. And, it indisputably has become Wingnut Daily. I think Goldy is far too easy on the Times. For instance: today. On the front page–the front page–is the headline, “State activists to protest at 16 sites.” There is nothing newsworthy that follows, just an advertisement for where Teabaggers have rallies planned in the Puget Sound area today for what they call Tax Day–in Seattle, Bellevue, Olympia, and Everett. You wingnuts still want to decry the “liberal media”? Bullshit. The media is yours, and the Seattle Times must go down. It is better to have no local newspaper than this one.
Actually, there’s no evidence of political motivation.
Rich elitist progressive environmentalists tell the brown people “you cant have reliable electricity”
so here we are…brazil is suffering from a massive power shortage and fragile grid, decides to invest in GREEN, NON CARBON EMITTING, REUSABLE ENERGY and what do they get from elitist progressives? They get shit on.
Fucking typical of the hypocritical elitist progressive enviro nazi crowd: as long as they have their 24-7 power, then fuck everyone else, especially those brown people trying to grow their nation.
hey james cameron, how much power do YOU use at your numerous mansions? fuckhead reminds of algore.
If I was brazil, I would say “fuck you”, and not only build the damn, but also build a coal-fired plant just to spite these fucks.
There’s also no evidence that father from Utah had anything to do with his wife’s disappearance.
@17….I mean dam, not damn…
17 – Dams silt up and are incredibly destructive. It’s better that they not be built. Small ones for irrigation are ok.
The solution to the world’s energy problems is here.. Cheap and clean..
But a total threat to the largest, most deeply entrenched, most well-connected industry of all – fossil fuel extraction.
11 and 16
You’d think that Bobby Jindal, who wants to be President, could at least have a press office that knows that “protester” is not spelled “protestor.” Are there any literate Republicans left out there? For fuck’s sake, this is Jindal’s press office, and they can’t spell?
@20….why dont you go to brazil and tell them that…
its real easy for you to sit back and tell them what to do from 6000 miles away………
I still say they should tell the enviro wackos to fuck off..
I agree with YLB. White American liberals know what’s best for people in Brazil.
See now, what pisses me off about this sort of thing is that all sorts of regular old folks from Brazil were against building that dam, but it only gets in the news up here when rich, white, American’s get involved. It’s just like everywhere else, everyday regular folk do all the work and then a couple rich and powerful folks who didn’t do the work and didn’t put anything on the line swoop in and take the credit. Bunch of fuckers…
the dam will still get built…guaranteed…
You’re a damned liar. I didn’t say that at all.
All I’m saying is that the people of Brazil shouldn’t copy the mistakes of the Americans (like at Glen Canyon who even Barry Goldwater admitted shouldn’t have been built) and the Chinese in the case of Three Gorges.
There’s an alternative and isn’t even a tenth of a percent as environmentally destructive.
@24….and I agree with you.
Let the people of Brazil decide what they want to do…and let the chips fall where they may.
If they decide to build the dam – fine
If they decide not to build the dam – fine
The enviro nazis and progressives destroyed the US nuclear industry in the 1970’s and 1980’s.. they are saying nuke is the way to go..
sure wish they would make up their minds..
I don’t know. There’s an awful lot of gun play, militarism and macho scuba/underwater stuff in Jim Cameron’s films.
I read that he likes to off road in the desert and shoot shit up.
He’s Canadian, a halfway strong enviro and he’s got a thing for strong heroines in his movies but I see him as definitely leaning in the libertarian direction.
Maxie @ 28
You are knee-jerk anti-environment. The default position with regard to environmental issues should always be to step back, take it slowly, let the science develop. I never understand why you righties think that full steam ahead–and fuck the science, even if there isn’t any–is the way to go.
28 – No they’re generally not but a lot of them have decided in the face of the climate crisis NOT to actively oppose any reactor development in progress.
I’ve opposed nukes all my life and I still can’t stand light water reactors on the cost and waste issues alone.
The liquid flouride thorium reactor however solves just about all the concerns that anti-nukes have had over the years. It’s the silver bullet in my view. It’s almost too good to be true.
@30…Hey dummy, the Belo Monte damn project has been in the works since the 1980’s – THATS NEARLY 30 YEARS IN CASE YOU CANT much fucking time do you need? Is that going slow enough for simpleton enviro freaks like yourself?
Its the most advanced and efficient damn project in the world..I think the “science has developed”
before typing, perhaps you should read up a little bit, asshole.
why do science-illiterate left nuts like yourself even comment on such things?
At 15 above, I took a shot at the Seattle Times and suggested that Goldy has been too easy on the hometown rag. Now, I just got to the editorial page, where the lead op-ed says this about our state’s legislature this year: ” . . . they should have reduced the footprint of government by eliminating non-core [?] services such as the state printer, privatizing liquor stores and insisting on additional efficiencies in technologies [?].” Anybody have any idea how much that would have saved the state? Not a freaking dime, but some union workers would have gotten screwed. Our state liquor stores turn a profit, and pay living wages to their employees. ?Que es la problema?
Seattle is one of the most liberal and finest cities in the nation. Why do we have a newspaper like this one?
We haven’t paid our Seattle Times bill in over a month, but it is still getting delivered. I presume the paper keeps getting delivered because that helps advertising rates. I was going to write a letter to the editor to say why after over 20 years I was no longer subscribing (after the Times endorsed Robbie McKenna’s challenge to the federal healthcare bill), but I have not yet done so.
After today’s nonsense, I have to write to the Times. I think I also should pay to HA quarterly what I have been paying to the Seattle Times. Of course, Goldy doesn’t post box scores from Mariners games, nor does he have Doonesbury, but I can probably forgive that.
Not me! Too bloody expensive for starters and making all the concrete and steel that you need isn’t exactly eco-friendly an uses quite a bit of energy.
LMFAO @ #15….”the seattle times must go down”
yes indeed, when someone else has a different opinion than yours, you must shut them down and silence them.
how very typically progressive….
@33…why are you afraid of opinions that differ from yours?
Maxie @ 35,
Did you know that when you put words between quotation marks and attribute them to someone else who never said those words, that you can be held liable for libel?
Did I say, “the seattle times must go down”?
Don’t quote, Maxie, when it isn’t a quote. Consider that free legal advice to someone who doesn’t deserve free legal advice.
Maxie @ 36
Hey, trust me, I’m not afraid of opinions that differ from mine. I feast on opinions that differ from mine. I am, after all, a fucking litigator. I do like, however, the opposing opinion to be reasoned; the opposing opinion should have both a factual and legal basis. I get all hyped up about that sort of differing opinion. I don’t much care for differing opinions that are simply pulled from the ass of another.
@37…go back and read YOUR OWN POST #15.
you did indeed say “the seattle times must go down”.
Here is your quote:
“You wingnuts still want to decry the “liberal media”? Bullshit. The media is yours, and the Seattle Times must go down. It is better to have no local newspaper than this one.”
and your a fucking lawyer? geezus….
you just owned yourself…and thanks for the legal advice..LMFAO…
@38…bullshit…your and your ilk are frightened of any opinion that is different…you prove it here every day.
“the seattle times must go down”…..
I guess I did say that. You are correct. I meant it, but didn’t think I’d said it. I apologize.
What are you afraid of? You seem to fear so much. Change. The future. That which you don’t understand. You fear all of that, Maxie. Why? I think the future looks pretty golden, so long as you look at the future as looking golden.
SEC files FRAUD charges against Goldman & Sachs related to the SUBPRIME mortgage market.
More news to follow.
Pussy with a Slap-Chop:
Take Sen. Coburn’s advice and don’t let Fox News bias you!!!
Baaa haaa haaa haaa
Fair and Balanced: For propoganda!!
@44..what the hell are you babbling on about? I watch FOX about as much as I watch PMSNBC, which is pretty much not at all.
nice try, but epic fail again…once again your assumptions have let you down..
@42…fear? not anything really – as this country is greater than people, especially progressives, give it credit for.
although I am concerned with the trillions of eventual debt we are leaving our kids to deal with…they deserve better from us.
Hmm… The photo’s of out local “grass roots” tea party in my morning paper showed them holding professionally made signs with KVI Radio stamped in one corner. So much for grass roots! Does KVI have a PAC that’s paying for this little bit of campaigning?
Lesson to “gun toting” macho talking, racist Republicans; becareful what you wish for wanting to get into brawl with Demcorats.
You’ll get your FUCKING beat down every time.
Lucky for them a broken nose, jaw and leg is all they got.
Fuck with the Bull, you get the horns.
Play with fire, you get burned.
Run your mouth to Democrats, you get a beat down.
Get the message yet?
We may walk the path of peace, but we are NOT the feminized pacifist pussies Rush Limbaugh and company “claim” we are.
Even in tiny little Bellingham:
You Libtards may now resume soiling your panties.
The quoted Teabaggers wouldn’t know the actual Constitution from a grocery list.
Wow! 1,500 – 2,000 folks turned out in Bellingham, huh?
Yeah that will create a sea change in who controls congress this year. NOT!
There’s an old saying that goes: The candle burns brightest at the end of the wick.
Tea Party purists are the last of the living, breathing Reaganites. That explains the racism, calls for violence against the government, lies and other seedy tactics deployed by these radical dead-enders.
It’s the last hoorah before the Reagan Republican ideological flame extinguishes itself.
@49..ohhhh, GBS, you tough guy you!
Did you put your brown-shirt on when you typed that response?
I especially like this one: Run your mouth to Democrats, you get a beat down.
Sounds like a threat to me – heaven forbid anyone use their right to free speech – now if someone says something GBS doesnt like, he is gonna “beat them down”…LMFAO.
way to go there! you must think you are HA’s modern day equivalent to Reinhard Heydrich….
more tough talk from behind a keyboard…lol
@49..”We may walk the path of peace, but we are NOT the feminized pacifist pussies Rush Limbaugh and company “claim” we are.”
actually, you are…
@48…WOW…you sure sound like a tough guy there GBS…..those sure sound like threats.
Goldy, you better control your boy there, before GBS gets this place shut down.
So, we have yet another example of how this country would function if people like GBS and Goebbels Rabbit ran the place.
Talk out of line? Get beat down..
Dont go with the socialist agenda? get beat down – or perhaps killed
Dont vote for the “correct” person? you come up missing..
Boy GBS, you sure missed your calling, as you would have fit right in with the goons in 1930’s Russia
yes GBS, Im sure the guy and his wife were out “looking for a brawl”…fucking idiot.
punk ass bitch.
after some careful thought, GBS is more like a Lavrenti Beria wannabe than he is a Heydrich…
…just keeping it real…
Classic right wing: armchair tinpot authoritarian.
And “boy”??
Heh. What could that be about?
2k teabaggers TOPS turn out in Bellingham?
Yikes! Numbers like that made a HUGE difference to elect GWB and John McSame..
Ooops.. only they didn’t… Not in this State.
WA State remains comfortably blue for the foreseeable future..
Poor widdle wingnuts…
@57…stfu you clueless dung heap…and go get a damn job.
59 – Heh. More right wing orders..
I would say 2000 people in bellingham is a bit more impressive than the 4000 illegal aliens and their fans that showed up in downtown seattle for the immigration reform ho-down..
@60…little bitches like you only know how to follow orders…you would too confused if you tried to take care of yourself without any direction…
62 – Such a feckless failure…
How you do get your miserable jollies being such an ignorant buffoon around here…
Life must be so grand for you out in the big wide world seeing as you spend so much time here…
Speaking of which. Got things to do..
@63..go turn that trick ylb….rent’s due.
Pussy with a Slap-Chop:
No threats here. Just the plain spoken facts as they occured in NOLA.
The difference between me and you, and apparently the loud mouth Teabaggers and the Lieberals they ran into is that while I may talk gibberish, I don’t talk shit I can’t back up.
The broken jaw teabagger who got himself and his wife into a situation HE couldn’t handle like a man resulted in his and his wife’s public BEAT DOWN!
Or, more likely, his wife said something thinking she was with a real man and learned the hard lesson that a teabagging conservative is nothing but a chickenhawk.
IF, that is true, then what kind of a piece of shit pussy must that conservative been to get his jaw and nose broken and his wife’s leg snapped like a chicken bone by some feminized pacifist pussies?
Answer: Rush is wrong as usual, and, so too, are you.
LMFAO @ the wannabe tough man old fart..hehehehe
hey Beria GBS, why dont you just save yourself the trouble and shoot anyone who doesnt agree with you? After all, isnt that where your heading anyway?
Beria GBS and his purges, coming to a neighborhood near you…..
relax, go take a blue pill and fuck the boyfriend Beria GBS..