He’s from Tacoma. That’s a good thing, I would think.
Oh how pissed Casey Treat must be that he was passed over for the job.
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
“This week it became impossible in Massachusetts for small businesses and individuals to buy health-care coverage after Governor Deval Patrick imposed price controls on premiums. Read on, because under ObamaCare this kind of political showdown will soon be coming to an insurance market near you.” Price controls… isn’t that the bane of a libtardo progressive?
“Yet all of the major Massachusetts insurers are nonprofits. Three of largest four—Blue Cross Blue Shield, Tufts Health Plan and Fallon Community Health—posted operating losses in 2009.” What? Non-profits losing money? This can’t be. Progressive libtardos want to make sure profitable insurers lose money. They said it on HA and other whack-job web sites.
“One irony is that Mr. Patrick’s own Attorney General and his insurance regulators have concluded—to their apparent surprise—that the reason Massachusetts premiums are the highest in the nation is the underlying cost of health care, not the supposed industry abuses that Mr. Patrick and his political mentor President Obama like to cite.” No… Really… Well it seems another of those hope and change lies is coming to light.
Yep this is our future. The underlying cost of health care is the culprit. So you implement price controls or you ration health care as they mentioned in the Des Moines Register oped! Hmmm… and this is their model for OdumbaCare?
Some sad news out of Europe. Earlier today(local time), a plane carrying the President of Poland and others crashed in Western Russia, with no survivors. They were en-route to mark the 70th anniversary of the massacre of Polish Prisoners at the hands of Stalin’s secret police in the Katyn Forest. The plane was a Soviet-era Tupolev jet.
In Britain, the House of Commons has been dissolved ahead of the General Election in May, of which campaigning has now officialy begun. Last year it looked like the Tories would cruise to a majority. Now it is a dead heat between Labour and Conservative, with the Liberal Democratic Party, also called the LibDems, holding the balance of power in their first hung parliament in decades. Although it looks like the LibDems might side with the Tories. It’s not like Canada where the Conservatives survive in a minority parliament because of the Seperatist Bloc holding 50 seats(most of Quebec’s 76), and the New Democratic Party and Liberals can’t agree on when to vote against the government to force an election.
Oh my… someone with both eyes on porn, not just their left eye… This guy was sick. I can’t imagine how Puddy would react if that was my daughter taped by that scumbag!
Hey Puddy, Happy Confederate Month. Yeeha.
Hey Puddy, how do you like GWB’s 2003 Medicare Bill that cost $500 Billion over Ten Years? And basically all it does is provide drugs for retirees.
@ 6 – just call it heterosexual love.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Don Blankenship, the $15-million-a-year CEO of Massey Energy, built his ostentatious mansion on a prominent hill in Mingo County, West Virginia, a storied place that was the scene of the legendary Hatfield-McCoy feud and the Matewan massacre.
Blankenship’s palace stands in stark contrast with the surrounding working-class homes. Mingo is a poverty-stricken place, where 30% of the population lives below the federal poverty level. Blankenship, a local boy, meant for his home to symbolize “local boy made good,” although some folks consider him a local boy who is not-so-good.
Blankenship, and therefore his company, had a single-minded focus on profit. Blankenship ordered his managers to forget about building ventilation shafts and produce more coal.
Today, as rescue workers continue pulling bodies out of the underground rubble of Upper Big Branch Mine in nearby Raleigh County, let us remember who Don Blankenship is: A cheap labor conservative who busted unions, bought judges and politicians, belittled climate scientists as “greeniacs,” and deliberately sacrificed safety for higher production and profits.
The mine disaster that killed 29 miners wasn’t an accident, it was inevitable, and arguably is manslaughter. That mine isn’t a paragon of capitalist virtue; it’s a museum of safety violations.
It’s extremely rare for a president to get personally involved in a mine disaster, but President Obama is getting involved in this one. He’s meeting with mine safety regulators at the White House next week, and has promised to take a personal interest in the investigation. Good.
Blankenship exemplifies the conservative philosophy that regards workers as expendable economic inputs and tosses aside all other values in pursuit of profit and personal wealth. Conservatives put people like Blankenship on a pedestal. Liberals put them in jail.
This is what our country will be if we let conservatives run it. We don’t need bipartisanship in this country. We need to defeat conservatives and stomp their discreditable ideology so far into the dirt that it will never rise again. Conservatives hate America, and hate Americans. They love only themselves and money. Instead of trying to cut deals with them (and why bother? because they won’t deal with us anyway), we ought to direct all our energies and resources into trying to crush them. There is no middle ground with these people, and after the health care fight, I hope the president is beginning to see this. Republicans are evil bastards, and the Devil doesn’t deal in good faith.
There is no middle ground with these people, and after the health care fight, I hope the president is beginning to see this. Republicans are evil bastards, and the Devil doesn’t deal in good faith.
I couldn’t agree more.
O is not stupid, he may be the smartest person to ever hold the office, bar none.
I think he has a longer term strategy that he hasn’t (shouldn’t) share with us.
Relevant to that thought, I read this a while back and have been pondering on it a while. It’s an interesting take and I would be interested in your opinion, Roger.
as always Puddynutz runs in hiding, under his bed in fear of terrorists. He should be afraid of Republicans, if he knew any better.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
@12…beats being afraid of heterosexuals…
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
You old dummy… Puddy not hiding. Puddy trying out for a barbershop quartet today. Puddy was accepted. You on the other hand are still what you are. Fudgepacker.
Since you forget being driven by your butt… who was working on this drug benefit with GW Bush? Puddy will wait…
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The WEA, which owns the State Democrat Party and Goverernor, does illegal things including violate Teachers Right to Free Speech…and blows a bunch of Teacher’s dues money on a frivilous Appeal that they LOST!!
After almost ten years, the closing chapter in the Davenport v. WEA lawsuit has been written. This lawsuit was part of EFF’s fight to secure the free speech rights of teachers here in Washington and, ultimately, helped protect the free speech rights of union workers in every other state!
This Monday, the Washington Education Association (WEA) came to a final settlement with the teachers who brought the Davenport v. WEA lawsuit. At last the WEA has been held accountable for its violations of free speech rights and campaign finance violations.
Between the settlement with the State reached earlier, and this week’s settlement with the Davenport teachers, the union will pay $1.2 million in penalties and restitution, not to mention the attorneys fees spent to defend itself. Teachers who are eligible under the terms of the settlements can expect a refund of union payments (plus interest) that were improperly spent.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
And Oba-Mao continues to suck!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 30% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13.
Sixty-six percent (66%) believe that America is overtaxed. Only 25% disagree.
When the Bush Tax Cuts expire, Oba-Mao & the Dummocrats will be branded as raising taxes….Just what Americans Hate.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Another Dummocrat losing support..
This Dem was previously considered a shoe-in!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
New Hampshire Governor John Lynch’s reelection support has dropped below 50% in one key match-up for the first time this year.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in New Hampshire shows the Democratic incumbent earning 47% of the vote
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The Tea Party will soon launch efforts in this NH Governor’s Race.
I’m sure you KLOWNS cannot see the impact of motivated Real Americans pulling together based on Constitutional Conservative principles.
That’s ok…keep mocking & ridiculing.
It will be written that ARROGANCE lead to the expiration of Progressivism.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Had your KLOWNmander in Chief set his ego aside and truly engaged Tea Partiers over a year ago, Oba-Mao would be over 50% Approval.
He and his henchmen misjudged the resilience and even the composition of the Tea Party.
Y’all arrogantly believed that anyone who dared disagree with Oba-mao was a racist or a Republican.
You missed the whole Unaffiliated Group that actually elected Oba-Mao.
Now you are down 2-1 with unaffiliateds!
Way to go numbnutz!!
You cannot take back the months of ridicule and try to engage Tea Partiers now. The damage is done and irreversible.
At least Republicans saw the opportunity to embrace this movement.
HOWEVER, Republicans should be aware that their votes & actions will also be scrutinized.
Any more Big Government spending & programs will not be tolerated…from either side.
@14 – Puddy your true colors come out – Is it the Bible that teaches you how to be a bigot, or is it Confederate Month that has upset you. Have fun singing with the 3 other fags – maybe you could hum a tune in celebration of Confederate Month. Will you be shining shoes the same time you sing? The GOP is looking for a new Chairman, maybe you are on you way up, and you can help with planning some better Confederate celebrations in the future – maybe some good lynchings. I know you probably want to lynch a few fudgepackers.
Puddybud Remembers ylb arschloch is an arschlochspews:
Neither. Besides, how can an oppressed people be bigots. We blacks are the oppressed. We’s still waiting for our slave reparations from all you progressive whiteys. What’s the holdup fool?
Lynch you? Hell no. Jesus will deal with you in the final judgment.
All of the quartet are married and three of us have multiple children.
Still waiting for Gman to tell Puddy who worked with President GW Bush on the drug benefit. Apparently Gman has no memory! Well he his a 24 hour moronic mildless Moonbat! with a memory malady.
See ya.
Leave it to a conservative to use a democrat as and scapegoat. Who cares what democrat worked with GWB on Medicare – he sold it, and got a Republican dominated congress to buy in and then signed the bill. Own it douche bag.
And, I don’t know if you know, but there are men married with children via heterosexual marriage that are gay. Keep singing you fag.
Happy Confederate Month – Reparations? lol. Yeah, you’ll be lucky if they don’t take your right to vote away from you.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
I read an article the other day about “naked hot yoga”(for men only)…..made me throw up in my mouth…
Too bad you didn’t choke on your own vomit.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
lol..naked hot yoga gman….
IF you think yoga in the nude is perverted, then yes you are a pervert yourself, like many other heterosexuals like you, you are in denial and a self righteous pig.
Vince with Slap-Chopspews:
whats wrong with hot yoga and clothes? why do you guys always turn everything into some sexual gang bang experience?
and denial of what? sorry, but hairy butts definitely DONT drive me nuts…
@21 “We’s still waiting for our slave reparations from all you progressive whiteys.”
Here’s a nickel. Keep the change.
@28. let’s be honest, there are plenty of heterosexual freaks out there too. Vince, are you sure those yoga guys weren’t heterosexual? What book, magazine or paper are you reading where they are talking about gay yoga men? You reading gay shit? Where else would a story like that pop up, that you would be reading? You are in denial of being a pervert yourself.
He’s from Tacoma. That’s a good thing, I would think.
Oh how pissed Casey Treat must be that he was passed over for the job.
“This week it became impossible in Massachusetts for small businesses and individuals to buy health-care coverage after Governor Deval Patrick imposed price controls on premiums. Read on, because under ObamaCare this kind of political showdown will soon be coming to an insurance market near you.” Price controls… isn’t that the bane of a libtardo progressive?
“Yet all of the major Massachusetts insurers are nonprofits. Three of largest four—Blue Cross Blue Shield, Tufts Health Plan and Fallon Community Health—posted operating losses in 2009.” What? Non-profits losing money? This can’t be. Progressive libtardos want to make sure profitable insurers lose money. They said it on HA and other whack-job web sites.
“One irony is that Mr. Patrick’s own Attorney General and his insurance regulators have concluded—to their apparent surprise—that the reason Massachusetts premiums are the highest in the nation is the underlying cost of health care, not the supposed industry abuses that Mr. Patrick and his political mentor President Obama like to cite.” No… Really… Well it seems another of those hope and change lies is coming to light.
Yep this is our future. The underlying cost of health care is the culprit. So you implement price controls or you ration health care as they mentioned in the Des Moines Register oped! Hmmm… and this is their model for OdumbaCare?
Some sad news out of Europe. Earlier today(local time), a plane carrying the President of Poland and others crashed in Western Russia, with no survivors. They were en-route to mark the 70th anniversary of the massacre of Polish Prisoners at the hands of Stalin’s secret police in the Katyn Forest. The plane was a Soviet-era Tupolev jet.
In Britain, the House of Commons has been dissolved ahead of the General Election in May, of which campaigning has now officialy begun. Last year it looked like the Tories would cruise to a majority. Now it is a dead heat between Labour and Conservative, with the Liberal Democratic Party, also called the LibDems, holding the balance of power in their first hung parliament in decades. Although it looks like the LibDems might side with the Tories. It’s not like Canada where the Conservatives survive in a minority parliament because of the Seperatist Bloc holding 50 seats(most of Quebec’s 76), and the New Democratic Party and Liberals can’t agree on when to vote against the government to force an election.
Oh my… someone with both eyes on porn, not just their left eye… This guy was sick. I can’t imagine how Puddy would react if that was my daughter taped by that scumbag!
Hey Puddy, Happy Confederate Month. Yeeha.
Hey Puddy, how do you like GWB’s 2003 Medicare Bill that cost $500 Billion over Ten Years? And basically all it does is provide drugs for retirees.
@ 6 – just call it heterosexual love.
Don Blankenship, the $15-million-a-year CEO of Massey Energy, built his ostentatious mansion on a prominent hill in Mingo County, West Virginia, a storied place that was the scene of the legendary Hatfield-McCoy feud and the Matewan massacre.
Blankenship’s palace stands in stark contrast with the surrounding working-class homes. Mingo is a poverty-stricken place, where 30% of the population lives below the federal poverty level. Blankenship, a local boy, meant for his home to symbolize “local boy made good,” although some folks consider him a local boy who is not-so-good.
Blankenship, and therefore his company, had a single-minded focus on profit. Blankenship ordered his managers to forget about building ventilation shafts and produce more coal.
Today, as rescue workers continue pulling bodies out of the underground rubble of Upper Big Branch Mine in nearby Raleigh County, let us remember who Don Blankenship is: A cheap labor conservative who busted unions, bought judges and politicians, belittled climate scientists as “greeniacs,” and deliberately sacrificed safety for higher production and profits.
The mine disaster that killed 29 miners wasn’t an accident, it was inevitable, and arguably is manslaughter. That mine isn’t a paragon of capitalist virtue; it’s a museum of safety violations.
It’s extremely rare for a president to get personally involved in a mine disaster, but President Obama is getting involved in this one. He’s meeting with mine safety regulators at the White House next week, and has promised to take a personal interest in the investigation. Good.
Blankenship exemplifies the conservative philosophy that regards workers as expendable economic inputs and tosses aside all other values in pursuit of profit and personal wealth. Conservatives put people like Blankenship on a pedestal. Liberals put them in jail.
This is what our country will be if we let conservatives run it. We don’t need bipartisanship in this country. We need to defeat conservatives and stomp their discreditable ideology so far into the dirt that it will never rise again. Conservatives hate America, and hate Americans. They love only themselves and money. Instead of trying to cut deals with them (and why bother? because they won’t deal with us anyway), we ought to direct all our energies and resources into trying to crush them. There is no middle ground with these people, and after the health care fight, I hope the president is beginning to see this. Republicans are evil bastards, and the Devil doesn’t deal in good faith.
I couldn’t agree more.
O is not stupid, he may be the smartest person to ever hold the office, bar none.
I think he has a longer term strategy that he hasn’t (shouldn’t) share with us.
Relevant to that thought, I read this a while back and have been pondering on it a while. It’s an interesting take and I would be interested in your opinion, Roger.
as always Puddynutz runs in hiding, under his bed in fear of terrorists. He should be afraid of Republicans, if he knew any better.
@12…beats being afraid of heterosexuals…
You old dummy… Puddy not hiding. Puddy trying out for a barbershop quartet today. Puddy was accepted. You on the other hand are still what you are. Fudgepacker.
Since you forget being driven by your butt… who was working on this drug benefit with GW Bush? Puddy will wait…
The WEA, which owns the State Democrat Party and Goverernor, does illegal things including violate Teachers Right to Free Speech…and blows a bunch of Teacher’s dues money on a frivilous Appeal that they LOST!!
After almost ten years, the closing chapter in the Davenport v. WEA lawsuit has been written. This lawsuit was part of EFF’s fight to secure the free speech rights of teachers here in Washington and, ultimately, helped protect the free speech rights of union workers in every other state!
This Monday, the Washington Education Association (WEA) came to a final settlement with the teachers who brought the Davenport v. WEA lawsuit. At last the WEA has been held accountable for its violations of free speech rights and campaign finance violations.
Between the settlement with the State reached earlier, and this week’s settlement with the Davenport teachers, the union will pay $1.2 million in penalties and restitution, not to mention the attorneys fees spent to defend itself. Teachers who are eligible under the terms of the settlements can expect a refund of union payments (plus interest) that were improperly spent.
And Oba-Mao continues to suck!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
When the Bush Tax Cuts expire, Oba-Mao & the Dummocrats will be branded as raising taxes….Just what Americans Hate.
Another Dummocrat losing support..
This Dem was previously considered a shoe-in!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Tea Party will soon launch efforts in this NH Governor’s Race.
I’m sure you KLOWNS cannot see the impact of motivated Real Americans pulling together based on Constitutional Conservative principles.
That’s ok…keep mocking & ridiculing.
It will be written that ARROGANCE lead to the expiration of Progressivism.
Had your KLOWNmander in Chief set his ego aside and truly engaged Tea Partiers over a year ago, Oba-Mao would be over 50% Approval.
He and his henchmen misjudged the resilience and even the composition of the Tea Party.
Y’all arrogantly believed that anyone who dared disagree with Oba-mao was a racist or a Republican.
You missed the whole Unaffiliated Group that actually elected Oba-Mao.
Now you are down 2-1 with unaffiliateds!
Way to go numbnutz!!
You cannot take back the months of ridicule and try to engage Tea Partiers now. The damage is done and irreversible.
At least Republicans saw the opportunity to embrace this movement.
HOWEVER, Republicans should be aware that their votes & actions will also be scrutinized.
Any more Big Government spending & programs will not be tolerated…from either side.
@14 – Puddy your true colors come out – Is it the Bible that teaches you how to be a bigot, or is it Confederate Month that has upset you. Have fun singing with the 3 other fags – maybe you could hum a tune in celebration of Confederate Month. Will you be shining shoes the same time you sing? The GOP is looking for a new Chairman, maybe you are on you way up, and you can help with planning some better Confederate celebrations in the future – maybe some good lynchings. I know you probably want to lynch a few fudgepackers.
Neither. Besides, how can an oppressed people be bigots. We blacks are the oppressed. We’s still waiting for our slave reparations from all you progressive whiteys. What’s the holdup fool?
Lynch you? Hell no. Jesus will deal with you in the final judgment.
All of the quartet are married and three of us have multiple children.
Still waiting for Gman to tell Puddy who worked with President GW Bush on the drug benefit. Apparently Gman has no memory! Well he his a 24 hour moronic mildless Moonbat! with a memory malady.
See ya.
Leave it to a conservative to use a democrat as and scapegoat. Who cares what democrat worked with GWB on Medicare – he sold it, and got a Republican dominated congress to buy in and then signed the bill. Own it douche bag.
And, I don’t know if you know, but there are men married with children via heterosexual marriage that are gay. Keep singing you fag.
Happy Confederate Month – Reparations? lol. Yeah, you’ll be lucky if they don’t take your right to vote away from you.
I read an article the other day about “naked hot yoga”(for men only)…..made me throw up in my mouth…
Too bad you didn’t choke on your own vomit.
lol..naked hot yoga gman….
IF you think yoga in the nude is perverted, then yes you are a pervert yourself, like many other heterosexuals like you, you are in denial and a self righteous pig.
whats wrong with hot yoga and clothes? why do you guys always turn everything into some sexual gang bang experience?
and denial of what? sorry, but hairy butts definitely DONT drive me nuts…
@21 “We’s still waiting for our slave reparations from all you progressive whiteys.”
Here’s a nickel. Keep the change.
@28. let’s be honest, there are plenty of heterosexual freaks out there too. Vince, are you sure those yoga guys weren’t heterosexual? What book, magazine or paper are you reading where they are talking about gay yoga men? You reading gay shit? Where else would a story like that pop up, that you would be reading? You are in denial of being a pervert yourself.