24″ of global warming in Washington DC
Scott Brown in the Senate
Nancy Pelosi on the hook for ethics violations over family members on military planes
Harry Reid in 5th place in his senate reelection bid
Obama fighting to not be the worst president ever.
Jimmy Carter secretly hoping Obama will get his name off that record.
I don’t fear change. I’m rather enjoying it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In today’s rag, the fishwrapper’s editorial freakshow blows up at the idea that a simple majority of the legislature could hike taxes, but apprentice publisher Ryan Blethen thinks Congress and the Administration should interfere with a private business deal, namely Comcast’s acquisition of NBC from General Electric. Read it here
Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit is a Washington resident who, on the one hand, pays as few Washington taxes as possible and, on the other hand, benefits from as many tax-supported public services as possible.
In addition, Roger Rabbit owns stock in General Electric and doesn’t own stock in Comcast, and as far as he’s concerned, GE can’t offload NBC to Comcast fast enough. While Roger feels sorry for Comcast shareholders, that’s their fucking problem; they should have bought GE’s stock instead, and owning NBC is a consequence of their bad personal choices.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 To the simple conservative mind, a snowstorm in Washington D.C. proves global warming is a hoax, the earth is flat, and the universe is only 6,000 years old.
This is a Seattle-area political blog. So why aren’t I seeing any analysis on how the new mayor is doing?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
delbert @ 1–
This ought to put a smile on your face all weekend! The failure of Kommander O-Bonehead!
And BTW, this is from the Democrat-leaning Rasmussen Poll who had Brown/Coakley a toss-up and Brown won by 5 points!
Saturday, February 06, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove which Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15. That matches the President’s ratings just before the State-of-the-Union Address. While Obama received a modest bounce in his ratings following the speech, today’s results suggest that the bounce is over.
Voters continue to trust Republicans more than Democrats on most key issues facing the nation, but the gap is smaller now when it comes to the economy. Forty-six percent (46%) trust the GOP more when it comes to the economy while 42% trust the Democrats more. The American people overwhelmingly reject the basics of Keynesian economics: only 11% believe more deficit spending is needed to spur the economy while 70% say deficit cutting is the answer.
Shows me Obam-Mao can now only get a bounce for a couple of days! Americans overwhelmingly view him as an untrustworthy bullshitter…who says one thing and does the opposite.
To tell Americans during his SOU that the Deficit is critical to him…and then turn around and propose a massive $1.9 Trillion Deficit just a few days later is mind-numbing.
Perhaps Rahm was talking about his incompetent boss when we was viciously rambling about F—ing Retards??????????????
It truly is unbelievable that Obam-Mao stands behind Eric Holder. If you recall, when Holder was appointed, I said he would be the first major appointee to go.
Obam-Mao will eventually throw Holder under the bus..but Americans realize it was ultimately Obam-Mao’s decision to give terrorists rights & trials in US Courts. Obam-Mao CHOSE to allow Holder to make the choice. he EMPOWERED Holder the Lunatic!
The buck however, stops with OBAM-MAO!
Keep hugging Obam-Mao the Progressive Cactus you numbskulls.
I love going back to the Leftist Pinheaded KLOWN posts about everything Obam-Mao and the Dummocrats were gonna due to rich folks and COnservatives!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey, you Progressives need to brainstorm another name! You switched from Kommies to Progressive after folks found out what you were really up to. Now, you need a new monikor–per the Democrat-leaning Rasmussen Poll– Friday, February 05, 2010
If you’re a politician, don’t call yourself a populist. And liberal isn’t much better. Populist is the least popular of five common political labels, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of likely voters. It’s more fashionable to be viewed as a conservative, less so to be called a progressive, the label adopted by many liberals.
Forty percent (40%) of U.S. voters view being described politically as a conservative as a positive description. That’s up eight points from last September and even up three from just after the November 2008 election. Sixteen percent (16%) say conservative is a negative description, and 43% put it somewhere in between negative and positive. In distant second place in terms of popularity is the political description progressive. Twenty-two percent (22%) now view that as a positive description, but that’s a 10-point drop from September and down 18 points from November 2008. For 35%, progressive is a political negative, and 36% place it somewhere in between.
Being a Progressive is kind of like havin’ syphillis!
1 – 24 degrees in D.C. – that’s a heat wave compared other places this time of year.. Ooooh it’s cold outside. Must mean we can’t take a cargo cruise in the summer:
Brown? A first nude model in the U.S. Senate. Only on the right..
Pelosi? Like game changer Sarah didn’t do this..
The settlement between Gov. Sarah Palin and investigator Tim Petumenos highlights nine trips — or portions of trips — made by members of Palin’s family at state expense.
“I should prove, what, a birth certificate that may or may not exist?” Farah had gotten irritated. “That’s ridiculous. You don’t even understand the fundamental tenets of what journalism is about, Andrew. It’s not about proving things. It’s about asking questions and seeking truth.”
Breitbart tensed up after that insult. “Right.”
“I know you’re not a journalist, so that’s fine. But don’t diminish people who’ve been doing this for 35 years.
“So you’re going to go on record saying that I’m not a journalist?”
“Are you? I’ve never heard you claim to be. Are you?”
“I’ll let it be answered by you.”
“Well, I knew Drudge didn’t consider himself a journalist, so I assumed that you were. … I don’t know, I’m not trying to insult you.”
“You did.”
At that point, Judson Phillips — who had spotted a very small crowd around us — walked into the fray and tried to simmer everyone down with a joke.
“I can give you absolutely conclusive and definitive proof that Obama’s birth certificate does not exist. How else do you explain why Joe Biden is vice president?”
That more or less ended the conversation — Farah moved on, and agreed to talk more about why he and WorldNetDaily continued to pursue stories on Obama’s citizenship. The citizenship issue had stuck around and taken off, he said, “because of us.” He ran stories asking questions about the issue — including stories that were quickly debunked — because the rest of the media wasn’t asking the questions.
“Do you think this has made my life easier, doing this?” asked Farah. “I used to be on TV all the time. I haven’t been on Fox News once since I started talking about this.”
As a kid, I stomped to school through 2 feet of snow all the time. Now it happens once in a while, and you think its news?
Wait until summer. Call me if you still think Maryland is getting colder.
Wee!!! Meds and therapy can help.
Deep open thread thought…
Will Jenny McCarthy stop now?
Weather and climate aren’t the same thing.
Scott Brown’s pro-choice & pro gay marriage.
Many of us have called for ethics violators of both parties to be gotten rid of.
Reid hasn’t delivered much. His seat might just go to someone that could help deliver what the left wants.
Obama’s worked to get a lot of reforms in place in his first year and is about where Saint Ronnie was popularity wise after his first year. As things calm down Obama’s ratings will go up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Because your fellow trolls are a bunch of lazy good-for-nothings who aren’t willing to make the effort. Nor, for that matter, are you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
7, 8 — Even the most troglodyte trolls would concede the earth is at least 6000 years old, but I don’t know anyone who would argue that Mr. Klown is more than 6 years old.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 The funniest thing of all about those teabaggers is they actually paid over $500 each for the privilege of listening to each other’s rants.
I wonder how conservatives, those that are pro life and pro military, are dealing with decision by the Pentagon to provide the morning after pill. You would think that there would be some outcry of preaching. The US Military – Baby Killers. So you can discipline your people on how to make a bed nice and tidy, but you can’t keep them from abstaining from sex or practice safe sex by using a condom. I wonder what kind of diseases they are spreading?
Hopefully they will not overturn “Don’t ask, Don’t Tell”, because you know what is going to happen then, these GI’s will start to drink heavily, have more sex and get more tattoos, the straight ones that is…and the gay ones will be going to the shower with their dick’s in their hand swinging it like a baton. And the lesbians will be pressing their tits together and licking the crack of their cleavage.
Integrity or Bigotry, Conservatives side with Bigotry. Now how can they even speak to any issue without totally irrelevancy. Conservatives are the anti-Christ in sheep’s clothing. Bastards.
@9 Palin, who got elected governor by campaigning against corruption, turned out to be a common thief who, among other things, stole $13 from taxpayers to send her kid to see “Beauty and the Beast.” Too funny!
I would have been fired from my state job, and probably prosecuted as well, if I had put something like that on my official travel vouchers.
Wingnuts are continually complaining about “waste” and “abuse” in government spending. I once worked under a Republican appointee for several years. I remember one time he disallowed a one-cent parking meter fee from a co-worker’s travel voucher. His explanation was my co-worker should have parked six blocks away and walked to the state office, instead of parking in the same block.
But these same people don’t see anything wrong with Palin hitting up taxpayers for hundreds of thousands of dollars to send her kids on junkets, put them up in fancy hotels, feeding them in fine restaurants, and even sending them to movies and state shows.
That’s Republican double standards hard at work. Why would anyone who works hard and pays taxes vote for these people?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“stage shows” not “state shows”
Broadway Joespews:
Amen, Roger. Millionaires chortling it up to closet Klansmen demanding a return to Jim Crow laws….. There’s your ‘grassroots movement’ for you. More like a bowel movement to me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 (continued) By now it’s old news that volunteers and speakers quit when they learned the “Tea Part Convention” is a for-profit business to financially benefit organizer Judson Phillips and his wife.
Phillips has gone bankrupt, been divorced, and had IRS lien filed against him. His law practice consists of putting drunk drivers back on the road. He’s apparently still struggling financially, because he meets clients at a local Starbucks.
Phillips didn’t tell the dozens of volunteers who donated hundreds of labor to his “convention” that it was a money-making enterprise. When they found out, many walked out. Phillips has been quoted as saying he hopes to “make a million dollars” from his group, Tea Party Nation.
He just might, as the self-appointed “leader” of a mob of suckers who howl about government spending on schools, libraries, and health care but shower millions of their own money on the likes of Coulter, Palin, and now Phillips.
If Pudwacker’s around, any reaction to the news that the author of the Reuters story criticized by the administration, the one you tried to make into an issue, no longer works for Reuters?
Hmmm…Reuters pulled the story citing “significant errors of fact.” Then they said a corrected story would appear. Then they spiked it alltogether and the reporter is gone. Is there a Blair/Glass parallel here?
Another one blows up in your face.
It came accross the wires the other day that Phillips took out a loan from a private backer for fifty thousand bucks as a down payment for Palin’s one hundred thousand dollar speaking fee. The note came due, but Phillips didn’t have the money-not enough baggers had coughed up. There was some rattling at that time (a week, week and a half ago) that Palin might pull out. Her steadfast moral crusade only goes so far without the long green.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wall Street Investment Banker Grades Obama
We all know President Obama is a socialist out to destroy capitalism, right? Well, at least the trogs know it, with the same certitude that they know the King James version of the Bible is corrupted by liberal bias and propaganda that distorts the real meaning of Jesus’ ministery (“God wants you to be rich”).
Now, I know Wall Street isn’t exactly real popular right now, either with liberals or conservatives, but in order to address the issue of President Obama’s performance in office on the conservatives’ own turf, I pulled this interview with a leading Wall Street investment banker out of Barron’s, a conservative-leaning business publication, to get the capitalist viewpoint on how the President is doing.
Unfortunately, unless you’re a Barron’s subscriber, you can’t get this article online, but you can find it at your newsstand or library in the February 8 issue on page 41 et seq.
“What is your assessment of President Obama’s first year in office?
“I’d give President Obama a agood grade. First, he’s achieve a great deal … in restoring American’s standing around the world … and I suspect with more time he’ll do more. …
“The second thing his administration has done is a brillion job on the financial crisis. It is easy to forget what conditions were on Jan. 20, 2009 … between the stimulus plan, the stress tests, the TARP, and a series of other steps they took, it was extraordinary. I don’t think most people would have imagined that the financial system could have recovered to the degree that it has in the past year … they deserve very high marks for that.
“Third, the president’s geopolitical strategies in general are sound. You have got very difficult issues … [t]he president’s approachs in general are appropriate, and more so than with his predecessor.”
Altman goes on to suggest the administration needs to do more about post-2010 deficit reduction, and says the administration’s “relationship with the business community is not as smooth or as good as it should be.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The blind, mindless criticism of President Obama by the trogs is unpatriotic. Here, one of the nation’s most prominent capitalists calls Obama’s management of America’s worst economic crisis since the 1930s nothing short of “brilliant.” To be against him on that is, in my opinion, to hate your own money and to hate America. Only very stupid people think Bush did a better job of managing foreign relations and the terrorism threat than Obama is doing. To call FDR, who saved capitalism, a “socialist” is idiotic; and to call Obama, who just saved capitalism again, a “socialist” is equally idiotic. But then, conservatives have never been known for being very bright.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
17. Michael spews:
Reid hasn’t delivered much. His seat might just go to someone that could help deliver what the left wants.
Not likely. Even if Reid cowardly decides to not face certain re-election defeat, the ugliness of what Reid/Pelosi/Obam-Mao tried to pull on America is still waaaay too fresh in folks mind. Michael, you are in denial about the chasm between the Progressive Agenda and the Majority of Americans.
Obama’s worked to get a lot of reforms in place in his first year and is about where Saint Ronnie was popularity wise after his first year. As things calm down Obama’s ratings will go up.
Barry O-Bonehead ain’t no Ronald Reagan. Barry has lied & mislead the public repeatedly. Plus, times are much different now with Internet and CableTV. Obam-Mao has made sooooooo many huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge mistakes, folks will not be allowed to forget them. They are bombarded 24-7 with Obam-Mao’s stupidity.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
7 Washington State Democrats found to have STOLEN MONEY from the taxpayers!! Have to pay it back…but nothing more. So in Washington State, if you are a Democrat, you can steal..if you get caught, you pay it back with no consequences!
Now there is accountability!
And yet another DEMOCRAT Political Scandal in Obam-MaoLand ILLINOIS!!
The most corrupt, seedy Democrat stronghold that brought us Blago, Obam-Mao, Rahm Emmanual and now…………COHEN!!!
Where do you KLOWNS dredge up these bottom-feeders?? Apparently, the Chicago Sewers have backed up yielding these loony Democrats!
“STOLEN MONEY” Eh, Dems sometimes do shit like that. On the other hand, if you hear about some freaky pedophile wearing a panda costume? heh- Definitely a Republican.
Cynical: ” . . . the ugliness of what Reid/Pelosi/Obam-Mao tried to pull on America is still waaaay too fresh in folks mind.”
Do you honestly believe these people are trying to “pull” one on America? If so, what would that be? In your partisan, narrow world, is there any place at all for recognizing that well-meaning people can differ politically on what is best for this country?
Michael, you are in denial about the chasm between the Progressive Agenda and the Majority of Americans.
And you’re in denial about the majority of American’s view of the far right, so we’re even. Whomever wins this race wont be calling for the kinds of things you’ve been calling for on HA.
Hell, even your hero in MA is pro-choice and pro gay marriage.
proud leftistspews:
Cyn doesn’t do denial. That’s why we love him so.
i guess horsesass is with the pi in silence on mayor mcginn’s aide fraud story. you’d think this would crack the front page.
43 – Level headed folks don’t fear global warming.
They fear the consequences of not doing anything about it..
Wingnuts fear… Well it’s something new every hour..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 Every years of diligent sleuthing Mr. Klown finally came up with a Democratic scandal worth exactly $126.00. (7 lunches x $18.00 each.) Congratulations.
@29 Wall Street Investment Banker Grades Obama
Roger Altman has been a big campaign contributor to Dems, you dope, including Obama’s Inauguration and Dems who were big recipients of Wall Street money: Barbara Boxer, Charles Schumer and Harry Reid among others:
It’s just amazing to think you ever practiced law IN ANY CAPACITY, dumb bunny.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In Mr. Klown’s crazy world, getting a free lunch is a major scandal. Republicans think people other than themselves are supposed to go without eating. They consider food for the working class an unnecessary extravagance.
Yeah forgot about that. Over at that tea bagger’s convention, ACORN’s being blamed for everything from the boil on Limbaugh’s ass to JOK III’s overnight stay in the Bernard Parish lockup.
I hear you. Hey what is that, is that my shadow??? Oh no global warming WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!!!
@42, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?????
Um. Shadow means sun is out. You know summer. The season that libs hyperventilate about global warming. Can you connect to dots from here?
Notice how ylb arschloch continually focuses on Scott Brown and his posing nude many moons ago.
Puddy told you this fool and is left porn perv eye was a few chips short of a full brick. He continues to focus on sex.
If I remember, you said you were around 30 with two children. I have no idea if you have a girl but let’s assume so. She comes home at 13 and says: “My clueless father, I lost my virginity today. God it hurt but he later ate my pussy and I got a male induced orgasm. Clueless daddy, it felt so good that I’m gonna fuck behind your back!” So if that’s the case cluelessASS how would you feel knowing your daughter has chosen to be a nympho slut? Oh… that’s right she’s the offspring of a librul, she can do anything she wants!
Who else but family-values Republicans would run a male centerfold for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, and female porn stars for governor of California and U.S. Senate in Louisiana?
The Centristspews:
re 54: To be fair, I don’t believe anyone could think their way out of a paper bag. You’d have to take some sort of action — like climbing out of the top.
The conservative would just stay inside the paper bag on the supposition that it was probably worse out there.
@50 “He continues to focus on sex.”
Just keep in mind that this is coming from the batshit crazy loon who was revealed to be having conversations with his sockpuppet about his dick.
Um, nothing strange about that kind of behavior, right, Puddy?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
While you KLOWNS wallow in denial in the People’s Dumbass Republic of Seattle–
The rest of America tells Obam-Mao he is wrong!
From the Democrat-leaning Rasmussen Poll (It’s Democrat-leaning because it had Brown/Coakley a toss-up and Brown won by 5 points!)
Sunday, February 07, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove which gives Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17.
Overall, 44% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance. That matches the lowest level of overall approval yet measured for this president. Fifty-six percent (56%) now disapprove.
The silver-tongued, mesmerizing self-idolizing l’il messiah has lost his touch, hasn’t he?
A little bounce for just a day or 2…then Obam-Mao plummets to worse levels than pre-SOU!!
I absolutely love the rejection of the Progressive Politics.
You KLOWNS seized power…and blew it in a matter of months.
You have the Negative Midas Touch.
If someone gave you a bar of gold, you’d turn it into a steaming, dripping bar of crap in a matter of days.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The Democratic agenda is “running out of time,” former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Saturday at the National Tea Party Convention, claiming that the conservative tea party movement is part of a brewing “revolution” that constitutes the “future of politics.”
You KLOWNS and your KLOWN-in-Chief and all his handlers made the horrible mistake of underestimating the Tea Party Movement and mocking/ridiculing it. The key fiscal principles encompass what America really wants from it’s government….Virtually all Conservatives, all independents and a good chunk of Democrats desire this.
You Progressives need to wake up cuz the Tidal Wave just struck with a gentle first blow. The big hit is just around the corner.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The Times calls out Gregoire and the Unions!
62 – Huh! Just elect Queen Sarah and her minions so they can do what they did in Alaska – buy off voters cheaply, wreak havoc with silly, ineffective policies, indulge their whims like lords and ladies of the manor and punish their critics.
61 – The Klown is amping up his hatred with each of those feckless posts of a partisan poller..
This isn’t just coming from the Times, it’s coming from Dems:
Democratic leaders say more needs to be done and public employees should be part of the solution to balance the budget this session.
“We’re going to have to slim down government. We can’t be all things to all people,” said Sen. Rodney Tom, D-Bellevue, vice chairman of the Senate Ways and Means Committee.
“I don’t want to balance the budget on their backs, but I also believe we have to reduce the footprint of government,” said Rep. Kelli Linville, D-Bellingham, chairwoman of the House Ways and Means Committee.
No doubt a lot of these lawmakers are getting an earful from their constituents.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Gregoire and these Democrat fools act like they are only now becoming aware of this problem. Don’t be fooled…these are merely words that make them look dumber if you think about it.
Where is the A-C-T-I-O-N???
What is the friggin’ Plan??
They have no plan???\
Reckless & Irresponsible.
The Plan is to keep paying off the Union!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 Palin isn’t waiting for the “revolution.” She’s already staged her own “revolution” by stealing from Alaska taxpayers and cheating on her Alaska taxes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 “Cut Salaries and Benefits now.”
No. Now that the Seattle Times is out of the financial woods (they said so on their front page today), it’s time to reinstate the newspaper tax; and while we’re at it, you can afford to pay more taxes. You’re making a lot of money from your stock flipping and gold hoarding, right? How many pay cuts did you ever agree to in your lifetime? You have no right to expect other people to work for less than the fair value of their labor.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 I personally can live with pay cuts and furloughs if that’s what they decide to do, because I don’t work for them anymore. They can’t cut my pension because that’s a legally binding contract, and as you know, contracts are inviolate.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
70. Roger Rabbit spews:
@66 I personally can live with pay cuts and furloughs if that’s what they decide to do, because I don’t work for them anymore. They can’t cut my pension because that’s a legally binding contract, and as you know, contracts are inviolate.
Not if the State declares bankruptcy Mr. Attorney.
Puddybud identifies feckless ylb arschoch as a boobspews:
Ahhh Steve, still dwelling on that? that’s all the arschloch has. Koro disease fool? Jealous God “stiffed” you? Not hanging around much anymore?
Puddybud identifies feckless ylb arschoch as a boobspews:
When it comes to Rasmussen, ignore ylb arschloch. He is a useless, feckless, worthless boob when it comes to facts. He believes in Daily Kos polling, the fools they are…
Yeah just keep on hating – Obama, liberals, you know anyone who doesn’t suck up to the Lord of Montana and his crazy views…
YLG's Sugar Mommaspews:
Thanks for the thoughts, hubby, but rather than focus on MY job, why not focus on your non-existent one instead of sitting on your butt all day posting drivel on HA!
The kids need a father who’s not afraid to work!
The History of Republican Evil
The Republican Party was formed in 1854 specifically to oppose the Democrats, and for more than 150 years, they have done everything they could to block the Democrat agenda. In their abuses of power, they have even used threats and military violence to thwart the Democrat Party’s attempts to make this a progressive country. As you read the following Republican atrocities that span three centuries, imagine if you will, what a far different nation the United States would be had not the Republicans been around to block the Democrats’ efforts.
March 20, 1854
Opponents of Democrats’ pro-slavery policies meet in Ripon, Wisconsin to establish the Republican Party
May 30, 1854
Democrat President Franklin Pierce signs Democrats’ Kansas-Nebraska Act, expanding slavery into U.S. territories; opponents unite to form the Republican Party
June 16, 1854
Newspaper editor Horace Greeley calls on opponents of slavery to unite in the Republican Party
July 6, 1854
First state Republican Party officially organized in Jackson, Michigan, to oppose Democrats’ pro-slavery policies
March 19, 2003
Republican U.S. Representatives of Hispanic and Portuguese descent form Congressional Hispanic Conference
May 23, 2003
U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduces bill to establish National Museum of African American History and Culture
February 26, 2004
Hispanic Republican U.S. Rep. Henry Bonilla (R-TX) condemns racist comments by U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown (D-FL); she had called Asst. Secretary of State Roger Noriega and several Hispanic Congressmen “a bunch of white men…you all look alike to me”
* * *
There you have it. What a different country this would be, had not Republicans blocked the agenda of Democrats every step of the way. But this evil organization is far from through. Now, they want to give education vouchers to public school children, so kids of every race and class can attend private schools of their CHOICE. Where will we get our garbage collectors, dishwashers and ditch diggers if blacks, Hispanics and white trash have access to a good education? They are trying to stop undocumented immigration, meaning the cheapest labor Democrats have had since the days of slavery will be taken away. They are trying to end segregation and slavery all over again!
And in true Republican tradition, they just can’t stop poking their nose into other people’s business, trying to destroy a woman’s right to choose. They are trying to crush the secret vision of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, who once said, “”We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population…”
Is there NO end to the freedoms these fascists will try to destroy?! No matter how many lies must be told, no matter how many schoolchildren must be mis-educated, no matter how many elections must be rigged, THE REPUBLICANS MUST BE STOPPED!
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@76…maybe you should try looking for a job you lazy piece of shit…
80 – LMAO!! Maybe YOU should trying getting a life you miserable right wing shoe scraping…
Yawwwwwnnnn.. How miserable and boring it is to be a right winger. Always hating, always angry, always name-calling, always checking the AM right wing hate talk radio and silly right wing websites to know what to think, always sucking up to and willing to be used by power-mad charismatics like Sarah Palin who are almost always so vapid and empty and corrupt…
It just sucks to be them…
Puddybud identifies feckless ylb arschoch as a boobspews:
73 – Whazzamatter Stupes?? Can’t point to anything using your handle that would affect me in some way???
ylb arschloch… Don’t need to. Peeps here know you are the dumbest monomaniacal chronological brick on HA. Well Steve seems to come to your rescue lately. And for mental power Steve is the sharpest knife in the HA Libtardo drawer.
@72 “Ahhh Steve, still dwelling on that?”
Dwelling? Hardly, Puddy. I’m merely illustrating how sick your mind has become. Look, you’re the one who spent time on this blog having a back and forth conversation with your sockpuppet, MikeWebbSucks, about your dick. That is a fact. Now, I can see how you might want to believe that to be normal behavior but let me assure you that it is not.
Look, you’re the one who spent time on this blog having a back and forth conversation with your sockpuppet, MikeWebbSucks
And how long ago was that Steve? The arschloch was last week.
Steve is another chronological failure.
Oh BTW Steve, if Goldy didn’t blow my sock puppet, MWS would be unknown. Remember Puddy figgers out the other sock puppets by himself. So who has the “brain” again fool? Surely not you or ylb arschloch!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Now why did God shortchange you again?
No, not today, Puddy. Today and for many tomorrows my thoughts and prayers are going to be with someone I love so very much and who has experienced an unimaginably tragic loss. Today I can only pray that someday her heart can heal enough that she can live life again.
No, I can’t do this today, Puddy. Sorry about my post. All things considered, it was uncalled for. This day I will spend talking with God as someone I love so dearly needs a blessing awfully bad.
This guy is a republican running for WA senate. If he is in your district and if you are bored, go check out his discussion pages and ask him to justify his position on things.
He’s for education and increased teacher pay, but his plan to pay for it, is not to raise WA taxes and to get the money from the fed government.
Puddybud identifies feckless ylb arschoch as a boobspews:
Steve, my condolences to you and your friend in their loss. Puddy understands. Puddy will continue to chip the dumb brick though.
May the Peace of God be with your friend this day.
Puddybud identifies feckless ylb arschoch as a boobspews:
My wife’s public sector union is working without a contract right now.
Really ylb arschloch. Well her union gave over $60 Million to Odumba’s campaign and then had to lay off 74 peeps in the main office due to their campaign largess.
Sucks to be them for their stupid Dummocraptic jockstrapping.
Puddybud identifies feckless ylb arschoch as a boobspews:
Puddy suggested Odumba could do this because it was something GWBush championed. Ask ylb arschloch to review his HA duplicate database. Go on ya fools ask him.
“”George W. Bush is a hero in this country,” said Peter Mugyenyi, who heads Uganda?s Joint Clinical Research Centre, a leading AIDS treatment clinic.”
Sucks to be a progressive today!
Puddybud identifies feckless ylb arschoch as a boobspews:
ylb arschloch, an article on your hero Blumenthal.
He’s a continual hater just like you. Ignorant just like you too.
24″ of global warming in Washington DC
Scott Brown in the Senate
Nancy Pelosi on the hook for ethics violations over family members on military planes
Harry Reid in 5th place in his senate reelection bid
Obama fighting to not be the worst president ever.
Jimmy Carter secretly hoping Obama will get his name off that record.
I don’t fear change. I’m rather enjoying it.
In today’s rag, the fishwrapper’s editorial freakshow blows up at the idea that a simple majority of the legislature could hike taxes, but apprentice publisher Ryan Blethen thinks Congress and the Administration should interfere with a private business deal, namely Comcast’s acquisition of NBC from General Electric. Read it here
Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit is a Washington resident who, on the one hand, pays as few Washington taxes as possible and, on the other hand, benefits from as many tax-supported public services as possible.
In addition, Roger Rabbit owns stock in General Electric and doesn’t own stock in Comcast, and as far as he’s concerned, GE can’t offload NBC to Comcast fast enough. While Roger feels sorry for Comcast shareholders, that’s their fucking problem; they should have bought GE’s stock instead, and owning NBC is a consequence of their bad personal choices.
@1 To the simple conservative mind, a snowstorm in Washington D.C. proves global warming is a hoax, the earth is flat, and the universe is only 6,000 years old.
The world isn’t 6000 years old. It is 6014 years old. Get your facts straight.
God said it, I believe it, the end.
Papantonio: a man after my own heart.
But right wingers aren’t just afraid of change. They’re afraid of EVERYTHING.
They’re scared of their own freaking shadows..
This is a Seattle-area political blog. So why aren’t I seeing any analysis on how the new mayor is doing?
delbert @ 1–
This ought to put a smile on your face all weekend! The failure of Kommander O-Bonehead!
And BTW, this is from the Democrat-leaning Rasmussen Poll who had Brown/Coakley a toss-up and Brown won by 5 points!
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Shows me Obam-Mao can now only get a bounce for a couple of days! Americans overwhelmingly view him as an untrustworthy bullshitter…who says one thing and does the opposite.
To tell Americans during his SOU that the Deficit is critical to him…and then turn around and propose a massive $1.9 Trillion Deficit just a few days later is mind-numbing.
Perhaps Rahm was talking about his incompetent boss when we was viciously rambling about F—ing Retards??????????????
It truly is unbelievable that Obam-Mao stands behind Eric Holder. If you recall, when Holder was appointed, I said he would be the first major appointee to go.
Obam-Mao will eventually throw Holder under the bus..but Americans realize it was ultimately Obam-Mao’s decision to give terrorists rights & trials in US Courts. Obam-Mao CHOSE to allow Holder to make the choice. he EMPOWERED Holder the Lunatic!
The buck however, stops with OBAM-MAO!
Keep hugging Obam-Mao the Progressive Cactus you numbskulls.
I love going back to the Leftist Pinheaded KLOWN posts about everything Obam-Mao and the Dummocrats were gonna due to rich folks and COnservatives!
Hey, you Progressives need to brainstorm another name! You switched from Kommies to Progressive after folks found out what you were really up to. Now, you need a new monikor–per the Democrat-leaning Rasmussen Poll–
Friday, February 05, 2010
Being a Progressive is kind of like havin’ syphillis!
1 – 24 degrees in D.C. – that’s a heat wave compared other places this time of year.. Ooooh it’s cold outside. Must mean we can’t take a cargo cruise in the summer:
Brown? A first nude model in the U.S. Senate. Only on the right..
Pelosi? Like game changer Sarah didn’t do this..
Reid.. Well.. We could use a more dynamic Senate Majority leader..
Obama is going wipe the floor with right wing fools.
Jimmy Carter was FDR compared to the last fool who shuffled off to be a neighbor to a hate talk radio billionaire Jan 20, 2009.
Awwwwww… Joe’s still a birfer:
The loonies at the tea bagger conference are making for great entertainment..
dan @ 4
6014 years old? Heresy! You followers of the James Ussher are certainly condemned to Hell for all eternity for such blasphemy.
Every good Christian knows that God’s Earth is 6424 years old (as of January 2010).
I ask that you not repeat your Protestant lies and filth on this blog.
LMAO!! This is too funny not to quote in full:
Wow Joe what a sacrifice for your “beliefs” – not blathering bullshit on Faux News! Too funny.
I don’t like your cottage cheese thighs!
delbert @ 1
As a kid, I stomped to school through 2 feet of snow all the time. Now it happens once in a while, and you think its news?
Wait until summer. Call me if you still think Maryland is getting colder.
Wee!!! Meds and therapy can help.
Deep open thread thought…
Will Jenny McCarthy stop now?
Weather and climate aren’t the same thing.
Scott Brown’s pro-choice & pro gay marriage.
Many of us have called for ethics violators of both parties to be gotten rid of.
Reid hasn’t delivered much. His seat might just go to someone that could help deliver what the left wants.
Obama’s worked to get a lot of reforms in place in his first year and is about where Saint Ronnie was popularity wise after his first year. As things calm down Obama’s ratings will go up.
@6 Because your fellow trolls are a bunch of lazy good-for-nothings who aren’t willing to make the effort. Nor, for that matter, are you.
7, 8 — Even the most troglodyte trolls would concede the earth is at least 6000 years old, but I don’t know anyone who would argue that Mr. Klown is more than 6 years old.
@10 The funniest thing of all about those teabaggers is they actually paid over $500 each for the privilege of listening to each other’s rants.
I wonder how conservatives, those that are pro life and pro military, are dealing with decision by the Pentagon to provide the morning after pill. You would think that there would be some outcry of preaching. The US Military – Baby Killers. So you can discipline your people on how to make a bed nice and tidy, but you can’t keep them from abstaining from sex or practice safe sex by using a condom. I wonder what kind of diseases they are spreading?
Hopefully they will not overturn “Don’t ask, Don’t Tell”, because you know what is going to happen then, these GI’s will start to drink heavily, have more sex and get more tattoos, the straight ones that is…and the gay ones will be going to the shower with their dick’s in their hand swinging it like a baton. And the lesbians will be pressing their tits together and licking the crack of their cleavage.
Integrity or Bigotry, Conservatives side with Bigotry. Now how can they even speak to any issue without totally irrelevancy. Conservatives are the anti-Christ in sheep’s clothing. Bastards.
@9 Palin, who got elected governor by campaigning against corruption, turned out to be a common thief who, among other things, stole $13 from taxpayers to send her kid to see “Beauty and the Beast.” Too funny!
I would have been fired from my state job, and probably prosecuted as well, if I had put something like that on my official travel vouchers.
Wingnuts are continually complaining about “waste” and “abuse” in government spending. I once worked under a Republican appointee for several years. I remember one time he disallowed a one-cent parking meter fee from a co-worker’s travel voucher. His explanation was my co-worker should have parked six blocks away and walked to the state office, instead of parking in the same block.
But these same people don’t see anything wrong with Palin hitting up taxpayers for hundreds of thousands of dollars to send her kids on junkets, put them up in fancy hotels, feeding them in fine restaurants, and even sending them to movies and state shows.
That’s Republican double standards hard at work. Why would anyone who works hard and pays taxes vote for these people?
“stage shows” not “state shows”
Amen, Roger. Millionaires chortling it up to closet Klansmen demanding a return to Jim Crow laws….. There’s your ‘grassroots movement’ for you. More like a bowel movement to me.
@10 (continued) By now it’s old news that volunteers and speakers quit when they learned the “Tea Part Convention” is a for-profit business to financially benefit organizer Judson Phillips and his wife.
Phillips has gone bankrupt, been divorced, and had IRS lien filed against him. His law practice consists of putting drunk drivers back on the road. He’s apparently still struggling financially, because he meets clients at a local Starbucks.
Phillips didn’t tell the dozens of volunteers who donated hundreds of labor to his “convention” that it was a money-making enterprise. When they found out, many walked out. Phillips has been quoted as saying he hopes to “make a million dollars” from his group, Tea Party Nation.
He just might, as the self-appointed “leader” of a mob of suckers who howl about government spending on schools, libraries, and health care but shower millions of their own money on the likes of Coulter, Palin, and now Phillips.
Max Blumenthal has been a total tear on JOK III the right wing’s favorite fake pimp.
Bottom line: JOK III = RACIST..
Well, well, well….
If Pudwacker’s around, any reaction to the news that the author of the Reuters story criticized by the administration, the one you tried to make into an issue, no longer works for Reuters?
Hmmm…Reuters pulled the story citing “significant errors of fact.” Then they said a corrected story would appear. Then they spiked it alltogether and the reporter is gone. Is there a Blair/Glass parallel here?
Another one blows up in your face.
It came accross the wires the other day that Phillips took out a loan from a private backer for fifty thousand bucks as a down payment for Palin’s one hundred thousand dollar speaking fee. The note came due, but Phillips didn’t have the money-not enough baggers had coughed up. There was some rattling at that time (a week, week and a half ago) that Palin might pull out. Her steadfast moral crusade only goes so far without the long green.
Wall Street Investment Banker Grades Obama
We all know President Obama is a socialist out to destroy capitalism, right? Well, at least the trogs know it, with the same certitude that they know the King James version of the Bible is corrupted by liberal bias and propaganda that distorts the real meaning of Jesus’ ministery (“God wants you to be rich”).
Now, I know Wall Street isn’t exactly real popular right now, either with liberals or conservatives, but in order to address the issue of President Obama’s performance in office on the conservatives’ own turf, I pulled this interview with a leading Wall Street investment banker out of Barron’s, a conservative-leaning business publication, to get the capitalist viewpoint on how the President is doing.
Unfortunately, unless you’re a Barron’s subscriber, you can’t get this article online, but you can find it at your newsstand or library in the February 8 issue on page 41 et seq.
“What is your assessment of President Obama’s first year in office?
“I’d give President Obama a agood grade. First, he’s achieve a great deal … in restoring American’s standing around the world … and I suspect with more time he’ll do more. …
“The second thing his administration has done is a brillion job on the financial crisis. It is easy to forget what conditions were on Jan. 20, 2009 … between the stimulus plan, the stress tests, the TARP, and a series of other steps they took, it was extraordinary. I don’t think most people would have imagined that the financial system could have recovered to the degree that it has in the past year … they deserve very high marks for that.
“Third, the president’s geopolitical strategies in general are sound. You have got very difficult issues … [t]he president’s approachs in general are appropriate, and more so than with his predecessor.”
Altman goes on to suggest the administration needs to do more about post-2010 deficit reduction, and says the administration’s “relationship with the business community is not as smooth or as good as it should be.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The blind, mindless criticism of President Obama by the trogs is unpatriotic. Here, one of the nation’s most prominent capitalists calls Obama’s management of America’s worst economic crisis since the 1930s nothing short of “brilliant.” To be against him on that is, in my opinion, to hate your own money and to hate America. Only very stupid people think Bush did a better job of managing foreign relations and the terrorism threat than Obama is doing. To call FDR, who saved capitalism, a “socialist” is idiotic; and to call Obama, who just saved capitalism again, a “socialist” is equally idiotic. But then, conservatives have never been known for being very bright.
17. Michael spews:
Not likely. Even if Reid cowardly decides to not face certain re-election defeat, the ugliness of what Reid/Pelosi/Obam-Mao tried to pull on America is still waaaay too fresh in folks mind. Michael, you are in denial about the chasm between the Progressive Agenda and the Majority of Americans.
Barry O-Bonehead ain’t no Ronald Reagan. Barry has lied & mislead the public repeatedly. Plus, times are much different now with Internet and CableTV. Obam-Mao has made sooooooo many huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge mistakes, folks will not be allowed to forget them. They are bombarded 24-7 with Obam-Mao’s stupidity.
7 Washington State Democrats found to have STOLEN MONEY from the taxpayers!! Have to pay it back…but nothing more. So in Washington State, if you are a Democrat, you can steal..if you get caught, you pay it back with no consequences!
Now there is accountability!
And yet another DEMOCRAT Political Scandal in Obam-MaoLand ILLINOIS!!
The most corrupt, seedy Democrat stronghold that brought us Blago, Obam-Mao, Rahm Emmanual and now…………COHEN!!!
Too damn funny!
Where do you KLOWNS dredge up these bottom-feeders?? Apparently, the Chicago Sewers have backed up yielding these loony Democrats!
“STOLEN MONEY” Eh, Dems sometimes do shit like that. On the other hand, if you hear about some freaky pedophile wearing a panda costume? heh- Definitely a Republican.
OMFG, 7 legislators accepted $18 box lunches, stop the presses!
Yea, that’s some real “corruption” there.
Cynical: ” . . . the ugliness of what Reid/Pelosi/Obam-Mao tried to pull on America is still waaaay too fresh in folks mind.”
Do you honestly believe these people are trying to “pull” one on America? If so, what would that be? In your partisan, narrow world, is there any place at all for recognizing that well-meaning people can differ politically on what is best for this country?
And you’re in denial about the majority of American’s view of the far right, so we’re even. Whomever wins this race wont be calling for the kinds of things you’ve been calling for on HA.
Hell, even your hero in MA is pro-choice and pro gay marriage.
Cyn doesn’t do denial. That’s why we love him so.
i guess horsesass is with the pi in silence on mayor mcginn’s aide fraud story. you’d think this would crack the front page.
Pro-nudist as well..
32 – The Klown forgets about George Ryan.
George Ryan got railroaded because of ACORN. Surely, you know that don’t you?
I hear you. Hey what is that, is that my shadow??? Oh no global warming WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!!!
@42, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?????
43 – Level headed folks don’t fear global warming.
They fear the consequences of not doing anything about it..
Wingnuts fear… Well it’s something new every hour..
@31 Every years of diligent sleuthing Mr. Klown finally came up with a Democratic scandal worth exactly $126.00. (7 lunches x $18.00 each.) Congratulations.
@29 Wall Street Investment Banker Grades Obama
Roger Altman has been a big campaign contributor to Dems, you dope, including Obama’s Inauguration and Dems who were big recipients of Wall Street money: Barbara Boxer, Charles Schumer and Harry Reid among others:
And in view of Obama’s soft treatment of Wall Street post financial debacle, it’s no wonder they’re singing his praises:
When Did Obama Sellout To Wall Street?
Obama Reform Plan Fails to Fix Whats Broken
Why the Obama White House Cannot Reform Wall Street
“Hope” Has Been a Bust, It’s Time for Hope 2.0
It’s just amazing to think you ever practiced law IN ANY CAPACITY, dumb bunny.
In Mr. Klown’s crazy world, getting a free lunch is a major scandal. Republicans think people other than themselves are supposed to go without eating. They consider food for the working class an unnecessary extravagance.
Yeah forgot about that. Over at that tea bagger’s convention, ACORN’s being blamed for everything from the boil on Limbaugh’s ass to JOK III’s overnight stay in the Bernard Parish lockup.
I hear you. Hey what is that, is that my shadow??? Oh no global warming WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!!!
@42, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?????
Um. Shadow means sun is out. You know summer. The season that libs hyperventilate about global warming. Can you connect to dots from here?
Notice how ylb arschloch continually focuses on Scott Brown and his posing nude many moons ago.
Puddy told you this fool and is left porn perv eye was a few chips short of a full brick. He continues to focus on sex.
Such a fiend!
Is dumbshitedness a family value?
Proud Goatist,
Is Stupidity your family trait?
– 50
What’s your focus in this post fool?
Fiend? Huh!
And if McSame were in charge??? Maybe a lot of rich bankers would be wearing signboards right now..
and maybe we would be in an economic Depression!!!
Wingnuts can’t think their way out of a paper bag…
@49 I suppose if you can’t see gravity it doesn’t exist, right Doofus?
@50 “Notice how ylb arschloch continually focuses on Scott Brown and his posing nude many moons ago.”
Hey, that’s nuthin’–meet your 2012 Republican presidential nominee! http://www.marycarey.com/
Gotta love her slogan: “Finally a politician you want to be screwed by!”
@50 Oh, and while we’re at it, meet your GOP candidate for U.S. Senator from Louisiana!
Who else but family-values Republicans would run a male centerfold for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, and female porn stars for governor of California and U.S. Senate in Louisiana?
re 54: To be fair, I don’t believe anyone could think their way out of a paper bag. You’d have to take some sort of action — like climbing out of the top.
The conservative would just stay inside the paper bag on the supposition that it was probably worse out there.
@50 “He continues to focus on sex.”
Just keep in mind that this is coming from the batshit crazy loon who was revealed to be having conversations with his sockpuppet about his dick.
Um, nothing strange about that kind of behavior, right, Puddy?
While you KLOWNS wallow in denial in the People’s Dumbass Republic of Seattle–
The rest of America tells Obam-Mao he is wrong!
From the Democrat-leaning Rasmussen Poll (It’s Democrat-leaning because it had Brown/Coakley a toss-up and Brown won by 5 points!)
Sunday, February 07, 2010
The silver-tongued, mesmerizing self-idolizing l’il messiah has lost his touch, hasn’t he?
A little bounce for just a day or 2…then Obam-Mao plummets to worse levels than pre-SOU!!
I absolutely love the rejection of the Progressive Politics.
You KLOWNS seized power…and blew it in a matter of months.
You have the Negative Midas Touch.
If someone gave you a bar of gold, you’d turn it into a steaming, dripping bar of crap in a matter of days.
You KLOWNS and your KLOWN-in-Chief and all his handlers made the horrible mistake of underestimating the Tea Party Movement and mocking/ridiculing it. The key fiscal principles encompass what America really wants from it’s government….Virtually all Conservatives, all independents and a good chunk of Democrats desire this.
You Progressives need to wake up cuz the Tidal Wave just struck with a gentle first blow. The big hit is just around the corner.
The Times calls out Gregoire and the Unions!
Cut Salaries and Benefits now.
62 – Huh! Just elect Queen Sarah and her minions so they can do what they did in Alaska – buy off voters cheaply, wreak havoc with silly, ineffective policies, indulge their whims like lords and ladies of the manor and punish their critics.
Wow that’s the “future” of politics.
61 – The Klown is amping up his hatred with each of those feckless posts of a partisan poller..
This isn’t just coming from the Times, it’s coming from Dems:
Democratic leaders say more needs to be done and public employees should be part of the solution to balance the budget this session.
“We’re going to have to slim down government. We can’t be all things to all people,” said Sen. Rodney Tom, D-Bellevue, vice chairman of the Senate Ways and Means Committee.
“I don’t want to balance the budget on their backs, but I also believe we have to reduce the footprint of government,” said Rep. Kelli Linville, D-Bellingham, chairwoman of the House Ways and Means Committee.
No doubt a lot of these lawmakers are getting an earful from their constituents.
Gregoire and these Democrat fools act like they are only now becoming aware of this problem. Don’t be fooled…these are merely words that make them look dumber if you think about it.
Where is the A-C-T-I-O-N???
What is the friggin’ Plan??
They have no plan???\
Reckless & Irresponsible.
The Plan is to keep paying off the Union!
@62 Palin isn’t waiting for the “revolution.” She’s already staged her own “revolution” by stealing from Alaska taxpayers and cheating on her Alaska taxes.
@63 “Cut Salaries and Benefits now.”
No. Now that the Seattle Times is out of the financial woods (they said so on their front page today), it’s time to reinstate the newspaper tax; and while we’re at it, you can afford to pay more taxes. You’re making a lot of money from your stock flipping and gold hoarding, right? How many pay cuts did you ever agree to in your lifetime? You have no right to expect other people to work for less than the fair value of their labor.
@66 I personally can live with pay cuts and furloughs if that’s what they decide to do, because I don’t work for them anymore. They can’t cut my pension because that’s a legally binding contract, and as you know, contracts are inviolate.
70. Roger Rabbit spews:
Not if the State declares bankruptcy Mr. Attorney.
Ahhh Steve, still dwelling on that? that’s all the arschloch has. Koro disease fool? Jealous God “stiffed” you? Not hanging around much anymore?
When it comes to Rasmussen, ignore ylb arschloch. He is a useless, feckless, worthless boob when it comes to facts. He believes in Daily Kos polling, the fools they are…
73 – Whazzamatter Stupes?? Can’t point to anything using your handle that would affect me in some way???
Public-Sector Unions Bleed Taxpayers to Help Dems
It’s Boom-Time for Public Employees
75 – Oh really. How powerful are the public sector unions..
My wife’s public sector union is working without a contract right now.
Miserable, union-busting, right wing propaganda..
Yeah just keep on hating – Obama, liberals, you know anyone who doesn’t suck up to the Lord of Montana and his crazy views…
Thanks for the thoughts, hubby, but rather than focus on MY job, why not focus on your non-existent one instead of sitting on your butt all day posting drivel on HA!
The kids need a father who’s not afraid to work!
The History of Republican Evil
The Republican Party was formed in 1854 specifically to oppose the Democrats, and for more than 150 years, they have done everything they could to block the Democrat agenda. In their abuses of power, they have even used threats and military violence to thwart the Democrat Party’s attempts to make this a progressive country. As you read the following Republican atrocities that span three centuries, imagine if you will, what a far different nation the United States would be had not the Republicans been around to block the Democrats’ efforts.
March 20, 1854
Opponents of Democrats’ pro-slavery policies meet in Ripon, Wisconsin to establish the Republican Party
May 30, 1854
Democrat President Franklin Pierce signs Democrats’ Kansas-Nebraska Act, expanding slavery into U.S. territories; opponents unite to form the Republican Party
June 16, 1854
Newspaper editor Horace Greeley calls on opponents of slavery to unite in the Republican Party
July 6, 1854
First state Republican Party officially organized in Jackson, Michigan, to oppose Democrats’ pro-slavery policies
March 19, 2003
Republican U.S. Representatives of Hispanic and Portuguese descent form Congressional Hispanic Conference
May 23, 2003
U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduces bill to establish National Museum of African American History and Culture
February 26, 2004
Hispanic Republican U.S. Rep. Henry Bonilla (R-TX) condemns racist comments by U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown (D-FL); she had called Asst. Secretary of State Roger Noriega and several Hispanic Congressmen “a bunch of white men…you all look alike to me”
* * *
There you have it. What a different country this would be, had not Republicans blocked the agenda of Democrats every step of the way. But this evil organization is far from through. Now, they want to give education vouchers to public school children, so kids of every race and class can attend private schools of their CHOICE. Where will we get our garbage collectors, dishwashers and ditch diggers if blacks, Hispanics and white trash have access to a good education? They are trying to stop undocumented immigration, meaning the cheapest labor Democrats have had since the days of slavery will be taken away. They are trying to end segregation and slavery all over again!
And in true Republican tradition, they just can’t stop poking their nose into other people’s business, trying to destroy a woman’s right to choose. They are trying to crush the secret vision of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, who once said, “”We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population…”
Is there NO end to the freedoms these fascists will try to destroy?! No matter how many lies must be told, no matter how many schoolchildren must be mis-educated, no matter how many elections must be rigged, THE REPUBLICANS MUST BE STOPPED!
@76…maybe you should try looking for a job you lazy piece of shit…
80 – LMAO!! Maybe YOU should trying getting a life you miserable right wing shoe scraping…
Yawwwwwnnnn.. How miserable and boring it is to be a right winger. Always hating, always angry, always name-calling, always checking the AM right wing hate talk radio and silly right wing websites to know what to think, always sucking up to and willing to be used by power-mad charismatics like Sarah Palin who are almost always so vapid and empty and corrupt…
It just sucks to be them…
ylb arschloch… Don’t need to. Peeps here know you are the dumbest monomaniacal chronological brick on HA. Well Steve seems to come to your rescue lately. And for mental power Steve is the sharpest knife in the HA Libtardo drawer.
@72 “Ahhh Steve, still dwelling on that?”
Dwelling? Hardly, Puddy. I’m merely illustrating how sick your mind has become. Look, you’re the one who spent time on this blog having a back and forth conversation with your sockpuppet, MikeWebbSucks, about your dick. That is a fact. Now, I can see how you might want to believe that to be normal behavior but let me assure you that it is not.
Peeps here know you’re a fiend Stupes..
And getting so freaking boring…
82, 82 &84,
Continual boredom zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
So much leftwing crap.
And how long ago was that Steve? The arschloch was last week.
Steve is another chronological failure.
Oh BTW Steve, if Goldy didn’t blow my sock puppet, MWS would be unknown. Remember Puddy figgers out the other sock puppets by himself. So who has the “brain” again fool? Surely not you or ylb arschloch!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Now why did God shortchange you again?
No, not today, Puddy. Today and for many tomorrows my thoughts and prayers are going to be with someone I love so very much and who has experienced an unimaginably tragic loss. Today I can only pray that someday her heart can heal enough that she can live life again.
No, I can’t do this today, Puddy. Sorry about my post. All things considered, it was uncalled for. This day I will spend talking with God as someone I love so dearly needs a blessing awfully bad.
This guy is a republican running for WA senate. If he is in your district and if you are bored, go check out his discussion pages and ask him to justify his position on things.
He’s for education and increased teacher pay, but his plan to pay for it, is not to raise WA taxes and to get the money from the fed government.
Steve, my condolences to you and your friend in their loss. Puddy understands. Puddy will continue to chip the dumb brick though.
May the Peace of God be with your friend this day.
Really ylb arschloch. Well her union gave over $60 Million to Odumba’s campaign and then had to lay off 74 peeps in the main office due to their campaign largess.
Sucks to be them for their stupid Dummocraptic jockstrapping.
Puddy suggested Odumba could do this because it was something GWBush championed. Ask ylb arschloch to review his HA duplicate database. Go on ya fools ask him.
“”George W. Bush is a hero in this country,” said Peter Mugyenyi, who heads Uganda?s Joint Clinical Research Centre, a leading AIDS treatment clinic.”
Sucks to be a progressive today!
ylb arschloch, an article on your hero Blumenthal.
He’s a continual hater just like you. Ignorant just like you too.