You mean the real life equivalent of Montgomery Burns?
IMO, he hasn’t had a career since the 2008 primaries. He’s a walking sick joke reminder for the evil of the Bush-Cheney regime.
Therein lies his value to progressives: the more he talks, is in/on the media as a reminder, the better for us.
This is just the latest example of a Republican party talking head wantonly ignoring facts and data and creating a fantastic reality.
At this point in time, the list of unforced errors is nearly endless.
Down the memory hole!
Fortunately (for Democrats), Guliani, Huckabee, Palin, Gingrich, et al… don’t know when to call it quits. If they did, maybe some credible candidates would emerge.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
sarge you KLOWN–
Here is where your “messiah” stands–
Saturday, January 09, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17
@4: He is our president. The guys I mentioned…not so much. Eat your heart out.
@4 Cynical,
Funny. Cite one poll which has been an out lier all year.
So, sure, continue with Guliani, Huckabee, Palin, Gingrich, et al… that’s going to turn out just fine.
More of Rachel”
Letterman: It’s coming up on the anniversary of president Obama being inaugurated. Give us the assessment here. How is it look?
Rachel: “The most interesting thing about Obama’s first year, is how crazy the opposition has gone in reaction to him. And that’s been so exciting – The Sarah Palin, Micheal Steele, tea party stuff on the right – That i think nobody is notice that he’s kind of quietly put together the most legislative accomplished first year of any president in a generation. He has done a lot”.
Letterman: Certainly has done a lot, because there was a lot to do. But effectively accomplished things, or just accomplished things?
Rachel: “Well, the bailout thing – while being wildly unpopular – does appear to have stopped the financial industry from disappearing. We still do have AN economy. It’s not the best one, but we have one. To sort of saving us from having another great depression was a thing he didn’t planned to do, but he actually did it, and he had to do a lot of politically unpopular things.
“He also did the giant stimulus, which even conservatives starting to admit now worked. And if health care signed – that’s something that what, 6, 7 presidents have tried to do and nobody has been able to. So everybody is saying what a disappointment he’s been, while he’s quietly doing everything he wants to do”.
Alki Postingsspews:
#4 LOL Poor silly little child Republican. Don’t you remember that the public dislikes YOUR party twice as much? Your last leader had TWICE, yes, TWICE the negative ‘Approval Index’, even from that same right leaning pollster. Fine, you think Obama is hated and the public doesn’t like him, the last Republican was disliked and untrusted TWICE as much. LOL, LOL, LOL.
Unless you’re arguing for a 3rd party, you’re just pointing out the public isn’t happy with the Democrats so far, but they were TWICE as unhappy with YOUR party. LOL, LOL, LOL.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 GOP who? They’re all “libertarians” now, and none of them remember voting for Bush.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Roger Roadkill @ 9~ I’m a libertarian and voted for Bush twice. It’s unfortunate that he turned out to be so liberal.
Ordinary Americans are finding out what a Democrat party majority gets you…total rudderless leadership. This will be corrected in 2010 and 2012.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Canada’s parliament has been put on recess by the country’s Conservative prime minister to shut down an embarrassing debate (and prevent disclosure of documents) relating to his government’s alleged complicity in the torture of Afghan detainees.
Roger Rabbit: Those conservatives! They like to hurt people for fun.
That’s so funny that all what’s his name has is his precious rasmusen poll.
Palin is such a moron. And Steele is as well. I chortle every day at their idiocy. I love the fact that the right can do nothing better then come here and spittle like old toothless farts.
headless lucyspews:
‘Libertarians’??!! I thought they were calling themselves Librarians — you know — with the Bush interactive Ms. Pac-Man Library.
Roger Rabbitspews:
KING 5 News reports South Carolina knocked Boeing’s property tax rate on its 787 assembly plant down from 10.5% to 4%.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: South Carolina citizens presumably will make up the difference with tax hikes on retail taxpayers and/or program cuts. When will this insane race to the bottom stop? We are rapidly becoming a society in which ordinary citizens are expected to work for low wages, pay all the taxes, and subsidize giant corporations. Pretty soon there won’t be any consumers left. Then who will businesses like Boeing (and their airline customers) sell to? Each other?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “I’m a libertarian and voted for Bush twice.”
I wouldn’t brag about that if I were you. But then, I’m not you, thank God. It must suck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 It’s just a spelling error. They can’t spell worth shit. Most of them can’t even spell their own names.
I love the fact that the right can do nothing better then come here and spittle like old toothless farts.
Roger Rabbit is a leftist, not a rightist. Get your facts straight, sweetie.
Empty Head: Calling Bush a liberal?
Wow, you must come from the Michael Steele wing of the “stupid” party.
How as that unnecessary war in Iraq that you supported?
How did those “less regulations” on the banks that you and Phill Gramm supported work out?
Why are you so damn stupid?
P.S. – Don’t try to answer the last question – we have all been trying for years to figure out why you have no intelligence and we still can’t figure it out, so someone like you who works on less than half a brain will have no chance.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
How as (sic) that unnecessary war in Iraq that you supported?
You mean the war that Obama, who you’ve supported is overseeing? Dumbass.
Why are you so damn stupid?
Compared to an inbred fuck like yourself, I’m brilliant.
Puddybud Likes Flying Dutchmenspews:
Looks like AlKi has gotten pasted again…
Your last leader had TWICE, yes, TWICE the negative ‘Approval Index’, even from that same right leaning pollster.
You forget, well you also have mindless moronic memory malady, GWBush had a very negative libtardo press against him hammering him since 2001. All you have to do is visit the HA Libtardo Archives and see post after post of hatred. Or all the hatred ignored by the press for years while Odumba has a slobbering love affair with the press.
Puddybud Likes Flying Dutchmenspews:
How did those “less regulations” on the banks that you and Phill Gramm supported work out?
Once again correctnotright not paying attention to the details. Graham-Stegall was already debunked earlier last week by other economists presented ESO.
Why are you so damn stupid correctnotright?
Pay attention fool. Well, you can always get the commentary replay from ylb arschloch. He provides a free backup service to Goldy.
So what to make, then, of the fact that Beck has had his own minor tax problems over the past few years?
As Beck evolved from a medium-market local radio personality to a one-man media empire with top-rated radio and television shows, best-selling books, a monthly magazine and a traveling one-man comedy tour, his production company, Mercury Radio Arts, has at times struggled to keep up with the heightened tax and filing demands accompanying his success.
Mercury, a private corporation that lists Beck as chief executive officer and his wife, Tania Beck, alternately as vice president or secretary, since 2007 has fallen behind on its New York City business income taxes and has been cited for filing errors related to its obligations under Texas franchise tax and New York state workers’ compensation insurance rules.
@19 “Compared to an inbred fuck like yourself, I’m brilliant.”
Even compared to yourself, you’re not brilliant.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Flying Monkey @20 “GWBush had a very negative libtardo press against him hammering him since 2001.”
Are you referring to the billionaire-owned, rightwing-biased media; or the sycophantic, roll-over-and-play-dead, kid-gloves mainstream media?
Blaming Bush’s screwups on the media is like blaming Ted Bundy’s murders on the tire iron.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Flying Monkey @21: Now you’re using Empty Head as your source of economics expertise?
Bwaaaa-haaaaa-heeee-harrrr, you’re even dumber than previously believed!! ROFLMFAO!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Nah, just lock him up as a danger to himself and others.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@27 Nah, just lock him up as a danger to himself and others.
Is that what your therapist suggested? Perhaps you shouldn’t be projecting in here, Roger. It’s way too obvious.
That damn Obama, he’s going to let the terrorists do whatever they want! He’s soft on terror!
Second Suspect Pleads Not Guilty to NYC Terror Charges
VOA News 09 January 2010
FBI Arrests 2 more in New York Terrorism Probe
Not Guilty Plea Entered for US Plane Bomb Suspect
The second of two men arrested on Friday in connection with an alleged terrorism plot has pleaded not guilty to the charges in a New York federal court.
Yeah, right. We’re locking people up right and left.
arschloch's ancestors came from uranusspews:
But continue in your substance abuse fantasies. I bet you were quite familiar with it yourself in your wilder days.
And a little homophobia too. Such a sad sack you are.
Homophobia? You accuse me of homophobia? That’s so gay, so goldy.
And Steve would say that’s so Psych 101. You’re projecting your phobias and pathologies onto me again. Want proof, you sly little studmuffin? Tell us how many times you’ve blown off my invitations to slumber-party sleepovers. Lots, that’s how many. And being blown off isn’t a bit like being blown.
As for my sad-sack phobias, they’re all in order, and the homo phobia isn’t among them.
Well, boys and girls, what did you learn in Sunday School this morning? I learned about Lott and Lotts wife who were turned into pillars of snot after being expelled from the Senate leadership.
It seems that Lott was intemperate in cheering up Strom, the old birthday boy. Cheering up isn’t the same as cheering on, but Lott should have known that when you don’t spit on an old man about his racist Democrat politics in 1948, it makes you look like a cheerleader. No apologies are possible or permitted, although Lott tried dozens of times to beg the PC police for forgiveness. Some sins are just too venial or venal or cardinal to be forgiven.
Unless you’re Democrat racist Harry Reid. Perhaps Reid was trying to say that Barack Obama is clean, articulate, and a credit to his race. Although when Reid said it, it sort of came out like a word we can’t say anymore.
But Reid apologized, Obama accepted the apology, and NPR this morning gave Reidgate ten seconds of attention before going back to piling on Michael Steele. (Here’s some good news for Barack’s post-racial America: a google on the string michael steele uncle tomreturns 47,600 results.)
black by popular demandspews:
Here’s UW Dr. Quintard Taylor’s excellent site. Use it for learning about the black west, including the black Republican who from WA who developed the theory and practice of affirmative action.
In case you’ve forgotten, progressive liberal labor unions fifty years ago were homes for whitey. Unions waited for Lefty only when he was white.
At Seattle’s shipyards black workers got the cancer jobs and the lethal jobs. Although unions finally gave in and agreed to let blacks become union men, unions insisted that blacks — even those who had survived decades of dangerous work — had to start again on the bottom rung of seniority. Affirmative action, implemented by Nixon’s administrtation, was intended as a tool to force unions to do the right thing.
(There’s a bad book called Rogue River Journal about an underemployed associate assistant English prof’s dad who was a labor organizer. Early in the book author John Daniel mentions that his dad took a bullet in the chest as part of his job, and I promptly thought of the iconic photos from the 1930s when Walter and Victor Reuther were beaten by company goons at River Rouge.
Not until the end of Daniel’s book do we learn that Daniel’s dad, organizing for the CIO, was shot by goons from the AF of L who wanted dad’s turf for themselves. Unions: Can’t live with ’em, and can’t live without ’em, unless they try to kill you.)
arschloch's ancestors came from uranusspews:
If YLB relents and accepts my long-standing outstanding invitation, I promise to transparently televise the proceedings on C-SPAN. It’s the least I can do to help my president finally make good on eight campaign promises.
i dreamed i saw paul hill last nightspews:
Wasn’t a dream, though. Saw Paul Hill and Salvi in a vid called (upside-down) Lake of Fire. Good show. It claims to give equal time to “both sides” — although there are thousands of sides — of the abortion debate. Equal time means about 80%/20%, with most of the film giving Noam Chomsky and Peter Singer more platform than they deserve, and with most of the rest being from the fringes of Christian identity.
Still, there are pleasant surprises. Civil libertarian Nat Hentoff is very civil: that’s not undifferentialed tissue the abortion industry aborts, Hentoff says, that’s human life. Dershowitz sort of agrees, and tries to find shades of nuance in an issue and in a movie that’s black and white. (Chomsky, of course, doesn’t do nuance. He does Rabbit. Like Rabbit, Chomsky berates pro-life conservatives for caring too much about pre-born life and too little about post-born life. Chomsky also says that conservative Amerikkka is more like Iran than Iran; Rabbit probably agrees.)
Lake of Fire, to its enduring credit, gives repect and credit to Norma McCorvey for changing her mind. McCorvey was pro-abort Roe of Roe v. Wade. Working for Planned Parenthood led her to examine the back-room abattoir, which led her to Jesus and Operation Rescue.
The black-and-white movie’s main failing is its lack of black. Joycelyn Elders gets lots of liberal time, while Alan Keyes gets a few seconds to say nothing apropos of anything. We needed to hear from Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson who said years ago that you can call abortion a ‘woman’s right to choose’ if you want to, but it’s real name is genocide. Abortion cuts a wider swath thru black America than the Democrat KKK could have wanted or thought possible.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
31. Roger Rabbit spews:
Flying Monkey @21
Oh, Oh!
The real Roger Racist comes out!
You mean the war that Obama, who you’ve supported is overseeing? Dumbass.
Yep, he inherited the mess and plans to have combat troops out by the end of August.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Of course Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny would call Puddy a “Flying Monkey”. He thinks all blacks who left the Dummocraptic Reservation are “Flying Monkeys”. Another of his rerun attacks.
He hates it when Puddy flies around the Internet finding Real Weekend Roundup Stories which show fools like Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny what he is. Useless NAZI Propagandizer.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Where is Al Gorebasm now with all that cold air in the Southeastern US? Oh wait… per Daddy Love, this is a climate “fluctuation”.
Gotta love how all that CO2 is killing all those Southeastern US crops.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
As the price of oil hits $84 a barrel, and gas prices increas, the HA Libtardo contingent is wery wery qwiet. Puddy remembers those HA Libtardo comments back in 2007.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Puddy @ 42–
Of course you are right.
All these Obamunists want to do is throw you a few handouts and ring up your vote.
If you rebel or question…you are a “Flying Monkey”.
Roger the Racist Rabbit has repeatedly slipped and shown his true racist colors. This is the most evil. I guess when he sees his Progressive Utopia collapsing, he can only blame black folks…not his own stupid self.
So Roger’s a racist for calling Puddy a “flying monkey? What’s Klynical for telling racist jokes? What’s Troll for talking about niggers? What’s Mark who talks about jigaboos? What’s that make your wingnut teabagger leader with his “NIGGAR” placard?
It makes them Puddy’s friends. His bestus buds. You see, Puddy loves him some racists – as long as they’re freaky, America-hating wingnuts. That makes Puddy a “flying monkey”.
It’s hardly the first time Roger Rabbit has used racist epithets. Of course, he also uses blatantly sexist language, so he’s really the complete package. But, it’s all fun and games, right RR?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
steve also calls Puddy a “flying monkey”
Steve has been a racist numerous times
@48 “Steve has been a racist numerous times”
Correction, Mr. Klynical, I’ve only been called a racist. By you. Without any proof. As usual.
Got anymore racist jokes to tell?
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Of course Steve supports Scary Land Deal Reid and his “light-skinned” black man “with no Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one.” Compares health care to slavery.
Of course Steve supports Bill Clinton’s Odumba would be serving coffee comment.
Dummocrapts can say racial things and blacks turn a blind eye to that crap!
CBS News, Quinnipiac, and Gallup all have Odumba @46%.
+43.3 to 3.4 Approval differential.
Oh no!
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Ya know Lee is such a hypocrite. He allows Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny vile to populate the Saturday weekend update, but kills real stories about real happenings in the US on Saturday. Then he thinks it’s an obsession about him.
Wrong. Such an inflated ego!
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
What do the HA Libtardos think about this? Even the UN guy had something to say.
“According to the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre in Colorado, Arctic summer sea ice has increased by 409,000 square miles, or 26 per cent, since 2007 – and even the most committed global warming activists do not dispute this.”
Blue Johnspews:
In my commute, I transfer in the downtown core. It’s likely you already took a bus to get there, so you have already paid. I noticed the white bus driver did not ask for payment or transfers from the white riders. But he challenged every Black or Latino rider for a payment or to show a transfer.
We are not so Post-Racial as some would like you to think.
@50 Puddy loves wingnuts who call blacks niggers. Puddy loves the teabagger “moran” and his “NIGGAR” placard. Puddy loves wingnuts who tell racist jokes perpetuating black stereotypes. In other words, Puddy is a fucking brain-dead idiot.
You mean the real life equivalent of Montgomery Burns?
IMO, he hasn’t had a career since the 2008 primaries. He’s a walking sick joke reminder for the evil of the Bush-Cheney regime.
Therein lies his value to progressives: the more he talks, is in/on the media as a reminder, the better for us.
This is just the latest example of a Republican party talking head wantonly ignoring facts and data and creating a fantastic reality.
At this point in time, the list of unforced errors is nearly endless.
Down the memory hole!
Fortunately (for Democrats), Guliani, Huckabee, Palin, Gingrich, et al… don’t know when to call it quits. If they did, maybe some credible candidates would emerge.
sarge you KLOWN–
Here is where your “messiah” stands–
Saturday, January 09, 2010
@4: He is our president. The guys I mentioned…not so much. Eat your heart out.
@4 Cynical,
Funny. Cite one poll which has been an out lier all year.
So, sure, continue with Guliani, Huckabee, Palin, Gingrich, et al… that’s going to turn out just fine.
More of Rachel”
#4 LOL Poor silly little child Republican. Don’t you remember that the public dislikes YOUR party twice as much? Your last leader had TWICE, yes, TWICE the negative ‘Approval Index’, even from that same right leaning pollster. Fine, you think Obama is hated and the public doesn’t like him, the last Republican was disliked and untrusted TWICE as much. LOL, LOL, LOL.
Unless you’re arguing for a 3rd party, you’re just pointing out the public isn’t happy with the Democrats so far, but they were TWICE as unhappy with YOUR party. LOL, LOL, LOL.
@8 GOP who? They’re all “libertarians” now, and none of them remember voting for Bush.
Roger Roadkill @ 9~ I’m a libertarian and voted for Bush twice. It’s unfortunate that he turned out to be so liberal.
Ordinary Americans are finding out what a Democrat party majority gets you…total rudderless leadership. This will be corrected in 2010 and 2012.
Canada’s parliament has been put on recess by the country’s Conservative prime minister to shut down an embarrassing debate (and prevent disclosure of documents) relating to his government’s alleged complicity in the torture of Afghan detainees.
Roger Rabbit: Those conservatives! They like to hurt people for fun.
That’s so funny that all what’s his name has is his precious rasmusen poll.
Palin is such a moron. And Steele is as well. I chortle every day at their idiocy. I love the fact that the right can do nothing better then come here and spittle like old toothless farts.
‘Libertarians’??!! I thought they were calling themselves Librarians — you know — with the Bush interactive Ms. Pac-Man Library.
KING 5 News reports South Carolina knocked Boeing’s property tax rate on its 787 assembly plant down from 10.5% to 4%.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: South Carolina citizens presumably will make up the difference with tax hikes on retail taxpayers and/or program cuts. When will this insane race to the bottom stop? We are rapidly becoming a society in which ordinary citizens are expected to work for low wages, pay all the taxes, and subsidize giant corporations. Pretty soon there won’t be any consumers left. Then who will businesses like Boeing (and their airline customers) sell to? Each other?
@10 “I’m a libertarian and voted for Bush twice.”
I wouldn’t brag about that if I were you. But then, I’m not you, thank God. It must suck.
@13 It’s just a spelling error. They can’t spell worth shit. Most of them can’t even spell their own names.
Roger Rabbit is a leftist, not a rightist. Get your facts straight, sweetie.
Empty Head: Calling Bush a liberal?
Wow, you must come from the Michael Steele wing of the “stupid” party.
How as that unnecessary war in Iraq that you supported?
How did those “less regulations” on the banks that you and Phill Gramm supported work out?
Why are you so damn stupid?
P.S. – Don’t try to answer the last question – we have all been trying for years to figure out why you have no intelligence and we still can’t figure it out, so someone like you who works on less than half a brain will have no chance.
You mean the war that Obama, who you’ve supported is overseeing? Dumbass.
Compared to an inbred fuck like yourself, I’m brilliant.
Looks like AlKi has gotten pasted again…
You forget, well you also have mindless moronic memory malady, GWBush had a very negative libtardo press against him hammering him since 2001. All you have to do is visit the HA Libtardo Archives and see post after post of hatred. Or all the hatred ignored by the press for years while Odumba has a slobbering love affair with the press.
Once again correctnotright not paying attention to the details. Graham-Stegall was already debunked earlier last week by other economists presented ESO.
Why are you so damn stupid correctnotright?
Pay attention fool. Well, you can always get the commentary replay from ylb arschloch. He provides a free backup service to Goldy.
Speaking about ugly…
Proud Goatist and Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny! Two lawyers who look great together.
Mike The Dumb Boy Scout.
Outliers? Who has been the most accurate pollster starting before the 2004 election cycle? Rasmussen. Facts just suck don’t they?
Harris Poll…
Per Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny, all Puddy needs to do is prove you wrong with one poll.
Butt there is more…
Gallup 12/4-12/6 2009…
Marist Poll…
See ya moronic fool. Too bad you give boy scouts a bad name.
Mike The Useless Boy Scout.
Another one for you…
Wow you need to expand your reading materials.
Looks like Harry Land Deal Reid has stepped into it again…
He proves his heart is in the “right place”.
Bush was a fuck up. He was told that an attack was about to happen using airplanes and he chose to ignore it.
From what you’ve posted on here, I’d say you’re more unstable and in need of mental health help than anything.
What if it’s Beck with a tax ‘accident’?
@19 “Compared to an inbred fuck like yourself, I’m brilliant.”
Even compared to yourself, you’re not brilliant.
Flying Monkey @20 “GWBush had a very negative libtardo press against him hammering him since 2001.”
Are you referring to the billionaire-owned, rightwing-biased media; or the sycophantic, roll-over-and-play-dead, kid-gloves mainstream media?
Blaming Bush’s screwups on the media is like blaming Ted Bundy’s murders on the tire iron.
Flying Monkey @21: Now you’re using Empty Head as your source of economics expertise?
Bwaaaa-haaaaa-heeee-harrrr, you’re even dumber than previously believed!! ROFLMFAO!!!
@27 Nah, just lock him up as a danger to himself and others.
Is that what your therapist suggested? Perhaps you shouldn’t be projecting in here, Roger. It’s way too obvious.
That damn Obama, he’s going to let the terrorists do whatever they want! He’s soft on terror!
Yeah, right. We’re locking people up right and left.
Homophobia? You accuse me of homophobia? That’s so gay, so goldy.
And Steve would say that’s so Psych 101. You’re projecting your phobias and pathologies onto me again. Want proof, you sly little studmuffin? Tell us how many times you’ve blown off my invitations to slumber-party sleepovers. Lots, that’s how many. And being blown off isn’t a bit like being blown.
As for my sad-sack phobias, they’re all in order, and the homo phobia isn’t among them.
Well, boys and girls, what did you learn in Sunday School this morning? I learned about Lott and Lotts wife who were turned into pillars of snot after being expelled from the Senate leadership.
It seems that Lott was intemperate in cheering up Strom, the old birthday boy. Cheering up isn’t the same as cheering on, but Lott should have known that when you don’t spit on an old man about his racist Democrat politics in 1948, it makes you look like a cheerleader. No apologies are possible or permitted, although Lott tried dozens of times to beg the PC police for forgiveness. Some sins are just too venial or venal or cardinal to be forgiven.
Unless you’re Democrat racist Harry Reid. Perhaps Reid was trying to say that Barack Obama is clean, articulate, and a credit to his race. Although when Reid said it, it sort of came out like a word we can’t say anymore.
But Reid apologized, Obama accepted the apology, and NPR this morning gave Reidgate ten seconds of attention before going back to piling on Michael Steele. (Here’s some good news for Barack’s post-racial America: a google on the string michael steele uncle tom returns 47,600 results.)
Here’s UW Dr. Quintard Taylor’s excellent site. Use it for learning about the black west, including the black Republican who from WA who developed the theory and practice of affirmative action.
In case you’ve forgotten, progressive liberal labor unions fifty years ago were homes for whitey. Unions waited for Lefty only when he was white.
At Seattle’s shipyards black workers got the cancer jobs and the lethal jobs. Although unions finally gave in and agreed to let blacks become union men, unions insisted that blacks — even those who had survived decades of dangerous work — had to start again on the bottom rung of seniority. Affirmative action, implemented by Nixon’s administrtation, was intended as a tool to force unions to do the right thing.
(There’s a bad book called Rogue River Journal about an underemployed associate assistant English prof’s dad who was a labor organizer. Early in the book author John Daniel mentions that his dad took a bullet in the chest as part of his job, and I promptly thought of the iconic photos from the 1930s when Walter and Victor Reuther were beaten by company goons at River Rouge.
Not until the end of Daniel’s book do we learn that Daniel’s dad, organizing for the CIO, was shot by goons from the AF of L who wanted dad’s turf for themselves. Unions: Can’t live with ’em, and can’t live without ’em, unless they try to kill you.)
If YLB relents and accepts my long-standing outstanding invitation, I promise to transparently televise the proceedings on C-SPAN. It’s the least I can do to help my president finally make good on eight campaign promises.
Wasn’t a dream, though. Saw Paul Hill and Salvi in a vid called (upside-down) Lake of Fire. Good show. It claims to give equal time to “both sides” — although there are thousands of sides — of the abortion debate. Equal time means about 80%/20%, with most of the film giving Noam Chomsky and Peter Singer more platform than they deserve, and with most of the rest being from the fringes of Christian identity.
Still, there are pleasant surprises. Civil libertarian Nat Hentoff is very civil: that’s not undifferentialed tissue the abortion industry aborts, Hentoff says, that’s human life. Dershowitz sort of agrees, and tries to find shades of nuance in an issue and in a movie that’s black and white. (Chomsky, of course, doesn’t do nuance. He does Rabbit. Like Rabbit, Chomsky berates pro-life conservatives for caring too much about pre-born life and too little about post-born life. Chomsky also says that conservative Amerikkka is more like Iran than Iran; Rabbit probably agrees.)
Lake of Fire, to its enduring credit, gives repect and credit to Norma McCorvey for changing her mind. McCorvey was pro-abort Roe of Roe v. Wade. Working for Planned Parenthood led her to examine the back-room abattoir, which led her to Jesus and Operation Rescue.
The black-and-white movie’s main failing is its lack of black. Joycelyn Elders gets lots of liberal time, while Alan Keyes gets a few seconds to say nothing apropos of anything. We needed to hear from Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson who said years ago that you can call abortion a ‘woman’s right to choose’ if you want to, but it’s real name is genocide. Abortion cuts a wider swath thru black America than the Democrat KKK could have wanted or thought possible.
31. Roger Rabbit spews:
Oh, Oh!
The real Roger Racist comes out!
Yep, he inherited the mess and plans to have combat troops out by the end of August.
Of course Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny would call Puddy a “Flying Monkey”. He thinks all blacks who left the Dummocraptic Reservation are “Flying Monkeys”. Another of his rerun attacks.
He hates it when Puddy flies around the Internet finding Real Weekend Roundup Stories which show fools like Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny what he is. Useless NAZI Propagandizer.
Where is Al Gorebasm now with all that cold air in the Southeastern US? Oh wait… per Daddy Love, this is a climate “fluctuation”.
Gotta love how all that CO2 is killing all those Southeastern US crops.
As the price of oil hits $84 a barrel, and gas prices increas, the HA Libtardo contingent is wery wery qwiet. Puddy remembers those HA Libtardo comments back in 2007.
Puddy @ 42–
Of course you are right.
All these Obamunists want to do is throw you a few handouts and ring up your vote.
If you rebel or question…you are a “Flying Monkey”.
Roger the Racist Rabbit has repeatedly slipped and shown his true racist colors. This is the most evil. I guess when he sees his Progressive Utopia collapsing, he can only blame black folks…not his own stupid self.
So Roger’s a racist for calling Puddy a “flying monkey? What’s Klynical for telling racist jokes? What’s Troll for talking about niggers? What’s Mark who talks about jigaboos? What’s that make your wingnut teabagger leader with his “NIGGAR” placard?
It makes them Puddy’s friends. His bestus buds. You see, Puddy loves him some racists – as long as they’re freaky, America-hating wingnuts. That makes Puddy a “flying monkey”.
It’s hardly the first time Roger Rabbit has used racist epithets. Of course, he also uses blatantly sexist language, so he’s really the complete package. But, it’s all fun and games, right RR?
steve also calls Puddy a “flying monkey”
Steve has been a racist numerous times
@48 “Steve has been a racist numerous times”
Correction, Mr. Klynical, I’ve only been called a racist. By you. Without any proof. As usual.
Got anymore racist jokes to tell?
Of course Steve supports Scary Land Deal Reid and his “light-skinned” black man “with no Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one.” Compares health care to slavery.
Of course Steve supports Bill Clinton’s Odumba would be serving coffee comment.
Dummocrapts can say racial things and blacks turn a blind eye to that crap!
Yep he’s your standard bearer.
Recently Puddy destroyed an HA Libtardo (Mike Dumb Scout) who was talking about presidential poll outliers. Here is another nail in this fool’s coffin.
CBS News, Quinnipiac, and Gallup all have Odumba @46%.
+43.3 to 3.4 Approval differential.
Oh no!
Ya know Lee is such a hypocrite. He allows Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny vile to populate the Saturday weekend update, but kills real stories about real happenings in the US on Saturday. Then he thinks it’s an obsession about him.
Wrong. Such an inflated ego!
What do the HA Libtardos think about this? Even the UN guy had something to say.
“According to the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre in Colorado, Arctic summer sea ice has increased by 409,000 square miles, or 26 per cent, since 2007 – and even the most committed global warming activists do not dispute this.”
In my commute, I transfer in the downtown core. It’s likely you already took a bus to get there, so you have already paid. I noticed the white bus driver did not ask for payment or transfers from the white riders. But he challenged every Black or Latino rider for a payment or to show a transfer.
We are not so Post-Racial as some would like you to think.
@50 Puddy loves wingnuts who call blacks niggers. Puddy loves the teabagger “moran” and his “NIGGAR” placard. Puddy loves wingnuts who tell racist jokes perpetuating black stereotypes. In other words, Puddy is a fucking brain-dead idiot.