– Fort Hood can’t catch a break. Video loads automatically.
– City Hall Starts to Give a Shit About Women’s Pay Equity Again
– I love that Sound Transit has pictures for specific stations, but some of them don’t make a lot of sense (to me). Answer some questions to help them design the pictures for new light rail stations. [h/t]
– Supply and demand is a thing in housing.
Oh no John Deadwards banned! The courts may drop the charges but the family has a loooooooong memory!
That Supply and demand rental graph in Seattle Met is stunning.
Looks like if the City Council would keep just enough new buildings going up to hold vacancy rates somewhere between 4-8%, rental prices would have a nice gradual decline back into the land of affordability. Unfortunately, we keep ending up back at 2-3% vacancy, with rent hikes approaching 10% a year.
Also, what the heck is your hosting situation, guys? Maybe time to bite the bullet and go AWS?
When you are a DUMMOCRETIN LEftist all you read are “entries” from DUMMOCRETIN Leftists.
Shocked Oliver Willis. Taken from the libtard scream and shout playbook?
Oliver Willis has been a liberal bomb thrower since 2000. – Taken from his HuffPo byline.
Employee for Media Matters – Nuff Said here!
Plainly evident why Carl runs to Oliver for assistance!
So why is Oliver upset that conservatives are turning the word tables on libtards? Cus libtards are bullies. It’s libtards who scream to the IRS to shut down free speech. It’s libtards who will sue you or call you a racist or a misogynist when you disagree with someone politically!
Yes Puddy dismissed Oliver the last time he was used. To use a headline from years ago…Dismissed with PREJUDICE!
@1. Notice how some “christians” do not practice the Christian values of tolerance or forgiveness and seem to revel the misery of others. He will have to do some explaining to the god he believes in.
Hmmm… It seems Puddy’s insurance rates will be skyrocketing soon enough! So why is Pelosi not wanting to run on Obummercare now? Maybe she’s seen the hidden facts on who has signed up?
So “libtards” are bullies, huh?
Well, let’s look some facts here:
Oliver Willis. Blogger since 2000, supports himself as a RESPECTED online journalist, works for a credible watchdog oganization Media Matters For America, and appears on the pages of the Huffington Post, a very influential “New Media” platform.
Vs…the Pudddypussy. Some contract tech worker (we surmise), right-wing religious-loony-toons wacko who only gets attention in the comments section of a somewhat widely read regional politics blog because his comments are so outrageously wrong on so many levels that instead of ignoring him, which is what he deserves…commenters here “take the bait” and the opportunity to mock him (easy…like shooting fish in a barrel).
So let’s proceed, shall we? (with a little forbearance please by the mods)
Charles Koch & The New Conservative Wimp Culture
Oliver Willis on April 02, 2014
Is the post that has our little Pussy’s panties in a knot.
And here is the text:
So for 40 years, and particularly since 2000…the left has been demonized, vilified, misconstrued, misquoted, twisted and accused of the worst kind of loony conspiracies and traitorous and treasonous behavior. None of which ever happened.
So our folks finally kinda sorta start to begin to get ready to grow a pair and push back…the right, with their stranglehold on the mainstream media and the Billionaire Oligarchs; well, like our pathetic little Puddypussy (KA-Blammo…SuckaSuckaSucka), they can dish it out but they sho’ can’t take it (see Beck, Glenn; Limbaugh, Rush; Carlson, Tucker; O’Reilly, Bill: et. al.).
So Puddypussy DIS-MISSED Oliver Willis years ago. Wow. Willis must be heartbroken.
If he even knows who the dumbshit Puddypussy is.
Establishment GOPers Dancing On Graves Of Flailing Tea Party Campaigns
Bad news for the Puddypussy.
@6 I’d just like to point out that I’ve never mollycoddled these wingnut lying loons; I’ve been groin-kicking them since Day 1, and I’ve been on this blog since Day 1, and I’m still here!
Vietnam knows how to deal with crooked bankers.
You ARE the Gawdfather, Mr. Rabbit!!!
@5: Looks like all the democrats can run on Obamacare. The numbers are 9.5 million more people are insured – and those numbers are underestimates since the Rand study ended in mid-march – before the unprecedented last minute sign-ups.
Bottom line – the right wing MYTHS and LIES have all been debunked.
1. The people have not paid (85-90%) are paying at most state sites and many bills will not come for 6 more weeks.
2. More people lost insurance – totally false. Over 9.5 million MORE people have coverage.
3. The numbers are false – note this is similar to republican arguments about polls, science and reality.
In fact, republicans rejoiced that only 100K or so people initially signed up and did not question THOSE numbers. Now that millions have signed up – suddenly the numbers MUST be false.
Hypocrites! so much for the republican plan to run on the Obamacare “failure” – they will have to “invent” the failures now….and we still don’t have the alternative plan…..
Who is we rujax? All those Sybil-like voices in that teeny leetle head?
Credible leftist loony org. Breitbart took your man to task in 2011. O’Reilly takes Media Morons to task each week with their smears.
And now the coup de grace… Where is the libtard screaming regarding BILLIONAIRE OLIGARTH George Soros? Nary a peep from rujax, HA’s DUMB cinder block! Google FCC and George Soros dumb cinder block. Nary a peep that George Soros was colluding with the FCC over net neutrality and the US Appeals Court say nosiree George and FCC!
BTW Puddy loves the name you give Puddy because Puddy surely loves PUSSY! Do you rujax or are you one of those Hershey highway types?
So why is Oliver Willis Dismissed with PREJUDICE?
Oliver Willis who tweeted the lie against Conservatives that Obummer didn’t have Congressional Control from 2009-2011. it is strange rujax, Puddy doesn’t remember Speaker of the House Michelle Bachman Or Senate Majority Leader Kay Bailey Hitchinson!
Or this excrement from Oliver Willis after four people died in Benghazi…
Then Oliver Willis big time lied in Media Morons about Wisconsin Law School Professor Ann Althouse over her exposure of the Journolist coordination. Did Oliver retract? Nope.
Dismissed with PREJUDICE!
See ya sucka. Sux to be you!
Oh WAIT!!!
Bobby Jindal (aka the great brown hope) has one…
Bobby Jindal has a plan for reforming health care. Aww, how cute.
My…what a pissed little pussy the Puddypussy is today.
Poor widdle Pissypuddypussy.
Got proof nevercorrectandnottoobright? Even the leftist pinheads at TPM are only claiming 7,041,000 signups!
More useless commentary from nevercorrectandnottoobright!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Everything from left wrong sites all the time! Has no other sources!
you dumb cinder block are one stoooooooooooopid mofo!
You’re TOAST motherfucker.
Meanwhile we see more libtard shut them up actions on free speech! Problem for libtards; there are cameras everywhere. They can’t claim they didn’t say something otherwise anymore except if they are Harry Reid!
Here’s a a new feature from Rujax!
(especially for Puddypissypants!!!)
Fun facts about the Koch Brothers!!!!
Make up your pea brained mind… is it PuddyPussy cuz Puddy loves PUSSY or is it is PuddyPissy cuz Puddy pizzes all over rujax EPIC FAYLES?
Back to the Soros monies… Soros has given $$$ Billions to his Open Society Foundations. How much as the Koch brothers given rujax? It’s public knowledge because they have to declare it rujax. So your BULLSHITTIUM link above proves they are deficient in finding the values.
Everyone knows Soros funded those anti-Bush war years attacks. They are documented on Zomblog. Don’t you remember these pictures rujax? Look at all the Nazi references. They have to be cousins with OWS Racist Fraggy! Well you are a libtard with 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady!
So where are those Soros freakazoids (there is one here called OWS Racist Fraggy) now that Obummer is funding the Afghan war?
– They must be somewhere as they aren’t on the streets protesting Obummer’s war now?
– Are they in Colorado doing marijuana or here in WA State doing the same?
– Are they homeless and drinking themselves to death on the streets?
– Are they calling up George asking for some smoke?
– Are they defecating on police cars at OWS Freakazoid events as Puddy posted before?
– Are they working for Soros enterprises?
– Are they working for Van Jones?
– Are they working for Mark Lloyd?
– Are they working for John Holdren?
– Are they working for Soros’ friend Jon Corzine?
– Are they working for Cass Sunstein?
– Are they in mental institutions like rujax is posting from Western State?
– Are they in the Obummer sadministration?
– Are they teaching classes at universities like Bill Ayers?
From Soros’ Open Society Foundations have annual assets of more than $3.5 billion per Soros’ own reports.
Have you found the Koch Foundations yet rujax? Here’s a hint… stay away from left wrong sites.
19 – What a bunch of miserable, psycho-babbling, HATEFUL bullshit!
LOL! You don’t google too well hater..
Puddypissypants better watch out!
The Cassassinator is on his case…watchin’ his evvvvvvery moooove!!!!!
You’re brain is really overheated, man.
Better meds is what you need…waaaayyyy better.
Bernie Sanders Chillingly Lays Out How The Koch Brothers Could Buy the White House
By: Jason Easleymore from Jason Easley
Thursday, April, 3rd, 2014, 2:26 pm
Thanks to the take-over by the 0.01%, we are in very grave danger of becoming a Russian Style Oligarchy/Kleptocracy. These terminally delusional morons like ol’ Puddypissypants here (named because he wets every time any populist is mentioned. here, watch…
John Holdren is right you asshole, we have too many fucking people and capitalism is broken!
…or this…
Mark Lloyd cares more about all people…black or otherwise than Puddypissypants EVER will!
…fun to watch, yes?) that really believe that the Republican party as it is currently incarnated gives ONE shit about prayer in school, abortion, stopping women from having sex or equal pay or rights in general…are Quislings. Aiding and abetting the take-over. Thanks for being so fucking stupid, assholes!
Hey dumb fuck…your heroes are STILL trying to keep black people from voting! Maybe you think that’s OK? Maybe you joined O-Fay and are passing. Maybe you the house Man…the Tom. That right? You down with more brothers in prison than in college? Or maybe you just don’t give a fuck ’cause you got yours.
Whatever…nobody outside HA gives a flying fuck what Puddypissypants thinks. It’s fun to fuck with him though!
This is what Mark Lloyd does:
Puddypissypants writes insults about accomplished people.
In 2007, the Central Oregon and Pacific RR made moves to abandon service on the Coos Bay branch. The Port of Coos Bay, Rep. Peter DeFazio(D-OR), and others in Oregon thought differently. In 2014, this comeback kid, now the Coos Bay Rail Link, was named Short Line of the Year by Railway Age magazine. It’s former owner CORP, changed owners as well, when short line conglomerate RailAmerica was acquired by Genesee and Wyoming. The latter already had to railroads in Oregon, the Willamette and Pacific, and Portland and Western.
From the “link” in the LA TIMES… Thanks crazed clueless databaze deala… You see nevercorrectnotoobright wrote
Except Nancy Pelosi isn’t now. Puddy submitted the link with her video. And stooooopid creepy clueless crazed database deala, there are some issues with the 9.5 million…
4 million of the 6.5 million whom ALREADY had insurance were forced into Obummercare. So those don’t count. As they are NOT NEW insures…
They are NOT in Obummercare. They are in Medicare, a program Obummer is slashing by $Billions to fund Obummercare.
Thanks for walking right into that one very stoooooopid creepy clueless crazed database deala!
Sux to be you!
Allow Puddy to deliver a factual award winning healthcare blog…
And from the link…
So if Rand said more were already insured what is the real number very stooooopid creepy clueless crazed database deala? Somehow nevercorrectnottoobright didn’t want to go there but you, being the very stooooopid creepy clueless crazed database deala did. That’s why you are the dumb brick of HA DUMMOCRETINS.
It really SUX to be you
Oh yeah, we see the very stooooopid creepy clueless crazed database deala still trying to make “use” of the stooooopid creepy clueless crazed database!
rujax who is we? Still haven’t answered that one! And now my name is Pissypuddypussy? Puddy doesn’t piss in pussy! Get your facts straight. So now you try Puddypissypants! Been to five HA Drunken DUMMOCRETINS and Puddy never arrived with pissed pants! EPIC NAMING FAYLE again. Butt, the dumb cinder block still fits you perfectly!
Puddy realizes this fact was lost on rujax but the Supremes decision was any US citizen may now give to as many candidates as he wants, but only $5,200 apiece ($2,600 each for the primary and general election). And dumb cinder block… From the Chief Justice
Seems those are some of your favrit activities rujax! When you go back and view U.S. v. Stevens, which delved into depictions of animal cruelty and Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association covering those violent video games libtards like to play, The SCOTUS libtards said A-OK to those! Yet libtards on SCOTUS know the low information voter (read DUMMOCRETINS) are not part of the educated electorate and could be persuaded otherwise? That’s the crux here!
So you putting up avowed socialist Bernie Sanders means nuthin dumb cinderblock. Must be facts don’t get through that granite encased Neanderthal shaped cranial orifice. It wasn’t the Koch Brothers who tried to work with the FCC on changing nt neutrality… it was George Soros! It wasn’t the Koch Brothers who are working to dumb down American children with marijuana it was George Soros. Now we learned a student from Africa jumped off a balcony to his death from a Colorado purchased MJ laced cookie. Yes, It’s Soros who wants to pollute American children. Butt, that’s A-OK with HA’s dumb cinder block rujax. Mrs Puddy and Puddy were saddened when we read that!
John Holdren is one of your heroes? This person who is for:
– Forced abortions. – Well the world would have been a better place if many of the HA DUMMOCRETIN posters parents followed “Jane Roe”!
– Mass sterilization. – Well the world would have been a better place if many of the HA DUMMOCRETIN posters parents hadn’t spawned.
– A “Planetary Regime” with the power of life and death over American citizens. – IPFB – Howard Dean Death Panels
Hero of HA’s dumb cinder block!
Puddy’s heroes keeping black people from voting… It seems North Carolina has determined
So it’s A-OK for people to vote more than once eh dumb cinder block? Remember Obummer only carried North Carolina by approximately 15K votes in 2008! Look it up ya moron! Yet libtards wanna claim it’s voter laws that will keep dumb blacks from voting. First off dumb cinder block why are blacks in these conditions with DUMMOCRETINS running the cities? All those mega-$Billions spent on great society programs and blacks are still in poverty today. Why is that dumb cinder block. Oh wait… it would mean HA’s dumb cinder block would have to initiate cognitive activities and all know unless it’s from a left wrong site HA’s dumb cinder block doesn’t have a “thought”! Well chew on this video dumb cinder block… illegal aliens who not being US citizens, are voting in US elections. Listen to the video ya moron! “I vote every year!” DUMMOCRETIN motor voter laws passed to increase “voters” increased illegals in one county! And of course you being the dumb cinder block you are just merrily accept the Daily Kooks or PoliticsUSA talking point du jour!
So why did the SCOTUS uphold Indiana’s law dumb cinder block? Libtard Justice John Paul Stevens wrote the opinion! Libtards want you to vote early and vote often!
Now this is P R I C E L E S S:
Who is stopping wimens from having sex? DUMMOCRETINS like Who is against equal pay? Well Obummer is and Puddy provided the proof many times. Here it is again dumb cinder block… DaYUM you are stooooooooooopid as a cinder block… Oh wait… you are a dumb cinder block!
So you are calling Puddy a traitor, “quisling” dumb cinder block? Are you black rujax? Still living on the reservation? Still barely eking out an existence for you and your son? Still buying him those libtard SCOTUS approved violent video games? Still sending him to those DUMMOCRETIN “approved” schools in Seattle? So who aided and abetted the DUMMOCRETIN take-over of Seattle? DUMMOCRETINS like yourself.
Did you view the link from Goldy on the new cable boxes CenturyLink will install with Ed Murray’s help?
Did you vote for Ed Murray dumb cinder block? Well enough of your fellow DUMMOCRETIN travelers did!
Didn’t you know Murray was Comcast’s favrit candidate?
Doesn’t that mean Ed Murray will be beholden to the interests of Big Cable? Isn’t that what Goldy wrote about in that other thread dumb cinder block?
Isn’t that your argument against Charles and David Koch? See how STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPID you really are?
Wait… no one could be that stoooooooooooooopid. Well HA’s dumb cinder block really is that stooooooooooooooooopid!
Now Mark Lloyd… Prior to being tapped by Obummer Lloyd was a seasoned fellow at CAP a George Soros funded outfit! He also wrote about how DUMMOCRETINS fail in talk radio! Mark was upset that people like to listen to conservative talk radio over Randi “4 Gun Shots” Rhodes at Scare America! So let’s be clear dumb cinder block as these are Mark Lloyd’s own words
Hmmm… So he became the FCC Czar… Net Neutrality… emails to/from George Soros and the FCC before the US Court Of Appeals rejected the Soros/FCC new neutrality rules. Emails posted above ignored by HA’s dumb cinder block because the truth is a very scary thing when your Leetle Pea Brained Mind is already polluted with farces not facts! Now you know why Puddy asked where were those anti-war protestors now? More crapola from Lloyd
Really? So the free market couldn’t decide Scare America sucked? Oh wait… they did!
Who is Mark Lloyd’s personal hero? Hugo Chavez. Must be HA’s dumb cinder block’s hero too!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. No sentient life form found in HA’s dumb cinder block.
He discusses the idea that the right have reframed “redistribution of their wealth” in moral terms. It’s ungodly, it’s unjust, it’s not moral to ask the rich to give up anything.
This explains some of the fanatical responses that conservatives give when we talk about progressive incomes and such. It’s attack on their god, their religion, their morality.
It doesn’t matter of facts show them that extreme income inequality is bad, and show them HOW it’s bad, we are attacking their gods. They are no different than followers of Islam in that regard.
For showing you can’t google for shit? Glad to be of service..
As for the rest of your bullshit?? ZZzzzzzZzzzzzzzz..
Everyday people are waking up to the FACT that this country is better off for having ACA than not.
No it’s not perfect but why would anything partially conceived by the likes of R-Money and the Heritage Foundation be anything close?
Nice to see that you pooh-pooh the FACT that you lie about the HATE you have for people who don’t care for your dumbass views.
MWS told the truth – about Bill Clinton and “We hate you”..
And the enemies list that you kept? Heh. Nothing creepy about that. Yeah right..
Vote NO on Proposition 1. Please and thank you.
@32. Why do you think we should we vote NO?
King County Prop. 1: Should voters invest in roads, transit?
Voters will consider King County Proposition 1 in the April 22 election to fund roads and transit. The ballot measure would add a tenth of a cent to the sales tax and set an annual car-tab fee of $60 to prevent deep cuts to Metro bus service and to help fund road projects throughout the county.
PRO: Avoid cuts to Metro transit
CON: Money better spent on roads
Especially state prisoners.
You provided the link you moron. So apparently your link was as you called… bullshit? Great job spotting your own bullshit! About time the creepy clueless crazed database deala called hisself on his own bullshit! Only took him from late 2004 until now!
Oh happy day! Sux to be the creepy clueless crazed database deala!
…psssst, pssst…nobody give a fuck what Puddypissypants thinks.
Indeed you did:
Thanks for Bob Laszewski dumbass! And thank Bob Laszewski for showing everyone here that YOU ARE THE VILLAGE IDIOT!
What are you going to do now asshole? Call Bob names? Say he took “librul money”?
Nice try hater. Let’s see your updated enemies list.
What psychobabbling @37. Sure is amazing how you glom onto various ‘nets links provided by Puddy.
Demonstrates just how DUMB of an ASS you really are creepy clueless crazed database deala!
creepy clueless crazed database deala; staying the dumb brick of HA!
Sux to be you!
Puddy wrote above
And the dumb cinder block’s response
Notice the dumb cinder block can’t create a cogent retort!
FRI APR 04, 2014 AT 11:56 AM PDT
Ryan wants to take health care away from millions of people and replace it with … uh … something
Four years, FIFTY fucking REPEAL VOTES, and no replacement plan…no proposal to cover uninsured…nothing.
The Republican health plan is still, “Don’t get sick.”
So where’s your plan, Puddypissypants?
How you gonna fix healthcare?
How you gonna fix inequality?
Where you gonna get jobs?
Throw down, baby…let’s see what you got.
Still waiting for the dumb cinder block to respond. Instead he goes off the tracks again!
Then it’s another left wrong link. Can the dumb cinder block think on his own? Naaaaaah Puddy, you are asking to much of the dumb cinder block!
Waiting for something cogent dumb cinder block… can you “dig” it?
Above, the dumb cinder block claimed he didn’t care what Puddy thought. Now he changes his mind like a little girl and demands Puddy give him some thoughts.
Which is it dumb cinder block? Like your silly Puddy name calling stay with one thought!
Sux to be the HA dumb cinder block!
Why hasn’t the dumb cinder block asked the Obummer whitey house why they still have income inequality but preach it to the rest of the US?
Because the dumb cinder block doesn’t have a brain your honor!
Right! Gavel bangs… case dismissed with prejudice!
How you can’t put up a coherent alternative to ACA..
Bob L PANS that “cross state lines” BULLSHIT.. Just like New America Foundation did way back.
Bob L PANS that Association bullshit.
Where’s your updated enemies list dork?
YOU LIED ABOUT HATING the liberals here. MWS told the truth!
Hey Fuck @ 41, 42…
I’m asking YOU!!!!
Do it, man… Let’s have it.
Wow such attitude from rujax! Except you wrote #41 you idiot!
Sux to be you!
Did the creepy clueless crazed database deala @45 fart again?
Still getting it wrong from the clueless crazed databaze!
Sux to be you!
To the dumb cinder block…
You still haven’t answered about our cheering of John Holdren and Mark Lloyd’s own comments. You claim they are your heroes! Puddy delivered their goods direct from their mouths to your eyes! You deliver links that fail. You always run away from facts then train wreck and change the subject.
Sux to be you!
Keep screaming.. talk to the hand!
49 Responses to “Open Thread 4/3”
30. Puddybud-The One and ONLY spews: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
#30: rujax who is we? Still haven’t answered that one! And now my name is Pissypuddypussy? Puddy doesn’t piss in pussy! Get your facts straight. So now you try Puddypissypants! Been to five HA Drunken DUMMOCRETINS and Puddy never arrived with pissed pants! EPIC NAMING FAYLE again. Butt, the dumb cinder block still fits you perfectly!
It’s a beauty rujax! Destroys your stoooooooooopidity!
Puddy’s comment #30 hasn’t been posted to the world HA Leaders! So Puddy’s view is:
41. Rujax! Proudly Calling Out the Idiot Puddypissypants Since 2007. spews:
42. Puddybud-The One and ONLY spews:
43. Puddybud-The One and ONLY spews:
44. LMAO at POODEBUTT’s “Crazed Databaze” spews:
45. LMAO at POODEBUTT’s “Crazed Databaze” spews:
46. Rujax! spews:
47. Puddybud-The One and ONLY spews:
48. Puddybud-The One and ONLY spews:
49. Puddybud-The One and ONLY spews:
Since Carl isn’t moderating… whodathunkit…
rujax who is we? Still haven’t answered that one! And now my name is Pissypuddypussy? Puddy doesn’t piss in pussy! Get your facts straight. So now you try Puddypissypants! Been to five HA Drunken DUMMOCRETINS and Puddy never arrived with pissed pants! EPIC NAMING FAYLE again. Butt, the dumb cinder block still fits you perfectly!
Puddy realizes this fact was lost on rujax but the Supremes decision was any US citizen may now give to as many candidates as he wants, but only $5,200 apiece ($2,600 each for the primary and general election). And dumb cinder block… From the Chief Justice
“If the First Amendment protects flag burning, funeral protests, and Nazi parades–despite the profound offense such spectacles cause–it surely protects political campaign speech despite popular opposition.”
Seems those are some of your favrit activities rujax! When you go back and view U.S. v. Stevens, which delved into depictions of animal cruelty and Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association covering those violent video games libtards like to play, The SCOTUS libtards said A-OK to those! Yet libtards on SCOTUS know the low information voter (read DUMMOCRETINS) are not part of the educated electorate and could be persuaded otherwise? That’s the crux here!
End of Part #1
So you putting up avowed socialist Bernie Sanders means nuthin dumb cinderblock. Must be facts don’t get through that granite encased Neanderthal shaped cranial orifice. It wasn’t the Koch Brothers who tried to work with the FCC on changing nt neutrality… it was George Soros! It wasn’t the Koch Brothers who are working to dumb down American children with marijuana it was George Soros. Now we learned a student from Africa jumped off a balcony to his death from a Colorado purchased MJ laced cookie. Yes, It’s Soros who wants to pollute American children. Butt, that’s A-OK with HA’s dumb cinder block rujax. Mrs Puddy and Puddy were saddened when we read that!
John Holdren is one of your heroes? This person who is for:
– Forced abortions. – Well the world would have been a better place if many of the HA DUMMOCRETIN posters parents followed “Jane Roe”!
– Mass sterilization. – Well the world would have been a better place if many of the HA DUMMOCRETIN posters parents hadn’t spawned.
– A “Planetary Regime” with the power of life and death over American citizens. – IPFB – Howard Dean Death Panels
The tyrannical fantasies of a madman? Or merely the opinions of the person now in control of science policy in the United States? Or both?
These ideas (among many other equally horrifying recommendations) were put forth by John Holdren, whom Barack Obama has recently appointed Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology — informally known as the United States’ Science Czar.
Hero of HA’s dumb cinder block!
End of Part #2
Puddy’s heroes keeping black people from voting… It seems North Carolina has determined
So it’s A-OK for people to vote more than once eh dumb cinder block? Remember Obummer only carried North Carolina by approximately 15K votes in 2008! Look it up ya moron! Yet libtards wanna claim it’s voter laws that will keep dumb blacks from voting. First off dumb cinder block why are blacks in these conditions with DUMMOCRETINS running the cities? All those mega-$Billions spent on great society programs and blacks are still in poverty today. Why is that dumb cinder block. Oh wait… it would mean HA’s dumb cinder block would have to initiate cognitive activities and all know unless it’s from a left wrong site HA’s dumb cinder block doesn’t have a “thought”! Well chew on this video dumb cinder block… illegal aliens who not being US citizens, are voting in US elections. Listen to the video ya moron! “I vote every year!” DUMMOCRETIN motor voter laws passed to increase “voters” increased illegals in one county! And of course you being the dumb cinder block you are just merrily accept the Daily Kooks or PoliticsUSA talking point du jour!
So why did the SCOTUS uphold Indiana’s law dumb cinder block? Libtard Justice John Paul Stevens wrote the opinion! Libtards want you to vote early and vote often!
End of Part #3
Now this is P R I C E L E S S:
Who is stopping wimens from having sex? DUMMOCRETINS like Who is against equal pay? Well Obummer is and Puddy provided the proof many times. Here it is again dumb cinder block… DaYUM you are stooooooooooopid as a cinder block… Oh wait… you are a dumb cinder block!
So you are calling Puddy a traitor, “quisling” dumb cinder block? Are you black rujax? Still living on the reservation? Still barely eking out an existence for you and your son? Still buying him those libtard SCOTUS approved violent video games? Still sending him to those DUMMOCRETIN “approved” schools in Seattle? So who aided and abetted the DUMMOCRETIN take-over of Seattle? DUMMOCRETINS like yourself.
Did you view the link from Goldy on the new cable boxes CenturyLink will install with Ed Murray’s help?
Did you vote for Ed Murray dumb cinder block? Well enough of your fellow DUMMOCRETIN travelers did!
Didn’t you know Murray was Comcast’s favrit candidate?
Doesn’t that mean Ed Murray will be beholden to the interests of Big Cable? Isn’t that what Goldy wrote about in that other thread dumb cinder block?
Isn’t that your argument against Charles and David Koch? See how STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPID you really are?
Wait… no one could be that stoooooooooooooopid. Well HA’s dumb cinder block really is that stooooooooooooooooopid!
End of Part #4
Now Mark Lloyd… Prior to being tapped by Obummer Lloyd was a seasoned fellow at CAP a George Soros funded outfit! He also wrote about how DUMMOCRETINS fail in talk radio! Mark was upset that people like to listen to conservative talk radio over Randi “4 Gun Shots” Rhodes at Scare America! So let’s be clear dumb cinder block as these are Mark Lloyd’s own words
“It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press…. This freedom is all too often an exaggeration…. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies.” – “Prologue to a Farce: Communication and Democracy in America” – Mark Lloyd
Hmmm… So he became the FCC Czar… Net Neutrality… emails to/from George Soros and the FCC before the US Court Of Appeals rejected the Soros/FCC new neutrality rules. Emails posted above ignored by HA’s dumb cinder block because the truth is a very scary thing when your Leetle Pea Brained Mind is already polluted with farces not facts! Now you know why Puddy asked where were those anti-war protestors now? More crapola from Lloyd
“Local public broadcasters and regional and national communications operations should be required to encourage and broadcast diverse views and programs. These programs should include coverage of all local, state and federal government meetings, as well as daily news and public issues programming.”
Really? So the free market couldn’t decide Scare America sucked? Oh wait… they did!
Who is Mark Lloyd’s personal hero? Hugo Chavez. Must be HA’s dumb cinder block’s hero too!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. No sentient life form found in HA’s dumb cinder block.
End of Part #5.
So there you go rujax, HA’s dumb cinder block! Carl hasn’t released it from moderation so there is the whole PuddyPost!
Nails it! Sux to be you!
shorter Puddy = Blah blah blah I’m a fucking genius blah.
I would try to read his posts if he could spell and he could use people real nicknames. Otherwise it’s just noise.
You guys are wasting your time in a pissing contest with a sick troll.
Still no fucking words of wisdom from the great puddypissypants.
No ideas. No plans…just hatehatehatehatehate.
Nothing and nobody is good enough for Puddypissypants.
So Ellen White says yer not spoked to beat off but we know you do it anyway when you’re not fucking goats…so get your freak on, brutha.
Still waiting for rujax to answer the posed questions above. No answers no debate. And we know why rujax won’t answer!
Still waiting… Or are the questions too hard to handle without checking your left wrong sites?
If hate is identifying libtards in action then truth is hate to a libtard like rujax!
Sux to be rujax!
If delivering factual truth on HA DUMMOCRETINS is sick, then Puddy would rather be truthsick than a lyinglibtard.
Sux to be you!
Not nearly as much as it sux to be a sick troll
Fuck the Puddypissypants. I’m not playing Puddypissypants stupid game.
Vision, Masan…the “vision thing” it’s not that hard.
Even for a crap-head dead-ender like Puddypissypants, here.