funny, how chuck schumer can make an obscene remark to a flight attendant and the media doesnt touch it. i wonder what they would say if it was dick cheney. and why is the flight attendant not making a case out of it. does she instinctivley know a liberal jewish democrat is untouchable?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Yeah, flight crew instruction disobedience is a big time FAA violation. Let’s see if someone in the libtard media castigates his sorry ASS!
“”It’s often said that the most dangerous place to be in Washington or New York is between Chuck Schumer and a TV camera. But it’s increasingly clear that a close second is when someone has the gall to ask the senator to follow the same rules that every other airline passenger must follow,” said National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesman Brian Walsh.”
Full disclosure, liberal talkers often shill for gold too. Don’t catch much talk radio in general, but yesterday Ed Schultz was doing a long, though fairly boilerplate, vamp on investment gold for some company.
Marvin Stamnspews:
4. YellowPup spews:
Full disclosure, liberal talkers often shill for gold too. Don’t catch much talk radio in general, but yesterday Ed Schultz was doing a long, though fairly boilerplate, vamp on investment gold for some company.
The difference between right-wingers hacking gold on the radio and left-wingers hacking gold on the radio is no one hears the left-winger on the radio.
he European Union (EU) Emission Trading System (ETS) has been the victim of fraudulent traders in the past 18 months. This resulted in losses of approximately 5 billion euros for several national tax revenues. It is estimated that in some countries, up to 90% of the whole market volume was caused by fraudulent activities.
90% are fraud? So carbon offsets are a scam, who would have guessed it.
Follow the money, who is profiting in the united states off carbon offsets?
With the support of Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom Europol has set up a specific project to collect and analyse information in order to identify and disrupt the organised criminal structures behind these fraud schemes.
So organized crime is in on the carbon offset scam, no big surprise.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Oh yeah—well I have just one thing to say this AM:
Friday, December 18, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 28% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14.
The number who Strongly Disapprove of Obama’s performance has now topped 40% for seven straight days and his overall Approval Index rating has been in negative double digits every day for over a month.
Suck on this!
From +32…to -14 in 11 months.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
HA Leftists have you thought about what Howard Dean did when he withdrew support and Bernie Sanders had a cow on PMSNBC yesterday?
It seems Howie and Bernie don’t mind anybody and everybody being forced to buy insurance if you buy it from the federal government.
It seems Howie and Bernie don’t mind anybody and everybody being forced pay the big $$$ non-insurance fine to the IRS (per Pelosi’s bill). They want private insurance out of business.
Why does every time al gore, his private jet and fleet of SUV arrive someplace does the weather turn cold? In copenhagen, record cold for the man-madeup-global-warming conference.
“I think it’s a mistake to have someone who did not pass muster before to be nominated again,” the former official told “It shows a disrespect to the process I think. … Hopefully there’ll be somebody on the committee who takes a sober look at the record.”
According to reports at the time, a former Cuban intelligence agent also told a Spanish-language newspaper in Miami in 1993 that Cuban intelligence was trying to recruit her through her boyfriend.
Wow another potential communist in the disciple mix.
Marvin Stamnspews:
8. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
HA Leftists have you thought about what Howard Dean did when he withdrew support and Bernie Sanders had a cow on PMSNBC yesterday?
Doesn’t that make them murders like the left is calling lieberman?
Why does the left-wing media never refer to bernie as a socialist? He freely admits it yet the liberal media like to call him an independent.
@7 – What’s your point? I’m a liberal and I don’t approve of how Obama’s handling things right now.
If you’re going to spend time making juvenile “neener neener” comments, try making one that actually bothers someone.
I’m still hopeful that someday this blog will attract higher quality trolls…
Marvin Stamnspews:
More bad news for the believers in man-madeup-global-warming…
The wheels are coming off the bus for the global-warming crowd.
If you use fake data, of course the planet is warming.
Using the fake data I have in my hands, Goldy is really a six foot nine black basketball player.
Of course, your perception of Goldy might not match your real life experience, but trust me, the debate is over!
@11 Perhaps the (“left-wing”-now that’s funny! Calling corporate media “left-wing”!) media calls him an independent because he’s an independent?
Just trying to help you connect the dots.
@13 – Please, dear god, someone tell me that climate change deniers are just trying to yank the grown-ups’ chains and that they aren’t really that monumentally stupid?
Marvin Stamnspews:
More bad poll numbers for oba-mao and his democrat cronies.
For the first time, Obama’s overall job approval rating has fallen below 50 percent (to 47 percent). In addition, for the first time since Sept. 2007, a plurality (45 percent) sees the Democratic Party in a negative light. And the percentage believing the country is on the wrong track (55 percent) is at its highest level in the Obama presidency.
Yup, his approval ratings have changed. The longer he is in office the lower his poll numbers will drop.
a whopping two-thirds say they’re not confident that life for their children’s generation will be better than it was for them.
Thanks to the spending of oba-mao.
Maybe it would be smart time to overhaul healthcare while the country is in a recession and double digit unemployment.
fewer than four in 10 say they are confident he has the right set of goals and policies, which is down 15 points since his election.
Right-wingers knew he had the wrong set of goals and policies from the start, the dropping numbers are democrats jumping off a sinking ship.
But, for the first time in more than two years, the Democratic Party also now holds a net-negative rating, 35 percent to 45 percent.
By comparison, the conservative libertarian-leaning Tea Party movement has a net-positive 41 percent to 23 percent score in the poll.
The tea party movement has higher positives and lower negatives.
That explains why the left is attacking “teabaggers.”
As for health care, the poll — which was taken Dec. 11-14 of 1,008 adults, and which has a margin of error of plus-minus 3.1 percentage points — finds that those believing Obama’s health-reform plan is a good idea has sunk to its lowest level.
Just 32 percent say it’s a good idea, versus 47 percent who say it’s a bad idea.
Maybe daddylove or whatever left-wingnut that insists the public wants the government taking over the healthcare can explain why a liberal network is providing proof that the public support is not there.
Marvin Stamnspews:
14. doggril spews:
@11 Perhaps the (”left-wing”-now that’s funny! Calling corporate media “left-wing”!)
By what measure does GE “lean to the right”? Not by campaign contributions, I’ll tell you that. For instance, 69% of GE’s political action committee cash to House candidates so far this year have gone to Democrats, with Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C. (95% liberal rating from Americans for Democratic Action), the top recipient. On the Senate side, Democrats have pocketed 55% of GEPAC cash, with Chris Dodd the top recipient.
Follow the money. The money trail leads to democrats.
But maybe GE has a conservative lobbying agenda? Hardly. The company lobbies for cap-and-trade, embryonic stem-cell research subsidies, the stimulus, alternative energy subsidies, and more.
Sounds more like the liberal agenda that than right.
Once again, follow the money.
When you follow the money, the big corporation that pays olbermann is left-wing.
Marvin Stamnspews:
15. doggril spews:
@13 – Please, dear god, someone tell me that climate change deniers are just trying to yank the grown-ups’ chains and that they aren’t really that monumentally stupid?
Please dear God, tell me that the believers will do more than whine next year.
Ask the believers to show us they believe by actually changing their earth destroying behavior. Lead by example.
Excluding ed beagly jr, what left-wingnut is actually living the life they want the government to impose on others.
It’s become clear to me that Puddy’s losing it. Really, it’s long past time for Puddy’s troll friends to pull off an intervention. Hey guys, I’ll join in if you want.
However, before we start, I recommend that Puddy read this.
Jeremiah 42:18 For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; As mine anger and my fury hath been poured forth upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem; so shall my fury be poured forth upon you, when ye shall enter into Egypt: and ye shall be an execration, and an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach; and ye shall see this place no more.
Yup, that one’s for Puddy, alright. Take it to heart, Puddy, and then let faith be your guide as you seek out the light. You see, Puddy, today is no different than it was in the beginning. It is the Truth that shall set you free.
Yours in Christ,
Marvin Stamnspews:
More bad news for the religious cult know as man-madeup-global-warming.
Now with the release of the emails which prove data was faked, data was manipulated and simply made up, other scientists are now jumping off the sinking ship.
When the sun is relatively inactive — as it has been in recent years — the outermost layer of Earth’s atmosphere cools dramatically, new observations find.
That explains the cooling trend the planet has been in the last few years. The cooling trend the believers of man-madeup-global-warming had to ignore to prove their point of global warming.
However, a leaked document from the UN climate convention indicates the best deal likely here will not keep the temperature rise below 2C (3.6F).
Even if countries implement their biggest pledges, a rise of 3C (5.4F) is indicated, it concluded.
The more we learn about man-madeup-global-warming we learn it’s more of a scam than a plan to help the planet.
If the problem is as dire as the believers tell us, why would they commit suicide by flying all those private jets to copenhagen.
Do as the belivers do, and continue to destroy the planet.
Marvin Stamnspews:
No wonder unemployment went up after oba-mao assured us following his stimulus would help us.
When oba-mao said help, he didn’t mean help the country, he meant help the democrats.
A new analysis of the $157 billion distributed by the American Reinvestment and Recovery act, popularly known as the stimulus bill, shows that the funds were distributed without regard for what states were most in need of jobs.
“You would think that if the stimulus money was actually spent to create jobs, there would be more stimulus money spent in high unemployment states,”
That would make sense to spend the money where unemployment was highest.
Oba-mao knows better.
Looking at it, why should oba-mao give taxpayer money to republican districts that didn’t vote for oba-mao.
And besides, looking at democrat controlled cities, they are in the worse shape. Liberal policies have destroyed cities, see detroit.
@12 I’m a liberal and I don’t approve of how Obama’s handling things right now . . . try making one that actually bothers someone.
Frankly, I would think you’d be losing sleep over this steep decline. I mean, you bought into his messianic “change” message DESPITE all the warnings issued at the time – including on this board by the some of the very “trolls” you still denigrate – and the most you can say is you don’t approve of how Obama’s handling things? Let’s see, health care “reform” has been gutted, the economy and public confidence in our leadership are in a total funk, Wall Street is back to making billions in bonuses again – A MERE YEAR AFTER WE SEEMED HEADED TOWARDS FINANCIAL OBLIVION – and we’re spilling our blood and treasure in Afghanistan while our “allies” sit on the sidelines, and the most you can say is you don’t approve?
Look in the mirror – the problem is with those who gave such an enthusiastic, ask no questions, green light to Obama, not the “trolls.”
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Steve Steve Steve, you yanked that out of context of the whole thread on Happy Hanukkah. Now why did Steve do that? Let’s review the thread so everyone can see how Steve likes to make an ASS out of himself every day. Nagivate back to the Happy Hanukkah thread and start with post #111.
While Steve accuses others of losing it… Mr. Kommodore Steve and his Tollycraft Boats lost it long ago!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Puddy placed a graphic on HA Libtardos where the Porkulus Funds were
83% Democratic
17% Republican
Of the 83% Democratic – just about all went to white Democratic friends. Jesse Hi-Jackson complained about the lack of Porkulus money to the inna cities. Something Puddy has always decried on HA Libtardos. Democratics want to keep blacks in their place. Think of Dick Turban Durbin killing the Opportunities Scholarship Program for 1700 po black WA DC inna city kids going to surburban whitey schools. NEA said no mo so the Democratics in the Senate said okay. So who is worse Democratic loving NEA racists or NEA loving Senate racists? Gotta keep dem black in der place. Education will set you free so we gots ta keep dem dumb and in worthless inna city schools!
Marvin Stamnspews:
Another crisis for oba-mao to spend the next 11 months deciding what to do like he did with afghanistan.
An official of the state-owned South Oil Co in the southeastern city of Amara, and west of the field, said: “An Iranian force arrived at the field early this morning (Friday).
“It took control of Well 4 and raised the Iranian flag even though the well lies in Iraqi territory,” the official added.
What is oba-mao going to do.
Does voting “present” count as doing something?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Jon, you gotta remember to add Iran who Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm claimed would respond to reducing the nuclear program when Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm went overseas to Germany and made a fool of the US with his open palm gesture. Yep Iran responded with a slap on his face!
Marvin Stamnspews:
26. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Puddy placed a graphic on HA Libtardos where the Porkulus Funds were
Of the 83% Democratic – just about all went to white Democratic friends.
Of course democrats used taxpayer money to help white democrats. It’s the democrat way. The more liberal, the more white. Just compare the % of blacks in seattle or san fran to see that liberals don’t really want blacks around.
What has the democrat party ever done to help poor blacks?
Any left-wingnut want to explain how the democrats have helped poor blacks?
Marvin Stamnspews:
All the liberal polls prove the country does not want the democrats free government healthcare.
Fifty-seven percent (57%) of voters nationwide say that it would be better to pass no health care reform bill this year instead of passing the plan currently being considered by Congress.
Left-wing poll or right-wing poll, they both agree.
The country is against the democrats plan to take over healthcare.
And in return, the democrats are against the country.
Marvin Stamnspews:
It appears the blog bosses are becoming predictable…
Lee = pot
Goldy = tax tax tax
darryl = I’m not a crappy professor
Marvin Stamnspews:
Gotta love those democrat/liberal policies…
How is democrat control working out for the people of detroit?
Mayor Dave Bing recently raised eyebrows when he said what many already suspected: that the city’s official unemployment rate was as believable as Santa Claus. In Washington for a jobs forum earlier this month, he estimated it was “closer to 50 percent.”
Things must suck for democrats when they have to admit that government “facts” are as believable as santa claus.
Why didn’t democrats do a better job to help poor people?
Californians would just as soon allow the meltdown-prone pop princess Britney Spears to run their family budget as they would leave their finances in the hands of their state legislators, according to a new poll.
Liberal/democrat policies at their best.
Except almost the same number of people believe britney could do just as well as democrats/liberals.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Here’s a link to a SNL skit of al gore reading poetry.
He’s in a major state of shock after running one of his simulations WHICH WE KNOW NEVER LIE.
According to one of the popular online rating systems, RankMyProfessor, he ranks dead last in terms of overall quality in the UW Anthropology Dept. Out of 44 faculty listed, 37 have been rated by students. As to Darryl’s common retort that the rankings are from disgruntled students, 12 of the 37 receive scores above 4 (out of 5 possible), which should put that tired – and self-serving – excuse to rest. The high score: 4.9. The low: 1.3 (Darryl’s). The mean: 3.46. Indeed, only two faculty receive scores BELOW 2.
Now it may be that Darryl has his own evals that contradict these results, but thus far – DESPITE having stated at one time that he thought the UW should make student evals public – he’s REFUSED to share this data. Most curious response . . .
Why, again, are students taking it on the chin with tuition hikes when they can’t kick the tires of the product they’re purchasing? This looks just like our health care system.
It appears the blog bosses are becoming predictable…
Lee = pot
Goldy = tax tax tax
darryl = I’m not a crappy professor
oh my fucking god!!!! darryl is a fucking professor????? god help this country,,,no wonder kids coming out of school are idiots
Marvin Stamnspews:
Not sure if this a national phenomen or just a lala thing…
Teev commercials for “get out of debt,” law firms and the sale of crap are all using video clips of obama.
There’s a commercial for a get out of debt business and they are using the video clip of obama telling people that credit card companies raise the interest % even if you pay your bills on time.
“This is what I meant a year ago when I said the next year will determine whether Barack Obama will be an Uncle Tom groveling before the demands of the corporations.”
Liberals never change their spots.
It’s always about seeing people as black, or uncle toms, depending on which party they belong to.
Since moveon is working to make sure healthcare does not pass, does that make them racists? Or even make them killers like lieberman?
MoveOn doesn’t support it because the current version of the Senate’s HCR bill looks too much like Mitch McConnel drafted it.
But, why do you hate Gen. Colin Powell?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Tollycraft steve needs to take some dramamine before his next alcoholic voyage.
Puking off the side of a Tollycraft is rather classless….don’t you think.
In the meantime, Obam-Mao continues to self-destruct.
The Democrat Party…which the KLOWNS promised would take all of the rich folks $$ has done…what?? Nothing?
Once January rolls around, they have to throw around all that BORROWED “porkulous” money to create an illusion of prosperity to con the American voters once again.
It’s going to be harder this time around.
Off to a Christmas party.
Over and out.
Marvin Stamnspews:
When chavez linked bush to the smell of sulfur, the liberal media couldn’t p[lay the clip enough.
If you really cared about Puddy, Mr. Klynical, you’d join me in an intervention before the batshit crazy loon loses it completely.
Marvin Stamnspews:
43. GBS spews:
MoveOn doesn’t support it because the current version of the Senate’s HCR bill looks too much like Mitch McConnel drafted it.
But, why do you hate Gen. Colin Powell?
Did I say that?
Since you are forced to make up stuff, why don’t you go play with manotruth, someone more your speed. He makes up stuff just like you. That should be a fair match-up.
Marvin Stamnspews:
I was wondering why the liberal media hasn’t been touting the oba-mao stimulus the last couple days.
I guess if they have nothing good to say, why report the news.
The Labor Department said Thursday that the number of new jobless claims rose to 480,000 last week, up 7,000 from the previous week. That was a worse performance than the decline to 465,000 that economists had expected.
I don’t know why the author said the rise was “unexpected,” oba-mao was ready from day one of his term.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Of course democrats support free speech and that patriotic dissent stuff.
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), prone for throwing his own political bombs at Republicans, has threatened a local critic with five years in jail for creating the website “,”
The Orlando Sentinel reports that Grayson wrote a letter this week to Attorney General Eric Holder demanding that the federal government imprison Republican activist Angie Langley for five years because of her website criticizing him.
My guess is that this dissenter just wants the federal government to send her on a bermuda vacation like oba-mao did for those terrorists.
At least this global warming thing is costing big insurance corporations lots of money.
Seattle’s PEMCO Insurance says claims of nearly $4.3 million rank the cold temperatures from Dec. 7 through 13 among Washington’s top six severe cold weather events of the past 25 years.
Remember, unlike record high temperatures which prove global warming, record lows mean nothing to man-madeup-global-warming.
Since you are forced to make up stuff, why don’t you go play with manotruth, someone more your speed. He makes up stuff just like you. That should be a fair match-up.
hey, anything i say is a lead pipe, stone cold lock. and you can bet on it.
Boeing, where about 1,200 people use transit or van pools in the Puget Sound region, considers its fare cards “a company-provided benefit, privacy-protected,” said spokeswoman Kathy Spicer.
51. manoftruth spews:
hey, anything i say is a lead pipe, stone cold lock. and you can bet on it.
Exactly. That’s why I want to see you and gbs go at it.
He has talked bad about you in the past and wouldn’t it be sweet to see him get punked by you again?
Call him out. I’m guessing he will duck you and avoid you at all costs.
47. Marvin Stamn spews:
43. GBS spews:
MoveOn doesn’t support it because the current version of the Senate’s HCR bill looks too much like Mitch McConnel drafted it.
But, why do you hate Gen. Colin Powell?
Did I say that?
Since you are forced to make up stuff, why don’t you go play with manotruth, someone more your speed. He makes up stuff just like you. That should be a fair match-up.
You think Gen. Powell is a war criminal, just admit it already!!
It doesn’t appear that china really gives a damn about oba-mao. The chinese own him.
According to a high level source, the US president clearly regarded Premier Wen’s absence as a major diplomatic insult, and snapped: “It would be nice to negotiate with somebody who can make political decisions.”
Maybe china saw oba-mao dither about afghanstan for months and months and all his “present” votes and had the same thought, “It would be nice to negotiate with somebody who can make political decisions.”
It kinda reminds me of that SNL skit a couple weeks ago when they had the chinese mocking oba-mao- The Chinese president (through an interpreter): You know, as I listen to you, I am noticing that each of your plans to save money involves spending even more money. This does not inspire confidence.
Obama: I assure you, you’re going to get your money.
China’s president: When?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
46. Steve spews:
If you really cared about Puddy, Mr. Klynical, you’d join me in an intervention before the batshit crazy loon loses it completely
Not a chance steve.
I judge Puddy’s sanity by the insanity he creates in your punkinhead.
Seems like he is in your head kinda deep lately…meaning Puddy is not only sane, HE’S A GENIUS!
Marvin Stamnspews:
Where’s ylb?
Did he get a job?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Apparently ylb was OFFERED a job.
He’s now in the ICU/Mental Health Ward
No computers there.
The purpose is not to provide a handy (and profitable) tool for upping the Google ranking of right-wing sites.
I’m curious to know what right wing sites you have in mind? I noticed MS providing a lot of links in the last two open threads, but these cover a wide range of media sites and include MSNBC, the Washington Post, and youTube. I found very few “right wing” sites, at least in the last two open threads.
If I may paraphrase Mr. Slattery, you can’t eat gold and fucking goats is the last resort!
funny, how chuck schumer can make an obscene remark to a flight attendant and the media doesnt touch it. i wonder what they would say if it was dick cheney. and why is the flight attendant not making a case out of it. does she instinctivley know a liberal jewish democrat is untouchable?
Yeah, flight crew instruction disobedience is a big time FAA violation. Let’s see if someone in the libtard media castigates his sorry ASS!
“”It’s often said that the most dangerous place to be in Washington or New York is between Chuck Schumer and a TV camera. But it’s increasingly clear that a close second is when someone has the gall to ask the senator to follow the same rules that every other airline passenger must follow,” said National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesman Brian Walsh.”
Best description of Chucky I Steal Social Security Numbers Schumer in action is here:
Full disclosure, liberal talkers often shill for gold too. Don’t catch much talk radio in general, but yesterday Ed Schultz was doing a long, though fairly boilerplate, vamp on investment gold for some company.
The difference between right-wingers hacking gold on the radio and left-wingers hacking gold on the radio is no one hears the left-winger on the radio.
Europol is reporting-
90% are fraud? So carbon offsets are a scam, who would have guessed it.
Follow the money, who is profiting in the united states off carbon offsets?
So organized crime is in on the carbon offset scam, no big surprise.
Oh yeah—well I have just one thing to say this AM:
Friday, December 18, 2009
Suck on this!
From +32…to -14 in 11 months.
HA Leftists have you thought about what Howard Dean did when he withdrew support and Bernie Sanders had a cow on PMSNBC yesterday?
It seems Howie and Bernie don’t mind anybody and everybody being forced to buy insurance if you buy it from the federal government.
It seems Howie and Bernie don’t mind anybody and everybody being forced pay the big $$$ non-insurance fine to the IRS (per Pelosi’s bill). They want private insurance out of business.
Socialism 101.
Is there a God?
Why does God hate al gore?
Denmark has a maritime climate and milder winters than its Scandinavian neighbors. It hasn’t had a white Christmas for 14 years, under the DMI’s definition, and only had seven last century. Temperatures today fell as low as minus 4 Celsius (25 Fahrenheit).
Why does every time al gore, his private jet and fleet of SUV arrive someplace does the weather turn cold? In copenhagen, record cold for the man-madeup-global-warming conference.
Why is God proving gore wrong?
Puddy guesses the second time will be a charm?
“I think it’s a mistake to have someone who did not pass muster before to be nominated again,” the former official told “It shows a disrespect to the process I think. … Hopefully there’ll be somebody on the committee who takes a sober look at the record.”
According to reports at the time, a former Cuban intelligence agent also told a Spanish-language newspaper in Miami in 1993 that Cuban intelligence was trying to recruit her through her boyfriend.
Wow another potential communist in the disciple mix.
Doesn’t that make them murders like the left is calling lieberman?
Why does the left-wing media never refer to bernie as a socialist? He freely admits it yet the liberal media like to call him an independent.
@7 – What’s your point? I’m a liberal and I don’t approve of how Obama’s handling things right now.
If you’re going to spend time making juvenile “neener neener” comments, try making one that actually bothers someone.
I’m still hopeful that someday this blog will attract higher quality trolls…
More bad news for the believers in man-madeup-global-warming…
Climategate goes SERIAL: now the Russians confirm that UK climate scientists manipulated data to exaggerate global warming
The wheels are coming off the bus for the global-warming crowd.
If you use fake data, of course the planet is warming.
Using the fake data I have in my hands, Goldy is really a six foot nine black basketball player.
Of course, your perception of Goldy might not match your real life experience, but trust me, the debate is over!
@11 Perhaps the (“left-wing”-now that’s funny! Calling corporate media “left-wing”!) media calls him an independent because he’s an independent?
Just trying to help you connect the dots.
@13 – Please, dear god, someone tell me that climate change deniers are just trying to yank the grown-ups’ chains and that they aren’t really that monumentally stupid?
More bad poll numbers for oba-mao and his democrat cronies.
From left-wing msnbc–
Yup, his approval ratings have changed. The longer he is in office the lower his poll numbers will drop.
Thanks to the spending of oba-mao.
Maybe it would be smart time to overhaul healthcare while the country is in a recession and double digit unemployment.
Right-wingers knew he had the wrong set of goals and policies from the start, the dropping numbers are democrats jumping off a sinking ship.
The tea party movement has higher positives and lower negatives.
That explains why the left is attacking “teabaggers.”
Maybe daddylove or whatever left-wingnut that insists the public wants the government taking over the healthcare can explain why a liberal network is providing proof that the public support is not there.
Didn’t olbermann make you point the other night?
And fail?
GE employee Olbermann insists corporations are inherently conservative
Follow the money. The money trail leads to democrats.
Sounds more like the liberal agenda that than right.
Once again, follow the money.
When you follow the money, the big corporation that pays olbermann is left-wing.
Please dear God, tell me that the believers will do more than whine next year.
Ask the believers to show us they believe by actually changing their earth destroying behavior. Lead by example.
Excluding ed beagly jr, what left-wingnut is actually living the life they want the government to impose on others.
It’s become clear to me that Puddy’s losing it. Really, it’s long past time for Puddy’s troll friends to pull off an intervention. Hey guys, I’ll join in if you want.
However, before we start, I recommend that Puddy read this.
Jeremiah 42:18 For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; As mine anger and my fury hath been poured forth upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem; so shall my fury be poured forth upon you, when ye shall enter into Egypt: and ye shall be an execration, and an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach; and ye shall see this place no more.
Yup, that one’s for Puddy, alright. Take it to heart, Puddy, and then let faith be your guide as you seek out the light. You see, Puddy, today is no different than it was in the beginning. It is the Truth that shall set you free.
Yours in Christ,
More bad news for the religious cult know as man-madeup-global-warming.
Earth’s Upper Atmosphere Cooling Dramatically
Now with the release of the emails which prove data was faked, data was manipulated and simply made up, other scientists are now jumping off the sinking ship.
That explains the cooling trend the planet has been in the last few years. The cooling trend the believers of man-madeup-global-warming had to ignore to prove their point of global warming.
The bbc is reporting on leaked documents from the man-madeup-global-warming conference in copenhagen.
The more we learn about man-madeup-global-warming we learn it’s more of a scam than a plan to help the planet.
If the problem is as dire as the believers tell us, why would they commit suicide by flying all those private jets to copenhagen.
Do as the belivers do, and continue to destroy the planet.
No wonder unemployment went up after oba-mao assured us following his stimulus would help us.
When oba-mao said help, he didn’t mean help the country, he meant help the democrats.
Report: Democratic districts received nearly twice the amount of stimulus funds as GOP districts
That would make sense to spend the money where unemployment was highest.
Oba-mao knows better.
Looking at it, why should oba-mao give taxpayer money to republican districts that didn’t vote for oba-mao.
And besides, looking at democrat controlled cities, they are in the worse shape. Liberal policies have destroyed cities, see detroit.
Did the AP really lie for Al Gorebasm?
Looks like they did.
@12 I’m a liberal and I don’t approve of how Obama’s handling things right now . . . try making one that actually bothers someone.
Frankly, I would think you’d be losing sleep over this steep decline. I mean, you bought into his messianic “change” message DESPITE all the warnings issued at the time – including on this board by the some of the very “trolls” you still denigrate – and the most you can say is you don’t approve of how Obama’s handling things? Let’s see, health care “reform” has been gutted, the economy and public confidence in our leadership are in a total funk, Wall Street is back to making billions in bonuses again – A MERE YEAR AFTER WE SEEMED HEADED TOWARDS FINANCIAL OBLIVION – and we’re spilling our blood and treasure in Afghanistan while our “allies” sit on the sidelines, and the most you can say is you don’t approve?
Look in the mirror – the problem is with those who gave such an enthusiastic, ask no questions, green light to Obama, not the “trolls.”
Steve Steve Steve, you yanked that out of context of the whole thread on Happy Hanukkah. Now why did Steve do that? Let’s review the thread so everyone can see how Steve likes to make an ASS out of himself every day. Nagivate back to the Happy Hanukkah thread and start with post #111.
While Steve accuses others of losing it… Mr. Kommodore Steve and his Tollycraft Boats lost it long ago!
Puddy placed a graphic on HA Libtardos where the Porkulus Funds were
83% Democratic
17% Republican
Of the 83% Democratic – just about all went to white Democratic friends. Jesse Hi-Jackson complained about the lack of Porkulus money to the inna cities. Something Puddy has always decried on HA Libtardos. Democratics want to keep blacks in their place. Think of Dick Turban Durbin killing the Opportunities Scholarship Program for 1700 po black WA DC inna city kids going to surburban whitey schools. NEA said no mo so the Democratics in the Senate said okay. So who is worse Democratic loving NEA racists or NEA loving Senate racists? Gotta keep dem black in der place. Education will set you free so we gots ta keep dem dumb and in worthless inna city schools!
Another crisis for oba-mao to spend the next 11 months deciding what to do like he did with afghanistan.
Iranian forces take over Iraq oil well
What is oba-mao going to do.
Does voting “present” count as doing something?
Jon, you gotta remember to add Iran who Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm claimed would respond to reducing the nuclear program when Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm went overseas to Germany and made a fool of the US with his open palm gesture. Yep Iran responded with a slap on his face!
Of course democrats used taxpayer money to help white democrats. It’s the democrat way. The more liberal, the more white. Just compare the % of blacks in seattle or san fran to see that liberals don’t really want blacks around.
What has the democrat party ever done to help poor blacks?
Any left-wingnut want to explain how the democrats have helped poor blacks?
All the liberal polls prove the country does not want the democrats free government healthcare.
What does rasmussen say?
Left-wing poll or right-wing poll, they both agree.
The country is against the democrats plan to take over healthcare.
And in return, the democrats are against the country.
It appears the blog bosses are becoming predictable…
Lee = pot
Goldy = tax tax tax
darryl = I’m not a crappy professor
Gotta love those democrat/liberal policies…
How is democrat control working out for the people of detroit?
Nearly half of Detroit’s workers are unemployed
How long has detroit been under democrat rule?
Things must suck for democrats when they have to admit that government “facts” are as believable as santa claus.
Why didn’t democrats do a better job to help poor people?
A liberal sacramento bee reports-
Liberal/democrat policies at their best.
Except almost the same number of people believe britney could do just as well as democrats/liberals.
Here’s a link to a SNL skit of al gore reading poetry.
oops, that’s the real al gore on the today show.
Even funnier than any skit on SNL could ever be.
@31 darryl = I’m not a crappy professor
He’s in a major state of shock after running one of his simulations WHICH WE KNOW NEVER LIE.
According to one of the popular online rating systems, RankMyProfessor, he ranks dead last in terms of overall quality in the UW Anthropology Dept. Out of 44 faculty listed, 37 have been rated by students. As to Darryl’s common retort that the rankings are from disgruntled students, 12 of the 37 receive scores above 4 (out of 5 possible), which should put that tired – and self-serving – excuse to rest. The high score: 4.9. The low: 1.3 (Darryl’s). The mean: 3.46. Indeed, only two faculty receive scores BELOW 2.
Now it may be that Darryl has his own evals that contradict these results, but thus far – DESPITE having stated at one time that he thought the UW should make student evals public – he’s REFUSED to share this data. Most curious response . . .
Why, again, are students taking it on the chin with tuition hikes when they can’t kick the tires of the product they’re purchasing? This looks just like our health care system.
It appears the blog bosses are becoming predictable…
Lee = pot
Goldy = tax tax tax
darryl = I’m not a crappy professor
oh my fucking god!!!! darryl is a fucking professor????? god help this country,,,no wonder kids coming out of school are idiots
Not sure if this a national phenomen or just a lala thing…
Teev commercials for “get out of debt,” law firms and the sale of crap are all using video clips of obama.
There’s a commercial for a get out of debt business and they are using the video clip of obama telling people that credit card companies raise the interest % even if you pay your bills on time.
And lets not forget liberal radio host montel williams selling those fake oba-mao gold coins
Liberals/progressives love to call blacks that have ventured off the plantation as uncle toms.
Clarence Thomas
General Colin Powell
What does longtime liberal ralph nadar say-
Liberals never change their spots.
It’s always about seeing people as black, or uncle toms, depending on which party they belong to.
Why can’t liberals just simply see people?
Looks like the libtardos are protecting one of their own?
Uh-huh, tell us how you really feel about Colin Powell then.
Yeah, left-wingnuts here on ha keep telling us the public supports the oba-mao healthcare plan.
Well, not all the public.
Hell, moveon doesn’t even support it.
How cute.
Liberals won’t even call a socialist a socialist.
Since moveon is working to make sure healthcare does not pass, does that make them racists? Or even make them killers like lieberman?
MoveOn doesn’t support it because the current version of the Senate’s HCR bill looks too much like Mitch McConnel drafted it.
But, why do you hate Gen. Colin Powell?
Tollycraft steve needs to take some dramamine before his next alcoholic voyage.
Puking off the side of a Tollycraft is rather classless….don’t you think.
In the meantime, Obam-Mao continues to self-destruct.
The Democrat Party…which the KLOWNS promised would take all of the rich folks $$ has done…what?? Nothing?
Once January rolls around, they have to throw around all that BORROWED “porkulous” money to create an illusion of prosperity to con the American voters once again.
It’s going to be harder this time around.
Off to a Christmas party.
Over and out.
When chavez linked bush to the smell of sulfur, the liberal media couldn’t p[lay the clip enough.
When it’s oba-mao and the smell of sulfur the liberal media makes the choice to remain silent.
If you really cared about Puddy, Mr. Klynical, you’d join me in an intervention before the batshit crazy loon loses it completely.
Did I say that?
Since you are forced to make up stuff, why don’t you go play with manotruth, someone more your speed. He makes up stuff just like you. That should be a fair match-up.
I was wondering why the liberal media hasn’t been touting the oba-mao stimulus the last couple days.
I guess if they have nothing good to say, why report the news.
WASHINGTON (AP) – The number of newly laid off workers filing claims for unemployment benefits unexpectedly rose last week as the recovery of the nation’s battered labor market proceeds in fits and starts.
The Labor Department said Thursday that the number of new jobless claims rose to 480,000 last week, up 7,000 from the previous week. That was a worse performance than the decline to 465,000 that economists had expected.
I don’t know why the author said the rise was “unexpected,” oba-mao was ready from day one of his term.
Of course democrats support free speech and that patriotic dissent stuff.
Unless it’s directed at a democrat.
Grayson threatens to imprison critic
My guess is that this dissenter just wants the federal government to send her on a bermuda vacation like oba-mao did for those terrorists.
The cost of global warming is rising!
SEATTLE – Record low temperatures in Washington last week are resulting in something of a record in insurance claims.
At least this global warming thing is costing big insurance corporations lots of money.
Remember, unlike record high temperatures which prove global warming, record lows mean nothing to man-madeup-global-warming.
Since you are forced to make up stuff, why don’t you go play with manotruth, someone more your speed. He makes up stuff just like you. That should be a fair match-up.
hey, anything i say is a lead pipe, stone cold lock. and you can bet on it.
Why do boeing employees hate the planet?
1,200 people?
How many work for boeing?
Over 70,000 boeing employees in washington and only 1,200 use public transportation?
Why do liberals hate the planet?
Exactly. That’s why I want to see you and gbs go at it.
He has talked bad about you in the past and wouldn’t it be sweet to see him get punked by you again?
Call him out. I’m guessing he will duck you and avoid you at all costs.
You think Gen. Powell is a war criminal, just admit it already!!
Here are some of your peeps who think like you…
Colin Powell: War Criminal
Who said I think that?
Too bad you didn’t know what I was thinking when I wrote you hit a superior officer.
I played you for a punk and you flew off the handle exactly like I knew you would.
People like you with anger problems are so easy to punk.
Which explains why you have decided not to take me up on my challenge.
Good thing oba-mao isn’t bush. That wouldn’t be change.
This afternoon, the US president and his secretary of state Hillary Clinton called another meeting with China, but were snubbed again when only three low-level Chinese delegates arrived.
It doesn’t appear that china really gives a damn about oba-mao. The chinese own him.
Maybe china saw oba-mao dither about afghanstan for months and months and all his “present” votes and had the same thought, “It would be nice to negotiate with somebody who can make political decisions.”
It kinda reminds me of that SNL skit a couple weeks ago when they had the chinese mocking oba-mao-
The Chinese president (through an interpreter): You know, as I listen to you, I am noticing that each of your plans to save money involves spending even more money. This does not inspire confidence.
Obama: I assure you, you’re going to get your money.
China’s president: When?
46. Steve spews:
Not a chance steve.
I judge Puddy’s sanity by the insanity he creates in your punkinhead.
Seems like he is in your head kinda deep lately…meaning Puddy is not only sane, HE’S A GENIUS!
Where’s ylb?
Did he get a job?
Apparently ylb was OFFERED a job.
He’s now in the ICU/Mental Health Ward
No computers there.
The purpose is not to provide a handy (and profitable) tool for upping the Google ranking of right-wing sites.
I’m curious to know what right wing sites you have in mind? I noticed MS providing a lot of links in the last two open threads, but these cover a wide range of media sites and include MSNBC, the Washington Post, and youTube. I found very few “right wing” sites, at least in the last two open threads.