– 90 years of fucked up Seattle public transit history
– I agree with most of these points about the aftermath of Tuesday night’s vote, but 4 seems like a stretch. Despite being Goldy’s co-blogger I don’t have much of an opinion on TNC’s one way or the other.
– One-bedroom housing wages, by county [h/t]
– Even in a year that will probably be good for Republicans, they feel the need to unskew the polls.
– The Seahawks schedule is out.
It’s not surprising that the lowest “housing wages” areas are in rural areas where there’s little or no rental housing available.
The interesting question is, Are rents cheap in these areas because there is no demand for rental housing because wage rates in those areas are too low to afford rent?
Economist might argue that rising wages tend to push up rents, and to a certain extent, this is likely true. But it also must be true that rents tend to pull up wages, because if workers can’t afford rent on their current wages, they will demand higher pay and leave the area if it’s not forthcoming.
Something else the people who fight hard to keep wages low should think about is this: People who sleep in doorways, on park benches, under bridges, or in temporary shelters can’t hold a steady job. To be a worker, you need a place to live. And if work doesn’t pay enough to afford housing, one of two things will happen: Either those people will drop out of the workforce, or they will become dependent on government aid for basic living expenses.
Our nation’s economic model has been trending toward the latter. The irony is that by fighting for a low-wage economy, conservatives are making our country more socialist. And the more successful they are at keeping wages low, the more socialist our economy will necessarily become.
@ 1
A few years back – maybe it was several – Seattle Times did a piece on the percentage of a home’s cost that was due to non-safety requirements placed on the builder – fees for this, costs for that, mitigations for the other thing.
I want to say that it was around 42% or something like that. I can’t recall specifics and it didn’t jump into my top results when I googled, but it was a very substantial cost.
A house in the middle of farmland doesn’t need a stormwater system. It might not need a sewer system. Its water source might be a well.
The costs of complying with building requirements in the City of Seattle are very high. It’s reflected in the cost of housing. Each and every time people advocate for some new fee or requirement to be added to future construction, there’s a cost ultimately borne by the consumer.
One might wonder how many people using shelters could afford $500 rent but not $1000 rent.
I’m not saying it’s wrong to demand ever more restrictions to be placed on builders. I’m just saying it comes with a cost.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not opposed to all socialism. In fact, I think a little socialism is a good thing. Socialism and capitalism can and should work together. For example, every day Wall Street shares a bit of its wealth with me, because I help myself to it. That’s what I call a good marriage of capitalism and socialism.
So, socialism is okay to a point, as far as that goes, but in aggregate we can afford only so much of it. In other words, socialism should be rationed. As the supply of socialism is limited, naturally it should first go to rabbits at the top and wannabes like me. Then we’ll trickle it down to the rest of the rabbits.
This is pretty much the system we have now. Capitalists take from everybody, keep what they want, and toss the crumbs out the window for the rest of you pigeons to scoop up.
But hopping around licking up crumbs sounds like too much work to me, so I prefer to be a Capitalist and be a crumb-thrower instead of a crumb-scooper. Life is so much easier, more enjoyable, and more hassle-free that way.
Thus, I think it’s important to maintain this system as it is, so I’ll never have to get off my fat butt or do any work ever again. Therefore, please keep your cotton-pickin’ government mitts off my socialism!
Americans really aren’t very far apart on their visions for our country. Everyone seems to favor a mixed economy of capitalism and socialism. Conservatives and liberals differ only on the details of who gets the capitalism and who gets the socialism. Conservatives want socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor, while liberals favor capitalism for the rich and socialism for the poor. With negotiations, we ought to be able to iron this out.
Marie Antoinette is just pulling this stuff out of his ass now.
@2 @ 5
An intriguing new analysis by a University of Washington economics professor argues that home prices have, perhaps inadvertently, been driven up $200,000 by good intentions.
Between 1989 and 2006, the median inflation-adjusted price of a Seattle house rose from $221,000 to $447,800. Fully $200,000 of that increase was the result of land-use regulations, says Theo Eicher — twice the financial impact that regulation has had on other major U.S. cities.
“In a nationwide study, it can be shown that Seattle is one of the most regulated cities and a city whose housing prices are profoundly influenced by regulations,” he says.
Be careful what you wish for, Seattle.
@2 We could lower housing costs by adopting the Afghanistan village model. First, you need a stream to run through the village, because that’s where the women wash clothes and get drinking water. Then, you need a community latrine, because the houses don’t have plumbing. You should understand that the village and surrounding area will always smell like shit, all the time; I experienced this phenomenon in Vietnam, the first thing American soldiers arriving in Vietnam noticed was that the whole country smelled like an outhouse. This isn’t a big problem, because you get used to it after a few days. Villages in Afghanistan don’t have paved streets or sidewalks, of course; virtually all transportation consists of beasts of burden (donkeys, mules, horses, and camels) and human shoulders and backs, and everybody is walking on dirt paths, which means human load-carriers are stepping in mule and horse droppings, but that’s no big deal because nobody bathes and the entire country stinks anyway. There’s no building codes or code enforcement, but they don’t really need that, because all the houses are built of mud exactly the same way they’ve been built for a thousand years, because Afghanistan has no forests and therefore no wood, so the only available building materials are dirt and stones; and, anyway, it doesn’t matter if their construction periodically collapses and buries a bunch of people, because nobody lives very long in that country anyway. You’re an old man if you make it to forty; the majority of people in Afghanistan don’t live past age five. So, yeah, you can have really cheap housing in a country where incomes average $250 a year and most people live on food they grow themselves, if you have no health and safety standards and don’t mind an extremely high human mortality rate. And, of course, get used to the smell of body odor, latrines, animal dung, smoke from cooking fires, and the ever-present odor of death.
@6 Well, that’s interesting, because a lot of middle-class housing in the Seattle area is priced around $280,000 to $370,000; and if $200,000 of that is good intentions, then the land and buildings cost only $80,000 to $170,000.
@ 7
You’re right. That’s exactly the point the UW economist @6 was making. He wants to turn Seattle into an outhouse to save a couple of bucks.
For example, Zillow says my burrow is worth about $350,000, and according to the county assessor, its value is about evenly split between land and improvements. Which is very typical for my neighborhood. That means if a buyer paid me $175,000 for the lot, and pass-through costs of $200,000 for good intentions, then the value of the structures is minus $25,000. So one of two things is true here: Either your figure for good intentions is off, or houses are free.
@ 10
Gee, whom do I place my trust in?
This guy:
A UW professor for 13 years, Eicher is also the founding director of the UW’s Economic Policy Research Center. Its goal is to provide analysis that will inform regional policy debates.
Or a guy who gets his investment advice from Dr. Gonzzzzzo on seekingalpha.com?
Regulations are BAD. BAD! Get rid of ALL Regulations. And no Liberal is going to tell me otherwise!
If it’s good enough for Somalia, it’s good enough for me.
There are some fascinating points in that article.
According to the Wharton study, cities such as Seattle that have high median incomes, high home prices and a large percentage of college-educated workers tend to have the most land-use regulations.
Sjoblom says that makes sense: “People with higher incomes want the kind of amenities that regulation provides,” he says. “If you’re a homeowner and growth controls are imposed and housing prices shoot up, you’re grandfathered because you own the place. In theory people will say it’s [rising prices] a bad thing, but in practice it’s not hurting them.”
In the final analysis, Eicher believes Seattle’s regulatory climate exists because its residents want it. “My sense is land-use restrictions are imposed to generate socially desirable outcomes,” he says. “We all love parks and green spaces. But we must also be informed about the costs. It’s very easy to vote for a park if you think the cost is free.”
It’s an interesting dilemma. He implies you can affordable housing OR parks, green spaces, less sprawl, traffic mitigation, a better quality of life etc, BUT not both.
What say you all…
@ 13
I say read it again, and give consideration to the disincentive that the sheer number of regulations, their cost, and the plan review time create to someone wanting to build in-city. None of those things are a deterrent to citizens already here, and in fact by driving up cost of new construction they increase imputed valuation of existing residential real estate.
Read it again. Read it from the perspective of a developer trying to get a project to the building phase, or from the perspective of a young family trying to save enough for their first home.
@10 That’s in a sort of a state of flux. In Wedgwood most property sales have been to people who subsequently lived in the pre-existing Balch “Cape Cod”, perhaps with a remodel along the way to upgrade the original “one-butt” kitchen and add an upstairs bedroom. That is, until about ten years ago. Around then wee started to see a few houses either dramatically reworked or torn down and replaced by near-McMansions or (thankfully better) neo-modernist houses.
Well, now a developer has posted a land-use notice a block off of 35th NE which proposes to bulldoze six original homes, re-plat the land into seven smaller lots and build new “tall houses” on them. How the Assessor’s office is going to respond in terms of what they think our and our neighbors’ property taxes should be based on is going to be interesting.
You are reiterating what the article said. The people who are already here, tend to vote for regulations that maintain a great quality of life AT the COST of entry level housing for first time home buyers.
I guess you didn’t understand my comment.
Do you agree? And then what?
@ 16
Do you agree? And then what?
I disagreed with your summary. And then I suggested you read it again. The piece didn’t present it as an either/or situation. You did.
@17. I stand by my conclusion of the article. It’s mostly an “OR” situation. I read that as he has found that chosen regulations to maintain a high quality of life for the existing home owners price out inexpensive homes.
Why do you disagree?
@ 18
Why do you disagree?
Because the either/or extreme used as an example is just an example. Nothing more than that.
And yet you parrot it as fact.
I think it’s quite possible to increase population density and at the same time maintain good-quality lifestyle. I don’t find the two mutually exclusive. ‘BUT not both.’, which is what you wrote, infers that they are mutually exclusive.
I disagree with that.
Well, well, the GOP is embarrassed for coming to the defense of a rightwing crazy who, shockingly, turns out to be a racist who says blacks on welfare would be better off as slaves.
Corrupt Cops Dep’t
And in today’s Police Corruption blotter, we have two L.A.S.D. planting guns to justify an illegal arrest of a medical marijuana dispensary owner. They got caught because, unknown to them, the dispensary had a video surveillance system.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: When law-abiding citizens are in more danger from the police than from criminals, we have a problem.
Can I graze my cattle for free in the city parks? I don’t recognize the existence of Seattle — mainly because I’m a patriot and something about the constitution.
@22 He sounds like a guy who has been spending too much time alone in the desert, and doesn’t remember how to behave when with civilized company.
If it were a lack of housing, rental rates would be higher, not lower.
I’ve mostly chalked it up to the lack of availability of jobs and the undesirability of rural areas. Rural America is a good deal if you don’t have to work or if you can run your own business and/or if you have no desire for a social life. And there’s no getting around the minimum wage in rural parts of the country. In the poorest areas, you can actually afford rent on or near the federal minimum wage.
That study contained pricing results from the longest sustained real estate bubble in US history.
Total bullshit. Not even a good try.
I give up.
He linked to an example that explains how self imposed regulations, demanded by existing home owner to maintain a high quality of life, are making home prices too expensive for new home buyers.
And he says
Which I think proves my point. You can’t have both. The home owners can protect their quality of life OR we can build more homes.
He then says…
How? By magic? Please give examples of how they are not mutually exclusive. I would like to know how one can do that. Cause planning boards across the country are wrestling with just that and if you know the answer, we would like be enlightened.
Where are they doing it right?
Maybe it’s just you don’t like regulations and you can’t bring yourself to say that out loud.
Which ones would you get rid of?
Well, how’s this for an example. An Israeli billionaire buys a 61-acre piece of land on Puget Sound that currently is occupied by a tank farm with the intention of building 3,000 high-end condos and 100,000 square feet of commercial space there.
(61 acres is enough space for 366 single-family homes zoned for R-7000-size lots.)
Problem is, the only access to the site is via a single 2-lane residential street, and more access can’t be built because the site is caught off from the rest of the land mass by steep bluffs on one side and Puget Sound on the other side.
And then, the 10,000 or so residents of those condos, plus all the delivery trucks servicing the commercial space, have to get from that development — which when completed will house more than 10% of the city of Shoreline’s total population — to the bus routes on Aurora Avenue and the I-5 freeway a single 4-lane arterial for 2.5 miles. Additional access will not be possible because the area is fully developed and there’s nowhere to put additional arterials or vehicle lanes.
This development is located in Snohomish County, but the occupants — the people who buy the condos and rent the commercial space — will have no physical access to Snohomish County. To get to schools, parks, and libraries in Snohomish County, they would have to drive roundabout routes through King County and Shoreline that are several miles in each direction.
Snohomish County plans to collect and keep all the property taxes this multi-billion-dollar development will generate. King County and the city of Shoreline will get no tax revenues, and will have no legal responsibility to provide streets, schools, parks, or libraries to the residents of this development, even though the only physical access is in King County and Shoreline.
Snohomish County fast-tracked the building permits to this development to make sure the developer was vested before anyone could object. You know, the same Snohomish County building officials who issued building permits to build homes in the town Oso under an unstable slope that buried those homes and the families occupying them.
The Snohomish County land use department is staffed by criminals. The Point Wells development they approved is going to make a billionaire foreign developer richer, and will be a godawful mess for the surrounding community and the eventual occupants and tenants to live with.
What the city of Shoreline should do is vacate the two-lane street access to the site, dead end it, and wall it off, and let Snohomish County officials figure out a way to build an arterial into there, even if it takes a high-rise bridge. And there is no way that 3,000 Snohomish County families who don’t pay taxes to King County or Shoreline should be allowed to send their kids to Shoreline schools, or use Shoreline parks and libraries.
This is intentional, planned, local government freeloading (by Snohomish County) at its very worst. Saying that Shoreline residents are angry is an understatement. They’re ready to declare war on Snohomish County.
So is that moronic troll PDumbass still gonna sell that “Harry Reid land grab” fantasy whose “victim” is a plainly racist deabeat moocher idiot Cliven Bundy???
Steve Forbes, a prototypical silver-spoon preppie rich kid, publishes a vanity magazine called “Forbes” that pushes his libertarian views (and apparently doesn’t make much, if any, money). Like many rightwingers, he doesn’t like being criticized, so his magazine doesn’t publish letters from readers. So, I’ll post my critique here.
In the May 5 edition is a column by British rightwing propagandist Paul Johnson, who is best known as a defender of Chilean dictator Auguste Pinochet, titled “Is Vladimir Putin Another Adolf Hitler?” The gist of his spew is,
“The U.S. … could move troops and aircraft into the Ukraine within 24 hours … yet Obama makes no decisive moves. What ails the man? Is it cowardice? Indecision? A kind of executive paralysis? Clearly there’s something fundamentally wrong with the U.S. President. Meanwhile, Putin, who runs what is, in essence, a second-rate nation, behaves as if he rules the earth.”
It’s not surprising that Steve Forbes likes this guy. The two of them think alike. They’re one-trick ponies whose “solution” to every foreign policy issue is use of military force. Even if the issue, strictly speaking, is none of our business.
Here is what I think is wrong with Mr. Johnson’s opinion:
1. Putin is not Adolf Hitler. Even if he has plans to grab some or all of the rest of Ukraine, there’s no evidence he intends to turn it into lebensraum by exterminating the current inhabitants in death camps.
2. Putin may be a tinpot empire-builder (or, more precisely, empire-restorer), but there’s no evidence he’s trying for global rule, as Johnson puts it.
3. Putting U.S. military forces in the Ukraine to prevent Putin from reassembling the former U.S.S.R. is roughly analogous to Tsar Alexander II putting Russian troops in Virginia to keep Lincoln from preserving the Union.
4. Russia may be a second-rate nation, but Putin nonetheless has thousands of nuclear warheads at his disposal, which people ought to think about before listening to anyone who wants to start a war between the U.S. and Russia.
5. It’s not true that Obama is an indecisive leader who has done nothing about Putin’s territorial grab, unless you’re a militarist who believes economic sanctions are “nothing” and the leader of the free world is not a real man unless he sends other people’s children to die in a war the militarist wants to start (but won’t fight in himself or send his kids to fight in).
There’s a reason why few people read Steve Forbes’ magazine anymore. This is an example of why.
@28 Racism doesn’t seem to bother him any more than aiming sniper rifles at law enforcement officers or using women and children as human shields bothers him.
Republicans are criticizing Cliven Bundy’s racist comments, but they still see nothing wrong with …
defying court orders
trespassing on federal law
threatening law enforcement officers
using women and children as human shields
organizing a violent militia
fomenting insurrection
Factoid: Global cigarette consumption is approximately 800 cigarettes per year for every human being on the planet.
Your heroes at work.
These guys are going to cross a line someday, and someone is going to do something rash in response. I don’t know what that line is, there have been many, many incidents that could have set such a thing off, Rodney King trial to Trayvon Martin to the outright open corruption of the Chicago and NYC Police departments. But the reality is, that someone is going to get pissed off enough.
@11 “Or a guy who gets his investment advice from Dr. Gonzzzzzo on seekingalpha.com?”
You really don’t need to work so hard at proving you’re a fucking idiot; you’ve already convinced us.
Seeking Alpha is nothing more or less than a forum with an investing orientation where contributors and readers express their views on mostly financial topics (although some politics creeps in). People read it to find out what other people are thinking. Only a moron thinks anyone uses it for investment advice. However, for what it’s worth, some of the articles come from Wall Street heavyweights, for example, Russ Koesterich of BlackRock, and there’s a fair number of academics, economists, CFAs, professional traders, etc., expressing their views there. Some of them use it as a vehicle to hawk their subscription newsletters. Use your judgment (if you have any) about what you read there.
One issue that became the focus of the investigation into the Lac Megantic disaster, was that the train only had a one man crew. The FRA, headed by a former conductor, and head of the United Transportation Union, came up with new rules mandating 2 person crews in most cases. The United Transportation Union-Sheet Metal, Airline, and Rail Transportation union, and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen are going to work together to implement it at the State level. Interesting, before Lac Megantic, BLET was warming up to engineer only trains, in certain circumstances, and if UTU-SMART agreed.
I wonder if the bus in this photo, if people had known about it, swayed anybody to vote no? It’s the prototype for Metro’ s new 35ft low floor buses. The photo is from a Flickr stream of a commenter at the Seattle Transit Blog, but I saw the bus, King County Metro 3700, a New Flyer XDE35, being tested on Downtown Seattle streets yesterday. It was part of an order made about 2 years ago with a different manufacturer, that had since left the US Market.
Look, what Bundy said was stooooopid and moronic, almost as moronic as the person who claimed Black Republicans are like Jewish Nazis. While Puddy rejects Bundy’s remarks… nary a peep from the crazed clueless cretin @28 or the IDIOT Wabbit all over on those comments.
It’s A-OK because the person is a libtard DUMMOCRETIN. Those two morons like other HA DUMMOCRETIN never diss any libtard when they say stooooooooopid things. Still no diss of Max Blumenthal’s comments loved by Kansas Nazi Obummer loving hate freakazoid Frazier Glenn Miller!
All that was missing for scary land deal reid was bundy to make a Koch reference!
Sometimes Puddy wonders if OWS Racist Fraggy is one of those self-hating Jewish Nazis!
Now this is an interesting read… Maybe that’s why Benghazi was blamed on a video!
So will Scary Harry Land Deal Reid denounce this like he loves to denounce the Koch Brothers? Seems Obummer is sending his capo to the event…
Of course it’s a DUMMOCRETIN event with DUMMOCRETIN big money. And you’ve never seen the Koch Brothers at a RNC Convention but everyone say Tom Steyer at the DNC Convention. Nary a peep there either eh Harry Reid?
Somehow Puddy REMEMBERS Harry Reid’s comments while the crazed clueless cretin and the IDIOT Wabbit forget…
Now lessee…
Reid made the comments in 2007. They were published in a book in 2010. Three FREAKING years to apologize? Seems Reid is a closet racist after all! Now wonder OWS Racist Fraggy loves him some Harry Reid!
While HA DUMMOCRETINS forget, Puddy remembers!
Local sick troll tries desperately to patch his beloved party’s loony image as it plunges further into irrelevance.
I sure wouldn’t want to be someone who spend days and days defending a welfare cattle cheat just find out that same person was a raving bigot.
42)Wonder if Bundy has ever taken his grievances to his member of Congress? Turns out, that the Representative for that part of Nevada, is Democratic Party member, and an African American.
Defending Bundy or going against a storm trooping US department headed by a Reid appointee acting the fool?
Too bad Hands can’t figger out why his hands are up his butt!
Stay stupid… You are doing very well at it!
Meanwhile the DUMMOCRETIN war on wimens continues… Will Da Perfessa cover this creepo in Da Friday Night Comix?
Maybe beat and kick and smother your girlfriend?
Of course when you are a friend of Obummer it’s just a tap on the wrist! The comments are priceless too!
Moron @ 44
You going to the Bundy’s for that BBQ? You gotta warn that deadbeat Clevin who can’t be bothered to pay his grazing fees about that bullshit fantasy “land grab”..
But of course you will not go!
There will be some people attending that you label: cheap..
It sure sucks to be a bigot dumbass tool like you!
Asshole @ 45
It looks like the Republicans have finally caught up to your crowd..
The crowd of nutjob bagger assholes doing the bidding of the Koch bros:
Just scapegoat a Mormon guy who grew up dirt poor, a guy who’s just doing his job doing right by his party. No different from what the turtle man does.
“Alinksy” tactics right?
Hey jerk @ 45
I understand your beloved Glenn Beck owns private grazing land..
Clevin’s not welcome on Beck’s land!
Clevin’s gotta a better deal where he’s at and a militia willing to “sacrifice” their own wives and kids for his “cause”!
But you’re still gonna whine about phony “land grabs” sourced from troofer conspiracy nut Alex Jones right?
Damn fool!
@ 47
a Mormon guy who grew up dirt poor
He’s not dirt poor any more.
Yet, his estimated net worth peaked at around $10 million just a few years ago, and he has remained consistently wealthier than when he entered Congress. (Reid reported that his net worth in 2012 was somewhere between $2.8 million and $6.3 million. His 2013 financial disclosures will be released later this year.) As of 2012, real estate composed about one-third of his portfolio. The rest was made up of government bonds; stakes in energy, electronics, pharmaceutical, and chemical companies; and other investments. He also possesses significant mining claims potentially worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Read more: http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....z2zvcutiWX
Follow us: @RCP_Articles on Twitter
Oh boy more facts come out about Obummer appointees…
Will this make the Da Perfessa’s Friday Night Comix? Does Da Perfessa evah post anti-DUMMOCRETIN facts?
Naaah naaaaaaaaah naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! (Aflac commercial)
Looks like Joe Wilson, Conservative Representative (R-SC 2nd District) since 2001 was correct and prescient when he told Obummer he lied!
Will Da Perfessa cover this fact amongst his comedy links?
Puddy bets he’ll have 15 Cliven Bundy links though! Puddy bets there won’t be any corresponding Harry Reid Negro comments though!
clueless crazed cretin… Who is Clevin? How are those Daily Kooks links you love to visit eh clueless crazed cretin?
BTW Puddy posted the Real Clear Politics Harry Reid ain’t poor link way earlier. Good to see it reposted!!!
Oh my! Such a bad guy who hasn’t forgotten where he came from, who’ll defend Social Security and Medicare to his last days in the Senate for those who haven’t been as fortunate as he’s been.
Who won’t do the bidding of the Club for Growth, the debt and deficit paranoia crowd, and the Koch Brothers who use the ignorant bagger tools to preserve the fossil fuel status quo at all costs!
Ahhh yes… more scumbag DUMMOCRETIN voting county thugs…
Nuff Said suckas!
Will this make it on the Friday Night Comix? Prolly not!
52 – Good to know that you acknowledge that you are a bigoted dumbass asshole jerk and tool who fantasizes about phony land grabs..
Thanks for playing.
Holy War on Wimens Batman
She just figgered it out? DUMMOCRETINS decide which wimens can run and which can not! If you aren’t “approved” you are marginalized.
Will this make the Friday Night Comix? Prolly not!
crazed clueless cretin, Ummmm where did you get that you moron?
Puddy on the pea brain of crazed clueless cretin.
BTW crazed clueless cretin… sitting here in one of the airline lounges watching planes take off and land while kicking your crazed clueless cretin ASS on da ‘Nets!
Butt Harry Reid will use his guvmint Twitter account to attack private citizens! Harry Reid is scum! Pond Scum!
Dayum… this lady hits the nail directly on it’s head! DUMMOCRETIN war on wimens is very faked indeed!!
Will this make Da Perfessa’s Friday Night Comix?
Now Elizabeth Warren tells us how she really felt about Ted Chappaquiddick Kennedy?
DUMMOCRETIN war on wimens from a DUMMOCRETIN.
Will this make Da Perfessa’s Friday Night Comix?
Quick, type some gibberish because Piddles almost has a sidebar of Cesspool completely to himself.
May I mambo dogface in a banana patch?
In other news, Tool Party darling Micheal Grimm is going to be indicted on corruption and campaign finance fraud charges within the next week or so. He’s been pretty much caught red-handed accepting black funding from Israeli mafia types in exchange for support in Congress.
Seems he puts more stock in going outside of the country for his campaign funds than getting them from the people in the State he’s claiming to represent in the House.
@51 I wonder if Puddles noticed it was providers — you know, private for-profit capitalist businesses owned by rich white guys — who got the improperly paid money, not the immigrants.
Local troll imagines head not up his ass.
@54 Yes, unfortunately, America’s innocent law-abiding citizenry are being beset by an epidemic of lying by militarized, rightwing, Republican voting cops. It’s a sad state of affairs when citizens have to fear the police more than criminals.
This isn’t going to change until cities and counties are forced to fire dishonest cops because they’ll be bankrupted by lawsuits if they don’t.
The first thing Seattle Mayor Ed Murray did after taking office was hiring a former police union official as interim police chief, who immediately set about reversing disciplinary actions against bad cops. For this alone, Murray deserves to be a one-term mayor. Add to that his waffling on the $15 minimum wage, and it’s looking increasingly like voters made a big mistake by electing him.
@ 62
I doubt he has ever considered the possibility that White Christians could ever be considered responsible for committing illegal acts, especially when they color their crime organizations as legitimate businesses. Hell, the reason why the old Mafia isn’t being pursued as they were before the Nixon Administration is because they just took their ill-gotten gains and invested them in hotels, casinos and the “defense” industry.
The one money system that is completely exempt from the laundering laws is the American Stock Markets. If you took all the cocaine, heroin, marijuana and black market weapons money out of the system, it would collapse.
Thats one of the things Rmoney did to make so much money.
I don’t bother with links from Daily Caller after they tried to frame a democratic congressman.
Pathetic that conservatives still use that source. How can they trust it?
Conservatives are posting anything to change the subject that their poster child of the day before thinks black people were better off as slaves.
But maybe it would be fun to change the subject
Drought covers 100% of California for first time in 15 years
How about conservatives keep arguing there is no climate change
Or maybe the Destruction of the Golden age of the Internet
@ 66
You quote an article about a guy saying another guy told him that a third guy told nim that the Daily Caller did something, and from that you glean that it’s the DC that’s untrustworthy?
DC’s one of the biggest cites of the bigot dumbass tool @ 59
Of course it’s freaking untrustworthy. Just another goto site for bagger tools..
Heh. I just heard some writer over there is running from Bundy as fast as Krauthammer did on TV recently.
Been a great week for right wing tools. Bundy is the gift that keeps on giving.
Well over 40,000 comments here in these threads attest to that!
Again, thanks for playing.
May there be so many more “swift moves” on the right like the head explosion over the deadbeat rancher Bundy!