In a three-way Generic Ballot test, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds Democrats attracting 36% of the vote. The Tea Party candidate picks up 23%, and Republicans finish third at 18%. Another 22% are undecided.
Imagine that…the G.O.P. loses out to Teabaggers. And more people say they are undecided than are willing to admit they are Republicans.
It’s almost like the word “Republican” is synonymous with herpes!
Not the only fun poll around now…
“PPP’s newest national survey finds that a 52% majority of GOP voters nationally think that ACORN stole the Presidential election for Barack Obama last year, with only 27% granting that he won it legitimately”
That’s your modern GOP, half of which have actually lost their minds. (Critical thinking? We don’t need no steenking critical thinking!)
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Darryl @ 1–
I just saw that poll. It really doesn’t surprise me. Having attended a Number of Tea Party events, the vast majority rightfully detest both major Politcal Party’s.
The people I met were mainly small business owners and retirees (many of whom owned small businesses). I’ve told you for years I’m not a Republican. I was pretty much ostricized from the Republicans because I would not support non-Conservatives. There are a lot of people like me. Conservatives who believe in smaller, less costly, less intrusive government…meaning eliminate many of the Legislative obstacles to the success of small business. Hey Darryl, I have never been a fan of corporate America. I worked in it for about 4 years and was disgusted.
The answer America is looking for involves government getting out of the way of small business. Democrats do not get it. Most Republicans really don’t either.
It looks to me like the Democrats & Republicans are both shrinking….and a 3rd Party is prime with the right straight-talk message. You make fun of the Tea Party Movement because you have to as a die-hard Democrat.
I met lifelong Democrats at the Tea Party’s.
You would be shocked at the backgrounds of many of these people. They are not a bunch of rednecks like you have to portray them Darryl.
I have been called numerous times by local & National Republican Party’s. I have told them the same thing since the past election….I will only support CANDIDATES who share my beliefs…wherever they may be. I know Party’s do a lot of groundwork in preparation for elections. But they will have to do it without my money.
Monday, December 07, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11.
The latest numbers on health care reform shows that public opposition remains stable. Just 41% favor the plan proposed by President Obama and Congressional Democrats. Just 23% are strongly in favor of it.
I think Bush blew it for the Republicans for another XX years unless they get their act together on Conservative, Deficit reduction, less spending, less taxes measures.
They need to lead, follow or get out of the way.
Whether you want to admit it or not, Obama/Pelosi/Reid have seriously damaged the Democrat Party. They have the incumbent advantage BUT they are withering.
I have previously stated numerous times that a 3rd Party is quite viable. The poll you quote tells me that.
Daddy Lovespews:
Recently in HA comments SJ was asking solicitously about the plight of Afghan women (being “turned out of schools” or something) in what I took to be a rhetorical defense of the American military presence as the staunch and presumably sole protector of the wimmens.
Turns out, not so much. Our presence is doing little to nothing for Afghan womyn. YEs, they deserve better. No, we are not providing it to them.
…the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a new 96-page report titled “We Have the Promises of the World: Women’s Rights in Afghanistan,” which documents the poor state of women’s rights in Afghanistan. As The Guardian notes, the report concludes that the “plight of women in Afghanistan risks deteriorating further” as the U.S. and its allies prepare to ramp up their forces in the country
Daddy Lovespews:
3 Cyn
Third parties don’t win the the USA. But do help defeat Republicans for us. Thanks!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
5. Daddy Love spews:
Third parties don’t win the the USA. But do help defeat Republicans for us. Thanks!
Mindless zombies who fail to take a stand have been the cause of America’s plummet.
Jackboot lemmings can win elections…but then what?? You are living it DL.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is some common sense–
Verify the data decisions are being made upon–
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, told the EPA is rushing to a decision that may not be based on sound science. “It’s certainly reckless considering the underlying science now has been very much called into question,” Issa said Monday. “The inconvenient truth is not Al Gore’s movie. The inconvenient truth is that people who had an agenda destroyed the facts to get an outcome.”
Issa said he’s not a global warming skeptic, but thinks the underlying research needs to be more closely examined to make sure billions of dollars are not wasted in the course of complying with new regulations.
While Democrats leave much to be desired, and Republicans even more so, teabaggers are simply batshit crazy. Here’s one reason why I suspect any congressional poll is meaningless right now. When polled, many voters thinking “Republican” still don’t see the extent to which foaming-at-the-mouth, torch and pitchfork toting, flat earth birther crazies are taking over the Republican party.
“I came away even more bewildered and dismayed at the reality that this president, who could have been such an insurgent at a moment demanding insurgency, has been so utterly captured by the Wall Street elite, the health insurance industry elite, and the military elite.”
@9 Yep!
But, back in ’08 we had choice A and choice B and I think we made the right choice. Plus, it’s still early and things can change.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Why Does the Public Oppose ObamaCare?
Easy answer.
Too much government involvement at too high of a cost.
Why do democrats not respect the will of the people.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
steve spews:
When polled, many voters thinking “Republican” still don’t see the extent to which foaming-at-the-mouth, torch and pitchfork toting, flat earth birther crazies are taking over the Republican party.
Please document your assertios about–
1) Foaming-at-the-mouth
2) Torch & Pitchfork toting.
3) Flat Earth
4) Birthers (there are a few of those)
Steve, all you are doing is ranting to minimize folks with a different viewpoint.
I suppose if you say it long enough and loud enough, some idiots will believe it.
And, are you saying the Democrats don’t have some real lunatics? Of course. So do Republicans.
Let’s talk about the issues and leave the ranting at the door.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Stand By Your Bigot
Republican legislator Bill Otto of Kansas is standing by his online video called “Redneck Rap” in which he criticizes President Obama’s policies while wearing a baseball cap with the blurb that refers to possum as “the other dark meat.” Otto vehemently denies he’s a racist.
Marvin Stamnspews:
PROMISES, PROMISES: A closed meeting on openness
Really? I thought oba-mao campaigned on openness and CHANGE.
If bush lied, doesn’t that mean for CHANGE that oba-mao can’t lie. Did oba-mao lie about those 440 fake congressional districts he thought wouldn’t be discovered or is he really clueless about how many congressional districts there are. After all, we all remember him on the campaign trail when he had problems with how many states there are in america. Or did oba-mao assume the liberal media would cover for his lies about 440 fake congressional districts.
It’s hardly the image of transparency the Obama administration wants to project: A workshop on government openness is closed to the public.
Silly journalist, oba-mao was lying about that transparency stuff. Only stoopid people actually fell for his transparency lie.
The administration has refused to turn over important records.
Why should oba-mao have to give over records that liberals wanted bush to turn over.
Besides, how will it help oba-mao for him to explain how his administration came up with the idea of making up 440 fake congressional districts.
Marvin Stamnspews:
12. Mr. Cynical spews:
And, are you saying the Democrats don’t have some real lunatics? Of course.
democrats have both, birthers and truthers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 They can’t open it to the public. They’re discussing how many senators Mitch O’Connell waterboarded into voting against health care reform. That’s a state secret.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 That’s true. The GOP is so bad even Republicans are joining our party now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Issa is an ignorant ass. The underlying science is not in question. Ice is still melting, the sea level is still rising, and temperatures aren’t getting cooler. The only thing that happened is a few British scientists got caught carping about the fossil fuel industry’s paid hacks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Should’ve voted for Hillary like I did.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “I think Bush blew it for the Republicans”
The fucking understatement of the millenium.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 (continued) We don’t need a third party. We need to replace the Republican Party with a new party. There’s no reason for the GOP to continue existing.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The people in copenhagen are getting ready for protests, putting cages in an old building to house the protesters, many of which they expect them to resort to violence.
Funny, they don’t mention who they expect to protest and cause damage.
Could it be teabaggers? Nope, they don’t do as liberals do when protesting.
Obviously they are concerned about people connected to the left side of politics.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Banks are paying back their government bailout loans, job losses have shrunk to almost zero, the dollar is strengthening, commodity prices are easing, consumer spending is up, the economy is showing strong productivity grains, and Rush Limbaugh is writhing in agony.
Marvin Stamnspews:
17. Roger Rabbit spews:
@15 That’s true. The GOP is so bad even Republicans are joining our party now.
I bet that you have never even heard of Orly Taitz and her connections to the democrat party.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 “birthers started in the democrat party.
truthers started in the democrat party.”
ROFLMAO!!! Now Marvie Stupes is blaming wingnuts on the Democrats! “It’s Clinton’s fault! It’s Clinton’s fault! It’s Clinton’s fault!”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Marvie’s making-up-shit meme has gotten so hair-brained he’s now blaming the birther movement on Democrats!
[riotous rabbit laughter in background]
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Marvin, good job showing HA Libtardos is was a Clinton jockstrap who initiated the Birther Movement. Roger Dumb Bunny also forgets it was a LaRouche (Democratic) jockstrap who introduced the Obama Joker poster. Roger Dumb Bunny also forgets the LaRouche (Democratic) jockstrap who introduced the Obama Hitler poster.
That’s why Puddy calls Roger the Dumb Bunny. Most peeps with minds remember facts. Roger tells everyone he’s a bunny. Well he always forgets the descriptive “dumb” in his commentary. Roger is the Dumb Bunny!
Marvin Stamnspews:
23. Roger Rabbit spews:
job losses have shrunk to almost zero
Almost zero job losses?
I would ask for a link but you brag about being a partisan hack so of course you won’t provide a link.
Only to a rabbit would 169,000 people losing their jobs would be “almost zero.”
But then the rabbit actually believed the oba-mao when he lied about 4409 fake congressional districts.
It’s easy to fool rabbits.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Roger Dumb Bunny can’t process facts so here is the article from another source…
“A prominent Philadelphia attorney and Hillary Clinton supporter filed suit this afternoon in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission. The action seeks an injunction preventing the senator from continuing his candidacy and a court order enjoining the DNC from nominating him next week, all on grounds that Sen. Obama is constitutionally ineligible to run for and hold the office of President of the United States.
Philip Berg, the filing attorney, is a former gubernatorial and senatorial candidate, former chair of the Democratic Party in Montgomery (PA) County, former member of the Democratic State Committee, and former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania. According to Berg, he filed the suit–just days before the DNC is to hold its nominating convention in Denver–for the health of the Democratic Party.
“I filed this action at this time,” Berg stated, “to avoid the obvious problems that will occur when the Republican Party raises these issues after Obama is nominated.”.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
25. Roger Rabbit spews: @24 “birthers started in the democrat party.
truthers started in the democrat party.”
ROFLMAO!!! Now Marvie Stupes is blaming wingnuts on the Democrats! “It’s Clinton’s fault! It’s Clinton’s fault! It’s Clinton’s fault!”
I never said clinton.
If it wasn’t a democrat that started the birther situation, who did?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Wow, one of Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s own CNN jockstraps is turning against the “great one”?
“Couple that with the economy and we are seeing the end of the president’s first year in office coincide with him having to accept the full responsibility for the condition of the country.”
Hey Roger Dumb Bunny… Looks like the take of Roland Martin on Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm was the TARP was a bad thing…
bama rode into office on the “blame Bush” tidal wave as the nation sickened of everything he touched. The economy? Bush was horrible at stewarding it. Giving banks billions in TARP funds? Dumb idea by Bush and Treasury Secretary Hank “Mr. Wall Street” Paulson. Sick of billions going to the war? It was all the fault of Bush and his chief crony, Vice President Dick Cheney.
Marvin Stamnspews:
26. Roger Rabbit spews:
Marvie’s making-up-shit meme has gotten so hair-brained he’s now blaming the birther movement on Democrats!
I challenge you to find out where the birther stuff started.
I double dog dare you.
I’ll give you a clue… hillary supporters.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The liberal media keeps telling us that republoicans are violent.
Of course, teabagger protests don’t create the same damage/trash that liberal protests do. And that the only people being injured at teabagger protests are right-wingers being attacked by union thugs.
Ms Jorgensen reckons that between her and her rivals the total number of limos in Copenhagen next week has already broken the 1,200 barrier.
Of course the rich white people would want to show up in limos. What’s the point of telling others how to live if you have to live the same lifestyle, they call it algorism.
I’m sure the danish are serious about fixing man-madeup-global-warming.
And the total number of electric cars or hybrids among that number? “Five,” says Ms Jorgensen. “The government has some alternative fuel cars but the rest will be petrol or diesel. We don’t have any hybrids in Denmark, unfortunately, due to the extreme taxes on those cars. It makes no sense at all, but it’s very Danish.”
So high taxes don’t encourage people to buy? Then why do democrats love high taxes. Why do democrats hate “average” people. (liberal brian williams said the state dinner was a beautiful place, with better than average people)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 Where the hell did you get those numbers from? The November job loss figures reported in the MSM were 11,000.
Marvin Stamnspews:
36. Roger Rabbit spews:
@28 Where the hell did you get those numbers from? The November job loss figures reported in the MSM were 11,000.
Exactly my point.
You get your “facts” from the liberal msm. And you NEVER link to those “facts.”
You asked where I got those numbers? Well, the first hint would be to follow the link.
Oops, you’re on aol. That’s why you feel 11,000 losing their jobs because of the failed oba-mao stimulus plan would be “almost zero.”
@29 Philip Berg? Philip Berg? Ha ha ha ha!! Isn’t this the same Philip Berg who filed a RICO lawsuit against Bush and 154 other public officials accusing them of orchestrating the 9/11 attacks?
The guy’s an obvious nutcase.
Oh, and as for him being “former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania,” Berg was a “Deputy Attorney General I,” which is the entry-level staff attorney position in the Pennsylvania AGO. At the time, there were about 40 such attorneys in that office. He never advanced beyond that level, and is no longer with that office, which tells you all you need to know about his professional competence.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Wow Gallup has Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm positive poll numbers below Rasmussen. Hmmm… Doesn’t that mean Rasmussen must be wrong? It has to be lower.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Marvie Stupid, any ass can call himself a “Democrat,” but that doesn’t make him one (see, e.g., Philip Berg). The “birther” movement, in case you missed this, is a rightwing phenomenon. It’s coming from the nutjobs on your side of the fence. And it’s so crazy even the most conservative judges that Bush managed to stuff into the federal court system won’t touch it with a 10-foot fiberglass lineman’s pole.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 Which means Obama’s approval ratings are only three times more than the GOP’s best potential nominees.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Poor Poor Dumb Bunny… You can’t retract your hilarious commentary in post #24. All Marvin did was prove the initial birther movement was Democratic Libtardos. Puddy placed corroborating evidence he was a Clintonoid which by default is Democratic.
Feel the pain of facts exploding in that teeny bunny mind? Oh da pain, da pain…
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
any ass can call himself a “Democrat,”
We agree Dumb Bunny! Many ASSes here do that everyday!
Daddy Lovespews:
Apparently no one told the Arctic sea ice that global anthropocentric climate change was a hoax.
Marvin Stamnspews:
So this is what oba-mao says-
I mentioned that I was in Asia on this trip thinking about the economy, when I sat down for a round of interviews. Not one of them asked me about Asia. Not one of them asked me about the economy. I was asked several times about had I read Sarah Palin’s book. (Laughter.) True. But it’s an indication of how our political debate doesn’t match up with what we need to do and where we need to go.
Obama did not accurately characterize his interviews in Asia. Fox News’ Garrett asked both about the jobs bill Obama has proposed and the South Korean trade agreement. NBC’s Chuck Todd asked about the jobs summit and Chinese relations on human rights.
Why does oba-mao when his lies are so easy to prove?
Is he so used to being around democrats that he assumes that lying is acceptable?
Marvin Stamnspews:
45. Daddy Love spews:
Apparently no one told the Arctic sea ice that global anthropocentric climate change was a hoax.
You mean man-made-global-warming.
Marvin Stamnspews:
39. Roger Rabbit spews:
@29 Philip Berg? Philip Berg?
hillary supporter
Isn’t that amazing that despite everything you have heard on the MSM, the birther movement was started by democrat and supported by hillary supporters.
Daddy Lovespews:
You know I used to think that republicans ran up big government deficits because they were stupid or something. I thought that the reason that Bush cut taxes and started two wars was because he was an ideologue unable to discern the true harm of this policies.
Unfortunately I was wrong. Bankrupting this country IS the plan, and tax cuts and wars are hwo they do it. That’s why Reagan ran up deficit after deficit without a care while he was hemorrhaging money into the bloody stupid Star Wars program, invading Grenada, financing the bloody Honduras and invading Lebanon. It’s why Bush I did the same, invading Pamana and Kuwait while running $200+ billion per year deficits. GW Bush kept with the Republican tredition, starting two wars of choice after cuytting taxes yet again, and adding nearly $6 trillion to our national debt in his terms in office.
The whole point is to squander all of our national treasure by shoveling it to defense contractors, private contractors and to the super-rich so that Demnocrats can’t afford any social programs when tey do get into power.
Witness today’s Republicans trying to claim, contrary to reality, that we cannot afford economic stimulus/health care reform/carbon usage reforms/investments in green technology when they just spent twenty of the last thirty years applauding as our government ran really spectacular deficits and increased our national debt from $900 billion in 1980 to an estimated $12 trillion in 2010.
If the man in the White House was named McCain instead of Obama, they’d still be piling debt upon debt and cheering it on. We’d just be doing it with 15-20% unemployment during a second Great Depression.
re 48: Isn’t it amazing that in your view, Republicans are ultimately always blameless and correct about everything? Puts a whole new light on ‘accepting personal responsibility’ when you consider yourself infallible.
I’ve never seen a copy of George W. Bush’s birth certificate either. Wonder what he’s trying to hide?
27. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Marvin, good job showing HA Libtardos is was a Clinton jockstrap who initiated the Birther Movement.
So what? Talk about who started it all you want but it was the right that took it to the level of group psychosis. Let’s see you talk about that. Face it, the right owns the batshit crazies. Hell, you’re one of them.
41. Roger Rabbit spews:
@30 Marvie Stupid, any ass can call himself a “Democrat,” but that doesn’t make him one (see, e.g., Philip Berg).
Follow the money.
He’s a democrat.
The “birther” movement, in case you missed this, is a rightwing phenomenon. It’s coming from the nutjobs on your side of the fence.
A DEMOCRAT started it. Democrats pushed it.
I’m sorry that facts don’t support your position.
Marvin Stamnspews:
50. The Manchester Hooligans spews:
re 48: Isn’t it amazing that in your view, Republicans are ultimately always blameless and correct about everything?
Where have I said republicans are blameless, or is that how YOU interpret any patriotic dissent against a democrat?
Puts a whole new light on ‘accepting personal responsibility’ when you consider yourself infallible.
I’d ask if you’ve got a link to me saying I’m infallible, but I know you are just acting like a partisan hack.
I’ve never seen a copy of George W. Bush’s birth certificate either. Wonder what he’s trying to hide?
He’s probably trying to hide his address from a crazy person like you. I don’t blame him.
Hmm, open thread. You were correct, Marvin, by “unison” I meant trumpet one octave above trombone. When I mentioned I had the Motif and VLG-150 brass, woodwind and strings modeling model you mentioned that you had a couple of three syllable something-or-others that left me thinking you have some kind of modeling equivalent, maybe something better. Did I get that right? What were they again?
You are correct.
The Hillary Clinton supporters are the original birthers.
She wanted to cast doubt during the Primary and rather cleverly tried to justify it by saying the Republicans would do it she raised the issue now to save the Democrat Party.
Pretty funny.
Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats gets all their info from the DailyKos and HuffPo. Don’t let facts get in the way of their dogma.
1200 Private Limos and 140 Private Jets.
Dinosaur sized Carbon footprint by the Moonbats!!
How can anyone serious about reducing Carbon Emissions be serious when they see this happening by the so-called “EXPERTS”???
The should all walk or ride bikes…or at least take hybrids.
But NOOOOOOO, we are from the far-Left…do as we SAY, not as we DO!!
Shows the arrogance and disconnect from reality.
Marvin Stamnspews:
56. Steve spews:
couple of three syllable something-or-others that left me thinking you have some kind of modeling equivalent, maybe something better. Did I get that right? What were they again?
EVI = electronic valve instrument
EWI = electronic wind instrument
These were the first attempts at getting horn players into midi. The EVI was modeled after a trumpet, the EWI like a sax/clarinet. It had some sounds that came along with it, never used them, only used it to get midi performance data into the computer. It allowed me to record like a horn player and not a keyboard payer with all the breath effects.
Then came lyricon.
Now they are called wind controllers.
@49 Bankrupting this country IS the plan
What’s the end game? To what purpose?
– Turn the country into something like Mexico or Colombia?
– Or is there NO endgame, just loot the country, get really rich and let the next generations deal with the consequences. The ultimate “I got mine, to hell with you”.
I’d like your predictions….
Marvin Stamnspews:
61. Mr. Cynical spews:
or at least take hybrids.
There’s a tax problem with hybrids. The taxes are too high.
Gotta wonder why democrats love high taxes so much. Oh yeah, because it makes no sense at all.
Blue Johnspews:
@64 – It’s the taxes fault. It’s always the fault of taxes! Repeat while wailing “It’s the TAXES, Oh the Taxes! They burn! They burn!” (collapse on the fainting couch!)
Hey marvin, I know it’s hard for you to grasp this but the USA is not Denmark. Democrats of the USA are not the liberals of Denmark.
(If they were, we would have universal health care by now.)
Hey Marvin – up until a short while ago we had tax breaks on fuel efficient cars in Washington state……ooops.
And all hybrids are not that fuel efficient.
Marvin Stamnspews:
66. correctnotright spews:
Hey Marvin – up until a short while ago we had tax breaks on fuel efficient cars in Washington state……ooops.
Was that a shot at me or your democrat controlled state government that eliminated tax breaks for rich white people that vote democrat?
And all hybrids are not that fuel efficient.
Please include the comment you are replying to. I don’t remember taking the position that all hybrids are fuel efficient.
@24: hahaha Marvin so funny
Olrly Taitz a democrat? hahahhaha
She is a rightwingnut now…whatever she was in the past. She is one of your own Marvin.
And once again poor Marvin misses the point.
After definitively showing he was born in the US, who are the people still shouting about Obama not being a legit US President……Hmmmmm: reports that the Birthers — a persistent group of conservatives who believe Obama is ineligible to be president because of alleged questions surrounding his birth status — continue to operate and thrive on the fringe.
the CNN anchor Lou Dobbs earlier this month was the target of heated criticism for appearing to give credence to a rumor that has been widely discredited.
Amazingly, white Americans did see a white European like Hugh Grant as being somehow more American than the Asian-American Connie Chung. And similar research in 2008 found that whites thought of ex-British Prime Minister Tony Blair as somehow more American than Obama. So the mental framework to believe that Obama is foreign probably was, to use a health care term, a preexisting condition.
Heck, you shoot yourself all the time.
Havin’ trouble reading your own word now?
There’s a tax problem with hybrids. The taxes are too high.
You said it. It ain’t true as usual, and then you say the opposite….hmmm, are you losing it or have you already lost it?
Marvin Stamnspews:
68. correctnotright spews:
@24: hahaha Marvin so funny
Olrly Taitz a democrat? hahahhaha
She is a rightwingnut now…whatever she was in the past.
What happened to the democrat big tent? One issue and she’s kicked out of the party?
Follow the money.
Isn’t philip berg also a democrat? Or have you thrown him out of the party also?
Is this a right-wing hate site-
After definitively showing he was born in the US, who are the people still shouting about Obama not being a legit US President……Hmmmmm:
So these birthers are kinda like the democrats that fell for dan rathers “fake but accurate” documents? Even when those democrats saw the fake document, they didn’t believe their own eyes.
I’m not a birther, for one big reason… hillary couldn’t make it stick. Don’t forget who started the lie. And go figure, she’s never mentioned by people like you.
Did you find my list of ideas for healthcare yet? Since you don’t bring it up anymore I guess you know you’ve been punked.
@11: thanks Marvin for another simplistic post. Actually, when you ask people if they oppose health care and then why you find this:
43 percent of people favor health care reform, whereas 38 percent oppose it (20 percent are undecided). But the actual plan under consideration gets numbers that are more or less the reverse of that — 34 percent in favor, 46 percent opposed — because a significant number of people think the plan doesn’t go far enough.
Which begs the question…..why do republicans oppose the real opinions of the public on health care?
See Marvin, when you ask simpleton questions and rely on simpleton answers you get the wrong answers again and again. Your lack of understanding and third grade level ability clouds your poor judgement and renders your opinions worthless.
But thanks once again for playin’ the fool! We are still laughing at you and find you very entertaining.
Marvin Stamnspews:
70. correctnotright spews:
@67 – Shot at you Marvin?
Heck, you shoot yourself all the time.
Havin’ trouble reading your own word now?
There’s a tax problem with hybrids. The taxes are too high.
You said it. It ain’t true as usual, and then you say the opposite….hmmm, are you losing it or have you already lost it?
If this is the best you can do, I’ll do some charity work and give you this one.
If you feel you can do better, then feel free to explain how I wasn’t paraphrasing the rest of my comment you intentionally didn’t quote.
We don’t have any hybrids in Denmark, unfortunately, due to the extreme taxes on those cars.
Like I said, a tax problem and taxes are too high.
Keep trying. Once you tell me you found my ideas about healthcare reform we can talk about them.
@71: Dearest Marvin fool:
What happened to the analysis by Politico and others that the “birther” phenomenon is fueled by right wing conservative idiots and crazies like yourself?
Did you not read that?
Are you too dumb to read?
Are you still insisting it is democrats when Politico (a conservative rag) says it is conservatives and whites? And they are not the only one…..Glenn Beck – is he a liberal democrat now too? And Limbaugh and Palin and…..on and on…..
Are you that thick?
@73: Charity work?
It is just too easy – most everything you say is wrong. Too easy. Candy from a baby.
The more you post the more of a fool you show yourself to be. Thanks.
@73: Who cares about Denmark? We are talking about the democratically controlled state of Washignton and you were wrong AS USUAL.
Don’t you even know what is going on in this STATE?
Oh I forgot…you are not even FROM this state.
Maybe you should post on a blog where you know SOMETHING!
Not sure where that would be, but maybe a Mars blog…..
24. Marvin Stamn spews:
17. Roger Rabbit spews:
@15 That’s true. The GOP is so bad even Republicans are joining our party now.
birthers started in the democrat party.
truthers started in the democrat party.
Here is one lawsuit by a democrat over a year ago that you obviously haven’t heard about.
MSM Ignores Democrat Lawsuit Against Obama
I bet that you have never even heard of Orly Taitz and her connections to the democrat party.
12/07/2009 at 10:36 am
Yeah, and I bet you never heard that Ronald Reagan had connections to the Democrat Party.
It just goes to prove that while our tent is big, we purge out the lunatics who become icons for the far, far right-wing tea bag, Rush Limbaugh followers to idolize over.
Hell, if Hitler or bin Lader were Democrats we’d purge them and you’d fall all over yourselves to see who could be the most Hitler/bin Laden like.
# 49: Yep, it seems that the entire purpose of the Republican Party over the last several decades has been the transfer, as rapidly as possible, of the wealth of the average American into the pockets of the financial supporters of the Republican Party. When Americans started running out of personal wealth, they started going after the wealth of succeding generations, leaving them a debt which will take decades to pay off.
Reagan’s first budget director saw it first-hand. He seriously believed all that talk about the danger of structural deficits, the booming national debt, and Reagan’s promise of balancing the budget within four years. He quickly got an education as the Republicans pushed through tax cuts for the highest-income Americans quickly, then spent the rest of the money on defense programs (money to friendly corporations under defense contracts), then pretended that the deficits didn’t matter any more. George W. Bush did the same thing.
I’ve heard reports (but not the details) that if Clinton’s economic and budget practices had continued over the past decade, the federal deficit would be paid off last year. Were’ not talking about trying to balance a budget – that happened in 2000. We are talking about the entire debt being paid off!
Marvin Stamnspews:
72. correctnotright spews:
We are still laughing at you and find you very entertaining.
You’re waaay too pissed at me to find me entertaining.
Have you found my ideas about healthcare reform yet? When you didn’t think I had one you sure whined about it.
71. Marvin Stamn spews:
. . . So these birthers are kinda like the democrats that fell for dan rathers “fake but accurate” documents?
The difference being, of course, that the document Dan Rather produced was fake but the underlying charge of Bush being AWOL during war is true.
Whereas, Obama’s birth certificate is REAL, and the underlying charge of him not being a citizen is false.
So why in Gods name do you have a man crush on me gbs?
Marvin Stamnspews:
80. GBS spews:
71. Marvin Stamn spews
Take a cold shower there gbs.
Keep that man crush you have to yourself.
78. rhp6033 spews:
I’ve heard reports (but not the details) that if Clinton’s economic and budget practices had continued over the past decade, the federal deficit would be paid off last year. Were’ not talking about trying to balance a budget – that happened in 2000. We are talking about the entire debt being paid off!
This is true. When Clinton left office the national debt was about $4 trillion dollars. Clinton had STOPPED borrowing money to run the government, know as “Pay Go.”
Also, Clinton is the ONLY president to pay down the national debt at the rate of $500 billion dollars per year as he was leaving office. At that rate we would have been a debt free nation today.
Instead Republicans squandered $11 TRILLION dollars on the national “credit card” at the Bank of China!!
In fact, Allen Greenspan warned the new incoming president George W. Bush “not to pay off the national debt too fast as that would cause runaway inflation.”
I guess Greenspan bought into the whole “fiscal conservative” bullshit, too.
No worries there Mr. Greenspan, Dubya didn’t pay off the debt too fast!
What’s your point — as it relates to the drift of the comments in the thread.
Name calling doesn’t cut it.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
“When this country belatedly recognized the wrongs of slavery, there were those who dug in their heels and said, ‘Slow down, it’s too early. Let’s wait. Things aren’t bad enough.’ When women spoke up for the right to speak up, they wanted to vote, some insisted, ‘Slow down, there will be a better day to do that. The day isn’t quite right.”
re 85: The ‘some’ that Reid refers to relating to abolishing slavery are the Conservative Southern Rightists and Clerics who used to be Democrats, but upon passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, gradually drifted to the Republicans and changed to the ‘publicans en masse when Nixon instituted the Southern Strategy.
81. Marvin Stamn spews:
77. GBS spews:
24. Marvin Stamn spews:
You still got that man crush on me?
Remember when you said…
Now, back to ignoring you. Unless you have some sort of man crush on me you’ll do the same.
I ignored, you didn’t.
So why in Gods name do you have a man crush on me gbs?
12/07/2009 at 2:53 pm
A man crush is when someone, like you, keeps cached countless quotes to pull up at a moments notice. The level of “stalking” you go to for a blog site is what determines “man crush.”
I on the other hand, just pick apart your rants at random without the extensive library.
Although, seeing how you’re paid to blog on liberal web sites to push the conservative agenda I can see why you’d be so highly structured.
Your handlers should have come up with a better cover story. The creative, free-wheeling musician type doesn’t fit your wound tight as a drum, every detail, every news article, every quote from any regular blogger at your fingertip doesn’t jive.
But hey, in a Reagan Republican created recession you gotta do what you gotta do to survive, right?
Even if it is blogging and being the representative voice of the opposition party.
Someone at 87 knows their history!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Independent Investigation Exonerates ACORN
An independent investigator found no evidence of “illegal conduct” by ACORN, a community group, but suggested management improvements.
Oh GBS, nice comeback to racist Lucy’s almost history. The Southern Democrats who blocked it was overruled by Northern and Western Republicans. Did you forget Robert Byrd and Al Gore Sr fought against it? Byrd Filibustered it. Did they drift from the Democratics? NOPE!
So GBS, Puddy shocked at your response since the hot air from the racist is only partially true and you know it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Climate Is Still Warming, And Fossil Fuels Are Still Causing It
Bottom line, the wingnut shouting about e-mails written by a few climate scientists at East Anglia University won’t make the world any cooler. Time magazine reports,
“Do the emails weaken the scientific case for global warming? Put it this way: … In the weeks since the e-mails first became public, many climate scientists and policy experts have looked through them, and they report that the correspondence does not contradict the overwhelming scientific consensus on global warming, which has been decades in the making.
“Ultimately, … we need to place [the e-mail hacking incident] in its proper context: amidst a decades-long effort by the fossil fuel industry and other climate skeptics to undercut global warming research — often by means that are far more nefarious than anything that appears in the CRU e-mails. …
“‘This is being used to confuse the public,’ says blogger James Hoggan …. ‘This is not a legitimate scientific issue.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In short, the phony controversy being stirred up by apologists for the oil and coal industries has no substance, just hot air.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Roger Dumb Bunny@90, what else would you expect from a Democratic hired to investigate Democratics?
Copying commentary from HAs arschloch ylb arschloch. Puddy don’t take orders from known pathetic moronic leftist racists. Sit on that corncob fool! You can change your name but the hate leaks through every time.
Marvin Stamnspews:
86. PuddWaxx distorts – Liberals Remenber spews:
58. The Manchester Hooligans spews:
How sad when headless replies to himself.
Puddy @ 91:
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, come now.
Don’t make me spank your behind again with the paddle of history.
We’ve gone down this path before. Yes there were Democrats who were against CRA.
There are as many anti-civil rights Democrats now as there are Rockefeller Republicans that you oh so point out as “Northern Republicans.”
Like I pointed out to you in your previous thrashing, to get a better picture of the demography of racism, sexism, or being anti-gay has more to do with your social beliefs vs. political party affiliation.
People who tend to limit the rights of other citizens are far, far more likely to be socially conservative than socially liberal.
The “Vote Your Values” slogan is code word for follow the Bible – It’s OK to own slaves, A women’s place is in the home, Man shall not lay with Man . . . you know be socially conservative.
Strom Thurmond was once a Democrat, but he died a Republican. So, too, did Ronald Reagan.
Ever read Reagan’s “States Rights” speech he read in Philadelphia, MS? If Reagan had HIS way it would be OK for any landlord to deny renting to you because you’re BLACK!
Tell us, Puddy, being a black man and champion of civil rights – what made giving the States Rights speech in Philadelphia, MS so egregious?
Still no answer. PuddWaxx/Stamn: Taking responsibility for mistakes is something that you advise that everyone else do. I am simply asking for an example of the Republicans doing that.
If you have no answer, then say so — as cogently as you are able.
‘Ex-New York State Republican Senate Leader Found Guilty in Corruption Trial’
Should this Republican take personal responsibility?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Crooked State DEMOCRAT Dies–
In 1980, Bagnariol was convicted on federal racketeering charges in what became known as the “Gamscam” case after telling undercover agents he would work to loosen state gambling laws for a share of the profits. He served two years in federal prison.
Still no answer on taking personal rtesponsibility and an example of a Republican doing that.
Can you imagine in a live debate the points you’d use for not having a personal example of practicing what you preach?
Oh yeah, Ted Kennedy drove off a bridge 40 years ago. That’s your example.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Keep trying Racist at 97, 98, 99 ,100, 102, & 103. Scream all you want and piss into the wind.
You’re pissed how fast Puddy identifies you! You can change your name but the words always delivers your ASS on a plate…
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Now onto GBS…
Puddy notices how you ignored Robert 3 Sheets KKK Byrd and Al Gore Sr. They never left their “Democrat Roots”. In fact Robert Byrd knows some “white niggers”. Maybe he knows a few of you leftist pinheads.
Regarding stifling rights, it’s you and your ilk who are into that. Take California for instance… 67% of Hispanics and 70% of blacks voted for marriage in Prop 8. Yet it’s you and your ilk who are attacking peeps for their personal feelings. Keep squawking GBS as you’re proving Puddy’s point.
Hey you remember David Brooks… that old RINO who now writes for the NY Times… Well even he thinks Reagan is being tarred unfairly as a “racist”. Yet it’s all these marijuana legalists who want “states rights” for legalization. Amazing how you use states rights for an attack yet support states rights for your “themes”.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
This is why there is a difference how the left looks at things vs people on the right…
Puddy presents that woman of vast intelligence Joy Behar.
“Let me say this about Tiger on his behalf. He has never held himself up as one of these pro-marriage, right-wing kind of guys who is anti-gay.”
Listen carefully as Joy explains the difference between “societal hypocrisy” and “personal hypocrisy.”
Allen Stanford? Financial Jockstrap of Democratics
Bernie Madoff? Financial Jockstrap of Democratics
You forgot about Charles Rangel?
You forgot about Bill Richardson?
You forgot about Rod Blagojevich?
You forgot about all those other Congresscritters?
Ooo… Our congressional Republicans have rooted out a cabal of scientific fascists! I’m so glad they are looking out for us!
The row reached Congress today, with Republicans accusing the researchers of engaging in “scientific fascism” and pressing the Obama administration’s top science adviser, John Holdren, to condemn the email. Holdren, a climate scientist who wrote one of the emails in the UEA trove, said he was prepared to denounce any misuse of data by the scientists – if one is proved.
What are you still carrying on about that racist cracker, Robert Byrd, for?
It’s not like any of us can stand him or vote for (or against) him. And, hell, last I checked all my kin back in West Virginia voted Republican.
LOL… Searching the Dex White Pages my, not very common, last name gets 180 hits in Washington,
(population 6.5M) and “over 300” hits in West Virginia (population 1,814,468).
Because there are historical revisionists like racist lucy who spin the truth. Puddy was shocked at GBS who knows better. Richard Russell (Russell Senate Building) never changed his party designation either. These “facts” are lost on progressive Democratics when it comes to the CRA and VRA. Look up LBJ’s politics before he became vice-president. Look up what JFK and RFK did to MLK Jr in the early 60s. When JE Hoover audio taped MLK Jr hotel rooms and found out he was servicing another woman than his wife they tried to use that against him. They tried to call him a Communist. And RFK approved this. And these facts well known are ignored by GBS and others. Puddy doesn’t ignore them.
So much for truth in history from progressives.
“truth in history”
What a fool you are, Puddy. You embraced Jesse like a fool. Now you embrace wingnuttia like a fool. You’ve already had one rude awakening and now you’re long overdue for another. Maybe after this next one you’ll actually start thinking for yourself instead of acting the fool for one side or the other. Good luck with that.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Wow…what a comeback by Barry O!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11
The TEAM of Obama/Pelosi/Reid will set the Democrat Party back 20 years. The writing is on the wall. This Climate nonsense, Health Care and Deficit Spending is sadly only the tip of the iceberg.
Hope & Change???
BTW, Washington DC=====
The D.C. stands for Demented Congress
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Steve, you stupid moron.
Going pronoun on your ASS!
Most all blacks who think about their peeps are interested in black history. Ask ROTCODDAM. See if she was interested in black history growing up.
When I was introduced to some interesting books by my older brother, it hit me like a ton of bricks how text books “white”-washed black history. George Washington Carver was never discussed. So when you eat peanut butter thank a black man. Garrett Morgan invented the modern traffic light. So when you cross a busy intersection thank a black man. Frederick Jones invented the automatic refrigeration system for tractor trailers and rail cars. So when you eat your food thank a black man. Dr. Charles Drew developed methods to store blood and plasma, and he created the world’s first blood bank. So when you need a transfusion thank a black man.
This is why you are a stupid progressive fool! I decided to learn about black history so in the 80s I supported Jesse Jackson. At that time I didn’t know about some of his “actions”. But as I read more about him I realized he wasn’t my cup of tea. So Mrs Puddy and I left him in the dust. Then along comes Al Sharpton and Tawana Brawley. This fool hasn’t apologized yet for trying to railroad three white cops. Yet they are great progressives to you Steve.
I choose to follow peeps who are closer to my personal ideals. I abhor how blacks fuck, make babies and they kill them in the womb. Who knows what some of those aborted babies could become if given a chance. Maybe another Dr Ben Carson. Butt to a simpleton fool like you it’s okay cuz it’s only a mass of cells.
Don Joe loves to label me with Manichean because I look at things black and white. You betcha, things are either black or white. Why? You progressives remind me of it every day. Your good friend headless is in the forefront Steve. You’re not much different than headless when you look at your comments vs. his.
Butt back to Don Joe. Unfortunately for that fool, he keeps mixing up Gnostic Christianity, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism definitions. Since I am a Christian, not a Gnostic Christian, Buddhist, and Zoroastrian; I reject that labeling since Don Joe, avowed atheist, can’t figger out the pimple on the back of his ASS. Oh that could be you Steve… my bad!
End of pronoun mode.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama keeps preaching and America is turned off. He has overplayed his personna…arrogantly. Here is another example:
Monday, December 07, 2009
Despite President Obama’s highly-publicized jobs summit late last week and a slight drop in the national unemployment rate to 10%, Americans remain pessimistic about the jobs situation.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 67% of adults think the unemployment rate will be the same or higher a year from today. That includes 29% who believe the unemployment rate will be higher than it is now and 38% who expect it to stay about the same. Another 29% say the country’s unemployment rate will be lower in one year’s time.
Only the Kool-Aid gulping 29% (and shrinking) blindly support Obam-Mao.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Puddy @ 114–
These KLOWNS viciously & vulgarly attack you because they find it abhorant you refunse to carry their Atheist Progressive water.
Of all things, a Black Man who won’t just be satisfied with a few crumbs and accept the Secular ANYTHING GOES religion of the Progressives.
Puddy, we all serve some kind of Lord. Mine is Jesus Christ. There’s is whatever brainfart pops into their heads with no filter!
God will have the last word…..we just need to be ready.
I’m so thankful for my family & neighbors.
I’m thankful for guys like you Puddy.
Hardcore Atheism is a epitome of ugliness.
Let them stew in their own juices.
After all, It’s all about THEM.
Their God is THEMSELVES.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
More for your stupid ASS Steve.
George Alcorn, Jr invented the imaging x-ray spectrometer. So when you fly a plane that has had it’s turbo-fan engine blades x-ray inspected thank a black man.
Norbert Rillieux invented a method to make granulated sugar, soap, gelatin, and glue. So when you take that teaspon of sugar or wash your smelly ASS with soap thank a black man.
Jan Matzeliger invented the modern shoe sole stitching method. So when your shoe soles stay attached to the top thank a black man.
When you use incandescent light bulbs you can thank George Latimer for improving upon Thomas Edison’s original design with stronger filaments. So when your light bulbs last longer than a few days thank a black man.
Puddy has many more inventions from Blacks not mentioned in “white” history books Fool!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Steve and the other racist KLOWNS do not think Blacks are capable. All they are good for is to be sheep for the Atheist Progressive Movement. Throw them some scraps, tell them they are oppressed & stupid over & over & over again so they are beholdin’ to “the Man”.
Leftists control the text books our kids learn from. Leftists conveniently omit accomplishments you documented because they don’t want these Black Kids to get too uppity.
Know what I mean?
Marvin Stamnspews:
103. PuddWaxx distorts – Liberals Remember spews:
Still no answer on taking personal rtesponsibility and an example of a Republican doing that.
Instead of the democrat theory Do as I say, not as I do, why don’t you lead by example and show us how democrats take responsibility.
You can start with fannie mae and freddie mac.
Marvin Stamnspews:
105. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Puddy notices how you ignored Robert 3 Sheets KKK Byrd and Al Gore Sr. They never left their “Democrat Roots”. In fact Robert Byrd knows some “white niggers”.
I wonder if when a white democrat grand kleagle calls someone a “white nigger” if that’s a term of affection?
So far the score is-
Democrat party- 1 grand kleagle
Republican party – 0 grand kleagles
@114 You’re as stupid in “pronoun mode” as you are in third-person.
Bye the bye, I learned about peanuts and Carver when I was in public grade school. Out of the book. You mention peanut butter. Is that the limit of your knowledge of what the man accomplished? Sad. You really should learn more about black history. If you want, I could teach you.
@116 Oh, stuff it, you idiot.
@117 Alas, your knowledge of black history seems quite shallow, Puddy. The offer to teach you about your people is still open.
@118 You call me a racist. What proof have you that I am a racist? Yours is just another empty wingnut accusation with nothing to back it up. But speaking of signs of racism, got anymore jokes making fun of black stereotypes you’d like to unapologetically share with us? Don’t fret about Puddy, as Mr. Black Awareness will no doubt shut the fuck up again as you diss his so-called peeps.
Lecture me on race, Puddy? Sorry, but you have nothing to offer and you have absolutely no credibility with me on the subject.
Marvin Stamnspews:
117. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Puddy has many more inventions from Blacks not mentioned in “white” history books Fool!
I guess that is what happens when school districts/teachers are in the pocket of republicans.
Schools are in the pockets of democrats.
Which again raises the question, why do white democrats want to ripoff black inventors and not give them credit.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Apparently steve was like Steve Martin…born a Poor Black Child.
He is incapable of connecting the dots…that oppression comes in various forms.
Some of it is even sugar-coated and called ENTITLEMENTS.
The SlaveHolders ain’t all the obvious racists.
The worst SlaveHolders are those who portray themselves as Angels from the Government…I’m here to help you.
Step #1—Understand you cannot help yourself and are incapable & oppressed.
Repeat Step #1 a couple hundred thousand times.
Step #2—Drink this Kool-Aid, take the scraps and vote for whoever I tell you too…or your scrap handout will disappear!!
Hey, I get it steve.
Why can’t you??
I thought you really cared???
What is worse than a dependent Black citizenry?
Look at the consequences…Crime, Out of Wedlock babies, abortion, lack of job skills & opportunity etc. etc
How can you continue after all these years to look at the stats and say handout dependency is the answer??
Marvin Stamnspews:
123. Mr. Cynical spews:
Look at the consequences…Crime, Out of Wedlock babies, abortion, lack of job skills & opportunity etc. etc
How can you continue after all these years to look at the stats and say handout dependency is the answer??
I wonder why democrats support an obvious failed policy.
Like all non-left-wingnuts understand, the democrats don’t want to help, they want to enslave. The more people dependent on the government the more democrat voters.
What an idiot you are, Klynical. Find one post where I even remotely said handout dependency is the answer. Perhaps Marvin will post once again where I noted the general failures of Great Society programs. I meant it. Just as I meant it when I refered a troll to Cosby for a read of someone whose views on the black condition are similar to mine. You keep pulling shit from your ass and calling it “good”. Trust me, KLOWN, that’s your own excrement in your hands and nothing more.
Talking about blacks on the plantation, KLOWN, when has a Republican congress or president ever done anything to stop abortion? All they do is string you fools along from one election to another, never delivering. Republicans use Christians like you say Dems use blacks. You dumb fucks are living on your own plantation and you don’t even know it. And as for Puddy? He obviously drifts from one massa to the next, and that’s the way it’ll be the rest of his pathetic life unless he stops drinking the Kool-Aid and starts thinking for himself. Frankly, I don’t ever see it happening.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Another example of left-wingnuts resorting to violence.
Jeremy Olson, 33, allegedly threw two tomatoes from the second balcony, however did not come close to hitting Palin.
Bloomington Police report that Bloomington Commander Mark Stehlik was struck in the face with one of the tomatoes and may face charges for assaulting a police officer. Olson was booked at the Bloomington jail. He was arrested for suspicion of assault and disorderly conduct.
Like the typical leftist, he missed just like those two left-wingnuts that thought they could hit ann coulter with a pie.
Say, what is it about white male left-wingnuts and assaulting women?
Marvin Stamnspews:
125. Steve spews:
Perhaps Marvin will post once again where I noted the general failures of Great Society programs.
Sure Steve, I’ll help you out.
53. Puddybud, Hey it’s the New Year… spews:
Steve, okay I’ll cut you some slack. Let’s meet sometime soon and break bread over it.Maybe you can agree with me elected Donkey liberals have not made the inner city black man’s/woman’s life better.
55. steve spews:
@53 Agreed, agreed and, dammit, agreed. I know exactly what you’re talking about.
when has a Republican congress or president ever done anything to stop abortion?
Steve Steve Steve, with progressives like Jesse and Al who tell the world don’t listen to Republicans or conservatives how does the abstinence/abortion commentary reach the inner city?
You think libtardo newspapers are going to carry it?
You think libtardo local teevee will carry it?
You think the libtardo nightly national news will carry it?
You think the libtardo cable channels will carry it?
In response to #127
I don’t care what you’ve got or who you’re hurling at, please stop. We’re in a world of trouble and we need to get to work on fixing our world. Hurling pies, tomatoes & invectives does nothing to make our world a better place.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Steve, You can teach Puddy about black history?
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Thanks for the laugh. Puddy gave a MLK Jr history lesson to those who read it. How many HA libtardos knew RFK approved the hotel bugging of MLK Jr hotel rooms? Only because Puddy brought it up before.
GW Carver invented or improved many things Steve. One was axle grease. There’s a leftist joke there Steve… can you figger it out? Puddy mentioned peanut butter because most could associate with that… He had over 300 uses for the peanut. Ever tried one of his sweet potato recipes? He taught southern farmers the need for crop rotation and growing other crops for soil replenishment, butt what would most HA Leftist Libtardo city boys know about farming? So Puddy gave peanut butter.
Puddy noticed you didn’t cover any of the other black inventions. Really curious Steve!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Did you see PETA is again upset at Aretha Franklin again for wearing her favorite furs to the music awards shows? Awwwww…
Puddy would love to see someone throw ink or something else at the Queen of Soul. That fool or fools wouldn’t leave “alive”.
@128 Thanks.
Back to music, I knew that there was a sax version of a controller with keys but didn’t know there was a trumpet version. Then again, my investigative focus back then was sax – although I should concede that trumpet is the world’s finest instrument.
I spent an afternoon Saturday going through my VLG-150 and Motif manuals and a few documents I downloaded about the VLG from a Motif site call Motifator. Now I have a cheat sheet for navigating the Motif and setting parameters and assigning controllers on it and the VLG, as well as how to save edited instruments to the VLG voice bank. I needed to get to that space. I now know how to control embouchere and throat formant, but when and why? With the navigation roadblock out of the way, I can now have some fun learning about these things.
To every rule there is an exception and the exception to my rule @131 would be me getting to watch Aretha Franklin kicking some PETA vegans ass.
I got into a bit of a squabble in an internet thread over how ‘green’ my shoes were a while back. Apparently I’m supposed to be wearing fall-apart, vegan, shoes that are made in China rather than my bison leather, made in Montana, shoes that, with the occasional trip to the shoe repair guy, have lasted me a decade.
@130 Sorry, I can’t follow the gibberish. Something about Jesse and Al controlling your mind?
@132 I’ll save my education for you in person, when you buy me an expensive dinner. That way you’ll know that I’m not just googling black history for you. Hey, is that what you were just doing? Googling black history because you can’t speak to it off the top of your head? Ha!
If we had the #’s of animals to support it, I’d be all for a return to trapping pelts. If done correctly, it’s a 100% sustainable activity, it provides people with warm coats, that if cared for properly will last forever, and could give rural folks a bit of an income in the winter months.
But, we were greedy and trashed the planet and those resources aren’t there anymore.
Puddy, Puddy, Puddy,
We’ve gone over the Robert Byrd, Al Gore Sr. saga before.
They’ve apologized for their transgressions, asked for forgiveness and, unlike conservatives, have TAKEN responsibility for their actions.
Prop 8. arguement is stupid.
If Mississippi voted to reinstate Jim Crow laws would you be OK with that?
No. Of course not.
So, why is it OK for other citizens to limit the right of other Americans who are asking for no more rights than what you are enjoying.
And, do NOT bring in any psycho babble Bilbe talk into the debate. Religious dogma does not = US law.
Mr. Cynical Qaeda,
Here is an interesting survey result from Rasmussen Reports:
Imagine that…the G.O.P. loses out to Teabaggers. And more people say they are undecided than are willing to admit they are Republicans.
It’s almost like the word “Republican” is synonymous with herpes!
Not the only fun poll around now…
That’s your modern GOP, half of which have actually lost their minds. (Critical thinking? We don’t need no steenking critical thinking!)
Darryl @ 1–
I just saw that poll. It really doesn’t surprise me. Having attended a Number of Tea Party events, the vast majority rightfully detest both major Politcal Party’s.
The people I met were mainly small business owners and retirees (many of whom owned small businesses). I’ve told you for years I’m not a Republican. I was pretty much ostricized from the Republicans because I would not support non-Conservatives. There are a lot of people like me. Conservatives who believe in smaller, less costly, less intrusive government…meaning eliminate many of the Legislative obstacles to the success of small business. Hey Darryl, I have never been a fan of corporate America. I worked in it for about 4 years and was disgusted.
The answer America is looking for involves government getting out of the way of small business. Democrats do not get it. Most Republicans really don’t either.
It looks to me like the Democrats & Republicans are both shrinking….and a 3rd Party is prime with the right straight-talk message. You make fun of the Tea Party Movement because you have to as a die-hard Democrat.
I met lifelong Democrats at the Tea Party’s.
You would be shocked at the backgrounds of many of these people. They are not a bunch of rednecks like you have to portray them Darryl.
I have been called numerous times by local & National Republican Party’s. I have told them the same thing since the past election….I will only support CANDIDATES who share my beliefs…wherever they may be. I know Party’s do a lot of groundwork in preparation for elections. But they will have to do it without my money.
Monday, December 07, 2009
I think Bush blew it for the Republicans for another XX years unless they get their act together on Conservative, Deficit reduction, less spending, less taxes measures.
They need to lead, follow or get out of the way.
Whether you want to admit it or not, Obama/Pelosi/Reid have seriously damaged the Democrat Party. They have the incumbent advantage BUT they are withering.
I have previously stated numerous times that a 3rd Party is quite viable. The poll you quote tells me that.
Recently in HA comments SJ was asking solicitously about the plight of Afghan women (being “turned out of schools” or something) in what I took to be a rhetorical defense of the American military presence as the staunch and presumably sole protector of the wimmens.
Turns out, not so much. Our presence is doing little to nothing for Afghan womyn. YEs, they deserve better. No, we are not providing it to them.
3 Cyn
Third parties don’t win the the USA. But do help defeat Republicans for us. Thanks!
5. Daddy Love spews:
Mindless zombies who fail to take a stand have been the cause of America’s plummet.
Jackboot lemmings can win elections…but then what?? You are living it DL.
Here is some common sense–
Verify the data decisions are being made upon–
While Democrats leave much to be desired, and Republicans even more so, teabaggers are simply batshit crazy. Here’s one reason why I suspect any congressional poll is meaningless right now. When polled, many voters thinking “Republican” still don’t see the extent to which foaming-at-the-mouth, torch and pitchfork toting, flat earth birther crazies are taking over the Republican party.
A Tale of Two Obamas
“I came away even more bewildered and dismayed at the reality that this president, who could have been such an insurgent at a moment demanding insurgency, has been so utterly captured by the Wall Street elite, the health insurance industry elite, and the military elite.”
@9 Yep!
But, back in ’08 we had choice A and choice B and I think we made the right choice. Plus, it’s still early and things can change.
Why Does the Public Oppose ObamaCare?
Easy answer.
Too much government involvement at too high of a cost.
As the Senate debate drags on, public support for the Democratic health care reforms remains very weak. The latest RealClearPolitics average shows just 40% in favor with nearly 49% opposed.
Why do democrats not respect the will of the people.
steve spews:
Please document your assertios about–
1) Foaming-at-the-mouth
2) Torch & Pitchfork toting.
3) Flat Earth
4) Birthers (there are a few of those)
Steve, all you are doing is ranting to minimize folks with a different viewpoint.
I suppose if you say it long enough and loud enough, some idiots will believe it.
And, are you saying the Democrats don’t have some real lunatics? Of course. So do Republicans.
Let’s talk about the issues and leave the ranting at the door.
Stand By Your Bigot
Republican legislator Bill Otto of Kansas is standing by his online video called “Redneck Rap” in which he criticizes President Obama’s policies while wearing a baseball cap with the blurb that refers to possum as “the other dark meat.” Otto vehemently denies he’s a racist.
PROMISES, PROMISES: A closed meeting on openness
Really? I thought oba-mao campaigned on openness and CHANGE.
If bush lied, doesn’t that mean for CHANGE that oba-mao can’t lie. Did oba-mao lie about those 440 fake congressional districts he thought wouldn’t be discovered or is he really clueless about how many congressional districts there are. After all, we all remember him on the campaign trail when he had problems with how many states there are in america. Or did oba-mao assume the liberal media would cover for his lies about 440 fake congressional districts.
Silly journalist, oba-mao was lying about that transparency stuff. Only stoopid people actually fell for his transparency lie.
Why should oba-mao have to give over records that liberals wanted bush to turn over.
Besides, how will it help oba-mao for him to explain how his administration came up with the idea of making up 440 fake congressional districts.
democrats have both, birthers and truthers.
@14 They can’t open it to the public. They’re discussing how many senators Mitch O’Connell waterboarded into voting against health care reform. That’s a state secret.
@15 That’s true. The GOP is so bad even Republicans are joining our party now.
@7 Issa is an ignorant ass. The underlying science is not in question. Ice is still melting, the sea level is still rising, and temperatures aren’t getting cooler. The only thing that happened is a few British scientists got caught carping about the fossil fuel industry’s paid hacks.
@9 Should’ve voted for Hillary like I did.
@3 “I think Bush blew it for the Republicans”
The fucking understatement of the millenium.
@3 (continued) We don’t need a third party. We need to replace the Republican Party with a new party. There’s no reason for the GOP to continue existing.
The people in copenhagen are getting ready for protests, putting cages in an old building to house the protesters, many of which they expect them to resort to violence.
At an abandoned beer warehouse in this city’s Valby district, law enforcement officials have constructed an elaborate holding facility with three dozen steel cages to accommodate more than 350 potential troublemakers during a United Nations climate conference that gets under way here on Monday.
Funny, they don’t mention who they expect to protest and cause damage.
Could it be teabaggers? Nope, they don’t do as liberals do when protesting.
Obviously they are concerned about people connected to the left side of politics.
Banks are paying back their government bailout loans, job losses have shrunk to almost zero, the dollar is strengthening, commodity prices are easing, consumer spending is up, the economy is showing strong productivity grains, and Rush Limbaugh is writhing in agony.
birthers started in the democrat party.
truthers started in the democrat party.
Here is one lawsuit by a democrat over a year ago that you obviously haven’t heard about.
MSM Ignores Democrat Lawsuit Against Obama
I bet that you have never even heard of Orly Taitz and her connections to the democrat party.
@24 “birthers started in the democrat party.
truthers started in the democrat party.”
ROFLMAO!!! Now Marvie Stupes is blaming wingnuts on the Democrats! “It’s Clinton’s fault! It’s Clinton’s fault! It’s Clinton’s fault!”
Marvie’s making-up-shit meme has gotten so hair-brained he’s now blaming the birther movement on Democrats!
[riotous rabbit laughter in background]
Marvin, good job showing HA Libtardos is was a Clinton jockstrap who initiated the Birther Movement. Roger Dumb Bunny also forgets it was a LaRouche (Democratic) jockstrap who introduced the Obama Joker poster. Roger Dumb Bunny also forgets the LaRouche (Democratic) jockstrap who introduced the Obama Hitler poster.
That’s why Puddy calls Roger the Dumb Bunny. Most peeps with minds remember facts. Roger tells everyone he’s a bunny. Well he always forgets the descriptive “dumb” in his commentary. Roger is the Dumb Bunny!
Almost zero job losses?
I would ask for a link but you brag about being a partisan hack so of course you won’t provide a link.
According to the ADP Employer Services report on Wednesday, U.S. private employers shed 169,000 jobs in November
Despite the decline in job losses, the November figure topped economists’ median estimate for a loss of 155,000 jobs, according to a Reuters poll.
Only to a rabbit would 169,000 people losing their jobs would be “almost zero.”
But then the rabbit actually believed the oba-mao when he lied about 4409 fake congressional districts.
It’s easy to fool rabbits.
Roger Dumb Bunny can’t process facts so here is the article from another source…
“A prominent Philadelphia attorney and Hillary Clinton supporter filed suit this afternoon in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission. The action seeks an injunction preventing the senator from continuing his candidacy and a court order enjoining the DNC from nominating him next week, all on grounds that Sen. Obama is constitutionally ineligible to run for and hold the office of President of the United States.
Philip Berg, the filing attorney, is a former gubernatorial and senatorial candidate, former chair of the Democratic Party in Montgomery (PA) County, former member of the Democratic State Committee, and former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania. According to Berg, he filed the suit–just days before the DNC is to hold its nominating convention in Denver–for the health of the Democratic Party.
“I filed this action at this time,” Berg stated, “to avoid the obvious problems that will occur when the Republican Party raises these issues after Obama is nominated.”.”
I never said clinton.
If it wasn’t a democrat that started the birther situation, who did?
Wow, one of Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s own CNN jockstraps is turning against the “great one”?
“Couple that with the economy and we are seeing the end of the president’s first year in office coincide with him having to accept the full responsibility for the condition of the country.”
Hey Roger Dumb Bunny… Looks like the take of Roland Martin on Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm was the TARP was a bad thing…
I challenge you to find out where the birther stuff started.
I double dog dare you.
I’ll give you a clue… hillary supporters.
The liberal media keeps telling us that republoicans are violent.
Of course, teabagger protests don’t create the same damage/trash that liberal protests do. And that the only people being injured at teabagger protests are right-wingers being attacked by union thugs.
Here’s an oldie but a goodie.
A clinton supporter stabs an oba-mao supporter.
Just another poll that has oba-mao under 50% approval.
It seems that all polls are reflecting the failures of the oba-mao administration.
How can you tell there is a man-madeup-global-warming conference?
1,200 limos, 140 private planes and caviar wedges
Of course the rich white people would want to show up in limos. What’s the point of telling others how to live if you have to live the same lifestyle, they call it algorism.
I’m sure the danish are serious about fixing man-madeup-global-warming.
So high taxes don’t encourage people to buy? Then why do democrats love high taxes. Why do democrats hate “average” people. (liberal brian williams said the state dinner was a beautiful place, with better than average people)
@28 Where the hell did you get those numbers from? The November job loss figures reported in the MSM were 11,000.
Exactly my point.
You get your “facts” from the liberal msm. And you NEVER link to those “facts.”
You asked where I got those numbers? Well, the first hint would be to follow the link.
Oops, you’re on aol. That’s why you feel 11,000 losing their jobs because of the failed oba-mao stimulus plan would be “almost zero.”
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
@29 Philip Berg? Philip Berg? Ha ha ha ha!! Isn’t this the same Philip Berg who filed a RICO lawsuit against Bush and 154 other public officials accusing them of orchestrating the 9/11 attacks?
The guy’s an obvious nutcase.
Oh, and as for him being “former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania,” Berg was a “Deputy Attorney General I,” which is the entry-level staff attorney position in the Pennsylvania AGO. At the time, there were about 40 such attorneys in that office. He never advanced beyond that level, and is no longer with that office, which tells you all you need to know about his professional competence.
Wow Gallup has Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm positive poll numbers below Rasmussen. Hmmm… Doesn’t that mean Rasmussen must be wrong? It has to be lower.
@30 Marvie Stupid, any ass can call himself a “Democrat,” but that doesn’t make him one (see, e.g., Philip Berg). The “birther” movement, in case you missed this, is a rightwing phenomenon. It’s coming from the nutjobs on your side of the fence. And it’s so crazy even the most conservative judges that Bush managed to stuff into the federal court system won’t touch it with a 10-foot fiberglass lineman’s pole.
@40 Which means Obama’s approval ratings are only three times more than the GOP’s best potential nominees.
Poor Poor Dumb Bunny… You can’t retract your hilarious commentary in post #24. All Marvin did was prove the initial birther movement was Democratic Libtardos. Puddy placed corroborating evidence he was a Clintonoid which by default is Democratic.
Feel the pain of facts exploding in that teeny bunny mind? Oh da pain, da pain…
We agree Dumb Bunny! Many ASSes here do that everyday!
Apparently no one told the Arctic sea ice that global anthropocentric climate change was a hoax.
So this is what oba-mao says-
Left leaning time magazine even see the bullshit in this lie of oba-mao-
Why does oba-mao when his lies are so easy to prove?
Is he so used to being around democrats that he assumes that lying is acceptable?
You mean man-made-global-warming.
hillary supporter
Isn’t that amazing that despite everything you have heard on the MSM, the birther movement was started by democrat and supported by hillary supporters.
You know I used to think that republicans ran up big government deficits because they were stupid or something. I thought that the reason that Bush cut taxes and started two wars was because he was an ideologue unable to discern the true harm of this policies.
Unfortunately I was wrong. Bankrupting this country IS the plan, and tax cuts and wars are hwo they do it. That’s why Reagan ran up deficit after deficit without a care while he was hemorrhaging money into the bloody stupid Star Wars program, invading Grenada, financing the bloody Honduras and invading Lebanon. It’s why Bush I did the same, invading Pamana and Kuwait while running $200+ billion per year deficits. GW Bush kept with the Republican tredition, starting two wars of choice after cuytting taxes yet again, and adding nearly $6 trillion to our national debt in his terms in office.
The whole point is to squander all of our national treasure by shoveling it to defense contractors, private contractors and to the super-rich so that Demnocrats can’t afford any social programs when tey do get into power.
Witness today’s Republicans trying to claim, contrary to reality, that we cannot afford economic stimulus/health care reform/carbon usage reforms/investments in green technology when they just spent twenty of the last thirty years applauding as our government ran really spectacular deficits and increased our national debt from $900 billion in 1980 to an estimated $12 trillion in 2010.
If the man in the White House was named McCain instead of Obama, they’d still be piling debt upon debt and cheering it on. We’d just be doing it with 15-20% unemployment during a second Great Depression.
re 48: Isn’t it amazing that in your view, Republicans are ultimately always blameless and correct about everything? Puts a whole new light on ‘accepting personal responsibility’ when you consider yourself infallible.
I’ve never seen a copy of George W. Bush’s birth certificate either. Wonder what he’s trying to hide?
So what? Talk about who started it all you want but it was the right that took it to the level of group psychosis. Let’s see you talk about that. Face it, the right owns the batshit crazies. Hell, you’re one of them.
re 49: Exactly.
Follow the money.
He’s a democrat.
A DEMOCRAT started it. Democrats pushed it.
I’m sorry that facts don’t support your position.
Where have I said republicans are blameless, or is that how YOU interpret any patriotic dissent against a democrat?
I’d ask if you’ve got a link to me saying I’m infallible, but I know you are just acting like a partisan hack.
He’s probably trying to hide his address from a crazy person like you. I don’t blame him.
Exactly, from the racist 9/11 Truther@52 himself.
Hmm, open thread. You were correct, Marvin, by “unison” I meant trumpet one octave above trombone. When I mentioned I had the Motif and VLG-150 brass, woodwind and strings modeling model you mentioned that you had a couple of three syllable something-or-others that left me thinking you have some kind of modeling equivalent, maybe something better. Did I get that right? What were they again?
47 MS
What I said was what I meant. Look it up.
National Academy of Science
The Royal Society
That should get you started.
re 54: Give me some instances where you think that Republicans have been wrong.
I’ll bet you can’t.
Maybe PuddWaxx can, since he claims to remember everything.
re 55: Fuck you. Pussy.
You are correct.
The Hillary Clinton supporters are the original birthers.
She wanted to cast doubt during the Primary and rather cleverly tried to justify it by saying the Republicans would do it she raised the issue now to save the Democrat Party.
Pretty funny.
Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats gets all their info from the DailyKos and HuffPo. Don’t let facts get in the way of their dogma.
Check this out:,2933,579666,00.html
1200 Private Limos and 140 Private Jets.
Dinosaur sized Carbon footprint by the Moonbats!!
How can anyone serious about reducing Carbon Emissions be serious when they see this happening by the so-called “EXPERTS”???
The should all walk or ride bikes…or at least take hybrids.
But NOOOOOOO, we are from the far-Left…do as we SAY, not as we DO!!
Shows the arrogance and disconnect from reality.
EVI = electronic valve instrument
EWI = electronic wind instrument
These were the first attempts at getting horn players into midi. The EVI was modeled after a trumpet, the EWI like a sax/clarinet. It had some sounds that came along with it, never used them, only used it to get midi performance data into the computer. It allowed me to record like a horn player and not a keyboard payer with all the breath effects.
Then came lyricon.
Now they are called wind controllers.
A couple examples-
Tom Scott
Steve Tavaglione
Bob Mintzer (yellowjackets)
@49 Bankrupting this country IS the plan
What’s the end game? To what purpose?
– Turn the country into something like Mexico or Colombia?
– Or is there NO endgame, just loot the country, get really rich and let the next generations deal with the consequences. The ultimate “I got mine, to hell with you”.
I’d like your predictions….
There’s a tax problem with hybrids. The taxes are too high.
We don’t have any hybrids in Denmark, unfortunately, due to the extreme taxes on those cars. It makes no sense at all
Gotta wonder why democrats love high taxes so much. Oh yeah, because it makes no sense at all.
@64 – It’s the taxes fault. It’s always the fault of taxes! Repeat while wailing “It’s the TAXES, Oh the Taxes! They burn! They burn!” (collapse on the fainting couch!)
Hey marvin, I know it’s hard for you to grasp this but the USA is not Denmark. Democrats of the USA are not the liberals of Denmark.
(If they were, we would have universal health care by now.)
Hey Marvin – up until a short while ago we had tax breaks on fuel efficient cars in Washington state……ooops.
And all hybrids are not that fuel efficient.
Was that a shot at me or your democrat controlled state government that eliminated tax breaks for rich white people that vote democrat?
Please include the comment you are replying to. I don’t remember taking the position that all hybrids are fuel efficient.
@24: hahaha Marvin so funny
Olrly Taitz a democrat? hahahhaha
She is a rightwingnut now…whatever she was in the past. She is one of your own Marvin.
And once again poor Marvin misses the point.
After definitively showing he was born in the US, who are the people still shouting about Obama not being a legit US President……Hmmmmm:
So who are these persistent “birthers” – white, conservative and having an underlying racist attitude.
Thanks for playin’ Stamn – we know where you stand.
Racist Moron@59…
Strike 9 side retired!
@67 – Shot at you Marvin?
Heck, you shoot yourself all the time.
Havin’ trouble reading your own word now?
You said it. It ain’t true as usual, and then you say the opposite….hmmm, are you losing it or have you already lost it?
What happened to the democrat big tent? One issue and she’s kicked out of the party?
Follow the money.
Isn’t philip berg also a democrat? Or have you thrown him out of the party also?
Is this a right-wing hate site-
So these birthers are kinda like the democrats that fell for dan rathers “fake but accurate” documents? Even when those democrats saw the fake document, they didn’t believe their own eyes.
I’m not a birther, for one big reason… hillary couldn’t make it stick. Don’t forget who started the lie. And go figure, she’s never mentioned by people like you.
Did you find my list of ideas for healthcare yet? Since you don’t bring it up anymore I guess you know you’ve been punked.
@11: thanks Marvin for another simplistic post. Actually, when you ask people if they oppose health care and then why you find this:
Which begs the question…..why do republicans oppose the real opinions of the public on health care?
See Marvin, when you ask simpleton questions and rely on simpleton answers you get the wrong answers again and again. Your lack of understanding and third grade level ability clouds your poor judgement and renders your opinions worthless.
But thanks once again for playin’ the fool! We are still laughing at you and find you very entertaining.
70. correctnotright spews:
@67 – Shot at you Marvin?
Heck, you shoot yourself all the time.
Havin’ trouble reading your own word now?
If this is the best you can do, I’ll do some charity work and give you this one.
If you feel you can do better, then feel free to explain how I wasn’t paraphrasing the rest of my comment you intentionally didn’t quote.
We don’t have any hybrids in Denmark, unfortunately, due to the extreme taxes on those cars.
Like I said, a tax problem and taxes are too high.
Keep trying. Once you tell me you found my ideas about healthcare reform we can talk about them.
@71: Dearest Marvin fool:
What happened to the analysis by Politico and others that the “birther” phenomenon is fueled by right wing conservative idiots and crazies like yourself?
Did you not read that?
Are you too dumb to read?
Are you still insisting it is democrats when Politico (a conservative rag) says it is conservatives and whites? And they are not the only one…..Glenn Beck – is he a liberal democrat now too? And Limbaugh and Palin and…..on and on…..
Are you that thick?
@73: Charity work?
It is just too easy – most everything you say is wrong. Too easy. Candy from a baby.
The more you post the more of a fool you show yourself to be. Thanks.
@73: Who cares about Denmark? We are talking about the democratically controlled state of Washignton and you were wrong AS USUAL.
Don’t you even know what is going on in this STATE?
Oh I forgot…you are not even FROM this state.
Maybe you should post on a blog where you know SOMETHING!
Not sure where that would be, but maybe a Mars blog…..
Yeah, and I bet you never heard that Ronald Reagan had connections to the Democrat Party.
It just goes to prove that while our tent is big, we purge out the lunatics who become icons for the far, far right-wing tea bag, Rush Limbaugh followers to idolize over.
Hell, if Hitler or bin Lader were Democrats we’d purge them and you’d fall all over yourselves to see who could be the most Hitler/bin Laden like.
# 49: Yep, it seems that the entire purpose of the Republican Party over the last several decades has been the transfer, as rapidly as possible, of the wealth of the average American into the pockets of the financial supporters of the Republican Party. When Americans started running out of personal wealth, they started going after the wealth of succeding generations, leaving them a debt which will take decades to pay off.
Reagan’s first budget director saw it first-hand. He seriously believed all that talk about the danger of structural deficits, the booming national debt, and Reagan’s promise of balancing the budget within four years. He quickly got an education as the Republicans pushed through tax cuts for the highest-income Americans quickly, then spent the rest of the money on defense programs (money to friendly corporations under defense contracts), then pretended that the deficits didn’t matter any more. George W. Bush did the same thing.
I’ve heard reports (but not the details) that if Clinton’s economic and budget practices had continued over the past decade, the federal deficit would be paid off last year. Were’ not talking about trying to balance a budget – that happened in 2000. We are talking about the entire debt being paid off!
You’re waaay too pissed at me to find me entertaining.
Have you found my ideas about healthcare reform yet? When you didn’t think I had one you sure whined about it.
The difference being, of course, that the document Dan Rather produced was fake but the underlying charge of Bush being AWOL during war is true.
Whereas, Obama’s birth certificate is REAL, and the underlying charge of him not being a citizen is false.
See the difference?
You still got that man crush on me?
Remember when you said…
Now, back to ignoring you. Unless you have some sort of man crush on me you’ll do the same.
I ignored, you didn’t.
So why in Gods name do you have a man crush on me gbs?
Take a cold shower there gbs.
Keep that man crush you have to yourself.
This is true. When Clinton left office the national debt was about $4 trillion dollars. Clinton had STOPPED borrowing money to run the government, know as “Pay Go.”
Also, Clinton is the ONLY president to pay down the national debt at the rate of $500 billion dollars per year as he was leaving office. At that rate we would have been a debt free nation today.
Instead Republicans squandered $11 TRILLION dollars on the national “credit card” at the Bank of China!!
In fact, Allen Greenspan warned the new incoming president George W. Bush “not to pay off the national debt too fast as that would cause runaway inflation.”
I guess Greenspan bought into the whole “fiscal conservative” bullshit, too.
No worries there Mr. Greenspan, Dubya didn’t pay off the debt too fast!
What’s your point — as it relates to the drift of the comments in the thread.
Name calling doesn’t cut it.
“When this country belatedly recognized the wrongs of slavery, there were those who dug in their heels and said, ‘Slow down, it’s too early. Let’s wait. Things aren’t bad enough.’ When women spoke up for the right to speak up, they wanted to vote, some insisted, ‘Slow down, there will be a better day to do that. The day isn’t quite right.”
Senator Harry Reid… What a maroon!
58. The Manchester Hooligans spews:
“re 54: Give me some instances where you think that Republicans have been wrong.
I’ll bet you can’t.
Maybe PuddWaxx can, since he claims to remember everything.
12/07/2009 at 12:57 pm”
Can’t do it Marvin/PuddWaxx,huh?
re 85: The ‘some’ that Reid refers to relating to abolishing slavery are the Conservative Southern Rightists and Clerics who used to be Democrats, but upon passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, gradually drifted to the Republicans and changed to the ‘publicans en masse when Nixon instituted the Southern Strategy.
A man crush is when someone, like you, keeps cached countless quotes to pull up at a moments notice. The level of “stalking” you go to for a blog site is what determines “man crush.”
I on the other hand, just pick apart your rants at random without the extensive library.
Although, seeing how you’re paid to blog on liberal web sites to push the conservative agenda I can see why you’d be so highly structured.
Your handlers should have come up with a better cover story. The creative, free-wheeling musician type doesn’t fit your wound tight as a drum, every detail, every news article, every quote from any regular blogger at your fingertip doesn’t jive.
But hey, in a Reagan Republican created recession you gotta do what you gotta do to survive, right?
Even if it is blogging and being the representative voice of the opposition party.
Someone at 87 knows their history!!
Independent Investigation Exonerates ACORN
An independent investigator found no evidence of “illegal conduct” by ACORN, a community group, but suggested management improvements.,00.html
Oh GBS, nice comeback to racist Lucy’s almost history. The Southern Democrats who blocked it was overruled by Northern and Western Republicans. Did you forget Robert Byrd and Al Gore Sr fought against it? Byrd Filibustered it. Did they drift from the Democratics? NOPE!
So GBS, Puddy shocked at your response since the hot air from the racist is only partially true and you know it.
The Climate Is Still Warming, And Fossil Fuels Are Still Causing It
Bottom line, the wingnut shouting about e-mails written by a few climate scientists at East Anglia University won’t make the world any cooler. Time magazine reports,
“Do the emails weaken the scientific case for global warming? Put it this way: … In the weeks since the e-mails first became public, many climate scientists and policy experts have looked through them, and they report that the correspondence does not contradict the overwhelming scientific consensus on global warming, which has been decades in the making.
“Ultimately, … we need to place [the e-mail hacking incident] in its proper context: amidst a decades-long effort by the fossil fuel industry and other climate skeptics to undercut global warming research — often by means that are far more nefarious than anything that appears in the CRU e-mails. …
“‘This is being used to confuse the public,’ says blogger James Hoggan …. ‘This is not a legitimate scientific issue.'”,00.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In short, the phony controversy being stirred up by apologists for the oil and coal industries has no substance, just hot air.
Roger Dumb Bunny@90, what else would you expect from a Democratic hired to investigate Democratics?
Copying commentary from HAs arschloch ylb arschloch. Puddy don’t take orders from known pathetic moronic leftist racists. Sit on that corncob fool! You can change your name but the hate leaks through every time.
How sad when headless replies to himself.
Puddy @ 91:
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, come now.
Don’t make me spank your behind again with the paddle of history.
We’ve gone down this path before. Yes there were Democrats who were against CRA.
There are as many anti-civil rights Democrats now as there are Rockefeller Republicans that you oh so point out as “Northern Republicans.”
Like I pointed out to you in your previous thrashing, to get a better picture of the demography of racism, sexism, or being anti-gay has more to do with your social beliefs vs. political party affiliation.
People who tend to limit the rights of other citizens are far, far more likely to be socially conservative than socially liberal.
The “Vote Your Values” slogan is code word for follow the Bible – It’s OK to own slaves, A women’s place is in the home, Man shall not lay with Man . . . you know be socially conservative.
Strom Thurmond was once a Democrat, but he died a Republican. So, too, did Ronald Reagan.
Ever read Reagan’s “States Rights” speech he read in Philadelphia, MS? If Reagan had HIS way it would be OK for any landlord to deny renting to you because you’re BLACK!
Tell us, Puddy, being a black man and champion of civil rights – what made giving the States Rights speech in Philadelphia, MS so egregious?
Nice try, but, uh “SWING AND A MISSSSSSSS”
re 95: How typical that you decline to answer questions that would display your hypocrisy.
re 94: Back to your old, fake persona, I see.
Still no answer. PuddWaxx/Stamn: Taking responsibility for mistakes is something that you advise that everyone else do. I am simply asking for an example of the Republicans doing that.
If you have no answer, then say so — as cogently as you are able.
‘Ex-New York State Republican Senate Leader Found Guilty in Corruption Trial’
Should this Republican take personal responsibility?
Crooked State DEMOCRAT Dies–
Where is the thread on this one??
re 101: 1980 ???!!! That’s 30 years old. Can’t you find a more recent example?
Still no answer on taking personal rtesponsibility and an example of a Republican doing that.
Can you imagine in a live debate the points you’d use for not having a personal example of practicing what you preach?
Oh yeah, Ted Kennedy drove off a bridge 40 years ago. That’s your example.
Keep trying Racist at 97, 98, 99 ,100, 102, & 103. Scream all you want and piss into the wind.
You’re pissed how fast Puddy identifies you! You can change your name but the words always delivers your ASS on a plate…
Now onto GBS…
Puddy notices how you ignored Robert 3 Sheets KKK Byrd and Al Gore Sr. They never left their “Democrat Roots”. In fact Robert Byrd knows some “white niggers”. Maybe he knows a few of you leftist pinheads.
Regarding stifling rights, it’s you and your ilk who are into that. Take California for instance… 67% of Hispanics and 70% of blacks voted for marriage in Prop 8. Yet it’s you and your ilk who are attacking peeps for their personal feelings. Keep squawking GBS as you’re proving Puddy’s point.
Hey you remember David Brooks… that old RINO who now writes for the NY Times… Well even he thinks Reagan is being tarred unfairly as a “racist”. Yet it’s all these marijuana legalists who want “states rights” for legalization. Amazing how you use states rights for an attack yet support states rights for your “themes”.
This is why there is a difference how the left looks at things vs people on the right…
Puddy presents that woman of vast intelligence Joy Behar.
“Let me say this about Tiger on his behalf. He has never held himself up as one of these pro-marriage, right-wing kind of guys who is anti-gay.”
Listen carefully as Joy explains the difference between “societal hypocrisy” and “personal hypocrisy.”
Hey Racist at 100 et al… You don’t remember the Corruption in NJ of 2009
44 indicted
43 Democratics
1 Republican
Allen Stanford? Financial Jockstrap of Democratics
Bernie Madoff? Financial Jockstrap of Democratics
You forgot about Charles Rangel?
You forgot about Bill Richardson?
You forgot about Rod Blagojevich?
You forgot about all those other Congresscritters?
Ooo… Our congressional Republicans have rooted out a cabal of scientific fascists! I’m so glad they are looking out for us!
What are you still carrying on about that racist cracker, Robert Byrd, for?
It’s not like any of us can stand him or vote for (or against) him. And, hell, last I checked all my kin back in West Virginia voted Republican.
LOL… Searching the Dex White Pages my, not very common, last name gets 180 hits in Washington,
(population 6.5M) and “over 300” hits in West Virginia (population 1,814,468).
re 107: BUT: What about Republicans taking responsibility for their own mistakes and misdeeds?
Like thousands of young men and women DIEING in Iraq for a lie?
Take some responsibility, you sorry-ass piece of crap. People are dead because of tiny peckered little shitheads like yourself.
Because there are historical revisionists like racist lucy who spin the truth. Puddy was shocked at GBS who knows better. Richard Russell (Russell Senate Building) never changed his party designation either. These “facts” are lost on progressive Democratics when it comes to the CRA and VRA. Look up LBJ’s politics before he became vice-president. Look up what JFK and RFK did to MLK Jr in the early 60s. When JE Hoover audio taped MLK Jr hotel rooms and found out he was servicing another woman than his wife they tried to use that against him. They tried to call him a Communist. And RFK approved this. And these facts well known are ignored by GBS and others. Puddy doesn’t ignore them.
So much for truth in history from progressives.
“truth in history”
What a fool you are, Puddy. You embraced Jesse like a fool. Now you embrace wingnuttia like a fool. You’ve already had one rude awakening and now you’re long overdue for another. Maybe after this next one you’ll actually start thinking for yourself instead of acting the fool for one side or the other. Good luck with that.
Wow…what a comeback by Barry O!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
The TEAM of Obama/Pelosi/Reid will set the Democrat Party back 20 years. The writing is on the wall. This Climate nonsense, Health Care and Deficit Spending is sadly only the tip of the iceberg.
Hope & Change???
BTW, Washington DC=====
The D.C. stands for Demented Congress
Steve, you stupid moron.
Going pronoun on your ASS!
Most all blacks who think about their peeps are interested in black history. Ask ROTCODDAM. See if she was interested in black history growing up.
When I was introduced to some interesting books by my older brother, it hit me like a ton of bricks how text books “white”-washed black history. George Washington Carver was never discussed. So when you eat peanut butter thank a black man. Garrett Morgan invented the modern traffic light. So when you cross a busy intersection thank a black man. Frederick Jones invented the automatic refrigeration system for tractor trailers and rail cars. So when you eat your food thank a black man. Dr. Charles Drew developed methods to store blood and plasma, and he created the world’s first blood bank. So when you need a transfusion thank a black man.
This is why you are a stupid progressive fool! I decided to learn about black history so in the 80s I supported Jesse Jackson. At that time I didn’t know about some of his “actions”. But as I read more about him I realized he wasn’t my cup of tea. So Mrs Puddy and I left him in the dust. Then along comes Al Sharpton and Tawana Brawley. This fool hasn’t apologized yet for trying to railroad three white cops. Yet they are great progressives to you Steve.
I choose to follow peeps who are closer to my personal ideals. I abhor how blacks fuck, make babies and they kill them in the womb. Who knows what some of those aborted babies could become if given a chance. Maybe another Dr Ben Carson. Butt to a simpleton fool like you it’s okay cuz it’s only a mass of cells.
Don Joe loves to label me with Manichean because I look at things black and white. You betcha, things are either black or white. Why? You progressives remind me of it every day. Your good friend headless is in the forefront Steve. You’re not much different than headless when you look at your comments vs. his.
Butt back to Don Joe. Unfortunately for that fool, he keeps mixing up Gnostic Christianity, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism definitions. Since I am a Christian, not a Gnostic Christian, Buddhist, and Zoroastrian; I reject that labeling since Don Joe, avowed atheist, can’t figger out the pimple on the back of his ASS. Oh that could be you Steve… my bad!
End of pronoun mode.
Obama keeps preaching and America is turned off. He has overplayed his personna…arrogantly. Here is another example:
Monday, December 07, 2009
Only the Kool-Aid gulping 29% (and shrinking) blindly support Obam-Mao.
Puddy @ 114–
These KLOWNS viciously & vulgarly attack you because they find it abhorant you refunse to carry their Atheist Progressive water.
Of all things, a Black Man who won’t just be satisfied with a few crumbs and accept the Secular ANYTHING GOES religion of the Progressives.
Puddy, we all serve some kind of Lord. Mine is Jesus Christ. There’s is whatever brainfart pops into their heads with no filter!
God will have the last word…..we just need to be ready.
I’m so thankful for my family & neighbors.
I’m thankful for guys like you Puddy.
Hardcore Atheism is a epitome of ugliness.
Let them stew in their own juices.
After all, It’s all about THEM.
Their God is THEMSELVES.
More for your stupid ASS Steve.
George Alcorn, Jr invented the imaging x-ray spectrometer. So when you fly a plane that has had it’s turbo-fan engine blades x-ray inspected thank a black man.
Norbert Rillieux invented a method to make granulated sugar, soap, gelatin, and glue. So when you take that teaspon of sugar or wash your smelly ASS with soap thank a black man.
Jan Matzeliger invented the modern shoe sole stitching method. So when your shoe soles stay attached to the top thank a black man.
When you use incandescent light bulbs you can thank George Latimer for improving upon Thomas Edison’s original design with stronger filaments. So when your light bulbs last longer than a few days thank a black man.
Puddy has many more inventions from Blacks not mentioned in “white” history books Fool!
Steve and the other racist KLOWNS do not think Blacks are capable. All they are good for is to be sheep for the Atheist Progressive Movement. Throw them some scraps, tell them they are oppressed & stupid over & over & over again so they are beholdin’ to “the Man”.
Leftists control the text books our kids learn from. Leftists conveniently omit accomplishments you documented because they don’t want these Black Kids to get too uppity.
Know what I mean?
Instead of the democrat theory Do as I say, not as I do, why don’t you lead by example and show us how democrats take responsibility.
You can start with fannie mae and freddie mac.
I wonder if when a white democrat grand kleagle calls someone a “white nigger” if that’s a term of affection?
What’s more disappointing is that democrats look up to the grand kleagle.
his votes and his voice became the conscience of the Senate.
Very low standards for democrats…
A grand kleage is the voice of conscience for the democrat party.
So far the score is-
Democrat party- 1 grand kleagle
Republican party – 0 grand kleagles
@114 You’re as stupid in “pronoun mode” as you are in third-person.
Bye the bye, I learned about peanuts and Carver when I was in public grade school. Out of the book. You mention peanut butter. Is that the limit of your knowledge of what the man accomplished? Sad. You really should learn more about black history. If you want, I could teach you.
@116 Oh, stuff it, you idiot.
@117 Alas, your knowledge of black history seems quite shallow, Puddy. The offer to teach you about your people is still open.
@118 You call me a racist. What proof have you that I am a racist? Yours is just another empty wingnut accusation with nothing to back it up. But speaking of signs of racism, got anymore jokes making fun of black stereotypes you’d like to unapologetically share with us? Don’t fret about Puddy, as Mr. Black Awareness will no doubt shut the fuck up again as you diss his so-called peeps.
Lecture me on race, Puddy? Sorry, but you have nothing to offer and you have absolutely no credibility with me on the subject.
I guess that is what happens when school districts/teachers are in the pocket of republicans.
Schools are in the pockets of democrats.
Which again raises the question, why do white democrats want to ripoff black inventors and not give them credit.
Apparently steve was like Steve Martin…born a Poor Black Child.
He is incapable of connecting the dots…that oppression comes in various forms.
Some of it is even sugar-coated and called ENTITLEMENTS.
The SlaveHolders ain’t all the obvious racists.
The worst SlaveHolders are those who portray themselves as Angels from the Government…I’m here to help you.
Step #1—Understand you cannot help yourself and are incapable & oppressed.
Repeat Step #1 a couple hundred thousand times.
Step #2—Drink this Kool-Aid, take the scraps and vote for whoever I tell you too…or your scrap handout will disappear!!
Hey, I get it steve.
Why can’t you??
I thought you really cared???
What is worse than a dependent Black citizenry?
Look at the consequences…Crime, Out of Wedlock babies, abortion, lack of job skills & opportunity etc. etc
How can you continue after all these years to look at the stats and say handout dependency is the answer??
I wonder why democrats support an obvious failed policy.
Like all non-left-wingnuts understand, the democrats don’t want to help, they want to enslave. The more people dependent on the government the more democrat voters.
What an idiot you are, Klynical. Find one post where I even remotely said handout dependency is the answer. Perhaps Marvin will post once again where I noted the general failures of Great Society programs. I meant it. Just as I meant it when I refered a troll to Cosby for a read of someone whose views on the black condition are similar to mine. You keep pulling shit from your ass and calling it “good”. Trust me, KLOWN, that’s your own excrement in your hands and nothing more.
Talking about blacks on the plantation, KLOWN, when has a Republican congress or president ever done anything to stop abortion? All they do is string you fools along from one election to another, never delivering. Republicans use Christians like you say Dems use blacks. You dumb fucks are living on your own plantation and you don’t even know it. And as for Puddy? He obviously drifts from one massa to the next, and that’s the way it’ll be the rest of his pathetic life unless he stops drinking the Kool-Aid and starts thinking for himself. Frankly, I don’t ever see it happening.
Another example of left-wingnuts resorting to violence.
A man was arrested for throwing tomatoes at Sarah Palin during her book signing on Monday at the Mall of America.
Jeremy Olson, 33, allegedly threw two tomatoes from the second balcony, however did not come close to hitting Palin.
Bloomington Police report that Bloomington Commander Mark Stehlik was struck in the face with one of the tomatoes and may face charges for assaulting a police officer. Olson was booked at the Bloomington jail. He was arrested for suspicion of assault and disorderly conduct.
Like the typical leftist, he missed just like those two left-wingnuts that thought they could hit ann coulter with a pie.
Say, what is it about white male left-wingnuts and assaulting women?
Sure Steve, I’ll help you out.
Sarah Palin praises the oba-mao administration?
Does that make oba-mao a racist?
I commend Interior Secretary Salazar’s decision today to conditionally approve drilling at three exploratory wells in the Chukchi Sea off the northwest coast of Alaska; it’s a decision that’s been a long time coming. The area north of the Arctic Circle contains some of the world’s richest oil and gas reserves. U.S. Geological Survey researchers estimate that it contains 1.6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 83 billion barrels of undiscovered oil.
Here’s another stupid Stupid comment…
Steve Steve Steve, with progressives like Jesse and Al who tell the world don’t listen to Republicans or conservatives how does the abstinence/abortion commentary reach the inner city?
You think libtardo newspapers are going to carry it?
You think libtardo local teevee will carry it?
You think the libtardo nightly national news will carry it?
You think the libtardo cable channels will carry it?
In response to #127
I don’t care what you’ve got or who you’re hurling at, please stop. We’re in a world of trouble and we need to get to work on fixing our world. Hurling pies, tomatoes & invectives does nothing to make our world a better place.
Steve, You can teach Puddy about black history?
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Thanks for the laugh. Puddy gave a MLK Jr history lesson to those who read it. How many HA libtardos knew RFK approved the hotel bugging of MLK Jr hotel rooms? Only because Puddy brought it up before.
GW Carver invented or improved many things Steve. One was axle grease. There’s a leftist joke there Steve… can you figger it out? Puddy mentioned peanut butter because most could associate with that… He had over 300 uses for the peanut. Ever tried one of his sweet potato recipes? He taught southern farmers the need for crop rotation and growing other crops for soil replenishment, butt what would most HA Leftist Libtardo city boys know about farming? So Puddy gave peanut butter.
Puddy noticed you didn’t cover any of the other black inventions. Really curious Steve!
Did you see PETA is again upset at Aretha Franklin again for wearing her favorite furs to the music awards shows? Awwwww…
Puddy would love to see someone throw ink or something else at the Queen of Soul. That fool or fools wouldn’t leave “alive”.
@128 Thanks.
Back to music, I knew that there was a sax version of a controller with keys but didn’t know there was a trumpet version. Then again, my investigative focus back then was sax – although I should concede that trumpet is the world’s finest instrument.
I spent an afternoon Saturday going through my VLG-150 and Motif manuals and a few documents I downloaded about the VLG from a Motif site call Motifator. Now I have a cheat sheet for navigating the Motif and setting parameters and assigning controllers on it and the VLG, as well as how to save edited instruments to the VLG voice bank. I needed to get to that space. I now know how to control embouchere and throat formant, but when and why? With the navigation roadblock out of the way, I can now have some fun learning about these things.
To every rule there is an exception and the exception to my rule @131 would be me getting to watch Aretha Franklin kicking some PETA vegans ass.
I got into a bit of a squabble in an internet thread over how ‘green’ my shoes were a while back. Apparently I’m supposed to be wearing fall-apart, vegan, shoes that are made in China rather than my bison leather, made in Montana, shoes that, with the occasional trip to the shoe repair guy, have lasted me a decade.
@130 Sorry, I can’t follow the gibberish. Something about Jesse and Al controlling your mind?
@132 I’ll save my education for you in person, when you buy me an expensive dinner. That way you’ll know that I’m not just googling black history for you. Hey, is that what you were just doing? Googling black history because you can’t speak to it off the top of your head? Ha!
Heisman committee snubs Obama
After winning the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing, this comes as a major disappointment for President Obama.
@135 continued
If we had the #’s of animals to support it, I’d be all for a return to trapping pelts. If done correctly, it’s a 100% sustainable activity, it provides people with warm coats, that if cared for properly will last forever, and could give rural folks a bit of an income in the winter months.
But, we were greedy and trashed the planet and those resources aren’t there anymore.
Puddy, Puddy, Puddy,
We’ve gone over the Robert Byrd, Al Gore Sr. saga before.
They’ve apologized for their transgressions, asked for forgiveness and, unlike conservatives, have TAKEN responsibility for their actions.
Prop 8. arguement is stupid.
If Mississippi voted to reinstate Jim Crow laws would you be OK with that?
No. Of course not.
So, why is it OK for other citizens to limit the right of other Americans who are asking for no more rights than what you are enjoying.
And, do NOT bring in any psycho babble Bilbe talk into the debate. Religious dogma does not = US law.