– Federal Way something something because guns make us safer.
– Opposition to the coal trains.
– If it’s a day that ends in a “y” Tim Eyman proposes an initiative that looks unconstitutional.
– Is a little class too much to ask? Yes, yes it is.
– New rules for South Lake Union passed out of committee.
If Eyman wants us to have a 2/3 majority to raise taxes, then the state’s constitution needs to be amended to have that. Eyman needs to start working on an amendment.
Regarding the latest Eyman initiative, it is deliberate. The Eyman camp, consisting of flagrantly bigoted and plutocratic super wealthy individuals and their bootlickers in the voting public, specializes in the promotion of these initiatives specifically to maintain their status as victims of Government oppression. It is the foundation of their entire political and economic philosophy. Without that perpetual victimhood, they have nothing.
They will always need to accuse the opposition of attacking them for their conservatism, even while they themselves openly promote the destruction of a citizens government in favor or replacing it with a privately owned corporate oligarchy that can dismiss the ordinary citizens opinion out of hand, and wield the law as a sword against the people that would tell them no.
They sincerely believe that there is no criminal law that should be used against a corporation or a wealthy citizen. That they should be free to do whatever they want, even to the point of mass murder and fraud. Liberty is for the wealthy, not the working class or the poor. The working class should be grateful for the privilege of being allowed to serve them, and the poor should be prevented from ever attempting to escape their poverty at any cost. A large and politically strong middle class is dangerous to them, and they know it. Such a demographic prevents them from assuming the command they sincerely believe is theirs by birthright.
That is their narrative, and they are sticking to it.
From 2,
Great tirade! Can’t wait to you get to the part about “workers of the world” stuff!
@ 3
It was Labor that built this modern society. The wealthy leisure class sat back and leeched off of that. They consider themselves to be the owners and therefore the rightful possessors of the efforts of other peoples work.
Among registered voters, his approval rating today is equal to President Obama’s, at 47 percent, according to the latest Post-ABC surveys.
‘Worse than Bush.’ That’s where Obama’s headed.
@ 5
Only demonstrates the power of a well-financed propaganda machine. The next President will be a Democrat, and this time he or she’ll have a Democratic Congress.
Hey Bob,
Just before you disappeared on Sunday, I had a set of questions for you. The larger context can be found here, but the questions are:
Is your participation in the comment threads a way of testing talking points for some organization? If so, for whom, and what do you get out of it? If not, what could explain your habit of repeatedly “sharing” talking points that ultimately make you look foolish?
@ 5
“‘Worse than Bush.’ That’s where Obama’s headed.”
If your propensity to renege on bets weren’t such a well-established fact, I’d ask if you were willing to put some money behind that prediction.
One thing that cities and transit authorities will do to save money on capital purchases with small orders, is piggyback on a larger order from another system. That is what Kansas City is doing, but it also seems both United Streetcar and Pacifica Marine are out of the running on this contract. It looks like CAF USA, and Siemens are the best bet. The latter, who’s US production facility is in Sacramento, is my guess. The Utah Transit Authority took out 180 options on their last order, and have sold some of those to Houston and San Diego, which converted to firm orders.
The UTA order was Siemens largest US light rail order. Their current low-floor offering, the S70, is the closest thing to a standard US model. It is becoming the most common, and just like the old streamlined PCC, very adaptable. It comes in several lengths, from 79ft to 95ft(Portland’s Type 4 and Type 5 are the latter size, the streetcar version,now ordered by Atlanta is based on the former.)
@ 3
Great tirade! Can’t wait to you get to the part about “workers of the world” stuff!
I’d lay odds that his “workers of the world” stuff is much better informed than your “Keynesian” stuff–by several orders of magnitude.
Bob @ 5,
“‘Worse than Bush.’ That’s where Obama’s headed.”
This, from someone who has a track record of repeated failed predictions. Or was your comment an attempt at comedy?
Still awaiting answers (@7).
Let’s just gut the process completely. Both Tax decreases AND taxes increases have to be voted on each year.
The gun idolators of course will (and in fact already are) preaching that if everyone else at or in the vicinity of that Federal Way apartment complex had been armed, the bad guy would have been taken out, at least some of the other lives would have been saved and the police would have been spared the trouble. It could also be argued that had everyone been packing, the outcome might have been any number of innocents being caught in a hail of bullets in a scenario right out of an old Quentin Tarantino movie.
That argument, of course, misses the real point. The shooter obtained his weapons legally (a background check in this case wouldn’t have helped) and subsequently went berserk…just as any other armed “law-abiding citizen” might under sufficient provocation. The entire idea of a set of social norms that imply the acceptability of civilians using deadly force to resolve interpersonal disputes makes tragedies like this inevitable. In other words, the statement that “an armed society is a polite society” was just one of Robert Heinlein’s works of fiction.
I might consider visiting GWB’s library/museum if they put a big stone up in front of it with the inscription:
b 1776 d 2001
Rest in Peace
@5 “That’s where Obama’s headed.”
Suck on this, Bob:
1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR-sn2vzmFQ
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QanO28XAbug
@13 In order to believe that “good guys” would have taken out the “bad guy” if only they had guns, you have to believe that no one in that apartment complex except the bad guy had a gun.
What are the odds of that? Zero. So where were all the Citizens In White Hats (TM) with their guns while this was going on? Hiding, apparently.
So much for the argument that an armed citizenry makes us all safer.
Meanwhile, conservatives remain determined to impose their austerity ideology on Europe even if plunges the Eurozone into a “permanent depression.” http://www.cnbc.com/id/100627520
I thought we had a law in our state that people who commit domestic violence can’t have guns? So why did this madman have a shotgun?
@1 If you’re in an amending mood, let’s amend the 2nd Amendment, so it’s interpreted according to the Framers’ intent.
Seems cheapshotBob briefly woke up, crawled out of the pool of his own excrement, vomited the post @5, and promptly passed back out.
Or, he thought he could appear, start posting his talking point again – but found he was being confronted on being a dishonest shill – and promptly slunk away.
Either passing out or slinking away – sort of like the corollary to stupid or lying.
From 19,
I didn’t say I was in the amending mood, Roger. I said Eyman needs to get off his duff and start the process to amend the state’s constitution if he wants to achieve his goal. I have no opinion of Eyman’s activities or the people that oppose him.
BTW, the Bill of Rights doesn’t need amending. Otherwise, the right would like to end the First and Foruth Amendments, for starters,, and the lefties would find some way to seize all private property and re-distribute all wealth, according to their personal points of view, of course!
The far left and far right are equally bad.
You are an idiot, and worse, a bland one at that.
From 10,
Keynesian economics is based on government spending, even if the money has to be borrowed to do so. In other words, Keynes said to throw money at the problem. I learned that over 40 years ago, dude. You probably didn’t exist at that time.
From 22,
Oooooh! Must have touched a nerve with that one!
@23, 24
He schooled you on the ‘Keynesian stuff’ yesterday – don’t try to foist off on us today that you know what you’re talking about.
As far as touching a nerve, I do indeed find imbeciles insufferable. Ask puddybigot.
Some people may find this hard to wrap their minds around, but working-class citizens are highly capable of having the kind of class that money can’t buy:
“Henneberry is aware of a growing social media movement to buy him a boat to replace the Slip Away II, but he does not want it. ‘It makes me feel wonderful that people that are thinking like that, but it is my boat. People lost lives and lost limbs. I’d rather that (the money) go to the One Fund Boston. To buy me a new boat is a wonderful thing, I don’t want that really. I would wish that they donate it to the One Fund Boston. They lost limbs. I lost a boat,’ he said. ‘Slip Away is slipping away. But I say it did its job. It held a bad guy and is going away like a Viking ship.'”
@21 “I have no opinion of Eyman’s activities or the people that oppose him.”
I read or heard somewhere — maybe it was a movie actor’s line — that people who won’t take a stand are the worst kind of people. Sounds like something Clint Eastwood might say.
Eyman is a mercenary. Maybe he shares the ideology of his paymasters, but the former watch salesman turned professional initiative promoter is clearly in this to line his own pockets.
As for the rich funders who pay his bills, and pay him a six-figure income, they’re not in it for the public good. Their only interest is not paying taxes.
@21 “the lefties would find some way to seize all private property and re-distribute all wealth”
The right spends millions to disseminate this apocalyptic horseshit; and, trust me, they’re delighted to see you doing it for them for free.
@21 Well, maybe you’re not in an amending mood, but I am. I’m fed up with the gun lobby and gun-righters who oppose any and all regulation of access to guns no matter how reasonable, and so are 90% of the American people. When 10% of the population can inflict policies that facilitate murder and mayhem on the rest of us, something needs to change.
@23 “Keynesian economics is based on government spending, even if the money has to be borrowed to do so.”
Yup. The Columbia River dams were built as a result of Keynesian economic policies, and those dams won World War 2 for us. How lucky was that? Meanwhile, we’re getting a good look right now at Keynesian economics’ obverse, austerity, in Europe. How’s that working? On the most fundamental economic issue there is, Keynesians are right, and conservatives are wrong; and the well-being of millions rides on which of those economic philosophies policymakers embrace. I’m sure glad that I don’t live in Europe.
Wait for it: either “Ten” or some other troll will come back with the standard conservative retort that spending for the welfare of ordinary citizens is to blame for all our economic ills.
Borrowing for what they want never seems to be a problem in their minds.
Know what corporations are doing right now? They’re borrowing like crazy to raise dividends, buy back shares, and acquire other companies. But there’s nothing wrong with that borrowing because it’s private and only affects consumers, shareholders, employees, and small businesses.
The Grand Coulee Dam was built in the 1930s, and was only eclipsed as the largest power station in the world by a Canadian nuclear plant in 1977. It’s still among the top ten.
It cost an estimated $2.9 billion in 1998 dollars, an besides being a big economic success, as you say, it in large measure won WWII – both the power going to Hanford, as well as the decisive aluminum and aircraft industries during the war – and those of course became economic engines in their won right.
When it was built there was no use for its full capacity – but that didn’t stop them – jobs were needed (DOH!) and all that spare cheap energy was a gigantic boost to the economy that eventually caught up to utilize it.
It is an object lesson in Keynesian economics and the appropriate response of a government to a collapse in demand in the economy.
Related, it reminds me of the Rachel Maddow commercial where she is standing in a Wyoming wind farm, extolling the jobs that would be created if we decided to rebuild the grid and subsidize industrial-scale wind power generation.
Schmucko… Libtards have said over and over minorities CAN’T be bigots. Puddy placed the multiple links on HA multiple times…
Take a minute and read them moron! See ya. Been a great day!!!
More Facts that suck for libtards…
Butt keep posting the horseSHIT from PMSNBC! It’s funny!
Based on Schmucko and unemployed salt licking moron ylb… This report must be false. Just read what they have said about the source. This can’t be true!
I couldn’t give a shit what cover you’re hiding behind, puddybigot.
Your rather unguarded bigotry against MOOSLUMs is nicely documented right here.
You quite proudly declared that you thought that people named ‘Muhammad’ or who otherwise had Middle-Eastern sounding names should be disqualified from serving in government.
We never got out of you, however, whether you also thought that they should have to use separate bathrooms from everybody else, or should have to go to different schools.
How about it, puddybigot? – we’re all waiting to hear
@ 23
“Keynesian economics is based on government spending…”
Again, that’s quite wrong. First, “aggregate demand” is not the same thing as “government spending”. Second, you’ve managed to completely confuse the distinction between an Economic model and the variety of policy proscriptions one might suggest based on what the model tells us about current circumstances. Your description of Keynesian Economics is like saying that oncology us about giving patients highly toxic cocktails of drugs in the hopes of making their cancer go into remission.
“I learned that over 40 years ago, dude. You probably didn’t exist at that time.”
I don’t care how long ago you came to your understanding dude, it’s still wrong. John Hicks worked out the basic details of the IS/LM model back in the 1930’s, and that model takes into account both monetary policy and fiscal policy.
Now you might have acquired your understanding from someone you trust, but there are quite a few people, mostly advocates of the Austrian school of Economics, who have a vested interest in misrepresenting Keynes’ ideas. It’s largely a smokescreen. By criticizing a caricature of Keynes, they obscure the fact that the Austrian school of Economics does not have a coherent model for explaining how and why recessions can occur.
Lastly, I have idea what my age has to do with the level of your cluelessness, but, for the record, I did exist more than 40 years ago.
Yes, I’m sure Maher said all that.
What’s you’re point? That a guy who is usually liberal is not quite as big a bigot as you, when it comes to MOOSLUMs?
I think Maher is wrong. I think there are strains of fundamentalist Christianism that are every bit as bloodthirsty and Medieval as their Islamic counterparts – and I suspect you adhere to such hatred.
By your post and it’s misplaced triumphalism, I suspect that you must have a hard time contemplating disagreeing with what you consider to be an authority figure – you would make a good little goose-stepper, cross in hand.
34), Grand Coulee(and the rest of the Columbia),are still helping the local economy. Clean energy was one of the major reasons that company making carbon fiber panels for BMW set up shop in Moses Lake.
Also, the wind farm in the commercial was in Wyoming? Makes sense, the Great Plains have a lot of potential.
Ummm… NO! Keep screaming into the fan Schmucko! Puddy loves it when Schmucko pops a blood vessel.
@ 40
If Pat Robertston or Bryan Fischer started in on the black folk, would Spuddsey still parrot every word those men say?
As an example, Adolph Eichmann was a Zionist. He sincerely believed that he was “serving the cause” as it were by forcibly expatriating the Jews out of Germany and western Europe. He did not acknowledge the existence of Dachau or Auschwitz as anything but temporary “relocation” camps until August of 1941.
The Jewish Police, tasked with selecting the residents of the Ghettos in Poland and Hungary who would be deported to those “family camps” and maintaining the SS political influence in those ghettos, were Eichmann’s idea. There were plenty of Jewish folks, mostly the elders and the religious hierarchy who went along with the idea and willingly agreed to cooperate with the SS. It provided a ready-made mechanism for them to eliminate their own political opposition. Many of them were quite enthusiastic about their new purpose.
Would Spuddy do the same for the black folks in this country? He certainly exudes an Eichmann-like sycophantic quality, being of rather low intelligence, poor education and a complete lickspittle to the people that regularly continue to smear and disparage the black communities in this country and blame them for much of our societies ills.
60 years ago, the people he now so gleefully parrots were burning his cousins with blowtorches and hanging them for having the audacity to step out of their presumed place in the world and speaking out against being treated as they were.
He’s just a Myna for the assholes.
You are one sick mofo Schmucko. Maher is coming around in his politics to where he was in the 90s with his Politically Incorrect show. Can you show Puddy which Christian religion promotes killing innocent children to further their means?
Puddy still waiting for Schmucko to name some Bible-thumpers he really knows!
No wonder PSMNBC is 16th and 19th. Chris Matthews tells us why…
Where is the apology from Chris Matthews? Or this horse dropping from Matthews later
Or Larry O’Donnell another of the HA libtard favrits…
It’s amazing HA Libtards eat this crap up!
@35 “Libtards have said over and over minorities CAN’T be bigots.”
Who says? Besides you, I mean. You don’t count.
Now we see Obummer’s Crew is changing their tune on the Older Brother Tsarnaev’s trip to Russia. Did you listen to Napolitano today? Yeah we knew but the the Russian FSB is always screaming about Chechens so lets close this investigation. Butt per Jake Tapper, it is RARE for the Russians to reach out to us. Hmmm…RARE? Don’t worry… four more dead Americans and no heads will roll in Obummer’s Sadministration. And… unemployed salt licker moron ylb’s favrit fact checking site says Peter King is mostly true. Amaaaaaaaaaazing.
Many libtards from the ‘Nets! Puddy has placed those links on HA before Roger.
You need to pay attention to libtard rants. You claim to be a libtard hack. They should be in those DUMB Wabbit book marks. Since it’s another EPIC FAYLE moronic moonbat memory malady moment (M5) (TM) , the unemployed salt licker moron ylb has them cataloged in the crazed databaze.
You are one stupid idiot OWS Fraggy. Schmucko asked this in another way earlier this month. Puddy smacked that nasty smelly turd back then. So OWS Fraggy… you don’t pay attention either. Another EPIC FAYLE moronic moonbat memory malady moment (M5)(TM)!
If I already didn’t know differently, I would swear that Spuddly is a schizophrenic 11 year old. It is clear that there is zero cognitive functionality in what he writes in here.
Ahh, the wonders of the power of prayer.
Isn’t god wonderful?
Supply-Side economics in action.
@47 “Don’t worry… four more dead Americans and no heads will roll in Obummer’s Sadministration.”
How many Bushevik heads rolled after 9/11? Wingnut hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Looks like the false rumor that triggered today’s stock market flash crash came from a hacker group working for, or sympathetic to, Syria’s regime.
@ 53
Actually, the guys that let 9/11 happen were all given the Medal of Freedom and promoted as the highest level of patriot there could ever be. They were lauded as heroes.
Looks like the path to Sainthood for Archbishop Romero may be “unblocked”, and if he is listed as a martyr, he may not need a miracle for beatification.
In Auburn, Alabama, the end of how far one fan would take the rivalry between Auburn and the University of Alabama. An Alabama fan was so upset with a couple Auburn fans putting a Cam Netwon(he called it Scam Newton) jersey on a statue of Bear Bryant, that he went up to Auburn and poisoned two Oak Trees that had become a traditional celebration place for Auburn fans. I saw a documentary on that battle, called “Roll Tide/War Eagle”, and when it was made, they said that experts said the oak trees would not survive, and now, they have been chopped down. It’s a dirty story about how the trees became associated with Auburn football, and it involved what the fans would roll the trees with.
Some of the media reports on the attempted sabotage of the rails that Amtrak’s Maple Leaf uses between NYC and Toronto, seem to suggest that it would be a derailment, and not a bombing. If so, my guess would be an attempt to knock the rail out of alignment, as that has happened before, with fatal results.
The most recent, was the 1995 Palo Verde, Arizona derailment, where Amtrak’s Sunset Limited derailed, with the locomotives and a couple cars going into a dry river bed. Thankfully, since back then Amtrak did not sell to the public accomodation in the crew dorm car, and that sleepers tend to be up front on Amtrak trains, the death toll was not too high, just one sleeper attendant was killed. Turned out, the rail had been knocked out of alignment, but the system that would have notified the dispatchers something was up, had been rigged to not send the signal. The suspect was never caught.
It was similar to another wreck, only this time into a much deeper canyon, with 24 dead and over a 100 injured. Sabotage was suspected, but nobody ever arrested. The wreck of this train, the Southern Pacific City of San Francisco could not have been done by the same guy, since this wreck occurred in 1939.
@57 That, in a nutshell, capsulizes the tribal mentality that has kept you humans at war with each other for, oh, a million and a half years (and counting).
DUMB Wabbit, Clintonistas allowed the 19 to be in America… some overstaying their visas.
Another EPIC FAYLE from the DUMB Wabbit!
Hmmm… something level headed from Dave Weigel. Maybe he’s found his brain!
Oh no… George W Bush…
PuddyCommentary: This will make HA libs like Schmucko really mad. Puddy loves it when HA libtards go nutzo. Means their little moonbat thoughts were smashed by FACTS! What is telling are the comments from the moonbeam moonbats below. All can see how libtards think the WaPo is their leftist paper and how dare they allow Rubin to write a column like that!
You are an imbecile, puddybigot.
Did you even read the Weigel post, and its addendum?
He’s saying Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a paranoid conspiracy nut – who liked to read….Alex Jones!!
Moreover, the addendum has an irony-free quote from dingbat Jones about the government being out to get him.
You’ll recall it was dingbat Jones who was prattling about ‘false flag’ attacks by the government to take away our guns and sporting events immediately after the 4/15 bombing.
You are a parody of yourself, puddybigot.
…wherein puddybigot uses quotes by Jennifer Rubin and ‘facts’ in the same sentence, without irony.
The quote is from some Rubin hagiography (look it up puddybigot) about Bush II – she must have gotten done fellating Romney.
I’m not sure why, in puddybigot’s mind, a hack piece by Rubin is supposed to make our heads explode. The quote is literally ridiculous…takes no effort to shred…
Correction: Shrub and his puppeteers took the nation into a hellish twilight in which we wasted a TRILLION dollars and got nothing, aside from the shredding of civil liberties and hundreds of thousands of fellow humans dead.
Correction: The shamelessness of that statement is difficult for a rational, honest person to contemplate. Medicare part D is an unfunded giveaway of hundreds of billions of dollars to the pharmaceutical companies and fails in its facial premise to adequately provide senior with prescription drugs.
The ACA is neither exorbitant nor grandiose nor unpopular. Look it up.
Puddybigot, when you come around promising ‘FACTS!’ to make our heads explode, and then deliver pearls from Jennifer Rubin, clearly written with spittle and other fluids dribbling down her chin, you make yourself an even bigger laughingstock.
Keep up the good work.
I suppose with the shrub library opening (this week?), we’re going to be treated to lots and lots of shit like in puddybigot’s post from Jennifer Rubin….fawning attempts to sanitize what cannot be cleaned…and it’s going to be nauseating.
Puddybigot – will the shrub library collection include the copy of ‘My Pet Goat’ he was reading the morning of 9/11/2001?
This is a fascinating quote, by puddybigot. It contains elements similar to his post about Bill Maher @37….he clearly thinks in a VERY concrete way, without nuance or shades of gray or the ability to hold two conflicting thought in his head at the same time.
He is gleefully convinced that a bigoted quote by Maher, or a hack piece in the Washington Post, are somehow going to undermine collective faith in leftist thought or liberal ideas.
For example, since (in his pointy little head) the Washington Post is ‘left’ that it we must agree 100% with everything in its pages. To not do so is somehow a triumph for puddybigot.
He fails to grasp what a warmongering piece of crap the Post was in the lead-up to Iraq, and how it, like the NYT, are often in the service of the plutocrats, and certainly the power structure, and really all of the time needs to be approached with real skepticism.
I think that’s it – he has no concept of skepticism or the ability to think for oneself.
I think this conflicts in an unacceptable way (again in puddybigot’s point little head)….where all is oriented in a way dictated by what he accepts as authority – or perhaps the authority which frightens him the most – or perhaps the one that seems to hate the same people he has grown to hate.
Like I said above, he’d have made an excellent little goose-stepper.
@ 64
Trying to rehabilitate the reputation of what was probably the worst Presidential administration in our history. Again, SpuddleyPud demonstrates his utter lack of critical thinking and comprehension ability.
Infinitas infinitio repetitio recubo
partum non verum.
I suppose that letting the Teanut set in here is a good way to remind people what they’re up against. It isn’t an intelligent or even a particularly cognizant opposition. It is the mindset of a spoiled, recalcitrant child who has never had to actually learn anything for himself.
Here’s something for puddybigot to gnaw on….from the inimitable Hunter on DailyKos…
I know puddybigot, and maybe cheapshot, too, if he’s awakened from his stupor, are going to whine about dailyKos…but like I did with Rubin above….let’s discuss on merits.
So Randy Paul becomes a HERO of the right for his old-timey fillibuster over the evul Kenyan threatening to use drones against Amer’kuns in ‘Merka.
Now, that the political wind has shifted and…. WE MUST ALL BE AFRAID, VERY VERY AFRAID….it’s OK to use an armed drone to…
Again, what is with Republicans and their pants-wetting every time something goes, “BOOM”? I mean really, these are the macho guys, waving flags and carrying guns, who want to militarize everything, and as soon as some paranoid misfit sets off some bombs it’s ‘goodbye Constitution, nice knowin’ ya.”
Why are Republicans such delicate little flowers?
Or…why do Republicans hate America?
Indeed, indeed.
I’m always at a loss about puddybigot – I have a hard time knowing if he there is a human out there who actually believes what he types and who ‘thinks’ like that, or whether it’s performance art of some very very weird variety.
I’m afraid and saddened to believe it’s the former.
Given that the Shrub Library at SMU is about to open, I’m curious if its collection will include any of the following (especially apropos the Rubin hagiography quoted by puddybigot above) (h/t BiPM on Kos):
or one of my favorites…
I wonder how puddybigot, who seems to love him some shrub, feels about W’s leveraging of vicious South Carolina racism to get ahead?
I’m sure he’ll ‘teach’ us that that message was directed at crossover Democrats.
@ 64
Allow me the liberty to rewrite your opening paragraph:
“…wherein puddybigot uses quotes by Jennifer Rubin and ‘facts’ in the same sentence. Without irony.”
I’ve warned Puddy about searching for “facts” in an opinion piece. He never learns. It’s one of his failings, engendered, no doubt, by his complete inability to discern the difference between a “fact” and a “conclusion”. The former is something anyone can verify simply by looking. The latter requires a cogent argument to support it–a “cogent argument” being something else that’s totally foreign to our bigoted friend.
Here’s a challenge that Puddy will never meet: please explain how someone can independently verify any one of the “facts” alleged by Jennifer Rubin and quoted in the comment @62.
Yea, verily, Heaven and Earth shall pass away before Puddy steps up to meet that challenge.
Of course, Eric Bolling is another person of disinterest that Spuddy regularly gets his copypasta from.
They FOXNews crowd doesn’t want or need factual information. They want validation. For their racism, for their bigotry, for their total lack of informational awareness. Their entire psychology is based on faith. If information that conflicts with their predetermined opinion comes to light, they willfully ignore it. The last shop I was in had two of these individuals. One was a raving lunatic who would stay up late to listen to Alex Jones and Glen Beck every night and endlessly repeated every word when engaged in any sort of Political discussion. The other was a kid who had been home-schooled his entire life by a seriously psychotic drunkard who had been converted from Judaism to a bizarre flavor of Christianity by his wife, who insisted that dumpster-diving was a respectable way of feeding the family. Of course, they called it “gleaning” and their whole church was involved in this.
THAT is the FOXNews crowd. Dumber’n a sack of dogshit, and fanatics about maintaining their faith-based psychosis.
Well, the WaPo isn’t always totally full of shit.
They do some actual reporting occasionally.
Up in British Columbia, the BC Carbon Tax is becoming a campaign issue. In 2009, the NDP ran against it, and lost. Environmental groups supported the Liberals, who also made it revenue-neutral by cutting other taxes. Now the NDP is saying that has made the Carbon Tax not green enough, and is considering diverting some of the revenue to fund transit operations. Whether it has reduced emissions, is debatable.
A little more info on Reddit’ s apology to the family of the missing Brown University student who some of the site’s users erroneously said matched the description of the Boston suspects.
Other news sited(legitimate ones) are reporting news that may not be good, that a body had been found, but no confirmation yet.
Nuff said right there. If it ain’t Kooks Schmucko can’t use it.
Validation came last week when Fox News was #1 and your favrit PMSNBC was 16/19 depending on the demographic!
Sux to be OWS Fraggy!
Don Joe,
More than half the BULLSHITTIUM proffered by your side is opinion pieces. The Friday Night Comics are mostly left wrong whackamole opinion pieces Don Joe. The rest of the rant is as useless at the code you write!
Sux to be you.
Dave Weigel said…
Facts, always lost on Schmucko!
And lost on Schmucko were the rants of Chris Matthews & Larry O’Donnell @45, posted earlier blaming conservatives for the Boston bombing. Just like CNN did with Jared Loughner.
EPIC FAYLE from Schmucko again!
And Schmucko forgets how stupid his ANALysis is!
A little more on the updated post on the Canadian train plot. I asked on one of the railfan discussion boards I visit(by the way, I scooped the moderator), and suggested it sounded more like the Palo Verde wreck, based on the latest info. It was suggested that the research they claimed to have done, they missed something, the train slows to a crawl, as it crosses the bridge. It was suggested that their plan would not have the desired effect.
What the suggestion was, that since the train would not have been at speed, it could have stopped faster, or even reversed. This particular train, I believe, is usually a short one, only a locomotive and a few coaches.
…wherein sarcasm is completely lost on puddybigot:
How does someone make it through life as stupid as you are?
Puddybigot, do you really believe that Weigel was being earnest and on the level when he wrote, “Jones makes a good point!”?
Really? Did you really not get the snark?
This is so funny – it’s like watching Bush being roasted by Colbert – the clueless vacant stare, blissful ignorance of being skewered.
83)By the way, although I do not trust polls, even if they are in my favor, I heard Colbert’ s sister is doing pretty good.
@ 78
More than half the BULLSHITTIUM proffered by your side is opinion pieces.
Ah, yes. The “your side” does it too, so it has to be OK argument. Bullshit. Moreover, no one here actually uses, say, the Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza! posts as a source for facts. Clearly, Puddy doesn’t grok the difference between “entertainment” and “information”.
The rest of the rant is as useless at the code you write!
In other words, Puddy can’t step up to the plate and answer my challenge. Puddy is so predictable.
As for the utility of the code I write, the last security update we sent out had more than 6 MM downloads. If my code were a musical album, it would have gone platinum 6 times over. Puddy can’t make that claim about the code he writes.
Puddybigot claims to play with electrons, but believes they’re 6000 years old.
He is a technician of limited facility who denies the fundamental nature of the stuff he is ordered to work on.
At least 149 low-wage workers were killed when a concrete building housing garment sweatshops collapsed in Bangladesh.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I guess it’s not surprising that employers who cut corners put their factories in buildings built by contractors who cut corners. Too much sand, not enough cement, and dozens of low-wage workers die. Oh well, they’ll find more workers in the same rice paddies these came from.
Companies like Wal-Mart who relentlessly pressure suppliers to cut costs and make cheaper goods aren’t innocent in these tragedies.
@85 I wish our side would do a lot more of what their side does, so we could compete on a level playing field. Let’s start by gerrymandering our congressional districts so if Republicans get 45% of the vote, they 10% of the House seats. Why not? They do it to us in places like Pennsylvania and Texas, so we should do it to them in places like Washington and Oregon.
89)With Oregon, they only have 5 seats, and the Democrats have 4, and the CLub for Growth wanted to primary the 1 Republican. The scary thing is, I think I know who might do it, the guy who challenges Rep. DeFazio since 2010.
Although what the GOP want to do with elcetoral votes , they say is proportional representation, the proportional representation I am for, is the Congressional Districts themselves. In States with more than 1 seat, perhaps it is time for it to be multi-seat districts. Could see some Libertarians and Greens get elected, but there are some downsides.