– I’m already excited for Atlas Shrugged VIII the interminable nonsenseing.
– First class of female combat Marines
– It’s hard to feel sorry for the GOP when the Tea Party they nurtured turns against them.
– Narwhals
by Carl Ballard — ,
– I’m already excited for Atlas Shrugged VIII the interminable nonsenseing.
– First class of female combat Marines
– It’s hard to feel sorry for the GOP when the Tea Party they nurtured turns against them.
– Narwhals
– It’s lucky your kids don’t have oil under their skin
So much for knowing your target and what’s behind it.
I’m not anti-gun. I’m anti-dumb-with-a-gun. People like this guy need to be charged with crimes and have their guns taken away. You have a right to own a firearm, you don’t have a right to be an idiot with a firearm. When you’ve proven yourself to be a hazard with a firearm you should have that right revoked.
And you thought redlining was bad.
Muslim man sentenced to death for selling his house to a Jew.
That the Marines will allow women who are motivated and meet the qualifications to serve in combat to do so is in my view a positive.
That we still have so many of our men and women in uniform in harm’s way after a decade, many for their third or fourth deployment, with so little to show for it, I find utterly deplorable.
I didn’t know Mohammedans did bad things!!! Kinda changes your whole perspective. Thanks for this rad new information!!
If “corporations are people too”, as Romney has said, does that make him a serial killer because he’s helped destroy so many of them?
@2. That’s awful. But just because some body else is worse, doesn’t mean Redlining is not bad.
Nugent Signs Plea Deal
Rightwing loudmouth Ted Nugent, whose speech to the NRA earned him a Secret Service visit, pled guilty today to illegally hunting, killing, and transporting a bear in Alaska.
This isn’t Nugent’s first game violation, it turns out. “In August 2010, Nugent had his deer hunting license revoked in California after he pled no contest to misdemeanor charges of deer-baiting and not having a properly signed tag,” MSNBC reports.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I would be amazed if legitimate hunters still have any respect left for this guy. He’s no sportsman, he’s a poacher.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I would be amazed if legitimate hunters still have any respect left for this guy. He’s no sportsman, he’s a poacher.
Blind loyalty is a strange thing. Look at Obama: He’s an incompetent, partisan hack and yet his praises are sung daily on this site.
A vulture feeds on dead flesh..
A parasite sucks the lifeblood out of a living host.
Mitt (R-Money) is a PARASITE capitalist.
@8 “Look at Obama: He’s an incompetent, partisan hack”
Compared to……..?????
Does it matter? No one else currently holds the presidency.
Look at Bush, R-Money, Santorum, Paul, Bachmann, Gringrich, Pawlenty: They’re all incompetent, demagogic, partisan hacks
And Bob would vote for any of them if they were the nominee of the corrupt party of the oligarchy in this country – the Republican party.
@9 There’s a company based here in the Northwest that thrived as an independent corporation for ages and then was purchased by a giant member of a related industry about 30 years ago. About ten years later, said company got into some nasty trouble with regulators (the industry involved being one in which failure of its products would likely kill people). At that time the giant corporation unloaded said smaller company on Bain. The managers Bain brought in basically did what was necessary to satisfy the regulators and get them off their backs–in the process of which they actually had to solve some of the underlying organizational problems. Once the little company returned to profitability, the Bain folks sold them to another giant, collected the capital gains and went on their way. Along the way, a lot of the rank and file worked very hard and the reward for most of them was that they got to keep their jobs.
Now, some time later and through a variety of machinations, that company is once again in the hands of Bain. It will be interesting to see what happens this time around.
So, if current-day Bain is a proxy for Romney, is current-day Illinois a proxy for Obama?
14 – Mitt (R-Money)’s record at Bain has been heavily researched and more is being uncovered every day.
His record as Governor (pro-choice, Romneycare, etc..) is an open book..
His nasty campaign against his opponents for the nomination is none too flattering..
And let’s not forget his embarrassing campaign back in 2007-2008..
No decent person would vote for this abomination of a politician.
Blind loyalty is a strange thing.
So is blind hatred on your part.
Care to list some of the policies Obama has put in place that you find incompetent, so we can discuss them?
Obama’s history, on the other hand……….
How he did at Occidental College?
How he did at Columbia?
You would think he would be awfully proud of those records, since they got him into Harvard Law. And yet……
Educational records were important when it meant belittling George W. Bush. They became less important when it turned out Bush’s grades were better than Kerry’s.
Records are important when they’re the opposing party’s records. Not so much when they’re the ones of the candidate whose background you don’t want researched.
You want to talk nasty campaigns? Go look at a certain Illinois Democratic US Senate primary race in 2004.
Now imagine if a GOP candidate had done to Democrats what Barack Obama did to Democrats back then. Isn’t that what your ilk accused Bush of doing in FL in 2000?
And, speaking of misogynist assholes:
Obama tells Wasserman Schultz “Don’t Forget, You Work For Me”
I wonder how the Congressional Black Caucus is going to respond to this:
Union Sues Indiana Governor; Claims Right-To-Work Law Enforces Slavery
Lefties, when you demagogue everything you can, rather than avoiding making an argument on its merits, eventually you jump the shark.
For the unions, that was about a dozen sharks ago.
# 7: Killing baited dear (or even bair) is a pretty lazy way of hunting. You don’t even bother to get out of your tree-stand, you just sit there with a rifle and wait for the deer to become attracted to, and distracted by, the bait.
A couple of years ago there was a big fuss about whether Alaska should sell permits to hunt wolves by helicopter. My position: by all means, allow them to hunt, as much as they want. But just keep it on an equal basis. No helicopters, no guns. The hunter can carry a knife with a blade no longer than a wolve’s teeth. THEN after all things are equal, can they go hunting to their heart’s content. Heck, turn it into a reality show and sell pay-per-view tickets!
re 19: Turning your opponents argument on its head and applying it to the other side (no matter how stretched the claim) is right out of the Karl Rove handbook.
From day 1, President Barack Obama has worked to end the war in Iraq, expand access to health care for all Americans, and implement an economic recovery program that has created nearly 3 million jobs. The question is simple: Will we go on to build upon these reforms, or will we return to the miasma of Republican hegemonic oligopoly with its depressions, recessions, and stagflation.
CHANGE IS: equal pay for equal work – Improving women’s health – protecting women’s right to choose
CHANGE IS: Ending insurance company abuses – keeping premiums low – expanding access to care – closing the Medicare prescription ‘donut hole’ (or, as it is better known, as the average Republican voter’s intelligence quotient).
CHANGE IS: Putting Americans back to work and rebuilding a fair economy for the middle class – 3.6 million jobs saved or created by cutting taxes, investing in clean energy, roads and bridges, — keeping teachers in classrooms – AND protecting unemployment benefits. Obama saved the American auto industry, preventing the loss of 1.4 million jobs – The private sector has created nearly 3 million jobs in the past 21 months and President Obama is fighting for the American Jobs Act, which would put even more people back to work and more money in peoples’ pockets.
CHANGE IS: Creating an economy built to last beyond the next bubble created by the bankers that subsidize Republican hegemony.
We need to: Out educate the rest of the world – out innovate the rest of the world – make sure everyone plays by the same rules – make sure that everyone does their fair share.
Why does a presidential aspirant like Romney need a secret Swiss bank account? Isn’t that for deposed dictators?
And, finally, Change is ending the war in Iraq and Afghanistan; refocus our energies toward dismantling Al Qaeda and similar organizations and honoring our veterans who have fought for a decade in wars started by the criminal Bush administration to enrich companies such as Halliburton and Blackwater.
And, in this Republican caused depression we are suffering through, the prescient words of George W. Bush ring ever more clearly: “It is becoming harder and harder in this day and age to put food on our children’s heads.”
Link is broken.
From the title alone, there is nothing misogynist about it. It’s an authority figure telling an underling to follow orders. Republicans never have a problem with that.
Unless in your mind, a Black man should never tell a woman what to do. Is he being uppity or something?
@ 21
Is there any promotion of Obama, Inc. that you have ever read with a critical eye?
I expect such rah-rah regurgitation like this from Rujax. Didn’t fully appreciate he was in good company.
Yep and the same holds true for the right. What doesn’t hold true is the idea of equivalence. The left doesn’t do this sort of crap nearly as often as the right nor does it cause the level of harm done by the right.
@ 19
Please. Both sides do it, probably equally, when they know they are going to get their ass kicked in the next election.
Your ilk is busy making as many people as possible fear the unknown. It’s preferable to running on Obama’s record, ‘created or saved’ notwithstanding (was @21 really serious about that?).
Show us some objective evidence of greater ‘harm’ by the right than by the left.
Democrats, party of intolerance:
A March 12 Pew study showed that Democrats are far more likely that conservatives to disconnect from people who disagree with them.
“In all, 28% of liberals have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone on SNS [social networking sites] because of one of these reasons, compared with 16% of conservatives and 14% of moderates,” said the report, tiled “Social networking sites and politics.”
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/04.....z1sttlUCxr
Obama’s Record
# 17: Bush’s academic record explained what had become pretty obvious by that point: George H.W. Bush wasn’t a very bright guy, and was at best a fraternity prankster who just did barely enough to get buy, with his father’s influence and money.
Kerry, on the other hand, earned his own way into Yale and graduated with decent grades. After service in the Navy he got his law degree on his own, and went to work for the prosecutor’s office.
Due to the difference in money and influence, the two simply aren’t comparable.
re 23: In order to re-gurgitate, one must gurgitate in the first place — which you haven’t. Besides, Republicans regurgitate talking points all the time.
re 25: “Your ilk is busy making as many people as possible fear the unknown”
Like President Cheney’s energy policy?
Well Iraq and Afghanistan were your boy’s idea and not enforcing banking regulations by the Bush Admin did sorta crash the economy…
A March 12 Pew study showed that Democrats are far more likely that conservatives to disconnect from people who disagree with them.
I don’t know.
Maybe republicans secretly like what the democrats are saying, but the converse is not true.
For example, during an online conversation, I told a conservative acquaintance that I liked some socialist policies. He fired back, wondering why in the hell I admired people who nail babies to trees in front of their parents. WTF? Why would I voluntarily spend time with people who think like that?
Why should I waste my social media time with people who are so passionate about being wrong. It’s not even fun. I want to spend my social media time with people I actually like.
I don’t fault Obama for his intentions going into office, nor do I doubt his sincerity regarding most of them. On the other hand, I might find some quarrel regarding his effectiveness, and in connection with that an apparent unwillingness to stray outside of prescribed protocol and attempting to follow some sort of political “etiquitte” when the opposition has never had the slightest intention of playing by those (or for that matter, any) rules.
It took a painfully long time to get us mostly out of Iraq, although our supposedly (snort!) “support” role there could continue for decades–and meanwhile Afghanistan continues to trundle along with no apparent end in sight. If I’d been in Obama’s shoes, when I’d learned I’d been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, I’d have respectfully declined to accept it and perhaps ask that they keep it on ice until the wars were actually concluded. I certainly wouldn’t have embarked on health care reform until that had been accomplished and the economy better stabilized (the two things the voters wanted the most). Knowing what a fracas there’d been when the Clintons attempted it, I’d consider that a good second-term project, good for expending one’s remaining “political capital” on as a lame duck.
Other than that, it’s been frustrating to watch the man act as if he brought a pair of boxing gloves to a gunfight, and his apparent attempts to be “respectful” to the Paul Ryan crowd who’d as soon kick him in the nuts as shake his hand. Then again, perhaps he’s strategically smarter than he seems–in the end, it may just prove out that if you give crazy people enough rope, they’ll end up hanging themselves.
It’s really quite simple.
Republicans want to take everything which is public in American and turn it into their private property under the auspicies of “ending socialism”, “creating jobs”, etc. This incudes turning over public lands to corporations at miniscule rates to lumber and mine and drill.
Republicans also want to take things that belong to the average American and turn them over to their cronies to mis-manage and collect fees until nothing of value exists. This includes social security trust funds, health insurance, student loans, etc.
When their “hands off” business philosophy ends up to (predictably) cost most Americans their jobs, their retirements, their savings, Republicans don’t even apologize – they try to deflect blame, require average taxpayers to bear the burden of their own failure, and give us lectures on “risk” and “reward”. In the meantime, they continue to bring in multi-million dollar per year salaries and bunuses.
Democrats, on the other hand, try to protect the average American taxpayer and working man by protecting living-wage jobs, the right to form unions and go on stike (if necessary), and keep un-earned profits and inherited earnings a reasonable size, with a fair tax proportionate to the taxpayer’s ability to pay.
Just because we don’t think some Democrats are effective enough in their efforts doesn’t mean that we don’t appreciate their efforts on our behalf.
Obama has little regard for Paul Ryan. He has publicly ridiculed both Ryan budgets (IIRC, the first budget while Ryan was in the audience) and even attacked Ryan himself as a hypocrite for having voted for the Iraq war, medicare part d and the raising of the debt limit 7 times under Bush.
Good on him. Ryan is a creep. Was it good politics? I’m not sure. I was surprised at the vehemence and tone myself.
Sure. Does that mean I’ll vote for Willard RMoney?
No freaking way.
Go here http://tinyurl.com/blhtwdv and watch some of this video. The creator of the video spends 48 minutes talking about the evils of Obama without getting a single fact straight. Why would I bother to engage with this person?
There are plenty of factually accurate reasons to not like Obama, but this guy spends 48 minutes and as far as I can tell every argument he makes against Obama is either untrue or logical fallacy. So yeah, I tend to tune people like that out.
@1 I once met a guy who was shot by a careless hunter. The accident left him permanently blind. A couple of years later, the hunter came by and asked the victim to sign a waiver so he could get his hunting license back. The victim turned to his roommate and said, “Mike, would you do me a favor and beat the shit out of this guy?”
@11 Overall, Obama has been a pretty good president, considering the gravity of the multiple crises he inherited from the incompetent coke-snorter who preceded him.
It takes a political party like the GOP to nominate someone with Dubya’s record.
@25 “probably equally”
Bullshit. One of my biggest beefs with Democrats is they don’t behave like Republicans enough. Fight fire with fire!
@26 All that proves is more conservatives are insufferable. Most liberals are pretty easy to get along with. Conservatives, not so much.
Good point.
One of my uncles was Marine infantry in Viet Nam. He came home just in time for deer season and almost got nailed by a hunter. Talk about irony.
@14 That’s just the problem. Which Mitt (of the ones we’ve seen or even ones not yet revealed) would wind up running the country if he prevailed in November? Presumably, the one we’ve been hearing from for the last year or so is the one who knows he has to pander to (1.) the Kochs and the other monetarists have the GOP machinery all bought and paid for and (2.) the teahadists who’ve had their brains turned to mush by a constant stream of ideological syphilis from Fox, right wing radio and their local dominionist pulpits. After he walks out of the convention with a nice big “APPROVED” stamp on his butt, he then has to convince the moderates, the undecided and even a few progressives that all along he’s always really been the Mitt who ran the Bay State. Either that, or the GOP dirty tricksters are going to have to hijack the vote counts in about a dozen states.
Wisconsin Update
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, and 4 GOP state senators are facing recall. The primary will be on May 8 and the main event on June 5.
Polls show all 6 GOP candidates leading their potential Democratic opponents, but Walker and one senator face close races. If only one of the 4 senators loses, Democrats will win control of the state senate, effectively ending Walker’s ability to pass legislation even if he survives the recall.
@21 In the course of my education, I was forced to read your book–twice in English and once in French. I thought it sucked in either language.
Elizabeth Warren HYPOCRITE!
Fair use to spot another DUMMOCRAPT who doesn’t have a clue!
Hey Roger, Wisconsin peeps will recognize they will pay through the nose if unions run the state again come June 6th.
More on HYPOCRITE Millionaire Elizabeth Warren 1%er…
Do as I say not as I do libtard!
I’ll tell you what to do and when to do it and you don’t pay any attention to what I do libtard!
I’ve got all these self richeous ideas that YOU can pay for to make me ‘holier than thou’ libtard.
The bottom line: This millionaire DUMMOCRAPT lady is dangerous. Very dangerous!
Ahhh yes, ylb head explodesJim Wanderhei, Politico Editor
Nuff Said SUCKA!
50 – Your point?
Anyone with a freaking brain votes for the best D you can get..
Anyone who hates this country votes R..
Sure sucks to be you america hater!
Of course the HA moron class will have nothing to say over this either.
Point? Man you are STUPID. Politico is DUMMOCRAPT and you are still a moron!
You and your ilk hate America no me. I want everyone to make as much as possible. You want class warfare!
See ya!
53 – Man you are moron! Politico got the ENDORSEMENT of your beloved moron-in-chief you voted for TWICE!
Your moron-in-chief loves Politico..
Your moron-in-chief love Politico..
You can’t read for shit..
Politico is an inside the beltway player and the village inside the beltway is WIRED right wing you dope!
And the endorsement of your Moron-in-Chief’s “brain”:
Sure sucks to be you dumbass!
@007 that’s before they went leftist!
Such a loser!
51. YLB reporting on right wing family values since Dec 2004. spews:
50 – Your point?
Anyone with a freaking brain votes for the best D you can get..
Anyone who hates this country votes R..
Sure sucks to be you america hater!
04/24/2012 AT 4:38 AM
Shorter YLBasement: I’m a party lemming!
Ah…Puddy’s here. I thought I smelled something rancid.
57 – We all know you’re a dumbass who hates America. You knee jerk to every right wing bullshit story out there.
You vote R the Monson style – 99.999999999999999999 percent of the time!
Sucks to be you asshat. Enjoy that Gulf seafood. The oil mixed with the dispersant gives it a special kick!
Nice Christmas present for Obama by Politico.. How “leftist”.. How kneejerk dumbass of PuddyStupid who like the Birchers sees a “leftist” under every bed.
What a miserable dope.
Ylbasement….the proud lemming boy…..
A fine example of how the poor vote…
I voted for the winners in 2006 and 2008..
A lot if not all of my stuff won in 2009 and even some stuff in 2010..
I predict some of my issues will win this year as well..
Judging by your comment record here, one can easily see that you are impoverished in spirit and mental capacity. I’d pity you but those bridges burned long ago.