Richard Madcows show has what, maybe 7 or 8 viewers, hell the other day his show was beaten by Joy Behar…what a joke, makes sense that this crass fairy is on the desperate ratings in the toilet network MSDNC.
It’s Rachel, btw, Darryl. Great vid. I missed her show last night.
@1: Your comment is so fucked up on so many levels. Where to begin? This should do it: Teh stoopid, it hurts!
It just underscores how totally clueless you wingnuts are, kind of like calling yourselves teabaggers because, well, you’re ignorant and don’t do your homework, and then gettin’ all huffy about the rest of us snickering at your expense.
Teabagga’, please! Don’t ever stop!
2nd grade wants their insults back.
Too Funny!
Fox News’ high ratings are a product of market consolidation, not market growth. All 2.5K of you are clinging to Billy O’s every breath, while the rest of the planet is baking cookies, reading, maybe watching their latest arrival from NetFlix…
BTW, seen any election results lately?
So, the actual history is this:
1. Teabaggers select the word “teabagger” to describe themselves.
2. People who actually know another definition of “teabagger” make fun of the stupidity of adopting such a stupid name.
3. Teabaggers yell “you’re oppressing us!” and then try to rewrite history, lying about the fact that they came up with the name themselves.
And conservatives wonder why the rest of the world laughs at them. Unbelievable.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Ummmmmmmmmmm….now it’s Senator Baucus under the ol’ microscope. This just in from AP–
WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus was romantically involved with a former staffer when he recommended her earlier this year to become the next U.S. attorney for Montana, a spokesman said. The Montana Democrat and his former state office director Melodee Hanes began their relationship in the summer of 2008 after Baucus separated from his wife, Ty Matsdorf told The Associated Press late Friday.
No disclosure by good old Max.
I heard about this several months ago.
Good timing.
I’m sure it will help Max’ status.
He has really flipped his wig.
I know guys who have been friends with him for over 40 years.
Power corrupts.
Melodee Hanes began their relationship in the summer of 2008 after Baucus separated from his wife, Ty Matsdorf told The Associated Press late Friday.
He wasn’t having an affair and never positioned himself as a moralist, so the only thing on the table is was his nomination of Hanes improper. That remains to be seen. If he skipped over more qualified folks to get his girl a job Baucus should step down.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Michael @ 7–
Ummmmm, Michael…this is according to Baucus’ spokesperson. That does not make it true.
More to come.
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first Max practices to deceive.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Baucus and his ex-wife Wanda announced last April that they planned to divorce after 25 years of marriage, his second. In a joint statement, they said they had “parted ways amicably and with mutual respect.”
Hanes started working for Baucus in 2002 and was his state director before leaving his office earlier this year for a Justice Department position.
Sleuthing 101 Michael.
Check the Divorce Settlement.
I’ll bet an agreement to say nothing disparaging…and Wanda gets a little extra.
Do you really think Max’ 1st move was after 4/08?? She worked for him for 6 years!
He’s a lonely rancher.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
fyi Michael–
Baucus story on divorce 1st came out in JANUARY, 2009…after his re-election.
Here is a little reading material for you–
But, you still have a guy who wasn’t a moral crusader. Unless there was something improper in Baucus’ nomination of her for US attorney, there’s not much there.
You might look at who else was on the short list for the US attorney slot.
I just got an official looking yellow envelope in the the mail from the RNC entitled 2009 Obama Agenda Survey. It’s a bunch of push polling nonsense and contains this gem of a line from Michael Steele “I’m asking you to please, not turn your back on us now.”
This is going to be fun to fill out.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is a pic of Baucus’ ex-wife he dumped for a shinier new model–
His ex- kind of looks like a horsehead.
Perfect partner for horsesass.
She completes the horse!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Google Wanda Baucus and you can see why old Max had enough. Not only is she physically repulsive, her Leftist Politics would give Goldy a hard on!!
The senator’s wife, Wanda, a painter and anthropologist, has gone so far as to desecrate the American flag by replacing the stars with doves on an appeasement poster prominently displayed at their home in snooty Georgetown.
She’s a real beauty boy.
Harvard Professor.
Out of Max’ league for sure.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Actually, this pic of Max’ ex- is over 10 years old.
Do you think over 10 years will help??
COPENHAGEN — Climate campaigner Al Gore has canceled a lecture he was supposed to deliver in Copenhagen.
The former vice president and Nobel Peace Prize winner had been scheduled to speak to more than 3,000 people at a Dec. 16 event hosted by the Berlingske Tidende newspaper group.
The group says Gore canceled the lecture Thursday, citing unforeseen changes in his schedule.
Cancelled after his fans paid $1,200 to shake his hand.
I wonder why he cancelled. Besides for the fact he knows his scam has been uncovered.
Was Gonzales the best choice for attorney general or did he get it because he was Bush’s friend?
Did Bush try to appoint a clearly unqualified Harriet Miers to the supreme court because she pulled records demonstrating the W got into the Air Nat. Guard using his daddy’s political pull?
Cynical — You are a halfwit with your sniggering over a commonplace thing.
I’m sure they devised a better way to fool people that they created jobs, those 440 fake congressional districts only impressed democrats.
Marvin Stamnspews:
19. Empty Drugstore Cowboy Hat Reagan and Bush spews:
Was Gonzales the best choice for attorney general or did he get it because he was Bush’s friend?
No idea.
What about all those czars that oba-mao keeps appointing, and then as glenn beck goes after them oba-mao will throw his czars under the bus.
Obviously they weren’t wise choices, why did he pick them?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 How are your ratings doing at the election polls these days?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Nothing there, Klown. The woman was highly qualified for the post. She was only one of three people nominated. The selection process was delegated to, and she was chosen by, an independent third party. Baucus’ personal relationship with her did not start until later. Baucus disclosed the relationship. She withdrew when it developed. Everything was legal, ethical, and above board. You’re not even grasping at straws, Klown — you’re clutching at thin air, like a shipwreck victim treading water with no life rafts in sight.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey pudpacker! Look at the photos of the melting ice, man! You’re like a guy who stares at a candle flame while the barn burns down around him.
Marvin Stamnspews:
22. Roger Rabbit spews:
How are your ratings doing at the election polls these days?
exact generic congressional numbers aren’t as important for the 2010 midterms as precisely who will turn out. And right now, it’s looking brutal for the Democrats.
kos explains why democrats won’t be turning out-
Thus far, the progressive base doesn’t have much to be excited about. Promised real reform in healthcare, the environment, labor, the wars, civil liberties and gay rights, actual accomplishments have been decidedly thin. The healthcare debate dragged on far longer than necessary as Obama and some Democrats engaged in a fruitless and unnecessary search for “bipartisanship” while taking such options as reconciliation off the table. The end result may saddle people with costly insurance mandates without any mechanism to control ridiculously high rates — great for insurance industry profits, but not what progressives worked for the past two cycles.Progress on card-check and climate change legislation is stymied, while Obama doubles down on the Afghanistan quagmire. Institutions that were “too big to fail” got rich bailouts, while the rest of America continues to bleed economically.
Tell us rabbit why kos is wrong.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 I’m talking about actual election results, Marvie Stupes, not dart-throwing speculations about the future. Read the election results, dumbass! Your ideology and party are discredited, rejected, and irrelevant. That’s the current status.
@21: Once again Marvin Stamn shows he is either incredibly stupid or unable to answer even the simplest question:
Was Gonzalez the best choice for AG or was he nominated because he would do anything and everything for his buddy Bush?
Gee, tough one for someone of limited intelligence like Marvy to answer.
Here is a hint Marvy….gonzalez was not only unqualified he was a complete screw-up.
Marvin’s answer:….No idea!!!!!!!
You have no credibility Marvy! What a total fool!
@8: Where was Klynical when McCain dumped his wife?
Where was Klynical when Limbaugh dumped his ex?
Where was Klynical when Sanford fklew off to his girlfriend/mistress?
As far as Baucus, he would not be great loss anyways – he did not even support the public option.
The other irony of a tea bagger calling themselves a tea bagger, is them thinking that they are heterosexuals.
Has the Federal government raised the federal tax rates? I must have missed it. What are these people talking about. I could understand if they were saying that they didn’t want taxes raised, but they actually state that they are fed up with the taxes being raised when in effect the tax rate hasn’t been raised…why don’t they speak coherently, maybe because they also think that Gay Marriage will get between them and “One Man and One Woman” or should we say “one man and 4 woman”, as in Tigers case. What Hypocrites.
“Nnn, Constitution doesn’t have a Preamble. Not. Nope. Stop it. That would be the Declaration of Independence. Ooh.”
“On last night’s show I made fun of who House minority leader John Boehner because at yesterday’s whites of their eyes Michele Bachmann-led anti-healthcare reform rally on the Capitol steps, he waggled a copy of the Constitution at the crowd, bragged that he was standing with the Founding Fathers and then said he was quoting the Preamble to the Constitution while he actually quoted from the Declaration of Independence. Being myself constitutionally incapable of leaving well enough alone, I then excitedly exclaimed not that he wasn’t reading from the Preamble to the Constitution but that there wasn’t a Preamble to the Constitution at all, which of course is total nonsense and which I’m very sorry to have said.”
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Hey correctnotright,
Here’s a video just for you. Bet your money on it…
Visit the person critiquing the code here … Puddy knows some dumb ASS will throw darts at him.
I’m all for looking into and debating these sorts of things.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Lest We Forget …
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM” [Emphasis added]
That was defeated* legislative candidate Mark Griswold posting on Stefan’s pathetic little blog two days after the 2006 election.
(*”Defeated” isn’t quite the right word; Griswold was crushed, 85% – 15%, by Frank Chopp. That’s as decisive a rejection as you can get; if I lost an election by 70 points, I’d feel tempted to commit seppeku. But Mark, who never matured past the selfish-brat stage, chose to keep wasting oxygen.)
But this horseshit isn’t even original — it’s become a rightwing chant. Today I received the following e-mail from one of my wingnut relatives, who for some strange reason keeps sending me this crap even though I reply with an insulting e-mail every time he does:
“There are a lot of people in this country that need another “9/11″ in one form or another to bring them back to reality.”
Think about it. What is WRONG with these people? Our country doesn’t “need” another terrorist attack! That’s the last fucking thing we need! They also conveniently forget that 9/11 never would’ve happened if their wingnut president hadn’t dropped the ball in the first place.**
(** Why would anyone vote Republican after a fiasco like this?)
Well, they don’t have to worry about our forgetting. We’re never gonna forget.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
23. Roger Rabbit spews:
@6 Nothing there, Klown. The woman was highly qualified for the post. She was only one of three people nominated. The selection process was delegated to, and she was chosen by, an independent third party. Baucus’ personal relationship with her did not start until later. Baucus disclosed the relationship. She withdrew when it developed. Everything was legal, ethical, and above board. You’re not even grasping at straws, Klown — you’re clutching at thin air, like a shipwreck victim treading water with no life rafts in sight.
Let’s see, that makes 1 vote for backbedroom dealing by a died in the wool Democrat.
I can assure you this isn’t playing so simple Rog here in Montana.
There is more to come.
I’ll be sure to keep you posted.
more black on white crime. yes the mother was white. the statistics continue to mount. what is being done besides denial?
Stamn – you are not worthy of respect because you are too much of a coward to even put out your own ideas.
The truth is, I’ve been having fun teasing you. I did put down 4 ideas about healthcare a short while back. Ask Steve, he asked me for my “plan.” I have the link, now lets see if you are smart enough to find it.
Did you ever find it?
Do you find it as funny as I do that while you were whining about me not putting my ideas down, I already did months earlier and you didn’t know.
Huh…I didn’t realize you were a bigot. How disappointing.
How is pointing out the factual basis of a hideous crime and reiterating crime statistics being a bigot??
I’m saddened by this stuff.
But ignoring it doesn’t make it so.
Denial is a big part of the problem.
You are quick to point out hate crimes which apparently is every crime committed by a white person against a minority.
The facts are much different.
We need to get real…ask Bill Cosby.
It’s an atrocity…enabled by liberal america.
get it on the table and do something.
“How is pointing out the factual basis of a hideous crime and reiterating crime statistics being a bigot??”
First of all, ya dumb fuck, this was a domestic crime. The guy killed two mothers of his children (one he was living with) AND his own children.
This is obviously not a “black-on-white” hate crime. At least two of the victims were African American, ya fucking moron.
But what I thought was most telling, is that the article you link to says nothing about the the mothers being white. In fact, in scanning the news coverage, I don’t find any indications that that the mothers were white.
Therefore, I suspect you have acquired this (possibly incorrect) information about Mr. Adair’s alleged murders from reading one of your white supremacist forums. (You know…”Good Compoundkeeping” or something like that.)
I am just a little surprised that you hang out at those types of sites, that you are titillated to treat a domestic quadruple murder as “black on white” crime, and that you felt the need to spread your hate by misrepresenting the nature of the crime here at HorsesAss.
Interesting that you felt the need to disguise yourself when spewing your bigotry.
BTW: the style of your reply pretty much give you away to everyone else.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Here’s a nice poster, maybe some of the HA left-wingnuts can print it out and carry it around.
Codepink would be so happy if you could help promote their
“This is not the hope you voted for.
•Obama military budget to exceed bush’s.
•Less $$$ for healthcare and education.
• afghanistan = another vietnam
• more troops = more violence = less safe
I remember that during the bush administration the left used codepink to protest bush, now codepink has been thrown under the bus with cindy sheehan, AKA useful idiots.
“Had Barack had a white wife, I would have thought twice about voting for him,” Johnson Cooper said.
– Ebonie Johnson Cooper 26 year-old African American from NYC. Democratics can’t look at people for whom they are… They first look at your skin color and then form an opinion. Really progressive of them!
Puddy wonders what ROTCODDAM thinks?
Karl Hungusspews:
RE: the Adair murders. Can we just kill this fucking asshole after he is proven guilty? I mean cmon, he kills two women AND two infants. no more godamned mercy for these types of people.
death to all murderers and child molesters.
And Cynical goes down…
Non-Job of Baucus Girlfriend Is Non-Scandal »
The worst you can say about Max Baucus nominating his girlfriend to be U.S. attorney, based on what we know now, is that it was not a great idea.
But scandal? Not so much.
First of all, senior senators recommend U.S. attorneys to the White House, and Baucus suggested three, including his beloved Melodee Hanes. He couldn’t actually give her the job. That’s up to the administration.
Second, while we’re not experts on U.S. attorney qualifications, she seems to have been involved in law enforcement issues for most of her career, and was a prosecutor. She at least hits the minimum threshold.
Here’s how former prosecutor and the head of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, Melanie Sloan put it to Rich Sisk:
“Obviously, he showed bad judgment,” said Sloan, but she doubted whether it would rise to the level of a full-bore Senate Ethics Committee probe.
But, if people don’t bring this sort of thing up and out into the open we’ll never know what’s going on, what needs fixing. So, I do give props to Cyn, for pointing this out.
It looks to me like during the Bush Admin Code Pink protested the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and during the Obama Admin Code Pink is protesting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Marvin Stamnspews:
47. Michael spews:
and during the Obama Admin Code Pink is protesting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
They sure aren’t getting any face time on cnn, abc, cbs, msnbc, nbc anymore.
Since oba-mao was president it’s almost as if the media has forgotten about them.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Good thing for blacks that msnbc is the leading expert on blacks. A quick look at the msnbc anchor lineup shows that white anchors are best for progressives.
G’Day Mates!
Good to see Barry Obam-Mao’s speeches are workin’ so well. I guess 50+ empty, bullshit speeches is evidence that America is suffering from Obam-mao Hangover.
Drumroll please…………..
His LOWEST Strong Approval to date!!
Post Afghanistan pathetic speech..
Sunday, December 06, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14
The KLOWN was well over 50% Strong Approval in the same poll. I never imagined he would blow his political capital in 10 months…but then again, Progressives never cease to amaze me!
I’d never heard of Code Pink until you brought them up.
Sounds like your original comment was aimed at the media, not Code Pink. I thought you were talking about code pink.
Media tend to be more pro-establishment than left or right (CNBC and Fox are statical outliers). I’d call Obama more pro-establishment than Bush.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Something to consider from Rebecca Pippert’s “Out of the Saltshaker”
“Whatever controls us is our lord. The person who seeks power is controlled by power. The person who seeks acceptance is controlled by the people he or she wants to please. We do not control ourselves. We are controlled by the lord of our lives.”
We ALL serve some Lord….right? It’s either the God in the Bible…or something else like Mother Earth, Father Gore, messiah Obama..
but don’t kid yourself.
We all serve some lord.
Karl Hungusspews:
only a complete dolt would still believe in the man made globull worming scam.
I mean cmon people -you have been fed a line of bullshit from the likes of algore, enviro nazis, socialists, and others looking to make a dime or expand their power.
Just admit you were played like the usefull tools that you are – and lets get back to making this nation an industrial powerhouse like it used to be. Those of us who never bought into this crap will forgive you.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
One other interesting fact..
Did you know ALL Religions (Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity) have 1 teaching clearly in common?
It’s Chastity…sex only within marriage.
Kind of old-fashioned according to those of you who (miraculously by random molecules banding together just right) know better.
Our youth today have been ruined by the secular teaching that it is ok.
It’s a fundamental starting point.
Is it right or wrong?
How many damaged children come from random acts of sex outside the COVENANT of Marriage??
Fortunately, I did not.
Nor have our children.
But the damage is passed down from generation to generation.
Wake up folks.
Secular America has had it’s way too long.
Teach your children. Set examples for your children. A godless marriage is a farce.
“Did you know ALL Religions (Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity) have 1 teaching clearly in common? …sex only within marriage”
Wait…what? First, you have listed but four of the hundreds of documented human religions.
Second, three of them (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) are essentially the same: they are all Abrahamic traditions, therefore deriving moral teachings from the same texts.
Third, there are other moral codes these four religions share, like views on not killing other humans (with exceptions), so your claim that chastity is the ONLY thing they share is idiotic.
“Our youth today have been ruined by the secular teaching that it is ok.”
You mean like the secular teaching that Bristol Palin received?
Seriously, Cynical, you sound like the Chief Information Officer for the Taliban.
Can some of the bright ones on this website tell me how you can say something failed when only 25% of it has been processed – I am referring to the critics of the stimulus package. And based on the chart that was posted here on HASS by Goldy which shows the declining job losses, how can you say that the Stimulus hasn’t helped. You all are just of bunch of critics like that fat pig Rush that want to make it look like a failure so you have political gain, you cheap little whores.
Darryl, you are doing more commenting here than moderating. Please moderate my comments in a timely manner. If you spend less time bothering everyone you will have more time to moderate.
@50: Hahaha
Poor Klynical – they never did get any trifle of money from the oil companies for “studentships” – but we know that S. Fred Singer is a paid hack for both the oil companies and the tobacco companies.
How is that cigarettes don’t cause cancer argument going for ya?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
DarrylIdiot Spews;
Third, there are other moral codes these four religions share, like views on not killing other humans (with exceptions), so your claim that chastity is the ONLY thing they share is idiotic.
I didn’t claim THE ONLY THING dumbass.
I said
have 1 teaching clearly in common
I didn’t say THE ONLY THING.
Learn to read dumbass.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
From the WSJ–
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama’s national security adviser said the U.S. wouldn’t pull all its military forces out of Afghanistan in 2011, calling the president’s timetable for withdrawal from the country “a ramp” and “not a cliff.”
“We are here to make sure that Afghanistan succeeds. We can’t want this any more than the Afghans do,” Retired Gen. James Jones said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “We’re going to be in the region for a long time,”
Obam-Mao makes a speech.
Others belatedly klean up his bullshit.
Too damn funny!
So now we know….Tiger is well endowed, he had at least 4 girls on the side…the true definition and role model for “Marriage”.
Darryl, this is the third post in an hour or so, and still waiting to be released due to moderation….I think I have shown my ability to comply, please stop playing a game an get rid of my comments from being moderated. Thanks.
Richard Madcows show has what, maybe 7 or 8 viewers, hell the other day his show was beaten by Joy Behar…what a joke, makes sense that this crass fairy is on the desperate ratings in the toilet network MSDNC.
It’s Rachel, btw, Darryl. Great vid. I missed her show last night.
@1: Your comment is so fucked up on so many levels. Where to begin? This should do it: Teh stoopid, it hurts!
It just underscores how totally clueless you wingnuts are, kind of like calling yourselves teabaggers because, well, you’re ignorant and don’t do your homework, and then gettin’ all huffy about the rest of us snickering at your expense.
Teabagga’, please! Don’t ever stop!
2nd grade wants their insults back.
Too Funny!
Fox News’ high ratings are a product of market consolidation, not market growth. All 2.5K of you are clinging to Billy O’s every breath, while the rest of the planet is baking cookies, reading, maybe watching their latest arrival from NetFlix…
BTW, seen any election results lately?
So, the actual history is this:
1. Teabaggers select the word “teabagger” to describe themselves.
2. People who actually know another definition of “teabagger” make fun of the stupidity of adopting such a stupid name.
3. Teabaggers yell “you’re oppressing us!” and then try to rewrite history, lying about the fact that they came up with the name themselves.
And conservatives wonder why the rest of the world laughs at them. Unbelievable.
Ummmmmmmmmmm….now it’s Senator Baucus under the ol’ microscope. This just in from AP–
No disclosure by good old Max.
I heard about this several months ago.
Good timing.
I’m sure it will help Max’ status.
He has really flipped his wig.
I know guys who have been friends with him for over 40 years.
Power corrupts.
He wasn’t having an affair and never positioned himself as a moralist, so the only thing on the table is was his nomination of Hanes improper. That remains to be seen. If he skipped over more qualified folks to get his girl a job Baucus should step down.
Michael @ 7–
Ummmmm, Michael…this is according to Baucus’ spokesperson. That does not make it true.
More to come.
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first Max practices to deceive.
Sleuthing 101 Michael.
Check the Divorce Settlement.
I’ll bet an agreement to say nothing disparaging…and Wanda gets a little extra.
Do you really think Max’ 1st move was after 4/08?? She worked for him for 6 years!
He’s a lonely rancher.
fyi Michael–
Baucus story on divorce 1st came out in JANUARY, 2009…after his re-election.
Here is a little reading material for you–
Here’s one of the only pics of Max’ girlfriend..
She’s pretty dang hot.
Hotter than his now ex-wife
Now you have something.
But, you still have a guy who wasn’t a moral crusader. Unless there was something improper in Baucus’ nomination of her for US attorney, there’s not much there.
You might look at who else was on the short list for the US attorney slot.
I just got an official looking yellow envelope in the the mail from the RNC entitled 2009 Obama Agenda Survey. It’s a bunch of push polling nonsense and contains this gem of a line from Michael Steele “I’m asking you to please, not turn your back on us now.”
This is going to be fun to fill out.
Here is a pic of Baucus’ ex-wife he dumped for a shinier new model–
His ex- kind of looks like a horsehead.
Perfect partner for horsesass.
She completes the horse!
Google Wanda Baucus and you can see why old Max had enough. Not only is she physically repulsive, her Leftist Politics would give Goldy a hard on!!
She’s a real beauty boy.
Harvard Professor.
Out of Max’ league for sure.
Actually, this pic of Max’ ex- is over 10 years old.
Do you think over 10 years will help??
Are there any democrats that take a stand on good morals?
The liberal biased AP is reporting-
Cancelled after his fans paid $1,200 to shake his hand.
I wonder why he cancelled. Besides for the fact he knows his scam has been uncovered.
Follow the money.
Was Gonzales the best choice for attorney general or did he get it because he was Bush’s friend?
Did Bush try to appoint a clearly unqualified Harriet Miers to the supreme court because she pulled records demonstrating the W got into the Air Nat. Guard using his daddy’s political pull?
Cynical — You are a halfwit with your sniggering over a commonplace thing.
Oba-mao opens the jobs forum.
hours later, oba-mao closes the jobs forum.
I’m sure they devised a better way to fool people that they created jobs, those 440 fake congressional districts only impressed democrats.
No idea.
What about all those czars that oba-mao keeps appointing, and then as glenn beck goes after them oba-mao will throw his czars under the bus.
Obviously they weren’t wise choices, why did he pick them?
@1 How are your ratings doing at the election polls these days?
@6 Nothing there, Klown. The woman was highly qualified for the post. She was only one of three people nominated. The selection process was delegated to, and she was chosen by, an independent third party. Baucus’ personal relationship with her did not start until later. Baucus disclosed the relationship. She withdrew when it developed. Everything was legal, ethical, and above board. You’re not even grasping at straws, Klown — you’re clutching at thin air, like a shipwreck victim treading water with no life rafts in sight.
Hey pudpacker! Look at the photos of the melting ice, man! You’re like a guy who stares at a candle flame while the barn burns down around him.
when left-wingnut that has gotten RICH kos is saying-
kos explains why democrats won’t be turning out-
Tell us rabbit why kos is wrong.
@25 I’m talking about actual election results, Marvie Stupes, not dart-throwing speculations about the future. Read the election results, dumbass! Your ideology and party are discredited, rejected, and irrelevant. That’s the current status.
@21: Once again Marvin Stamn shows he is either incredibly stupid or unable to answer even the simplest question:
Was Gonzalez the best choice for AG or was he nominated because he would do anything and everything for his buddy Bush?
Gee, tough one for someone of limited intelligence like Marvy to answer.
Here is a hint Marvy….gonzalez was not only unqualified he was a complete screw-up.
Marvin’s answer:….No idea!!!!!!!
You have no credibility Marvy! What a total fool!
@8: Where was Klynical when McCain dumped his wife?
Where was Klynical when Limbaugh dumped his ex?
Where was Klynical when Sanford fklew off to his girlfriend/mistress?
As far as Baucus, he would not be great loss anyways – he did not even support the public option.
The other irony of a tea bagger calling themselves a tea bagger, is them thinking that they are heterosexuals.
Has the Federal government raised the federal tax rates? I must have missed it. What are these people talking about. I could understand if they were saying that they didn’t want taxes raised, but they actually state that they are fed up with the taxes being raised when in effect the tax rate hasn’t been raised…why don’t they speak coherently, maybe because they also think that Gay Marriage will get between them and “One Man and One Woman” or should we say “one man and 4 woman”, as in Tigers case. What Hypocrites.
I’m so disappointed. I bring news that Republicans have resorted to wearing panda costumes in order to lure kids, and all I get from the trolls is a yawn. A Dem splits with his wife, hooks up with some not-very-attractive middle aged county prosecutor, and it’s like the trolls are birthing a goat over it or something. Geez, It’s not like he was caught wearing a dress after having his wallet stolen by a male hooker.
Rachel Maddow?
“Nnn, Constitution doesn’t have a Preamble. Not. Nope. Stop it. That would be the Declaration of Independence. Ooh.”
“On last night’s show I made fun of who House minority leader John Boehner because at yesterday’s whites of their eyes Michele Bachmann-led anti-healthcare reform rally on the Capitol steps, he waggled a copy of the Constitution at the crowd, bragged that he was standing with the Founding Fathers and then said he was quoting the Preamble to the Constitution while he actually quoted from the Declaration of Independence. Being myself constitutionally incapable of leaving well enough alone, I then excitedly exclaimed not that he wasn’t reading from the Preamble to the Constitution but that there wasn’t a Preamble to the Constitution at all, which of course is total nonsense and which I’m very sorry to have said.”
Hey correctnotright,
Here’s a video just for you. Bet your money on it…
Visit the person critiquing the code here … Puddy knows some dumb ASS will throw darts at him.
Oh no, look at these polls…
Oh no, UpChucked Todd on Twitter wrote…
And at least the British are reevaluating CRU data…
And Cyn goes down!
I’m all for looking into and debating these sorts of things.
Lest We Forget …
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM” [Emphasis added]
That was defeated* legislative candidate Mark Griswold posting on Stefan’s pathetic little blog two days after the 2006 election.
(*”Defeated” isn’t quite the right word; Griswold was crushed, 85% – 15%, by Frank Chopp. That’s as decisive a rejection as you can get; if I lost an election by 70 points, I’d feel tempted to commit seppeku. But Mark, who never matured past the selfish-brat stage, chose to keep wasting oxygen.)
But this horseshit isn’t even original — it’s become a rightwing chant. Today I received the following e-mail from one of my wingnut relatives, who for some strange reason keeps sending me this crap even though I reply with an insulting e-mail every time he does:
“There are a lot of people in this country that need another “9/11″ in one form or another to bring them back to reality.”
Think about it. What is WRONG with these people? Our country doesn’t “need” another terrorist attack! That’s the last fucking thing we need! They also conveniently forget that 9/11 never would’ve happened if their wingnut president hadn’t dropped the ball in the first place.**
(** Why would anyone vote Republican after a fiasco like this?)
Well, they don’t have to worry about our forgetting. We’re never gonna forget.
23. Roger Rabbit spews:
Let’s see, that makes 1 vote for backbedroom dealing by a died in the wool Democrat.
I can assure you this isn’t playing so simple Rog here in Montana.
There is more to come.
I’ll be sure to keep you posted.
more black on white crime. yes the mother was white. the statistics continue to mount. what is being done besides denial?
Once again? A reminder…
Did you ever find it?
Do you find it as funny as I do that while you were whining about me not putting my ideas down, I already did months earlier and you didn’t know.
Person who wrote 38,
Huh…I didn’t realize you were a bigot. How disappointing.
How is pointing out the factual basis of a hideous crime and reiterating crime statistics being a bigot??
I’m saddened by this stuff.
But ignoring it doesn’t make it so.
Denial is a big part of the problem.
You are quick to point out hate crimes which apparently is every crime committed by a white person against a minority.
The facts are much different.
We need to get real…ask Bill Cosby.
It’s an atrocity…enabled by liberal america.
get it on the table and do something.
Biggot @ 41,
“How is pointing out the factual basis of a hideous crime and reiterating crime statistics being a bigot??”
First of all, ya dumb fuck, this was a domestic crime. The guy killed two mothers of his children (one he was living with) AND his own children.
This is obviously not a “black-on-white” hate crime. At least two of the victims were African American, ya fucking moron.
But what I thought was most telling, is that the article you link to says nothing about the the mothers being white. In fact, in scanning the news coverage, I don’t find any indications that that the mothers were white.
Therefore, I suspect you have acquired this (possibly incorrect) information about Mr. Adair’s alleged murders from reading one of your white supremacist forums. (You know…”Good Compoundkeeping” or something like that.)
I am just a little surprised that you hang out at those types of sites, that you are titillated to treat a domestic quadruple murder as “black on white” crime, and that you felt the need to spread your hate by misrepresenting the nature of the crime here at HorsesAss.
Interesting that you felt the need to disguise yourself when spewing your bigotry.
BTW: the style of your reply pretty much give you away to everyone else.
Here’s a nice poster, maybe some of the HA left-wingnuts can print it out and carry it around.
Codepink would be so happy if you could help promote their
I remember that during the bush administration the left used codepink to protest bush, now codepink has been thrown under the bus with cindy sheehan, AKA useful idiots.
Here’s what happens when Democratics play the race card… No one is safe. It’s so sad…
– Ebonie Johnson Cooper 26 year-old African American from NYC. Democratics can’t look at people for whom they are… They first look at your skin color and then form an opinion. Really progressive of them!
Puddy wonders what ROTCODDAM thinks?
RE: the Adair murders. Can we just kill this fucking asshole after he is proven guilty? I mean cmon, he kills two women AND two infants. no more godamned mercy for these types of people.
death to all murderers and child molesters.
And Cynical goes down…
But, if people don’t bring this sort of thing up and out into the open we’ll never know what’s going on, what needs fixing. So, I do give props to Cyn, for pointing this out.
It looks to me like during the Bush Admin Code Pink protested the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and during the Obama Admin Code Pink is protesting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
They sure aren’t getting any face time on cnn, abc, cbs, msnbc, nbc anymore.
Since oba-mao was president it’s almost as if the media has forgotten about them.
Good thing for blacks that msnbc is the leading expert on blacks. A quick look at the msnbc anchor lineup shows that white anchors are best for progressives.
Tiger’s troubles widen his distance from blacks
No doubt msnbc learned that from a dailykos poll which destroyed the data so they couldn’t be forced to turn it over by a FOIA.
Everyone knows that any “scientist” that takes $$ from big oil is nothing but a shill for big oil.
That was then.
Now taking $$ from big oil doesn’t mean they’re a shill for big oil.
More of the facts from Climategate.
G’Day Mates!
Good to see Barry Obam-Mao’s speeches are workin’ so well. I guess 50+ empty, bullshit speeches is evidence that America is suffering from Obam-mao Hangover.
Drumroll please…………..
His LOWEST Strong Approval to date!!
Post Afghanistan pathetic speech..
Sunday, December 06, 2009
The KLOWN was well over 50% Strong Approval in the same poll. I never imagined he would blow his political capital in 10 months…but then again, Progressives never cease to amaze me!
I’d never heard of Code Pink until you brought them up.
Sounds like your original comment was aimed at the media, not Code Pink. I thought you were talking about code pink.
Media tend to be more pro-establishment than left or right (CNBC and Fox are statical outliers). I’d call Obama more pro-establishment than Bush.
Something to consider from Rebecca Pippert’s “Out of the Saltshaker”
We ALL serve some Lord….right? It’s either the God in the Bible…or something else like Mother Earth, Father Gore, messiah Obama..
but don’t kid yourself.
We all serve some lord.
only a complete dolt would still believe in the man made globull worming scam.
I mean cmon people -you have been fed a line of bullshit from the likes of algore, enviro nazis, socialists, and others looking to make a dime or expand their power.
Just admit you were played like the usefull tools that you are – and lets get back to making this nation an industrial powerhouse like it used to be. Those of us who never bought into this crap will forgive you.
One other interesting fact..
Did you know ALL Religions (Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity) have 1 teaching clearly in common?
It’s Chastity…sex only within marriage.
Kind of old-fashioned according to those of you who (miraculously by random molecules banding together just right) know better.
Our youth today have been ruined by the secular teaching that it is ok.
It’s a fundamental starting point.
Is it right or wrong?
How many damaged children come from random acts of sex outside the COVENANT of Marriage??
Fortunately, I did not.
Nor have our children.
But the damage is passed down from generation to generation.
Wake up folks.
Secular America has had it’s way too long.
Teach your children. Set examples for your children. A godless marriage is a farce.
Mr. Cynical @ 55,
“Did you know ALL Religions (Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity) have 1 teaching clearly in common? …sex only within marriage”
Wait…what? First, you have listed but four of the hundreds of documented human religions.
Second, three of them (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) are essentially the same: they are all Abrahamic traditions, therefore deriving moral teachings from the same texts.
Third, there are other moral codes these four religions share, like views on not killing other humans (with exceptions), so your claim that chastity is the ONLY thing they share is idiotic.
“Our youth today have been ruined by the secular teaching that it is ok.”
You mean like the secular teaching that Bristol Palin received?
Seriously, Cynical, you sound like the Chief Information Officer for the Taliban.
Can some of the bright ones on this website tell me how you can say something failed when only 25% of it has been processed – I am referring to the critics of the stimulus package. And based on the chart that was posted here on HASS by Goldy which shows the declining job losses, how can you say that the Stimulus hasn’t helped. You all are just of bunch of critics like that fat pig Rush that want to make it look like a failure so you have political gain, you cheap little whores.
Darryl, you are doing more commenting here than moderating. Please moderate my comments in a timely manner. If you spend less time bothering everyone you will have more time to moderate.
@50: Hahaha
Poor Klynical – they never did get any trifle of money from the oil companies for “studentships” – but we know that S. Fred Singer is a paid hack for both the oil companies and the tobacco companies.
How is that cigarettes don’t cause cancer argument going for ya?
DarrylIdiot Spews;
I didn’t claim THE ONLY THING dumbass.
I said
I didn’t say THE ONLY THING.
Learn to read dumbass.
From the WSJ–
Obam-Mao makes a speech.
Others belatedly klean up his bullshit.
Too damn funny!
So now we know….Tiger is well endowed, he had at least 4 girls on the side…the true definition and role model for “Marriage”.
Darryl, this is the third post in an hour or so, and still waiting to be released due to moderation….I think I have shown my ability to comply, please stop playing a game an get rid of my comments from being moderated. Thanks.
Gman @ 58
“Darryl, you are doing more commenting here than moderating.”
My previous comment was posted at 3:49 pm PST. I left my house for a social event at 4:30 pm PST. You commented at 5:29 pm PST.
“Please moderate my comments in a timely manner.”
“If you spend less time bothering everyone you will have more time to moderate.”
Sorry…that’s not how it works.
Gman @ 62,
“Darryl, this is the third post in an hour or so, and still waiting to be released due to moderation….”
Yes…I was at a social event…your misfortune.
“I think I have shown my ability to comply, please stop playing a game an get rid of my comments from being moderated.”
Please refer to this explanation.
Mr. Cynical Qaeda @ 60,
“I didn’t claim THE ONLY THING dumbass.”
In fact, your statement is ambiguous…
“I said “have 1 teaching clearly in common.”
An ordinary reading of this sentence can be taken to mean that any other commonalities are not so clear. Your intended meaning is reasonable as well.
“Learn to read dumbass.”
Learn to write with less ambiguity, ya frackin’ bumpkin!
So…no response to my other two points then?