On a completely other subject, I am beginning to suspect that something in Washington is hostile to small shops and shopkeepers. The difference between Seattle and Portland is startling, and yet there is much more money in Seattle. So I am wondering: sales tax? B&O tax? Landlords? Real estate bubble? (hmmm, very likely) Something else?
Now we will see Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton leading protests about excessive force as well as trying to FREE r\THE AIDERS & ABETTERS!
I would expect Goldy’s entire Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats to be there with Jesse & Al…arms linked,,,singing & chanting.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Cop-Killer Slain By Seattle Police Officer
Fugitive cop-killer Maurice Clemmons was shot to death by a lone Seattle police officer in South Seattle at 2:45 a.m. this morning.
The officer was checking out a stolen car when Clemmons approached the squad car. The officer ordered Clemmons to show his hands, but Clemmons refused to comply and began running. The officer opened fire. Clemmons was in possession of a handgun taken from one of the dead Lakewood police officers.
Many Democrats are now saying that the officer just executed a mentally ill man.
Blue Johnspews:
@6. Nice Fox News tactic with the use of “People are saying…”
You got any proof that a large number of dems are saying that? Or is it just a couple that you are cherrypicking? Until you give me links, I’ll assume you made it up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Name one Democrat who said that, you sick lying bastard.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Of course he made it up. Only one person said that — Troll.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s Time To Bomb Somalia
Somali pirates hijacked a U.S.-bound oil supertanker carrying 28 crewmen and $20 million of oil about 800 miles off the Somali coast on Sunday, according to news reports.
It’s time to acknowledge that these pirate attacks are acts of war, and deal with them accordingly. We know what towns the pirates come from. U.S. Navy ships and planes could make short work of them.
Let us fervently hope and pray that no more police officers’ lives are lost because some bleeding-heart Republican soft-on-crime presidential candidate releases another maniac from prison because he feels sorry for the guy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Hey goatfucker, what does Rasmussen Reports say about Mike “Free Willie Horton” Huckabee’s 2012 presidential prospects?
See — we can play this game, too.
KO was magnificent last night: I trust the President but not the Pentagon or McCrystal.
I’d add that even if O et al had decided to leave in a couple months, he wouldn’t and shouldn’t share that with us.
I’ll be listening intently to what the President actually says and watching what actually happens.
I'm Backspews:
Do you think this nut was a Heterosexual? This may be part of the problem.
Gman Lives
@4 & 5
Call me a Liberal. I wear the badge proudly.
Waiting to hear more, but my understanding of SPD shooting guidelines says that you can fire if your life is in danger.
“The officer ordered Clemmons to show his hands, but Clemmons refused to comply and began running.”
Running away? How was the life of the officer in danger? Call me old fashioned but I prefer presenting evidence, due process and proof of guilt in open court before the state executes someone.
Heard Hannity on the radio yesterday trying to make hay of Catie Couric and Brian Williams being on the state dinner guest list.”
“How can they allow a biased reporter in? There were no Fox reporters I saw on the list? Isn’t this a case of Obama manipulating the press?” or words to that effect (tradmark, Seattle Times.)
Well, yes. It is an example of trying to manipulate the press. But it’s not like planting a gay male prostitute in the White House press room to ask straw man questions.
Yes I did. Sorry, I like our legal system. Do I want the officer fired or tried. Hell no. But he did execute someone prior to trial.
So now there are poeple (you know the left-wing equivelant of the birthers, the nut jobs) who can justify their “All cops are closet racist killers” beleifs. SPD can present the evidence but the nut jobs won’t beleive it.
That’s why we have trials.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “How was the life of the officer in danger?”
Initial news reports indicate the officer was alone, Clemmons had a gun, the officer recognized him and ordered him to show his hands, Clemmons refused to do so and began running around the stolen car — possibly to get in position to shoot the officer. Clemmons had every incentive to kill that officer and no reason not to — he was already looking at the death penalty if captured alive, and it’s reasonable to infer he had no intention of being taken alive. I don’t think there’s any doubt that Clemmons was an extreme threat to the officer’s safety.
Czechsaaz, I have a question for you. If I were to tell you that the black population of Pierce and King counties is about 12% of the total population, and then told you that in the last 20 years, over 80% of the people who have shot and killed cops in those two counties were black, would that high percentage surprise you? If not, why not?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 I think the best way to answer your question is to paraphrase a line from the film “Gettysburg” based on Michael Shaara’s “The Killer Angels.” It goes more or less like this (I don’t remember the exact quote):
“Only a peawit judges a man by the group.”
You see, Peawit, this is the fallacy of bigotry, racial profiling, etc.: Statistics such as you cite tell you nothing about the black individual standing in front of you. But you’re too stupid to understand that.
If that’s the case, I have no problem with the shooting. But if he had a concealed weapon and was running away, that’s another story. But I have no problem admitting that my gut reaction to the initial reports may be wrong. It’s unfortunate that it went down this way with a lone officer. There will remain an element of bat-shit-ery (I’m not in it) that will maintain this is a coverup.
What’s the relevence?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 (continued) Put another way, if you had 10 rabbits in a room, and all of them were Republicans, would that make me a Republican? Of course not! Even if you took a random sample of 100 rabbits and they all turned out to be Republicans, I’d still be a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist. How other rabbits vote doesn’t predict how I’ll vote. Racial profiling of the sort you indulge in suffers from the same logical fallacy. Oh, and by the way, those Republican rabbits wouldn’t be around very long because I’d be pushing them into the path of cars on Aurora Avenue. Rabbits — especially Republican rabbits — are expendable. I can always make more rabbits.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 I think this is a case where shooting to prevent escape would be justified. Innocent lives were in danger as long as he remained at large. There was a high probability that he was going to carjack someone, take hostages, or shoot at police when they tried to apprehend him. Shooting him was like shooting a rabid dog. The officer who shot him gave him an opportunity to surrender. Had he done so, he’d still be alive, and would be in a hospital getting medical treatment for his injury from Sunday’s shootout.
As RR pointed out, if you’re trying to extrapolate some statistical odds that the NEXT cop killer will be black, you’re an idiot who doesn’t understand probability.
I’m just asking if you would be surprised if you found out that over 80% of the cop-killers in those two counties in the last 20 years were black. Would you be surprised?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 There is no relevance. The past behavior of any black criminal has 0% predictive value for determining how the next black person Troll meets is going to behave. But that won’t stop Troll from being a bigot and indulging in race-baiting, will it? Troll is what he is.
Oh Look… It seems the Salahis who crashed the Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm state dinner were possibly helped by Black Command Sergeant Major Jones. Now for all the fools who claimed it was a “Rovian Plot” or it’s because they had friends in previous Republican administrations are eating Roger Dumb Bunny SHIT again.
Puddy loves it when HA Liberal Retards jump on the first news of the day and when the real news comes out you are the fools you are!
Now if the CSM Jones is replaced will rujax start another of his worthless dumb cinder block racism screeds?
Here are her words HA Liberal Retards…
It is without hesitation, and with much conviction, that I endorse Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States of America. I am endorsing Senator Obama because I believe he is the best, most qualified and able candidate to serve as my commander-in-chief. He is the type of commander-in- chief that America’s soldiers need and deserve. Barack Obama will bring America the change we need.
So much for that Conservative Republican angle.
Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa ahaaaaaa HAHAHAHA HAR HAR HAR HAR HEE HEE HEE HEE HO HO HO
“While 65 percent of those charged with rape are classed as coming from a non-western background, this segment makes up only 14.3 percent of Oslo’s population. Norwegian women were the victims in 80 percent of the cases, with 20 percent being women of foreign background.”
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
OMGoodness. Ohhhh Pooor Poooor Baby. Libtardo MSM EJ Dionne is now upset over peeps comparing Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm to despots.
“The most surprising and disappointing aspect of our politics is how little pushback there has been against the vile, extremist rhetoric that has characterized such a large part of the anti-Obama movement.
President Obama’s administration has largely ignored those accusing him of “fascism” and “communism,” presumably believing that restraint in defense of dignity is no vice.”
Golly Puddy remembers and placed on HA Libtardos these Bush is Hitler comments from Morons.Org. Check with ylb arschloch.
“One ad begins with Adolf Hitler making speeches, until a picture of President Bush appears. Another also uses Nazi and Bush images, with the tag line: “What were war crimes in 1945 is foreign policy in 2003.”” Where was EJ Dionne then?
Remember HA Liberal Retards, NPR’s Garrison Keillor called Republicans “brownshirts in pinstripes?” Just like some of you fools did over the summer? How about ylb arschloch’s hero who threw is fellow Jewish countrymen under the bus… George Soros? Old Georgie said of Bush “When I hear Bush say, ‘You’re either with us or against us,’ it reminds me of the Germans. It conjures up memories of Nazi slogans on the walls, Der Feind Hort mit (The enemy is listening). My experiences under Nazi and Soviet rule have sensitized me.” To what George? We know where you make your bed… And George your “friends” are still listening fool!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Why would you delete Poll numbers from an Open Thread??
Seems like you are ashamed and figure if you delete them, they will go away.
It’s an OPEN THREAD Darryl.
I'm Backspews:
@37 – Darryl just likes to delete shit, now people will understand why I am pissed off. Darryl is worse than attila the hun. Asshole aspires to be Hitler.
Gman Lives and will always live to piss Darryl off.
I'm Backspews:
Darryl, I will find a new name and a new place to post my comments, you want to make a game out of this, then let the games begin. If I have to visit every state in the nation just to post my comments here, I will!
Look, Shit-fer-brains, an open thread means that comments will not be deleted for being off-topic. They will, however, be deleted for violating the HA Comment Policy
I’ve linked to a specific explanation [here]. Read it. Understand it. Capice?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Gee Darryl…you seem to like to enforce these policy’s on people who disagree with you.
How is this–
Obama continues to tank!
Darryl continues to be in denial.
Obama went from +32 to -13 today.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13.
If the Congressional health care plan passes, 60% of voters nationwide believe it will increase the federal budget deficit. An even larger number believe it will probably lead to higher taxes for the middle class. Those concerns are one reason 53% oppose the legislation.
The Afghanistan Plan is clearly political.
Obama is not fighting to win..
He is there half-heartedly which puts troops at risk.
American Blood all over Obama’s hands.
“Gee Darryl…you seem to like to enforce these policy’s on people who disagree with you.”
Oh? I think Mr. Rabbit would disagree with that. The fact is, a greater number of you Wingdings are too fucking stoopid to understand the comment policy.
“How is this”
That is better. But I still have an issue. You copied and pasted 88 words of a document that contains 159 words followed by boilerplate text. Is that consistent with fair use?
I’ve been exceedingly tolerant of your abuse of fair use to this point. So I ask that you consider excerpting a smaller fraction of Rasmussen’s intellectual property and add more original content or summarization in your own words. Thanks for your cooperation.
“Darryl, I will find a new name and a new place to post my comments”
Whatever dude. You are free to comment anytime under Gman or any other unique name you chose. Just keep it within the comment policy.
For now your comments must pass through the moderation system. This doesn’t prevent them from appearing, but there is a delay until someone checks the moderation queue.
Moderation of your comments will continue until you demonstrate a willingness and ability to abide by the policy that everyone else does.
“you want to make a game out of this, then let the games begin. If I have to visit every state in the nation just to post my comments here, I will!”
Huh…seems like a lot of effort to go through. Wouldn’t it be easier for you to simply play under the same rules everyone else does?
@43 I’ve had a number of posts deleted, and no doubt rightly so. I haven’t had near the deletions of Mr. Klynical, but then I don’t violate the comment policy nearly as often nor as blatantly as he does. Seems fair to me.
When will you learn to ACTUALLY READ an article before you link and spout off.
“Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants could receive health care coverage from their employers under the bills winding their way through Congress, despite President Obama’s explicit pledge that illegal immigrants would not benefit.”
See the word EMPLOYERS in the above fair use excerpt?
Moonie Times is playing you for a fool. Stop and think it through. It is illegal for an employer to hire an undocumented worker. Who pays if an illegal employee is given coverage. OMG, the employer who broke the law doing the hiring in the first place.
Show me where this article indicates that the government will be paying for healthcare for Illegal workers. All the bill really does is make it more expensive for business to hire cheap illegal labor. (“They’re coming to take out jobs, ha ha, their coming to freeload our services, hee hee, and I’ll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats…”)
Hell, the article even spells this out for you. Reading comprehension…check it out!
(I put the over/under on Puddy responding that he doesn’t need to justify the entire article, just the first paragraph, a paragraph that picks apart his argument by itself, at about 12 minutes.)
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
This is the reason it’s so easy to smack you around
Then why did the Democratics say…
Democrats who wrote the House bill said that employer coverage for illegal immigrants is not intentional, but rather the outcome of people breaking the law.
Where is the correct language to PROHIBIT this from happening at all checksaid?
Oh wait a minute… reasonable people wonder how the could this happen with Democratics knowing what Joe Wilson said checksaid? Where is the correct wording checksaid? And Puddy being played? Or is it you skipped over those word above?
It is illegal for an employer to hire an undocumented worker.
Do you mean to say illegal alien checksaid? Then why do you use politically correct words? Well it happens checksaid. And the Democratics didn’t fix the ridiculous bill wordings. Nancy Pelosi is known to hire illegal aliens for her vineyards and not pay UNION WAGES. Puddy placed all the articles on this. Ask the HA arschloch for the PuddyMissive. Where is busdrivermike on this issue?
A simple addition would suffice… “Even if illegal aliens are illegally hired, they can not get insurance through any health care bill passed through Congress.”
He’s missing in action reading “peer reviewed” papers, that’s where you can find him Puddy sees.
“A strong believer in the teachings of Indian independence leader Mahatma Gandhi, the 67-year-old Indian economist and engineer took over the job in 2002 amid controversy.
At the time, Gore denounced Pachauri in the New York Times and said his “virulent anti-American statements” would undermine the IPCC’s authority in the United States.”
Butt butt butt correctnotright claimed he’s eminently qualified as a climate scientist. Hey correctnotright, wanna see those comments from waaaaaaaaaaaay back?
Puddy, this is why you continue to be laughed at. You think a semantic point is salient and worth debating. I used I used BOTH undoc.worker AND Illegal Alien. I’m unpure!!! Cast out the demon from me!!!
“Where is the language that would PROHIBIT this…” You’re right. It’s not there cause it’s stupid. The employer already broke the law so why shield the employer from paying benefits. BTW, do you think in any real world situation an employer would deny benefits based on the immigration status but retain the worker on payroll. That would be admitting that the employer KNOWS they are breaking the law. Onus is back 100% on the employer.
Your added language is just plain stupid, Q.E.D.
It also occurs to me that cheap-labor, anti-union righties, if they are “real” conservatives need to STFU about illegal immigrants. It follows logically with the conservative vision of Laissez-Faire economics. Business should be free from any regulation that would impede profit. The market will police itself. Business must maximize profit above all other goals. Hiring the cheapest labor force possible maximizes profit. ERGO, illegal aliens are welcome in the workplace because they are the cheapest pool of labor.
Puddy, keep it real. Admit you LOOOOOOVE illegal labor!
He says he quit because of the investigation.
Algore looks like the idiot he is.
Will Gore give back his Nobel Prize if most of his book is based on phoney science???
@58…that has got to be one of the stoooopidest examples of analysis I have seen in a long time, RE illegal aliens.
completely clueless.
@59…algore is a master scam artist….and all the enviro-nazi’s and socialists swallowed his shit – hook, line, and sinker….
Conservatives can’t even recognize their standard rhetorical fallacies they employ so often. It’s called taking logic to it’s most absurd, yet still logical conclusion, AKA reductio ad absurdum. (Kind of like when Santorum et al argue that gay marriage leads to legalized bestiality. Absurd.) It still holds though. You cannot argue for 100% unregulated free market capitalism and also criticize regulating the available labor pool.
Shit like that drives the Ayn Rand’ers nuts.
Makes them stammer and realize that their entire philosophy might just be equally as insane as Marxism in pure form. It gives them their own human blue screen of death. It’s awesome to see.
On a completely other subject, I am beginning to suspect that something in Washington is hostile to small shops and shopkeepers. The difference between Seattle and Portland is startling, and yet there is much more money in Seattle. So I am wondering: sales tax? B&O tax? Landlords? Real estate bubble? (hmmm, very likely) Something else?
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
[Deleted —see HA Comment Policy and this may help]
Kop Killer finally gets his just reward…
Now we will see Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton leading protests about excessive force as well as trying to FREE r\THE AIDERS & ABETTERS!
I would expect Goldy’s entire Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats to be there with Jesse & Al…arms linked,,,singing & chanting.
Cop-Killer Slain By Seattle Police Officer
Fugitive cop-killer Maurice Clemmons was shot to death by a lone Seattle police officer in South Seattle at 2:45 a.m. this morning.
The officer was checking out a stolen car when Clemmons approached the squad car. The officer ordered Clemmons to show his hands, but Clemmons refused to comply and began running. The officer opened fire. Clemmons was in possession of a handgun taken from one of the dead Lakewood police officers.
Many Democrats are now saying that the officer just executed a mentally ill man.
@6. Nice Fox News tactic with the use of “People are saying…”
You got any proof that a large number of dems are saying that? Or is it just a couple that you are cherrypicking? Until you give me links, I’ll assume you made it up.
@6 Name one Democrat who said that, you sick lying bastard.
@7 Of course he made it up. Only one person said that — Troll.
It’s Time To Bomb Somalia
Somali pirates hijacked a U.S.-bound oil supertanker carrying 28 crewmen and $20 million of oil about 800 miles off the Somali coast on Sunday, according to news reports.
It’s time to acknowledge that these pirate attacks are acts of war, and deal with them accordingly. We know what towns the pirates come from. U.S. Navy ships and planes could make short work of them.
What are we waiting for?
[Deleted —see HA Comment Policy and this may help]
Let us fervently hope and pray that no more police officers’ lives are lost because some bleeding-heart Republican soft-on-crime presidential candidate releases another maniac from prison because he feels sorry for the guy.
@11 Hey goatfucker, what does Rasmussen Reports say about Mike “Free Willie Horton” Huckabee’s 2012 presidential prospects?
See — we can play this game, too.
KO was magnificent last night: I trust the President but not the Pentagon or McCrystal.
I’d add that even if O et al had decided to leave in a couple months, he wouldn’t and shouldn’t share that with us.
I’ll be listening intently to what the President actually says and watching what actually happens.
Do you think this nut was a Heterosexual? This may be part of the problem.
Gman Lives
@4 & 5
Call me a Liberal. I wear the badge proudly.
Waiting to hear more, but my understanding of SPD shooting guidelines says that you can fire if your life is in danger.
“The officer ordered Clemmons to show his hands, but Clemmons refused to comply and began running.”
Running away? How was the life of the officer in danger? Call me old fashioned but I prefer presenting evidence, due process and proof of guilt in open court before the state executes someone.
And Czechsaaz @16 just proved my point.
Open Thread…
Heard Hannity on the radio yesterday trying to make hay of Catie Couric and Brian Williams being on the state dinner guest list.”
“How can they allow a biased reporter in? There were no Fox reporters I saw on the list? Isn’t this a case of Obama manipulating the press?” or words to that effect (tradmark, Seattle Times.)
Well, yes. It is an example of trying to manipulate the press. But it’s not like planting a gay male prostitute in the White House press room to ask straw man questions.
Yes I did. Sorry, I like our legal system. Do I want the officer fired or tried. Hell no. But he did execute someone prior to trial.
So now there are poeple (you know the left-wing equivelant of the birthers, the nut jobs) who can justify their “All cops are closet racist killers” beleifs. SPD can present the evidence but the nut jobs won’t beleive it.
That’s why we have trials.
@16 “How was the life of the officer in danger?”
Initial news reports indicate the officer was alone, Clemmons had a gun, the officer recognized him and ordered him to show his hands, Clemmons refused to do so and began running around the stolen car — possibly to get in position to shoot the officer. Clemmons had every incentive to kill that officer and no reason not to — he was already looking at the death penalty if captured alive, and it’s reasonable to infer he had no intention of being taken alive. I don’t think there’s any doubt that Clemmons was an extreme threat to the officer’s safety.
Czechsaaz, I have a question for you. If I were to tell you that the black population of Pierce and King counties is about 12% of the total population, and then told you that in the last 20 years, over 80% of the people who have shot and killed cops in those two counties were black, would that high percentage surprise you? If not, why not?
@21 I think the best way to answer your question is to paraphrase a line from the film “Gettysburg” based on Michael Shaara’s “The Killer Angels.” It goes more or less like this (I don’t remember the exact quote):
“Only a peawit judges a man by the group.”
You see, Peawit, this is the fallacy of bigotry, racial profiling, etc.: Statistics such as you cite tell you nothing about the black individual standing in front of you. But you’re too stupid to understand that.
If that’s the case, I have no problem with the shooting. But if he had a concealed weapon and was running away, that’s another story. But I have no problem admitting that my gut reaction to the initial reports may be wrong. It’s unfortunate that it went down this way with a lone officer. There will remain an element of bat-shit-ery (I’m not in it) that will maintain this is a coverup.
What’s the relevence?
@21 (continued) Put another way, if you had 10 rabbits in a room, and all of them were Republicans, would that make me a Republican? Of course not! Even if you took a random sample of 100 rabbits and they all turned out to be Republicans, I’d still be a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist. How other rabbits vote doesn’t predict how I’ll vote. Racial profiling of the sort you indulge in suffers from the same logical fallacy. Oh, and by the way, those Republican rabbits wouldn’t be around very long because I’d be pushing them into the path of cars on Aurora Avenue. Rabbits — especially Republican rabbits — are expendable. I can always make more rabbits.
@23 I think this is a case where shooting to prevent escape would be justified. Innocent lives were in danger as long as he remained at large. There was a high probability that he was going to carjack someone, take hostages, or shoot at police when they tried to apprehend him. Shooting him was like shooting a rabid dog. The officer who shot him gave him an opportunity to surrender. Had he done so, he’d still be alive, and would be in a hospital getting medical treatment for his injury from Sunday’s shootout.
So it wouldn’t surprise you?
Doesn’t matter.
As RR pointed out, if you’re trying to extrapolate some statistical odds that the NEXT cop killer will be black, you’re an idiot who doesn’t understand probability.
I’m just asking if you would be surprised if you found out that over 80% of the cop-killers in those two counties in the last 20 years were black. Would you be surprised?
@23 There is no relevance. The past behavior of any black criminal has 0% predictive value for determining how the next black person Troll meets is going to behave. But that won’t stop Troll from being a bigot and indulging in race-baiting, will it? Troll is what he is.
What doesn’t matter? Statistics don’t matter?
@30 You’re too stupid to tell the difference between statistics that matter and those which are irrelevant.
Did you all see China caught one of the ELF fools who did the UW Horticulture site?
More progressive scum incarcerated!
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Oh Look… It seems the Salahis who crashed the Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm state dinner were possibly helped by Black Command Sergeant Major Jones. Now for all the fools who claimed it was a “Rovian Plot” or it’s because they had friends in previous Republican administrations are eating Roger Dumb Bunny SHIT again.
Puddy loves it when HA Liberal Retards jump on the first news of the day and when the real news comes out you are the fools you are!
Now if the CSM Jones is replaced will rujax start another of his worthless dumb cinder block racism screeds?
Here are her words HA Liberal Retards…
So much for that Conservative Republican angle.
Bwaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa ahaaaaaa HAHAHAHA HAR HAR HAR HAR HEE HEE HEE HEE HO HO HO
Statistics matter.
Muslim rape epidemic in Sweden and Denmark. “Muslim immigrants the cause.”
“While 65 percent of those charged with rape are classed as coming from a non-western background, this segment makes up only 14.3 percent of Oslo’s population. Norwegian women were the victims in 80 percent of the cases, with 20 percent being women of foreign background.”
OMGoodness. Ohhhh Pooor Poooor Baby. Libtardo MSM EJ Dionne is now upset over peeps comparing Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm to despots.
“The most surprising and disappointing aspect of our politics is how little pushback there has been against the vile, extremist rhetoric that has characterized such a large part of the anti-Obama movement.
President Obama’s administration has largely ignored those accusing him of “fascism” and “communism,” presumably believing that restraint in defense of dignity is no vice.”
Golly Puddy remembers and placed on HA Libtardos these Bush is Hitler comments from Morons.Org. Check with ylb arschloch.
“One ad begins with Adolf Hitler making speeches, until a picture of President Bush appears. Another also uses Nazi and Bush images, with the tag line: “What were war crimes in 1945 is foreign policy in 2003.”” Where was EJ Dionne then?
Remember HA Liberal Retards, NPR’s Garrison Keillor called Republicans “brownshirts in pinstripes?” Just like some of you fools did over the summer? How about ylb arschloch’s hero who threw is fellow Jewish countrymen under the bus… George Soros? Old Georgie said of Bush “When I hear Bush say, ‘You’re either with us or against us,’ it reminds me of the Germans. It conjures up memories of Nazi slogans on the walls, Der Feind Hort mit (The enemy is listening). My experiences under Nazi and Soviet rule have sensitized me.” To what George? We know where you make your bed… And George your “friends” are still listening fool!
Why would you delete Poll numbers from an Open Thread??
Seems like you are ashamed and figure if you delete them, they will go away.
It’s an OPEN THREAD Darryl.
@37 – Darryl just likes to delete shit, now people will understand why I am pissed off. Darryl is worse than attila the hun. Asshole aspires to be Hitler.
Gman Lives and will always live to piss Darryl off.
Darryl, I will find a new name and a new place to post my comments, you want to make a game out of this, then let the games begin. If I have to visit every state in the nation just to post my comments here, I will!
Mr. Cynical,
“It’s an OPEN THREAD Darryl.”
Look, Shit-fer-brains, an open thread means that comments will not be deleted for being off-topic. They will, however, be deleted for violating the HA Comment Policy
I’ve linked to a specific explanation [here]. Read it. Understand it. Capice?
Gee Darryl…you seem to like to enforce these policy’s on people who disagree with you.
How is this–
Obama continues to tank!
Darryl continues to be in denial.
Obama went from +32 to -13 today.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
The Afghanistan Plan is clearly political.
Obama is not fighting to win..
He is there half-heartedly which puts troops at risk.
American Blood all over Obama’s hands.
Mr. Cynical,
Try again, Shit-fer-brains.
Here is even more advice. If you want to post poll numbers either:
1. Summarize the original content (i.e. Don’t simply copy and paste the writings of others.)
2. Briefly excerpt the writings of others as a means to support your own commentary. It’s called “fair use”…learn about it.
In other words, if you copy and paste with minimal to no commentary of your own, it will be deleted.
I’m tired of deleting your comments; at some point it becomes easier to just moderate your comment submissions….
Mr. Cynical @ 41,
“Gee Darryl…you seem to like to enforce these policy’s on people who disagree with you.”
Oh? I think Mr. Rabbit would disagree with that. The fact is, a greater number of you Wingdings are too fucking stoopid to understand the comment policy.
“How is this”
That is better. But I still have an issue. You copied and pasted 88 words of a document that contains 159 words followed by boilerplate text. Is that consistent with fair use?
I’ve been exceedingly tolerant of your abuse of fair use to this point. So I ask that you consider excerpting a smaller fraction of Rasmussen’s intellectual property and add more original content or summarization in your own words. Thanks for your cooperation.
“Darryl, I will find a new name and a new place to post my comments”
Whatever dude. You are free to comment anytime under Gman or any other unique name you chose. Just keep it within the comment policy.
For now your comments must pass through the moderation system. This doesn’t prevent them from appearing, but there is a delay until someone checks the moderation queue.
Moderation of your comments will continue until you demonstrate a willingness and ability to abide by the policy that everyone else does.
“you want to make a game out of this, then let the games begin. If I have to visit every state in the nation just to post my comments here, I will!”
Huh…seems like a lot of effort to go through. Wouldn’t it be easier for you to simply play under the same rules everyone else does?
@43 I’ve had a number of posts deleted, and no doubt rightly so. I haven’t had near the deletions of Mr. Klynical, but then I don’t violate the comment policy nearly as often nor as blatantly as he does. Seems fair to me.
@35 re: obama vs mccain vs bush vs clinton vs…
yeah. same shit new face. lets go bomb someone!
There is a certain irony, that cyn, a staunch conservative is upset that he has to follow the posted rules and that they are being enforced on him.
The office of the CBO finds a little problem with the free government healthcare…
health insurance premiums would be 10 percent to 13 percent higher for the 13.3 million people
“The Democrats’ bills will still require nearly 14 million Americans to purchase unsubsidized insurance that is more expensive than they could get under current law,”
The cost is going up and it hasn’t even been signed into law yet.
Yes Sir!
It’s after all, your sandbox.
Mr. Cynical @ 49,
That’s the attitude! :)
Hey this should ring a bell when it comes to throwing useless labels on peeps…
So it seems the Democratics admit health care for illegals will occur even though Joe Wilson was castigated be telling the truth. Amazing how that works with Donkeycrats.
When will you learn to ACTUALLY READ an article before you link and spout off.
“Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants could receive health care coverage from their employers under the bills winding their way through Congress, despite President Obama’s explicit pledge that illegal immigrants would not benefit.”
See the word EMPLOYERS in the above fair use excerpt?
Moonie Times is playing you for a fool. Stop and think it through. It is illegal for an employer to hire an undocumented worker. Who pays if an illegal employee is given coverage. OMG, the employer who broke the law doing the hiring in the first place.
Show me where this article indicates that the government will be paying for healthcare for Illegal workers. All the bill really does is make it more expensive for business to hire cheap illegal labor. (“They’re coming to take out jobs, ha ha, their coming to freeload our services, hee hee, and I’ll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats…”)
Hell, the article even spells this out for you. Reading comprehension…check it out!
(I put the over/under on Puddy responding that he doesn’t need to justify the entire article, just the first paragraph, a paragraph that picks apart his argument by itself, at about 12 minutes.)
This is the reason it’s so easy to smack you around
Then why did the Democratics say…
Where is the correct language to PROHIBIT this from happening at all checksaid?
Oh wait a minute… reasonable people wonder how the could this happen with Democratics knowing what Joe Wilson said checksaid? Where is the correct wording checksaid? And Puddy being played? Or is it you skipped over those word above?
Do you mean to say illegal alien checksaid? Then why do you use politically correct words? Well it happens checksaid. And the Democratics didn’t fix the ridiculous bill wordings. Nancy Pelosi is known to hire illegal aliens for her vineyards and not pay UNION WAGES. Puddy placed all the articles on this. Ask the HA arschloch for the PuddyMissive. Where is busdrivermike on this issue?
A simple addition would suffice… “Even if illegal aliens are illegally hired, they can not get insurance through any health care bill passed through Congress.”
The CBS Legal Beagle is shutting down his blog.
Butt do you all remember some of his commentary?
1 – Do we hang it on his ideology? On his Western individualism that eschews the need for consensus and compromise? Or is he, as many people say, just a dick.
2 – Let there then be no more silly and condescending talk from the Chief Justice about trying to bring consensus and even unanimity to the Court.
3 – Former White House advisor Karl Rove has made a career out of “smearing” his political opponents. Just ask Joseph Wilson and his wife, Valerie Plame. Indeed, a litany of Rove’s targets would fill up the rest of the column. So why is this smear different from all other smears?
This is why Puddy calls the MS the Libtardo MSM.
Where is correctnotright on ClimateGate? Why is he missing in action now for 10 days on this?
Well Puddy now sees correctnotright’s MIA gives Puddy pause the next time he asks Puddy a question. Daddy Love’s brain is MIA for years now.
Looks like PSU will investigate the hockey-stick professor. Puddy guesses the debate on ClimateGate ain’t over yet!
Oh where oh where has correctnotright gone, oh where oh where can he be?
He’s missing in action reading “peer reviewed” papers, that’s where you can find him Puddy sees.
“A strong believer in the teachings of Indian independence leader Mahatma Gandhi, the 67-year-old Indian economist and engineer took over the job in 2002 amid controversy.
At the time, Gore denounced Pachauri in the New York Times and said his “virulent anti-American statements” would undermine the IPCC’s authority in the United States.”
Butt butt butt correctnotright claimed he’s eminently qualified as a climate scientist. Hey correctnotright, wanna see those comments from waaaaaaaaaaaay back?
Puddy, this is why you continue to be laughed at. You think a semantic point is salient and worth debating. I used I used BOTH undoc.worker AND Illegal Alien. I’m unpure!!! Cast out the demon from me!!!
“Where is the language that would PROHIBIT this…” You’re right. It’s not there cause it’s stupid. The employer already broke the law so why shield the employer from paying benefits. BTW, do you think in any real world situation an employer would deny benefits based on the immigration status but retain the worker on payroll. That would be admitting that the employer KNOWS they are breaking the law. Onus is back 100% on the employer.
Your added language is just plain stupid, Q.E.D.
It also occurs to me that cheap-labor, anti-union righties, if they are “real” conservatives need to STFU about illegal immigrants. It follows logically with the conservative vision of Laissez-Faire economics. Business should be free from any regulation that would impede profit. The market will police itself. Business must maximize profit above all other goals. Hiring the cheapest labor force possible maximizes profit. ERGO, illegal aliens are welcome in the workplace because they are the cheapest pool of labor.
Puddy, keep it real. Admit you LOOOOOOVE illegal labor!
Hey Puddy–
The Klimate Research Unit KLOWN quit.
He says he quit because of the investigation.
Algore looks like the idiot he is.
Will Gore give back his Nobel Prize if most of his book is based on phoney science???
@58…that has got to be one of the stoooopidest examples of analysis I have seen in a long time, RE illegal aliens.
completely clueless.
@59…algore is a master scam artist….and all the enviro-nazi’s and socialists swallowed his shit – hook, line, and sinker….
Conservatives can’t even recognize their standard rhetorical fallacies they employ so often. It’s called taking logic to it’s most absurd, yet still logical conclusion, AKA reductio ad absurdum. (Kind of like when Santorum et al argue that gay marriage leads to legalized bestiality. Absurd.) It still holds though. You cannot argue for 100% unregulated free market capitalism and also criticize regulating the available labor pool.
Shit like that drives the Ayn Rand’ers nuts.
Makes them stammer and realize that their entire philosophy might just be equally as insane as Marxism in pure form. It gives them their own human blue screen of death. It’s awesome to see.