By the way – have a happy Thanksgiving, everyone. That even includes you, Puddy & Cynical.
Here’s a blast from the past I thought you right wing tools would enjoyl
“17. sgmmac spews:
It’s the economy……
The Olympian reports:
“Annual second quarter statewide retail sales showed the largest percentage gain in 16 years, a Department of Revenue report released today shows.
Sales increased 10.5 percent statewide from April through June, the largest quarterly increase since a 10.9 percent gain in the second quarter of 1990. Sales statewide reached $27.6 billion in the second quarter.”
Yeah, must BE those Bush tax cuts. No doubt about it. Written just 12 months before the wheels started coming off the bus.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Pardon turkeys, not Rehooligans! Prosecute Cheney, Gonzo, Rove, and Griffin!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Yeah, we’re gonna give puddy and klown 1 day of amnesty … er, do we have to?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 I just finished reading an investing book that says don’t worry about the U.S. falling into permanent economic decline, because the rest of the world can grow without us, so the stock market will go up anyway.
Marvin Stamnspews:
5. Roger Rabbit spews:
@2 Yeah, we’re gonna give puddy and klown 1 day of amnesty … er, do we have to?
If you want to talk about two turkeys, what about biden and geithner?
Where’s biden been, hiding in cheney’s hidden bunker.
The documents appear to have been acquired illegally and contain all manner of private information and statements that were never intended for the public eye, so they won’t be posted here.
The Web site Wikileaks posted screen shots of Ms. Palin’s inbox displaying her username,, and messages that were reportedly obtained by a group of hackers on Tuesday night.
The e-mails include an exchange between Ms. Palin and Alaska’s lieutenant governor, Sean Parnell, as well as an associate, Amy McCorkell, who Ms. Palin appointed to a state drug and alcohol advisory board last year.
Of course there’s no liberal bias at the ny times. chuckle chuckle
Marvin Stamnspews:
Something people aren’t talking about, the “leak” that oba-mao is going to send 34,000 new troops.
He won’t announce it until dec 1st.
Using a “leak,” the oba-mao can view the public outcry and then decide what is the best political choice.
If there is limited outrage, go ahead with the troops.
If people complain, then he can take the stage on dec 1st and blame the right ring for spreading that rumor.
After all, the liberal media isn’t searching out who leaked the information.
Interesting thread from left-wing democraticunderground This American Will Not Support Obama’s Escalation into More War in Afghanistan. And I Am Not Alone.
The best part are the comments. Fro those of you that don’t want to soil your computer going to du, I’ll post a few funny ones.
The right wing will sit back and say he wasn’t robust enough.
And the Left, well, we already know how this will play: badly.
Yeah, we know the left. It’s going to be bad.
The only ones to be impressed with this shit are the ones who make money off of it.
Profiting off the war? Change?
The War Profiteers — Obama’s true base.
So true, so true.
When did we start letting chicken hawks in here?
Easy answer, once a democrat was in the white house.
Are we going to bomb Iran too? Or outsource that to Israel?
Good questions. Can someone put an answer on the teleprompter.
For all we know, some sort of deal might be in the works with the Taliban right now.
Maybe something along the lines of no money down home loan from freddie-mac?
It is not “Obama’s Escalation.” He was pressured into it by war-monger generals and doom-saying industrialists.
Poor little oba-mao was pressured into doing something. Life sure got hard once “present” wasn’t an option.
You know, when you lay it out like that, point by point, you gotta wonder why in the hell they even consider staying/escalating.
Change. Change from hope to questioning.
Marvin Stamnspews:
10. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
Mocking all the right wing seniors lining up to get a book signed by Sarah Palin:
Go figure…
Palin supporters want to keep what they’ve earned.
Go figure Palin supporters want to outlaw abortion and bring us back to the days of coat hangers.
Go figure, Palin supporters are too dumb to think for themselves.
Go figure, Palin supporters (wink, nod) think black people are the problem in America today.
Go figure, Palin supporters think tax cuts for the rich are great and that deregulationof the banks is good – they must have really loved the Bush recession.
Go figure, Palin supporters think evolution is just a theory and that the earth is 6,000 years old.
Go figure, Palin supporters think she is intelligent.
Go figure, Idiot trolls like Stamn have no ideas how to fix the economy and admit it.
Come back on here when you grow a set Stamn and can articulate a plan on the economy and on health care. Until then, you are a mental midget who deserves only ridicule.
Stamn forgot to pay attention to Obama’s campaign – he said all along that bush was fighting the wrong war and had neglected Afghanistan – he was right.
And Stamn – he supports more troops in Afghanistan…..or does he not?
Again, anyone who refuses to state his own opinions is a mental midget who should only be ridiculed.
We know the far left folks like you’ve posted above are loony and we don’t left them have any power. The Republicans let their far right loonies run the party.
Marvin Stamnspews:
13. correctnotright spews:
Go figure
Go figure
Go figure
Go figure
I’ve always liked it when others have imitated me. Thanks.
Go figure, Idiot trolls like Stamn have no ideas how to fix the economy and admit it.
Have you considered that’s why I’m a musician and not a financial guy?
The problem is, oba-mao picked a guy that couldn’t figure out turbo-tax to fix the problem. Didn’t the democrats rush the stimulus through so unemployment wouldn’t hit 10%? How did that decision by smart democrats work out?
Come back on here when you grow a set Stamn and can articulate a plan on the economy and on health care.
I missed your plans. Got a link? Imagine how foolish you will look if you don’t have a plan but am demanding I have one. Would that be because you hold me to a higher standard than you hold yourself?
Until then, you are a mental midget who deserves only ridicule.
In that case, go ahead and start ridiculing me. After all, demanding that I have plans when you voted for oba-mao doesn’t make much sense nor is it ridiculing me. Vote for me than you can demand I fix the problem.
Marvin Stamnspews:
14. correctnotright spews:
Stamn forgot to pay attention to Obama’s campaign – he said all along that bush was fighting the wrong war and had neglected Afghanistan – he was right.
He’s been in office 11 months already. He knew about the “war of necessity” before he took office and told us he was ready from day one. Why hasn’t he made a decision until the last couple days and it’s not going to be until another week he tells us of his decision.
And Stamn – he supports more troops in Afghanistan…..or does he not?
No idea, that’s the problem. He’s voting present. If he does, 11 months into his term why hasn’t he sent them to the war of necessity?? The liberal media isn’t reporting it but troops are dying over there as oba-mao dithers.
Again, anyone who refuses to state his own opinions is a mental midget who should only be ridiculed.
What do you want my opinion on?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 The worst Democrat is better than the best Republican.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 “Why hasn’t he made a decision until the last couple days”
Stamm, it’s fucking hilarious that you criticize Obama for taking a few weeks to make a decision Bush didn’t make for 8 years. Why weren’t these troops in Afghanistan from Day 1 back in 2001? Huh? Shut up and sit down. You have nothing to say.
Marvin Stamnspews:
19. Roger Rabbit spews:
Stamm, it’s fucking hilarious that you criticize Obama for taking a few weeks
few weeks = 40+ weeks
to make a decision Bush didn’t make for 8 years
That’s why people voted for change.
And it hasn’t changed yet. The only difference between bush not making a decision and oba-mao not making a decision is a couple “few weeks.”
Palin supporters want to keep what they’ve earned.
They’ve “earned” “socialist” programs like Social Security and Medicare, pay as you go systems. Yep, go figure.
Obama vs. own party on troop increase
“Top Democrats have made it clear to Obama that he will not receive a friendly reception should he announce what is considered the leading option: sending 30,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan.”
U.S. Is Seeking 10,000 Troops From Its Allies for Afghan War
“The United States is scrambling to coax NATO allies to send 10,000 additional troops to Afghanistan as part of President Obama’s strategy for the region. Those countries appear willing to provide fewer than half that number, American and allied officials said Wednesday.”
fyi: Currently there are nearly 68,000 American troops in Afghanistan, and about 36,000 troops from 29 NATO allies. This is 221 American soldiers per 1,000,000 population, and about 57 non-American NATO soldiers per 1,000,000 population. If we bump our numbers up by 30K and our allies by 5K – a conservative mixture – the new numbers will be 319 American soldiers per 1,000,000 population and 65 non-American NATO soldiers per 1,000,000 population. That is, our contribution rate will be nearly 5 times that of our allies.
24 – Yeah, you “know” a lot. Like how the Dems would tank the election in Nov 2008.
I’m looking forward to more of your pinpoint prognostications in the coming months.
They’ve worked out great for the miserable right wing.
@16: Obviously, Marvin cannot tell the difference between imitation and ridicule…are you so stupid that I have to spell it out for you……we are making fun of how dumb you are.….
there, now do you feel so goo?
@17: Dear Moron Stamn:
Wow – how dumb are you?
The situation on the ground in Afghanistan has gotten worse for the last 6 years – since bush pulled the necessary support for Afghanistan to go to the unnecessary war in Iraq – haven’t you been paying attention?
At least Obama is doing a comprehensive review before committing American troops….look what Bush did – he lied about Iraq and then never did the comprehnsive review about what a war would mean and what would happen afterwards.
Yup – we have a President that PLANS. And according to an idiot like Stamn that is a problem.
hahahaha…thanks for playin’ fool! You are mighty dumb!
@17: Thanks for showing again Stamn – that you have no ideas. All you can do is parrot the mindless criticism of the rightwingnuts…..
Shoot! CNR is totally PWNING the knee-jerk right wing tool Stamm!
This is fun to watch! Great work CNR.
Umm, they rushed the stimulus through so thatthe economy would come out of freefall….and the recession has officially ended but private industry has failed to hire still and the underlying economy is weak.
Wow, what you DON”T know about the economy is amazing.
Stamn says:
Have you considered that’s why I’m a musician and not a financial guy?
Yes, and I have also considered that you have the IQ of a dead parrot and that you don’t know what you are talking about…as you freely admit!
Thanks for negating all the financial crap you post! fool!
I wonder if Stamn plays the fiddle – then that would explain his financial advice on the recession……fiddling while Rome burned.
got any CD’s or links to your music Stamn?
Or is it just another “fabrication”?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
2. rhp6033 spews:
By the way – have a happy Thanksgiving, everyone. That even includes you, Puddy & Cynical.
Same to you rhp.
I’m in charge of making the bird.
Soaking it in a briney solution with lots of poultry spices.
Every year is an adventure.
But as far as being thankful…stuff doesn’t matter. Family certainly does….but above all else is my gratitude for Almighty God and His Son of Salvation.
Thank you Lord.
Thank you.
I still haven’t seen the link to your plan. I’m still voting present like oba-mao did.
Marvin Stamnspews:
34. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
32 – No Stamm hates strings. He’s a brass player.
He doesn’t care. He ignorantly thought calling me a fiddle player would be an insult if I played violin.
If you want to know the truth…
correctnotright and the fiddle comment was projection. correctnotright knows I’ve played him like a fiddle and he’s damn pissed about it. Him asking for plans he doesn’t even have, what a joke that was.
Marvin Stamnspews:
25. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
24 – Yeah, you “know” a lot. Like how the Dems would tank the election in Nov 2008.
Like oba-mao knew unemployment wouldn’t go over 10% if we passed his stimulus.
And unlike me, oba-mao is a president. Shouldn’t he know a little better than some troll?
correctnotright proclaims:
People who can’t spell and can’t even check their spelling and also cannot use proper tenses (things they should have learned in third grade) should not be calling other people stupid.
correctnotright subsequently writes:
You, on the other hand, have not opinions worth putting down.
You’re an inspiration, correctnotright!
Marvin Stamnspews:
29. correctnotright spews:
I asked for your views….and you have none.
Nothing, zip, nada… are a fool and a tool.
I asked for your views and you didn’t have any either.
That makes you as fool and a tool too.
Unless you still have higher standards for me than you do for yourself.
I wonder who was arrested, teabaggers or union thugs?
The six, including a Post-Dispatch reporter, had attended a demonstration outside an Aug. 6 forum called by U.S. Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-St. Louis, at Bernard Middle School in Mehlville to discuss health care reform.
No mention of affiliation.
Elston McCowan, 47, of St. Louis, and Perry Molens, 50, of De Soto, each were charged with assaulting a person and interfering with police. They are accused of scuffling with and injuring Kenneth Gladney in a clash of opinions over the Democrats’ universal health care proposals.
For the uninformed, you still don’t know.
For those that aren’t liberal, we know that “Kenneth Gladney” is the black man beaten by union thugs. It looked like the 50’s when democrats and their supporters freely beat blacks, finally the union thugs are being charged.
Javonne Spitz, 51, of O’Fallon, Mo., and Brian Matthews, 34, of Glendale, also were charged with interfering with an officer. Cheryl Johner, 55, of Arnold, was charged with assaulting a person and destruction of property for allegedly pushing another woman and breaking her cell phone.
If I can google and find the political leaning of these people charged, why did the liberal media fail to disclose it?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Where is correctnotright on the climate change email fiasco?
MIA of course!
Or maybe his mind was melted when he went underneath the earth’s crust… “the interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees, and the crust of the earth is hot.” – Albert R Gorebasm Jr!
Marvin Stamnspews:
Of course the liberal american media is refusing to talk about the hacked climategate emails.
So once again, you have to get your news from non-american liberal media.
If you’re wondering how the robot-like march of the world’s politicians towards Copenhagen can possibly continue in the face of the scientific scandal dubbed “climategate,” it’s because Big Government, Big Business and Big Green don’t give a s*** about “the science.”
They never have.
Of course they don’t give a shirt about the science. That’s why they said the time for debate was over, and as we have learned, destroyed evidence that didn’t prove their point, used fake data to create models, refused differing opinions.
If the debate is over, can any one link to the debate when if ever it took place?
This was never about saving the planet. This is about money and power. Your money. Their power.
All it’s done is make hedge fund managers, speculators and Big Energy giddy with windfall profits
Follow the money.
I remember the day when liberals were against windfall profits. Oh yeah, those windfall profits didn’t benefit them.
Marvin Stamnspews:
46. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Where is correctnotright on the climate change email fiasco?
the facts don’t support his position.
What can he say except lash out at the people that hacked the emails. And of course, like a good democrat he wasn’t bothered when a democrat hacked into palins email.
the great globull warming scam is finally coming apart at the seams.
globull warming is one the greatest lies ever perpetrated against mankind.
Marvin Stamnspews:
40. my ancestors came from Europe spews: Shouldn’t he know a little better than some troll?
Of course he does. Almost anyone would have more sense than you.
Then why do you believe correctneverright holds me to a higher standard than he holds oba-mao?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I am thankful for Obam-Mao’s INCOMPETENCE!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15. This is the second straight day at -15, the lowest Approval Index rating yet measured for President Obama. Seventy-four percent (74%) of African-Americans Strongly Approve along with just 19% of white voters.
Among all voters, just 34% now give the President good or excellent marks on his handling of the economy while 47% say he is doing a poor job in that arena. On national security issues, 42% say good or excellent while 41% say poor. Sixty-three percent (63%) of voters believe that political correctness kept the military from preventing the Fort Hood shootings
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I am thankful for the Progressive Democrats INCOMPETENCE!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Republican candidates have extended their lead over Democrats to seven points, their biggest lead since early September, in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 44% would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate while 37% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent.
Support for the Republican party held steady from last week, while support for Democrats dropped slightly. Republicans have held the lead for over four months now. Democrats currently have majority control of both the House and Senate. Voters not affiliated with either party continue to heavily favor Republicans, 44% to 20%.
The scandal breaks as fears grow worldwide that corruption of climate science is not confined to just Britain’s CRU climate research centre.
At the link are two graphs. The one the man-made-global-warming uses with the fake data, and a new one with the real data.
When facts don’t support your position, remember to say time for debate is over.
Or better yet…
NIWA’s David Wratt has told Investigate magazine this afternoon his organization denies faking temperature data and he claims NIWA has a good explanation for adjusting the temperature data upward.
The world is waiting for his “good explanation.”
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
The ylb arschloch turkey is in the oven. We tried a different seasoning approach this time overnight in the refrigerator. Puddy will email you depending out it came out.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
“We have discovered that the warming in New Zealand over the past 156 years was indeed man-made, but it had nothing to do with emissions of CO2—it was created by man-made adjustments of the temperature. It’s a disgrace.” PuddyEmphasis.
“Bob Ward, director of policy and communications at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change at the London School of Economics, called for an investigation.
“Once appropriate action has been taken over the hacking, there has to be some process to assess the substance of the email messages as well,” he said.
“The selective disclosure and dissemination of the messages has created the impression of impropriety, and the only way of clearing the air now would be through a rigorous investigation. “”
First attack the messenger for the email disclosure, then we’ll “look” into the “substance of the email messages”. What a joke these peeps are.
Then read what Michael Mann wrote later. Yep the same Michael Mann who made those “temperature correction suggestions”.
If Puddy was a Libtardo like Roger Dumb Bunny he could post most of the article with impunity because Roger Dumb Bunny gets away with it most of the time!
Marvin Stamnspews:
So far, under the oba-mao administration a “man-made” disaster shot up a bunch of soldiers. All the while, the oba-mao administration didn’t do anything to protect the soldiers despite the government knowing the guy was trouble.
Couple slips though security to crash state dinner
They were all smiles as they rubbed shoulders with Vice President Joe Biden, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty and CBS News anchor Katie Couric.
No one suspected the Salahis were a couple of brazen party crashers — and wannabe reality TV stars.
In an interview with CBS’ “Early Show” in September, Michaele Salahi said, “President Obama has made it very accessible for anyone to visit the White House, so that’s like a big thing right now.” The CBS interview was part of a segment on potential candidates for “Real Housewives of D.C.” but never was aired.
The Secret Service learned about the security breach Wednesday after a media inquiry prompted by the Salahis’ online boasts about having attended the private event, Donovan said.
I’ve gone to parties and clubs in hollywood where they check the guest list before letting people in. Another example of incompetence in the oba-mao administration.
I wonder if the balloon family were also there pushing their reality show?
“It’s no use pretending that this isn’t a major blow. The emails extracted by a hacker from the climatic research unit at the University of East Anglia could scarcely be more damaging. I am now convinced that they are genuine, and I’m dismayed and deeply shaken by them.
Yes, the messages were obtained illegally. Yes, all of us say things in emails that would be excruciating if made public. Yes, some of the comments have been taken out of context. But there are some messages that require no spin to make them look bad. There appears to be evidence here of attempts to prevent scientific data from being released, and even to destroy material that was subject to a freedom of information request. ”
Well regarding the “news leaks” by the New York Times of the GWBush’s Iraq war plans, the overseas telephone monitoring, the financial scavenging of terrorist money laundering, and Sarah Palin’s emails; it shows how the leftist pinhead libtardo MSM is in cahoots with Al Gorebasm.
Good for George Monbiot to take a stand.
Marvin, so much for the “peer reviewed” argument from correctnotright, Daddy Love etc. The peers all added extra data points, review it and said it was good. Peer Review.
Marvin Stamnspews:
So there’s going to be an oprah oba-mao christmas special filmed at the white house.
What happened to the separation of church and state?
If government schools are not allowed to have christmas activities, why is oba-mao allowed to have a christmas special filmed on government property?
And when you consider because of oba-mao and his religious beliefs he doesn’t believe in gay marriage, why is he allowed to push his religious views on America.
Biden has that look of someone that doesn’t have a clue he’s standing with wannabe reality stars.
That’s why oba-mao picked him. Oba-mao needed someone next to him to make himself look good. And by judging the picture I linked, standing next to biden makes anyone look good.
@41 They voted for a change from Republican corruption and incompetence to Democratic rationalism
Well, they were sure in for a shock:
Bad news for Democrats in revelation of ethics probes
“Two and a half years into Pelosi’s reign, more than 25 Democrats have been targeted for ethics reviews by the two ethics bodies, while just seven Republicans appeared to be under scrutiny, according to the document.”
59. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Good for George Monbiot to take a stand.
This is exactly why so many people took ma-made-global-warming serious. George is a real scientist without a political agenda. He was duped by being given fake data and made up statistics. No doubt he’s not happy being played for a sucker by the very crowd that produced man-made-global-warming.
Man-made-global-warming was man-made, made by lying and dishonest scientists.
Marvin, so much for the “peer reviewed” argument from correctnotright, Daddy Love etc. The peers all added extra data points, review it and said it was good. Peer Review.
The debate was over, but no one could ever provide the link to the debate. It was almost like the liars that manufactured man-made-global-warming knew that a real debate would have proven them to be liars.
Considering how gulliable correctneverright, daddylove and ylb are, should we start running a scam on them? Maybe not ylb, that wouldn’t be fair to his wife that is forced to support him.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Roger Dumb Bunny is seldom into facts. He recently claimed Indiana was Republican when they voted for “hope and change” in 2008. That’s why he’s Roger Dumb Bunny… lose with facts to make insipid points.
Marvin Stamnspews:
62. jivy spews: @41 They voted for a change from Republican corruption and incompetence to Democratic rationalism
Well, they were sure in for a shock:
Bad news for Democrats in revelation of ethics probes
This is a comment misunderstanding…
When pelosi talked about a culture of corruption, she wasn’t talking about cleaning it up, she was promising it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
64. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Roger Dumb Bunny is seldom into facts
Being fair to the rabbit…
He has NEVER said he was honest and fair.
He proudly admits he’s a partisan hack.
Does that make the rabbit the hannity of the left?
News Alertspews:
@57 where did correctnotright and his Microsoft based side kick Daddy Love disappear to
correctnotbright is taking the day off to read Strunk and White after a very embarrassing series of grammatical and spelling errors he made yesterday (after lecturing people about making grammatical and spelling errors).
He will return once the “Safe to Come Out” signal has been sounded.
Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren involved in unwinding “Climategate” scandal
That’s the advantage of a czar, congress doesn’t have to approve him so oba-mao can put any loon into a position of power. At least until glenn beck gets on their case and forces oba-mao to throw them under the bus.
Obama Science Czar John Holdren is directly involved in CRU’s unfolding Climategate scandal. In fact, according to files released by a CEU hacker or whistleblower, Holdren is involved in what Canada Free Press (CFP) columnist Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball terms “a truculent and nasty manner that provides a brief demonstration of his lack of understanding, commitment on faith and willingness to ridicule and bully people”.
Ridicule and bully, straight out of the saul alinsky playbook
Why did the left have to use lies to push their agenda?
And the challenge is still open for any HA liberal…
If the debate is over, doesn’t that mean that the debate started and concluded? Pony up the link to the debate about man-made-global-warming.
Marvin Stamnspews:
69. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
59 – Fooled just like the moron Stamm..
The Knights Carbonic!
What’s your opinion on George Monbiot?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Breaking news…
On the website a new congressional district was created in washington dc, district 894 with saving only one job.
Turns out this one isn’t a lie.
The pardoned turkey got a job.
And just because I wrote turkey doesn’t mean I was taking a shot at biden, but I could see why you would think that.
O’Keefe: Progressive radical. Nothing I did in the videos was “conservative.” I basically combined Morley Shaffer, Saul Alinsky and Borat. I got in an argument with a journalist at a CNN conference when she asked why I investigated “good organizations.” I didn’t realize journalists shouldn’t investigate organizations their conscience deems “good.” So I am radical in the sense I use tactics and strategies outdated news people are unwilling to use…
TBS: Can you speak a little about your use of Saul Alinsky?
O’Keefe: Alinsky is a genius and has been central to my videos. His tactics are ideologically neutral, and stand the test of time. They can ultimately be used for truth and righteousness not just for anarchy and disorder (as they may have been used in the past).
73 – You mean you’re still befuddled by the post he wrote?
You actually believe in the “Knights Carbonic”?
Oh my say it’s not so!
Marvin Stamnspews:
76. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
73 – You mean you’re still befuddled by the post he wrote?
You actually believe in the “Knights Carbonic”?
George Monbiot- Monbiot believes that drastic action coupled with strong political will is needed to combat global warming. Monbiot has written that climate change is the “moral question of the 21st century” and that there is little time for debate or objections to a raft of emergency actions he believes will stop climate change, including: setting targets on greenhouse emissions using the latest science; issuing every citizen with a ‘personal carbon ration’; new building regulations with houses built to German passivhaus standards; banning incandescent lightbulbs, patio heaters, garden floodlights, and other inefficient technologies and wasteful applications; constructing large offshore wind farms; replacing the national gas grid with a hydrogen pipe network; a new national coach network to make journeys using public transport faster than using a car; all petrol stations to supply leasable electric car batteries with stations equipped with a crane service to replace depleted batteries; scrap road-building and road-widening programmes, redirecting their budgets to tackle climate change; reduce UK airport capacity by 90%; closing down all out-of-town superstores and replacing them with warehouses and a delivery system.[19]
Left-wing views on global warming, check.
Monbiot harshly criticised the book Heaven and Earth by climate change skeptic Ian Plimer, saying that “Since its publication in Australia it has been ridiculed for a hilarious series of schoolboy errors, and its fudging and manipulation of the data”
Left-wing saul alinsky tactic of attacking those that don’t agree with him. Check.
Monbiot attempted an unsuccessful citizen’s arrest in May 2008 of John Bolton… Monbiot argued that Bolton was one of the perpetrators of the Iraq War
left-wing views on a bush appointee. Check.
George Monbiot has been associated with the cause of indigenous rights, and has sought to denouce threats to tribal people, at the face of corporate interests
Left-wing trick of blaming corporations. Check
In 1995, Nelson Mandela presented him with a United Nations Global 500 Award for outstanding environmental achievement
How could YOU not respect this guy.
And now since he’s broken ranks with the liars behind man-madeup-global-warming you throw him under the bus. How oba-mao of you.
75. my ancestors came from Europe spews: straight out of the saul alinsky playbook
Oh you mean like this?
How soon we forget…
Not too long ago the left whined about the right using “the politics of personal destruction” against their opponents.
When the left does it, they claim they have to fight fire with fire.
Considering how effective the alinsky book worked for getting mr “present” elected president without any real life achievements, why shouldn’t the right use the same tricks?
TBS: How do you consider yourself politically?
O’Keefe: Progressive radical. Nothing I did in the videos was “conservative.” I basically combined Morley Shaffer, Saul Alinsky and Borat.
Wow. That makes the outing of acorn even better. He used lefty tricks to prove what acorn really stands for.
And poor Stamm. Blinded by Hannah’s micro-miniskirt and James’ Chinchilla coat he got from his Grandma. Fool.
Funny, it is you that keeps talking about hannah’s mini-skirt. I have never mentioned it.
And don’t forget, unlike you, they have jobs. Which means they pay taxes, something you won’t do. And at the same time when you aren’t paying taxes, you want to raise taxes on others.
How democrat of you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
78. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
77 – You put the “oo” in teh stoopid.
I know I’ve made a point you can’t refute when you refuse to address the issues and resort to insults.
You’re freaking refuted every day. You’ve been on a posting binge the last few days.
You’re still irrelevant and full of right wing bullshit.
What’s the point??
Marvin Stamnspews:
83. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
I win.
By all means declare victory
Is this an admission you aren’t going to discuss the qualifications of monbiot as they relate to man-madeup-global-warming.
Marvin Stamnspews:
85. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
What’s the point??
That in order to defend your position on man-madeup-global-warming you won’t even debate the qualifications of monbiot as it pertains to man-madeup-global-warming.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@79 “He used lefty tricks to prove what acorn really stands for.”
Actually, you know squat about Acorn, but you wingnuts can’t function without scapegoats. If you couldn’t blame all the troubles you’ve inflicted on the world on Acorn and Bill Ayers, you’d have to find something/someone else. The Easter Bunny, maybe? Or a rogue Santa elf? The whole history of rightwing politics in America consists of deflecting attention from the moral and functional bankruptcy of your movement by scapegoating. The central theme of rightwing ideology is, “There are commies hiding under your bed and they’re going to get you while you’re sleeping!” The only thing that ever changes is the label slapped on the “commies under the bed.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
85. my ancestors came from Europe spews: I know I’ve made a point you can’t refute
You’re freaking refuted every day
Than it should be easy to refute that monbiot wasn’t a big supporter of man-madeup-global-warming.
He has the equivalent of (maybe) a Masters in Zoology.
He ridiculed idiots like you with his Knights Carbonic spoof.
You fell for it. The whole right wing fell for it apparently.
Continue to believe what right wing bullshit tells you – that dumping BILLIONS of tons of CO2 in the atmosphere has no effect on either temperature or the acidity of the oceans. Gee at least you could start scrubbing the heavy metals like lead and mercury and sulphur compounds out of the coal plant pollution stream but apparently that’s ok with you as well. Poor asthma sufferers – just move to the west coast.
I remain merely amused at your silly triumphalism.
All of these things describe the Right. Why on earth would anyone vote for these people?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@90 The problem is there’s not another planet for us to move to after they wreck this one, so their silliness isn’t really amusing. They’re committing crimes against humanity and should be dealt with accordingly.
Bunny @41 says: They voted for a change from Republican corruption and incompetence to Democratic rationalism
But the facts are a bit different:
Bad news for Democrats in revelation of ethics probes
“Two and a half years into Pelosi’s reign, more than 25 Democrats have been targeted for ethics reviews by the two ethics bodies, while just seven Republicans appeared to be under scrutiny, according to the document.”
Roger Dumb Bunny is seldom into facts. He recently claimed Indiana was Republican when they voted for “hope and change” in 2008. That’s why he’s Roger Dumb Bunny… lose with facts to make insipid points.
The rest have kept their noses mostly clean for now anyway.
We progressives have no need for corruption no matter what the party affiliation.
Marvin Stamnspews:
88. Roger Rabbit spews:
Actually, you know squat about Acorn
Before it was exposed, did you know that acorn would help pimps launder money and help pimp underage girls?
If so, why didn’t you report it?
If not, doesn’t that proves you knew squat about acorn.
The Easter Bunny, maybe? Or a rogue Santa elf?
When the easter bunny or santas elves pile up the number of indictments that acorn employees have, we can discuss the easter bunny and santa.
Meanwhile, our Bunny is accusing those who want to draw down in Afghanistan of “cutting and running” when it turns out the majority of Democrats – including many on HA no doubt – are in favor of reducing our troops and the majority of Republicans are not!
notice how YLB cant seem to respond to any of the posts with facts or intelligent ideas….
its simply the musings of a lazy jobless pos.
great example you are to your kids ylb….your wife should dump your ass.
with facts or intelligent ideas….
Wow! You’re just flush with ’em!
95 refuted your bullshit about Indiana.
“Two and a half years into Pelosi’s reign, more than 25 Democrats have been targeted for ethics reviews by the two ethics bodies”
Wow. The Dems are interested in cleaning their own house!
It took the voters in 2006 and 2008 to do that for the Republicans.
“Sue”‘s life is so meaningful she has to come to to attack the regulars here.
Miserable, losing right winger. Comfort yourself with some holiday cheer from that viagra-pumped sex tourist Limbaugh.
just another lazy jobless dumbass hanging out on the internet all day…..good job ylb….did you make your wife pay for AND cook the turkey this year?
fucking loser.
and I doubt “sue”, whoever the hell she is, would put up with your lame excuses for not looking for a job.
the number of indictments that acorn employees have,
Can any right winger point to a comprehensive list?
Gee Acorn is so corrupt an organization, Mike Steele praised it here:
“No I’m not a big fan of ACORN for a whole lot of reasons, because of my own feelings with some of their folks over the years. But I do respect the fact it has a history of working in the community and helping the poor.”
and ylb has no life outside of HA and the unemployment office.
people like you should be cut off from the public dole..go be homeless for a while – then maybe that will teach you a lesson about being responsible and paying your own way.
Awwwwww. How darling. Yet another right winger who wants to bark orders at those they deem beneath them. How authoritarian!
Sorry right wing hater. There’s a strict policy about right wing orders here. They are always:
Happy Thanksgiving to the HA Happy Hooligans!
Just checking to see if I am still banned.
And down goes Dubai!
Dubai, the place Tom Freidman loves to carry on about.
The place that is one of the worlds centers for the trafficking of women. The place where all the fancy glittering building are built by slave labor. Is going down.
This is a good thing.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Wow ylb arschloch,
Power comeback@68.Yep “Here comes De Judge”. Your stuff judged to be useless and feckless. A monomaniacal worthless idiot who barely rises above single digits on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)! Congratulations
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
correctnotright always screams
Peer Reviewed
Peer Reviewed
Peer Reviewed
Yes a new peer reviewed definition… “I took the raw data, inserted the “correct temperature modifications” and sent it out for peer review. My peers reviewed it, they agree with my “correct temperature modifications” and I published it.”
Peer Reviewed!
@125, It will be interesting to see if Black Friday takes on an unintended meaning tomorrow. Some markets were down over 3% on that news.
When you consider that Dubai is a center for human trafficking, the illegal arms trade, the drug trade and money laundering from everything and everywhere there, Dubai taking a fall is a good thing in the long run. The markets will go back up.
Checkout the book McMafia by Misha Glenny for more on Dubai.
Let’s see you’ve repeated that saw about Afghanistan and the rabbit at least a dozen times.
ASSWipe, you repeat yourself everyday. Butt being a dumb brick, that’s all you have.
Keep being stupid. No one comes to your defense monomaniacal chronologically challenged idiot.
Yep we will continue on the jlb arschloch you front because you are worthless.
No wonder your son wants to be a Republican. You ylb arschloch are such a fine progressive specimen and life model for your son!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
ylb arschloch farts again…
Yet another right winger who wants to bark orders at those they deem beneath them.
You can improve your lot.
FIND A JOB FOOL! For instance, you’ll surpass the dumb cinder block rujax.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
ylb arschloch, we don’t hate. We pity you fool!
@35: hahahha Stamn do you know the difference between a typo and a grammatical error?
Guess not! What a maroon!
Still waiting on anything coming out of Stamn that is of some substance.
Stamn has NO plans or ideas on the economy, on health care or on much of anything.
Any fool can pratter on with criticism – but when you ask Stamn to actually come up with what he/she is in favor of…..crickets chirping……Nothin’
Stamn – you are not worthy of respect because you are too much of a coward to even put out your own ideas.
You are a provocateur – and nothing more. A slimy, nitwitted fool who has nothing useful to say.
I will continue to ridicule you because that is all your sordid little writings deserve.
Grow up and grow a set and become a man – put forth something positive. Is there is nothing Obama could do that you would support? Because all you do is hate and chirp.
In addition, you contradict yourself and say the dumbest things.
I love how you represent the republican party, in all its know-nothing and just-say-no glory.
Puddy: Happy thanksgiving
Puddy at least puts out his opinions. I may not agree with them – but Puddy is willing to at least HAVE an opinion.
Oh and Stamn, the reference to fiddling was about Rome burning…read a little history and you will get it.
Happy Turkey Day, especially our right side turkey posters.
No fights tonight.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Conservatives will always manipulate facts — and lie, if necessary — to further their ideological goals. This impulse flows from the very nature of conservatism itself. As the journalist Sam Tanenhaus wrote in his new book, “The Death of Conservatism,”
“[T]here is a fundamental difference between the two parties and the politics that guides them. The modern liberal worldview is premised on consensus. Movement conservatism emphasizes orthodoxy. In his pioneering essay ‘The Convenient State’ (1981), the twenty-six-year-old Garry Wills, at the time the most promising young conservative thinker in America, clarified the distinction: ‘A consensus, as the word’s form indicates, is a meeting of several views on common ground; an orthodoxy is the reduction of all views to a single view.’ Consensus implies compromise, establishing a minimal ground of agreement on which to base political organization. Orthodoxy goes to the roots of metaphysical and religious awareness and demands a “right view” on these things, not merely a modus vivendi. (The contemporary word for this is “ideology.”)’ These distinctions still define our politics. Liberals place faith in the interrelated processes of politics and governance. Conservatives subordinate governance to politics and ideological certitude — or, in the Catholic formulation favored by some conservatives, to recta ratio, ‘right reason.'” (p. 21)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What this means is that a conservative, no matter how intelligent and well educated, cannot and does not think for himself but must accept the doctrinal pronouncements of the ideological parent. A conservative can no more decide for himself whether global warming is real than a Catholic can conduct his own analysis of the morality of abortion, because to question the orthodoxy is to be something other than a conservative or a Catholic, at which point one loses acceptance by one’s superiors and peers. Thus, facts are irrelevant and rationality is useless when arguing with a servant of an orthodoxy like conservatism or Catholicism. And because orthodoxy is totalitarian in a way that leaves no room for compromise or consensus, you cannot negotiate with it, but must fight it and seek its defeat or neutralization, because the very nature of the beast leaves you no other choice.
zzzzZZZZZ… Projection.. It’s you right wing morons whose bullshit has gone flaccid… The record is only too clear on that score.
Obama won Indiana.
Never said he didn’t fool. By one point? Wow! What a blue state Indiana is with a Republican Governor overwhelmingly re-elected in 2008 not to mention chimp-crazy in 2000 and 2004!
You can’t read for shit!
you repeat yourself everyday.
And you morons never seem to catch on to what losers you all are!
we will continue on
Who’s “we”? One can only guess at the numbskulls you’ve attracted to your degenerate cause. Fine. I’d expect nothing more from your losing ass.
I’ll be here to laugh at all your silly losing asses!
Happy Turkey Day, Turkey!
Happy Turkey Day, CHUMP!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@138 I’ll bet Cynical didn’t pardon his turkey! I’ll bet he chopped its fucking head off! But maybe his goat got a rest day.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm pardoned a turkey. The jury is still out on who it was.
ylb arschloch
Roger Dumb Bunny
don joe
Daddy Love
etc. etc. etc.?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Happy Thanksgiving back at you. Now……
Why are you running away from Climategate? Did you like my Peer Reviewed definitions @127?
Come on dude… you are always asking Puddy to respond to one of your entreaties yet you
run Run RUN R U N away from Climategate.
Your hero Goerge Monbiot wants a full investigation now.
What say you or are you being a turkey?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
What a degenerate mind you display ylb arschloch. Instead of admitting you need to find a job you run run run from those comments. You aren’t even vigilant on your commentary fool. There is no projection whatsoever.
No one comes to help you fool.
Why is that?
We on the right know why. Sure you had a interesting Don’t TABOR me comment which only Darryl jumped on. Every one else runs from you fool. No one will ask to see that failure of a database. Every time you choose to use that database you are swatted like a useless mosquito. Even your son realizes what begat him. If you had a brain the debate would be worthwhile. You get beat down everyday in every way with your ever repeating RE-RUNs. FOOL!
Did you check your spelling like a third grader is taught? No. Or as you would write it, “not” you didn’t check your spelling like a third grader is taught.
Even if it was a typo, using your words, you should have checked your spelling.
Fail for spelling the wrong word correctly.
Fail for not checking your spelling.
Pass for punking yourself!!!!
Stamn – you are not worthy of respect because you are too much of a coward to even put out your own ideas.
The truth is, I’ve been having fun teasing you. I did put down 4 ideas about healthcare a short while back. Ask Steve, he asked me for my “plan.” I have the link, now lets see if you are smart enough to find it.
Is there is nothing Obama could do that you would support?
Of course. But since he’s as far left as he is I don’t believe he will.
Besides for supporting all the planks of the democrat party, what would it take for you to support a republican?
I love how you represent the republican party
Great, I am glad I can bring such joy to your heart.
Progressives will always manipulate facts — and lie, if necessary — to further their ideological goals. Just look at the data manipulation by these great IPCC members.
Yes Roger Dumb Bunny you got it almost right.
Marvin Stamnspews:
136. correctnotright spews:
Like kos would say, screw you.
Oh and Stamn, the reference to fiddling was about Rome burning…read a little history and you will get it.
Do you really feel that oba-mao is doing that bad of a job?
143 – Awwwww. Stupesy. My feelings are so hurt by your feckless gibes.
Keep up the great work moron. I’m looking forward to many more years of ridiculing horrible right wing programs like the TABOR.
But most especially making fun of the failing, sycophantic, losing pitiful right wing sheep who bleat on and on as the propaganda from their masters tell them, who robotically turn out to pull the lever for all the bad ideas that are designed to work against their interests and only line the pockets of the depraved rich boys and girls behind the curtains – only to see all that crap slaughtered at the polls by people who are sick and tired of seeing that same old right wing bullshit song and dance.
Failing losing sheep like YOU!
May the agony of defeat for the birthers, the tenthers, the deathers and all that ugly teabagging cult crowd continue for the indefinite future. One would feel bad for such deluded people. One would hope they would wake up (and some do). But all those bridges were burnt so long ago. They’re on their own.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
There you go again ylb arschloch, projecting your hateful nature as always. Calling peeps teabaggers. We’ll see about 2010 fool.
Again fool, you skip right over the personal part of being a monomaniacal, chronologically challenged moron. Remember you did this to yourself.
Yep. Keep using it. I’ll keep ignoring it. And I’ll keep on making fun of your stupid right wing bullshit and antics here. Wouldn’t it be fun if all your bullshit was just personal attacks on me and so much less the feckless right wing bullshit put out by your masters. Says a lot about your useless ideology. Keep up the great work fool. It helps the progressive cause.
We’ll see about 2010
Indeed we shall. I’ll be here. Count on it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
148. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
pitiful right wing sheep who bleat on and on as the propaganda from their masters tell them
As said by someone whos masters made up 440 fake congressional districts & jobs to coverup the fact his stimulus failed.
Here’s the oba-mao graph that shows what unemployment will be with and without the oba-mao stimulus.
Of course the real data has been added.
Of course it failed and put the country further into debt.
Strange, under bush the left didn’t believe in wasting money.
Now, democrats try to see who can waste the most.
Marvin Stamnspews:
148. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
bad ideas that are designed to work against their interests and only line the pockets of the depraved rich boys and girls behind the curtains
gbs is quite proud he doesn’t pay any federal income tax.
Why don’t you bring it up to him your concerns about rich people not paying their fair share.
Or do you allow democrats not to pay their fair share.
152 – Wow if GBS legally gets away without paying Federal taxes then he could teach a tool like you a thing or two.
You’re boring me.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
You’re boring me.
Unemployed idiots like you DO BORE US, just like your politics bore your SON!!!
Marvin Stamnspews:
153. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
yeah that fake WMD didn’t cost this country anything either.
bush is not president anymore, please moveon.
The country voted for change.
Why do you believe oba-mao made up all those districts?
Is making up 440 fake congressional districts what you consider CHANGE?
Marvin Stamnspews:
154. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
152 – Wow if GBS legally gets away without paying Federal taxes then he could teach a tool like you a thing or two.
Good point, to pay your fair share is the act of a tool.
And I’m a double tool because I work to support myself.
You just gotta feel sorry for YLB’s wife…could you imagine being married to this loser?
Gee my right wing son (and it’s not yet clear by any stretch he’ll turn out that way) might actually sign up to serve his country when becomes of age in the military:
UNLIKE YOUR SONS!!! Serving their country at a liberal University in Seattle.
LMAO @ You fiend! Here’s a number you can call to correct the situation fool:
Good point, to pay your fair share is the act of a tool.
Hey, you’re the one who’s animated by paying as little taxes as humanly possible.
GBS should be a role model for you.
Your work would be done. You pay no taxes, you can then enjoy the good life and spend no further time polluting these comment threads with feckless right wing drivel.
IIRC, that drivel you posted here before Nov 2008 worked out great for you.
“Moveon” from thousands of American lives wasted, “moveon” from the HUNDREDS of thousands of Iraqui lives extinguished, “moveon” from the torture, “moveon” from the corruption of overcharging for washers, for fuel, for crappy reconstruction projects farmed out to overcharging, corrupt, well-connected military contractors.
You’re now reduced to begging Stammo. It’s too freaking funny.
I keep laughing as I remember the West Wing episode where C.J. has two turkeys locked in her office, and can’t decide which one gets pardoned.
West Wing Turkey Episode
By the way – have a happy Thanksgiving, everyone. That even includes you, Puddy & Cynical.
Here’s a blast from the past I thought you right wing tools would enjoyl
“17. sgmmac spews:
It’s the economy……
The Olympian reports:
“Annual second quarter statewide retail sales showed the largest percentage gain in 16 years, a Department of Revenue report released today shows.
Sales increased 10.5 percent statewide from April through June, the largest quarterly increase since a 10.9 percent gain in the second quarter of 1990. Sales statewide reached $27.6 billion in the second quarter.”
Must be those Bush tax cuts!
10/30/2006 at 3:37 pm ”
Yeah, must BE those Bush tax cuts. No doubt about it. Written just 12 months before the wheels started coming off the bus.
Pardon turkeys, not Rehooligans! Prosecute Cheney, Gonzo, Rove, and Griffin!
@2 Yeah, we’re gonna give puddy and klown 1 day of amnesty … er, do we have to?
@3 I just finished reading an investing book that says don’t worry about the U.S. falling into permanent economic decline, because the rest of the world can grow without us, so the stock market will go up anyway.
If you want to talk about two turkeys, what about biden and geithner?
Where’s biden been, hiding in cheney’s hidden bunker.
The liberal ny times on hacked emails…
hacked emails about climategate–
hacked palins email 9/17/08–
Of course there’s no liberal bias at the ny times. chuckle chuckle
Something people aren’t talking about, the “leak” that oba-mao is going to send 34,000 new troops.
He won’t announce it until dec 1st.
Using a “leak,” the oba-mao can view the public outcry and then decide what is the best political choice.
If there is limited outrage, go ahead with the troops.
If people complain, then he can take the stage on dec 1st and blame the right ring for spreading that rumor.
After all, the liberal media isn’t searching out who leaked the information.
Mocking all the right wing seniors lining up to get a book signed by Sarah Palin:
Interesting thread from left-wing democraticunderground
This American Will Not Support Obama’s Escalation into More War in Afghanistan. And I Am Not Alone.
The best part are the comments. Fro those of you that don’t want to soil your computer going to du, I’ll post a few funny ones.
The right wing will sit back and say he wasn’t robust enough.
And the Left, well, we already know how this will play: badly.
Yeah, we know the left. It’s going to be bad.
The only ones to be impressed with this shit are the ones who make money off of it.
Profiting off the war? Change?
The War Profiteers — Obama’s true base.
So true, so true.
When did we start letting chicken hawks in here?
Easy answer, once a democrat was in the white house.
Are we going to bomb Iran too? Or outsource that to Israel?
Good questions. Can someone put an answer on the teleprompter.
For all we know, some sort of deal might be in the works with the Taliban right now.
Maybe something along the lines of no money down home loan from freddie-mac?
It is not “Obama’s Escalation.” He was pressured into it by war-monger generals and doom-saying industrialists.
Poor little oba-mao was pressured into doing something. Life sure got hard once “present” wasn’t an option.
You know, when you lay it out like that, point by point, you gotta wonder why in the hell they even consider staying/escalating.
Change. Change from hope to questioning.
Go figure…
Palin supporters want to keep what they’ve earned.
Oba-mao supporters want what other people earned.
Go figure Palin supporters want to outlaw abortion and bring us back to the days of coat hangers.
Go figure, Palin supporters are too dumb to think for themselves.
Go figure, Palin supporters (wink, nod) think black people are the problem in America today.
Go figure, Palin supporters think tax cuts for the rich are great and that deregulationof the banks is good – they must have really loved the Bush recession.
Go figure, Palin supporters think evolution is just a theory and that the earth is 6,000 years old.
Go figure, Palin supporters think she is intelligent.
Go figure, Idiot trolls like Stamn have no ideas how to fix the economy and admit it.
Come back on here when you grow a set Stamn and can articulate a plan on the economy and on health care. Until then, you are a mental midget who deserves only ridicule.
Stamn forgot to pay attention to Obama’s campaign – he said all along that bush was fighting the wrong war and had neglected Afghanistan – he was right.
And Stamn – he supports more troops in Afghanistan…..or does he not?
Again, anyone who refuses to state his own opinions is a mental midget who should only be ridiculed.
We know the far left folks like you’ve posted above are loony and we don’t left them have any power. The Republicans let their far right loonies run the party.
I’ve always liked it when others have imitated me. Thanks.
Have you considered that’s why I’m a musician and not a financial guy?
The problem is, oba-mao picked a guy that couldn’t figure out turbo-tax to fix the problem. Didn’t the democrats rush the stimulus through so unemployment wouldn’t hit 10%? How did that decision by smart democrats work out?
I missed your plans. Got a link? Imagine how foolish you will look if you don’t have a plan but am demanding I have one. Would that be because you hold me to a higher standard than you hold yourself?
In that case, go ahead and start ridiculing me. After all, demanding that I have plans when you voted for oba-mao doesn’t make much sense nor is it ridiculing me. Vote for me than you can demand I fix the problem.
He’s been in office 11 months already. He knew about the “war of necessity” before he took office and told us he was ready from day one. Why hasn’t he made a decision until the last couple days and it’s not going to be until another week he tells us of his decision.
No idea, that’s the problem. He’s voting present. If he does, 11 months into his term why hasn’t he sent them to the war of necessity?? The liberal media isn’t reporting it but troops are dying over there as oba-mao dithers.
What do you want my opinion on?
@7 The worst Democrat is better than the best Republican.
@17 “Why hasn’t he made a decision until the last couple days”
Stamm, it’s fucking hilarious that you criticize Obama for taking a few weeks to make a decision Bush didn’t make for 8 years. Why weren’t these troops in Afghanistan from Day 1 back in 2001? Huh? Shut up and sit down. You have nothing to say.
few weeks = 40+ weeks
That’s why people voted for change.
And it hasn’t changed yet. The only difference between bush not making a decision and oba-mao not making a decision is a couple “few weeks.”
They’ve “earned” “socialist” programs like Social Security and Medicare, pay as you go systems. Yep, go figure.
Obama vs. own party on troop increase
“Top Democrats have made it clear to Obama that he will not receive a friendly reception should he announce what is considered the leading option: sending 30,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan.”
U.S. Is Seeking 10,000 Troops From Its Allies for Afghan War
“The United States is scrambling to coax NATO allies to send 10,000 additional troops to Afghanistan as part of President Obama’s strategy for the region. Those countries appear willing to provide fewer than half that number, American and allied officials said Wednesday.”
fyi: Currently there are nearly 68,000 American troops in Afghanistan, and about 36,000 troops from 29 NATO allies. This is 221 American soldiers per 1,000,000 population, and about 57 non-American NATO soldiers per 1,000,000 population. If we bump our numbers up by 30K and our allies by 5K – a conservative mixture – the new numbers will be 319 American soldiers per 1,000,000 population and 65 non-American NATO soldiers per 1,000,000 population. That is, our contribution rate will be nearly 5 times that of our allies.
Stamm is playing the same old feckless game he was before Nov 2008.
And it will more than likely turn out the same way it did back then:
in right wing failure.
I knew you wouldn’t comment on the video.
24 – Yeah, you “know” a lot. Like how the Dems would tank the election in Nov 2008.
I’m looking forward to more of your pinpoint prognostications in the coming months.
They’ve worked out great for the miserable right wing.
@16: Obviously, Marvin cannot tell the difference between imitation and ridicule…are you so stupid that I have to spell it out for you……we are making fun of how dumb you are.….
there, now do you feel so goo?
@17: Dear Moron Stamn:
Wow – how dumb are you?
The situation on the ground in Afghanistan has gotten worse for the last 6 years – since bush pulled the necessary support for Afghanistan to go to the unnecessary war in Iraq – haven’t you been paying attention?
At least Obama is doing a comprehensive review before committing American troops….look what Bush did – he lied about Iraq and then never did the comprehnsive review about what a war would mean and what would happen afterwards.
Yup – we have a President that PLANS. And according to an idiot like Stamn that is a problem.
hahahaha…thanks for playin’ fool! You are mighty dumb!
@17: Thanks for showing again Stamn – that you have no ideas. All you can do is parrot the mindless criticism of the rightwingnuts…..
I asked for your views….and you have none.
Nothing, zip, nada… are a fool and a tool.
Shoot! CNR is totally PWNING the knee-jerk right wing tool Stamm!
This is fun to watch! Great work CNR.
Umm, they rushed the stimulus through so thatthe economy would come out of freefall….and the recession has officially ended but private industry has failed to hire still and the underlying economy is weak.
Wow, what you DON”T know about the economy is amazing.
Stamn says:
Yes, and I have also considered that you have the IQ of a dead parrot and that you don’t know what you are talking about…as you freely admit!
Thanks for negating all the financial crap you post! fool!
I wonder if Stamn plays the fiddle – then that would explain his financial advice on the recession……fiddling while Rome burned.
got any CD’s or links to your music Stamn?
Or is it just another “fabrication”?
2. rhp6033 spews:
Same to you rhp.
I’m in charge of making the bird.
Soaking it in a briney solution with lots of poultry spices.
Every year is an adventure.
But as far as being thankful…stuff doesn’t matter. Family certainly does….but above all else is my gratitude for Almighty God and His Son of Salvation.
Thank you Lord.
Thank you.
32 – No Stamm hates strings. He’s a brass player.
All I’ve got to say about that is-
94. correctnotright spews:
People who can’t spell and can’t even check their spelling and also cannot use proper tenses (things they should have learned in third grade) should not be calling other people stupid.
11/25/2009 AT 5:56 PM
Again you proved yourself to be a hypocrite.
I still haven’t seen the link to your plan. I’m still voting present like oba-mao did.
He doesn’t care. He ignorantly thought calling me a fiddle player would be an insult if I played violin.
If you want to know the truth…
correctnotright and the fiddle comment was projection. correctnotright knows I’ve played him like a fiddle and he’s damn pissed about it. Him asking for plans he doesn’t even have, what a joke that was.
Like oba-mao knew unemployment wouldn’t go over 10% if we passed his stimulus.
And unlike me, oba-mao is a president. Shouldn’t he know a little better than some troll?
correctnotright proclaims:
People who can’t spell and can’t even check their spelling and also cannot use proper tenses (things they should have learned in third grade) should not be calling other people stupid.
correctnotright subsequently writes:
You, on the other hand, have not opinions worth putting down.
You’re an inspiration, correctnotright!
I asked for your views and you didn’t have any either.
That makes you as fool and a tool too.
Unless you still have higher standards for me than you do for yourself.
Of course he does. Almost anyone would have more sense than you. Even those of your miserable tribe.
@20 “That’s why people voted for change.”
They voted for a change from Republican corruption and incompetence to Democratic rationalism, idiot.
. \
. – } Oba-Mao
. /
Anyone wanna see Bill OReilly with a Hitler moustache?
– {} Oba-Mao
Typical left-wing media…
Six charged in town hall disturbance
I wonder who was arrested, teabaggers or union thugs?
No mention of affiliation.
For the uninformed, you still don’t know.
For those that aren’t liberal, we know that “Kenneth Gladney” is the black man beaten by union thugs. It looked like the 50’s when democrats and their supporters freely beat blacks, finally the union thugs are being charged.
If I can google and find the political leaning of these people charged, why did the liberal media fail to disclose it?
Where is correctnotright on the climate change email fiasco?
MIA of course!
Or maybe his mind was melted when he went underneath the earth’s crust… “the interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees, and the crust of the earth is hot.” – Albert R Gorebasm Jr!
Of course the liberal american media is refusing to talk about the hacked climategate emails.
So once again, you have to get your news from non-american liberal media.
from toronto–
Of course they don’t give a shirt about the science. That’s why they said the time for debate was over, and as we have learned, destroyed evidence that didn’t prove their point, used fake data to create models, refused differing opinions.
If the debate is over, can any one link to the debate when if ever it took place?
Follow the money.
I remember the day when liberals were against windfall profits. Oh yeah, those windfall profits didn’t benefit them.
the facts don’t support his position.
What can he say except lash out at the people that hacked the emails. And of course, like a good democrat he wasn’t bothered when a democrat hacked into palins email.
the great globull warming scam is finally coming apart at the seams.
globull warming is one the greatest lies ever perpetrated against mankind.
Then why do you believe correctneverright holds me to a higher standard than he holds oba-mao?
I am thankful for Obam-Mao’s INCOMPETENCE!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I am thankful for the Progressive Democrats INCOMPETENCE!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Real Clear Politics has the average at 49.9
Oh no (:o) Mr Bill…
As the climategate scandal grows….
The New Zealand Government’s chief climate advisory unit NIWA is under fire for allegedly massaging raw climate data to show a global warming trend that wasn’t there.
The scandal breaks as fears grow worldwide that corruption of climate science is not confined to just Britain’s CRU climate research centre.
At the link are two graphs. The one the man-made-global-warming uses with the fake data, and a new one with the real data.
When facts don’t support your position, remember to say time for debate is over.
Or better yet…
The world is waiting for his “good explanation.”
ylb arschlochturkey is in the oven. We tried a different seasoning approach this time overnight in the refrigerator. Puddy will email you depending out it came out.Marvin,
“We have discovered that the warming in New Zealand over the past 156 years was indeed man-made, but it had nothing to do with emissions of CO2—it was created by man-made adjustments of the temperature. It’s a disgrace.” PuddyEmphasis.
Another URL with some interesting quotes… where did correctnotright and his Microsoft based side kick Daddy Love disappear to…
“Bob Ward, director of policy and communications at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change at the London School of Economics, called for an investigation.
“Once appropriate action has been taken over the hacking, there has to be some process to assess the substance of the email messages as well,” he said.
“The selective disclosure and dissemination of the messages has created the impression of impropriety, and the only way of clearing the air now would be through a rigorous investigation. “”
First attack the messenger for the email disclosure, then we’ll “look” into the “substance of the email messages”. What a joke these peeps are.
Then read what Michael Mann wrote later. Yep the same Michael Mann who made those “temperature correction suggestions”.
If Puddy was a Libtardo like Roger Dumb Bunny he could post most of the article with impunity because Roger Dumb Bunny gets away with it most of the time!
So far, under the oba-mao administration a “man-made” disaster shot up a bunch of soldiers. All the while, the oba-mao administration didn’t do anything to protect the soldiers despite the government knowing the guy was trouble.
Security incompetence continues…
from the liberal bostonherald
I’ve gone to parties and clubs in hollywood where they check the guest list before letting people in. Another example of incompetence in the oba-mao administration.
I wonder if the balloon family were also there pushing their reality show?
Hey Marvin,
Remember George Monbiot?
“It’s no use pretending that this isn’t a major blow. The emails extracted by a hacker from the climatic research unit at the University of East Anglia could scarcely be more damaging. I am now convinced that they are genuine, and I’m dismayed and deeply shaken by them.
Yes, the messages were obtained illegally. Yes, all of us say things in emails that would be excruciating if made public. Yes, some of the comments have been taken out of context. But there are some messages that require no spin to make them look bad. There appears to be evidence here of attempts to prevent scientific data from being released, and even to destroy material that was subject to a freedom of information request. ”
Well regarding the “news leaks” by the New York Times of the GWBush’s Iraq war plans, the overseas telephone monitoring, the financial scavenging of terrorist money laundering, and Sarah Palin’s emails; it shows how the leftist pinhead libtardo MSM is in cahoots with Al Gorebasm.
Good for George Monbiot to take a stand.
Marvin, so much for the “peer reviewed” argument from correctnotright, Daddy Love etc. The peers all added extra data points, review it and said it was good. Peer Review.
So there’s going to be an oprah oba-mao christmas special filmed at the white house.
What happened to the separation of church and state?
If government schools are not allowed to have christmas activities, why is oba-mao allowed to have a christmas special filmed on government property?
And when you consider because of oba-mao and his religious beliefs he doesn’t believe in gay marriage, why is he allowed to push his religious views on America.
Here’s a picture of biden with the party crashers.
Biden has that look of someone that doesn’t have a clue he’s standing with wannabe reality stars.
That’s why oba-mao picked him. Oba-mao needed someone next to him to make himself look good. And by judging the picture I linked, standing next to biden makes anyone look good.
@41 They voted for a change from Republican corruption and incompetence to Democratic rationalism
Well, they were sure in for a shock:
Bad news for Democrats in revelation of ethics probes
“Two and a half years into Pelosi’s reign, more than 25 Democrats have been targeted for ethics reviews by the two ethics bodies, while just seven Republicans appeared to be under scrutiny, according to the document.”
This is exactly why so many people took ma-made-global-warming serious. George is a real scientist without a political agenda. He was duped by being given fake data and made up statistics. No doubt he’s not happy being played for a sucker by the very crowd that produced man-made-global-warming.
Man-made-global-warming was man-made, made by lying and dishonest scientists.
The debate was over, but no one could ever provide the link to the debate. It was almost like the liars that manufactured man-made-global-warming knew that a real debate would have proven them to be liars.
Considering how gulliable correctneverright, daddylove and ylb are, should we start running a scam on them? Maybe not ylb, that wouldn’t be fair to his wife that is forced to support him.
Roger Dumb Bunny is seldom into facts. He recently claimed Indiana was Republican when they voted for “hope and change” in 2008. That’s why he’s Roger Dumb Bunny… lose with facts to make insipid points.
This is a comment misunderstanding…
When pelosi talked about a culture of corruption, she wasn’t talking about cleaning it up, she was promising it.
Being fair to the rabbit…
He has NEVER said he was honest and fair.
He proudly admits he’s a partisan hack.
Does that make the rabbit the hannity of the left?
@57 where did correctnotright and his Microsoft based side kick Daddy Love disappear to
correctnotbright is taking the day off to read Strunk and White after a very embarrassing series of grammatical and spelling errors he made yesterday (after lecturing people about making grammatical and spelling errors).
He will return once the “Safe to Come Out” signal has been sounded.
Flip Wilson was thinking of morons like you.
59 – Fooled just like the moron Stamm..
The Knights Carbonic!
Hide under the bed right wing fools.
Of course the american liberal media doesn’t want to report on climategate.
Unfortunately for the american liberal media, the rest of the world isn’t as gullible as american liberals.
Russia is reporting what the american media refuses to cover.
One the few days in the year when the line “I looked hard all day for a job, honey, but nothing turned up” actually has some legs.
Again, if you want the truth, don’t listen to the american liberal media, leave the controlled news media of american and outsource.
from the canada free press–
That’s the advantage of a czar, congress doesn’t have to approve him so oba-mao can put any loon into a position of power. At least until glenn beck gets on their case and forces oba-mao to throw them under the bus.
Ridicule and bully, straight out of the saul alinsky playbook
Why did the left have to use lies to push their agenda?
And the challenge is still open for any HA liberal…
If the debate is over, doesn’t that mean that the debate started and concluded? Pony up the link to the debate about man-made-global-warming.
What’s your opinion on George Monbiot?
Breaking news…
On the website a new congressional district was created in washington dc, district 894 with saving only one job.
Turns out this one isn’t a lie.
The pardoned turkey got a job.
And just because I wrote turkey doesn’t mean I was taking a shot at biden, but I could see why you would think that.
Oh you mean like this?
Poor James reveres Alinsky so much he’s granted Saul eternal life.
And poor Stamm. Blinded by Hannah’s micro-miniskirt and James’ Chinchilla coat he got from his Grandma. Fool.
73 – You mean you’re still befuddled by the post he wrote?
You actually believe in the “Knights Carbonic”?
Oh my say it’s not so!
George Monbiot-
Monbiot believes that drastic action coupled with strong political will is needed to combat global warming. Monbiot has written that climate change is the “moral question of the 21st century” and that there is little time for debate or objections to a raft of emergency actions he believes will stop climate change, including: setting targets on greenhouse emissions using the latest science; issuing every citizen with a ‘personal carbon ration’; new building regulations with houses built to German passivhaus standards; banning incandescent lightbulbs, patio heaters, garden floodlights, and other inefficient technologies and wasteful applications; constructing large offshore wind farms; replacing the national gas grid with a hydrogen pipe network; a new national coach network to make journeys using public transport faster than using a car; all petrol stations to supply leasable electric car batteries with stations equipped with a crane service to replace depleted batteries; scrap road-building and road-widening programmes, redirecting their budgets to tackle climate change; reduce UK airport capacity by 90%; closing down all out-of-town superstores and replacing them with warehouses and a delivery system.[19]
Left-wing views on global warming, check.
Monbiot harshly criticised the book Heaven and Earth by climate change skeptic Ian Plimer, saying that “Since its publication in Australia it has been ridiculed for a hilarious series of schoolboy errors, and its fudging and manipulation of the data”
Left-wing saul alinsky tactic of attacking those that don’t agree with him. Check.
left-wing views on a bush appointee. Check.
Left-wing trick of blaming corporations. Check
How could YOU not respect this guy.
And now since he’s broken ranks with the liars behind man-madeup-global-warming you throw him under the bus. How oba-mao of you.
77 – You put the “oo” in teh stoopid.
How soon we forget…
Not too long ago the left whined about the right using “the politics of personal destruction” against their opponents.
When the left does it, they claim they have to fight fire with fire.
Considering how effective the alinsky book worked for getting mr “present” elected president without any real life achievements, why shouldn’t the right use the same tricks?
Wow. That makes the outing of acorn even better. He used lefty tricks to prove what acorn really stands for.
Funny, it is you that keeps talking about hannah’s mini-skirt. I have never mentioned it.
And don’t forget, unlike you, they have jobs. Which means they pay taxes, something you won’t do. And at the same time when you aren’t paying taxes, you want to raise taxes on others.
How democrat of you.
I know I’ve made a point you can’t refute when you refuse to address the issues and resort to insults.
I win.
You mean your blinkered distortions and outright lies?
79 – LMAO!!
By all means declare victory but most of all:
You’re boring me to tears…
I’m not a scientist.
George is.
Are you calling him a liar?
Keep insulting me, what can you say about george?
It’s kinda like if rove came out and said bush planned 9/11 in august of 1999, what could right-wingers say besides ignore the subject.
Just like you ignore the subject of monbiot.
You’re freaking refuted every day. You’ve been on a posting binge the last few days.
You’re still irrelevant and full of right wing bullshit.
What’s the point??
Is this an admission you aren’t going to discuss the qualifications of monbiot as they relate to man-madeup-global-warming.
That in order to defend your position on man-madeup-global-warming you won’t even debate the qualifications of monbiot as it pertains to man-madeup-global-warming.
@79 “He used lefty tricks to prove what acorn really stands for.”
Actually, you know squat about Acorn, but you wingnuts can’t function without scapegoats. If you couldn’t blame all the troubles you’ve inflicted on the world on Acorn and Bill Ayers, you’d have to find something/someone else. The Easter Bunny, maybe? Or a rogue Santa elf? The whole history of rightwing politics in America consists of deflecting attention from the moral and functional bankruptcy of your movement by scapegoating. The central theme of rightwing ideology is, “There are commies hiding under your bed and they’re going to get you while you’re sleeping!” The only thing that ever changes is the label slapped on the “commies under the bed.”
Than it should be easy to refute that monbiot wasn’t a big supporter of man-madeup-global-warming.
I thought he was an economist. I was wrong.
He has the equivalent of (maybe) a Masters in Zoology.
He ridiculed idiots like you with his Knights Carbonic spoof.
You fell for it. The whole right wing fell for it apparently.
Continue to believe what right wing bullshit tells you – that dumping BILLIONS of tons of CO2 in the atmosphere has no effect on either temperature or the acidity of the oceans. Gee at least you could start scrubbing the heavy metals like lead and mercury and sulphur compounds out of the coal plant pollution stream but apparently that’s ok with you as well. Poor asthma sufferers – just move to the west coast.
I remain merely amused at your silly triumphalism.
Ignorant. Uneducated. Uninformed. Irrational. Bigoted. Dishonest. Greedy. Mean. Violent. Demogogic. Cowardly. Immoral. Adulterous. Perverted. Criminal.
All of these things describe the Right. Why on earth would anyone vote for these people?
@90 The problem is there’s not another planet for us to move to after they wreck this one, so their silliness isn’t really amusing. They’re committing crimes against humanity and should be dealt with accordingly.
Ignorant. Uneducated. Uninformed. Irrational. Bigoted. Dishonest. Greedy. Mean. Violent. Demogogic. Cowardly. Immoral. Adulterous. Perverted. Criminal.
Bunny @41 says: They voted for a change from Republican corruption and incompetence to Democratic rationalism
But the facts are a bit different:
Bad news for Democrats in revelation of ethics probes
“Two and a half years into Pelosi’s reign, more than 25 Democrats have been targeted for ethics reviews by the two ethics bodies, while just seven Republicans appeared to be under scrutiny, according to the document.”
As somebody noted regarding Bunny’s “facts”:
Roger Dumb Bunny is seldom into facts. He recently claimed Indiana was Republican when they voted for “hope and change” in 2008. That’s why he’s Roger Dumb Bunny… lose with facts to make insipid points.
Amazing but true.
91/92 – As usual Roger – you bring it home. Much appreciated.
93 – And Indiana went for Bush in 2000 and 2004.
Obama won Indiana by 1 point and overwhelmingly re-elected Mitch Daniels.
A lot of red still in this map.
Yep, a lot of right wing scumbags were cleared out in 2008.
The rest have kept their noses mostly clean for now anyway.
We progressives have no need for corruption no matter what the party affiliation.
Before it was exposed, did you know that acorn would help pimps launder money and help pimp underage girls?
If so, why didn’t you report it?
If not, doesn’t that proves you knew squat about acorn.
When the easter bunny or santas elves pile up the number of indictments that acorn employees have, we can discuss the easter bunny and santa.
Meanwhile, our Bunny is accusing those who want to draw down in Afghanistan of “cutting and running” when it turns out the majority of Democrats – including many on HA no doubt – are in favor of reducing our troops and the majority of Republicans are not!
notice how YLB cant seem to respond to any of the posts with facts or intelligent ideas….
its simply the musings of a lazy jobless pos.
great example you are to your kids ylb….your wife should dump your ass.
Wow! You’re just flush with ’em!
95 refuted your bullshit about Indiana.
Wow. The Dems are interested in cleaning their own house!
It took the voters in 2006 and 2008 to do that for the Republicans.
“Sue”‘s life is so meaningful she has to come to to attack the regulars here.
Miserable, losing right winger. Comfort yourself with some holiday cheer from that viagra-pumped sex tourist Limbaugh.
just another lazy jobless dumbass hanging out on the internet all day…..good job ylb….did you make your wife pay for AND cook the turkey this year?
fucking loser.
and I doubt “sue”, whoever the hell she is, would put up with your lame excuses for not looking for a job.
Can any right winger point to a comprehensive list?
Gee Acorn is so corrupt an organization, Mike Steele praised it here:
“No I’m not a big fan of ACORN for a whole lot of reasons, because of my own feelings with some of their folks over the years. But I do respect the fact it has a history of working in the community and helping the poor.”
104 – You mean you’re not sue/daves/pandu/lebowski/many other names?
If one of the admins are about, that could be put to rest.
Save some time and come clean. Oops. Not something a right winger is know for.
wrong…guess again dipshit.
once again, your wife must be working hard to prepare a meal, while you fuck off and dont contribute.
damned worthless loser.
Hey Sue,
You said you were big on facts. How about the “fact” that Mike Steele mentioned about Acorn working in the community and helping the poor?
See 105 right wing loser.
1. Im not sue
2. I dont give a fuck about Mike Steele or what he thinks.
got it yet?
3. acorn is full of crooks – and society’s lazy scraps.
107 – Let’s see you’ve repeated that saw about Afghanistan and the rabbit at least a dozen times. Did that make you feeeeel good?
Are you also the moron who attacked Don Joe on a misstatement of fact without refuting his argument? That’s seems your M.O.
Yaawwwnn.. I’m getting bored with yet another right wing loser who’ll dry up and blow away like so many others before him.
Oh so you’re homophobic hater right?
How about that R-71!!!!
wtf are you rambling on about, you obsessive freak.
your getting bored? fine, then go out and look for a damn job then.
ylb, you are a freak.
I dont care what mike steele thinks, and somehow that makes me homophobic?…LMFAO.
are you employophobic? jobophobic?
Feelings… What about the facts Mike? What have they done beside sign up poor people to vote to take them down a few notches with you?
Oh here’s a “fact” from Mike:
There it is right wingers. There it is Stupes. There it is Stupes disciples like sue/daves.
A “fact” from Mike Steele.
Moron @ 113
How’d you vote on R-71?
Do you even vote?
yep…I vote every time – and how I vote is non of your fucking business.
go get a job you fucking loser.
I bet your wife is fucking someone at the office – being employed is sexy.
117 – Keep on hating fool..
We’ll be ok with just winning..
Got a dinner to work on now. Later.
I’ll be back. Count on it.
stop fibbing loser…you dont help with the cooking – or anything else for that matter.
ya, your “winning” arent you – how about you “win” yourself a paycheck.
@118 I’ll be back. Count on it.
We always do!
120 – I laugh at you right wing loser.
You fiends have no life outside of hate!
and ylb has no life outside of HA and the unemployment office.
people like you should be cut off from the public dole..go be homeless for a while – then maybe that will teach you a lesson about being responsible and paying your own way.
Awwwwww. How darling. Yet another right winger who wants to bark orders at those they deem beneath them. How authoritarian!
Sorry right wing hater. There’s a strict policy about right wing orders here. They are always:
Happy Thanksgiving to the HA Happy Hooligans!
Just checking to see if I am still banned.
And down goes Dubai!
Dubai, the place Tom Freidman loves to carry on about.
The place that is one of the worlds centers for the trafficking of women. The place where all the fancy glittering building are built by slave labor. Is going down.
This is a good thing.
Wow ylb arschloch,
Power comeback@68.Yep “Here comes De Judge”. Your stuff judged to be useless and feckless. A monomaniacal worthless idiot who barely rises above single digits on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)! Congratulations
correctnotright always screams
Peer Reviewed
Peer Reviewed
Peer Reviewed
Yes a new peer reviewed definition… “I took the raw data, inserted the “correct temperature modifications” and sent it out for peer review. My peers reviewed it, they agree with my “correct temperature modifications” and I published it.”
Peer Reviewed!
@125, It will be interesting to see if Black Friday takes on an unintended meaning tomorrow. Some markets were down over 3% on that news.
When you consider that Dubai is a center for human trafficking, the illegal arms trade, the drug trade and money laundering from everything and everywhere there, Dubai taking a fall is a good thing in the long run. The markets will go back up.
Checkout the book McMafia by Misha Glenny for more on Dubai.
Obama won Indiana.
ylb arschloch, AKA DUMB BRICK MORON!
ylb arschloch farts
ASSWipe, you repeat yourself everyday. Butt being a dumb brick, that’s all you have.
Keep being stupid. No one comes to your defense monomaniacal chronologically challenged idiot.
Yep we will continue on the jlb arschloch you front because you are worthless.
No wonder your son wants to be a Republican. You ylb arschloch are such a fine progressive specimen and life model for your son!
ylb arschloch farts again…
You can improve your lot.
FIND A JOB FOOL! For instance, you’ll surpass the dumb cinder block rujax.
ylb arschloch, we don’t hate. We pity you fool!
@35: hahahha Stamn do you know the difference between a typo and a grammatical error?
Guess not! What a maroon!
Still waiting on anything coming out of Stamn that is of some substance.
Stamn has NO plans or ideas on the economy, on health care or on much of anything.
Any fool can pratter on with criticism – but when you ask Stamn to actually come up with what he/she is in favor of…..crickets chirping……Nothin’
Stamn – you are not worthy of respect because you are too much of a coward to even put out your own ideas.
You are a provocateur – and nothing more. A slimy, nitwitted fool who has nothing useful to say.
I will continue to ridicule you because that is all your sordid little writings deserve.
Grow up and grow a set and become a man – put forth something positive. Is there is nothing Obama could do that you would support? Because all you do is hate and chirp.
In addition, you contradict yourself and say the dumbest things.
I love how you represent the republican party, in all its know-nothing and just-say-no glory.
Puddy: Happy thanksgiving
Puddy at least puts out his opinions. I may not agree with them – but Puddy is willing to at least HAVE an opinion.
Oh and Stamn, the reference to fiddling was about Rome burning…read a little history and you will get it.
Happy Turkey Day, especially our right side turkey posters.
No fights tonight.
Conservatives will always manipulate facts — and lie, if necessary — to further their ideological goals. This impulse flows from the very nature of conservatism itself. As the journalist Sam Tanenhaus wrote in his new book, “The Death of Conservatism,”
“[T]here is a fundamental difference between the two parties and the politics that guides them. The modern liberal worldview is premised on consensus. Movement conservatism emphasizes orthodoxy. In his pioneering essay ‘The Convenient State’ (1981), the twenty-six-year-old Garry Wills, at the time the most promising young conservative thinker in America, clarified the distinction: ‘A consensus, as the word’s form indicates, is a meeting of several views on common ground; an orthodoxy is the reduction of all views to a single view.’ Consensus implies compromise, establishing a minimal ground of agreement on which to base political organization. Orthodoxy goes to the roots of metaphysical and religious awareness and demands a “right view” on these things, not merely a modus vivendi. (The contemporary word for this is “ideology.”)’ These distinctions still define our politics. Liberals place faith in the interrelated processes of politics and governance. Conservatives subordinate governance to politics and ideological certitude — or, in the Catholic formulation favored by some conservatives, to recta ratio, ‘right reason.'” (p. 21)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What this means is that a conservative, no matter how intelligent and well educated, cannot and does not think for himself but must accept the doctrinal pronouncements of the ideological parent. A conservative can no more decide for himself whether global warming is real than a Catholic can conduct his own analysis of the morality of abortion, because to question the orthodoxy is to be something other than a conservative or a Catholic, at which point one loses acceptance by one’s superiors and peers. Thus, facts are irrelevant and rationality is useless when arguing with a servant of an orthodoxy like conservatism or Catholicism. And because orthodoxy is totalitarian in a way that leaves no room for compromise or consensus, you cannot negotiate with it, but must fight it and seek its defeat or neutralization, because the very nature of the beast leaves you no other choice.
zzzzZZZZZ… Projection.. It’s you right wing morons whose bullshit has gone flaccid… The record is only too clear on that score.
Never said he didn’t fool. By one point? Wow! What a blue state Indiana is with a Republican Governor overwhelmingly re-elected in 2008 not to mention chimp-crazy in 2000 and 2004!
You can’t read for shit!
And you morons never seem to catch on to what losers you all are!
Who’s “we”? One can only guess at the numbskulls you’ve attracted to your degenerate cause. Fine. I’d expect nothing more from your losing ass.
I’ll be here to laugh at all your silly losing asses!
Happy Turkey Day, Turkey!
Happy Turkey Day, CHUMP!
@138 I’ll bet Cynical didn’t pardon his turkey! I’ll bet he chopped its fucking head off! But maybe his goat got a rest day.
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm pardoned a turkey. The jury is still out on who it was.
ylb arschloch
Roger Dumb Bunny
don joe
Daddy Love
etc. etc. etc.?
Happy Thanksgiving back at you. Now……
Why are you running away from Climategate? Did you like my Peer Reviewed definitions @127?
Come on dude… you are always asking Puddy to respond to one of your entreaties yet you
run Run RUN R U N away from Climategate.
Your hero Goerge Monbiot wants a full investigation now.
What say you or are you being a turkey?
What a degenerate mind you display ylb arschloch. Instead of admitting you need to find a job you run run run from those comments. You aren’t even vigilant on your commentary fool. There is no projection whatsoever.
No one comes to help you fool.
Why is that?
We on the right know why. Sure you had a interesting Don’t TABOR me comment which only Darryl jumped on. Every one else runs from you fool. No one will ask to see that failure of a database. Every time you choose to use that database you are swatted like a useless mosquito. Even your son realizes what begat him. If you had a brain the debate would be worthwhile. You get beat down everyday in every way with your ever repeating RE-RUNs. FOOL!
chronologically deficient
unemployed idiot
You make so many errors it’s hard to keep track.
Let’s talk about this error, or as you call it, a typo.
99. correctnorright spews:
You, on the other hand, have not opinions worth putting down.11/25/2009 AT 6:27 PM
Do you agree with me that the letter “T” is not close to either “N” or “O”?
So how is it a typo? You spelled the wrong word correctly. If you had typed n9o I would call that a typo. Besides, why did you type 3 letters if you meant 2?
Like you wrote-
People who can’t spell and can’t even check their spelling…(things they should have learned in third grade)
Did you check your spelling like a third grader is taught? No. Or as you would write it, “not” you didn’t check your spelling like a third grader is taught.
Even if it was a typo, using your words, you should have checked your spelling.
Fail for spelling the wrong word correctly.
Fail for not checking your spelling.
Pass for punking yourself!!!!
The truth is, I’ve been having fun teasing you. I did put down 4 ideas about healthcare a short while back. Ask Steve, he asked me for my “plan.” I have the link, now lets see if you are smart enough to find it.
Of course. But since he’s as far left as he is I don’t believe he will.
Besides for supporting all the planks of the democrat party, what would it take for you to support a republican?
Great, I am glad I can bring such joy to your heart.
Did you hear?
Oba-mao added him to the saved jobs list.
Yes Roger Dumb Bunny you got it almost right.
Like kos would say, screw you.
Do you really feel that oba-mao is doing that bad of a job?
143 – Awwwww. Stupesy. My feelings are so hurt by your feckless gibes.
Keep up the great work moron. I’m looking forward to many more years of ridiculing horrible right wing programs like the TABOR.
But most especially making fun of the failing, sycophantic, losing pitiful right wing sheep who bleat on and on as the propaganda from their masters tell them, who robotically turn out to pull the lever for all the bad ideas that are designed to work against their interests and only line the pockets of the depraved rich boys and girls behind the curtains – only to see all that crap slaughtered at the polls by people who are sick and tired of seeing that same old right wing bullshit song and dance.
Failing losing sheep like YOU!
May the agony of defeat for the birthers, the tenthers, the deathers and all that ugly teabagging cult crowd continue for the indefinite future. One would feel bad for such deluded people. One would hope they would wake up (and some do). But all those bridges were burnt so long ago. They’re on their own.
There you go again ylb arschloch, projecting your hateful nature as always. Calling peeps teabaggers. We’ll see about 2010 fool.
Again fool, you skip right over the personal part of being a monomaniacal, chronologically challenged moron. Remember you did this to yourself.
Awwwwww. Were your feelings hurt Stupesy? It’d help if your peeps didn’t call themselves teabaggers.
Yep. Keep using it. I’ll keep ignoring it. And I’ll keep on making fun of your stupid right wing bullshit and antics here. Wouldn’t it be fun if all your bullshit was just personal attacks on me and so much less the feckless right wing bullshit put out by your masters. Says a lot about your useless ideology. Keep up the great work fool. It helps the progressive cause.
Indeed we shall. I’ll be here. Count on it.
As said by someone whos masters made up 440 fake congressional districts & jobs to coverup the fact his stimulus failed.
Here’s the oba-mao graph that shows what unemployment will be with and without the oba-mao stimulus.
Of course the real data has been added.
Of course it failed and put the country further into debt.
Strange, under bush the left didn’t believe in wasting money.
Now, democrats try to see who can waste the most.
gbs is quite proud he doesn’t pay any federal income tax.
Why don’t you bring it up to him your concerns about rich people not paying their fair share.
Or do you allow democrats not to pay their fair share.
yeah that fake WMD didn’t cost this country anything either.
Stamm – the energizer bunny of the teabagging cult at, he keeps going and going and going – bein’ stooopid.
152 – Wow if GBS legally gets away without paying Federal taxes then he could teach a tool like you a thing or two.
You’re boring me.
Unemployed idiots like you DO BORE US, just like your politics bore your SON!!!
bush is not president anymore, please moveon.
The country voted for change.
Why do you believe oba-mao made up all those districts?
Is making up 440 fake congressional districts what you consider CHANGE?
Good point, to pay your fair share is the act of a tool.
And I’m a double tool because I work to support myself.
You just gotta feel sorry for YLB’s wife…could you imagine being married to this loser?
Gee my right wing son (and it’s not yet clear by any stretch he’ll turn out that way) might actually sign up to serve his country when becomes of age in the military:
UNLIKE YOUR SONS!!! Serving their country at a liberal University in Seattle.
LMAO @ You fiend! Here’s a number you can call to correct the situation fool:
Hey, you’re the one who’s animated by paying as little taxes as humanly possible.
GBS should be a role model for you.
Your work would be done. You pay no taxes, you can then enjoy the good life and spend no further time polluting these comment threads with feckless right wing drivel.
IIRC, that drivel you posted here before Nov 2008 worked out great for you.
Oh my what a compassionate conservative you are. I’m so impressed.
I have so much to learn from you.
As I pointed out above I feel hardly any pity for feckless members of the teabagger cult like you.
LOL! Oh please, please, please.
“Moveon” from thousands of American lives wasted, “moveon” from the HUNDREDS of thousands of Iraqui lives extinguished, “moveon” from the torture, “moveon” from the corruption of overcharging for washers, for fuel, for crappy reconstruction projects farmed out to overcharging, corrupt, well-connected military contractors.
You’re now reduced to begging Stammo. It’s too freaking funny.
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WOW! Dude, you totally have a “man crush” on me.
You never stop talking about me. Even when I ignore you.
BTW, I pay my legal “fair share” of the tax burden.
If it bothers you that I get every penny, or just about every penny I pay in federal taxes back, don’t snipe at me, or about me.
How petty and jealous are you?
Stop supporting Republicans we create those tax laws that I can follow. Oh, you can follow those laws, too.
Don’t hate because you haven’t learned how to be successful in the richest nation in the history of the world.
Stop being a lazy, dope smokin’, two-bit musician and start WORKING and producing something of value.
See a shrink about your unhealthy obession with men on line that you don’t even know. It’s kinda creepy.
And you’re living the good life here in these comments threads.
Wow. How admirable.