“Here, let me distract your attention from our state’s budget gap.”
That is the real goal of Darryl’s post.
Don’t be fooled, sheep.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 29% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -10. Rasmussen Reports has been tracking public support for the Congressional health care plan on a weekly basis. The latest tracking update will be released on Monday morning. Last week, 47% favored the plan and 49% took the opposite view. With the exception of bounces following a Presidential address, that’s the highest level of support for the plan since the debate began in earnest. A plurality trusts the private sector more than the government to keep the cost of health care down and the quality up.
Overall, 48% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance. Fifty-two percent (52%) now disapprove.
Democrat talking Points–
Health Care Plan will reduce costs and bring down the deficit and improve our Health Care.
Let’s debate vigorously to see if the propaganda vets out.
re 3: What does the Rasmussen have to say about prosecuting Bush and Cheney for war crimes?
Chris Stefanspews:
“here let me blame Gregiore for a problem almost every other state in the US is facing”
This is the real point of troll’s post.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 No, let’s talk about the state’s budget gap.
This gap can’t possibly exist because of increased spending, because the state has cut spending in absolute terms. It exists because Washington citizens have given themselves a huge tax cut.
The drop in state revenues represents taxes that Washingtonians have stopped paying. The correlation is perfect: Every $1 of state revenue decline is a $1 tax cut for citizens. Any idiot should be able to figure this out.
There are only two choices here: Either raise tax rates to recapture some of those taxes, or make further cuts in public services.
Of course, the kneejerk wingnut response is to cut, cut, cut — cut education, cut roads, cut salaries and health care. But this sort of beggars the question of why we paid taxes for those things in the first place. I mean, who wants to pay taxes? No one! And our legislators are, after all, elected by us and reflect our will when they approve spending and impose taxes to pay for it. So it stands to reason these taxes exist in the first place to pay for things we want.
The King County Sheriff has told us officers will no longer response to routine burglary calls because they don’t have enough officers. The wingnut response appears to be, we don’t need cops, we can handle this ourselves with guns. To which I say, go for it! One of my law school classmates was killed by a burglar she tried to shoot with a gun. When police think a burglary suspect is inside a residence, they don’t rush in. They surround the place with 50 officers equipped with armored vehicles, machineguns, and body armor. But hey, if you hairy-chested wingnuts want to handle burglars yourselves with a Glock, standing in your shorts and a t-shirt, be my fucking guest! Fewer wingnuts voting in future elections is a good thing, not a bad thing.
You dummies also tried to repeal the pothole tax. Of course, you were too stupid to understand that if the state didn’t get that nickel, the oil companies would, and you wouldn’t see a penny of relief at the gas pump. Or maybe you did see that, but in your blind hatred of government, wrecking your vehicle’s front end in a pothole and paying a $2,500 repair bill is a small sacrifice to pay for keeping gummint in its place.
Needless to say, you’ve never met a public school you didn’t hate. This is probably psychological and has its origins in the fact you were lousy students and the nuns beat you relentlessly. All of your experience having been in parochial schools, you don’t realize that public school teachers aren’t allowed to deal with disciplinary problems like Mother Superiors do. The fact is, almost all the rest of us were educated in public schools and universities, and despite the drumbeat of vilification of public education that issues ceaselessly from the right, we’re doing just fine. We’re certainly smarter than you, at least.
Getting back to the budget gap, it exists because of our state’s reckless reliance on a sales tax for most of its revenue, and because Washington consumers have stopped spending because of the Bush Depression. It’s true incomes have fallen, but consumer spending has fallen even more. The sales tax is, after all, voluntary because anyone can avoid it simply by not consuming — and that’s what people are doing now.
Okay, so if that means they don’t want the public services that sales taxes pay for, fine. Let’s close the schools, health departments, prisons, and courts. And don’t forget to kick grandpop out of his nursing home to the curb! If we’re going to put criminals back on the streets, we might as well put sick and vulnerable elderly on the streets too! No more testing of drinking water; if somebody poisoned the well with toxic effluent, just get sick and die! Do you think I care if all the Republican-voting rural counties get depopulated because nobody is testing the drinking water anymore? You get what you pay for, and when you pay nothing, you get nothing.
Why else would democrats be so adamant about continuing funding for their crime organization?
Marvin Stamnspews:
4. Headless spews:
re 3: What does the Rasmussen have to say about prosecuting Bush and Cheney for war crimes?
That the democrats won’t do it because of their involvement.
Notice how the democrat politicians don’t talk about that stuff anymore?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I think when prisons must be closed due to lack of funds, criminals should be released to communities in proportion to how much taxes each county pays.
This means Republican counties that don’t pay taxes will get all their criminals back, but no one should feel sorry for them. After all, these people have guns, and claim to be able to take care of themselves.
Frankly, I’m tired of subsidizing them. If they don’t want to pay for police, courts, and jails, they’re on their own! Keep King County taxes in King County! Let the hayseed Palin worshippers drive on dirt roads and send their kids to one-room schools taught by volunteer instructors. Make ’em live with what they’re willing to pay for.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “the democrats won’t do it because of their involvement”
Let the chips fall where they will. We’re willing to sacrifice guilty Democrats alongside guilty Republicans.
Of course the left would never use an event for political reasons. Clinton is just pissed that olbermann made it public knowledgee that the event was going to be turned into a primary kickoff event.
The comments are better than the article. Oh yeah, the link is to the left-leaning firedoglake.
what a disgusting slithering piece of shit! The political animal finds the event too political?! Fuck him over and again. I hope that Democrats will finally start seeing this dick head for the corporate shill that he is!!!
Cock sucker!!
Just like x’ad and rujax, go to the cocksucker insults.
Is Bill kowtowing to Blanche because of a better blowjob?
Another blowjob comment, at least this one is about clinton getting and not giving.
Olbermann stepped up, raised a shitload of cash, and organized a number of free clinics. And this MF has the temerity to criticize such an effort? Blanche must have really shined his knob good…
Another blowjob reference.
Yeah. Bubba doesn’t like to see the little people getting too uppity and forgetting their place.
There’s a special place in hell reserved for Bubba
“And BTW, he was said to be the suckee.”
That was the exception that proves the rule.
And to think the left said it was the right-wing that was obsessed with clinton getting a blowjob. Projection.
Bill Clinton did much to bring the U.S. to where it is today. Degregulation of the financial industry and the media, ending the Fairness Doctrine, NAFTA to name but a few. All with the help of Obama’s little buddy, Rahm Emanuel.
you are right, Bill Clinton is a big cocksucker
Back to the cocksucker insults.
Wow, I never knew that so many democrats thought of bill clinton as a cocksucker.
Marvin Stamnspews:
9. Roger Rabbit spews:
I think when prisons must be closed due to lack of funds, criminals should be released to communities in proportion to how much taxes each county pays.
Like I’ve said, democrats don’t want to help poor and minorities.
How is sending back criminals back to south central going to help anybody except democrats like you that want to demonize republicans?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I just want to alert everyone that I’m taking apart puddy very very badly in the “Cloture” thread; he’s not only getting his ass kicked, he’s getting it shoved up his ass! For a good time, click on the next thread down.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 You’re right, I don’t want to help the poor Republicans who are in the minority in our state. God helps those who help themselves. They need to learn that before I can do anything for them.
Marvin Stamnspews:
14. Roger Rabbit spews:
God helps those who help themselves — they need to remember that before I can do anything for them.
So now you’re against social programs?
Let the poor “help themselves?”
@13 I just want to alert everyone that I’m taking apart puddy very very badly
Oh, I see RR is letting his fists do the talking once more. Proof enough that our little bunny is getting his butt kicked!
Say, Marvin, since this is an open thread, can you recommend any on-line resources for learning more about funk brass arranging? I just did an eight page deep Google search and came up with next to nothing. My former resource is gone. This is the only thing I found in my search.
WTF? The edit function is back. Wonder of wonders.
Darryl posts this every week.
Oh, great, the edit function appears but doesn’t do anything but pop up an operation aborted panel. Different problem than last week when I’d hit “Submit Comment” and instead be directed to the msn home page with the comment never to be seen again.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Ok everybody, lighten up a bit and enjoy this one—
Three mischievous old Grannies were sitting on a bench outside a nursing home when an old Grandpa walked by.
And one of the old Grandmas yelled out saying, “We bet we can tell exactly how old you are.”
The old man said,
“There is no way you can guess it, you old fools.”
One of the old Grandmas said,
“Sure we can! – Just drop your pants and under shorts and we can tell your exact age.”
Embarrassed just a little, but anxious to prove they couldn’t do it, he dropped his drawers.
The Grandmas asked him to first turn around a couple of times and to jump up and down several times. Then they all piped up and said,
“You’re 87 years old!”
Standing with his pants down around his ankles, the old gent asked, “How in the world did you guess?”
Slapping their knees and grinning from ear to ear, the three old ladies happily yelled in unison…
re 8: The lead up to the Iraq war was all Bush adminbistration lies. They whipped the country into a war frenzy and it would have been political suicide to not go along.
The Democrats ‘complicity’ was their usual timidity. The lies and mendacity are all yours then as they are still to this very day.
What does the Rasmussen have to say about prosecuting Bush and Cheney for war crimes?
That the democrats won’t do it because of their involvement.
But, at the same time, I think we have bigger, more pressing things to worry about (like he survival of our country) and it would be wrong to take our eye off the ball to fix something we already fixed by trouncing the Republicans in two election cycles in a row.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Again Roger Dumb Bunny is fully delusional. Not only is Puddy kicking his sorry ASS but others are too!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Jon Kyl nails the Democrat Ponzi Scheme–
“When they claim a savings … in the first 10 years, that’s because they start collecting taxes in 2010 they don’t start spending money till 2014,” said Kyl, helping to kick off the debate senators voted a day earlier to start on the $848 billion package
“Any private or any publicly traded business that claimed it was making a profit because it booked revenue over 10 years but only booked expenses over six years would wind up in jail. That’s what this bill does, that’s just many of the frauds and hat tricks in this bill,” Kyl said on “Fox News Sunday.”
That is the key point Democrats will struggle with as they try to cost-justify this monstrosity.
Accounting 101—The Matching Principle
Match revenue and expenses in accounting periods.
Right Stuffspews:
The Democrats ‘complicity’ was their usual timidity. The lies and mendacity are all yours then as they are still to this very day.
If they went to a public option right away for everyone, they would save 7% plus of the total yearly GDP.
Just think of the benefit to the country.
Oh. I forgot. All Republicans care about is low taxes for the rich and confiscatory price schemes for government sanctioned monopolies like health insurance and the oil companies.
You are totally blowing smoke up everyones’ ass (an activity Kyl is particularly fond of)by saying that saving 1/2 of the money we apend on health care to keep the health leeches rolling in dough is a net loss for the country is just another igrint Republican lie.
Marvin Stamnspews:
17. Steve spews:
Say, Marvin, since this is an open thread, can you recommend any on-line resources for learning more about funk brass arranging?
That pop horn site is a pretty good beginning. I don’t know of any and couldn’t find any.
Considering you played both violin and guitar, I’m guessing you have a good base of musical knowledge. I’ll raise a few questions…
Are you comfortable knowing the range and idiosyncrasies of each horn.
Chords & voicings. That pop horn site you linked to says 1. Don’t use parallel fourths or fifths. I guess he never listened to the brecker brothers. Just like when I lump all democrats into one, it’s just as foolish to say never or always when talking about voicingsa.
Just like film music conveying feelings/thoughts, voicings also. (Horns in octaves are more powerful than a three note voicing.)
Are you comfortable with putting what you hear in your head onto the paper?
Listen, copy/imitate. When I teach beginning jazz, it always starts out with transcribing, memorizing and mimicking the solo of the jazz master I give them.
Do you have any horn arrangements to look at and study? It’s a great learning experience to hear what you write, most horn bands will take a free horn arrangement. If you have any friends in the music business they might be able to direct you to a horn band.
If you have any thing to listen to or look at I’ll be glad to check it out.
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forget spews:
Again Roger Dumb Bunny is fully delusional. Not only is Puddy kicking his sorry ASS but others are too!
Don’t forget, the rabbit looks at everything from the left. Which means his image is backwards. What he perceives as kicking is really getting kicked.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “So now you’re against social programs?”
I’m against more social programs for Republican freeloaders in eastern Washington. We’re doing enough for them already. Let those gentlemen farmers get real jobs and see what it’s like to work and pay taxes.
When workers heard the news, “it was like a time bomb went off,” said Matt Edler, who has worked for 10 years at the refinery that rises out of the lowlands near the Delaware River in southern New Castle County.
How “green” is an oil refinery?
Those unemployed people are now collateral damage in the war on man-made-global-warming.
Like kos would say, “screw them.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
Besides for the dropping poll numbers, what has prompted saturday night live to start punking oba-mao.
Hopefully on monday the AP will assign 10 or so fact-checkers to fact-check snl.
Various and sundry winter weather warnings are up for Washington State, everyone got their hatches battened and their hot coca and Rumplemintz ready?
Coupled with Sunoco Inc.’s idling of its Eagle Point refinery in West Deptford, Valero’s decision shows the refining industry is under intense pressure, not just from the worst economic downturn since the 1930s, but also from expectations that U.S. gasoline demand will never return to the highs of 2007
@33 Perfect! Thanks!
Marvin Stamnspews:
31. Roger Rabbit spews:
farmers get real jobs and see what it’s like to work and pay taxes.
I thought you believed taxes were too high on middle class workers?
What happened, now you want workers to pay for the government you want when rich white liberals don’t pay their fair share?
Most recordings I’m saving recording brass for last. On the one or two pieces I’ve messed around with, passages in unison were, of course, turning out just fine. Harmonies weren’t quite right for some reason. I think I’m starting to understand why. Thanks.
I have very little knowledge of brass instruments but I’ve owned a tenor sax and messed around with it for a couple years and still have a clarinet – untouched for years. The sax was so much easier to play! With the Motif’s PLG modeling module I’m comfortable dialing in what I want for the different saxes modeled and when/how to use any effects and what controllers to use (I forgot to mention I have the BC3 breath controller) for each. Not so with trumpet and trombone. I haven’t even tried experimenting with any editing or effects controls with those instruments.
Name a tax and the big farmers in Eastern Washington are probably exempt from it.
The tax levied by RCW 82.08.020 shall not apply to sales of semen for use in the artificial insemination of livestock.
I wonder when sperm banks are going to try and get humans classified as livestock.
Marvin Stamnspews:
46. Michael spews:
Name a tax and the big farmers in Eastern Washington are probably exempt from it.
Federal income tax?
Gasoline tax?
Taxes when booking an airline flight?
Marvin Stamnspews:
47. Michael spews:
Why are non-residents exempt from paying sales tax in Washington?
Taxation without representation?
It’s not as if I can vote for any republican politician in your state, although I can for a democrat if I register through acorn.
the captainspews:
@31….if thats the way you feel, then perhaps you should start growing your own food – after all, those farmers that you hate so much are the same people that feed your lazy ass.
Marvin Stamnspews:
45. Steve spews:
in unison were, of course, turning out just fine. Harmonies weren’t quite right for some reason. I think I’m starting to understand why.
Trumpets with the trombones an octave lower?
The higher (in notes) the trumpets and trombones are, the louder and brassier. With trumpets playing around concert C (2 ledger lines) and trombones an octave lower they will produce enough “edge” (overtones) to cut through almost anything. If the notes are lower, for a more mellow sound trumpets can play flugels. There is that “jerry hey” sound that’s real mellow (check out al jarreau) with flugel/flute/trombone playing in unison.
I have very little knowledge of brass instruments
The most important thing to learn and remember is that the trumpet is the best and most important instrument in the history of mankind.
(I forgot to mention I have the BC3 breath controller)
When I got into midi I bought an EWI and EVI.
Like you found out, without some breath, horns don’t sound right.
Back in the old days of midi I would spend hours working on guitar strumming by shifting each note in the chord a few ticks sooner or later depending on up or down strum.
Marvin Stamnspews:
51. the captain spews:
@31….if thats the way you feel, then perhaps you should start growing your own food
he’s a rabbit.
his type doesn’t grow food.
his type steal food.
his type destroy gardens.
his type end up as roadkill or coyote food and lucky rabbits feet.
Jeeez…Mr. Puddybuddy’s cum-dumpster marvie-poo must be having a slow day by the pool. Too bad he feels like he needs to spend his time here.
Marvin Stamnspews:
56. Rujax! spews:
Still writing about me and Puddy on your blog?
Rujax's blogspews:
It’s been a FULL month since you last updated me, blog master . . . .
Marvin Stamnspews:
58. Rujax’s blog spews:
It’s been a FULL month since you last updated me, blog master . . . .
Lets see when it was last updated and what rujax considers important…
Thursday, October 22, 2009 about Puddy.
Another thread Monday, October 19, 2009 about Puddy.
A thread asking his fellow travelers at HA to join his team. NO comments, go figure. Get the hint rujax? Your fellow “travelers” at HA don’t want anything to do with your little “team.” LMAO
Another thread Sunday, October 18, 2009 mentioning Puddy
Sunday, October 18, 2009 a thread about me.
Great blog you have rujax, why not change it to “rujax-Owned&OperatedByPuddy&Marv.blogspot.com?”
Truth in advertising.
You believe in being truthful don’t you?
Glenn Beck’s straight-up John Birch/Joseph McCarthy.
We’re not against farmers, we’re against crony capitalism.
the captainspews:
@61…who is “we”?
and for what its worth – please, go ahead and cut all the tax breaks and subsidies for the farmer. I would love to see all the inner city liberals cry and complain because it costs $20 for a gallon of milk or $10 for a loaf of bread.
Watching you fools go hungry would be kinda funny.
Are democrats scared of palin or is she someone to use to fool democrat voters into giving democrats more money at a time when the country has unemployment over 10%.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
Maybe X’ad is rujax in drag…? Another fool with cockbreath and cockbrains
It’s we as both Roger and I have posted about this on this thread and on many other occasions.
And again, WE are not against farmers. We are against crony capitalism in all it’s forms.
No one was starving to death from 1945 to 1973, food prices were quite low, actually. Big Ag. crony capitalism got it’s start with Nixon’s farm bill in 1973.
Our current tax breaks and ‘farm bills’ work to give power and money to large companies like ADM and Cargill, they do nothing to ensure a sustainable, heathy, affordable food supply.
You might want to check out Michael Pollen and Wendell Berry’s writings for more information.
The specter of Sarah Palin’s is the democrats version of gay marriage.
70. Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forget spews:
Maybe X’ad is rujax in drag…?
My guess is that x’ad a female that isn’t getting any and rujax is suppressing his sexuality. That’s why both of them keep talking about dick so much.
Another fool with cockbreath and cockbrains
If you read his blog, you will see he’s just as juvenile with sex there. One thanksgiving he said something about getting stuffed. Followed up with “heh heh heh.” Reminded me of bevis & butthead they way they giggled with any mention of something sexual.
You see it’s the left, not the right, that is working to provide safe, healthy, affordable, sustainable food for America. You’ve missed the fact that America’s is currently undergoing a bit of a food revolution and it’s the left that’s leading the way.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 A couple years ago, silly trolls told us oil companies were closing refineries because of environmental laws. Now, they blame Obama’s economic policies. Nope, wrong on both counts. They’ve been closing smaller, less efficient, refineries since the early 1990s for cost reasons. Overall production has gone up due to expansion of mega-refineries, which are mostly located along the Gulf coast.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 “Federal income tax?”
Yep, farmers get all kinds of tax breaks. That’s why there’s so many hobby farms.
“Gasoline tax?”
Yep, there’s an agricultural exemption from gas taxes. That’s why so many farmers drive gas guzzlers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 I don’t have to grow food. Nature does it for me. There’s rabbit food everywhere you look!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 “his type end up as roadkill or coyote food and lucky rabbits feet”
Nature provides for that by making more of us.
Farmers are a symptom of the problem, not the problem. The problem is crony capitalism, which big Ag. is a big part of.
I thought you didn’t like subsidies and paying taxes? Having ADM and Co. paying their fair share and paying to clean up their messes would cut down on taxes the rest of us would pay.
We should let all the people in jail for smoking pot out of jail to make room for Alan Greenspan, his wall street banker buddies and the heads of banks like WaMu.
Puddybud Remembers Libtardos Forgetspews:
76. Rujax! spews: PS…X’ad is wayyyyy smarter than all three of us put together.
At least rujax admits he’s possessed by multiple personalities. How ’bout the rest of the HA Libtardos?
America, as Beck and his drooling acolytes “know it”, never began.
“Here, let me distract your attention from our state’s budget gap.”
That is the real goal of Darryl’s post.
Don’t be fooled, sheep.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Democrat talking Points–
Health Care Plan will reduce costs and bring down the deficit and improve our Health Care.
Let’s debate vigorously to see if the propaganda vets out.
re 3: What does the Rasmussen have to say about prosecuting Bush and Cheney for war crimes?
“here let me blame Gregiore for a problem almost every other state in the US is facing”
This is the real point of troll’s post.
@2 No, let’s talk about the state’s budget gap.
This gap can’t possibly exist because of increased spending, because the state has cut spending in absolute terms. It exists because Washington citizens have given themselves a huge tax cut.
The drop in state revenues represents taxes that Washingtonians have stopped paying. The correlation is perfect: Every $1 of state revenue decline is a $1 tax cut for citizens. Any idiot should be able to figure this out.
There are only two choices here: Either raise tax rates to recapture some of those taxes, or make further cuts in public services.
Of course, the kneejerk wingnut response is to cut, cut, cut — cut education, cut roads, cut salaries and health care. But this sort of beggars the question of why we paid taxes for those things in the first place. I mean, who wants to pay taxes? No one! And our legislators are, after all, elected by us and reflect our will when they approve spending and impose taxes to pay for it. So it stands to reason these taxes exist in the first place to pay for things we want.
The King County Sheriff has told us officers will no longer response to routine burglary calls because they don’t have enough officers. The wingnut response appears to be, we don’t need cops, we can handle this ourselves with guns. To which I say, go for it! One of my law school classmates was killed by a burglar she tried to shoot with a gun. When police think a burglary suspect is inside a residence, they don’t rush in. They surround the place with 50 officers equipped with armored vehicles, machineguns, and body armor. But hey, if you hairy-chested wingnuts want to handle burglars yourselves with a Glock, standing in your shorts and a t-shirt, be my fucking guest! Fewer wingnuts voting in future elections is a good thing, not a bad thing.
You dummies also tried to repeal the pothole tax. Of course, you were too stupid to understand that if the state didn’t get that nickel, the oil companies would, and you wouldn’t see a penny of relief at the gas pump. Or maybe you did see that, but in your blind hatred of government, wrecking your vehicle’s front end in a pothole and paying a $2,500 repair bill is a small sacrifice to pay for keeping gummint in its place.
Needless to say, you’ve never met a public school you didn’t hate. This is probably psychological and has its origins in the fact you were lousy students and the nuns beat you relentlessly. All of your experience having been in parochial schools, you don’t realize that public school teachers aren’t allowed to deal with disciplinary problems like Mother Superiors do. The fact is, almost all the rest of us were educated in public schools and universities, and despite the drumbeat of vilification of public education that issues ceaselessly from the right, we’re doing just fine. We’re certainly smarter than you, at least.
Getting back to the budget gap, it exists because of our state’s reckless reliance on a sales tax for most of its revenue, and because Washington consumers have stopped spending because of the Bush Depression. It’s true incomes have fallen, but consumer spending has fallen even more. The sales tax is, after all, voluntary because anyone can avoid it simply by not consuming — and that’s what people are doing now.
Okay, so if that means they don’t want the public services that sales taxes pay for, fine. Let’s close the schools, health departments, prisons, and courts. And don’t forget to kick grandpop out of his nursing home to the curb! If we’re going to put criminals back on the streets, we might as well put sick and vulnerable elderly on the streets too! No more testing of drinking water; if somebody poisoned the well with toxic effluent, just get sick and die! Do you think I care if all the Republican-voting rural counties get depopulated because nobody is testing the drinking water anymore? You get what you pay for, and when you pay nothing, you get nothing.
Why else would democrats be so adamant about continuing funding for their crime organization?
That the democrats won’t do it because of their involvement.
Notice how the democrat politicians don’t talk about that stuff anymore?
I think when prisons must be closed due to lack of funds, criminals should be released to communities in proportion to how much taxes each county pays.
This means Republican counties that don’t pay taxes will get all their criminals back, but no one should feel sorry for them. After all, these people have guns, and claim to be able to take care of themselves.
Frankly, I’m tired of subsidizing them. If they don’t want to pay for police, courts, and jails, they’re on their own! Keep King County taxes in King County! Let the hayseed Palin worshippers drive on dirt roads and send their kids to one-room schools taught by volunteer instructors. Make ’em live with what they’re willing to pay for.
@8 “the democrats won’t do it because of their involvement”
Let the chips fall where they will. We’re willing to sacrifice guilty Democrats alongside guilty Republicans.
Typical democrat policy…
Blame others.
President Clinton to Skip Arkansas Free Clinic, Blames Olbermann for Politicizing Event
Bill Clinton told FDL’s Eve Gittelson that it would be problematic for him to attend a free medical clinic being held in Little Rock, Arkansas tomorrow because MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann had “politicized” the event.” He indicated that some were turning the event into a primary kickoff against Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln.
Of course the left would never use an event for political reasons. Clinton is just pissed that olbermann made it public knowledgee that the event was going to be turned into a primary kickoff event.
The comments are better than the article. Oh yeah, the link is to the left-leaning firedoglake.
Just like x’ad and rujax, go to the cocksucker insults.
Another blowjob comment, at least this one is about clinton getting and not giving.
Another blowjob reference.
And to think the left said it was the right-wing that was obsessed with clinton getting a blowjob. Projection.
Back to the cocksucker insults.
Wow, I never knew that so many democrats thought of bill clinton as a cocksucker.
Like I’ve said, democrats don’t want to help poor and minorities.
How is sending back criminals back to south central going to help anybody except democrats like you that want to demonize republicans?
I just want to alert everyone that I’m taking apart puddy very very badly in the “Cloture” thread; he’s not only getting his ass kicked, he’s getting it shoved up his ass! For a good time, click on the next thread down.
@12 You’re right, I don’t want to help the poor Republicans who are in the minority in our state. God helps those who help themselves. They need to learn that before I can do anything for them.
So now you’re against social programs?
Let the poor “help themselves?”
@13 I just want to alert everyone that I’m taking apart puddy very very badly
Oh, I see RR is letting his fists do the talking once more. Proof enough that our little bunny is getting his butt kicked!
Say, Marvin, since this is an open thread, can you recommend any on-line resources for learning more about funk brass arranging? I just did an eight page deep Google search and came up with next to nothing. My former resource is gone. This is the only thing I found in my search.
WTF? The edit function is back. Wonder of wonders.
Darryl posts this every week.
Oh, great, the edit function appears but doesn’t do anything but pop up an operation aborted panel. Different problem than last week when I’d hit “Submit Comment” and instead be directed to the msn home page with the comment never to be seen again.
Ok everybody, lighten up a bit and enjoy this one—
re 8: The lead up to the Iraq war was all Bush adminbistration lies. They whipped the country into a war frenzy and it would have been political suicide to not go along.
The Democrats ‘complicity’ was their usual timidity. The lies and mendacity are all yours then as they are still to this very day.
But, at the same time, I think we have bigger, more pressing things to worry about (like he survival of our country) and it would be wrong to take our eye off the ball to fix something we already fixed by trouncing the Republicans in two election cycles in a row.
Again Roger Dumb Bunny is fully delusional. Not only is Puddy kicking his sorry ASS but others are too!
Jon Kyl nails the Democrat Ponzi Scheme–
That is the key point Democrats will struggle with as they try to cost-justify this monstrosity.
Accounting 101—The Matching Principle
Match revenue and expenses in accounting periods.
The Democrats ‘complicity’ was their usual timidity. The lies and mendacity are all yours then as they are still to this very day.
Ooops. Guess you forgot about those Democrats.
If they went to a public option right away for everyone, they would save 7% plus of the total yearly GDP.
Just think of the benefit to the country.
Oh. I forgot. All Republicans care about is low taxes for the rich and confiscatory price schemes for government sanctioned monopolies like health insurance and the oil companies.
You are totally blowing smoke up everyones’ ass (an activity Kyl is particularly fond of)by saying that saving 1/2 of the money we apend on health care to keep the health leeches rolling in dough is a net loss for the country is just another igrint Republican lie.
That pop horn site is a pretty good beginning. I don’t know of any and couldn’t find any.
Considering you played both violin and guitar, I’m guessing you have a good base of musical knowledge. I’ll raise a few questions…
Are you comfortable knowing the range and idiosyncrasies of each horn.
Chords & voicings. That pop horn site you linked to says 1. Don’t use parallel fourths or fifths. I guess he never listened to the brecker brothers. Just like when I lump all democrats into one, it’s just as foolish to say never or always when talking about voicingsa.
Just like film music conveying feelings/thoughts, voicings also. (Horns in octaves are more powerful than a three note voicing.)
Are you comfortable with putting what you hear in your head onto the paper?
Listen, copy/imitate. When I teach beginning jazz, it always starts out with transcribing, memorizing and mimicking the solo of the jazz master I give them.
Do you have any horn arrangements to look at and study? It’s a great learning experience to hear what you write, most horn bands will take a free horn arrangement. If you have any friends in the music business they might be able to direct you to a horn band.
If you have any thing to listen to or look at I’ll be glad to check it out.
Don’t forget, the rabbit looks at everything from the left. Which means his image is backwards. What he perceives as kicking is really getting kicked.
@15 “So now you’re against social programs?”
I’m against more social programs for Republican freeloaders in eastern Washington. We’re doing enough for them already. Let those gentlemen farmers get real jobs and see what it’s like to work and pay taxes.
@16 “our little bunny is getting his butt kicked”
in your wet dreams
Ping Steve
@21 Tee-hee … maybe you’re good for something besides fucking goats after all, Klown!
The only thing funny about Republicans is their jokes. The rest is pathetic.
@24 See #35.
Another poll.
Obama’s overall job approval slipped to 49 percent from 53percent in September. Iowans’ approval is down 19 percentage points since an Iowa Poll in January, about the time he was inaugurated.
The overwhelming majority of Iowa Democrats, 82 percent, approve of the job Obama is doing. Yet their support has dropped 8 percentage points, and that has driven Obama’s overall decline.
In September, 90 percent of Iowa Democrats said they approved of the president’s performance.
So there’s a 8% drop in democrat support.
That only means one thing.
Those democrats are racist.
More people are losing their jobs…
Oil-refinery workers on the Delaware River yesterday received their second big blow in six weeks, when Valero Energy Corp. said it would close its operation in Delaware City, Del., casting 550 out of work.
When workers heard the news, “it was like a time bomb went off,” said Matt Edler, who has worked for 10 years at the refinery that rises out of the lowlands near the Delaware River in southern New Castle County.
How “green” is an oil refinery?
Those unemployed people are now collateral damage in the war on man-made-global-warming.
Like kos would say, “screw them.”
Besides for the dropping poll numbers, what has prompted saturday night live to start punking oba-mao.
Hopefully on monday the AP will assign 10 or so fact-checkers to fact-check snl.
Various and sundry winter weather warnings are up for Washington State, everyone got their hatches battened and their hot coca and Rumplemintz ready?
well known liberal willie brown on sarah palin
Not only is she commanding every show from O’Reilly to Oprah, she is sending their ratings sky high. Name another politician from either party with that kind of pull.
Better ratings than when oba-mao is on teev.
@33 Perfect! Thanks!
I thought you believed taxes were too high on middle class workers?
What happened, now you want workers to pay for the government you want when rich white liberals don’t pay their fair share?
Most recordings I’m saving recording brass for last. On the one or two pieces I’ve messed around with, passages in unison were, of course, turning out just fine. Harmonies weren’t quite right for some reason. I think I’m starting to understand why. Thanks.
I have very little knowledge of brass instruments but I’ve owned a tenor sax and messed around with it for a couple years and still have a clarinet – untouched for years. The sax was so much easier to play! With the Motif’s PLG modeling module I’m comfortable dialing in what I want for the different saxes modeled and when/how to use any effects and what controllers to use (I forgot to mention I have the BC3 breath controller) for each. Not so with trumpet and trombone. I haven’t even tried experimenting with any editing or effects controls with those instruments.
Name a tax and the big farmers in Eastern Washington are probably exempt from it.
Here’s the list for sales tax exemptions.
Why are non-residents exempt from paying sales tax in Washington?
My favorite exemption
I wonder when sperm banks are going to try and get humans classified as livestock.
Federal income tax?
Gasoline tax?
Taxes when booking an airline flight?
Taxation without representation?
It’s not as if I can vote for any republican politician in your state, although I can for a democrat if I register through acorn.
@31….if thats the way you feel, then perhaps you should start growing your own food – after all, those farmers that you hate so much are the same people that feed your lazy ass.
Trumpets with the trombones an octave lower?
The higher (in notes) the trumpets and trombones are, the louder and brassier. With trumpets playing around concert C (2 ledger lines) and trombones an octave lower they will produce enough “edge” (overtones) to cut through almost anything. If the notes are lower, for a more mellow sound trumpets can play flugels. There is that “jerry hey” sound that’s real mellow (check out al jarreau) with flugel/flute/trombone playing in unison.
The most important thing to learn and remember is that the trumpet is the best and most important instrument in the history of mankind.
When I got into midi I bought an EWI and EVI.
Like you found out, without some breath, horns don’t sound right.
Back in the old days of midi I would spend hours working on guitar strumming by shifting each note in the chord a few ticks sooner or later depending on up or down strum.
he’s a rabbit.
his type doesn’t grow food.
his type steal food.
his type destroy gardens.
his type end up as roadkill or coyote food and lucky rabbits feet.
What is the ACORN theory? I don’t think I buy it…
Please don’t judge Libertarians by Glen Beck’s mouth. He doesn’t represent us.
What happened to that michael moore movie about capitalism?
Was it released yet?
Has it bombed yet?
Did michael moore learn that it is rather disingenuous to complain about something that has made him so much money.
Jeeez…Mr. Puddybuddy’s cum-dumpster marvie-poo must be having a slow day by the pool. Too bad he feels like he needs to spend his time here.
Still writing about me and Puddy on your blog?
It’s been a FULL month since you last updated me, blog master . . . .
Lets see when it was last updated and what rujax considers important…
Thursday, October 22, 2009 about Puddy.
Another thread Monday, October 19, 2009 about Puddy.
A thread asking his fellow travelers at HA to join his team. NO comments, go figure. Get the hint rujax? Your fellow “travelers” at HA don’t want anything to do with your little “team.” LMAO
Another thread Sunday, October 18, 2009 mentioning Puddy
Sunday, October 18, 2009 a thread about me.
Great blog you have rujax, why not change it to “rujax-Owned&OperatedByPuddy&Marv.blogspot.com?”
Truth in advertising.
You believe in being truthful don’t you?
Glenn Beck’s straight-up John Birch/Joseph McCarthy.
We’re not against farmers, we’re against crony capitalism.
@61…who is “we”?
and for what its worth – please, go ahead and cut all the tax breaks and subsidies for the farmer. I would love to see all the inner city liberals cry and complain because it costs $20 for a gallon of milk or $10 for a loaf of bread.
Watching you fools go hungry would be kinda funny.
Suck another dick, marvin. I could really give two shits about you or your “thoughts”. Goes double for your “master” Mr. PuddyBuddy.
As said by the person that writes about Puddy & I on his blog.
I’ll type slow so you can keep up rujax…
If you really didn’t give a shit about what Puddy and I thought, you wouldn’t write about us on your blog.
Great blog you have rujax, why not change it to
@63 I could really give two shits
But I care blog master because you NEVER update me with original ideas.
A penny for your thoughts, maybe more for something interesting?
64, 65…
I guess being a cock-sucker-for-hire is the highest and best use of a mind that got stuck in seventh grade.
The liberal media didn’t do a competent job reporting on this…
Under threat of a lawsuit by The Fayetteville Observer, The Associated Press, ABC and Capitol Broadcasting Co., Fort Bragg on Friday lifted restrictions on press coverage of an appearance by Sarah Palin.
Even the liberal media wanted to be able to see palin.
I wonder, did the liberal media ever threaten to file suit when they couldn’t see oba-mao with the military?
But then, oba-mao isn’t driving teev ratings record high like palin is doing.
Damn, sorry to hear that rujax.
I’ll give you another $20 to blow a dog. $100 if you videotape it again.
And don’t worry about your mind being stuck in 7th grade, that’s why you blog is filled with copy/paste for 5 years and “no original ideas.”
Which is it…
1. Palin scares the crap out of democrats
2. democrats are using palin to take money out of the pockets of democrat donors.
from democrats.org
Help us raise $500,000 in the next week to push back against Sarah Palin and her special interest allies.
Which is it.
Are democrats scared of palin or is she someone to use to fool democrat voters into giving democrats more money at a time when the country has unemployment over 10%.
Maybe X’ad is rujax in drag…? Another fool with cockbreath and cockbrains
It’s we as both Roger and I have posted about this on this thread and on many other occasions.
And again, WE are not against farmers. We are against crony capitalism in all it’s forms.
No one was starving to death from 1945 to 1973, food prices were quite low, actually. Big Ag. crony capitalism got it’s start with Nixon’s farm bill in 1973.
Our current tax breaks and ‘farm bills’ work to give power and money to large companies like ADM and Cargill, they do nothing to ensure a sustainable, heathy, affordable food supply.
You might want to check out Michael Pollen and Wendell Berry’s writings for more information.
The specter of Sarah Palin’s is the democrats version of gay marriage.
Please go here:
My guess is that x’ad a female that isn’t getting any and rujax is suppressing his sexuality. That’s why both of them keep talking about dick so much.
If you read his blog, you will see he’s just as juvenile with sex there. One thanksgiving he said something about getting stuffed. Followed up with “heh heh heh.” Reminded me of bevis & butthead they way they giggled with any mention of something sexual.
MISTER Puddybuddy and his cum-dumpster marvie-poo never seem to get past “I know you are but what am I”.
Great debating style.
PS…X’ad is wayyyyy smarter than all three of us put together.
Or here:
Or here:
You see it’s the left, not the right, that is working to provide safe, healthy, affordable, sustainable food for America. You’ve missed the fact that America’s is currently undergoing a bit of a food revolution and it’s the left that’s leading the way.
@38 A couple years ago, silly trolls told us oil companies were closing refineries because of environmental laws. Now, they blame Obama’s economic policies. Nope, wrong on both counts. They’ve been closing smaller, less efficient, refineries since the early 1990s for cost reasons. Overall production has gone up due to expansion of mega-refineries, which are mostly located along the Gulf coast.
@49 “Federal income tax?”
Yep, farmers get all kinds of tax breaks. That’s why there’s so many hobby farms.
“Gasoline tax?”
Yep, there’s an agricultural exemption from gas taxes. That’s why so many farmers drive gas guzzlers.
@51 I don’t have to grow food. Nature does it for me. There’s rabbit food everywhere you look!
@53 “his type end up as roadkill or coyote food and lucky rabbits feet”
Nature provides for that by making more of us.
Farmers are a symptom of the problem, not the problem. The problem is crony capitalism, which big Ag. is a big part of.
I thought you didn’t like subsidies and paying taxes? Having ADM and Co. paying their fair share and paying to clean up their messes would cut down on taxes the rest of us would pay.
We should let all the people in jail for smoking pot out of jail to make room for Alan Greenspan, his wall street banker buddies and the heads of banks like WaMu.
At least rujax admits he’s possessed by multiple personalities. How ’bout the rest of the HA Libtardos?
Jackass still hasn’t taken that reading comprehension course.
That explains why your blog is made up of cut/paste without any original content.
Go run to your blog and write about Puddy and I some more.
Prove you don’t think about us.
Don’t forget to change the name of your blog.