– Stop telling survivors they must report to the police
– Corporations are avoiding their taxes in Oregon (and elsewhere, doy, but that’s another discussion).
– Divorce reform may be one of the scariest ideas I’ve ever heard.
– I have not been impressed with Reuven Carlyle’s time in the House, but maybe he’ll run for Senate. Sure.
Of course one could watch some real news about the Obummer sadministration and how they are “transforming America”!
Obummer will go down in history as
.the. worst. .president. ever.
@ 1
Media Research? Sheryl fucking Attkisson?
Jesus H tapdancing CHRIST you’re a stupid motherfucker.
You actively quote from a well-known neonazi/christian white supremacist/antisemitic website and present it as something credible.
Wow. Just. Fucking. Wow.
Oh OWS Racist Fraggy@2,
And you know this how? From your “left wrong” blog links?
Also, what if any of Sharyl Attkisson’s comments are untrue. It seems libtards loved Sharyl when she reported on GWBush’s “so called indiscretions”!
100% left wrong hate 1000% of the time… that’s OWS Racist Fraggy!
Don’t you have some cop car you need to shit upon?
Seems Putin’s pilots have no respect for Obummer’s navy!!!
The Kansas Racist was inspired to kill those people by the Media Matters moron Max Blumenthal son of Sidney Blumenthal Clinton pal. This moron admits it and the NY Slimes is tap dancing around the truth…
And this…
This will be blamed on conservatives, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, etc. Wait and watch. Another whack job DUMMOCRETIN with a gun!
Unfortunately for HA DUMMOCRETINS, many of the Kansas racists thoughts parallel HA DUMMOCRETIN, Media Morons, Daily Kooks and other left wrong sites. So Puddy surmises you CAN have a racist white supremacist Israel hating moron who thinks like your standard Israel hating DUMMOCRETIN found on this blog,
The divorce link was fascinating.
I know a woman I knew in High School who is pissed that her husband wants a divorce and wishes she was in a more restrictive divorce state. I cannot imagine a worse hell than being forced to stay with someone I didn’t love, or like. it sucks to be a single mom, but to want to keep a man, only because it’s financially easier. that’s nasty too.
I’d expect marriage rate to go down, if people couldn’t get out of them when they found they were not compatible or grew apart.
Comments on that divorce link seemed to be of two camps.
The rallying cry of the GOP seems to be: “Out of our wallets and into your sheets!”
And I liked this one.
Another right wing nutcase shoots at Jews in KC. Domestic terrorists are the real threat to out country…another scumbag who listens to the racist rhetoric from the rw that Puddy supports…
Oink, oink…the puddypig.
Not one condemnation of that racist Kansas Nazi DUMMOCRETIN offing three people at two Jewish centers. Y’all would be screaming for a PuddyCondemnation. Yet because he was motivated by Media Morons even the HA lead DUMMOCRETINS are mute.
Well we have a rujax the dumb cinder block sighting here in the thread. Seems he’s trying to say something. Maybe if Puddy used his Roger Idiot Wabbit decoder ring.
Nope couldn’t make any sense of that inert object. Called anyone who disagrees with Obummer a racist today ya dumb cinder block?
Yeah hatemongers like this asshole:
Go view the moonbats in action.. See why we hate you
The jew killer shouted “Heil Hitler”.. Please post a link of any Hitler lover who DESPISES your miserable asshole attitude in these threads.
Remember what Darryl said:
you bullshitting asshole.
Thanks for the reminder of darryl’s excellent take down of puddypig from 2011…
…he doesn’t give two shits about any Jewish people, and any of these victims of horrible race, gender and ethnic hate-driven attacks. Attacks enabled and made worse by the permissive attitude toward racial, gender, ethnic and ideological intolerance promoted by the hate-talkers on the right and the propaganda machine that is Fox News.
Oink, oink, you bastard.
13 – It’s not that he doesn’t care about jews – he’s part jewish himself..
It’s that he came here to these threads to HATE!
All the time he said (LIED):
He repeated this bullshit over and over and over again.
And then his sockpuppet MWS told the truth:
Never thought at the time he’d get exposed as a LIAR. Busted!
Amazing still no condemnation in 12, 13 or 14 just ad hominem attacks from the dumb brick and the even dumber cinder block! And the crazed clueless cretin databaze deala provides another EPIC FAYLE!
Two rotten peas in a dried pod!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor… No sentient life there with those two!
So sad. Those posts prove how moronic and idiotic these two are!
Hate 24x7x365.25
Thanks for playing. You wrote it for all eternity to see and Google to cache forever!
Meanwhile Harry Land Deal Reid and his Son Rory are involved in this Nevada land grab with the Chinese to build some solar power system. They chased away the other ranchers and Cliven Bundy claims ancestral lands before BLM was formed. Seems the land deal was worth millions HA DUMOCRETINS should Google the Reuters report dated 8-31-12 “U.S. Sen. REID, son COMBINE for CHINA’S firm desert plant”.
We don’t support hateful jew killers.
We condemn YOU A-HOLE..
Remember what Darryl said (link @12)
and what remember what Lee said:
For you to insinuate that [ insert the right wing bullshit from PIdiot of the day] makes you an asshole.
A link to your beloved sock puppet, the most intimate relationship you’ve ever conducted in these threads, all kinds of cooing back and forth between “puddybud” and “mws”:
Anyone else getting totally bored with this babbling fool @ 17?
Cliven Bundy has only been losing in court forever over the public land he’s been freeloading on for decades..
@ 17
A flt-out lie. The property Reid’s son is involved with is 200 miles away from that ranch. There is no connection whatsoever to the terrorist actions of this rancher asshole.
There you go again, defending a white supremacist, old-school Mormon lunatic who has been freegrazing his cattle on public lands without paying for it. The cattle are wandering onto other people’s property, onto a golf course and onto the highway where quite a few of them have been hit by cars and semitrucks.
NOBODY is defending this guy. Not his neighbors, not his congressmen, not his local State Senators or Representatives, the man is a thief, no more, no less. Just because all the Klansman types come out of the woodwork on this doessn’t make him right. He’s lost three court cases on this, one at the Federal level.
He’s been freegrazing his cattle for 20 years and not paying for the rights to graze public land, and a large part of that area is closed to grazing completely. He has no rights whatsoever to the land he’s been destroying.
Too damn funny! Anyone want to start a pool on how soon this bullshit flames out like the “chinese wells in cuba slant drilling OUR OIL“????
How about NOW:
Not even BREITBART buys this Sludge Report/Alex Jones BULLSHIT!
A-HOLE@17 – You are a freaking credulous TOOL!
In Pakistan, girls who are raped get beaten to death for adultery, while the raper goes free.
@3 Someone crapped on a cop car in New York City? Wow.
I guess #3 is the crime blotter for today.
@11 “Not one condemnation of that racist Kansas Nazi DUMMOCRETIN offing three people at two Jewish centers.”
Really? I posted about it all day yesterday. Are you fucking blind or something? Or merely stupid?
The feds should deal with Cliven Bundy the same way Cliven Bundy would deal with a trespasser on his land.
April 14, 1906, the Great San Francisco Earthquake destroys much of the city, and takes many lives. The rebuilding changed the city, in some cases for the better. The current city hall is one example. Some corruption continued,such as United Railways bribing officials to be allowed to electrify routes that used Market Street. 4 years later, San Francisco voters approved a bond measure to build a municipal-owned street railway line, on Geary St. By 1944, this and other lines that formed a ‘public option’ to URR successor Market Street Railway, would buy the latter out.
The film that was included in the above link, is interesting. It is a clip from a silent film, “Trip Down Market Street”, and originally dated to 1905, but a researcher pieced together, weather, newspaper, and automobile(a real breakthrough, as few cars were around at the time) records from the time, and came to a different conclusion. It was from early 1906, and people in the film, may have had only weeks to live.
The Wisconsin TALGO trains may get a new home, provided TALGO wins it’s case against the State of Wisconsin. The potential customer? State of Michigan. Their new Rolling Stock(which is not from TALGO) will not be ready until 2018), and is currently at the mercy of Amtrak for rolling stock on the Wolverine Corridor(Chicago-Detroit-Pontiac)
@ ER @ 28
That film was recorded somewhere between Saturday the 14th and Monday the 16th of April 1906. The records at the company that developed the film show the undeveloped roll being first received by train and delivered to the film company in New York somewhere between the 20th or 22nd.
It is possible that, as the news of the earthquake was all over the newspapers, the roll was developed and stored for later delivery as the original photographer was very possibly killed and at least at that point could not be contacted. They don’t know who originally shot the film, but the film and camera manufacturer was in New York City and it was the only place where it could be developed. San Francisco to New York City was about a 5-6 day trip by rail. The mail Express trains were fast, well over 80 mph on the clear lines.
When I first found that nice little nugget on YouTube I was fascinated. I watched it over and over. It is very possible that the people in this film had less than 24 hours to live.
Stabilized version.
One of the things that struck me after watching it for about the 20th time was the fact that there were still a lot of horses being used on the streets. The automobile was still very much a new thing and only for very wealthy people. I read somewhere later that New York City was removing about 240,000 tons of horseshit every single day from the streets.
When the automobile became popular, it was the end of the horse as a power source. By 1908, the horses were almost completely gone. Horse pollution really, REALLY sucked. Everyone bitches about the pollution from cars and trucks, but at that time a little bit of smoke was preferable to gigantic mounds of horseshit and dead animals that came from using horses as a means of propulsion. Hell, it was a $5.00 fine to leave a dead horse on the street, something that was pretty common. The horse dropped dead, a lot of folks just unhitched them and split. The knackers were kept pretty busy.
A far right wing white supremacist, a KKK member and white power advocate (Founder of the White patriot party), who ran for public office as an Independent and last ran for office not as an independent in 1986 as a republican.
This guy is a sicko and he campaigned to “take our country back” ….just like the Tea party idiots…
In 1984, Miller ran in the DUMMOCRETIN primary for the gubernatorial race in North Carolina, but lost after getting only 5,790 votes. In 1986, he switched parties and was defeated in the GOP primary for a state Senate seat, after getting only 6,662 votes.
So your point? He loved Media Morons nevercorrectandnotoobright! He admitted he read and loved Max Blumenthal and his Israel hatred. Seemed he loved Obummer!
You mean like your hero Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist church, committed far left nutball and life long member of the DUMMOCRETIN party who ran for governor of Kansas three times under the DUMMOCRETIN banner?
How about the Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis? A black liberal DUMMOCRETIN and Obummer jock strap!
DUMMOCRETINS with guns is a bad mixture.
That’s interesting OWS Racist Fraggy because the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone abuts Cliven Bundy’s land. You know BLM documents!
No y’all support the haters who write about hate in Media Morons!
Yes that’s the ticket!
And why would Scary Land Deal Reid say this?
Why would Reid jump into the fray?
Where is he a white supremacist? Got a link?
You support an old-school Mormon lunatic Harry Reid!
Nuff Said!
So in her mind, many women only marry for money?
But gays shouldn’t get married because this damages the institution of marriage…how?
Here’s everything you need to know
@33 “abuts Cliven Bundy’s land”
The land he actually owns, or the land he claims to own? The latter encompasses pretty much the entire state of Nevada.