“The Church has its beliefs. It has its tenets and its principles. It has decided which are the most important ones, and has rediscovered its spine. It has drawn the line in the sand — society can go to Hell if it wishes, but the Church will not aid and abet in the process.”
“The Church’s position is arguable, but defensible. They will not, under any circumstances, cooperate with any law they find morally repugnant. Instead, they will find a way to not violate the law and still not comply with it. And the way they are talking about is to simply remove themselves from the law’s reach.”
If Puddy’s name was Roger The Dumb Bunny, Puddy would have full license to post the whole article.
Seems to Puddy Jay Tea agrees with what Puddy wrote earlier this month. Seems to Puddy most HA Libtardos are out of step again. Nuthin new here Danno. Book ’em.
This comment is priceless
“This is a problem with a simple solution. The Catholic Church should simply be taken over by Congress and run by the SEIU.
That seems to be the solution to every other damned problem we have.”
“President Barack Obama prodded China about Internet censorship and free speech, but the message was not widely heard in China where his words were blocked online and shown on only one regional television channel.
“House Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) called on the Obama administration to fix any further mistakes in stimulus reporting following a report that federal agencies submitted suspect data about how many stimulus jobs were saved or created.”
Lots of jobs were created in Arizona’s 9th Congressional District per Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his disciples. Hmmm…? not sure who the politician is in the Arizona 9th Congressional District. Could it be there is no 9th district? Yep!
“This is not a decision that I would have made. I think terrorism isn’t just attack, it’s anxiety and I think you feel the anxiety and frustration of New Yorkers who took the bullet for the rest of the country.” NY Governor David Patterson
Marvin Stamnspews:
Doesn’t the oba-mao want people to volunteer and do community service?
Little did the do-gooder know that his altruistic act would put him in the cross hairs of the city’s largest municipal union.
Nick Balzano, president of the local Service Employees International Union, told Allentown City Council Tuesday that the union is considering filing a grievance against the city for allowing Anderson to clear a 1,000-foot walking and biking path at Kimmets Lock Park.
Oops, oba-mao meant volunteer work when it doesn’t take paying away work from union goons.
Gotta protect those democrat voters.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Didn’t oba-mao promise not to raise taxes on the middle class?
More than 15 million taxpayers may owe the government $250 or more because of how the IRS last spring set up President Barack Obama’s tax break that was designed to help consumers spend the U.S. economy out of recession.
Individuals with more than one job and married couples in which both spouses work may have to repay the government $400, either through a smaller tax refund or a larger tax bill, according to a report released Monday by the Treasury Department’s inspector general for tax administration. Social Security recipients who also earn taxable wages may have to repay $250.
More than one job, spouse works, sure doesn’t sound like the filthy rich, sounds like middle class working families.
Another broken promise.
Change from his campaign promise.
“But Democrats have glossed over nagging details of just how limited reform’s reach would be for some Americans. And if voters figure it out, experts warn there could be a political backlash.”
Yet, the oba-mao put that “unrealistic data” up on the website and used that “unrealistic data” to tell the american people just how wonderful oba-mao is.
“If you like what you have, you should be able to keep it.” – Obama
“But the truth is that none of the health reform bills making their way through Congress actually delivers on that promise. What the legislation guarantees is that your employer will continue to choose your health insurance plan for you.” – Sen. Ron Wyden, U.S. Senator from Oregon
Since the AP and the liberal media are too involved fact-checking the book of a private citizen (palin), the job of fact-checking oba-mao fell into the laps of private citizens. Minnesota’s 57th congressional district. There in plain sight, it states that 35 jobs have been saved or created as a result of $404,340 in stimulus spending
27th congressional district, however, it appears to be a bleaker picture for those hoping for a turnaround. The federal government’s statistics indicate only 2.5 jobs have been created or saved despite the listed expenditure of $3,159,657 of taxpayer dollars.
That would certainly come as news to most Minnesotans, since the 14th, 27th and 57th congressional districts in Minnesota do not exist, except on the Obama Administration’s website. Nor does the 00 congressional district listed as spending $404,340 and creating zero jobs.
The North Star state, of course, has a total of eight congressional districts. You’d never know it by logging on to the federal clearinghouse for all things stimulus. The summary page for tracking where the stimulus money is going lists Minnesota as having a total of 19 congressional districts. Altogether, the eleven extra congressional districts posted received more than $7 million in stimulus spending, creating or saving about 50 jobs. Such a deal.
I wonder why the oba-mao needs to lie about their stimulus program. Well, besides for the fact that it failed.
Marvin Stamnspews:
No thanks to the liberal media for fact-checking the oba-mao administration even more lies have been uncovered on the oba-mao administration recovery website.
This time kalifornia. Oba-mao is under the false impression that his plan actually created jobs 110,185 jobs.
The liberal la times is under the impression that the state has LOST jobs.
The state has lost 732,700 jobs over the last year
Remember when the oba-ao didn’t know exactly how many states there were and said 57, well, he hasn’t learned how to count any better.
The recovery website lists a bunch of congressional districts that created jobs with the stimulus. In california, we have 53 congressional districts, the oba-mao lists on the recovery website 57, 64, 67, 76, 80, 91, and 99.
From Stupes’ favorite newpaper (next to Murdoch’s failing NY Post) – the Moonie Times:
It’s no fault of the president that he has no natural instinct or blood impulse for what the America of “the 57 states” is about. He was sired by a Kenyan father, born to a mother attracted to men of the Third World
The new “southern economic strategy” over the past twenty years has been for southern states to offer a haven for businesses seeking the cheapest labor, the least environment, employment, or consumer regulation, and the lowest business tax rates in the U.S. Originally designed to lure auto makers and electronics plants to the South, the various southern states are not engaged in a “race to the bottom”, with each state offering businesses more and more incentives, many paid from taxpayer dollars, and the most business-friendly regulatory environment.
It’s gotten to the point where in Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee, and S. Carolina they have spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to build sites for businesses to locate there. Included in such packages are highway and infrastructure improvements to the proposed sites, development of the land itself, in some cases even offering “build to suit” services for free. Additional incentives include promises of no buisiness taxes for decades, tax rebates on taxes which will never be owed, workman’s compensation premiums reduced to the point where they equal zero or are paid entirely by the workers themselves, etc. In Texas, companies can avoid the workman’s compensation laws entirely by forcing their employees to sign a waiver rejecting workman’s compensation coverage and releasing the company of any liability for injuries they might receive at the workplace.
In the course of this competition, a number of companies have located their manufacturing there. Most recently Tennessee gained a VW plant at Chattanooga, and we are all aware of Boeing’s decision to place a second 787 line at Charleston, S. Carolina.
But the states involved haven’t gotten away scott-free. In one instance (in Mississippi, I think), the company stuck around just long enough to receive it’s benefits, then announced it was closing the plant. In S. Carolina, even before Boeing’s announcement, the workman’s compensation system was insolvent.
Now there is a new damper on the southern growth strategy. Water. Or more acurately, the lack thereof. Last year Tennesse, Georgia, and Alabama were suffering from a drought lasting several years and which required Atlanta to ration water supplies, and lots of small communities had to truck in water to replace dry wells.
Now Texas is warning that even in non-drought years, there won’t be enough water to support the projected population growth over the next couple of decades. They are proposing building reservoirs and desalination plants, but that will come at a cost and are many years in the future. Texas may have to choose between industrial jobs or agriculture, there simply won’t be enough water to support both.
Of course, so blinded by right wing bullshit you can’t see the racism and sexism that you pretend to be against.
Maybe you’re proud to be one of Sarah Palin’s “Real Americans”.
Time for oba-mao to get the death panels up and running.
Heh. I rest my case.
Marvin Stamnspews:
19. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
17 – Are you freaking blind?
Of course, so blinded by right wing bullshit you can’t see the racism and sexism that you pretend to be against.
Once you include the rest of the sentence you “forgot” to include, the message changes…
He was sired by a Kenyan father, born to a mother attracted to men of the Third World and reared by grandparents in Hawaii, a paradise far from the American mainstream.
The sentence speaks about oba-mao not being raised in a tradition “american” atmosphere.
You said racism and sexism, since it also mentioned his grandparents why did you leave out ageism?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Yeah, Arkansas! Did you hear about the Arky who complained that he’s been married four times and still has the same in-laws?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Now the white house budget director is talking about “new revenue-producing measures,” for those educated in government schools, that means NEW TAXES.
Marvin @ 10 said: “…When the left protested bush, the right didn’t physically attack them….”
What usually happened was that no potential anti-Bush protesters were allowed to be within hundreds of yards of Bush.
Republicans worked with local police and the Secret Service, along with hired “security”, to bar anyone from entering a building where Bush was present who “might” be opposed to the Republican policies. This included detaining and removing people from public events in public forums for wearing a T-shirt or button supporting a Democratic candidate or policy, or questioning a Republican government policy. People exiting cars with a Kerry or Obama bumper sticker were met in the parking lot by security and ordered to leave the premises or face arrest. In 2008 even a young Republican couple were reduced to tears when they were ordered to leave a MaCain “town hall” because MaCain organizers thought they “looked” like they might be Democrats.
It reached a point of Orwellian absurdity at the 2004 Republican Convention when anyone within blocks of the convention site who was deemed a “protester” (i.e., wearing a button or t-shirt with anything other than a Republican-supported message) were ordered by police to go to a “Free Speech Zone”, which was a fenced-in enclosure a block away and from the back side of the convention center, and completely out of sight of anyone except those specifically seeking them out. Anyone deemed to be a potential protester was ordered to either go to the free speech area or to immediately leave the public streets.
Of course, much effort was made to avoid any encounter with protesters, such as the visits here in the Seattle area which were little more than a motorcade to a “private event” at a home in Medina, where the local police blocked off access to even the media for blocks around.
Marvin Stamnspews:
23. Roger Rabbit spews:
You mean the “traditional ‘american’ atmosphere” that wingnuts are raised in?
Did you have 2 parents active in your life or were you like oba-mao and you dad skipped town when you were a couple years old.
Were you partially raised in another country like oba-mao was?
Were you partially raised by your grandparents and put into private schools like the oba-mao was?
Sounds like you were raised in the “traditional ‘american’ atmosphere” that wingnuts are raised in.
Welcome to the wingut club rabbit.
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. rhp6033 spews: Marvin @ 10 said: “…When the left protested bush, the right didn’t physically attack them….”
What usually happened was that no potential anti-Bush protesters were allowed to be within hundreds of yards of Bush.
What does being within 100 yards of bush have to do with the point I made??
The people protesting bush didn’t get physically attacked like those protesting oba-mao.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 “Did you have 2 parents active in your life or were you like oba-mao and you dad skipped town when you were a couple years old.”
I was raised in a hole by rabbits. I didn’t see much of my pop in those days, because he was usually busy making more rabbits.
marvie-poo still isn’t busy enough blowing boys poolside in his LA Cabana…and he and his boyfriend Puddy (WHAT a name!) have the nerve to call out YLB.
Stay blind – like your right wing masters want you to be.
@15 A lot of Alabama’s industrial growth was spawned by the space program turning Huntsville/Decatur into a hotbed of technology. I used to work for a Fortune 500 computer company started there by an ex-IBM’er who’d headed up the design of the guidance system for the Saturn V rocket and who set out to build his own company after the Apollo program wound down. Like Hunter Simpson did here with Physio-control, he used IBM’s model at the time, which meant hiring the best people (not to toot my own horn or anything), and providing for them so well–interesting work, good pay, great benefits, avoiding layoffs–that unions would be irrelevant. Everyone was already “organized” and playing for the same team.
Of course, in these days of “enlightened management”, IBM itself doesn’t do that, and neither do its children.
Art @ 33: A mentor of mine once said:
“A company which provides excellent pay and benefits, and treats its employees well, will be rewarded with exceptional employees who will compete for the right to get a job there.
A company which provides average pay and benefits, and treats its employees no better or no worse than any others, will get average employees.
A company which provides below-average pay and benefits, and treats its employees as if they were little more than a commodity, will eventually get below-average employees who work there only because they can’t get a better job somewhere else”.
Unfortunately, a lot of the mid and upper-level management in U.S. companies came of age during the early Reagan years, and are driving their companies into the latter catagory.
@34 In other words, institutionalized mediocrity.
No need to be sorry, Marvin, as I had a really great childhood. Sure, I eventually experienced great loss, but what followed was the both best of times and the worst of times, but at all times it was a great adventure in growing up in America. I asked for nothing then and I ask for nothing now. So there’s no need to be sorry, as any loss I experienced long ago has been offset by countless blessings since. But thanks anyway.
So what is this traditional atmosphere?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama continues to plummet and make additions to his monstrous list of mistakes & stupidity…the laatest being a trial of the terrorist bastard in NY.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12.
Just 29% agree with the decision to try Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and five other terrorists suspects in a New York city courtroom. Fifty-one percent (51%) disagree.
The 16%’ers represented by the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS at HorsesAss are gonna have to crank up their lying glands to hyper-speed for 2010. The Democrats have a record to run against that is pathetic. The list of BS is too long for 100 different campaign ads.
25. rhp6033 spews: Marvin @ 10 said: “…When the left protested bush, the right didn’t physically attack them….”
What usually happened was that no potential anti-Bush protesters were allowed to be within hundreds of yards of Bush.
What’s your obsession with protesters being within 100 yards of bush?
Bush is not the president.
Why didn’t right-wingers physically attack anti-bush protesters like the teabaggers are being attacked by left-wingnuts?
Marvin Stamnspews:
38. Mr. Cynical spews:
The Democrats have a record to run against that is pathetic. The list of BS is too long for 100 different campaign ads.
And it’s not as oba-mao can run on the “I’m not bush” platform again.
And unlike when oba-mao was running for president and voting present on everything, now he has a record to run away from. Assuming he makes a decision about the “war of necessity” by the time reelection rolls around.
Marvin Stamnspews:
37. Steve spews:
No need to be sorry, Marvin, as I had a really great childhood.
Glad to hear it. I thought I read some words of your that gave a different impression. Probably my reading error.
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No need to read the book if you’re going to review, that’s just so old fashioned and not democrat.
And I like how ana marie cox came to the conclusion that if she couldn’t read the whole thing, sarah couldn’t have written it.
I wonder if that would go over if some democrat congressman was going to vote on a healthcare bill he hadn’t read. oops, bad analogy. Democrats routinely do that.
Blue Johnspews:
I heard palin on Oprah.
She’s had time to polish her performance and is very charismatic, like reagan was. I can see the attraction to her. I didn’t believe what she said, and I don’t agree with almost everything she stands for, but she is a former successful beauty queen, like Diane Sawyer and Vanessa Williams, so she can emote charm and likeablity, so I found myself liking her.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Ping rabbit…
If khalid sheikh asked for a lawyer when he was captured and was denied one, would that be a violation of his rights in an american court?
Marvin Stamnspews:
The liberal media won’t say it, so you have to outsource the news.
This is how the good folks in germany look at oba-mao…
Barack Obama cast himself as a “citizen of the world” when he delivered his well-received campaign speech in Berlin in the summer of 2008. But the US president has now betrayed this claim.
Nope, just like bush.
The world is realizing voting “present” doesn’t make a president.
Hmmmm… Interesting. I’d never accuse Uncle Marvin of anything inappropriate (unlike him to me) but you gotta wonder.
The hypocrisy of right wing sexual perversion is examined closely here (for side splitting laughs).
Why would Uncle Marvin expose a child to this?
Marvin Stamnspews:
And now it’s coming out that the oba-mao administration is also lying about “created” jobs in west virginia.
Just like oba-mao during the campaign having problems with how many sates in the united states, oba-mao is having problems with how many congressional districts in west virginia.
Best line from the link- “For months folks across our state have been asking: ‘Where are the jobs?’ Well it now appears that the Administration’s answer is that they’re in congressional districts that don’t even exist.”
CHANGE the number of districts and HOPE no one notices.
David Obey rocks. Obey is one of the most liberal members of the house of reps. It’s nice to see one of the uber-liberals flex some muscle.
Marvin Stamnspews:
58. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
57 – Lets a five year old read HA.org???
Hmmmm… Interesting. I’d never accuse Uncle Marvin of anything inappropriate (unlike him to me) but you gotta wonder.
I agree, the reading your words is inappropriate.
The hypocrisy of right wing sexual perversion is examined closely here (for side splitting laughs).
Did you notice I never said anything about sex but that was your first thought?
You know what Steve would say don’t you… projection, psyche 101.
Why would Uncle Marvin expose a child to this?
To prove that even a 5 year old could punk you?
But I am amazed to see that you actually believed a 5 year old punked you.
Lost what exactly?
You and the others talked all kinds of smack about what the “Progressive” machine was going to do to Conservatives like me. I’M STILL WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is sooooooo humorous. The word here is Baucus & others have the brakes applied and are just f*ckin’ with you KLOWNS. Sure seems like it. After 1/1, the focus shifts to the 2010 elections with the only things accomplished by the Oba-Mao-ists is screw-up after screw-up from Porkulous to Afghanistan to Appointees to Health Care to BUDGET DEFICIT MANAGEMENT.
Seems like you KLOWNS were flyin’ high last November. Obama was at +32 Strong Approval vs. Strong Disapproval. Now Obama is -12.
Same poll.
Hey Puddy–
Have you noticed the KLOWNS are more & more irritable lately? They forgot that they have NO GOVERNING SKILLS!!
Early in November I bought FSYS @ $45.40 and sold Dec 50 calls @ $2. Looks like I’ll get called away with a 15% gain in less than 6 weeks.
Also bought MTL @ $21 even in early November and sold the Dec $22.50 calls for $1.40. Still looks good for getting called away, but if not 6.5% in less than 6 weeks ain’t bad either.
I missed getting on Revlon (REV) @ $7 this month. Damn! Missed a double in just a few weeks.
Damn, what a great year it’s been for us investors since Obama turned the economy around in just 45 days on the job (Jan 20 – Mar 3).
It’s been a monster rally this year, unlike the last 466 days of the Bush presidency which nearly took us to another Republican caused Great Depression.
But I am amazed to see that you actually believed a 5 year old punked you.
You mean YOU LIED????
Why would a right winger do such a thing?
I’m amazed that you’d even fantasize about a 5 year old in your care reading HA.org.
My kids have never read this website.
@42 The recording went well. It’s nice to have a couple of classicals to work with, one a bit darker than the other, and a fair number of decent mics and pres. Funny, the Cordoba ain’t bad, but the cheap 40 year old Yamaha has amazing tone for a classical at any price. But then I’ve hand rubbed the finish for all those years, as I was taught to do with the violin. I bet that has a lot to do with it. Now, capturing that tone and in such a way that it will also sit in a mix with a bubbling B3 and upright bass, I can’t say I’ve gotten there yet.
Did you notice I never said anything about sex but that was your first thought?
If the right wing didn’t sex offend so much, we wouldn’t talk about it.
But they do it in conflict with their stated “values” – again and again and again and again.
It makes our job of defeating their braindead policies so much easier.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
This just in from Associated Press–
Obama, stimulus spending fare poorly in MT poll
Posted: Nov 17, 2009 03:00 PM PST
Updated: Nov 17, 2009 03:24 PM PST
HELENA, Mont. (AP) – A new poll says Montanans give President Barack Obama poor marks on job performance, and don’t approve of the federal stimulus spending. The Montana State University poll says that 37 percent approve of Obama’s job performance, while 53 percent disapprove. The MSU-Billings telephone survey of 414, conducted from Nov. 5-8, has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points.
Support for the federal economic stimulus package came in at just 28 percent. A total of 61 percent opposed and 11 percent were undecided. The survey says that most think that health care will get worse with the health care bill.
Marvin Stamnspews:
As the liberal media is fact-checking palins book…
China is asking oba-mao questions the liberal media won’t.
from reuters, the news company that uses photoshoped photos– China questions costs of U.S. healthcare reform
Boilerplate assurances that America won’t default on its debt or inflate the shortfall away are apparently not cutting it. Nor should they
Nothing happening in Washington today should give Beijing any comfort or confidence about what may happen tomorrow
For instance, a new study from the U.S. government’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services finds that the healthcare reform bill recently passed in the House of Representatives would increase healthcare spending to 21.3 percent of GDP
Few realists in Washington think any of the current reform plans make a significant dent in the long-term healthcare cost to government
Mr. Cynicalspews:
63. GBS spews:
Mr. C.
What stocks are you trading these days?
I was in Gold Stock and Call Options until a couple days ago. Road it up $90/oz. in a short period of time.
Still holding onto 4000 shares of Wells Fargo although it has stagnated. Still good dividend and waiting until this is L-T Capital Gain….tired of paying ST Gain rates. Wrote the covered calls and made $15,000 on that move.
Have just gotten out of several aggressive funds and Apple yesterday and bought some PUT options on Randgold (GOLD) and Barrick (ABX). They are Feb. PUTS so I have some time. Not much money…just 20 contracts in each. Gold is due for a correction. Randgold especially tracks Gold prices. I have some old Met Life Annuity Contracts with a 4% upfront bump and a 6% minimum return at anniversary dates. Buried some more $$ there. And put more $$ in an old Group Variable Universal Life account I have that works like a Money Market thru Prudential (can get $$ out next day) and pays guaranteed 5%. My only risk on these is if Prudential and Met Life go down the tubes. If that happens, we are all in deep shit, huh?
I’m gettin’ old to do that, but the old annuity contracts are way better than what you could get today.
It seems she was a willing accomplice. No such thing as bad publicity and all.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I got into Ford in July and got out in Oct. (a bit too soon). Made a couple bucks but decided the Cash for Clunkers impact was short-term and merely encouraged folks to buy cars earlier….with the future looking bleak. If I was going to be in any Auto Company, it would certainly be Ford.
Good luck!
Marvin Stamnspews:
66. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
If the right wing didn’t sex offend so much, we wouldn’t talk about it
That’s not honest, but good try. My 4 year old adopted niece just walked by and pointed it out.
Democrats sex offend as much, except they don’t have any family values to promote.
It’s all about the hypocrisy. Remember, when larry craig was caught you didn’t hear one democrat speak out about why gays cruise public bathrooms for sex, it was all about larry and his hypocrisy.
I see my 3 year old adopted niece walking down the hallway, hurry up and write something so she can be like her big sisters and point out the flaws in your logic.
Marvin Stamnspews:
63. GBS spews:
Remember this crap you wrote, by any chance you going to show us your proof?
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it. http://horsesass.org/?p=18861&.....ent-936884
Got proof?
Mr. C.
Yeah, I avoided the “gold rush.” I’ve never been good at valuing commodities so I stay away from them.
I figure if I can’t put a value on something 10 years from now how in the hell do I know what it’s worth today and if it’s a good deal or not??
Although, I must confess, I got tempted by the gold bug but stuck to my investing rules. Which leaves commodity items off my list.
I dumped my WFC a while ago. Got called away actually, but made some good coin in the process.
I’m too young for annuties, probably always will be.
Good luck in your investing, too. When I see a good stock idea I’ll throw it on the board. Who knows when the next JRCC will come along.
Hey HA Libtardos, isn’t Jay Tea gay?
“The Church has its beliefs. It has its tenets and its principles. It has decided which are the most important ones, and has rediscovered its spine. It has drawn the line in the sand — society can go to Hell if it wishes, but the Church will not aid and abet in the process.”
“The Church’s position is arguable, but defensible. They will not, under any circumstances, cooperate with any law they find morally repugnant. Instead, they will find a way to not violate the law and still not comply with it. And the way they are talking about is to simply remove themselves from the law’s reach.”
If Puddy’s name was Roger The Dumb Bunny, Puddy would have full license to post the whole article.
Seems to Puddy Jay Tea agrees with what Puddy wrote earlier this month. Seems to Puddy most HA Libtardos are out of step again. Nuthin new here Danno. Book ’em.
This comment is priceless
“This is a problem with a simple solution. The Catholic Church should simply be taken over by Congress and run by the SEIU.
That seems to be the solution to every other damned problem we have.”
Maybe Mark Lloyd was in China after all…
“President Barack Obama prodded China about Internet censorship and free speech, but the message was not widely heard in China where his words were blocked online and shown on only one regional television channel.
Gotta love that Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Porkulus Fuzzy Job Math…
“House Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) called on the Obama administration to fix any further mistakes in stimulus reporting following a report that federal agencies submitted suspect data about how many stimulus jobs were saved or created.”
Lots of jobs were created in Arizona’s 9th Congressional District per Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his disciples. Hmmm…? not sure who the politician is in the Arizona 9th Congressional District. Could it be there is no 9th district? Yep!
“This is not a decision that I would have made. I think terrorism isn’t just attack, it’s anxiety and I think you feel the anxiety and frustration of New Yorkers who took the bullet for the rest of the country.” NY Governor David Patterson
Doesn’t the oba-mao want people to volunteer and do community service?
Someone better tell his union thug friends that.
In pursuit of an Eagle Scout badge, Kevin Anderson, 17, has toiled for more than 200 hours hours over several weeks to clear a walking path in an east Allentown park.
Little did the do-gooder know that his altruistic act would put him in the cross hairs of the city’s largest municipal union.
Nick Balzano, president of the local Service Employees International Union, told Allentown City Council Tuesday that the union is considering filing a grievance against the city for allowing Anderson to clear a 1,000-foot walking and biking path at Kimmets Lock Park.
Oops, oba-mao meant volunteer work when it doesn’t take paying away work from union goons.
Gotta protect those democrat voters.
Didn’t oba-mao promise not to raise taxes on the middle class?
Yahoo has the story-
More than one job, spouse works, sure doesn’t sound like the filthy rich, sounds like middle class working families.
Another broken promise.
Change from his campaign promise.
“But Democrats have glossed over nagging details of just how limited reform’s reach would be for some Americans. And if voters figure it out, experts warn there could be a political backlash.”
Health reform’s hidden land mines
So the oba-mao is “under fire” for lying on the .gov website about job creation.
The Obama administration, under fire for inflating job growth from the $787 billion stimulus plan, slashed over 60,000 jobs from its most recent report on the program because the reporting outlets had submitted “unrealistic data,” according to a document obtained by ABC News.
Yet, the oba-mao put that “unrealistic data” up on the website and used that “unrealistic data” to tell the american people just how wonderful oba-mao is.
“If you like what you have, you should be able to keep it.” – Obama
“But the truth is that none of the health reform bills making their way through Congress actually delivers on that promise. What the legislation guarantees is that your employer will continue to choose your health insurance plan for you.” – Sen. Ron Wyden, U.S. Senator from Oregon
Of course, that doesn’t stop Darryl and Daddy Love from cheerleading the legislation, abortion language aside.
Has anyone noticed how much fighting in the streets there has been since the oba-mao took over?
When the left protested bush, the right didn’t physically attack them.
Look how many “teabaggers” and anti-obama protesters have been attacked by democrats/liberals.
Heh. Mucho stupid from the degenerate right wing this morning.
zzzz ZZZZZZ.. zzzzZ.. ZZZZZ….
Funny I wonder how many people have died because of the stimulus package?
On that score, the over a trillion and climbing cost of the excellent adventure in Iraq was very effective indeed. Especially if you’re an Iraqi.
And some of the jobs like a Xe merc and military contractor charging over $100 for a bag of washers paid very well indeed.
More of that oba-mao fuzzy math, or outright lies, your choice.
Here’s a screenshot of the recovery.gov webpage
Since the AP and the liberal media are too involved fact-checking the book of a private citizen (palin), the job of fact-checking oba-mao fell into the laps of private citizens.
Minnesota’s 57th congressional district. There in plain sight, it states that 35 jobs have been saved or created as a result of $404,340 in stimulus spending
27th congressional district, however, it appears to be a bleaker picture for those hoping for a turnaround. The federal government’s statistics indicate only 2.5 jobs have been created or saved despite the listed expenditure of $3,159,657 of taxpayer dollars.
That would certainly come as news to most Minnesotans, since the 14th, 27th and 57th congressional districts in Minnesota do not exist, except on the Obama Administration’s website. Nor does the 00 congressional district listed as spending $404,340 and creating zero jobs.
The North Star state, of course, has a total of eight congressional districts. You’d never know it by logging on to the federal clearinghouse for all things stimulus. The summary page for tracking where the stimulus money is going lists Minnesota as having a total of 19 congressional districts. Altogether, the eleven extra congressional districts posted received more than $7 million in stimulus spending, creating or saving about 50 jobs. Such a deal.
I wonder why the oba-mao needs to lie about their stimulus program. Well, besides for the fact that it failed.
No thanks to the liberal media for fact-checking the oba-mao administration even more lies have been uncovered on the oba-mao administration recovery website.
This time kalifornia. Oba-mao is under the false impression that his plan actually created jobs 110,185 jobs.
The liberal la times is under the impression that the state has LOST jobs.
Remember when the oba-ao didn’t know exactly how many states there were and said 57, well, he hasn’t learned how to count any better.
The recovery website lists a bunch of congressional districts that created jobs with the stimulus. In california, we have 53 congressional districts, the oba-mao lists on the recovery website 57, 64, 67, 76, 80, 91, and 99.
From Stupes’ favorite newpaper (next to Murdoch’s failing NY Post) – the Moonie Times:
The new “southern economic strategy” over the past twenty years has been for southern states to offer a haven for businesses seeking the cheapest labor, the least environment, employment, or consumer regulation, and the lowest business tax rates in the U.S. Originally designed to lure auto makers and electronics plants to the South, the various southern states are not engaged in a “race to the bottom”, with each state offering businesses more and more incentives, many paid from taxpayer dollars, and the most business-friendly regulatory environment.
It’s gotten to the point where in Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee, and S. Carolina they have spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to build sites for businesses to locate there. Included in such packages are highway and infrastructure improvements to the proposed sites, development of the land itself, in some cases even offering “build to suit” services for free. Additional incentives include promises of no buisiness taxes for decades, tax rebates on taxes which will never be owed, workman’s compensation premiums reduced to the point where they equal zero or are paid entirely by the workers themselves, etc. In Texas, companies can avoid the workman’s compensation laws entirely by forcing their employees to sign a waiver rejecting workman’s compensation coverage and releasing the company of any liability for injuries they might receive at the workplace.
In the course of this competition, a number of companies have located their manufacturing there. Most recently Tennessee gained a VW plant at Chattanooga, and we are all aware of Boeing’s decision to place a second 787 line at Charleston, S. Carolina.
But the states involved haven’t gotten away scott-free. In one instance (in Mississippi, I think), the company stuck around just long enough to receive it’s benefits, then announced it was closing the plant. In S. Carolina, even before Boeing’s announcement, the workman’s compensation system was insolvent.
Now there is a new damper on the southern growth strategy. Water. Or more acurately, the lack thereof. Last year Tennesse, Georgia, and Alabama were suffering from a drought lasting several years and which required Atlanta to ration water supplies, and lots of small communities had to truck in water to replace dry wells.
Now Texas is warning that even in non-drought years, there won’t be enough water to support the projected population growth over the next couple of decades. They are proposing building reservoirs and desalination plants, but that will come at a cost and are many years in the future. Texas may have to choose between industrial jobs or agriculture, there simply won’t be enough water to support both.
Texas officials: We’re running out of water
And again…
The oba-mao administration once again is caught lying.
According to the summary of stimulus jobs “created or saved” in New Hampshire, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has created 3.2 jobs in the 6th District, zero jobs in the 4th District, and two jobs in the 27th District. New Hampshire, of course, only has two Congressional Districts.
All these lies and mistruths from a leader that was “ready from day one.” Ready for what is the question.
What are you bothered by?
The fact his father was kenyan?
Too many people, what to do…
Time for oba-mao to get the death panels up and running.
17 – Are you freaking blind?
Of course, so blinded by right wing bullshit you can’t see the racism and sexism that you pretend to be against.
Maybe you’re proud to be one of Sarah Palin’s “Real Americans”.
Heh. I rest my case.
Once you include the rest of the sentence you “forgot” to include, the message changes…
The sentence speaks about oba-mao not being raised in a tradition “american” atmosphere.
You said racism and sexism, since it also mentioned his grandparents why did you leave out ageism?
@1 Yeah, Arkansas! Did you hear about the Arky who complained that he’s been married four times and still has the same in-laws?
Now the white house budget director is talking about “new revenue-producing measures,” for those educated in government schools, that means NEW TAXES.
Orszag has said the spending blueprint, for the budget year that begins Oct. 1, 2010, would put the nation “back on a fiscally sustainable path” and suggested it would include a mix of spending cuts and new revenue-producing measures.
What happened to the oba-mao promise not to raise taxes on the middle class and working families.
Why does oba-mao hate the middle class?
@20 “The sentence speaks about oba-mao not being raised in a tradition “american” atmosphere.”
You mean the “traditional ‘american’ atmosphere” that wingnuts are raised in?
Marvin @ 10 said: “…When the left protested bush, the right didn’t physically attack them….”
What usually happened was that no potential anti-Bush protesters were allowed to be within hundreds of yards of Bush.
Republicans worked with local police and the Secret Service, along with hired “security”, to bar anyone from entering a building where Bush was present who “might” be opposed to the Republican policies. This included detaining and removing people from public events in public forums for wearing a T-shirt or button supporting a Democratic candidate or policy, or questioning a Republican government policy. People exiting cars with a Kerry or Obama bumper sticker were met in the parking lot by security and ordered to leave the premises or face arrest. In 2008 even a young Republican couple were reduced to tears when they were ordered to leave a MaCain “town hall” because MaCain organizers thought they “looked” like they might be Democrats.
It reached a point of Orwellian absurdity at the 2004 Republican Convention when anyone within blocks of the convention site who was deemed a “protester” (i.e., wearing a button or t-shirt with anything other than a Republican-supported message) were ordered by police to go to a “Free Speech Zone”, which was a fenced-in enclosure a block away and from the back side of the convention center, and completely out of sight of anyone except those specifically seeking them out. Anyone deemed to be a potential protester was ordered to either go to the free speech area or to immediately leave the public streets.
Of course, much effort was made to avoid any encounter with protesters, such as the visits here in the Seattle area which were little more than a motorcade to a “private event” at a home in Medina, where the local police blocked off access to even the media for blocks around.
Did you have 2 parents active in your life or were you like oba-mao and you dad skipped town when you were a couple years old.
Were you partially raised in another country like oba-mao was?
Were you partially raised by your grandparents and put into private schools like the oba-mao was?
Sounds like you were raised in the “traditional ‘american’ atmosphere” that wingnuts are raised in.
Welcome to the wingut club rabbit.
What does being within 100 yards of bush have to do with the point I made??
The people protesting bush didn’t get physically attacked like those protesting oba-mao.
@25 “Did you have 2 parents active in your life or were you like oba-mao and you dad skipped town when you were a couple years old.”
I was raised in a hole by rabbits. I didn’t see much of my pop in those days, because he was usually busy making more rabbits.
marvie-poo still isn’t busy enough blowing boys poolside in his LA Cabana…and he and his boyfriend Puddy (WHAT a name!) have the nerve to call out YLB.
Conservaklown hypocrites.
27. Roger Rabbit spews:
Gives that “big family” thing a whole new twist! LOLOL
What is the “traditional American atmosphere” in which a child is raised?
Excellent question Steve.
Before I start, let me tell you how sorry I am that you had the childhood you had. You did nothing wrong to deserve that.
The traditional american family was a loving mother and father that were active in the child’s life.
That too. Keeping it short and sweet.
Stay blind – like your right wing masters want you to be.
@15 A lot of Alabama’s industrial growth was spawned by the space program turning Huntsville/Decatur into a hotbed of technology. I used to work for a Fortune 500 computer company started there by an ex-IBM’er who’d headed up the design of the guidance system for the Saturn V rocket and who set out to build his own company after the Apollo program wound down. Like Hunter Simpson did here with Physio-control, he used IBM’s model at the time, which meant hiring the best people (not to toot my own horn or anything), and providing for them so well–interesting work, good pay, great benefits, avoiding layoffs–that unions would be irrelevant. Everyone was already “organized” and playing for the same team.
Of course, in these days of “enlightened management”, IBM itself doesn’t do that, and neither do its children.
Art @ 33: A mentor of mine once said:
Unfortunately, a lot of the mid and upper-level management in U.S. companies came of age during the early Reagan years, and are driving their companies into the latter catagory.
@34 In other words, institutionalized mediocrity.
No need to be sorry, Marvin, as I had a really great childhood. Sure, I eventually experienced great loss, but what followed was the both best of times and the worst of times, but at all times it was a great adventure in growing up in America. I asked for nothing then and I ask for nothing now. So there’s no need to be sorry, as any loss I experienced long ago has been offset by countless blessings since. But thanks anyway.
So what is this traditional atmosphere?
Obama continues to plummet and make additions to his monstrous list of mistakes & stupidity…the laatest being a trial of the terrorist bastard in NY.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The 16%’ers represented by the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS at HorsesAss are gonna have to crank up their lying glands to hyper-speed for 2010. The Democrats have a record to run against that is pathetic. The list of BS is too long for 100 different campaign ads.
@38 Ah…Klynical’s daily cut-and-paste Rasmussen Regurgitation.
You guys lost, remember? Deal with it.
What’s your obsession with protesters being within 100 yards of bush?
Bush is not the president.
Why didn’t right-wingers physically attack anti-bush protesters like the teabaggers are being attacked by left-wingnuts?
And it’s not as oba-mao can run on the “I’m not bush” platform again.
And unlike when oba-mao was running for president and voting present on everything, now he has a record to run away from. Assuming he makes a decision about the “war of necessity” by the time reelection rolls around.
Glad to hear it. I thought I read some words of your that gave a different impression. Probably my reading error.
How did the recording go last night?
Of course there won’t be any death panels…
A government task force said Monday that most women don’t need mammograms in their 40s and should get one every two years starting at 50 — a stunning reversal and a break with the American Cancer Society’s long-standing position. What’s more, the panel said breast self-exams do no good, and women shouldn’t be taught to do them.
One of the reasons america has the best five-year survival rate for breast cancer in the world is early detection.
Wow, a rasmussen poll that Cynical missed…
Sixteen percent (16%) of all voters are following news about Palin’s book release very closely, and 20% say they are likely to read it. That latter figure includes 31% of Republican voters.
1/5 of voters are likely to read palin’s book, and 31% of those are reps. Who makes up the other 69%???
Say, how did that book of pelosi’s sell?
palin on amazon–
Another great review of palin’s book.
The highlight-
I cannot claim to have completely read “Going Rogue” — I had to skim the last 150 pages (or more than one-third). I only got the thing into my hands late Monday afternoon with a deadline of early evening. It’s terrible, I know, but if I didn’t read it all, neither can Sarah Palin claim to have completely written it.
No need to read the book if you’re going to review, that’s just so old fashioned and not democrat.
And I like how ana marie cox came to the conclusion that if she couldn’t read the whole thing, sarah couldn’t have written it.
I wonder if that would go over if some democrat congressman was going to vote on a healthcare bill he hadn’t read. oops, bad analogy. Democrats routinely do that.
I heard palin on Oprah.
She’s had time to polish her performance and is very charismatic, like reagan was. I can see the attraction to her. I didn’t believe what she said, and I don’t agree with almost everything she stands for, but she is a former successful beauty queen, like Diane Sawyer and Vanessa Williams, so she can emote charm and likeablity, so I found myself liking her.
Ping rabbit…
If khalid sheikh asked for a lawyer when he was captured and was denied one, would that be a violation of his rights in an american court?
The liberal media won’t say it, so you have to outsource the news.
This is how the good folks in germany look at oba-mao…
Obama Has Failed the World on Climate Change
US President Barack Obama came to office promising hope and change. But on climate change, he has followed in the footsteps of his predecessor, George W. Bush. Now, should the climate summit in Copenhagen fail, the blame will lie squarely with Obama.
Obama Lied to the Europeans
Barack Obama cast himself as a “citizen of the world” when he delivered his well-received campaign speech in Berlin in the summer of 2008. But the US president has now betrayed this claim.
Nope, just like bush.
The world is realizing voting “present” doesn’t make a president.
Break out the popcorn and the butter!
It’s core meltdown at the Moonie Times!
Hey Stupes! Check out the lawsuit that your favorite right wing bullshit writer Miniter is bringing against Moon!
EEOC? Isn’t that the “gubmint”?
ylb arschloch,
Since you are all arschloch, what part of LMAO is actually laughing?
Oh… dat be yo face!
It appears one democrat is scared of the repercussions of oba-mao putting all those lies on the recovery.gov website.
from the left-leaning website huffington post-
“Credibility counts in government and stupid mistakes like this undermine it. We’ve got too many serious problems in this country to let that happen,” Obey said in a statement. “Whether the numbers are good news or bad news, I want the honest numbers and I want them now.”
Reading the comments is good for laugh. Read how many left-wingnuts are defending the lies because bush lied so it’s okay for oba-mao lies.
Good catch on ylb arschloch. He’ll claim his mouse “slipped” when he was copying the link. Of course you KABLAMMO’d his puny worthless argument.
He makes stationary old brick look smart.
Hey rujax farted.
Nothing new Danno. Move along.
I couldn’t find any mention of all the lies and false information listed on the recovery.gov website on talkingpointsmemo.
Why is that?
Your hero Miniter is suing Moon claiming discrimination! Oh poor baby!
Can’t the “market” decide?
You loser! Open up a paranoid Miniter novel for comfort fool! The right wing is melting down!
What did he know and when did he know it??
The first public congressional hearing on the Fort Hood attack will not include testimony from any current federal law enforcement, military or intelligence officials because the Obama administration “declined to provide any” such witnesses, according to a Senate committee source.
“Declined to provide any”???
What is the oba-mao trying to hide?
I’d like to take credit but my 5 year old adopted niece is over and she pointed it out.
57 – Lets a five year old read HA.org???
Hmmmm… Interesting. I’d never accuse Uncle Marvin of anything inappropriate (unlike him to me) but you gotta wonder.
The hypocrisy of right wing sexual perversion is examined closely here (for side splitting laughs).
Why would Uncle Marvin expose a child to this?
And now it’s coming out that the oba-mao administration is also lying about “created” jobs in west virginia.
Just like oba-mao during the campaign having problems with how many sates in the united states, oba-mao is having problems with how many congressional districts in west virginia.
BREAKING: Obama Recovery Act Increases W.Va. Congressional Districts by Eight!
•Three jobs were created in the 54th, 9th, 6th and 12th Congressional districts, which received $1 million, $439,296, $208,117, and $191,795 in stimulus funding respectively.
•Two Jobs were created in the 13th Congressional District, which received $111,732 in stimulus funding.
•Zero jobs were created in the 4th and 00 Congressional districts, which received $429,296 and $6,587 in stimulus funding respectively.
West Virginia Watchdog has been unable to reach the Congressional members in these “new” districts, nor is there any information listed about these districts on Congressional websites.
Best line from the link-
“For months folks across our state have been asking: ‘Where are the jobs?’ Well it now appears that the Administration’s answer is that they’re in congressional districts that don’t even exist.”
CHANGE the number of districts and HOPE no one notices.
David Obey rocks. Obey is one of the most liberal members of the house of reps. It’s nice to see one of the uber-liberals flex some muscle.
I agree, the reading your words is inappropriate.
Did you notice I never said anything about sex but that was your first thought?
You know what Steve would say don’t you… projection, psyche 101.
To prove that even a 5 year old could punk you?
But I am amazed to see that you actually believed a 5 year old punked you.
39. ArtFart spews:
Lost what exactly?
You and the others talked all kinds of smack about what the “Progressive” machine was going to do to Conservatives like me.
I’M STILL WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is sooooooo humorous. The word here is Baucus & others have the brakes applied and are just f*ckin’ with you KLOWNS. Sure seems like it. After 1/1, the focus shifts to the 2010 elections with the only things accomplished by the Oba-Mao-ists is screw-up after screw-up from Porkulous to Afghanistan to Appointees to Health Care to BUDGET DEFICIT MANAGEMENT.
Seems like you KLOWNS were flyin’ high last November. Obama was at +32 Strong Approval vs. Strong Disapproval. Now Obama is -12.
Same poll.
Hey Puddy–
Have you noticed the KLOWNS are more & more irritable lately? They forgot that they have NO GOVERNING SKILLS!!
Mr. C.
What stocks are you trading these days?
I bought Ford yesterday @ $8.76.
Early in November I bought FSYS @ $45.40 and sold Dec 50 calls @ $2. Looks like I’ll get called away with a 15% gain in less than 6 weeks.
Also bought MTL @ $21 even in early November and sold the Dec $22.50 calls for $1.40. Still looks good for getting called away, but if not 6.5% in less than 6 weeks ain’t bad either.
I missed getting on Revlon (REV) @ $7 this month. Damn! Missed a double in just a few weeks.
Damn, what a great year it’s been for us investors since Obama turned the economy around in just 45 days on the job (Jan 20 – Mar 3).
It’s been a monster rally this year, unlike the last 466 days of the Bush presidency which nearly took us to another Republican caused Great Depression.
You mean YOU LIED????
Why would a right winger do such a thing?
I’m amazed that you’d even fantasize about a 5 year old in your care reading HA.org.
My kids have never read this website.
@42 The recording went well. It’s nice to have a couple of classicals to work with, one a bit darker than the other, and a fair number of decent mics and pres. Funny, the Cordoba ain’t bad, but the cheap 40 year old Yamaha has amazing tone for a classical at any price. But then I’ve hand rubbed the finish for all those years, as I was taught to do with the violin. I bet that has a lot to do with it. Now, capturing that tone and in such a way that it will also sit in a mix with a bubbling B3 and upright bass, I can’t say I’ve gotten there yet.
If the right wing didn’t sex offend so much, we wouldn’t talk about it.
But they do it in conflict with their stated “values” – again and again and again and again.
It makes our job of defeating their braindead policies so much easier.
This just in from Associated Press–
Obama, stimulus spending fare poorly in MT poll
Posted: Nov 17, 2009 03:00 PM PST
Updated: Nov 17, 2009 03:24 PM PST
As the liberal media is fact-checking palins book…
China is asking oba-mao questions the liberal media won’t.
from reuters, the news company that uses photoshoped photos–
China questions costs of U.S. healthcare reform
Boilerplate assurances that America won’t default on its debt or inflate the shortfall away are apparently not cutting it. Nor should they
Nothing happening in Washington today should give Beijing any comfort or confidence about what may happen tomorrow
For instance, a new study from the U.S. government’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services finds that the healthcare reform bill recently passed in the House of Representatives would increase healthcare spending to 21.3 percent of GDP
Few realists in Washington think any of the current reform plans make a significant dent in the long-term healthcare cost to government
63. GBS spews:
I was in Gold Stock and Call Options until a couple days ago. Road it up $90/oz. in a short period of time.
Still holding onto 4000 shares of Wells Fargo although it has stagnated. Still good dividend and waiting until this is L-T Capital Gain….tired of paying ST Gain rates. Wrote the covered calls and made $15,000 on that move.
Have just gotten out of several aggressive funds and Apple yesterday and bought some PUT options on Randgold (GOLD) and Barrick (ABX). They are Feb. PUTS so I have some time. Not much money…just 20 contracts in each. Gold is due for a correction. Randgold especially tracks Gold prices. I have some old Met Life Annuity Contracts with a 4% upfront bump and a 6% minimum return at anniversary dates. Buried some more $$ there. And put more $$ in an old Group Variable Universal Life account I have that works like a Money Market thru Prudential (can get $$ out next day) and pays guaranteed 5%. My only risk on these is if Prudential and Met Life go down the tubes. If that happens, we are all in deep shit, huh?
I’m gettin’ old to do that, but the old annuity contracts are way better than what you could get today.
Is it true the wingnuts have gone dervish over Sarah’s Newsweek cover?
Enjoy the slideshow:
It seems she was a willing accomplice. No such thing as bad publicity and all.
I got into Ford in July and got out in Oct. (a bit too soon). Made a couple bucks but decided the Cash for Clunkers impact was short-term and merely encouraged folks to buy cars earlier….with the future looking bleak. If I was going to be in any Auto Company, it would certainly be Ford.
Good luck!
That’s not honest, but good try. My 4 year old adopted niece just walked by and pointed it out.
Democrats sex offend as much, except they don’t have any family values to promote.
It’s all about the hypocrisy. Remember, when larry craig was caught you didn’t hear one democrat speak out about why gays cruise public bathrooms for sex, it was all about larry and his hypocrisy.
I see my 3 year old adopted niece walking down the hallway, hurry up and write something so she can be like her big sisters and point out the flaws in your logic.
Remember this crap you wrote, by any chance you going to show us your proof?
Got proof?
Mr. C.
Yeah, I avoided the “gold rush.” I’ve never been good at valuing commodities so I stay away from them.
I figure if I can’t put a value on something 10 years from now how in the hell do I know what it’s worth today and if it’s a good deal or not??
Although, I must confess, I got tempted by the gold bug but stuck to my investing rules. Which leaves commodity items off my list.
I dumped my WFC a while ago. Got called away actually, but made some good coin in the process.
I’m too young for annuties, probably always will be.
Good luck in your investing, too. When I see a good stock idea I’ll throw it on the board. Who knows when the next JRCC will come along.
And Republicans do and hope they don’t get caught in their sex antics so they don’t get exposed as hypocrites???
Yeah right…
Gee Marv, I’m so taken with your defense of Republican family values – it’ll be so helpful to that braindead party at election time.
Definitely could have helped in 2006 and 2008.