Anne Romney, wife of Mittens, talks about “women’s issues”. Apparantly it’s unfair against Mittens for there to be such a gender gap!
Someone or other on Twitter points out that Anne Romney (did I spell that right?) never worked a day in her life.
Anne Romney points out that she “made a decision” to stay home and raise her five children, and “believe me, that was work!”.
Look, if a couple wants one of them to stay home and raise the children, and has the means to do so, they won’t get any complaints from me.
But Anne Romney is missing the point here. There was a time when only one person in a middle-class household had to work – which corresponded roughly to the time Mitt Romney and Anne Romney grew up, in the 1950’s through the mid-1970’s. After that, both had to work – first due to the 1974-1982 oil crisis and rescession, then in the 1980’s onward, assuming they wanted to buy a house. Stagnant wages since the early 1970’s, in real dollar terms, while costs have risen, have made it necessary for both family members to work just in order to keep a lower-middle-class lifestyle.For Mitt and Anne, they could make that choice. For the rest of us, there IS no choice.
Secondly, while I won’t argue that raising five children is a lot of work, it’s only a fraction of the work required to put in a full day of outside employment AND get the kids off to school or daycare, and then pick them up after work, make dinner, help with homework, sports, etc. Anne Romney only had to do half that job.
So no, Anne, it’s still not the same, no matter how you try to spin it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
As the special session was a “total fucking waste of time,” as Goldy puts it, shouldn’t we taxpayers bill the GOPers (and 3 renegade D senators) for its cost? That seems only fair. If Zarelli doesn’t have the money we can take it out of his per diem and veterans benefits.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The stock market rallied strongly this morning on higher unemployment claims and a weak dollar. You heard me right, stocks are UP on crappy economic data! Why? Because Wall Street’s whiz kids think the worse the economy is, the more likely the Fed will print more money (i.e. QE3), and there’s nothing Wall Street likes more than FREE MONEY from the gummint.
Anyone who believes this is a free market left out a noun; it’s actually a free money market. The huge rally in stocks we’ve seen since the bottom in March 2009 is almost entirely due to the money supply manipulations by government central banks.
It turns out the free-market types in capitalism’s beating heart salivate over government handouts as much as any inner-city welfare queen or Republican farmer ever did.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I just got out of bed 10 minutes ago and discovered I’ve already made $3600 this morning. Sure beats getting up at 6 AM to commute to a crappy cubicle job.
@3 Happens every time. It’s also because the CLC’s (your term) in the business world get all sweaty in their britches about the down job market helping corporations bust the chops of labor and pay Americans even less to help each other max out their credit cards buying outsourced junk.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Don’t you love the stories the rich tell us about how “hard” their lives are? Reminds me of when I was a little bunny and Mom Rabbit (RIP, sniffle) read fairytales to me until I fell asleep.
Somebody busted Roger Ailes’ chops.
Or more accurately, one of his underlings has been blogging to Gawker about how Fox News is little more than a shill for the Republican Propoganda Machine, which videos of Romney and Sean Hannity comparing their race horses, etc. In short, unveiling the curtain behind with Fox News hides as a “fair and balanced” news source.
It only took them 24 hours for Fox to find the source of the “mole” Joe Muto, an Assoiate Producer at Fox News. It’s not quite clear how they located Mulles as the mole, but with Murdoch as the owner, all sort of interesting possibilities arise.
Ailes swiftly moved into attack mode. He called Gawker a “pornographic web site”, and threatened legal action against Muto and anyone publishing information regarding Fox News. Clearly, there is stuff out there which Ailes will go to considerable lengths to prevent from disclosure.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 My coal stocks are up 7% today. That’s as much in ONE DAY as my fucking bank pays me in 70 years! Although U.S. power companies are converting to natural gas and won’t burn as much coal as they used to, I’m not worried, because China has an insatiable appetite for coal — they’re building coal plants at a rate of one new coal plant every day! By selling them my coal I’m bringing dollars back to the USA that foolish Walmart customers sent over there in exchange for toxic junk. I bought my coal stocks with patriotic fervor, but I’ll take the DOLLARS, too!
A couple days ago, GOP Rep. Allen West said progressives are communists. This guy doesn’t have a clue, does he? Obviously, he’s never met me! He has all the qualifications required to be a Republican congressman, namely, he’s stupid enough.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The wild stock market gyrations we’re seeing are on very thin trading volume. (Not to mention very thin financial ice.) It’s all professional trading, most of it generated by computer algorithms. Individual investors are all but absent from the stock market. Why? Because they know it’s a rigged game? No, most people aren’t well enough informed to know the details or understand the mechanics; they merely sense that it’s a rigged game. Which it is …
The Federal Reserve is printing money to prop up what they euphemistically refer to as “risk assets” (read: stocks). This helps the rich, who own most of the stock, but screws the rest of us, because we’re paying for it at the gas pump and grocery checkout.
You see, debasing the currency pushes up the nominal prices of commodities such as oil, metals, and grains, which makes all consumer products (especially nondiscretionary products such as fuel and food) more expensive. It’s a sneaky way of cutting wages. It also robs savers, who are earning nothing on their savings.
In addition, the Fed’s zero-interest policy encourages already-overpaid CEOs to rob their shareholders, because cheap money allows them to borrow billions for nothing, which they use to buy back their companies’ stock at inflated prices, to hide their huge stock options from their shareholders because the buybacks mask the dilution of existing shares by these executive stock options.
But the biggest problem of all is that if you let the Fed’s financial engineering push your zero-interest savings into overpriced stocks, just when you expect to feed at the same trough as the rich, the Fed will pull the rug out from under you by withdrawing gummint support for asset values and letting market forces take over, and when they do stocks will plunge. By then, the pros will have gotten out and you’ll be left holding the empty bag.
The Wall Street term for this is “pump and dump.” It’s not legal for them to do it anymore, so now they get the Federal Reserve to do it for them.
It’s almost enough to make you feel cycnical about how America’s financial system is being run for the sole benefit of the people who run it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
‘Shove It’ Index Leaps Upward
“The number of people quitting their jobs in February outnumbered … workers … laid off by companies for the first time since this economic recovery began ….
“Fifty-one percent of all job separations were due to workers quitting, up from 49.8 percent … in February, according to the government’s Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey. This is the first time quitters … were in the majority since September 2008.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Employers have ruthlessly exploited and mistreated workers throughout this recession. Now they’re paying for it. The workers vital to their businesses will quit in droves when hiring picks up.
Employers long ago ceased having any loyalty to their workers, so there’s absolutely no reason for any worker to have any loyalty to his or her employer.
If somebody offers you a better deal, take it, and milk it for all it’s worth while it lasts, because it won’t last very long. And don’t lose any sleep about what your departure will do to your boss. That’s his fucking problem! He doesn’t give a damn about you, so you shouldn’t give a damn about him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A Texas private Christian school has fired a teacher for getting pregnant out of wedlock. her lawyer contends that violates federal and state non-discrimination laws and she’s going to sue.
It apparently doesn’t bother the school when she lost her job, she also lost her health insurance along with her job. How can that be good for the baby?
I bet the irony of her being able to keep her job if she’d gotten an abortion is lost on them.
# 12: One of the topics of conversations at Aerospace conferences is the number of workers, all through the supply chain, which will be required to keep building airplanes at the rate both Boeing and Airbus are planning. One senior manager complained that they were “raiding one another” for skilled workers. He was worried that Boeing needed both skilled workers of it’s own and, since it was relying more on it’s out-sourced supply chain, it’s supply chain needed the same workers. With each one poaching one another’s workers, there may be a constant circle of movement within the supply chain, without really adding many new workers.
What he didn’t mention, of course, is that job security and better wages and benefits would ensure that workers stay on the job. That’s how Boeing built a reliable engineering workforce in the 1950’s and 1960’s – people would move to the Puget Sound and like it so much out here, that other manufacturers (Lockheed, McDonnel-Douglas, Northrup Grumman, Pratt & Whitney, etc.) couldn’t draw them away.
So Obama’s mouthy lesbian adviser who has twins with her partner and then breaks up the family is criticizing Anne Romney for being a housewife? That’s hysterical. This mouthy gal continues to dig a deeper & deeper hole rather than simply apologize and shut up. This issue will have traction throughout the campaign. Give her a mike and let her keep blabbing and see how mainstream American housewives respond.
The build up to “what ended the depression” is PRICELESS! Not one of these tea baggers can deny the role of government tax and spending in ending the depression.
The 5%spews:
Jury selection for John Edwards’ trial starts today.
@21 To continue, I actually did rewire the XK-120. One and a half times, to be exact. I was only seventeen and learned the hard way about sizing conductors. When I turned the ignition on for the first time, an overloaded wire to the ammeter fried and it took out every damned wire behind the dash with it.
I look forward to your updates.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “Communists know what they’re doing!”
So do Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 yawn.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A CNBC reporter says Remington denies that millions of its guns manufactured since 1948 incorporate a safety mechanism that allows the gun to fire with the safety on and without the trigger being pulled.
Congress has prohibited the Consumer Product Safety Commission from regulating or recalling defective firearms.
Life Lesson #24: you made your bed, now sleep in it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 The probable cause affidavit withholds some facts but alleges that Martin was “profiled” by Zimmerman, who “assumed Martin was a criminal,” got out of his vehicle and pursued Martin against the police dispatcher’s instructions, then “confronted Martin and a struggle ensued.”
That sure sounds like a guy pretending to be a cop trying to make an unlawful arrest.
The 5%spews:
Ouch Steve, thats a rough lesson – must have been the inspiration for becoming an electrical engineer, eh.
Come out? Heh. Look in the mirror. No one here with half a brain has paid any attention to Edwards since his career in politics ended – by his own actions.
His trial? Well that’s his business.. Nothing to do with defeating right wing insanity in this day and age.
Those are right wing plants.. Thinking people don’t do stuff like that..
Right wingers do the crap we saw against Sandra Fluke.. Spewing hate.
FBI agents have arrived in Kodiak, Alaska, to investigate the fatal shootings of two U.S. Coast Guard members at a communications station, but a spokesman said there is no immediate evidence that the incident was a terrorist act.
Investigators would not say Thursday evening whether a gunman was still at large on the remote island in southern Alaska, home to 13,000 people and the largest Coast Guard base in the U.S.
“The investigation is ongoing, and it’s still too early to speculate. We are investigating all possibilities,” Eric Gonzalez, FBI spokesman in Anchorage, told the Los Angeles Times.
Ann Romney, a multiple sclerosis and cancer survivor, & stay at mother of 5. Liberals hate her for staying home
Sarah Palin, working mother of 5, one with Down’s syndrome. Liberals hate her for not staying at home or aborting Trigg
Oh wait… Ann is conservative… Sarah is conservative…
Oh never mind!
@31 Yeah, I’ve oversized feeders ever since. Go figure. But that’s not a bad thing.
A 440 six-pack Barracuda, or even C-Type Jag would undoubtably alter the Puget Sound pollution levels and world climate for the worse, of course, but I believe that it’s probably God’s will. In fact, in 1970 I was driving along the lake shore on a sunny day in the XK-120 with a beautiful girl by my side and the music loud when, in a revelatory moment, I decided there really must be a God. Heh, I should probably save that one for Bible Study.
A: Well, you know, I don’t know Laura Bush. But she seems to be calm, and she has a sparkle in her eye, which is good. But I don’t know that she’s ever had a real job — I mean, since she’s been grown up.
The Real Fake Davespews:
Continued from @149 on the 3/29 thread, The special prosecutor probably has a civil background. There is no other possible explanation for her inept analysis of the facts of this case. My own brilliant analysis, which you can read here, here, and here, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Martin attacked Zimmerman, leaving him no recourse but to stand his ground and shoot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 “And using a different e-mail address it seems.”
Does it go through a Department of Corrections mailbox?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Puddybutt’s re-appearance reminds of an old joke.
A guy lived an evil life, died, and went to Hell. When he arrived in Hell, he was thrown into a pit where everyone was up to their necks in shit, drinking beer and eating potato chips. Just as he reached for a beer and bag of chips, a demon cracked a whip and yelled, “Vacation’s over! Everybody back on their knees!”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 So now you’re not only a top-drawer armchair lawyer, but a crack amateur homicide investigator, too?
It seems to me that charging a vigilante with murder for getting out of a car, against police instructions, and following a juvenile with a bag of candy and then chasing him down when he ran and shooting him to death in the ensuing scuffle doesn’t require a brilliant legal mind; any first-year law student who has completed one semester of basic criminal law would come to the same charging decision.
P.S., your posts on this topic are getting cloying. If you don’t know what that means, look it up.
41. YLB spews:
wow, those are some messed up comments….
Those are right wing plants.. Thinking people don’t do stuff like that..
LMFAO – ya, progressives would never write such things, would they…
you fucking tool.
The 5%spews:
44. Steve spews:
@31 Yeah, I’ve oversized feeders ever since. Go figure. But that’s not a bad thing.
A 440 six-pack Barracuda, or even C-Type Jag would undoubtably alter the Puget Sound pollution levels and world climate for the worse, of course, but I believe that it’s probably God’s will. In fact, in 1970 I was driving along the lake shore on a sunny day in the XK-120 with a beautiful girl by my side and the music loud when, in a revelatory moment, I decided there really must be a God. Heh, I should probably save that one for Bible Study.
04/12/2012 AT 9:25 PM
I dunno steve, I think a little globull worming is a good thing.
Besides, I will be damned if some urban liberal, limp wristed, she-male metrosexual is going to tell me what to drive.
Shit, I doubt barely half the little urban girly-men could even push the clutch in on the cuda..
The 5%spews:
In fact, in 1970 I was driving along the lake shore on a sunny day in the XK-120 with a beautiful girl by my side and the music loud when, in a revelatory moment, I decided there really must be a God. Heh, I should probably save that one for Bible Study.
thats the stuff that will definitely will make you believe in a higher power…
55 – Yeah they’ll be back and their bullshit will be even more tired than ever.
I’m looking forward to their faux enthusiasm to a formerly pro-choice Governor who saw fit to impose gubment interference and an individual mandate in the “free market” in health insurance in MA.
Blue Johnspews:
Hilary Rosen apologizes to Ann Romney for “poorly chosen” words
Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen apologized to Ann Romney Thursday, after finding herself in the middle of a firestorm for what she called “poorly chosen” words about Ann Romney as Rosen sought to hit her husband Mitt for his record on women.
“I apologize to Ann Romney and anyone else who was offended,” Rosen said in a statement. “As a pundit, I know my words on CNN last night were poorly chosen.”
“I apologize. Working moms, stay at home moms, they’re both extremely hard jobs,” Rosen said. “I’m sorry if that offended you.”
Catholic League attacks Hilary Rosen for adopting kids
Lesbian Dem Hilary Rosen tells Ann Romney she never worked a day in her life. Unlike Rosen, who had to adopt kids, Ann raised 5 of her own.
— @CatholicLeague via web
So I guess adopting kids is bad, now, or at least not as good as having them the old fashioned way. Or maybe it’s only bad if the wrong people do it?
I await the Catholic League’s apology.
The Real Fake Davespews:
@49 “So now you’re not only a top-drawer armchair lawyer, but a crack amateur homicide investigator, too?”
1) I gave you the answer to that question in the 3/29 Open Thread.
2) Your meager background in civil law leaves you woefully inadaquate to discuss this topic with me. If you had any knowledge of criminal law, you would be in agreement with the truth of my analysis of the facts put forth here, here, and here.
Roger: I think # 46 & # 58 are meant to be satire of the “real” Dave.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 What do you expect at 10:00 PM? By then, I’m asleep already!
Roger Rabbitspews:
An Armed Society Is A Polite Society Dep’t
We’ve had only two of those extremely-rare mass shootings today, with only one cop dead so far this morning — one a domestic, the other an eviction.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another fucking market failure that demonstrates why we need more, not less, government regulation of private businesses.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Gov’t Regulation Dep’t
Businessmen don’t want you to know what’s in the food they sell you that you put in your body.
To make everyone happy, maybe we should have two sets of food labeling laws in this country, one for Republicans and one for Democrats. Every supermarket would have two separate meat counters.
But if we did that, I’ll bet all the Republicans would buy their meat at the Democrats’ meat counter.
That is why Monsanto is fighting tooth and nail to keep GMO labeling off food – people are willing to pay more for wholesome food – the meat at the Democratic counter would be WAY more expensive, and the Republicans are the ones with the bucks.
People will pay for quality – the sleazebags don’t want the competition.
Oldest trick in the book. If checks flow through your hands, just find a way to cash them into your own bank account. Cover your tracks as best you can. However, the day of reckoning almost always comes.
Just about everyone can recall an outfit where some accounting or worker bee drudge did this on the low, low..
An outfit in the PRIVATE SECTOR right wing morans!
Keep on ignoring BILLIONS in taxpayer dollars wasted on costly national security boondoggles in Iraq, Afghanistan, War to create more terrorists, blah, blah…
# 61: “an armed society is a polite society”.
Of course, Roger meant to point out the failure of this, as a public policy.
Strangely, 2nd Amendment advocates like to point to the glory days of the Civil War and late 19th century combat as the ultimate in individualism, backed up to the point of a gun. But any historian of the Civil War knows that even during the war, there was lots of dueling – on both sides – between the armed forces. Forest threateneed his superior officer with a thrashing; a Confederate officer in Texas shot one of his fellow officers in the street; and Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn ws shot in his tent by a civilian, a medical doctor who passed through the lines under a pass because Van Dorne was carrying on an affair with the doctor’s wife (just one of many such affairs conducted by Van Dorne).
An armed society isn’t a polite society, it’s just a more violent one.
Hilary Rosen is an arrogant lesbian who adopts kids and then breaks up the family. She is the last person who should be talking about much of anything. Ann Romney is a wonderful mother of 5 and grandmother of 16. She is a strong woman who leads by example..unlike the mouthy muffdiver.
Rosen is a real douchebag..and she continues to work for Obama. When is Obama going to fire her??
Liberal Scientist is a slut who sometimes wears a hoodiespews:
So how come the DNC paid Rosen $120,000 in 2011 to coach their pinhead chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz on her media appearances? The DNC works for Obummer. FOX News talking points… wrong as always!
Crickets chirping…
NOW (pun intended) we see another member of the DUMMOCRAPT coalition stepping in it. Coalition member Terry O’Neill, the NOW president sez Ann Romney lacks “life experience” and “imagination”.
So someone having to endure multiple sclerosis and breast cancer lacks “life experience”! Amazing… Sounds like some pinheads here!
Liberal Scientist is a slut who sometimes wears a hoodiespews:
Crickets chirping…
You wrote that 8 mintues ago, preening asshole.
Go back to that rock you were under for the past few months.
As to the ‘substance’ of what you wrote, how is @67 not just a mildless bag of idiot right-winger talking points?
Hilary Rosen is an arrogant lesbian
Ann Romney is a wonderful mother … is a strong woman who leads by example
Rosen is a real douchebag
she continues to work for Obama
Like I said, a string of talking points. As expected, loathsome worms like yourself are here to derail conversation and analysis.
Hilary Rosen, and for that matter, Ann Rmoney are not the issues here, however much your ilk would like them to be. As I’ve said on the other thread…
Mitt and Ann have led gilded lives together, and that disconnect from the vast majority of Americans, particularly those falling further behind – many of whom are workign women and/or single mothers – is precisely germane to the present campaign. And it undermines her credibility as a surrogate for Mitt, without marginalizing either working women or stay at home moms – and that is a good thing.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who sometimes wears a hoodiespews:
should be mindless…like puddles.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who sometimes wears a hoodie spewsspews:
Of course, as is no surprise, puddles is lying his saggy ass off.
Terry O’Neil last night:
TERRY O’NEILL: What would we be saying if Hillary Clinton (sic) had said this: that Ann Romney has never, has not worked for pay outside the home a day in her life? That’s my understanding that’s an accurate statement, and that raises the exact issue that Hilary Rosen was trying to get to, which is do Mr. & Mrs. Romney have the kind of life experience and if not, the imagination, to really understand what most American families are going through right now? I think that that was what Hilary was getting out, and so she left out the words “for pay outside the home.”
What part of that don’t you inderstand, puddles? How is that denying Ann Romney’s experience with MS or cancer?
This was prompted by Mitt putting his MUCH more likeable wife up as a shield to draw the obvious fire, and to protray her as informing him about the experiences of (monolithic) women. Again, as I wrote on another thread…
The point she was making, if inartfully, was that Ann Romney has never had to worry about where the rent check was coming from, where the food was coming from, whether her husband’s job was stable, how she would pay for her or her childrens’ healthcare, or any of many many worries that millions in this country suffer over daily and without end.
Ann Romney is not the point, merely the face the Mitt put on his campaign because he is so unlikeable. No one denies that being married to Mitt and raising his sons was probably a very hard job, perhpas even hellish. But cynically putting her out there was Mitt’s doing, and pulling back on the curtain and pointing out that her experience was not representative of the experiences of all the people that Mitt’s policies stand to deeply, deeply harm is responsible commentary.
Mitt and Ann have led gilded lives together, and that disconnect from the vast majority of Americans, particularly those falling further behind – many of whom are workign women and/or single mothers – is precisely germane to the present campaign. And it undermines her credibility as a surrogate for Mitt, without marginalizing either working women or stay at home moms – and that is a good thing.
You’re an asshole puddles, go away.
Foolish one above, when you attack the person you attack the whole person. Butt being the moron you are this is lost on you.
puddles is lying his saggy ass off. – Really?
life experience and if not, the imagination,
THe rest of her comments was useless as always against conservative women! Those were the words I used above. Lying? Nope you Dope! Ann still has MS. I have a buddy who just left my house visiting us from CA who has MS. It’s a lifelong disease. It’s a life experience, something lost on your silly ASS!
BTW it seems Mrs Obummer has a much more likable quotient over Obummer.
You think Mrs Obummer worried
whether her husband’s job was stable, how she would pay for her or her childrens’ healthcare?
You are still a joke after I’ve been all over the world for the last few months!
So tell us how Obummer has created more debt in the last 3.5 years than GW Bush did in 8? Or tell us how the great porkulus bill would keep unemployment below 8%? His own professorial economic team quit.
So tell us how Obummer is using his cabinet to campaign for him and no one can determine the expense trail?
Oh wait… you’ll blame it on Bush like Axelrod still does!
You’re insignificant Libbie, please stay and make this blog more insignificant.
And all you libs scream about Romney inheriting money from Daddy George.
Spends loads of dough on her blind, vain ambition and her sicko-phantic crew.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
You know, after the first few above, I can’t even bother to read puddles comments anymore.
Goodnight gentle liberals…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@70 Mrs. Romney may be a sweet lady and a great mother, but I doubt she has the life experience to understand the real-life problems of working single moms, such as the waitress Stefan Sharansky got fired for trying to quiet his rowdy kid in a crowded restaurant.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh, I get it, if you don’t have a husband worth $250 million it’s because you made “bad choices.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@75 I like $4 gas! But then, I hop everywhere on my hind legs, and I own oil stocks.
I doubt she has the life experience to understand the real-life problems of working single moms
And Michelle Obama, Hilary Rosen, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz do?
Anne Romney, wife of Mittens, talks about “women’s issues”. Apparantly it’s unfair against Mittens for there to be such a gender gap!
Someone or other on Twitter points out that Anne Romney (did I spell that right?) never worked a day in her life.
Anne Romney points out that she “made a decision” to stay home and raise her five children, and “believe me, that was work!”.
Look, if a couple wants one of them to stay home and raise the children, and has the means to do so, they won’t get any complaints from me.
But Anne Romney is missing the point here. There was a time when only one person in a middle-class household had to work – which corresponded roughly to the time Mitt Romney and Anne Romney grew up, in the 1950’s through the mid-1970’s. After that, both had to work – first due to the 1974-1982 oil crisis and rescession, then in the 1980’s onward, assuming they wanted to buy a house. Stagnant wages since the early 1970’s, in real dollar terms, while costs have risen, have made it necessary for both family members to work just in order to keep a lower-middle-class lifestyle.For Mitt and Anne, they could make that choice. For the rest of us, there IS no choice.
Secondly, while I won’t argue that raising five children is a lot of work, it’s only a fraction of the work required to put in a full day of outside employment AND get the kids off to school or daycare, and then pick them up after work, make dinner, help with homework, sports, etc. Anne Romney only had to do half that job.
So no, Anne, it’s still not the same, no matter how you try to spin it.
As the special session was a “total fucking waste of time,” as Goldy puts it, shouldn’t we taxpayers bill the GOPers (and 3 renegade D senators) for its cost? That seems only fair. If Zarelli doesn’t have the money we can take it out of his per diem and veterans benefits.
The stock market rallied strongly this morning on higher unemployment claims and a weak dollar. You heard me right, stocks are UP on crappy economic data! Why? Because Wall Street’s whiz kids think the worse the economy is, the more likely the Fed will print more money (i.e. QE3), and there’s nothing Wall Street likes more than FREE MONEY from the gummint.
Anyone who believes this is a free market left out a noun; it’s actually a free money market. The huge rally in stocks we’ve seen since the bottom in March 2009 is almost entirely due to the money supply manipulations by government central banks.
It turns out the free-market types in capitalism’s beating heart salivate over government handouts as much as any inner-city welfare queen or Republican farmer ever did.
I just got out of bed 10 minutes ago and discovered I’ve already made $3600 this morning. Sure beats getting up at 6 AM to commute to a crappy cubicle job.
Happy National Grilled Cheese Day everyone!
I love that Ashley Judd essay.
@3 Happens every time. It’s also because the CLC’s (your term) in the business world get all sweaty in their britches about the down job market helping corporations bust the chops of labor and pay Americans even less to help each other max out their credit cards buying outsourced junk.
@1 Don’t you love the stories the rich tell us about how “hard” their lives are? Reminds me of when I was a little bunny and Mom Rabbit (RIP, sniffle) read fairytales to me until I fell asleep.
Somebody busted Roger Ailes’ chops.
Or more accurately, one of his underlings has been blogging to Gawker about how Fox News is little more than a shill for the Republican Propoganda Machine, which videos of Romney and Sean Hannity comparing their race horses, etc. In short, unveiling the curtain behind with Fox News hides as a “fair and balanced” news source.
It only took them 24 hours for Fox to find the source of the “mole” Joe Muto, an Assoiate Producer at Fox News. It’s not quite clear how they located Mulles as the mole, but with Murdoch as the owner, all sort of interesting possibilities arise.
Ailes swiftly moved into attack mode. He called Gawker a “pornographic web site”, and threatened legal action against Muto and anyone publishing information regarding Fox News. Clearly, there is stuff out there which Ailes will go to considerable lengths to prevent from disclosure.
@7 My coal stocks are up 7% today. That’s as much in ONE DAY as my fucking bank pays me in 70 years! Although U.S. power companies are converting to natural gas and won’t burn as much coal as they used to, I’m not worried, because China has an insatiable appetite for coal — they’re building coal plants at a rate of one new coal plant every day! By selling them my coal I’m bringing dollars back to the USA that foolish Walmart customers sent over there in exchange for toxic junk. I bought my coal stocks with patriotic fervor, but I’ll take the DOLLARS, too!
A couple days ago, GOP Rep. Allen West said progressives are communists. This guy doesn’t have a clue, does he? Obviously, he’s never met me! He has all the qualifications required to be a Republican congressman, namely, he’s stupid enough.
The wild stock market gyrations we’re seeing are on very thin trading volume. (Not to mention very thin financial ice.) It’s all professional trading, most of it generated by computer algorithms. Individual investors are all but absent from the stock market. Why? Because they know it’s a rigged game? No, most people aren’t well enough informed to know the details or understand the mechanics; they merely sense that it’s a rigged game. Which it is …
The Federal Reserve is printing money to prop up what they euphemistically refer to as “risk assets” (read: stocks). This helps the rich, who own most of the stock, but screws the rest of us, because we’re paying for it at the gas pump and grocery checkout.
You see, debasing the currency pushes up the nominal prices of commodities such as oil, metals, and grains, which makes all consumer products (especially nondiscretionary products such as fuel and food) more expensive. It’s a sneaky way of cutting wages. It also robs savers, who are earning nothing on their savings.
In addition, the Fed’s zero-interest policy encourages already-overpaid CEOs to rob their shareholders, because cheap money allows them to borrow billions for nothing, which they use to buy back their companies’ stock at inflated prices, to hide their huge stock options from their shareholders because the buybacks mask the dilution of existing shares by these executive stock options.
But the biggest problem of all is that if you let the Fed’s financial engineering push your zero-interest savings into overpriced stocks, just when you expect to feed at the same trough as the rich, the Fed will pull the rug out from under you by withdrawing gummint support for asset values and letting market forces take over, and when they do stocks will plunge. By then, the pros will have gotten out and you’ll be left holding the empty bag.
The Wall Street term for this is “pump and dump.” It’s not legal for them to do it anymore, so now they get the Federal Reserve to do it for them.
It’s almost enough to make you feel cycnical about how America’s financial system is being run for the sole benefit of the people who run it.
‘Shove It’ Index Leaps Upward
“The number of people quitting their jobs in February outnumbered … workers … laid off by companies for the first time since this economic recovery began ….
“Fifty-one percent of all job separations were due to workers quitting, up from 49.8 percent … in February, according to the government’s Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey. This is the first time quitters … were in the majority since September 2008.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Employers have ruthlessly exploited and mistreated workers throughout this recession. Now they’re paying for it. The workers vital to their businesses will quit in droves when hiring picks up.
Employers long ago ceased having any loyalty to their workers, so there’s absolutely no reason for any worker to have any loyalty to his or her employer.
If somebody offers you a better deal, take it, and milk it for all it’s worth while it lasts, because it won’t last very long. And don’t lose any sleep about what your departure will do to your boss. That’s his fucking problem! He doesn’t give a damn about you, so you shouldn’t give a damn about him.
A Texas private Christian school has fired a teacher for getting pregnant out of wedlock. her lawyer contends that violates federal and state non-discrimination laws and she’s going to sue.
It apparently doesn’t bother the school when she lost her job, she also lost her health insurance along with her job. How can that be good for the baby?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: She’d still have her job and health insurance if she worked for a public school and belonged to a teacher’s union.
“A couple days ago, GOP Rep. Allen West said progressives are communists.”
Of course those progressives are not communists! Communists know what they’re doing!
Pro-life indeed..
The right wing war on women is working out great!
For Obama and hopefully for Dems down the ballot.
Thank you obtuse right wing fools!
I bet the irony of her being able to keep her job if she’d gotten an abortion is lost on them.
# 12: One of the topics of conversations at Aerospace conferences is the number of workers, all through the supply chain, which will be required to keep building airplanes at the rate both Boeing and Airbus are planning. One senior manager complained that they were “raiding one another” for skilled workers. He was worried that Boeing needed both skilled workers of it’s own and, since it was relying more on it’s out-sourced supply chain, it’s supply chain needed the same workers. With each one poaching one another’s workers, there may be a constant circle of movement within the supply chain, without really adding many new workers.
What he didn’t mention, of course, is that job security and better wages and benefits would ensure that workers stay on the job. That’s how Boeing built a reliable engineering workforce in the 1950’s and 1960’s – people would move to the Puget Sound and like it so much out here, that other manufacturers (Lockheed, McDonnel-Douglas, Northrup Grumman, Pratt & Whitney, etc.) couldn’t draw them away.
So Obama’s mouthy lesbian adviser who has twins with her partner and then breaks up the family is criticizing Anne Romney for being a housewife? That’s hysterical. This mouthy gal continues to dig a deeper & deeper hole rather than simply apologize and shut up. This issue will have traction throughout the campaign. Give her a mike and let her keep blabbing and see how mainstream American housewives respond.
Love it. Conceptual Guerilla interviews tea baggers:
The build up to “what ended the depression” is PRICELESS! Not one of these tea baggers can deny the role of government tax and spending in ending the depression.
Jury selection for John Edwards’ trial starts today.
I wonder when the mancrush will come out and defend edwards, just like he did a few years ago…
Zimmerman Probable Cause Affidavit.
@21 To continue, I actually did rewire the XK-120. One and a half times, to be exact. I was only seventeen and learned the hard way about sizing conductors. When I turned the ignition on for the first time, an overloaded wire to the ammeter fried and it took out every damned wire behind the dash with it.
I look forward to your updates.
@14 “Communists know what they’re doing!”
So do Republicans.
@21 yawn.
A CNBC reporter says Remington denies that millions of its guns manufactured since 1948 incorporate a safety mechanism that allows the gun to fire with the safety on and without the trigger being pulled.
Congress has prohibited the Consumer Product Safety Commission from regulating or recalling defective firearms.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder if that’s where China’s toxic products get their inspiration from?
Muslim groups are demanding the recall of a GOP appointee to an obscure commission, whom they claim is an anti-Muslim bigot.
Longer Goebbels Rabbit: its ok when democrats are crooks.
Tonights bonus question:
whats the running total of Democrat Illinios Governors now or recently in jail?
Hint: the total is 3(with 1 republican governor in jail)
Life Lesson #24: you made your bed, now sleep in it.
@22 The probable cause affidavit withholds some facts but alleges that Martin was “profiled” by Zimmerman, who “assumed Martin was a criminal,” got out of his vehicle and pursued Martin against the police dispatcher’s instructions, then “confronted Martin and a struggle ensued.”
That sure sounds like a guy pretending to be a cop trying to make an unlawful arrest.
Ouch Steve, thats a rough lesson – must have been the inspiration for becoming an electrical engineer, eh.
Will let you know how the Plymouth goes…
Come out? Heh. Look in the mirror. No one here with half a brain has paid any attention to Edwards since his career in politics ended – by his own actions.
His trial? Well that’s his business.. Nothing to do with defeating right wing insanity in this day and age.
That’s the theme here by the way.. Right wingers suck..
Thank you asshat troll for making our point with a dim-witted jibe against a former politician.
yep, I knew the mancrush would come out…
Oh look who’s “come out” now..
Grooooaaaan… And using a different e-mail address it seems.
35 – Can’t look away look away from the bathroom mirror huh? Don’t soil it now.
wow, those are some messed up comments….
mancrush is still here, worrying about his mancrush.
39 – Way to be stuck on yourself asshat. Sure sucks to be you.
Those are right wing plants.. Thinking people don’t do stuff like that..
Right wingers do the crap we saw against Sandra Fluke.. Spewing hate.
I’m a big fan of the Coasties. I think it’s hard to grow up around commercial fishing and not be a big fan of the Coasties.
Hilary Rosen – Ann Romney hater, Hilary visited POTUS, Valerie Jarrett, David Axelrod and Jim Messina… hmmm…
Ann Romney, a multiple sclerosis and cancer survivor, & stay at mother of 5. Liberals hate her for staying home
Sarah Palin, working mother of 5, one with Down’s syndrome. Liberals hate her for not staying at home or aborting Trigg
Oh wait… Ann is conservative… Sarah is conservative…
Oh never mind!
@31 Yeah, I’ve oversized feeders ever since. Go figure. But that’s not a bad thing.
A 440 six-pack Barracuda, or even C-Type Jag would undoubtably alter the Puget Sound pollution levels and world climate for the worse, of course, but I believe that it’s probably God’s will. In fact, in 1970 I was driving along the lake shore on a sunny day in the XK-120 with a beautiful girl by my side and the music loud when, in a revelatory moment, I decided there really must be a God. Heh, I should probably save that one for Bible Study.
Hmmm… I found it…
Continued from @149 on the 3/29 thread, The special prosecutor probably has a civil background. There is no other possible explanation for her inept analysis of the facts of this case. My own brilliant analysis, which you can read here, here, and here, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Martin attacked Zimmerman, leaving him no recourse but to stand his ground and shoot.
@36 “And using a different e-mail address it seems.”
Does it go through a Department of Corrections mailbox?
Puddybutt’s re-appearance reminds of an old joke.
A guy lived an evil life, died, and went to Hell. When he arrived in Hell, he was thrown into a pit where everyone was up to their necks in shit, drinking beer and eating potato chips. Just as he reached for a beer and bag of chips, a demon cracked a whip and yelled, “Vacation’s over! Everybody back on their knees!”
@46 So now you’re not only a top-drawer armchair lawyer, but a crack amateur homicide investigator, too?
It seems to me that charging a vigilante with murder for getting out of a car, against police instructions, and following a juvenile with a bag of candy and then chasing him down when he ran and shooting him to death in the ensuing scuffle doesn’t require a brilliant legal mind; any first-year law student who has completed one semester of basic criminal law would come to the same charging decision.
P.S., your posts on this topic are getting cloying. If you don’t know what that means, look it up.
47 – More like Western State..
LMFAO – ya, progressives would never write such things, would they…
you fucking tool.
I dunno steve, I think a little globull worming is a good thing.
Besides, I will be damned if some urban liberal, limp wristed, she-male metrosexual is going to tell me what to drive.
Shit, I doubt barely half the little urban girly-men could even push the clutch in on the cuda..
thats the stuff that will definitely will make you believe in a higher power…
Hmmm like this?
Madcow is a stupid carpet munching c*nt.
Lol…no wonder ylbarrio supports illegal immigration…it all makes sense now.
go have a burrito and shut the fuck up.
the only marks i leave are on her uterus…
The words of hateful moron. Too funny that the worst fake outrage the asshat troll can work up is “messed up”..
Typical right wing hypocrite.
I think rhp said it – as election season heats up, we’ll see more and more trolls spewing the latest distractions and winger talking points.
Keep your eyes on the ball, folks.
55 – Yeah they’ll be back and their bullshit will be even more tired than ever.
I’m looking forward to their faux enthusiasm to a formerly pro-choice Governor who saw fit to impose gubment interference and an individual mandate in the “free market” in health insurance in MA.
Hilary Rosen apologizes to Ann Romney for “poorly chosen” words
Catholic League attacks Hilary Rosen for adopting kids
So I guess adopting kids is bad, now, or at least not as good as having them the old fashioned way. Or maybe it’s only bad if the wrong people do it?
I await the Catholic League’s apology.
@49 “So now you’re not only a top-drawer armchair lawyer, but a crack amateur homicide investigator, too?”
1) I gave you the answer to that question in the 3/29 Open Thread.
2) Your meager background in civil law leaves you woefully inadaquate to discuss this topic with me. If you had any knowledge of criminal law, you would be in agreement with the truth of my analysis of the facts put forth here, here, and here.
Roger: I think # 46 & # 58 are meant to be satire of the “real” Dave.
@59 What do you expect at 10:00 PM? By then, I’m asleep already!
An Armed Society Is A Polite Society Dep’t
We’ve had only two of those extremely-rare mass shootings today, with only one cop dead so far this morning — one a domestic, the other an eviction.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Incidents like this seem to test the NRA’s meme that when everyone has guns, people will behave themselves, doesn’t it?
People are being turned down for jobs because of shoddy background checks containing false information conducted by cut-rate private firms.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another fucking market failure that demonstrates why we need more, not less, government regulation of private businesses.
Gov’t Regulation Dep’t
Businessmen don’t want you to know what’s in the food they sell you that you put in your body.
To make everyone happy, maybe we should have two sets of food labeling laws in this country, one for Republicans and one for Democrats. Every supermarket would have two separate meat counters.
But if we did that, I’ll bet all the Republicans would buy their meat at the Democrats’ meat counter.
That is why Monsanto is fighting tooth and nail to keep GMO labeling off food – people are willing to pay more for wholesome food – the meat at the Democratic counter would be WAY more expensive, and the Republicans are the ones with the bucks.
People will pay for quality – the sleazebags don’t want the competition.
The asshat troll will be here soon to gloat over this ugly piece of news:
Oldest trick in the book. If checks flow through your hands, just find a way to cash them into your own bank account. Cover your tracks as best you can. However, the day of reckoning almost always comes.
Just about everyone can recall an outfit where some accounting or worker bee drudge did this on the low, low..
An outfit in the PRIVATE SECTOR right wing morans!
Keep on ignoring BILLIONS in taxpayer dollars wasted on costly national security boondoggles in Iraq, Afghanistan, War to create more terrorists, blah, blah…
# 61: “an armed society is a polite society”.
Of course, Roger meant to point out the failure of this, as a public policy.
Strangely, 2nd Amendment advocates like to point to the glory days of the Civil War and late 19th century combat as the ultimate in individualism, backed up to the point of a gun. But any historian of the Civil War knows that even during the war, there was lots of dueling – on both sides – between the armed forces. Forest threateneed his superior officer with a thrashing; a Confederate officer in Texas shot one of his fellow officers in the street; and Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn ws shot in his tent by a civilian, a medical doctor who passed through the lines under a pass because Van Dorne was carrying on an affair with the doctor’s wife (just one of many such affairs conducted by Van Dorne).
An armed society isn’t a polite society, it’s just a more violent one.
Hilary Rosen is an arrogant lesbian who adopts kids and then breaks up the family. She is the last person who should be talking about much of anything. Ann Romney is a wonderful mother of 5 and grandmother of 16. She is a strong woman who leads by example..unlike the mouthy muffdiver.
Rosen is a real douchebag..and she continues to work for Obama. When is Obama going to fire her??
FOX News talking points…FOX News talking points…FOX News talking points…FOX News talking points…FOX News talking points…FOX News talking points…FOX News talking points…FOX News talking points…FOX News talking points…FOX News talking points…FOX News talking points…FOX News talking points…FOX News talking points…FOX News talking points…FOX News talking points…
So how come the DNC paid Rosen $120,000 in 2011 to coach their pinhead chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz on her media appearances? The DNC works for Obummer. FOX News talking points… wrong as always!
Crickets chirping…
NOW (pun intended) we see another member of the DUMMOCRAPT coalition stepping in it. Coalition member Terry O’Neill, the NOW president sez Ann Romney lacks “life experience” and “imagination”.
So someone having to endure multiple sclerosis and breast cancer lacks “life experience”! Amazing… Sounds like some pinheads here!
You wrote that 8 mintues ago, preening asshole.
Go back to that rock you were under for the past few months.
As to the ‘substance’ of what you wrote, how is @67 not just a mildless bag of idiot right-winger talking points?
Like I said, a string of talking points. As expected, loathsome worms like yourself are here to derail conversation and analysis.
Hilary Rosen, and for that matter, Ann Rmoney are not the issues here, however much your ilk would like them to be. As I’ve said on the other thread…
should be mindless…like puddles.
Of course, as is no surprise, puddles is lying his saggy ass off.
Terry O’Neil last night:
What part of that don’t you inderstand, puddles? How is that denying Ann Romney’s experience with MS or cancer?
This was prompted by Mitt putting his MUCH more likeable wife up as a shield to draw the obvious fire, and to protray her as informing him about the experiences of (monolithic) women. Again, as I wrote on another thread…
You’re an asshole puddles, go away.
Foolish one above, when you attack the person you attack the whole person. Butt being the moron you are this is lost on you.
puddles is lying his saggy ass off. – Really?
THe rest of her comments was useless as always against conservative women! Those were the words I used above. Lying? Nope you Dope! Ann still has MS. I have a buddy who just left my house visiting us from CA who has MS. It’s a lifelong disease. It’s a life experience, something lost on your silly ASS!
BTW it seems Mrs Obummer has a much more likable quotient over Obummer.
You think Mrs Obummer worried
You are still a joke after I’ve been all over the world for the last few months!
So tell us how Obummer has created more debt in the last 3.5 years than GW Bush did in 8? Or tell us how the great porkulus bill would keep unemployment below 8%? His own professorial economic team quit.
So tell us how Obummer is using his cabinet to campaign for him and no one can determine the expense trail?
Oh wait… you’ll blame it on Bush like Axelrod still does!
You’re insignificant Libbie, please stay and make this blog more insignificant.
And all you libs scream about Romney inheriting money from Daddy George.
BTW how do you like them high gas prices?
Oh wait… that’s Bush’s oil buddies fault too.
Heh. Classic Sarah Failin’ the quitter..
Spends loads of dough on her blind, vain ambition and her sicko-phantic crew.
You know, after the first few above, I can’t even bother to read puddles comments anymore.
Goodnight gentle liberals…
@70 Mrs. Romney may be a sweet lady and a great mother, but I doubt she has the life experience to understand the real-life problems of working single moms, such as the waitress Stefan Sharansky got fired for trying to quiet his rowdy kid in a crowded restaurant.
Oh, I get it, if you don’t have a husband worth $250 million it’s because you made “bad choices.”
@75 I like $4 gas! But then, I hop everywhere on my hind legs, and I own oil stocks.
And Michelle Obama, Hilary Rosen, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz do?
What a crock!