Sorry this is late
– Congrats to Sally Jewell
– I like Jim Wallis, but he’s quite late to the party on marriage equality, and then only half assedly there.
– For those who were interested in why Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette was out.
– Pregnancy Is Hard But Anti-Choicers Refuse to Admit It
– I don’t know if I’m more happy or sad about the cancellation of the Blue Angels, but I’m definitely both.
Maybe the admiral let the spirit of his flagship’s namesake go to his head…
The Navy: over 200 years of tradition unemcumbered by progress.
# 2: Well, it DID take the sinking of most of the battlewagons of the Pacific Fleet before the Navy reluctantly concluded that aircraft carriers were the future of the Navy.
Fortunately, the next class of aircraft carriers already had their keels laid down at the time of Pearl Harbor, and were entered service in late 1942 or early 1943, if my memory serves correct. Those carriers would have replaced any losses we might have suffered at Midway if things were reversed there. But the battlship admirals would still have been in charge, with aircraft carriers confinced to “escort” roles, if Pearl Harbor hadn’t happened. Ironically, the naval battles in Guadacanal primarily involved cruisers and destroyers in classic naval battles using tactics hundreds of years old, rather than aircraft carriers. The first night after the landings the Japanese snuck into Ironbottom Sound and opened up on the Allied naval ships at close range – it was a slaughter.
By the way, the GOP has a little back-door campaign which has been going on for a few years now. They take the patently false claims which could not survive the light of day and push them on social media, such as facebook. A typical post popped up today, showing the President and First Lady walking (somewhere), and claiming that they were the most overpaid welfare recipients as they did no work and spent most of their time on expensive vacations.
The source of this garbage could have come from anywhere, but it’s a classic Rove tactic – use rumor and inuendo in a whispering campaign to impune the Democratic candidate with claims that wouldn’t survive the light of day. He put this in motion in the 1980’s in a campaign against an Alabama Supreme Court Justice, where he used the Univ. of Alabama Law School chapter of Young Republicans, etc. to go back home and spread rumors that the justice was a child molester, but he was too powerful to be prosecuted or even identified as such by the news media. He wasn’t, of course, but the mere rumor was sufficient to turn a quiet judicial race into a close contest, complete with a court challenge to the electoral count (sound familiar, anyone?).
Expect that Hillary Clinton will soon be the target of such tactics – they want her to go into the 2016 election contest cripled, in the public eye.
Around this time I would start to ask: who do the Republicans fear most as a Democratic candidate, and whom do they most want to run against in 2016?
But given the fact that the Republicans have no clear leader emerging for the contest, it’s kind of a moot point. Recent polls indicate that although Rubio has gained a little bit of ground with the Hispanic vote after his immigration reform speech, Hillary Clinton and the Obamas rate much, much higher. Right now it looks like Paul Ryan is the leading contender for the Republican nomination, with Rubio a distant second.
But a lot can happen between now and Nov. 2016. What is more important now is the 2014 Congressional elections. If the Republicans continue to lose seats in the House and the Senate, then the Republicans might be relegated to a minor party. Social conservatives (whatever that means) have said this week that they won’t handcuff themselves to the Republican Party, and may form their own party. You might find yourself with a Republican Party, a Tea Party, a Christian Fundamentalist Party, and the Democrats.
From 4,
I predict Hillary will be the Democrats’ candidate for president in 2016. I don’t think she will win that election, however.
@5 “If the Republicans continue to lose seats in the House and the Senate, then the Republicans might be relegated to a minor party.”
A nice thought, but it’s reckless to count on that. Hope for the best, but plan for the worst.
@ 4
They take the patently false claims which could not survive the light of day and push them on social media, such as facebook. A typical post popped up today, showing the President and First Lady walking (somewhere), and claiming that they were the most overpaid welfare recipients as they did no work…
You would think that such posts could be easily linked to so that we’d have some context and know whether it was the GOP or whether it was just some supporter acting alone.
I could post that the DNC was responsible for bugging McConnell’s office and not leave any type of link supporting my claim, and how would people around HA respond to that?
If you saw it and feel compelled to spew about it, link to it. Or at least tell us whether you heard about it third-hand or fourth-hand.
@4 One other piece of “news” that’s been making the social-network rounds today is the one about the impending replacement of the dollar bill with a coin that omits “In God We Trust”. (Oh, the horror!) A quick check of Snopes reveals that this one’s been in play at least since 2007, with the same rather crude Photoshopped coin photo.
@ 5
who do the Republicans fear most as a Democratic candidate, and whom do they most want to run against in 2016?
I fear Hillary, who would look pretty formidable assuming the half of her own party who called her a racist in 2008 stop doing that in 2016.
I fear having every criticism of her being dismissed as misogynist in basis, rather than racist in basis as has been the case with respect to criticism of Obama.
OTOH, The GOP is doing pretty well with control of only one house of Congress, and Senate prospects without Obama on the ticket are looking not bad for the GOP in 2014. A Clinton presidency with both houses of Congress held by the GOP wouldn’t be bad at all. I’m not all that unhappy that Romney lost. I’m convinced Clinton won’t be worse than Obama.
@6 And she’ll be beaten by whom?
@10 “The GOP is doing pretty well with control of only one house of Congress,”
Yeah, especially considering the GOP lost the House popular vote by over a million votes. They’re good at the only two things unpopular minority parties are good at: Blocking what a majority of Americans want, and preserving the special privileges of a tiny moneyed elite. None of which was what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they fought a bloody war to win our independence from faraway elitists and establish an egalitarian democracy on these shores.
From 11,
It’s just an opinion, Roger, but don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
12),although no system is perfect, but your first point describes why I prefer a more proportional system, perhaps the Irish preferential voting system, or the German Mixed Member Proportional system. The latter provides seats to gerrymander, but only half, the other half is via party list proportional representation.
From 12,
Weren’t those “far away elitists” the British government that felt the colonies should help pay for the French and Indian War?
# 8: Well, I wasn’t going to link here to my friend’s Facebook page, as misguided as their political opinions might be. The post appeared on their page.
I assumed that the image had been scrubbed of source linking before it appeared on the original poster’s page, and then re-posted and forwarded numerous times by those taken in by such an approach. I could have checked, but there’s only so much time I’m willing to devote to sorting through garbage.
@ 11
Rick Santorum and Scott Walker.
From 17,
You’re just making a joke, right?
@13 Alien space invaders? I’m just curious what Republican you think could beat Hillary in 2016 if she’s the Democratic nominee. Not that what you think carries any weight at all. Just idle curiosity on my part.
1) Fisher Broadcasting, owner of KOMO-4 TV, has been bought by Sinclair Broadcasting Group, which has an extremely rightwing editorial bias. Among other things, they promoted a Swift Boat Liars-produced propaganda film attacking John Kerry on their TV stations in 2004.
2) The Defense Intelligence Agency released an assessment today that it has “moderate confidence” that North Korea is capable of delivering a nuclear warhead by missile, but said the reliability of the weapon would be “low.” The announcement indicates NK’s nuclear-attack capabilities are more advanced than previously thought.
From 9,
Well, your thoughts carry no weight with me either, Roger. Your opinions and views are yours alone and mean nothing.
If Hillary gets the nomination in 2016′ I will not vote for her or her Republican opponent.
If North Korea has a nuclear weapon, that sounds like a problem for South Korea, Japan, China and Russia..
@21 “If Hillary gets the nomination in 2016′ I will not vote for her or her Republican opponent.”
We all know you’re a winger troll; that’s been obvious from the first day you posted on HA.
@21 (continued)
“Well, your thoughts carry no weight with me either, Roger.”
Tell somebody who cares. I don’t.
“Your opinions and views are yours alone and mean nothing.”
I’d guess quite a few HA readers would beg to differ with you on this point. I’m well-respected on this blog. Can’t say the same for you.
From 23,
I’m not going to vote for Hillary or her Republican opponent, and that makes me a “right wing troll?”
Well, continue to engage in your ego-glorifying rants, Roger.
From 24,
Well-respected or just a permanent loudmouth?
Prepare for the trolls to have a heart attack..
Especially Bob..
From 27,
The difference between regular unions and airlines pilots is that the airline pilots are, as a group, pretty darn financially literate. Not only do they make pretty good money, they, as a rule, do a good job of hanging on to the money and growing it. The blue collar guys aren’t quite so successful in that regard. I suspect educational differences are the reason.
@26 We can vote on it, if you like.
Vote for one:
[ ] Roger Rabbit
[ ] Ten Years After
[ ] Generic Troll
@28 “Not only do they make pretty good money …”
Yup, $20,000 starting, and $40,000 after 10 years. With pay like that, who needs a union?
And it doesn’t really matter how financially literate you are, if your airline employer files bankruptcy to abrogate its union contracts and pension obligations, and dumps your pension on the government and you’ll get 10 cents to 30 cents on the dollar, and of course your company stock is worthless. What “financial literacy” would you suggest in such cases?
From 29,
I vote for Roger Rabbit as the loudmouth permanent resident here.
Anybody who thinks he”s “well respected” on a venue where everyone is anonymous is in need of the services of the mental health profession.
From 30,
Wow! I should tell my airline buddy he’s overpaid and needs to give that excess money back to Delta!
The same financial literacy you profess to have, Roger.
“CNN’s Wolf Blitzer speaks with Fareed Zakaria to get his take on the latest developments and why China is key to resolving the current tensions.
“What do you make of Senator John McCain and some others who say if they launch a missile, shoot it down, intercept it, destroy it – even if it’s heading into the middle of the water? Obviously if it’s heading toward a populated area in Tokyo or Guam or South Korea, that goes without saying. But just knock it out to make a point?
“I think it’s a very good example of the difference between what a John McCain foreign policy would be and what President Obama’s has been.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now try to imagine what a Michelle Bachmann foreign policy would be like.
@ 27
YLB, I’m pretty sure you have no idea what you posted.
From what I can tell you are cheerleading because only 10,000 union jobs will be lost instead of 14,000.
You’re gullible beyond belief. The article title says ‘Wave that union flag…’ and you’re willing to comply.
Ten Years After, if the 2016 nominees are Michelle Bachmann and Hillary Clinton, who would you vote for? (“Neither” is an acceptable answer.) And who do you think would win? (If your answer is “neither” please explain a plausible scenario for a third party candidate victory.)
Remember how privatizing state functions improves efficiency and saves taxpayers money?
“The private company that operates Idaho’s largest prison admitted Thursday that it falsified nearly 4,800 hours of staffing records over seven months last year in violation of its annual contract with the state.”
From 35,
I’ll vote for a third party candidate if I decide to vote at all in 2016. If the election is between Hillary and Michelle, Hillary probably has the edge because Hillary is better known.
But the chances of Bachman getting the Republican nomination are zero. Given the option on betting she will get Republican nomination or buying lottery tickets, I’ll take the lottery tickets every time: the expected payoff is greater.
Hillary will get the nomination because the Democrats want to have a woman elected to the presidency after having a black guy as president. Republicans have almost four years to counter that event. You can bet they’re going to do whatever it takes to get back the White House in 2016. I have a feeling they will be successful, though they will do that without my vote.
Airline labor is governed by the Railway Labor Act, a Coolidge era law, extended to the airlines during the Roosevelt Administration.It’s a whole different set of rules.
One thing, contracts are perpetual, although can be open for amendments after a prescribed period of time that all parties agreed to. A strike or lockout occurs when at least one party is granted a release from negotiations by the National Mediation Board, and even then there are tools to delay such action.
Hmmm… Progress Kentucky… the same scumbags who attacked Mitch McConnell’s Taiwan Chinese Wife Elaine Chu look to be the potential illegal culprits behind the taping. Golly if this is true, then the libtard Mother Jones can be slapped with a $500,000 fine for providing illegal materials and what will happen to David Korn? Hmmm… this could be really sweet with his braggart self yesterday in the news.
How sweeeeeeeeeeeeet this could become quickly! And with the standard 3 letter network news orgs running with the story HAHAHAHAHAHA! It really may suck to be them.
Now think HA libtards… go back and review what your leetle tiny minds wrote in a frenzy earlier this week. You know McConnell gonna have a field day real quick. And this is from LieBC News…
Puddy had a feeling Puddy should wait until the dust settles… Puddy was right to wait. Butt, being the libtards y’all are you pounced on it.
Awwwwww. Little boy is playing with himself again..
I’m absolutely sure you’re pretty wrong.. The original plan by management was use bankruptcy to jettison the union…
See how much trouble AMR was in…
The unions negotiated a superior deal to jettison management..
Unions win.. Knee-jerk union haters lose.
40) Was probably deciding which abusive language to use. Although Mother Jones ran it by their lawyers first, one of the reasons that they waited to release it. Conservatives would have ran it first, or selectively edited it, then read it.
YLB at 41, I think I see that happening with airline management and bankruptcy abuse, and I believe it is because of the clause in the RLA I mentioned.
YLB@40, he probably should have looked at the potential of a supreme court precedent that might cover when the media publishes recordings made by illegal means. In the link below(which the author discloses his wife works at Mother Jones), has the background on the case. The trolls would love the content of that recorded conversation.
44 – Nice find.. Money quote:
uh… Very private locked conference room says team turtleman is lying. Big surprise there.
45) thanks. I just got curious, plus, plus I like to do my own searching, rather than rely on the trolls here who just like to ruin every thread.
Also, the posts about the railway labor act, just thought it might provide a little background. Despite some flaws, I think it serves it’s purpose. Protecting labor is one aspect of it, the other aspect, is to keep the nation moving. I don’t like counting eligible craft members who don’t vote as people who voted no. Some negotiations have been too protracted, such as the 8 year negotiation at Amtrak. Got so bad, at one point during the Bush Administration, the Brotherhoods asked for release from negotiations, starting the strike clock, for only the second time, on what would have been it’s first ever strike. They were days away, when a deal was worked out. With the freight railroads, at least today, I rarely see bankruptcy as a way to get around labor contracts, although I believe it was a strike that put the final nail in the Rock Island’s coffin.
A little more info on the background of the Rock Island’s demise. It did involve a labor strike, but not by all unions at the Rock, just the clerks, the others made concessions, and the railway was catching up on deferred maintenance. The bankruptcy had been a protracted battle following a failed merger attempt with Union Pacific.
@39 If James O’Keefe can do it, why can’t our scumbags do it, too? I mean, really, McConnell’s scumbags are trash-talking Judd so loud they can be heard out in the corridor, so a couple of guys on the other side record it with an iPhone. Exactly what are they complaining about? That they got caught being the tacky assholes they are?
49) Good Point, although I guess the left probably wants to say they are better, and not stoop to their level. Plus, It’s Only O.K. If You Are A Republican.
@50 “I guess the left probably wants to say they are better, and not stoop to their level.”
And I’ve been making the point for several years now that Democrats need to behave more like Republicans or they’ll walk all over us. You can’t take beanbags to a gunfight!
51), again, good response. Theproblem is, just like I the post@39, they are already trying to go after the people that acquired the tape, even though they run it by the lawyers first. I wonder if the conservatives run their stuff through lawyers first as well. Although giving it to the lawyers first, led to a week delay.
Found this blog post from an alternative paper in Louisville, sounds like some were considering Progress Kentucky an equivalent of the Tea Party. It also, if it was even a super-Pac, it had not raised much money, nor made any filings.
It is times like this that I am reminded of the book, “It is Even Worse Than It Looks”, where two scholars, one Liberal, One Conservative, and they agreed, while Democrats have dine some dirty tricks, the Republicans caused the polarization to get worse. One of their solutions(they proposed a few), was unless the system is changed, avoid third parties, it only causes more problems.
Another feckless attack from mr. unemployed.
Evergreen Rail Wreck,
You are a chronological idiot, posting a link from three days ago when Puddy posts the latest. Golly Puddy didn’t think you were as chronologically lazy and stupid like most HA libtards here but you are proving Puddy wrong today! Puddy posted the latest. You searched for something not the latest. The Kentucky consent laws are for people in the room. Progress Kentucky wasn’t in the room. Looks like the FBI has the video surveillance tapes. Why would the treasurer Progress Kentucky resign and say what he said about those two and why is one of the two cooperating with the FBI?
When you read from libefal left wrong sites you write like a tard. Hence libtard! Evergreen fits da bill!
See ya stupes!
James O’Keefe audio taped through a closed door? That’s what’s shaping up here. Circle the wagons and cast blame. Really libtards? All the evidence shows O’Keefe was in their faces!
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa Seems the HA lunatics here chose not to read the PuddyLink.
Now wonder y’all are as stupid as ever.
See ya stupes!
From Leftist Politico…
Wow. And as always HA libtards jump on the first thing they read from left wrong web sites and run with it.
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa What a bunch of libtard ID10Ts!
So sad all that libtard blather above. So sad the accusations put forth it was a McConnell insider who released the tapes. So sad the HA libtards who jumped on it in the first place with no real evidence otherwise. And now libtard David Cornhole has no comment. Shut up his pie hole. Oops… Well Libtard Mother Jones whacha gonna do now?
Hillary will get the nomination if she is the strongest candidate.
@ 41
The unions negotiated a superior deal to jettison management..
Unions win..
Er, that’s one interpretation, YLB.
What did they win?
1. They won 10,000 fewer jobs with the merged companies. Again, you’re cheerleading a smaller amount of shrinkage, ’cause the original projections were that as many as 15,000 might be lost. Celebrate good times, come on!
2. In exchange for concessions, they won equity in a newly merged company, which still has to compete in a cut-throat industry with some fairly nimble foreign airlines increasingly encroaching on domestic turf, having already cherry-picked the most profitable foreign routes. They have tied their fortunes to higher jet fuel costs, increasing regulation, a fickle economy………
3. Unions as owners v. unions as employee groups that don’t want to give up the benefits they still have as the business model fails and more cuts are necessary. What’s the history of that, YLB? How well did it work out for United Airlines the last time the unions became owners?
YLB, you might be able to become an owner of a sinking ship one day. Ship’s still sinking, dude.
@ 49
If James O’Keefe can do it, why can’t our scumbags do it, too?
Actually, asswipe, your scumbags have already done it. Ask Jim McDermott how well it turned out for him.
@60 Yep, conservatives think lower wages solve everything.
zzZZZzzzzzZzz.. Any proof of this? Links? Which web sites?
Just namecalling…
Did a scrape and verified.. Little arrested development man-boy is jerking off again.
@56 “James O’Keefe audio taped through a closed door? That’s what’s shaping up here.”
Oh my. Taping someone talking so loud he can be heard through a closed door outside in the corridor! Call the FBI!
No, James O’Keefe didn’t do that. Instead, he entered federal property under false pretenses with the intention of bugging a U.S. senator’s office.
More guns, cheaper labor, lower taxes, more defense spending, more vouchers, lower public worker salaries, more ultrasound wands..
Did I leave anything out?
Here’s a twofer for Bob:
Profits at an all-time high…
Wages at an all time low…
Blodgett’s take?
Heh.. No freaking way say our trolls! This is the way things are supposed to be! This Blodgett guy is a socialist obviously..
Oh.. And impeach Obama anyway.. !!Benghazi!!
@ 66
YLB, any idea who Henry Blodget is? Try Wiki. Oh, and you’ll have to spell his name right, most likely.
There’s a very good reason why labor costs are going down, YLB. Fewer laborers are needed as technological gains are employed within the working environment. Companies have to invest in that technology. They have no obligation to continue to pay employees for work they’re no longer needed to do, once that technology starts paying off. They payoff, YLB, is fewer people with limited skills on the company dole. It’s not just a bug, it’s a feature!
You seem to operate from the standpoint that companies should always devote a certain amount of their revenues to employees. That’s a flawed perspective. Certainly it is if you run an airline.
Speaking of, I’m eagerly awaiting your argument in favor of airlines owned by unions and operated by unions @ 60, YLB. How is it that unions granting concessions and watching their numbers shrink, in exchange for taking equity in an industry with so many difficult challenges, is a good idea, YLB? And should those airlines, with all of those other increasing expenses, also increase labor compensation for no other reason than if they don’t, their ratio of labor costs to revenues will decrease, as Blodget pointed out? ’cause that’s the argument you seem to be making. That is, if you have any concept of what the argument you are making actually is, YLB.
Oh and from the Murdoch Journal:
Which means?
Yeah, yeah I know.. Those socialist Obama policies.. Impeach him anyway..
!!Gas Prices!!!
Wait into the grave Bob if you so desire.
With over 4 billion in the bank, management was doing such a bang-up job declaring bankruptcy just to jettison the union..
They lost.. Say whatever you want about unions and airline business conditions Bob – your beloved crowd lost that one.
@ 66, 68
Hey, YLB, which argument are you making?
Wages at an all time low… @ 66
…means more wages and profits to tax … @68
Do you even read this shit before spewing? If you do read it, do you comprehend it, and is your short-term memory longer than your average hallucination?
Do you have an argument to make, YLB?
@ 69
With over 4 billion in the bank…
YLB, how much money did GM have ‘in the bank’ on the date it went into bankrupcty?
Money in the bank is only something to be proud of if
1) that money isn’t already spoken for
2) that money is doing something.
One of GM’s problems prior to bankruptcy is that it had deployed its cash assets so poorly that it needed tens of billions more operating capital just to cover its daily outflows vs inflows than it would have needed had it managed its capital assets more intelligently.
Cash in the bank means nothing. If you have $1000 in the bank and you have an upcoming $1500 mortgage payment, should you be bragging about how much money you have in the bank, YLB?
You aren’t helping yourself.
70 – It’s the Murchoch Journal Bob.. Take it up with them..
Or adjust your pitifully static view of the world..
@ 72
…static view of the world…
I’ll take static over your whipsaw ideas @ 70, YLB.
@73 May you live in interesting times..
heh.. Did I detect the asshat troll lurking?
From home? For shame!
A bleat from the dumbphone and all will be forgiven.
@ 74
YLB, that $4B in the bank @ 69…….
What were the liabilities on the other side of the balance sheet at that time?
Was any of it deferred employee compensation obligations? Unmet pension obligations? Unmet rents, vendor accounts payable?
You know, stuff that might have added up to more than $4B?
Or in your world, YLB, do you concern yourself only with cash on hand, because you have no intention of making good on your obligations?
75.. Bob please… Does it matter? The scumbag management is gone and the unions are still here..
If business is war, that’s called prevailing.. Look it up sometime.
Oooh that last link musta hurt didn’t it?
@ 76
If business is war, that’s called prevailing.
Hey, YLB:
Those 10,000 people who lost their jobs….
Did they prevail, too?
And the ones who are still employed but at reduced benefits because of the concessions they made….
I guess they prevailed and they aren’t simply happy to still have jobs even though their employer is still in bankrupcty.
This is all good stuff and worthy of your continued cheerleading, right? Union job losses and still-employed union members getting less is prevailing?
@76. Amazing
If he drove them to bankruptcy why should he be well rewarded? He and his staff should get zero dollars and zero retirement.
And if a conservative gives the argument that it’s a contract and contracts should not be broken, then the retirement and pension contracts that unions negotiated should ALSO not be broken. You can’t have it both ways.
55) Name calling, and closed-minded again, I see. I got the link I posted from the blogger’s most recent post, because I wanted the case he was quoting. Here was the same blogger’s post from last night. So I posted an older link, I wasn’t sure some would click on the link to the older article from the same website. Your insulting tone proves it.
Again, please Bob.. Don’t make a pretense of giving a shit.
By the way, I consider myself a middle of the road person, just that the right has gone so far, they make anybody who does not agree with them look leftist. I actually agreed with Governor Christie’s decision to cancel the Trans Hudson Tunnel. As a New Jersey only project, it would have had the trains terminate at a new stub-ended annex to Penn Station. The project is back on the drawing board, the existing tunnels are nearing capacity, but they have a chance to get it right. New Jersey Transit’ s decision to buy bi-level coaches has bought some time.
@ 80
Don’t make a pretense of giving a shit.
That wasn’t my point, YLB. My point was asking why you think that putting union ownership lipstick on the pig that is the airline industry is worth cheerleading @27 about, YLB.
Because you got to depose a CEO who might get only $5M as a golden parachute rather than $20M?
That’s prevailing, YLB?
You probably think the Chicago teachers prevailed last Fall. Never mind all those schools that will be closed and the teachers laid off.
All I’m doing, YLB, is calling you on your uninformed spin.
Also, passenger rail should not be a partisan issue, but it has become one. When Amtrak returned to Norfolk last year Governor McDonnell was on the first train. In Norfolk, there are studies underway to extend The TIDE light rail line to the Norfolk naval base. If they do that, it will be a big jump in ridership, as that is the largest Navy Base in the world.
Heh.. Some would rather the cosmetics be the TomHo’s of the world..
Not me..
“Uniformed”? Spin? The other day you made an article about a Republican Mayor who trusts science into a article about a big money Obama supporter.
You’re spinning as fast you can Bob to cling to a bankrupt ideology that serves no one save people like yourself that you support every day with links to degenerate propaganda sources..
Please don’t lecture anyone about “uninformed spin”..
And yes, I don’t expect you to change – ever..
@ 84
And yes, I don’t expect you to change – ever..
I’m sure you’ll always be at the front of the pack demanding that others pay your way as well, YLB.
Love this one, in NYC Subway user Bloomberg wants to extend the 7.train(one of the Subway lines on the IRT division), but the MTA is opposed. I can see why, the MTA has a couple megaprojects within NYC to get done first. (Second Avenue Subway, East Side Access)
never mind
@71 Isn’t it a basic principle of big business that you never do with your own money that which you can do with someone else’s?
The Bankruptcy Judge has denied the American Airlines CEO severance package, called it, excessive.
@ 89
Isn’t it a basic principle of big business that you never do with your own money that which you can do with someone else’s?
It’s a common practice, certainly. Companies float bonds but they use that capital to buy things, like the large parcel in SC that Boeing just bought. So, did Boeing buy it? Or did they use other peoples’ money to buy it, since Boeing floats bonds?
Maybe we should ask YLB. After all, a couple of weeks ago he was claiming that Apple was going to have to borrow money so that it could hire more people.
An Armed Society Is A Polite Society Dep’t
“A 17-year-old student died after being shot at a playground on Thursday across the street from his Philadelphia high school. … Police say he was an innocent bystander of … a fight between a group of teenagers …. Witnesses say two people pulled out guns and started shooting.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In Wisconsin, GOP legislators think anyone should be able to buy a gun without a background check, and be able to carry it anywhere without a permit. Why would anyone who loves their children ever vote for the GOP?
Sequestration Hits Blind Workers, With Group For The Visually Impaired Forced To Cut Staff
As Austerity is forced on the Economy, the marginal, the infirm, the weak and the helpless, the ones without clout are hurt.
Seems this is conservative Social Darwinism ideals in action.
Nice world you republicans want to make.
@90 They also use borrowed money to boost dividends and buy back the company’s stock, in order to make weak management look good, and to boost the stock price so execs can cash in the stock options they awarded to themselves for poor performance.
Yet another unintended consequence of the Fed’s zero interest rate policy. Meanwhile, the intended effects of stimulating consumer spending and bank lending to small businesses have failed to materialize. How much longer will the Fed inflict this bullshit on us?
Bankruptcy and transportation providers tend to be v interesting. Reminds me of the battle over the Milwaukee Road. The bankruptcy trustee had already trimmed everything west of Miles City, Montana, and several railroads were making offers. The battle was between the favorite, the Chicago and Northwestern(they were friends with the trustee),and the unlikely winner, the Soo Line, which was the US subsidiary of Canadian Pacific. The judge’s decision came down to a loophole in the bankruptcy code that had just been closed. The Public Interest had to be taken into account, when settling a railroad bankruptcy, and the C&NW promising wholesale abandonment early in the process, did not help. Same thing with being close to the trustee, and it was justice for the SOO line, line they had lost the battle for the Rock Island’s Minneapolis-Kansas City line.
@85 What do you think execs and investors who do no work, but live off the labor of others, are doing? Workers produce ALL of the wealth. Every dime of it. Did anyone ever tell you that? It’s true. Managers and capitalists are merely bloodsuckers.
@ 92
Wasn’t there some article or maybe an NPR story, two or so weeks ago, about a blind guy who depended on transit to get to his job in Tacoma having challenges because his route would be altered if Metro doesn’t get their money?
You already played the blind card.
Go back to the first responder card. You haven’t used that one in a few days.
@71 “Cash in the bank means nothing. If you have $1000 in the bank and you have an upcoming $1500 mortgage payment, should you be bragging about how much money you have in the bank, YLB?”
It does if you don’t have an upcoming mortgage payment. My burrow is paid for. So are my wheels. Credit card debt? Nah. Student loan? Nope. No debt whatsoever. A stock portfolio worth more than the burrow. And did I mention multiple sources of income? What, me work? Nah, don’t have to. Remember the ditty, “I owe, I owe, so off to work I go” (sung to tune from Snow White)? I pity Cereal Bob, Puddinghead, and the other elves who are stuck in the work class because of their dissolute lifestyle habits. Me, I have no worries. I sleep in. My cash in the bank — multiple five-figure accounts — is a comfort to me because NO ONE has a claim on it. I owe nothing to anyone. Loser Bob, just call me Roger “Debt Free” Rabbit.
@66 You forgot to mention corporate income taxes also are at an all-time low. In fact, many giant corporations pay no corporate income taxes at all!
@96. I didn’t realize you had a quota system for “Austerity cuts hurting people with minimal clout” stories.
Please email the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy headquarters and they will get right on that, censoring out facts to protect your tender sensibilities.
@96 Waytago, Loser Bob! First kick the blind guy, then punch the first responders! Your hatred of the common people is showing! What do you do for an encore, throw your wheelchair-bound grandmother off a cliff?
As I said about being in the middle, I don’t think deregulation is necessarily a bad thing. Just only on a case by case basis, and not for the sake of doing it. The Staggers Act, which deregulated the railway industry, signed by President Carter, was needed. Several were bankrupt, others were wary of investment. One example, Burlington Northern’ s board of directors almost rejected building a new line to carry Powder River Coal, but now it is a major traffic generator for BNSF. Also, I don’t think any of the Class 1 railroads needed bankruptcy protection in this downturn. I have seen more private capital moving in, with Warren Buffett buying BNSF, and shortline conglomerate Genessee and Wyoming buying RailAmerica. In the case of Genesee and Wyoming, since the Staggers Act, it has gone from a small railroad in the Northeast, to owning dozens on three continents.
In case nobody else noticed, gold is crashing today, down $65 to $1499 the last time I looked. The goldbugs must be shitting in their pantaloons. Oh well, their survival crackers won’t go bad for a few more years yet.
I think, in hindsight, the banking deregulation was an example of bad deregulation, as the industry felt they were not making enough money. I am mixes on airline deregulation, although it did help fuel the rise of Southwest. Despite a powerful member of Congress trying to stop them even after deregulation.
@103 Airline deregulation has been followed by a race to the bottom. Sure, fares are cheap now, but you get what you pay for — narrow seats, no leg room, no service, baggage fees, chaotic ticket pricing, flight delays and cancellations, poor maintenance, etc. etc. etc. Airline flying is now so inconvenient and uncomfortable that more people are opting to drive their cars if at all possible.
@ 104
…narrow seats,…
Seats are only narrow if you have a fat ass.
So, yeah, RR, I guess for you they are.
What a doofus unemployed moron is!!!! How about all the previous open threads this week unemployed ylb? Your peeps who you want to be, they got jobs.
Stooooooooooooopid as evah!
Yes, using a libtard to cover a libtard Evergreen… When Puddy does that y’all have a hizzy fit. That cow doesn’t moo. We’ll let the FBI determine their culpability if they use a grand jury. Something about due diligence.
The unemployed jerkoff has been craying about “those who have theirs” for years. The head case worm of HA class warfare.
104) Like I said, on that one, I got mixed opinions. As for smaller seats, to squeeze more seats per coach, Amtrak is talking about reducing seat pitch on Superliners. I don’t agree with it(even though it would generate more ticket revenue, and they charge more the farther one rides, but it would take away a good selling point for coach), but short of new equipment arriving(the east coast gets priority this time), it’s the best option to increase capacity.
Philadelphia, Wisconsin Roger@91? Who knew? Ever been to Philadelphia, Wisconsin Roger? Somebody was shot in Philadelphia, Wisconsin? Do tell!
So why does Obummer hate these people? July 27, 2011 2:30 PM Sequestration from Obummer’s mouthpieces to Scary Harry Reid.
See ya buffoon!
That may be Roger Dumb Wabbit butt, of course law skuul is expensive! And… since some on your side think staying at home and blogging vs. trying to find a job is very telling to us whom think right.
105. Serial conservative spews:
Seats are only narrow if you have a fat ass.
So, yeah, RR, I guess for you they are.
Serial conservative, you are such a vivid example of conservationism. It’s just like Rush says, never miss a chance to say a progressive is fat or lazy or stupid. That will show them! Bengazi!
107)again, resorting to name calling. I usually avoid it, but your trying me, but you are bordering on being a liar. I am more of a middle of the road person. By the way, have you ever had a skull cracked open? I have, when I got mugged in Downtown, I don’t bring it up, because I got over it. That is why I take offense with what you called me.
Just come out and say it Roger… Jim Wright DUMMOCRAPT tried to hurt SouthWest Airlines becuz American was lining his political coffers.
@105 Been a while since you’ve flown?
@106 “What a doofus unemployed moron is!!!!”
Is this supposed to be an epithet? I thought being unemployed was the goal of all capitalists; the highest attainment of Ayn Randianism; the pinnacle of achievement? I’m unemployed! It took me over 55 years to reach that happy state, but — I’m gainfully unemployed!! Yay!!!
but you are bordering on being a liar.
(Disclosure: My wife works at Mother Jones)
I don’t see what’s all that great about working. The people who tell us to “work hard and get ahead” don’t work. They got ahead by being born ahead. I think they’re just trying to convince the rest of us to work so they don’t have to.
@115 I don’t know whether he did or not, and what’s more, I don’t care. Nothing’s changed; I still like our crooks better than your crooks.
Wow sound the alarm!
115) In later years, there were concerns that Southwest was going to be supporting the law, as they might not want the competition at Love Field. That turned out not to be the case, as they went for full repeal. Some just deduced that from an earlier attempt at repeal of the Wright Amendment ended with a couple more states added to where interstate flights out of Love Field could go.
@112 “of course law skuul is expensive!”
I wouldn’t know, because I never saw the bills. In my case, the Veterans Administration paid for it. But I’m sure the tuition was quite reasonable, because I went to a public university law school, not a fancy private one. As for me not working, why should a capitalist like me work? What’s the point of that? I don’t have to work. Wall Street pays me not to. What’s wrong with that? Are you a fucking communist?
So Roger you mean you like DUMMOCRAPT William Blakely hanging his junk outta window masturbating?
Just checking… if he’s your kind of crook?
I meant the name you called me. I never disputed the conflict of interest. I have given credit to politicians I do not agree with, on decisions of their’ s that I do agree with. Like the Virginia governor, he did not ride the first train into Norfolk because he wanted to be the ribbon cutter, but because he supports it. Has been pushing the legislation in Richmond to expand it.
It’s interesting about Kid Rock, supported Romney, now going after the GOP, because of ticket fees, and some states outlawing paperless ticketing. Apparently that is hurting his ability to keep his ticket prices under $20, which is what he wants for his upcoming tour.
Yawwwwwwwnn.. No web sites.. Names no names.. Still nothing to back up his stupid shit…
Just namecalling as usual..
I checked dumbass. You’re lying again.. Just like McConnell is making shit up about a “Watergate”..
Let’s just say our family is expecting better from the government than big favors to the people you look the other way from like Big Pharma, Medical Device manufacturers and the like..
You’d know a lot about that wouldn’t you Bob?
And people you might know less about like military contractors building increasingly expensive aircraft, fancy military bases and a bloated yet increasingly vulnerable navy.
Yawwwwn.. A lie.
Thanks again Bob for demonstrating what being right wing is all about. Lying all the time.
I know you’d hate to disappoint us.
In every freaking way it really sucks to be a Republican..
Besides the over the top greed, do you need any other proof?
@126. I liked this comment
Why do Republicans believe
more abortion laws will stop abortions but
more gun laws won’t stop gun violence?
Another case of red state rail. Kansas City is inching closer to building a streetcar line. This would only be on the Missouri side, but it should be a big-state project, but unlike the city on the other side of the Show Me State that did do it that way, they got a state government in a neighboring state that would probably not co-operate. Jefferson City is not Topeka, the GOP does not have total control(Governor Nixon is a Democrat), and transportation funding increases are being debated there.
I meant bi-state project, just like Metro St. Louis.(still getting used to using a tablet)
In D.C, Metro operators keep getting caught with cell phones on duty. The policy is zero tolerance, and from what I have seen on 2 railway union websites, the penalties, since this is a FRA mandate, are severe.
I have worked on a railroad once(subcontractor actually), and Union Pacific was serious. The only exception to the rule is work related, and that is very narrow.
I love the head of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen when the rule went into effect. Just turn the phone off until one is off duty.
@49 ” If James O’Keefe can do it”
…even with Scott St. Clair’s….er, help.
@124 Anyone who is NOT a Republican is preferable to anyone who IS a Republican. Does that clarify for you?
North Korea said today its first nuclear target will be Tokyo. Of course, they know Japan doesn’t have nuclear weapons (that anyone knows about), and we won’t use ours unless they actually nuke someone we’ve promised to protect, so this is just cheap talk. OTOH, when you have nuclear bombs and threaten people with them, the people you’re threatening might feel motivated to take you out before you can do what you say you’re gonna do.
@33 That’s really kind of a tough call. Shooting down a test-fired rocket wouldn’t likely hurt anyone and would certainly send a message to the North Koreans that we mean business, and considering that their entire program has to be running on a shoestring could set them back years.
On the other hand, letting the test go ahead and watching it could provide quite a bit of credible information as to just what they’re actually capable of.
Having heard that Kim Jun Un’s father was a big-time movie buff, I wonder how many times he might have viewed “The Mouse That Roared”.
@28 Airline pilots don’t exactly make what they used to. You can read a little about that in “Sully” Sullenberger’s book. This trend has in fact had a dramatic effect on the real estate market in Manhattan Beach and Redondo in southern California. These two communities are right on the south side of LAX and a lot of pilots used to own condos there to use as a “pied-a-terre” when laying over between flights. Now instead, many of those same men and women are renting long-term spaces in one of the airport’s more remote parking areas and crashing in old motor homes.
# 138: U.S. strategists also have to take into account that if the missle test fails, Kim Jong Um will order it blown up and blame it on the Americans. I’m not sure whether or not we benefit from that.
Glad to know you like window jerkoffs!
Thanks for playing Roger!
Meanwhile back at the post office… a libtard tried to take out Sheriff Joe. How does Puddy think it’s a libtard? Well Sheriff Joe is way more conservative than Puddy. He makes is prisoners wear pink!
# 28, 41: Airline pilots used to make a pretty good living, and were constantly looking for ways to avoid taxes on that income. This led to some pretty wierd schemes, like investing in bull semen as a tax strategy. The I.R.S. considered airline pilots to be among the most likely to seek to engage in tax fraud, and your chances of getting audited were very high if you were an airline pilot. Of course, airline pilots now don’t make very much money – company executives consider them to be uselss employees (the head of Ryan Air, who proposed standing-room flights and pay toilets, claimed a commercial jet could fly itself).
As for American Airlines, it’s chief executives really mis-managed the company in a big way. As United and Delta used mergers to become huge airlines, American was left out – like the homely girls standing by the wall with nobody to dance with. Moreover, it’s fleet mix was terrible. Southwest paved the way with the one-model airline, which greatly simplified spares, repair, pilot training, and aircraft replacement costs. Not only could it use any of it’s aircraft on any route it flew, but it received huge quantity discounts from the manufacturer. American, on the other hand, had pretty much every aircraft from every manufacturer built in the last thirty years, many of them flying the same routes into the same airports – at least tripling it’s spares inventory costs.
Yea, the Union lost some 10,000 jobs. But they knew full well that if the existing mangement stayed on, they would lose all their jobs when the company folded completely. They knew how to do their jobs, and did them well, but that wasn’t going to make much of a difference in a company with the management which was in place.
Looks like The Gosnell murder case is finally seeing the light of day. The lamestream msm isn’t covering the case.
Yet the same people who call his actions appalling were trying to shut another person up who called their lies appalling.
The evil web woven by libtards!
Puddy can’t wait to view this week’s load of the Friday Night Comics. Puddy bets it will be mostly slanted toward MSNBC morons!
142, it said no mention of political beliefs of the suspect, in fact, the details were vague.
Wow this libtard made $62 Million and nary a peep from the HA leftists. He gets a pass cuz he’s a tard!
PuddyCommentary: It’s amazing how only conservative rich are pilloried by certain losers here on HA. Looks like he got his and there is no class warfare crying in the river. So sad and so typical!
Oh darn… Puddy expected this woman to be Cynthia McKinney not Kwame’s momma!
PuddyCommentary… All she needs to do is view the leftist commentary on this blog and her work is corroborated!
Looks like MSFT may have inadvertently killed the PC this year. Waytogo libtardo company.
The Huffington Post had the story when the charges were filed. I also remember hearing about it in a podcast from Philadelphia Radio station KYW.
I personally am against it, but as a male, think that I should stay out of the fight. I just have a problem with the pro-lifers being the same party that opposes social services, and supports the Death Penalty. I used to be for the Death Penalty, but it has turned into State Assisted Suicide in some states(Oregon’s Governor halted executions, because it was about to be the third one where the guy ended his appeals. Ironic, being a pro-assisted suicide state), to executing innocent people, and the state not caring if they made a mistake.
“This isn’t just a story of an alleged lunatic decapitating babies, it’s a story about the state looking the other way for 17 years while he did it because meddling with abortion clinics is frowned upon by pro-choicers, no matter what garbage they’ll be shoveling soon to the contrary to distance themselves from Gosnell.”
PuddyCommentary: Remember friends of abortion… He’s one of yours!
Why does everything have to be a left or right conspiracy. It is people like you making it impossible for middle ground in this country. You want total agreement.
@148 “Libtardo”? You mean Steve Ballmer? Didn’t he host at least one big fundraiser for Mitt last year?
Or did you not happen to notice that Chairman Bill retired?
Comment #150 is brought to you by a winger of the ilk who:
1) Insist on not teaching sex education, only abstinence, to teenagers;
2) Insist that insurance plans not provide condoms or contraceptives;
3) Vote against public funding of anything that would allow young single women to keep their unplanned children, such as day care, job skills training, WIC and food stamps, etc.
The regulatory process failed because someobody overreached, but it was a bipartisan failure, in between Governor Casey and Governor Corbett, were 2 Republicans and 1 Democrat. I for the regulatory process, as long as it goes overboard. What some of the pro-life legislation tends to do, is make it impossible to comply. I don’t like abortion, but I do not want a total ban either, and I do not want a return to the back alley. A return to the back alley is not pro-life. I don’t want people to die in the hospital because the doctors are afraid to do what is necessary because the law was vague, like the Halappanavor case in Galway, Ireland. I was waiting for the outcome of the investigation into that, before I posted it in any of the open threads here. Especially because there are moves to change the law in Dublin to at least protect the life of the mother, which even that is taking a lot of criticism.
(That is one of many stories on the inquest that public broadcaster RTE has done on the case I mentioned)
Right now, an inquest into the death in that case is underway, and shortcomings have been found in the care she received. When this case first happened, I listened to podcasts of both RTE Ireland and BBC Radio Ulster, and the latter said that doctors in Belfast might have granted what may have been a lifesaving request. It appears they are doing a thorough inquest, not a politically charged trial. They at least have let the media cover it.
152, 153
Good points. I had forgotten about Ballmer and the Romney fundraiser.
I think I know what they mean by don’t feed the troll. He just touched a nerve today. I usually don’t come back to post. I was carrying on a conversation earlier today on a railfan board with the moderator on an article about the potential light rail extension to the Norfolk Navy Base. The guy is from New Jersey. We try to keep partisan politics out of it, I crossed the line a couple times in the past, but we get along.
3) The Military Channel recently showed a new documentary on Pearl Harbor that showed the film of the Arizona digitally remastered and enhanced, and under new scrutiny changes some misconceptions. Some claim the fatal hit came down the funnel and then ignited the fuel bunkers and the powder magazine, but the bomb hit the forward powder magazine. Did not need the new angle of the film to prove that, the fact the ship is still leaking bunker fuel is one sign not all the fuel ignited. The documentary suggested, if it did go down the funnel, the ship could have survived.
I don’t want to go to much more into the Grosnell case, but got curious, since puddybud is sharing links to right-wing source, what media matters was saying, and found a link to the grand jury report on the case. In the overview, the grand jury said the members came from a broad section of opinions on the issue, but confined their investigation to the case at hand.
Q: What do Ann Coulter and Kim Jong Un have in common?
A: They’ll say anything to get attention.
@149 The only state I know of that executes innocent people is Texas. (For details, google “Todd Cameron Willingham,” and especially read the parts where (1) GOP Gov. Rick Perry refused to look at evidence of innocence and let the execution occur, and (2) GOP Gov. Rick Perry replaced members of a state board when it began looking into whether there was a miscarriage of justice.) Query: Why do Texas GOP governors enjoy killing people?
Sound Transit announced that the groundbreaking for the S.200th Street/Angle Lake extension will be on April 26th. The goal for construction, is to open by late 2016, about the time the UW extension will finally open. This project was part of the original plan before the overuns shortened the first phase to the Airport, and second phase of the line to the UW.
On the railfan board, the moderator mentioned the Hudson-Bergen LRT in New Jersey had 8 groundbreakings, due to multiple stages, as it was originally a starter line, then extensions, and other lines.
159)I had doubts with Georgia and the Troy Anthony Davis execution. Something just did not seem right with the fact that witnesses had recanted, and one of the only ones that did not, may have been a suspect at one time. If it is ever proven that was a case of executing an innocent person, it could have more than one person in trouble.
Here’s one for Evergreen Rail Fan…
Trolls can look too for good humored ribbing.
Here’s a good one for puddyfool:
This one’s for Bob..
Here’s one for the movie buffs:
162) good one, one thanks. I figured McCain would be a steamer, and Biden an F40(for the trolls, it’s a (mostly) retired locomotive).
I was just on the Facebook page of All Aboard Washington, and the first of the two new TALGO trains is enroute from the testing center in Colorado bound for the Northwest. According to the caption, a special move on UP to Sacramento, then follows the Starlight north. Even though Oregon bought them to protect the Willamette Valley service, they will be in the Amtrak Cascades pool, rotating through Seattle on various runs every few days.
Looks like we are not the only ones with safe electoral seats. The UK has the problem too, at least for parliamentary and most city council elections. The London Assembly uses hybrid of the German system, with a little less than half the 25 seats elected by proportional representation.
@159 You mean the only state that deliberately executes innocent people, don’t you?
Ask Roger. Ask Goldy. Ask Darryl. Ask Carl. Ask Lee. Because every time something happens Roger spins it and the rest joins it. Puddy’s after work job is to explode Roger’s rants. Watch.
Really? So at conception there is no human DNA involved? What is it? Also we now have evidence unborn human babies understand speech while in the womb. Puddy just waiting to use this at the right time Roger.
ArtFart, who claimed last week to skip over PuddyMissives asked this
Puddy didn’t find any Microsoft fund raisers by Steve for Mitt. Mitt once said he contemplated hiring Steve Ballmer. The visit last year is documented here ArtFart… It was MSPAC speaker series. You could have found it too if you weren’t so lazy!
Any evidence of money exchanged?
Good try!
You support people who claim it’s not a baby in the womb.
You support people who don’t want these seen
You support people who want to stifle discussion for telling the truth
Piddl is on a Bibul-thumping rant advocating this. And this. And this. And this. And this. All dressed up in sanctimonious ‘Save the Babies’ camouflage.
See, piddl is an old-timey bibul-thumper, smite the gays and keep the women hidden. This faux-concern about unborn babies belies a callous disregard for actual live women and children, women whose lives are demonstrably better when they have control of the reproductive health, which sometimes includes abortion, though far more often basic health care, including contraception (a Mortal Sin, according to some old ‘celibate’ men in carmine robes and fabulous shoes).
‘Anti-abortionists’ don’t give a shit about babies. They care about women, and controlling them, and shaming them, and putting them in their place. They care about sex, and shaming it, and denying it, and demanding we don’t teach children and adolescents about sex or how their bodies and minds work. These are forces for ignorance and darkness and fear. Way to go, piddl, straight out of the 11th century, or the third millennium BCE.
Got Proof?
Hey DIPSHIT, Puddy been leading the charge on HA since 2005 for stopping black baby destruction, so up yours ASSHOLE!
You are such a clueless clown. When someone proves your side as moronic you ad hominem attack them. That’s all you got left!
So sad and so typical.
More real BULLSHIT from the biggest BULLSHITTER here. Generalities of stooooooooooooopidity! Puddy gives LIBERALLY to charities who care for orphans. Puddy and Mrs Puddy do this EVERY YEAR, dickhead!
Here it is finally.. Never fails.
Wherever Puddy is the unemployed moron follows. Hello unemployed moron!
Back to work! Hey ekim, your butt buddy is here!
Back to the salt mines…
BTW, Puddy never watched the link. It has to be as putrid as you are!
See ya. Glad not to be ya unemployed moron. It’s a wonderful life not to be YOU! Hey ekim, your butt buddy is here!
178, 180 – What’s wrong with being unemployed? I don’t work. I’m a capitalist! Isn’t not working the whole purpose of being a capitalist? What are you, a commie?
Nope that’s you Roger!
@182 BWAAAA-HAAAAA-HARRR!!! Of all the stupid, funny, absurd, ridiculous nonsense you’ve post on HA over the years, this comment should get a trophy! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
You’re just jealous because I made $8,000 of FREE MONEY in the capitalist stock market this week! And you have to work!
The lop-eared loonatick has really lost it this time!
Too bad. It pokes fun at the hate you need to pump yourself up for “salt mining”…
Hate is your ed drug..