This has been a tragic week, with the murders of the SPD officer and the soldiers at Fort Hood, and I would like to use those tragedies as an opportunity to thank myself for showing unusual restraint in my comments on HA.
Watching Officer Brenton’s memorial procession on TV reminded me that I am a hero.
I admire me.
brian holtspews:
The video had a good ending, but a stronger one would have been “don’t get sick, but if you do, die quickly.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
The government feels that corporations that use misleading advertising should be held accountable.
Too bad democrats don’t feel the same way about themselves.
Owens indicated in a press release released shortly afterwards that he was now in favor of the the “Affordable Healthcare for America Act” bill in direct contrast to his earlier position during the election campaign.
If free government healthcare was so popular, why would a democrat have to lie about supporting it?
Thanks for showing your ignorance Stamn – it ain’t free government health care – you have an option for it and you have to buy it like any other health care.
Oh and Stamn, I have to complement you on finally coming up with the republican health care plan… did it. Of course the republicn health care plan doesn’t fix a damn thing – but we knew it wouldn’t. It is more of the same – lousy coverage, insurance plans that can drop you, no coverage for preexisting conditions and more expensive for less coverage.
But hey, it is a plan right? Even though it is probably worse that the current consitions…including taking away the right to sue for medical malpractice. so now if there is a medical mistake that ruins your life….too bad trying to get a just compensation.
Marvin Stamnspews:
4. correctnotright spews:
Thanks for showing your ignorance Stamn – it ain’t free government health care
So instead of commenting on a democrat lying to get elected because he knew that his views on free government healthcare weren’t as popular with the public as you have been led to believe, you instead whine about me calling it free government healthcare.
I don’t blame you for changing the subject.
Oh and Stamn, I have to complement you on finally coming up with the republican health care plan… did it.
You give me waaaay too much credit. It was easy, a simple google search and then a .gov search. You were/are more than capable to do the same, I guess it was easier to parrot the words of olbermann than think for yourself.
Big House vote coming up this evening on health reform. I’m guessing that Sheriff Dave will not be conscience-driven on this legislation, but will choose to lead the way his party invariably does: against people and for the industry.
I finally saw Who Killed the Electric Car. The parts of the movie about hydrogen fuel cell technology (always 10-15 years away, and incredibly impractical) reminded me of Republican calls for malpractice reform in the health care debate. A bit of a red herring.
Don’t forget, the CBO scored the Republican Health Care plan. It will only cost a little more than 60 Billion dollars, and not provide for any additional increase in coverage for the uninsured.
Which has me wondering – who gets the 60+ billion dollars? I guess it’s the same people who said the Iraq War wouldn’t cost us anything, because it would be paid for by Iraqi oil revenues.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “I admire me.”
Yes, we know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
One good thing that might come out of this is that our dysfunctional health care system may eventually succeed in killing off some of the self-admiring trolls so we don’t have to watch them preen anymore.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Well rhp6033, Puddy guesses the $.25 Trillion bribe to the AMA doesn’t bother you and the price tag of $1.2 Trillion doesn’t bother you either since Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm said anything over $900 Billion was too much.
So much for your hypocrisy!
It was easy, a simple google search and then a .gov search.
That was a plan? More like a 60 billion dollar fig leaf over the status quo.
So Republican.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Check out the Napalitano quote:
“This was an individual who does not, obviously, represent the Muslim faith,” she said after meeting with a group of women university students.
Seems to me the Ft. Hood Murderer exactly represented the Muslim Faith as defined by the Radical Extremists. Exactly.
This is what the battle id all about!
Somalia. The ideal wingnut nation. The model for wingnut America. No regulations, low taxes, and they get to stone sinners to death.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
What did Clinton do to help Somalia??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Carville’s Poll Democracy Corp had Corzine winning by 4!
Frank was on the front porch and told police that he never saw the plants and would not have recognized them. Frank repeated those remarks to Boston TV station FOX25, saying he would not recognize the plants because “he is not a great outdoorsman” and “would not recognize most plants.”
So one boyfriend is running prostitution out of the house and barney doesn’t know.
Another boyfriend is growing pot out of the house and barney doesn’t know.
Not the smartest or observant of congressmen.
But he was smart enough to get his boyfriend on the fannie mae payroll at taxpayer expense.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Of course fox isn’t a news station.
Which explains why when people wanted information on the muslim that killed people at fort hood for non-muslim reasons people tuned into CNN.
This has been a tragic week, with the murders of the SPD officer and the soldiers at Fort Hood, and I would like to use those tragedies as an opportunity to thank myself for showing unusual restraint in my comments on HA.
Watching Officer Brenton’s memorial procession on TV reminded me that I am a hero.
I admire me.
The video had a good ending, but a stronger one would have been “don’t get sick, but if you do, die quickly.”
The government feels that corporations that use misleading advertising should be held accountable.
Too bad democrats don’t feel the same way about themselves.
Congressman-elect Bill Owens was sworn in at noon today.
Owens indicated in a press release released shortly afterwards that he was now in favor of the the “Affordable Healthcare for America Act” bill in direct contrast to his earlier position during the election campaign.
If free government healthcare was so popular, why would a democrat have to lie about supporting it?
Thanks for showing your ignorance Stamn – it ain’t free government health care – you have an option for it and you have to buy it like any other health care.
Oh and Stamn, I have to complement you on finally coming up with the republican health care plan… did it. Of course the republicn health care plan doesn’t fix a damn thing – but we knew it wouldn’t. It is more of the same – lousy coverage, insurance plans that can drop you, no coverage for preexisting conditions and more expensive for less coverage.
But hey, it is a plan right? Even though it is probably worse that the current consitions…including taking away the right to sue for medical malpractice. so now if there is a medical mistake that ruins your life….too bad trying to get a just compensation.
So instead of commenting on a democrat lying to get elected because he knew that his views on free government healthcare weren’t as popular with the public as you have been led to believe, you instead whine about me calling it free government healthcare.
I don’t blame you for changing the subject.
You give me waaaay too much credit. It was easy, a simple google search and then a .gov search. You were/are more than capable to do the same, I guess it was easier to parrot the words of olbermann than think for yourself.
Big House vote coming up this evening on health reform. I’m guessing that Sheriff Dave will not be conscience-driven on this legislation, but will choose to lead the way his party invariably does: against people and for the industry.
I finally saw Who Killed the Electric Car. The parts of the movie about hydrogen fuel cell technology (always 10-15 years away, and incredibly impractical) reminded me of Republican calls for malpractice reform in the health care debate. A bit of a red herring.
Don’t forget, the CBO scored the Republican Health Care plan. It will only cost a little more than 60 Billion dollars, and not provide for any additional increase in coverage for the uninsured.
Which has me wondering – who gets the 60+ billion dollars? I guess it’s the same people who said the Iraq War wouldn’t cost us anything, because it would be paid for by Iraqi oil revenues.
@1 “I admire me.”
Yes, we know.
One good thing that might come out of this is that our dysfunctional health care system may eventually succeed in killing off some of the self-admiring trolls so we don’t have to watch them preen anymore.
Well rhp6033, Puddy guesses the $.25 Trillion bribe to the AMA doesn’t bother you and the price tag of $1.2 Trillion doesn’t bother you either since Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm said anything over $900 Billion was too much.
So much for your hypocrisy!
That was a plan? More like a 60 billion dollar fig leaf over the status quo.
So Republican.
Check out the Napalitano quote:
Seems to me the Ft. Hood Murderer exactly represented the Muslim Faith as defined by the Radical Extremists. Exactly.
This is what the battle id all about!
Somalia. The ideal wingnut nation. The model for wingnut America. No regulations, low taxes, and they get to stone sinners to death.
What did Clinton do to help Somalia??
Carville’s Poll Democracy Corp had Corzine winning by 4!
Here’s a great little chart from the obama administration about how the economy would recover with and without his bailout.
Some asshole put the actual unemployment figures on the chart.
The obama really screwed the pooch on this one.
So the boyfriend of barney franks gets arrested for pot. Growing it, having it all around the place. Barney frank was there when the police showed up.
What’s his excuse?
So one boyfriend is running prostitution out of the house and barney doesn’t know.
Another boyfriend is growing pot out of the house and barney doesn’t know.
Not the smartest or observant of congressmen.
But he was smart enough to get his boyfriend on the fannie mae payroll at taxpayer expense.
Of course fox isn’t a news station.
Which explains why when people wanted information on the muslim that killed people at fort hood for non-muslim reasons people tuned into CNN.
FNC: 3,039,000 in P2+ (837,000 in 25-54)
CNN: 1,576,000 in P2+ (471,000 in 25-54)
MSNBC: 820,000 in P2+ (248,000 in 25-54)
HLN: 428,000 in P2+ (177,000 in 25-54)
Oops, those that wanted the news tuned into fox.
Twice as many people than cnn.
And lets not talk about the olbermann/maddow children’s channel.