Puddy sees the continual hatred for Glenn Beck on this blog for identifying lost freedoms and behind the scenes decisions not approved by Congress.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Puddy called this weeks ago and now the truth is out… HR 3962
Look on Page 110, Section 222 and travel down to line 17.
“Abortions for which Public Funding is Allowed” section; the HHS (Health and Human Services) Secretary is given the authority to determine when abortion is allowed under the government-run plan.
Shocking eh? Butt the HA Libtardo Bubble Butt Morons claimed Puddy was wrong. So, fools is it there or not? See for yourself.
BTW Puddy visited most of the whackamole libtardo web sites you morons love to visit and didn’t see a rebuttal from the fools there. Butt, Puddy knows HAs arschloch ylb arschloch has all the time of the world on his hands to thoroughly “scour” the whackamole URLs.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Oh yes, while searching…
Look on Page 96, Section 213 and travel down to line 16.
(A) may take into account the impact on overall costs of the inclusion of such coverage, but may not take into account any cost reduction estimated to result from such services, including prenatal care, delivery, or postnatal care;
(B) shall estimate such costs as if such coverage were included for the entire population covered; and
C) may not estimate such a cost at less than $1 per enrollee, per month.
Bottom line is the commissioner must charge at a minimum $1 per enrollee per month for abortion coverage. Amazing.
Once again many HA Libtardos called Puddy a liar. Well Nancy Stretch Pelosi proved y’all are the liars.
Of course anyone who highlights these lies buried in the bill is HIRED TO STAND IN THE WAY HEALTH CARE per Darryl!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Per Roger Dumb Bunny, when Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm allows Iran to get a nuclear weapon it will be Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s fault.
See ya dumb bunny!
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
On this thanksgiving, I’ll be serving up turkey at my house. I’ll be giving thanks that we won’t have this jive turkey in the white house after 2010. Let’s just hope we have a country left after the damage this clown does in the interim.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@9 s/b 2012, not 2010…..though that year signals the coming republican revolution.
Looks like you strange fucks got the crazy cranked up again.
@10 Indeed. Palin/Bachmann 2012. Just wait till the electorate gets a load of that freakshow.
“If you’re looking for a holiday season job and you want to earn a lot of money, relatively speaking, for working just from late November through New York’s Eve, you’re comfortable with social media, video, and sharing potty stories, this job might just be for you (really).”
It’s right up your “alley” ylb arschloch. Every day you arrive with the latest in whackamole kook-aid liquid potty stories direct from your favorite whackamole sites. Since all the shit you spew on HA Libtardos comes from your arschloch mouth, having something soft and smooth to wipe your “lips” for your potty stories, will allow some extra Christmas cash and not strain Mrs ylb.
See ya! Looks like another opportunity missed while sitting on his arschloch scouring whackamole diarrhea.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Did you hear ylb arschloch was arrested for counterfeiting?
He was looking for easy money so decided to start counterfeiting $2 Bills.
Know how ylb did it??
He rubbed the zeroes off of 20’s!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Back in 2004 Senator Clinton screamed about the lack of bird flu vaccine availability. There were leftist pinheads on this blog commenting on how Bush fell down on the job. Well where are these same voices on the H1N1 Mexican Flu vaccine availability? All those undelivered doses promised by the Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm administration. Then the Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm changes the formulation rules and it’s still in short supply.
Sure blame the suppliers now when you all blamed Bush instead of the suppliers back then.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
White House calls High Level Cabinet meeting with Pelosi & Reid..
Hillary Clinton angrily looked at Pelosi & Reid and told her them was tired of voters questioning their math and if they couldn’t answer a simple math question, they should resign.
Hillary told Pelosi & Reid to please concentrate….”What is 2 + 2″ Hillary asked.
Pelosi & Reid conferred for several minutes and finally spewed out proudly “4”!
Obama quickly chimed in…”Please Hillary, give them another chance!”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Did you know arschloch won the lottery 10 years ago?
Unfortunately, he selected the option of $1/yr. for a million years!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Regarding the Fort Hood shootings by the crazed libtardo (he was against the war), it seems he just walked on the base with COTS personal hand guns and picked off 42 peeps before being brought down. Why don’t soldiers have their sidearm guns? In Israel a soldier never leaves his M-16 alone. He carries it with him at all times.
Also reports are surfacing his superiors reported his anti-US comments to their WA DC superiors when the Arkansas Recruiter was killed in early June and it fell on deaf ears. Well well well if this comes out as true, what does that say for Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his WA DC military commanders?
It took civilian police to bring this dude down!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is the sick Blog post attributed to the murderer:
“To say that this soldier committed suicide is inappropriate. Its more appropriate to say he is a brave hero that sacrificed his life for a more noble cause,” the Internet posting reads. “Scholars have paralled (sic) this to suicide bombers whose intention, by sacrificing their lives, is to help save Muslims by killing enemy soldiers.”
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Wow when NBC CHICAGO makes a comment, you know there is something wrong…
12. Steve spews:
@10 Indeed. Palin/Bachmann 2012. Just wait till the electorate gets a load of that freakshow.
Steve, your words about women reveal that you still have some issues from your mom not being in your life.
Your repeated use of the “cunt” word and your feelings about women being freakshows goes far beyond projection at this point..
Please try and think better, more uplifting thoughts today instead of name calling.
Have a better day. Be nice to your neighbors.
Marvin Stamnspews:
14. Mr. Cynical spews:
Know how ylb did it??
He rubbed the zeroes off of 20’s!
No doubt his wife opened up a big can of whoop ass when she got home.
She works too hard for her stay-ay-home-nanny to ruin her money.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
As Puddy wrote about Ford having a $1 Billion profit by customers going to Ford… before the AP broke they car sales story…
“Ford has benefited from consumer goodwill because it didn’t take government bailout money or go into bankruptcy protection, as General Motors and Chrysler did.”
See ya!
This thread is a piece of fly paper hanging in a barn.
With apologies to all but “ugly Republican women”, Marvin is a cunt.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Hey HA Libtardos,
Did you know Rachel MadCow doesn’t know the US Constitution has a Preamble… See her make an ASS out of herself at 2:28
And you wonder why her show is in the gutter of ratings like Ed Schultz… wait a minute they have one viewer ylb arschloch…
So Puddy visits the leftist WikiPedia.. as you know the only way to attack libtardos is to use libtardo materiel…
“Preamble to the United States Constitution”
Palin/Bachmann 2012
Yup, two “ugly Republican women”. Oh, and did I mention that Marvin is a cunt?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Just not too long ago msnbc was reporting it was some racist-obama-hating-federal-government-hating-teabagger that killed that census worker and scratched “fed” on his chest.
Now since they have tired of blaming the right-wing, they decide to finally report the truth.
“The Metropolitan King County Council has begun thinking about how it will replace departing member Dow Constantine … three elected officials have expressed interest in Constantine’s … council position: Normandy Park Mayor Shawn McEvoy and state Reps. Zack Hudgins and Joe McDermott, both Democrats. McEvoy said he considers himself an independent.”
Marvin googled “projection” the other day and now he thinks he’s a psychologist. Truth is, he’s just a stupid cunt who fucks goats.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Damn Steve, you can’t let a thread pass without the goat references.
Why Steve Why? You’ve got to wean yourself from the Steve’s Stupid Solution!
Marvin @ 28: I remember a speaker at a conference recounting the story of a guy in Texas who was found shot dead, with two bullet wounds to the head. The widow was a prominent socialite. The coroner (who was the local mortuary owner, was elected to the office, and acted as coroner part-time) ruled it a suicide. The coroner claimed that since the first shot to the brain didn’t kill him, the deceased husband must have picked up the rifle and shot himself again in the back of his head.
In another case, a man died from a shotgun blast to his chin while sitting in his truck in a K-Mart parking lot. The insurance company denied the claim, their doctor said it was suicide. The victim’s family brought in a forensic specialist who claimed the victim had accidentally shot himself. The court ordered an independent exam, and the L.A. “Coroner to the Stars” was brought in, who pronounced – it was murder.
Given what we know so far, I’m not buying the suicide theory, without reading all of the investigative reports. So far, nothing authoritive has been posted on SmokingGun.com.
Based on what we know so far, it seems that
there is probably a 95% chance that this guy was murdered, for whatever reason.
There might be a 5% chance that this guy volunteered for the census, went out into redneck country where people have a history of not liking government agents, and when he couldn’t find anybody willing to kill him, he disfigured himself with a sharp object, and then hanged himself in a graveyard. In other words, it may be possible, but highly unlikely.
But that doesn’t stop Fox News from proclaiming the suicide theory as a fact.
Shooter advised Obama transition – Fort Hood triggerman aided team on Homeland Security task force
“Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the alleged shooter in yesterday’s massacre at Fort Hood, played a homeland security advisory role in President Barack Obama’s transition into the White House, according to a key university policy institute document.”
Charmin was looking for more peeps and being the HA arschloch, you fit the bill. Why didn’t you apply for the yob jlb arschloch?
Well geez, Puddy, the stupid cunt (apologies to all but ugly Republican women) did admit to fucking goats. Need a link?
By the way, Wiley has a great cartoon today. It shows their vision of a great retirement plan for the ordinary Americans. The CEO’s get to take a cruise on the upper deck, everyone else on the lower deck.
33. Steve spews:
Marvin googled “projection” the other day and now he thinks he’s a psychologist. Truth is, he’s just a stupid cunt who fucks goats.
I’m sorry you are not able to be civil when others are being civil to you.
True, I’m not a psychologist. That’s why I keep suggesting you get help from someone much better trained in helping people like you.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Hmmm… more info appears on this Hasan guy. Under investigation for six months?
“His name appears on radical Internet postings. A fellow officer says he fought his deployment to Iraq and argued with soldiers who supported U.S. wars. He required counseling as a medical student because of problems with patients.”
Great job. This is a problem which starts from the top starting with the CiC. This is worse than Abu Ghraib, but watch as news orgs will claim it’s Bush’s fault. What will John Murtha say? How about Dick Turbin Durbin? Wait and see.
Marvin Stamnspews:
34. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Damn Steve, you can’t let a thread pass without the goat references.
I don’t believe he can help himself. It’s become an addiction for him.
Maybe Steve needs help with his obsessive compulsive disorder.
Marvin Stamnspews:
35. rhp6033 spews:
the deceased husband must have picked up the rifle and shot himself again in the back of his head.
Considering how many friends of clinton committed suicide shooting themselves in the back of the head, there must be possible.
But that doesn’t stop Fox News from proclaiming the suicide theory as a fact.
It was an msnbc link I posted. Sorry.
An unbalanced muslim doctor on an army base in Texas goes on a rampage.
And the moron-in-chief (Stupes) goes paranoid stupid.
I thought at least one wingnut would say, “guns don’t kill, people do.”
Yea, I know it was an MSNBC link. But I caught the Fox News on a TV in a conference room this morning, and they were reporting it as an established fact.
Again use the leftist WikiPedia… “She began her career as the Chief of Staff to U.S. Congresswoman Mary Rose Oakar. On March 18, 1993 she was nominated by President Clinton to serve as Assistant U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) for Congressional Affairs. She served as Chief of Staff to U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky.”
She’s a Democratic… No wonder the AARP drank the kook-aid!
Nuff SAID Suckas. The Prosecution Rests.
Indeed, there’s nobody more civil than an HA troll.
Considering how many friends of clinton committed suicide shooting themselves in the back of the head, there must be possible.
Doesn’t that beat all. You a birther and deather too Marv?
Too sick.
Heh. Stupes showing the love for Birther News Daily.
A daily read for the silliest of right wing idiots.
The returns last Tuesday have twisted these fiends into a frenzy of insanity.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
An unbalanced unemployed fool@50 on a northwest Seattle blog opens his arschloch and goes on his daily rampage.
We all have to suffer another day.
47 – How moronic. The AARP board has to vote on the position the organization takes on the health care legislation.
Yet Stupes claims one person calls the shots.
So typical of the bathshit insane authoritarian right wing – projects its dictatorial madness on everything.
@50 I think they’re getting used to losing. Last November it took our freaks a month to get back on their feed after their heads exploded. This time around they’re spewing the full speed ahead crazy just a couple days later.
51 – Got orders for me today fiend?
Guess what?
THEY ARE IGNORED! hehhehehe.
Little YLBspews:
Mommy, is Daddy still looking for a job to help put food on the table?
Hell no ylb arschloch. Puddy can’t order anyone’s arschloch around let alone HA arschloch!
Mommy YLBspews:
Little YLB, yes, Daddy says he spends all day looking for work so he can help this family. Anyway, have a good day . . . Mommy has to go to work now to do her part.
Marvin Stamnspews:
49. YLB spews:
Doesn’t that beat all. You a birther and deather too Marv?
Yup, I’m a birther. Along with all the smart democrats I know that palin didn’t giver birth to that trig.
53 – They call losing winning. They went batshit insane over NY-23 predicting a victory for their cult and guess what?
They still call it a victory.
They got two governorships – we got two more votes for healthcare reform in the House.
I’ll take progress in the near term. We’ll find better Dems for those governorships in due time.
@60 I’ll take progress in the near term. We’ll find better Dems for those governorships in due time.
We’ll? Exactly how will you manage that given you’re on HA ALL day EVERY day SEVEN days a week?
Marvin Stamnspews:
57. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Hell no ylb arschloch. Puddy can’t order anyone’s arschloch around let alone HA arschloch!
And if you could order him around, what would be the first order?
To get a job so his wife doesn’t have to work so hard to support him and the family?
Wanting ylb to get a job is showing concern for his wife that has to work hard to support the family. Why doesn’t ylb believe that his wife deserves some help with supporting the family.
palin didn’t giver birth to that trig.
Wow. A big Sarah fan too. I bet you loved when she tripled down on death panels.
They do exist by the way. Insurance companies have been using them to extract paydays on Wall Street for years.
61 – And you? You work hard it seems.
On attacking the liberal leaning regulars here.
You a LaRouchian Dave? Did you paint a little mustache on a picture of Obama?
And if you could order him around, what would be the first order?
Zing! Caught a right winger fantasizing about handing out orders.
I love how the right wing dreams of barking orders to those they resent.
Marvin Stamnspews:
20. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Wow when NBC CHICAGO makes a comment, you know there is something wrong…
Obama’s Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting – Puddy agrees.
Sounds like the obama had a “my pet goat” moment.
Even with his teleprompter he couldn’t manage to say the right stuff.
Good news for obama… the liberal media will edit out the first 4 minutes of his press conference when he’s giving shout-outs. Except for people that view right-wing media will ever know it took obama 4 minutes to say something.
Did obama even once say the word muslim as he was talking about a muslim shooting and killing american troops?
Marvin Stamnspews:
60. YLB spews:
we got two more votes for healthcare reform in the House.
The democrats ALREADY have a majority in the house.
As long as obama, the white house and democrats keep talking about fox, rush and beck the democrats will never get anything passed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 He has enough intelligence to not work. I don’t work either. Why would I, when wages are taxed at 32.65%, but I can sit here and flip stocks all day and pay only 10% on my capital gains and dividends? And why would anyone work for what CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES want to pay for labor? If you like your job, go right ahead and work, don’t let us stop you … but don’t tell us what to do. To each his own.
Did obama even once say the word muslim as he was talking about a muslim shooting and killing american troops?
No why should he? If it was a Catholic who went on a rampage should he mention that?
What have you got against against muslims? There’s over a billion of them in this world.
Are they all “the enemy” to you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 (continued) Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I don’t take orders from anyone! Nobody bosses me around. (Except Mrs. Rabbit.) Another reason not to work. Why would anyone in their right mind want a boss?
Marvin Stamnspews:
65. YLB spews: And if you could order him around, what would be the first order?
Zing! Caught a right winger fantasizing about handing out orders.
I love how the right wing dreams of barking orders to those they resent.
You consider someone hoping you’ll get a job to help your wife a right winger fantasizing.
Why am I not surprised.
Say, how do you feel about the government giving us orders to buy health insurance or face the penalty?
Any idea what part of the constitution gives the government to force us to buy insurance?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 “Did obama even once say the word muslim as he was talking about a muslim shooting and killing american troops?”
Information about this tragic incident is still sketchy, but based on what I can glean from initial news reports, this appears to have been the solitary act of a mentally ill person whose religion, if it’s relevant at all, caused him to be picked on by his fellow soldiers. In fact, his motive may have been bullying and hazing by colleagues who can’t tolerate anyone who isn’t exactly like themselves.
Marvin Stamnspews:
70. Roger Rabbit spews:
Another reason not to work. Why would anyone in their right mind want a boss?
Typical liberal thought process that the ONLY option is working for someone else.
What about being self-employed or having your own business? Aren’t those options for liberals like you?
Marvin Stamnspews:
72. Roger Rabbit spews: @66 “Did obama even once say the word muslim as he was talking about a muslim shooting and killing american troops?”
Information about this tragic incident is still sketchy
Is the shooter a muslim or not?
Would that be considered a fact or opinion?
If he was christian that would be mentioned many times per minute.
You consider someone hoping you’ll get a job to help your wife a right winger fantasizing.
Any right winger coming here with a chip on his or her shoulder is fantasizing. It’s one thing if your policies were ascendant and having some positive effect.
But that hasn’t been the case for the longest time has it?
Except in your fantasies of course.
Why am I not surprised.
Say, how do you feel about the government giving us orders to buy health insurance or face the penalty?
I’m a single payer advocate. I’d much rather everyone be covered automatically and we pay our taxes for it just like in Canada.
But right now I’m ordered to buy auto insurance for my car. Almost the same principle applies.
Any idea what part of the constitution gives the government to force us to buy insurance?
The same that forces us to buy auto insurance.
Marvin Stamnspews:
72. Roger Rabbit spews:
bullying and hazing by colleagues who can’t tolerate anyone who isn’t exactly like themselves.
You gotta tell us when you drift off to another subject.
We were talking about why the obama didn’t want to say the muslim word when describing someone that killed american troops on american soil.
Not about why obama and the white house can’t tolerate anyone that isn’t exactly like them and attacks fox, rush, beck, etc.
re 74: “If he was christian that would be mentioned many times per minute.”
Was Timothy McVeigh a ‘christian’? I know he was a Republican.
Marvin Stamnspews:
75. YLB spews:
But right now I’m ordered to buy auto insurance for my car. Almost the same principle applies.
Any idea what part of the constitution gives the government to force us to buy insurance?
The same that forces us to buy auto insurance.
Except that you/I/everybody living is a right granted by our creator. We have unalienable rights as humans.
Driving (legally) is a privilege granted to us by the government. If you don’t want to buy auto insurance, don’t drive. You have a choice.
Where’s my choice when it comes to the obama healthcare fiasco? If I don’t have insurance, by threat of force the government will take from me.
We were talking about why the obama didn’t want to say the muslim word
Hmmm.. He’s “the obama” to you. An expression of right wing resentment.
You resent that he had the smarts and the drive to win the White House. Only those promising lower taxes while not saying a peep about where they’d cut spending are supposed to do that.
Why inflame religious divisions? Don’t we have enough of that right now?
Marvin Stamnspews:
77. Mr. Always Right Constitution Interpreter and Flag Worshiper spews:
Was Timothy McVeigh a ‘christian’? I know he was a Republican.
What religion was the person that killed abortion doctor george tiller?
If obama couldn’t mention the religion of the fort dix killer, why was the religion of tiller so important?
“Paterson, whose popularity currently hovers in the 20 percent range, was seriously wounded when Obama let it be known he didn’t want Paterson to run because Republicans like Rudy Giuliani consistently beat him in the polls. But Obama’s recent lack of success in backing local candidates, including New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, has empowered Paterson.
“The President went to New Jersey five times for Corzine and wasn’t able to turn that around, so I think here in New York, New Yorkers know everything is local,” said Lynch.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
79. YLB spews:
Why inflame religious divisions? Don’t we have enough of that right now?
Good point.
Why call a muslim killer a muslim.
How does that benefit the obama?
Driving (legally) is a privilege granted to us by the government.
What? No resentment there? So not only do you accept the government forcing you to buy auto insurance, you accept that the government “grants” you the “privilege” to drive.
Yet you would choose to resent the government requiring you to buy health insurance, so when when you walked into an emergency room or a doctor’s office you wouldn’t get “free” healthcare.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Hmmm.. He’s “the obama” to you.
Wrong again ylb arschloch.
He’s Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm or for those of you wondering why Puddy calls the preznit “the messiah” all you have to do is remember what Donna Brazile said:
Donna Brazile – “First of all, I don’t think they understand the role of a community organizer, often to help people who are in distress, they’ve lost their jobs, they’ve lost their homes, they’ve lost their health care. And for many of us, it’s a time honored tradition to give back, especially those who have been rewarded with so much.
The Bible says to whom much is given much is required and it comes out of that tradition. So it was insulting to see both, you know, the governor as well as Mayor Giuliani criticize people. There’s some on the Internet now that Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor. And perhaps they should understand the role of a community organizer, do help people in distress.”
Evan Thomas, grandson of Norman Thomas that six-time ol socialist candidate for president. – “Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He’s sort of GOD.”
Chris Matthews – “This is the New Testament.”
Lawrence Carter, Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel Dean – “No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don’t expect, like Jesus being born in a manger.”
Bill Jonas – Songwriter – “Prepare your heart to fill with hope; Prepare your mind to embrace the change!”
See Obama be thy name on YouTube
Maybe that’s why spongebob wondermoron, Another TJ, Goldy, Darryl, Lee, and others love TPM, Daily Kook-Aid, CAP, etc… they are looking for their virtual salvation.
There are many more references to him being “the messiah”.
@81: Since Faux News did so well touting Huffman and proclaiming him the “new wave” of conservatism …maybe the idiot teabaggers and the biased Faux News will shut their big fat biased traps this time around?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
ylb arschloch wants free health care so he can continue to sit in front of his CRT and prowl whackamole sites while his “wife” slaves at a SEIU sweatshop.
Yep, we know why you want free health care fool!
What religion was the person that killed abortion doctor george tiller?
Find where Obama called that miserable loser a Christian and I’ll concede you have a point.
But I don’t think you’re going to find it.
@78: Stamnidiot
And when you get terminally ill and can’t afford the cost of health care, who will pay to take care of you?
The government.
Why does every other civilized country in the world have the government in thier health care?
Because they realize that health care is different form car insurance – when your car is past it’s usefulness…you junk it!
Only an idiot would seriously compare car insurance to health insurance.
@87 The only people calling that murderer a Christian are the rightwingnut anti-abortion sickos that support and applaud him for murder.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Never gets it right…
1) Hoffman was on the ballot as a conservative.
This was the ballot…
Bill Owens – Democrat
Bill Owens – Liberal
Dede Scozzafava – Republican
Dede Scozzafava – Workers Life Party
Doug Hoffman – Conservative
5th Position below the other 4. Shit Owens didn’t get 50% of the vote correctnotright. Let’s see in 2010 when Hoffman runs again.
84 – As stupid a load of horseshit as I’ve ever seen here.
People get carried away with their enthusiasm for a leader. Big deal.
The only ones I see referring to Obama as “the messiah” or “the one” are right wingers – full of ugly resentment.
The right wing went way over the top with that chimpanzee and Raygun. Worshipped the ground they walked on at the height of their approval.
You don’t go on and on like a freaking broken record about that do you?
do you really think the public option is going to be cheaper than the private option? honestly?
who told you that? because they lied.
I just let the worst bubble out of these freaks.
And they never disappoint.
Marvin Stamnspews:
87. YLB spews: What religion was the person that killed abortion doctor george tiller?
Find where Obama called that miserable loser a Christian and I’ll concede you have a point.
I’m still waiting for the john edwards lied about him cheating on a wife that had cancer concession.
But I don’t think you’re going to find it.
If the edwards concession is the standard, even when the words come out of his own mouth you don’t consider that valid enough proof.
Marvin Stamnspews:
88. correctnotright spews:
@78: Stamnidiot
And when you get terminally ill and can’t afford the cost of health care, who will pay to take care of you?
The government.
As a safety net for people that really need it.
For example, if I know the government is going to take care of my needs, why should I save/spend for healthcare, retirement, etc.?
Why does every other civilized country in the world have the government in thier health care?
Maybe because those countries weren’t founded on the same principles as this country?
Have you noticed the enter/exit gates at the border? I don’t see a lot of exodus to europe.
Because they realize that health care is different form car insurance – when your car is past it’s usefulness…you junk it!
let’s not get into the way americans throw their parents off on other people.
Like your words above comparing us to other civilized countries, let’s see how you compare… When your mother in law gets too old to live on her own, will you let her move in with you for the last 2-3 years of her life? Other countries/cultures would, it’s not an american value.
Only an idiot would seriously compare car insurance to health insurance.
Exactly. That’s what I thought when ylb brought it up.
Construction employment decreased by 62,000 in October.
Manufacturing continued to shed jobs 61,000 in October
Retail trade lost 40,000 jobs in October.
transportation and warehousing decreased by 18,000
in October.
Health care employment continued to increase in October (29,000)
bush last 14 months of his presidency – 3.2 million jobs lost
obama in 9 short months of his presidency – 4.1 million jobs last.
not hope
Mr. Cynicalspews:
39. Steve spews:
Well geez, Puddy, the stupid cunt (apologies to all but ugly Republican women) did admit to fucking goats. Need a link?
Drunk again?
You told us your Mom died when you were young.
That’s sad. But to use that one event to first attack God and then women using the “C”-word over & over & over again is beyond pale.
You are a loser steve.
Get help with your anger and hate of Christians & women.
How would the rest of your Yacht Klub members like your posts Steve?? Do you think they’d rip off your Kommador thingamabobs??
Pathetic steve.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
68. Roger Rabbit spews:
@61 He has enough intelligence to not work. I don’t work either. Why would I, when wages are taxed at 32.65%, but I can sit here and flip stocks all day and pay only 10% on my capital gains and dividends?
Rog, you continue to perpetuate the LIE.
Flipping stocks means short-term trades.
They are taxed as ordinary income.
You know it…but perpetuate the lie.
And Dividends are after-tax income…already taxed at the Corporate level.
But hey..
Roger Rabbit picked the Phils in 4 or 5.
Roger Rabbit said I was stupid for investing in Gold when it was at $1020 last week.
Roger don’t know much.
Bitter old man with an oxygen tank.
Did you know Rog that anger, jealousy & envy can restrict your oxygen flow??
Become a Conservative and breath again!
Mr. Klynical is a cunt (apologies to all but “ugly Republican women whose husbands fuck goats”).
Marvin Stamnspews:
105. Mr. Cynical spews: 39. Steve spews:
Well geez, Puddy, the stupid cunt
Drunk again?
You told us your Mom died when you were young.
I always sensed that he drank from his comments.
I hope Steve helps himself to a more enjoyable life.
After all, how enjoyable could it be for him to spend so much of his time and thoughts to write about us and goats instead of getting out in the fresh air and enjoying nature.
Marvin is a cunt (apologies to all but ugly Republican women whose husbands fuck goats).
Marvin Stamnspews:
109. Steve spews:
Marvin is a cunt
Did your therapist suggest you get out some of deep-seated anger?
Well good for you Steve.
“Did your therapist suggest you get out some of deep-seated anger?”
Projection. It’s a Psych 101 thing. But I’m glad you’re seeing a therapist. Have you mentioned the goat?
@106 Roger don’t know much.
Well, if his use – and struggles with – AOL for his browser selection are any indication . . .
Meanwhile, dumb bunny wrote elsewhere:
That’s roughly equal to the 10X spread between Bush’s private mercenaries ($150,000 a year) and soldiers ($15,000 a year), which tells you all you need to know about how little respect Bush had for our soldiers.
Compensation figures for “private security contractors” were widely reported in the news media as being in the neighborhood of $150,000 a year.
But you STILL have provided any of those ubiquitous newspaper sources that you said you’d relied upon – google answer? – and anecdotal data doesn’t provide an overall analysis of what private contractors in general make.
You also selected a SINGLE bracket for military compensation:
Your original 15K claim is just a little inane, dumb bunny.
And this:
In 2003, when Bush invaded Iraq, an E-3 with less than 2 years of service earned basic pay of $1356.90 a month or $16,282.80 . . . Basic pay for the same individual is a little under $20,000 a year as of 2009.
The point being what – there’s been an improvement after inflation?
And FYI, private contractors are more numerous than ever in Afghanistan, so not much has changed under the current administration:
“The report also adds that nearly 70,000 contractors are now deployed in Afghanistan on the US government payroll, meaning there are now more contractors than US soldiers (48,000) in Afghanistan . . . “In the second quarter of 2009,” the report notes, “the Obama administration increased the number of armed private contractors in Afghanistan by 29 percent.”
Information about this tragic incident is still sketchy, but based on what I can glean from initial news reports, this appears to have been the solitary act of a mentally ill person whose religion, if it’s relevant at all, caused him to be picked on by his fellow soldiers. In fact, his motive may have been bullying and hazing by colleagues who can’t tolerate anyone who isn’t exactly like themselves.
So says Roger Rabbit. But, . . .
“The US Army major who killed 13 people in a shooting spree at America’s biggest military base had come to the attention of the FBI six months earlier over possible links to extremist comments posted on the internet.
“Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a devout Muslim who was trying to buy his way out of the Army, was suspected of being the author of postings which compared suicide bombers to heroic soldiers who throw themselves onto grenades to save others.”
To follow up on Steve’s inquiry above, let me suggest that you simply can’t make any progress with your therapist until you raise the goat issue. I know it’s tough and it’ll be embarrassing, but you’ll have therapist-patient privilege so your secret will be protected. Go for it, Marv. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
111. Steve spews:
Projection. It’s a Psych 101 thing.
Yes Steve, it is a psych101 thing.
How many times have you mentioned projection Steve?
A little self-reflection might help you. If nothing else, check out some of the threads you’ve commented in. Count the number of times you write about projection or goatsex. You’ll be amazed.
“My thoughts and prayers will be with you.”
Me too!
“How many times have you mentioned projection Steve?”
Not enough. Obviously.
Look, Marvin, I have a degree in psychology as well as engineering. I have experience as a therapist and co-founded a therapy clinic in Boulder, Colorado back in the early 70’s. With your every post you project your psycho-shit (Psych 401 term, google it). If you don’t mind, I’ll keep pointing it out, thank you. Just bear in mind that it’s for your own good. And like my good friend Proud Leftist, I pray for you. And the goat.
proud leftistspews:
Steve @ 116
You’d think Marvin would show a bit more gratitude for all the concern and sympathy extended toward him. Sheesh. I guess it’s true that no good deed goes unpunished.
@117 I really do want to help the ungrateful twit.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
107. Steve spews:
Mr. Klynical is a cunt
109. Steve spews:
Marvin is a cunt
116. Steve spews:
Look, Marvin, I have a degree in psychology as well as engineering.
That explains some of it.
But I think your bigger issue is your mom dying when you were young.
Would she be proud of your language Steve??
I’m fortunate that my mom is a cancer survivor, 80 and healthy/vibrant.
What a blessing.
I grew up with both a Mom & Dad that stayed married for 46 years until Dad died.
My wife also was blessed with a family unit (married over 55 years).
Hopefully you will let go of your deep-seated anger.
The way you talk about women, was your Mom a hooker steve??
Seriously…did she somehow disappoint you?
Seems like there is more there than she died way too young.
I suggest an appointment at the Boulder Clinic you founded.
Most psychologists desperately need one.
You are proof.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
I just let the worst bubble out of these freaks.
Another fart bubble from ylb’s arschloch!
@119 Lordy, a dumbfuck freak in a soiled KLOWN Kostume. Need therapy much?
Marvin Stamnspews:
116. Steve spews:
Look, Marvin, I have a degree in psychology as well as engineering.
When gbs was making the point he was better than me he talked about owning a couple putt-putt cars, sending his kids to school, etc.. Is your talk of degrees your way?
Psychologists aren’t allowed to treat themselves are they?
Steve, did you notice as I’m being nice to you that it is reflected in your words how much it bothers you? I’m sorry. Would it be better for you if I just kept linking your badly chosen words? Your choice Steve, what ever hel;ps you the most.
Have I mentioned that Marvin is a cunt (apologies to all but ugly Republican women whose husbands fuck goats)? And have I mentioned that he fucks goats? Hey, he said so himself – says it dumbed him down.
38. Steve spews:
Has all that goatfucking has dumbed you down, Marvin?
06/09/2009 at 2:25 pm
39. Marvin Stamn spews:
Yup, dumbed me down.
06/09/2009 at 3:11 pm http://horsesass.org/?p=16759
Say, Marvin, perhaps if you stopped fucking goats then you wouldn’t be so fucking “dumbed down”. You ever think of that? Or are you just too “dumbed down” at this point to even process a thought?
Maybe if you wore one of these it’d remind you to stop fucking that poor, hapless goat. It probably wouldn’t smarten you up any, but at least you might avoid dumbing down any further than you already have.
Marvin Stamnspews:
123. Steve spews:
Have I mentioned that Marvin
124. Steve spews:
Say, Marvin
Thank you for sharing your feelings Steve.
“Thank you”
No problem, goatfucker. Anytime.
Marvin Stamnspews:
123. Steve spews: 38. Steve spews:
Has all that goatfucking has dumbed you down, Marvin?
I don’t want to point it out, but under other circumstances I would point out you decided not to include 2 sentences in your quote.
I’m sure you had a good reason to omit them Steve.
Do you feel with your OCD type behavior regarding goat sex that messages 123-125 are a step backwards for you?
Heh- “OCD”. Just can’t stop projecting, can you? Thats OK, Marvin, it’s a Psych 101 thing.
If you’re willing to enter into a long-term intensive abreactive therapy, Marvin, perhaps we could get to the bottom of why it is you fuck goats. Are you game?
Heh- Right now Marvin’s googling “abreactive”.
“I don’t want to point it out, but under other circumstances I would point out you decided not to include 2 sentences in your quote.”
Would those “other circumstances” be if those two sentences actually helped your sorry ass?
proud leftistspews:
You keep reaching out to Marvie, yet he resists help. From your psych background, you can probably tell us why there are certain individuals who resist the help they so clearly need. I know there are differences among such individuals, and differing pathologies. Why do you think Marvie resists the helping hand you so selflessly offer?
Murderer reportedly shouted “ALLAH AHKBAR” before he began murdering.
Murderer reportedly posted on Internet something equating HOMICIDE BOMBERS to soldiers how throw themselves on grenades.
Also was trach talking about Muslim’s “rising up” against the American agressors.
Got to wonder if the Obama “embrace Radical Muslim” philosophy chilled Military folks from responding earlier.
Obama bears much responsibility.
Unemployment rises to 10.2%
Underemployment arounf 17%.
Obama promised Stimulus would keep Unemployment down to 8%.
Obama claims Stimulus created or saved 600,000 jobs.
Obama is a liar…again.
[Deleted —see HA Comment Policy and this may help]
[Deleted —see HA Comment Policy and this may help]
Puddy sees the continual hatred for Glenn Beck on this blog for identifying lost freedoms and behind the scenes decisions not approved by Congress.
Puddy called this weeks ago and now the truth is out… HR 3962
Look on Page 110, Section 222 and travel down to line 17.
“Abortions for which Public Funding is Allowed” section; the HHS (Health and Human Services) Secretary is given the authority to determine when abortion is allowed under the government-run plan.
Shocking eh? Butt the HA Libtardo Bubble Butt Morons claimed Puddy was wrong. So, fools is it there or not? See for yourself.
BTW Puddy visited most of the whackamole libtardo web sites you morons love to visit and didn’t see a rebuttal from the fools there. Butt, Puddy knows HAs arschloch ylb arschloch has all the time of the world on his hands to thoroughly “scour” the whackamole URLs.
Oh yes, while searching…
Look on Page 96, Section 213 and travel down to line 16.
“Insurance Rating Rules”
(A) may take into account the impact on overall costs of the inclusion of such coverage, but may not take into account any cost reduction estimated to result from such services, including prenatal care, delivery, or postnatal care;
(B) shall estimate such costs as if such coverage were included for the entire population covered; and
C) may not estimate such a cost at less than $1 per enrollee, per month.
Bottom line is the commissioner must charge at a minimum $1 per enrollee per month for abortion coverage. Amazing.
Once again many HA Libtardos called Puddy a liar. Well Nancy Stretch Pelosi proved y’all are the liars.
Of course anyone who highlights these lies buried in the bill is HIRED TO STAND IN THE WAY HEALTH CARE per Darryl!
Per Roger Dumb Bunny, when Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm allows Iran to get a nuclear weapon it will be Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s fault.
See ya dumb bunny!
On this thanksgiving, I’ll be serving up turkey at my house. I’ll be giving thanks that we won’t have this jive turkey in the white house after 2010. Let’s just hope we have a country left after the damage this clown does in the interim.
@9 s/b 2012, not 2010…..though that year signals the coming republican revolution.
Looks like you strange fucks got the crazy cranked up again.
@10 Indeed. Palin/Bachmann 2012. Just wait till the electorate gets a load of that freakshow.
So ylb arschloch,
Did you go on the job interview?
“If you’re looking for a holiday season job and you want to earn a lot of money, relatively speaking, for working just from late November through New York’s Eve, you’re comfortable with social media, video, and sharing potty stories, this job might just be for you (really).”
It’s right up your “alley” ylb arschloch. Every day you arrive with the latest in whackamole kook-aid liquid potty stories direct from your favorite whackamole sites. Since all the shit you spew on HA Libtardos comes from your arschloch mouth, having something soft and smooth to wipe your “lips” for your potty stories, will allow some extra Christmas cash and not strain Mrs ylb.
See ya! Looks like another opportunity missed while sitting on his arschloch scouring whackamole diarrhea.
Did you hear ylb arschloch was arrested for counterfeiting?
He was looking for easy money so decided to start counterfeiting $2 Bills.
Know how ylb did it??
He rubbed the zeroes off of 20’s!
Back in 2004 Senator Clinton screamed about the lack of bird flu vaccine availability. There were leftist pinheads on this blog commenting on how Bush fell down on the job. Well where are these same voices on the H1N1 Mexican Flu vaccine availability? All those undelivered doses promised by the Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm administration. Then the Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm changes the formulation rules and it’s still in short supply.
Sure blame the suppliers now when you all blamed Bush instead of the suppliers back then.
White House calls High Level Cabinet meeting with Pelosi & Reid..
Hillary Clinton angrily looked at Pelosi & Reid and told her them was tired of voters questioning their math and if they couldn’t answer a simple math question, they should resign.
Hillary told Pelosi & Reid to please concentrate….”What is 2 + 2″ Hillary asked.
Pelosi & Reid conferred for several minutes and finally spewed out proudly “4”!
Obama quickly chimed in…”Please Hillary, give them another chance!”
Did you know arschloch won the lottery 10 years ago?
Unfortunately, he selected the option of $1/yr. for a million years!
Regarding the Fort Hood shootings by the crazed libtardo (he was against the war), it seems he just walked on the base with COTS personal hand guns and picked off 42 peeps before being brought down. Why don’t soldiers have their sidearm guns? In Israel a soldier never leaves his M-16 alone. He carries it with him at all times.
Also reports are surfacing his superiors reported his anti-US comments to their WA DC superiors when the Arkansas Recruiter was killed in early June and it fell on deaf ears. Well well well if this comes out as true, what does that say for Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his WA DC military commanders?
It took civilian police to bring this dude down!
Here is the sick Blog post attributed to the murderer:
Wow when NBC CHICAGO makes a comment, you know there is something wrong…
Obama’s Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting – Puddy agrees. He should have opened with sympathy on the Fort Hood massacre, then go on with the Indian Affairs meeting.
Steve, your words about women reveal that you still have some issues from your mom not being in your life.
Your repeated use of the “cunt” word and your feelings about women being freakshows goes far beyond projection at this point..
Please try and think better, more uplifting thoughts today instead of name calling.
Have a better day. Be nice to your neighbors.
No doubt his wife opened up a big can of whoop ass when she got home.
She works too hard for her stay-ay-home-nanny to ruin her money.
As Puddy wrote about Ford having a $1 Billion profit by customers going to Ford… before the AP broke they car sales story…
“Ford has benefited from consumer goodwill because it didn’t take government bailout money or go into bankruptcy protection, as General Motors and Chrysler did.”
See ya!
This thread is a piece of fly paper hanging in a barn.
With apologies to all but “ugly Republican women”, Marvin is a cunt.
Hey HA Libtardos,
Did you know Rachel MadCow doesn’t know the US Constitution has a Preamble… See her make an ASS out of herself at 2:28
And you wonder why her show is in the gutter of ratings like Ed Schultz… wait a minute they have one viewer ylb arschloch…
So Puddy visits the leftist WikiPedia.. as you know the only way to attack libtardos is to use libtardo materiel…
“Preamble to the United States Constitution”
Palin/Bachmann 2012
Yup, two “ugly Republican women”. Oh, and did I mention that Marvin is a cunt?
Just not too long ago msnbc was reporting it was some racist-obama-hating-federal-government-hating-teabagger that killed that census worker and scratched “fed” on his chest.
Now since they have tired of blaming the right-wing, they decide to finally report the truth.
The officials said investigators continue to look closely at suicide as a possible cause of Sparkman’s death for a number of reasons. There were no defensive wounds on Sparkman’s body, and while his hands were bound with duct-tape, they were still somewhat mobile, suggesting he could have manipulated the rope, the officials said.
Steve, please help yourself by not allowing the inner you to control your thinking.
Your inner conversations need to be changed for you to make progress with what you learned as a child.
Have you ever checked out Adult Children of Alcoholics? True, you mom passed many years ago but she did have a negative effect on your upbringing.
Here’s a link to family therapist in the seattle area.
Someone Check This Guy’s References!
“The Metropolitan King County Council has begun thinking about how it will replace departing member Dow Constantine … three elected officials have expressed interest in Constantine’s … council position: Normandy Park Mayor Shawn McEvoy and state Reps. Zack Hudgins and Joe McDermott, both Democrats. McEvoy said he considers himself an independent.”
You know which one I mean.
Steve, only you can help yourself.
Please think better thoughts.
Calling people “cunts” doesn’t help anybody, especially you.
So how will HA Libtardos spin this Fort Hood commentary…
“Soldiers who witnessed the rampage reported that the gunman shouted “Allahu Akbar!” — an Arabic phrase for “God is great!” — before opening fire, said Lt. Gen. Robert Cone, the base commander.“
Marvin googled “projection” the other day and now he thinks he’s a psychologist. Truth is, he’s just a stupid cunt who fucks goats.
Damn Steve, you can’t let a thread pass without the goat references.
Why Steve Why? You’ve got to wean yourself from the Steve’s Stupid Solution!
Marvin @ 28: I remember a speaker at a conference recounting the story of a guy in Texas who was found shot dead, with two bullet wounds to the head. The widow was a prominent socialite. The coroner (who was the local mortuary owner, was elected to the office, and acted as coroner part-time) ruled it a suicide. The coroner claimed that since the first shot to the brain didn’t kill him, the deceased husband must have picked up the rifle and shot himself again in the back of his head.
In another case, a man died from a shotgun blast to his chin while sitting in his truck in a K-Mart parking lot. The insurance company denied the claim, their doctor said it was suicide. The victim’s family brought in a forensic specialist who claimed the victim had accidentally shot himself. The court ordered an independent exam, and the L.A. “Coroner to the Stars” was brought in, who pronounced – it was murder.
Given what we know so far, I’m not buying the suicide theory, without reading all of the investigative reports. So far, nothing authoritive has been posted on SmokingGun.com.
Based on what we know so far, it seems that
there is probably a 95% chance that this guy was murdered, for whatever reason.
There might be a 5% chance that this guy volunteered for the census, went out into redneck country where people have a history of not liking government agents, and when he couldn’t find anybody willing to kill him, he disfigured himself with a sharp object, and then hanged himself in a graveyard. In other words, it may be possible, but highly unlikely.
But that doesn’t stop Fox News from proclaiming the suicide theory as a fact.
Right wing sewer this morning..
Just the stench of defeat.
Now isn’t this interesting…
Shooter advised Obama transition – Fort Hood triggerman aided team on Homeland Security task force
“Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the alleged shooter in yesterday’s massacre at Fort Hood, played a homeland security advisory role in President Barack Obama’s transition into the White House, according to a key university policy institute document.”
Hey arschloch@36,
Charmin was looking for more peeps and being the HA arschloch, you fit the bill. Why didn’t you apply for the yob jlb arschloch?
Well geez, Puddy, the stupid cunt (apologies to all but ugly Republican women) did admit to fucking goats. Need a link?
By the way, Wiley has a great cartoon today. It shows their vision of a great retirement plan for the ordinary Americans. The CEO’s get to take a cruise on the upper deck, everyone else on the lower deck.
Wiley Cartoon 06Nov2009
I’m sorry you are not able to be civil when others are being civil to you.
True, I’m not a psychologist. That’s why I keep suggesting you get help from someone much better trained in helping people like you.
Hmmm… more info appears on this Hasan guy. Under investigation for six months?
“His name appears on radical Internet postings. A fellow officer says he fought his deployment to Iraq and argued with soldiers who supported U.S. wars. He required counseling as a medical student because of problems with patients.”
Great job. This is a problem which starts from the top starting with the CiC. This is worse than Abu Ghraib, but watch as news orgs will claim it’s Bush’s fault. What will John Murtha say? How about Dick Turbin Durbin? Wait and see.
I don’t believe he can help himself. It’s become an addiction for him.
Maybe Steve needs help with his obsessive compulsive disorder.
Considering how many friends of clinton committed suicide shooting themselves in the back of the head, there must be possible.
It was an msnbc link I posted. Sorry.
An unbalanced muslim doctor on an army base in Texas goes on a rampage.
And the moron-in-chief (Stupes) goes paranoid stupid.
I thought at least one wingnut would say, “guns don’t kill, people do.”
Yea, I know it was an MSNBC link. But I caught the Fox News on a TV in a conference room this morning, and they were reporting it as an established fact.
The AARP supports MessiahCare… Nancy LeaMond AARP VP So who is this lady?
Again use the leftist WikiPedia… “She began her career as the Chief of Staff to U.S. Congresswoman Mary Rose Oakar. On March 18, 1993 she was nominated by President Clinton to serve as Assistant U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) for Congressional Affairs. She served as Chief of Staff to U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky.”
She’s a Democratic… No wonder the AARP drank the kook-aid!
Nuff SAID Suckas. The Prosecution Rests.
Indeed, there’s nobody more civil than an HA troll.
Doesn’t that beat all. You a birther and deather too Marv?
Too sick.
Heh. Stupes showing the love for Birther News Daily.
A daily read for the silliest of right wing idiots.
The returns last Tuesday have twisted these fiends into a frenzy of insanity.
An unbalanced unemployed fool@50 on a northwest Seattle blog opens his arschloch and goes on his daily rampage.
We all have to suffer another day.
47 – How moronic. The AARP board has to vote on the position the organization takes on the health care legislation.
Yet Stupes claims one person calls the shots.
So typical of the bathshit insane authoritarian right wing – projects its dictatorial madness on everything.
@50 I think they’re getting used to losing. Last November it took our freaks a month to get back on their feed after their heads exploded. This time around they’re spewing the full speed ahead crazy just a couple days later.
51 – Got orders for me today fiend?
Guess what?
THEY ARE IGNORED! hehhehehe.
Mommy, is Daddy still looking for a job to help put food on the table?
Like the liberal left-leaning ny times said…
U.S. Unemployment Rate Hits 10.2%, Highest in 26 Years
Despite what the obama promised us…
That was a sharp contrast to the Obama administration’s forecast at the start of the year, which predicted that unemployment would not climb much above 8 percent and was widely criticized as unrealistic and too optimistic.
It’s not just the ny times seeing the problem with obama lying about unemployment figures.
Back in july even time magazine noticed that Obama’s Stimulus Plan: Failing by Its Own Measure
Hell no ylb arschloch. Puddy can’t order anyone’s arschloch around let alone HA arschloch!
Little YLB, yes, Daddy says he spends all day looking for work so he can help this family. Anyway, have a good day . . . Mommy has to go to work now to do her part.
Yup, I’m a birther. Along with all the smart democrats I know that palin didn’t giver birth to that trig.
53 – They call losing winning. They went batshit insane over NY-23 predicting a victory for their cult and guess what?
They still call it a victory.
They got two governorships – we got two more votes for healthcare reform in the House.
I’ll take progress in the near term. We’ll find better Dems for those governorships in due time.
@60 I’ll take progress in the near term. We’ll find better Dems for those governorships in due time.
We’ll? Exactly how will you manage that given you’re on HA ALL day EVERY day SEVEN days a week?
And if you could order him around, what would be the first order?
To get a job so his wife doesn’t have to work so hard to support him and the family?
Wanting ylb to get a job is showing concern for his wife that has to work hard to support the family. Why doesn’t ylb believe that his wife deserves some help with supporting the family.
Wow. A big Sarah fan too. I bet you loved when she tripled down on death panels.
They do exist by the way. Insurance companies have been using them to extract paydays on Wall Street for years.
61 – And you? You work hard it seems.
On attacking the liberal leaning regulars here.
You a LaRouchian Dave? Did you paint a little mustache on a picture of Obama?
Zing! Caught a right winger fantasizing about handing out orders.
I love how the right wing dreams of barking orders to those they resent.
Sounds like the obama had a “my pet goat” moment.
Even with his teleprompter he couldn’t manage to say the right stuff.
Good news for obama… the liberal media will edit out the first 4 minutes of his press conference when he’s giving shout-outs. Except for people that view right-wing media will ever know it took obama 4 minutes to say something.
Did obama even once say the word muslim as he was talking about a muslim shooting and killing american troops?
The democrats ALREADY have a majority in the house.
As long as obama, the white house and democrats keep talking about fox, rush and beck the democrats will never get anything passed.
@61 He has enough intelligence to not work. I don’t work either. Why would I, when wages are taxed at 32.65%, but I can sit here and flip stocks all day and pay only 10% on my capital gains and dividends? And why would anyone work for what CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES want to pay for labor? If you like your job, go right ahead and work, don’t let us stop you … but don’t tell us what to do. To each his own.
No why should he? If it was a Catholic who went on a rampage should he mention that?
What have you got against against muslims? There’s over a billion of them in this world.
Are they all “the enemy” to you?
@61 (continued) Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I don’t take orders from anyone! Nobody bosses me around. (Except Mrs. Rabbit.) Another reason not to work. Why would anyone in their right mind want a boss?
You consider someone hoping you’ll get a job to help your wife a right winger fantasizing.
Why am I not surprised.
Say, how do you feel about the government giving us orders to buy health insurance or face the penalty?
Any idea what part of the constitution gives the government to force us to buy insurance?
@66 “Did obama even once say the word muslim as he was talking about a muslim shooting and killing american troops?”
Information about this tragic incident is still sketchy, but based on what I can glean from initial news reports, this appears to have been the solitary act of a mentally ill person whose religion, if it’s relevant at all, caused him to be picked on by his fellow soldiers. In fact, his motive may have been bullying and hazing by colleagues who can’t tolerate anyone who isn’t exactly like themselves.
Typical liberal thought process that the ONLY option is working for someone else.
What about being self-employed or having your own business? Aren’t those options for liberals like you?
Is the shooter a muslim or not?
Would that be considered a fact or opinion?
If he was christian that would be mentioned many times per minute.
Any right winger coming here with a chip on his or her shoulder is fantasizing. It’s one thing if your policies were ascendant and having some positive effect.
But that hasn’t been the case for the longest time has it?
Except in your fantasies of course.
I’m a single payer advocate. I’d much rather everyone be covered automatically and we pay our taxes for it just like in Canada.
But right now I’m ordered to buy auto insurance for my car. Almost the same principle applies.
The same that forces us to buy auto insurance.
You gotta tell us when you drift off to another subject.
We were talking about why the obama didn’t want to say the muslim word when describing someone that killed american troops on american soil.
Not about why obama and the white house can’t tolerate anyone that isn’t exactly like them and attacks fox, rush, beck, etc.
re 74: “If he was christian that would be mentioned many times per minute.”
Was Timothy McVeigh a ‘christian’? I know he was a Republican.
Except that you/I/everybody living is a right granted by our creator. We have unalienable rights as humans.
Driving (legally) is a privilege granted to us by the government. If you don’t want to buy auto insurance, don’t drive. You have a choice.
Where’s my choice when it comes to the obama healthcare fiasco? If I don’t have insurance, by threat of force the government will take from me.
Hmmm.. He’s “the obama” to you. An expression of right wing resentment.
You resent that he had the smarts and the drive to win the White House. Only those promising lower taxes while not saying a peep about where they’d cut spending are supposed to do that.
Why inflame religious divisions? Don’t we have enough of that right now?
What religion was the person that killed abortion doctor george tiller?
If obama couldn’t mention the religion of the fort dix killer, why was the religion of tiller so important?
Hey ylb arschloch,
Since Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm did so well in his jock strapping for Corzine and Deeds NY Governor Patterson is now running on his own.
“Paterson, whose popularity currently hovers in the 20 percent range, was seriously wounded when Obama let it be known he didn’t want Paterson to run because Republicans like Rudy Giuliani consistently beat him in the polls. But Obama’s recent lack of success in backing local candidates, including New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, has empowered Paterson.
“The President went to New Jersey five times for Corzine and wasn’t able to turn that around, so I think here in New York, New Yorkers know everything is local,” said Lynch.”
Good point.
Why call a muslim killer a muslim.
How does that benefit the obama?
What? No resentment there? So not only do you accept the government forcing you to buy auto insurance, you accept that the government “grants” you the “privilege” to drive.
Yet you would choose to resent the government requiring you to buy health insurance, so when when you walked into an emergency room or a doctor’s office you wouldn’t get “free” healthcare.
Wrong again ylb arschloch.
He’s Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm or for those of you wondering why Puddy calls the preznit “the messiah” all you have to do is remember what Donna Brazile said:
Donna Brazile – “First of all, I don’t think they understand the role of a community organizer, often to help people who are in distress, they’ve lost their jobs, they’ve lost their homes, they’ve lost their health care. And for many of us, it’s a time honored tradition to give back, especially those who have been rewarded with so much.
The Bible says to whom much is given much is required and it comes out of that tradition. So it was insulting to see both, you know, the governor as well as Mayor Giuliani criticize people. There’s some on the Internet now that Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor. And perhaps they should understand the role of a community organizer, do help people in distress.”
Evan Thomas, grandson of Norman Thomas that six-time ol socialist candidate for president. – “Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He’s sort of GOD.”
Chris Matthews – “This is the New Testament.”
Lawrence Carter, Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel Dean – “No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don’t expect, like Jesus being born in a manger.”
Bill Jonas – Songwriter – “Prepare your heart to fill with hope; Prepare your mind to embrace the change!”
See Obama be thy name on YouTube
Maybe that’s why spongebob wondermoron, Another TJ, Goldy, Darryl, Lee, and others love TPM, Daily Kook-Aid, CAP, etc… they are looking for their virtual salvation.
There are many more references to him being “the messiah”.
@81: Since Faux News did so well touting Huffman and proclaiming him the “new wave” of conservatism …maybe the idiot teabaggers and the biased Faux News will shut their big fat biased traps this time around?
ylb arschloch wants free health care so he can continue to sit in front of his CRT and prowl whackamole sites while his “wife” slaves at a SEIU sweatshop.
Yep, we know why you want free health care fool!
Find where Obama called that miserable loser a Christian and I’ll concede you have a point.
But I don’t think you’re going to find it.
@78: Stamnidiot
And when you get terminally ill and can’t afford the cost of health care, who will pay to take care of you?
The government.
Why does every other civilized country in the world have the government in thier health care?
Because they realize that health care is different form car insurance – when your car is past it’s usefulness…you junk it!
Only an idiot would seriously compare car insurance to health insurance.
@87 The only people calling that murderer a Christian are the rightwingnut anti-abortion sickos that support and applaud him for murder.
Never gets it right…
1) Hoffman was on the ballot as a conservative.
This was the ballot…
Bill Owens – Democrat
Bill Owens – Liberal
Dede Scozzafava – Republican
Dede Scozzafava – Workers Life Party
Doug Hoffman – Conservative
5th Position below the other 4. Shit Owens didn’t get 50% of the vote correctnotright. Let’s see in 2010 when Hoffman runs again.
84 – As stupid a load of horseshit as I’ve ever seen here.
People get carried away with their enthusiasm for a leader. Big deal.
The only ones I see referring to Obama as “the messiah” or “the one” are right wingers – full of ugly resentment.
The right wing went way over the top with that chimpanzee and Raygun. Worshipped the ground they walked on at the height of their approval.
You don’t go on and on like a freaking broken record about that do you?
ylb arschloch,
You talking about Scott Phillip Roeder Tiller the Baby Killer’s killer?
“n “Failed to remain a law-abiding citizen” because he didn’t file a U.S. income tax return.
n Failed to maintain full-time employment to the best of his ability.
n Failed to provide his Social Security number to an employer as ordered by his probation officer.”
He’s an exconvict who had served time on an explosives charge. Did he know Bill Ayers or Jeff Jones?
Looks like a standard progressive libtardo.
Looking in the mirror again ylb arschloch?
81 – Patterson can do whatever he pleases. It’s up to the voters of NY to vote yea or nay.
@1-@4 — Half of Mr. Cynical’s first 4 posts get deleted from an open thread! Waytago Klown!!
@14 Every once in a while — a very great while — you come up with something that’s actually a little funny. It’s your only saving grace.
@24 “This thread is a piece of fly paper hanging in a barn.”
Every thread in this blog is flypaper. And it keeps catching the same flies, day after day.
@31 “Please think better thoughts.”
Why should he? Have you forgotten that we’re dealing with Christo-fascist America-hating traitors here?
@37 So what? Bush’s vice president was a torturer.
do you really think the public option is going to be cheaper than the private option? honestly?
who told you that? because they lied.
I just let the worst bubble out of these freaks.
And they never disappoint.
I’m still waiting for the john edwards lied about him cheating on a wife that had cancer concession.
If the edwards concession is the standard, even when the words come out of his own mouth you don’t consider that valid enough proof.
As a safety net for people that really need it.
For example, if I know the government is going to take care of my needs, why should I save/spend for healthcare, retirement, etc.?
Maybe because those countries weren’t founded on the same principles as this country?
Have you noticed the enter/exit gates at the border? I don’t see a lot of exodus to europe.
let’s not get into the way americans throw their parents off on other people.
Like your words above comparing us to other civilized countries, let’s see how you compare… When your mother in law gets too old to live on her own, will you let her move in with you for the last 2-3 years of her life? Other countries/cultures would, it’s not an american value.
Exactly. That’s what I thought when ylb brought it up.
As I was memorizing the obama administration’s press release on october unemployment while on the metro this morning, I came across something that I thought was funny.
Which one of these is not like the others?
Hint, the one the obama wants to take over.
Construction employment decreased by 62,000 in October.
Manufacturing continued to shed jobs 61,000 in October
Retail trade lost 40,000 jobs in October.
transportation and warehousing decreased by 18,000
in October.
Health care employment continued to increase in October (29,000)
bush last 14 months of his presidency – 3.2 million jobs lost
obama in 9 short months of his presidency – 4.1 million jobs last.
not hope
39. Steve spews:
Drunk again?
You told us your Mom died when you were young.
That’s sad. But to use that one event to first attack God and then women using the “C”-word over & over & over again is beyond pale.
You are a loser steve.
Get help with your anger and hate of Christians & women.
How would the rest of your Yacht Klub members like your posts Steve?? Do you think they’d rip off your Kommador thingamabobs??
Pathetic steve.
68. Roger Rabbit spews:
Rog, you continue to perpetuate the LIE.
Flipping stocks means short-term trades.
They are taxed as ordinary income.
You know it…but perpetuate the lie.
And Dividends are after-tax income…already taxed at the Corporate level.
But hey..
Roger Rabbit picked the Phils in 4 or 5.
Roger Rabbit said I was stupid for investing in Gold when it was at $1020 last week.
Roger don’t know much.
Bitter old man with an oxygen tank.
Did you know Rog that anger, jealousy & envy can restrict your oxygen flow??
Become a Conservative and breath again!
Mr. Klynical is a cunt (apologies to all but “ugly Republican women whose husbands fuck goats”).
I always sensed that he drank from his comments.
I hope Steve helps himself to a more enjoyable life.
After all, how enjoyable could it be for him to spend so much of his time and thoughts to write about us and goats instead of getting out in the fresh air and enjoying nature.
Marvin is a cunt (apologies to all but ugly Republican women whose husbands fuck goats).
Did your therapist suggest you get out some of deep-seated anger?
Well good for you Steve.
“Did your therapist suggest you get out some of deep-seated anger?”
Projection. It’s a Psych 101 thing. But I’m glad you’re seeing a therapist. Have you mentioned the goat?
@106 Roger don’t know much.
Well, if his use – and struggles with – AOL for his browser selection are any indication . . .
Meanwhile, dumb bunny wrote elsewhere:
That’s roughly equal to the 10X spread between Bush’s private mercenaries ($150,000 a year) and soldiers ($15,000 a year), which tells you all you need to know about how little respect Bush had for our soldiers.
Compensation figures for “private security contractors” were widely reported in the news media as being in the neighborhood of $150,000 a year.
But you STILL have provided any of those ubiquitous newspaper sources that you said you’d relied upon – google answer? – and anecdotal data doesn’t provide an overall analysis of what private contractors in general make.
You also selected a SINGLE bracket for military compensation:
You’d have to work a little harder to come up with an average compensation, and you haven’t come near to that.
You also ignored housing, health care, enlistment bonuses, and educational benefits:
Your original 15K claim is just a little inane, dumb bunny.
And this:
In 2003, when Bush invaded Iraq, an E-3 with less than 2 years of service earned basic pay of $1356.90 a month or $16,282.80 . . . Basic pay for the same individual is a little under $20,000 a year as of 2009.
The point being what – there’s been an improvement after inflation?
And FYI, private contractors are more numerous than ever in Afghanistan, so not much has changed under the current administration:
“The report also adds that nearly 70,000 contractors are now deployed in Afghanistan on the US government payroll, meaning there are now more contractors than US soldiers (48,000) in Afghanistan . . . “In the second quarter of 2009,” the report notes, “the Obama administration increased the number of armed private contractors in Afghanistan by 29 percent.”
And that includes Blackwater.
72. Roger Rabbit spews:
Information about this tragic incident is still sketchy, but based on what I can glean from initial news reports, this appears to have been the solitary act of a mentally ill person whose religion, if it’s relevant at all, caused him to be picked on by his fellow soldiers. In fact, his motive may have been bullying and hazing by colleagues who can’t tolerate anyone who isn’t exactly like themselves.
So says Roger Rabbit. But, . . .
“The US Army major who killed 13 people in a shooting spree at America’s biggest military base had come to the attention of the FBI six months earlier over possible links to extremist comments posted on the internet.
“Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a devout Muslim who was trying to buy his way out of the Army, was suspected of being the author of postings which compared suicide bombers to heroic soldiers who throw themselves onto grenades to save others.”
To follow up on Steve’s inquiry above, let me suggest that you simply can’t make any progress with your therapist until you raise the goat issue. I know it’s tough and it’ll be embarrassing, but you’ll have therapist-patient privilege so your secret will be protected. Go for it, Marv. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.
Yes Steve, it is a psych101 thing.
How many times have you mentioned projection Steve?
A little self-reflection might help you. If nothing else, check out some of the threads you’ve commented in. Count the number of times you write about projection or goatsex. You’ll be amazed.
“My thoughts and prayers will be with you.”
Me too!
“How many times have you mentioned projection Steve?”
Not enough. Obviously.
Look, Marvin, I have a degree in psychology as well as engineering. I have experience as a therapist and co-founded a therapy clinic in Boulder, Colorado back in the early 70’s. With your every post you project your psycho-shit (Psych 401 term, google it). If you don’t mind, I’ll keep pointing it out, thank you. Just bear in mind that it’s for your own good. And like my good friend Proud Leftist, I pray for you. And the goat.
Steve @ 116
You’d think Marvin would show a bit more gratitude for all the concern and sympathy extended toward him. Sheesh. I guess it’s true that no good deed goes unpunished.
@117 I really do want to help the ungrateful twit.
107. Steve spews:
109. Steve spews:
116. Steve spews:
That explains some of it.
But I think your bigger issue is your mom dying when you were young.
Would she be proud of your language Steve??
I’m fortunate that my mom is a cancer survivor, 80 and healthy/vibrant.
What a blessing.
I grew up with both a Mom & Dad that stayed married for 46 years until Dad died.
My wife also was blessed with a family unit (married over 55 years).
Hopefully you will let go of your deep-seated anger.
The way you talk about women, was your Mom a hooker steve??
Seriously…did she somehow disappoint you?
Seems like there is more there than she died way too young.
I suggest an appointment at the Boulder Clinic you founded.
Most psychologists desperately need one.
You are proof.
Another fart bubble from ylb’s arschloch!
@119 Lordy, a dumbfuck freak in a soiled KLOWN Kostume. Need therapy much?
When gbs was making the point he was better than me he talked about owning a couple putt-putt cars, sending his kids to school, etc.. Is your talk of degrees your way?
Psychologists aren’t allowed to treat themselves are they?
Steve, did you notice as I’m being nice to you that it is reflected in your words how much it bothers you? I’m sorry. Would it be better for you if I just kept linking your badly chosen words? Your choice Steve, what ever hel;ps you the most.
Have I mentioned that Marvin is a cunt (apologies to all but ugly Republican women whose husbands fuck goats)? And have I mentioned that he fucks goats? Hey, he said so himself – says it dumbed him down.
Say, Marvin, perhaps if you stopped fucking goats then you wouldn’t be so fucking “dumbed down”. You ever think of that? Or are you just too “dumbed down” at this point to even process a thought?
Maybe if you wore one of these it’d remind you to stop fucking that poor, hapless goat. It probably wouldn’t smarten you up any, but at least you might avoid dumbing down any further than you already have.
Thank you for sharing your feelings Steve.
“Thank you”
No problem, goatfucker. Anytime.
I don’t want to point it out, but under other circumstances I would point out you decided not to include 2 sentences in your quote.
I’m sure you had a good reason to omit them Steve.
Do you feel with your OCD type behavior regarding goat sex that messages 123-125 are a step backwards for you?
Heh- “OCD”. Just can’t stop projecting, can you? Thats OK, Marvin, it’s a Psych 101 thing.
If you’re willing to enter into a long-term intensive abreactive therapy, Marvin, perhaps we could get to the bottom of why it is you fuck goats. Are you game?
Heh- Right now Marvin’s googling “abreactive”.
“I don’t want to point it out, but under other circumstances I would point out you decided not to include 2 sentences in your quote.”
Would those “other circumstances” be if those two sentences actually helped your sorry ass?
You keep reaching out to Marvie, yet he resists help. From your psych background, you can probably tell us why there are certain individuals who resist the help they so clearly need. I know there are differences among such individuals, and differing pathologies. Why do you think Marvie resists the helping hand you so selflessly offer?