I suppose when the slaughter of 2010 finally comes around, you KLOWNS will once again have something to complain about. Being in power ain’t your strong suit, is it?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 29% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11.
The President’s Approval Index rating is -4 among women and -17 among men.
Fifty-seven percent (57%) of voters nationwide believe the health care proposal being considered by Congress would raise the cost of care while 53%believe the quality of care would go down.
Meanwhile Gallup has his overall approval rating at 52% and with the Dems finally getting some balls and getting a good health care bill on the table that should help as well.
Cynical and the GOP are delusional which is no surprise seeing how they they have gotten their ass beat the past few elections.
Rasmussen is a GOP tool and I know they will try to deny it but that doesn’t make it true. We can argue over which poll is right till the cows come home but we shall see what happens in 2010 and 2012. If I am wrong I will be willing to admit it but will Cynical and the GOP?
Naw, that’s not in their nature.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
While Obama meditates on Afghanistan, more American’s die! 8 more today thanks to the failure of our Commander in Chief to fight to win…or get out.
Taliban strengthens in resolve…our soldiers are sitting ducks.
October is the RECORD # of AMERICAN DEATHS in Afghanistan. Families of soldiers HATE Obama and his inaction.
From the Associated Press–
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in multiple bomb attacks Tuesday in southern Afghanistan, making October the deadliest month of the war for U.S. forces since it began in 2001. The eight deaths occurred during “multiple, complex” bomb strikes that also killed one Afghan civilian, the U.S. military said in a statement. Several troops were wounded and evacuated to a nearby medical facility, the military said. No other details were immediately available.
The deaths bring to 55 the total number of American troops killed in October in Afghanistan. The previous high occurred in August, when 51 U.S. soldiers died and the troubled nation held the first round of its presidential elections amid a wave of Taliban insurgent attacks.
Obama is HATED by our troops and their families. He has blood on his hands.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
2. Matt spews:
Meanwhile Gallup has his overall approval rating at 52% and with the Dems finally getting some balls and getting a good health care bill on the table that should help as well.
You don’t get it Matt–
Strong Approval vs. Strong Disapproval polling LIKELY VOTERS is the strongest indicator of where Obama is heading.
Gallup polls Adults.
Plus, Approval #’s include WEAK Approval.
Keep reading the Daily Kos, Huffington Post and the tanking MSNBC Klowns for your “news”.
Our troops HATE Obama.
The families HATE Obama.
Can you imagine having a family member killed while the inept, no experience CIC tries to figure out what to do next AFTER committing in March??
It’s appalling.
Impeach Obama!!
I’ll take MSNBC over fox any day much more legitimate. And somewhat or weak approval is still approval.
Thew statement that families and troops hate Obama is bull I know plenty of troops that voted and like our President.
Obama’s pointy noggin’ is spinning.
People are questioning his ability to lead EN MASSE!
Obama ought to resign.
Good soldiers are NOT re-upping.
Obama is gutting our fine Military so we can be more Equal with the rest of the world.
Obamunism===being rejected by most.
STRONGLY rejected.
Caught a bit of Hannity on the radio yesterday. In the midst of being appoplectic about Harry Reid’s press conference he let out this, “(Reid) and the democrats are going to ram the public option through even though every poll in America, at least if it’s reputable, says the public doesn’t support it.” Or words to that effect.
Polls like say these:
Pew Research (Oct. 8) 55% in favor
CNN/Time (Oct. 16-18) 61% in favor
WaPo/ABC (Oct 15-18) 57% in favor
Qunnipiac (Sept. 29-Oct. 5) 61% in favor
As usual, Hannity beleives in his heart, in his soul that what he believes is what everyone in America beleives. But as usual, Hannity is just makin’ shit up.
Funny how Cyn’s favorite, Rasmussen doesn’t poll the public option but instead surveys support for “President Obama’s Health Care Plan” poll. (Quick, find me the text of Obama’s plan. Oh right, he didn’t put one out, that’s what Congress is doing.) Where I come from that’s known as a biased survey question.
proud leftistspews:
Cynical: “Obama is HATED by our troops and their families. He has blood on his hands.”
You vile, wicked piece of shit. I know goddamned well that you are cheering on the loss of American lives in Afghanistan because you believe wingnuts will gain political advantage from such loss. Bush, who took his mind off Afghanistan to pursue his pointless war in Iraq, has blood on his hands, up his ass, and in his heart. You, who never sees fault in any politician who has an R after his or her name, want to cast blame at Obama for failing to solve in 9 months a mess that Bush took 7 years to create. You don’t know what the troops think; their thoughts are not monolithic. Don’t try to speak for anyone but your own pathetic, cowardly self.
@8 “I know goddamned well that you are cheering on the loss of American lives in Afghanistan because you believe wingnuts will gain political advantage from such loss.”
His constantly putting party before country is bad enough, but Mr. Klynical now so obviously revels in the death of American troops thinking that this somehow benefits the Republican party. Then he has the nerve to speak for them, or so he thinks.
“You vile, wicked piece of shit.”
You are too kind.
# 6: The articles I read quote that the U.S. official was a former career military officer who resigned because he thinks having the U.S. military in Afganistan is counter-productive, and that we should withdraw rather than blindly send in more troops.
Kind of different take that what Puddy and Cynical would advise, i.e., blindly putting in more troops. Seems to indicate that a careful consideration of strategy would be a good idea, doesn’t it?
Instead, they jump to the opposite conclusion without bothering to inform themselves of the details.
Mr. Concervycalspews:
Kynical’s just blathering now. He knows(or, ‘nos’, in Kynispeak)that his side is losing big time.
It’s only a matter of time before private health insurance is dead and we have a gay,ex-marine, black president who is in a long-term, committed gay marriage.
Mr. Concervycalspews:
Dee Snyder’s a Republican.
. proud leftist spews:
Cynical: “Obama is HATED by our troops and their families. He has blood on his hands.”
You vile, wicked piece of shit. I know goddamned well that you are cheering on the loss of American lives in Afghanistan because you believe wingnuts will gain political advantage from such loss. Bush, who took his mind off Afghanistan to pursue his pointless war in Iraq, has blood on his hands, up his ass, and in his heart. You, who never sees fault in any politician who has an R after his or her name, want to cast blame at Obama for failing to solve in 9 months a mess that Bush took 7 years to create. You don’t know what the troops think; their thoughts are not monolithic. Don’t try to speak for anyone but your own pathetic, cowardly self.
Standard operating procedure for repubs and The Holy Cynical who is Ordained by God to Condemn All Hellbound Atheists(e.g. anybody disagreeing in any way from Holier Than Anybody Else Cynical)
Fucking septic hypocrite.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
You vile, wicked piece of shit. I know goddamned well that you are cheering on the loss of American lives in Afghanistan because you believe wingnuts will gain political advantage from such loss.
Wow Proud Leftist… This is the same argument Puddy made with you fools before GWBush left 1/20/09. You all were hoping for a terrorist attack so he couldn’t leave saying he wasn’t attacked.
Puddy notices Proud Leftist hasn’t been reading Stratfor lately. Or Military Times. Butt then again a Libtardo actually reading anything military is a problem. Exploding head syndrome.
“Dear POTUS If you are going to send more in, agree to support them and those already there to the fullest. If this is a war, fight it as such not some PC event where we are trying to win the hearts of the world. Full support should be a non-negotiable when it comes to our servicemembers in harm’s way. — 668203”
11. Mr. Concervycal spews:
Kynical’s just blathering now. He knows(or, ‘nos’, in Kynispeak)that his side is losing big time.
It’s only a matter of time before private health insurance is dead and we have a gay,ex-marine, black president who is in a long-term, committed gay marriage.
Are you mocking the Holy Konservicks?????
Today’s Seattle Times’s headline says: “Boeing, Union Bicker while S.C. Readies Sweatener”.
Yep, according to the Times headline writers, the Union is quibling about the place settings, while somebody else is stealing the turkey dinner from out of the kitchen back door. The unstated message: “If only the Union would be reasonable and agree to anything the company offers, then we could all enjoy a feast!”
Of course, the article itself lays out the details which present a considerably more complex picture. Boeing wants a ten-year no-strike pledge, and the Union has agreed, but only if it gets some protections in return for surrendering the only bullet available in it’s gun.
The big issue is whether this agreement would be worth the paper it’s written on. Remember that some five years ago the State, King and Snohomish Counties, and the City of Everett made considerable expenditures and investment in Boeing plants, even paying for the training of the new employess for the 787 line. Mukilteo expended considerable money to plan for an expansion of it’s port facilities to accomodate 787 sections being brought in by ocean (after which Boeing decided to build special-purpose 747’s to use instead). All this was done to induce Boeing to locate the 787 line in Everett.
Then a year ago, IAM went on strike, largly over outsourcing issues, which the Union believed was resolved when it signed the contract last November.
Then just nine months later, Boeing buys the Vought facilities and signals that future 787 production will move to South Carolina. Sure, they are only referring to the 2nd assembly line now – but that makes so little economic sense (double the logistics nightmares and duplicate costs), that it’s pretty clear that once a 2nd line is up and running in Charleston, they would then move the first assembly line there, also.
So the Union wants a simple promise from Boeing. No new models will have final assembly outside of the Puget Sound Region during that ten-year period. After all, what good does it do the IAM to enter into a ten-year no-strike pledge, only to have Boeing relocate a 737 line elsewhere two or three years from now, cutting at least one-half of the Union (and non-union) workforce? Don’t forget that a lot of people think the 747-8 is only a stopgap measure, and that Boeing will also have to do a major re-design of that airframe sometime in the next five years as well.
But the Seattle Times apparantly thinks we should wait to argue about those issues until later, when the Union, State, Counties, and Cities have nothing left to give in return for Boeing staying here.
On the shop floor, lots of Boeing workers, both machinists and engineers, are tired of seeing their jobs given to contract labor, especially since they are having to correct their mistakes and then are blamed for any resulting delays. They figure that unless they fight now, their jobs will be gone within five years anyway. They figure they might as well fight while they still have something to fight with, replacing their Union leadership in the process if necessary. Some have advocating dropping their tools and walking out the moment Boeing announces a move to Charleston, shutting down all assembly lines in the process. McNerny would probably say that’s a reason to move ALL production out of the area, but Boeing couldn’t withstand a strike lasting more than a couple of weeks right now, wildcat or otherwise. It might be the end of McNerney as CEO.
By the way, I saw the 1994 movie “Disclosure” (Michael Douglas, Demi Moore)on TV over the weekend. The book was much better. But it reminded me that when dealing with someone who’s acting in bad faith, an agreement might not be the conclusion of the fight – it might just be a deceptive measure to lay the groundwork and take your attention away from the real fight. It’s quite possible that Boeing doesn’t really plan to start a 787 line in Charleston right now, but it wants to get the Union to sign an agreement which insures it against a strike when they move another line (737NG-2, or 747NG) to Charleston.
“You all were hoping for a terrorist attack so he couldn’t leave saying he wasn’t attacked.”
Um, Puddy, in case you didn’t notice, we were attacked on GWB’s watch. Three thousand dead. I’d have thought that you’d have noticed, what with the falling WTC towers and all.
Obama’s hated by our servicemen in Afganistan? That’s news to my nephew, who is currently serving in Afganistan. And he’s been a Republican all his life.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Steve vomits:
His constantly putting party before country is bad enough
Huh? I don’t have a Party numbskull.
Unlike you, I see the deep flaws and disgust put forth on the American people by BOTH Parties.
I’m a CONSERVATIVE…not a Republican.
That’s why I disliked Bush and his old man.
They are NOT true Conservatives.
How disingenuous of proud leftist and the other KLOWNS who cheered for more & more American deaths out of hate for Bush. You KLOWNS merely wanted to cut & run.
I say FIGHT TO WIN or LEAVE….but not just sit there like Obama is doing with his thumb wedged deeply up his ass.
Grow up you partisan KLOWNS.
Demand your leader lead…not sit back while Americans die.
FIGHT TO WIN or LEAVE….now & always.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
John Effin Kerry is your “military hero”. He’s now Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s “Afghanistan General.
Why do you HA Libtardos hate America? They support Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm dithering while Marine soldiers wither. This is now his war since he came out with his strategy in March 2009. He chose 3-star McChrystal over the 4-star general Bush had in there. Now he is making it political while great men die in battle. Why do you HA Libtardos hate America?
Puddy thinks Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his disciples hate the military because the military takes young boys and girls, gives them life structure, gives them life direction, teaches them to depend on each other, teaches them teamwork, teaches them cohesiveness, teaches them honor, teaches them love of country, and it teaches the to see through Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm political BULLSHITTIUM!
Look that up ylb arschloch… you won’t find it on any web site fool!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
rujax, don’t read this. It’s better if you stay a dumb cinder block.
Once again correctnotright talking out of his arschloch… In fact he’s becoming more like his cousin ylb arschloch every day…
“In the press gaggle aboard Air Force One this afternoon, White House Press Secretary Gibbs admitted the Obama administration received and was briefed on the Bush team’s review of Afghanistan.”
“While some of the information was helpful, the President obviously found it instructive to do a review of his own, and that’s what Bruce Riedel did in the spring, which led to the President signing off on additional forces that went to Afghanistan.”
– Just as Puddy called it when Lee wrote his STUPID thread about Cheney. The March 2009 Afghanistan decisions came from the military intelligence from Bush during December and January as Roger Cressey admitted to and of course correctnotright said NO NO NO it didn’t happen. Puddy used the December 18, 2008 edition of the NY Times. Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm now owns Afghanistan correctnotright just like you own fools gold for a brain!
correctnotright – providing side splitting laughter for us who think right. AGAIN! In his head he’s always correct, but not right!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Yeah Steve, the noted blabbermouth Richard Clarke told us somewhere we’d be attacked but had no specifics. Roger Cressey admitted as much. Roger Rabbit used Sidney Blumenthal noted left-wing idiot for a retort. Butt you seem to forget these 19+ dudes came in before January 2001 and were not tracked by a previous administration.
Funny how you forget that small but bizarre fact.
Keep dope alive. You are doing so well. And you told me you gave up the Steve’s Stupid Solution.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Have you noticed that 2 months of record US deaths in Afghanistan while Mmmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmmmm sits on this thumb has resulted in almost zero reporting & analysis by the MSM?
Almost zero outrage by the KLOWNS?
Funny how these KLOWNS get amnesia when it’s convenient.
Do you think they have all gulped a fatal overdose of BARRY’S STUPID SOLUTION???
They seem do be staggering in a pretend world where everyone just listens to Barry O, does what he says, doesn’t dare challenge him.
Think how easy all of our lives would be if we just listening to Barry O and did what he demanded??!
Part of the KLOWN mentality is a deep desire to be taken care of and not have to think.
Barry O is their guy!
Just go to the mailbox for your check.
Go to the Doc…IT’S FREE.
FREE bus passes.
FREE Education.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Now Cynical, some libtardo MSM have reported it. Butt as MRS Puddy asked where are the nightly news reports of the KIA like they had every night when GWBush was in office?
They are MIA!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I said “almost zero’…which means a passing, excuse-filled mention.
Did you see this just in.
Liebermann says NO to Health Care Bill with Public Option!! More NO’s to come from Nelson, Lincoln and others.
Independent Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman said Tuesday that he would back a Republican filibuster against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s health care reform bill if a government-backed insurance plan remains in the package. The announcement is a blow to the Democratic leader and signals that he does not yet have the votes to advance the bill. While Reid needs just 51 votes to pass the package, he needs 60 votes to crush a filibuster.
“If the bill remains what it is now, I will not be able to support a cloture motion before final passage,” Lieberman told reporters, adding that he’s willing to vote to bring the bill to the floor for debate.
Payback is sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!
These KLOWNS really believe Reid is sincere in his efforts here.
Reid knows damn well he doesn’t have the votes and did it anyway so the KLOWNS can be appeased.
Look how hard Harry tried they cry!!
Yeah right.
The arguments over the various strategies in Afganistan cover all aspects. The use of indescriminate bombings which caused unnecessary civilian casualties during the Bush era was identified as the reason behind the upsurge in support for the Taliban, so it was restricted. But now commanders on the ground are complaining that they can’t get air or artillary support when they need it, because the Taliban are using civilians as a shield against such support.
And curruption within the existing Afgan government is identified as another reason for the upsurge in Taliban support, so Obama pretty wisely decides to wait before committing more troops to see if the new election changes that dynamic. It’s only a couple of weeks away.
Likewise, we have the attempt to intefere with the Opium cultivation, which supports U.S. drug policies and cuts off economic support for the Taliban. But it makes us pretty unpopular with the rural population, for whom this is their only real means of earning a living.
So, Puddy, give us your advice. Do we increase bombing, and possibly temporarily save some American infantrymen while turning more Afgans into our enemy? Do we add more troops to patrol remote mountains and valleys, or reduce our visable presence in order to look less like foreign occupiers? Do we let the Afgans cultivate opium poppies, making drugs cheaper in the U.S. and funding our adversaries, or do we interfere with production, making more enemies?
We wait while you dither.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “I suppose when the slaughter of 2010”
Don’t worry, I’m getting plenty of sausage casings ready to stuff with Ground Republican.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 (continued) Given that 3/4ths of the American public supports health care reform, and 100% of Republican congressmen and senators oppose a public option, obviously it hasn’t occurred to you what’s going to happen to the congressmen and senators who vote for Business As Usual.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Spoken like a balless cut-and-run Republican.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “Dear POTUS If you are going to send more in, agree to support them and those already there to the fullest.”
Oh like you guys did? (Camera pans to Cher press conference pleading for public donations to buy helmets for soldiers in Iraq because Bush Pentagon wouldn’t.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Which reminds me … I donated $100 to OPERATION HELMET and I’ll bet our trolls collectively didn’t donate 100 cents between all of them. What an unpatriotic bunch of soldier-hating cheapskate bastards!
Puddy @ 20: Will you PLEASE take a couple of community college courses in English composition? It’s getting very tiring to try to decypher your posts, which appear to be written in some sort of dialect which is unknown to most of the English-speaking world. I’ve had better luck reading text messages from an eleven year old!
It’s bad enough that you make things up, insert links from right-wing sites that you haven’t bothered to read, and jump from intent to conclusion without inserting logic in between. But your lack of skills with the English language make you sound like an escaped inmate from a mental health ward.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
The use of indescriminate bombings which caused unnecessary civilian casualties during the Bush era was identified as the reason behind the upsurge in support for the Taliban, so it was restricted.
So rhp6033 you must mean those predator strikes earlier this year in Pakistan which claimed the lives of many innocent civilians.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
It’s bad enough that you make things up, insert links from right-wing sites that you haven’t bothered to read, and jump from intent to conclusion without inserting logic in between. But your lack of skills with the English language make you sound like an escaped inmate from a mental health ward.
Oh really rhp6033, or is it your head explodes with truthful facts so you claim it’s unreadable?
Why do you HA Libtardos hate America? They support Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm dithering while Marine soldiers wither. This is now his war since he came out with his strategy in March 2009. He chose 3-star McChrystal over the 4-star general Bush had in there. Now he is making it political while great men die in battle. Why do you HA Libtardos hate America?
Why do you HA Libtardos hate America? Too hard to decipher per rhp6033…
They support Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm dithering while Marine soldiers wither. You are part of they rhp6033. You voted for Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm. Too hard to decipher per rhp6033…
This is now his war since he came out with his strategy in March 2009. Who came out with their Afghanistan strategy in March 2009? Or as Puddy suspects, you are just a historical moron? Too hard to decipher per rhp6033…
He chose 3-star McChrystal over the 4-star general Bush had in there. Too hard to decipher per rhp6033…
Now he is making it political while great men die in battle. Too hard to decipher per rhp6033…
Why do you HA Libtardos hate America? Too hard to decipher per rhp6033…
Puddy thinks Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his disciples hate the military because the military takes young boys and girls, gives them life structure, gives them life direction, teaches them to depend on each other, teaches them teamwork, teaches them cohesiveness, teaches them honor, teaches them love of country, and it teaches the to see through Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm political BULLSHITTIUM! What the military does for your peeps is too hard to decipher per rhp6033…
And you deal with overseas peeps?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
rhp6033 reminds Puddy of Proud Leftist… Proud Leftist had problems deciphering Professor Darryl comments.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm once said in June 2009: “Any Nation including Iran has a right to access peaceful nuclear power if it complies with it’s responsibilities under the NPT”.
So why are HA Libtardo Progressives against nuclear power plants in the US? This is the real clean energy source for our times. France loves it. Progressive Libtardos are against it.
Is that too hard for you to comprehend rhp6033?
Mr. Concervycalspews:
re 33: “So rhp6033 you must mean those predator strikes earlier this year in Pakistan which claimed the lives of many innocent civilians.”
I have information that proves they were making WMD to take to Iraq.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 “sound like an escaped inmate from a mental health ward”
Light Water reactors are a right wing boondoggle. It’s a miracle that any of them are built given they are such a threat to the fossil fuel industries.
Being expensive works nicely for the right wing. They are so expensive that few are built and the ones that are built reward the players well – good enough until the next desperate sucker falls for the sales pitch.
I’m pro-nuclear but anti-uranium cycle. I support truly cheap nuclear power using the liquid flouride thorium reactor. Way cheaper than the pressurized light water reactor boondoggles. If you’re truly pro-nuclear, you should support it as well.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 No, and if you’d read a fucking newspaper once in a while, you might know what he’s talking about.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 “So why are HA Libtardo Progressives against nuclear power plants in the US?”
Yes, because the Price-Anderson Act shifts the burden of catastrophic financial losses resulting from an accident from plant operators to local business and residential property owners, who have no control over plant operations, and that’s a dealbreaker.
41 – Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactors are not pressurized so I believe the risks are substantially reduced but probably not enough for private insurers.
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 35
Does it ever cross your mind that perhaps you are not communicating as effectively as you might be able?
Post # 34 is an example which proves my point.
Perhaps Puddy should take the advice of the Benjamin Franklin: “It is better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt”.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Once again the ylb arschloch pipes in with BULLSHITTIUM
Light Water reactors are a right wing boondoggle.
Where did Puddy mention light water reactor fucktard?
You are the biggest arschloch in HA history going waaaaaaaaaaaaay past JCH and byebyegop. Puddy is referring to the French Reactors identified in the Wikipedia. Puddy made no comment on the reactor type. Puddy asks why progressive libtardos are against nuclear power. And yes Puddy understands the fluoride thorium reaction (liquid salt) process. Butt arschloch will the technology be ready soon?
Puddy @ 36:
“So why are HA Libtardo Progressives against nuclear power plants in the US? This is the real clean energy source for our times. France loves it. Progressive Libtardos are against it.
Is that too hard for you to comprehend rhp6033?”
Gee, I’ve never said anything about nuclear power on this forum. You have no idea of my opinions on nuclear power. But as usual, you imply that you know my opinions, and argue against them. That’s pretty much the definition of the “straw man” fallacy in logical reasoning.
For your information, my father was a nuclear engineer. He also worked in aerospace as an engineer before that. My little finger knows more about the nuclear engineering industry than you will know in your lifetime.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Maybe rhp6033@44 should remove head from kook-aid pitcher and think before opening mouth.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
rhp6033: Are you an HA Progressive Libtardo? Are Progressive Libtardos against nuclear power? Absolutely you dope. Since Goldy has brought this up before and you never participated means you are not a progressive libtardo?
Did you study it in college rhp6033? Puddy had to as part of ROTC studies. It was mandatory for my major. Butt don’t let those high speed neutrons zero in on that femtometer brain. Ask Goldy about CHESS!
So yes as your side lumps all conservatives together welcome to reality rhp6033…
“Did you study it in college rhp6033?”
I graduated in the top 5% of my class as an undergraduate, getting a four-year degree in three years. I earned a graduate degree (graduating in the middle of my class, but receiving other honors in the process). I also worked part-time throughout college.
I think you could say that I did, indeed, study.
Where did Puddy mention light water reactor
Those are the reactors in commercial use today asshole, those are the ones in France which you right wingers tout endlessly and those are the ones most favored by the right wing because the right wing is corrupted through and through by greed.
Progressives think of people first and the bigger picture like the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation.
Are these the death panels palin was talking about?
Marvin Stamnspews:
50. YLB spews:
Those are the reactors in commercial use today asshole, those are the ones in France which you right wingers tout endlessly and those are the ones most favored by the right wing because the right wing is corrupted through and through by greed.
So you’re against nuclear power because of the greed of the right wing?
Check out this little youtube about greed. Only 2:23 long.
So you’re against nuclear power
52 – Nope read what I wrote again idiot. I oppose the nuclear status quo.
(Don’t worry I don’t expect you to.)
51 – That’s good news. A good part of the reform will be raising medicaid eligibility. States will need to invest to squeeze out fraud. The savings will fund legitimate health care.
So when the right wing says there’s no money – they’re lying.
Lies and greed – hallmark signatures of right wing politics.
@6: Hey dimwit Klynical – sis you even read WHY the military officer resigned?
He resigned because he believes the presence of the US military in Afghanistan is counterproductive and fuels the insurgency…of course, this whole prblem was exacerbated by Bush invading Iraq for no reason.
Wow, a true idiot like Klynical really can’t analyze his way out of a paper bag. Fool!
When doctors or patients commit fraud in a Medicare program, it is a criminal offense. People go to jail.
When CEO’s of insurance companies institute policies which routinely deny patient’s claims, they get tens of millions of dollars in bonuses, in addition to their salaries and other perks. Yet the Republicans think that’s fine.
Medicare, even with the occasional fraud (which is rooted out precisely because it is a government program – if it were private you would never know about it), is far more efficient in handling claims than private insurers.
38. Roger Rabbit spews:
@32 “sound like an escaped inmate from a mental health ward”
That’s been apparent for a long time.
The whole lot of them are batshit crazy.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
So rhp6033 studied nuclear engineering. Wanna meet at a DL sometime to discuss future activities? Puddy would like to power data centers with nuclear power systems. We can discuss these and other ideas over some carbonated beverages.
“Puddy would like to power data centers with nuclear power systems.”
Speaking of batshit crazy.
Will Puddy discuss how to get rid of spent nuclear waste?
Will Puddy discuss the effect of I125 on thyroid cancer?
Nuclear power would be ideal IF we knew how to safely get rid of the waste….unfortunately, we don’t. Nuclear is also extremely expensive.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Looks like the HA favorite son Alan Grayson beloved by many HA Libtardos…
Wanna discuss Auburn University’s Center for Actinide Science and their suggestions correctnotright?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
So correctnotright,
You deal in diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals? My neighbor is a urologist. Been paying attention to Zevalin for testicular cancer? We ride bikes so we discuss it.
@55 He resigned because he believes the presence of the US military in Afghanistan is counterproductive and fuels the insurgency…of course, this whole prblem was exacerbated by Bush invading Iraq for no reason.
Well what principled stand are you taking? If you’re against it what have you done to end it?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Well what principled stand are you taking?
You’re asking something of correctnotright? This will be interesting… Check to see if it’s from a kook-aid site.
@19 The Goatfucker spews: Unlike you, I see the deep flaws and disgust put forth on the American people by BOTH Parties.
I’m a CONSERVATIVE…not a Republican.
That’s why I disliked Bush and his old man.
They are NOT true Conservatives.
Mr. Klynical disliked George Bush so much he had this to say, and he said it often,
56. Mr. Cynical spews:
And remember this:
Oh, I forgot…you idiots where born so uptight it would take a tractor to pull a pin outta yer asses!
04/12/2006 at 7:24 pm
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
“Puddy would like to power data centers with nuclear power systems.” Speaking of batshit crazy.
Why Steve? Cheap continual power.
Why do you hate America Steve?
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 61
She is a “K Street whore.” Is that all you’ve got? Grayson has spine. Sometimes he approaches the line of propriety, but big deal. We need more like him. (Go ahead, save this post for future use.)
proud leftistspews:
NIce catch. I don’t know if it’s just me, but it seems to me that Cynical lies, exaggerates, and just plain makes stuff up every now and again. Who knows, though, maybe I’m just imperceptive.
As usual, you didn’t read carefully. My father was a nuclear engineer. I never said I was. My degrees are in a different field.
But I still think I know more about the nuclear industry than you ever will.
@33 No, and if you’d read a fucking newspaper once in a while, you might know what he’s talking about.
Strange comments coming out of you, dumb bunny, when it had to be pointed out to you after you accused George Will of “cutting and running” from Afghanistan that the liberal base of your party is in agreement with Will. THAT is being out of touch you dope.
Since you like trying to throw out words to impress people, Puddy, why don’t you discuss MTCA Method B and how it relates to Hanford?
It’s been fun, but time to go. I’m having dinner with some folks from abroad who want to buy U.S. products.
I’ll have to catch Puddy’s devestating rejoinder later. It’ll probably be something like:
“…Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm ….”
Whatever that means.
@67 “Why Steve? Cheap continual power.”
Indeed, I’ve got a thorium microreactor in my basement that powers my furnace.
Not unexpectedly, Bellevue’s Second Amendment Foundation says it will sue the city of Seattle, likely tomorrow, over Mayor Greg Nickels’ ban on guns in many city parks. “I’m awaiting my copy of the suit to sign, probably by the end of the day,” SAF founder and vice-president Alan Gottlieb said this afternoon. His lead plaintiff will be a gun-carrying Seattle gay rights activist, he added.
Gottlieb says the gun-rights group’s superior court lawsuit will argue that the city ban is preempted by state law, which does not provide for such bans. “Only the legislature can change that law,” says Gottlieb, who considers his lawsuit a “slam dunk.”
Nickels and McGinn are a couple dumbasses for supporting something so clearly not within the city’s power to do.
SJ trollpatrolspews:
Puddy claims
the military takes young boys and girls, gives them life structure, gives them life direction, teaches them to depend on each other, teaches them teamwork, teaches them cohesiveness, teaches them honor, teaches them love of country, and it teaches the to see through Puddy’s God (mmmmmmmmm).
Sounds like something I read before, can anyone besides me spell “brown shirts?”
Actually, having been in the US military, SJ did see a lot of what the furred one talks about:
** socialized medicine (mmmmmmmm mmmmmm)
** socialized golf courses (mmmm mmmm just used one of these !)
** socialized schools
** socialized grocery stores
** government run media
** government paid priests
** gov. psid retirement at 3/4 pay FOR life
mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm
SJ trollpatrolspews:
@77 actually controlling where guns can be carries is very much within the second amendment.
Cynical supposedly is not a Republican. I quite understand his reluctance to acknowledge such a virulent infection. On the other hand, I wonder how many Democrats he’s voted for in the last, oh, lifetime.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@71 yawn
Roger Rabbitspews:
@67 Cheap power? Yeah, I remember when they said nuclear power would be so cheap we’d throw the meters away. That was before the cost overruns …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 “I’m a CONSERVATIVE…not a Republican.”
This seems to be their line now. Of course, none of them will admit voting for George W. Bush, just as they won’t admit voting for Tricky Dick Nixon. Gore and Kerry both won by landslides.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@79 Actually, SJ, this isn’t a 2nd Amendment issue. This may surprise you, but Washington has the least restrictive gun laws in the country, and in addition, a state law says local governments can’t pass more restrictive laws than the state laws. That’s why Seattle can’t enact a gun ban ordinance. If the mayor wants to keep guns out of public parks, he has to go to the legislature for that, not the city council.
This law does not apply to other weapons, however. Consequently, Seattle has adopted ordinances restricted knives. This has led to the weird situation where it’s legal to pack a gun in Seattle public parks, but carrying a knife is against the law. But hey, you shouldn’t bring a knife to a gunfight, anyway!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
rhp6033, Puddy can’t read?
Puddy asked
“Did you study it in college rhp6033?”
rhp6033 responded
I graduated in the top 5% of my class as an undergraduate, getting a four-year degree in three years. I earned a graduate degree (graduating in the middle of my class, but receiving other honors in the process). I also worked part-time throughout college. I think you could say that I did, indeed, study.
Now what was “it“? Nuclear Engineering… Did rhp6033 say no he didn’t study nuclear engineering? No he didn’t.
@81 I think the more pertinent question is how many Republicans he’s voted for. Answer: All of ’em. Shmucks like Cynical tell people they’re libertarians (small “l”) but look at the election results and see for yourself how many people vote for Libertarian (big “L”) candidates and how many vote for Republicans. There’s been a hell of a lot of liberatarians voting for Republicans, if you ask me. Which is strange, because Republicans are the biggest-government, anti-freedom, free-spending, screw-the-Constitution jerks this side of Darfur. They’d run America like Pinochet ran Chile if they could get away with it.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
I’ll have to catch Puddy’s devestating rejoinder later. It’ll probably be something like: “…Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm ….”
Apparently rhp6033 apparently is a historical idiot… and a memory midget.
Puddy said this and it isn’t any brown shirt shit either…
Puddy thinks Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his disciples hate the military because the military takes young boys and girls, gives them life structure, gives them life direction, teaches them to depend on each other, teaches them teamwork, teaches them cohesiveness, teaches them honor, teaches them love of country, and it teaches the to see through Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm political BULLSHITTIUM!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Amazingly SeattleJew is acting more and more like ylb arschloch Puddy wants to come to DL because he is an expert in nuclear power …part of required ROTC courses!More SeattleJew BULLSHIT.
Puddy never said that at all SeattleJew. Is this the standard progressive libtardo playbook? Twist what others say to make yourself look good? Puddy said rhp6033 and correctnotright can discuss it. Puddy would meet with correctnotright and talk about diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals especially for testicular cancers. Good twist dude.
LOL! Stupes, I named you well. Rhp said his father was the nuclear engineer.
It took me one reading to get that.
And you have the gall to imply others are mentally impaired.
Right wing moron…
@82 @71 yawn
You better do better than that you dumb bunny. You come up with this cut and run commentary regarding Will but are TOTALLY oblivious to the fact that your own party’s left is in total agreement with him. I mean, if you feel this way about Will then this is ALSO the way you must feel about your party’s liberal base . . except you can’t muster the courage to say so.
Your position on Afghanistan is identical to that of the right just to clarify matters even more for you. Welcome aboard!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@93 Yeah, whatever, sweetie. You must be new to this blog because you don’t have a fucking clue about what I think. So far you’ve brought the intellectual heft of a potato to this blog.
I’ll try to dumb this down far enough so even YOU can understand it.
On Sept. 11, 2001, the U.S. was attacked. This attack came from Afghanistan. So our stupid Republican president invaded Iraq! The practical effect of going to war against the wrong country was to starve our forces opposing the real enemy of the troops and equipment they needed. Denying the terrorists use of Afghanistan as a haven and location for training camps seems like an obvious idea. The effort there has been pretty clumsy so far, but then, Republicans ran it for 7 years so what can you expect. This will take a little time to put on a proper course.
Now, I decry aerial bombings of wedding parties and schoolhouses as much as my fellow liberals. But inasmuch as blowing up innocent Afghans isn’t sound military strategy to begin with, I think we can discontinue that.
As far as pulling out altogether, I disagree with some of my liberal friends on that point, because I don’t like asking soldiers to capture the same ground twice. It’s already too expensive in blood the first time.
Don’t mistake me for an armchair warmonger, though. I hate war. Unlike the typical wing chest-beater, I have personal experience with war. This has nothing to do with the fact that I used to be a Republican. If I thought Republicans had any principles or brains, I’d still be one, and I wouldn’t have become a Democratic Party hack and liberal propagandist.
You may see an inconsistency between this last and my position on Afghanistan, but I don’t, because Democrats aren’t uniform in their thinking on this issue. Unlike Republicans, we’re not goosesteppers who take orders from above. We think for ourselves, and I just told you what I think, and the reasons why I think it. What your peabrain does with this information is up to you.
One thing I suggest that you NOT do with it, though, is assume that I support every military action that comes along like Republicans do, because I don’t. Every case is fact-specific, and I determine my position based on the merits of each case. I think we should be in Afghanistan because al Qaeda and the Taliban still exist and we shouldn’t make it easier for them to attack us again by giving that country back to them. On the other hand, if the president determines we can’t win there, and staying in Afghanistan will merely bleed us white, then I would support a decision to get out. This isn’t rocket science. Even you should be able to figure it out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@93 (continued) You’re nuts to say my position on Afghanistan is “identical to the right.” The right supported the invasion of Iraq! The stupid goddam right wasted 5,000 precious American lives fighting a country that wasn’t a threat to us, and actually made the situation worse because Saddam kept al Qaeda out of his country (he didn’t like rivals) and our invasion opened the gates for them to come into Iraq. The stupid goddam right starved our forces in Afghanistan of men, equipment, and supplies for 7 long years in order to pursue their idiotic recreational war in Iraq! Don’t go around saying my position is “identical to the right,” because it isn’t! My position is the right attacked the wrong country, neglected the war we should have been fighting, and bungled both wars! We Democrats are going to straighten this mess out.
proud leftistspews:
Rabbit says about Sue: “So far you’ve brought the intellectual heft of a potato to this blog.”
Precisely. Sue’s posts evince the cocky idiocy that marks today’s “conservatives.” They are not, of course, conservative, and they are most certainly not thoughtful when it comes to public policy. They are ideological automatons, fed by Limbaugh and Fox News. Sue, however, will never recognize that she’s not sufficiently well-informed to express a public opinion. No, she strongly believes what she believes, so, dammit, who cares about facts? The downside of the internet is that it feeds trolls like Sue.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@96 For starters, she assumes all Democrats think alike. What can you say about that? No need to say anything; it speaks for itself.
proud leftistspews:
As far as I’ve been able to detect over the years on this blog, the only thing I’m sure you and I agree on is that thinking freely is a pretty good thing. Oh, and Klake is a Nazi.
Looks like Grayson needs to watch The Karate Kid again.
Also, I’m glad that you remember. That’ll save a lot of time later.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Rog spews:
We Democrats are going to straighten this mess out
Now that is probably the funniest sentence you have ever uttered. Just like Porkulous moved Unemployment under 8%, right Rog??
Just like the Health Care proposals will be Budget Neutral.
You KLOWNS are good for one thing and one thing only…griping.
@63 Puddy
Been paying attention to Zevalin for testicular cancer? We ride bikes so we discuss it.
Interesting idea Puddy – I have not seen anything on this.
How would it work? Zevalin is a monoclonal antibody to CD20 – and as far as I know B cells express this rather exclusively….do testicular cancer cells overexpress this typical B cell marker?
SJ: do you know anything about this?
Of course, they link the antibody to a short range radioactive isotope (I think it is Yttrium-90) to localize the radioactivity to the specific region – I had only heard of this for B cell lymphoma (the Hellstroms have been talking about these ideas for therapeutic monoclonals 20 years now).
Puddy – I did not know you were a bike rider. New repect here. Interested in a ride sometime?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
SJ projectile vomits:
Mr C wants BHO to send MORE folks to die in Afghnistan.
SJ is the Saul Alinsky of HA. Misrepresentations galore is SJ’s motto.
I said “fight to win or get out”.
Your pal Barry O has troops in harm’s way while he plays golf, goes on Leno/Letterman and carefully ponders what to tell families of dead soldiers as he leaves them out there like sitting ducks and allows Obama’s Taliban pals to get stronger and have more resolve.
Obama is pathetic.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Roger Rabbit has outlived his pecker.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
You ride bikes too? Maybe so sometime. Not like my neighbor as he does tens of miles a DAY at times for his exercise. My buddies have tried to get me to do the STP but I’m too old for that. As SeattleJew and GBS know, bad knees.
Puddy has varied interests. Did you check Auburn University’s Center for Actinide Science yet?
Regarding Zevalin Puddy doesn’t know how it works. We were discussing Lance Armstrong and how he didn’t react to his groin pain back when he first had symptoms. We talked how the testicles are tucked against the body during long bike rides. Does it cut off circulation, repacking them as you ride etc.? Men talk ya know.
@94 You must be new to this blog because you don’t have a fucking clue about what I think.
But we don’t need a clue you dope – you’ve said it plainly. You dumped on George Will for “cutting and running” when he wrote we should leave Afghanistan, TOTALLY oblivious to the fact that the liberal base of your party has the same position. So much for telling others (above) that they don’t read when you’re totally out of the loop on what has been a well-known trend for MONTHS. I mean, you many not discover this on HA, where you appear to spend most your waking hours, but THERE ARE other sources of news!
All your blather above continues to ignore the simple fact that you go after Will but can’t muster the courage to criticize members of your own party for holding exactly the same position.
Dumb AND hypocritical bunny.
@94 Don’t mistake me for an armchair warmonger, though.
Oh, we’ll be sure not to, Napoleon, though I think it would probably take a crane or hunger spasm to separate you from your armchair.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Dumb AND hypocritical bunny.
Well said!
Heh. Hey Stupes, I thought “Sue” was ‘progressive’.
She’s one of your recruits isn’t she? From your church right?
Shit, Sue is a failure just like all your other stupid antics..
Puddy @ 86: Yep, I missed the “it” in your comment. You also missed that I didn’t say that I studied “it” in my reply, although in the context that might be understandable. I’ll take the blame for that one.
Moron @ 61
From the article you linked to:
Personally, I find casting lobbyists as “whores” offensive to sex workers.
About time an elected representative had the guts to say that.
@111 Shit, Sue is a failure
But Sue has a very demanding – and well-paying – job that puts her kids through college, supports a lot of charities, and pays plenty in taxes. And now she must go to it . . . while YLB spends his ENTIRE day on HA.
114 – LOL! What are you doing here?
Could give a flip what you are outside this forum.
What you do HERE is what’s material and you’re a freaking failure at it – my fellow “progressive”.
Either you’re part of the solution or part of the problem – and it’s pretty damn obvious to me and many others you’re not helping any.
@115 More likely Sue is Puddy’s sockpuppet #37. He keeps count, you know. Like any wingnut, the fool just can’t stop projecting (a Psych 101 thing). So when he goes off on sockpuppetry, as he often does, you just know something’s all fucked up with him.
You’ve gone back to being really stupid again. Just ask Goldy if the IP Addresses are unique. Go on grow some balls!
Steve’s Stupid Solution does have that effect on “libtardo peeps”. Are you in a manufacturing lull again so you’re testing a new formulation?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Yep. HAs favorite arschloch, ylb arschloch thinks jobs classifieds are here. Puddy wonders what the arschloch says to his pants wearing wife, unless of course, she’s resigned to him being a lazy shiftless doing nothing libtardo.
“Hi honey. Did you find a job yet?”
“No but I did use tctmgr to capture a right-wing whacko”.
“Does this right-wing whacko have a job for you?”
“Well no he doesn’t but he did ask me about my skill set. I didn’t answer him because I’d be embarrassed that I don’t know much.”
“Well you can join the SEIU. The union can find something for you to do.”
and so on…
Back to work…
Most progressives I know have jobs or devote time to the community. You spend all your time on HA and contribute absolutely zilch. Pry your butt from your chair and make a real contribution. There are plenty of charities that need help. Also plenty of political groups in need of people to go door-to-door.
Progressive in name only.
118 – Just like Sue you’re a failure Stupes. Just like Hannah you’re a failure Stupes. Just like MWS you’re a failure Stupes. Your tag team with PacMan didn’t hold up for shit either
You think anything you say has some kind of an effect on me? Wrong Stupes. You failed again.
Like I told “Sue” (from a proxied IP address I’m sure), I could give a flying F U C K what you are outside this forum. AFAIC, there’s no separation between what you are here and what you are out there.
You bring Murdoch shit here, you are for Murdoch.
You bring Regnery shit here, you are for Regnery.
You bring Free Republic here, you are for Free Republic.
You bring Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Medved or any of that hate talk bullshit here, you are for that shit.
You cling to that ugly, corrupt party of yours, you are for being ugly and corrupt and you accept that as legitimate business as usual in the halls of power.
Keep up the batshit insane drumbeat fool. It’s great entertainment for some of us.
Election day is coming up. Signs are looking positive that the progressives are going to carry another day but even if the results are mixed WE ARE NEVER STOPPING. EVER.. WE WILL ALWAYS FIGHT for better schools for our kids, for a cleaner environment for our kids, for public safety and national defense policies that are not batshit insane, for sustainable economic growth and a prosperous future for our kids.
119 – Pffffft.. Where were you the last eight years?
I bet you’re right wing because you’re ordering me around like any other right winger would. Did you do well from right wing policies?
Good for you but I hope you understand that nothing lasts forever.
Have a nice day.
@121 Good for you but I hope you understand that nothing lasts forever.
But that’s not an excuse to refuse to work while your family carries the load. You can lift your arms, right, and move one foot in front of another? You have a semi-active brain that separates you from the primates, correct? So why put up all these excuses and distractions above when the simple fact is you simply refuse to work or contribute to the community in any meaningful way?
Being progressive does not mean you get a pass on these basics, YLB.
122 – Dave I feel so crestfallen from the burden of you lecturing me. I think I’ll follow your right wing orders and never comment at HA again.
You know nothing about me save what the right wingers spew here. Great judgement there Dave.
Get a life right winger.
122 – Oh and Dave. This is just a suggestion. What you do is your own business but:
Vote YES on R-71
Vote NO on I-1033
If you live in King County Vote Dow Constantine for County Executive.
Have a nice day.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@114 “But Sue has a very demanding – and well-paying – job that puts her kids through college ….”
That’s nothing. Roger Rabbit’s daddy had a low-paying public service job (he was a newspaper reporter) and a stay-at-home wife and lots of little bunnies, so he didn’t put his kids through college and Roger Rabbit put himself through college. And it was very hard because Roger studied and worked at the same time, and Roger’s jobs were low-paying dirty jobs, including night work, and Roger was tired all the time. Roger lived in cheap basement rooms, sometimes without much heat in winter, and sometimes went without food, but Roger stuck with it and did 4 years of undergraduate work in 3 years and eventually completed a double major (in political science and journalism, with a strong minor in economics), completing 5 years of college work in less than 4 years by taking extra-heavy credit loads and attending summer schools. And Roger made good grades despite having to work between classes, at night, and on weekends — grades good enough to get into a competitive law school that accepted only 7% of those who applied. Then Roger enlisted in the Army and served with a frontline combat battalion in Vietnam for 13 months, and after the war, Roger went to law school on the G.I. Bill and Roger also went to graduate school to study public management and Roger also served in the Army Reserve. So fuck you, Sue, your accomplishments are merely average; come back and brag after you’ve done something.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@116 I really don’t care whether Sue is puddy, puddy’s sister, or puddy’s fucking buddy. Sue is a twit. I judge people by their content, and so far, all I’ve seen from Sue is her self-absorption with how smart she is. She’s otherwise contentless.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@117 I’m gonna back you up on this, puddy. I don’t think you’re “Sue.” Each of you is dumb in his/her own way, but even compared to you, she’s vapid in a class by herself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@118 Why would anyone want a job?
Roger Rabbitspews:
As Sue pointed out, all working gets you is taxes. I don’t work, because I don’t have to, and working is such a bad deal for workers that no one in his/her right mind would work if he/she didn’t have to.
126 – Heh. Few can say it like it is as well you Rog.
You’re the man!!!!
Sue, like Suzie Hutchison is an empty suit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@122 “But that’s not an excuse to refuse to work”
I don’t need an excuse to refuse to work, although I have one — I worked 45 years, and that’s enough. Now, I don’t work. I refuse to work. What are you gonna do about it?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
That’s the sound of ylb getting hit on his head by the invisible hand coming through the screen.
Get a job fool! What a progressive libtardo example you are to your kiddies fool! Yes, ylb arschloch is that metrosexual man. Make the wife earn the dough!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Someday Puddy will meet you and buy you a carbonated beverage. Until then you are a fool!
Keep using HA as your classifieds.
@126 I judge people by their content
I think Sue hit a nerve as evidenced by the “resume” and everything else Roger Rabbit has tried to cobble together as a smoke screen.
The fact of the matter is she was spot on. He was quick to jump all over George Will over his Afghanistan stand, totally clueless that the left wing of his party has the very same view. Maybe he needs to do his homework and screen his own content a little.
And she’s right: he’s a hypocrite for accusing Will of cutting and running but remaining totally silent in the case of the tens of millions of his own party who share Will’s view.
Wait a minute fool. Two sons in great universities and Puddy is a loser? Do you realize that’s almost $30 Large a year and Puddy is a loser? What’s that fool? At least a third of your wife’s SEIU salary. Are you hedging for those Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm educational grants by purposely staying under the threshold? Are you one of those fools who are waiting for Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm to pay your mortgage? Must be. You are working so hard to stay unemployed.
Puddy would partially respect you if you were flipping burgers. Puddy would spend money in the store. But you decided to make HA your daily home fool so deal with the ridicule!!!!!
The fucking moron is wailing away…the best thread crapper ever, our very own…P-donkey.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
The dumb brick and cinder block appeared next to each other.
At least rujax has a job… ylb arschloch… while you are looking for that internet news “porn”.
Go for it.
@142 At least rujax has a job
Yes, all good news. He’s now updating his “blog” on a regular basis after having been informed on these very pages that once every six months wasn’t quite getting the job done.
Perhaps YLB should get his own blog so he can claim he works.
Wait a minute fool. Two sons in great universities and Puddy is a loser? Do you realize that’s almost $30 Large a year and Puddy is a loser
Remember, you are talking to the freeloader KLOWN klass. They have no respect for folks who pay their way. All they can do is scheme freeloader ways to get around paying.
KA-blammo…BULL-shittium…suckasuckasucka…suckasuckasuckasucka…KA-blammmm-MO….playing with pudddydummy’s word blower-upper is fun. David should try it instead of acting like he’s got some kind of fucking clue or something.
Tsk, tsk. You DID have to be reminded that six month gaps between posts was a little on the longish side. But it’s all good: you thought about it, took the advice to heart, and now we can treat ourselves to HA AND your blog on a regular basis. Does it get any better than that?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
rujax blog.
Gag! Retch!
rujax, glad you like Puddyisms. Too bad your mind is a terrible thing.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Back at you Cynical…
“You are a true Patriot Puddy.”
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Why does Steve continually hate America?
Why does Puddy hang with racists who hate him as much as they hate America?
Klynical and you remind me of Beavis and Butthead.
@120 WE WILL ALWAYS FIGHT for better schools for our kids, for a cleaner environment for our kids, for public safety and national defense policies that are not batshit insane, for sustainable economic growth and a prosperous future for our kids.
We? Don’t you first of all have to pry yourself out of that chair of yours that you appear to be permanently welded to 365/24/7?
154 – Are you right wing? Yes, it’s a relevant question because to be right wing these days is to be batshit insane.
And I care what an insane person thinks of me because?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Find a job today ylb arschloch? Why do you lie to your family by prowling kook-aid sites while not providing essentials to your children future growth?
What a libtard.
The only “batshit insane one” IS YOU fool!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Oh and arschloch,
Puddy brings the truth from any site. Puddy has used Kos and TPM when they bring truths. You visit whackamole kook-aid instead of pounding the pavement with your resume.
Such a progressive role model. Puddy sees it now:
It’s Bring Dad to School Day.
Arschloch’s Daughter – “Dad what do you do at home? We are supposed to bring our fathers into school and have them discuss the jobs”
Arschloch – “Well honey, I cruise HorsesAss looking for that zinger I can give to a guy I named Stupes. I also visit all the known left-wing sites for “information”. He’s a right-winger and you know what George Bush did to daddy. I lost my job do to George Bush.”
Arschloch’s Daughter – “Really dad? You told us at the dinner table you lost your job because you did something stupid.”
Arschloch – “Well… anyway what’s going on at school?”
Arschloch’s Daughter – “Ahhh never mind daddy, I’ll tell you are sick.”
Yeah, we know you are sick in the head! Keep looking for that job here while the wife works hard supporting your sorry ASS.
@125 Then Roger enlisted in the Army and served with a frontline combat battalion in Vietnam for 13 months,
I think I punctured your fragile male ego, general, given the torrent of blather it generated. And why a tome on your life’s hard knocks, when it could be summed up as: I put myself through school, went to Vietnam, went to law school, and then became a government bureaucrat for the rest of my life. Truly remarkable . . . especially when you consider it’s a history of everything you’ve done for yourself.
And as you pat yourself on your back for Vietnam, just a reminder that it took a lot more courage NOT to serve in a war that killed tens of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of civilians. (But, then again, the job did allow you to get that law degree.) No wonder you accuse George Will of cutting and running when he argues we should leave Afghanistan. Nothing separates you from the right on this issue, despite your blather to the contrary. Absolutely nothing.
Still a dumb bunny for not knowing you were totally out of step with so many members of your own party on Afghanistan, and still a total hypocrite for refusing to criticize them for it even as you go after Will. Let’s stop putting up smoke screens to obscure these simple facts.
I suppose when the slaughter of 2010 finally comes around, you KLOWNS will once again have something to complain about. Being in power ain’t your strong suit, is it?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Meanwhile Gallup has his overall approval rating at 52% and with the Dems finally getting some balls and getting a good health care bill on the table that should help as well.
Cynical and the GOP are delusional which is no surprise seeing how they they have gotten their ass beat the past few elections.
Rasmussen is a GOP tool and I know they will try to deny it but that doesn’t make it true. We can argue over which poll is right till the cows come home but we shall see what happens in 2010 and 2012. If I am wrong I will be willing to admit it but will Cynical and the GOP?
Naw, that’s not in their nature.
While Obama meditates on Afghanistan, more American’s die! 8 more today thanks to the failure of our Commander in Chief to fight to win…or get out.
Taliban strengthens in resolve…our soldiers are sitting ducks.
October is the RECORD # of AMERICAN DEATHS in Afghanistan. Families of soldiers HATE Obama and his inaction.
From the Associated Press–
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Obama is HATED by our troops and their families. He has blood on his hands.
2. Matt spews:
You don’t get it Matt–
Strong Approval vs. Strong Disapproval polling LIKELY VOTERS is the strongest indicator of where Obama is heading.
Gallup polls Adults.
Plus, Approval #’s include WEAK Approval.
Keep reading the Daily Kos, Huffington Post and the tanking MSNBC Klowns for your “news”.
Our troops HATE Obama.
The families HATE Obama.
Can you imagine having a family member killed while the inept, no experience CIC tries to figure out what to do next AFTER committing in March??
It’s appalling.
Impeach Obama!!
I’ll take MSNBC over fox any day much more legitimate. And somewhat or weak approval is still approval.
Thew statement that families and troops hate Obama is bull I know plenty of troops that voted and like our President.
1st US Official resigns over Afghan War
Obama’s pointy noggin’ is spinning.
People are questioning his ability to lead EN MASSE!
Obama ought to resign.
Good soldiers are NOT re-upping.
Obama is gutting our fine Military so we can be more Equal with the rest of the world.
Obamunism===being rejected by most.
STRONGLY rejected.
Caught a bit of Hannity on the radio yesterday. In the midst of being appoplectic about Harry Reid’s press conference he let out this, “(Reid) and the democrats are going to ram the public option through even though every poll in America, at least if it’s reputable, says the public doesn’t support it.” Or words to that effect.
Polls like say these:
Pew Research (Oct. 8) 55% in favor
CNN/Time (Oct. 16-18) 61% in favor
WaPo/ABC (Oct 15-18) 57% in favor
Qunnipiac (Sept. 29-Oct. 5) 61% in favor
As usual, Hannity beleives in his heart, in his soul that what he believes is what everyone in America beleives. But as usual, Hannity is just makin’ shit up.
Funny how Cyn’s favorite, Rasmussen doesn’t poll the public option but instead surveys support for “President Obama’s Health Care Plan” poll. (Quick, find me the text of Obama’s plan. Oh right, he didn’t put one out, that’s what Congress is doing.) Where I come from that’s known as a biased survey question.
Cynical: “Obama is HATED by our troops and their families. He has blood on his hands.”
You vile, wicked piece of shit. I know goddamned well that you are cheering on the loss of American lives in Afghanistan because you believe wingnuts will gain political advantage from such loss. Bush, who took his mind off Afghanistan to pursue his pointless war in Iraq, has blood on his hands, up his ass, and in his heart. You, who never sees fault in any politician who has an R after his or her name, want to cast blame at Obama for failing to solve in 9 months a mess that Bush took 7 years to create. You don’t know what the troops think; their thoughts are not monolithic. Don’t try to speak for anyone but your own pathetic, cowardly self.
@8 “I know goddamned well that you are cheering on the loss of American lives in Afghanistan because you believe wingnuts will gain political advantage from such loss.”
His constantly putting party before country is bad enough, but Mr. Klynical now so obviously revels in the death of American troops thinking that this somehow benefits the Republican party. Then he has the nerve to speak for them, or so he thinks.
“You vile, wicked piece of shit.”
You are too kind.
# 6: The articles I read quote that the U.S. official was a former career military officer who resigned because he thinks having the U.S. military in Afganistan is counter-productive, and that we should withdraw rather than blindly send in more troops.
Kind of different take that what Puddy and Cynical would advise, i.e., blindly putting in more troops. Seems to indicate that a careful consideration of strategy would be a good idea, doesn’t it?
Instead, they jump to the opposite conclusion without bothering to inform themselves of the details.
Kynical’s just blathering now. He knows(or, ‘nos’, in Kynispeak)that his side is losing big time.
It’s only a matter of time before private health insurance is dead and we have a gay,ex-marine, black president who is in a long-term, committed gay marriage.
Dee Snyder’s a Republican.
Standard operating procedure for repubs and The Holy Cynical who is Ordained by God to Condemn All Hellbound Atheists(e.g. anybody disagreeing in any way from Holier Than Anybody Else Cynical)
Fucking septic hypocrite.
Wow Proud Leftist… This is the same argument Puddy made with you fools before GWBush left 1/20/09. You all were hoping for a terrorist attack so he couldn’t leave saying he wasn’t attacked.
Puddy notices Proud Leftist hasn’t been reading Stratfor lately. Or Military Times. Butt then again a Libtardo actually reading anything military is a problem. Exploding head syndrome.
“Dear POTUS If you are going to send more in, agree to support them and those already there to the fullest. If this is a war, fight it as such not some PC event where we are trying to win the hearts of the world. Full support should be a non-negotiable when it comes to our servicemembers in harm’s way. — 668203”
Are you mocking the Holy Konservicks?????
Today’s Seattle Times’s headline says: “Boeing, Union Bicker while S.C. Readies Sweatener”.
Yep, according to the Times headline writers, the Union is quibling about the place settings, while somebody else is stealing the turkey dinner from out of the kitchen back door. The unstated message: “If only the Union would be reasonable and agree to anything the company offers, then we could all enjoy a feast!”
Of course, the article itself lays out the details which present a considerably more complex picture. Boeing wants a ten-year no-strike pledge, and the Union has agreed, but only if it gets some protections in return for surrendering the only bullet available in it’s gun.
The big issue is whether this agreement would be worth the paper it’s written on. Remember that some five years ago the State, King and Snohomish Counties, and the City of Everett made considerable expenditures and investment in Boeing plants, even paying for the training of the new employess for the 787 line. Mukilteo expended considerable money to plan for an expansion of it’s port facilities to accomodate 787 sections being brought in by ocean (after which Boeing decided to build special-purpose 747’s to use instead). All this was done to induce Boeing to locate the 787 line in Everett.
Then a year ago, IAM went on strike, largly over outsourcing issues, which the Union believed was resolved when it signed the contract last November.
Then just nine months later, Boeing buys the Vought facilities and signals that future 787 production will move to South Carolina. Sure, they are only referring to the 2nd assembly line now – but that makes so little economic sense (double the logistics nightmares and duplicate costs), that it’s pretty clear that once a 2nd line is up and running in Charleston, they would then move the first assembly line there, also.
So the Union wants a simple promise from Boeing. No new models will have final assembly outside of the Puget Sound Region during that ten-year period. After all, what good does it do the IAM to enter into a ten-year no-strike pledge, only to have Boeing relocate a 737 line elsewhere two or three years from now, cutting at least one-half of the Union (and non-union) workforce? Don’t forget that a lot of people think the 747-8 is only a stopgap measure, and that Boeing will also have to do a major re-design of that airframe sometime in the next five years as well.
But the Seattle Times apparantly thinks we should wait to argue about those issues until later, when the Union, State, Counties, and Cities have nothing left to give in return for Boeing staying here.
On the shop floor, lots of Boeing workers, both machinists and engineers, are tired of seeing their jobs given to contract labor, especially since they are having to correct their mistakes and then are blamed for any resulting delays. They figure that unless they fight now, their jobs will be gone within five years anyway. They figure they might as well fight while they still have something to fight with, replacing their Union leadership in the process if necessary. Some have advocating dropping their tools and walking out the moment Boeing announces a move to Charleston, shutting down all assembly lines in the process. McNerny would probably say that’s a reason to move ALL production out of the area, but Boeing couldn’t withstand a strike lasting more than a couple of weeks right now, wildcat or otherwise. It might be the end of McNerney as CEO.
By the way, I saw the 1994 movie “Disclosure” (Michael Douglas, Demi Moore)on TV over the weekend. The book was much better. But it reminded me that when dealing with someone who’s acting in bad faith, an agreement might not be the conclusion of the fight – it might just be a deceptive measure to lay the groundwork and take your attention away from the real fight. It’s quite possible that Boeing doesn’t really plan to start a 787 line in Charleston right now, but it wants to get the Union to sign an agreement which insures it against a strike when they move another line (737NG-2, or 747NG) to Charleston.
“You all were hoping for a terrorist attack so he couldn’t leave saying he wasn’t attacked.”
Um, Puddy, in case you didn’t notice, we were attacked on GWB’s watch. Three thousand dead. I’d have thought that you’d have noticed, what with the falling WTC towers and all.
Obama’s hated by our servicemen in Afganistan? That’s news to my nephew, who is currently serving in Afganistan. And he’s been a Republican all his life.
Steve vomits:
Huh? I don’t have a Party numbskull.
Unlike you, I see the deep flaws and disgust put forth on the American people by BOTH Parties.
I’m a CONSERVATIVE…not a Republican.
That’s why I disliked Bush and his old man.
They are NOT true Conservatives.
How disingenuous of proud leftist and the other KLOWNS who cheered for more & more American deaths out of hate for Bush. You KLOWNS merely wanted to cut & run.
I say FIGHT TO WIN or LEAVE….but not just sit there like Obama is doing with his thumb wedged deeply up his ass.
Grow up you partisan KLOWNS.
Demand your leader lead…not sit back while Americans die.
FIGHT TO WIN or LEAVE….now & always.
John Effin Kerry is your “military hero”. He’s now Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s “Afghanistan General.
Why do you HA Libtardos hate America? They support Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm dithering while Marine soldiers wither. This is now his war since he came out with his strategy in March 2009. He chose 3-star McChrystal over the 4-star general Bush had in there. Now he is making it political while great men die in battle. Why do you HA Libtardos hate America?
Puddy thinks Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his disciples hate the military because the military takes young boys and girls, gives them life structure, gives them life direction, teaches them to depend on each other, teaches them teamwork, teaches them cohesiveness, teaches them honor, teaches them love of country, and it teaches the to see through Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm political BULLSHITTIUM!
Look that up ylb arschloch… you won’t find it on any web site fool!
rujax, don’t read this. It’s better if you stay a dumb cinder block.
Once again correctnotright talking out of his arschloch… In fact he’s becoming more like his cousin ylb arschloch every day…
“In the press gaggle aboard Air Force One this afternoon, White House Press Secretary Gibbs admitted the Obama administration received and was briefed on the Bush team’s review of Afghanistan.”
“While some of the information was helpful, the President obviously found it instructive to do a review of his own, and that’s what Bruce Riedel did in the spring, which led to the President signing off on additional forces that went to Afghanistan.”
– Just as Puddy called it when Lee wrote his STUPID thread about Cheney. The March 2009 Afghanistan decisions came from the military intelligence from Bush during December and January as Roger Cressey admitted to and of course correctnotright said NO NO NO it didn’t happen. Puddy used the December 18, 2008 edition of the NY Times. Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm now owns Afghanistan correctnotright just like you own fools gold for a brain!
correctnotright – providing side splitting laughter for us who think right. AGAIN! In his head he’s always correct, but not right!
Yeah Steve, the noted blabbermouth Richard Clarke told us somewhere we’d be attacked but had no specifics. Roger Cressey admitted as much. Roger Rabbit used Sidney Blumenthal noted left-wing idiot for a retort. Butt you seem to forget these 19+ dudes came in before January 2001 and were not tracked by a previous administration.
Funny how you forget that small but bizarre fact.
Keep dope alive. You are doing so well. And you told me you gave up the Steve’s Stupid Solution.
Have you noticed that 2 months of record US deaths in Afghanistan while Mmmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmmmm sits on this thumb has resulted in almost zero reporting & analysis by the MSM?
Almost zero outrage by the KLOWNS?
Funny how these KLOWNS get amnesia when it’s convenient.
Do you think they have all gulped a fatal overdose of BARRY’S STUPID SOLUTION???
They seem do be staggering in a pretend world where everyone just listens to Barry O, does what he says, doesn’t dare challenge him.
Think how easy all of our lives would be if we just listening to Barry O and did what he demanded??!
Part of the KLOWN mentality is a deep desire to be taken care of and not have to think.
Barry O is their guy!
Just go to the mailbox for your check.
Go to the Doc…IT’S FREE.
FREE bus passes.
FREE Education.
Now Cynical, some libtardo MSM have reported it. Butt as MRS Puddy asked where are the nightly news reports of the KIA like they had every night when GWBush was in office?
They are MIA!
I said “almost zero’…which means a passing, excuse-filled mention.
Did you see this just in.
Liebermann says NO to Health Care Bill with Public Option!! More NO’s to come from Nelson, Lincoln and others.
Payback is sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!
These KLOWNS really believe Reid is sincere in his efforts here.
Reid knows damn well he doesn’t have the votes and did it anyway so the KLOWNS can be appeased.
Look how hard Harry tried they cry!!
Yeah right.
The arguments over the various strategies in Afganistan cover all aspects. The use of indescriminate bombings which caused unnecessary civilian casualties during the Bush era was identified as the reason behind the upsurge in support for the Taliban, so it was restricted. But now commanders on the ground are complaining that they can’t get air or artillary support when they need it, because the Taliban are using civilians as a shield against such support.
And curruption within the existing Afgan government is identified as another reason for the upsurge in Taliban support, so Obama pretty wisely decides to wait before committing more troops to see if the new election changes that dynamic. It’s only a couple of weeks away.
Likewise, we have the attempt to intefere with the Opium cultivation, which supports U.S. drug policies and cuts off economic support for the Taliban. But it makes us pretty unpopular with the rural population, for whom this is their only real means of earning a living.
So, Puddy, give us your advice. Do we increase bombing, and possibly temporarily save some American infantrymen while turning more Afgans into our enemy? Do we add more troops to patrol remote mountains and valleys, or reduce our visable presence in order to look less like foreign occupiers? Do we let the Afgans cultivate opium poppies, making drugs cheaper in the U.S. and funding our adversaries, or do we interfere with production, making more enemies?
We wait while you dither.
@1 “I suppose when the slaughter of 2010”
Don’t worry, I’m getting plenty of sausage casings ready to stuff with Ground Republican.
@1 (continued) Given that 3/4ths of the American public supports health care reform, and 100% of Republican congressmen and senators oppose a public option, obviously it hasn’t occurred to you what’s going to happen to the congressmen and senators who vote for Business As Usual.
@3 Spoken like a balless cut-and-run Republican.
@14 “Dear POTUS If you are going to send more in, agree to support them and those already there to the fullest.”
Oh like you guys did? (Camera pans to Cher press conference pleading for public donations to buy helmets for soldiers in Iraq because Bush Pentagon wouldn’t.)
Which reminds me … I donated $100 to OPERATION HELMET and I’ll bet our trolls collectively didn’t donate 100 cents between all of them. What an unpatriotic bunch of soldier-hating cheapskate bastards!
Puddy @ 20: Will you PLEASE take a couple of community college courses in English composition? It’s getting very tiring to try to decypher your posts, which appear to be written in some sort of dialect which is unknown to most of the English-speaking world. I’ve had better luck reading text messages from an eleven year old!
It’s bad enough that you make things up, insert links from right-wing sites that you haven’t bothered to read, and jump from intent to conclusion without inserting logic in between. But your lack of skills with the English language make you sound like an escaped inmate from a mental health ward.
So rhp6033 you must mean those predator strikes earlier this year in Pakistan which claimed the lives of many innocent civilians.
Oh really rhp6033, or is it your head explodes with truthful facts so you claim it’s unreadable?
Why do you HA Libtardos hate America? Too hard to decipher per rhp6033…
They support Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm dithering while Marine soldiers wither. You are part of they rhp6033. You voted for Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm. Too hard to decipher per rhp6033…
This is now his war since he came out with his strategy in March 2009. Who came out with their Afghanistan strategy in March 2009? Or as Puddy suspects, you are just a historical moron? Too hard to decipher per rhp6033…
He chose 3-star McChrystal over the 4-star general Bush had in there. Too hard to decipher per rhp6033…
Now he is making it political while great men die in battle. Too hard to decipher per rhp6033…
Why do you HA Libtardos hate America? Too hard to decipher per rhp6033…
Puddy thinks Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and his disciples hate the military because the military takes young boys and girls, gives them life structure, gives them life direction, teaches them to depend on each other, teaches them teamwork, teaches them cohesiveness, teaches them honor, teaches them love of country, and it teaches the to see through Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm political BULLSHITTIUM! What the military does for your peeps is too hard to decipher per rhp6033…
And you deal with overseas peeps?
rhp6033 reminds Puddy of Proud Leftist… Proud Leftist had problems deciphering Professor Darryl comments.
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm once said in June 2009: “Any Nation including Iran has a right to access peaceful nuclear power if it complies with it’s responsibilities under the NPT”.
So why are HA Libtardo Progressives against nuclear power plants in the US? This is the real clean energy source for our times. France loves it. Progressive Libtardos are against it.
Is that too hard for you to comprehend rhp6033?
re 33: “So rhp6033 you must mean those predator strikes earlier this year in Pakistan which claimed the lives of many innocent civilians.”
I have information that proves they were making WMD to take to Iraq.
@32 “sound like an escaped inmate from a mental health ward”
That’s been apparent for a long time.
Idiot @ 36
Light Water reactors are a right wing boondoggle. It’s a miracle that any of them are built given they are such a threat to the fossil fuel industries.
Being expensive works nicely for the right wing. They are so expensive that few are built and the ones that are built reward the players well – good enough until the next desperate sucker falls for the sales pitch.
I’m pro-nuclear but anti-uranium cycle. I support truly cheap nuclear power using the liquid flouride thorium reactor. Way cheaper than the pressurized light water reactor boondoggles. If you’re truly pro-nuclear, you should support it as well.
@33 No, and if you’d read a fucking newspaper once in a while, you might know what he’s talking about.
@36 “So why are HA Libtardo Progressives against nuclear power plants in the US?”
Yes, because the Price-Anderson Act shifts the burden of catastrophic financial losses resulting from an accident from plant operators to local business and residential property owners, who have no control over plant operations, and that’s a dealbreaker.
41 – Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactors are not pressurized so I believe the risks are substantially reduced but probably not enough for private insurers.
Puddy @ 35
Does it ever cross your mind that perhaps you are not communicating as effectively as you might be able?
Post # 34 is an example which proves my point.
Perhaps Puddy should take the advice of the Benjamin Franklin: “It is better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt”.
Once again the ylb arschloch pipes in with BULLSHITTIUM
Where did Puddy mention light water reactor fucktard?
You are the biggest arschloch in HA history going waaaaaaaaaaaaay past JCH and byebyegop. Puddy is referring to the French Reactors identified in the Wikipedia. Puddy made no comment on the reactor type. Puddy asks why progressive libtardos are against nuclear power. And yes Puddy understands the fluoride thorium reaction (liquid salt) process. Butt arschloch will the technology be ready soon?
Puddy @ 36:
Gee, I’ve never said anything about nuclear power on this forum. You have no idea of my opinions on nuclear power. But as usual, you imply that you know my opinions, and argue against them. That’s pretty much the definition of the “straw man” fallacy in logical reasoning.
For your information, my father was a nuclear engineer. He also worked in aerospace as an engineer before that. My little finger knows more about the nuclear engineering industry than you will know in your lifetime.
Maybe rhp6033@44 should remove head from kook-aid pitcher and think before opening mouth.
rhp6033: Are you an HA Progressive Libtardo? Are Progressive Libtardos against nuclear power? Absolutely you dope. Since Goldy has brought this up before and you never participated means you are not a progressive libtardo?
Did you study it in college rhp6033? Puddy had to as part of ROTC studies. It was mandatory for my major. Butt don’t let those high speed neutrons zero in on that femtometer brain. Ask Goldy about CHESS!
So yes as your side lumps all conservatives together welcome to reality rhp6033…
“Did you study it in college rhp6033?”
I graduated in the top 5% of my class as an undergraduate, getting a four-year degree in three years. I earned a graduate degree (graduating in the middle of my class, but receiving other honors in the process). I also worked part-time throughout college.
I think you could say that I did, indeed, study.
Those are the reactors in commercial use today asshole, those are the ones in France which you right wingers tout endlessly and those are the ones most favored by the right wing because the right wing is corrupted through and through by greed.
Progressives think of people first and the bigger picture like the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation.
The right wing thinks GREED first!
More fraud uncovered with medicaid.
Maybe just $65 million worth of addictive drugs.
This might be the best line…
• About 1,800 prescriptions written for dead patients and 1,200 prescriptions “written” by dead physicians.
Are these the death panels palin was talking about?
So you’re against nuclear power because of the greed of the right wing?
Check out this little youtube about greed. Only 2:23 long.
52 – Nope read what I wrote again idiot. I oppose the nuclear status quo.
(Don’t worry I don’t expect you to.)
51 – That’s good news. A good part of the reform will be raising medicaid eligibility. States will need to invest to squeeze out fraud. The savings will fund legitimate health care.
So when the right wing says there’s no money – they’re lying.
Lies and greed – hallmark signatures of right wing politics.
@6: Hey dimwit Klynical – sis you even read WHY the military officer resigned?
He resigned because he believes the presence of the US military in Afghanistan is counterproductive and fuels the insurgency…of course, this whole prblem was exacerbated by Bush invading Iraq for no reason.
Wow, a true idiot like Klynical really can’t analyze his way out of a paper bag. Fool!
When doctors or patients commit fraud in a Medicare program, it is a criminal offense. People go to jail.
When CEO’s of insurance companies institute policies which routinely deny patient’s claims, they get tens of millions of dollars in bonuses, in addition to their salaries and other perks. Yet the Republicans think that’s fine.
Medicare, even with the occasional fraud (which is rooted out precisely because it is a government program – if it were private you would never know about it), is far more efficient in handling claims than private insurers.
The whole lot of them are batshit crazy.
So rhp6033 studied nuclear engineering. Wanna meet at a DL sometime to discuss future activities? Puddy would like to power data centers with nuclear power systems. We can discuss these and other ideas over some carbonated beverages.
“Puddy would like to power data centers with nuclear power systems.”
Speaking of batshit crazy.
Will Puddy discuss how to get rid of spent nuclear waste?
Will Puddy discuss the effect of I125 on thyroid cancer?
Nuclear power would be ideal IF we knew how to safely get rid of the waste….unfortunately, we don’t. Nuclear is also extremely expensive.
Looks like the HA favorite son Alan Grayson beloved by many HA Libtardos…
Jason Osgood
Proud Leftist
ylb arschloch
Congressman With Guts – Pledge your support for Congressman Alan Grayson. – Goldy’s links
Chris Stefan
Goldy ran into some problems with his big mouth.
Sure correctnotright,
Wanna discuss Auburn University’s Center for Actinide Science and their suggestions correctnotright?
So correctnotright,
You deal in diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals? My neighbor is a urologist. Been paying attention to Zevalin for testicular cancer? We ride bikes so we discuss it.
@55 He resigned because he believes the presence of the US military in Afghanistan is counterproductive and fuels the insurgency…of course, this whole prblem was exacerbated by Bush invading Iraq for no reason.
Well what principled stand are you taking? If you’re against it what have you done to end it?
You’re asking something of correctnotright? This will be interesting… Check to see if it’s from a kook-aid site.
Mr. Klynical disliked George Bush so much he had this to say, and he said it often,
Why Steve? Cheap continual power.
Why do you hate America Steve?
Puddy @ 61
She is a “K Street whore.” Is that all you’ve got? Grayson has spine. Sometimes he approaches the line of propriety, but big deal. We need more like him. (Go ahead, save this post for future use.)
NIce catch. I don’t know if it’s just me, but it seems to me that Cynical lies, exaggerates, and just plain makes stuff up every now and again. Who knows, though, maybe I’m just imperceptive.
As usual, you didn’t read carefully. My father was a nuclear engineer. I never said I was. My degrees are in a different field.
But I still think I know more about the nuclear industry than you ever will.
@33 No, and if you’d read a fucking newspaper once in a while, you might know what he’s talking about.
Strange comments coming out of you, dumb bunny, when it had to be pointed out to you after you accused George Will of “cutting and running” from Afghanistan that the liberal base of your party is in agreement with Will. THAT is being out of touch you dope.
Since you like trying to throw out words to impress people, Puddy, why don’t you discuss MTCA Method B and how it relates to Hanford?
It’s been fun, but time to go. I’m having dinner with some folks from abroad who want to buy U.S. products.
I’ll have to catch Puddy’s devestating rejoinder later. It’ll probably be something like:
“…Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm ….”
Whatever that means.
@67 “Why Steve? Cheap continual power.”
Indeed, I’ve got a thorium microreactor in my basement that powers my furnace.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Puddy wants to come to DL because he is an expert in nuclear power …part of required ROTC courses!
Puddy also thinks US should emulate SOCIALIST France in mandating a PUBLIC OPTION (for power).
Mr C
Mr C wants BHO to send MORE folks to die in Afghnistan.
Mr. C. is a non CONSERVATIVE Republican. As opposed to Susan Hutchinson who is a …
Puddy has now decided to follow the First Commmadment and not take God’s name in vein .. so he calls God “Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm”
Meanwhile, back in the jungle…
Nickels and McGinn are a couple dumbasses for supporting something so clearly not within the city’s power to do.
Puddy claims
Sounds like something I read before, can anyone besides me spell “brown shirts?”
Actually, having been in the US military, SJ did see a lot of what the furred one talks about:
** socialized medicine (mmmmmmmm mmmmmm)
** socialized golf courses (mmmm mmmm just used one of these !)
** socialized schools
** socialized grocery stores
** government run media
** government paid priests
** gov. psid retirement at 3/4 pay FOR life
mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm
@77 actually controlling where guns can be carries is very much within the second amendment.
Not within the power of the mayor of Seattle.
Cynical supposedly is not a Republican. I quite understand his reluctance to acknowledge such a virulent infection. On the other hand, I wonder how many Democrats he’s voted for in the last, oh, lifetime.
@71 yawn
@67 Cheap power? Yeah, I remember when they said nuclear power would be so cheap we’d throw the meters away. That was before the cost overruns …
@66 “I’m a CONSERVATIVE…not a Republican.”
This seems to be their line now. Of course, none of them will admit voting for George W. Bush, just as they won’t admit voting for Tricky Dick Nixon. Gore and Kerry both won by landslides.
@79 Actually, SJ, this isn’t a 2nd Amendment issue. This may surprise you, but Washington has the least restrictive gun laws in the country, and in addition, a state law says local governments can’t pass more restrictive laws than the state laws. That’s why Seattle can’t enact a gun ban ordinance. If the mayor wants to keep guns out of public parks, he has to go to the legislature for that, not the city council.
This law does not apply to other weapons, however. Consequently, Seattle has adopted ordinances restricted knives. This has led to the weird situation where it’s legal to pack a gun in Seattle public parks, but carrying a knife is against the law. But hey, you shouldn’t bring a knife to a gunfight, anyway!
rhp6033, Puddy can’t read?
Puddy asked
rhp6033 responded
Now what was “it“? Nuclear Engineering… Did rhp6033 say no he didn’t study nuclear engineering? No he didn’t.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
@81 I think the more pertinent question is how many Republicans he’s voted for. Answer: All of ’em. Shmucks like Cynical tell people they’re libertarians (small “l”) but look at the election results and see for yourself how many people vote for Libertarian (big “L”) candidates and how many vote for Republicans. There’s been a hell of a lot of liberatarians voting for Republicans, if you ask me. Which is strange, because Republicans are the biggest-government, anti-freedom, free-spending, screw-the-Constitution jerks this side of Darfur. They’d run America like Pinochet ran Chile if they could get away with it.
Apparently rhp6033 apparently is a historical idiot… and a memory midget.
Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm
BULLSHIT SeattleJew.
Are you now acting like ylb arschloch?
Puddy said this and it isn’t any brown shirt shit either…
Amazingly SeattleJew is acting more and more like ylb arschloch Puddy wants to come to DL because he is an expert in nuclear power …part of required ROTC courses!More SeattleJew BULLSHIT.
Puddy never said that at all SeattleJew. Is this the standard progressive libtardo playbook? Twist what others say to make yourself look good? Puddy said rhp6033 and correctnotright can discuss it. Puddy would meet with correctnotright and talk about diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals especially for testicular cancers. Good twist dude.
LOL! Stupes, I named you well. Rhp said his father was the nuclear engineer.
It took me one reading to get that.
And you have the gall to imply others are mentally impaired.
Right wing moron…
@82 @71 yawn
You better do better than that you dumb bunny. You come up with this cut and run commentary regarding Will but are TOTALLY oblivious to the fact that your own party’s left is in total agreement with him. I mean, if you feel this way about Will then this is ALSO the way you must feel about your party’s liberal base . . except you can’t muster the courage to say so.
Your position on Afghanistan is identical to that of the right just to clarify matters even more for you. Welcome aboard!
@93 Yeah, whatever, sweetie. You must be new to this blog because you don’t have a fucking clue about what I think. So far you’ve brought the intellectual heft of a potato to this blog.
I’ll try to dumb this down far enough so even YOU can understand it.
On Sept. 11, 2001, the U.S. was attacked. This attack came from Afghanistan. So our stupid Republican president invaded Iraq! The practical effect of going to war against the wrong country was to starve our forces opposing the real enemy of the troops and equipment they needed. Denying the terrorists use of Afghanistan as a haven and location for training camps seems like an obvious idea. The effort there has been pretty clumsy so far, but then, Republicans ran it for 7 years so what can you expect. This will take a little time to put on a proper course.
Now, I decry aerial bombings of wedding parties and schoolhouses as much as my fellow liberals. But inasmuch as blowing up innocent Afghans isn’t sound military strategy to begin with, I think we can discontinue that.
As far as pulling out altogether, I disagree with some of my liberal friends on that point, because I don’t like asking soldiers to capture the same ground twice. It’s already too expensive in blood the first time.
Don’t mistake me for an armchair warmonger, though. I hate war. Unlike the typical wing chest-beater, I have personal experience with war. This has nothing to do with the fact that I used to be a Republican. If I thought Republicans had any principles or brains, I’d still be one, and I wouldn’t have become a Democratic Party hack and liberal propagandist.
You may see an inconsistency between this last and my position on Afghanistan, but I don’t, because Democrats aren’t uniform in their thinking on this issue. Unlike Republicans, we’re not goosesteppers who take orders from above. We think for ourselves, and I just told you what I think, and the reasons why I think it. What your peabrain does with this information is up to you.
One thing I suggest that you NOT do with it, though, is assume that I support every military action that comes along like Republicans do, because I don’t. Every case is fact-specific, and I determine my position based on the merits of each case. I think we should be in Afghanistan because al Qaeda and the Taliban still exist and we shouldn’t make it easier for them to attack us again by giving that country back to them. On the other hand, if the president determines we can’t win there, and staying in Afghanistan will merely bleed us white, then I would support a decision to get out. This isn’t rocket science. Even you should be able to figure it out.
@93 (continued) You’re nuts to say my position on Afghanistan is “identical to the right.” The right supported the invasion of Iraq! The stupid goddam right wasted 5,000 precious American lives fighting a country that wasn’t a threat to us, and actually made the situation worse because Saddam kept al Qaeda out of his country (he didn’t like rivals) and our invasion opened the gates for them to come into Iraq. The stupid goddam right starved our forces in Afghanistan of men, equipment, and supplies for 7 long years in order to pursue their idiotic recreational war in Iraq! Don’t go around saying my position is “identical to the right,” because it isn’t! My position is the right attacked the wrong country, neglected the war we should have been fighting, and bungled both wars! We Democrats are going to straighten this mess out.
Rabbit says about Sue: “So far you’ve brought the intellectual heft of a potato to this blog.”
Precisely. Sue’s posts evince the cocky idiocy that marks today’s “conservatives.” They are not, of course, conservative, and they are most certainly not thoughtful when it comes to public policy. They are ideological automatons, fed by Limbaugh and Fox News. Sue, however, will never recognize that she’s not sufficiently well-informed to express a public opinion. No, she strongly believes what she believes, so, dammit, who cares about facts? The downside of the internet is that it feeds trolls like Sue.
@96 For starters, she assumes all Democrats think alike. What can you say about that? No need to say anything; it speaks for itself.
As far as I’ve been able to detect over the years on this blog, the only thing I’m sure you and I agree on is that thinking freely is a pretty good thing. Oh, and Klake is a Nazi.
re 95: …and Rumsfeld insisted on trying to do it with 100,000 soldiers and not the 400,000 soldiers all the generals and Democrats said were required.
It was a bitter pill to swallow when Bush came up with his ‘surge’ bilge.
Pfffffft arschloch! Powerfully weak as always.
Puddy @ 66
Great link, thanks.
Looks like Grayson needs to watch The Karate Kid again.
Also, I’m glad that you remember. That’ll save a lot of time later.
Rog spews:
Now that is probably the funniest sentence you have ever uttered. Just like Porkulous moved Unemployment under 8%, right Rog??
Just like the Health Care proposals will be Budget Neutral.
You KLOWNS are good for one thing and one thing only…griping.
@63 Puddy
Interesting idea Puddy – I have not seen anything on this.
How would it work? Zevalin is a monoclonal antibody to CD20 – and as far as I know B cells express this rather exclusively….do testicular cancer cells overexpress this typical B cell marker?
SJ: do you know anything about this?
Of course, they link the antibody to a short range radioactive isotope (I think it is Yttrium-90) to localize the radioactivity to the specific region – I had only heard of this for B cell lymphoma (the Hellstroms have been talking about these ideas for therapeutic monoclonals 20 years now).
Puddy – I did not know you were a bike rider. New repect here. Interested in a ride sometime?
SJ projectile vomits:
SJ is the Saul Alinsky of HA. Misrepresentations galore is SJ’s motto.
I said “fight to win or get out”.
Your pal Barry O has troops in harm’s way while he plays golf, goes on Leno/Letterman and carefully ponders what to tell families of dead soldiers as he leaves them out there like sitting ducks and allows Obama’s Taliban pals to get stronger and have more resolve.
Obama is pathetic.
Roger Rabbit has outlived his pecker.
You ride bikes too? Maybe so sometime. Not like my neighbor as he does tens of miles a DAY at times for his exercise. My buddies have tried to get me to do the STP but I’m too old for that. As SeattleJew and GBS know, bad knees.
Puddy has varied interests. Did you check Auburn University’s Center for Actinide Science yet?
Regarding Zevalin Puddy doesn’t know how it works. We were discussing Lance Armstrong and how he didn’t react to his groin pain back when he first had symptoms. We talked how the testicles are tucked against the body during long bike rides. Does it cut off circulation, repacking them as you ride etc.? Men talk ya know.
@94 You must be new to this blog because you don’t have a fucking clue about what I think.
But we don’t need a clue you dope – you’ve said it plainly. You dumped on George Will for “cutting and running” when he wrote we should leave Afghanistan, TOTALLY oblivious to the fact that the liberal base of your party has the same position. So much for telling others (above) that they don’t read when you’re totally out of the loop on what has been a well-known trend for MONTHS. I mean, you many not discover this on HA, where you appear to spend most your waking hours, but THERE ARE other sources of news!
All your blather above continues to ignore the simple fact that you go after Will but can’t muster the courage to criticize members of your own party for holding exactly the same position.
Dumb AND hypocritical bunny.
@94 Don’t mistake me for an armchair warmonger, though.
Oh, we’ll be sure not to, Napoleon, though I think it would probably take a crane or hunger spasm to separate you from your armchair.
Well said!
Heh. Hey Stupes, I thought “Sue” was ‘progressive’.
She’s one of your recruits isn’t she? From your church right?
Shit, Sue is a failure just like all your other stupid antics..
Puddy @ 86: Yep, I missed the “it” in your comment. You also missed that I didn’t say that I studied “it” in my reply, although in the context that might be understandable. I’ll take the blame for that one.
Moron @ 61
From the article you linked to:
About time an elected representative had the guts to say that.
@111 Shit, Sue is a failure
But Sue has a very demanding – and well-paying – job that puts her kids through college, supports a lot of charities, and pays plenty in taxes. And now she must go to it . . . while YLB spends his ENTIRE day on HA.
114 – LOL! What are you doing here?
Could give a flip what you are outside this forum.
What you do HERE is what’s material and you’re a freaking failure at it – my fellow “progressive”.
Either you’re part of the solution or part of the problem – and it’s pretty damn obvious to me and many others you’re not helping any.
@115 More likely Sue is Puddy’s sockpuppet #37. He keeps count, you know. Like any wingnut, the fool just can’t stop projecting (a Psych 101 thing). So when he goes off on sockpuppetry, as he often does, you just know something’s all fucked up with him.
You’ve gone back to being really stupid again. Just ask Goldy if the IP Addresses are unique. Go on grow some balls!
Steve’s Stupid Solution does have that effect on “libtardo peeps”. Are you in a manufacturing lull again so you’re testing a new formulation?
Yep. HAs favorite arschloch, ylb arschloch thinks jobs classifieds are here. Puddy wonders what the arschloch says to his pants wearing wife, unless of course, she’s resigned to him being a lazy shiftless doing nothing libtardo.
“Hi honey. Did you find a job yet?”
“No but I did use tctmgr to capture a right-wing whacko”.
“Does this right-wing whacko have a job for you?”
“Well no he doesn’t but he did ask me about my skill set. I didn’t answer him because I’d be embarrassed that I don’t know much.”
“Well you can join the SEIU. The union can find something for you to do.”
and so on…
Back to work…
Most progressives I know have jobs or devote time to the community. You spend all your time on HA and contribute absolutely zilch. Pry your butt from your chair and make a real contribution. There are plenty of charities that need help. Also plenty of political groups in need of people to go door-to-door.
Progressive in name only.
118 – Just like Sue you’re a failure Stupes. Just like Hannah you’re a failure Stupes. Just like MWS you’re a failure Stupes. Your tag team with PacMan didn’t hold up for shit either
You think anything you say has some kind of an effect on me? Wrong Stupes. You failed again.
Like I told “Sue” (from a proxied IP address I’m sure), I could give a flying F U C K what you are outside this forum. AFAIC, there’s no separation between what you are here and what you are out there.
You bring Murdoch shit here, you are for Murdoch.
You bring Regnery shit here, you are for Regnery.
You bring Free Republic here, you are for Free Republic.
You bring Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Medved or any of that hate talk bullshit here, you are for that shit.
You cling to that ugly, corrupt party of yours, you are for being ugly and corrupt and you accept that as legitimate business as usual in the halls of power.
Keep up the batshit insane drumbeat fool. It’s great entertainment for some of us.
Election day is coming up. Signs are looking positive that the progressives are going to carry another day but even if the results are mixed WE ARE NEVER STOPPING. EVER.. WE WILL ALWAYS FIGHT for better schools for our kids, for a cleaner environment for our kids, for public safety and national defense policies that are not batshit insane, for sustainable economic growth and a prosperous future for our kids.
119 – Pffffft.. Where were you the last eight years?
I bet you’re right wing because you’re ordering me around like any other right winger would. Did you do well from right wing policies?
Good for you but I hope you understand that nothing lasts forever.
Have a nice day.
@121 Good for you but I hope you understand that nothing lasts forever.
But that’s not an excuse to refuse to work while your family carries the load. You can lift your arms, right, and move one foot in front of another? You have a semi-active brain that separates you from the primates, correct? So why put up all these excuses and distractions above when the simple fact is you simply refuse to work or contribute to the community in any meaningful way?
Being progressive does not mean you get a pass on these basics, YLB.
You’re not like any progressive I know.
122 – Dave I feel so crestfallen from the burden of you lecturing me. I think I’ll follow your right wing orders and never comment at HA again.
You know nothing about me save what the right wingers spew here. Great judgement there Dave.
Get a life right winger.
122 – Oh and Dave. This is just a suggestion. What you do is your own business but:
Vote YES on R-71
Vote NO on I-1033
If you live in King County Vote Dow Constantine for County Executive.
Have a nice day.
@114 “But Sue has a very demanding – and well-paying – job that puts her kids through college ….”
That’s nothing. Roger Rabbit’s daddy had a low-paying public service job (he was a newspaper reporter) and a stay-at-home wife and lots of little bunnies, so he didn’t put his kids through college and Roger Rabbit put himself through college. And it was very hard because Roger studied and worked at the same time, and Roger’s jobs were low-paying dirty jobs, including night work, and Roger was tired all the time. Roger lived in cheap basement rooms, sometimes without much heat in winter, and sometimes went without food, but Roger stuck with it and did 4 years of undergraduate work in 3 years and eventually completed a double major (in political science and journalism, with a strong minor in economics), completing 5 years of college work in less than 4 years by taking extra-heavy credit loads and attending summer schools. And Roger made good grades despite having to work between classes, at night, and on weekends — grades good enough to get into a competitive law school that accepted only 7% of those who applied. Then Roger enlisted in the Army and served with a frontline combat battalion in Vietnam for 13 months, and after the war, Roger went to law school on the G.I. Bill and Roger also went to graduate school to study public management and Roger also served in the Army Reserve. So fuck you, Sue, your accomplishments are merely average; come back and brag after you’ve done something.
@116 I really don’t care whether Sue is puddy, puddy’s sister, or puddy’s fucking buddy. Sue is a twit. I judge people by their content, and so far, all I’ve seen from Sue is her self-absorption with how smart she is. She’s otherwise contentless.
@117 I’m gonna back you up on this, puddy. I don’t think you’re “Sue.” Each of you is dumb in his/her own way, but even compared to you, she’s vapid in a class by herself.
@118 Why would anyone want a job?
As Sue pointed out, all working gets you is taxes. I don’t work, because I don’t have to, and working is such a bad deal for workers that no one in his/her right mind would work if he/she didn’t have to.
126 – Heh. Few can say it like it is as well you Rog.
You’re the man!!!!
Sue, like Suzie Hutchison is an empty suit.
@122 “But that’s not an excuse to refuse to work”
I don’t need an excuse to refuse to work, although I have one — I worked 45 years, and that’s enough. Now, I don’t work. I refuse to work. What are you gonna do about it?
That’s the sound of ylb getting hit on his head by the invisible hand coming through the screen.
Get a job fool! What a progressive libtardo example you are to your kiddies fool! Yes, ylb arschloch is that metrosexual man. Make the wife earn the dough!
Someday Puddy will meet you and buy you a carbonated beverage. Until then you are a fool!
Keep using HA as your classifieds.
@126 I judge people by their content
I think Sue hit a nerve as evidenced by the “resume” and everything else Roger Rabbit has tried to cobble together as a smoke screen.
The fact of the matter is she was spot on. He was quick to jump all over George Will over his Afghanistan stand, totally clueless that the left wing of his party has the very same view. Maybe he needs to do his homework and screen his own content a little.
And she’s right: he’s a hypocrite for accusing Will of cutting and running but remaining totally silent in the case of the tens of millions of his own party who share Will’s view.
Now that’s courage!
Wait a minute fool. Two sons in great universities and Puddy is a loser? Do you realize that’s almost $30 Large a year and Puddy is a loser? What’s that fool? At least a third of your wife’s SEIU salary. Are you hedging for those Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm educational grants by purposely staying under the threshold? Are you one of those fools who are waiting for Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm to pay your mortgage? Must be. You are working so hard to stay unemployed.
Puddy would partially respect you if you were flipping burgers. Puddy would spend money in the store. But you decided to make HA your daily home fool so deal with the ridicule!!!!!
132 – Heh. Stupes, always the failure.
Fantasize on fool.
135 – Yep you’re a total loser. Can’t you read? I don’t care what you are outside this forum.
All I know about you is what I read here and what I see is not good.
So keep on making your feckless attacks. It just confirms everything I’ve come to know about you.
You’ve failed Stupes.
Thanks for playing…
Bob Griese made a racist remark… Something about a NASCAR racer missing from the picture “getting a taco”.
Bob Griese only gave to Democratics.
Nuff SAID!!!!!!
ylb arschloch,
Puddy sees we’re getting to you.
139 – See 136.
I always have to repeat myself for this idiot.
The fucking moron is wailing away…the best thread crapper ever, our very own…P-donkey.
The dumb brick and cinder block appeared next to each other.
At least rujax has a job… ylb arschloch… while you are looking for that internet news “porn”.
Go for it.
@142 At least rujax has a job
Yes, all good news. He’s now updating his “blog” on a regular basis after having been informed on these very pages that once every six months wasn’t quite getting the job done.
Perhaps YLB should get his own blog so he can claim he works.
135. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Remember, you are talking to the freeloader KLOWN klass. They have no respect for folks who pay their way. All they can do is scheme freeloader ways to get around paying.
You are a true Patriot Puddy.
KA-blammo…BULL-shittium…suckasuckasucka…suckasuckasuckasucka…KA-blammmm-MO….playing with pudddydummy’s word blower-upper is fun. David should try it instead of acting like he’s got some kind of fucking clue or something.
Tsk, tsk. You DID have to be reminded that six month gaps between posts was a little on the longish side. But it’s all good: you thought about it, took the advice to heart, and now we can treat ourselves to HA AND your blog on a regular basis. Does it get any better than that?
rujax blog.
Gag! Retch!
rujax, glad you like Puddyisms. Too bad your mind is a terrible thing.
Back at you Cynical…
“You are a true Patriot Puddy.”
Why does Steve continually hate America?
Why does Puddy hang with racists who hate him as much as they hate America?
Are you ordering me around again right wing tool?
Heh.. Oh my, gotta remind myself that I’m dealing with the insane here.
Hey Stupes,
Klynical and you remind me of Beavis and Butthead.
@120 WE WILL ALWAYS FIGHT for better schools for our kids, for a cleaner environment for our kids, for public safety and national defense policies that are not batshit insane, for sustainable economic growth and a prosperous future for our kids.
We? Don’t you first of all have to pry yourself out of that chair of yours that you appear to be permanently welded to 365/24/7?
154 – Are you right wing? Yes, it’s a relevant question because to be right wing these days is to be batshit insane.
And I care what an insane person thinks of me because?
Find a job today ylb arschloch? Why do you lie to your family by prowling kook-aid sites while not providing essentials to your children future growth?
What a libtard.
The only “batshit insane one” IS YOU fool!
Oh and arschloch,
Puddy brings the truth from any site. Puddy has used Kos and TPM when they bring truths. You visit whackamole kook-aid instead of pounding the pavement with your resume.
Such a progressive role model. Puddy sees it now:
It’s Bring Dad to School Day.
Arschloch’s Daughter – “Dad what do you do at home? We are supposed to bring our fathers into school and have them discuss the jobs”
Arschloch – “Well honey, I cruise HorsesAss looking for that zinger I can give to a guy I named Stupes. I also visit all the known left-wing sites for “information”. He’s a right-winger and you know what George Bush did to daddy. I lost my job do to George Bush.”
Arschloch’s Daughter – “Really dad? You told us at the dinner table you lost your job because you did something stupid.”
Arschloch – “Well… anyway what’s going on at school?”
Arschloch’s Daughter – “Ahhh never mind daddy, I’ll tell you are sick.”
Yeah, we know you are sick in the head! Keep looking for that job here while the wife works hard supporting your sorry ASS.
@125 Then Roger enlisted in the Army and served with a frontline combat battalion in Vietnam for 13 months,
I think I punctured your fragile male ego, general, given the torrent of blather it generated. And why a tome on your life’s hard knocks, when it could be summed up as: I put myself through school, went to Vietnam, went to law school, and then became a government bureaucrat for the rest of my life. Truly remarkable . . . especially when you consider it’s a history of everything you’ve done for yourself.
And as you pat yourself on your back for Vietnam, just a reminder that it took a lot more courage NOT to serve in a war that killed tens of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of civilians. (But, then again, the job did allow you to get that law degree.) No wonder you accuse George Will of cutting and running when he argues we should leave Afghanistan. Nothing separates you from the right on this issue, despite your blather to the contrary. Absolutely nothing.
Still a dumb bunny for not knowing you were totally out of step with so many members of your own party on Afghanistan, and still a total hypocrite for refusing to criticize them for it even as you go after Will. Let’s stop putting up smoke screens to obscure these simple facts.
157 – LMAO!!! The fantasies you have Stupes..
I bet you taught your kids to love what you do here.
Is one of them “Reckless” or one of those other sockpuppets?
Carry on fool. I hope it gets you through the night.