– I don’t mean to alarm you, but today is known as Spy Wednesday
– In a previous open thread, I mentioned that Cathy McMorris Rodgers put a call out to her Facebook followers that they tell her about Obamacare, and most had nice things to say. Well, apparently that’s the haters hating.
– Welcome to the City Council race, James Keblas
Breaking News — Arkansas Governor Rejects Indiana Hate Law
The uproar over Indiana’s law legalizing discrimination against gays claimed its first legislative casualty this morning. Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson announced he won’t sign an Indiana copycat bill that passed the Arkansas legislature yesterday, and will send it back to the legislature for revisions to bring it into line with the 1992 federal law. (Source: CNN)
Miss Evans needs to take a serious, unvarnished view of Christian history and purge her mind of illusions about what this religion is about and has really done. “Love thy neighbor” was always a fraud.
Perhaps McMorris Rodgers will seek refuge at (u)SP again.
Senate Republicans budget looks like it’ll be widely popular, especially for college students who are looking to receive a 25 percent reduction in tuition.
But Baumgardner didn’t let 12 dollar minimum wage out of committee, so we’ll just have to make it an initiative.
Re “A Baseball Story,” I never met Branch Rickey, but I did meet his family and looked after his car as he lay dying in a Columbia, Missouri, hospital in the fall of 1965. I was a student at the time, and had a part-time maintenance job at the motel where the Rickey family stayed nearly a month while he was in the local hospital. I washed their Rolls Royce every day. They tipped me generously. Their money helped feed me that winter.
It’s rare you see Tim Eyman and ACLU on the same side of anything, but SB 5715, sponsored by conservative wingding Jan Angel, is so bad even Eyman is against it. This bill, which has cleared the Senate, is a reaction to the class size initiative that’s giving legislators fits by imposing a huge voter-approved and unfunded mandate on the state budget. It would have OFM, an arm of the governor’s office, pass judgment on initiatives. More …
What a waste of a perfectly good human heart.
DOJ prosecutors have rejected House Republicans’ demand for contempt charges against Lois Lerner, ruling that she was right and they were wrong.
“The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia will not seek contempt charges against former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner for her refusal to testify before Congress, the Justice Department (DOJ) announced Wednesday.”
More breaking news:
Sen. Robert Menendez indicted
Well, that headline was short and sweet.
Last month, Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) declined to say whether Menendez should step down from his committee post should charges be filed. Although Senate Republicans require members under indictment to temporarily relinquish leadership or top committee posts, Senate Democrats have no such rule.
Of course they don’t.
ONOZE! McDonalds Inc is putting its franchises out of business by paying its employees more than the federal minimum wage!
McDonald’s raising average worker wage to about $10 an hour
This is going to decimate the Job Creators!
It is unpossible for McDonalds franchise owners to compete if by some policy workers are paid more than the federal minimum wage!
The end is nigh!
ps. Don’t believe me, ask any Republican you know. Start with WA Sen. Michael Baumgartner (R-Spokane).
Olympia office: (360) 786-7610
Toll-free number: (800) 562-6000
Spokane office: (509) 329-3740
@9 Cheapskate bet welshing Bob,
You know, you’re on to something. We can’t trust Senate Minority Leader Reid to prod the Federally indicted Democratic Senator from New Jersey to give up his seat.
But wait!
Fortunately for you and all ethics minded Republicans, we have a Republican majority in the Senate and the House!
So, while you can ineffectively whine about Sen Reid, why don’t you spearhead the action to DEMAND that the Senate Republican majority bring to the floor of the Senate a motion of Censure?
Never mind Bob.
You’ve neither the courage of your convictions nor the ability to accomplish anything.
You are, after all, a do nothing Republican.
Tigers changing stripes and all that.
How about that! The Toonerville racist is back.
“Of course they don’t.”
Um, Toonerville, just a reminder, you self-righteous Christo-Fascist pizza and wedding flower denying, gaydar-equipped Republicans fuck goats while wearing animal costumes.
Anyways, Toonerville, you might want to give some thought to cleaning up your own act, don’t you think? Maybe people wouldn’t laugh at you when you leave snide remarks about Democrats or unarmed black kids and teens playing in parks or walking down a street who were shot dead by white cops.
People like Toonerville are so fucking strange.
“I personally spent literally thousands of hours studying the habits of homosexuals by reading their literature, and watching their erotic adventures on DVD,” Don Beederman (Chris Parnell) assured O’Brien.
“So, sir, your research has consisted entirely of reading and watching gay pornography,” O’Brien asked.
“Now you’re starting to sound like my ex-wife,” Beederman chided, after defending the Republican-supported law by saying it was more about protecting Christian businesses than discriminating against the gay community.
“It is a known fact, Conan, if there are any homosexuals nearby, God cannot hear your prayers,” Beederman argued.
He also boasted that he honed his “gaydar” by combing through the dating app Grindr, to the point that he no longer needed it to “red flag” any gay men nearby.
“If I sense there’s a homosexual nearby, my gaydar goes off, and my penis instantly lengthens and hardens, veering up defensively,” he assured O’Brien.
“That’s not gaydar,” the host protested, before Beederman demonstrated his method of “poking” any offending gay men away from him.”
Really, Toonerville, you freaks need to spend a lot more time working on your personal issues, and a lot less time leaving snide comments on blogs about crooked Democrats and dead black kids. Maybe you’d get your fucking act together someday.
Republicans have unleashed a real beauty, no wonder why Boob wants to go to other breaking news. Desperation. Don’t jump Boob, put down the urine specimen.
Conan skits can be some funny shit.
So anyways, Toonerville, just how finely-tuned is your gaydar? Can you look at an MRI image and spot the gay?
DUMMOCRETINS are scum. Smelly disgusting scum!
Meanwhile Harry Reid boasts he lied on the Senate floor about Romney not paying taxes and is unrepentant about it.
DUMMOCRETINS are scum. Smelly disgusting scum!
The ends justifies the means! Being a DUMMOCRETIN means you never apologize butt demand conservatives apologize! http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/po.....ion-owner/
DUMMOCRETINS are scum. Smelly disgusting scum!
Toonerville and Fox wingnuts freak out over the minimum wage.
“There are whispers that some restaurants are looking at ways to hire Robots instead of people to take your order. That could mean layoffs.”
“My name is Gort, and I’ll be your waiter this evening.”
I dunno about that. How about this one? “My name is Dr. HAL 9000 and I am your radiologist.”
“DUMMOCRETINS are scum. Smelly disgusting scum!”
It sounds like somebody wants these DUMMOCRETINS put to death. They must have done something really, really bad to deserve such eliminationist rhetoric.
“Meanwhile Harry Reid boasts he lied…”
Damn. Only one way to deal with this. Death to smelly, disgusting DUMMOCRETIN scum!!
“The ends justifies the means!”
If the end doesn’t justify the means, then WTF does? And as you more closely examine the concept of “means” and “ends”, be sure to give some thought to how you plan to dispose of 60,000,000 dead, smelly, disgusting DUMMOCRETIN scum bodies.
Remember when conservatives were demanding we all wait and not cast judgment in Ferguson, and on Zimmerman and in NY and Cincinnati until the facts come in, you think they will be hypocrites and rush to judgment for Menendez?
“My name is Dr. HAL 9000 and I am your radiologist.”
Of course, if programmed by Toonerville and Puddy, it might be like, “My name is Dr. HAL 9000. My gaydar detects detects teh gay, so as a good Christian robot, I refuse to be your radiologist.”
@16 Don’t worry, luv, even though you won’t have Harry Reid to kick around anymore, I’ll still be here.
Oh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, it’s HA DUMMOCRETINS whom rush to judgment. Everyone knows that Obummer is going after Menendez. Also Puddy brought this up years ago. Just ask the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch for a crazed databaze replay!
“Remember when conservatives were demanding we all wait and not cast judgment…”
And of course when caught defending the lie DUMMOCRETINS circle the wagon… http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....ut-romney/
Apology? Pffffffffffffffft! We’re DUMMOCRETINS, we never apologize! Typical so typical!
Oh Stuuuupid Solution Steve,
Now we know Hillary Clinton didn’t share all of her emails to State.
Now we know Hillary deeeeestroyed emails.
Now we know Hillary ignored Congressional subpoenas.
No rush to judgment at all! Emails still missing!
Harry Reid knew on the Senate Floor he could lie and get away with it!
DUMMOCRETINS are SCUM! Smelly disgusting SCUM! The libtard slobbering DUMMOCRETIN msm give Reid a pass!
If a Republican lied like Harry Reid,.. Reporters would be asking Republican senators “Do you stand by the majority leader you voted for three times or are you going to let it go?”
DUMMOCRETINS are SCUM! Smelly disgusting SCUM! The libtard slobbering DUMMOCRETIN msm give Reid a pass!
Of course Harry Reid’s lie will not make the Friday Night Comix! He’s a DUMMOCRETIN!
Wow, puddy is not upset with the use of the loaded word “plantation” by a republican, what drove him apologetic was that Reid chastised the republican for using it?
The Repuboican Motto – “United We Stand and UNITED WE WILL FALL!!! God damn it!”
But they forgot about thou shall not swear or use God’s name in vain.
Plantation? Sounds like a bucolic country accommodations! Reminds me of the rolling waves of the ocean by the Caribbean ocean.
Are conservatives hypocrites if they are outraged by Clinton’ s email but were silent about bush?
“DUMMOCRETINS are SCUM! Smelly disgusting SCUM!”
I see Puddy’s still happily indulging in eliminationist rhetoric, hoping to inspire right-wing nutcases to begin eliminating the smelly disgusting DUMMOCRETIN scum. After all, what does one do with smelly, disgusting scum but eliminate it, with the end justifying the means?
You murderous SOB, you’re no Christian. No, you crazed freak, you’re just a goddamned whack-cult extremist who uses the name of Christ to spread hate and fear and to promote violence against, including the murder of people you decry as “smelly disgusting DUMMOCRETIN scum”.
Hey, Toonerville and Puddy, the Indiana pizza bigots want your fucking money! Pay up, stupes!
Christian martyrdom in America. It’s all about the Benjamins. LMFAO!!
@34 oh he’s just upset because the world doesn’t want to be as much of a bigot as him and his folk. He’ll probably even to start to wet the bed again.
@34 something tells me that the NCAA alone has more pull than the 990 bigots that have raised money for the pizza lady.
@34 they are going to need it when it eventually goes out of business. Wise investment. They must be listening to the advice of the united we fail group
@26 you jumping up and down while holding tight to the bars of your cage?
You know I’d actually like to have a discussion with Puffy on where I think it would be appropriate or acceptable for a person of faith withold a gay marriage scenario from service. But every time I think I’d be ok with it something tells they want more, they want to be bigots and it isn’t a matter of religious belief, so then I say fuck it, fuck them, they could never be trusted, kind of like Iranians.
But we all know the ape isn’t here for intellectual discussion, doesn’t know how to approach proper discussion, so I’ll let the NCAA do the talking for me, they seem to be doing just fine.
Ahhh yes the Fascists of HA. Their true colors shining through! Christians who believe in heterosexual marriage are bigots that need to be shut up, placed in reeducation camps, ostracized, etc.
Yep, progressive Fascists, so tolerant!
Our idiot troll @40 spews a classic wingnut nugget
Love the “placed in reeducation camps” straw man!
But on the other wingnut fear, Yes, bigots need to shut up, whether they are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Druid or atheist.
I don’t give a shit what you or your bigot cult believe.
You want to believe in Santa Claus? Fine. But you have no right to attempt to restrict me from buying gifts for bad girls & boys.
You want to believe in a sky creature who creates homosexuals but forbids you from acknowledging their legal marriage? Fine. Don’t attend the wedding and don’t send anniversary card. You want to bring your beliefs of righteous bigotry into the public square and demand the public abide by your beliefs? Then, damn straight, you’re going to get what’s coming to you.
And yes, in a perfect nation of law that means being ostracized from civil society. Tough nuggies
@1- I suspect it’s a ruse; if he doesn’t sign within 5 days, it becomes law without him signing it. I expect that in five days it will be law and he will be on the TeeVee saying, “well, schucks, I tried to get them to rewrite some things, but… I just took too darn long!”
“Christians who believe in heterosexual marriage are bigots…”
Not necessarily. But with your paradigm view of shit, there’s simply no room for anything but “us or them” and “this or that”. That’s because you’re fucking stupid and a bigot. But you’re no Christian. To quote the words of Jesus would sear your mind with pain, so you souless bastards never quote him. You fool nobody.
“…that need to be shut up, placed in reeducation camps, ostracized, etc.”
There you go again! Sorry, but much to your dismay, I’m sure, we still have freedom of speech in this country. And while I may have initially thought that putting the likes of you and Toonerville in a FEMA camp a wonderful idea, one that you guys gave us, by the way, springing as it did from your own lurid imaginations and something you know doubt hoped to do to us, I thought about it, dropped it, and got over it.
Ostracism, on the other hand, as well as public humiliation, yes, I do believe that is in order. When it comes to your hateful attitude and actions towards LBGT Americans, it has already begun. Look around. Look and see who is leading the ostracism of you now, bitches. Walmart and Apple. Checkmate, motherfuckers.
Oh the faux outrage…
Harry Reid running the senate like a plantation and HA DUMMOCRETINS go nutzo? Harry Reid really ran the senate like a dic[k]tator!
Pudy found some DUMMOCRETIN winners from all over the nets!
Butt then again your great hero said this ““White folks was in the caves while we was building empires. We built pyramids before Donald Trump ever knew what architecture was we taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “There’s no great, white bigot; there’s just about 200 million little white bigots out there.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “We have lost to the white racist press and to the racist reactionary Jewish misleaders.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “A handkerchief-head, chicken-and-biscuit-eating Uncle Tom.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “I think one man is just as good as another so long as he’s not a nigger or a Chinaman. Uncle Will says that the Lord made a White man from dust, a nigger from mud, then He threw up what was left and it came down a Chinaman. He does hate Chinese and Japs. So do I. It is race prejudice, I guess. But I am strongly of the opinion Negroes ought to be in Africa, Yellow men in Asia and White men in Europe and America.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking!”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this about Obummer “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “I love this quote. It’s from Mahatma Gandhi. He ran a gas station down in St. Louis for a couple of years. Mr. Gandhi, do you still go to the gas station? A lot of wisdom comes out of that gas station”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this about Obummer “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this about Obummer “This guy, he was catapulted in on hope and change, what we hope the guy is. What the fuck? Everything he’s saying’s on the teleprompter. I’m blacker than Barack Obama. I shined shoes. I grew up in a five-room apartment. My father had a little laundromat in a black community not far from where we lived. I saw it all growing up.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “You’d find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He rose Germany up from the ashes.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “I want to go up to the closest white person and say: ‘You can’t understand this, it’s a black thing’ and then slap him, just for my mental health.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “Blacks and Hispanics were too busy eating watermelons and tacos to read the fine print on the phony insurance policies.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “Is you their black-haired answer-mammy who be smart? Does they like how you shine their shoes, Condoleezza? Or the way you wash and park the whitey’s cars?”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this about Obummer “Obama Electable Because he is Light Skinned with no Negro Dialect” Yeah, if he looked like Mike Tyson, or Ving Rhames or Laurence Fishburne DUMMOCRETINS would have said “pass”!
Or another DUMMOCREIN hero said this “He’s married to a white woman. He wants to be white. He wants a colorless society. He has no ethnic pride. He doesn’t want to be black.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “In about 18 months from now, hopefully will have sent Nikki Haley back to wherever the hell she came from and this country can move forward.”
Or another DUMMOCRETInN hero said this “There are white niggers. I’ve seen a lot of white niggers in my time.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “The Medicaid system must have been developed by a white male slave owner. It pays for you to be pregnant and have a baby, but it won’t pay for much family planning.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this about Obummer “If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman of any color, he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “You fucking Jew Bastard.”
Or the brother of another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “Some junior high nigger kicked Steve’s ass while he was trying to help his brothers out; junior high or sophomore in high school. Whatever it was, Steve had the nigger down. However it was, it was Steve’s fault. He had the nigger down, he let him up. The nigger blindsided him.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “There was just an AP article posted that found how Sen. Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”
Or another DUMMOCRETIN hero said this “My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. You know I just, I don’t understand it.”
Yet not one iota of HA DUMMOCRETIN outrage! Oh and not one of those were aimed at GW Bush!
Iran Nuke Talks will always be known as OBAMA’S FOLLIES!!
Obama is a Narcissistic SOB. He truly believes he can convince ANYONE to agree with his point of view. Even murdering sleezeballs
My gay marriage is not threatened if straight people get married. Doesn’t effect my marriage in the least.
Stoooooooooooopid Solution Steve @43… This post says it well http://www.freerepublic.com/fo.....4645/posts
Bush is a Narcissistic SOB. He truly believes in “mission accomplished”…
@48 Eh? How is choosing not to patronize a business “totalitarian”? If it’s my money, I’m free to spend it wherever I want to, yes? Or am I now required to shop at Bigot Spigot and Homophobe Alley to prove I’m not a communist out to destroy the American way of life?
@48 I see you’re still getting your intellectual stimulation from Free Republic …
@48 Btw, can you explain to me the difference between the “demands” of gay activists and those of civil rights activists? Or do you prefer the seats in the back of the bus and having your own water fountains?
Oh and another babbling jackass who worships the image reflected in nearest mirror said “We already know how her vineyards don’t hire union labor but cheap relatives of HA HERO YLB.”
I didn’t know that the the NCAA, NBA, MLB, Angie’s list, Apple, NASCAR, Charles Barclay, etc, etc, etc were gay activists.
Gay Activist = +20
Puffy and his Bigots = 0
Puffy the fact that you don’t like gay marriage doesn’t make you a bigot. But the fact that you want to not allow it and then turn this into let’s fix them by taking more of their rights away, like dining or etc, then that’s what proved you to be bigots. You got caught red handed!
The fact that you want to blame this all on the gay activists makes you the bigot. Falsely characterize the situation.
Puffy is not happy. Oh boo hoo hoo. Everyone is a racist and bigot except him and his boogie biblers. And then you have the complete stupid of ghost that really don’t care and are phobes that sit by and let Nazis be nazis.
Mis characterization of what happened in Indiana and now Arkansas and next east bumfuck republica by the bigots is all the proof you need.
You see if it truly was just the gay activists that were up in arms, then nobody would even be blinking an eye and we’d be moving on waiting for all our water to dry up before our noses.
It’s only because everyone but gay activists are involved that is making this the story that it is.
Puffy what do you call your religious activists. Here’s a hint, look in the mirror, you will see an Ape.
@45 and @46 your stupid whining will always be known as you are a fucking stupid hypocrite, and too stubborn to acknowledge the failings of the mother fucking bigot party.
Any person who doesn’t like gay marriage isn’t a bigot. At least not until the want to prevent it even if it is found unconstitutional to ban it and then in failure to preventing it retaliate with more discrimination. Now that is bigotry. You may love fire but your not actually the arsonist until you set the place up on fire. Then you come out and blame the house for being made of combustible material.
48 Eh? How is choosing not to patronize a business “totalitarian”? – BULLSHITTIUM from the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Early onset senility is strong in this one…
Puddy thought you played dumb for sympathy with your fellow DUMMOCRETIN travelers. Now it’s very apparent it’s not an act. You really are senile IDIOT WABBIT! http://jonathanturley.org/2015.....ay-couple/
She knew Curt for nine years senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/20/.....orist-gay/
It’s absolutely totalitarian when she told him other florists would serve them in their wedding they sued her. It’s absolutely totalitarian that she could lose her business, her home, and her personal savings as a 70 year old grandmother.
Oh and the rants of the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla prove the absolutely totalitarian view held by him and others! Christianity be damned.
What are you libtard freakazoids gonna do when you run up against a Muslim florist?
Hmmm…? You really are a senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! You don’t remember anything anymore except Concept Guerrilla and that’s because you saved that!
Wait for it…
Scared to be exposed by alternet for what the
yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch racist really is! So it still runs away from the seven questions! Hate is strong in this one!
There goes libtards again comparing race to gayness. Your hero Jesse Jackson said this in 2012…
So now it’s absolute totalitarian action time. And later Jesse said this…
And there is the second rub. Other Christian people’s rights be damned by the absolutely totalitarian actions of the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla and its friends! Puddy will always use libtards against libtards!
Oh BTW DUMMOCRETINS, you remember this gay suit against Jackson right? http://www.windycitymediagroup.....?AID=31375
Such a great hero to the gay cause that Jesse Jackson! Treating a gay man like that!
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla farted this
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa Puddy always thought the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla was covering up something… Now we know the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla is just plain stoooooooooooopid and doesn’t want to admit its absolutely totalitarian view on things!
From the HuffPo – If you vote against gay marriage or gay rights, you are a bigot, as surely as anyone who voted against civil rights in the ’60s was a bigot. If you preach against gay rights, you are a bigot. If you write against gay rights, you are a bigot. If you give your money or time to any Christian church or ministry that you know actively works to restrict or limit gay rights in any way, you are a bigot. If, in private, you intimate to your dearest friend that you don’t think gay people should be allowed to get married, you are a bigot.
Dave Weigel – “I can empathize with everyone I cover except for the anti-gay marriage bigots.”
Big Think – Opposing gay marriage is the moral equivalent of supporting anti-miscegenation laws. If you oppose equal marriage, you are a bigot.
Lindsay Beyerstein – “If, like the voters of California, you voted to break up families in the name of preserving family values, that makes you a hypocrite and a bigot.”
Paul Raushenbush – “Let’s just be very clear here —if you are against marriage equality you are anti-gay. Done.”
Think Progress – Indeed, as the expression goes, “you can’t polish a turd,” and despite the Republican Party’s best intentions to downplay or sugarcoat how offensive its positions against LGBT equality are, that doesn’t actually change that they’re still offensive. Unpacking conservatives’ latest talking points quickly reveals the judgment — and thus prejudice — underlying their claims.
That’s just a small sampling Puddy found on the nets for calling Christians bigots teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Oh yeah the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit through a gasket over the truthful Free Republic essay above. Beats everything posted here from DUmmies! Proves how shallow the early onset senility mind of the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit has become!
Sux to be the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Here is the real reason gay libtards are up in arms… http://thefederalist.com/2015/.....elma-envy/
Puddy wanted to take the paragraph above which covers black civil rights to the “gay civil right”, butt the next paragraph tells it correctly! All one paragraph Da Perfessa…
Sunlight always disinfects the cockroach mentality of libtard group think!
Puddy’s squealing like a stuck pig. That’s what happens when bigots get busted for being bigots.
“a 70 year old grandmother”
No, a 70 year old bigot.
Oh IDIOT Flubscout @40 farted this from its filthy mind…
So progressive… shut up the opposition… Fascism at it’s best. You are up there wearing your extra large brown shirt with the vomit producer. Extra large for the BULLSHITTIUM produced above! Did the vomit producer also provide the over the calf high marching boots so you could jack boot goose step frog march with the cadre of HA DUMMOCRETINS just in this thread?
So this reeducation camp judgment didn’t happen Flubscout? Just a straw man eh Flubscout? Really? Did your libtard sites not cover it? Or was it 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady happening in you which infests the mind of the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Well it must be that straw was just placed in yo smelly ASS! http://www.redstate.com/2014/0.....-marriage/
The prosecution rests your honor. So much for that useless fart in #40. Butt the smell never leaves when it comes from a libtard HA DUMMOCRETIN! The stench is forever!
One thing good about this incident is that it has unleashed right-wing bigotry for all to see.
“The chairman of one branch of the Idaho Republican Party sent out a startlingly anti-Muslim mass email on Monday, offending Muslims in the state and sending the state party into damage control mode.”
“The essay was penned by Bonneville Republican Central Committee Becky Prestwich, who darkly warned that militant Islamists are “ready to rise up and kill” non-adherents to their faith and that the terrorists have been trained to conceal their violent intentions by acting “two-faced,” pretending to outsiders that they are peaceful members of the community.
Idahoans, she said, must “demand that our lawmakers and law enforcers pay attention and ascertain whether or not there is a potential threat.”
“It is no secret that the ‘Islamatization’ of America is a widespread fear. I am not fully versed on the Qu’ran but I have studied it to some degree,” she went on.”
“Fox’s John Stossel whines about gay ‘totalitarianism’”
“Fox News’ John Stossel thinks LGBT people should be protected from discrimination – but not when Christian business owners don’t want to serve them.
“I think this movement has moved from tolerance to totalitarianism – the totalitarianism of the left,” Stossel argued.”
“Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said critics of Indiana’s anti-LGBT bill should be grateful the controversial legislation isn’t as draconian as some laws overseas.”
“In Iran they hang you for the crime of being gay.”
So gays should be grateful they’re only the target of right-wing bigotry and not right-wing lynch mobs.
Wingnut bigotry has been unleashed and everybody sees it for what it is.
Why bake pizzas when the wingnut martyr gravy-train beckons?
“Pizza Family Wins The Culture Wars Lottery”
“As of 8:00 am eastern, that number had climbed to over $55,000.”
Grifters gotta grift.
BREAKING NEWS: God-fearing, freedum-loving Indiana Christo-Fascists succumb to LGBT totalitarians!
Oops! It looks like Indiana wingnut’s “freedum-to-hate-and-discriminate” law backfired on them.
Geez, and they were hoping it’d be open season on LGBTs. That’s gotta suck! LMFAO!!
God-fearing, freedum-loving Indiana Christo-Fascists have found a new target for their hate – the reporter who dared to report the statements of the pizza shop grifters.
Dogs gotta bark. Fish gotta swim. Winguts gotta hate. Apparently, that’s how God planned it.
Of course Stupid Solution Steve skips over this
So it’s A-OK per Stupid Solution Steve to attack the pizza store owner with death threats and bodily harm because…
Hey we’re DUMMOCRETINS and the ends always justifies the means!
Dogs gotta bark. Fish gotta swim. FASCISTS gotta shut you up! Progressive IDIOTS gotta hate. Apparently, that’s how Satan plays it.
Michelle Bachmann compares President Obama to German suicide pilot.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Actually, this probably should read, “Kid throws rock through window to get attention.”
Ahhh yes the libtard tolerance brigade which Stupid Solution Steve is a card carrying member… http://twitchy.com/2015/04/01/.....takes-off/
The DOJ attacks Robert Menendez a his panic, while Lois Lerner, a white, skates on down de road… Obummer Justice!
Ahhh yes, Jon Stewart’s replacement is a real piece of work. Typical foreign DUMMOCRETIN… http://twitchy.com/2015/04/01/.....a-the-hut/
http://twitchy.com/2015/03/31/.....iant-dope/ – Much like HA’s monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch, rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears and teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla. The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit has early onset senility issues!
The puddyfuckwad only fucks heterosexual CHRISTAN goats don’ cha know.
A friend of your Stupid Solution Steve? http://twitchy.com/2015/03/30/.....for-nazis/ Yeah, she’s prime HA DUMMOCRETIN material. http://www.washingtontimes.com.....er-review/
And Obummer is rushing to cut a deal with these morons! http://www.timesofisrael.com/i.....egotiable/
PuddyCommentary:Just as Puddy wrote last year when all the HA DUMMMOCRETIN screams were about look at the Israeli air force bombing, look at the Israel army shelling, when Hamas started rocket firings on June 13th 2014. Multiple links verified and posted by Puddy in a previous thread against the Lee garbage!
Yet Obummer not took Iran off of state sponsored terrorists. Whatajoke!
Wow @76 proves ru jaxoff all the time still proving nuthin appears!
Way to go rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
@74 Thanks for the trenchant analysis of 2 more complex legal cases. Right up there with your Bergdahl commentaries. Don’t know what we’d do without you.
@62 you obviously can’t distinquish having an opinion of saying what you want as opposed to taking action. Your actions are what is bigoted. Your opinion and what you say is just hurtful and stupidity and homophobic but no it really isn’t bigoted.
You are confusing action for other stuff…it is your actions that make you a bigot. Aside from you saying stuff like fag and shit like that…..the equivalent of racists using the N word.
Very similiar.
And Puffy people evolve, so you can take someone like jesse jackson or barak Obama or anyone, and go back and raise the dead from the ground, but if people come to the conclusion that they are wrong and then change their mind doesn’t mean that they weren’t wrong at one poing and now correct on the issue.
I work in an office of 60 workers where it is prety much know that the guy we all work for is gay…….no once cares, and everyone loves to socialize with him. now maybe those same people would have felt differently 30 years ago.
People evolve – people evolved on inter racial mariage.
You just don’t get it. You are an Ape, forever, because you can’t evolve. I don’t ever care if you don’t ever change your mind on whehter gay is immoral, you are entitled to your own opinion, but your actions against gays is totally different.
Not sure how you can value any human life, if you value Gay human life any different. Sux to be you the bigot!
I think even you will learn one day, you might be 95 and ready for a casket but I think you will learn your actions today are bigoted. And if you never learn, I don’t give a fuck, you mean nothing to me, But if you think I’ll let politicians and the populous treat gays as second class citizend without a fight, then you got another thing coming.
Face it the NCAA, NBA, MLB, NASCAR, Angies’s List, Charles Barclay, Etc. Etc. Ete aren’t gay activists.
Republicans have egg all ofer their face, looking like a bunch of freeaks right now.
And I didn’t read the article but I saw a headline that Jeb Bush is even changing his mind on his intial thoughts of the Indiana Law…..oh my, another Jessee Jackson.
Eat shit, you dumb shit.
@81 Yeah, well, he’s never been very good at making fine distinctions. (E.g., the difference between opinion and behavior). And you are right, it’s the behavior that matters more than the opinion. I can live with someone’s bigotry if he keeps it to himself and doesn’t act it out. It doesn’t matter to me what’s in a person’s heart until it starts to affect others. That, of course, is what the furor over this Indiana law is all about — it was intended to be a legal shield for bigots who want to behave badly in open society. The crowd called them on it, and now they’re crawling back under the sink.
Multiple media sources are reporting that U.S.-Iran talks have achieved a breakthrough and a deal has been reached.
Iran’s nuclear enrichment program was a threat. The prospect of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons was unsettling and would have destabilized the entire Middle East and raised the risk of these weapons spreading to other countries and rogue regimes. Without question, it was a problem that had to be addressed.
Republicans wanted to address it with military force. Obama now appears to have solved it with diplomacy. The GOP is a one-trick pony, incapable of solving complex international problems by any means except blowing up villages and killing people. Reality demands more nuanced leadership than that. Thank God that Obama and not some stupid Republican is our president.
“People evolve – people evolved on inter racial mariage.”
I didn’t have to evolve on interracial marriage as the first married couple I ever knew as a child, our next door neighbors, was black and white. Race was never even mentioned in my home. I was brought up with the understanding that interracial marriage was quite normal and ordinary. Same with my childhood friends who were black. In my home, they were viewed and talked of simply as friends. Color or race was never mentioned. That was the early 1950s.
With LBGT, on the other hand, I was exposed to the wrong values. Not in my home, but everywhere else! As a child, I had no idea what it meant, but queer was a slur. Whatever it was, queer was bad. That’s not a good start. Even though I’ve had LBGT friends for decades, I’ve had to evolve for decades, every step of the way.
I can relate to those who are a little slow to get it. But I’ve at least evolved to where I will not be silent as Republicans in Indiana codify discrimination against LGBT Americans, giving the green light to bigots like the Waterton pizza shop owners to openly and happily discriminate and refuse service to American citizens.
If indeed a deal has been reached that prevents Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons without resorting to military action against that country, this diplomatic achievement utterly destroys the Republican argument that Obama is a weak leader who is disrespected in the world and who gives away the store in foreign policy, and deprives the GOP of their #1 issue for the 2016 campaign. This is awesome!
“But if you think I’ll let politicians and the populous treat gays as second class citizend without a fight, then you got another thing coming.”
And you won’t have to stand or fight alone. No more. This discrimination has to end. While this was an ugly political move, it has at least served as a wake-up call for decent Americans of any political persuasion or sexual orientation to finally take a stand for what is right.
“deprives the GOP of their #1 issue for the 2016 campaign”
Failing that, they can always campaign on legalizing discrimination against select members of our families, friends, neighbors and fellow citizens.
I am gratified that that the hateful bigot, the shrieking harpie HR nightmare puddyfuckwad appreciates my work.
I live to serve.
@88 You know you’re doing something right when the shrieking harpy goes off the deep end.
Roger Rabbit Offers Advice To Benjamin Netanyahu
“Israeli leaders on Thursday voiced concerns about the announced deal between Iran and world powers, … vowing to fight the agreement before it is finalized in the coming months.”
Roger Rabbit’s Advice: Just STFU, Benjy.
Oh my Puddy’s head didn’t explode! Reading that crap from #80-#90 proves libtard heads went
@92 Read #89 again.
You are confusing action for other stuff…it is your actions that make you a bigot.
Oh really? When has Puddy claimed he would off anyone here? Yet your kind have done that to the pizza place, to Indiana conservatives, to the governor, etc. Puddy wants you all to rant and rave. It proves how much of a mental disorder you truly possess.
Calling black people APES? Hmmm… KKK words eh teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla? Puddy put you in your place teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! Sux doesn’t it. How can someone demonstrate love towards you when it’s all the time HATE HATE HATE. Not once has Puddy read your repudiation of GAY FASCISM. Not once has Puddy read your repudiation of direct attacks of Christians. Not once has Puddy seen you renounce attacks from your kind Puddy places here every day!
When you were given the chance to atone for your previous Brendan Eich hatred you double downed. Yet you run here and EPIC FAYLE in your insipid attacks using Eich patented technology. Yessiree such progressive fascism. Gotta shut them up and shut them down!
Suck on the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit little anthony weiner!
And Puddy loves the glad handling pats on the back you feckless fools do!
Forcing someone going against their religious beliefs to serve at a gay wedding is a right Stupid Solution Steve?
“Trust. But Verify.”
Ronald Reagan is the greatest president evey in the history of all countries. He’s a Saint. He brought the commies to the table and WE WON THE COLD WAR, USA USA USA USA!
“Trust. But Verify.”
Barak Hussein Obama might as well be delivering a fully functional Nuke to Iran. This totally guarantees they will build a bomb. It’s totally different from when the holy Reagan dismantled all nuclear power plants in the USSR with his teeth and spit the parts into the Baltic. Obama has always been on the side of the Muslims and now they are going to bomb us and Israel. Probably by the end of the year.
@94 “How can someone demonstrate love towards you … ”
We didn’t realize you had so much talent for comedy. Come up with more one-liners like this and you’ll get your own late-night TV show.
@95 Being a bigot doesn’t give you a right to punch a gay person in the nose. We have laws against that. Keeping you from discriminating against others also is a proper function of government. You don’t have to be in business; but if you’re in business, you’re not allowed to discriminate. If you don’t like that, tough shit, move to Pakistan.
You and your bigoted Christo-Fascist pizza shop owners are are cherry-picking the Bible, as usual, to justify your bigotry and hatred of LGBT Americans. If you sincerely insisted on not serving sinners based on Biblical-based beliefs, you need to open your Bible up to Leviticus and use that as a check list for all the sins and sinners you will refuse to serve, which is everybody, including yourselves. But you don’t go there. Bigots that you are, there is only one so-called sinner you are refusing to serve. Or do you freaks have plans to deny equal rights to other select American sinners you’re not telling us about yet?
You’re all nothing but a bunch of disgusting, hypocritical, hate-filled, batshit-crazy bigots.
Ape. It’s in the dictionary. Look it up. And characteristic of someone who hasn’t evolved into. Human being.
Too late. I don’t negotiate with untrustworthy bigots.
Great job Steve, Rujax. And the rabbit better known as Roger, a true American Veteran that fought for true freedom. My hats off to you. Oh and why not, I’ll even pat you on the back. That is one furry back Roger, you sure you are not a bear!???
Oh and I’d like to thank the NCAA, MLB, NBA, NASCAR, NASCAR!!!, Apple, Angie, Charles, Miley, and all the other queer activists. You’re so Gaaaayyyy!
Driving on Henry Hudson, stuck in 6 miles of traffic, thanks to the gw bridge that the fat ass got a kick of shutting down, I can’t pay great attention to all the detail especially the stuff that has to be decoded, but I almost missed seeing where Puffy was trying to love me but I made it too hard for him, thanks to Rogers reply I Reread his post.
Another fucking hour to the bridge. I need more comedy.
How timely. “A different kind of sin.” Speaking of America’s hypocritical extremist right-wing Christians cherry-picking sins for the purposes of legalizing discrimination against those they hate most…
“Georgia florist’s religious hypocrisy: She’ll serve adulterers, but gay couples are ‘a different kind of sin’”
“At least one florist in Jeff Davis County, Georgia admitted to a double standard regarding providing service to “sinners” in a CNN interview regarding “religious freedom” laws.
“In the Ten Commandments, it says you can’t commit adultery,” reporter Gary Tuchman said to the florist, Melissa Jeffcoat, adding, “It says you need to honor your father and mother.”
When he asked whether she would provide flowers for an adulterer or someone who had “dishonored” their parents, she replied affirmatively.
“Well, why would you serve them but not serve someone who is gay?” Tuchman asked.
“It’s just a different kind of sin to me,” Jeffcoat replied. “I just don’t believe in it.”
Bigots. To the very core of their being, they are bigots.
@102 yeah especially when she finds out that her husband has bee sucking cock, it will be an entirely different then too. Get out the guns!
Wow checkmate almost correct. Seems the Republicans have more of an issue now that Obummer left a smelly fart on the whitey house lawn today!
Javad Zarif Iranian’s Priceline Negotiator tweeted this…
All Iran did was say no and John Effin Kerry and Barack Obummer caved! Then later in the article is paragraph #2
Elsewhere nuclear experts claim the centrifuges can be fully operational again in two weeks.
Remember Obummer claimed Fordo was unnecessary? – December 2013.
Guess what HA DUMMOCRETINS… you will need to explain this to the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit; Iran gets to keep Fordo as it’s constructed and used! Obummer caved!
Oh Stupid Solution Steve shitz
Where did they say they don’t SERVE LGBT people? Another lie from the racist liar hisself! Display their words Stupid Solution Steve?
They did say they will not serve at a gay marriage. Plain and simple! So prove it dipshitz!
Obummer said this today…
So Obummer, how did you allow Iran to get to this point. And contrary to HA lunatic DUMMOCRETINS, Benjamin Netanyahu is RIGHT! Iran is much closer to a nuclear weapon than Obummer first said! No wonder Obummer was bummed that Netanyahu came to Congress. Bibi let the cat out of the bag one month too early!
Now we read Iran has said Obummer spun the deal – incorrectly!
Now we see another libtard paper and the editor sucking the dick and in the back pocket of DUMMOCRETINS… http://www.breitbart.com/big-j.....tt-romney/
Harry Reid – McCarthy-like and Machiavellian at the same time!
Driving on Henry Hudson, stuck in 6 miles of traffic, thanks to the gw bridge that the fat ass got a kick of shutting down
Wrong again teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! Butt keep dope alive, you are doing a great job!
Being a bigot doesn’t give you a right to punch a gay person in the nose.
Got proof a straight person did this against a gay senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? So why are you train wrecking again senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Remember Mathew Shepard died over a drug deal gone bad!
You don’t have to be in business; but if you’re in business, you’re not allowed to discriminate. – Yeah take that Hobby Lobby decision and shove that up your sphincter!
Remember libtards cheered Kelo vs. New London. Now that is back to bite libtards in the ASS. Thomas and Scalia were right again and libtards were wrong as always!
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) asks us to maintain a “sense of perspective” about Indiana Republicans’ failed attempt to legalize discrimination against LGBT people by remembering that “they hang you in Iran for being gay.”
“Soundbites won’t stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.” – Susan Rice. Seems Susan damned Barack Obummer! Hey only two paragraphs!
http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....r-weapons/ Of course you can lie through the teeth to the infidel…
So how did they get to be within two to three months Obummer?
Obummer just admitted Bibi was 1000000000% correct in his Iranian nuclear assessment. Obummer must think some people are stooooooooopid like LIV DUMMOCRETINS!
Great job Obummer… https://twitter.com/DefendWallSt/status/583709582247206912/photo/1
Was this DUMMOCRETIN retaliation? Hmmm…? http://sheridanlawfirm.com/cha.....ashington/
Iran has been a year away from an atomic bomb for 20 years now.
“They did say they will not serve at a gay marriage.”
Because they’re bigots. Just like you.
“Towards a more tolerant age: Millennials are the ‘gayest generation’ in American history, study finds”
“a vast majority believe that LGBT individuals shouldn’t be discriminated against”
Our deranged, hate-obsessed Puddy and his bigoted Hoosier pizza martyrs are fast becoming relics of a by-gone era. Welcome to the future, bitches.
Still waiting… BULLSHIT deliverer!
Iran has been a year away from an atomic bomb for 20 years now.
The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is really bad today. Obummer said… Today, estimates indicate that Iran is only two or three months away from potentially acquiring the raw materials that could be used for a single nuclear bomb.
Wow, even the libtards at Politico are scratching their short hairs on the Iran deal… http://www.politico.com/story/.....16641.html
“Today, estimates indicate that Iran is only two or three months away from potentially acquiring the raw materials that could be used for a single nuclear bomb.”
That doesn’t mean they have a bomb at that point, you stupid fuck. Don’t you know anything? Or do you just lie out of habit? I’d put my money on both, ignorant and liar.
“Still waiting…”
Only because you’re stupid. Waiting for what? For God to give you a brain? Forget about it. You missed out, Puddy.
Can’t you fucking read? Your bigoted Hoosier “gofundme” Christo-Fascist pizza martyrs flat out admitted they’re bigots. Oh, that’s right, God didn’t give Puddy a brain. My bad.
The sad demonstration of fascist gay hate has raised $350,000 and counting…
Imagine of Christians stopped buying Apple products Tim Cook makes in strange locations!
Dayum Stupid Solution Steve is very stoooooooooooooopid… Netanyahu claimed Iran was months away from a nuclear weapon at Congress last month… What did Obummer say today Stupid Solution Steve? And whom is the dumb f#ck again? Who is the liar again?
You Stupid Solution Steve! Bigot? Just like the ones you choose to jock strap @44!
Once again Stupid Solution Steve, you passed the IDIOT test! You are in special DUMMOCRETIN company!
Still waiting for Stupid Solution Steve to demonstrate where the pizza family claimed they would not serve gay people in their restaurant!
Crickets chirping…
“The sad demonstration of fascist gay hate has raised $350,000 and counting…”
Yes, the Hoosier pizza martyrs do indulge in fascism and gay hate. But I’m noy saying that they’re not clever. Hell, I’d bet they played you fools for your money from the get-go. “This is our chance to be Christo-Fascist martyrs, kick back and play rubes like Puddy for fools and take their fucking money from them!!”
So anyways, you stupe, how much of your precious fucking money did you give those fuckers? A grand? I’d bet it was more than that.
Damn, you’re fucking stupid. I mean, you really are fucking stupid.
“Netanyahu claimed…”
Good grief! Apparently, as your God overlooked you when she was passing out brains, you’ll never have sufficient gray matter in your overly thick skull to understand the fucking difference between acquiring raw materials for a nuclear bomb and actually making a fucking nuclear bomb.
Damn, Puddy, you’re just too fucking ignorant. Oh, and a habitual liar.
“Still waiting for Stupid Solution Steve to demonstrate where the pizza family claimed they would not serve gay people in their restaurant!”
As I never said that, you’ll be waiting a long fucking time. But seeing as you’re incredibly fucking stupid, knock yourself out. Go ahead and wait.
Here, I’ll have mercy on you and let you eat your own words.
“They did say they will not serve at a gay marriage.”
Because they’re bigots. But they were clever enough to empty your wallet for you, you gullible rube. Good gawd, pizza at gay weddings. They really played you for a fool. Kiss your money goodbye, sucker.
A evil, scheming former doctor turned Alabama Republican State Senator tries to repeal a law OUT OF PURE SPITE.
SPITE directed at the patient HE KILLED!
And they call this degenerate party PRO-LIFE??? These are the creeps this party attracts.
Good gawd, pizza at gay weddings. – That’s what the libtard reporter asked Stupid Solution Steve…
Here are your words Stupid Solution Steve… You and your bigoted Christo-Fascist pizza shop owners are are cherry-picking the Bible, as usual, to justify your bigotry and hatred of LGBT Americans. – Goodness Stupid Solution Steve you and your Fascist rants. They gladly serve gays in their restaurant! Where are they bigots to LGBT Americans? In your femtometer sized mind! Because they are against gay marriage you go Fascist ballistic… Fascism… the new progressive DUMMOCRETIN action!
Rube? You are the Fascist Rube!
Still screaming and crickets chirping!
That’s right Stupid Solution Steve…… Netanyahu correctly claimed and Obummer repeated it.
Wanna see it again since FACTS explode libtard minds….
Netanyahu was right and Obummer repeated it.
In a stunning expose, the Seattle Times accuses a company owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway conglomerate of being a payday lender of the mobile home industry preying on the poor in ways that make you cringe.
@130 what are you banking on, that Netty the monster has a 9″ cock? Sounds like you are drooling to suck it.
Thinking about cock… The only thing that moves the
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla forward, in more ways than one!
Happy Good Friday
“They gladly serve gays in their restaurant!”
They gladly deny catering services to gays. Because they’re bigots who discriminate against LGBT Americans. And under the law that was passed, they could have stopped serving LGBT meals in their restaurant. And because they’re proven bigots, why should anyone doubt that they would have done just that?
But you don’t care, because, after a few centuries of black Americans suffering discrimination, you, a black American man, has it in your fucked up head that discriminating against Americans you don’t like is the appropriate thing to do in 21st Century America.
“Happy Good Friday”
Huh? What’s it to you? You’re no Christian. You’re just a hate-filled bigot extremist who is all bummed out because you don’t get do your “I get to legally discriminate against Teabagger” happy dance.
You can take your “Happy Good Friday” and go fuck yourself with it.
@135 and @136 – I think you nailed it on the head.