this ad is so stupid. congressional democrats have all the power plus the white house and use it to help nobody but lobbyists. don’t care, indeed.
Since the use of such words like fudge packer and cock sucker seem to be acceptable when expressing ones gayness, I think we should bring back the word Nigger when refferimg to Blacks. What do you say everyone?
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Keep displaying those true colors Gman. You’ve got headless and rujax’ votes.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Keep displaying those true colors Gman. You’ve got headless and rujax’ votes.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Barry O continues to fizzle– Monday, October 26, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 29% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12.
Thirty-three percent (33%) say the stimulus package enacted earlier this year has helped the economy.
The Campaign Laundry List against Obama continues to grow at an accelerating rate.
Economy–Porkulous, Bailouts, Unemployment
Czars & other appointees of questionable ilk.
The list goes on & on.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I suspect Gman is headlice, Rujax or most likely, ylb.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Gman can’t be the dumb cinder block or the dumb brick. He has an ounce of intelligence.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Hello HA Libtardos…
Why not ask Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm why is he taxing such frivolous luxuries as pacemakers, stents, artificial heart valves, defibrillators, automated wheelchairs, mechanized artificial limbs, replacement hips and knees, surgical gurneys, laparoscopic equipment, etc.
@8: hahaha
Puddy is so dumb he doesn’t even read the articles he links to.
that article is by the noted health care expert……Dick Morris.
Hahaha, it ain’t a tax – it is a way to get the companies who make billions off health care pay back some into the system.
A good idea and Morris is an idiot who couldn’t understand health care if it fell in his partisan lapdog lap.
Thanks for linking to another know-nothing republican, pUddy. It validates the stupidity of the republican party. And pood dumb Puddy rolls right along with it…still wating for the republican health care plan Puddy.
(crickets chirping)
@1: Notaboomer
Look up the rules in the Senate…single Senators can block anything by putting a “hold” on…look at all the appointments republicans have already blocked.
The ad is over the top…but repubvlicans have no health care plan and opposed the stimulus plan. Instead they propose……nothing. They have no plans. They want to cut the budget during the worst recesssion since the great depression.
Learning nothing from history – they are just plain stoopid.
6 – Heh. I bet Klynical keeps the goat shed warm at night with that new fantasy.
During the day he stacks wood preparing for the great conflagration predicted in expensive right wing newsletters that never comes.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
it is a way to get the companies who make billions off health care pay back some into the system.
Who pays in the long run correctnotright?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA we laugh at your stupidity again. It doesn’t matter where the information comes from, it matters if it’s true. The final cost for any tax ends up on the consumer.
10/26/09–PRINCETON, NJ — Conservatives continue to outnumber moderates and liberals in the American populace in 2009, confirming a finding that Gallup first noted in June. Forty percent of Americans describe their political views as conservative, 36% as moderate, and 20% as liberal. This marks a shift from 2005 through 2008, when moderates were tied with conservatives as the most prevalent group.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
When the imbiciles have nothing new to add it’s the old goat sex act.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The Motto for the HA tards:
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Deaths on OBAMA’s watch..
14 Americans die in Afghanistan on Monday while Obama continues to mull over strategies!
“Stupak, who is conservative on social issues, told CNS News that he has organized the voting bloc to support his amendment that would strip the abortion provisions from the legislation. House Rules Committee chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.), according to Stupak, said that there is “no way” her panel would provide a vote for his amendment.”
“Under language in the Energy and Commerce proposal, one health plan in each health care “exchange” that sells public health insurance must provide coverage for abortion. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is currently in the process of merging the House’s three health bills.”
So by not voting for the amendment Slaughter is admitting the “there are no funds for abortions” is a lie after all. Damn if Puddy isn’t prescient. Just as Puddy called it weeks ago and the HA moron class called Puddy a liar then. Well… if the foo shits the libtardos are stepping in it.
14 Americans die in Afghanistan on Monday while Obama continues to mull over strategies!
Oh and how long did the Bushies “dither” while American men and women died in Iraq until they came up with that “surge”? Sorry, Americans still died after that too.
What a phony baloney. You want Americans to stop dying? Call for ending the war stupid.
No, the claim was no government funding of abortions. The article above says that “one health plan in each health care “exchange” that sells public health insurance must provide coverage for abortion”.
Are you now claiming that insurance companies are government run?
re 15: Did any American troops die when Bush was depleting their numbers to attack Iraq — a country that had nothing to do with the SAUDI ARABS who blew up the trade towers.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
R U telling Puddy the congressman plus 40 others don’t know the REAL details of the abortion language in the bills? Why is Slaughter stopping his proposed amendment? Why is Pelosi being coy when asked? Doesn’t add up Don.
Keep drinking the kook-aid like correctnotright.
13. Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rock spews:
When the imbiciles have nothing new to add it’s the old goat sex act.
And when the wingers have nothing to say it’s the Rasmussen poll. Pretty much an equivalence, Puddy.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Were you off in the jungles yesterday? Puddy placed the most leftist Harris Poll and the almost leftist Zogby Poll which had the preznit below 50%. Your spawn ylb arschloch tried to push it off as some “Hot Air” act. You can visit Harris Interactive And Zogby and see their polls too.
Or show us your search skillz. It’s right here on HA Libtardos.
Stay stupid, it brings comedic relief to us who think right.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
17. YLB spews:
What a phony baloney. You want Americans to stop dying? Call for ending the war stupid.
I have repeatedly stated Obama needs to either fight to win or get out you PINHEAD.
I don’t think getting out will end American deaths…they will just start over here and in Europe. YLB lives in a fantasy world where if we just stay within our borders, all evil will go away! PINHEAD! Utopian Marxist.
Looks like YLB is spending another productive day of job searching..
what a fuckin loser….leach.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
20. Toothy Thompson spews:
re 15: Did any American troops die when Bush was depleting their numbers to attack Iraq — a country that had nothing to do with the SAUDI ARABS who blew up the trade towers
News Flash!
Obama is now President.
Stop re-living your Bush-hating days.
Your guy is in charge…and failing miserably.
Why arent we getting a dialy update on the total number of deaths from Iraq and afghanistan from the media like we did when bush was charge?
liberal media bias trying to protect the almighty obamama? kinda looks that way…
Roger Rabbitspews:
Public Option Near 60 Votes
The Associated Press reports:
“A proposal for government-backed health insurance is close to gaining the 60 votes needed to pass the Senate and probably will be in overhaul legislation, a Senate Democratic leader said Sunday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Senate negotiators appear to have found the sweet spot with a proposal for a national public option that allows individual states to opt out. Even GOP Sen. Olympia Snowe might vote for this approach.
This isn’t as good as a truly national program, because your insurance wouldn’t be portable to opt-out states, but it’s nearly as good and, given the need for every last vote, it’ll have to be good enough — for now, at least.
In any case, chances are within a few years every state would opt in, because no one will want to live in opt-out states.
Remember, no one is forced into the public option. It’s just that, an option, for people who otherwise can’t get insurance or afford available private insurance. For those people, opting out is tantamount to leaving them uninsured. Why would anyone live where they can’t get health care?
My guess is every state will opt it, because it costs states nothing to give their citizens access to public option insurance. Sure, some states will be under pressure from the industry to let their citizens get screwed by private monopolies, but how long will that last when people are packing up their belongings, employers can’t get anyone to work for them, and the state highways look like Oklahoma’s in the 30’s as people rush for the exits?
Hey Cynical, did you go ahead and bet against the dollar? I see gold is down again today. Just wondering …
@26: News flash for an idiot like Klynical:
Wow, you get dumber every day…and you started off with a bunch of idiot sayings.
My top-10 favorite idiot Klynical sayings (be careful, if you watch Faux news you could get this stoopid too):
1. It is cold this winter so global warming/climate change is not true.
2. The stock market is going down (in Obama’s first month) so Obama is no good for business.
3. Climate change is not real because one scientist disagreed with it.
4. There are WMDs in Iraq
5. The election of Obama will cause defeat in Iraq.
6. “Dithering” in Afghanistan….what a joke. It is called a policy review – something Bush never did for the unnecessary war in Iraq that costs hundreds of thousands of lives.
We laugh at idiots like Klyunical and Puddy becuause they are so partisan and so myopic.
@Puddy – You called it a tax – it is not a tax. You lied. What is new.
Dow and the Democrats LIEDspews:
@29…the Times? hahahahahaha
CNN? ABC? NBC? CBS? MSNBC? nah, didnt think so…..
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Newsflash for correctnotright,
Anything being charged by the government is a tax. Believe it or Not! Where’s the lie except in that femtometer brain cell?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA we’re still laughing at you because you are blinded by the left-wing whackamole kook-aid.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
correctnotright is pulling another of his shifty fast ones…
1. It is cold this winter so global warming/climate change is not true.Hmmm…?What?
2. The stock market is going down (in Obama’s first month) so Obama is no good for business. It did go down. Now it’s up. Don’t seem to remember you crying when the Dow hit 14100+ with Bush.
3. Climate change is not real because one scientist disagreed with it. More than one correctnotright. More than 10 correctnotright. More than 100 correctnotright. More than 1000 correctnotright. Turning to another source, notice what the left-leaning Wikipedia says about this entry…
“The Wikipedia deletion policy describes how pages that do not meet the relevant criteria for content of the encyclopedia are identified and removed from Wikipedia. In the normal operations of Wikipedia, approximately five thousand pages are deleted each day through the processes outlined below.” – Of course it goes against the leftist-pinhead thought processes.
“Just two years ago, Mike Hulme would have been about the last person you’d expect to hear criticising conventional climate change wisdom. Back then, he was the founding director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, an organisation so revered by environmentalists that it could be mistaken for the academic wing of the green movement. Since leaving Tyndall – and as we found out in a telephone interview – he has come out of the climate change closet as an outspoken critic of such sacred cows as the UN’s IPCC, the “consensus”, the over-emphasis on scientific evidence in political debates about climate change, and to defend the rights of so-called “deniers” to contribute to those debates.
As Professor of Climate Change at the University of East Anglia, Hulme remains one of the UK’s most distinguished and high-profile climate scientists. In his new book, Why We Disagree About Climate Change, he explores how the issue of climate change has come to be such a dominant issue in modern politics. He treats climate change not as a problem that we need to solve – indeed, he believes that the complexity of the issue means that it cannot be solved, only lived with – and instead considers it as much of a cultural idea as a physical phenomenon.””
4. There are WMDs in Iraq. Yep there were. Did you miss those stories on the left-wing kook-aid sites?
5. The election of Obama will cause defeat in Iraq. Many more bomb attacks since Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm took office.
6. “Dithering” in Afghanistan….what a joke. It is called a policy review – something Bush never did for the unnecessary war in Iraq that costs hundreds of thousands of lives. You forgot the policy review that happened in March 2009. It was Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm who placed his own three star general there replacing the previous four star. Now his general says send more troops. Been two months now since that request, and seven months since the policy review. Cheney said the March policy review was close to the same assessment the Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm people received from Bush by Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm peeps to keep quiet about. Did you notice how the whitey house hasn’t said much mor about Chehey’s comments but had the talking dimwits do it for them. Shows how much truth was there with Cheney.
We laugh at idiots like Klyunical and Puddy becuause they are so partisan and so myopic.
I thought that having seen the video thgat the wingnuts would state that they did have a plan beside obstructionism — and I see that they do!
Childish name calling. The worst offender being that good old Lionel impersonator and clever Bre’r Rabbit himself, PuddWaxx.
Public option is on the table wingnuts albeit with a crappy state opt-out. Even the turncoat Lieberman doesn’t dare side to filibuster with the execrable Republicans.
Oh well, those states will see the light soon enough just as with medicare and medicaid.
Ahhhh.. Those townhall screamfests are such a distant memory. So feckless, so easily forgotten.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Michelle Obama’s small staff and salaries–
$172,200 – Sher, Susan (CHIEF OF STAFF)
Bookey, Natalie (STAFF ASSISTANT)
This adds up to a whopping $1,600,700.00 and the amount doesn’t include the elite benefit packages granted to the White House staff and their significant others (include same-sex partners).
Mr. Cynicalspews:
30. Roger Rabbit spews:
Hey Cynical, did you go ahead and bet against the dollar? I see gold is down again today. Just wondering …
No Rog…although I’m sure you wish I had.
I told you I was looking for a discount broker to trade Barrack Gold options when the price hit $1020 and perhaps invest more if it hit $1000/oz.
I haven’t even set up an account yet and it takes several days.
I better hurry up the way it plunged today.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
31. correctnotright spews:
@26: News flash for an idiot like Klynical:
Wow, you get dumber every day…and you started off with a bunch of idiot sayings.
My top-10 favorite idiot Klynical sayings (be careful, if you watch Faux news you could get this stoopid too):
1. It is cold this winter so global warming/climate change is not true.
2. The stock market is going down (in Obama’s first month) so Obama is no good for business.
3. Climate change is not real because one scientist disagreed with it.
4. There are WMDs in Iraq
5. The election of Obama will cause defeat in Iraq.
6. “Dithering” in Afghanistan….what a joke. It is called a policy review – something Bush never did for the unnecessary war in Iraq that costs hundreds of thousands of lives.
You said Top-10…that’s 6 you idiot!
None of you KLOWNS can count….that’s one of your many problems!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
There is MORE for Commoner Michelle Obama!
The figure I gave does not take into account the salaries for the two additional full-time staff members mentioned by Mrs. Obama’s Press Secretary nor the full time hair-dresser and makeup artist assigned to her. A guesstimate of the total salaries for Mrs. Obama’s attendants is $1,750,00.00 plus the additional massive benefits.
Aren’t y’all glad Michelle is sooooooooo consciencious about TAXPAYER dollars??
@34: Dear Puddy says a number of very stupid things once again:
The stock market is going down (in Obama’s first month) so Obama is no good for business. This was me repeating what another idiot, Klynical said.
Here is the puddy reply:
It did go down. Now it’s up. Don’t seem to remember you crying when the Dow hit 14100+ with Bush.
Hey puddy, Where did the stock market FINISH with BUSH? Down and sliding into oblivion….so much for how “great” Bush was..he presided over the worst financial situation since the great depression…..great job, incompetent bush and truly ignorant Puddy.
Gee Puddy, you can really spin!
2. More puddy spin…
More than one correctnotright. More than 10 correctnotright. More than 100 correctnotright. More than 1000 correctnotright
hahahah – you fool, you are counting “scientists” as people who are not even in the field. In that case, I count as a “scientist” too sicne I have published int he natural sciences… what?
The overwhelming majority of cliumate scientists agree….climate change is happenning and humans are the cause.
Only a fool or a mentally deficient republican would argue otherwise.
Which are you?
3. Another foolish quote:
Yep there were (WMD’s). Did you miss those stories on the left-wing kook-aid sites?
….Puddy also believes in: the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, black helicopters and alien kidnappings.
Ya got any proof of WMDs big fella? Let’s see it!
Thanks for showing how irrelevant you are.
@39: Klynical
As if the top six were not stoopid enough.
Ran out of time….do want more stupidity…just keep posting, you fool.
Thanks for the laughs, right wing fools/trolls. We are definitely laughing at you Klynical and Puddy. When leap to defend the idiotic, the foolish and the non-sensical positions….you are just so cute.
wow, here is another good laugh from Puddy:
Did you notice how the whitey house hasn’t said much mor about Chehey’s comments
Let’s see;
Dick Cheney – as if he has ANY credibility.
Puddy’s spelling….atrocious.
Still calling it the Whitey house….guess who likes to call out others for being racist?
Puddy’s crediblity….in the negative numbers after the latest bout with fantasy.
I’m sure the hypocritical goatfucker @37 was trying to make a point,
The staff of Laura Bush and their salaries:
McBride, Anita B. Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to the First Lady $172,200.
Armstrong, Sara Assistant to the President and Duty Chief of Staff to the First Lady $102,000.
Miller, Sonja Marie Duty Chief of Staff to the First Lady $88,500.
Ballard, Deanna M. Director of Scheduling for the First Lady $78,400.
McArthur, Nikki L. Speech Writer for First Lady $63,000.
Knutson, Lindsay Special Asst. and Personal Aide to the First Lady $62,700.
Marshall, Misty C. Director of Correspondence for the First Lady $62,400.
Adams, Julie E. $57,500. Deputy Press Secretary to First Lady $57,500.
Mende, Kirstin M Deputy Director of Policy and Projects for the First Lady$53,000.
Etter, Marisa Leigh Deputy Director of Scheduling for the First Lady $52,200
King, Kristin N Deputy Director of Advance for the First Lady $52,200
Segura, Millicent Deputy Director of Correspondence for the First Lady $47,000
Miller, Kasdin E. Assistant Press Secretary to the First Lady $43,000
O’Connor, Erin M Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff to the First Lady $41,800
McBride, Anita B. Assistant to the president and chief of staff to the first lady $168,000.00
Harder, Cherie S. Special asistant to the president for domestic policy and director of project of the first lady $108,000.00
Niemiec, Sally M. Press secretary to the First Lady $90,000.00
Miller, Sonja M. Deputy chief of staff to the first lady $84,700.00
Ballard, Deanna M. Director of scheduling for the First Lady $75,000.00
Marshall, Misty C. Director of correspondence for the first lady $59,700.00
Etter, Marisa L. Deputy director of scheduling for the First Lady $50,000.00
Lineweaver, Lindsey M. Special assistant and personal aide to the first lady $47,500.00
Donoghue , Tarah C. Deputy press secretary to the First Lady $43,000.00
Block, Jonathan F. Assistant press secretary to the First Lady $39,000.00
proud leftistspews:
They really are cute and lovable, aren’t they? I just want to take them home and feed them fresh-baked cookies.
@34 “4. There are WMDs in Iraq. Yep there were. Did you miss those stories on the left-wing kook-aid sites?”
Maybe Puddy is thinking of those model airplanes that Saddam’s kids were going to fly across the Atlantic to destroy America.
proud leftistspews:
Puddy’s definition of WMDs includes slingshots, pocket knives, and pellet guns.
Actually, I’m wondering how anybody in D.C. can work in the White House for around $40,000 per year.
Sure, there are perks, but I’ll bet for most of them it’s not a civil service job, they are required to be available long hours and on call 24/7, and in order to do their jobs right they will need to attend a large number of functions with their boss which require them to be appropriatly dressed (tuxes for men, evening gowns for women, in addition to the usual office wear). Public transit might not be an option (security concerns plus that darn 24/7 schedule), forcing commuting expenses, parking in central D.C., etc. Not to mention the numerous out-of-pocket travel expenses which don’t end up being reimbursable (How do I explain to the taxi driver in Ankara that I need a receipt?)
There are some jobs which actually end up costing more money to have than you get in salary.
Let’s bring Nigger Back, yeahhh
No longer have to refer to them as Black, yeahh
you ready, I’m bringing Nigger back, yeeahhh
you can have one too, Just bring Nigger back
Let’s bring Nigger Back, yeahh
I’ll have to see if Marshall Mathers would like to do a remix.
@46 Maybe he’s talking about those old WMDs that the Reagan administration gave to Saddam back in the 1980’s.
Puddybud Remembersspews:
Remember that vacation discussion we discussed…
President Barack Obama has only been in office for just over nine months, but he’s already hit the links as much as President Bush did in over two years.
CBS’ Mark Knoller — an unofficial documentarian and statistician of all things White House-related — wrote on his Twitter feed that, “Today – Obama ties Pres. Bush in the number of rounds of golf played in office: 24. Took Bush 2 yrs & 10 months.”
It’s all adding up dude…
Puddybud Remembersspews:
hahahah – you fool, you are counting “scientists” as people who are not even in the field. In that case, I count as a “scientist” too sicne I have published int he natural sciences… what?
How many IPCC “scientists” are in the “field” correctnotright?
Puddybud Remembersspews:
Proud Leftist that slingshots comment was funny!
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Puddybud Remembersspews:
Remember that vacation discussion we discussed recently…
President Barack Obama has only been in office for just over nine months, but he’s already hit the links as much as President Bush did in over two years.
CBS’ Mark Knoller — an unofficial documentarian and statistician of all things White House-related — wrote on his Twitter feed that, “Today – Obama ties Pres. Bush in the number of rounds of golf played in office: 24. Took Bush 2 yrs & 10 months.”
It’s all adding up dude…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 “Anything being charged by the government is a tax.”
That’s flatly untrue. User fees (e.g., bridge tolls) are not a “tax.” Fines (e.g., for committing a crime) are not a “tax.” The profits earned by state liquor stores are not a “tax” although you do pay a liquor tax on top of the state’s retail profit. State timber sales revenues are not a “tax” on timber buyers. One thing we definitely can say is true, though, is that puddy is a fucking idiot.
Puddybud Remembersspews:
Hey puddy, Where did the stock market FINISH with BUSH? Down and sliding into oblivion….so much for how “great” Bush was..he presided over the worst financial situation since the great depression…..great job, incompetent bush and truly ignorant Puddy. Gee Puddy, you can really spin!
This was discussed ad nauseum by everyone earlier this year. And Puddy did acknowledge the drop. Check with your arschloch. He’ll tell you the time and date. You must have lost money. You didn’t short like Roger Rabbit told you to?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 Everyone in this country is a “commoner.” We don’t have royalty here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 Puddy actually said Iraq had WMDs? I missed that, but then, I didn’t read this whole thread. I know puddy is a fucking idiot, but I didn’t know he’s that BIG a fucking idiot. Wow.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 “Actually, I’m wondering how anybody in D.C. can work in the White House for around $40,000 per year.”
I’m thinking the same thing. The cost of living is so high in D.C. that 40K doesn’t even pay rent for a basement studio.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 I repudiate any and all uses of that word on this blog.
Puddybud Remembersspews:
No Puddy Spin, just correctnotright moronic memory material…
Ya got any proof of WMDs big fella? Let’s see it!
Find Iraq WMD Declassified.pdf and read it. Been available for years fool! Butt your mind hasn’t been available for a long time.
Puddybud Remembersspews:
Global warming… uhhh… climate change… next term coming soon…
“Over 650 Scientists Challenge Global Warming
“Consensus” Twelve times more than those that put their names to the IPCC report”
“In comparison, twelve times fewer – just 52 scientists – participated in the much touted IPCC Summary for Policymakers meeting in April 2007. Climate scientists allied with the IPCC were recently caught citing fake data to make the case that global warming is accelerating.”
Oh wait… peer reviewed studies… “The new Senate report will feature new peer-reviewed scientific studies and analyses refuting man-made warming fears.”
While peeps from GB came to the conference…”Of the 51 UK contributors to the report, there were 5 economists, 3 epidemiologists, 5 who were either zoologists, entomologists, or biologists. 5 worked in civil engineering or risk management / insurance. 7 had specialisms in physical geography (we gave the benefit of the doubt to some academics whose profiles weren’t clear about whether they are physical or human geographers). And just 10 have specialisms in geophysics, climate science or modelling, or hydrology. But there were 15 who could only be described as social scientists. If we take the view that economics is a social science, that makes 20 social scientists.”
This is why we laugh at correctnotright. YOU GIVE US A GREAT LAUGH.
Well, how about Fudge Packers? Is that acceptable usage of vocabulary for this Blog…let’s be fair. Also, let’s add Cock Sucker to the list of words not to be used.
From one Bigot to the next..
Puddybud Remembersspews:
Dick Cheney has no credibility correctnotright?
Didn’t see Rhambo or the Squeaky Axle appear to rebut Cheney’s assessment. Something going on… Oh sure Dick Turbin Durbin arrived on a news show. Where’s da beef correctnotright?
Rabbit, you never repudiated Fudge Packers. You like that term?
How they all go running.
@6 – not headlice, not Rujax, nor YLB. I’m sure they will appreciate me saying so.
@41 Puddy actually said Iraq had WMDs? I missed that, but then, I didn’t read this whole thread. I know puddy is a fucking idiot, but I didn’t know he’s that BIG a fucking idiot. Wow.
10/26/2009 at 5:42 pm
I can’t read the fucking moron anymore. I’ll say this about our favorite dumbass, he does have the distinction of being a world class “thread crapper”. I would seriously put him up against anyone…ever.
Thinks a consensus of the SCIENTIFIC community is NOT too be trusted on global warming.
Thinks a consensus of clerics working for the ROMAN EMPIRE should be accepted as REVEALED truth of GOD!
Praise be! Praise be!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Friday, October 23, 2009
For the first time in recent years, voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on all 10 key electoral issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports. The GOP holds double-digit advantages on five of them.
Republicans have nearly doubled their lead over Democrats on economic issues to 49% to 35%, after leading by eight points in September. The GOP also holds a 54% to 31% advantage on national security issues and a 50% to 31% lead on the handling of the war in Iraq.
Did you see this Puddy?
The Dems are doing real great…for the R’s!
Roger Rabbitspews:
The conservative British newsweekly, The Economist, has now weighed-in on the growing controversy over Texas GOP Party Gov. Rick Perry’s clumsy attempts to derail an investigation into his decision to allow the execution of an apparently innocent man.
The case is deeply embarrassing to GOP Party Gov. Perry, who faces a primary challenge next year from a U.S. senator of his own party, because Perry ignored a report that exonerated the condemned man that was placed on his desk hours before the execution.
Rather than admit he made a mistake and killed an innocent man, GOP Party Gov. Perry called a press conference to call the dead man “a monster” and fired all the members of the state commission responsible for investigating the slovenly administration of justice in the case to prevent them from issuing an official finding of innocence.
Now, The Economist has weighed-in by saying it “may well have been true” the man was innocent, and by pointing out that an expert’s “report gave a blistering assessment of the original investigation, saying its conclusions were ‘nothing more than a collection of personal beliefs that have nothing to do with science-based fire investigation.'”
Fearful that Texas’ execution of an apparently innocent man may give ammunition to death penalty opponents, GOP Party Gov. Rick Perry has chosen to slander a dead man who can’t defend himself and carry out his own “Friday Night Massacre,” reminiscent of GOP Party Pres. Nixon’s Watergate scandal, rather than allow an honest investigation to go forward.
The Iraquis did have WMD’s. Reagan and Bush I gave them to them to use on the Iranians and their own dissidents.
Sadam even gassed about 10,000 of his own people. Hans Blix had tracked down and destroyed most of it, though.
I have no doubt that Saddam would produce and use WMD — if he thought that he could get away with it.
But the situation was under control. Iraq was to enrich Bush and Cheney’s cronies
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
67. SJ trollpatrol spews: Puddy Thinks a consensus of the SCIENTIFIC community is NOT too be trusted on global warming.
That’s not what Puddy said. What Puddy said was the IPCC peeps are not who they all claim to be. correctnotright claimed they were all climate scientists. Puddy differed and proved it correct.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Yes, rujax, stay the dumbest cinder block on the HA blog.
Puddy knew of this document long ago. Long Ago. LONG AGO. Ask the arschloch about it. He won’t answer because he’s all arschloch.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Reading from the arschloch’s link this is found near the end of the article… Puddy wonders why
“”It pretty much depends on when you start,” wrote John Christy, the Alabama atmospheric scientist who collects the satellite data that skeptics use. He said in an e-mail that looking back 31 years, temperatures have gone up nearly three-quarters of a degree Fahrenheit (four-tenths of a degree Celsius). The last dozen years have been flat, and temperatures over the last eight years have declined a bit, he wrote.“
Last word from the article I posted for the most moronic idiot of these comment threads:
The current El Nino is forecast to get stronger, probably pushing global temperatures even higher next year, scientists say. NASA climate scientist Gavin Schmidt predicts 2010 may break a record, so a cooling trend “will be never talked about again.“
Except of course by the braindead right wing moron I call Stupes.
Link at comment 69.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
The current El Nino is forecast to get stronger
Just like that number of forecast hurricanes for 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 eh ylb arschloch? What was reality eh ylb arschloch?
Forecast. It’s forecast you’ll find a brain and a job in the next few years. Will either happen? Odds are Nope you Dope!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 29% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11. The President’s Approval Index rating is -4 among women and -17 among men.
Fifty-seven percent (57%) of voters nationwide believe the health care proposal being considered by Congress would raise the cost of care while 53%believe the quality of care would go down. Still, 45% support the plan and 54% say it is at least somewhat likely to become law.
“As part of the operation, Seattle and Everett police arrested and charged four pimps and 23 adult prostitutes. ” – And Puddy believes the pimp name is not James and the prostitute is not a Hannah. But in ylb arschloch’s world he’s hoping…
Got to “love” how liberal progressives in the WA Cities love to use children to get their jollies.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Another 8 die in Afghanistan today.
Obama Dithers Marines Withers.
@86: Gee where were you for 8 years while Bush pulled troops and support from Afghanistan?
Freakin’ hypocrite…now you are worried about Afghanistan?
You are more than stoopid Puddy – you are either dishonest or have absolutely no memory. Which is it?
@85: Poor Puddy uses any excuse to make an insipid point…remember this is the guy that defends Mark Foley….feeling hypocritical today, fool?
@83: Still quoting the biased polls?
The majority of Americans favor a public option. Republicans oppose it and democrats support it. You fools lose again.
@82: The forecast is for Winter to be colder…Puddy will be wearing a swimsuit all winter….moron!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Once again correctnotright has no memory
remember this is the guy that defends Mark Foley
Where fool?
Time and Date Stamp.
Wait for it… Pavlov’s ylb arschloch will post something chronologically wrong.
Steve, please correct incorrectnottobright with the PuddyMissive on this subject. This fool is truly memory deficient.
We laugh at you correctnotright. We laugh almost as hard as we laugh at the HA arschloch, ylb arschloch.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Awwww pooor poooor poooooooor correctnotright… Since the libtardo MSM doesn’t broadcast everything that happens in Afghanistan now… As Mrs Puddy asked Mr Puddy…
“Where are the nightly news reports on KIAs in Afghanistan”
Mr Puddy replied to Mrs Puddy…
“It was only used against GWB because when Republicans are in power war is bad. Now that Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm is in power was not so bad. Notice the number of King County Toyota Prius and Volvo cars with their No WAR stickers now missing, but you can see where the adhesive was?”
Mrs Puddy replied to Mr Puddy…
“No but now that you mentioned it I’ll look closer.”
Mr Puddy replied to Mrs Puddy…
“Pay attention to the cars with the Kerry Edwards, Obama Biden stickers. Normally the No War sticker was on the left side. You’ll see a rectangular adhesive spot where the sticker was.”
We laugh at you correctnotright. We laugh almost as hard as we laugh at the HA arschloch, ylb arschloch.
“The White House has told Congress it will reject calls for many of President Obama’s policy czars to testify before Congress – a decision senators said goes against the president’s promises of transparency and openness and treads on Congress’ constitutional mandate to investigate the administration’s actions. ”
They don’t care. They are taking their cues from Nixon. Soon you’ll hear “I am not a crook”.
Are claiming you have not defended Mark Foley and claimed that he broke no laws?
do I have to prove you are a liar again?
@92: Do you know the difference between an unnecessary war and a necessary war?
guess not. Where did al qaida hide out from and attack us? Why do you hate america?
@93 Czars are not appointed and then approved by congress – they don’t report to congress, so they do not need to testify to congress ….try reading the constitution, fool.
the great thing about Puddy is what a total hypocrite he is…he supported Cheney and others NOT testifying before congress and they HAD to be approved by congress.
Wow, how many times can you be a total hypocrite in oine day Puddy?
Very, very impressive on the hypocrite count.
Sucks that the Preesident is now sane and a democrat. Sucks that the President doesn’t go off and fight unnecessary wars that ruin our credibility and cost american lives.
Must be tough to see health care reform with a public option get enacted without ANY republican support.
Nope Puddy remembered the FACTS. THE FBI SAID NO LAWS WERE BROKEN BY MARK FOLEY. Those kids were considered adults in their states. Some states consider you an adult at 16. Sucks to be you… Another exploding head occurs. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Ask the HA arschloch@32. Even he admitted to reading the FBI reports. He uses tctmgr to capture all the PuddyMissives. Puddy placed the Jan 2009 blog entry from Jake Tapper of ABC News reporting the FBI saying there were no laws broken. Go ahead and ask him. You libtardos have 24 hour memory disease. Seems you all shit out the last day’s memories down the crapper every day.
Gotta love that “family values” screed ylb arschloch yells. Puddy asked what would he do if his daughter got pregnant. Would he support her decision? Would he force an abortion? Hmmm… well he is unemployed!
I don’t laugh at Puddy – I just feel sorry for someone who is so memory deficient they cannot remember what they wrote less than a month ago.
I feel sorry for someone who posts so many hypocritical statments.
I feel sorry for someone so partisan they can’t even think for themselves.
Very sad, indeed. All you have left is name calling, Puddy. Grow up.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
correctnotright, He broke no laws fool!
There was no PETARD to catch. There was no memory loss. There was NO DEFENSE of Mark Foley.
That was the truth correctnotright… This is why we laugh at you. Printing the truth is called defense in your femtometer mind!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Hey soiled is Pampers correctnotright… Transparency form Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm? Here it is… All Puddy needs is one example per Roger Rabbit. Didn’t Tom Ridge testify before Congress? Didn’t Michael Chertoff testify before Congress? Didn’t Robert Tobias testify before Congress? That’s three examples correctnotright. Puddy loves using the dumb bunny Pellets to make a point against correctnotright. Regarding the CZARS let’s re-stimulate that single cell femtometer mind of correctnotright… For those who know history… GWBush created how many new czar positions correctnotright? If you notice from above Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm created 17 new czar positions in just 8 months in the whitey house.
See ya as Puddy chuckles again….
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Neel Kashkari testified before Congress correctnotright.
Leon Kass testified before Congress correctnotright.
Puddy can keep going but my sides are splitting laughing at correctnotright. Right now his NUTS are going TOO TIGHT!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
You know where you stand with correctnotright when you can’t speak the truth as seen by the FBI.
There are some black helicopters coming for you correctnotright…
Stupes I hope you don’t show your insane rants in these comments threads to too many people you personally know.
If they didn’t know you were batshit insane, they certainly know it now!
@99: Except you missed the point again….Chertoff was Homeland security – appointed by the President and approved by congress….thanks for making my point again Puddy.
@101: You know where you stand with Puddy – so partisan that you support pedophiles like Mark Foley.
You embarass yourself defending a confirmed pedophile like Mark Foley.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
@99: Except you missed the point again….Chertoff was Homeland security – appointed by the President and approved by congress….thanks for making my point again Puddy.
Wow correctnotright misses the other four.
Thanks for proving Puddy right again and providing comedy fodder for your sorry ASS!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
@101: You know where you stand with Puddy – so partisan that you support pedophiles like Mark Foley.
Wrong again fool! Where did Puddy write…
Puddy supports Mark Foley?
Puddy will wait while you beat that femtometer brain on the wall.
Puddy notices Steve went went dark. Puddy knows why. Steve would go against correctnotright proving Puddy right again!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
ylb arschloch, Peeps know about Puddy upholding the truth against arschlochs like you. Puddy told them about HA and the moronic class such as you ylb arschloch. Goldy should be seeing more Snohomish County traffic lately.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
How is ex-congressman Mel Reynolds convicted pedophile treating you correctnotright?
91. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
Once again correctnotright has no memory
remember this is the guy that defends Mark Foley
Where fool?
Time and Date Stamp.
Wait for it… Pavlov’s ylb arschloch will post something chronologically wrong.
Steve, please correct incorrectnottobright with the PuddyMissive on this subject. This fool is truly memory deficient.
@101: You know where you stand with Puddy – so partisan that you support pedophiles like Mark Foley.
Wrong again fool! Where did Puddy write…
Puddy supports Mark Foley?
Puddy will wait while you beat that femtometer brain on the wall.
Puddy notices Steve went went dark. Puddy knows why. Steve would go against correctnotright proving Puddy right again!
Geez. Puddy it looks like you’re not only defending Foley, you’re also advocating old Republican politicians having sex with kids provided that they check the age of consent first.
Poor Puddy – you can’t even make a point and make sense. The point I made (that you missed as usual) was that there were Bush officials who refused to testify before congress and had to be subpoenaed to testify even though they were required to do so by olaw (and they ran away claiming a false executive privledge).
You were claiming that czars had to testify – and they don’t. They are not approved by congress – so they don’t need to testify to congress.
So your “counter-examples” are meaningless. You have not addressed my point and once again you prove that you cannot use logic and actually make a valid point.
this ad is so stupid. congressional democrats have all the power plus the white house and use it to help nobody but lobbyists. don’t care, indeed.
Since the use of such words like fudge packer and cock sucker seem to be acceptable when expressing ones gayness, I think we should bring back the word Nigger when refferimg to Blacks. What do you say everyone?
Keep displaying those true colors Gman. You’ve got headless and rujax’ votes.
Keep displaying those true colors Gman. You’ve got headless and rujax’ votes.
Barry O continues to fizzle–
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Campaign Laundry List against Obama continues to grow at an accelerating rate.
Economy–Porkulous, Bailouts, Unemployment
Czars & other appointees of questionable ilk.
The list goes on & on.
I suspect Gman is headlice, Rujax or most likely, ylb.
Gman can’t be the dumb cinder block or the dumb brick. He has an ounce of intelligence.
Hello HA Libtardos…
Why not ask Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm why is he taxing such frivolous luxuries as pacemakers, stents, artificial heart valves, defibrillators, automated wheelchairs, mechanized artificial limbs, replacement hips and knees, surgical gurneys, laparoscopic equipment, etc.
@8: hahaha
Puddy is so dumb he doesn’t even read the articles he links to.
that article is by the noted health care expert……Dick Morris.
Hahaha, it ain’t a tax – it is a way to get the companies who make billions off health care pay back some into the system.
A good idea and Morris is an idiot who couldn’t understand health care if it fell in his partisan lapdog lap.
Thanks for linking to another know-nothing republican, pUddy. It validates the stupidity of the republican party. And pood dumb Puddy rolls right along with it…still wating for the republican health care plan Puddy.
(crickets chirping)
@1: Notaboomer
Look up the rules in the Senate…single Senators can block anything by putting a “hold” on…look at all the appointments republicans have already blocked.
The ad is over the top…but repubvlicans have no health care plan and opposed the stimulus plan. Instead they propose……nothing. They have no plans. They want to cut the budget during the worst recesssion since the great depression.
Learning nothing from history – they are just plain stoopid.
6 – Heh. I bet Klynical keeps the goat shed warm at night with that new fantasy.
During the day he stacks wood preparing for the great conflagration predicted in expensive right wing newsletters that never comes.
Who pays in the long run correctnotright?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA we laugh at your stupidity again. It doesn’t matter where the information comes from, it matters if it’s true. The final cost for any tax ends up on the consumer.
10/26/09–PRINCETON, NJ — Conservatives continue to outnumber moderates and liberals in the American populace in 2009, confirming a finding that Gallup first noted in June. Forty percent of Americans describe their political views as conservative, 36% as moderate, and 20% as liberal. This marks a shift from 2005 through 2008, when moderates were tied with conservatives as the most prevalent group.
When the imbiciles have nothing new to add it’s the old goat sex act.
The Motto for the HA tards:
Deaths on OBAMA’s watch..
14 Americans die in Afghanistan on Monday while Obama continues to mull over strategies!,2933,569525,00.html
Didn’t the HA Libtardo class claim there were no $$$$ in the health care bill for abortions?
Hmmm…? Another bunch of lies discovered…
“Around 40 Dems line up against federal abortion funding in healthcare bill”
“Stupak, who is conservative on social issues, told CNS News that he has organized the voting bloc to support his amendment that would strip the abortion provisions from the legislation. House Rules Committee chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.), according to Stupak, said that there is “no way” her panel would provide a vote for his amendment.”
“Under language in the Energy and Commerce proposal, one health plan in each health care “exchange” that sells public health insurance must provide coverage for abortion. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is currently in the process of merging the House’s three health bills.”
So by not voting for the amendment Slaughter is admitting the “there are no funds for abortions” is a lie after all. Damn if Puddy isn’t prescient. Just as Puddy called it weeks ago and the HA moron class called Puddy a liar then. Well… if the foo shits the libtardos are stepping in it.
Oh and how long did the Bushies “dither” while American men and women died in Iraq until they came up with that “surge”? Sorry, Americans still died after that too.
What a phony baloney. You want Americans to stop dying? Call for ending the war stupid.
No, the claim was no government funding of abortions. The article above says that “one health plan in each health care “exchange” that sells public health insurance must provide coverage for abortion”.
Are you now claiming that insurance companies are government run?
re 12: The interesting thing is that only 20% of conservatives identify themselves as Republicans — and most of them are in the south.
re 15: Did any American troops die when Bush was depleting their numbers to attack Iraq — a country that had nothing to do with the SAUDI ARABS who blew up the trade towers.
R U telling Puddy the congressman plus 40 others don’t know the REAL details of the abortion language in the bills? Why is Slaughter stopping his proposed amendment? Why is Pelosi being coy when asked? Doesn’t add up Don.
Keep drinking the kook-aid like correctnotright.
And when the wingers have nothing to say it’s the Rasmussen poll. Pretty much an equivalence, Puddy.
Were you off in the jungles yesterday? Puddy placed the most leftist Harris Poll and the almost leftist Zogby Poll which had the preznit below 50%. Your spawn ylb arschloch tried to push it off as some “Hot Air” act. You can visit Harris Interactive And Zogby and see their polls too.
Or show us your search skillz. It’s right here on HA Libtardos.
Stay stupid, it brings comedic relief to us who think right.
17. YLB spews:
I have repeatedly stated Obama needs to either fight to win or get out you PINHEAD.
I don’t think getting out will end American deaths…they will just start over here and in Europe. YLB lives in a fantasy world where if we just stay within our borders, all evil will go away! PINHEAD! Utopian Marxist.
Looks like YLB is spending another productive day of job searching..
what a fuckin loser….leach.
20. Toothy Thompson spews:
News Flash!
Obama is now President.
Stop re-living your Bush-hating days.
Your guy is in charge…and failing miserably.
Why arent we getting a dialy update on the total number of deaths from Iraq and afghanistan from the media like we did when bush was charge?
liberal media bias trying to protect the almighty obamama? kinda looks that way…
Public Option Near 60 Votes
The Associated Press reports:
“A proposal for government-backed health insurance is close to gaining the 60 votes needed to pass the Senate and probably will be in overhaul legislation, a Senate Democratic leader said Sunday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Senate negotiators appear to have found the sweet spot with a proposal for a national public option that allows individual states to opt out. Even GOP Sen. Olympia Snowe might vote for this approach.
This isn’t as good as a truly national program, because your insurance wouldn’t be portable to opt-out states, but it’s nearly as good and, given the need for every last vote, it’ll have to be good enough — for now, at least.
In any case, chances are within a few years every state would opt in, because no one will want to live in opt-out states.
Remember, no one is forced into the public option. It’s just that, an option, for people who otherwise can’t get insurance or afford available private insurance. For those people, opting out is tantamount to leaving them uninsured. Why would anyone live where they can’t get health care?
My guess is every state will opt it, because it costs states nothing to give their citizens access to public option insurance. Sure, some states will be under pressure from the industry to let their citizens get screwed by private monopolies, but how long will that last when people are packing up their belongings, employers can’t get anyone to work for them, and the state highways look like Oklahoma’s in the 30’s as people rush for the exits?
Click here for photo of workers emigrating from opt-out state:
@27 You might learn something if you picked up a newspaper once in a while, jackass.
Hey Cynical, did you go ahead and bet against the dollar? I see gold is down again today. Just wondering …
@26: News flash for an idiot like Klynical:
Wow, you get dumber every day…and you started off with a bunch of idiot sayings.
My top-10 favorite idiot Klynical sayings (be careful, if you watch Faux news you could get this stoopid too):
1. It is cold this winter so global warming/climate change is not true.
2. The stock market is going down (in Obama’s first month) so Obama is no good for business.
3. Climate change is not real because one scientist disagreed with it.
4. There are WMDs in Iraq
5. The election of Obama will cause defeat in Iraq.
6. “Dithering” in Afghanistan….what a joke. It is called a policy review – something Bush never did for the unnecessary war in Iraq that costs hundreds of thousands of lives.
We laugh at idiots like Klyunical and Puddy becuause they are so partisan and so myopic.
@Puddy – You called it a tax – it is not a tax. You lied. What is new.
@29…the Times? hahahahahaha
CNN? ABC? NBC? CBS? MSNBC? nah, didnt think so…..
Newsflash for correctnotright,
Anything being charged by the government is a tax. Believe it or Not! Where’s the lie except in that femtometer brain cell?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA we’re still laughing at you because you are blinded by the left-wing whackamole kook-aid.
correctnotright is pulling another of his shifty fast ones…
1. It is cold this winter so global warming/climate change is not true. Hmmm…? What?
2. The stock market is going down (in Obama’s first month) so Obama is no good for business. It did go down. Now it’s up. Don’t seem to remember you crying when the Dow hit 14100+ with Bush.
3. Climate change is not real because one scientist disagreed with it. More than one correctnotright. More than 10 correctnotright. More than 100 correctnotright. More than 1000 correctnotright. Turning to another source, notice what the left-leaning Wikipedia says about this entry…
“The Wikipedia deletion policy describes how pages that do not meet the relevant criteria for content of the encyclopedia are identified and removed from Wikipedia. In the normal operations of Wikipedia, approximately five thousand pages are deleted each day through the processes outlined below.” – Of course it goes against the leftist-pinhead thought processes.
“Just two years ago, Mike Hulme would have been about the last person you’d expect to hear criticising conventional climate change wisdom. Back then, he was the founding director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, an organisation so revered by environmentalists that it could be mistaken for the academic wing of the green movement. Since leaving Tyndall – and as we found out in a telephone interview – he has come out of the climate change closet as an outspoken critic of such sacred cows as the UN’s IPCC, the “consensus”, the over-emphasis on scientific evidence in political debates about climate change, and to defend the rights of so-called “deniers” to contribute to those debates.
As Professor of Climate Change at the University of East Anglia, Hulme remains one of the UK’s most distinguished and high-profile climate scientists. In his new book, Why We Disagree About Climate Change, he explores how the issue of climate change has come to be such a dominant issue in modern politics. He treats climate change not as a problem that we need to solve – indeed, he believes that the complexity of the issue means that it cannot be solved, only lived with – and instead considers it as much of a cultural idea as a physical phenomenon.””
Oh wait a minute…
4. There are WMDs in Iraq. Yep there were. Did you miss those stories on the left-wing kook-aid sites?
5. The election of Obama will cause defeat in Iraq. Many more bomb attacks since Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm took office.
6. “Dithering” in Afghanistan….what a joke. It is called a policy review – something Bush never did for the unnecessary war in Iraq that costs hundreds of thousands of lives. You forgot the policy review that happened in March 2009. It was Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm who placed his own three star general there replacing the previous four star. Now his general says send more troops. Been two months now since that request, and seven months since the policy review. Cheney said the March policy review was close to the same assessment the Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm people received from Bush by Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm peeps to keep quiet about. Did you notice how the whitey house hasn’t said much mor about Chehey’s comments but had the talking dimwits do it for them. Shows how much truth was there with Cheney.
We laugh at idiots like Klyunical and Puddy becuause they are so partisan and so myopic.
I thought that having seen the video thgat the wingnuts would state that they did have a plan beside obstructionism — and I see that they do!
Childish name calling. The worst offender being that good old Lionel impersonator and clever Bre’r Rabbit himself, PuddWaxx.
Public option is on the table wingnuts albeit with a crappy state opt-out. Even the turncoat Lieberman doesn’t dare side to filibuster with the execrable Republicans.
Oh well, those states will see the light soon enough just as with medicare and medicaid.
Ahhhh.. Those townhall screamfests are such a distant memory. So feckless, so easily forgotten.
Michelle Obama’s small staff and salaries–
This adds up to a whopping $1,600,700.00 and the amount doesn’t include the elite benefit packages granted to the White House staff and their significant others (include same-sex partners).
30. Roger Rabbit spews:
No Rog…although I’m sure you wish I had.
I told you I was looking for a discount broker to trade Barrack Gold options when the price hit $1020 and perhaps invest more if it hit $1000/oz.
I haven’t even set up an account yet and it takes several days.
I better hurry up the way it plunged today.
31. correctnotright spews:
You said Top-10…that’s 6 you idiot!
None of you KLOWNS can count….that’s one of your many problems!
There is MORE for Commoner Michelle Obama!
The figure I gave does not take into account the salaries for the two additional full-time staff members mentioned by Mrs. Obama’s Press Secretary nor the full time hair-dresser and makeup artist assigned to her. A guesstimate of the total salaries for Mrs. Obama’s attendants is $1,750,00.00 plus the additional massive benefits.
Aren’t y’all glad Michelle is sooooooooo consciencious about TAXPAYER dollars??
@34: Dear Puddy says a number of very stupid things once again:
Hey puddy, Where did the stock market FINISH with BUSH? Down and sliding into oblivion….so much for how “great” Bush was..he presided over the worst financial situation since the great depression…..great job, incompetent bush and truly ignorant Puddy.
Gee Puddy, you can really spin!
2. More puddy spin…
hahahah – you fool, you are counting “scientists” as people who are not even in the field. In that case, I count as a “scientist” too sicne I have published int he natural sciences… what?
The overwhelming majority of cliumate scientists agree….climate change is happenning and humans are the cause.
Only a fool or a mentally deficient republican would argue otherwise.
Which are you?
3. Another foolish quote:
….Puddy also believes in: the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, black helicopters and alien kidnappings.
Ya got any proof of WMDs big fella? Let’s see it!
Thanks for showing how irrelevant you are.
@39: Klynical
As if the top six were not stoopid enough.
Ran out of time….do want more stupidity…just keep posting, you fool.
Thanks for the laughs, right wing fools/trolls. We are definitely laughing at you Klynical and Puddy. When leap to defend the idiotic, the foolish and the non-sensical positions….you are just so cute.
wow, here is another good laugh from Puddy:
Let’s see;
Dick Cheney – as if he has ANY credibility.
Puddy’s spelling….atrocious.
Still calling it the Whitey house….guess who likes to call out others for being racist?
Puddy’s crediblity….in the negative numbers after the latest bout with fantasy.
I’m sure the hypocritical goatfucker @37 was trying to make a point,
The staff of Laura Bush and their salaries:
McBride, Anita B. Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to the First Lady $172,200.
Armstrong, Sara Assistant to the President and Duty Chief of Staff to the First Lady $102,000.
Miller, Sonja Marie Duty Chief of Staff to the First Lady $88,500.
Ballard, Deanna M. Director of Scheduling for the First Lady $78,400.
McArthur, Nikki L. Speech Writer for First Lady $63,000.
Knutson, Lindsay Special Asst. and Personal Aide to the First Lady $62,700.
Marshall, Misty C. Director of Correspondence for the First Lady $62,400.
Adams, Julie E. $57,500. Deputy Press Secretary to First Lady $57,500.
Mende, Kirstin M Deputy Director of Policy and Projects for the First Lady$53,000.
Etter, Marisa Leigh Deputy Director of Scheduling for the First Lady $52,200
King, Kristin N Deputy Director of Advance for the First Lady $52,200
Segura, Millicent Deputy Director of Correspondence for the First Lady $47,000
Miller, Kasdin E. Assistant Press Secretary to the First Lady $43,000
O’Connor, Erin M Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff to the First Lady $41,800
McBride, Anita B. Assistant to the president and chief of staff to the first lady $168,000.00
Harder, Cherie S. Special asistant to the president for domestic policy and director of project of the first lady $108,000.00
Niemiec, Sally M. Press secretary to the First Lady $90,000.00
Miller, Sonja M. Deputy chief of staff to the first lady $84,700.00
Ballard, Deanna M. Director of scheduling for the First Lady $75,000.00
Marshall, Misty C. Director of correspondence for the first lady $59,700.00
Etter, Marisa L. Deputy director of scheduling for the First Lady $50,000.00
Lineweaver, Lindsey M. Special assistant and personal aide to the first lady $47,500.00
Donoghue , Tarah C. Deputy press secretary to the First Lady $43,000.00
Block, Jonathan F. Assistant press secretary to the First Lady $39,000.00
They really are cute and lovable, aren’t they? I just want to take them home and feed them fresh-baked cookies.
@34 “4. There are WMDs in Iraq. Yep there were. Did you miss those stories on the left-wing kook-aid sites?”
Maybe Puddy is thinking of those model airplanes that Saddam’s kids were going to fly across the Atlantic to destroy America.
Puddy’s definition of WMDs includes slingshots, pocket knives, and pellet guns.
Actually, I’m wondering how anybody in D.C. can work in the White House for around $40,000 per year.
Sure, there are perks, but I’ll bet for most of them it’s not a civil service job, they are required to be available long hours and on call 24/7, and in order to do their jobs right they will need to attend a large number of functions with their boss which require them to be appropriatly dressed (tuxes for men, evening gowns for women, in addition to the usual office wear). Public transit might not be an option (security concerns plus that darn 24/7 schedule), forcing commuting expenses, parking in central D.C., etc. Not to mention the numerous out-of-pocket travel expenses which don’t end up being reimbursable (How do I explain to the taxi driver in Ankara that I need a receipt?)
There are some jobs which actually end up costing more money to have than you get in salary.
Let’s bring Nigger Back, yeahhh
No longer have to refer to them as Black, yeahh
you ready, I’m bringing Nigger back, yeeahhh
you can have one too, Just bring Nigger back
Let’s bring Nigger Back, yeahh
I’ll have to see if Marshall Mathers would like to do a remix.
@46 Maybe he’s talking about those old WMDs that the Reagan administration gave to Saddam back in the 1980’s.
Remember that vacation discussion we discussed…
President Barack Obama has only been in office for just over nine months, but he’s already hit the links as much as President Bush did in over two years.
CBS’ Mark Knoller — an unofficial documentarian and statistician of all things White House-related — wrote on his Twitter feed that, “Today – Obama ties Pres. Bush in the number of rounds of golf played in office: 24. Took Bush 2 yrs & 10 months.”
It’s all adding up dude…
How many IPCC “scientists” are in the “field” correctnotright?
Proud Leftist that slingshots comment was funny!
Remember that vacation discussion we discussed recently…
President Barack Obama has only been in office for just over nine months, but he’s already hit the links as much as President Bush did in over two years.
CBS’ Mark Knoller — an unofficial documentarian and statistician of all things White House-related — wrote on his Twitter feed that, “Today – Obama ties Pres. Bush in the number of rounds of golf played in office: 24. Took Bush 2 yrs & 10 months.”
It’s all adding up dude…
@33 “Anything being charged by the government is a tax.”
That’s flatly untrue. User fees (e.g., bridge tolls) are not a “tax.” Fines (e.g., for committing a crime) are not a “tax.” The profits earned by state liquor stores are not a “tax” although you do pay a liquor tax on top of the state’s retail profit. State timber sales revenues are not a “tax” on timber buyers. One thing we definitely can say is true, though, is that puddy is a fucking idiot.
This was discussed ad nauseum by everyone earlier this year. And Puddy did acknowledge the drop. Check with your arschloch. He’ll tell you the time and date. You must have lost money. You didn’t short like Roger Rabbit told you to?
@40 Everyone in this country is a “commoner.” We don’t have royalty here.
@41 Puddy actually said Iraq had WMDs? I missed that, but then, I didn’t read this whole thread. I know puddy is a fucking idiot, but I didn’t know he’s that BIG a fucking idiot. Wow.
@47 “Actually, I’m wondering how anybody in D.C. can work in the White House for around $40,000 per year.”
I’m thinking the same thing. The cost of living is so high in D.C. that 40K doesn’t even pay rent for a basement studio.
@48 I repudiate any and all uses of that word on this blog.
No Puddy Spin, just correctnotright moronic memory material…
Find Iraq WMD Declassified.pdf and read it. Been available for years fool! Butt your mind hasn’t been available for a long time.
Global warming… uhhh… climate change… next term coming soon…
Sure those IPCC “scientists” are truthful…
Golly if only correctnotright could count…
“Over 650 Scientists Challenge Global Warming
“Consensus” Twelve times more than those that put their names to the IPCC report”
“In comparison, twelve times fewer – just 52 scientists – participated in the much touted IPCC Summary for Policymakers meeting in April 2007. Climate scientists allied with the IPCC were recently caught citing fake data to make the case that global warming is accelerating.”
Oh wait… peer reviewed studies… “The new Senate report will feature new peer-reviewed scientific studies and analyses refuting man-made warming fears.”
While peeps from GB came to the conference…”Of the 51 UK contributors to the report, there were 5 economists, 3 epidemiologists, 5 who were either zoologists, entomologists, or biologists. 5 worked in civil engineering or risk management / insurance. 7 had specialisms in physical geography (we gave the benefit of the doubt to some academics whose profiles weren’t clear about whether they are physical or human geographers). And just 10 have specialisms in geophysics, climate science or modelling, or hydrology. But there were 15 who could only be described as social scientists. If we take the view that economics is a social science, that makes 20 social scientists.”
This is why we laugh at correctnotright. YOU GIVE US A GREAT LAUGH.
Well, how about Fudge Packers? Is that acceptable usage of vocabulary for this Blog…let’s be fair. Also, let’s add Cock Sucker to the list of words not to be used.
From one Bigot to the next..
Dick Cheney has no credibility correctnotright?
Didn’t see Rhambo or the Squeaky Axle appear to rebut Cheney’s assessment. Something going on… Oh sure Dick Turbin Durbin arrived on a news show. Where’s da beef correctnotright?
Rabbit, you never repudiated Fudge Packers. You like that term?
How they all go running.
@6 – not headlice, not Rujax, nor YLB. I’m sure they will appreciate me saying so.
I can’t read the fucking moron anymore. I’ll say this about our favorite dumbass, he does have the distinction of being a world class “thread crapper”. I would seriously put him up against anyone…ever.
Really nice going “shit for brains”!
Heh. Denier’s claims of global cooling are full of crap.
59 Puddy
Thinks a consensus of the SCIENTIFIC community is NOT too be trusted on global warming.
Thinks a consensus of clerics working for the ROMAN EMPIRE should be accepted as REVEALED truth of GOD!
Praise be! Praise be!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Did you see this Puddy?
The Dems are doing real great…for the R’s!
The conservative British newsweekly, The Economist, has now weighed-in on the growing controversy over Texas GOP Party Gov. Rick Perry’s clumsy attempts to derail an investigation into his decision to allow the execution of an apparently innocent man.
The case is deeply embarrassing to GOP Party Gov. Perry, who faces a primary challenge next year from a U.S. senator of his own party, because Perry ignored a report that exonerated the condemned man that was placed on his desk hours before the execution.
Rather than admit he made a mistake and killed an innocent man, GOP Party Gov. Perry called a press conference to call the dead man “a monster” and fired all the members of the state commission responsible for investigating the slovenly administration of justice in the case to prevent them from issuing an official finding of innocence.
Now, The Economist has weighed-in by saying it “may well have been true” the man was innocent, and by pointing out that an expert’s “report gave a blistering assessment of the original investigation, saying its conclusions were ‘nothing more than a collection of personal beliefs that have nothing to do with science-based fire investigation.'”
Fearful that Texas’ execution of an apparently innocent man may give ammunition to death penalty opponents, GOP Party Gov. Rick Perry has chosen to slander a dead man who can’t defend himself and carry out his own “Friday Night Massacre,” reminiscent of GOP Party Pres. Nixon’s Watergate scandal, rather than allow an honest investigation to go forward.
You can’t trust GOP Party politicians.
Republicans can’t stand truth.
@68 Well, you’d better not trust Republicans too much, or you may end up dead like Mr. Willingham!
Republicans are so bad they even give executions a bad reputation.
The Iraquis did have WMD’s. Reagan and Bush I gave them to them to use on the Iranians and their own dissidents.
Sadam even gassed about 10,000 of his own people. Hans Blix had tracked down and destroyed most of it, though.
I have no doubt that Saddam would produce and use WMD — if he thought that he could get away with it.
But the situation was under control. Iraq was to enrich Bush and Cheney’s cronies
That’s not what Puddy said. What Puddy said was the IPCC peeps are not who they all claim to be. correctnotright claimed they were all climate scientists. Puddy differed and proved it correct.
Yes, rujax, stay the dumbest cinder block on the HA blog.
Puddy knew of this document long ago. Long Ago. LONG AGO. Ask the arschloch about it. He won’t answer because he’s all arschloch.
Reading from the arschloch’s link this is found near the end of the article… Puddy wonders why
“”It pretty much depends on when you start,” wrote John Christy, the Alabama atmospheric scientist who collects the satellite data that skeptics use. He said in an e-mail that looking back 31 years, temperatures have gone up nearly three-quarters of a degree Fahrenheit (four-tenths of a degree Celsius). The last dozen years have been flat, and temperatures over the last eight years have declined a bit, he wrote.“
Last word from the article I posted for the most moronic idiot of these comment threads:
Except of course by the braindead right wing moron I call Stupes.
Link at comment 69.
Just like that number of forecast hurricanes for 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 eh ylb arschloch? What was reality eh ylb arschloch?
Forecast. It’s forecast you’ll find a brain and a job in the next few years. Will either happen? Odds are Nope you Dope!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
@63….what about butt pirates? peter puffers?
Remember when Roger Rabbit said he was glad Seattle was liberal…
A nationwide crackdown on child prostitution rescued eight children in Seattle and one in Everett – more than any other metropolitan area in the United States.
“As part of the operation, Seattle and Everett police arrested and charged four pimps and 23 adult prostitutes. ” – And Puddy believes the pimp name is not James and the prostitute is not a Hannah. But in ylb arschloch’s world he’s hoping…
Got to “love” how liberal progressives in the WA Cities love to use children to get their jollies.
Another 8 die in Afghanistan today.
Obama Dithers Marines Withers.
@86: Gee where were you for 8 years while Bush pulled troops and support from Afghanistan?
Freakin’ hypocrite…now you are worried about Afghanistan?
You are more than stoopid Puddy – you are either dishonest or have absolutely no memory. Which is it?
@85: Poor Puddy uses any excuse to make an insipid point…remember this is the guy that defends Mark Foley….feeling hypocritical today, fool?
@83: Still quoting the biased polls?
The majority of Americans favor a public option. Republicans oppose it and democrats support it. You fools lose again.
@82: The forecast is for Winter to be colder…Puddy will be wearing a swimsuit all winter….moron!
Once again correctnotright has no memory
Where fool?
Time and Date Stamp.
Wait for it… Pavlov’s ylb arschloch will post something chronologically wrong.
Steve, please correct incorrectnottobright with the PuddyMissive on this subject. This fool is truly memory deficient.
We laugh at you correctnotright. We laugh almost as hard as we laugh at the HA arschloch, ylb arschloch.
Awwww pooor poooor poooooooor correctnotright… Since the libtardo MSM doesn’t broadcast everything that happens in Afghanistan now… As Mrs Puddy asked Mr Puddy…
“Where are the nightly news reports on KIAs in Afghanistan”
Mr Puddy replied to Mrs Puddy…
“It was only used against GWB because when Republicans are in power war is bad. Now that Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm is in power was not so bad. Notice the number of King County Toyota Prius and Volvo cars with their No WAR stickers now missing, but you can see where the adhesive was?”
Mrs Puddy replied to Mr Puddy…
“No but now that you mentioned it I’ll look closer.”
Mr Puddy replied to Mrs Puddy…
“Pay attention to the cars with the Kerry Edwards, Obama Biden stickers. Normally the No War sticker was on the left side. You’ll see a rectangular adhesive spot where the sticker was.”
We laugh at you correctnotright. We laugh almost as hard as we laugh at the HA arschloch, ylb arschloch.
Another lie from Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm
“The White House has told Congress it will reject calls for many of President Obama’s policy czars to testify before Congress – a decision senators said goes against the president’s promises of transparency and openness and treads on Congress’ constitutional mandate to investigate the administration’s actions. ”
They don’t care. They are taking their cues from Nixon. Soon you’ll hear “I am not a crook”.
Are claiming you have not defended Mark Foley and claimed that he broke no laws?
do I have to prove you are a liar again?
@92: Do you know the difference between an unnecessary war and a necessary war?
guess not. Where did al qaida hide out from and attack us? Why do you hate america?
@93 Czars are not appointed and then approved by congress – they don’t report to congress, so they do not need to testify to congress ….try reading the constitution, fool.
the great thing about Puddy is what a total hypocrite he is…he supported Cheney and others NOT testifying before congress and they HAD to be approved by congress.
Wow, how many times can you be a total hypocrite in oine day Puddy?
Very, very impressive on the hypocrite count.
Sucks that the Preesident is now sane and a democrat. Sucks that the President doesn’t go off and fight unnecessary wars that ruin our credibility and cost american lives.
Must be tough to see health care reform with a public option get enacted without ANY republican support.
Still waiting on the republican plan…….
Crickets chirping
Here is Puddy defending Mark Foley:
39. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Caught on your own petard Puddy!
I don’t laugh at Puddy – I just feel sorry for someone who is so memory deficient they cannot remember what they wrote less than a month ago.
I feel sorry for someone who posts so many hypocritical statments.
I feel sorry for someone so partisan they can’t even think for themselves.
Very sad, indeed. All you have left is name calling, Puddy. Grow up.
correctnotright, He broke no laws fool!
There was no PETARD to catch. There was no memory loss. There was NO DEFENSE of Mark Foley.
That was the truth correctnotright… This is why we laugh at you. Printing the truth is called defense in your femtometer mind!
Hey soiled is Pampers correctnotright… Transparency form Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm? Here it is… All Puddy needs is one example per Roger Rabbit. Didn’t Tom Ridge testify before Congress? Didn’t Michael Chertoff testify before Congress? Didn’t Robert Tobias testify before Congress? That’s three examples correctnotright. Puddy loves using the dumb bunny Pellets to make a point against correctnotright. Regarding the CZARS let’s re-stimulate that single cell femtometer mind of correctnotright… For those who know history… GWBush created how many new czar positions correctnotright? If you notice from above Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm created 17 new czar positions in just 8 months in the whitey house.
See ya as Puddy chuckles again….
Neel Kashkari testified before Congress correctnotright.
Leon Kass testified before Congress correctnotright.
Puddy can keep going but my sides are splitting laughing at correctnotright. Right now his NUTS are going TOO TIGHT!
You know where you stand with correctnotright when you can’t speak the truth as seen by the FBI.
There are some black helicopters coming for you correctnotright…
85 – Moron, Everett if I’m not mistaken is your freaking backyard..
Must be the “conservative policies” practiced there.
Stupes I hope you don’t show your insane rants in these comments threads to too many people you personally know.
If they didn’t know you were batshit insane, they certainly know it now!
@99: Except you missed the point again….Chertoff was Homeland security – appointed by the President and approved by congress….thanks for making my point again Puddy.
@101: You know where you stand with Puddy – so partisan that you support pedophiles like Mark Foley.
You embarass yourself defending a confirmed pedophile like Mark Foley.
Wow correctnotright misses the other four.
Thanks for proving Puddy right again and providing comedy fodder for your sorry ASS!
Wrong again fool! Where did Puddy write…
Puddy supports Mark Foley?
Puddy will wait while you beat that femtometer brain on the wall.
Puddy notices Steve went went dark. Puddy knows why. Steve would go against correctnotright proving Puddy right again!
ylb arschloch, Peeps know about Puddy upholding the truth against arschlochs like you. Puddy told them about HA and the moronic class such as you ylb arschloch. Goldy should be seeing more Snohomish County traffic lately.
How is ex-congressman Mel Reynolds convicted pedophile treating you correctnotright?
Geez. Puddy it looks like you’re not only defending Foley, you’re also advocating old Republican politicians having sex with kids provided that they check the age of consent first.
Poor Puddy – you can’t even make a point and make sense. The point I made (that you missed as usual) was that there were Bush officials who refused to testify before congress and had to be subpoenaed to testify even though they were required to do so by olaw (and they ran away claiming a false executive privledge).
You were claiming that czars had to testify – and they don’t. They are not approved by congress – so they don’t need to testify to congress.
So your “counter-examples” are meaningless. You have not addressed my point and once again you prove that you cannot use logic and actually make a valid point.