Looky what I found! Seems Goldy’s not the only one who hates the Sucky Times:
“Dear Mr. Blethen:
“Today, you published a cartoon by Mike Peters referring to the anti-deficit protesters as ‘Tea Baggers’. As everyone should know by now, ‘Tea Baggers’ refers to an unusual sexual practice. (Consult an urban dictionary if you don’t know the meaning of the term.)
“The cartoon is inappropriate for a family newspaper. And the slur is inappropriate for anyone who thinks that our political debates should be conducted with some civility. The Seattle Times should apologize for publishing the cartoon. (Your cartoon editor, Ken Rosenthal, may want to consider banning Peters entirely, if the cartoonist won’t apologize for the slur.)
“The tea party protesters, as they call themselves, have, in general, been treated badly by most ‘mainstream’ journalists, including most at the Seattle Times, even though the protesters are mostly saying what every serious person knows: that our current and projected deficits are unsustainable. That the protesters have been subjected to this particular slur, again and again, is not only wrong — which should be enough for you — but bad business, since you risk alienating so many potential subscribers.
“Sincerely, Jim Miller
“PS – Mr. Rosenthal should read my site for the next week, since I plan to publish a post which will criticize him by name. Your circulation manager may want to read that post, too.)”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Will wonders ever cease? It appears the gummint-haters chose a name for themselves that connotes an “unusual sexual practice.” I don’t know what it is, btw. Maybe one of (un)Sound Politic’s filthy-minded wingnut readers will clue me in?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here we go …
“Teabagging is a slang term for the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth or on or around the face (including the top of the head) of another person, often in a repeated in-and-out motion as in irrumatio. The practice resembles dipping a tea bag into a cup of tea.”
I imagine the rednecks who fuck dogs, goats, sheep, horses, and their sisters know what it means. Since these are the same people who attend “teabag” protests, they must have been aware of the double-entendre when they named these events “tea parties.” Gross! What a vulgar bunch. I wonder if they’re all closet gays. Did anyone check the gender of that horse?
Roger Rabbitspews:
OK, let me get this straight. Tax protesters call their rallies “tea parties” and wave teabags in symbolic reference to the Boston Tea Party. Now somebody’s upset because the newspaper called them “teabaggers.” Well, WTF did he expect?! And more to the point, how did Jim Miller know “teabagging” describes an “unusual sexual practice”? Mmmmm?? Anyway, I think the whole thing is pretty goddam funny, if you ask me! =:-D<
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ll never again be able to look at a video or photo of “teabag” protesters without imagining those folks getting slapped in the face with some dude’s ballsack.
There should be no referendum #71. This would be like going back to 1960 and taking a vote on whether schools should allow equal rights for black people. Any heterosexual that supports equality should be outraged that this should even be a vote; this shouldn’t be left up to a vote. Thanks to all supporters but if you think your support by a vote is going to help out you are mistaken. Thank You to all the California Voters.
Maybe we should leave it up to a vote by only Homosexuals to see if Heterosexual should be allowed to marry. What would be so unfair about that?
Your statement seems very naive–as if you don’t really understand what a referendum is (although you should, since your state has them). Consider reading the Washington State Constitution so that you can converse intelligently on the topic.
proud leftistspews:
Failure to approve R-71 would be a blight on this state. We are a progressive state, with a very incidental percentage of trolls, no matter how loud they squeal. (Those with the least to say, say it the loudest.) It is an off-year election, though, so I’m a bit concerned.
Jim n Puallupspews:
Who is Jim Miller?
Politically Incorrectspews:
“Jim n Puallup spews:
Who is Jim Miller?”
The rodent’s alter ego.
You do not understand. This country has freedom of religion.
That means that this country’s laws must be structured to prohibit anything offensive to Christian Fundamentalism.
It’s in the constitution, idiots.
And so is tax exemption for the PAC known as Christian Fundamentalism.
If you do not understand this, you are tools of the devil.
Ask The Holy Christian Oracle, Cynical, you hellbound Atheists
(Atheist: Anybody disagreeing with the Holy Oracle Cynical, Blessed Be His Name.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Oh c’mon Darryl, lighten up. If HA commenters were required to know anything or have any brains, you’d have to delete all the troll comments, and we don’t want that!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “(Those with the least to say, say it the loudest.)”
God, ain’ that the truth. And not infrequently, they say it in all caps bold underlined italics to make sure everyone knows they feel like squeaking.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “The rodent’s alter ego.”
Hardly. Jim Miller does all the actual work of running Stefan’s pathetic little blog while Stefan is out on the town whooping it up with $225K of the taxpayers’ money.
The trolls provide a fine community service.
By reading the insane rants of the trolls, anyone with a brain can see what we trying to GET AWAY from for the last 8 or 9 years.
Marvin Stamnspews:
14. Roger Rabbit spews:
while Stefan is out on the town whooping it up with $225K of the taxpayers’ money.
Didn’t some democrat (ron sims) refuse to turn over some public documents and then settled to avoid an even more costly judgement?
I’ll bet gman has had his fair share of teabags bouncing off his forehead! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Roger, you ever tickle a teabag with your ponytail?
Hasn’t sold out, left-wingnut groups are planning protests.
Just a year ago people would spend hours in the cold for one of his teleprompter readings, now, they can’t even get enough to come out to a fund-raiser.
But I like this comment from the article…
“I voted for him because of his speeches and rhetoric and his promises,”
Which explains why it’s so important to vote on actual accomplishments instead of someone being a great reader and employing people that have a way with words.
But let’s cut to the chase…
The people aren’t showing up for the fundraiser and are protesting because they don’t want a black man in the white house.
“Oh c’mon Darryl, lighten up. If HA commenters were required to know anything or have any brains, you’d have to delete all the troll comments, and we don’t want that!”
Who said anything about deleting? I was simply commenting on his comment.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “Didn’t some democrat (ron sims) refuse to turn over some public documents and then settled to avoid an even more costly judgement?”
No. King County taxpayers are represented by the prosecutor’s office, which is run by a Republican. This was an out-of-court settlement cut between two Republicans — Satterberg and Sharansky — spending not a dime of their own money but spending lots of taxpayer money. In other words, typical Republican dealmaking.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 And, of course, this deal wasn’t put out for public bidding. It was, as always with Republican-to-Republican deals, done behind closed doors where the taxpayers couldn’t see how their money was being spent.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 Yes, that’s the point we’ve been making for some time: If Obama has lousy polls, it’s because he’s not liberal enough.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Roger you get a red neck when you fuck dogs, goats, sheep, horses, and your many rabbit sisters?
Awww shucks, more “bad news” appears and Rasmussen has nothing to do with it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Spouting nonsense @23: I only fuck rabbits, and anyone who says otherwise is making shit up.
Also, for the record, I want it to be known that I have friends among horses, goats, and sheep who tell me they’re sick and tired of Republican farmers treating their anuses like their own private property! A couple of horses down in Enumclaw told me they’re so sore they can’t shit. They don’t understand why these Republican perverts don’t fuck their own species like everyone else in the Animal Kingdom does. I tried to explain they’re chronically horny because no female human will have them, but they just neighed and said, “That’s no excuse for taking it out on us!” Dogs? I have nothing to do with dogs, and can’t speak for dogs, but my experience with dogs has been they’ll fuck anything including cats, fireplugs, and car grilles. Dogs are sick bastards.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Puddy, health care reform is going to pass anyway. Suck on it.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Someone Roger Rabbit could get to hug bunnies before she cooks them…
@29 (continued) And Social Security will not be privatized. Medicare will not be dismantled. Banks will be re-regulated. A federal consumer protection agency will be created. Environmental laws will be enforced. Federal prosecutors won’t be used to harass Democrats. Our troops will come home from Iraq. Torture will stop. Innocent detainees will be freed. The Taliban will be defeated. Eat shit, puddy, it’s going to be a loooong 8 years for you!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Public Notice: There’s a limited amount of time I will spend on idiots like puddy, and I just spent it. Now I have other things to do.
Nice try fiend. I see your old goto fool Captain NowDead at HotAir touting the same Harris shit.
Cap’n NowDead is the fool (let go from the Murdoch publications) and you’re his ever-faithful lapdog and losing tool.
@24-@27 Puddy, Refer to Roger’s statement @22.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Hey ArtFart…
Doubt it. He’s plenty libtardo.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Hey ylb arschloch,
Dumb Fool… Harris is a libtardo polling organization. Too bad you are a sucka!
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Public Notice:
Roger Rabbit is really saying he can’t refute these facts so he’s going to onto an easier subject to allow his buffoonship to shine.
Prove you are not fucking a goat right now. In fact prove you are not only fucking a goat but you’re drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution in a kook-aid slurpy.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
See I haven’t missed much.
Beautiful day of hunting.
I won’t bore you with the details as y’all seem to have more important things on your mind.
But I do want to share this– Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 30% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -10
46 – I’ll talk about it. The Iraqis are adults not children as right wingers like to think of them. Let them handle the problem of terrorism within their own borders themselves as any other country does.
Right wingers can go F themselves.
Over 4000 Americans and many, many more thousands of Iraqis died on Bush’s watch.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44, @46 — Looks like you guys didn’t accomplish the mission after all.
43 – Has Kevin Carns gotten over his stupid self yet?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Fatass With A Fat Lip
News services report that Lush Flimflam refused to apologize for repeating an Obama hoax on his show:
“(Oct. 25) – A fictitious article that claimed President Barack Obama slammed the Constitution in his college thesis had some people fooled into thinking it was the real thing — including Rush Limbaugh. The conservative radio show host reported the story as fact on his show Friday ….
“Later in the program, Limbaugh learned the report was a fake and alerted his listeners. But he insisted the fabricated thesis was … in line with what the president thinks, the New York Daily news reported.”
In other news, Jeffry Picower, a buddy of Bernie Madoff who allegedly made over $7 billion from Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, was found dead today in the swimming pool at his Palm Beach mansion.
52 – The number one rule of the right wing is to just be right wing which is the same as being a total reality-denying dumbass and most of all, never, ever apologize for that.
When in doubt, make shit up. If anyone calls you on it, name-call, call them a “drive-by” or something dumbass like that.
@45: Stamoron
ooops – the combined overhead and profit of insurance companies is over 20%.
the overhead for Medicare = 2%
Gee, which is more efficient?
You lose again, Stamn. Wrong argument and wrong facts.
From the same article:
Health insurance profit margins typically run about 6 percent
From an article on the largest health insurance conglomerate:
The biggest U.S. health insurance conglomerate, UnitedHealth Group, was basking today in a 13% profit increase, to more than $1 billion, even though it lost nearly 10% of its private customers (no job=no health insurance).
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 Factcheck doesn’t know how to read a financial statement. The 2.2% is profit against revenues, but that’s not how the financial world measures profit.
Accountants, financial analysts, and investors are far more interested in return on investment. Businesses with high cash flow, e.g. insurance and retailing, can have low margins against revenues, yet still make high profits.
For example, United Healthcare, one of the largest health insurers, earned 17.6% on shareholder equity in 2008, and Wellpoint, another large health insurer, made 11.6%. These returns compare favorably with the earnings of the S&P 500.
Also, 2008 was a recession year when corporate profits were depressed across the board. In 2007, United Healthcare made a profit of 23.2% and Wellpoint earned 14.6%.
(Source of data: Value Line)
Roger Rabbitspews:
These companies aren’t necessarily good investments, though.
Last year, United Healthcare paid its shareholders a dividend of 3 cents from earnings of $2.95 per share.
Wellpoint earned $4.96 per share last year, and paid its shareholders nothing.
Their CEOs did somewhat better.
Roger Rabbitspews:
According to Wikipedia, Wellpoint’s CEO earned $14.86 million in 2007.
Roger Rabbitspews:
According to Wikipedia, United Healthcare’s CEO is under SEC investigation for allegedly backdating stock options.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Dunno if these links will work. Would someone please let me know whether or not they do.
@56 Roughly 25% – 30% of U.S. health care dollars go to insurance companies. None of it buys health care. It feeds insurance bureaucracies whose 2 main functions are collecting premiums and processing payments. By comparison, Medicare’s A & O costs are less than 1%. So much for the “efficiency” of the private sector. The obvious way to save enough money to cover the uninsured and still give a rate break to existing insureds is to eliminate the private insurance middlemen and let government handle the financial end of health care.
Looky what I found! Seems Goldy’s not the only one who hates the Sucky Times:
“Dear Mr. Blethen:
“Today, you published a cartoon by Mike Peters referring to the anti-deficit protesters as ‘Tea Baggers’. As everyone should know by now, ‘Tea Baggers’ refers to an unusual sexual practice. (Consult an urban dictionary if you don’t know the meaning of the term.)
“The cartoon is inappropriate for a family newspaper. And the slur is inappropriate for anyone who thinks that our political debates should be conducted with some civility. The Seattle Times should apologize for publishing the cartoon. (Your cartoon editor, Ken Rosenthal, may want to consider banning Peters entirely, if the cartoonist won’t apologize for the slur.)
“The tea party protesters, as they call themselves, have, in general, been treated badly by most ‘mainstream’ journalists, including most at the Seattle Times, even though the protesters are mostly saying what every serious person knows: that our current and projected deficits are unsustainable. That the protesters have been subjected to this particular slur, again and again, is not only wrong — which should be enough for you — but bad business, since you risk alienating so many potential subscribers.
“Sincerely, Jim Miller
“PS – Mr. Rosenthal should read my site for the next week, since I plan to publish a post which will criticize him by name. Your circulation manager may want to read that post, too.)”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Will wonders ever cease? It appears the gummint-haters chose a name for themselves that connotes an “unusual sexual practice.” I don’t know what it is, btw. Maybe one of (un)Sound Politic’s filthy-minded wingnut readers will clue me in?
Here we go …
“Teabagging is a slang term for the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth or on or around the face (including the top of the head) of another person, often in a repeated in-and-out motion as in irrumatio. The practice resembles dipping a tea bag into a cup of tea.”
I imagine the rednecks who fuck dogs, goats, sheep, horses, and their sisters know what it means. Since these are the same people who attend “teabag” protests, they must have been aware of the double-entendre when they named these events “tea parties.” Gross! What a vulgar bunch. I wonder if they’re all closet gays. Did anyone check the gender of that horse?
OK, let me get this straight. Tax protesters call their rallies “tea parties” and wave teabags in symbolic reference to the Boston Tea Party. Now somebody’s upset because the newspaper called them “teabaggers.” Well, WTF did he expect?! And more to the point, how did Jim Miller know “teabagging” describes an “unusual sexual practice”? Mmmmm?? Anyway, I think the whole thing is pretty goddam funny, if you ask me! =:-D<
I’ll never again be able to look at a video or photo of “teabag” protesters without imagining those folks getting slapped in the face with some dude’s ballsack.
There should be no referendum #71. This would be like going back to 1960 and taking a vote on whether schools should allow equal rights for black people. Any heterosexual that supports equality should be outraged that this should even be a vote; this shouldn’t be left up to a vote. Thanks to all supporters but if you think your support by a vote is going to help out you are mistaken. Thank You to all the California Voters.
Maybe we should leave it up to a vote by only Homosexuals to see if Heterosexual should be allowed to marry. What would be so unfair about that?
Gman @ 5,
Your statement seems very naive–as if you don’t really understand what a referendum is (although you should, since your state has them). Consider reading the Washington State Constitution so that you can converse intelligently on the topic.
Failure to approve R-71 would be a blight on this state. We are a progressive state, with a very incidental percentage of trolls, no matter how loud they squeal. (Those with the least to say, say it the loudest.) It is an off-year election, though, so I’m a bit concerned.
Who is Jim Miller?
“Jim n Puallup spews:
Who is Jim Miller?”
The rodent’s alter ego.
You do not understand. This country has freedom of religion.
That means that this country’s laws must be structured to prohibit anything offensive to Christian Fundamentalism.
It’s in the constitution, idiots.
And so is tax exemption for the PAC known as Christian Fundamentalism.
If you do not understand this, you are tools of the devil.
Ask The Holy Christian Oracle, Cynical, you hellbound Atheists
(Atheist: Anybody disagreeing with the Holy Oracle Cynical, Blessed Be His Name.)
@7 Oh c’mon Darryl, lighten up. If HA commenters were required to know anything or have any brains, you’d have to delete all the troll comments, and we don’t want that!
@8 “(Those with the least to say, say it the loudest.)”
God, ain’ that the truth. And not infrequently, they say it in all caps bold underlined italics to make sure everyone knows they feel like squeaking.
@10 “The rodent’s alter ego.”
Hardly. Jim Miller does all the actual work of running Stefan’s pathetic little blog while Stefan is out on the town whooping it up with $225K of the taxpayers’ money.
The trolls provide a fine community service.
By reading the insane rants of the trolls, anyone with a brain can see what we trying to GET AWAY from for the last 8 or 9 years.
Didn’t some democrat (ron sims) refuse to turn over some public documents and then settled to avoid an even more costly judgement?
I’ll bet gman has had his fair share of teabags bouncing off his forehead! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Roger, you ever tickle a teabag with your ponytail?
Things are only getting worse for the obama.
President Obama blows into the bluest state today facing a cold shoulder from once true-blue admirers, as gay rights activists, anti-war protesters and vexed environmentalists vow to picket a fund-raiser he’s headlining for Gov. Deval Patrick – a marquee event that hasn’t even sold out.
Hasn’t sold out, left-wingnut groups are planning protests.
Just a year ago people would spend hours in the cold for one of his teleprompter readings, now, they can’t even get enough to come out to a fund-raiser.
But I like this comment from the article…
Which explains why it’s so important to vote on actual accomplishments instead of someone being a great reader and employing people that have a way with words.
But let’s cut to the chase…
The people aren’t showing up for the fundraiser and are protesting because they don’t want a black man in the white house.
Roger Rabbit @ 12,
“Oh c’mon Darryl, lighten up. If HA commenters were required to know anything or have any brains, you’d have to delete all the troll comments, and we don’t want that!”
Who said anything about deleting? I was simply commenting on his comment.
@16 “Didn’t some democrat (ron sims) refuse to turn over some public documents and then settled to avoid an even more costly judgement?”
No. King County taxpayers are represented by the prosecutor’s office, which is run by a Republican. This was an out-of-court settlement cut between two Republicans — Satterberg and Sharansky — spending not a dime of their own money but spending lots of taxpayer money. In other words, typical Republican dealmaking.
@20 And, of course, this deal wasn’t put out for public bidding. It was, as always with Republican-to-Republican deals, done behind closed doors where the taxpayers couldn’t see how their money was being spent.
@18 Yes, that’s the point we’ve been making for some time: If Obama has lousy polls, it’s because he’s not liberal enough.
Roger you get a red neck when you fuck dogs, goats, sheep, horses, and your many rabbit sisters?
Who knew?
Another Poll and it’s not Rasmussen fools…
Zogby Interactive: Obama Job Approval Falls Back to 49%
Support for Obama’s “Health Reform Proposals” Drops and Majorities of Public Now Agree with Many of the Criticisms
It’s that dreaded left-wing Harris Poll again!
Over Half of Americans Are Not Confident in White House on Economy
Damn, it’s not Rasmussen either.
Majorities of Americans Give President Obama Negative Ratings on his Handling of 12 Major Issues
Awww shucks, more “bad news” appears and Rasmussen has nothing to do with it.
Spouting nonsense @23: I only fuck rabbits, and anyone who says otherwise is making shit up.
Also, for the record, I want it to be known that I have friends among horses, goats, and sheep who tell me they’re sick and tired of Republican farmers treating their anuses like their own private property! A couple of horses down in Enumclaw told me they’re so sore they can’t shit. They don’t understand why these Republican perverts don’t fuck their own species like everyone else in the Animal Kingdom does. I tried to explain they’re chronically horny because no female human will have them, but they just neighed and said, “That’s no excuse for taking it out on us!” Dogs? I have nothing to do with dogs, and can’t speak for dogs, but my experience with dogs has been they’ll fuck anything including cats, fireplugs, and car grilles. Dogs are sick bastards.
Puddy, health care reform is going to pass anyway. Suck on it.
Someone Roger Rabbit could get to hug bunnies before she cooks them…
Meet White House adviser who supports Islamic law
Obama Dithers Marines Withers
@29 (continued) And Social Security will not be privatized. Medicare will not be dismantled. Banks will be re-regulated. A federal consumer protection agency will be created. Environmental laws will be enforced. Federal prosecutors won’t be used to harass Democrats. Our troops will come home from Iraq. Torture will stop. Innocent detainees will be freed. The Taliban will be defeated. Eat shit, puddy, it’s going to be a loooong 8 years for you!
Public Notice: There’s a limited amount of time I will spend on idiots like puddy, and I just spent it. Now I have other things to do.
Nice try fiend. I see your old goto fool Captain NowDead at HotAir touting the same Harris shit.
Cap’n NowDead is the fool (let go from the Murdoch publications) and you’re his ever-faithful lapdog and losing tool.
@24-@27 Puddy, Refer to Roger’s statement @22.
Hey ArtFart…
Doubt it. He’s plenty libtardo.
Hey ylb arschloch,
Dumb Fool… Harris is a libtardo polling organization. Too bad you are a sucka!
Public Notice:
Roger Rabbit is really saying he can’t refute these facts so he’s going to onto an easier subject to allow his buffoonship to shine.
Asswipe @ 37
Anything that isn’t Rasmussen is that way for your kind tool.
Hey ButtPutty@38
Prove that you’re not an ignorant goat fucker.
Prove you are not fucking a goat right now. In fact prove you are not only fucking a goat but you’re drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution in a kook-aid slurpy.
See I haven’t missed much.
Beautiful day of hunting.
I won’t bore you with the details as y’all seem to have more important things on your mind.
But I do want to share this–
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I’m tired.
Good Night Puddy.
YLB…gotta a job yet – or are you still making your wife work while you surf in the internet all day and drink cheap beer?
147 Killed in Baghdad on OBAMA’s watch..
This is a direct result of OBAMA’s complacency and lack of balls..
Obama is a reaaaaaal leader, huh?
What the hell?
FACT CHECK: Health insurer profits not so fat
Health insurers posted a 2.2 percent profit margin last year, placing them 35th on the Fortune 500 list of top industries. As is typical, other health sectors did much better — drugs and medical products and services were both in the top 10.
The railroads brought in a 12.6 percent profit margin. Leading the list: network and other communications equipment, at 20.4 percent.
HealthSpring, the best performer in the health insurance industry, posted 5.4 percent. That’s a less profitable margin than was achieved by the makers of Tupperware, Clorox bleach and Molson and Coors beers.
The star among the health insurance companies did, however, nose out Jack in the Box restaurants, which only achieved a 4 percent margin.
If you believe the left-wingnuts, these insurance companies were making obscene profits as people were dying.
Sshhh, we’re not allowed to talk about those things.
And if we do, we’re racists.
46 – I’ll talk about it. The Iraqis are adults not children as right wingers like to think of them. Let them handle the problem of terrorism within their own borders themselves as any other country does.
Right wingers can go F themselves.
Over 4000 Americans and many, many more thousands of Iraqis died on Bush’s watch.
@44, @46 — Looks like you guys didn’t accomplish the mission after all.
45 – Maybe they should stop overpaying their executives.
FDR won WW2 in about half the time it took the GOPers to lose their little recreational war in Iraq.
43 – Has Kevin Carns gotten over his stupid self yet?
Fatass With A Fat Lip
News services report that Lush Flimflam refused to apologize for repeating an Obama hoax on his show:
“(Oct. 25) – A fictitious article that claimed President Barack Obama slammed the Constitution in his college thesis had some people fooled into thinking it was the real thing — including Rush Limbaugh. The conservative radio show host reported the story as fact on his show Friday ….
“Later in the program, Limbaugh learned the report was a fake and alerted his listeners. But he insisted the fabricated thesis was … in line with what the president thinks, the New York Daily news reported.”
World Series Lineup: Phillies v. Yankees
In other news, Jeffry Picower, a buddy of Bernie Madoff who allegedly made over $7 billion from Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, was found dead today in the swimming pool at his Palm Beach mansion.
52 – The number one rule of the right wing is to just be right wing which is the same as being a total reality-denying dumbass and most of all, never, ever apologize for that.
When in doubt, make shit up. If anyone calls you on it, name-call, call them a “drive-by” or something dumbass like that.
@45: Stamoron
ooops – the combined overhead and profit of insurance companies is over 20%.
the overhead for Medicare = 2%
Gee, which is more efficient?
You lose again, Stamn. Wrong argument and wrong facts.
From the same article:
From an article on the largest health insurance conglomerate:
@45 Factcheck doesn’t know how to read a financial statement. The 2.2% is profit against revenues, but that’s not how the financial world measures profit.
Accountants, financial analysts, and investors are far more interested in return on investment. Businesses with high cash flow, e.g. insurance and retailing, can have low margins against revenues, yet still make high profits.
For example, United Healthcare, one of the largest health insurers, earned 17.6% on shareholder equity in 2008, and Wellpoint, another large health insurer, made 11.6%. These returns compare favorably with the earnings of the S&P 500.
Also, 2008 was a recession year when corporate profits were depressed across the board. In 2007, United Healthcare made a profit of 23.2% and Wellpoint earned 14.6%.
(Source of data: Value Line)
These companies aren’t necessarily good investments, though.
Last year, United Healthcare paid its shareholders a dividend of 3 cents from earnings of $2.95 per share.
Wellpoint earned $4.96 per share last year, and paid its shareholders nothing.
Their CEOs did somewhat better.
According to Wikipedia, Wellpoint’s CEO earned $14.86 million in 2007.
According to Wikipedia, United Healthcare’s CEO is under SEC investigation for allegedly backdating stock options.
Dunno if these links will work. Would someone please let me know whether or not they do.
@56 Roughly 25% – 30% of U.S. health care dollars go to insurance companies. None of it buys health care. It feeds insurance bureaucracies whose 2 main functions are collecting premiums and processing payments. By comparison, Medicare’s A & O costs are less than 1%. So much for the “efficiency” of the private sector. The obvious way to save enough money to cover the uninsured and still give a rate break to existing insureds is to eliminate the private insurance middlemen and let government handle the financial end of health care.