Believing something that isn’t true doesn’t make it true. Needless to say, when I flip stocks, I look for “true believers” who will gladly give me their money for overpriced shares. In the stock market, this kind of thinking is constructive because it transfers money from stupid people to Roger Rabbit. In politics, it’s destructive because it gets innocent people killed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
News Corp., of which Fox is a part, is a business. Its sole function is to make a great deal of money for its shareholders, especially its largest shareholder, Rupert Murdoch. Mr. Murdoch doesn’t give a bloody damn about whether a Republican or a Democrat sits in the White House. Really, he doesn’t. America isn’t even his native land; Australia is. In fact, he probably prefers a Democrat, because that creates more opportunities to criticize the Administration, which sells more newspapers and gets more TV viewers for his publications and broadcast channels. All he cares about is separating right wing fools from their money, and he’s playing them like a fiddle. So give him your money, wingnut fools! I’m not against the rich. I don’t begrudge Mr. Murdoch his unimaginable wealth or obscene income. Why? Because I love the taxes he pays! Your affection for his propaganda makes him a one-man federal deficit reduction machine! On behalf of Mr. Murdoch and the IRS, thank you for your patronage, trolls.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’m a voracious reader — that’s why I’m so well informed and have such good judgment in investing and political matters. I read tons of books and articles. Free, of course; like Republicans, I don’t pay for anything; I almost live in the public library. (That’s what you pay taxes for, so I want to make sure I get full value for your money.)
I discovered an interesting correlation from a book I’m reading right now. It’s a 2009 book about what happened to the American economy, and goes over in detail all the bubbles of recent years, including the stock bubble of the late 90s and its collapse in 2000-2001, precipating the first Bush Recession that began in March 2001 and lasted a full year.
You know the story if you’re at all sentient, of course. Lots of people paid absurd prices for shares of virtual companies that went belly up. It all came crashing down in March 2001. (This is an interesting chronological correlation in itself, because people continued to swallow what Bush said for a long time after stock market reality caught up with them.)
What I’m getting at is that one of the most vocal hustlers of the bubble era was a guy named George Gilder. He was a “guru” who made a fortune by telling people to buy stocks. Naturally, I wondered what happened to him after the crash — whether he went bust along with everyone who had listened to him. Guess what I found it?
George Gilder was the co-founder, along with Bruce Chapman, of Seattle’s Discovery Institute and it was Gilder’s money that launched Discovery Institute, and possibly it’s Gilder’s money that keeps Discovery Institute afloat to this day.
And it’s all money that came from fleeced sheep taken in by a guy who made his fortune by peddling worthless stocks to gullible suckers.
As Paul Harvey would say, “Now you know the rest of the story.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Also, you now know the Discovery Institute’s provenance: It was created and financed by a con man.
@4; Good to know.
Still trying to report the ‘No on 71’ folks for using my mailbox without sending their flier through the mail. At least every other campaign and political committee has followed the law.
I saw this last night. Rachel makes a really good point about Fox orchestrating anti-government protests: fine to do, just stop calling it news.
You don’t hear other networks talking about this. Shields and Brooks discussed Fox last night, and although Shields mentioned Fox shilling for candidates, no mention was made of Beck’s 9-12 initiative, the various teabagging events coordinated/advertised on Fox, etc.
Media criticism (i.e., the TV news variety) often gets mired in terms like “bias” and “opinion,” and misses larger points.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Keep criticizing Fox. All it does is improve its ratings and increase its power in the media.
@8 Like Fox criticizing Obama is improving his approval ratings?
3 – When Gilder’s business crashed in the dot com bubble, one or two of his business partners lost their stake. They put a lien on his house.
I thought Gilder had been floated more or less since then by the Forbes Family who has some role in publishing his newsletter.
The guy’s pretty nutty to be sure.
2 – And Murdoch will be paying more taxes after 2010. One could only wish the Dems had the stones to raise taxes to what they were in Ike Eisenhower’s day.
Now comes the lie that Fox is spreading about the White House shutting them out of an interview. From Talking Points Memo:
“But logistically, all of the cameras could not get set up in time or with ease for the Feinberg interview, so they opted for a round robin where the networks use one pool camera. Treasury called the White House pool crew and gave them the list of the networks who’d asked for the interview.
The network pool crew noticed Fox wasn’t on the list, was told that they hadn’t asked and the crew said they needed to be included. Treasury called the White House and asked top Obama adviser Anita Dunn. Dunn said yes and Fox’s Major Garrett was among the correspondents to interview Feinberg last night.”
@8 Tell us again how well Fox’s ideology and candidates did at the ballot box last November. That’s a story I never get tired of! =:-D<
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 That’s possible, in fact likely; the book I’m reading did mention guys showing up at his manse to slap a lien on it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Suzie v. Dow Campaign $$$ By The Numbers
The Suzie Shill has a fascinating collection of factoids about who’s financing the county exec campaigns in an article whose main theme is that Suzie Cute isn’t really an independent:
Overall donations: Dow $830,000, Suzie $542,000.
Number of donors: Dow has 3 times as many individual contributors as Suzie.
Average donation: Dow $189, Suzie $412.
Partisan donors: 50% of Dow’s big donors gave to Gregoire last year, only 4% to Rossi; 44% of Suzie’s big donors gave to Rossi, only 6% to Gregoire.
Source of donations: Dow got 59% of his money from Seattle and only 14% from the eastside; Suzie got 45% of hers from the eastside and only 36% from Seattle.
Out-of-state money: There isn’t much; Dow 5%, Suzie 3%.
Union and county employee support: Dow has received $31,443 from 30 unions and $22,000 from county employees; Suzie’s contributions from unions are $0 and from county employees $600, of which $500 came from Republican county council member Reagan Dunn.
The Shill says, “She has dominated, though, among donors who call themselves homemakers, collecting $95,000 to Constantine’s $17,000. Homemakers who gave her the maximum of $1,600 include Betty Freeman, Jolene McCaw and Lisa Persdotter, the wives of prominent businessmen Kemper Freeman, Bruce McCaw and Charles Simonyi, respectively.”
Business owners making big donations to Suzie include Bruce Nordstrom, William Weyerhaeuser, and Martin Selig. Selig, in case you don’t know, is a Seattle developer who is famous for being chronically behind on property taxes and City Light bills; at one time, he was late on more than $1 million of light bills.
UW employees and students: Dow $8,800, Suzie $525.
Darryl, I don’t understand why you and Goldy are now deleting my comments. Nothing I said was offensive or at least anymore offensive than any other comment on this blog. And although the theme of my comments may be similar in nature, I do not use the same repetitive words, except for “Murder, Rape and Steal”…if you re-read my comment it you will see the point of it was to indicate that the problem with Faux News is that it is run by Heterosexuals, hence a problem. Are my comments so strong that you and Goldy are afraid of them? Was my comment deleted because it referenced Hitler? You people are starting to sensor my comments to the point where maybe we would have been better off with a Nazi leadership.
What policies have been passed by Fox News championing them?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Even the fishwrapper had to swallow hard to call Betty, Jolene, and Lisa “homemakers.”
I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time visualizing wives of billionaires doing much “homemaking.” I mean, what are the chances they dust, mop, cook, make beds, and take out the trash themselves? What’s the point of marrying a billionaire if you can’t hire servants to do all the domestic chores so you can spend all your time dressing to the nines, appearing in public with your rich and famous husband, and flashing your expensive smile for the TV cameras? That’s what billionaires expect their trophy wives to do, isn’t it? I mean, is that their job?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 More to the point, what has Fox championed that would improve the lives of ordinary Americans?
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s not surprising that county employees have donated $22,000 to Dow and nothing to Suzie. After all, she said in the debates that King County’s entire $56 million revenue shortfall could be made up by making county employees pay for their own health insurance.
Suzie is a typical unimaginative Republican: The solution to every fiscal problem is always the same, balance the budget on the backs of workers. Suzie is nothing more than a cookie-cutter CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE. All the county’s financial problems would go away if we made public servants work for hamburger-flipping wages.
Of course, it never occurs to cheap-labor ideologues like Hutchison that they’d never find any civil engineers, prosecuting attorneys, jail guards, urban planners, IT managers, etc., willing to work for what they want to pay. But that’s okay; it would be fine with them if county government wasn’t staffed at all and simply collapsed. In fact, that’s their ultimate objective.
Good point.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If public libraries get privatized the first thing they’ll do is charge rental fees for books and the first thing I’ll do is buy stock in the for-profit library company.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If Republicans figure out a way to make money off breathing, I’m gonna buy stock in it! I’m a firm believer in loot sharing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Over the years, I’ve worked out my own solution to the cheap labor ideology: I don’t work! Then it’s not a problem.
I read in this morning’s news that bosses monitor social-networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, and employees have gotten fired for what they posted on their Facebook pages or said in “tweets.”
And most HA readers remember how Stefan Sharansky and his corporate lawyer wife got a single-mom waitress fired because she corrected their rowdy kid who was running around and raising hell in the restaurant and disturbing other patrons. What an asshole.
The indignities inflicted on workers are endless (and often mindless): High taxes, commuting hassles, getting blamed for managers’ mistakes, speedups, pay cuts and takeaways, and spying bosses looking for trivial excuses to can them. I don’t know why the hell anyone puts up with it.
I sure don’t! I don’t work. I make money the same way the big boys on Wall Street do, by flipping financial assets to take money out of other people’s pockets and put it in my own pocket. This doesn’t put one dollar of new capital into any business or create a single job, but Congress rewards my antisocial economic behavior with tax breaks workers don’t get and tax rates 1/3rd of what workers pay! We live in an irrational world, I’m telling ya, especially when Republicans write the tax laws.
But hey, I didn’t create this immoral system of disincentives against working; I’m just a cork riding the wave crests. I figure if Republicans can get a deal like this — no work and no taxes — then I should, too. In fact, everyone should! No one should work.
Roger Rabbitspews:
An article in Business Week discusses a research study that showed laid-off Boeing workers drank less and were happier than colleagues who kept their jobs.
According to the article, the study results “surprised a team of academic researchers who embedded themselves at Boeing (BA) from 1996 to 2006 …. ‘How much better off the laid-off were was stunning and shocking to us,’ says Sarah Moore, a University of Puget Sound industrial psychology professor …. ‘So much of the literature talks about how dreadful unemployment is.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m telling ya, unemployment isn’t dreadful, it’s great! Working is dreadful. Having a job and a boss is the worst thing that can happen to you. It’s the same thing as being kidnapped and sold into slavery. I don’t work, and look how happy I am! I’m a happy rabbit, I’m telling ya! I used to be unhappy and depressed, but that was when I was working, and all that went away when I stopped working.
I think the main point here, though, is: Why should we care if Boeing leaves? They don’t pay taxes and regularly extort money from taxpayers, so they’re a net financial drain on our state. They fill our communities with unhappy, stressed-out, alcoholic workers. People worry about what would happen if we lost all those Boeing jobs. I’ll tell you what will happen: Those Boeing workers will be happier, we’ll have fewer DUIs, everybody will pay less taxes, and we’ll all be better off! So, fuck Boeing, I not only say “let ’em leave,” I’ll help ’em pack! (But only if they agree not to pay me; in my position, I can’t afford to have wage income.) What Boeing doesn’t understand is they need us far more than we need them, in fact, we don’t need them at all and Seattle is better off without them.
‘And although the theme of my comments may be similar in nature, I do not use the same repetitive words, except for “Murder, Rape and Steal”’
Excellent…you seem to understand the repetitive content that violates the comment policy.
“…if you re-read my comment it you will see the point of it was to indicate that the problem with Faux News is that it is run by Heterosexuals, hence a problem.”
Minor variations on your repetitive message are not going to work.
“Are my comments so strong that you and Goldy are afraid of them?”
No…they are just repetitive.
“Was my comment deleted because it referenced Hitler?”
“You people are starting to sensor [sic] my comments to the point where maybe we would have been better off with a Nazi leadership.”
This blog is private property. If you are unwilling to abide by the comment policy, you will be “sensored.” If you don’t like the policy, there are millions of other blogs in the world to play on.
Or, better yet, start your own blog. I think is available. You could post your message over and over and over again, just slightly tweaked for the biggest news story of the day/hour.
What fun you would have!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Who Will Pay For Health Care Reform?
“The odds are shifting in favor of health-care reform legislation making it through Congress this year, to the point where bookies could put money on the ultimate winners and losers. Many details have yet to be determined, … and beyond the contentious battle over the public insurance option, there’s a huge fight over another question: Who will pay to cover the uninsured? It’s safe to say doctors will give up the least, pharmaceutical and medical device makers will fall somewhere in the middle, and insurers will be the big losers.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s as it should be. Insurers take 30% of our health care dollars, yet they deliver no health care and add no value. Furthermore, these high costs are totally unnecessary; the government-run Medicare system provides the same payment-processing functions for about 1/2 of 1%. Private insurance is 50 times more inefficient than government-run health care, so naturally, that’s where the biggest cuts should fall. In fact, you can’t make a dent in soaring health care costs without going after the insurance companies, because that’s where the big money is, and that’s the big black hole on the financial side of the health care system.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Everyone Should Work For Himself
I’ve said all along that bosses suck, companies suck, and work sucks; and that people should work for themselves or not at all.
A Business Week article says more people are working from their homes. These “homepreneurs” account for over half of all U.S. businesses and 1 of every 10 private-sector workers. What’s more, the home-based-business phenomenon is growing and gaining legitimacy. I’ll let you read the rest of the article yourself (and I think you should, because this is an important topic and these are important trends):
I maintain that traditional employment is fading fast, and future generations of workers should be entrepreneurs. No one should work for employer-dictated wages anymore. Everyone should be an entrepreneur!
Waitresses, for example, should quit their jobs and go into business as Hospitality Consultants. After all, they bring substantial skills and expertise to the table, and they should capitalize on it. They have to do everything from communicate effectively with customers to ensure orders are filled accurately to providing parenting services to neglected children who misbehave in restaurants while their asshole parents sit on their fannies doing nothing about it. Hospitality Consultants should sell their services to restaurants on a B2B basis, just like other suppliers and service providers do. A reasonable rate for a Hospitality Consultant might start at $50 an hour. After all, H.C.s have to provide their own health coverage and retirement, are responsible for their own training, and have expenses in getting to and from job sites. Most car repair businesses and home remodelers have shop rates approaching $100 an hour, and you can’t get professional services anywhere for less than $150 to $500 an hour, so 50 bucks an hour for a Hospitality Consultant seems like a very reasonable fee.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Whine about this–
After the Obama Administrations of Goebbels & Mao last week, this may be about the best you see for awhile. Obama insists on continuing the war with FoxNews, even though it is a war he cannot win and in fact, has already lost. Even unabashed left-winger, Ellen Ratner, was absolutely appalled at Obama’s conduct.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 30% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -10.
Thirty-eight percent (38%) of voters say deficit reduction is the top priority for Washington to obtain while 23% say health care is most important.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
22. Roger Rabbit spews:
It’s not surprising that county employees have donated $22,000 to Dow and nothing to Suzie.
All the more reason to vote for Hutchison. The Budget is still bloated and they need a leader with the guts to lay people off….not just have furlough days, less hours or some other BS that still allows less than 40 hr./wk’ers to get full Health/Dental/Vision insurance and all paid holidays.
RIF’s==Reduction in Force
That’s why employees support Dow…there jobs are on the line and Dow will protect them and damn the taxpayers.
Thanks for the link. I’m looking into going solo, myself.
Politically Incorrectspews:
@9 & @ 15,
All you two have to do is wait about 13 months to see what I’m talking about.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I went solo over 20 years ago…
Government workers should all be required to try it for 3 years.
$100/hr. sounds like a lot, but……….
Once you peal away your own Health Costs, SS, Retirement Contribution, B&O Tax and come to grips with the fact there is NO PAID Sick Leave, Holidays, Vacations etc..
Go ahead and try it Michael.
Don’t quit your current job until you have a clear business plan and clients/prospects lined up.
Suckin’ on the guv’mint teat is secure…like a 30 year-old still living at home…but not especially rewarding in dealing with bureaucratic BS.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Rog–
Which online trading company do you use??
Pros & cons???
Mr. Cynicalspews:
PI @ 34–
They really don’t get it, do they?
I think it’s still shock…from seeing Obama piss away his +32 Strong Approval rating down to -10 in record time.
In 13 months, they will still be griping…but actually have something to gripe about!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Mr. Cynical,
I actually like Obama. I just am not on board with his policies. I tend to vote against growing government. In the last election I voted for Ron Paul.
Obama is trying to please two segments of his political base that don’t particularly get along. The far left wants more socialism now and is clamoring for more and more government. The other segment of his supporters are moderates who are civil, thoughtful folks. If they support the left fringe of Obama’s party, they will be shown the door in 2010, and they know that! The far left will attack them, too, and probably enlist some of their socialist cronies (like ACORN) to work at the grass roots level to defeat the “blue dogs.”
Yep, I’d say the Milk Chocolate Messiah is going to have a difficult time in 2010 with his party at odds with each other.
Dumb Bunny Bush was operating under Clinton’s FY2001 budget.
Stay Stupid. You do it well. Ask Don Joe or Another TJ for your Plan B.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Now this is toooo damnnnn funnny
Puddynuts timelessly calling people names and reminds all the time that he never forgets, very repeatable.
You seem to forget Puddybud reminds peeps of indisputable facts, not bacteria filled swill which your side delivers as Pellets and other crapola.
Regarding calling peeps names “Puddynuts as you called me”, well you are a backdoor fool! Puddy includes their “name” in all commentary. If you are as dumb as a brick is that Puddy’s fault. If you are all arschloch is that Puddy’s problem? If you are a stupid as a cinder block is that Puddy’s problem?
Nope you Dope!
Heh. This is the same fiend who could not “recall” if his sockpuppet lied about his true identity.
What a memory! A liar who can’t remember he what he lied about and bragged about being some kind of truth teller!
Too insane for words.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 Do Republican asshats like you have any solutions to any problems that DON’T involve screwing workers?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 You’re delusional if you think voters are going to turn this country over to Republicans again!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 I use a full-service broker. Pros: He sometimes puts me on stocks I missed, talks me out of some bad ideas, and is someone I can bounce ideas off of. Cons: He costs more, and he isn’t always right.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 “Milk Chocolate Messiah”
Convince me this isn’t racist, you pig.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 You need to be more creatively repetitive.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 Oh, I see, who’s in the WH counts only when a recession starts on a Democrat’s watch. You want to play by Puddy Rules today …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 “Puddybud reminds peeps of indisputable facts”
You couldn’t distinguish a simple fact, let alone an indisputable one, from the fantasies that swirl through your walnut-size mind if one bit your pecker off.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
45. Roger Rabbit spews:
@36 I use a full-service broker. Pros: He sometimes puts me on stocks I missed, talks me out of some bad ideas, and is someone I can bounce ideas off of. Cons: He costs more, and he isn’t always right.
Me too…I’m just contemplating doing some option trading….on some gold options.
I have $15,000 of ST Capital Gains on some Wells Fargo Covered Options I sold 40 contracts @ $3.75 and they were not exercised.
It was a GBS tip that I had already done.
Worked out.
I have a friend who has really done well on Barrack Gold (ABX) options.
I believe Gold will likely hit $1150 before the end of January and this is the best was to put my $$ into action ST.
Now Rog, I Know it’s gambling…but winter is darn near here..a looooooong winter.
Anyway, my strategy is to get in IF & WHEN Gold dips back between $1020–1030/oz. putting 1/2 in there and the other 1/2 if it dips to approx. $1000.
We’ll see.
Anyway, a couple friends use Ameritrade and really like it.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
38. Politically Incorrect spews:
Mr. Cynical,
I actually like Obama. I just am not on board with his policies. I tend to vote against growing government. In the last election I voted for Ron Paul.
I’ve dislike the guy from Day 1.
He is a Marxist, scumbag who is a product of the corrupt Hyde Park/Chicago political machine with Emmanual and Axelrod and a whole host of crooks. His wife was given huge promotions & salary increases at the Hospital (the source of lots of payoffs) for doing??????
Hey, I would like to play golf or cards with Obama. But he is a political scumbag who has zero qualifications and is fumbling around with soldiers lives with no experience whatsoever.
His kids are cool though.
“But he is a political scumbag who has zero qualifications and is fumbling around with soldiers lives with no experience whatsoever.”
Another quote from a wingbat kook who voted twice for a draft dodging, silver spoon, drunk-ass coke whore, frat boy and his torturing uncle. And who, I might also add, would have voted for the twisted pair a third time, if he’d been allowed the “privilege”.
Here is one I don’t think I am repeating – God hates Darryl.
If you’ve never slept with a person of the same sex, how do you know you wouldn’t prefer that?
41.36% – Okay, I don’t know
33.14% – I just know
19.27% – I have and I loved it
06.23% – I have and I hated it
Shows 2/3 of Heterosexuals are somewhat Bisexual and NOT STRAIGHT.
The great majority of child molesters are heterosexual. Do you really consider it safe to expose children to heterosexual teachers?
46.78% – Yes
30.12% – No
23.10% – Whatever
Considering the menace of over-population, how could the human race survive if everyone was heterosexual?
59.26% – Mass exodus to other planets
32.41% – Cannibalism
21.60% – Genocide
Ok, the Rabbit posted 7 comments in a row. Hopefully Darryl will allow my 3 totally creatively different from the usual.
Obama’s approval ratings don’t have fuk to do with Fox you fux. He’s losing support from the people who voted him into office. He’s probably not loosing support from those who didn’t support him (you morans need that pointed out). If he were pushing for hearings on torture, hearings on the lies that led up to the invasion of Iraq, hearings on corruption in military contract corruption, hearings on Telco eavesdropping, (etc, ad nasuem), and pushing for a single payer, his ratings would be through the fuckin’ roof.
And you nutbags would still be singing the same old worn out tune you’re singing now. Just apply a little more Vick’s and weep for the Republic, heh?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 “But he is a political scumbag who has zero qualifications”
Oh and you never voted for a political scumbag with zero qualifications? Did you vote for Gore in ’00 and Kerry in ’04? If you didn’t, you either didn’t vote, or you voted for a political scumbag with zero qualifications.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 Leave me out of it. Your problem with Darryl is between you and Darryl.
proud leftistspews:
Add to the discourse. Don’t simply pop in and do drive-by shittings. Saying the same thing over and over again, and saying it in an inflammatory manner, really doesn’t help you or whatever your cause might be. For instance, I am for gay marriage, but I’m offended by your attacks on straight people. So, how are you advancing your cause? I just don’t get it. Your posts often remind me of some of our worst trolls, like manoftruth, for instance. I think you might have something to say, that you might have a point, but the manner in which you are trying to convey that point just ain’t working. But, hell, that’s just one old leftist’s opinion.
Not bad, my friend, not bad. Now…rather than just posting stuff, try to join the conversation.
Notice that almost everyone in this thread is actually engaging in a conversation, responding to a previous comment (typically quoting part or citing the comment number).
If you are interested in simply posting something over and over again, rather than conversing you should seriously consider your own blog.
Naturally, many commenters occasionally post seemingly-unconnected missives/press releases/opinion pieces. That is tolerated unless it becomes repetitive and outside of the conversation. Typically, these people have hundreds or thousands of comments behind them that make them well known contributors to the community and its conversations.
You’ve not been doing that. Your “comments” have been more akin to a repetitive advertisement. And just to be clear: it isn’t the hate-speech inherent in your comments that gets them deleted. You’d be treated the same if your “thing” was repetitive missives on stamp collecting or Eddie Van Halen.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 Darryl, you call what goes on in these threads “conversation”? You’re joking, right? I thought this blog was supposed to be an outhouse where we get to shit on trolls! You and Goldy aren’t fixin’ to do something revolutionary, like cleaning up this cesspool, are you? God, I hope not …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 (continued) I don’t like gold. If the dollar suddenly strengthens you’re gonna be screwed. Plus it looks like a bubble.
Obama’s nowhere close to being a Marxist and I doubt he’ll have the kind of blood on his hands that Cheney and Bush do.
I didn’t say anything about the quality of the conversation.
But since the comment threads are an interactive exchange of ideas and opinions, by definition conversation happens.
proud leftistspews:
Rachel Maddow kicks Fox News in the ass with this monologue. She correctly points out that a journalist with an opinion, and expressing that opinion, does not mean that the journalist, ipso facto, is not reporting the news. Quite the contrary would be true. A journalist’s task/mission is to lead the audience to an understanding of what might be true. The problem with today’s media is that the Rabid Right has so long been flinging its turds at the media, that the media has become cowardly and thinks its job is to report “both sides” of any issue. And, to give equal time and deference to “both sides.” Sometimes, there simply are not two sides–there is reality and there is wingnuttia. (Global warming is a lie, Obama was born in Kenya, etc.) The MSM falls into this trap of giving equal time–except for Fox News, which does advocate. FN, however, does not advocate for what is, but for wingnuttia. So, we have the whimpish MSM, advocating for some sort of balance between truth and fantasy, and Fox News unabashedly pushing wingnuttia. Rachel got it right. Fox News should be honest about what it is, and the Obama Administration should continue to shun Fox “News” at every opportunity.
proud leftistspews:
I hope to fuck that swearing in the threads doesn’t get banned. That would give me a helluvan ass ache.
@61 – Great to hear you support equality, but many do not. My message, if inflammatory, is done so, to show the exact same inflammatory comments from the other side…..did you ever hear of the website, God hates Fags, I’m sure all here know of it, but relatively very few really care to denounce it’s existence. Sometimes it takes fire to fight fire. And sometimes you have to rattle the cages before someones brain wakes up to their stupidity. My comments were not drive by shittings. When I said “God hates Heterosexuals”, one idiot here, I think Mark1 or Puddypud, asked where in the bible does it state that. My response, where in the Bible does it state “God hates fags”. I think the point was taken, because the idiot had no further comments. So, you may refer to them as shittings, but I refer to my comments as my unique way of making a comment. I’d hate to say what 80% of the comments on here are – this is no reflection of Goldy and all who post provocative subject matter to comment on, but the idiots like Puddynuts and the like on the inability to debate more sanely, why? Probably because they are Heterosexuals. And Darryl, I mean that comment, so don’t delete my comment just for making that one comment. I appreciate your advice, but I think my comments are working. One, not one of the opposing view points can be expressed sanely without being a bigot, so therefore they all kept their mouths shut.
So I will continue to point out the mis givings of the Heterosexual wonders of the world, with my sarcasm.
@60, sorry rabbit, you are not off limits either, but I like you, if that matters.
proud leftistspews:
Gman @ 69
I figured you had a point to your driveby shittings (sorry, I kind of like that concept). Now, you’ve articulated it. I would like a world where neither race nor gender nor sexual orientation nor religion (or lack of religion) makes much difference with regard to how a person is treated. What sort of world would you like to see?
Little specialty boutiques can work. How about Silas Marner’s Woollen Sock Boutique?
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Gman blows out a liquid man fart
My response, where in the Bible does it state “God hates fags”.
Not paying much to previous commentary? Puddy quoted verses on this long ago.
Ask Proud Leftist… his daddy a Lutheran Preacher.
Ask ylb arschloch… he captured all the PuddyMissives on the subject. Go on ask the HA arschloch.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
First off you hear this crap from HA Libtardos every day.
Well the Bible has one million verses. Only a few refer to homosexual behavior in any way. So who cares anymore? – Peeps care. Many in the world today don’t want their children exposed to this. Has nothing to do with bigotry. It’s personal beliefs.
The Jewish prophets are silent about homosexuality. – It was already covered in the first five books of the Bible. No need to repeat something already known and accepted.
Jesus says nothing about homosexual behavior. – Why should He? He already covered it in Leviticus. Jewish customs were well known.
Shakespeare from the Merchant of Venice…
“Mark you this, Bassanio, the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness is like a villain with a smiling cheek, a goodly apple rotten at the heart: O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”
Since you’ve never cracked open a Bible and Puddy knows you won’t have the gravitas to ask Proud Leftist or ylb arschloch… time for your Bible lesson…
First when Lot was living is Sodom:
“But before they [the angels] lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him, And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly. Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof. And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door. But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut to the door. And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door.” Genesis 19:4-11
Noun sodomite – someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male)
– bugger, sodomist, sod
degenerate, deviant, deviate, pervert
– a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior
that we may “know them,” which means
– engage in anal intercourse.
– trip down the hershey highway
– a bugger ride
– hairy ASS fun
– the language of Kinks and Queens
– more terms found here
Notice Lot offers his two virgin daughters instead and they are REJECTED Gman. Instead, they begin attacking Lot and break down the door for some “hairy ASS fun”. Even when struck by the angels with blindness they still try to beat down the door.
German language word Sodomie.
New Testament Greek – sodomy
Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 7
“But Dante places sodomy in the bottom-most ring of the seventh circle, below homicide and suicide, suggesting that this sin is an even worse form of violence. The implication here is that sodomy involves an even more thoroughgoing hostility to Nature than defying the laws of self-preservation or love of neighbor; that it is a culmination of violence in being destructive to neighbor, violating self-love, and at the same time undermining family and community.”
Puddy knew he had read Don Joe’s favrit term “Manichean” somewhere. Puddy just couldn’t place it cuz Dante isn’t a favrit butt he does discuss sodomy.
“We understand from this episode that Brunetto played a major–if informal–part in Dante’s education, most likely as a mentor through his example of using erudition and intelligence in the service of the city. Apart from the reputed frequency of sexual relations among males in this time and place, there is no independent documentation to explain Brunetto’s appearance in Dante’s poem among the sodomites. Brunetto was married with three–perhaps four–children. Many modern scholarly discussions of Dante’s Brunetto either posit a substitute vice for the sexual one–linguistic perversion, unnatural political affiliations, a quasi-Manichean heresy–or emphasize a symbolic form of sodomy over the literal act (e.g., rhetorical perversion, a failed theory of knowledge, a proto-humanist pursuit of immortality).”
More from the Bible Gman,
“You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.” Leviticus 18:22-23
“If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death.” Leviticus 20:13
Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord. Proverbs 18:22
“For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.” Romans 1:26-27
“Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals” 1 Corinthians 6:9
Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. 1 Corinthians 11:9
“realizing the fact that (civil) law is not made for a righteous man, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers and immoral men and homosexuals and kidnappers and liars and perjurers” 1 Timothy 1:9-10
This is why Puddy is against “gay” marriage. It’s man’s way of sanctioning that which God holds detestable. Seems to Puddy calling it marriage, is a way to remove the term “homosexual” from their lifestyle.
And for you HA Libtardo fools who claim Jesus did away with the Old Testament, prove it from the Bible. Look up jot and tittle.
Puddy, the Bible is not the Constitution of the United States. In fact the US Constitution states the rulings of separation from church and state. Maybe if you do not wish to expose your children to Homosexuality, I suggest you move to Afghanistan and take up tribe with the Taliban. You can not isolate yourself and your family from all the ills to Society, you don’t even try to fairly disrupt all the other ills in this world, as I have pointed out – murdering, raping, stealing, drugs, alcohol, sex, and bigotry, to name a few. Like your right to own a Gun, I have the right to be treated equally and with the same justness as anyone who disagrees and/or would like to not expose themselves to Homosexuality. I suppose you would rather expose your children to the breast implants than homosexuality….the reality is you can’t keep your kids unexposed, when statistics show that 2/3 of grown-up experience bi-sexuality. Maybe you should try to keep them from chewing gum too.
It appears you do go along with the website “God hates Fags”. Heterosexuals are sinners too, and just as hated by God. Plenty of Heterosexuals engage in anal sex, have you ever watched a straight porn? Your attack on one group of people is bigotry. Face it, like an alcoholic in denial, you are a Bigot in denial.
So, it seems the whole purpose of the bible was to denounce gays. You as a heterosexual have learned nothing from it, if you can’t hold heterosexuals to the same teachings aside from you going to church every weekend or day to claim that you lead a good clean religious filled life. Bullshit – you have only one goal and that is to be a bigot.
Like your gun, take your bible and shove it up your ugly, fat, hairy ass. That is where it belongs, that is where you have taken it.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
You argue like most HA Libtardos here. You asked the world …
My response, where in the Bible does it state “God hates fags”.
Puddy produced many locations in the Bible where God hates the “fags act” (your word each time) but God doesn’t hate the “fag” (your word each time) when you repent. Once the request is proven you switch to another topic. Why is that?
BTW ask the preacher son Proud Leftist if those verses are correct. Most other HA Libtardos haven’t cracked open a Bible in years or their lifetime.
Where does it say “The Constitution of the United States says “fags” (your word each time) can marry”?
Maybe if you do not wish to expose your children to Homosexuality, I suggest you move to Afghanistan and take up tribe with the Taliban.
Excuse me? What I expose my children to is my right as a US Citizen fool. If you wanna do the “fag” (your word each time) thing why don’t you leave?
Plenty of Heterosexuals engage in anal sex, have you ever watched a straight porn?
Puddy gets his porn updates from strange left eye ylb arschloch. He places the latest on the blog. Watch for it, you’ll see an entry within the next week. BTW God makes no comment on what a man and woman do to give each other pleasure in their continual mating ritual.
So, it seems the whole purpose of the bible was to denounce gays.
Nope you Dope! God commented on heterosexual sex and the spilling of semen on the ground when you were to give an heir to your brother due to death.
But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the LORD’s sight; so the LORD put him to death. Then Judah said to Onan, “Lie with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to produce offspring for your brother.” But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. What he did was wicked in the LORD’s sight; so he put him to death also. Genesis 38:7-10
Also God gave us the Bible to live a good life, to know right from wrong, be charitable to others, raise your children upright and believing in Him, and follow His commandments…
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Revelation 14:12
Your attack on one group of people is bigotry. Face it, like an alcoholic in denial, you are a Bigot in denial.
How Gman? Where is my bigotry? Puddy went to a DL and told them all civil unions is fine with Puddy. My first amendment right is freedom of religion.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
What you do behind closed doors is your choice. Scream and shout, get all sweaty, cover your dick in feces, Puddy don’t care. Just don’t parade it in front of my children in public and tell everyone it’s normal, it’s normal. When you implement laws which abridge my right to my religion like what has happened in MA, that is WRONG WRONG WRONG.
Now regarding the gun and Bible up my butt, how cornholing of you to mention butt. Now that’s being a religious bigot, butt we knew that of you from day one when you arrived on HA Libtardos. Ask Roger to post the Libtardo Creed again.
When you implement laws which abridge my right to my religion like what has happened in MA, that is WRONG WRONG WRONG.
What a dumbass! You can walk into any building in MA and shout all the irrational bullshit you want in MA..
As long you’re not hurting anybody else.
Such right wing bullshit.
Puddy gets his porn updates
LIAR! You don’t get porn updates from anybody but yourself.
You watch porn every day on Faux News..
Yeah I posted the link many times. You know it well. I won’t post it again fiend cuz you got the boob tube turned on to the filth right now.
That link proves what a sick fiend you and your peeps are. It’s only fitting you’re all wandering in the wilderness right now. The 20 percenters…
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
ylb arschloch has pegged himself with his own words
“Last year, a judge dismissed a federal lawsuit brought by two sets of parents of students in the class who objected to the introduction of homosexual themes to their 7-year-olds without alerting them first, on the grounds that it was a violation of the state’s sex-education parental notification clause.” Of course left-wing indoctrination always comes before someone’s personal religious beliefs.
Look this up in your bragged tctmgr database fool. You’ll find it!
Standard left-wing kook-aid whackamole positions from the dumb brick!
Now how come Puddy Remembers and fools like ylb arschloch are historical revisionists?
Your freedom of religion doesn’t include imposing your religious views on others. Plain and simple. I don’t need to fill up a screen with a bunch of ramblings.
Lets also talk about what the Bible says, like the Ten Commandments. All those thou shall not’s that heterosexuals have no problem seeing that everyone of them is broken.
How about a law of imprisonment for Adultery? Would you support one?
Let’s go even further, maybe I do not want my kids exposed to African Americans….sound a little racist? It is my religious belief that African Americans are substandard individuals (know before you use this against me in the future, I don’t really mean that, just merely pointing out how your interference of gay people could be just as justified as taking that same view against black people.
Everyone knows that if an African American moves in next to you, your home value drops by 30-50%, so therefor, I would have limitations where African Americans could live. (again, I don’t feel that way, but just point out that some do, similarly their views of gay people. Only most would probably have a gay person living next to them than an African American)
And by the way, you are a bigot for using terms like fudge packer and the sorts….similarly, the word NIGGER can be used against African Americans.
You are not here to debate what is wrong and right, but only to dictate your views like a mini Hitler. You talk about all of your rights, but you ignore the rights of others, you piece of shit. Yes, that is all you are, a piece of shit. No offense, just letting you know the truth.
LIAR! You don’t get porn updates from anybody but yourself. You watch porn every day on Faux News..
And another thank you to Pavlov’s Doggie, right on time.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Everyone knows that if an African American moves in next to you, your home value drops by 30-50%, so therefor, I would have limitations where African Americans could live.
So Puddy guesses he has caused home values to drop 16 years ago when he moved here. Since Puddy was elected to the homeowners board, Puddy guesses his neighbors like the fact we brought down the neighborhood.
Look this up in your bragged tctmgr database fool.
How often do I mention this? Like in the last couple of weeks? Zero times maybe?
At least a couple dozen times from your dumb ass. You’re almost as obsessed with this as you are with “butt” and “cum”.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
You are not here to debate what is wrong and right, but only to dictate your views like a mini Hitler.
Beloved by the 1920s progressives, fathers and mothers to today’s progressives; many of them populate the leftist pinheads known as HA Libtardos.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
How about a law of imprisonment for Adultery? Would you support one?
Why not? Start with Hollywood. At least some good Hollywood pictures would finally appear!
82 – Nice try moron. That’s a tired one you trot out everytime I speak the truth.
Faux NEWS broadcasts T & A and YOU WATCH IT when you get your right wing bullshit mental programming.
There you go, acting like a Nigger now, you sucking down some water mellon as we speak?
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
How often do I mention this? Like in the last couple of weeks? Zero times maybe?
Puddy wants to prove that everything previously discussed by Puddy can be proven from your “database of PuddyMissives”. So you decided to give it up since Puddy proved you are a chronological idiot? How is that Mike Webb dying a year later after your supposed “dancing on his grave commentary” treating you fool?
BTW Gman, Puddy already placed on HA Libtardos my abject disgust for the ylb arschloch. Did you forget already?
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
There you go, acting like a Nigger now, you sucking down some water mellon as we speak?
Puddy knew you’d enter the headless & rujax racist zone.
How progressive of you! Speaking out your ylb arschloch now!
Just a matter of time Puddy can always get those progressives to demonstrate their true racist colors. Gotta love them peeps you hang with ROTCODDAM!
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Faux NEWS broadcasts T & A and YOU WATCH IT when you get your right wing bullshit mental programming.
You seem to eat it up with you left eye of filth! You produce it on cue. What a Pavlov’s Doggie.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
It is my religious belief that African Americans are substandard individuals (know before you use this against me in the future, I don’t really mean that, just merely pointing out how your interference of gay people could be just as justified as taking that same view against black people.
Freud would disagree with you on that one. For you to think it means somehow deep in that cranial orifice you hold those thoughts.
And…. why do gays equate their struggle to the black struggle. Someone you hold dearly to your “heart” Jesse The Extortionist Jackson has said don’t equate the two Gman…
“In my culture, marriage is a man-woman relationship.” – Jesse Jackson
“The comparison with slavery is a stretch in that some slave masters were gay, in that gays were never called three-fifths human in the Constitution and in that they did not require the Voting Rights Act to have the right to vote.” – Jesse Jackson
Butt then Jackson doesn’t have much street cred since he did father a child by Karen Stanford while telling the world to “Stay out of the Bushes”.
It’s your side that like to support cum in butt so Puddy is just using terms you can relate with.
79 – The judge ruled on a point of law. The parents probably mis-interpreted the law.
If enough parents thinks the law should be changed. Fine! If they think the judge is wrong, they can appeal!
Such a moronic idiot!
Oh your religion thinks it’s so immoral that same sex people kiss! Nice try idiot. You have all the freedom in the world to be an ignorant dumbass and even abuse your kids with thoughts that being gay is worse than “enhanced interrogation” or burdening your kids with the debt of stupid wars.
How did such a fiend like you come to be?
91 – What happened to swiss-cheese hole filled bubble memory moron?
Except in too many cases it’s non-consensual, i.e. FORCED.
G-man called you right fiend. You and your kind are driven to be like mini Hitlers always desiring to impose your twisted desires and mentalities on others.
So you decided to give it up
Heh. Hardly.. Obsess some more fool. You can’t help yourself. It’s in your nature..
And always remember you’re your own worst enemy.
Beloved by the 1920s progressives, fathers and mothers to today’s progressives; many of them populate
Miserable tool.
Thou shall not Kill. Oh, just kidding. It is more important that gays shouldn’t marry.
Likme 20:13
Politically Incorrectspews:
“Roger Rabbit spews:
@38 “Milk Chocolate Messiah”
Convince me this isn’t racist, you pig.”
You have me confused with somebody who gives a shit what you think. Your opinion is irrelevant.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
79 – The judge ruled on a point of law. The parents probably mis-interpreted the law.
The law as you put it is exactly what Puddy is discussing over R-71. This is the next step in the act fool!
The law as you put it interferes with the parents rights to free religious expression. That’s what Puddy is discussing leftist tool!
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Beloved by the 1920s progressives, fathers and mothers to today’s progressives; many of them populate
Prove me wrong ylb arschloch!
Margaret Sanger was revered by Hillary Clinton just this year ya moron! You can find the post from your tctmgr fool!
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
I’m for freedom asshole.
Puddy knows you meant to say
I’m for asshole freedom.
You are free to use your arschloch anyway you want. We know your wife wears the pants in the ylb tribe.
Look what your side supports:
Another useless web site from the ylb arschloch. Where did Puddy say he supported that?
You are an arschloch of a moron and an idiot ylb arschoch.
BTW you are a sexual deviant. Prove me wrong.
Why do you hate America ylb arschloch?
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
I get the CHEAP cable – I don’t watch that filth!
Busted ylb arschloch. That comment means you search Fox News on the ‘nets from your whackamole web site you love to drink the kook-aid from.
Thanks for the clarification!!!!!
Thou shall not commit Adultery. Just kidding, more important that gays shouldn’t marry.
Eatshit 32:09
@91 “Pavlov’s doggie”
@92 “Freud would disagree with you” “somehow deep in that cranial orifice”
Tee it up us, why don’t ya? Sigh! You wingnuts really shouldn’t bring psychology into these cesspool “conversations”. Well, unless you’re trying to kill us with laughter.
That comment means you search Fox News
That shit comes to me asshole free of charge. A lot of through you right wing jerkoffs.
You just quoted a Faux News article about MA!
Where did Puddy say he supported that?
He’s a family values right wing Christian hypocrite who I’m sure votes straight Republican.
If he was running for office and said the magic words “lower taxes”, you’d vote for him in a heartbeat.
But I thought guys like that, according to you right wing asswipes, were holier than thou free of that sort of shit.
As you can see (yea right) by your 20 percenter status – that is hardly the case.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@78 Seems to me calling Pudnuts a “LIAR!” is redundant, repetitive, and unnecessarily repetitious. After all, that’s like saying it rains in Seattle in the winter — it’s common knowledge.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@70 I like you, too, Gman; so, when I gouge your eyes out, consider it a fight among friends.
BTW you are a sexual deviant.
Oh really Mr. “butt” and “cum”? Oh really Mr. “warm white sticky”? When have I ever talked that kind of shit here?
Such a lying, intellectually bankrupt, corrupt tool!
Why do you hate America
No one hates this country more than your kind. You’ve done more damage to this country than bin Laden could ever dream of.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@69 “I think the point was taken, because the idiot had no further comments.”
You’re pretty new here, so you still have illusions. The two shitheads you referred to ALWAYS have further comments, no matter how many times they’re beaten down.
Which leads some of us to suspect they’re mercenaries, i.e. hireling trolls who are paid by word count (e.g., 10 cents a word) to post brainless wingnut gibberish on this blog.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@69 (continued) There’s a guy named Kevin Carns on BIAW’s payroll (he makes about $90K a year) who has posted on HA under dozens of screen names. Goldy exposed him a couple years ago, but as far as I know, he’s still operating here and it’s very possible that several of the troll regulars here are actually Kevin typing away in the basement of the BIAW building in Olympia.
The law as you put it is exactly what Puddy is discussing over R-71. This is the next step in the act fool!
The law as you put it interferes with the parents rights to free religious expression. That’s what Puddy is discussing leftist tool!
Paranoid BULLSHIT!!!
Dozens of whacko parents right now home-school their kids with or without laws like that. Some of them used to live right next door to me. That was an interesting experience. I’m glad my kids got to play with kids like that.
All because of the parents’ sick paranoia and their insecurities.
Ok. It’s their choice. I’m for freedom. But too bad for their kids. Better to see the world as it is sooner than later but better late than never. And too bad for them if they buy into their parents right wing madness for a lifetime.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@73 This comment demonstrates what a complete blockhead you are. God doesn’t hate anyone, jackass! The Bible, at most, condemns certain behaviors. But the Bible is very clear that God loves everyone, even the most sinful. Even grade-school Sunday School kids understand this; why don’t you? Stupid ass.
114 – I bet that homophobic asshole Lord Humongous was Carns.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hatched from a rock @74 sez, “Many in the world today don’t want their children exposed to this. Has nothing to do with bigotry. It’s personal beliefs.”
Really, puddy? Then how do you explain people in Kansas getting worked up about gays getting married in Massachusetts? Or the Westboro Church loonies disrupting the funerals of straight soldiers to get TV airtime for their anti-gay messages?
Methinks if someone walks like a bigot, talks like a bigot, and smells like a bigot, he probably is a bigot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@75 “In fact the US Constitution states the rulings of separation from church and state.”
People like pudwhacker don’t believe in the First Amendment, and if they can’t repeal it, they’ll ignore it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 “Where does it say “The Constitution of the United States says “fags” (your word each time) can marry”?”
Where does it say in the Constitution that YOU can marry? Hey??
Prove me wrong
I’ll say it right now. That chimp and his puppetmasters Rove/Cheney that you voted for twice could only dream of damaging this country a tenth as much as Hitler and the NAZI did to Germany.
Progressives support freedom and progress! It’s YOUR KIND who are the fascists! For your kind it’s all about the stealing and corruption!
Miserable fiend!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Gman, do you see now what we’re dealing with here? The basic problem with this blog is the low quality of the trolls. HA’s trolls are dumber than rocks, which in turn makes troll-bashing a tedious chore.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 “When you implement laws which abridge my right to my religion like what has happened in MA, that is WRONG WRONG WRONG.”
Holy shit! That’s all I’ve got to say about this. Just “holy shit,” that’s all.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You see, Gman, that’s what we’re up against — fools who think giving other people rights takes away their rights. Puddy represents the mental defectives who, for centuries, have burned people at the stake for “heresy” (e.g., the earth orbits the sun, not the other way around) and hanged people for being “witches” (see, e.g., Hawthorne’s House of the Seven Gables), and so on. Although puddy, in person, is merely a silly little man (okay, he’s a silly BIG man), the problem is that when large numbers of these retards get together they form mobs that go out and kill people, sometimes large numbers of people. So, they have to be CONTROLLED. The best thing to do with the puddies of the world is put them in CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENTS where they can be stabilized and, preferably, kept away from society. This is why we used to have state mental hospitals. It all fell apart when they closed the state mental hospitals and released people like puddy back into society to save money. Puddy is a good example of why we need taxes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@80 “Your freedom of religion doesn’t include imposing your religious views on others. Plain and simple.”
I’m tellin’ ya, Gman, you’re beating your head against a wall. They disagree with you on this. This is the corest of their core beliefs. That’s why liberals must arm.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
He’s a family values right wing Christian hypocrite who I’m sure votes straight Republican.
How many times does Puddy have to tell you what Lee said?
Do you remember ylb arschloch?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@83 “So Puddy guesses he has caused home values to drop 16 years ago when he moved here.”
Yes, but not for the reason you alluded to. Your stupidity, not your race, ruined the neighborhood.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Roger Dumb Bunny pellets
You see, Gman, that’s what we’re up against — fools who think giving other people rights takes away their rights.
You see people who are new to HA. This is Roger Dumb Bunny’s MO. He forgets and then tries to make new historical references
Last year, a judge dismissed a federal lawsuit brought by two sets of parents of students in the class who objected to the introduction of homosexual themes to their 7-year-olds without alerting them first, on the grounds that it was a violation of the state’s sex-education parental notification clause.
Thse parents lost their parental rights to the state Roger Dumb Bunny all for giving gays marriage rights!
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Where does it say in the Constitution that YOU can marry? Hey??
No where. Where does it say you can marry a rabbit? Yet you claim it here on HA. Must be the needle dick syndrome.
Butt heterosexual marriage predates the US Constitution.
Good try dumb bunny!
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Progressives support freedom and progress!
They supported Hitler and the abortion of black babies too. They still support the abortion of black babies. Idaho Planned Parenthood comes to mind.
Remember that fool!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@95 I’ve noticed that all the racy stuff on TV is on cable. You never see naked tits or asses on broadcast TV. As I’m too cheap to pay for ANY cable, I don’t get any porn or Fox in my burrow. If puddy’s kids watch porn on TV it’s his own damn fault — he’ll sacrifice his own kids in order to brainwash himself with Fox propaganda. Just unplug the cable, puddy, and you won’t have any problem from TV.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Some of them used to live right next door to me.
Then they got whiff of your schizophrenia, conservative at home and a flaming liberal in public and said we’re outta here!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@114 Interesting screen name. All these trolls see themselves as Swaggering Big Dicks. Bet they can’t even find it when they want to pee.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
That shit comes to me asshole free of charge.
It comes to your ASSHole? Really? Free of charge? Wow, you have some interesting mailing list memberships and they know your ASSHole!!!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
erratum: @114 should be @117
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
ylb arschloch, you get up and immediately run to the whackamole left-wing rant sites. It comes to you warm and sticky kook-aid.
Too bad if the truth explodes your mind!
136 – Stupes from the earliest days you’ve brought insane right wing shit here from the likes of Free Republic and places like that.
That American Stinker site is really looney tunes – really silly shit.
134 – the ASSHOLE is YOU fool.
130 – Show me someone living today (who isn’t paid by right wing bullshit purveyors) who calls himself or herself a progressive and supports that shit.
You won’t find any.
We’re for progress and freedom period. We’re for smart policies instead of evil dumbass policies like the moronic idiocies of John Bolton. We’re even for the freedom of dumbasses like you! Be an idiot! Go ahead be a dumbass.. It’s great entertainment sometimes when it isn’t depressing.
said we’re outta here!
They got out because they were floundering in Seattle. People are smart here and they don’t take to right wing Christian propaganda shit. The pickings were easier for them in the ‘burbs. No end of fucked up right wing and gullible dumbasses out there.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Stupes from the earliest days you’ve brought insane right wing shit here from the likes of Free Republic and places like that.
Then Puddy left Free Republic for 93 straight days, while you couldn’t leave Kos for one day.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Show me someone living today (who isn’t paid by right wing bullshit purveyors) who calls himself or herself a progressive and supports that shit.
ylb arschloch, do you support planned parenthood?
Are you paid by any conservative organization? You answered your own question moron!
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
They got out because they were floundering in Seattle.
Proves how leftist Seattle really is.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
the ASSHOLE is YOU fool.
Projecting your mailing list on Puddy? Not hardly!
143 – YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE PERIOD. What mailing list? Just another one of your dumbass fantasies.
Damn you’re a miserable fiend.
140 – Another stupid fantasy. For years I’ve asked where I agreed to your dumbass contest and for years you’ve crowed that bullshit. It sure does suck to be an insane fool like you!
141 – Damn right I support Planned Parenthood. You see them holding a gun to anyone’s head? If you don’t agree with their services – don’t use them. Why are you so opposed to freedom? What a miserable little dictator.
142 – Nope. It proves how dumbass they were. So they left to be with their own kind. Fine. I don’t have a problem with that. To each his own. Just don’t impose YOUR shit on me!
All that shit about Hillary supporting eugenics or anyone progressive supporting that is the most DUMBASS shit I’ve ever heard!
Good for us! Thank God our beloved Seattle isn’t a bastion of wingnut tomfoolery. Let Seattle be Seattle, and let Texas be Texas.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of which, my comments that Goldy deleted from his latest thread (for alleged off-topic offenses) have to do with (a) Dallas cops ticketing motorists for not speaking English, and (b) San Jose cops tasering a guy and beating the shit out of him with metal bats for not speaking English.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@128 Why shouldn’t gays have marital rights? How does that affect you? It doesn’t. You’re so stupid you think other people having rights somehow diminishes your own rights. Coming for you, that’s very strange, because that was the exact mindset of southern segregationists who murdered people of your race simply for wanting the same rights everyone else had.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@129 The Constitution doesn’t have anything to do with rabbits. It was written for humans. Rabbits live under the Law of the Jungle. A male rabbit’s job is to fuck as many cute fluffy female bunnies as he can to make sure the world doesn’t run out of rabbits.
the abortion of black babies
What a miserable fool! How about white babies? Green? Purple? Red? Yellow?
You’re really strange when it comes to skin color.
And you still think there’s some kind of conspiracy about killing black kids? I’ve asked you to show me evidence of anyone holding a gun to anyone’s head these days and to my knowledge you haven’t produced. I just showed you an insurance company putting an ultimatum to a woman – just recently. It’s your turn now.
You don’t like abortion? Fine – don’t have ’em.
But DON”T YOU impose your shit on anyone else.
@122 – hence my way of making comment, in lieu of debating as Darryl would wish….Darryl, just keep your fricken fingers away from the delete button.
@151 – Darryl, that is more of a wish than a command.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
ylb arschloch farted
Show me someone living today (who isn’t paid by right wing bullshit purveyors) who calls himself or herself a progressive and supports that shit.
Puddy asked: ylb arschloch, do you support planned parenthood?
Therefore you failed again.
First you actually did something requested of a right-winger. EPIC FAIL Sucka!
Second, you admit to a progressive organization from the 1920s who have worshippers like you today fool. EPIC FAIL Sucka!
Trapped by his own arschloch!
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
What a miserable fool! How about white babies? Green? Purple? Red? Yellow?
You worry about them. Puddy worrying about how your kind cull my peeps all in the name of choice and freedom. Every day we as black peeps lose political clout because of this “progressive” activity. The charlatans Sharpton and Jackson are too stupid to see this!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
67. proud leftist spews:
Rachel Maddow kicks Fox News in the ass with this monologue.
Could you please provide a comparison of MadKow’s ratings vs. O’Reilly, Beck & Hannity??
She is screaming in the wilderness.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@155 Uh, how has the ideology peddled by O’Reilly, Beck & Hannity been prospering lately?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Obama is in political trouble because he’s too damned conservative. The country, especially the young voters who gave him his victory margin, are way ahead of him on health care, Guantanamo, Iraq, and a host of other issues.
Daddy Lovespews:
29 RR
It should be noted as well that the public option is a government administered program that is financed by customer premiums.
Daddy Lovespews:
128 Pud
You claim that your unsourced quote “… a judge dismissed a federal lawsuit brought by two sets of parents…” etc., somehow means that, in your words (spelling corrected): ”
Those parents lost their parental rights to the state…”
Really? What case was this? Who were the defendants and plaintiffs? On what basis whas the case dismissed:
– Were the plaintiffs found to have no standing to sue?
– Was there not sufficient evidence presented by the plaintiffs that would lead the judge to allow the case to go to trial?
– Was it not a suitable case under existing fdederal law (since in your quote it is apparently a state law that is in question)? Heck, if it was regarding a violation of state law, why were they in federal court?
If these people had no legal right to bring suit, how can you assert that their “parental rights” were “lost?” And if their lack of standing and/or lack of evidence is irrelevant to your definition of “parental rights” and what it meas to “lose” whatever you deem to be their rights, then why do you bring up the case? I mean, besides the mere fact that Fox News “reported” it.
Daddy Lovespews:
Abortion is safe, legal, rare, and completely voluntary.
Believing something that isn’t true doesn’t make it true. Needless to say, when I flip stocks, I look for “true believers” who will gladly give me their money for overpriced shares. In the stock market, this kind of thinking is constructive because it transfers money from stupid people to Roger Rabbit. In politics, it’s destructive because it gets innocent people killed.
News Corp., of which Fox is a part, is a business. Its sole function is to make a great deal of money for its shareholders, especially its largest shareholder, Rupert Murdoch. Mr. Murdoch doesn’t give a bloody damn about whether a Republican or a Democrat sits in the White House. Really, he doesn’t. America isn’t even his native land; Australia is. In fact, he probably prefers a Democrat, because that creates more opportunities to criticize the Administration, which sells more newspapers and gets more TV viewers for his publications and broadcast channels. All he cares about is separating right wing fools from their money, and he’s playing them like a fiddle. So give him your money, wingnut fools! I’m not against the rich. I don’t begrudge Mr. Murdoch his unimaginable wealth or obscene income. Why? Because I love the taxes he pays! Your affection for his propaganda makes him a one-man federal deficit reduction machine! On behalf of Mr. Murdoch and the IRS, thank you for your patronage, trolls.
I’m a voracious reader — that’s why I’m so well informed and have such good judgment in investing and political matters. I read tons of books and articles. Free, of course; like Republicans, I don’t pay for anything; I almost live in the public library. (That’s what you pay taxes for, so I want to make sure I get full value for your money.)
I discovered an interesting correlation from a book I’m reading right now. It’s a 2009 book about what happened to the American economy, and goes over in detail all the bubbles of recent years, including the stock bubble of the late 90s and its collapse in 2000-2001, precipating the first Bush Recession that began in March 2001 and lasted a full year.
You know the story if you’re at all sentient, of course. Lots of people paid absurd prices for shares of virtual companies that went belly up. It all came crashing down in March 2001. (This is an interesting chronological correlation in itself, because people continued to swallow what Bush said for a long time after stock market reality caught up with them.)
What I’m getting at is that one of the most vocal hustlers of the bubble era was a guy named George Gilder. He was a “guru” who made a fortune by telling people to buy stocks. Naturally, I wondered what happened to him after the crash — whether he went bust along with everyone who had listened to him. Guess what I found it?
George Gilder was the co-founder, along with Bruce Chapman, of Seattle’s Discovery Institute and it was Gilder’s money that launched Discovery Institute, and possibly it’s Gilder’s money that keeps Discovery Institute afloat to this day.
And it’s all money that came from fleeced sheep taken in by a guy who made his fortune by peddling worthless stocks to gullible suckers.
As Paul Harvey would say, “Now you know the rest of the story.”
Also, you now know the Discovery Institute’s provenance: It was created and financed by a con man.
@4; Good to know.
Still trying to report the ‘No on 71’ folks for using my mailbox without sending their flier through the mail. At least every other campaign and political committee has followed the law.
I saw this last night. Rachel makes a really good point about Fox orchestrating anti-government protests: fine to do, just stop calling it news.
You don’t hear other networks talking about this. Shields and Brooks discussed Fox last night, and although Shields mentioned Fox shilling for candidates, no mention was made of Beck’s 9-12 initiative, the various teabagging events coordinated/advertised on Fox, etc.
Media criticism (i.e., the TV news variety) often gets mired in terms like “bias” and “opinion,” and misses larger points.
Keep criticizing Fox. All it does is improve its ratings and increase its power in the media.
@8 Like Fox criticizing Obama is improving his approval ratings?
3 – When Gilder’s business crashed in the dot com bubble, one or two of his business partners lost their stake. They put a lien on his house.
I thought Gilder had been floated more or less since then by the Forbes Family who has some role in publishing his newsletter.
The guy’s pretty nutty to be sure.
2 – And Murdoch will be paying more taxes after 2010. One could only wish the Dems had the stones to raise taxes to what they were in Ike Eisenhower’s day.
That’d really give Murdoch a heart attack.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
@3- Good Day.
Now comes the lie that Fox is spreading about the White House shutting them out of an interview. From Talking Points Memo:
“But logistically, all of the cameras could not get set up in time or with ease for the Feinberg interview, so they opted for a round robin where the networks use one pool camera. Treasury called the White House pool crew and gave them the list of the networks who’d asked for the interview.
The network pool crew noticed Fox wasn’t on the list, was told that they hadn’t asked and the crew said they needed to be included. Treasury called the White House and asked top Obama adviser Anita Dunn. Dunn said yes and Fox’s Major Garrett was among the correspondents to interview Feinberg last night.”
@8 Tell us again how well Fox’s ideology and candidates did at the ballot box last November. That’s a story I never get tired of! =:-D<
@10 That’s possible, in fact likely; the book I’m reading did mention guys showing up at his manse to slap a lien on it.
Suzie v. Dow Campaign $$$ By The Numbers
The Suzie Shill has a fascinating collection of factoids about who’s financing the county exec campaigns in an article whose main theme is that Suzie Cute isn’t really an independent:
Overall donations: Dow $830,000, Suzie $542,000.
Number of donors: Dow has 3 times as many individual contributors as Suzie.
Average donation: Dow $189, Suzie $412.
Partisan donors: 50% of Dow’s big donors gave to Gregoire last year, only 4% to Rossi; 44% of Suzie’s big donors gave to Rossi, only 6% to Gregoire.
Source of donations: Dow got 59% of his money from Seattle and only 14% from the eastside; Suzie got 45% of hers from the eastside and only 36% from Seattle.
Out-of-state money: There isn’t much; Dow 5%, Suzie 3%.
Union and county employee support: Dow has received $31,443 from 30 unions and $22,000 from county employees; Suzie’s contributions from unions are $0 and from county employees $600, of which $500 came from Republican county council member Reagan Dunn.
The Shill says, “She has dominated, though, among donors who call themselves homemakers, collecting $95,000 to Constantine’s $17,000. Homemakers who gave her the maximum of $1,600 include Betty Freeman, Jolene McCaw and Lisa Persdotter, the wives of prominent businessmen Kemper Freeman, Bruce McCaw and Charles Simonyi, respectively.”
Business owners making big donations to Suzie include Bruce Nordstrom, William Weyerhaeuser, and Martin Selig. Selig, in case you don’t know, is a Seattle developer who is famous for being chronically behind on property taxes and City Light bills; at one time, he was late on more than $1 million of light bills.
UW employees and students: Dow $8,800, Suzie $525.
Darryl, I don’t understand why you and Goldy are now deleting my comments. Nothing I said was offensive or at least anymore offensive than any other comment on this blog. And although the theme of my comments may be similar in nature, I do not use the same repetitive words, except for “Murder, Rape and Steal”…if you re-read my comment it you will see the point of it was to indicate that the problem with Faux News is that it is run by Heterosexuals, hence a problem. Are my comments so strong that you and Goldy are afraid of them? Was my comment deleted because it referenced Hitler? You people are starting to sensor my comments to the point where maybe we would have been better off with a Nazi leadership.
What policies have been passed by Fox News championing them?
Even the fishwrapper had to swallow hard to call Betty, Jolene, and Lisa “homemakers.”
I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time visualizing wives of billionaires doing much “homemaking.” I mean, what are the chances they dust, mop, cook, make beds, and take out the trash themselves? What’s the point of marrying a billionaire if you can’t hire servants to do all the domestic chores so you can spend all your time dressing to the nines, appearing in public with your rich and famous husband, and flashing your expensive smile for the TV cameras? That’s what billionaires expect their trophy wives to do, isn’t it? I mean, is that their job?
@9 More to the point, what has Fox championed that would improve the lives of ordinary Americans?
It’s not surprising that county employees have donated $22,000 to Dow and nothing to Suzie. After all, she said in the debates that King County’s entire $56 million revenue shortfall could be made up by making county employees pay for their own health insurance.
Suzie is a typical unimaginative Republican: The solution to every fiscal problem is always the same, balance the budget on the backs of workers. Suzie is nothing more than a cookie-cutter CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE. All the county’s financial problems would go away if we made public servants work for hamburger-flipping wages.
Of course, it never occurs to cheap-labor ideologues like Hutchison that they’d never find any civil engineers, prosecuting attorneys, jail guards, urban planners, IT managers, etc., willing to work for what they want to pay. But that’s okay; it would be fine with them if county government wasn’t staffed at all and simply collapsed. In fact, that’s their ultimate objective.
Good point.
If public libraries get privatized the first thing they’ll do is charge rental fees for books and the first thing I’ll do is buy stock in the for-profit library company.
If Republicans figure out a way to make money off breathing, I’m gonna buy stock in it! I’m a firm believer in loot sharing.
Over the years, I’ve worked out my own solution to the cheap labor ideology: I don’t work! Then it’s not a problem.
I read in this morning’s news that bosses monitor social-networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, and employees have gotten fired for what they posted on their Facebook pages or said in “tweets.”
And most HA readers remember how Stefan Sharansky and his corporate lawyer wife got a single-mom waitress fired because she corrected their rowdy kid who was running around and raising hell in the restaurant and disturbing other patrons. What an asshole.
The indignities inflicted on workers are endless (and often mindless): High taxes, commuting hassles, getting blamed for managers’ mistakes, speedups, pay cuts and takeaways, and spying bosses looking for trivial excuses to can them. I don’t know why the hell anyone puts up with it.
I sure don’t! I don’t work. I make money the same way the big boys on Wall Street do, by flipping financial assets to take money out of other people’s pockets and put it in my own pocket. This doesn’t put one dollar of new capital into any business or create a single job, but Congress rewards my antisocial economic behavior with tax breaks workers don’t get and tax rates 1/3rd of what workers pay! We live in an irrational world, I’m telling ya, especially when Republicans write the tax laws.
But hey, I didn’t create this immoral system of disincentives against working; I’m just a cork riding the wave crests. I figure if Republicans can get a deal like this — no work and no taxes — then I should, too. In fact, everyone should! No one should work.
An article in Business Week discusses a research study that showed laid-off Boeing workers drank less and were happier than colleagues who kept their jobs.
According to the article, the study results “surprised a team of academic researchers who embedded themselves at Boeing (BA) from 1996 to 2006 …. ‘How much better off the laid-off were was stunning and shocking to us,’ says Sarah Moore, a University of Puget Sound industrial psychology professor …. ‘So much of the literature talks about how dreadful unemployment is.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m telling ya, unemployment isn’t dreadful, it’s great! Working is dreadful. Having a job and a boss is the worst thing that can happen to you. It’s the same thing as being kidnapped and sold into slavery. I don’t work, and look how happy I am! I’m a happy rabbit, I’m telling ya! I used to be unhappy and depressed, but that was when I was working, and all that went away when I stopped working.
I think the main point here, though, is: Why should we care if Boeing leaves? They don’t pay taxes and regularly extort money from taxpayers, so they’re a net financial drain on our state. They fill our communities with unhappy, stressed-out, alcoholic workers. People worry about what would happen if we lost all those Boeing jobs. I’ll tell you what will happen: Those Boeing workers will be happier, we’ll have fewer DUIs, everybody will pay less taxes, and we’ll all be better off! So, fuck Boeing, I not only say “let ’em leave,” I’ll help ’em pack! (But only if they agree not to pay me; in my position, I can’t afford to have wage income.) What Boeing doesn’t understand is they need us far more than we need them, in fact, we don’t need them at all and Seattle is better off without them.
‘And although the theme of my comments may be similar in nature, I do not use the same repetitive words, except for “Murder, Rape and Steal”’
Excellent…you seem to understand the repetitive content that violates the comment policy.
“…if you re-read my comment it you will see the point of it was to indicate that the problem with Faux News is that it is run by Heterosexuals, hence a problem.”
Minor variations on your repetitive message are not going to work.
“Are my comments so strong that you and Goldy are afraid of them?”
No…they are just repetitive.
“Was my comment deleted because it referenced Hitler?”
“You people are starting to sensor [sic] my comments to the point where maybe we would have been better off with a Nazi leadership.”
This blog is private property. If you are unwilling to abide by the comment policy, you will be “sensored.” If you don’t like the policy, there are millions of other blogs in the world to play on.
Or, better yet, start your own blog. I think is available. You could post your message over and over and over again, just slightly tweaked for the biggest news story of the day/hour.
What fun you would have!
Who Will Pay For Health Care Reform?
“The odds are shifting in favor of health-care reform legislation making it through Congress this year, to the point where bookies could put money on the ultimate winners and losers. Many details have yet to be determined, … and beyond the contentious battle over the public insurance option, there’s a huge fight over another question: Who will pay to cover the uninsured? It’s safe to say doctors will give up the least, pharmaceutical and medical device makers will fall somewhere in the middle, and insurers will be the big losers.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s as it should be. Insurers take 30% of our health care dollars, yet they deliver no health care and add no value. Furthermore, these high costs are totally unnecessary; the government-run Medicare system provides the same payment-processing functions for about 1/2 of 1%. Private insurance is 50 times more inefficient than government-run health care, so naturally, that’s where the biggest cuts should fall. In fact, you can’t make a dent in soaring health care costs without going after the insurance companies, because that’s where the big money is, and that’s the big black hole on the financial side of the health care system.
Everyone Should Work For Himself
I’ve said all along that bosses suck, companies suck, and work sucks; and that people should work for themselves or not at all.
A Business Week article says more people are working from their homes. These “homepreneurs” account for over half of all U.S. businesses and 1 of every 10 private-sector workers. What’s more, the home-based-business phenomenon is growing and gaining legitimacy. I’ll let you read the rest of the article yourself (and I think you should, because this is an important topic and these are important trends):
I maintain that traditional employment is fading fast, and future generations of workers should be entrepreneurs. No one should work for employer-dictated wages anymore. Everyone should be an entrepreneur!
Waitresses, for example, should quit their jobs and go into business as Hospitality Consultants. After all, they bring substantial skills and expertise to the table, and they should capitalize on it. They have to do everything from communicate effectively with customers to ensure orders are filled accurately to providing parenting services to neglected children who misbehave in restaurants while their asshole parents sit on their fannies doing nothing about it. Hospitality Consultants should sell their services to restaurants on a B2B basis, just like other suppliers and service providers do. A reasonable rate for a Hospitality Consultant might start at $50 an hour. After all, H.C.s have to provide their own health coverage and retirement, are responsible for their own training, and have expenses in getting to and from job sites. Most car repair businesses and home remodelers have shop rates approaching $100 an hour, and you can’t get professional services anywhere for less than $150 to $500 an hour, so 50 bucks an hour for a Hospitality Consultant seems like a very reasonable fee.
Whine about this–
After the Obama Administrations of Goebbels & Mao last week, this may be about the best you see for awhile. Obama insists on continuing the war with FoxNews, even though it is a war he cannot win and in fact, has already lost. Even unabashed left-winger, Ellen Ratner, was absolutely appalled at Obama’s conduct.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
22. Roger Rabbit spews:
All the more reason to vote for Hutchison. The Budget is still bloated and they need a leader with the guts to lay people off….not just have furlough days, less hours or some other BS that still allows less than 40 hr./wk’ers to get full Health/Dental/Vision insurance and all paid holidays.
RIF’s==Reduction in Force
That’s why employees support Dow…there jobs are on the line and Dow will protect them and damn the taxpayers.
Thanks for the link. I’m looking into going solo, myself.
@9 & @ 15,
All you two have to do is wait about 13 months to see what I’m talking about.
I went solo over 20 years ago…
Government workers should all be required to try it for 3 years.
$100/hr. sounds like a lot, but……….
Once you peal away your own Health Costs, SS, Retirement Contribution, B&O Tax and come to grips with the fact there is NO PAID Sick Leave, Holidays, Vacations etc..
Go ahead and try it Michael.
Don’t quit your current job until you have a clear business plan and clients/prospects lined up.
Suckin’ on the guv’mint teat is secure…like a 30 year-old still living at home…but not especially rewarding in dealing with bureaucratic BS.
Hey Rog–
Which online trading company do you use??
Pros & cons???
PI @ 34–
They really don’t get it, do they?
I think it’s still shock…from seeing Obama piss away his +32 Strong Approval rating down to -10 in record time.
In 13 months, they will still be griping…but actually have something to gripe about!
Mr. Cynical,
I actually like Obama. I just am not on board with his policies. I tend to vote against growing government. In the last election I voted for Ron Paul.
Obama is trying to please two segments of his political base that don’t particularly get along. The far left wants more socialism now and is clamoring for more and more government. The other segment of his supporters are moderates who are civil, thoughtful folks. If they support the left fringe of Obama’s party, they will be shown the door in 2010, and they know that! The far left will attack them, too, and probably enlist some of their socialist cronies (like ACORN) to work at the grass roots level to defeat the “blue dogs.”
Yep, I’d say the Milk Chocolate Messiah is going to have a difficult time in 2010 with his party at odds with each other.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
More crap from the Crapola King Roger Rabbit
Dumb Bunny Bush was operating under Clinton’s FY2001 budget.
Stay Stupid. You do it well. Ask Don Joe or Another TJ for your Plan B.
Now this is toooo damnnnn funnny
You seem to forget Puddybud reminds peeps of indisputable facts, not bacteria filled swill which your side delivers as Pellets and other crapola.
Regarding calling peeps names “Puddynuts as you called me”, well you are a backdoor fool! Puddy includes their “name” in all commentary. If you are as dumb as a brick is that Puddy’s fault. If you are all arschloch is that Puddy’s problem? If you are a stupid as a cinder block is that Puddy’s problem?
Nope you Dope!
Heh. This is the same fiend who could not “recall” if his sockpuppet lied about his true identity.
What a memory! A liar who can’t remember he what he lied about and bragged about being some kind of truth teller!
Too insane for words.
@32 Do Republican asshats like you have any solutions to any problems that DON’T involve screwing workers?
@34 You’re delusional if you think voters are going to turn this country over to Republicans again!
@36 I use a full-service broker. Pros: He sometimes puts me on stocks I missed, talks me out of some bad ideas, and is someone I can bounce ideas off of. Cons: He costs more, and he isn’t always right.
@38 “Milk Chocolate Messiah”
Convince me this isn’t racist, you pig.
@39 You need to be more creatively repetitive.
@40 Oh, I see, who’s in the WH counts only when a recession starts on a Democrat’s watch. You want to play by Puddy Rules today …
@41 “Puddybud reminds peeps of indisputable facts”
You couldn’t distinguish a simple fact, let alone an indisputable one, from the fantasies that swirl through your walnut-size mind if one bit your pecker off.
45. Roger Rabbit spews:
Me too…I’m just contemplating doing some option trading….on some gold options.
I have $15,000 of ST Capital Gains on some Wells Fargo Covered Options I sold 40 contracts @ $3.75 and they were not exercised.
It was a GBS tip that I had already done.
Worked out.
I have a friend who has really done well on Barrack Gold (ABX) options.
I believe Gold will likely hit $1150 before the end of January and this is the best was to put my $$ into action ST.
Now Rog, I Know it’s gambling…but winter is darn near here..a looooooong winter.
Anyway, my strategy is to get in IF & WHEN Gold dips back between $1020–1030/oz. putting 1/2 in there and the other 1/2 if it dips to approx. $1000.
We’ll see.
Anyway, a couple friends use Ameritrade and really like it.
38. Politically Incorrect spews:
I’ve dislike the guy from Day 1.
He is a Marxist, scumbag who is a product of the corrupt Hyde Park/Chicago political machine with Emmanual and Axelrod and a whole host of crooks. His wife was given huge promotions & salary increases at the Hospital (the source of lots of payoffs) for doing??????
Hey, I would like to play golf or cards with Obama. But he is a political scumbag who has zero qualifications and is fumbling around with soldiers lives with no experience whatsoever.
His kids are cool though.
“But he is a political scumbag who has zero qualifications and is fumbling around with soldiers lives with no experience whatsoever.”
Another quote from a wingbat kook who voted twice for a draft dodging, silver spoon, drunk-ass coke whore, frat boy and his torturing uncle. And who, I might also add, would have voted for the twisted pair a third time, if he’d been allowed the “privilege”.
Here is one I don’t think I am repeating – God hates Darryl.
If you’ve never slept with a person of the same sex, how do you know you wouldn’t prefer that?
41.36% – Okay, I don’t know
33.14% – I just know
19.27% – I have and I loved it
06.23% – I have and I hated it
Shows 2/3 of Heterosexuals are somewhat Bisexual and NOT STRAIGHT.
The great majority of child molesters are heterosexual. Do you really consider it safe to expose children to heterosexual teachers?
46.78% – Yes
30.12% – No
23.10% – Whatever
Considering the menace of over-population, how could the human race survive if everyone was heterosexual?
59.26% – Mass exodus to other planets
32.41% – Cannibalism
21.60% – Genocide
Ok, the Rabbit posted 7 comments in a row. Hopefully Darryl will allow my 3 totally creatively different from the usual.
Obama’s approval ratings don’t have fuk to do with Fox you fux. He’s losing support from the people who voted him into office. He’s probably not loosing support from those who didn’t support him (you morans need that pointed out). If he were pushing for hearings on torture, hearings on the lies that led up to the invasion of Iraq, hearings on corruption in military contract corruption, hearings on Telco eavesdropping, (etc, ad nasuem), and pushing for a single payer, his ratings would be through the fuckin’ roof.
And you nutbags would still be singing the same old worn out tune you’re singing now. Just apply a little more Vick’s and weep for the Republic, heh?
@51 “But he is a political scumbag who has zero qualifications”
Oh and you never voted for a political scumbag with zero qualifications? Did you vote for Gore in ’00 and Kerry in ’04? If you didn’t, you either didn’t vote, or you voted for a political scumbag with zero qualifications.
@57 Leave me out of it. Your problem with Darryl is between you and Darryl.
Add to the discourse. Don’t simply pop in and do drive-by shittings. Saying the same thing over and over again, and saying it in an inflammatory manner, really doesn’t help you or whatever your cause might be. For instance, I am for gay marriage, but I’m offended by your attacks on straight people. So, how are you advancing your cause? I just don’t get it. Your posts often remind me of some of our worst trolls, like manoftruth, for instance. I think you might have something to say, that you might have a point, but the manner in which you are trying to convey that point just ain’t working. But, hell, that’s just one old leftist’s opinion.
Not bad, my friend, not bad. Now…rather than just posting stuff, try to join the conversation.
Notice that almost everyone in this thread is actually engaging in a conversation, responding to a previous comment (typically quoting part or citing the comment number).
If you are interested in simply posting something over and over again, rather than conversing you should seriously consider your own blog.
Naturally, many commenters occasionally post seemingly-unconnected missives/press releases/opinion pieces. That is tolerated unless it becomes repetitive and outside of the conversation. Typically, these people have hundreds or thousands of comments behind them that make them well known contributors to the community and its conversations.
You’ve not been doing that. Your “comments” have been more akin to a repetitive advertisement. And just to be clear: it isn’t the hate-speech inherent in your comments that gets them deleted. You’d be treated the same if your “thing” was repetitive missives on stamp collecting or Eddie Van Halen.
@62 Darryl, you call what goes on in these threads “conversation”? You’re joking, right? I thought this blog was supposed to be an outhouse where we get to shit on trolls! You and Goldy aren’t fixin’ to do something revolutionary, like cleaning up this cesspool, are you? God, I hope not …
@45 (continued) I don’t like gold. If the dollar suddenly strengthens you’re gonna be screwed. Plus it looks like a bubble.
Obama’s nowhere close to being a Marxist and I doubt he’ll have the kind of blood on his hands that Cheney and Bush do.
Roger Rabbit @ 63
I didn’t say anything about the quality of the conversation.
But since the comment threads are an interactive exchange of ideas and opinions, by definition conversation happens.
Rachel Maddow kicks Fox News in the ass with this monologue. She correctly points out that a journalist with an opinion, and expressing that opinion, does not mean that the journalist, ipso facto, is not reporting the news. Quite the contrary would be true. A journalist’s task/mission is to lead the audience to an understanding of what might be true. The problem with today’s media is that the Rabid Right has so long been flinging its turds at the media, that the media has become cowardly and thinks its job is to report “both sides” of any issue. And, to give equal time and deference to “both sides.” Sometimes, there simply are not two sides–there is reality and there is wingnuttia. (Global warming is a lie, Obama was born in Kenya, etc.) The MSM falls into this trap of giving equal time–except for Fox News, which does advocate. FN, however, does not advocate for what is, but for wingnuttia. So, we have the whimpish MSM, advocating for some sort of balance between truth and fantasy, and Fox News unabashedly pushing wingnuttia. Rachel got it right. Fox News should be honest about what it is, and the Obama Administration should continue to shun Fox “News” at every opportunity.
I hope to fuck that swearing in the threads doesn’t get banned. That would give me a helluvan ass ache.
@61 – Great to hear you support equality, but many do not. My message, if inflammatory, is done so, to show the exact same inflammatory comments from the other side…..did you ever hear of the website, God hates Fags, I’m sure all here know of it, but relatively very few really care to denounce it’s existence. Sometimes it takes fire to fight fire. And sometimes you have to rattle the cages before someones brain wakes up to their stupidity. My comments were not drive by shittings. When I said “God hates Heterosexuals”, one idiot here, I think Mark1 or Puddypud, asked where in the bible does it state that. My response, where in the Bible does it state “God hates fags”. I think the point was taken, because the idiot had no further comments. So, you may refer to them as shittings, but I refer to my comments as my unique way of making a comment. I’d hate to say what 80% of the comments on here are – this is no reflection of Goldy and all who post provocative subject matter to comment on, but the idiots like Puddynuts and the like on the inability to debate more sanely, why? Probably because they are Heterosexuals. And Darryl, I mean that comment, so don’t delete my comment just for making that one comment. I appreciate your advice, but I think my comments are working. One, not one of the opposing view points can be expressed sanely without being a bigot, so therefore they all kept their mouths shut.
So I will continue to point out the mis givings of the Heterosexual wonders of the world, with my sarcasm.
@60, sorry rabbit, you are not off limits either, but I like you, if that matters.
Gman @ 69
I figured you had a point to your driveby shittings (sorry, I kind of like that concept). Now, you’ve articulated it. I would like a world where neither race nor gender nor sexual orientation nor religion (or lack of religion) makes much difference with regard to how a person is treated. What sort of world would you like to see?
Little specialty boutiques can work. How about Silas Marner’s Woollen Sock Boutique?
Gman blows out a liquid man fart
Not paying much to previous commentary? Puddy quoted verses on this long ago.
Ask Proud Leftist… his daddy a Lutheran Preacher.
Ask ylb arschloch… he captured all the PuddyMissives on the subject. Go on ask the HA arschloch.
First off you hear this crap from HA Libtardos every day.
Well the Bible has one million verses. Only a few refer to homosexual behavior in any way. So who cares anymore? – Peeps care. Many in the world today don’t want their children exposed to this. Has nothing to do with bigotry. It’s personal beliefs.
The Jewish prophets are silent about homosexuality. – It was already covered in the first five books of the Bible. No need to repeat something already known and accepted.
Jesus says nothing about homosexual behavior. – Why should He? He already covered it in Leviticus. Jewish customs were well known.
Shakespeare from the Merchant of Venice…
“Mark you this, Bassanio, the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness is like a villain with a smiling cheek, a goodly apple rotten at the heart: O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”
Since you’ve never cracked open a Bible and Puddy knows you won’t have the gravitas to ask Proud Leftist or ylb arschloch… time for your Bible lesson…
First when Lot was living is Sodom:
“But before they [the angels] lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him, And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly. Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof. And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door. But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut to the door. And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door.” Genesis 19:4-11
Noun sodomite – someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male)
– bugger, sodomist, sod
degenerate, deviant, deviate, pervert
– a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior
that we may “know them,” which means
– engage in anal intercourse.
– trip down the hershey highway
– a bugger ride
– hairy ASS fun
– the language of Kinks and Queens
– more terms found here
Notice Lot offers his two virgin daughters instead and they are REJECTED Gman. Instead, they begin attacking Lot and break down the door for some “hairy ASS fun”. Even when struck by the angels with blindness they still try to beat down the door.
German language word Sodomie.
New Testament Greek – sodomy
Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 7
Even Dante held sodomy as strange Gman…
“But Dante places sodomy in the bottom-most ring of the seventh circle, below homicide and suicide, suggesting that this sin is an even worse form of violence. The implication here is that sodomy involves an even more thoroughgoing hostility to Nature than defying the laws of self-preservation or love of neighbor; that it is a culmination of violence in being destructive to neighbor, violating self-love, and at the same time undermining family and community.”
Puddy knew he had read Don Joe’s favrit term “Manichean” somewhere. Puddy just couldn’t place it cuz Dante isn’t a favrit butt he does discuss sodomy.
“We understand from this episode that Brunetto played a major–if informal–part in Dante’s education, most likely as a mentor through his example of using erudition and intelligence in the service of the city. Apart from the reputed frequency of sexual relations among males in this time and place, there is no independent documentation to explain Brunetto’s appearance in Dante’s poem among the sodomites. Brunetto was married with three–perhaps four–children. Many modern scholarly discussions of Dante’s Brunetto either posit a substitute vice for the sexual one–linguistic perversion, unnatural political affiliations, a quasi-Manichean heresy–or emphasize a symbolic form of sodomy over the literal act (e.g., rhetorical perversion, a failed theory of knowledge, a proto-humanist pursuit of immortality).”
More from the Bible Gman,
“You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.” Leviticus 18:22-23
“If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death.” Leviticus 20:13
Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord. Proverbs 18:22
“For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.” Romans 1:26-27
“Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals” 1 Corinthians 6:9
Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. 1 Corinthians 11:9
“realizing the fact that (civil) law is not made for a righteous man, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers and immoral men and homosexuals and kidnappers and liars and perjurers” 1 Timothy 1:9-10
This is why Puddy is against “gay” marriage. It’s man’s way of sanctioning that which God holds detestable. Seems to Puddy calling it marriage, is a way to remove the term “homosexual” from their lifestyle.
And for you HA Libtardo fools who claim Jesus did away with the Old Testament, prove it from the Bible. Look up jot and tittle.
Puddy, the Bible is not the Constitution of the United States. In fact the US Constitution states the rulings of separation from church and state. Maybe if you do not wish to expose your children to Homosexuality, I suggest you move to Afghanistan and take up tribe with the Taliban. You can not isolate yourself and your family from all the ills to Society, you don’t even try to fairly disrupt all the other ills in this world, as I have pointed out – murdering, raping, stealing, drugs, alcohol, sex, and bigotry, to name a few. Like your right to own a Gun, I have the right to be treated equally and with the same justness as anyone who disagrees and/or would like to not expose themselves to Homosexuality. I suppose you would rather expose your children to the breast implants than homosexuality….the reality is you can’t keep your kids unexposed, when statistics show that 2/3 of grown-up experience bi-sexuality. Maybe you should try to keep them from chewing gum too.
It appears you do go along with the website “God hates Fags”. Heterosexuals are sinners too, and just as hated by God. Plenty of Heterosexuals engage in anal sex, have you ever watched a straight porn? Your attack on one group of people is bigotry. Face it, like an alcoholic in denial, you are a Bigot in denial.
So, it seems the whole purpose of the bible was to denounce gays. You as a heterosexual have learned nothing from it, if you can’t hold heterosexuals to the same teachings aside from you going to church every weekend or day to claim that you lead a good clean religious filled life. Bullshit – you have only one goal and that is to be a bigot.
Like your gun, take your bible and shove it up your ugly, fat, hairy ass. That is where it belongs, that is where you have taken it.
You argue like most HA Libtardos here. You asked the world …
Puddy produced many locations in the Bible where God hates the “fags act” (your word each time) but God doesn’t hate the “fag” (your word each time) when you repent. Once the request is proven you switch to another topic. Why is that?
BTW ask the preacher son Proud Leftist if those verses are correct. Most other HA Libtardos haven’t cracked open a Bible in years or their lifetime.
Where does it say “The Constitution of the United States says “fags” (your word each time) can marry”?
Excuse me? What I expose my children to is my right as a US Citizen fool. If you wanna do the “fag” (your word each time) thing why don’t you leave?
Puddy gets his porn updates from strange left eye ylb arschloch. He places the latest on the blog. Watch for it, you’ll see an entry within the next week. BTW God makes no comment on what a man and woman do to give each other pleasure in their continual mating ritual.
Nope you Dope! God commented on heterosexual sex and the spilling of semen on the ground when you were to give an heir to your brother due to death.
But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the LORD’s sight; so the LORD put him to death. Then Judah said to Onan, “Lie with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to produce offspring for your brother.” But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. What he did was wicked in the LORD’s sight; so he put him to death also. Genesis 38:7-10
Also God gave us the Bible to live a good life, to know right from wrong, be charitable to others, raise your children upright and believing in Him, and follow His commandments…
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Revelation 14:12
How Gman? Where is my bigotry? Puddy went to a DL and told them all civil unions is fine with Puddy. My first amendment right is freedom of religion.
What you do behind closed doors is your choice. Scream and shout, get all sweaty, cover your dick in feces, Puddy don’t care. Just don’t parade it in front of my children in public and tell everyone it’s normal, it’s normal. When you implement laws which abridge my right to my religion like what has happened in MA, that is WRONG WRONG WRONG.
Now regarding the gun and Bible up my butt, how cornholing of you to mention butt. Now that’s being a religious bigot, butt we knew that of you from day one when you arrived on HA Libtardos. Ask Roger to post the Libtardo Creed again.
What a dumbass! You can walk into any building in MA and shout all the irrational bullshit you want in MA..
As long you’re not hurting anybody else.
Such right wing bullshit.
LIAR! You don’t get porn updates from anybody but yourself.
You watch porn every day on Faux News..
Yeah I posted the link many times. You know it well. I won’t post it again fiend cuz you got the boob tube turned on to the filth right now.
That link proves what a sick fiend you and your peeps are. It’s only fitting you’re all wandering in the wilderness right now. The 20 percenters…
ylb arschloch has pegged himself with his own words
Not only is he ignorant of what’s going on butt as always he’s an arschloch!
“Last year, a judge dismissed a federal lawsuit brought by two sets of parents of students in the class who objected to the introduction of homosexual themes to their 7-year-olds without alerting them first, on the grounds that it was a violation of the state’s sex-education parental notification clause.” Of course left-wing indoctrination always comes before someone’s personal religious beliefs.
Look this up in your bragged tctmgr database fool. You’ll find it!
Standard left-wing kook-aid whackamole positions from the dumb brick!
Now how come Puddy Remembers and fools like ylb arschloch are historical revisionists?
Your freedom of religion doesn’t include imposing your religious views on others. Plain and simple. I don’t need to fill up a screen with a bunch of ramblings.
Lets also talk about what the Bible says, like the Ten Commandments. All those thou shall not’s that heterosexuals have no problem seeing that everyone of them is broken.
How about a law of imprisonment for Adultery? Would you support one?
Let’s go even further, maybe I do not want my kids exposed to African Americans….sound a little racist? It is my religious belief that African Americans are substandard individuals (know before you use this against me in the future, I don’t really mean that, just merely pointing out how your interference of gay people could be just as justified as taking that same view against black people.
Everyone knows that if an African American moves in next to you, your home value drops by 30-50%, so therefor, I would have limitations where African Americans could live. (again, I don’t feel that way, but just point out that some do, similarly their views of gay people. Only most would probably have a gay person living next to them than an African American)
And by the way, you are a bigot for using terms like fudge packer and the sorts….similarly, the word NIGGER can be used against African Americans.
You are not here to debate what is wrong and right, but only to dictate your views like a mini Hitler. You talk about all of your rights, but you ignore the rights of others, you piece of shit. Yes, that is all you are, a piece of shit. No offense, just letting you know the truth.
LMAO!!! You’re obsessed with it.
You’re obsessed with this stuff too.
What a sick moronic tool!
And another thank you to Pavlov’s Doggie, right on time.
So Puddy guesses he has caused home values to drop 16 years ago when he moved here. Since Puddy was elected to the homeowners board, Puddy guesses his neighbors like the fact we brought down the neighborhood.
How often do I mention this? Like in the last couple of weeks? Zero times maybe?
At least a couple dozen times from your dumb ass. You’re almost as obsessed with this as you are with “butt” and “cum”.
Beloved by the 1920s progressives, fathers and mothers to today’s progressives; many of them populate the leftist pinheads known as HA Libtardos.
Why not? Start with Hollywood. At least some good Hollywood pictures would finally appear!
82 – Nice try moron. That’s a tired one you trot out everytime I speak the truth.
Faux NEWS broadcasts T & A and YOU WATCH IT when you get your right wing bullshit mental programming.
There you go, acting like a Nigger now, you sucking down some water mellon as we speak?
Puddy wants to prove that everything previously discussed by Puddy can be proven from your “database of PuddyMissives”. So you decided to give it up since Puddy proved you are a chronological idiot? How is that Mike Webb dying a year later after your supposed “dancing on his grave commentary” treating you fool?
BTW Gman, Puddy already placed on HA Libtardos my abject disgust for the ylb arschloch. Did you forget already?
Puddy knew you’d enter the headless & rujax racist zone.
How progressive of you! Speaking out your ylb arschloch now!
Just a matter of time Puddy can always get those progressives to demonstrate their true racist colors. Gotta love them peeps you hang with ROTCODDAM!
You seem to eat it up with you left eye of filth! You produce it on cue. What a Pavlov’s Doggie.
Freud would disagree with you on that one. For you to think it means somehow deep in that cranial orifice you hold those thoughts.
And…. why do gays equate their struggle to the black struggle. Someone you hold dearly to your “heart” Jesse The Extortionist Jackson has said don’t equate the two Gman…
“In my culture, marriage is a man-woman relationship.” – Jesse Jackson
“The comparison with slavery is a stretch in that some slave masters were gay, in that gays were never called three-fifths human in the Constitution and in that they did not require the Voting Rights Act to have the right to vote.” – Jesse Jackson
Butt then Jackson doesn’t have much street cred since he did father a child by Karen Stanford while telling the world to “Stay out of the Bushes”.
Remember Jesse extorts money from corporations then drops the law suit. – Great book!
Hey ylb arschloch…
It’s your side that like to support cum in butt so Puddy is just using terms you can relate with.
79 – The judge ruled on a point of law. The parents probably mis-interpreted the law.
If enough parents thinks the law should be changed. Fine! If they think the judge is wrong, they can appeal!
Such a moronic idiot!
Oh your religion thinks it’s so immoral that same sex people kiss! Nice try idiot. You have all the freedom in the world to be an ignorant dumbass and even abuse your kids with thoughts that being gay is worse than “enhanced interrogation” or burdening your kids with the debt of stupid wars.
How did such a fiend like you come to be?
91 – What happened to swiss-cheese hole filled bubble memory moron?
I get the CHEAP cable – I don’t watch that filth!
Who needs it excepts dumbasses like YOU!
I’m for freedom asshole.
Look what your side supports:
Except in too many cases it’s non-consensual, i.e. FORCED.
G-man called you right fiend. You and your kind are driven to be like mini Hitlers always desiring to impose your twisted desires and mentalities on others.
Heh. Hardly.. Obsess some more fool. You can’t help yourself. It’s in your nature..
And always remember you’re your own worst enemy.
Miserable tool.
Thou shall not Kill. Oh, just kidding. It is more important that gays shouldn’t marry.
Likme 20:13
“Roger Rabbit spews:
@38 “Milk Chocolate Messiah”
Convince me this isn’t racist, you pig.”
You have me confused with somebody who gives a shit what you think. Your opinion is irrelevant.
The law as you put it is exactly what Puddy is discussing over R-71. This is the next step in the act fool!
The law as you put it interferes with the parents rights to free religious expression. That’s what Puddy is discussing leftist tool!
Prove me wrong ylb arschloch!
Margaret Sanger was revered by Hillary Clinton just this year ya moron! You can find the post from your tctmgr fool!
Puddy knows you meant to say
You are free to use your arschloch anyway you want. We know your wife wears the pants in the ylb tribe.
Another useless web site from the ylb arschloch. Where did Puddy say he supported that?
You are an arschloch of a moron and an idiot ylb arschoch.
BTW you are a sexual deviant. Prove me wrong.
Why do you hate America ylb arschloch?
Busted ylb arschloch. That comment means you search Fox News on the ‘nets from your whackamole web site you love to drink the kook-aid from.
Thanks for the clarification!!!!!
Thou shall not commit Adultery. Just kidding, more important that gays shouldn’t marry.
Eatshit 32:09
@91 “Pavlov’s doggie”
@92 “Freud would disagree with you” “somehow deep in that cranial orifice”
Tee it up us, why don’t ya? Sigh! You wingnuts really shouldn’t bring psychology into these cesspool “conversations”. Well, unless you’re trying to kill us with laughter.
That shit comes to me asshole free of charge. A lot of through you right wing jerkoffs.
You just quoted a Faux News article about MA!
He’s a family values right wing Christian hypocrite who I’m sure votes straight Republican.
If he was running for office and said the magic words “lower taxes”, you’d vote for him in a heartbeat.
But I thought guys like that, according to you right wing asswipes, were holier than thou free of that sort of shit.
As you can see (yea right) by your 20 percenter status – that is hardly the case.
@78 Seems to me calling Pudnuts a “LIAR!” is redundant, repetitive, and unnecessarily repetitious. After all, that’s like saying it rains in Seattle in the winter — it’s common knowledge.
@70 I like you, too, Gman; so, when I gouge your eyes out, consider it a fight among friends.
Oh really Mr. “butt” and “cum”? Oh really Mr. “warm white sticky”? When have I ever talked that kind of shit here?
Such a lying, intellectually bankrupt, corrupt tool!
No one hates this country more than your kind. You’ve done more damage to this country than bin Laden could ever dream of.
@69 “I think the point was taken, because the idiot had no further comments.”
You’re pretty new here, so you still have illusions. The two shitheads you referred to ALWAYS have further comments, no matter how many times they’re beaten down.
Which leads some of us to suspect they’re mercenaries, i.e. hireling trolls who are paid by word count (e.g., 10 cents a word) to post brainless wingnut gibberish on this blog.
@69 (continued) There’s a guy named Kevin Carns on BIAW’s payroll (he makes about $90K a year) who has posted on HA under dozens of screen names. Goldy exposed him a couple years ago, but as far as I know, he’s still operating here and it’s very possible that several of the troll regulars here are actually Kevin typing away in the basement of the BIAW building in Olympia.
Paranoid BULLSHIT!!!
Dozens of whacko parents right now home-school their kids with or without laws like that. Some of them used to live right next door to me. That was an interesting experience. I’m glad my kids got to play with kids like that.
All because of the parents’ sick paranoia and their insecurities.
Ok. It’s their choice. I’m for freedom. But too bad for their kids. Better to see the world as it is sooner than later but better late than never. And too bad for them if they buy into their parents right wing madness for a lifetime.
@73 This comment demonstrates what a complete blockhead you are. God doesn’t hate anyone, jackass! The Bible, at most, condemns certain behaviors. But the Bible is very clear that God loves everyone, even the most sinful. Even grade-school Sunday School kids understand this; why don’t you? Stupid ass.
114 – I bet that homophobic asshole Lord Humongous was Carns.
Hatched from a rock @74 sez, “Many in the world today don’t want their children exposed to this. Has nothing to do with bigotry. It’s personal beliefs.”
Really, puddy? Then how do you explain people in Kansas getting worked up about gays getting married in Massachusetts? Or the Westboro Church loonies disrupting the funerals of straight soldiers to get TV airtime for their anti-gay messages?
Methinks if someone walks like a bigot, talks like a bigot, and smells like a bigot, he probably is a bigot.
@75 “In fact the US Constitution states the rulings of separation from church and state.”
People like pudwhacker don’t believe in the First Amendment, and if they can’t repeal it, they’ll ignore it.
@76 “Where does it say “The Constitution of the United States says “fags” (your word each time) can marry”?”
Where does it say in the Constitution that YOU can marry? Hey??
I’ll say it right now. That chimp and his puppetmasters Rove/Cheney that you voted for twice could only dream of damaging this country a tenth as much as Hitler and the NAZI did to Germany.
Progressives support freedom and progress! It’s YOUR KIND who are the fascists! For your kind it’s all about the stealing and corruption!
Miserable fiend!
Gman, do you see now what we’re dealing with here? The basic problem with this blog is the low quality of the trolls. HA’s trolls are dumber than rocks, which in turn makes troll-bashing a tedious chore.
@76 “When you implement laws which abridge my right to my religion like what has happened in MA, that is WRONG WRONG WRONG.”
Holy shit! That’s all I’ve got to say about this. Just “holy shit,” that’s all.
You see, Gman, that’s what we’re up against — fools who think giving other people rights takes away their rights. Puddy represents the mental defectives who, for centuries, have burned people at the stake for “heresy” (e.g., the earth orbits the sun, not the other way around) and hanged people for being “witches” (see, e.g., Hawthorne’s House of the Seven Gables), and so on. Although puddy, in person, is merely a silly little man (okay, he’s a silly BIG man), the problem is that when large numbers of these retards get together they form mobs that go out and kill people, sometimes large numbers of people. So, they have to be CONTROLLED. The best thing to do with the puddies of the world is put them in CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENTS where they can be stabilized and, preferably, kept away from society. This is why we used to have state mental hospitals. It all fell apart when they closed the state mental hospitals and released people like puddy back into society to save money. Puddy is a good example of why we need taxes.
@80 “Your freedom of religion doesn’t include imposing your religious views on others. Plain and simple.”
I’m tellin’ ya, Gman, you’re beating your head against a wall. They disagree with you on this. This is the corest of their core beliefs. That’s why liberals must arm.
How many times does Puddy have to tell you what Lee said?
Do you remember ylb arschloch?
@83 “So Puddy guesses he has caused home values to drop 16 years ago when he moved here.”
Yes, but not for the reason you alluded to. Your stupidity, not your race, ruined the neighborhood.
Roger Dumb Bunny pellets
You see people who are new to HA. This is Roger Dumb Bunny’s MO. He forgets and then tries to make new historical references
Thse parents lost their parental rights to the state Roger Dumb Bunny all for giving gays marriage rights!
Nuff SAID Sucka!
No where. Where does it say you can marry a rabbit? Yet you claim it here on HA. Must be the needle dick syndrome.
Butt heterosexual marriage predates the US Constitution.
Good try dumb bunny!
They supported Hitler and the abortion of black babies too. They still support the abortion of black babies. Idaho Planned Parenthood comes to mind.
Remember that fool!
@95 I’ve noticed that all the racy stuff on TV is on cable. You never see naked tits or asses on broadcast TV. As I’m too cheap to pay for ANY cable, I don’t get any porn or Fox in my burrow. If puddy’s kids watch porn on TV it’s his own damn fault — he’ll sacrifice his own kids in order to brainwash himself with Fox propaganda. Just unplug the cable, puddy, and you won’t have any problem from TV.
Then they got whiff of your schizophrenia, conservative at home and a flaming liberal in public and said we’re outta here!
@114 Interesting screen name. All these trolls see themselves as Swaggering Big Dicks. Bet they can’t even find it when they want to pee.
It comes to your ASSHole? Really? Free of charge? Wow, you have some interesting mailing list memberships and they know your ASSHole!!!!!
erratum: @114 should be @117
ylb arschloch, you get up and immediately run to the whackamole left-wing rant sites. It comes to you warm and sticky kook-aid.
Too bad if the truth explodes your mind!
136 – Stupes from the earliest days you’ve brought insane right wing shit here from the likes of Free Republic and places like that.
That American Stinker site is really looney tunes – really silly shit.
134 – the ASSHOLE is YOU fool.
130 – Show me someone living today (who isn’t paid by right wing bullshit purveyors) who calls himself or herself a progressive and supports that shit.
You won’t find any.
We’re for progress and freedom period. We’re for smart policies instead of evil dumbass policies like the moronic idiocies of John Bolton. We’re even for the freedom of dumbasses like you! Be an idiot! Go ahead be a dumbass.. It’s great entertainment sometimes when it isn’t depressing.
They got out because they were floundering in Seattle. People are smart here and they don’t take to right wing Christian propaganda shit. The pickings were easier for them in the ‘burbs. No end of fucked up right wing and gullible dumbasses out there.
Then Puddy left Free Republic for 93 straight days, while you couldn’t leave Kos for one day.
ylb arschloch, do you support planned parenthood?
Are you paid by any conservative organization? You answered your own question moron!
Proves how leftist Seattle really is.
Projecting your mailing list on Puddy? Not hardly!
143 – YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE PERIOD. What mailing list? Just another one of your dumbass fantasies.
Damn you’re a miserable fiend.
140 – Another stupid fantasy. For years I’ve asked where I agreed to your dumbass contest and for years you’ve crowed that bullshit. It sure does suck to be an insane fool like you!
141 – Damn right I support Planned Parenthood. You see them holding a gun to anyone’s head? If you don’t agree with their services – don’t use them. Why are you so opposed to freedom? What a miserable little dictator.
142 – Nope. It proves how dumbass they were. So they left to be with their own kind. Fine. I don’t have a problem with that. To each his own. Just don’t impose YOUR shit on me!
All that shit about Hillary supporting eugenics or anyone progressive supporting that is the most DUMBASS shit I’ve ever heard!
But you have nothing to say about this:
That’s the “free market”. Golden Rule huh?
@142 “Proves how leftist Seattle really is.”
Good for us! Thank God our beloved Seattle isn’t a bastion of wingnut tomfoolery. Let Seattle be Seattle, and let Texas be Texas.
Speaking of which, my comments that Goldy deleted from his latest thread (for alleged off-topic offenses) have to do with (a) Dallas cops ticketing motorists for not speaking English, and (b) San Jose cops tasering a guy and beating the shit out of him with metal bats for not speaking English.
@128 Why shouldn’t gays have marital rights? How does that affect you? It doesn’t. You’re so stupid you think other people having rights somehow diminishes your own rights. Coming for you, that’s very strange, because that was the exact mindset of southern segregationists who murdered people of your race simply for wanting the same rights everyone else had.
@129 The Constitution doesn’t have anything to do with rabbits. It was written for humans. Rabbits live under the Law of the Jungle. A male rabbit’s job is to fuck as many cute fluffy female bunnies as he can to make sure the world doesn’t run out of rabbits.
What a miserable fool! How about white babies? Green? Purple? Red? Yellow?
You’re really strange when it comes to skin color.
And you still think there’s some kind of conspiracy about killing black kids? I’ve asked you to show me evidence of anyone holding a gun to anyone’s head these days and to my knowledge you haven’t produced. I just showed you an insurance company putting an ultimatum to a woman – just recently. It’s your turn now.
You don’t like abortion? Fine – don’t have ’em.
But DON”T YOU impose your shit on anyone else.
@122 – hence my way of making comment, in lieu of debating as Darryl would wish….Darryl, just keep your fricken fingers away from the delete button.
@151 – Darryl, that is more of a wish than a command.
ylb arschloch farted
Puddy asked: ylb arschloch, do you support planned parenthood?
Therefore you failed again.
First you actually did something requested of a right-winger. EPIC FAIL Sucka!
Second, you admit to a progressive organization from the 1920s who have worshippers like you today fool. EPIC FAIL Sucka!
Trapped by his own arschloch!
You worry about them. Puddy worrying about how your kind cull my peeps all in the name of choice and freedom. Every day we as black peeps lose political clout because of this “progressive” activity. The charlatans Sharpton and Jackson are too stupid to see this!
67. proud leftist spews:
Could you please provide a comparison of MadKow’s ratings vs. O’Reilly, Beck & Hannity??
She is screaming in the wilderness.
@155 Uh, how has the ideology peddled by O’Reilly, Beck & Hannity been prospering lately?
Obama is in political trouble because he’s too damned conservative. The country, especially the young voters who gave him his victory margin, are way ahead of him on health care, Guantanamo, Iraq, and a host of other issues.
29 RR
It should be noted as well that the public option is a government administered program that is financed by customer premiums.
128 Pud
You claim that your unsourced quote “… a judge dismissed a federal lawsuit brought by two sets of parents…” etc., somehow means that, in your words (spelling corrected): ”
Those parents lost their parental rights to the state…”
Really? What case was this? Who were the defendants and plaintiffs? On what basis whas the case dismissed:
– Were the plaintiffs found to have no standing to sue?
– Was there not sufficient evidence presented by the plaintiffs that would lead the judge to allow the case to go to trial?
– Was it not a suitable case under existing fdederal law (since in your quote it is apparently a state law that is in question)? Heck, if it was regarding a violation of state law, why were they in federal court?
If these people had no legal right to bring suit, how can you assert that their “parental rights” were “lost?” And if their lack of standing and/or lack of evidence is irrelevant to your definition of “parental rights” and what it meas to “lose” whatever you deem to be their rights, then why do you bring up the case? I mean, besides the mere fact that Fox News “reported” it.
Abortion is safe, legal, rare, and completely voluntary.