I didn’t sleep well last night. I had nightmares of Ted Van Dyk.
Right on, right on, right on!
God save us all if she gets into office.
Vote Dow Constantine!
Goldy, I heard on NPR yesterday that the bigots (R-71) had filed in Fed Court to exempt them from campaign finance to accept money up to $5000 and keep the identity of the donors secret!
I haven’t been able to find anything elswhere.
WTF?! (over)
Comment @4 to Mr. Rabbit as well (in his capacity as Legal Bunny…). Have you heard anything, Roger, sir?
Here it is:
“Referendum 71 foes sue to raise donation limits
Apparently emboldened by recent legal victories — including a case being considered by the U.S. Supreme Court — groups opposed to Washington’s domestic-partnership law and working to defeat Referendum 71 are suing again in federal court, this time to lift the state’s limits on campaign contributions…”
“…The laws also require campaigns to disclose names and addresses of those who donate more than $25. Those contributing more than $100 must also include their employers’ names and addresses, as well as their occupations. The suit seeks to keep all that information from being disclosed.
The group acknowledges that there are substantial contributions the campaign wants to accept but can’t because of the limits…”
I just bet there’s bunch of Mormon money waiting to drop.
And the worst thing is, they can do it while the court fucks with it and live with the fall out later?
Fucking bigots…
Re 7
Given the fact that one blog publicly stated it wanted the names to do harm to the supporters I don’t think the request unreasonable.
The best environment to raise children in, proven frequently by studies, is a heterosexual family where both parents are present. I’m confused as to why the welfare of children is so unimportant to liberals that they can’t see a legitimate government function in supporting families so constituted. Particularly when they can see legitimate government function absolutely everywhere else.
I suppose ‘bigots’ is your way of saying I disagree and can’t do so rationally, so I’ll revert to insults.
Have a nice day.
There are laws for harm. You bigots are not much better than cockroaches that scurry from the light.
Ridicule, protest, educating consumers on who the bigots are and where dollars are spent, etc. are NOT harm.
Cite the studies and their sponsors, you bigoted, loathsome, asshole, or STFU
Typical winger/fundy= “it has been reported…” and “numerous studies prove…..”
At least Puddy uses citations (so we can laugh at the sources)
Given the fact that one blog publicly stated it wanted the names to do harm to the supporters I don’t think the request unreasonable.
You of the Reich didn’t seem to mind when it is us on the left having their names and addresses posted online along with hints of what actions to take against us. So why should we car? Besides, I’d like to know which of my neighbors are gay bashing bigots.
You’ll notice that I’m answering the content, not the insult. This is called logical discourse.
The harm to which I refer was physical and the basis for the request in court. Regarding merely social or possible economic repercussions you’re absolutely right. If I believe something strongly enough I should have the courage of my convictions to state it openly. And, though this goes against everything liberals believe, I should be willing to accept the consequences.
Protecting families is only bigotry from your perspective, to which you have a right. What you don’t have a right to do is force your perspective on taxpaying citizens, anymore than I do.
The best environment to raise children in, proven frequently by studies, is a heterosexual family where both parents are present.
I know, I know! Glen Beck told you this. Why, he never lies.
What you don’t have a right to do is force your perspective on taxpaying citizens, anymore than I do.
You mean like how you forced your wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on us? Yeah, right.
What you don’t have a right to do is force your perspective on taxpaying citizens, anymore than I do.
You mean like how you forced your “health care system” on us? Yeah, right.
Re 10
The substance of this is ‘I hate anyone who disagrees with me. I hate them a lot.’ Good for you, if you have the time and energy. I don’t, but then I’ve got a job, a family, hobbies and friends. You know, a life outside politics.
Re 11
“You of the Reich didn’t seem to mind when it is us on the left having their names and addresses posted online along with hints of what actions to take against us.” I have no idea to what this refers. Apart from the always popular Nazi, bigot or rascist to denigrate that with which you disagree I can’t therefore comment.
45000 American citizens a year die because of the health care you are forcing on us.
That is 123 citizens a day.
That is another 9/11 attack on America every 22 days.
Fuck you
Re 17
This is a made up number liberals love. No-one needing primary care in this country doesn’t get it. It is illegal to deny needed care to a patient at a hospital. Just go to the emergency room some night if you don’t believe me. For every paying patient there are 3 layabouts who won’t pay the bill. Their kid has a cough so he has to go to the doctor right now. What the hell, they’re not paying for, I am.
Read the posts. I didn’t support the Iraq war. I don’t hold the childish belief that pulling our troops out tomorrow is a net benefit for the Iraqi people, but then I’m not a leftist freed of logic and rational thought. I didn’t force a health care system on you, you’re trying to force one on me. Just so you know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Port of Seattle Endorses I-1033
Well, not explicitly, but that’s what they’re doing by seeking a tax increase when every other public entity is cutting budgets and laying off staff.
This is enough to piss off even diehard I-1033 opponents:
“The Port of Seattle Commission is considering whether to increase the rate it taxes King County property owners by 13.2 percent next year to maintain its existing levy of $75.9 million. … The drop in property values and [lack of] new construction means the Port would collect $67 million if the current rate remains unchanged. … The current tax rate is 19.7 cents per $1,000 of assessed value. The commission debated Tuesday whether to raise it to 22.3 cents.
“Commission members said they will need money in reserve for environmental costs … [but] Fred Felleman, a consultant for Friends of the Earth, … questioned [what] should fall within the public levy [or] should be paid for by industry users, to avoid giving them a subsidy.”
In the comment thread under the article, a poster calling himself “Eastside Dem” said,
“The source of waste? Corporate insiders who want to pad their profit margins and use their buddies on the Port Commission to do it. Corporations like SSA-Marine, Holland America, Cruise Terminals of America, and Wal-mart.
“No wonder Holland America sent out an email http://slog.thestranger.com/sl.....22/today-i yesterday telling employees to vote for Doud and Albro. Holland America wants to protect its control on the Port Commission.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s hard to conceive of a more arrogant bunch than the corporate lackeys on the Seattle Port Commission who for years have fattened their corporate buddies’ profits by dipping into King County taxpayers’ pockets.
The Port of Seattle is the ultimate example of a public entity that has been taken over by corporate interests to wholly serve their self-interest at the expense of the general public.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to vote for I-1033, despite the Port Commission’s latest shenanigans. My preferred solution is to disband POS and transfer its functions to the county. But if that’s not possible, then I think the whole Port should be taken out, lined up against a runway berm, and shot.
No, I’m not advocating shooting the commissioners, the managers, or the staff (even though they may deserve some sort of drastic personnel action). I’m only suggesting shooting the Port itself. Just round up the whole thing — docks, cranes, terminals, runways, conference rooms, Italian furniture, fancy desks, etc. — and SHOOT IT. Bang! bang! bang! No more Port of Seattle. And as the port managers and employees won’t have anything to do after the Port has been shot, they can be laid off. All of them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
By the way, you now know who NOT to vote for in this fall’s contested port commission races — DOUD (who is running a vicious smear campaign against Ron Holland) and ALBRO.
Remember when you mark your ballots: Do not vote for DOUD or ALBRO!!!
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. Ekim spews:
You of the Reich didn’t seem to mind when it is us on the left having their names and addresses posted online along with hints of what actions to take against us.
Maybe someone learned from the death threats to prop 8 donors and decided to keep names private for their safety.
Besides, I’d like to know which of my neighbors are gay bashing bigots.
In that case, let me help you out.
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM http://horsesass.org/?p=15786&.....ent-916253
In fact, not one of these “progressive” cities even reaches the national average for African American percentage population in its core county. Perhaps not progressiveness but whiteness is the defining characteristic of the group.
The progressive paragon of Portland is the whitest on the list, with an African American population less than half the national average. It is America’s ultimate White City.
Queen Marvie @26
You think 6.2% black = 93.8% white.
You so funny.
Real answer is white = 69%.
But then you never let reality intrude on your brain.
24. X’ad spews:
Pissy little Marvin posts, in part, the question:
Good to see you back sweetheart. You’ve been thinking of me I’m sure. Hell, you even admit it in this message that you will be thinking of me while dodging coconuts. I’m flattered that even when you’re thousands of miles away you will still be thinking of me.
Do you feel steve belittled me?
It’s not possible to belittle you.
Good one. I always did like women with a quick wit and sharp tongue.
Your drivel will give me a good laugh while I’m dodging falling coconuts, loser.
Thank you, that’s nice of you to say. That you’re going to be thinking of me while you’re on a beach enjoying life.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
17. Ekim spews: 45000 American citizens a year die because of the health care you are forcing on us. That is 123 citizens a day. That is another 9/11 attack on America every 22 days. Fuck you
More human babies die from abortion every day, every week, every month, every year.
So to take your last two words……
Fuck you
See ya!
proud leftistspews:
Suzie Hutchison: Manchurian candidate if there ever was one.
Puddy at 29–
In 2006, there were 24,631 aborted babies killed by Doctors….IN WASHINGTON STATE ALONE!!
In the US, it was 723,524
Godless Heathens like Ekim revel in this number like it’s some kind of badge of Progressivism Honor. The more Abortions, the more Progressives lap it up.
Good job of slappin’ down the evil, hellbound Atheist Puddy.
Butt Putty, the Hershey Highway expert @29
Never said I favored abortion.
So fuck you back. No wait. I don’t swing that way.
So go fuck your Billy goat. He misses you.
Montana sheep fucker @33
Why do you hate real Americans?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama’s Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels….err, David Axelrod gets bitch-slapped by other networks for trying to exclude FoxNews!!
The absolute arrogance of Axelrod/Emmanual/Obama in their Chicago-style corrupt, morally/ethically bankrupt politics will NEVER live this one down.
Fox ratings keep rising.
The others are dying.
Can you believe this would happen in America??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
35. Ekim spews:
Montana sheep fucker @33
Why do you hate real Americans?
The bigger question based on statistics provided is WHY DOES EKIM LOVE TO SEE BABIES MURDERED soooooooo often??
@21 Marvin sez: “Do you feel steve belittled me?”
Why bother? The stupid goatfucker’s quite capable of belittling himself.
38. Steve spews:
Has all that goatfucking has dumbed you down, Marvin?
06/09/2009 at 2:25 pm
39. Marvin Stamn spews:
Yup, dumbed me down.
06/09/2009 at 3:11 pm http://horsesass.org/?p=16759
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 “Just not the change you hoped for.”
In fact, it IS the change we hoped for:
1. Obama is extricating U.S. troops from Iraq; this will take time, but he’s moving in the right direction;
2. Obama is addressing the war in Afghanistan, which Bush/GOP neglected for 7 years;
3. Obama stopped the illegal and immoral torture of innocent detainees by Bush/GOP;
4. Obama is repairing valuable relationships with foreign allies that Bush/GOP gratuitously and pointlessly trashed;
5. Obama is taking effective action to delay Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons;
6. Obama pulled the U.S. and global economies out of the wild tailspin that Bush/GOP policies put them in;
7. Obama, after 30 years of neglect by Republicans, is trying to do something about health care costs spiraling out of control and increasingly abusive insurance company practices, which 3/4ths of Americans say is extremely important to them and which GOPers are doing everything in their power to obstruct;
8. Obama is re-regulating the out-of-control banking and “shadow” banking industries that brought down the entire economy;
9. Obama is creating a badly-needed federal Consumer Protection Agency to protect hard-working American families from business fraud;
10. Obama is putting a raft of federal agencies and offices, from prosecutors to the EPA, back into responsible hands after years of destructive Bush/GOP partisanship.
Yes, this is the change we hoped for, and Obama is delivering it. Don’t like it? Eat shit, you America-hating fascist hugger.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “Do you feel steve belittled me?”
No, because you are in fact a worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit, so Steve is merely a reporter stating facts.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 I won’t “exclude” Fox News from briefings. I would pick them up by the belt and scruff, carry them out, and deposit them in the dumpster back in the alley, to be hauled away with the rest of the trash.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Man I love this new president who can give as well as get with these fucking righties who think they own the whole fucking universe and can do as they fucking please to anyone anywhere anytime. I’ve waited a long time for this. You go, Obama! Asskick those motherfuckers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why The Rich Should Pay More Taxes
“Two-thirds of all the income gains from the years 2002 to 2007 — two-thirds! — went to the top 1 percent of Americans.
“We cannot continue transferring the nation’s wealth to those at the apex of the economic pyramid — which is what we have been doing for the past three decades or so — while hoping that someday, maybe, the benefits of that transfer will trickle down in the form of steady employment and improved living standards for the many millions of families struggling to make it from day to day.
“That money is never going to trickle down. It’s a fairy tale. We’re crazy to continue believing it.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Those of you who believed it, were crazy to believe it in the first place. Of course, I never did.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Balter Trashes Eyman
The GOP Campaign Flyer’s Joni Balter has had it up to here with Tim Eyman and his surreal populism:
“Professional initiative operative Tim Eyman is seriously past his pull date. …
“If Eyman has been successful the past decade … there should be a moment when his work is done. … [T]hat moment is now. …
“Government, especially at the county level, is not gorging itself on Twinkies … governments are doing less …. Fewer college enrollment slots. Larger K-12 class sizes. Parks shuttering. Animal services begone.
“Eyman’s timing is off. … With the Howard Hanson Dam ready to flood South King County, do people really feel they can get along with less county government? A flu pandemic? Who ya going to call? … Ask yourself. Do you want to reduce police response times? …
“If I-1033 passes, … in less than 10 years our state would become 50th — dead last — in tax revenues, with all the who-wants-to-be-the-lamest, least-admired-state implications that offers. … The umpteenth iteration of Eyman takes us downward — to places we don’t want to go.”
38. Steve spews:
@21 Marvin sez: “Do you feel steve belittled me?”
Why bother?
But you did bother. Wasn’t it you that wrote “Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you”
Good one steve. Yeah, why bother.
All that goatfucking dumbed you down, Marvin? Isn’t that what you said?
38. Steve spews:
Has all that goatfucking has dumbed you down, Marvin?
06/09/2009 at 2:25 pm
39. Marvin Stamn spews:
Yup, dumbed me down.
06/09/2009 at 3:11 pm http://horsesass.org/?p=16759
Yup, that’s what you said, alright. Dumbed down from too much goatfucking.
It looks like the self-loathing Marvin is still crying because he got called a faggot.
29. Mark The Redneck spews:
Doc Bong – What is it with you butt fuckers that makes you think we’re AFRAID of fags? I assume you know that the suffix “phobe” means “fear of”. We aren’t afraid of them. We just think they’re wackos.
But as usual… you resort to name calling when you can’t win the intellectual argument.
Fucking idiot…
03/07/2006 at 9:33 pm
Odd, the self-loathing goatfucker cries when he’s called a faggot, but when wingnuts attack gays and call them faggots ol’ Marvin never sheds a tear, never utters a word in protest. Hmm, I wonder why?
proud leftistspews:
My dear fellow HAers, after an extended hiatus attributable mainly to a really wicked blackout on the part of a principal, enough of the cats who compose the Goat Academy have been herded together that we can announce that we have a Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat) to give out this week. Members of the Academy would like to apologize to our trolls for the long lapse between awards. Our trolls have been out there competing day in and day out, their knuckles bared, leaving nothing on the field, yet the end of the week comes and no recognition is forthcoming. Sorry, trolls. I know that forgiveness is not something that comes easily to you, and that judging and damning the failings of others provide far more satisfaction, but please find it in your hearts to forgive just this time.
Because of the time that has elapsed since the Goat was last given, it might be helpful to again set out the criteria which a number of HAers have identified in the past as instructive to picking a winner. Examples of such criteria include: abhorrence of logic; failure to think beyond the simplistic (classic troll example: it is cold today, so global warming is a hoax); interchangeably using both “socialist” and “fascist” to describe anything that Obama might do; failure to recognize either humor or sarcasm; obliviousness to how stupid one appears; failure to examine one’s own sources or misinterpretation of such sources; frothy love for Glenn Beck; the inability to lace two sentences together and treating rules of grammar and punctuation like hostile forces; rambling incoherence; refusal to condemn anyone on the same side no matter how ridiculous or offensive the position espoused; failure to recognize that the GOP got its ass kicked in November; recognition of Sarah Pain as an intellectual; volume of nonsense spewed; and, simply, never adding anything of value to the discourse. Again, however, remember that while such criteria are helpful and lend some objectivity to the selection process, ultimately the determining factor is more intuitive—to paraphrase Justice Potter Stewart’s definition of pornography, we know true trollness when we see it.
The competition among our trolls has really heated up over the past couple months. Nonsense has been spewing from wingnuttia like a case of chronic explosive diarrhea. The spew drips from the walls of all halls of government, indeed from the walls of any public place where trolls might congregate. (Helpful hint: those swine flu masks that seem to be around everywhere now are effective in blocking out troll odor.) Moreover, the blogosphere needs virtual bleach to cleanse threads from the vileness of the troll excrement that seems to be everywhere. Trolls seem really lathered up at the moment, God bless them.
Many of our favorite old veteran trolls have been in the heart of the scrum, including all the two-time Goat winners—Puddy, Cynical, and Little Ricky Dumbass/Empty Suit Obama. Age hasn’t taken away those old boys’ ability to play. Man, they are just an inspiration. They have been knocked down and used as asswipe for liberals so often, but they just don’t give up. And, we see a couple other past winners still elbowing their way to the bullshit bar—manoftruth and Troll. We thank them for their ongoing devotion to the cause of spreading the Gospel of Limbaugh Lunacy. Thankfully, we’re are also seeing plenty of new players eagerly willing to muck it up—lostinaseaofblue and Lord Humongous come to mind. Lads, I think you’ve got game and I think you have a bright future ahead of you, so don’t be discouraged by the high level of the competition in which you’re engaged. Just keep singing from the same songbook, and, remember, the more fact-averse your claim, the more off-tune and loudly you should sing. New blood provides the heartening confirmation that our competition will continue to provide us with its special brand of amusement.
Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter. In reviewing the Goat archives, the Academy uncovered a shocking injustice. Perhaps the alcoholic fog that perpetually hangs over the Academy’s proceedings caused this very unfortunate oversight. This week’s winner has been one of HA’s most devoted and loyal trolls, and he’s been with us for years. He can do battle against the obvious with the best. He can pridefully extol nonsense and never experience any self-doubt. He can fling the arrows of wingnuttia with abandon, never feeling any shame when those arrows not only miss the target, but turn course and fly up his ass. Ah, just thinking about this troll’s wonderful contributions to this blog over the years warms my leftist heart. But, enough of this. We have an honor to bestow.
And, the Goat goes to—
Marvie. Marvie, I am so sorry for your belated award. You have fought so hard, so consistently, so passionately, yet nothing. Well, today, Marvie, is your day. You are a winner. Celebrate. Go pop a Cialis and find yourself a nice place on the internet to enjoy yourself. Go for it, man. All of those gigs you want but don’t get, all the bands you’ve been kicked out of, all the auditions that have led to form letters—that’s all in the past, because today, you, Marvin Stamn, have joined the illustrious pantheon of Golden Goat winners. Go out to the street and yell it out: “I, Marvie, have won the Golden Goat.”
steve spews:
Odd, the self-loathing goatfucker cries when he’s called a faggot, but when wingnuts attack gays and call them faggots
So sorry steve, I did not know you were gay.
My sincere apologies.
PS–It must be liberating for you to come out of the kloset.
I’m sure your Yacht Klub and Kountry Klub buddies will be thrilled.
It’s fun to stay at the Y..M..C..A!!, right steve??
Congratulations to Marvin for winning the Golden Goat. As dumbed down as he is from fucking goats, I wasn’t sure if he’d ever pull it off.
38. Steve spews:
Has all that goatfucking has dumbed you down, Marvin?
06/09/2009 at 2:25 pm
39. Marvin Stamn spews:
Yup, dumbed me down.
06/09/2009 at 3:11 pm http://horsesass.org/?p=16759
I do admit, however, that my latest vote was for Pudge, another wingnut who’s never won the Goat. His mangling of corporatism, hanging it solely on Democrats, and using this to label Dems as fascists, was classic wingnuttia in action.
That said, way to go, Marvin.
“kloset” “Yacht Klub and Kountry Klub”
How klever of you. Is that a Mr. Klynical impersonation? Sigh! You’ll have to do quite a bit better than that if you ever hope to win a Goat of your own.
proud leftistspews:
Steve @ 50
Given his show business background, I anticipate a very gracious and emotional thank you speech from Marvin. I expect he’s gathering his wits about him right now.
Marvin Stamnspews:
48. proud leftist spews:
And, the Goat goes to—
Marvie. Marvie,
I called the bank and they said you didn’t have enough in your account to cover the award.
I had the trophy appraised. Gold spray paint.
Thanks, but no thanks. Take your trinkets back to the sunday afternoon swap-meet.
Siteline has a report up about cost overruns in Seattle tunneling projects.
I had hoped it would be Stupes by this time and Marvelous Marv in a much earlier award. If we’d held out on Stupes for this long he would have been driven to heights of batshit insanity the likes that have never been seen or will ever bee seen. Not that he hasn’t been there already.
Congrats Marv. Better late than never.
That homophobic right wing craphead Humongous is a very strong candidate for the next award.
I think that Marvin could be a wee bit more grateful. After all, not every crazed wingnut who shows up here wins a Goat.
Well, we can’t say al Sheik Marvin is a loser any more.
YEA! Marvie.
Nowy you’re a full-blown winner weiner.
@48: “…frothy love for Glenn Beck,..” Goatorum?
Goatorum 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex with a goat.
There is no award to cover the vile crap you spew every day. Butt, Puddy did find a job you qualify for…
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Hey Marvin,
When Puddy “won” the faux gold goat, it was only brass sprayed on glass and was hollow. Puddy noticed a lips on the goat organ and it was empty. Puddy was told by Kitsap County Courthouse People the “goat” was filled with Steve’s Stupid Solution. Butt alas, someone drank it all. Some thought it was the dumb brick ylb arschloch as the smell preceded him, butt other thought it was ekim because the back of his pants had racing stipes. Anyway the award is in the garage because it wasn’t waterford crystal either but coke bottle glass.
Puddybud Remembers hatched from a rockspews:
Puddy will be bizarre against your certified idiot in diapers status any day of the week.
proud leftistspews:
Puddy was gracious both times he won the Goat. What goes with you? Hell, as a stage performer (supposedly), you must surely know that any publicity is good publicity. What gives, guy? Can’t you just say “I’m honored, I’d like to thank those who helped acquaint me with wingnuttia, and those who keep me focused–Puddy, Cynical, the Marks . . .”
got a job yet YLB? ya, I didnt think so….kinda hard to be employed when you dont even look for work…lazy mofo.
I bet wife’s eye is a wandering by now….
Marvin Stamnspews:
57. GBS spews:
Well, we can’t say al Sheik Marvin is a loser any more.
So, do you still believe I am Puddy?
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
08/12/2009 AT 2:34 PM http://horsesass.org/?p=18861&.....ent-936884
Right after I asked you for proof you disappeared.
I hope you haven’t lost the proof in your absence.
proud leftistspews:
You know what I missed? I didn’t recognize immediately when Rick D. changed to Empty Suit Obama. So, Little Ricky Dumbass and ESO got Golden Goats right in a row, without any recognition that they were one and the same. That hurts. If it helps, I never thought you were Puddy. You both have your own ways of spewing your lunacy.
Your friend,
proud leftist
homophobic low-life @ 66
Life is really a bowl of cherries for you, night after night spending your leisure hours here working on your hating skills.
News for you: I’m going to be laughing at you too.
proud leftistspews:
The Lord Humongous is a yet another sock puppet of one of our trolls, but I haven’t figured out which one. It seems to have a thing for you. Any ideas what it is?
70 – He’s a funny one to be sure. He claims to be NOT a Republican but he’s pretty far to the right and spews resentment and hate with the best of them.
His “style” doesn’t ring any bells for me. If he is a sockpuppet I can’t really say who he is.
proud leftistspews:
Hell, maybe it’s just the same old misogynistic, racist, anti-reason claptrap that I hear from our trolls that made me think it was one of ours. I hope it is a new troll. A new one to bash would be wonderful. The number of trolls in the general population has declined so much that endangered species classification is appropriate.
LOL! Loved it!
Vote Dow Constantine.
I didn’t sleep well last night. I had nightmares of Ted Van Dyk.
Right on, right on, right on!
God save us all if she gets into office.
Vote Dow Constantine!
Goldy, I heard on NPR yesterday that the bigots (R-71) had filed in Fed Court to exempt them from campaign finance to accept money up to $5000 and keep the identity of the donors secret!
I haven’t been able to find anything elswhere.
WTF?! (over)
Comment @4 to Mr. Rabbit as well (in his capacity as Legal Bunny…). Have you heard anything, Roger, sir?
Here it is:
“Referendum 71 foes sue to raise donation limits
Apparently emboldened by recent legal victories — including a case being considered by the U.S. Supreme Court — groups opposed to Washington’s domestic-partnership law and working to defeat Referendum 71 are suing again in federal court, this time to lift the state’s limits on campaign contributions…”
Sorry for the link to Frank’s rag, Goldy.
“…The laws also require campaigns to disclose names and addresses of those who donate more than $25. Those contributing more than $100 must also include their employers’ names and addresses, as well as their occupations. The suit seeks to keep all that information from being disclosed.
The group acknowledges that there are substantial contributions the campaign wants to accept but can’t because of the limits…”
I just bet there’s bunch of Mormon money waiting to drop.
And the worst thing is, they can do it while the court fucks with it and live with the fall out later?
Fucking bigots…
Re 7
Given the fact that one blog publicly stated it wanted the names to do harm to the supporters I don’t think the request unreasonable.
The best environment to raise children in, proven frequently by studies, is a heterosexual family where both parents are present. I’m confused as to why the welfare of children is so unimportant to liberals that they can’t see a legitimate government function in supporting families so constituted. Particularly when they can see legitimate government function absolutely everywhere else.
I suppose ‘bigots’ is your way of saying I disagree and can’t do so rationally, so I’ll revert to insults.
Have a nice day.
There are laws for harm. You bigots are not much better than cockroaches that scurry from the light.
Ridicule, protest, educating consumers on who the bigots are and where dollars are spent, etc. are NOT harm.
Cite the studies and their sponsors, you bigoted, loathsome, asshole, or STFU
Typical winger/fundy= “it has been reported…” and “numerous studies prove…..”
At least Puddy uses citations (so we can laugh at the sources)
You of the Reich didn’t seem to mind when it is us on the left having their names and addresses posted online along with hints of what actions to take against us. So why should we car? Besides, I’d like to know which of my neighbors are gay bashing bigots.
You’ll notice that I’m answering the content, not the insult. This is called logical discourse.
The harm to which I refer was physical and the basis for the request in court. Regarding merely social or possible economic repercussions you’re absolutely right. If I believe something strongly enough I should have the courage of my convictions to state it openly. And, though this goes against everything liberals believe, I should be willing to accept the consequences.
Protecting families is only bigotry from your perspective, to which you have a right. What you don’t have a right to do is force your perspective on taxpaying citizens, anymore than I do.
I know, I know! Glen Beck told you this. Why, he never lies.
You mean like how you forced your wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on us? Yeah, right.
You mean like how you forced your “health care system” on us? Yeah, right.
Re 10
The substance of this is ‘I hate anyone who disagrees with me. I hate them a lot.’ Good for you, if you have the time and energy. I don’t, but then I’ve got a job, a family, hobbies and friends. You know, a life outside politics.
Re 11
“You of the Reich didn’t seem to mind when it is us on the left having their names and addresses posted online along with hints of what actions to take against us.” I have no idea to what this refers. Apart from the always popular Nazi, bigot or rascist to denigrate that with which you disagree I can’t therefore comment.
45000 American citizens a year die because of the health care you are forcing on us.
That is 123 citizens a day.
That is another 9/11 attack on America every 22 days.
Fuck you
Re 17
This is a made up number liberals love. No-one needing primary care in this country doesn’t get it. It is illegal to deny needed care to a patient at a hospital. Just go to the emergency room some night if you don’t believe me. For every paying patient there are 3 layabouts who won’t pay the bill. Their kid has a cough so he has to go to the doctor right now. What the hell, they’re not paying for, I am.
Read the posts. I didn’t support the Iraq war. I don’t hold the childish belief that pulling our troops out tomorrow is a net benefit for the Iraqi people, but then I’m not a leftist freed of logic and rational thought. I didn’t force a health care system on you, you’re trying to force one on me. Just so you know.
Port of Seattle Endorses I-1033
Well, not explicitly, but that’s what they’re doing by seeking a tax increase when every other public entity is cutting budgets and laying off staff.
This is enough to piss off even diehard I-1033 opponents:
“The Port of Seattle Commission is considering whether to increase the rate it taxes King County property owners by 13.2 percent next year to maintain its existing levy of $75.9 million. … The drop in property values and [lack of] new construction means the Port would collect $67 million if the current rate remains unchanged. … The current tax rate is 19.7 cents per $1,000 of assessed value. The commission debated Tuesday whether to raise it to 22.3 cents.
“Commission members said they will need money in reserve for environmental costs … [but] Fred Felleman, a consultant for Friends of the Earth, … questioned [what] should fall within the public levy [or] should be paid for by industry users, to avoid giving them a subsidy.”
In the comment thread under the article, a poster calling himself “Eastside Dem” said,
“The source of waste? Corporate insiders who want to pad their profit margins and use their buddies on the Port Commission to do it. Corporations like SSA-Marine, Holland America, Cruise Terminals of America, and Wal-mart.
“No wonder Holland America sent out an email http://slog.thestranger.com/sl.....22/today-i yesterday telling employees to vote for Doud and Albro. Holland America wants to protect its control on the Port Commission.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s hard to conceive of a more arrogant bunch than the corporate lackeys on the Seattle Port Commission who for years have fattened their corporate buddies’ profits by dipping into King County taxpayers’ pockets.
The Port of Seattle is the ultimate example of a public entity that has been taken over by corporate interests to wholly serve their self-interest at the expense of the general public.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to vote for I-1033, despite the Port Commission’s latest shenanigans. My preferred solution is to disband POS and transfer its functions to the county. But if that’s not possible, then I think the whole Port should be taken out, lined up against a runway berm, and shot.
No, I’m not advocating shooting the commissioners, the managers, or the staff (even though they may deserve some sort of drastic personnel action). I’m only suggesting shooting the Port itself. Just round up the whole thing — docks, cranes, terminals, runways, conference rooms, Italian furniture, fancy desks, etc. — and SHOOT IT. Bang! bang! bang! No more Port of Seattle. And as the port managers and employees won’t have anything to do after the Port has been shot, they can be laid off. All of them.
By the way, you now know who NOT to vote for in this fall’s contested port commission races — DOUD (who is running a vicious smear campaign against Ron Holland) and ALBRO.
Remember when you mark your ballots: Do not vote for DOUD or ALBRO!!!
Maybe someone learned from the death threats to prop 8 donors and decided to keep names private for their safety.
In that case, let me help you out.
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Do you feel steve belittled me?
I’m all for helping others.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told CNSNews.com Wednesday that one in 10 doses of the swine-flu vaccine purchased by the U.S. will be donated to other nations before the U.S. demand for the vaccine is filled.
Those doses purchased by the “U.S.” was purchased by tax dollars. Shouldn’t tax dollars be spent first on people living in america?
New gallup poll numbers…
In Gallup Daily tracking that spans Barack Obama’s third quarter in office (July 20 through Oct. 19), the president averaged a 53% job approval rating. That is down sharply from his prior quarterly averages, which were both above 60%.
In fact, the 9-point drop in the most recent quarter is the largest Gallup has ever measured for an elected president between the second and third quarters of his term, dating back to 1953.
More generally, Obama’s 9-point slide between quarters ranks as one of the steepest for a president at any point in his first year in office.
That’s change.
Just not the change you hoped for.
Pissy little Marvin posts, in part, the question:
It’s not possible to belittle you.
Your drivel will give me a good laugh while I’m dodging falling coconuts, loser.
Queen Marvie @22
Too bad you didn’t think this way before Bush/Cheney committed us to a multi-trillion dollar mess in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I’ve pointed out before how progressive/non-black seattle is.
Go figure, other “progressive” cities have the same lack of african-americans.
But look closely at these exemplars and a curious fact emerges. If you take away the dominant Tier One cities like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles you will find that the “progressive” cities aren’t red or blue, but another color entirely: white.
In fact, not one of these “progressive” cities even reaches the national average for African American percentage population in its core county. Perhaps not progressiveness but whiteness is the defining characteristic of the group.
The progressive paragon of Portland is the whitest on the list, with an African American population less than half the national average. It is America’s ultimate White City.
Queen Marvie @26
You think 6.2% black = 93.8% white.
You so funny.
Real answer is white = 69%.
But then you never let reality intrude on your brain.
Seattle Demographics
Good to see you back sweetheart. You’ve been thinking of me I’m sure. Hell, you even admit it in this message that you will be thinking of me while dodging coconuts. I’m flattered that even when you’re thousands of miles away you will still be thinking of me.
Good one. I always did like women with a quick wit and sharp tongue.
Thank you, that’s nice of you to say. That you’re going to be thinking of me while you’re on a beach enjoying life.
More human babies die from abortion every day, every week, every month, every year.
So to take your last two words……
See ya!
Suzie Hutchison: Manchurian candidate if there ever was one.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Queen Marvie has Republican IQ of 150.
Puddy at 29–
In 2006, there were 24,631 aborted babies killed by Doctors….IN WASHINGTON STATE ALONE!!
In the US, it was 723,524
Godless Heathens like Ekim revel in this number like it’s some kind of badge of Progressivism Honor. The more Abortions, the more Progressives lap it up.
Good job of slappin’ down the evil, hellbound Atheist Puddy.
Butt Putty, the Hershey Highway expert @29
Never said I favored abortion.
So fuck you back. No wait. I don’t swing that way.
So go fuck your Billy goat. He misses you.
Montana sheep fucker @33
Why do you hate real Americans?
Obama’s Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels….err, David Axelrod gets bitch-slapped by other networks for trying to exclude FoxNews!!
The absolute arrogance of Axelrod/Emmanual/Obama in their Chicago-style corrupt, morally/ethically bankrupt politics will NEVER live this one down.
Fox ratings keep rising.
The others are dying.
read and weep folks–
Can you believe this would happen in America??
35. Ekim spews:
The bigger question based on statistics provided is WHY DOES EKIM LOVE TO SEE BABIES MURDERED soooooooo often??
@21 Marvin sez: “Do you feel steve belittled me?”
Why bother? The stupid goatfucker’s quite capable of belittling himself.
@23 “Just not the change you hoped for.”
In fact, it IS the change we hoped for:
1. Obama is extricating U.S. troops from Iraq; this will take time, but he’s moving in the right direction;
2. Obama is addressing the war in Afghanistan, which Bush/GOP neglected for 7 years;
3. Obama stopped the illegal and immoral torture of innocent detainees by Bush/GOP;
4. Obama is repairing valuable relationships with foreign allies that Bush/GOP gratuitously and pointlessly trashed;
5. Obama is taking effective action to delay Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons;
6. Obama pulled the U.S. and global economies out of the wild tailspin that Bush/GOP policies put them in;
7. Obama, after 30 years of neglect by Republicans, is trying to do something about health care costs spiraling out of control and increasingly abusive insurance company practices, which 3/4ths of Americans say is extremely important to them and which GOPers are doing everything in their power to obstruct;
8. Obama is re-regulating the out-of-control banking and “shadow” banking industries that brought down the entire economy;
9. Obama is creating a badly-needed federal Consumer Protection Agency to protect hard-working American families from business fraud;
10. Obama is putting a raft of federal agencies and offices, from prosecutors to the EPA, back into responsible hands after years of destructive Bush/GOP partisanship.
Yes, this is the change we hoped for, and Obama is delivering it. Don’t like it? Eat shit, you America-hating fascist hugger.
@21 “Do you feel steve belittled me?”
No, because you are in fact a worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit, so Steve is merely a reporter stating facts.
@36 I won’t “exclude” Fox News from briefings. I would pick them up by the belt and scruff, carry them out, and deposit them in the dumpster back in the alley, to be hauled away with the rest of the trash.
Man I love this new president who can give as well as get with these fucking righties who think they own the whole fucking universe and can do as they fucking please to anyone anywhere anytime. I’ve waited a long time for this. You go, Obama! Asskick those motherfuckers.
Why The Rich Should Pay More Taxes
“Two-thirds of all the income gains from the years 2002 to 2007 — two-thirds! — went to the top 1 percent of Americans.
“We cannot continue transferring the nation’s wealth to those at the apex of the economic pyramid — which is what we have been doing for the past three decades or so — while hoping that someday, maybe, the benefits of that transfer will trickle down in the form of steady employment and improved living standards for the many millions of families struggling to make it from day to day.
“That money is never going to trickle down. It’s a fairy tale. We’re crazy to continue believing it.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Those of you who believed it, were crazy to believe it in the first place. Of course, I never did.
Balter Trashes Eyman
The GOP Campaign Flyer’s Joni Balter has had it up to here with Tim Eyman and his surreal populism:
“Professional initiative operative Tim Eyman is seriously past his pull date. …
“If Eyman has been successful the past decade … there should be a moment when his work is done. … [T]hat moment is now. …
“Government, especially at the county level, is not gorging itself on Twinkies … governments are doing less …. Fewer college enrollment slots. Larger K-12 class sizes. Parks shuttering. Animal services begone.
“Eyman’s timing is off. … With the Howard Hanson Dam ready to flood South King County, do people really feel they can get along with less county government? A flu pandemic? Who ya going to call? … Ask yourself. Do you want to reduce police response times? …
“If I-1033 passes, … in less than 10 years our state would become 50th — dead last — in tax revenues, with all the who-wants-to-be-the-lamest, least-admired-state implications that offers. … The umpteenth iteration of Eyman takes us downward — to places we don’t want to go.”
Quoted under fair use; for entire article (which I encourage you to read), see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....oni22.html
But you did bother. Wasn’t it you that wrote “Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you”
Good one steve. Yeah, why bother.
All that goatfucking dumbed you down, Marvin? Isn’t that what you said?
Yup, that’s what you said, alright. Dumbed down from too much goatfucking.
It looks like the self-loathing Marvin is still crying because he got called a faggot.
Odd, the self-loathing goatfucker cries when he’s called a faggot, but when wingnuts attack gays and call them faggots ol’ Marvin never sheds a tear, never utters a word in protest. Hmm, I wonder why?
My dear fellow HAers, after an extended hiatus attributable mainly to a really wicked blackout on the part of a principal, enough of the cats who compose the Goat Academy have been herded together that we can announce that we have a Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat) to give out this week. Members of the Academy would like to apologize to our trolls for the long lapse between awards. Our trolls have been out there competing day in and day out, their knuckles bared, leaving nothing on the field, yet the end of the week comes and no recognition is forthcoming. Sorry, trolls. I know that forgiveness is not something that comes easily to you, and that judging and damning the failings of others provide far more satisfaction, but please find it in your hearts to forgive just this time.
Because of the time that has elapsed since the Goat was last given, it might be helpful to again set out the criteria which a number of HAers have identified in the past as instructive to picking a winner. Examples of such criteria include: abhorrence of logic; failure to think beyond the simplistic (classic troll example: it is cold today, so global warming is a hoax); interchangeably using both “socialist” and “fascist” to describe anything that Obama might do; failure to recognize either humor or sarcasm; obliviousness to how stupid one appears; failure to examine one’s own sources or misinterpretation of such sources; frothy love for Glenn Beck; the inability to lace two sentences together and treating rules of grammar and punctuation like hostile forces; rambling incoherence; refusal to condemn anyone on the same side no matter how ridiculous or offensive the position espoused; failure to recognize that the GOP got its ass kicked in November; recognition of Sarah Pain as an intellectual; volume of nonsense spewed; and, simply, never adding anything of value to the discourse. Again, however, remember that while such criteria are helpful and lend some objectivity to the selection process, ultimately the determining factor is more intuitive—to paraphrase Justice Potter Stewart’s definition of pornography, we know true trollness when we see it.
The competition among our trolls has really heated up over the past couple months. Nonsense has been spewing from wingnuttia like a case of chronic explosive diarrhea. The spew drips from the walls of all halls of government, indeed from the walls of any public place where trolls might congregate. (Helpful hint: those swine flu masks that seem to be around everywhere now are effective in blocking out troll odor.) Moreover, the blogosphere needs virtual bleach to cleanse threads from the vileness of the troll excrement that seems to be everywhere. Trolls seem really lathered up at the moment, God bless them.
Many of our favorite old veteran trolls have been in the heart of the scrum, including all the two-time Goat winners—Puddy, Cynical, and Little Ricky Dumbass/Empty Suit Obama. Age hasn’t taken away those old boys’ ability to play. Man, they are just an inspiration. They have been knocked down and used as asswipe for liberals so often, but they just don’t give up. And, we see a couple other past winners still elbowing their way to the bullshit bar—manoftruth and Troll. We thank them for their ongoing devotion to the cause of spreading the Gospel of Limbaugh Lunacy. Thankfully, we’re are also seeing plenty of new players eagerly willing to muck it up—lostinaseaofblue and Lord Humongous come to mind. Lads, I think you’ve got game and I think you have a bright future ahead of you, so don’t be discouraged by the high level of the competition in which you’re engaged. Just keep singing from the same songbook, and, remember, the more fact-averse your claim, the more off-tune and loudly you should sing. New blood provides the heartening confirmation that our competition will continue to provide us with its special brand of amusement.
Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter. In reviewing the Goat archives, the Academy uncovered a shocking injustice. Perhaps the alcoholic fog that perpetually hangs over the Academy’s proceedings caused this very unfortunate oversight. This week’s winner has been one of HA’s most devoted and loyal trolls, and he’s been with us for years. He can do battle against the obvious with the best. He can pridefully extol nonsense and never experience any self-doubt. He can fling the arrows of wingnuttia with abandon, never feeling any shame when those arrows not only miss the target, but turn course and fly up his ass. Ah, just thinking about this troll’s wonderful contributions to this blog over the years warms my leftist heart. But, enough of this. We have an honor to bestow.
And, the Goat goes to—
Marvie. Marvie, I am so sorry for your belated award. You have fought so hard, so consistently, so passionately, yet nothing. Well, today, Marvie, is your day. You are a winner. Celebrate. Go pop a Cialis and find yourself a nice place on the internet to enjoy yourself. Go for it, man. All of those gigs you want but don’t get, all the bands you’ve been kicked out of, all the auditions that have led to form letters—that’s all in the past, because today, you, Marvin Stamn, have joined the illustrious pantheon of Golden Goat winners. Go out to the street and yell it out: “I, Marvie, have won the Golden Goat.”
steve spews:
So sorry steve, I did not know you were gay.
My sincere apologies.
PS–It must be liberating for you to come out of the kloset.
I’m sure your Yacht Klub and Kountry Klub buddies will be thrilled.
It’s fun to stay at the Y..M..C..A!!, right steve??
Congratulations to Marvin for winning the Golden Goat. As dumbed down as he is from fucking goats, I wasn’t sure if he’d ever pull it off.
I do admit, however, that my latest vote was for Pudge, another wingnut who’s never won the Goat. His mangling of corporatism, hanging it solely on Democrats, and using this to label Dems as fascists, was classic wingnuttia in action.
That said, way to go, Marvin.
“kloset” “Yacht Klub and Kountry Klub”
How klever of you. Is that a Mr. Klynical impersonation? Sigh! You’ll have to do quite a bit better than that if you ever hope to win a Goat of your own.
Steve @ 50
Given his show business background, I anticipate a very gracious and emotional thank you speech from Marvin. I expect he’s gathering his wits about him right now.
I called the bank and they said you didn’t have enough in your account to cover the award.
I had the trophy appraised. Gold spray paint.
Thanks, but no thanks. Take your trinkets back to the sunday afternoon swap-meet.
Siteline has a report up about cost overruns in Seattle tunneling projects.
I had hoped it would be Stupes by this time and Marvelous Marv in a much earlier award. If we’d held out on Stupes for this long he would have been driven to heights of batshit insanity the likes that have never been seen or will ever bee seen. Not that he hasn’t been there already.
Congrats Marv. Better late than never.
That homophobic right wing craphead Humongous is a very strong candidate for the next award.
I think that Marvin could be a wee bit more grateful. After all, not every crazed wingnut who shows up here wins a Goat.
Well, we can’t say al Sheik Marvin is a loser any more.
YEA! Marvie.
Nowy you’re a full-blown
winnerweiner.@48: “…frothy love for Glenn Beck,..” Goatorum?
Goatorum 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex with a goat.
Here: http://www.spreadingsantorum.com/
I suppose that lube is probably not going to improve things from the goat’s POV, so we could leave that part out.
A simple thank you is not too much to ask, is it? Puddy said thanks, after all.
@48: I’d have thought the vote would be for PoundsPudWithARock for unsurpassed bizaareness. Marvie’s just a lowly cut n’ paster — meh.
Nevertheless… a hearty “ehehehehehehe…” (grabs throat between thumb and forefinger and makes guttural noise) to the newest goatfucker!
Moronic ylb arschloch@55,
There is no award to cover the vile crap you spew every day. Butt, Puddy did find a job you qualify for…
Hey Marvin,
When Puddy “won” the faux gold goat, it was only brass sprayed on glass and was hollow. Puddy noticed a lips on the goat organ and it was empty. Puddy was told by Kitsap County Courthouse People the “goat” was filled with Steve’s Stupid Solution. Butt alas, someone drank it all. Some thought it was the dumb brick ylb arschloch as the smell preceded him, butt other thought it was ekim because the back of his pants had racing stipes. Anyway the award is in the garage because it wasn’t waterford crystal either but coke bottle glass.
Puddy will be bizarre against your certified idiot in diapers status any day of the week.
Puddy was gracious both times he won the Goat. What goes with you? Hell, as a stage performer (supposedly), you must surely know that any publicity is good publicity. What gives, guy? Can’t you just say “I’m honored, I’d like to thank those who helped acquaint me with wingnuttia, and those who keep me focused–Puddy, Cynical, the Marks . . .”
61 – Just tellin’ the truth Stupes..
You’re a name calling fiend and water carrier for the degenerate right wing agenda.
You’re so out there on a limb… It’s gonna break off fool.
and I’ll be here to laugh at you when it does.
Because it couldn’t happen to a more deserving fiend.
got a job yet YLB? ya, I didnt think so….kinda hard to be employed when you dont even look for work…lazy mofo.
I bet wife’s eye is a wandering by now….
So, do you still believe I am Puddy?
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
08/12/2009 AT 2:34 PM
Right after I asked you for proof you disappeared.
I hope you haven’t lost the proof in your absence.
You know what I missed? I didn’t recognize immediately when Rick D. changed to Empty Suit Obama. So, Little Ricky Dumbass and ESO got Golden Goats right in a row, without any recognition that they were one and the same. That hurts. If it helps, I never thought you were Puddy. You both have your own ways of spewing your lunacy.
Your friend,
proud leftist
homophobic low-life @ 66
Life is really a bowl of cherries for you, night after night spending your leisure hours here working on your hating skills.
News for you: I’m going to be laughing at you too.
The Lord Humongous is a yet another sock puppet of one of our trolls, but I haven’t figured out which one. It seems to have a thing for you. Any ideas what it is?
70 – He’s a funny one to be sure. He claims to be NOT a Republican but he’s pretty far to the right and spews resentment and hate with the best of them.
His “style” doesn’t ring any bells for me. If he is a sockpuppet I can’t really say who he is.
Hell, maybe it’s just the same old misogynistic, racist, anti-reason claptrap that I hear from our trolls that made me think it was one of ours. I hope it is a new troll. A new one to bash would be wonderful. The number of trolls in the general population has declined so much that endangered species classification is appropriate.