Jeez Darryl, that Vitters vid is too funny! Thx for sharing.
..snort & giggle..
Has anyone posted this Huffington Post piece yet? The real source of Becks pseudo “tears” has come to light. Be sure to watch the video “Glenn Beck Crying on Cue” as he poses “tearfully” via Vicks VapoRub.
Dear dog have you even seen a man look repeatedly so stupid?
Puddy is on record for calling out Vitter’s actions. Ask Steve. But as the HA Leftists said when we who think right identified their politicos double dipping… it’s just sex.
As Puddy said before must be a slow politics day. Looks like Darryl had to find something to combat the David Letterman sexual exposé. You know, sexually fraternizing with subordinates. Did you HuffPo that coverage @2? Did you see how HuffPo performed their superb trademark blanket blog coverage, leaving no stone unturned when a lefty is caught in a sex scandal? Letterman’s audience that night loudly laughed and roared as he told his “story”, and then loudly clapped after he finished his explanation. Puddy is sure Dave’s hammering of his assistant Stephanie Birkitt was a “bizarre experience”. “Bizarre experience”. Those were Dave’s exact words. See the video yourself. But when it’s a lefty it’s just sex. Puddy is sure when Tim Mahoney was hammering Patricia Allen he was trying to create “a world that is safer, more moral.”
As ArtFart said last night:
Puddy’s shown up. Time to start another thread and leave him here wanking over his own reflection.
In this case it leftists wanking over their hypocrisy!
See ya hypocrites!
Another crusty, pudpullin’ diaper load of false equivalency.
Here’s some basic equivalency math for ya’: Asshat = Shithead.
Same shit. Different day.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Oh Darn Cynical… now that Chi-thugs will not get the Olympics we won’t see some artist placing “the whitey house messiah’s” head glowing in the five individual rings of the 2016 Olympic Banner.
“Chicago received only 18 first-round votes. Madrid was the leader after Round 1 with 28, followed by Rio de Janeiro with 26. In the final round, Rio beat Madrid 66-32.”
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
False equivalency Zotz?
Vitter’s sex scandal happened in 2007. Mahoney’s October 2008. Letterman’s 2009. Why did Puddy choose Letterman? Well he did go after Sarah Palin’s 14 year old daughter butt you forgot that too Zotz.
Tim Mahoney campaigned on this theme “a world that is safer, more moral.” President Clinton campaigned on Family Values in 1992 and 1996.
“Strong is hypocrisy in this one.” – Yoda
Figgers you’d use headless’ ASShat. Your bile@4 fits it perfectly.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy suggests you take a Poll. Ask how many HA Leftists contributed to charities helping the peeps in the Philippines flooding disaster. Start with Bruce. Puddy is sure he contributed.
A poem by Zotz
Pudpuller, pudpuller
he’s so bitter
slammin’ Dave L.
as if he were Vitter
Silly ol’ puddy
He’s such a shitter!
Blistered up choad
and crusty ol’ spitter
Ooooh! gasps puddy
diaper a’flitter
pullin’ his pud
and tweakin’ his titter
He’d screw his own mom!
But who’d be the sitter?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Typical liberal sexual crapola from Zotz
He’d screw his own mom!
Looks like another Oedipus complex.
8 – Too damn funny!
Ooooh! Pudpuller does Greek!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I expect these numbers to get WORSE as America digests the Olympic failure and Middle East stonewall with troops at risk–
Saturday, October 03, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 29% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -9.
Sixty-two percent (62%) now say that today’s children will not be better off than their parents.That pessimism is up sharply since January. Just 49% now believe the economy will be stronger in five years. That’s down from 64% at the beginning of the year.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Barack & Michelle’s “speeches” were sooooooo lame. It was all about THEM!
Arrogance extraordinaire!!
Funny about Obama’s face in one of the Olympic Rings. I’m sure he had dreams about it.
Of course obama was set up by Rush Limbaugh and the right-wing crazies on the Chicago fiasco.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Also, the misguided Obama’s with the help of THUG Dailey…stupidly emphasized crime-infested Chicago rather than America.
Too Damn Funny.
Plenty of campaign fodder for Republican’s in 2010 and 2012.
SJ Troll patrolspews:
@3 Puddy
Thought yuo might comment on the announcement of the earliest hominid.
Since i KNOW you read with great acumen, I assume you realize that this find cnfirms the biblical calim that a race of giants existed outside of Eden?
Obvioulsy this must be the kind of person Cain bred with (since incest wqas illegal under the dvine law of the time!).
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Great article about the impact of Obama’s Olympic failure. Obama thinks way more highly of himself than the rest of the world!!
The Obama’s actually believed they could secure the Olympics for the Chicago Mafia BECAUSE THE WORLD LOVES THEM!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Childhood Diseases Surge
Antigovernment ideology has spawned an anti-vaccination movement of parents who refuse to protect their kids against childhood diseases such as measles and whooping cough, which has led to a resurgence of those diseases, AOL News reports.
The attitude of those parents seems to be, if your kid has been vaccinated you have nothing to fear from my kid getting sick, the article says.
But public health officials are worried as more and more people take out their anti-science idiocy on their own children.
Thinks the summer olympics should be held in red territory .. you know like one f the A states?
Oh yeh, I hear the Alabama bid for was going to offer abstinence as a new olympic sport!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Unemployment closes in on 10%…but even that is a lowball misleading number.
What happened to the Obama/Biden PROMISES about Porkulous??
Borrow & Squander our way out of a recession.
Obama === Jimmy Carter
That will be the 2012 Election Mantra.
Kill the economy.
Weak on Defense.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Another great discussion of the nation’s pressing public issues from popcornhead …
@4 “Same shit. Different day.”
A trenchant summation of #3.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
No I don’t.
Is that all you can come up with to deflect from Obama’s failure??????????????
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hollywood LEFTIST FLAKES for Obama!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Very fine work! A professional job. I didn’t realize we had such a glowing literary talent among us. Excellent! I can’t wait for the movie to come out!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Oh yeah, Rio getting the 2016 Olympics is an issue for you guys to campaign on! You don’t have anything else.
@14 “Plenty of campaign fodder for Republican’s in 2010 and 2012.” Please keep telling yourself that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “announcement of the earliest hominid”
Science finally discovered you?
@24: ’tis my pleasure that you’re pleased, my esteemed Mr. Rabbit. But I must aver that I am aided by such a wealth of material!
SJ Troll patrolspews:
Puddy’s Gift
Here is a list of Phillipino Charities, which of these do you think the furr ball shared his largesses with?
# 1 Mission Society of the Philippines
# 2 Worldvision
# 3 Islamic Wisdom Worldwide Mission
# 4 Medecin sans Fronteirs
# 5 The Philippine Christian Foundation
# 6 WWF Global Climate Initiative
# 7 Salvation Army
# 8 Oxfam
# 9 SOS Children’s Villages in the Philippines
# 10 The Purple Rose Campaign
# 11 LDS Philanthropies Home
# 12 Philippine Children’s Fund of America
# 13 People’s Recovery Empowerment Development
# 14 Mission Society of the Philippines
# 15 Rainbow Youth
# 16 Buklod Center
# 17 Tebtebba Foundation in the Philippines
# 18 UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous People:
# 19 The United Nations Children’s Fund
# 20 Nagkakaisang Kababaihan ng Angeles(NAGKA)
# 21 Manila Philippines Temple
# 24 Bagong Kamalayan Collective, Inc. (BKCI)
# 25 Philippine Benevolent Missionaries Association
# 27 Tuloy Foundation
# 28 Lunduyan Foundation
# 29 World Food Program
# 30 Maharlika Charity Foundation
# 31 Visayan Forum
# 32 CPUC Central Philippines Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
# 33 Kabalikat ng Pamilyang Pilipino (Kabalikat)
# 34 Reproductive Health and Wellness Center
# 35 Give A Life Charity Foundation
# 36 Para Sa Bata Organization
# 37 Philippine Bible Society
# 38 Women Helping Women Centre in Angeles City
# 39 Stop Abuse of Minors Association, Inc. – SAMA
SJ Troll patrolspews:
Mr C
The Olympics Should not be in any state that beigns with A.
Hmmm .. does that include Buenes Aires
Didja here that the women’s sprints there will be bare breasted?
Heterosexuals are the downfall to society, raping, murdering and stealing. Pigs of the earth. It all boils down to this one thing. Scum of the Earth.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 30 ~ wow, a new first for HA. A homosexual fascist.
Roger Rabbitspews:
UW 7, Notre Dame 0
In early going, the Dawgs are making ND’s defense look downright porous.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
25. Roger Rabbit spews:
@12 Oh yeah, Rio getting the 2016 Olympics is an issue for you guys to campaign on! You don’t have anything else.
Certainly was Obama’s intent. which means he tried to get the Olympics to cover up for his incompetenet leadership thus far. If first impressions are lasting impressions, Obama is out on his sorry ass in November 2011 ala Jimmy “the jew hater” Carter.
I Just hope there’s something left of America when the dumbass is finally booted.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Let’s get something straight here. Letterman was an unmarried man and those were unmarried women, so what you refer to as a “sexual expose” was nothing more than what the rest of us call “dating.”
And yes, since the dating parties are a 60-something and 30-somethings adults, the dates might include sex. We’re not talking about 9th grade sock hops here.
As for Letterman being their employer, well, no sexual harassment has been alleged by the women and no lawsuits have been filed so I think it’s reasonable for the rest of us to assume the relationships were entirely mutual and consensual.
In short, puddy, there’s nothing to see here so just move along.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 “incompetenet leadership”
How so? If I call 3 roofing contractors to get bids on a roof repair, and hire 1, that makes the other 2 incompetent? If Chicago doesn’t get the Olympics, is that the salesman’s fault, or maybe because a competitor offered a better deal? You are an idiot.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Any 62 year old preying on their 20 something interns is creepy and perverted.
Thus, David letterman is not only a creepy pervert, but an ill educated one at that. Liberalism is the least of this man’s problems, but certainly a symptom of what one can expect to see over their lifetime if they continue down this path.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 “Any 62 year old preying on their 20 something interns is creepy and perverted.”
I agree there’s something creepy about young women who chase guys old to be their grandfathers because they’re rich.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 37~ 20 somethings don’t know any better.
Creepy perverts at 62 do. Agreed?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 “Agree?”
Nope. The legal age of consent is 16 or something like that. By the way, Letterman’s “intern” is in her thirties, not twenties, and is a law school graduate and a licensed attorney.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
By the way, Letterman’s “intern” is in her thirties, not twenties, and is a law school graduate and a licensed attorney.
Yet both are liberal. Which explains alot when trying to dissect the reality in this creepy and perverted saga.
Piper Scottspews:
Funny you should mention salesmen…
A friend of mine, who is a very HIGH end professional in that line of work had this to say about what he saw of the Prez’s presentation:
“I watched the USA pitch the IOC last night … I got home from making a speech in Vegas and wasn’t tired enough to go to bed.
As a professional, who has made tons of team sales pitches … large and small … I cannot tell you how amateurish, stumbling, bumbling and poorly executed the league of Chicago thugs, was. NO one had any real presence … Dailey and the other criminals could barely execute the prompter text … because they have a tenuous grasp on English in general! The text itself was poorly written and the case was as flimsy and silly as I have ever seen. We have intellectual dwarfs running everything under the sun now.
They were weak and foolish and as I watched and Barack took the prompter … it was embarrassing and demeaning to see him participate in not only a corrupt act itself … not only a terrible misuse of American resources and image and street-cred … but even a terrible execution that a high-school DECCA club would have done better at!!!!!
He is so very, very dangerous and I cannot wait until 2010 to see the dems handed their hats and coats … coz it will happen.
I am so happy that Dailey blackmailed him into going … sad for America that a thug mayor can bully a President … and glad he failed to help payback his Chicago slum-lord buddies … and thrilled at the failure. The funny thing is that people have to now really chase down the corruption on all the tax dollars and sponsorship cash that was distributed for the lame bid process. Monies spent in the game of attempting the bid.”
Even a perfect product won’t be moved if the pitch is in the hands of a crappy salesman. That both the product and the salesman were crappy made it a slam dunk.
The Piper
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Dumb Wabbit farted
@3 Let’s get something straight here. Letterman was an unmarried man and those were unmarried women, so what you refer to as a “sexual expose” was nothing more than what the rest of us call “dating.”
Whatamoron, they worked for him as subordinates… but to the feral dumb wabbit that’s okay, because he was dating the mother of his child, Regina Lasko, since 1986. So he could cheat on her per feral dumb bunny!
Notice Tim Mahoney was skipped by the feral dumb bunny.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
SJ the Troller,
Puddy gave to ADRA
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Figgers ylb arschloch would like references to having sex with your mother. Not Puddy’s thoughts or style arschloch!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Roger Rabbit,
For you it’s “Same shit. Every day.”
Learned a new word yet Pud?
Oh…doesn’t look like it. You know Puddy, if you learn a new word every day you might be as smart as Rabbit some day. Try hard, buddy…you can do it!
Ahhhh, the CrackPiper. Stupidest smart guy on the thread.
44 – So it’s a little off color, still it’s funny as hell – I LMAO!
It captured you very well!
SJ Troll patrolspews:
@43 Puddy
With all due respect, I did look up the ADRA “Adventist Development and Relief Agency.” It does seem like the Adventist Church does it good work, but I have trouble seeing gifts to one’s own religous organization as humanitarian.
My skepticism is esp. strong given the strong role of proselytization by the Seventh Day Adventists. While they claim that the ADRA does not proselytize, the missions of the ADRA are paralleled by evangelism .
While ADRA claims it “is committed to equal employment” ” ADRA exercises its constitutional and statutory rights as a religious organization and employer to prefer members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in employment. Those employees of ADRA who are recruited but not members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are expected to accept the Seventh-day Adventist philosophy of humanitarian service and practice a lifestyle compatible with ADRA policies and Seventh-day Adventist beliefs.
It seems to me that those wishing to help the Phillipinos can find less sectarian ways of doing do.
The Iranians are playing Obama like the naive fool he is. All they are doing is buying more & more time to construct their weapon.
And Obama is screwing around with Qon which isn’t even close to producing.
What an idiot!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 Looks like Klown gets his talking points from Ahmadinejad now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 “You know Puddy, if you learn a new word every day you might be as smart as Rabbit some day.”
I didn’t know weasels live that long.
53. Roger Rabbit spews:
@47 “You know Puddy, if you learn a new word every day you might be as smart as Rabbit some day.”
I didn’t know weasels live that long.
10/03/2009 at 6:01 pm
I know it’s futile, Rog…but miracles HAVE happened.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
While Puddy can learn a new word each day, being a dumb cinderblock does have it’s disadvantages to continual learning. Butt, thanks for looking out for Puddy.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb arschloch,
A little off color? Puddy’ll leave you to dream of having sex with your mother. Not for Puddy…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ADRA is officially recognized by the US State Department as a global relief agency. They have one of the lowest administrative costs because the church pays for most the people doing the worldwide work.
“ADRA also actively promotes higher standards of living through participation in the United Nations Economic and Social Council since being granted general consultative status in 1997.”
Puddy realizes this is hard for leftists to understand a church agency doing God’s commands. So if you want to have your money arrive at the place you designate participate in ADRA.
BTW X’ad, did Bruce contact you about “his contributions” to the Philippines yet? Puddy noticed no one admitted to a charitable contribution yet. Very telling to Puddy about Libtardos and their own pocketbook.
@57 Puddy
I understand. perhaps all too well.
ARDA is fine .. just like the R. Catholic, Mormon, Communist, and other sectarian charities.
Did you give directly to the Philippines or to ARDA’s general fund?
Does it bother you that I as a Jew and an aetheist could not work for ARDA? Would ARDA provide nonsectarian aid to my brothers and sisters still persecuted in Ethiopia or Iran or only to people more likely to hear the message of your church?
How many devout atheists or hindues of buddhists does ARDA support as its agents of good works? Back during the soviet era what support did the ARDA give to refuseniks and was that charity without evangelism?
Do you really NOT see why most of us prefer to give to Medecin sans Fronteirs, the UN, Oxfam or a Phillipino charity than to a church mission?
Personally, BRS and I consider Medecin sans Fronteirs our number one charity Because it is utterly HUMANE in its work. We are very proud that MSF was founded by Jews as a HUMAN effort unbranded by any religion, culture or RACE OTHER THAN HUMANKIND.
For me as a non Christian, I see the wonderful concept of charity through lenses smeared by the blood of 200,000 Mexicans who refused to convert, the sweat and tears of California’s natives and untold numbers of Africans sold into slavery, millions of Jews and Muslims slaughtered by the sword, children stolen form their parents to be educated by missionaries.
I MOURN for the Gods of the Norse, the Gods of Africa, the gentle Buddhas of Korea , and noble Ravens of our own land sacrificed to the kndness and love of Jesus.
Sound too unchristian to you?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
SJ asked
Did you give directly to the Philippines or to ARDA’s general fund?
One thing about ADRA, you can specify where the gift goes. All you do is send it to them with that stipulation. You receive a receipt from them acknowledging the transaction. When the Tsunami hit in 2004, we sent another $500 with that stipulation for Banda Aceh help. Yeah Banda Aceh, a muslim location.
How many devout atheists or hindues of buddhists does ARDA support as its agents of good works?
ADRA does not proselytize. It operates and is motivated by love that has no strings attached. The Christian ethos in ADRA programme activities is expressed when it reaches out to those in need regardless of race, gender, and political, or religious affiliation. ADRA operates in more than 125 countries worldwide and has an established track record of working in harmony with and respecting a broad array of cultures, traditions, and people of non-Christian faith. The positive impact of ADRA’s contribution in all these countries validates our heritage and belief in benevolent giving.
So SJ whatever you speak to as you “worship” doesn’t have the facts about ADRA. If you read garbage about ADRA SJ then you think garbage about ADRA!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ADRA is dedicated to protecting the vulnerable all over the world. We protect children who are sold as sex workers, advocate for women who must fight for the opportunity to learn to read, and defend the millions of minorities and others around the world who suffer in silence.
Puddy sleeps just fine knowing my money supports these activities. Does your charity support those principles?
Puddy notices X’ad is wery wery qwiet tonight and Bruce has “disappeared”.
A refresher for the tens of O.C.D. sufferers and HA’s own chronically (like Goldy) & YLB “I’m in between jobs damnit!” posters:
Everything I quoted about the ARDA, including their bias in hiring came from their own site.
FWIW, I think it s very fine to donate through your church. BRS and I give to the Jewish Family and Child Service, in part because for the last several years most of JFCS’ aid has gone to Asian immigrants to Seattle.
BUT .. YOU are the moralizing one here. YOU challenged others as to whether THEY had contributed to Phillipine aid. Giving money to your own church, that is NOT the same thing as a selfless gift to the people in need.
As for giving toward ARDA in a muslim area, why not give directly to a Muslim charity? Isn’t that what Jesus would have done?
SJ Troll patrolspews:
@60 The Medecin sand Fronteirs goes a lot further. Its action are uttelry humane. It crosses all political and religious borders. It takes no role in undermining others cultures.
BTW, the same is true for the JFCS. There is no effort to convert.
Can you say the same for the ARDA?
I think you need to looki in the mjirror ion thsi one. You8 love4 your chirch, and that is fine. BUT, mistaking a FChirch for a humane charity is the basis for a lot of harm we humans have done.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
BUT .. YOU are the moralizing one here. YOU challenged others as to whether THEY had contributed to Phillipine aid.
Libtardo disease dude? Bruce from another thread responded to X’ad’s appeal for peeps to send money to the Philippines by calling conservatives cheap. Well the Puddy family sends to ADRA all the time. No challenge from Puddy as it was from X’ad. You need to ask X’ad about it.
Giving to a Muslim charity? Interesting point. But Puddy knows how ADRA uses the funds. Puddy has no values on muslim charities.
What “Librardo” disease is that?
I understand you think charity can come from your church. From what I read ARDA is a well run Adventist organization. I have no more of less reason to be suspicious of its other activities than I do of the RC charities, the Commnunist party. or some Muslim group.
Is it reasonable to ask anyone else to feel that way? toward a mission of YOUR church How would you react if some liberal said he gave money to planned parenthood of the Philippines?
Some regions, eg the friends, give their gifts anpnympoulsy. I admirw them.
@64: It figures you’re an Adventist.
For everyone else’s edification (maybe the pudpuller’s too) and amusement:
“…The Seventh-day Adventist Church is the largest of several “Adventist” groups which arose from the Millerite movement of the 1840s. The Millerites (after William Miller) were part of the wave of revivalism in the United States known as the Second Great Awakening. Miller predicted on the basis of Daniel 8:14-16 and the “day-year principle” that Jesus Christ would return to Earth on October 22, 1844. When this did not happen, most of his followers disbanded and returned to their original churches.
“…The Adventists continued to believe that Christ’s second coming would be imminent, although they refrained from setting further dates for the event…”
The Libtardo disease is 24 hour forgetfulness. X’ad asked people to remember the Philippines last Friday. Bruce the Idiot claimed X’ad would not get conservatives to contribute. Puddy blew that right out of Bruce’s small brain with a well placed comment. Have you noticed Bruce disappeared from the comments?
Puddy suggests ADRA because it’s one of the best out there. For a while ADRA and Catholic Charities were the two US State Department vehicles used for immediate worldwide emergency agencies. You know US Approved!
How would you react if some liberal said he gave money to planned parenthood of the Philippines?
Dumb question. It’s their money
Some regions, eg the friends, give their gifts anpnympoulsy. I admirw them.
And Puddy suggests almost none of them reside in the HA Libtardo comments.
so roger, if the ceo of walmart was having sex with his assistants, you’d have no problem with that? i suppose you also support roman jewanski and his rape of a 13 year old? yeah, just like that fucking mutant woopi goldberg saying it wasnt rape, rape. you fool.
letterman and polanski being defended for things the media whines about every day. yup, it pays to be jewish.
Jeez Darryl, that Vitters vid is too funny! Thx for sharing.
..snort & giggle..
Has anyone posted this Huffington Post piece yet? The real source of Becks pseudo “tears” has come to light. Be sure to watch the video “Glenn Beck Crying on Cue” as he poses “tearfully” via Vicks VapoRub.
Dear dog have you even seen a man look repeatedly so stupid?
Internet Finally Discovers Glenn Beck Photoshoot Video, Freaks Out
Puddy is on record for calling out Vitter’s actions. Ask Steve. But as the HA Leftists said when we who think right identified their politicos double dipping… it’s just sex.
As Puddy said before must be a slow politics day. Looks like Darryl had to find something to combat the David Letterman sexual exposé. You know, sexually fraternizing with subordinates. Did you HuffPo that coverage @2? Did you see how HuffPo performed their superb trademark blanket blog coverage, leaving no stone unturned when a lefty is caught in a sex scandal? Letterman’s audience that night loudly laughed and roared as he told his “story”, and then loudly clapped after he finished his explanation. Puddy is sure Dave’s hammering of his assistant Stephanie Birkitt was a “bizarre experience”. “Bizarre experience”. Those were Dave’s exact words. See the video yourself. But when it’s a lefty it’s just sex. Puddy is sure when Tim Mahoney was hammering Patricia Allen he was trying to create “a world that is safer, more moral.”
As ArtFart said last night:
In this case it leftists wanking over their hypocrisy!
See ya hypocrites!
Another crusty, pudpullin’ diaper load of false equivalency.
Here’s some basic equivalency math for ya’: Asshat = Shithead.
Same shit. Different day.
Oh Darn Cynical… now that Chi-thugs will not get the Olympics we won’t see some artist placing “the whitey house messiah’s” head glowing in the five individual rings of the 2016 Olympic Banner.
“Chicago received only 18 first-round votes. Madrid was the leader after Round 1 with 28, followed by Rio de Janeiro with 26. In the final round, Rio beat Madrid 66-32.”
False equivalency Zotz?
Vitter’s sex scandal happened in 2007. Mahoney’s October 2008. Letterman’s 2009. Why did Puddy choose Letterman? Well he did go after Sarah Palin’s 14 year old daughter butt you forgot that too Zotz.
Tim Mahoney campaigned on this theme “a world that is safer, more moral.” President Clinton campaigned on Family Values in 1992 and 1996.
“Strong is hypocrisy in this one.” – Yoda
Figgers you’d use headless’ ASShat. Your bile@4 fits it perfectly.
Puddy suggests you take a Poll. Ask how many HA Leftists contributed to charities helping the peeps in the Philippines flooding disaster. Start with Bruce. Puddy is sure he contributed.
A poem by Zotz
Pudpuller, pudpuller
he’s so bitter
slammin’ Dave L.
as if he were Vitter
Silly ol’ puddy
He’s such a shitter!
Blistered up choad
and crusty ol’ spitter
Ooooh! gasps puddy
diaper a’flitter
pullin’ his pud
and tweakin’ his titter
He’d screw his own mom!
But who’d be the sitter?
Typical liberal sexual crapola from Zotz
Looks like another Oedipus complex.
8 – Too damn funny!
Ooooh! Pudpuller does Greek!
I expect these numbers to get WORSE as America digests the Olympic failure and Middle East stonewall with troops at risk–
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Barack & Michelle’s “speeches” were sooooooo lame. It was all about THEM!
Arrogance extraordinaire!!
Funny about Obama’s face in one of the Olympic Rings. I’m sure he had dreams about it.
Of course obama was set up by Rush Limbaugh and the right-wing crazies on the Chicago fiasco.
Also, the misguided Obama’s with the help of THUG Dailey…stupidly emphasized crime-infested Chicago rather than America.
Too Damn Funny.
Plenty of campaign fodder for Republican’s in 2010 and 2012.
@3 Puddy
Thought yuo might comment on the announcement of the earliest hominid.
Since i KNOW you read with great acumen, I assume you realize that this find cnfirms the biblical calim that a race of giants existed outside of Eden?
Obvioulsy this must be the kind of person Cain bred with (since incest wqas illegal under the dvine law of the time!).
Great article about the impact of Obama’s Olympic failure. Obama thinks way more highly of himself than the rest of the world!!
The Obama’s actually believed they could secure the Olympics for the Chicago Mafia BECAUSE THE WORLD LOVES THEM!!
Childhood Diseases Surge
Antigovernment ideology has spawned an anti-vaccination movement of parents who refuse to protect their kids against childhood diseases such as measles and whooping cough, which has led to a resurgence of those diseases, AOL News reports.
The attitude of those parents seems to be, if your kid has been vaccinated you have nothing to fear from my kid getting sick, the article says.
But public health officials are worried as more and more people take out their anti-science idiocy on their own children.
@14 Mr C
Thinks the summer olympics should be held in red territory .. you know like one f the A states?
Oh yeh, I hear the Alabama bid for was going to offer abstinence as a new olympic sport!
Unemployment closes in on 10%…but even that is a lowball misleading number.
What happened to the Obama/Biden PROMISES about Porkulous??
Borrow & Squander our way out of a recession.
Obama === Jimmy Carter
That will be the 2012 Election Mantra.
Kill the economy.
Weak on Defense.
@3 Another great discussion of the nation’s pressing public issues from popcornhead …
@4 “Same shit. Different day.”
A trenchant summation of #3.
No I don’t.
Is that all you can come up with to deflect from Obama’s failure??????????????
Hollywood LEFTIST FLAKES for Obama!!
@8 Very fine work! A professional job. I didn’t realize we had such a glowing literary talent among us. Excellent! I can’t wait for the movie to come out!
@12 Oh yeah, Rio getting the 2016 Olympics is an issue for you guys to campaign on! You don’t have anything else.
@14 “Plenty of campaign fodder for Republican’s in 2010 and 2012.” Please keep telling yourself that.
@16 “announcement of the earliest hominid”
Science finally discovered you?
@24: ’tis my pleasure that you’re pleased, my esteemed Mr. Rabbit. But I must aver that I am aided by such a wealth of material!
Puddy’s Gift
Here is a list of Phillipino Charities, which of these do you think the furr ball shared his largesses with?
# 1 Mission Society of the Philippines
# 2 Worldvision
# 3 Islamic Wisdom Worldwide Mission
# 4 Medecin sans Fronteirs
# 5 The Philippine Christian Foundation
# 6 WWF Global Climate Initiative
# 7 Salvation Army
# 8 Oxfam
# 9 SOS Children’s Villages in the Philippines
# 10 The Purple Rose Campaign
# 11 LDS Philanthropies Home
# 12 Philippine Children’s Fund of America
# 13 People’s Recovery Empowerment Development
# 14 Mission Society of the Philippines
# 15 Rainbow Youth
# 16 Buklod Center
# 17 Tebtebba Foundation in the Philippines
# 18 UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous People:
# 19 The United Nations Children’s Fund
# 20 Nagkakaisang Kababaihan ng Angeles(NAGKA)
# 21 Manila Philippines Temple
# 24 Bagong Kamalayan Collective, Inc. (BKCI)
# 25 Philippine Benevolent Missionaries Association
# 27 Tuloy Foundation
# 28 Lunduyan Foundation
# 29 World Food Program
# 30 Maharlika Charity Foundation
# 31 Visayan Forum
# 32 CPUC Central Philippines Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
# 33 Kabalikat ng Pamilyang Pilipino (Kabalikat)
# 34 Reproductive Health and Wellness Center
# 35 Give A Life Charity Foundation
# 36 Para Sa Bata Organization
# 37 Philippine Bible Society
# 38 Women Helping Women Centre in Angeles City
# 39 Stop Abuse of Minors Association, Inc. – SAMA
Mr C
The Olympics Should not be in any state that beigns with A.
Hmmm .. does that include Buenes Aires
Didja here that the women’s sprints there will be bare breasted?
Heterosexuals are the downfall to society, raping, murdering and stealing. Pigs of the earth. It all boils down to this one thing. Scum of the Earth.
@ 30 ~ wow, a new first for HA. A homosexual fascist.
UW 7, Notre Dame 0
In early going, the Dawgs are making ND’s defense look downright porous.
Certainly was Obama’s intent. which means he tried to get the Olympics to cover up for his incompetenet leadership thus far. If first impressions are lasting impressions, Obama is out on his sorry ass in November 2011 ala Jimmy “the jew hater” Carter.
I Just hope there’s something left of America when the dumbass is finally booted.
@3 Let’s get something straight here. Letterman was an unmarried man and those were unmarried women, so what you refer to as a “sexual expose” was nothing more than what the rest of us call “dating.”
And yes, since the dating parties are a 60-something and 30-somethings adults, the dates might include sex. We’re not talking about 9th grade sock hops here.
As for Letterman being their employer, well, no sexual harassment has been alleged by the women and no lawsuits have been filed so I think it’s reasonable for the rest of us to assume the relationships were entirely mutual and consensual.
In short, puddy, there’s nothing to see here so just move along.
@33 “incompetenet leadership”
How so? If I call 3 roofing contractors to get bids on a roof repair, and hire 1, that makes the other 2 incompetent? If Chicago doesn’t get the Olympics, is that the salesman’s fault, or maybe because a competitor offered a better deal? You are an idiot.
Any 62 year old preying on their 20 something interns is creepy and perverted.
Thus, David letterman is not only a creepy pervert, but an ill educated one at that. Liberalism is the least of this man’s problems, but certainly a symptom of what one can expect to see over their lifetime if they continue down this path.
@36 “Any 62 year old preying on their 20 something interns is creepy and perverted.”
I agree there’s something creepy about young women who chase guys old to be their grandfathers because they’re rich.
@ 37~ 20 somethings don’t know any better.
Creepy perverts at 62 do. Agreed?
@38 “Agree?”
Nope. The legal age of consent is 16 or something like that. By the way, Letterman’s “intern” is in her thirties, not twenties, and is a law school graduate and a licensed attorney.
Yet both are liberal. Which explains alot when trying to dissect the reality in this creepy and perverted saga.
Funny you should mention salesmen…
A friend of mine, who is a very HIGH end professional in that line of work had this to say about what he saw of the Prez’s presentation:
Even a perfect product won’t be moved if the pitch is in the hands of a crappy salesman. That both the product and the salesman were crappy made it a slam dunk.
The Piper
Dumb Wabbit farted
Whatamoron, they worked for him as subordinates… but to the feral dumb wabbit that’s okay, because he was dating the mother of his child, Regina Lasko, since 1986. So he could cheat on her per feral dumb bunny!
Notice Tim Mahoney was skipped by the feral dumb bunny.
SJ the Troller,
Puddy gave to ADRA
Figgers ylb arschloch would like references to having sex with your mother. Not Puddy’s thoughts or style arschloch!
Roger Rabbit,
For you it’s “Same shit. Every day.”
Learned a new word yet Pud?
Oh…doesn’t look like it. You know Puddy, if you learn a new word every day you might be as smart as Rabbit some day. Try hard, buddy…you can do it!
Ahhhh, the CrackPiper. Stupidest smart guy on the thread.
44 – So it’s a little off color, still it’s funny as hell – I LMAO!
It captured you very well!
@43 Puddy
With all due respect, I did look up the ADRA “Adventist Development and Relief Agency.” It does seem like the Adventist Church does it good work, but I have trouble seeing gifts to one’s own religous organization as humanitarian.
It seems to me that those wishing to help the Phillipinos can find less sectarian ways of doing do.
Obama made HUGE MISTAKE in Iran!!,2933,559581,00.html
The Iranians are playing Obama like the naive fool he is. All they are doing is buying more & more time to construct their weapon.
And Obama is screwing around with Qon which isn’t even close to producing.
What an idiot!
@51 Looks like Klown gets his talking points from Ahmadinejad now.
@47 “You know Puddy, if you learn a new word every day you might be as smart as Rabbit some day.”
I didn’t know weasels live that long.
I know it’s futile, Rog…but miracles HAVE happened.
While Puddy can learn a new word each day, being a dumb cinderblock does have it’s disadvantages to continual learning. Butt, thanks for looking out for Puddy.
ylb arschloch,
A little off color? Puddy’ll leave you to dream of having sex with your mother. Not for Puddy…
ADRA is officially recognized by the US State Department as a global relief agency. They have one of the lowest administrative costs because the church pays for most the people doing the worldwide work.
“ADRA also actively promotes higher standards of living through participation in the United Nations Economic and Social Council since being granted general consultative status in 1997.”
Puddy realizes this is hard for leftists to understand a church agency doing God’s commands. So if you want to have your money arrive at the place you designate participate in ADRA.
BTW X’ad, did Bruce contact you about “his contributions” to the Philippines yet? Puddy noticed no one admitted to a charitable contribution yet. Very telling to Puddy about Libtardos and their own pocketbook.
@57 Puddy
I understand. perhaps all too well.
ARDA is fine .. just like the R. Catholic, Mormon, Communist, and other sectarian charities.
Did you give directly to the Philippines or to ARDA’s general fund?
Does it bother you that I as a Jew and an aetheist could not work for ARDA? Would ARDA provide nonsectarian aid to my brothers and sisters still persecuted in Ethiopia or Iran or only to people more likely to hear the message of your church?
How many devout atheists or hindues of buddhists does ARDA support as its agents of good works? Back during the soviet era what support did the ARDA give to refuseniks and was that charity without evangelism?
Do you really NOT see why most of us prefer to give to Medecin sans Fronteirs, the UN, Oxfam or a Phillipino charity than to a church mission?
Personally, BRS and I consider Medecin sans Fronteirs our number one charity Because it is utterly HUMANE in its work. We are very proud that MSF was founded by Jews as a HUMAN effort unbranded by any religion, culture or RACE OTHER THAN HUMANKIND.
For me as a non Christian, I see the wonderful concept of charity through lenses smeared by the blood of 200,000 Mexicans who refused to convert, the sweat and tears of California’s natives and untold numbers of Africans sold into slavery, millions of Jews and Muslims slaughtered by the sword, children stolen form their parents to be educated by missionaries.
I MOURN for the Gods of the Norse, the Gods of Africa, the gentle Buddhas of Korea , and noble Ravens of our own land sacrificed to the kndness and love of Jesus.
Sound too unchristian to you?
SJ asked
One thing about ADRA, you can specify where the gift goes. All you do is send it to them with that stipulation. You receive a receipt from them acknowledging the transaction. When the Tsunami hit in 2004, we sent another $500 with that stipulation for Banda Aceh help. Yeah Banda Aceh, a muslim location.
SJ what have you heard about ADRA?
So SJ whatever you speak to as you “worship” doesn’t have the facts about ADRA. If you read garbage about ADRA SJ then you think garbage about ADRA!
ADRA is dedicated to protecting the vulnerable all over the world. We protect children who are sold as sex workers, advocate for women who must fight for the opportunity to learn to read, and defend the millions of minorities and others around the world who suffer in silence.
Puddy sleeps just fine knowing my money supports these activities. Does your charity support those principles?
Puddy notices X’ad is wery wery qwiet tonight and Bruce has “disappeared”.
A refresher for the tens of O.C.D. sufferers and HA’s own chronically (like Goldy) & YLB “I’m in between jobs damnit!” posters:
@59 Puddy and the ARDA
Everything I quoted about the ARDA, including their bias in hiring came from their own site.
FWIW, I think it s very fine to donate through your church. BRS and I give to the Jewish Family and Child Service, in part because for the last several years most of JFCS’ aid has gone to Asian immigrants to Seattle.
BUT .. YOU are the moralizing one here. YOU challenged others as to whether THEY had contributed to Phillipine aid. Giving money to your own church, that is NOT the same thing as a selfless gift to the people in need.
As for giving toward ARDA in a muslim area, why not give directly to a Muslim charity? Isn’t that what Jesus would have done?
@60 The Medecin sand Fronteirs goes a lot further. Its action are uttelry humane. It crosses all political and religious borders. It takes no role in undermining others cultures.
BTW, the same is true for the JFCS. There is no effort to convert.
Can you say the same for the ARDA?
I think you need to looki in the mjirror ion thsi one. You8 love4 your chirch, and that is fine. BUT, mistaking a FChirch for a humane charity is the basis for a lot of harm we humans have done.
Libtardo disease dude? Bruce from another thread responded to X’ad’s appeal for peeps to send money to the Philippines by calling conservatives cheap. Well the Puddy family sends to ADRA all the time. No challenge from Puddy as it was from X’ad. You need to ask X’ad about it.
Giving to a Muslim charity? Interesting point. But Puddy knows how ADRA uses the funds. Puddy has no values on muslim charities.
What “Librardo” disease is that?
I understand you think charity can come from your church. From what I read ARDA is a well run Adventist organization. I have no more of less reason to be suspicious of its other activities than I do of the RC charities, the Commnunist party. or some Muslim group.
Is it reasonable to ask anyone else to feel that way? toward a mission of YOUR church How would you react if some liberal said he gave money to planned parenthood of the Philippines?
Some regions, eg the friends, give their gifts anpnympoulsy. I admirw them.
@64: It figures you’re an Adventist.
For everyone else’s edification (maybe the pudpuller’s too) and amusement:
“…The Seventh-day Adventist Church is the largest of several “Adventist” groups which arose from the Millerite movement of the 1840s. The Millerites (after William Miller) were part of the wave of revivalism in the United States known as the Second Great Awakening. Miller predicted on the basis of Daniel 8:14-16 and the “day-year principle” that Jesus Christ would return to Earth on October 22, 1844. When this did not happen, most of his followers disbanded and returned to their original churches.
“…The Adventists continued to believe that Christ’s second coming would be imminent, although they refrained from setting further dates for the event…”
The Libtardo disease is 24 hour forgetfulness. X’ad asked people to remember the Philippines last Friday. Bruce the Idiot claimed X’ad would not get conservatives to contribute. Puddy blew that right out of Bruce’s small brain with a well placed comment. Have you noticed Bruce disappeared from the comments?
Puddy suggests ADRA because it’s one of the best out there. For a while ADRA and Catholic Charities were the two US State Department vehicles used for immediate worldwide emergency agencies. You know US Approved!
Dumb question. It’s their money
And Puddy suggests almost none of them reside in the HA Libtardo comments.
so roger, if the ceo of walmart was having sex with his assistants, you’d have no problem with that? i suppose you also support roman jewanski and his rape of a 13 year old? yeah, just like that fucking mutant woopi goldberg saying it wasnt rape, rape. you fool.
letterman and polanski being defended for things the media whines about every day. yup, it pays to be jewish.