I’m sure HA will probably ignore this YT as usual (don’t worry, I’m used to it but at least in my own efforts I’ve tried to help make it go viral).
This was a rather uncomfortable Youtube to watch. But I think it bears watching, as a remembrance of an irresponsible time when the flashing of labels and untruths, brainwashing and divisiveness, did so much to damage this nation. As well as the parallels we are witnessing today:
“Beck is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict.[8] He also has a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.[9] He and his first wife divorced amid his struggle with substance abuse. Beck cites the help of Alcoholics Anonymous in his sobriety, and he eventually converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,[10] which teaches against the consumption of alcohol.” ~snipped~
I just caught the tail-end of a radio newcast talking about some terror suspects have been arrested in the U.S. Does anyone know what religion they are? Buddhism? Hindu? Christian? Jewish? I’m just curious.
Another TJspews:
Does anyone know what religion they are?
Popol Vuh, of course.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Despite Obama’s ENDLESS Media Blitz– Monday, September 21, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 30% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8
Obama Fatigue is becoming a National Epidemic.
We all need vacinations.
Obama is an arrogant fool who loves to see himself on TV and hear his voice.
People are tired of him.
He is screwing the pooch in so many ways…
Afghanistan, Economy, Health Care, Czars, ACORN, Race-baiting…you name it, Obama is screwing up.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow, looks like the loonies are leaving the zoo early this morning.
McCarthyism, what a crackncrock! Joe McCarty was a senator. Glenn Beck is a commentator. McCarthy had the pull of the United States Government behind him. J Edgar Hoover (butt hero of Gman) was one of the US Government’s federal law enforcers. People want the government to investigate Beck! For anyone to compare Glenn Beck as a McCarthyite is stupid and moronic. There are so many differences Puddy would think people with minds would actually think it through. Sadly the lady who’s grandmother didn’t trust black people (acting like headless and troll maybe) doesn’t impress Puddy as a thinker either.
Are these HA Libtardos actually believing Fox News is more powerful than the liberal MSM? If so what an admission!!!!! Are bloggers claiming because Glenn Beck has Fox News as his megahorn he is the “second coming of Joe McCarthy”? It seems so.
When did Fox News have senatorial subpoena powers?
When did Fox News call people to testify?
When did Fox News investigate peoples private lives through FBI and other government investigative powers?
When did Fox News interrogate people? Did you see how Howard The Duck Dean ran and told the world his lie after being interviewed on PMSNBC and replaying his own words? Of course not. You were drinking the PMSNBC kook-aid!
When did Fox News command the New York Times to print articles about other Americans?
When did Fox News command the liberal MSM to cover it’s stories from the “hearings”?
When did Fox News command the liberal MSM to televise these activities below:
When did Fox News hold Van Jones hearings?
When did Fox News hold Bill Ayers hearings?
When did Fox News hold Jeff Jones hearings?
When did Fox News hold Richard Holbrooke hearings?
When did Fox News hold Jeffrey Crowley hearings?
When did Fox News hold Alan Bersin hearings?
When did Fox News hold David Hayes hearings?
When did Fox News hold Ed Montgomery hearings?
When did Fox News hold Todd Stern hearings?
When did Fox News hold Lynn Rosenthal hearings?
When did Fox News hold Gil Kerlikowske hearings?
When did Fox News hold Paul Volcker hearings?
When did Fox News hold Carol Browner hearings?
When did Fox News hold Joshua DuBois hearings?
When did Fox News hold Cameron Davis hearings?
When did Fox News hold Danny Fried hearings?
When did Fox News hold Nancy-Ann DeParle hearings?
When did Fox News hold Vivek Kundra hearings?
When did Fox News hold Dennis Blair hearings?
When did Fox News hold George Mitchell hearings?
When did Fox News hold Dennis Ross hearings?
When did Fox News hold Kenneth Feinberg hearings?
When did Fox News hold Cass Sunstein hearings?
When did Fox News hold John Holdren hearings?
When did Fox News hold Earl Devaney hearings?
When did Fox News hold J. Scott Gration hearings?
When did Fox News hold Herb Allison hearings?
When did Fox News hold Elizabeth Warren hearings?
When did Fox News hold Aneesh Chopra hearings?
When did Fox News hold John Brennan hearings?
When did Fox News hold Adolfo Carrion, Jr hearings?
When did Fox News hold Ashton Carter hearings?
When did Fox News hold Gary Samore hearings?
Just another day in the Democratic smear and attack playbook! Eddie Kendricks said “Keep on Truckin Baby”!
Nice video. The thought process illustrated bears a striking resemblance to a certain right wing whackaloon here:
Strike the resemblance – it’s more or less the same.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Now here’s a real Glenn Beck video with the partial transcript and the big picture chalkboard. This is what scares the whackamoles.
“There was the stimulus bill. My question was: Who wrote this thing? We found out and told you: It was the Apollo Alliance — a progressive, George Soros-funded, extreme left-wing organization. Harry Reid admitted to the nation — no, actually, he thanked the Apollo Alliance for their help.
It seems we need to give up that old-fashioned notion that Congress — the men and women we elect and send to Washington — actually write the bills, they’re not reading and passing. Turns out, they don’t.”
Did you forget Jeff Jones? He and Bill Ayers created the Weather Underground.
SeattleJew on Trollpatrolspews:
@7. Puddybud
Joe McCarty was a senator. Glenn Beck is a commentator.
So? Josef Goebells was not even a newsie until Hitler came to power. Stalin’s ran Lenin’s propaganda machine before taking power. The censors that closed the photoleague (a dangerous orgnaization oncluding ANSEL ADAMS) were not senators, ………
For anyone to compare Glenn Beck as a McCarthyite is stupid and moronic. There are so many differences
Beck alcoholic
McCarthy alcoholic
Beck devout Mormon because his wife is, as he says, a piece of ass.
McCarthy devout Roman Catholic???
Beck blue eyed
McCarthy blue eyed?????
Are these HA Libtardos actually believing Fox News is more powerful than the liberal MSM?
Are Puddy and the other dittoheads actually believing some nits in caves in Pakistan is more powerful than the US of A?
Are bloggers claiming because Glenn Beck has Fox News as his megahorn he is the “second coming of Joe McCarthy”? It seems so.
Puddy … do you REALLY want to compare Beck to Jesus?
BTW, I think Jesus, Moses, Muhamaud all claikmed to have God on their sides. Hmm so does Beck?
When did Fox News investigate peoples private lives through FBI and other government investigative powers?
When did the US governement send lorovacateurs to generate news?
When did Fox News command the New York Times to print articles about other Americans?
When did the Bushies tell Fucks nNews what to say?
When did Fox News hold Van Jones hearings?
When did Fox News hold Bill Ayers hearings?
When did Fox News hold Jeff Jones hearings?
When did Fox News hold Richard Holbrooke hearings?
Did you forget Jeff Jones? He and Bill Ayers created the Weather Underground.
And your point is that Ayers and Jones are senators?
Tell me how you would feel about Howard Stern or David Duke having a show on Fox?
“First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist; Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist; Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist; Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew; Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me.”
Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984), wiki
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
So? Josef Goebells was not even a newsie until Hitler came to power. Stalin’s ran Lenin’s propaganda machine before taking power. The censors that closed the photoleague (a dangerous orgnaization oncluding ANSEL ADAMS) were not senators, ………
Irrelevant. Try again!
Beck alcoholic
McCarthy alcoholic
Beck devout Mormon because his wife is, as he says, a piece of ass.
McCarthy devout Roman Catholic???
Beck blue eyed
McCarthy blue eyed?????
Irrelevant. What does that have to do with anything? Try again.
Are Puddy and the other dittoheads actually believing some nits in caves in Pakistan is more powerful than the US of A?
Nice train derailment. Irrelevant. Try again.
Puddy … do you REALLY want to compare Beck to Jesus?
Nope, but great use of ylb arschloch retort techniques!
Huh? What does that mean?
When did the Bushies tell Fucks nNews what to say?
Oh so you forget the “Bush has no gravitas” DNC memo that ran on all the liberal MSM Sunday talk shows years ago?
Does Fox have that power?
Why did they smear van Jones?
“When did Fox News hold …………..”
wierd list tabby cat. What is your point?
Weird list SeattleJew? You mean you are as ignorant as ylb arschloch on all “the messiah’s” czars? Who smeared Van Jones? So you are now using the latest official DNC talking point wording “smear”? Van Jones own words decimated his position. Van Jones own associations decimated his position.
Puddy plans to purchase his book. Maybe you should too SeattleJew. You’ll learn some of what “the messiah” said when he pronounced…”Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.”
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
And your point is that Ayers and Jones are senators?
Where did Puddy make that point? Hanging with ylb arschloch again?
Tell me how you would feel about Howard Stern or David Duke having a show on Fox?
Tell me about Bill Ayers or Jeff Jones having a show on CNN? NBC, CBS, ABC? Bill Ayers on Education? Radical Education that is. Jeff Jones on Green Jobs. “Blow up the building and create a new building full of green jobs. I’ll show you how.”
“McCarthyism, what a crackncrock! Joe McCarty was a senator. Glenn Beck is a commentator. “
Your argument (or, I should say, Glenn Beck’s argument, since you essentially lifted this from Beck) is deeply flawed.
The claim is not, “Beck is McCarthy”, rather, the suggestion is that Beck is engaging in McCarthyism.
Contrary to the implication in your argument, contemporary usage of the term McCarthyism is not restricted to Senators, or even politicians. Via Wikipedia:
McCarthyism is the politically motivated practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. The term specifically describes activities associated with the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly from the late 1940s to the late 1950s and characterized by heightened fears of communist influence on American institutions and espionage by Soviet agents.
Originally coined to criticize the anti-communist pursuits of U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, “McCarthyism” soon took on a broader meaning, describing the excesses of similar efforts.”
@14: Glen Beck is accusing people of being communists and accusing the President of “associating” with communists.
This is called McCarthyism – accusing people of being communists and implying disloyalty to our country.
If you can’t get that Puddy, I suggest you look at the definition Darryl posted.
Once again, you “argument” that McCarthy was a Senator and Beck is a “journalists (sic)” is off-track and irrelevant to the point being made.
Please try to make a coherent argument – you are becoming more shrill and less coherent.
Glen Beck is the modern equivalent of Father Charles Edward Coughlin, and seems to be following his example very well.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
or, I should say, Glenn Beck’s argument, since you essentially lifted this from Beck
That’s the same thing SeattleJew told me. Unfortunately when this was promulgated weeks ago Puddy questioned it then, before Glenn Beck said his piece last week. Ask ylb arschloch to run tctmgr. He’ll gladly listen to you Darryl.
McCarthyism is the politically motivated practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence.
Glenn used the words and actions of Van Jones. Did Van run from is 9/11 Truther signature. He sure did. He claimed he didn’t know what he was signing. Would you sign that 9/11 Truther document Professor Darryl? Van Jones called Republicans “a$$holes” in a public forum. Van claimed business is dumping toxic wastes in minority back yards. Van said he was a communist. Van hung with known Marxists and Communists. Van was buds with Jeff Jones. Jeff co-founded the Weather Underground. Glenn used Van’s words and his associated friends list to determine who Van was. Valerie Jarrett was watching Van since he was in Oakland – her words Darryl. Van Jones was part of STORM. Identifying Frank Marshall Davis as the messiah’s Hawaiian mentor in Dreams from My Father is bad? That’s your definition of McCarthyism Darryl?
McCarthyism is the politically motivated practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence.
Well the videos on ACORN peeps got them fired. It was their actions and words which did them in Darryl.
McCarthyism is the politically motivated practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence.
Glenn used the words and actions of Cass Sunstein. Maybe you’ll be in court someday defending your actions against some animal with animal sitting in court next to his court appointed lawyer. The gorilla from Manila has arrived.
The Bill Ayers – Barack Obama association was proved long ago!
“The liberal political organizing group ACORN faced internal chaos and allegations of financial mismanagement and fraud long before two young conservatives embarrassed the group with undercover videos made at field offices in Washington and across the country. ”
But when Glenn Beck discusses it, OMG this smacks of McCartyism!!!
Darryl, guess who paid Wade Rathke’s embezzled funds back to ACORN. One of George Soros front groups. You can find this just as easy as Puddy does, IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!
“Of course when the WAPo discusses ACORN it’s not McCartyism…”
“But when Glenn Beck discusses it, OMG this smacks of McCartyism!!!”
Wrong. It is not simply the fact that Beck discusses ACORN that makes his actions McCarthyesque.
“Darryl, guess who paid Wade Rathke’s embezzled funds back to ACORN. One of George Soros front groups. You can find this just as easy as Puddy does, IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!”
No thanks. It doesn’t seem relevant. We are fully aware of your disdain for ACORN and your hatred of George Soros.
The Clabber Girl (check out my dirndle)spews:
PuddWaxx is absolutely right. Glenn Beck is not a Senator from Minnesota in the 1950’s, therefore, he cannot be a McCarthyite. I would also like to point out that McCarthy was balding and had dark hair. Glenn Beck — full head of BLOND hair. See how different they are?
McCarthy — an alcoholic.
Beck — plays with his poop.
So, don’t bring up the McCarthy canard. As good German’s, Waxx and I can tell the difference. Hope Waxx doesn’t think it’s racist to call him a good German.
You can find this just as easy as Puddy does, IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!
Yeah just like you “found” that “ustogether” ct promotion by Olbermann on that hater’s website.
You “find” lunatic right wing bullshit and expect people to take you seriously.
Guess what. It’s not working. It never will work. But you’ll keep trying the same old thing expecting different results. Because like Steve said – you’re all fucked up in the head.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Oh I don’t know – Glenn Beck has done a fine job of pissin’ in ACORN’s cornflakes! That’s one CORRUPT organization!!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
15. correctnotright spews:
@14: Glen Beck is accusing people of being communists and accusing the President of “associating” with communists.
This is called McCarthyism – accusing people of being communists and implying disloyalty to our country.
So what..people get judged by their actions and comments everyday….especially THOSE IN POWER like Obama. Obama’s associations are relevant to we the people.
Besides, Bill Ayers old man…the COn Ed Tycoon was a flaming Kommie…
So are Valerie Jarret’s parents.
And so is Obama.
SeattleJew on Trollpatrolspews:
@26 Mr. C thinks there are Kommies under every bed. Kommies!!!!
In this country, one has complete freedom to join one of several communist parties, declare one’s political philosophy communism, etc.
Obama has not done any of these things.
So why do you lie about it Cynical?
Doesn’t your religion have something to say about lying?
SeattleJew on Trollpatrolspews:
Puddy ..
Insists van Jones is guilty of ….
signing a petition that asked why the military did not scramble in the 40 minutes it took the Pentagon ploane to arrive after the events in NYC or why we still have not investigated the role of the Saudi government?
of using the term “communist” and actuially knowing some communists … a problme he shares with Miltin Friedman, GHW Bush, and GW Bush.
SeattleJew on Trollpatrolspews:
@25 PI says ACORN is CORRUPT!!
as opposed to McCain’s involvement with terroists in Nicuarguas?
as opposed to the long list of evangelical swindlers funded by GWB’s faith initiatives?
Hows about the Reprican party and Watergate or the lady what done carved a B on her face as an agent of the RP?
Ohhhh .. and what was the case that O’Reilly settled out of court and whose wife was dioeing of cancer when Newtie told her to go to hell?
MUD Lets all have a MUD BATH.
The ultimate Reprican answer to racism .. MUD BATHS for all!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Darryl you dope..
Just because Obama hasn’t joined the Kommie Party doesn’t mean he isn’t a Kommie BY HIS ACTIONS AND PROPOSALS AND IDEOLOGY.
You act like Obama has to proclaim to the world he is a Kommie for it to be so.
Obama is a fan of Norman Thomas, 6-time Socialist Party Kandidate for President who said:
“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”
– Norman Thomas
Incrementalism, Collectivism, Progressivism…all the same Bullshit…where you KLOWNS think only you know what is best for folks so Individual Freedoms must be sacrificed.
No thanks…I’ll decide what to do with my property and my wealth. Hands off losers.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
30. SeattleJew on Trollpatrol spews:
@25 PI says ACORN is CORRUPT!!
as opposed to McCain’s involvement with terroists in Nicuarguas?
Good Morning SJ–
FYI, the difference is the Democrats are currently in power and ACORN is obviously advocates for the Democrat Party.
Need to hold those in power accountable.
Let’s talk about that…not old McCain stories.
Important to deal IN THE PRESENT.
Have a good day SJ…I’ve gotta go plant some more trees.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama is completely inept and risking US lives in Afghansitan. Now McChrystal says FAILURE without more troops!
Obama is paralyzed by you lunatics.
Obama is willing to risk more lives…asking for patience while the TALIBAN GROWS IN STRENGTH!!
Obama is klueless.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Van Jones is guilty? Nope, Puddy said he hung himself because of his associations. The administration decided he was guilty by his associations coming to light and they were too much to deal with. So he resigns at midnight on a Sunday morning. Sweet.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Did some THING say anything in #24? Looks like unintelligent gibberish!
“Just because Obama hasn’t joined the Kommie Party doesn’t mean he isn’t a Kommie BY HIS ACTIONS AND PROPOSALS AND IDEOLOGY.”
Indeed, but then YOUR burden of proof is much greater.
“You act like Obama has to proclaim to the world he is a Kommie for it to be so.”
Look, dipshit, you are the one making the absurd claim. In fact, you claim is so absurd, it really amounts to a blatant lie.
“Obama is a fan of Norman Thomas, 6-time Socialist Party Kandidate for President who said:”
I’m not sure what evidence you are considering when you say Obama is a “fan.” Specifically, unless Obama has declared that he subscribes to Thomas’ politics, being a “fan” doesn’t mean you subscribe to a person’s politics.
(As an aside, Thomas wasn’t a “Kommie,” he was a socialist. You were aware that there is a difference between the two, right?)
So, please, Mr. Cynical, provide your evidence to support your claim that Obama is a communist.
Or were you just lying?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Darryl sez,
McCarthyism is not simply the random discrediting of individuals.
But that’s what most left-wing whackamole blogs are screaming about!
“But that’s what most left-wing whackamole blogs are screaming about!”
You are correct. People have criticized Glenn Beck for, what they perceive as, his over-the-top rhetoric against some individuals and organizations.
There is also a separate criticism of Beck that he is engaging in McCarthyism.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
“The difference between Democrats and Republicans is: Democrats have accepted some ideas of Socialism cheerfully, while Republicans have accepted them reluctantly” – Norman Thomas
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
There is also a separate criticism of Beck that he is engaging in McCarthyism.
Where’s the proof? What explicit comment do you ascribe this “engaging in McCarthyism”?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
This “engaging in McCarthyism” is the latest DNC playbook attack. The earlier DNC playbook attack was “acting like Brownshirts” That failed because independents took umbrage to being called a brownshirt and so did elderly Jews.
Wait, what? The Afghan invasion is Bush’s “other” war. Bush had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to dismantle the Taliban, shutdown al Queda, capture or kill bin Laden, and establish a functioning government in Afghanistan.
Bush failed on every account.
Why? Because Bush diverted our resources away from this mission. He lied to the American people and Congress and dragged us into an extremely costly quagmire called Iraq.
The efforts in Afghanistan suffered as a consequence.
"tortured" darrylspews:
So? That doesn’t preventing you from commenting, ya fucking retard
!Darryl is so cute when he talks dirty. Wish he’d pull his potty mouth out of the potty and discuss the torture memo, the one from seven (!) past directors of the CIA who implore Obama/Holder to put a hold on their Bush-bashing vendetta.
Despite what you’ve heard from Joel Triple Chinz, America was harmed by Frank Church’s anti-CIA grandstanding in the 1970s. Here we go again.
And way down deep, that’s what the Obama-Holder-Darryl axis of evil probably wants from this: the harming and disarming of America.
There is also a separate criticism of Beck that he is engaging in McCarthyism.
You said:
“Where’s the proof?”
Well… When I search Google with the search phrase “Glenn Beck” mccarthyism
Google returns about 219,000 entries. A small sampling of the ~219,000 finds a high proportion of people suggesting that Glenn Beck is engaging in McCarthyism.
Additionally, a search for “Glenn Beck” -mccarthyism turns up numerous links where Beck is criticized for his attacks on individuals or organization with no mention of McCarthyism.
Therefore, my claim that “there is also a separate criticism of Beck that he is engaging in McCarthyism.”
Good night, Mary Ellenspews:
The Waltons: You remember, those cornpone plutocrats who exploited their retard workers who were too damn dumb to go on welfare like normal Americans. And who forced their exploited workers onto public-assistance medical care. Well, Goldy Walton’s the worst:
I want to make clear that my goal is not to squash dissent, or even mean spirited, vitriolic debate. It is to clamp down on the deliberate (and sometimes professional) trolling that intends to destroy debate.
See what Goldy Walton’s done? He’s treated us pro trolls like amateurs, paying us minimum wage or less, forcing us to plead on our knees for Obamacare.
It’s damn time for a boycott of Goldy Walton’s criminal conspiracy against us poor professionals, and it’s time for ACORN/SEIU to break his hubcaps. Kneecaps. Whatever.
“This “engaging in McCarthyism” is the latest DNC playbook attack.”
Could be. But I don’t have a subscription to the DNC playbook (I’m not even a Democrat). But none is needed…the McCarthyism is blatant, as the second video linked to above shows.
“The earlier DNC playbook attack was “acting like Brownshirts” That failed because independents took umbrage to being called a brownshirt and so did elderly Jews.”
You seem to be claiming that one strategy has been abandoned for another. This is incorrect…the two criticisms are in response to two different phenomena.
The “brownshirt” comparisons (at least, the ones that I made) were in response to the teabaggers who, in showing up in large numbers to disrupt town hall meetings to the point of, effectively, shutting them down, were reminiscent of the proto-Brownshirts of Nazi Germany before they became a paramilitary arm of the Nazi party.
Since the town hall meetings are less frequently in the news, the criticism isn’t used as frequently.
Tailgunner Chicken Farmerspews:
Read Blacklisted by History, Darryl, apply yourself (like the good little boy you are) to the task of getting a clue before you spew, write your book report, and maybe then you’ll know enough about McCarthy and McCarthyism to take our time.
The dumb-Darryl left has spun us for almost 50 years on McCarthy and his era. Old Joe mangled some details, as we all do, but his fundamental indictment of the New Deal/Fair Deal was right-on right. Joe McCarthy was not our #1 problam. Joe Stalin was our #1 problem, and too many idiot-liberal progressives then and now tried to cover up the truth.
Glenn Beck gets some things wrong. Like Paul Krugman, he was apparently wrong about Great Depression 2.0. But he’s totally right about the red czarist tilt of our current community organizer administration.
Seems like only yesterday that the Darryl wing of the Democrat Party was telling us that Obama is a pragmatic centrist. You lied. Beck took you down on your own stupid game. Get over it, then go back to telling us that Jesus was a community organizer and that Glenn Beck is a McCarthyite Nazi. After all, flipping shit is what you leftists do best.
@49: Tail up his ASS
Maybe you need to read and understand history:
Joe McCarthy was a drunk liar who intimidated harassed and ruined the lives of many innocent people for his own personal agenda.
In addition, we are supposed to be the land of the free…but according to fools like you it is OK to label people you disagree with and force them to testify against others and name names (of many innocent people0>
McCarthy had no list of communists – he lied. It was a shameful chapter in our history and you just don’t get it. People like you also approve of torture and using any means to achieve an end …..making our country just as bad as the “communists” you hated.
What explicit comment do you ascribe this “engaging in McCarthyism”?
You failed to answer Puddy’s question so far.”
I was addressing your “Where’s the proof” comment in 40.
“Puddy isn’t looking for some Google search of others claiming it.”
If you look back at question 40, that is what you, essentially, asked.
But…as far as your comment @ 47: “You failed to answer Puddy’s [subsequent] question so far,” your right!
@26: Klynically stooopid
Well, in that case I did not see you getting on Bush’s case for associating with communists (remember, he looked in Putin’s soul and found it good (the former head of the KGB).
ooops, a little double standard you moron?
The President associates with a lot of people – so what. Are there any actions that are “communist”?
Puddy has nothing either….going on and on about Van Jones – BFD. He is gone and he was a loudmouth – so what?
Again, Beck is screaming communist in general…and he is like McCarthy. Trying to scare and intimidate people in a childish way.
Hint: the Soviet Union is gone and China is one of our largest trading partners. This is a red herring.
@34 Puddy
so we agree van Jones is not guilty of anything BUT exercising his rights of fre association???
hmmm and this is NOT McCarthyism?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
correctnotright has nothing either….
Bush’s case for associating with communists (remember, he looked in Putin’s soul and found it good (the former head of the KGB).
going on and on about George Bush – BFD. He is gone!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
What? Are you daft? If that was the case, he would be standing in his whitey house job and not have been thrown under de bus!
SJ Trollpatrolspews:
Mr Cynical (with paraphrasing in italics)
Incrementalism, corporate welfare, classism. respect for whitey, …all the same Bullshit…where you REPRIKANS think only you know what is best for folks so Individual Freedoms must be sacrificed.
No thanks…I’ll decide what to do with my free speech.
Hands off losers. well said!
SJ Trollpatrolspews:
@ 46. Puddybud
Puddy seems to think that imperialism is implicit if a free society? in capitalism? in the American way?
Yep, good old Madeline Half-bright (we were duped by the North Koreans) said in Russia last week…”Madeleine Albright said during the meeting that America no longer had the intention of being the first nation of the world.“. Sound like another socialistic thought to Puddy.
I also wonder if he has changed religions since he seem to use the name of his own G=d in vain:
Was this approved by “the messiah” and his “disciples”?
so Puddy can keep to his faitth, here is some help ….
“Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” – King James Version (KJV)
“You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain.” – New King James / Revised Standard / New American Standard
“Thou shall not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain.” – English text from Hebrew TORAH as published in 1977.
“You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.” – New International Version (NIV)
“You shall not make wrong use of the name of the LORD you God; the LORD will not leave unpunished the man who misuses his name.” – The New English Bible
“You shall not use the name of J..(the Lord* your God irreverently, nor use it to swear to a falsehood. You will not escape punishment if you do.” – The Living Bible
“Do not use the name of the LORD your God profanely; for the LORD will not regard him innocent who uses His name profanely.” – Revised Berkeley
“Do not use my name for evil purposes, for I, the Lord your God, will punish anyone who misuses my name.” – Good News Bible
“You shall not use or repeat the name of the LORD your God in vain [that is, lightly or frivolously, in false affirmations or profanely]; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.” – Amplified Bible
“You shall not utter the name of Y..(the Lord*, your God to misuse it, J..(the Lord* will not leave unpunished the man who utters his name to misuse it.” – The Jerusalem Bible
That’s 12 different translations, done over a period of 360 years or more, and 9 different sets of words.
Maybe he has become a muslim?
To the goyem, including Puddy
Use of the Christian misspelling of the Hebrew words for “I am that Iam,: mis-spelled often as the name J…, has been considered a blasphemy and a swear word at least snce the time your Jesus walked the earth. Out of respect for Orthodox Jews and my own ancestors, SJ never uses that word. Our tradition is to replace it with :adonai” or “the lord.”
But then, I am just a Jew .. you know like your Jesus was?
SJ Trollpatrolspews:
@44 Puddy
A lot of liberals agree with you. Obama is all to ready to give in to McCarthyism. Do you agree?
As for Mr. Jones, he is not ne of my favorites as I have not been impressed with his management skills. But then I am just a patriotic guy who cares more about what happens to the country than with mud slinging or political correctness.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
You really shock Puddy dude. Notice Puddy uses all lower case for “the messiah” who is the preznit today. The Real Messiah is the Son of God! Here is the reason Puddy calls the preznit “the messiah“. Puddy just following the lead of the libtards in the liberal MSM!
Chris Matthews – “This is the New Testament.”
Evan Thomas – “He’s sort of GOD.”
“Obama be thy name” on YouTube
Lawrence Carter, Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel Dean – “like Jesus being born in a manger.”
SeattleJew, there are way many more example of libtards calling the preznit that in the ether.
The Clabber Girl (check out my dirndle)spews:
re 26: “CNR–
So what..people get judged by their actions and comments everyday….especially THOSE IN POWER like Obama. Obama’s associations are relevant to we the people.”
Funny. This is not what we heard from you when people were bringing up the Bush families ties to the bin Ladens and great grampa Bush’s ties to the German Nazi’s.
By the by. They never did get bin Laden — probably, because Bush called off the chase.
You’re unhinged, @50. And uninformed.
The Good Night Good Luck spin is only spin, and you’ve been spun. Of course, swallowing left-wing disinformation is so much easier than, you know, getting a clue before you spew, but that brings us back to Darryl.
America's Worst Nightmare: SeattleJew with a Gunspews:
Learn how to spell, 27. It’s not Kommies. It’s KKKomies. That’s a variation on the theme of sensitive tolerant Jean Godden, 1994, saying that only neoNazis listen to “KKKVI.”
What are you talking about, Puddy? The bible specifically says that the Messiah is a descendent of David, ergo what you just said is completely wrong, and you call yourself a literalist.
I guess this is proof that not allowing theology in the schools is a bad thing. Sad really.
“Notice Puddy uses all lower case for “the messiah” who is the preznit today. The Real Messiah is the Son of God!”
But, but, but…Puddy. I though there was no uppercase/lowercase distinction for the word in original Hebrew….
Are You sure He knows that You don’t intend to blaspheme?????
By your logic, it would not be “taking the Lord’s name in vain” to say:
My god. I mean, jesus christ on a stick! What a bunch of god damned morons!
You’re okay with the lower-case variant Puddy?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
I though there was no uppercase/lowercase distinction for the word in original Hebrew….
That may be
First off Puddy would never be speaking about God like that. Since He is the Almighty One and His Son created heaven and earth, Puddy isn’t blaspheming. It’s the intent dude. I’m using “the messiah” as ridicule to the leftist pinheads who said those things above and other comments Puddy has in his “hip” pocket.
Good try. Hellovaneffort.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Mary was a descendant of David.
SJ Trollpatrolspews:
@59 Puddy
It is one thing for heretics to violate a commandment, we never calim to be bound them.
It is quite another for an observant person to take the name of G-d in vain.
I am actually serious about this. I know you are a committed Christian and my goal is not to challenge that but to suggest that you use the stengths of your own faith in a better
Let me put this in another way. IF your Jesus is who and what you claim, he would be offended by your use of the term messiah. Why offend him?
Beyond that, I think I can guarantee that there is nothing in the behavior of the Bequista Radicals that would appeal to the lay Pharisee form Gallilee who became your Messiah. Somehow I have trouble imagining the author of the sermon on the mount preaching slander (another of the original ten commandments BTW), advocating use of nuclear weapons, exulting in the idea of an imperial America, … all things Mr. Beck has done and all things I would hope dood American, Christian and not, conservative and liberal could agree should be condemned.
As Hillel Hillel said: “What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn”
SJ Trollpatrolspews:
Puddy …
the prophecy says of the house of David.
that lineage is strictly paternal
Since Joseph was not Jesus’ father no Jew would recognize him as a member of the royal family.
(nor, interestingly, does Jesus ever clim such a thing … but hell he was just a Jew, what did he know?)
SJ Trollpatrolspews:
@65 read the commandment again. Unless you have a new interpretation, it means what it says.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
SeattleJew: What prophecy are you talking about? Last time you discussed the Bible with Mrs Puddy and me, you said it was only the first five books that counted. All else was mens fables. You remember that comment? You also discounted the New Testament. So how can you discuss any prophecy except that discussed to Abraham in Genesis 26:4.
Luke specifically shows the lineage of Mary back to King David. Luke 3:23-38
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.” Rev 22:16 NIV
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
So Puddy sees this calling of the preznit “the messiah” because of what the libtardo MSM and others said really bothers the HA Libtardos.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
So SeattleJew hates Imperial America but it’s OK for Imperial Russia?
15 Beck is correct. Van Jones for one is a self proclaimed COMMUNIST you stupid bastard. The whole Obama organization is CHOCK FULL of them. What is your problem, ear rings too tight or is it your ponytail? Fucking tard.
Trolltalk by SJspews:
@72 NOPE …
ya gotta do better than that my tiger striped slit eyed furry friend.
Just think about my history … my ancestors lost their home to the Christian Empire of Rome, later we were drivedn from Andalus by the same imperialist (Christians) who enslaved your ancestors, then we got pogromed are made into dhimmi by the Muslim Imperial Turks and yet again by the Czars you so decry. I thinl we did a bit better under British imperialism and the Moghuls. Ming, and Ching all managed tpo conquer the world as THEY saw it with little Jew abuse. Hell we even prospered under the stars and stripes while your folks were whipped and beaten. Then came Hitler and Stalin.
I think I have ample reason NOT to support anyone’s imperialism. So do you, unless you applaud how Africa and Africans were treated.
Trolltalk by SJspews:
@75 mark
thinks that anyone interested in marxism is a spy for Stalin
@70 Puddy .. you are the one, not I who accepts, Constantine word for what is and is not holy script.
Exactly whgo do YOU think wrote Revelations?
As for Jesus, by law he would have been a bastard, regardless of who impregnated Mary, and certainly would not have rights to the paternal descent of David. Of course what do the jews know about the Jewish Law? BTW, did Jesus even have a Y chromosome?
@71. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
So Puddy sees this calling of the preznit “the messiah” because of what the libtardo MSM and others said really bothers the HA Libtardos.
Nope. I do think it ought to bother you unless you are not serious about trying to follow your G-d’s explicit commandments.
I may be pushing you too hard my friend, what you and your G-d do is a private affair.
Thanks Darryl for posting that Youtube. I thought it showed some profound similarities.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama continues to flounder on committing to our troops in Afghanistan….despite his Top Military Guy saying WE NEED MORE TROOPS!
How is a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER who helped ACORN capable of being Kommander in Chief??
Obviously, Obama is woefully UNQUALIFIED!
Obama is risking lives by his fear of Nancy Pelosi and you Leftist Lunatics.
Fight to win in Afghanistan…or get out now.
But to flounder as the Taliban strengthens and things deteriorate in borderline TREASON!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama’s Campaign RHETORIC was we were fighting the wrong war…we should be fighting to WIN in Afghanistan.
Now look at our flip-flopper in Chief– http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....fghan-war/
Great message to our fighting men and women who sacrifice so much.
Obama is downright dangerous for America.
Yet when you were expecting an answer from Puddy it would be a post every few hours with some nasty diatribe. See the difference?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Oh look, a long list of how the liberal media hides negative Democratic activities.
Don’t read this ylb arschloch. Being a dumb brick is easy work!
@80: Klynical
Wow, you are really stoopid.
The reason we have a problem in Afghanistan is that Bush pulled the troops and did not finish the job there. He allowed the Taliban to recover, regroup and take over. Instead, he sent the military into Iraq (for an unnecessary war).
do you not remember this?
Are you so stoopid you forgot it?
Now, Obama is trying to fix the mess Bush left in Afghanistan – and it won’t be easy. He promised to increase troops in Afghanistan and he has kept his promise.
Unlike the idiot Bush, Obama has kept his eyes on the real threat to our country (the Taliban/al qaida) and not manufactured a war elsewhere (Iraq) to distract us from our real goals.
82 – Damn right I won’t pay any attention to right wing bullshit.
It’s too funny that David Brock worked for the spectator and when he left the right wing and published his first article for an MSM publication (the Atlantic, IIRC) he got a call from a fact checker going over his article.
NEVER in all the years he worked for the right wing did a fact checker go over his stuff.
You can make any shit up you want in the right wing bizarro world.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You have BlameBushChronic Syndrome.
Obama is the Kommander in Chief…sitting back mulling things over while the Taliban strengthens and our troops are in harms way because of inadequate numbers.
Bush?? Who is he? Never like the guy.
Obama promised victory in Afghanistan…and we get this??
Keep chirpin’ CNR.
Obama is a chronic liar about….everything!
He just lied about all the US has DONE the past 8 months on Carbon Emissions.
Obama mistakes motion/yapping for action.
In his alleged mind, talking is somehow doing.
Scary guy.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Star Parker is the headline speaker for the Montana Family Org. annual fundraiser on 10/23.
Mrs. C and I will be there.
She is awesome…actions and words.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Peckerheads!
Obama FATIGUE has completely overwhelmed America. All Obama 24/7. Has it helped his ratings?? Absolutely NOT!
That’s because he lies about his “accomplishments” and thinks folks are under his spell. Some of you KLOWNS are…but you are quickly becoming the MINORITY. Presidential Tracking Poll
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 31% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8.
Thirty-one percent (31%) agree with the President’s decision to halt deployment of the proposed anti-missile shield in Eastern Europe. Thirty-eight percent (38%) disagree.
A Rasmussen video report shows that 36% now believe the President’s stimulus plan has helped the economy.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Imagine this… ylb arschloch has to be hitting his head with a hammer when you see the arschloch in agreement with a very intelligent person Condi Rice… It’s from the HuffPo so ylb arschloch can’t claim his head up his arschloch argument right-wing bullshit.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Looks like “the messiah’s” administration who placed General McChrystal in his position now doesn’t want to believe their hand-picked general in Afghanistan…
Puddy remembers when McKiernan, McChrystal’s predecessor asked for more troops oh no he was forced out.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Remember when Jon DeVore tried his NEA is Beck’s fault attack? Well it looks like “the messiah’s” administration is changing the rules again due to conservative radeeeeeeeeeo… Again ignored by the liberal MSM. Puddy spanked Jon in that thread and now it looks like ABC News is tired of being spanked by Fox News.
Moron @ 88
And Condi, the chimp lackey, was for Iraq.
I wasn’t.
Sorry I have NO RESPECT for anyone who’d enable that chimpanzee you voted for twice. Smart? Pffffffffft..
Another Heterosexual Murderer – who would have guessed.
I’m sure HA will probably ignore this YT as usual (don’t worry, I’m used to it but at least in my own efforts I’ve tried to help make it go viral).
This was a rather uncomfortable Youtube to watch. But I think it bears watching, as a remembrance of an irresponsible time when the flashing of labels and untruths, brainwashing and divisiveness, did so much to damage this nation. As well as the parallels we are witnessing today:
The Return of McCarthyism
“A juxtaposition of the past and current use of McCarthyism.”
Have to admit, THAT “Glenn Beck Connects the Dots” YT was freakishly FUNNY! Will pass it around.
Ahhh, from Wiki:
“Beck is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict.[8] He also has a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.[9] He and his first wife divorced amid his struggle with substance abuse. Beck cites the help of Alcoholics Anonymous in his sobriety, and he eventually converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,[10] which teaches against the consumption of alcohol.” ~snipped~
Yep, sure sounds like he’s back on the sauce.
I just caught the tail-end of a radio newcast talking about some terror suspects have been arrested in the U.S. Does anyone know what religion they are? Buddhism? Hindu? Christian? Jewish? I’m just curious.
Does anyone know what religion they are?
Popol Vuh, of course.
Despite Obama’s ENDLESS Media Blitz–
Monday, September 21, 2009
Obama Fatigue is becoming a National Epidemic.
We all need vacinations.
Obama is an arrogant fool who loves to see himself on TV and hear his voice.
People are tired of him.
He is screwing the pooch in so many ways…
Afghanistan, Economy, Health Care, Czars, ACORN, Race-baiting…you name it, Obama is screwing up.
Wow, looks like the loonies are leaving the zoo early this morning.
McCarthyism, what a crackncrock! Joe McCarty was a senator. Glenn Beck is a commentator. McCarthy had the pull of the United States Government behind him. J Edgar Hoover (butt hero of Gman) was one of the US Government’s federal law enforcers. People want the government to investigate Beck! For anyone to compare Glenn Beck as a McCarthyite is stupid and moronic. There are so many differences Puddy would think people with minds would actually think it through. Sadly the lady who’s grandmother didn’t trust black people (acting like headless and troll maybe) doesn’t impress Puddy as a thinker either.
Puddy decided to see how the left wing whackamole turd ball machine started this Glenn Beck acts like Joe Mccarthy mantra. Glenn Beck behaves like Joe McCarthy was tested too.
Are these HA Libtardos actually believing Fox News is more powerful than the liberal MSM? If so what an admission!!!!! Are bloggers claiming because Glenn Beck has Fox News as his megahorn he is the “second coming of Joe McCarthy”? It seems so.
When did Fox News have senatorial subpoena powers?
When did Fox News call people to testify?
When did Fox News investigate peoples private lives through FBI and other government investigative powers?
When did Fox News interrogate people? Did you see how Howard The Duck Dean ran and told the world his lie after being interviewed on PMSNBC and replaying his own words? Of course not. You were drinking the PMSNBC kook-aid!
When did Fox News command the New York Times to print articles about other Americans?
When did Fox News command the liberal MSM to cover it’s stories from the “hearings”?
When did Fox News command the liberal MSM to televise these activities below:
When did Fox News hold Van Jones hearings?
When did Fox News hold Bill Ayers hearings?
When did Fox News hold Jeff Jones hearings?
When did Fox News hold Richard Holbrooke hearings?
When did Fox News hold Jeffrey Crowley hearings?
When did Fox News hold Alan Bersin hearings?
When did Fox News hold David Hayes hearings?
When did Fox News hold Ed Montgomery hearings?
When did Fox News hold Todd Stern hearings?
When did Fox News hold Lynn Rosenthal hearings?
When did Fox News hold Gil Kerlikowske hearings?
When did Fox News hold Paul Volcker hearings?
When did Fox News hold Carol Browner hearings?
When did Fox News hold Joshua DuBois hearings?
When did Fox News hold Cameron Davis hearings?
When did Fox News hold Danny Fried hearings?
When did Fox News hold Nancy-Ann DeParle hearings?
When did Fox News hold Vivek Kundra hearings?
When did Fox News hold Dennis Blair hearings?
When did Fox News hold George Mitchell hearings?
When did Fox News hold Dennis Ross hearings?
When did Fox News hold Kenneth Feinberg hearings?
When did Fox News hold Cass Sunstein hearings?
When did Fox News hold John Holdren hearings?
When did Fox News hold Earl Devaney hearings?
When did Fox News hold J. Scott Gration hearings?
When did Fox News hold Herb Allison hearings?
When did Fox News hold Elizabeth Warren hearings?
When did Fox News hold Aneesh Chopra hearings?
When did Fox News hold John Brennan hearings?
When did Fox News hold Adolfo Carrion, Jr hearings?
When did Fox News hold Ashton Carter hearings?
When did Fox News hold Gary Samore hearings?
Just another day in the Democratic smear and attack playbook! Eddie Kendricks said “Keep on Truckin Baby”!
Nice video. The thought process illustrated bears a striking resemblance to a certain right wing whackaloon here:
Strike the resemblance – it’s more or less the same.
Now here’s a real Glenn Beck video with the partial transcript and the big picture chalkboard. This is what scares the whackamoles.
“There was the stimulus bill. My question was: Who wrote this thing? We found out and told you: It was the Apollo Alliance — a progressive, George Soros-funded, extreme left-wing organization. Harry Reid admitted to the nation — no, actually, he thanked the Apollo Alliance for their help.
It seems we need to give up that old-fashioned notion that Congress — the men and women we elect and send to Washington — actually write the bills, they’re not reading and passing. Turns out, they don’t.”
Did you forget Jeff Jones? He and Bill Ayers created the Weather Underground.
@7. Puddybud
So? Josef Goebells was not even a newsie until Hitler came to power. Stalin’s ran Lenin’s propaganda machine before taking power. The censors that closed the photoleague (a dangerous orgnaization oncluding ANSEL ADAMS) were not senators, ………
Beck alcoholic
McCarthy alcoholic
Beck devout Mormon because his wife is, as he says, a piece of ass.
McCarthy devout Roman Catholic???
Beck blue eyed
McCarthy blue eyed?????
Are Puddy and the other dittoheads actually believing some nits in caves in Pakistan is more powerful than the US of A?
Puddy … do you REALLY want to compare Beck to Jesus?
BTW, I think Jesus, Moses, Muhamaud all claikmed to have God on their sides. Hmm so does Beck?
When did the US governement send lorovacateurs to generate news?
When did the Bushies tell Fucks nNews what to say?
Does Fox have that power?
Why did they smear van Jones?
“When did Fox News hold …………..”
wierd list tabby cat. What is your point?
BTW I just posted an image of your second comer in his full uniform. Didja know he chose to wear an East German uniform for his own book cover?
And your point is that Ayers and Jones are senators?
Tell me how you would feel about Howard Stern or David Duke having a show on Fox?
Irrelevant. Try again!
Irrelevant. What does that have to do with anything? Try again.
Nice train derailment. Irrelevant. Try again.
Nope, but great use of ylb arschloch retort techniques!
Huh? What does that mean?
Oh so you forget the “Bush has no gravitas” DNC memo that ran on all the liberal MSM Sunday talk shows years ago?
Weird list SeattleJew? You mean you are as ignorant as ylb arschloch on all “the messiah’s” czars? Who smeared Van Jones? So you are now using the latest official DNC talking point wording “smear”? Van Jones own words decimated his position. Van Jones own associations decimated his position.
Puddy plans to purchase his book. Maybe you should too SeattleJew. You’ll learn some of what “the messiah” said when he pronounced…”Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.”
Where did Puddy make that point? Hanging with ylb arschloch again?
Tell me about Bill Ayers or Jeff Jones having a show on CNN? NBC, CBS, ABC? Bill Ayers on Education? Radical Education that is. Jeff Jones on Green Jobs. “Blow up the building and create a new building full of green jobs. I’ll show you how.”
“McCarthyism, what a crackncrock! Joe McCarty was a senator. Glenn Beck is a commentator. “
Your argument (or, I should say, Glenn Beck’s argument, since you essentially lifted this from Beck) is deeply flawed.
The claim is not, “Beck is McCarthy”, rather, the suggestion is that Beck is engaging in McCarthyism.
Contrary to the implication in your argument, contemporary usage of the term McCarthyism is not restricted to Senators, or even politicians. Via Wikipedia:
@14: Glen Beck is accusing people of being communists and accusing the President of “associating” with communists.
This is called McCarthyism – accusing people of being communists and implying disloyalty to our country.
If you can’t get that Puddy, I suggest you look at the definition Darryl posted.
Once again, you “argument” that McCarthy was a Senator and Beck is a “journalists (sic)” is off-track and irrelevant to the point being made.
Please try to make a coherent argument – you are becoming more shrill and less coherent.
Glen Beck is the modern equivalent of Father Charles Edward Coughlin, and seems to be following his example very well.
That’s the same thing SeattleJew told me. Unfortunately when this was promulgated weeks ago Puddy questioned it then, before Glenn Beck said his piece last week. Ask ylb arschloch to run tctmgr. He’ll gladly listen to you Darryl.
Glenn used the words and actions of Van Jones. Did Van run from is 9/11 Truther signature. He sure did. He claimed he didn’t know what he was signing. Would you sign that 9/11 Truther document Professor Darryl? Van Jones called Republicans “a$$holes” in a public forum. Van claimed business is dumping toxic wastes in minority back yards. Van said he was a communist. Van hung with known Marxists and Communists. Van was buds with Jeff Jones. Jeff co-founded the Weather Underground. Glenn used Van’s words and his associated friends list to determine who Van was. Valerie Jarrett was watching Van since he was in Oakland – her words Darryl. Van Jones was part of STORM. Identifying Frank Marshall Davis as the messiah’s Hawaiian mentor in Dreams from My Father is bad? That’s your definition of McCarthyism Darryl?
Well the videos on ACORN peeps got them fired. It was their actions and words which did them in Darryl.
Glenn used the words and actions of Cass Sunstein. Maybe you’ll be in court someday defending your actions against some animal with animal sitting in court next to his court appointed lawyer. The gorilla from Manila has arrived.
The Bill Ayers – Barack Obama association was proved long ago!
You all are amazing…
Of course when the WAPo discusses ACORN it’s not McCartyism…
“The liberal political organizing group ACORN faced internal chaos and allegations of financial mismanagement and fraud long before two young conservatives embarrassed the group with undercover videos made at field offices in Washington and across the country. ”
But when Glenn Beck discusses it, OMG this smacks of McCartyism!!!
Darryl, guess who paid Wade Rathke’s embezzled funds back to ACORN. One of George Soros front groups. You can find this just as easy as Puddy does, IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!
Puddybud @ 17,
You’re sweating the small stuff. That Glenn Beck used individual people’s “own words” is not particularly relevant.
McCarthyism is not simply the random discrediting of individuals.
FricknFrack @ 2,
Thanks for link. I’ve added this video to the post.
Moronic whackaloon @ 17
So you’re saying people you don’t like in Obama’s administration are guilty of:
by merely being in the same room with other people you don’t like?
Yep, you’re amazing all right. It’s amazing the depths of idiocy and paranoia to which a fool like you can sink.
“Of course when the WAPo discusses ACORN it’s not McCartyism…”
“But when Glenn Beck discusses it, OMG this smacks of McCartyism!!!”
Wrong. It is not simply the fact that Beck discusses ACORN that makes his actions McCarthyesque.
“Darryl, guess who paid Wade Rathke’s embezzled funds back to ACORN. One of George Soros front groups. You can find this just as easy as Puddy does, IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!”
No thanks. It doesn’t seem relevant. We are fully aware of your disdain for ACORN and your hatred of George Soros.
PuddWaxx is absolutely right. Glenn Beck is not a Senator from Minnesota in the 1950’s, therefore, he cannot be a McCarthyite. I would also like to point out that McCarthy was balding and had dark hair. Glenn Beck — full head of BLOND hair. See how different they are?
McCarthy — an alcoholic.
Beck — plays with his poop.
So, don’t bring up the McCarthy canard. As good German’s, Waxx and I can tell the difference. Hope Waxx doesn’t think it’s racist to call him a good German.
Yeah just like you “found” that “ustogether” ct promotion by Olbermann on that hater’s website.
You “find” lunatic right wing bullshit and expect people to take you seriously.
Guess what. It’s not working. It never will work. But you’ll keep trying the same old thing expecting different results. Because like Steve said – you’re all fucked up in the head.
Oh I don’t know – Glenn Beck has done a fine job of pissin’ in ACORN’s cornflakes! That’s one CORRUPT organization!!
15. correctnotright spews:
So what..people get judged by their actions and comments everyday….especially THOSE IN POWER like Obama. Obama’s associations are relevant to we the people.
Besides, Bill Ayers old man…the COn Ed Tycoon was a flaming Kommie…
So are Valerie Jarret’s parents.
And so is Obama.
@26 Mr. C thinks there are Kommies under every bed. Kommies!!!!
Mr. Cynical,
“And so is Obama [a Kommie].”
This is factually false.
In this country, one has complete freedom to join one of several communist parties, declare one’s political philosophy communism, etc.
Obama has not done any of these things.
So why do you lie about it Cynical?
Doesn’t your religion have something to say about lying?
Puddy ..
Insists van Jones is guilty of ….
signing a petition that asked why the military did not scramble in the 40 minutes it took the Pentagon ploane to arrive after the events in NYC or why we still have not investigated the role of the Saudi government?
of using the term “communist” and actuially knowing some communists … a problme he shares with Miltin Friedman, GHW Bush, and GW Bush.
@25 PI says ACORN is CORRUPT!!
as opposed to McCain’s involvement with terroists in Nicuarguas?
as opposed to the long list of evangelical swindlers funded by GWB’s faith initiatives?
Hows about the Reprican party and Watergate or the lady what done carved a B on her face as an agent of the RP?
Ohhhh .. and what was the case that O’Reilly settled out of court and whose wife was dioeing of cancer when Newtie told her to go to hell?
MUD Lets all have a MUD BATH.
The ultimate Reprican answer to racism .. MUD BATHS for all!
Darryl you dope..
Just because Obama hasn’t joined the Kommie Party doesn’t mean he isn’t a Kommie BY HIS ACTIONS AND PROPOSALS AND IDEOLOGY.
You act like Obama has to proclaim to the world he is a Kommie for it to be so.
Obama is a fan of Norman Thomas, 6-time Socialist Party Kandidate for President who said:
Incrementalism, Collectivism, Progressivism…all the same Bullshit…where you KLOWNS think only you know what is best for folks so Individual Freedoms must be sacrificed.
No thanks…I’ll decide what to do with my property and my wealth. Hands off losers.
30. SeattleJew on Trollpatrol spews:
Good Morning SJ–
FYI, the difference is the Democrats are currently in power and ACORN is obviously advocates for the Democrat Party.
Need to hold those in power accountable.
Let’s talk about that…not old McCain stories.
Important to deal IN THE PRESENT.
Have a good day SJ…I’ve gotta go plant some more trees.
Obama is completely inept and risking US lives in Afghansitan. Now McChrystal says FAILURE without more troops!
Obama is paralyzed by you lunatics.
Obama is willing to risk more lives…asking for patience while the TALIBAN GROWS IN STRENGTH!!
Obama is klueless.
Van Jones is guilty? Nope, Puddy said he hung himself because of his associations. The administration decided he was guilty by his associations coming to light and they were too much to deal with. So he resigns at midnight on a Sunday morning. Sweet.
Did some THING say anything in #24? Looks like unintelligent gibberish!
Mr. Cynical @ 31,
“Just because Obama hasn’t joined the Kommie Party doesn’t mean he isn’t a Kommie BY HIS ACTIONS AND PROPOSALS AND IDEOLOGY.”
Indeed, but then YOUR burden of proof is much greater.
“You act like Obama has to proclaim to the world he is a Kommie for it to be so.”
Look, dipshit, you are the one making the absurd claim. In fact, you claim is so absurd, it really amounts to a blatant lie.
“Obama is a fan of Norman Thomas, 6-time Socialist Party Kandidate for President who said:”
I’m not sure what evidence you are considering when you say Obama is a “fan.” Specifically, unless Obama has declared that he subscribes to Thomas’ politics, being a “fan” doesn’t mean you subscribe to a person’s politics.
(As an aside, Thomas wasn’t a “Kommie,” he was a socialist. You were aware that there is a difference between the two, right?)
So, please, Mr. Cynical, provide your evidence to support your claim that Obama is a communist.
Or were you just lying?
Darryl sez,
But that’s what most left-wing whackamole blogs are screaming about!
“But that’s what most left-wing whackamole blogs are screaming about!”
You are correct. People have criticized Glenn Beck for, what they perceive as, his over-the-top rhetoric against some individuals and organizations.
There is also a separate criticism of Beck that he is engaging in McCarthyism.
“The difference between Democrats and Republicans is: Democrats have accepted some ideas of Socialism cheerfully, while Republicans have accepted them reluctantly” – Norman Thomas
Where’s the proof? What explicit comment do you ascribe this “engaging in McCarthyism”?
This “engaging in McCarthyism” is the latest DNC playbook attack. The earlier DNC playbook attack was “acting like Brownshirts” That failed because independents took umbrage to being called a brownshirt and so did elderly Jews.
Mr. Cynical,
Wait, what? The Afghan invasion is Bush’s “other” war. Bush had SEVEN FUCKING YEARS to dismantle the Taliban, shutdown al Queda, capture or kill bin Laden, and establish a functioning government in Afghanistan.
Bush failed on every account.
Why? Because Bush diverted our resources away from this mission. He lied to the American people and Congress and dragged us into an extremely costly quagmire called Iraq.
The efforts in Afghanistan suffered as a consequence.
!Darryl is so cute when he talks dirty. Wish he’d pull his potty mouth out of the potty and discuss the torture memo, the one from seven (!) past directors of the CIA who implore Obama/Holder to put a hold on their Bush-bashing vendetta.
Despite what you’ve heard from Joel Triple Chinz, America was harmed by Frank Church’s anti-CIA grandstanding in the 1970s. Here we go again.
And way down deep, that’s what the Obama-Holder-Darryl axis of evil probably wants from this: the harming and disarming of America.
Puddybud @ 40,
In response to my statement:
You said:
“Where’s the proof?”
Well… When I search Google with the search phrase “Glenn Beck” mccarthyism
Google returns about 219,000 entries. A small sampling of the ~219,000 finds a high proportion of people suggesting that Glenn Beck is engaging in McCarthyism.
Additionally, a search for “Glenn Beck” -mccarthyism turns up numerous links where Beck is criticized for his attacks on individuals or organization with no mention of McCarthyism.
Therefore, my claim that “there is also a separate criticism of Beck that he is engaging in McCarthyism.”
The Waltons: You remember, those cornpone plutocrats who exploited their retard workers who were too damn dumb to go on welfare like normal Americans. And who forced their exploited workers onto public-assistance medical care. Well, Goldy Walton’s the worst:
See what Goldy Walton’s done? He’s treated us pro trolls like amateurs, paying us minimum wage or less, forcing us to plead on our knees for Obamacare.
It’s damn time for a boycott of Goldy Walton’s criminal conspiracy against us poor professionals, and it’s time for ACORN/SEIU to break his hubcaps. Kneecaps. Whatever.
Yep, good old Madeline Half-bright (we were duped by the North Koreans) said in Russia last week…”Madeleine Albright said during the meeting that America no longer had the intention of being the first nation of the world.“. Sound like another socialistic thought to Puddy. Was this approved by “the messiah” and his “disciples”?
Puddy asked
You failed to answer Puddy’s question so far. Puddy isn’t looking for some Google search of others claiming it.
Puddybud @ 41,
“This “engaging in McCarthyism” is the latest DNC playbook attack.”
Could be. But I don’t have a subscription to the DNC playbook (I’m not even a Democrat). But none is needed…the McCarthyism is blatant, as the second video linked to above shows.
“The earlier DNC playbook attack was “acting like Brownshirts” That failed because independents took umbrage to being called a brownshirt and so did elderly Jews.”
You seem to be claiming that one strategy has been abandoned for another. This is incorrect…the two criticisms are in response to two different phenomena.
The “brownshirt” comparisons (at least, the ones that I made) were in response to the teabaggers who, in showing up in large numbers to disrupt town hall meetings to the point of, effectively, shutting them down, were reminiscent of the proto-Brownshirts of Nazi Germany before they became a paramilitary arm of the Nazi party.
Since the town hall meetings are less frequently in the news, the criticism isn’t used as frequently.
Read Blacklisted by History, Darryl, apply yourself (like the good little boy you are) to the task of getting a clue before you spew, write your book report, and maybe then you’ll know enough about McCarthy and McCarthyism to take our time.
The dumb-Darryl left has spun us for almost 50 years on McCarthy and his era. Old Joe mangled some details, as we all do, but his fundamental indictment of the New Deal/Fair Deal was right-on right. Joe McCarthy was not our #1 problam. Joe Stalin was our #1 problem, and too many idiot-liberal progressives then and now tried to cover up the truth.
Glenn Beck gets some things wrong. Like Paul Krugman, he was apparently wrong about Great Depression 2.0. But he’s totally right about the red czarist tilt of our current community organizer administration.
Seems like only yesterday that the Darryl wing of the Democrat Party was telling us that Obama is a pragmatic centrist. You lied. Beck took you down on your own stupid game. Get over it, then go back to telling us that Jesus was a community organizer and that Glenn Beck is a McCarthyite Nazi. After all, flipping shit is what you leftists do best.
@49: Tail up his ASS
Maybe you need to read and understand history:
Joe McCarthy was a drunk liar who intimidated harassed and ruined the lives of many innocent people for his own personal agenda.
In addition, we are supposed to be the land of the free…but according to fools like you it is OK to label people you disagree with and force them to testify against others and name names (of many innocent people0>
McCarthy had no list of communists – he lied. It was a shameful chapter in our history and you just don’t get it. People like you also approve of torture and using any means to achieve an end …..making our country just as bad as the “communists” you hated.
Puddybud @ 47,
“Puddy asked
You failed to answer Puddy’s question so far.”
I was addressing your “Where’s the proof” comment in 40.
“Puddy isn’t looking for some Google search of others claiming it.”
If you look back at question 40, that is what you, essentially, asked.
But…as far as your comment @ 47: “You failed to answer Puddy’s [subsequent] question so far,” your right!
@26: Klynically stooopid
Well, in that case I did not see you getting on Bush’s case for associating with communists (remember, he looked in Putin’s soul and found it good (the former head of the KGB).
ooops, a little double standard you moron?
The President associates with a lot of people – so what. Are there any actions that are “communist”?
Puddy has nothing either….going on and on about Van Jones – BFD. He is gone and he was a loudmouth – so what?
Again, Beck is screaming communist in general…and he is like McCarthy. Trying to scare and intimidate people in a childish way.
Hint: the Soviet Union is gone and China is one of our largest trading partners. This is a red herring.
@34 Puddy
so we agree van Jones is not guilty of anything BUT exercising his rights of fre association???
hmmm and this is NOT McCarthyism?
correctnotright has nothing either….
going on and on about George Bush – BFD. He is gone!
What? Are you daft? If that was the case, he would be standing in his whitey house job and not have been thrown under de bus!
Mr Cynical (with paraphrasing in italics)
Incrementalism, corporate welfare, classism. respect for whitey, …all the same Bullshit…where you REPRIKANS think only you know what is best for folks so Individual Freedoms must be sacrificed.
No thanks…I’ll decide what to do with my free speech.
Hands off losers. well said!
@ 46. Puddybud
Puddy seems to think that imperialism is implicit if a free society? in capitalism? in the American way?
I also wonder if he has changed religions since he seem to use the name of his own G=d in vain:
so Puddy can keep to his faitth, here is some help ….
Maybe he has become a muslim?
To the goyem, including Puddy
Use of the Christian misspelling of the Hebrew words for “I am that Iam,: mis-spelled often as the name J…, has been considered a blasphemy and a swear word at least snce the time your Jesus walked the earth. Out of respect for Orthodox Jews and my own ancestors, SJ never uses that word. Our tradition is to replace it with :adonai” or “the lord.”
But then, I am just a Jew .. you know like your Jesus was?
@44 Puddy
A lot of liberals agree with you. Obama is all to ready to give in to McCarthyism. Do you agree?
As for Mr. Jones, he is not ne of my favorites as I have not been impressed with his management skills. But then I am just a patriotic guy who cares more about what happens to the country than with mud slinging or political correctness.
You really shock Puddy dude. Notice Puddy uses all lower case for “the messiah” who is the preznit today. The Real Messiah is the Son of God! Here is the reason Puddy calls the preznit “the messiah“. Puddy just following the lead of the libtards in the liberal MSM!
Chris Matthews – “This is the New Testament.”
Evan Thomas – “He’s sort of GOD.”
“Obama be thy name” on YouTube
Lawrence Carter, Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel Dean – “like Jesus being born in a manger.”
SeattleJew, there are way many more example of libtards calling the preznit that in the ether.
re 26: “CNR–
So what..people get judged by their actions and comments everyday….especially THOSE IN POWER like Obama. Obama’s associations are relevant to we the people.”
Funny. This is not what we heard from you when people were bringing up the Bush families ties to the bin Ladens and great grampa Bush’s ties to the German Nazi’s.
By the by. They never did get bin Laden — probably, because Bush called off the chase.
You’re unhinged, @50. And uninformed.
The Good Night Good Luck spin is only spin, and you’ve been spun. Of course, swallowing left-wing disinformation is so much easier than, you know, getting a clue before you spew, but that brings us back to Darryl.
Learn how to spell, 27. It’s not Kommies. It’s KKKomies. That’s a variation on the theme of sensitive tolerant Jean Godden, 1994, saying that only neoNazis listen to “KKKVI.”
What are you talking about, Puddy? The bible specifically says that the Messiah is a descendent of David, ergo what you just said is completely wrong, and you call yourself a literalist.
I guess this is proof that not allowing theology in the schools is a bad thing. Sad really.
Puddybud @ 59,
“Notice Puddy uses all lower case for “the messiah” who is the preznit today. The Real Messiah is the Son of God!”
But, but, but…Puddy. I though there was no uppercase/lowercase distinction for the word in original Hebrew….
Are You sure He knows that You don’t intend to blaspheme?????
By your logic, it would not be “taking the Lord’s name in vain” to say:
You’re okay with the lower-case variant Puddy?
That may be
First off Puddy would never be speaking about God like that. Since He is the Almighty One and His Son created heaven and earth, Puddy isn’t blaspheming. It’s the intent dude. I’m using “the messiah” as ridicule to the leftist pinheads who said those things above and other comments Puddy has in his “hip” pocket.
Good try. Hellovaneffort.
Mary was a descendant of David.
@59 Puddy
It is one thing for heretics to violate a commandment, we never calim to be bound them.
It is quite another for an observant person to take the name of G-d in vain.
I am actually serious about this. I know you are a committed Christian and my goal is not to challenge that but to suggest that you use the stengths of your own faith in a better
Let me put this in another way. IF your Jesus is who and what you claim, he would be offended by your use of the term messiah. Why offend him?
Beyond that, I think I can guarantee that there is nothing in the behavior of the Bequista Radicals that would appeal to the lay Pharisee form Gallilee who became your Messiah. Somehow I have trouble imagining the author of the sermon on the mount preaching slander (another of the original ten commandments BTW), advocating use of nuclear weapons, exulting in the idea of an imperial America, … all things Mr. Beck has done and all things I would hope dood American, Christian and not, conservative and liberal could agree should be condemned.
As Hillel Hillel said: “What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn”
Puddy …
the prophecy says of the house of David.
that lineage is strictly paternal
Since Joseph was not Jesus’ father no Jew would recognize him as a member of the royal family.
(nor, interestingly, does Jesus ever clim such a thing … but hell he was just a Jew, what did he know?)
@65 read the commandment again. Unless you have a new interpretation, it means what it says.
SeattleJew: What prophecy are you talking about? Last time you discussed the Bible with Mrs Puddy and me, you said it was only the first five books that counted. All else was mens fables. You remember that comment? You also discounted the New Testament. So how can you discuss any prophecy except that discussed to Abraham in Genesis 26:4.
Luke specifically shows the lineage of Mary back to King David. Luke 3:23-38
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.” Rev 22:16 NIV
So Puddy sees this calling of the preznit “the messiah” because of what the libtardo MSM and others said really bothers the HA Libtardos.
So SeattleJew hates Imperial America but it’s OK for Imperial Russia?
15 Beck is correct. Van Jones for one is a self proclaimed COMMUNIST you stupid bastard. The whole Obama organization is CHOCK FULL of them. What is your problem, ear rings too tight or is it your ponytail? Fucking tard.
@72 NOPE …
ya gotta do better than that my tiger striped slit eyed furry friend.
Just think about my history … my ancestors lost their home to the Christian Empire of Rome, later we were drivedn from Andalus by the same imperialist (Christians) who enslaved your ancestors, then we got pogromed are made into dhimmi by the Muslim Imperial Turks and yet again by the Czars you so decry. I thinl we did a bit better under British imperialism and the Moghuls. Ming, and Ching all managed tpo conquer the world as THEY saw it with little Jew abuse. Hell we even prospered under the stars and stripes while your folks were whipped and beaten. Then came Hitler and Stalin.
I think I have ample reason NOT to support anyone’s imperialism. So do you, unless you applaud how Africa and Africans were treated.
@75 mark
thinks that anyone interested in marxism is a spy for Stalin
@70 Puddy .. you are the one, not I who accepts, Constantine word for what is and is not holy script.
Exactly whgo do YOU think wrote Revelations?
As for Jesus, by law he would have been a bastard, regardless of who impregnated Mary, and certainly would not have rights to the paternal descent of David. Of course what do the jews know about the Jewish Law? BTW, did Jesus even have a Y chromosome?
@71. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Nope. I do think it ought to bother you unless you are not serious about trying to follow your G-d’s explicit commandments.
I may be pushing you too hard my friend, what you and your G-d do is a private affair.
Darryl, Puddy is still waiting for your answer.
Puddybud @ 76,
Indeed…you are.
@ 20. Darryl
Thanks Darryl for posting that Youtube. I thought it showed some profound similarities.
Obama continues to flounder on committing to our troops in Afghanistan….despite his Top Military Guy saying WE NEED MORE TROOPS!
How is a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER who helped ACORN capable of being Kommander in Chief??
Obviously, Obama is woefully UNQUALIFIED!
Obama is risking lives by his fear of Nancy Pelosi and you Leftist Lunatics.
Fight to win in Afghanistan…or get out now.
But to flounder as the Taliban strengthens and things deteriorate in borderline TREASON!
Obama’s Campaign RHETORIC was we were fighting the wrong war…we should be fighting to WIN in Afghanistan.
Now look at our flip-flopper in Chief–
Great message to our fighting men and women who sacrifice so much.
Obama is downright dangerous for America.
Yet when you were expecting an answer from Puddy it would be a post every few hours with some nasty diatribe. See the difference?
Oh look, a long list of how the liberal media hides negative Democratic activities.
Don’t read this ylb arschloch. Being a dumb brick is easy work!
@80: Klynical
Wow, you are really stoopid.
The reason we have a problem in Afghanistan is that Bush pulled the troops and did not finish the job there. He allowed the Taliban to recover, regroup and take over. Instead, he sent the military into Iraq (for an unnecessary war).
do you not remember this?
Are you so stoopid you forgot it?
Now, Obama is trying to fix the mess Bush left in Afghanistan – and it won’t be easy. He promised to increase troops in Afghanistan and he has kept his promise.
Unlike the idiot Bush, Obama has kept his eyes on the real threat to our country (the Taliban/al qaida) and not manufactured a war elsewhere (Iraq) to distract us from our real goals.
82 – Damn right I won’t pay any attention to right wing bullshit.
It’s too funny that David Brock worked for the spectator and when he left the right wing and published his first article for an MSM publication (the Atlantic, IIRC) he got a call from a fact checker going over his article.
NEVER in all the years he worked for the right wing did a fact checker go over his stuff.
You can make any shit up you want in the right wing bizarro world.
You have BlameBushChronic Syndrome.
Obama is the Kommander in Chief…sitting back mulling things over while the Taliban strengthens and our troops are in harms way because of inadequate numbers.
Bush?? Who is he? Never like the guy.
Obama promised victory in Afghanistan…and we get this??
Keep chirpin’ CNR.
Obama is a chronic liar about….everything!
He just lied about all the US has DONE the past 8 months on Carbon Emissions.
Obama mistakes motion/yapping for action.
In his alleged mind, talking is somehow doing.
Scary guy.
Star Parker is the headline speaker for the Montana Family Org. annual fundraiser on 10/23.
Mrs. C and I will be there.
She is awesome…actions and words.
Hey Peckerheads!
Obama FATIGUE has completely overwhelmed America. All Obama 24/7. Has it helped his ratings?? Absolutely NOT!
That’s because he lies about his “accomplishments” and thinks folks are under his spell. Some of you KLOWNS are…but you are quickly becoming the MINORITY.
Presidential Tracking Poll
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Imagine this… ylb arschloch has to be hitting his head with a hammer when you see the arschloch in agreement with a very intelligent person Condi Rice… It’s from the HuffPo so ylb arschloch can’t claim his head up his arschloch argument right-wing bullshit.
Looks like “the messiah’s” administration who placed General McChrystal in his position now doesn’t want to believe their hand-picked general in Afghanistan…
Puddy remembers when McKiernan, McChrystal’s predecessor asked for more troops oh no he was forced out.
Remember when Jon DeVore tried his NEA is Beck’s fault attack? Well it looks like “the messiah’s” administration is changing the rules again due to conservative radeeeeeeeeeo… Again ignored by the liberal MSM. Puddy spanked Jon in that thread and now it looks like ABC News is tired of being spanked by Fox News.
Moron @ 88
And Condi, the chimp lackey, was for Iraq.
I wasn’t.
Sorry I have NO RESPECT for anyone who’d enable that chimpanzee you voted for twice. Smart? Pffffffffft..
Turdball@91, She was SoS for all things moron.
Stay an arschloch ylb arschloch!