Rachel Maddow continues her investigation of the state of health and politics in South Carolina:
(There are some 70 other media clips from the past week in politics posted at Hominid Views.)
Another Update:
Undercover video team: ACORN is willing to help us run underage, illegal immigrants in a brothel. Here’s the video.
ACORN: No we’re not. It was two bad apples in the Baltimore office. Isolated incident. Abnormal. Smear campaign. Trilateral commission. Black Helicopters.
Liberal Media: Two bad apples. Isolated incident. These are not the droids you’re looking for. Nothing see here. Move along.
Undercover video team: BTW, here’s the Washington DC office offering the same help. Here’s the video.
ACORN: This recent scam, which was attempted in San Diego, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia to name a few places, had failed for months before the results we’ve all recently seen.
-Bertha Lewis, Chief Organizer, ACORN
Undercover video team: Uh, better scratch New York off that list. Here’s the video.
ACORN: Uhhh. Racism! Violated our privacy. crap, crap, crap. mutter, mutter, mumble…
Undercover video team: Oh and the other coast is just as bad. Here’s video #4.
Jon Stewart: WTF?!?
Liberal Media: Ooh look, the First Lady went to a farmer’s market.
Goldy, et al: [crickets]
Census Bureau: No ACORN for us.
Jay Leno: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2k5Yi5pboA
Undercover video team: Uh, better scratch San Diego off that list.
ACORN Thug: Hey baby, how much do you charge?
Senate: 83-7, no more money for ACORN
State Governors: ACORN’s off the payroll NOW.
House: 345-75, no more money for ACORN
Liberal Media: Huh, what?
Gee Darryl, just like you to worry about LITTLE SHIT when the friggin’ house is on fire.
Holder & Obama get taken to the woodshed by 7 former CIA Directors about this ridiculous reinvestigation (clearly political to deflect from their incompetence on everything else)
D’mon Darryl, Obama/Holder are risking the lives and soul of CIA Intelligence.
Our Country is soooooo much less secure because of these 2 KLOWNS.
Are they naive…or stupid??
Hey proud leftist..
How is your Montana trip going?
You got here for the absolute best September ever. Record highs in the low 90’s this past week and another gorgeous day today.
Mrs. C and I are going to hike Bear Trap Canyon (along the Madison River), then go to Dillon for the rest of the day and maybe eat tonight on the way home at the Willow Creek Saloon.
Tell me about your trip.
How’s your Dad doin’??
Fort Benton is a nice area.
God is Great.
Anyone who thinks the beauty of Montana was simply created by a series of random acts with no Devine Hand of a Creator is….mistaken.
Do we agree on that PL??
Applicable to many of the posters here, especially YLB & Roger Rodent. Enjoy!
I would be surprised if Acorn has an average of maybe five offices in each state. Washington State only has one. California has ten. Let’s guess there are five office per state, times fifty states equals 250 offices nationwide. Now let’s put the staff at each office at twenty. This means there are 5,000 people working for Acorn. The United State has three hundred million people, and you racist assholes are worrying about 5,000 black people running community centers?
You do realize that some of these Acorn undercover videos were simply the Acorn people fucking with the badly undercover news people, don’t you?
This focus on Acorn is all based in racism of the worst kind.
Nice try==No Sale
Those videos are merely the tip of the iceberg.
The “conspiracy theory” is us Conservatives are going to continue to show videos and documents virtually daily….making apologists/deniers like you look like the KLOWNS you are.
So it is racist to pull Government Funding (OUR MONEY) from ACORN??
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 17% favor continued taxpayer support of the Association for Community Organizations for Reform Now.
Gee Bud, once again up are one of them 17%’ers!! also known as a pathetic KLOWN>
Grow up Bud…ACORN is toast.
Many of Obama’s lunatic left appointees are toast.
Get a grip…your comment is laughable.
America is sick of it.
Jimmy Carter is a senile, bitter old fart.
This is the last thing Obama wants as he will lose in a race war.
Watch out for the escaped mad-dog killer..
since most of sc is christian, and maddow is jewish, i think its bigotry by her.
right manoftruth, since most of america is christian, then anyone who’s jewish who dares to criticize anything should shut up because that would be bigoted to criticize.
Oh and the same goes for atheists, too. And by the same logic, liberal christians should shut up if they are less numerous than conservative christians.
what a complete moronic piece of shit you are.
zzzzzzz…MSNBC…zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Only stupid people turn into this network and get their daily dose of ignorance from Keith “I wanna be an elizabethian actor” Slobberman or Rachel “carpet munching” Madcow.
Plus, Madcow criticizing the SC population for obesity is clearly racism. Perhaps she’s never steppef foot in SC, but I have. Good folks and salt of the earth people, but you wouldn’t know it from the elitist carpet muncher Madcow’s report.
lol…i was just using the same logic as your heros jimmy carter and maureen dowd who both read the minds of all those people who disagree with obama as racists. actually, maureen dowd is the genious, she took two words, you lied, and was able to deduce racism. brilliant.
then anyone who’s jewish who dares to criticize anything should shut up because that would be bigoted to criticize.
i cant even believe you wrote that. it appears that anyone who’s white cant criticize obama, and you just contradicted that.
So why would they deserve to be statistically more likely to get cervical cancer?
South Carolina is the right wing model for the country.
South Carolina is what Eyman and Dunmire dream this state of becoming and we’ve been on the way there more or less since 1994.
South Carolina and Mississippi are backwaters and that’s utopia to right winger.
@ 13- I don’t recall anyone being “deserving” of cervical cancer… perhaps you can expound on the question you posed.
This is simply a hit piece on Joe Wilson that hails from South Carolina. I wonder if we could do an expose on Chicago corruption from where Obama crawled out of, but that would require practicing real journalism and that is in short supply these days outside of Fox News..
No one watches MSNBC anyway by looking at their ratings…well, except for the HA sanitarium faithful here.
Being fat has zip to do with skin color. Are more people fat in South Carolina than in other places per capita. The facts says yes.
It’s simple Empty Hea… sorry, Suit.
Rachel was describing all of the terrible problems the state be it poor education, cervical cancer, pitiful standards in education, teenager pregnancy.
Your defense is these “are good people” No argument but it’s almost your reflexive response is to put their victim status on a pedestal..
That is unless you think God’s doing a Job and “testing” them.
It’s too funny to see these wingers jerking themselves over ACORN.
ACORN is small potatoes.. An outfit that organizes poor people.. Wow such a threat to wingnuts.
Acorn has gotten an average of 3.5 million per year from the Feds since 1994.
Would they get this exercised over the Wall Street banks who have gotten billions upon billions?
Of course not… They want to cut their taxes.
@ 16 the pervert eye spews:
They placed 5th dumbass. It’s called the culture and cultural eating habits- high in fat content, good BBQ, etc.
Your dumbass has never been there and never met the people there so shut your fucking pie hole up about something you know little to nothing about, du arscloch.
You’ve never been there so you wouldn’t know. Much like YLB, you’re speaking out of ignorance.
19 – In the top five! Fatter than 45 other states. Wow what a distinction.
And whadya know I’m right – you seem to think a place like that is a utopia. Well f’ing move there asswipe. Move to the home of braindead holier than thou f’ing hypocrites like Sanford.
I’ve been to the South. Would I want to live there? Hell no. And I’ve met too many Southerners who had the misfortune to blessed with a brain which told them to get the hell out of there.
You’ve never travelled outside the confines of Washington you lying cunt. A hell of a lot better people than the fake ass NW’ers here that’s for damn sure. I’ve lived on both coasts about equal and of all the places I’ve ever lived, Seattle is the most backwards cowtown passive aggressive population i’ve ever witnessed.
Seattle suffers from napoleon complex.
@19 I have been there. And while not as bad as the shanties I have seen in the third world it came close…
Ah so now health problems are a cultural value! Say no more. What tradition shall we defend next, female circumcision?
@ 22 As long as they’re happy and content, why the fuck should you care? They’d receive worse healthcare under Obamacare and they know it. Which is why their representatives are opposing it tooth and nail.
Hmm. something to do with not being a complete psychopath I guess, or perhaps caring for the human condition or similar nonsense.
@ 24 ~ so you’re for restricting the foods that S. Carolinians intake? Who will be the judge of what is ‘healthy’ when the government is in charge of healthcare? How do propose to reduce the amount of oral and cervical cancer that SC residents are predisposed to get?
look up “quality of care” for your answer.
I propose the same thing everyone else does. But apparently that’s against the bible.
I have looked up “quality of care.” it would be really nice if S. Carolina had it, as well as “quantity of care” while they were at it.
@ 26 ~ Great game. Great win.
Wanted to put 2k on the 19 point spread, but some dumb cunt governor made it illegal (felony akin to child molestation) to gamble on line. Special interests must be served.
@ 27. and again, why do you care about the plight of South Carolinians? bottom line, you don’t. So shut the fuck up about how they live their lives. Just like a liberal to be in everyones business with the wagging finger.
21 – Yeah I’ve been dripping wet in the humid weather in shorts and a t-shirt at 5 in the frickin’ morning and I’ve been serenaded by the cicadas while dining al fresco. Never imagined bugs could make such a racket.
And you seem to be such an agreeable SOB – they’d love you in South Caroline.
If you don’t like it here moron you can have the land of Mark Sanford – GET the F OUT!
@ 29~ I’ll live where I choose to live cuntboy. I make more money in Seattle and that is why I choose to live amongst the metrosexual liberals here in this cowtown. You’re content not travelling outside of your comfort area, which is fine because most adolescents feel the same way, even if you qualify as an adolescent in maturity and not age.
Lil’ Empty Suit Dumbass @ 23,
“They’d receive worse healthcare under Obamacare and they know it.”
Unlikely…certainly not for the ~20% who have no health care now….
“Which is why their representatives are opposing it tooth and nail.”
More likely it is because they put partisan loyalties ahead of the health of their constituents.
Hey Empty Suited Asswipe,
Here’s where the uninsured of South Carolina go to get Health Care – Virginia!
@ 31 the nutty, lazy and unprepared professor of ignorance.
Don’t you think the good folks of S.Carolina take this into account when voting for their representatives? As I said, no metrosexual pussy from Seattle, professor or not, is going to tell a S.Carolinian how to live their life.
Thems just the facts, son.
30 – So you’re here for money huh? Can’t make enough scratch in South Carolina or Mississippi? Gee I wonder why? Typical right wing jerkoff.
um, but wait. Isn’t the squeal from the left that the uninsured GET NO health care? That link just undermines your argument dumbass, but then, you’re not the sharpest tool in the drawer so that explains a lot.
35 – You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground. People attending that clinic drove from hundreds of miles away. Thousands of teeth were pulled and dozens of root canals done because too many people from the south HAVE NO OTHER OPTIONS.
Things are bad enough in the rest of the country but your beloved South where the Republicans have been relegated to is a true hell hole when it comes to the disparity between the haves and the have nots – and that just fine with you isn’t it?
It doesn’t bother you that Remote Area Medical started out doing clinics in the freaking third world and now they’re operating HERE.
You disgust me you right wing POS..
Lil’ Empty Suit Dumbass @ 33,
“Don’t you think the good folks of S.Carolina take this into account when voting for their representatives?”
This is an excellent point—and I sure hope the voters of S.C. are paying attention to the health care reform debate! Unfortunately, there is still voting disparity in the state. The % of black and poor voters is higher than their turnout in the 2008 election. Also, some of the S.C. politicians have been leading the lies (i.e. factually untrue statements like “government takeover”). As usual, the Republicans attempt to hold power by keeping people in fear….
“As I said, no metrosexual pussy from Seattle, professor or not, is going to tell a S.Carolinian how to live their life.”
Oh? And have I told any resident of S.C. what to do?
“Thems just the facts, son.”
As usual, Dumbass, you have your facts wrong…I am not from, nor do I reside, in Seattle.
“How do YOU propose to reduce the amount of oral and cervical cancer”
One possible proposal:
Outlaw cunnilingus by tobacco users.
Senator Jim Dement from South Carolina in that clip: “This is a critical battle for the heart and soul of America, and for freedom itself.”
Indeed, where would America be if it’s citizens were stripped of their liberty to die prematurely from obesity, cervical cancer, oral cancers and low-weight births?
So, how many people did the heterosexuals kill, rape and take from today?….you piggers. Continue on with you propaganda bullshit, you are all a bunch of pig fuckers.
Hey here is another one, I knew I wouldn’t have to wait too long. You Pig Fuckers are ruining society and this world.
Despite Obama’s endless public appearance’s, here is where he is at:
It’s called a serious case of OBAMA FATIGUE.
The guy is in love with his own voice.
Obama is arrogant…and wrong.
Also, after a brief mini-bounce, Obama is back to the toilet–
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Democraps are in HUUUUUUGE trouble in 2010 and future. AGE DISCRIMINATION! First death panels…now kill old folks financially.
For the first time in history, the Democrat-led Congress will not allow an increase in the social security by way of a COLA (cost of living adjustment).
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation predicts there may not be any COLA for the next three years.
However, the per person monthly Medicare insurance premium will be increased from the 2009 premium of $96.40 to $104.20 in 2010 and to $ 120.20 for the year 2011.
Remind them to not vote for any of the incumbent Democrap senators and congressmen in the 2010 and the 2012 elections.
How’s that conservative French Polack been doin’?
@43: Pure Klynical, pure stupidity
Hey klynical, thanks for showing us how stooopid you are once again.
Gee, 7 former CIA chiefs want to cover their guilty butts, because for the first time in years we have an AG that actually has read the constitution?
And we are supposed to feel sorry becuase the AG wants to uphold the law. You know, the law that Bush and Cheney broke with impunity and then lied about repeatedly (“We do not torture!*”)
Where the * was supposed to mean the liars were crossing their fingers as they lied to the American people.
Gee, I am supposed to fell bad becuase our new AG recognizes criminals who broke the law and tortured people? And then lied about it?
Hell NO! I hope the criminals go to jail and I hope the investigation goes to the highest levels and the bleating of the CIA chiefs is from jails if some of them approved of torture.
It is time to bring back the rule of law to the US.
@21 Empty head says:
Hmmm, getting a lttle testy there tiny brain.
I have been to SC a number of times. Lot’s of poor people, some rich white people, some beahces.
Lousy health care and representatives who are hidden racists (like Wilson and his confederate flag) and are rude and don’t know how to act in public (like Wilson).
The point that empty head is missing is that the represenatives most against universal health care represent a state that is at the bottom in most health care measures.
Spin that any way you want, but only an ignorant fool like empty head would be defending that.
@43: Just like the democrats were in huuuge trouble in the last election….according to Klynical. Except that Obama won by the largest margin by a non-incumbent in history.
Ooops, Klynical’s record on predictions….not so good. Klynical’s hyperbole…excellent. Klynical’s intelligence…..as proven time and again….not so good (on the level of a thrid grader). My favorite Klynical was when he said Obama was failing because the stock market was tanking (notice the idiot doesn’t mention that now). Or that Obama would fail because the Bush depression was getting worse (notice also he is not mentioning that now). Or that since it was cold in the winter, global warmning was wrong.
All of these are idiot and fool suggestions …. and Klynical is our resident idiot and fool.
Hey ‘lil Stupsie,
Those teabaggin’ parties are neat. You don’t have to think, just follow orders from Rupert’s crew. They’ll even signal to you when to cheer:
cnr @ 47–
One might say, I’M DUE!