Pre-tax, pre-provision operating profits of Freddie Mac are running at over $15 billion. If the government were not demanding 10 percent on its preference shares the companies would be sufficiently well capitalised to repay their interest in 4 years. With the drag of having to pay the
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey, how about Gregoire’s Budget Forecaster!
What a guy.
A week or so ago, he tells us the recession is over…even though no one else is willing to say so.
Wow Troll, that is amazing. I didn’t realize there were that many Muslims in England. Kinda make me think that England, given the birth rate and immigration trends, will be a Muslim-majority country in the year 3200.
The earth is going to hell!
kudos to goldstien for keeping on top of the acorn scandal.
No comment on the video? Lowest rate of HPV vaccination? Highest rate of teenage pregnancy? Lowest birthweight babies? Highest rate of babies born premature? Highest rate of infant mortality?
Concentrated in the right wing Republican South. Especially Mississippi and South Carolina.
I remember the moronic stooge Stupes denying all this claiming that it was the liberals in the blue states who let their kids “run wild”.
Idiotic, willfully ignorant fool.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
This would be a story worth talking about if anyone actually watched MSNBC…personally, I find late night test patterns more informative and they probably get better ratings than that Liberal network.
Like there’s a shortage of reporting on that. Bit of a non-scandal if you ask me. They get shown a video of a couple of their employees breaking the rules and they fire them. That’s a scandal?
ylb. i’m confused about your hpv vaccination comment. i always thought it was a drug company scam, (if you work the numbers), so i would have thought you were against it.
It’s not a scam. It’s a way to not get cervical cancer. Some folks are all up in arms about it because it would mean talking to kids about sex.
Re: HPV vaccination rates. This vaccine is not mandatory. Therefore this stat includes only those who choose to get the vaccination. She doesn’t provide a stat that correlates the HPV vaccination rate to cervical cancer rates for those that choose to get the vaccination and those that choose not to.
Re: Highest teen pregnancy stats. I’d rather have pregnant teens than abortions. Which state has the highest abortion rate? The answer is skewed by the fact that some states don’t report out-of-state abortions, didn’t report by resident status, and other factors.
Re: Infant mortality rate. Latest data I could find on CDC was from 2007. There are many factors that affect this including unintentional injuries, congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal dysfunctions.
You have to thoroughly analyze the reports and data to include all factors. But that is not the purpose of this person’s show. It’s to link the “worst statistical” reports to the republicans against this public option plan.
The HPV vaccination also does not control all forms of the virus but still it’s a breakthrough. Of course some right wing idiots think getting their kids vaccinated for HPV means promoting promiscuity. Well surprise! Guess what the kids of right wing fools in the South are doing behind their backs!
idiot @ 11
I don’t freaking know where you got that braindead stereotype. Me and my family are vaccinated. We respect science. We’re not in ugly denial like right wing fools.
Wow! Those Bush abstinence programs worked out great in the South didn’t they?
swine flu vaccine…tested for 2 weeks…hmmmm, i wonder how it will affect your body in 10 years.
@16….those southern states also have a high percentage of african american population….
..could it be that YLB is racist? it sure sounds like it.
no matter what the color the people or what state those stats take place in, they are still a tragedy for this nation….and just as much a tragedy are the untold numbers of unborn children who are killed each year for the sake of population control and money.
@17…but the dear leader kim jong il, errrr, I mean barack obama, says to take the shot and dont worry about the ramifications…
A story for the left
especially SJ to read. Yes, yes, it’s from the Seattle Times, but we don’t currently have another paper of repute to post stories from these days, so deal with it. It appears some liberals can’t take the heat when they’ve been in the kitchen for a good 6-1/2 years:
[Gasparian] tried to grab the fliers being passed out by supporters of Lyndon LaRouche, a perennial presidential candidate who has likened Obama’s health-care proposals to the Nazi extermination of Jews and other “undesirables.”…Gasparian is charged with two counts of fourth-degree assault in Edmonds Municipal Court for what he describes as an attempt by “an old man to say you cannot insult the president with this outrageous campaign.”…”I saw Hitler’s soldiers. I saw swastikas every day. To call Obama stupid, even criminal — OK, that’s politics. But Hitler? It’s hurting to anyone no matter who is president,” he said.
Where was Mr. Gasparian’s outrage when President Bush was compared to a nazi everday within the hate-filled websites like KOS and Huffpo and other media outlets for the past 6+ years?
SJ~ this is what I mean by you comparing Glenn Beck to a nazi, Josef Goebells. You of all people should be educated enough to understand why the comparison is not only false, but probably shows a slight mental defect in the person making the accusation. Think about it.
Also, SJ. Beck is a local kid from Mt Vernon,WA. Can you claim the same? I doubt it.
Good to see the putt “fucker” @ 20 is on top of his “game” spewing another intellectually “bankrupt” line of “reasoning”.
You are “laughable”.
another nice scam is when doctors prescribe drugs to supress the immune system for say lupus. now, the drug was designed to supress the immune system, which means you can get sick, which is why they say tell your doctor if you already have an infection, because with a lowered immune system you could die. then, if you get real sick or die, the lawyer sues the drug company for MAKING A FUCKING DRUG THAT DOES EXACTLY WHAT THEY SIAD IT WOULD DO, AND THE FDA AND YOUR DOCTOR BOTH KNEW IT.
so, the doctor makes money, the drug company makes money, the lawyer makes money. and who do you think ends up making up for the money thye drug company got sued for. the poor saps who believe everything they are told.
#15 – The HPV vaccination also does not control all forms of the virus but still it’s a breakthrough.
I don’t disagree that it is a breakthrough. My point relates to the statistical information provided by this tv show. Rather than debate that point you move on again to a right-wing nut diatribe. Did you just watch this video or did you go to CDC and actually try and read through some of the reports?
Not all right wing fools reject vaccinations – many people are against them. If you have such proof, please provide a link.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow ylb arschloch jumped all over the “data”. To Puddy it means that these states don’t adhere to infanticide rules of “Planned” Parenthood like the other states do. It means donkoinfanticide is not the rule of the day. Unborn Babies mean something when a girl gets pregnant. Even though they engage in sex, they keep the baby. The first thought isn’t abort abort abort.
Can you imagine if the ylb arschloch parents aborted? One less stupid brick on HA.
Of course that’s lost on a moron like ylb arschloch who always has his head up his arschloch!
right wing asshole @ 20 – none of your freaking business. I already said my family is vaccinated – draw your own stupid conclusions.
“HPV vaccination rates. This vaccine is not mandatory. Therefore this stat includes only those who choose to get the vaccination.”
Ummm…right. But there are State laws that provide for mandatory coverage in insurance plans, and awareness campaigns (like H.B. 1802 here).
“She doesn’t provide a stat that correlates the HPV vaccination rate to cervical cancer rates for those that choose to get the vaccination and those that choose not to.”
So? Are you somehow implying that the vaccine isn’t effective?
Here is a stat for you: Given that a woman has cervical cancer, there is a near-100% probability that it was caused by HPV.
“Re: Highest teen pregnancy stats. I’d rather have pregnant teens than abortions.”
Again, so?
“Which state has the highest abortion rate”
That would be NY, but that is hardly relevant to the discussion, since abortion is legal and is a significantly lower public health problem than teen pregnancy, both in terms of medical risks and societal costs.
“Re: Infant mortality rate. Latest data I could find on CDC was from 2007. There are many factors that affect this including unintentional injuries, congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal dysfunctions.”
Irrelevant. Most such factors should not vary among states. The fact is, public health science recognizes infant mortality as a good indicator of a population’s level of health and access to health infrastructure.
“You have to thoroughly analyze the reports and data to include all factors.”
Nope…in fact Demographers have used the infant mortality rate as a health indicator for generations.
“But that is not the purpose of this person’s show. It’s to link the “worst statistical” reports to the republicans against this public option plan.”
Correct! That and to point out the hypocrisy of these wingnuts from states with poorest reproductive health statistics fighting against improved health care access for all people.
18 – fuck you right wing tool.
25 – heh. The tool can’t see the truth in front of his freaking face. Bush’s abstinence garbage is a failure, teenage girls are getting pregnant left and right (why? could it be because right wingers are so butt ignorant about contraception and discussing sex with their kids), infants are born with low birth weights and the infants are more likely to DIE (what a reverence of “life”).
Right wing means public health DISASTER!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
So Puddy asked ylb arschloch about the vaccination.
Since abstinence is the only 100% way to avoid getting HPV, of course ProudASS went off like always.
Puddy just checking on ylb arschloch. You can read between the lines.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb arschloch,
People will get down if and when they want. Puddy commends those who keep the babies, ylb arschloch commends those who kill the unborn.
Plain and simple.
Good night!
30 – Fucking liar. I’ve said NOTHING about abortion.
Whoa you contradict yourself – you say abstain to prevent HPV in 29 and then you say boy and girls will be boys and girls in 30.
What a moron! Lots of bullshit about abortion not a single peep about vaccination, safe sex and contraception.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Obama can send out all the smear merchants he’d like…Maureen O’Dowd, former failed president Jimmy “the worthless one” Carter or Bill Cosby…to deflect from his fledgling presidency by training wheels.
This is why we don’t usually put a novice behind the wheel when driving. Electing Obama was like letting a precocious 7 year old drive your mercedes…he/she seems capable to perform the task, but in reality, is simply overwhelmed with the task he’s been asked to undertake.
The result isn’t pretty, nor is ours for the forseeable future.
32 – zzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. a real snoozer like the flashes in the pans James and Hannah.
Ummm…right. But there are State laws that provide for mandatory coverage in insurance plans, and awareness campaigns (like H.B. 1802 here).
Rachael didn’t mention this when she quoted the stats she did.
“Re: Highest teen pregnancy stats. I’d rather have pregnant teens than abortions.” Again, so?
So we aren’t having babies killed because teens made a mistake. They can put the babies up for adoption.
but that is hardly relevant to the discussion, since abortion is legal and is a significantly lower public health problem than teen pregnancy, both in terms of medical risks and societal costs.
But a higher risk in terms of mental health.
That and to point out the hypocrisy of these wingnuts from states with poorest reproductive health statistics fighting against improved health care access for all people.
Did you read through any of the CDC reports to derive the facts or just watch this video? My point again, Rachael makes her point which is to discredit the republicans. Health care access is available for all people – including illegal aliens. Some choose not to see doctors nor take care of themselves. You can offer all the health care access you want – you can’t force people to make use of it (well, unless you impose a fine such as this administration wants to do).
So? Are you somehow implying that the vaccine isn’t effective?
The CDC (and I’ve been reading their website) only provides this “statistical” wording: This vaccine is highly effective in preventing these types of HPV in young women who have not been previously exposed to them. The vaccine will not treat existing HPV infections.
“Since abstinence is the only 100% way to avoid getting HPV, of course ProudASS went off like always.”
Not really. Abstinence protects against most types of genital HPV infections, but there are many other types of HPV infections that are spread through other means.
Still… abstinence defies the realities of human sex drive—particularly in cultures where mean age at marriage occurs long after the mean age of sexual maturation.
9. Empty Suit Obama
Watches test patterns on TV late at night and th[nks libruls used to support Larouche when lil Bush was President.
Trolltalk by SJspews:
The Debate Between
Darrel and Puddy …
Darryl thinks girls ought to be vaccinated so if they have sex they will not get cervical cancer.
Puddy thinks girls and boys should be abstinent and marry as virgins so that girls will not get cervical cancer. \
SJ wonders how intensive a test Puddy’s daughter’s beaux will have to go through to prove their virginity.
acorn is not a scandal? wow. no wonder nobody believes liberals and the msm is in the toilet.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 37 SJ~ I’ll comment when you’re able to comment coherently. Apparently, that will only happen tomorrow when your BAC is more “b” than “a”.
34 – What a load of tedious right wing bullshit.
35 – You can’t stop lying. I didn’t advocate abortion in this thread.
Bottom line for all threads is I’m for freedom. You support right wing authoritarian tyranny.
#34 – What a load of tedious right wing bullshit.
How original. Offer specific debate points please.
My point relates to the statistical information provided by this tv show. Rather than debate that point you move on again to a right-wing nut diatribe. Did you just watch this video or did you go to CDC and actually try and read through some of the reports?
43 – Like I said, it’s freaking tedious. Maybe someone else.
#43 – Like I said, it’s freaking tedious. Maybe someone else.
Never heard freaking tedious before. I was expecting another right wing nut comment! No worries, let me know when you’re ready to debate without right wing nut stuff. I’m game…
“Rachael didn’t mention this when she quoted the stats she did.”
And why would that be relevant?
“So we aren’t having babies killed because teens made a mistake. They can put the babies up for adoption.”
Obviously you have strong feelings against abortion. Nevertheless, those feelings are not particularly relevant. Maddow was discussing negative indicators of public health.
“But a higher risk in terms of mental health.”
Maybe. The scientific evidence for this claim is equivocal. If you are genuinely interested, I invite you to visit the U.W. Medical library. The current issue of Harvard Reviews of Psychiatry comprehensively reviews the literature, with an emphasis on proper methodology. (The full citation is: Robinson, Gail Erlick, Stotland, Nada L., Russo, Nancy Felipe, Lang, Joan A. and Occhiogrosso, Mallay(2009)’Is
There an “Abortion Trauma Syndrome”? Critiquing the Evidence’,Harvard Review of Psychiatry,17:4,268 — 290)
Here is the conclusion from the article:
The most consistent predictor of mental disorders after abortion remains preexisting disorders, which, in turn, are strongly associated with exposure to sexual abuse and intimate violence.
“Did you read through any of the CDC reports to derive the facts or just watch this video?”
I have a PhD in demography and biological anthropology, do research on reproductive health for a living, and have worked directly with the CDC linked birth-death data. So…yes.
“My point again, Rachael makes her point which is to discredit the republicans.”
As I said, you are correct. That was her point.
“Health care access is available for all people – including illegal aliens.”
This is incorrect, unless you are specifically referring emergency care or some types of public health infrastructure (clean water, sewers, etc.)
“Some choose not to see doctors nor take care of themselves.”
Correct…this is particularly true of males, who have a phobia about doctors. At the same time, there are many people who cannot afford any “normal” health care, and many, many more who cannot afford quality health care.
“You can offer all the health care access you want – you can’t force people to make use of it (well, unless you impose a fine such as this administration wants to do).”
You have identified a legitimate problem; however, an even bigger problem is that many people cannot afford basic health care that they want or need.
“The CDC (and I’ve been reading their website) only provides this “statistical” wording: This vaccine is highly effective in preventing these types of HPV in young women who have not been previously exposed to them. The vaccine will not treat existing HPV infections.”
Right…hence the effort to vaccinate young women prior to first coitus.
“Darryl thinks girls ought to be vaccinated so if they have sex they will not get cervical cancer.”
Indeed…but I have a very good friend (who you’ve met) who was diagnosed with cervical cancer as a young woman. She was diagnosed early, treated, and lived to tell about it. Had she been born 20 year earlier, the outcome would have been less certain.
So I fully admit to being less than objective in my feelings about the desirability of immunizing girls before they become sexually active.
44. YLB spews:
43 – Like I said, it’s freaking tedious. Maybe someone else.
09/17/2009 at 10:46 pm
Can we add “tiresome”?
Maybe someday they’ll come up with something new or original.
Actually, even “relevant” would be refreshing.
@4 Mr. Off-Topic spewed
“Hey, how about Gregoire’s Budget Forecaster!
What a guy.
A week or so ago, he tells us the recession is over…even though no one else is willing to say so.”
Except….oh, yeah. Ben Bernanke. Remember him?
Of course, his statement was a little weird. He said that people would still be losing their jobs, nobody could afford to buy a house, businesses would continue to fail, and things would continue to suck in general for quite some time, but by some arcane definition, the recession is over.
For a while I was starting to think he was one of the saner ones.
Some stuff that Rachel Maddow didn’t mention. As of 2007, the top states for STDS (by cases in 100,000).
Primary and secondary syphilis:
1. Louisiana
2. Alabama
3. Georgia
1. Mississippi
2. Alaska
3. South Carolina
1. Mississippi
2. Louisiana
3. South Carolina
Marvin Stamnspews:
So pelosi went all teary eye talking about…
“I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw … I saw this myself in the late ’70s in San Francisco. This kind of rhetoric is just, is really frightening and it created a climate in which we, violence took place and … I wish that we would all, again, curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements that are made.” Some of the people hearing the message “are not as balanced as the person making the statement might assume.”
So how did liberal san fran deal with the problem?
How did those midterm elections work out during the clinton administration.
And the upcoming one will be the “toughest.”
What does she know that ylb and the left-wingnuts here won’t acknowledge?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Interesting development Darryl. Glad your friend was diagnosed, treated and is flourishing today. All Puddy is saying is Puddy remembers the Thimerosal controversy.
Puddy only looked at what the University of Pittsburgh, University of Michigan, Case Western Reserve, The Ohio State University and the University of Cincinnati claimed about the over 200 types of HPV viruses. It’s transmitted through sex by person who has the infection transmitting it to another person.
From the Women’s Clinic Web site – “Two uninfected people with no sex partners besides each other cannot contract HPV.” Mr and Mrs Puddy don’t have HPV by the grace of God!
And SeattleJew, what is wrong with being a virgin until marriage? Please don’t become as tendentious as rujax and ylb arschloch and some other leftist pinheads here!
Then there’s the injection. Gardasil only protects against HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18. Other HPV strains will cause the virus to occur. So 4 out of 200? So you have a 2% chance of being protected with Gardasil. Now Puddy does acknowledge Gardasil protects against 70% of the known cervical cancer types, because Gardasil does not protect against all HPV types that cause cervical cancer. Hmmm… Also the Web MD site says:
Cervical cancer is more common in women of Hispanic descent and in people living below the poverty level.
At over $170 a dose and three doses, how did the unemployed fool ylb arschloch afford this? No Internet for three months? Eat beans and rice for three months? Did ylb arschloch ride his bike to not buy gas for his car?
Butt, don’t make political hay about that eh leftists? Just scream about the states and how they vote in elections right ylb arschloch because hey, when Rachel Maddow says something we must parrot it. How are those shiny full calf boots fitting you and your HA leftist buds? Just like you ylb arschloch to run from an argument due to lack of intelligence
44. YLB spews:
Like I said, it’s freaking tedious. Maybe someone else.
On Wednesday morning, ABC News Chief Medical Editor Dr. Timothy Johnson said that he, too, would encourage parents to learn more about the shot before getting their daughters vaccinated.
“I am very much in favor of childhood vaccines,” Johnson told Chris Cuomo on Wednesday’s “Good Morning America,” adding that there is little doubt that the vaccine does have its benefits.
“We know it does what it says – it prevents HPV infections,” he said.
But he added that when it comes to comparing the benefits of the HPV vaccine against its potential risks, he believes there simply is not enough evidence to recommend to all parents that they have their daughters vaccinated</strong. PuddyEmphasis
Funny Rachel Maddow didn’t have that on her show. Puddy checked. Butt, from WikiPedia…
Gardasil is a 3 dose (injection) vaccine. There have been 24 million doses distributed in the United States, and there have been 13,758 Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports following the vaccination. Ninety-three percent were reports of events considered to be non-serious (e.g., fainting, pain and swelling at the injection site (arm), headache, nausea and fever), and 7% were considered to be serious (death, permanent disability, life-threatening illness and hospitalization). There is no proven causal link between the vaccine and serious adverse effects – all reports are related by time only. That is, they are only related because the effect happened some time after the vaccination. None of the 26 confirmed deaths of women and girls who had taken the vaccine were linked to the vaccine. Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), a rare disorder that causes muscle weakness, has been reported after vaccination with Gardasil. There is no evidence suggesting that Gardasil causes or raises the risk of GBS. Additionally, there have been rare reports of blood clots forming in the heart, lungs and legs. Most of those who suffered blood clots were already at risk from other factors, such as taking combined oral contraceptive pills.
Based on all of the information they have today, CDC continues to recommend Gardasil vaccination for the prevention of 4 types of HPV. Merck, the manufacturer of Gardasil, will continue to test women who have received the vaccine to determine the vaccine’s efficacy over a lifetime.
Sounds like some of the swill Puddy remembers about Doctors and cigarettes. While the vaccine works for four types only what happens if you take the vaccine and you still develop it? Are these cases reported in literature?
Maybe just maybe many Southern blacks are not getting the vaccine shot in those states because, maybe just maybe, the Tuskegee Experiment from the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) still rings in many people’s minds.
Also it could be that the women are better looking in the Southern states so the natural urge to procreate is higher, so more sex. Would you really wanna procreate with Rachel Maddow? Yuck! Well maybe ylb arschloch worships to his boob tube! As Redd Foxx said follow an ugly child home and see if someone ugly opens the door.
Of course the useless blob ProudASS and facts don’t mix like oil and water!
The NE has the lowest rate of teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy means exactly that, pregnancy.
Pregnancies are calculated as the sum of births, miscarriages (including stillbirths) and abortions.
If you don’t want to talk to your teens about reproduction, then maybe you shouldn’t have one?
Millions of dollars have been poured into programs to educate teenagers about safe sex and contraceptives. By most accounts, those efforts have been fairly successful in targeting and changing the sexual health habits of teens. Centers for Disease Control statistics show teenage contraceptive use to have gone up noticeably between 1995 and 2005. The decline in abortion rates among teens mirrors a decline in teen pregnancies–from 107 for every 1,000 teenagers ages 15-19 in 1982, to 75 per 1,000 teenagers in 2002 (the most recent year for which data is available).
I’d rather teens abstained from sex and think that abstinence needs to be talked about as part of sex ed, but it’s just one part of sex ed. not the whole ball of wax.
• In 2000, teenage birthrates were highest in Mississippi, Texas, Arizona, Arkansas and
New Mexico. The states with the lowest teenage birthrates were New Hampshire,
Vermont, Massachusetts, North Dakota and Maine.
• Teenage abortion rates were highest in the District of Columbia, New Jersey, New York,
Maryland, Nevada and California.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Another democrat during the debate pledging not to raise taxes yet the moment he’s off the stage he’s for raising taxes.
I think he is, or maybe not, or maybe he is…
He doesn’t sound very clear himself trying to defend his position
When a reporter keeps asking what he means he tries to belittle her by calling her “young lady.”
Black teens have the highest teen pregnancy rate. For young women age 15-19, black teens are most likely to become pregnant (134 per 1,000 women). Slightly lower rates occur among Hispanics (131 per 1,000) followed by non-Hispanic whites (48 per 1,000).
Like Puddy said which falls on the deaf ears of ylb arschloch and others black people didn’t listen to GWB and abstinence programs. Yet, these same libtardo fools will march onto this blog and scream it’s those peeps in the southern states who voted for GWB without looking at the population demographics. Hmmm…?
Even this article blames Bush for black & hispanic teenagers whose parents overwhelmingly voted for Gorebasm and Effin Kerry?
It is time for the Bush Administration to take some accountability for its role in this teen pregnancy crisis.
But your report claimed
Childbearing by unmarried women rose substantially in 2006, reaching record high levels (showing a 20% increase from 2002 data). The largest increase, 10%, was among unmarried women 25 to 29. PuddyEmphasis
What a stupid conclusion!
And Michael since the CDC acknowledges that there is an underreporting of doctor office abortions what does that prove?
Nearly a third of pregnant teenagers choose abortion.
Out of all teenage pregnancies, 29% are terminated by abortion.
Did Tiller the baby killer report every abortion? He claimed in 1995 9200 of his performed abortions were late term? Puddy gave the evidence to SeattleJew on this blog. You can check with ylb arschloch as he has all the PuddyMissives in his tctmgr database. California doesn’t report abortion statistics to the CDC. Why not California?
“Mothers who were not married accounted for 83.1% of the abortions. Most of the abortions tracked by the CDC were to minorities: 36.9% to African Americans, 20.3% to Hispanics, and 9.0% to “other” (may include some Hispanics). Somewhere between 43% and 45.6% of women had had at least one previous abortion. (The status of 2.6% was “unknown.”) In addition, 59% of women having abortions had already had at least one live birth.”
This is why Puddy screams about why my peeps run to get abortions. Yet the other blacks who populate this blog have never commented on black abortions. Puddy guesses they cheer it on! Black Donkoinfanticide, first promulgated by Margaret Sanger, now done without thinking by the people she firsts suggested it be used upon!
50 – Heh.. Add that to the list of things Stupes is paranoid about..
Think about it moron.. When in you’re in the South talking to a right wing southerner about the bullshit you heard on Rush’s show, don’t think about what he or she could be carrying…
You’d dive under the nearest table! BOO!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Oh Michael, here is what the USA Today found for all 50 states. BTW WA State had a 7% increase in teen births. Butt butt butt, dats a blue state! Oregon has a 8% increase. Butt butt butt, dats a blue state! New Jersey 6% increase. Butt butt butt, dats a blue state! Maryland had a 6% increase. Butt butt butt, dats a blue state!
Puddy guesses they cheer it on!
Yet another right wing asswipe fantasy.
It’s none of my business as to how people exercise their freedom.
Yet Stupes wants the power of the state involved in reproductive decisions and health – law enforcement, prisons, punishment, the whole nine yards.
What an idiot.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Once again ylb arschloch doesn’t take into consideration the population and the cost of treatment of STDs. Poor people don’t go to the doctor for checkups. Why not visit the US Census and see what the poverty level is in those states ylb arschloch? Ohhh wait a minute… you said
it’s freaking tedious. Maybe someone else.
Now is this gonna change with the public option and forcing poor people to pay for insurance? To ylb arschloch it’s just the voter patterns the fool says.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
It’s none of your business how people exercise their fantasies ylb arschloch?
Well good for you fool!
Poor people don’t go to the doctor for checkups.
Ohhh! I wonder why???? Obama and progressives are trying to change that idiot and all you morons can do is scream at townhalls and teabag.
It’s none of your business how people exercise their fantasies
When it imposes on the freedoms of others it does.
When a woman can’t get an abortion after she’s had sex forced on her, she might wonder why that option’s been taken away. If a couple goes to the pharmacy and can’t get contraception they have may questions too. And then they all find out its because of the fantasies of butt ignorant right wingers but now you say its none of their business.
Screw you and the horse (fantasy) you rode in on..
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Well here is something ylb arschloch won’t have to worry about being unemployed…
“Employers say they will not absorb any additional costs that result from reform and plan to take actions to avoid doing so, including reducing benefits, raising prices for customers and/or reducing head count.”
ylb arschloch, it’s from Business Wire, a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway. You know that old right-wing nut (sic) Warren Buffet!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
WTF fantasy you screaming about ylb arschloch?
When a woman can’t get an abortion after she’s had sex forced on her, she might wonder why that option’s been taken away.
Screw you fool. When has Puddy ever said this moron? You drink and puke the kook-aid every day!
If couple goes to the pharmacy and can’t get contraception they have may questions too.
You mean the stuff you can buy at Fred Meyers is not available? When did this happen ylb arschloch? You mean magnum sized Trojans (like you’d need that size) has been removed from the shelves? When did this happen ylb arschloch? You mean spermacide creams are now gone? When did this happen ylb arschloch? You mean the pill has been banned? When did this happen ylb arschloch? Did Walgreens, Bartells, etc. get the same memo?
Regarding Puddy’s checkup comment, did you notice good old ylb arschloch forgot to add the “public option and forcing poor people to pay for insurance” from his yank and paste. Is that what you do at home when the kids are at skuul and the wife is slaving away as the pants wearer? You yank it and paste it wherever?
With regards, to HPV, the video comes to an incorrect correlation, IMO. High HPV (and teen pregnancies) rates don’t really measure how bad state healthcare is, but are a measure of state education.
In Louisiana, the state offers free HPV vaccinations. Obviously, young women are not taking advantage of it, which leads me to believe that people are not aware of the services, or not aware of the risks of HPV.
The majority of k-12 public schools in the south are underperforming. That is the major reason for many of the poor health scores brought up in the video.
Teen preganancies, HPV, STD’s etc, are reduced with education. Why is eduation in the South bad? That’s a different issue than health care.
62 – Wow. You like that tedious line. I was referring to the moronic right wing bullshit and fantasies of fools like you.
It gets a little boring after 9 pm. Right now I’m refreshed but alreadly its getting old.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Fool, those are your words. When it gets tedious ylb arschloch leaves the argument. No mind no matter.
Archon Survivorspews:
Those babies need to take more personal responsibility for their birth. Mr. Cynical was responsible enough to be born in a timely manner, so why should HE have to pay for these irresponsible babies.
You are all such Libtardo bleeding hearts. Why can’t you be more practical?
SeattleJew's Trolltracking Servicespews:
@54 Puddy
I think you left your sense of logic in the litter box.
I myself are bothered by the casualness of intercourse in our society. I think it makes the formation of stable marriages more difficult. Adds that portray sex as the byproduct of good grooming bother me a lot more than this vaccine.
BUT … none of this has anything to do with Darryl’s point.
For your part, the vaccine in no way prevents virginity. Suppose your kitten falls in love with some guy who has had sex but now is faithful? Or suppose that she, being merely feline, makes a mistake or ??? Suppose the kitty is vaccinated, would that change her commitment to virginity?
Suppose the worst happens, she is raped. And then she gets cancer? Would that be her fault? Would it be yours?
Unless your religion extends to the reliance on G-d to treat disease extremes, then it seems to me you should rethink this one. In the meantime a friend of ours helped develop the vaccine, largely because of her commitment to woman’s health in Africa. I hope you would applaud Nancy’s efforts!
Puddybud is an Uncle Tom and a Lionel because he belongs to a party that sends demonstrators into the street sporting confederate flags and pictures of Obama with a bone through his nose.
Man SeattleJew, that was a whack-job argument. Puddy already acknowledged the vaccine is effective against 4 of the 200+ types of HPV. But Darryl’s original point was
Which states have the worst record in reproductive health?
Since even Dr Johnson said he believes there simply is not enough evidence to recommend to all parents that they have their daughters vaccinated, so why all the screaming? Puddy is against forcing someone to do something against their will. Did you read about the poor mother who’s young daughter died after taking the third Gardasil shot?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
headless lucy@73, we all know you are a racist through and through. You already admitted you change into your thirty sock puppets to yank my chain, so why all the fronting. Just be yourself and man up fool!
“Puddy only looked at what the University of Pittsburgh, University of Michigan, Case Western Reserve, The Ohio State University and the University of Cincinnati claimed about the over 200 types of HPV viruses. It’s transmitted through sex by person who has the infection transmitting it to another person.”
Then you probably weren’t reading in context. While sexual contact is the predominant way that genital HPV infections are spread, but there are other routes of transmission for other infection sites. For example, HPV can be transmitted from mother to child during birth.
But, most commonly, warts are an example of non-sexually transmitted HPV infection.
“Then there’s the injection. Gardasil only protects against HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18.
Other HPV strains will cause the virus to occur. So 4 out of 200? So you have a 2% chance of being protected with Gardasil.”
This is flawed statistical thinking. The assumption that all 200 strains are equally likely and equally likely to be transmitted is wrong. An implicit assumption in your statement is that all 200 strains are equally dangerous—that’s wrong, too.
“Now Puddy does acknowledge Gardasil protects against 70% of the known cervical cancer types, because Gardasil does not protect against all HPV types that cause cervical cancer.”
On the other hand, flu vaccines don’t protect against all types of flu. That doesn’t mean flu vaccines have no utility.
“Cervical cancer is more common in women of Hispanic descent and in people living below the poverty level.”
Your point?
“At over $170 a dose and three doses, how did the unemployed fool ylb arschloch afford this?”
YLB is neither a teen, nor a female.
But, in general, state governments can play a strong role in making the vaccine readily available and affordable.
“Just scream about the states and how they vote in elections…”
Maddow was primarily making a political point, not a medical point.
I’m so impressed with Mr. Puddybud. He seems to be an expert at every topic. Such superior intellect is just awesome. He does us a great service by being here, don’t you all agree?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
For example, HPV can be transmitted from mother to child during birth.
So was this an immaculate conception? Was she injected at a doctor’s office with a fertilized egg?? How did she get the HPV virus? Through the doctor rubbing her? Hmmm… Too many unanswered questions.
The assumption that all 200 strains are equally likely and equally likely to be transmitted is wrong.
Okay, then why do doctors tell women who get the vaccine to contually have pap smears against the other 196+ viruses?
“At over $170 a dose and three doses, how did the unemployed fool ylb arschloch afford this?” YLB is neither a teen, nor a female.
But ylb arschloch claimed his “daughter” is vaccinated. So it’s relevant. Puddy realizes most people skip over what ylb arschloch writes. Thanks for proving that point.
Maddow was primarily making a political point, not a medical point.
And it became a medical/political point to the HA leftists as Puddy pointed out above!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy reads a lot and asks questions on what Puddy reads. You being a dumb cinderblock with large interstitial air spaces do what?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Of course rujax always accepts the veracity of Rachel Maddow on her poorly watched but Atlantic Monthly loved show or other HA leftists who continually comment on blog topics.
He does read a lot and creates discussion. This place would be absolutely stale without the vigorous debate.
Anyway, without him YLB would have no meaning in life.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Bwaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa
“So was this an immaculate conception? Was she injected at a doctor’s office with a fertilized egg?? How did she get the HPV virus? Through the doctor rubbing her? Hmmm… Too many unanswered questions.”
You seem to be babbling here. Not sure what your point is.
“Okay, then why do doctors tell women who get the vaccine to contually have pap smears against the other 196+ viruses?”
The recommendation persists for early diagnosis of cervical cancer (and some other medical conditions).
But what does your question have to do with my statement that your assumptions were wrong?
“And it became a medical/political point to the HA leftists as Puddy pointed out above!”
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Your claim of a mother passing it onto her child has to have a cause for that effect. How did the mother get the HPV to pass onto the child if it takes skin to skin rubbing in the genitalia area to acquire the HPV virus? Somehow that is lost on you.
The recommendation persists for early diagnosis of cervical cancer (and some other medical conditions). But what does your question have to do with my statement that your assumptions were wrong?
My wrong assumptions? Puddy’s wrong assumptions are from the various web sites Puddy placed on this site earlier… They specifically said you can still get HPV so get checked regularly for HPV. Puddy acknowledges there are other reasons to get Pap Smears and is NOT saying anything otherwise. Mrs Puddy gets them on a regular schedule. That’s how we know neither of us have HPV! If you don’t veer you will stay clear!
Darryl, sometimes you amaze me. You placed
Maddow was primarily making a political point, not a medical point.
earlier. Puddy answers
“And it became a medical/political point to the HA leftists as Puddy pointed out above!”
Oops… Duh… Puddy gets it. Since it was only Michael, DavidD, SeattleJew, headless and ylb arschloch (even rujax farted once) responding, you discount their above arguments and presentations on medical/political points coming from HA leftist representatives. Puddy yields this point.
Only a complete idiot like Puddy could write something this stupid:
“Then there’s the injection. Gardasil only protects against HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18.
Other HPV strains will cause the virus to occur. So 4 out of 200? So you have a 2% chance of being protected with Gardasil.”
This is the kind of faulty logic that occurs when someone with the analytical ability of a a tree frog tries to comment on subject matter way over their puny heads.
First, while there are 200 strains of HPV there are only about 35-40 that can infect the genital areas of men and women. So Puddy, as usual, has his facts wrong and mixed up. Most of the other cause general wats on the skin in other areas. So much for the 2% figure that Puddy dreams up out of thin air.
Second, HPV types 16 and 18 cause about 70% of all cervical canceralone. As Daryl pointed out, different strains may be more common. But also there are different strains that may be more likely to cause cancer. So strains may not be cervical cancer risks at all.
So Puddy’s third grade logic, inability to undertand basic science and flawed math mean that his comments are worth ….absolutely nothing.
And Sue @83, thanks for your Puddy worship. It is nice to know that you consider someone that ignorant to be intelligent. I guess it says something about your lack of intelligence, too.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
First, while there are 200 strains of HPV there are only about 35-40 that can infect the genital areas of men and women.
Why do you claim stuff and never place a link. Puddy gave every link.
Second, HPV types 16 and 18 cause about 70% of all cervical canceralone.
And of course correctnotright fails to recognize Puddy gave this fact in post #53 in his above discourse. Butt, of course correctnotright loves to see himself in pixels trying to “look smart”. Puddy gave every URL Puddy referenced. Puddy didn’t give the University URLs because they are easily found and Akismet would choke on all those links.
So who has 3rd grade logic fool? You don’t even read before you attack!
What a moron. Attackmoron, that aptly describes correctnotright! Naaaaah maybe Attackidiot!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
So it’s 4 out of 40 or 10% HPV coverage. Hmmm correctnotright, this seems like your argument on the downward slope of the equatorial temperatures dropping from the NOAA satellites being off by .105°C.
You are a hoot and a half correctnotright. Blinded by the flying kook-aid!
81. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Puddy reads a lot and asks questions on what Puddy reads. You being a dumb cinderblock with large interstitial air spaces do what?
09/18/2009 at 9:17 am
82. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Of course rujax always accepts the veracity of Rachel Maddow on her poorly watched but Atlantic Monthly loved show or other HA leftists who continually comment on blog topics.
09/18/2009 at 9:26 am
What a rude man.
while there are 200 strains of HPV there are only about 35-40 that can infect the genital areas of men and women.r.
Can you provide your source?
So you know…Rujax! knits, cans peaches and makes ice cream.
Only a man of exceptional intellectual and spiritual arrogance like Mister Puddybud never admits that he may be wrong.
Such a stunning lack of humility.
@87 First, while there are 200 strains of HPV there are only about 35-40 that can infect the genital areas of men and women. So Puddy, as usual, has his facts wrong and mixed up
correctnotright, can you provide the source for those numbers?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Mister Puddybud never admits that he may be wrong.
“Your claim of a mother passing it onto her child has to have a cause for that effect. How did the mother get the HPV to pass onto the child if it takes skin to skin rubbing in the genitalia area to acquire the HPV virus? Somehow that is lost on you.”
Puddybud…here are a couple of free lessons from Dr. Darryl:
1. Mother-child transmission of HPV is not considered sexual transmission. (That the mother was likely infected via sexual contact is entirely irrelevant).
2. “Skin to skin rubbing in the genitalia area” is NOT the only way to acquire HPV. That is almost always how one acquires a genital HPV infection. However, HPV is a very common non-genital infection as well. Got warts? You have HPV. That was all I was getting at when I corrected your statement:
Since abstinence is the only 100% way to avoid getting HPV…
Abstinence is an effective way to protect against genital HPV infections, but not all HPV infections are genital.
“My wrong assumptions? Puddy’s wrong assumptions are from the various web sites Puddy placed on this site earlier…”
You stated:
Other HPV strains will cause the virus to occur. So 4 out of 200? So you have a 2% chance of being protected with Gardasil.
…and I pointed out that you have some mistaken assumptions in that “2% chance of being protected” statement. In particular, the 2% figure would require a uniform distribution of transmission/infection for each strain. This is incorrect.
“They specifically said you can still get HPV so get checked regularly for HPV.”
Even so…your statement that “So you have a 2% chance of being protected…” is incorrect.
“Puddy acknowledges there are other reasons to get Pap Smears and is NOT saying anything otherwise.”
Sure…I didn’t assume otherwise.
“Mrs Puddy gets them on a regular schedule.”
“That’s how we know neither of us have HPV!”
The PAP tests tell you that Ms. Puddy doesn’t exhibit cervical dysplasia (i.e. precancerous or cancerous cervical cells). The only sure test for HPV is an HPV DNA assay (perhaps this was done at the same time?)
“If you don’t veer you will stay clear!”
If you both have had only one sexual partner (i.e. each other) your entire life, then you are almost certainly HPV-free (for sexually transmitted strains). But even if one or both of you were sexually active prior to establishing your monogamous relationship, there is a good chance any infection has passed.
95. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Mister Puddybud never admits that he may be wrong.
Looks like you missed post#86
Puddy yields this point.
See ya cinderblock!
09/18/2009 at 10:22 am
I stand corrected.
Blue Johnspews:
I bet Troll is from the deep south.
Blue Johnspews:
@52, I hate to say it, but I agree with Marvin, if the Dem don’t show some spine and stand up and start fighting back against the lies of the conservatives and start to act BIG TIME for the middle and lower classes, they will be swept back out in a landslide.
I don’t hold out much hope. They were spineless when Bush was in power, they are just as spineless now. Politically, the repubs are a stronger party, not a better party, just stronger. Until the Dem start to act ruthlessly like the repubs, Dems are going to win once in a blue moon and then loose big, again. And again, till they grow some courage and some resolve.
with the analytical ability of a a tree frog
LMAO!!! Thanks cnr you made my day!
Between you and Darryl, the moron has had his ass handed to him yet again!
Hey Sue, Stupes says you’re progressive.. He also says being progressive means wanting to sterilize black people. He also claims Hillary Clinton is a eugenicist. Pffffft.. So go ahead cuddle up to him and the rest of his ugly fellow travelers. See where that gets you here..
Darryl wrote that “torture” approved or tolerated by Cheney-Bush 2.0 was blatant and unconscionable. Blatant? Bullshit. That’s why we’re debating the Inspector General’s report that was used several years ago to exculpate, and that’s used now by the ACLU and Darryl to incriminate. Unconscionable? To Darryl, the ACLU, and Holder, maybe, but not to real Americans.
That said, lapsed conservative Andrew Sullivan in The Atlantic strengthens Darryl’s strong case against Cheney, Bush, real Americans, and me. We are indeed tied in knots by our treaties and entangling alliances that were probably intended to tie us in knots.
Liberal progressives who have been expansive and elastic about law and the Constitution have suddenly become strict constructionists about those laws and treaties that tie us down and that make us vulnerable. Liberals have belatedly found one narrow area of law that will permit no interpretation but their own, and they’ll find liberal courts to give them their way.
That’s because liberals rig the game to always get their way.
In October or November 2001, at about the very moment the first orange-jumpsuit terrorist was climbing off the plane in Cuba, Jim McDermott started whining about unconscionable torture at Gitmo. Thought that would be the end of McDermott. Thought that even Seattle would see that somebody so unhinged had no business being in politics, business, or anything else except Gitmo or Western State.
So what happens? Drip by drip, McDermott insanity joins all the other progressive drips and becomes the progressive mainstream that runs right through the middle of Obama’s America. And when the progressives get their way, when their war on America is won and when America is shaken out of its shoes because we couldn’t waterboard the next KSM, McDermott and Darryl and the rest of the left will blame everything on Cheney and Bush.
So you have a 2% chance of being protected with Gardasil.
You were making a statement about the probability of the vaccine offering protection given exposure.
But you computed the percentage of strains that the vaccine protects against.
The two are not the same.
101 – More right wing insanity.. Great a torture fan.
I live in Jim McDermott’s district. I’ve voted for him every election.
He’s done a fantastic job – driving idiot right wingers to yank huge clumps of hair off the tops of their empty skulls.
AFAIC, he can have that job as he longs as he wants it.
food fightspews:
Goldy’s squeeze Jill Richardson is not a prick for calling an old man an asshole. That was the old man on Medicare whose finger was bitten off by a left-wing liberal fascist thug.
Jill Richardson is a prick for being mean to an old man who died last week. That was Norman Borlaug who was and is despised and derided by left-wing fanatic food fascists such as Jill Richardson.
Don’t know about Borlaug? Check out Gregg Easterbrook, who writes for The Atlantic and WSJ:
Norman Borlaug arguably the greatest American of the 20th century died late Saturday after 95 richly accomplished years. The very personification of human goodness, Borlaug saved more lives than anyone who has ever lived. … prevented the global famines widely predicted when the world population began to skyrocket following World War II.
In 1999, the Atlantic Monthly estimated that Borlaug’s efforts combined with those of the many developing-world agriculture-extension agents he trained and the crop-research facilities he founded in poor nations saved the lives of one billion human beings.
… Borlaug developed the high-yield, low-pesticide “dwarf” wheat upon which a substantial portion of the world’s population now depends for sustenance.
… Global grain yields more than doubled during the period, from half a ton per acre to 1.1 tons; yields of rice and other foodstuffs improved similarly. Hunger declined in sync: From 1965 to 2005, global per capita food consumption rose to 2,798 calories daily from 2,063, with most of the increase in developing nations. In 2006, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization declared that malnutrition stands “at the lowest level in human history,” despite the global population having trebled in a single century.
… Paul Ehrlich gained celebrity for his 1968 book “The Population Bomb,” in which he claimed that global starvation was inevitable for the 1970s and it was “a fantasy” that India would “ever” feed itself. Instead, within three years of Borlaug’s arrival, Pakistan was self-sufficient in wheat production; within six years, India was self-sufficient in the production of all cereals.
… Borlaug became the target of critics who denounced him because Green Revolution farming requires some pesticide and lots of fertilizer. Trendy environmentalism was catching on, and affluent environmentalists began to say it was “inappropriate” for Africans to have tractors or use modern farming techniques. Borlaug told me a decade ago that most Western environmentalists “have never experienced the physical sensation of hunger. They do their lobbying from comfortable office suites in Washington or Brussels. If they lived just one month amid the misery of the developing world, as I have for 50 years, they’d be crying out for tractors and fertilizer and irrigation canals and be outraged that fashionable elitists in wealthy nations were trying to deny them these things.” Environmentalist criticism of Borlaug and his work was puzzling on two fronts. First, absent high-yield agriculture, the world would by now be deforested. … three times as much food using little additional land.
… Environmentalist criticism was doubly puzzling because in almost every developing nation where high-yield agriculture has been introduced, population growth has slowed … Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, announced a major expansion of high-yield agriculture throughout Africa. …
Let’s keep score: Teddy Kennedy, one dead waterboarded blonde and one Portuguese Waterdog, extolled by Dan Schorr and all the MSM as “a national treasure.” Norman Borlaug? Bitchslapped by bitch Jill Richardson.
food fightspews:
YLB’s high on Baghdad Jim. Figures.
Baghdad J lied about the saddamite source of his funding for a trip to Baghdad in which Jim sounded very much like a Saddam cheerleader.
Leading cleers for a tyrant who was way into real torture, not the “torture” lite that Darryl dislikes.
Saddam’s human hamburger shredders? Uday’s rape rooms? Torture cells for kids? No problem for McDermott or YLB. Figures.
Being progressive doesn’t mean being a big Afghan war hawk like you are YLB. You’re totally out of touch with Democrats and liberals on the war. And that chasm is only going to get bigger and bigger.
You have a lot more in common with conservatives than you admit.
@88 Puddy says:
Why do you claim stuff and never place a link. Puddy gave every link.
You may have given SOME links – but you misinterpreted them. I don’t really think I need to link to common medical knowledge…but maybe in your case I do.
Yeah, you gave the 70% figure in an earlier rambing response….but your statement about 2% shows that you didn’t understand your won quote…otherwise, you would have written it so stupidly.
All that proves is that you can quote and copy information but cannot comprehend or synthesize it…you get an F for your third grade level analysis.
106 – Heh. Being progressive means having a brain fool. And having a brain means not allowing a country to descend yet again into a medieval human rights hellhole that would have no compunction about using 21st century methods to commit mass murder.
This country stays involved in the world lest the world comes to our doorstep as it did in Pearl Harbor, as it did on 9/11.
Isolationism is for idiots.
@108 And having a brain means not allowing a country to descend into a medieval human rights hellhole that has no compunction about using 21st century methods to commit mass murder.
Well since the great majority of Dems and liberals don’t buy this argument, that can only mean . . .
105 – lying right wing degenerate.
@94 daves
Sources for HPV information:
Kumar et al, Robbin’s Pathological Basis of Human Disease, 7th edition
Salient points: HPV is implicated in 95% of cervical cancer with HPV DNA detected in 95% of the samples.
This data helps to establish the link between HPV and cervical cancer. The causality is further enhanced by the actions of specific HPV genes (E6 and E7) that prevent cells from undergoing apoptosis (killing themselves or dying naturally) and this probably predisposes to cervical cancer.
There may be other co-facotrs that contribute to cervical cancer, but HPV is the only risk factor that has been identified and has such a large effect.
Persistent infection, decreased cell-mediated immune status, genetic predispostion, poor nutrition and other factors may play a role in progression to cervical cancer.
joe wilsonspews:
You lie! YLB! Your PMS is no excuse.
112 – you left out “boy”.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
First correctnotright claimed Puddy didn’t mention something in plain site then when caught goes absolutely incoherent in his second retort. Notice correctnotright gave some book but no link for the 35-40 value. This is his way of operating. Calls your response rambling but when you sit and look at his responses, they are thoughts pulled from an arschloch!
Par for the course.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Where did Joe Wilson say boy?
You lie after lie after lie drinking the kook-aid.
correctnotright, so your data:
“while there are 200 strains of HPV”
comes from the source you cite?
115 – Funny we come full circle to South Carolina.
Land of Obama’s “waterloo”, land of large numbers of uninsured (20 percent?), home of address to Congress screamer Joe Wilson and backwards attitudes to reproductive freedom and health.
Archon Survivorspews:
re 77: So, rather than deal with my charge that you are an Uncle Tom because you, without complaint, belong to and support a political party that sends demonstrators into the street with confederate flags and pictures of the president with a bone through his nose.
Then you have the temerity to to call me a racist because I queation you about it.
No one here will take you seriously until you tackle this issue I’ve raised.
“Of the 200 HPV-positive specimens, 119 (59.5%) were found to contain at least one of the 13 genotypes of HPV targeted by the Digene HC2 “high-risk” HPV test kit, including 3 cases of mixed infections by an HPV-16, HPV-18 or both, confirmed by specific primer sequencing [18]. Of the HPV-positive specimens, 67 (33.5%) contained one of the HPV types other than the 13 targeted by the HC2 kit.”
Now remember it’s only HPV 6, 11, 16,& 18 that Gardasil protects against.
This is why Dr Johnson said read up and make a decision on Gardasil!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Then you have the temerity to to call me a racist because I question you about it.
Puddy corrected the typo. No headless@118 there is no temerity in my call of you as a racist. Your own words typed by your own fingers 24×7 proved that.
Then when asked by Steve to corroborate your comments you went silent. Your continual need to change sock puppet names is only a facade to your need to hate blacks 24×7.
No one here takes you seriously at all. Even the brick ylb arschloch called you out. But you can rest easy because the cinderblock, rujax, has been mum all these years. Well when the brick calls you out… It’s been his only redeeming quality all these years.
Archon Survivorspews:
re 101: You are full of shit — and long-winded, to boot.
“To Darryl, the ACLU, and Holder, maybe, but not to real Americans.”
You block any discussion by defining anyone who disagrees with you as not being a real American. That is the mark of a fanatic, which is what you are.
I wouldn’t trust you to take my grandmother across the street.
@121 I wouldn’t trust you to take my grandmother across the street.
And your grandmother couldn’t trust you to get her across the street.
puddy, you need to be careful with your rhetoric. as nancy pelosi said, some of us might not be as stable as the people making the statement. so, we should shut off all debate, makes sense to me. it worked in cambodia, the khmer rouge reeducated all those people, and you never heard from them again.
Archon Survivorspews:
re 120 “Calls me out”???
Are you saying that me saying someone like you would be dificult to be around 24/7 is the WORST thing that you can find that I said.
“Black people can be dificult to be around 24/7” (which is something that my college buddy Sugarbear said — because that is where he grew up)
Yet you HARP on that innocent statement for YEARS while blandly accepting a party that has Michael Steele as it’s self-consciously black spokesman (the base is expecting him to grab a tophat and cane and start tap-dancing while singing Mr. Bojangles).
AND, you conflate my statement as being worse than your fellow Republicans marching in the street with confederate flags and pictures of Obama with a bone through his nose.
Those people who agreed with you are only afraid of being tarred and fethered by you as a racist. You are despicable.
But X’ad and I are right. You are an Uncle Tom. So, now I’ve got someone on my side who isn’t afraid to call you out on it.
See you later, crocdile.
@124 But X’ad and I are right. You are an Uncle Tom.
X’ad apologized profusely for this, and rightfully so, after a scolding by HA “progressives” for, well, not coming across as being very progressive. So it’s JUST you now . . .
Archon Survivorspews:
re 125: I will never apologize to that lunatic, and rightfully so, as I am just as black as he is. Furthermore, X’ad has my permission to label this destructive fake “Puddybuddy” as an Uncle Tom because he fits the definition.
As for you, mind your own business.
I have just as much right to call this jackass an Uncle Tom as my Mexican brother in law has to callsomw Mexican he doesn’t like a Tio Taco.
Since I know that the Waxxter is part Hispanic, I will ask my brother in law to comment that PuddWaxx is a Tio Taco as well as an Uncle Tom.
X’ad may, if she chooses, revoke her apology and resume calling PuddWaxx an Uncle Tom, as it is an appellation that fits.
on this blog, you can be a racist if you are on the left.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow, looks like headless lost it. See how Puddy dissects the argument and zeroes in on the real issue? It’s headless. The real headcase
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Did any HA Libtardo fool miss the irony that “the messiah” announces no missile shield for Poland on the 70th anniversary month of when the Germans invaded Poland?
You still are looking at the probabilities wrong. The study you cite gives the probability of each HPC strain given a woman has an abnormal pap test. It finds that 70 of 123 women were positive for “high risk” HPC strains and that 32 of the 70 infections were of high-risk strain (16 and 18) that the vaccine might have protected them from.
But the probability of getting cervical cancer is not the same for all strains. Thus, a vaccine that suppresses only strain 6 (which has a very low probability of becoming cancer) is not nearly as effective as a vaccine that protects against strain 16 (which has the highest probability of becoming cancerous).
In other words, the study you cited estimates the prevalence of HPV strains in females with abnormal pap tests.
The important public health issue is the prevalence of HPV GIVEN that a woman has developed cancer, because that uncovers the different rates that different strains cause cancer at. So, for example, this study of 2000 woman with cervical cancer found ~66% are infected with strains 16 and 18.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
When did Puddy say he was part His panic?
Edo Ergo Sumspews:
Fat Rabbit tells us often that Republicans are all about starving and killing poor people. Gregg Easterbrook (see his eulogy to Norman Borlaug, above) wrote ten years ago that Borlaug’s war on poverty and starvation was derailed by overfed American progressive fanatics and arugula snobs who mau maued the Rockefeller Foundation into pulling Borlaug’s funding.
To be fair and balanced, the arugula snobs shown here were not necessarily the same neofascist fanatics who starved poor people, but it’s absolutely true that Michelle Obama today shut down downtown D.C. so she could do an arugula splurge at a farmers’ market. It was sort of a reprise of a recent New York Obama date night when B & M diverted thousands of your dollars that should have been used to help the poor find health care.
(Farmers’ Market footnote: This gets us back to Goldy’s squeeze, loco “locavore” Jill Richardson. Jill, Michael Pollan, and other food fascists believe that America’s cheap food policy is an Agribusiness conspiracy against the poor. They apparently think the poor would be better served by the kind of pricy food we had back in the good old days when only fat-cat plutocrats could afford to get fat.)
See how Puddy dissects the argument and zeroes in on the real issue?
Actually no, I don’t. You’ll forgive me but it’s probably easy to miss as you usually just make just make things up, or repeat wrong things you already said so many times. That I have to just leave because, speaking as your friend, I’m just embarrassed for you. Perhaps if you start making a habit of being informed I may notice next time.
PS while I’m here, I trust you Cyn, Emptysuit, Marvin and Troll have signed their pledges of conservatism?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
So Montanto,
You yank a sentence out of context. How ylb arschloch of you.
you usually just make just make things up
Yep, Puddy brings the URLs Puddy made up too.
repeat wrong things you already said so many times
Hmmm… ylb arschloch has all the PuddyMissives. Calling out all the putrid Democratic acts is bad?
You my friend? Hmmm… Oh… now Puddy understands. Good to see you again.
But you missed the point. Do you agree with headless lucy and his arguments? That comment was aimed at him. Looks like you haven’t been following the headless saga and his 30 sock puppets.
Nuff SAID.
The Prosecution Rests.
Jews in the Newsspews:
* May the Schwartz be with you: America’s worst nightmare, SeattleJew with a gun at a Glenn Beck Nazi rally, doesn’t know what to do with a gun. SJ/Schwartz told Dori that, despite SJ’s Navy time, he’s only inciting other liberals to be armed liberals; dude’s got no arms of his own. So: the Navy owes us a refund for allowing a gunless idiot like SJ to matriculate and graduate. Also, everybody needs to read about Lyndon taking Bobby to the LBJ Ranch to shoot Bambi. When the recoil knocked Bobby on his ass (shitass, said Lyndon), LBJ sorrowfully siad, “Son, you got learn to handle a gun like a man.”
* Rude Pundit, who said that healthcare townhalls are filled with a bunch of “old Jews” who remind him of Hanukkah from Hell, will be back on Stephanie Miller next week. Meanwhile, Miller’s noises guy Jim Ward says that Prescott Bush helped Nazis during WWII. He lies. Or he’s thinking of old Joe Kennedy who was totally in the tank for Nazis after September 1939.
* Thomas Frank, author of What’s the Matter with Hymietown, wonders why American Jews keep voting against their own interests. Oh, wait. That’s Norman Podhoretz.Why, he asks, did almost 80% of America’s Jews vote for Democrat from Jesse Jackson’s Wright-wing of the Democrat Party. That would be Jeremiah Wright who recently said that “them Jews” are keeping him away from Obama.
Democrats got a lock on the Jewish vote when FDR turned away a boatload of Jewish refugees seeking asylum from gas chambers. Then FDR refused to permit the bombing of Nazi concentration camps. Then Jews voted for Joe Kennedy’s son. Then America’s Jews went all the way with LBJ when old Dan Schorr accused Jewish Episcopalian Barry Goldwater of palling around with the Waffen SS. Then Jesse Jackson went to Hymietown and Al Sharpton burned down Freddy’s.
* But that was then. Now, says Medved, Obama’s popularity in Israel is down to 4%. Four. Percent. GWB’s was 88%. Sure glad our new improved president is restoring America’s prestige. Making Israel more vulnerable by dismantling missile defense to appease the KGB will surely make us even more popular and respected.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy making this up.
“There’s so much right-wing crap on the best seller list these days. It’s great to see a book [@21] that you might want to put on your shelf and let your respected friends see you actually reading.” — Chris Matthews PMSNBC [] added by Puddy!
Uncle Tomahawk Born-Again Indianspews:
Y’all need compulsory arbitration at the point of my Blackfoot uncle’s scalping knife.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Easier to scalp straight white hair than a close cropped fro bro!
i have to admit, i cannot figure out if obama is a jewish puppet or a muslim looking to destroy both the american jewish lobby and israel. there is evidence on both sides.
“Hey, Wolf Blitzer! Know what the situation is, in your Situation Room? Looks to me like the situation is that Andy Richter controls the universe. At least as far as “Celebrity Jeopardy” goes!”
Yep, Ol Wolfie didn’t ask the right questions to the CEO of ACORN and he didn’t ask the right questions on Jeopardy.
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Oh wait a minute… Puddy made that up.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Once in a while HuffPo prints something useful and worthwhile…
“The bill unveiled by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus has been blasted as a major giveaway to insurance companies. But the even bigger winners are the drug makers.
That’s because the Baucus bill matches up, nearly to the letter, with the secret deal that he, the White House and Big Pharma struck over the summer — a deal the various parties roundly denied had been struck when it went public.”
This reminds Puddy when the story of Michael Jordan going to play for the Wizards and he denied it for a month and then said when confronted “You know you don’t get no apologies in this business.” How similar.
Obama lied, credibility died.
Remember those thrilling first hundred days of yesteryear when the new transparent administration told us Cap & Trade would be almost costless, or that it would cost only pennies?
But wait a minute. CBS/Treasury proves Obama was right after all. I was a racist liar when I typed that Obama lied.
Cap & Trade will in fact cost only pennies. Bushels and bushels of pennies. About $1800 per family per year in increased costs and hidden taxes to pay for green fascism.
All the president’s men had said last winter that a low-income family (exempted by candidate Obama from any tax increases) would have only a teeny tiny C&T tax increase to save the planet. But the planet’s in so much peril from global warming or cooling, pick one, that a tiny tax increase wasn’t quite enough.
Bottom line: Several trillion pennies is a very small price to pay for stopping the murder of the planet. And our new president did not lie. I recant and aplogize to Nancy Pelsoi for making her cry.
fro brospews:
doesn’t matter. uncle’s dead anyway.
Heterosexuals are murdering, raping and stealing. Great base to keep a Country going.
does indeed get complicated. maybe pat buchanan and his amen corner can figure it out.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Ahhh yes this is so funny. The reaction of the loser MSNBC. Who is saying the they were rude to the press? What a bunch of crap from the loser network!
Gordon Liddyspews:
Jackboot Gordon was the Gman, 144, and we’re pretty sure he wasn’t you. Of all the weird wacky fauna that wades through Goldy’s cesspool, you are totally the most twisted.
But you and Norman Podhoretz, above, will probably get along jus’ fine. He’s one of those unreconstructed neocons who calls sodomy by its real name: sodomy.
Typo Dong Missilespews:
Sorry about the typos, bro. Edit’s not working. Flip my fro.
Well… Yeah. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? Oh dear, there goes my troll creds.
Puddy making this up.
Good for you, Puddy! Admitting it is the first step to recovery! But… If you’re making it up, why should I care about your recommendation?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Sarcasm Montanto sarcasm! Puddy didn’t make that one up.
Riled Up! Ready to Blow!spews:
The Big Media (BM) embargo on this administration has got to stop. Democracy is harmed when a young inexperienced untested president isn’t given a chance to connect with we the people.
The media are hiding President Obama up in the attic, up there with his kindly old eccentric uncle Jeremiah Wright. C’mon, NBCCBSANSCNNMSNBCNPR, let my people go. Bring Barack and Jerry back downstairs. Let Obama be Obama. Give him a chance to be seen and heard.
I mean, he’s had only 3 or 4 billion photo ops since late January, and only several thousand reverently reported opportunities to explain why only he can save America from itself.
Yesterday’s riot, um, rally at the U of Maryland was a pretty good start, perhaps. 15,000 adoring gauleiters, um students, shrieking in unison like a Riefenstahl rumble at Nuremberg.
Archon Survivorspews:
re 146: You have nevertheless not responded to my query about how you can belong to a political party that puts people on the street with confederate flags and pictures of Obama with a fuckinng BONE THROUGH HIS NOSE.. and then lecture me about a comment that I repeated from a black college buddy of mine that black people can be dificult to be around 24/7.
“In a suit ACORN filed to exempt itself from California’s minimum wage laws, the organization wrote in its brief:
– – – -“As acknowledged both by the trial court and California, the more that ACORN must pay each individual outreach worker–either because of minimum wage or overtime requirements–the fewer outreach workers it will be able to hire PuddyEmphasis.”” Wait a minute…isn’t this what Republicans have been saying for a long time? Didn’t HA Liberals ridicule this? So ACORN is wrong liberals?
From a link… “On March 27, 2003 the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) lost its final appeal of a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruling, which found that ACORN had violated the rights of its employees to unionize. Those unacquainted with ACORN’s history may find this decision simply ironic because of the organization’s active public support of increased unionization, particularly among low-skill service sector employees.”
“In reality, ACORN organizers typically work 54-hour weeks for a salary of $18,000. Accounting for overtime hours, ACORN pays a wage of $5.67 per hour, less than half the level demanded by many proposed “living wage” ordinances that ACORN supports. In some states, such as California and Oregon, this level is below the state-mandated minimum wage. ACORN’s leaders do not pay their own employees a “living wage,” because they know that doing so would limit the number of employees they could hire. This is the same economic reality commonly cited by employers subjected to ACORN’s above-market wage mandates.”
@144 Heterosexuals are murdering, raping and stealing.
“no he doesnt. he threatens to send my ip to the thought police.”
So? That doesn’t preventing you from commenting, ya fucking retard!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey ylb arschloch
Just for you…
Physical Address=1024 Elysian Fields, New Orleans
IP Address=
Isn’t it interesting a minister’s daughter goes after the corruption the liberal MSM ignores ylb arschloch? Wasn’t it you who claimed there is no connection between ACORN and your beloved SEIU?
And the stolen money covered up by ACORN through your buds Citizen’s Consulting Incorporated
Puddy found the links through TPM, another tj’s morning joe web site. Gotta love that.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey ylb arschloch,
Citizen’s Consulting Incorporated, you know that wonderful organization where our tax money goes in but there is no accounting is the real front for the 361 affiliated orgs that ACORN oversees. When you add up all the funds available in th Porkulus bill and who can access them that’s the 8+ Billion. Butt, don’t let facts stand in the way ylb arschloch. Keep on those kook-aid web sites. Well, Puddy knows you have limited reading skillz so here is a great site to become ACORN educated. Since you have so much time on your hands enjoy a great read.
Oh did you read this latest from the SEIU mutton-head himself? Of course good old Andy Stern would make those comments as he sits on the ACORN advisory board… Look who else plays in the ACORN sand box ylb arschloch… Now what was Andy advising? Why not ask the pants wearer in the ylb house?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey HA Liberals,
Looks like the DNC is resorting to Hellfire. Well we who think right always knew who your religious “hero” is and where the vast majority of ideas emanate from.
“DNC spokesman Hari Sevugan said: “The message to opponents of change who would lie or misrepresent the truth should be clear. We are going to respond forcefully and consistently with the facts, and you will no longer be able to peddle your lies with impunity. Through tools like ‘Call ‘Em Out,’ you will be met with a rain of hellfire from supporters armed with the facts and you will be held to account.”” PuddyEmphasis
The only thing this fool and the DNC Hellfire add forget to add is the mental temperment of the Bush czars vs “the messiah’s” czars. ‘Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.’ – candidate Barack Obama
Hmmm… Van Jones the communist who’s STORM’s official manifesto, titled, “Reclaiming Revolution,” mysteriously disappeared from the Internet…
Cass Sunstein the animals need lawyers advocate… Cass Sunstein advocating a policy under which the government would “presume” someone has consented to having his or her organs removed for transplantation into someone else when they die unless that person has explicitly indicated that his or her organs should not be taken. Soylent Green anybody?…
Carol Browner one of 14 leaders of Commission for a Sustainable World Society, another socialist group, was magically scrubbed from the Internet…
John P. Holdren who wrote: “A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States.” John also advocates draconian population control methods like those in China. Well John, try it first on your Democratic friends. Call up some of the HA faithful and have them start.
This is just the tip of the Czar iceberg HA Libtardos!
GWB didn’t have whackamoles in Czar positions DNC. But bring that hellfire. We know who directs your thoughts now!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Good morning.
Beck and Hannity are really on this CZAR and Obama Appointee thing…complete with tapes of these Leftist Pinheads drivel comin’ right out there own mouths.
Can’t beat that for impact.
Folks are acknowledging more & more that Obama is a hardcore Leftist.
America won’t stand for that.
Worse yet, Obama is a puppet for the hardcore Loons he has appointed who make the HA krowd look like Conservatives!
Obama’s appointees will continue to fall like dominoes. In the end, in 2012 Obama will have to justify all these KOOKS to the voters.
Good luck.
Keep up the fine posting Puddy.
These KLOWNS are probably getting the hives from all the TRUTH you are throwing at ’em!
lol..remember in the first few days when obama appointed people like larry summers and the msm was all gaga saying , oh see, how mainstream he is, he’s not a socialist at all. what a joke the msm is.
Shrubs’ “czars”:
* Cyber Security Czar
* Regulatory Czar
* AIDS Czar
* Bird Flu Czar
* Intelligence Czar
* Health IT Czar
* Katrina Czar
* Manufacturing Czar
* Drug Czar
* Domestic Policy Czar
* War Czar
* Copywright Czar
* Abstinence Czar
* Mine Safety Czar
* Latin American Czar
* WTO Health Czar
* Corruption Czar
* Privacy Czar
* Health Czar
Name Czar-ship
Richard Holbrooke Afghanistan Czar
Jeffrey Crowley AIDS Czar
Alan Bersin Border Czar
David Hayes CA Water Czar
Ed Montgomery Car Czar
Todd Stern Climate Czar
Lynn Rosenthal Domestic Violence Czar
Gil Kerlikowske Drug Czar
Paul Volcker Economic Czar
Carol Browner Energy Czar
Joshua DuBois Faith-based Czar
Cameron Davis Great Lakes Czar
Van Jones Green Jobs Czar SEE YA!
Danny Fried Guantanamo Closure Czar
Nancy-Ann DeParle Health Czar
Vivek Kundra Information Czar
Dennis Blair Intelligence Czar
George Mitchell Mideast Peace Czar
Dennis Ross Mideast Policy Czar
Kenneth Feinberg Pay Czar
Cass Sunstein Regulatory Czar
John Holdren Science Czar
Earl Devaney Stimulus Accountability Czar
J. Scott Gration Sudan Czar
Herb Allison TARP Czar
Elizabeth Warren TARP Oversight Czar
Aneesh Chopra Technology Czar
John Brennan Terrorism Czar
Adolfo Carrion, Jr Urban Affairs Czar
Ashton Carter Weapons Czar
Gary Samore WMD/Terrorism Czar
*Not Appointed Yet:
Copyright Czar
Cyberspace Czar
Mohammed is now the most popular name for baby boys in London
What does “pre-provision operating profit” mean?
I’m reading this article:
Hey, how about Gregoire’s Budget Forecaster!
What a guy.
A week or so ago, he tells us the recession is over…even though no one else is willing to say so.
But Wait…today, the same guy Raha tells us the State is another $238 MILLION short!!
Where do you KLOWNS come up with these addle-brained Bureaucrats?? The Comedy Channel?
Maybe Lincoln got it wrong. Maybe we should have just let the south go.
Wow Troll, that is amazing. I didn’t realize there were that many Muslims in England. Kinda make me think that England, given the birth rate and immigration trends, will be a Muslim-majority country in the year 3200.
The earth is going to hell!
kudos to goldstien for keeping on top of the acorn scandal.
No comment on the video? Lowest rate of HPV vaccination? Highest rate of teenage pregnancy? Lowest birthweight babies? Highest rate of babies born premature? Highest rate of infant mortality?
Concentrated in the right wing Republican South. Especially Mississippi and South Carolina.
I remember the moronic stooge Stupes denying all this claiming that it was the liberals in the blue states who let their kids “run wild”.
Idiotic, willfully ignorant fool.
This would be a story worth talking about if anyone actually watched MSNBC…personally, I find late night test patterns more informative and they probably get better ratings than that Liberal network.
Like there’s a shortage of reporting on that. Bit of a non-scandal if you ask me. They get shown a video of a couple of their employees breaking the rules and they fire them. That’s a scandal?
ylb. i’m confused about your hpv vaccination comment. i always thought it was a drug company scam, (if you work the numbers), so i would have thought you were against it.
My stream of consciousness thoughts right now …
Muslims. Blacks. Illegals. ACORN. Obama.
It’s not a scam. It’s a way to not get cervical cancer. Some folks are all up in arms about it because it would mean talking to kids about sex.
Re: HPV vaccination rates. This vaccine is not mandatory. Therefore this stat includes only those who choose to get the vaccination. She doesn’t provide a stat that correlates the HPV vaccination rate to cervical cancer rates for those that choose to get the vaccination and those that choose not to.
Re: Highest teen pregnancy stats. I’d rather have pregnant teens than abortions. Which state has the highest abortion rate? The answer is skewed by the fact that some states don’t report out-of-state abortions, didn’t report by resident status, and other factors.
Re: Infant mortality rate. Latest data I could find on CDC was from 2007. There are many factors that affect this including unintentional injuries, congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal dysfunctions.
You have to thoroughly analyze the reports and data to include all factors. But that is not the purpose of this person’s show. It’s to link the “worst statistical” reports to the republicans against this public option plan.
The HPV vaccination also does not control all forms of the virus but still it’s a breakthrough. Of course some right wing idiots think getting their kids vaccinated for HPV means promoting promiscuity. Well surprise! Guess what the kids of right wing fools in the South are doing behind their backs!
idiot @ 11
I don’t freaking know where you got that braindead stereotype. Me and my family are vaccinated. We respect science. We’re not in ugly denial like right wing fools.
Wow! Those Bush abstinence programs worked out great in the South didn’t they?
swine flu vaccine…tested for 2 weeks…hmmmm, i wonder how it will affect your body in 10 years.
@16….those southern states also have a high percentage of african american population….
..could it be that YLB is racist? it sure sounds like it.
no matter what the color the people or what state those stats take place in, they are still a tragedy for this nation….and just as much a tragedy are the untold numbers of unborn children who are killed each year for the sake of population control and money.
@17…but the dear leader kim jong il, errrr, I mean barack obama, says to take the shot and dont worry about the ramifications…
all must follow the dear leader.
Hey left wing idiot@15
You forced your “daughter” to get the HPV shot?
A story for the left
especially SJ to read. Yes, yes, it’s from the Seattle Times, but we don’t currently have another paper of repute to post stories from these days, so deal with it. It appears some liberals can’t take the heat when they’ve been in the kitchen for a good 6-1/2 years:
Where was Mr. Gasparian’s outrage when President Bush was compared to a nazi everday within the hate-filled websites like KOS and Huffpo and other media outlets for the past 6+ years?
SJ~ this is what I mean by you comparing Glenn Beck to a nazi, Josef Goebells. You of all people should be educated enough to understand why the comparison is not only false, but probably shows a slight mental defect in the person making the accusation. Think about it.
Also, SJ. Beck is a local kid from Mt Vernon,WA. Can you claim the same? I doubt it.
Good to see the putt “fucker” @ 20 is on top of his “game” spewing another intellectually “bankrupt” line of “reasoning”.
You are “laughable”.
another nice scam is when doctors prescribe drugs to supress the immune system for say lupus. now, the drug was designed to supress the immune system, which means you can get sick, which is why they say tell your doctor if you already have an infection, because with a lowered immune system you could die. then, if you get real sick or die, the lawyer sues the drug company for MAKING A FUCKING DRUG THAT DOES EXACTLY WHAT THEY SIAD IT WOULD DO, AND THE FDA AND YOUR DOCTOR BOTH KNEW IT.
so, the doctor makes money, the drug company makes money, the lawyer makes money. and who do you think ends up making up for the money thye drug company got sued for. the poor saps who believe everything they are told.
I don’t disagree that it is a breakthrough. My point relates to the statistical information provided by this tv show. Rather than debate that point you move on again to a right-wing nut diatribe. Did you just watch this video or did you go to CDC and actually try and read through some of the reports?
Not all right wing fools reject vaccinations – many people are against them. If you have such proof, please provide a link.
Wow ylb arschloch jumped all over the “data”. To Puddy it means that these states don’t adhere to infanticide rules of “Planned” Parenthood like the other states do. It means donkoinfanticide is not the rule of the day. Unborn Babies mean something when a girl gets pregnant. Even though they engage in sex, they keep the baby. The first thought isn’t abort abort abort.
Can you imagine if the ylb arschloch parents aborted? One less stupid brick on HA.
Of course that’s lost on a moron like ylb arschloch who always has his head up his arschloch!
right wing asshole @ 20 – none of your freaking business. I already said my family is vaccinated – draw your own stupid conclusions.
DCG @ 14,
“HPV vaccination rates. This vaccine is not mandatory. Therefore this stat includes only those who choose to get the vaccination.”
Ummm…right. But there are State laws that provide for mandatory coverage in insurance plans, and awareness campaigns (like H.B. 1802 here).
“She doesn’t provide a stat that correlates the HPV vaccination rate to cervical cancer rates for those that choose to get the vaccination and those that choose not to.”
So? Are you somehow implying that the vaccine isn’t effective?
Here is a stat for you: Given that a woman has cervical cancer, there is a near-100% probability that it was caused by HPV.
“Re: Highest teen pregnancy stats. I’d rather have pregnant teens than abortions.”
Again, so?
“Which state has the highest abortion rate”
That would be NY, but that is hardly relevant to the discussion, since abortion is legal and is a significantly lower public health problem than teen pregnancy, both in terms of medical risks and societal costs.
“Re: Infant mortality rate. Latest data I could find on CDC was from 2007. There are many factors that affect this including unintentional injuries, congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal dysfunctions.”
Irrelevant. Most such factors should not vary among states. The fact is, public health science recognizes infant mortality as a good indicator of a population’s level of health and access to health infrastructure.
“You have to thoroughly analyze the reports and data to include all factors.”
Nope…in fact Demographers have used the infant mortality rate as a health indicator for generations.
“But that is not the purpose of this person’s show. It’s to link the “worst statistical” reports to the republicans against this public option plan.”
Correct! That and to point out the hypocrisy of these wingnuts from states with poorest reproductive health statistics fighting against improved health care access for all people.
18 – fuck you right wing tool.
25 – heh. The tool can’t see the truth in front of his freaking face. Bush’s abstinence garbage is a failure, teenage girls are getting pregnant left and right (why? could it be because right wingers are so butt ignorant about contraception and discussing sex with their kids), infants are born with low birth weights and the infants are more likely to DIE (what a reverence of “life”).
Right wing means public health DISASTER!
So Puddy asked ylb arschloch about the vaccination.
Since abstinence is the only 100% way to avoid getting HPV, of course ProudASS went off like always.
Puddy just checking on ylb arschloch. You can read between the lines.
ylb arschloch,
People will get down if and when they want. Puddy commends those who keep the babies, ylb arschloch commends those who kill the unborn.
Plain and simple.
Good night!
30 – Fucking liar. I’ve said NOTHING about abortion.
Whoa you contradict yourself – you say abstain to prevent HPV in 29 and then you say boy and girls will be boys and girls in 30.
What a moron! Lots of bullshit about abortion not a single peep about vaccination, safe sex and contraception.
Obama can send out all the smear merchants he’d like…Maureen O’Dowd, former failed president Jimmy “the worthless one” Carter or Bill Cosby…to deflect from his fledgling presidency by training wheels.
This is why we don’t usually put a novice behind the wheel when driving. Electing Obama was like letting a precocious 7 year old drive your mercedes…he/she seems capable to perform the task, but in reality, is simply overwhelmed with the task he’s been asked to undertake.
The result isn’t pretty, nor is ours for the forseeable future.
32 – zzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. a real snoozer like the flashes in the pans James and Hannah.
Rachael didn’t mention this when she quoted the stats she did.
So we aren’t having babies killed because teens made a mistake. They can put the babies up for adoption.
But a higher risk in terms of mental health.
Did you read through any of the CDC reports to derive the facts or just watch this video? My point again, Rachael makes her point which is to discredit the republicans. Health care access is available for all people – including illegal aliens. Some choose not to see doctors nor take care of themselves. You can offer all the health care access you want – you can’t force people to make use of it (well, unless you impose a fine such as this administration wants to do).
The CDC (and I’ve been reading their website) only provides this “statistical” wording: This vaccine is highly effective in preventing these types of HPV in young women who have not been previously exposed to them. The vaccine will not treat existing HPV infections.
Yes you have. You support those who push abortion first. You ridicule those who are against abortion first.
The Prosecution Rests
“Since abstinence is the only 100% way to avoid getting HPV, of course ProudASS went off like always.”
Not really. Abstinence protects against most types of genital HPV infections, but there are many other types of HPV infections that are spread through other means.
Still… abstinence defies the realities of human sex drive—particularly in cultures where mean age at marriage occurs long after the mean age of sexual maturation.
9. Empty Suit Obama
Watches test patterns on TV late at night and th[nks libruls used to support Larouche when lil Bush was President.
The Debate Between
Darrel and Puddy …
Darryl thinks girls ought to be vaccinated so if they have sex they will not get cervical cancer.
Puddy thinks girls and boys should be abstinent and marry as virgins so that girls will not get cervical cancer. \
SJ wonders how intensive a test Puddy’s daughter’s beaux will have to go through to prove their virginity.
acorn is not a scandal? wow. no wonder nobody believes liberals and the msm is in the toilet.
@ 37 SJ~ I’ll comment when you’re able to comment coherently. Apparently, that will only happen tomorrow when your BAC is more “b” than “a”.
34 – What a load of tedious right wing bullshit.
35 – You can’t stop lying. I didn’t advocate abortion in this thread.
Bottom line for all threads is I’m for freedom. You support right wing authoritarian tyranny.
How original. Offer specific debate points please.
43 – Like I said, it’s freaking tedious. Maybe someone else.
Never heard freaking tedious before. I was expecting another right wing nut comment! No worries, let me know when you’re ready to debate without right wing nut stuff. I’m game…
DCG # 34
“Rachael didn’t mention this when she quoted the stats she did.”
And why would that be relevant?
“So we aren’t having babies killed because teens made a mistake. They can put the babies up for adoption.”
Obviously you have strong feelings against abortion. Nevertheless, those feelings are not particularly relevant. Maddow was discussing negative indicators of public health.
“But a higher risk in terms of mental health.”
Maybe. The scientific evidence for this claim is equivocal. If you are genuinely interested, I invite you to visit the U.W. Medical library. The current issue of Harvard Reviews of Psychiatry comprehensively reviews the literature, with an emphasis on proper methodology. (The full citation is: Robinson, Gail Erlick, Stotland, Nada L., Russo, Nancy Felipe, Lang, Joan A. and Occhiogrosso, Mallay(2009)’Is
There an “Abortion Trauma Syndrome”? Critiquing the Evidence’,Harvard Review of Psychiatry,17:4,268 — 290)
Here is the conclusion from the article:
“Did you read through any of the CDC reports to derive the facts or just watch this video?”
I have a PhD in demography and biological anthropology, do research on reproductive health for a living, and have worked directly with the CDC linked birth-death data. So…yes.
“My point again, Rachael makes her point which is to discredit the republicans.”
As I said, you are correct. That was her point.
“Health care access is available for all people – including illegal aliens.”
This is incorrect, unless you are specifically referring emergency care or some types of public health infrastructure (clean water, sewers, etc.)
“Some choose not to see doctors nor take care of themselves.”
Correct…this is particularly true of males, who have a phobia about doctors. At the same time, there are many people who cannot afford any “normal” health care, and many, many more who cannot afford quality health care.
“You can offer all the health care access you want – you can’t force people to make use of it (well, unless you impose a fine such as this administration wants to do).”
You have identified a legitimate problem; however, an even bigger problem is that many people cannot afford basic health care that they want or need.
“The CDC (and I’ve been reading their website) only provides this “statistical” wording: This vaccine is highly effective in preventing these types of HPV in young women who have not been previously exposed to them. The vaccine will not treat existing HPV infections.”
Right…hence the effort to vaccinate young women prior to first coitus.
SJ @ 38
“Darryl thinks girls ought to be vaccinated so if they have sex they will not get cervical cancer.”
Indeed…but I have a very good friend (who you’ve met) who was diagnosed with cervical cancer as a young woman. She was diagnosed early, treated, and lived to tell about it. Had she been born 20 year earlier, the outcome would have been less certain.
So I fully admit to being less than objective in my feelings about the desirability of immunizing girls before they become sexually active.
Can we add “tiresome”?
Maybe someday they’ll come up with something new or original.
Actually, even “relevant” would be refreshing.
@4 Mr. Off-Topic spewed
“Hey, how about Gregoire’s Budget Forecaster!
What a guy.
A week or so ago, he tells us the recession is over…even though no one else is willing to say so.”
Except….oh, yeah. Ben Bernanke. Remember him?
Of course, his statement was a little weird. He said that people would still be losing their jobs, nobody could afford to buy a house, businesses would continue to fail, and things would continue to suck in general for quite some time, but by some arcane definition, the recession is over.
For a while I was starting to think he was one of the saner ones.
Some stuff that Rachel Maddow didn’t mention. As of 2007, the top states for STDS (by cases in 100,000).
Primary and secondary syphilis:
1. Louisiana
2. Alabama
3. Georgia
1. Mississippi
2. Alaska
3. South Carolina
1. Mississippi
2. Louisiana
3. South Carolina
So pelosi went all teary eye talking about…
“I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw … I saw this myself in the late ’70s in San Francisco. This kind of rhetoric is just, is really frightening and it created a climate in which we, violence took place and … I wish that we would all, again, curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements that are made.” Some of the people hearing the message “are not as balanced as the person making the statement might assume.”
So how did liberal san fran deal with the problem?
San Francisco’s black population has dropped faster than that of any other large U.S. city’s. It went from 13.4 percent in 1970 to an estimated 6.5 percent in 2005, according to the census. Nationally, African Americans make up 12.1 percent of the population.
Guess they fixed that problem.
Pelosi sees the writing on the wall…
The 2010 congressional elections will be the “toughest midterm elections Democrats have ever faced,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) acknowledged today.
How did those midterm elections work out during the clinton administration.
And the upcoming one will be the “toughest.”
What does she know that ylb and the left-wingnuts here won’t acknowledge?
Interesting development Darryl. Glad your friend was diagnosed, treated and is flourishing today. All Puddy is saying is Puddy remembers the Thimerosal controversy.
Puddy only looked at what the University of Pittsburgh, University of Michigan, Case Western Reserve, The Ohio State University and the University of Cincinnati claimed about the over 200 types of HPV viruses. It’s transmitted through sex by person who has the infection transmitting it to another person.
From the Women’s Clinic Web site – “Two uninfected people with no sex partners besides each other cannot contract HPV.” Mr and Mrs Puddy don’t have HPV by the grace of God!
And SeattleJew, what is wrong with being a virgin until marriage? Please don’t become as tendentious as rujax and ylb arschloch and some other leftist pinheads here!
Then there’s the injection. Gardasil only protects against HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18. Other HPV strains will cause the virus to occur. So 4 out of 200? So you have a 2% chance of being protected with Gardasil. Now Puddy does acknowledge Gardasil protects against 70% of the known cervical cancer types, because Gardasil does not protect against all HPV types that cause cervical cancer. Hmmm… Also the Web MD site says:
At over $170 a dose and three doses, how did the unemployed fool ylb arschloch afford this? No Internet for three months? Eat beans and rice for three months? Did ylb arschloch ride his bike to not buy gas for his car?
Butt, don’t make political hay about that eh leftists? Just scream about the states and how they vote in elections right ylb arschloch because hey, when Rachel Maddow says something we must parrot it. How are those shiny full calf boots fitting you and your HA leftist buds? Just like you ylb arschloch to run from an argument due to lack of intelligence
Toooo Damnn Funnny fool!
And there is the Gardasil controversy covered last month by ABC News.
Funny Rachel Maddow didn’t have that on her show. Puddy checked. Butt, from WikiPedia…
Sounds like some of the swill Puddy remembers about Doctors and cigarettes. While the vaccine works for four types only what happens if you take the vaccine and you still develop it? Are these cases reported in literature?
Maybe just maybe many Southern blacks are not getting the vaccine shot in those states because, maybe just maybe, the Tuskegee Experiment from the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) still rings in many people’s minds.
Also it could be that the women are better looking in the Southern states so the natural urge to procreate is higher, so more sex. Would you really wanna procreate with Rachel Maddow? Yuck! Well maybe ylb arschloch worships to his boob tube! As Redd Foxx said follow an ugly child home and see if someone ugly opens the door.
Of course the useless blob ProudASS and facts don’t mix like oil and water!
The NE has the lowest rate of teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy means exactly that, pregnancy.
If you don’t want to talk to your teens about reproduction, then maybe you shouldn’t have one?
I’d rather teens abstained from sex and think that abstinence needs to be talked about as part of sex ed, but it’s just one part of sex ed. not the whole ball of wax.
Another democrat during the debate pledging not to raise taxes yet the moment he’s off the stage he’s for raising taxes.
I think he is, or maybe not, or maybe he is…
He doesn’t sound very clear himself trying to defend his position
When a reporter keeps asking what he means he tries to belittle her by calling her “young lady.”
Puddy been sadly saying this for years Michael…
Black teens have the highest teen pregnancy rate. For young women age 15-19, black teens are most likely to become pregnant (134 per 1,000 women). Slightly lower rates occur among Hispanics (131 per 1,000) followed by non-Hispanic whites (48 per 1,000).
Like Puddy said which falls on the deaf ears of ylb arschloch and others black people didn’t listen to GWB and abstinence programs. Yet, these same libtardo fools will march onto this blog and scream it’s those peeps in the southern states who voted for GWB without looking at the population demographics. Hmmm…?
Even this article blames Bush for black & hispanic teenagers whose parents overwhelmingly voted for Gorebasm and Effin Kerry?
But your report claimed
What a stupid conclusion!
And Michael since the CDC acknowledges that there is an underreporting of doctor office abortions what does that prove?
Did Tiller the baby killer report every abortion? He claimed in 1995 9200 of his performed abortions were late term? Puddy gave the evidence to SeattleJew on this blog. You can check with ylb arschloch as he has all the PuddyMissives in his tctmgr database. California doesn’t report abortion statistics to the CDC. Why not California?
“Mothers who were not married accounted for 83.1% of the abortions. Most of the abortions tracked by the CDC were to minorities: 36.9% to African Americans, 20.3% to Hispanics, and 9.0% to “other” (may include some Hispanics). Somewhere between 43% and 45.6% of women had had at least one previous abortion. (The status of 2.6% was “unknown.”) In addition, 59% of women having abortions had already had at least one live birth.”
This is why Puddy screams about why my peeps run to get abortions. Yet the other blacks who populate this blog have never commented on black abortions. Puddy guesses they cheer it on! Black Donkoinfanticide, first promulgated by Margaret Sanger, now done without thinking by the people she firsts suggested it be used upon!
50 – Heh.. Add that to the list of things Stupes is paranoid about..
Think about it moron.. When in you’re in the South talking to a right wing southerner about the bullshit you heard on Rush’s show, don’t think about what he or she could be carrying…
You’d dive under the nearest table! BOO!
Oh Michael, here is what the USA Today found for all 50 states. BTW WA State had a 7% increase in teen births. Butt butt butt, dats a blue state! Oregon has a 8% increase. Butt butt butt, dats a blue state! New Jersey 6% increase. Butt butt butt, dats a blue state! Maryland had a 6% increase. Butt butt butt, dats a blue state!
Yet another right wing asswipe fantasy.
It’s none of my business as to how people exercise their freedom.
Yet Stupes wants the power of the state involved in reproductive decisions and health – law enforcement, prisons, punishment, the whole nine yards.
What an idiot.
Once again ylb arschloch doesn’t take into consideration the population and the cost of treatment of STDs. Poor people don’t go to the doctor for checkups. Why not visit the US Census and see what the poverty level is in those states ylb arschloch? Ohhh wait a minute… you said
Now is this gonna change with the public option and forcing poor people to pay for insurance? To ylb arschloch it’s just the voter patterns the fool says.
It’s none of your business how people exercise their fantasies ylb arschloch?
Well good for you fool!
Ohhh! I wonder why???? Obama and progressives are trying to change that idiot and all you morons can do is scream at townhalls and teabag.
When it imposes on the freedoms of others it does.
When a woman can’t get an abortion after she’s had sex forced on her, she might wonder why that option’s been taken away. If a couple goes to the pharmacy and can’t get contraception they have may questions too. And then they all find out its because of the fantasies of butt ignorant right wingers but now you say its none of their business.
Screw you and the horse (fantasy) you rode in on..
Well here is something ylb arschloch won’t have to worry about being unemployed…
“Employers say they will not absorb any additional costs that result from reform and plan to take actions to avoid doing so, including reducing benefits, raising prices for customers and/or reducing head count.”
Here is the survey and here is the best graphic.
ylb arschloch, it’s from Business Wire, a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway. You know that old right-wing nut (sic) Warren Buffet!
WTF fantasy you screaming about ylb arschloch?
Screw you fool. When has Puddy ever said this moron? You drink and puke the kook-aid every day!
You mean the stuff you can buy at Fred Meyers is not available? When did this happen ylb arschloch? You mean magnum sized Trojans (like you’d need that size) has been removed from the shelves? When did this happen ylb arschloch? You mean spermacide creams are now gone? When did this happen ylb arschloch? You mean the pill has been banned? When did this happen ylb arschloch? Did Walgreens, Bartells, etc. get the same memo?
Regarding Puddy’s checkup comment, did you notice good old ylb arschloch forgot to add the “public option and forcing poor people to pay for insurance” from his yank and paste. Is that what you do at home when the kids are at skuul and the wife is slaving away as the pants wearer? You yank it and paste it wherever?
With regards, to HPV, the video comes to an incorrect correlation, IMO. High HPV (and teen pregnancies) rates don’t really measure how bad state healthcare is, but are a measure of state education.
In Louisiana, the state offers free HPV vaccinations. Obviously, young women are not taking advantage of it, which leads me to believe that people are not aware of the services, or not aware of the risks of HPV.
The majority of k-12 public schools in the south are underperforming. That is the major reason for many of the poor health scores brought up in the video.
Teen preganancies, HPV, STD’s etc, are reduced with education. Why is eduation in the South bad? That’s a different issue than health care.
62 – Wow. You like that tedious line. I was referring to the moronic right wing bullshit and fantasies of fools like you.
It gets a little boring after 9 pm. Right now I’m refreshed but alreadly its getting old.
Fool, those are your words. When it gets tedious ylb arschloch leaves the argument. No mind no matter.
Those babies need to take more personal responsibility for their birth. Mr. Cynical was responsible enough to be born in a timely manner, so why should HE have to pay for these irresponsible babies.
You are all such Libtardo bleeding hearts. Why can’t you be more practical?
@54 Puddy
I think you left your sense of logic in the litter box.
I myself are bothered by the casualness of intercourse in our society. I think it makes the formation of stable marriages more difficult. Adds that portray sex as the byproduct of good grooming bother me a lot more than this vaccine.
BUT … none of this has anything to do with Darryl’s point.
For your part, the vaccine in no way prevents virginity. Suppose your kitten falls in love with some guy who has had sex but now is faithful? Or suppose that she, being merely feline, makes a mistake or ??? Suppose the kitty is vaccinated, would that change her commitment to virginity?
Suppose the worst happens, she is raped. And then she gets cancer? Would that be her fault? Would it be yours?
Unless your religion extends to the reliance on G-d to treat disease extremes, then it seems to me you should rethink this one. In the meantime a friend of ours helped develop the vaccine, largely because of her commitment to woman’s health in Africa. I hope you would applaud Nancy’s efforts!
Butt ignorant tool:
Puddybud is an Uncle Tom and a Lionel because he belongs to a party that sends demonstrators into the street sporting confederate flags and pictures of Obama with a bone through his nose.
That’s not racist, huh Waxx?
How about this one tool:,00.html
Two cases in Texas – surprise, surprise…
The right wing fights for ignorance and fear:
Ok I’m done for now.
Man SeattleJew, that was a whack-job argument. Puddy already acknowledged the vaccine is effective against 4 of the 200+ types of HPV. But Darryl’s original point was
Since even Dr Johnson said he believes there simply is not enough evidence to recommend to all parents that they have their daughters vaccinated, so why all the screaming? Puddy is against forcing someone to do something against their will. Did you read about the poor mother who’s young daughter died after taking the third Gardasil shot?
headless lucy@73, we all know you are a racist through and through. You already admitted you change into your thirty sock puppets to yank my chain, so why all the fronting. Just be yourself and man up fool!
“Puddy only looked at what the University of Pittsburgh, University of Michigan, Case Western Reserve, The Ohio State University and the University of Cincinnati claimed about the over 200 types of HPV viruses. It’s transmitted through sex by person who has the infection transmitting it to another person.”
Then you probably weren’t reading in context. While sexual contact is the predominant way that genital HPV infections are spread, but there are other routes of transmission for other infection sites. For example, HPV can be transmitted from mother to child during birth.
But, most commonly, warts are an example of non-sexually transmitted HPV infection.
“Then there’s the injection. Gardasil only protects against HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18.
Other HPV strains will cause the virus to occur. So 4 out of 200? So you have a 2% chance of being protected with Gardasil.”
This is flawed statistical thinking. The assumption that all 200 strains are equally likely and equally likely to be transmitted is wrong. An implicit assumption in your statement is that all 200 strains are equally dangerous—that’s wrong, too.
“Now Puddy does acknowledge Gardasil protects against 70% of the known cervical cancer types, because Gardasil does not protect against all HPV types that cause cervical cancer.”
On the other hand, flu vaccines don’t protect against all types of flu. That doesn’t mean flu vaccines have no utility.
“Cervical cancer is more common in women of Hispanic descent and in people living below the poverty level.”
Your point?
“At over $170 a dose and three doses, how did the unemployed fool ylb arschloch afford this?”
YLB is neither a teen, nor a female.
But, in general, state governments can play a strong role in making the vaccine readily available and affordable.
“Just scream about the states and how they vote in elections…”
Maddow was primarily making a political point, not a medical point.
I’m so impressed with Mr. Puddybud. He seems to be an expert at every topic. Such superior intellect is just awesome. He does us a great service by being here, don’t you all agree?
So was this an immaculate conception? Was she injected at a doctor’s office with a fertilized egg?? How did she get the HPV virus? Through the doctor rubbing her? Hmmm… Too many unanswered questions.
Okay, then why do doctors tell women who get the vaccine to contually have pap smears against the other 196+ viruses?
But ylb arschloch claimed his “daughter” is vaccinated. So it’s relevant. Puddy realizes most people skip over what ylb arschloch writes. Thanks for proving that point.
And it became a medical/political point to the HA leftists as Puddy pointed out above!
Puddy reads a lot and asks questions on what Puddy reads. You being a dumb cinderblock with large interstitial air spaces do what?
Of course rujax always accepts the veracity of Rachel Maddow on her poorly watched but Atlantic Monthly loved show or other HA leftists who continually comment on blog topics.
He does read a lot and creates discussion. This place would be absolutely stale without the vigorous debate.
Anyway, without him YLB would have no meaning in life.
Bwaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa
Unfortunately for ylb arschloch you are so right!
Puddybud @ 80,
“So was this an immaculate conception? Was she injected at a doctor’s office with a fertilized egg?? How did she get the HPV virus? Through the doctor rubbing her? Hmmm… Too many unanswered questions.”
You seem to be babbling here. Not sure what your point is.
“Okay, then why do doctors tell women who get the vaccine to contually have pap smears against the other 196+ viruses?”
The recommendation persists for early diagnosis of cervical cancer (and some other medical conditions).
But what does your question have to do with my statement that your assumptions were wrong?
“And it became a medical/political point to the HA leftists as Puddy pointed out above!”
Your claim of a mother passing it onto her child has to have a cause for that effect. How did the mother get the HPV to pass onto the child if it takes skin to skin rubbing in the genitalia area to acquire the HPV virus? Somehow that is lost on you.
My wrong assumptions? Puddy’s wrong assumptions are from the various web sites Puddy placed on this site earlier… They specifically said you can still get HPV so get checked regularly for HPV. Puddy acknowledges there are other reasons to get Pap Smears and is NOT saying anything otherwise. Mrs Puddy gets them on a regular schedule. That’s how we know neither of us have HPV! If you don’t veer you will stay clear!
Darryl, sometimes you amaze me. You placed
earlier. Puddy answers
Oops… Duh… Puddy gets it. Since it was only Michael, DavidD, SeattleJew, headless and ylb arschloch (even rujax farted once) responding, you discount their above arguments and presentations on medical/political points coming from HA leftist representatives. Puddy yields this point.
Only a complete idiot like Puddy could write something this stupid:
This is the kind of faulty logic that occurs when someone with the analytical ability of a a tree frog tries to comment on subject matter way over their puny heads.
First, while there are 200 strains of HPV there are only about 35-40 that can infect the genital areas of men and women. So Puddy, as usual, has his facts wrong and mixed up. Most of the other cause general wats on the skin in other areas. So much for the 2% figure that Puddy dreams up out of thin air.
Second, HPV types 16 and 18 cause about 70% of all cervical canceralone. As Daryl pointed out, different strains may be more common. But also there are different strains that may be more likely to cause cancer. So strains may not be cervical cancer risks at all.
So Puddy’s third grade logic, inability to undertand basic science and flawed math mean that his comments are worth ….absolutely nothing.
And Sue @83, thanks for your Puddy worship. It is nice to know that you consider someone that ignorant to be intelligent. I guess it says something about your lack of intelligence, too.
Why do you claim stuff and never place a link. Puddy gave every link.
And of course correctnotright fails to recognize Puddy gave this fact in post #53 in his above discourse. Butt, of course correctnotright loves to see himself in pixels trying to “look smart”. Puddy gave every URL Puddy referenced. Puddy didn’t give the University URLs because they are easily found and Akismet would choke on all those links.
So who has 3rd grade logic fool? You don’t even read before you attack!
What a moron. Attackmoron, that aptly describes correctnotright! Naaaaah maybe Attackidiot!
So it’s 4 out of 40 or 10% HPV coverage. Hmmm correctnotright, this seems like your argument on the downward slope of the equatorial temperatures dropping from the NOAA satellites being off by .105°C.
You are a hoot and a half correctnotright. Blinded by the flying kook-aid!
What a rude man.
while there are 200 strains of HPV there are only about 35-40 that can infect the genital areas of men and women.r.
Can you provide your source?
So you know…Rujax! knits, cans peaches and makes ice cream.
Only a man of exceptional intellectual and spiritual arrogance like Mister Puddybud never admits that he may be wrong.
Such a stunning lack of humility.
@87 First, while there are 200 strains of HPV there are only about 35-40 that can infect the genital areas of men and women. So Puddy, as usual, has his facts wrong and mixed up
correctnotright, can you provide the source for those numbers?
Looks like you missed post#86
See ya cinderblock!
“Your claim of a mother passing it onto her child has to have a cause for that effect. How did the mother get the HPV to pass onto the child if it takes skin to skin rubbing in the genitalia area to acquire the HPV virus? Somehow that is lost on you.”
Puddybud…here are a couple of free lessons from Dr. Darryl:
1. Mother-child transmission of HPV is not considered sexual transmission. (That the mother was likely infected via sexual contact is entirely irrelevant).
2. “Skin to skin rubbing in the genitalia area” is NOT the only way to acquire HPV. That is almost always how one acquires a genital HPV infection. However, HPV is a very common non-genital infection as well. Got warts? You have HPV. That was all I was getting at when I corrected your statement:
Abstinence is an effective way to protect against genital HPV infections, but not all HPV infections are genital.
“My wrong assumptions? Puddy’s wrong assumptions are from the various web sites Puddy placed on this site earlier…”
You stated:
…and I pointed out that you have some mistaken assumptions in that “2% chance of being protected” statement. In particular, the 2% figure would require a uniform distribution of transmission/infection for each strain. This is incorrect.
“They specifically said you can still get HPV so get checked regularly for HPV.”
Even so…your statement that “So you have a 2% chance of being protected…” is incorrect.
“Puddy acknowledges there are other reasons to get Pap Smears and is NOT saying anything otherwise.”
Sure…I didn’t assume otherwise.
“Mrs Puddy gets them on a regular schedule.”
“That’s how we know neither of us have HPV!”
The PAP tests tell you that Ms. Puddy doesn’t exhibit cervical dysplasia (i.e. precancerous or cancerous cervical cells). The only sure test for HPV is an HPV DNA assay (perhaps this was done at the same time?)
“If you don’t veer you will stay clear!”
If you both have had only one sexual partner (i.e. each other) your entire life, then you are almost certainly HPV-free (for sexually transmitted strains). But even if one or both of you were sexually active prior to establishing your monogamous relationship, there is a good chance any infection has passed.
I stand corrected.
I bet Troll is from the deep south.
@52, I hate to say it, but I agree with Marvin, if the Dem don’t show some spine and stand up and start fighting back against the lies of the conservatives and start to act BIG TIME for the middle and lower classes, they will be swept back out in a landslide.
I don’t hold out much hope. They were spineless when Bush was in power, they are just as spineless now. Politically, the repubs are a stronger party, not a better party, just stronger. Until the Dem start to act ruthlessly like the repubs, Dems are going to win once in a blue moon and then loose big, again. And again, till they grow some courage and some resolve.
LMAO!!! Thanks cnr you made my day!
Between you and Darryl, the moron has had his ass handed to him yet again!
Hey Sue, Stupes says you’re progressive.. He also says being progressive means wanting to sterilize black people. He also claims Hillary Clinton is a eugenicist. Pffffft.. So go ahead cuddle up to him and the rest of his ugly fellow travelers. See where that gets you here..
Darryl wrote that “torture” approved or tolerated by Cheney-Bush 2.0 was blatant and unconscionable. Blatant? Bullshit. That’s why we’re debating the Inspector General’s report that was used several years ago to exculpate, and that’s used now by the ACLU and Darryl to incriminate. Unconscionable? To Darryl, the ACLU, and Holder, maybe, but not to real Americans.
That said, lapsed conservative Andrew Sullivan in The Atlantic strengthens Darryl’s strong case against Cheney, Bush, real Americans, and me. We are indeed tied in knots by our treaties and entangling alliances that were probably intended to tie us in knots.
Liberal progressives who have been expansive and elastic about law and the Constitution have suddenly become strict constructionists about those laws and treaties that tie us down and that make us vulnerable. Liberals have belatedly found one narrow area of law that will permit no interpretation but their own, and they’ll find liberal courts to give them their way.
That’s because liberals rig the game to always get their way.
In October or November 2001, at about the very moment the first orange-jumpsuit terrorist was climbing off the plane in Cuba, Jim McDermott started whining about unconscionable torture at Gitmo. Thought that would be the end of McDermott. Thought that even Seattle would see that somebody so unhinged had no business being in politics, business, or anything else except Gitmo or Western State.
So what happens? Drip by drip, McDermott insanity joins all the other progressive drips and becomes the progressive mainstream that runs right through the middle of Obama’s America. And when the progressives get their way, when their war on America is won and when America is shaken out of its shoes because we couldn’t waterboard the next KSM, McDermott and Darryl and the rest of the left will blame everything on Cheney and Bush.
Bet on it.
Puddy @ 89
“So it’s 4 out of 40 or 10% HPV coverage.”
Still incorrect, Puddy.
You stated,
You were making a statement about the probability of the vaccine offering protection given exposure.
But you computed the percentage of strains that the vaccine protects against.
The two are not the same.
101 – More right wing insanity.. Great a torture fan.
I live in Jim McDermott’s district. I’ve voted for him every election.
He’s done a fantastic job – driving idiot right wingers to yank huge clumps of hair off the tops of their empty skulls.
AFAIC, he can have that job as he longs as he wants it.
Goldy’s squeeze Jill Richardson is not a prick for calling an old man an asshole. That was the old man on Medicare whose finger was bitten off by a left-wing liberal fascist thug.
Jill Richardson is a prick for being mean to an old man who died last week. That was Norman Borlaug who was and is despised and derided by left-wing fanatic food fascists such as Jill Richardson.
Don’t know about Borlaug? Check out Gregg Easterbrook, who writes for The Atlantic and WSJ:
Let’s keep score: Teddy Kennedy, one dead waterboarded blonde and one Portuguese Waterdog, extolled by Dan Schorr and all the MSM as “a national treasure.” Norman Borlaug? Bitchslapped by bitch Jill Richardson.
YLB’s high on Baghdad Jim. Figures.
Baghdad J lied about the saddamite source of his funding for a trip to Baghdad in which Jim sounded very much like a Saddam cheerleader.
Leading cleers for a tyrant who was way into real torture, not the “torture” lite that Darryl dislikes.
Saddam’s human hamburger shredders? Uday’s rape rooms? Torture cells for kids? No problem for McDermott or YLB. Figures.
Being progressive doesn’t mean being a big Afghan war hawk like you are YLB. You’re totally out of touch with Democrats and liberals on the war. And that chasm is only going to get bigger and bigger.
You have a lot more in common with conservatives than you admit.
@88 Puddy says:
You may have given SOME links – but you misinterpreted them. I don’t really think I need to link to common medical knowledge…but maybe in your case I do.
Yeah, you gave the 70% figure in an earlier rambing response….but your statement about 2% shows that you didn’t understand your won quote…otherwise, you would have written it so stupidly.
All that proves is that you can quote and copy information but cannot comprehend or synthesize it…you get an F for your third grade level analysis.
106 – Heh. Being progressive means having a brain fool. And having a brain means not allowing a country to descend yet again into a medieval human rights hellhole that would have no compunction about using 21st century methods to commit mass murder.
This country stays involved in the world lest the world comes to our doorstep as it did in Pearl Harbor, as it did on 9/11.
Isolationism is for idiots.
@108 And having a brain means not allowing a country to descend into a medieval human rights hellhole that has no compunction about using 21st century methods to commit mass murder.
Well since the great majority of Dems and liberals don’t buy this argument, that can only mean . . .
105 – lying right wing degenerate.
@94 daves
Sources for HPV information:
Kumar et al, Robbin’s Pathological Basis of Human Disease, 7th edition
Salient points: HPV is implicated in 95% of cervical cancer with HPV DNA detected in 95% of the samples.
This data helps to establish the link between HPV and cervical cancer. The causality is further enhanced by the actions of specific HPV genes (E6 and E7) that prevent cells from undergoing apoptosis (killing themselves or dying naturally) and this probably predisposes to cervical cancer.
There may be other co-facotrs that contribute to cervical cancer, but HPV is the only risk factor that has been identified and has such a large effect.
Persistent infection, decreased cell-mediated immune status, genetic predispostion, poor nutrition and other factors may play a role in progression to cervical cancer.
You lie! YLB! Your PMS is no excuse.
112 – you left out “boy”.
First correctnotright claimed Puddy didn’t mention something in plain site then when caught goes absolutely incoherent in his second retort. Notice correctnotright gave some book but no link for the 35-40 value. This is his way of operating. Calls your response rambling but when you sit and look at his responses, they are thoughts pulled from an arschloch!
Par for the course.
Where did Joe Wilson say boy?
You lie after lie after lie drinking the kook-aid.
correctnotright, so your data:
“while there are 200 strains of HPV”
comes from the source you cite?
115 – Funny we come full circle to South Carolina.
Land of Obama’s “waterloo”, land of large numbers of uninsured (20 percent?), home of address to Congress screamer Joe Wilson and backwards attitudes to reproductive freedom and health.
re 77: So, rather than deal with my charge that you are an Uncle Tom because you, without complaint, belong to and support a political party that sends demonstrators into the street with confederate flags and pictures of the president with a bone through his nose.
Then you have the temerity to to call me a racist because I queation you about it.
No one here will take you seriously until you tackle this issue I’ve raised.
Here is what Puddy found and why Puddy questioned the 4 types.
“Of the 200 HPV-positive specimens, 119 (59.5%) were found to contain at least one of the 13 genotypes of HPV targeted by the Digene HC2 “high-risk” HPV test kit, including 3 cases of mixed infections by an HPV-16, HPV-18 or both, confirmed by specific primer sequencing [18]. Of the HPV-positive specimens, 67 (33.5%) contained one of the HPV types other than the 13 targeted by the HC2 kit.”
Now remember it’s only HPV 6, 11, 16,& 18 that Gardasil protects against.
This is why Dr Johnson said read up and make a decision on Gardasil!
Puddy corrected the typo. No headless@118 there is no temerity in my call of you as a racist. Your own words typed by your own fingers 24×7 proved that.
Then when asked by Steve to corroborate your comments you went silent. Your continual need to change sock puppet names is only a facade to your need to hate blacks 24×7.
No one here takes you seriously at all. Even the brick ylb arschloch called you out. But you can rest easy because the cinderblock, rujax, has been mum all these years. Well when the brick calls you out… It’s been his only redeeming quality all these years.
re 101: You are full of shit — and long-winded, to boot.
“To Darryl, the ACLU, and Holder, maybe, but not to real Americans.”
You block any discussion by defining anyone who disagrees with you as not being a real American. That is the mark of a fanatic, which is what you are.
I wouldn’t trust you to take my grandmother across the street.
@121 I wouldn’t trust you to take my grandmother across the street.
And your grandmother couldn’t trust you to get her across the street.
puddy, you need to be careful with your rhetoric. as nancy pelosi said, some of us might not be as stable as the people making the statement. so, we should shut off all debate, makes sense to me. it worked in cambodia, the khmer rouge reeducated all those people, and you never heard from them again.
re 120 “Calls me out”???
Are you saying that me saying someone like you would be dificult to be around 24/7 is the WORST thing that you can find that I said.
“Black people can be dificult to be around 24/7” (which is something that my college buddy Sugarbear said — because that is where he grew up)
Yet you HARP on that innocent statement for YEARS while blandly accepting a party that has Michael Steele as it’s self-consciously black spokesman (the base is expecting him to grab a tophat and cane and start tap-dancing while singing Mr. Bojangles).
AND, you conflate my statement as being worse than your fellow Republicans marching in the street with confederate flags and pictures of Obama with a bone through his nose.
Those people who agreed with you are only afraid of being tarred and fethered by you as a racist. You are despicable.
But X’ad and I are right. You are an Uncle Tom. So, now I’ve got someone on my side who isn’t afraid to call you out on it.
See you later, crocdile.
@124 But X’ad and I are right. You are an Uncle Tom.
X’ad apologized profusely for this, and rightfully so, after a scolding by HA “progressives” for, well, not coming across as being very progressive. So it’s JUST you now . . .
re 125: I will never apologize to that lunatic, and rightfully so, as I am just as black as he is. Furthermore, X’ad has my permission to label this destructive fake “Puddybuddy” as an Uncle Tom because he fits the definition.
As for you, mind your own business.
I have just as much right to call this jackass an Uncle Tom as my Mexican brother in law has to callsomw Mexican he doesn’t like a Tio Taco.
Since I know that the Waxxter is part Hispanic, I will ask my brother in law to comment that PuddWaxx is a Tio Taco as well as an Uncle Tom.
X’ad may, if she chooses, revoke her apology and resume calling PuddWaxx an Uncle Tom, as it is an appellation that fits.
on this blog, you can be a racist if you are on the left.
Wow, looks like headless lost it. See how Puddy dissects the argument and zeroes in on the real issue? It’s headless. The real headcase
Did any HA Libtardo fool miss the irony that “the messiah” announces no missile shield for Poland on the 70th anniversary month of when the Germans invaded Poland?
Puddy @ 119,
You still are looking at the probabilities wrong. The study you cite gives the probability of each HPC strain given a woman has an abnormal pap test. It finds that 70 of 123 women were positive for “high risk” HPC strains and that 32 of the 70 infections were of high-risk strain (16 and 18) that the vaccine might have protected them from.
But the probability of getting cervical cancer is not the same for all strains. Thus, a vaccine that suppresses only strain 6 (which has a very low probability of becoming cancer) is not nearly as effective as a vaccine that protects against strain 16 (which has the highest probability of becoming cancerous).
In other words, the study you cited estimates the prevalence of HPV strains in females with abnormal pap tests.
The important public health issue is the prevalence of HPV GIVEN that a woman has developed cancer, because that uncovers the different rates that different strains cause cancer at. So, for example, this study of 2000 woman with cervical cancer found ~66% are infected with strains 16 and 18.
When did Puddy say he was part His panic?
Fat Rabbit tells us often that Republicans are all about starving and killing poor people. Gregg Easterbrook (see his eulogy to Norman Borlaug, above) wrote ten years ago that Borlaug’s war on poverty and starvation was derailed by overfed American progressive fanatics and arugula snobs who mau maued the Rockefeller Foundation into pulling Borlaug’s funding.
To be fair and balanced, the arugula snobs shown here were not necessarily the same neofascist fanatics who starved poor people, but it’s absolutely true that Michelle Obama today shut down downtown D.C. so she could do an arugula splurge at a farmers’ market. It was sort of a reprise of a recent New York Obama date night when B & M diverted thousands of your dollars that should have been used to help the poor find health care.
(Farmers’ Market footnote: This gets us back to Goldy’s squeeze, loco “locavore” Jill Richardson. Jill, Michael Pollan, and other food fascists believe that America’s cheap food policy is an Agribusiness conspiracy against the poor. They apparently think the poor would be better served by the kind of pricy food we had back in the good old days when only fat-cat plutocrats could afford to get fat.)
Actually no, I don’t. You’ll forgive me but it’s probably easy to miss as you usually just make just make things up, or repeat wrong things you already said so many times. That I have to just leave because, speaking as your friend, I’m just embarrassed for you. Perhaps if you start making a habit of being informed I may notice next time.
PS while I’m here, I trust you Cyn, Emptysuit, Marvin and Troll have signed their pledges of conservatism?
So Montanto,
You yank a sentence out of context. How ylb arschloch of you.
Yep, Puddy brings the URLs Puddy made up too.
Hmmm… ylb arschloch has all the PuddyMissives. Calling out all the putrid Democratic acts is bad?
You my friend? Hmmm… Oh… now Puddy understands. Good to see you again.
But you missed the point. Do you agree with headless lucy and his arguments? That comment was aimed at him. Looks like you haven’t been following the headless saga and his 30 sock puppets.
Nuff SAID.
The Prosecution Rests.
* May the Schwartz be with you: America’s worst nightmare, SeattleJew with a gun at a Glenn Beck Nazi rally, doesn’t know what to do with a gun. SJ/Schwartz told Dori that, despite SJ’s Navy time, he’s only inciting other liberals to be armed liberals; dude’s got no arms of his own. So: the Navy owes us a refund for allowing a gunless idiot like SJ to matriculate and graduate. Also, everybody needs to read about Lyndon taking Bobby to the LBJ Ranch to shoot Bambi. When the recoil knocked Bobby on his ass (shitass, said Lyndon), LBJ sorrowfully siad, “Son, you got learn to handle a gun like a man.”
* Rude Pundit, who said that healthcare townhalls are filled with a bunch of “old Jews” who remind him of Hanukkah from Hell, will be back on Stephanie Miller next week. Meanwhile, Miller’s noises guy Jim Ward says that Prescott Bush helped Nazis during WWII. He lies. Or he’s thinking of old Joe Kennedy who was totally in the tank for Nazis after September 1939.
* Thomas Frank, author of What’s the Matter with Hymietown, wonders why American Jews keep voting against their own interests. Oh, wait. That’s Norman Podhoretz.Why, he asks, did almost 80% of America’s Jews vote for Democrat from Jesse Jackson’s Wright-wing of the Democrat Party. That would be Jeremiah Wright who recently said that “them Jews” are keeping him away from Obama.
Democrats got a lock on the Jewish vote when FDR turned away a boatload of Jewish refugees seeking asylum from gas chambers. Then FDR refused to permit the bombing of Nazi concentration camps. Then Jews voted for Joe Kennedy’s son. Then America’s Jews went all the way with LBJ when old Dan Schorr accused Jewish Episcopalian Barry Goldwater of palling around with the Waffen SS. Then Jesse Jackson went to Hymietown and Al Sharpton burned down Freddy’s.
* But that was then. Now, says Medved, Obama’s popularity in Israel is down to 4%. Four. Percent. GWB’s was 88%. Sure glad our new improved president is restoring America’s prestige. Making Israel more vulnerable by dismantling missile defense to appease the KGB will surely make us even more popular and respected.
Puddy making this up.
“There’s so much right-wing crap on the best seller list these days. It’s great to see a book [@21] that you might want to put on your shelf and let your respected friends see you actually reading.” — Chris Matthews PMSNBC [] added by Puddy!
Y’all need compulsory arbitration at the point of my Blackfoot uncle’s scalping knife.
Easier to scalp straight white hair than a close cropped fro bro!
i have to admit, i cannot figure out if obama is a jewish puppet or a muslim looking to destroy both the american jewish lobby and israel. there is evidence on both sides.
Oh come HA Liberals, Ol Wolfie Blitzer got smacked on Jeopardy and none of you react?
“Hey, Wolf Blitzer! Know what the situation is, in your Situation Room? Looks to me like the situation is that Andy Richter controls the universe. At least as far as “Celebrity Jeopardy” goes!”
Yep, Ol Wolfie didn’t ask the right questions to the CEO of ACORN and he didn’t ask the right questions on Jeopardy.
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Oh wait a minute… Puddy made that up.
Once in a while HuffPo prints something useful and worthwhile…
“The bill unveiled by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus has been blasted as a major giveaway to insurance companies. But the even bigger winners are the drug makers.
That’s because the Baucus bill matches up, nearly to the letter, with the secret deal that he, the White House and Big Pharma struck over the summer — a deal the various parties roundly denied had been struck when it went public.”
This reminds Puddy when the story of Michael Jordan going to play for the Wizards and he denied it for a month and then said when confronted “You know you don’t get no apologies in this business.” How similar.
Obama lied, credibility died.
Remember those thrilling first hundred days of yesteryear when the new transparent administration told us Cap & Trade would be almost costless, or that it would cost only pennies?
Well. A FOIA fishing expedition has turned up the truth, hidden deep withing Obama’s own private Treasury Dept. Not only that, but the expose’ gets play on YLB’s very own CBS, which is not part of the half-vast right-wing conspiracy.
But wait a minute. CBS/Treasury proves Obama was right after all. I was a racist liar when I typed that Obama lied.
Cap & Trade will in fact cost only pennies. Bushels and bushels of pennies. About $1800 per family per year in increased costs and hidden taxes to pay for green fascism.
All the president’s men had said last winter that a low-income family (exempted by candidate Obama from any tax increases) would have only a teeny tiny C&T tax increase to save the planet. But the planet’s in so much peril from global warming or cooling, pick one, that a tiny tax increase wasn’t quite enough.
Bottom line: Several trillion pennies is a very small price to pay for stopping the murder of the planet. And our new president did not lie. I recant and aplogize to Nancy Pelsoi for making her cry.
doesn’t matter. uncle’s dead anyway.
Heterosexuals are murdering, raping and stealing. Great base to keep a Country going.
does indeed get complicated. maybe pat buchanan and his amen corner can figure it out.
Ahhh yes this is so funny. The reaction of the loser MSNBC. Who is saying the they were rude to the press? What a bunch of crap from the loser network!
Jackboot Gordon was the Gman, 144, and we’re pretty sure he wasn’t you. Of all the weird wacky fauna that wades through Goldy’s cesspool, you are totally the most twisted.
But you and Norman Podhoretz, above, will probably get along jus’ fine. He’s one of those unreconstructed neocons who calls sodomy by its real name: sodomy.
Sorry about the typos, bro. Edit’s not working. Flip my fro.
Well… Yeah. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? Oh dear, there goes my troll creds.
Good for you, Puddy! Admitting it is the first step to recovery! But… If you’re making it up, why should I care about your recommendation?
Sarcasm Montanto sarcasm! Puddy didn’t make that one up.
The Big Media (BM) embargo on this administration has got to stop. Democracy is harmed when a young inexperienced untested president isn’t given a chance to connect with we the people.
The media are hiding President Obama up in the attic, up there with his kindly old eccentric uncle Jeremiah Wright. C’mon, NBCCBSANSCNNMSNBCNPR, let my people go. Bring Barack and Jerry back downstairs. Let Obama be Obama. Give him a chance to be seen and heard.
I mean, he’s had only 3 or 4 billion photo ops since late January, and only several thousand reverently reported opportunities to explain why only he can save America from itself.
Yesterday’s riot, um, rally at the U of Maryland was a pretty good start, perhaps. 15,000 adoring gauleiters, um students, shrieking in unison like a Riefenstahl rumble at Nuremberg.
re 146: You have nevertheless not responded to my query about how you can belong to a political party that puts people on the street with confederate flags and pictures of Obama with a fuckinng BONE THROUGH HIS NOSE.. and then lecture me about a comment that I repeated from a black college buddy of mine that black people can be dificult to be around 24/7.
You are just a hypocrite.
Goldy, here is your next Jon DeVore attempt at a thread.
headless@152, first stop all the sock puppetry and Puddy will be glad to deal with your sorry ASS.
Wait for it… ylb arschloch will make a comment for you!
154 – it.
Interesting news on ACORN.
“In a suit ACORN filed to exempt itself from California’s minimum wage laws, the organization wrote in its brief:
– – – -“As acknowledged both by the trial court and California, the more that ACORN must pay each individual outreach worker–either because of minimum wage or overtime requirements–the fewer outreach workers it will be able to hire PuddyEmphasis.”” Wait a minute…isn’t this what Republicans have been saying for a long time? Didn’t HA Liberals ridicule this? So ACORN is wrong liberals?
From a link… “On March 27, 2003 the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) lost its final appeal of a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruling, which found that ACORN had violated the rights of its employees to unionize. Those unacquainted with ACORN’s history may find this decision simply ironic because of the organization’s active public support of increased unionization, particularly among low-skill service sector employees.”
“In reality, ACORN organizers typically work 54-hour weeks for a salary of $18,000. Accounting for overtime hours, ACORN pays a wage of $5.67 per hour, less than half the level demanded by many proposed “living wage” ordinances that ACORN supports. In some states, such as California and Oregon, this level is below the state-mandated minimum wage. ACORN’s leaders do not pay their own employees a “living wage,” because they know that doing so would limit the number of employees they could hire. This is the same economic reality commonly cited by employers subjected to ACORN’s above-market wage mandates.”
Heterosexuals are murdering, raping and stealing.
notice how golstien allows that kind of rhetoric.
manoftruth @ 157,
“notice how golstien allows that kind of rhetoric.”
Why not? He allows your self-hating racist drivel.
no he doesnt. he threatens to send my ip to the thought police.
manoftruth @ 159
“no he doesnt. he threatens to send my ip to the thought police.”
So? That doesn’t preventing you from commenting, ya fucking retard!
Hey ylb arschloch
Just for you…
Physical Address=1024 Elysian Fields, New Orleans
IP Address=
Isn’t it interesting a minister’s daughter goes after the corruption the liberal MSM ignores ylb arschloch? Wasn’t it you who claimed there is no connection between ACORN and your beloved SEIU?
And the stolen money covered up by ACORN through your buds Citizen’s Consulting Incorporated
Puddy found the links through TPM, another tj’s morning joe web site. Gotta love that.
Hey ylb arschloch,
Citizen’s Consulting Incorporated, you know that wonderful organization where our tax money goes in but there is no accounting is the real front for the 361 affiliated orgs that ACORN oversees. When you add up all the funds available in th Porkulus bill and who can access them that’s the 8+ Billion. Butt, don’t let facts stand in the way ylb arschloch. Keep on those kook-aid web sites. Well, Puddy knows you have limited reading skillz so here is a great site to become ACORN educated. Since you have so much time on your hands enjoy a great read.
Oh did you read this latest from the SEIU mutton-head himself? Of course good old Andy Stern would make those comments as he sits on the ACORN advisory board… Look who else plays in the ACORN sand box ylb arschloch… Now what was Andy advising? Why not ask the pants wearer in the ylb house?
Hey HA Liberals,
Looks like the DNC is resorting to Hellfire. Well we who think right always knew who your religious “hero” is and where the vast majority of ideas emanate from.
“DNC spokesman Hari Sevugan said: “The message to opponents of change who would lie or misrepresent the truth should be clear. We are going to respond forcefully and consistently with the facts, and you will no longer be able to peddle your lies with impunity. Through tools like ‘Call ‘Em Out,’ you will be met with a rain of hellfire from supporters armed with the facts and you will be held to account.”” PuddyEmphasis
Did you see the DNC Beck attack video on CZARS?
The only thing this fool and the DNC Hellfire add forget to add is the mental temperment of the Bush czars vs “the messiah’s” czars. ‘Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.’ – candidate Barack Obama
Hmmm… Van Jones the communist who’s STORM’s official manifesto, titled, “Reclaiming Revolution,” mysteriously disappeared from the Internet…
Cass Sunstein the animals need lawyers advocate… Cass Sunstein advocating a policy under which the government would “presume” someone has consented to having his or her organs removed for transplantation into someone else when they die unless that person has explicitly indicated that his or her organs should not be taken. Soylent Green anybody?…
Carol Browner one of 14 leaders of Commission for a Sustainable World Society, another socialist group, was magically scrubbed from the Internet…
John P. Holdren who wrote: “A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States.” John also advocates draconian population control methods like those in China. Well John, try it first on your Democratic friends. Call up some of the HA faithful and have them start.
This is just the tip of the Czar iceberg HA Libtardos!
GWB didn’t have whackamoles in Czar positions DNC. But bring that hellfire. We know who directs your thoughts now!
Good morning.
Beck and Hannity are really on this CZAR and Obama Appointee thing…complete with tapes of these Leftist Pinheads drivel comin’ right out there own mouths.
Can’t beat that for impact.
Folks are acknowledging more & more that Obama is a hardcore Leftist.
America won’t stand for that.
Worse yet, Obama is a puppet for the hardcore Loons he has appointed who make the HA krowd look like Conservatives!
Obama’s appointees will continue to fall like dominoes. In the end, in 2012 Obama will have to justify all these KOOKS to the voters.
Good luck.
Keep up the fine posting Puddy.
These KLOWNS are probably getting the hives from all the TRUTH you are throwing at ’em!
lol..remember in the first few days when obama appointed people like larry summers and the msm was all gaga saying , oh see, how mainstream he is, he’s not a socialist at all. what a joke the msm is.
Shrubs’ “czars”:
* Cyber Security Czar
* Regulatory Czar
* AIDS Czar
* Bird Flu Czar
* Intelligence Czar
* Health IT Czar
* Katrina Czar
* Manufacturing Czar
* Drug Czar
* Domestic Policy Czar
* War Czar
* Copywright Czar
* Abstinence Czar
* Mine Safety Czar
* Latin American Czar
* WTO Health Czar
* Corruption Czar
* Privacy Czar
* Health Czar
To name a few.
Name Czar-ship
Richard Holbrooke Afghanistan Czar
Jeffrey Crowley AIDS Czar
Alan Bersin Border Czar
David Hayes CA Water Czar
Ed Montgomery Car Czar
Todd Stern Climate Czar
Lynn Rosenthal Domestic Violence Czar
Gil Kerlikowske Drug Czar
Paul Volcker Economic Czar
Carol Browner Energy Czar
Joshua DuBois Faith-based Czar
Cameron Davis Great Lakes Czar
Van Jones Green Jobs Czar SEE YA!
Danny Fried Guantanamo Closure Czar
Nancy-Ann DeParle Health Czar
Vivek Kundra Information Czar
Dennis Blair Intelligence Czar
George Mitchell Mideast Peace Czar
Dennis Ross Mideast Policy Czar
Kenneth Feinberg Pay Czar
Cass Sunstein Regulatory Czar
John Holdren Science Czar
Earl Devaney Stimulus Accountability Czar
J. Scott Gration Sudan Czar
Herb Allison TARP Czar
Elizabeth Warren TARP Oversight Czar
Aneesh Chopra Technology Czar
John Brennan Terrorism Czar
Adolfo Carrion, Jr Urban Affairs Czar
Ashton Carter Weapons Czar
Gary Samore WMD/Terrorism Czar
*Not Appointed Yet:
Copyright Czar
Cyberspace Czar