Hours before President Obama was set to deliver a make-or-break speech on health care reform, a top Senate negotiator conceded the government-run insurance program so dear to the president’s supporters cannot pass the Senate.
Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., who was trying to hammer out the details of a bipartisan compromise Wednesday with five other senators, announced that he would be moving ahead with or without Republican support.
But he made clear that the so-called “public option” would not be part of any deal with his name on it.
Baucus just paid back Obama for trying to ram things thru over top of him.
Special interest money is one thing but how to compete with this kind of favor? I like the comment small minds, small appendages.
The right wing idiots who spew here couldn’t care less about “family values” – the monkey they vote for could have a harem of lobbyist whores servicing him in hotel rooms, apartments, condos, a little side room to his office – all on the taxpayer dime.
cut taxes, cut taxes, cut taxes…
just cut taxes – even it’s a modest amount, you’ll do better next time..
just cut taxes and mouth “conservative” pieties…
it’s all they care about. I’ve said it for years: to a Republican, the worst crime that can be committed is getting caught.
I’ve hung out in the O.C. a bit – the “Republicans” down there drink like fiends and are totally over the top hedonistic. Their desperate materialism is depressing. It’s a very strange place.
Marvin Stamnspews:
2. YLB spews:
I’ve hung out in the O.C. a bit – the “Republicans” down there drink like fiends and are totally over the top hedonistic.
All smart people know that it’s only “republicans” that drink, drug and have sex outside of marriage.
This won’t slow the wingers down a bit. They don’t even hear it. If they do it, it’s totally inconsequential. Boys will be boys, so what?
Or Shortest Marvy
“You do it tooooo!!!!”
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Dr StrangeEye@2 cracks me up. Your side doesn’t even know what family values are. Oh sure say some platitudes but when it comes down to enacting legislation, Nope gotta answer to the “coalition”.
Next “the messiah” claims he will not have lobbyists in his administration and then how many lobbyist passes has “the messiah” given out to date Dr StrangeEye? Seems the K street crowd just moved up a few blocks eh?
To a Democrat, it’s business as usual so who cares if they are caught.
You hung out in the OC huh? Felt more comfortable there? Had to get away from the NW Pasadena folks?
Marvin Stamnspews:
4. X’ad spews:
Or Shortest Marvy
My how times change.
When clinton was ex[posed as cheating on his wife IN the white house, the excuse was sex was a private matter between consenting adults.
Yet now the left is whining about republicans having sex.
Marvin Stamnspews:
More of those community organizing acorn members are being rounded up for falsifying voter registration cards just like the republicans have been saying.
The Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office issued arrest warrants for each of the 11 suspects, all of whom worked for the local chapter of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, (ACORN).
By early Wednesday morning, six were in custody, authorities said.
Maybe olbermann will say something about this tonight on his show.
Maybe I’ll win american idol.
@5 “Your side doesn’t even know what family values are.”
And here I thought your side finally had shown the good sense to stop talking about family values. My bad. But anyways, speaking of Republican family values, I hear that Mark Foley got himself a radio gig, “Inside the Mind of Mark Foley”. All joking aside, that’s, um, a very interesting premise for a show, a peek inside the mind of the failed and utterly humiliated Republican pervert, Mark Foley. You have to admit, if he could book Neal Horsely, he of the hapless mule and watermelon-with-a-name fame, it’d make for quite the show.
Obviously you didn’t read the story or you wouldn’t be trumpeting it since you hate ACORN so much. It was ACORN that notified the state about the discrepancies.
proud leftistspews:
You don’t see a problem with a state assemblyman having sex with lobbyists while the legislature is in session?
Eleven people hired to register potential voters in Miami-Dade County
“…just like the republicans have been saying”
In fact, it was ACORN who “said so” and, in almost all cases where employees have been suspected of faking registrations, it has been because ACORN reported it to authorities:
But ACORN officials said they had alerted authorities about the alleged illegal activity among some canvassers in Miami-Dade after finding “numerous discrepancies” on voter cards collected from the Homestead area.
Essentially, these individuals defrauded ACORN by taking pay after making up voter registrations.
Olbermann has covered this before and may well do so again.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Ahhh Steve, Mark Foley tsk tsk tsk. All he did was send lewd messages. The FBI said he didn’t break any laws.
CBS ABC and NBC carried 152 stories on Mark Foley when his successor was alleged to have done this
“Congressman’s $121,000 Payoff to Alleged Mistress” Now did he break the law?
Butt this was the funny part…”Senior Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives, including Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), the chair of the Democratic Caucus, have been working with Mahoney to keep the matter from hurting his re-election campaign, the Mahoney staffers said. “
Marvin Stamnspews:
Looking forward to another obama speech today.
The over-under on the speech is 6,000 words.
Obama speech (3/18/09) on Rev. Jeremiah Wright – 4,868 words
Obama acceptance speech- 4,873 words
Obama inauguration speech- 2,398 words
Obama 2/24 address to Congress- 6,204 words
Obama 6/4 Cairo speech- 6,094 wordx
Obama school speech- 2,436 words
Compare that to-
Lincoln Gettysburg address- 250 words
Marvin Stamnspews:
12. Darryl spews:
Marvin Stamn @ 8,
Not ACORN “members,” former ACORN employees:
Of course they are “former” acorn members.
They got thrown under the bus with all the other friends of the obama.
Don’t forget, the obama said about Rev. Jeremiah Wright: “I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother.”
6 weeks later wright was under the bus.
With friends like obama, who needs enemies.
Alki Postingsspews:
“Chuck Grassley warns Obama not to attack Republicans tonight.”
Er…why? Grassley and the other Republicans have already admitted they’re NOT going to support ANY bill Obama introduces and their only goal is to cause his political defeat. They’ve already laid down their cards, this hand of poker is over. Since Obama can COUNT on them voting against ANYTHING he does, who cares? If I were Obama I’d tell Grassley to kiss my black ass. Obama should ‘remind’ Chuck that he’s President…not Chuck Grassley.
The public gave the White House and Congress to the Democrats in an open election, knowing the Democrats wanted universal health care….so get over yourself. The Republicans had 8 years (6 with a totally submissive Republican congress) to fix health care…and they didn’t.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The left finally got their wish and got bill o’reilly out of the #1 spot in cable news ratings.
(Special mention goes out to the left for increasing the ratings of rush)
Of course, fox still beats their “competition.”
FNC – 1,267,000 viewers
CNN – 560,000 viewers
MSNBC –352,000 viewers
CNBC – 194,000 viewers
HLN – 284,000 viewers
Do we really need to explain hypocracy here???
If it were Republicans like Barry Goldwater, who believed it was nobody’s business what people did in their private lives, then it wouldn’t be an issue.
But when a political figure trumpets his stand on behalf of sexual “morality”, “decency”, and “family values”, then we expect him/her to at least live up to his/her own standards.
There have been so many Republicans caught speaking “family values” out of one side of their mouth, and then were caught in violation of those self-proclaimed values (by their own definition), that’s its really hard to keep track of them without a list: Foley, Craig, Sanford, etc., etc., etc.
But I still think the King of Hypocracy title still rests with Newt Gingrich, who loudly and continually insisted on the investigation, prosecution, and impeachment of Bill Clinton, all while he was committing adultery with his own staffer (who ultimately became wife # 3). Of course, Gingrich is still hoping to become President. During his last media tour he claimed that it took “courage” for him to insist on Clinton’s impeachment on moral grounds while he was also guilty of adultery. (Apprantly he thinks we are all idiots, to try uttering that line with a straight face).
@13 Well, yeah, but did you take a gander at that photo of Congressman Tim Mahoney’s wife??
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
RHP6033, You don’t remember the Clarence Thomas Anita Hill hearings? Talk about hypocrisy!
Who would have ever thought that was going to happen.
If they can’t run a cash for clunkers program, how can any reasonable person believe they could do better with free government healthcare.
Marvin Stamnspews:
21. Darryl spews:
Marvin Stamn,
“Of course they are “former” acorn members.”
Is that your comedy act, Buster? If so, don’t quit your “music” job.
No plans to quit for a career in comedy. Thanks for the suggestion.
By the rest of your comment I take it you no longer dispute that it was ACORN that reported the criminal activity to the authorities?
By the rest of your comment I take it you no longer dispute that they were thrown under the bus like so many of the friends of obama.
You hung out in the OC huh?
Wow you can read. Comprehension – that’s a whole other matter with you.
Felt more comfortable there?
Nope. The right wing hypocrisy hung in the air as thick as smog.
Had to get away from the NW Pasadena folks?
Nope. Didn’t I just say I had to get away from right wing hypocrisy in Orange County? Did you have to get away from the folks in inner city Philly?
As for Acorn, we’ve been over this before, but some here aren’t interested in the facts, they want to ignore the facts and lie about them instead. State law required ACORN to turn over the signature cards (which if you think about it, is a good policy). ACORN did so but identified the suspect registrations and turned over the information on the gatherers to the authorities, who are prosecuting them. They had quality control in place which identified the problem, and fully cooperated with the authorities.
By comparison:
The recent initiative campaign to repeal the everything-but-marriage law had about a 12% signature rejection rate. If we were to follow the Wingnut’s logic, shouldn’t we all be outraged at his incredibly high rate of fraudulent signatures? Shouldn’t the initiative campaign and it’s leadership be held responsible?
Um, so? Why should I give a crap about what some dope with only a high school diploma who’s an expert and holding a hose thinks about a candidate?
@13: Puddy and his immoral excuses:
Ahhh Steve, Mark Foley tsk tsk tsk. All he did was send lewd messages. The FBI said he didn’t break any laws.
Oh yeah, that was totally moral!
Especially the posts where Foley starts texting congressional male aides about how hot they are or what he is doing in his underwear.
Posts like this:
how my favorite young stud doing
ugh tomorrow i have the first day of lacrosse practice
Maf54 (7:42:27 PM): love to watch that
Maf54 (7:42:33 PM): those great legs running
Maf54 (7:46:33 PM): did any girl give you a haand job this weekend
my last gf and i broke up a few weeks agi
Maf54 (7:47:11 PM): are you
Maf54 (7:47:11 PM): good so your getting horny
No not that illegal…just totally immoral.
Spare me your incessant rationalization Puddy, you have no moral credibility supporting a pervert like Foley. So what if he got treated with “kid gloves” by the Bush FBI, the guy is a pervert and you support perverts.
Of course. It’s Puddy. If THEY do it it’s ok.
@17: Marvin the idiot
And all those Faux News viewers, they sure won the last election for the republicans?
Hahahaha, you are so damn stupid. Many places of business just air Faux News but people know they are not a real news station.
Do you have anything of substance to say?
I doubt it.
Here are some important facts to remember before the health care speech:
1. We spend almost twice what the nearest other countries spend on health care.
2. Our health care is on par with Slovenia.
3. Over 47 million Americans are uninsured as of 2006 (probably many more now).
4. The majority of bankruptcies in this country are due to health problems. The majority of bankruptcies due to health problems are for people who HAVE health insurance.
5. The insurance industry takes over a 20% cut in overhead and profits. Medicare takes a 3% cut.
6. Any health care plan without a strong and viable public option will not cut costs becuase there will be no way to pressure big Pharma and no incentive to cut overhead in the Medical profession.
I mean this is a big deal.
Any Republican salesman knows that his most “potent” weapon to close the sale is to “get ’em laid” – the customer that is.
But why is it that some female lobbyists feel compelled to close the “sale” on their backs?
It’s a pretty sad state of affairs in politics these days.
@30 “close the “sale” on their backs”
And that’s not even to mention the spankings.
If the Obama Healthcare plan is soooo good why does it exempt Obama, his wife, his kids, congress, senators and their families…Page 114 Line 22
Law breaking fool. Foley was accused of breaking the law. FBI said he didn’t break THE LAW! Puddy placed this on HA Libtardos some time ago. You can check moron@24, because he has all the PuddyMissives.
Puddy already commented on his morals cnr and X’ad@28 fools. You can contact the moron@24 and Steve because Steve already commented that he saw Puddy’s Mark Foley morality comments. Who know what the moron@24 does collecting and cataloging all the PuddyMissives for his “chronological collection”.
Hey Steve why don’t you replay that comment since per cnr
Spare me your incessant rationalization Puddy, you have no moral credibility supporting a pervert like Foley.
Lets see the daily idiot cnr will eat his words again.
Butt then again cnr and X’ad you both are morons with 24 hour libtardo memory disease. Steve will help you with that problem.
Marvin Stamnspews:
33. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
First Moron@24:
Did you have to get away from the folks in inner city Philly?
Went to college and got a job idiot.
It’s that thing you call a job. He doesn’t understand it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
32. GS spews:
If the Obama Healthcare plan is soooo good why does it exempt Obama, his wife, his kids, congress, senators and their families…Page 114 Line 22
Do as I say, not as I do.
Do you think the people writing the laws are stupid? They know what is in their best interest. That’s why there will be two health plans, one for the rulers and one for the serfs.
I’m not sure why lefties support a system where the ruling class gets better care than the poor.
Foley was accused of breaking the law.
Uhhh.. I believed he was accused of wandering to the page dorm in a drunken stupor.
“Foley has been accused of writing sexually explicit emails and internet messages (using AIM) to congressional pages under 18 years of age.”
You know @37 Puddy already posted this. Maybe cnr@27 needs to see this again since you collect them but you won’t replay them. That’s okay Puddy will replay them.
Butt when needed, Democrats will throw gays under the bus.
“Ironically, Democrats seem, well, rather reluctant to answer those questions themselves. And in the process of smearing Foley they also dredged up the ugly “all gay men are pedophiles and sexual predators” stereotype that gay rights groups have been fighting to eradicate for decades. Nice going, guys.”
So Boeing Bob, Windie, Blue John, Gman and others, how do you feel about “your Democrat party” now?
Hey cnr, why did leftist pinhead Mike Rogers, – “the nation’s leading gay activist blogger” tell everyone on the hill he would out them if they didn’t come clean September 2007?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, Puddy waiting… See #34
@40 I recall that you denounced Foley’s acts some time ago. Is that what you mean?
Marvin Stamnspews:
37. YLB spews:
He loved to visit that dorm.
Is that a problem because he’s gay or because he’s republican.
headless lucyspews:
re 1_ ….and then it goes back to the House. As Karen Carpenter often said in song: “We’ve only just begun….”
You would have been the perfect flunky for General Rommel.
proud leftistspews:
Your posts are evolving from merely a bit unclear and unfocused to completely incomprehensible. You need to slow down, catch your breath, and try to focus.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hello cnr,
Your preznit just said 30 million AMERICANS uninsured. So the number has dropped from 47 million. Puddy can “live” with that number.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Proud Leftist,
What? You are the one who couldn’t decipher Darryl’s rule while it was crystal clear to Puddy.
Puddy suggests you clean out the peanut butter from between your ears, behind those beady leetle eyes.
“By the rest of your comment I take it you no longer dispute that they were thrown under the bus like so many of the friends of obama.”
What the fuck are you babbling about? The former ACORN workers have nothing to do with Obama. They were dishonest employees stealing from their employer and breaking the law in the process.
I guess I’m not surprised that you don’t understand that.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow the preznit discussed defensive medicine and it’s >$100 Billion cost.
“Wow the preznit discussed defensive medicine and it’s >$100 Billion cost. Looks like Puddy is RIGHT again!”
Good call, Puddy. You must have read Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Victor R. Fuchs (2008) The Perfect Storm of Overutilization. Journal of the American Medical Association. Vol 299 no. 23, pp. 2789-2791:
Medical malpractice laws and the resultant defensive medicine also contribute to overutilization. There is controversy about whether malpractice litigation and concomitant real cost of premiums are increasing or decreasing. There is no doubt, however, about the increase in physicians’ concern about malpractice suits and their inclination to do more.
But I though that paper scared the shit out of you wingnuts?
Puddy can “live” with that number.
I’d prefer NO Americans uninsured myself.
The Prez hit the ball out of the park.
Strong stand on the public option, could have been a little stronger maybe.
Great comebacks to the total bullshit coming from the ugly right wing.
Lots of stone faces among the idiots in the chamber.
It was a good speech.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Nope. Puddy been discussing this from the beginning. Check the HA Archives dude!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Once again ylb missed the point. Puddy said before 30 million was a legit number not 50 or 47 or 46 million. Apparently that brown eye isn’t working too well.
Got it fool?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Let’s see if he signs a bill with no increase in $$$.
OMG listening to Keith Olbermann makes me want to retch! What a buffoon.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Darryl postulated
You must have read Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Victor R. Fuchs (2008) The Perfect Storm of Overutilization.
ylb use tctmgr to look at the old PuddyMissives. See how Puddy subtracted the illegal alien numbers.
I left the TV before “Lord” Boustany.
Any reactions to that clown?
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Lots of stone faces among the idiots in the chamber.
You must have meant Nancy Piglosi. That nut went apeshit when someone said something in the chamber when Obama lied about his plan not covering illegal aliens. Too funny.
The 47 million number the Democrat defecate out is also false and has been discredited outright.
…these people and media outlets incorrectly claimed the number of uninsured to be 40 to 50 million Americans. The actual total is open to debate. But there are millions of people who should be excluded from that tally, including: those who aren’t American citizens, people who can afford their own insurance, and people who already qualify for government coverage but haven’t signed up.
Government statistics also show 45 percent of those without insurance will have insurance again within four months after job transitions. Accounting for all those factors, one prominent study places the total for the long-term uninsured as low as 8.2 million – a very different reality than the media and national health care advocates claim.
@62 GREAT! Only 8.2 million uninsured! Thanks for helping the Democrats! That just means the program will cost even LESS! Thanks for helping! I’ll go tell Obama his program will cost even LESS! That’ll show him…er….or something. LOL
Dude…arguing whether the “real” number is 10 million or 30 million or whatever is NOT the point and doesn’t matter. Which turns out to be “right” doesn’t make a bit of difference. It’s controlling health care costs, and making sure everyone can get basic health care. The number you’re “upset” about doesn’t matter.
I’m SURE the Democrats slightly exaggerate it to make a point. Golly, just like the Republicans “exaggerate” or just make up shit for their points (death tax, death panels, death books…what’s with all the death stuff?). Politicians always exaggerate. Whether it was Dick and Bush on how fast and cheap the Iraq war would be (6 months, $100 million) or the number of uninsured. Just take it with a grain of salt and move on.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Golly Joe Bastardi of AccuWeather is on O’Reilly and is destroying the California wild fire theory is a global warming activity by GreenPeace. Unfortunately the REAL data shows the Pacific Ocean is cooling over the last 10 years and historically colder air causes California droughts!
Archon Survivorspews:
I guess for Waxx, 1 out of every 3 Americans uninsured is something ‘he’ can live with.
I just hope he’s the third person. He always refers to himself as such. I can live with that!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Alki Postings,
I’m SURE the Democrats slightly exaggerate it to make a point.
By 16-20 million?
Yeah right dude/ma’am!
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Dude…arguing whether the “real” number is 10 million or 30 million or whatever is NOT the point and doesn’t matter.
Then why do democrats insist on lying about the number?
It’s controlling health care costs, and making sure everyone can get basic health care.
…and Obama and the democrats are ignoring ways to do this by refusing to address tort reform and the ability to shop out of state for your health care insurance. Bottom line is Obama doesn’t want competition, he wants universal healthcare and doesn’t care how many lies he has to tell to get his foot in the door with a “government option”, which by default becomes the “only option” down the road. Some of the willfully ignorant are falling for his bluster and lies, but he still can’t sell a shit sandwich to the majority and tell them its a gourmet delicacy.
Just take it with a grain of salt and move on.
…you can move on if you’d like, but don’t tell me what to do, squirt.
I guess for Waxx, 1 out of every 3 Americans uninsured is somethe ‘he’ can live with.
Nope Puddy said the value in the discussion is what Puddy can live with.
Why are you into twisting truths in this thread?
55 Those cold stone faces were them holding back from choking the life out of the liar known as Obama The Kenyan (Kansas) wonder.
60 – Your dumbass broken record orders are ignored.
Unlike wingnuts and maybe some on my side of the ailse, I don’t have a problem with illegals getting health care. If cheap labor right wing greedheads didn’t hire them, they would even be in this country. So if they get injured on the job – maybe the greedhead should pay through the nose – maybe not a practicable idea but it would be fitting justice.
All I know is if I come down with a bug or break a bone in France, Sweden, Japan – I can get care at minimal cost. That’s just what a humane country does.
69 – Awwwwww mark the racist birfer has blessed us.
Government statistics also show 45 percent of those without insurance will have insurance again within four months after job transitions.
And what happens if they get sick or have an accident within those four months?
SOL right?
That has to stop.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Once again
bwaaaaaaaaaaawk, bwaaaaaaaaaaaaawk. What a chickenshit!
70 – Heh. Like your cowardly refusal to back up your bullshit about “ustogether” and KO?
Not even close.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb farts
I don’t have a problem with illegals getting health care.
With no job and not paying taxes you are spending other people’s money.
The fewer the liberals on the planet the better we’ll all be.
“If these basic family planning needs were met, 34 gigatons (billion tonnes) of CO2 would be saved – equivalent to nearly 6 times the annual emissions of the US”. All that democratic bloviating…
@70 I’d rather not see the day come when refusing care to the sick defines American values.
@72 And what about the other 55%? What’s their fate? Get ill and die? Wingnuts can be so damned Darwinian in their cruelty. Good thing they’re out of power. Sigh! Now if only we had better Dems.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
But what we have also seen in these last months is the same partisan spectacle that only hardens the disdain many Americans have toward their own government. Instead of honest debate, we have seen scare tactics. Some have dug into unyielding ideological camps that offer no hope of compromise. Too many have used this as an opportunity to score short-term political points, even if it robs the country of our opportunity to solve a long-term challenge. And out of this blizzard of charges and counter-charges, confusion has reigned. ~ Barack Obama 9-09-09
President Obama speaking tonight about himself and the Democrat party’s fear mongering, outright lies and distortions put forth in their version of the health care reform that America isn’t buying. This guy needs to be looking in the mirror when delivering such bile like the quote above.
…number nine, number nine, number nine…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
While it’s not a big amount, another Democratic congressperson is doing it again…
@77 Now if only we had better Dems.
What’s wrong with what you have?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy suggests if any company hires illegal aliens (screw that liberal undocumented worker moniker) then the company pays their health care costs out-of-pocket. The American taxpaper should not bear the burden.
75 – Sigh… The illegal often does a dirty, dangerous job, pays many taxes that are passed on to the end consumer just like the rest of us. Even pays above board taxes if he gets a paycheck..
But no… The Stupes solution is always the stupid solution – punish the worker who’s only trying to better his lot in life – never punish the right wing cheap labor greedhead who profits from illegal labor.
81 – Wow! Stupes wants to sanction the right wing greedhead!
Am I dreaming?
Go a little further fool… How about in addition to paying for the illegal’s health care, how about hiring an american citizen in lieu of a sanction for hiring the illegal in the first place?
@78: Empty suit and empty brain:
Mirror – look at your reflection. What positive ideas do you have to solve our health care mess?
@64 Yeah, like anything you have said about climate change has been accurate. You have no credibility.
Dear Moron empty suit says:
The 47 million number the Democrat defecate out is also false and has been discredited outright
umm, idiot. That is the census number collected under George W. Bush in 2006. Newer estimates put that number much higher.
So I guess you are right….it is an old number taken before the Bush recession put even more people out of work.
@83 Am I dreaming?
Yes, and most likely this is your normal state. Will you ever emerge from your stupor?
78 – The only lies I see are coming from you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
65. Archon Survivor spews:
I guess for Waxx, 1 out of every 3 Americans uninsured is something ‘he’ can live with.
The population of the united states is 304,059,724
Wouldn’t 1 out of every 3 americans be around 100,000,000 uninsured?
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
As always, the liberal solution to “reform” is to overhaul the system by an incompetent Government. See GSE Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
…and where do the takeovers end?
Shouldn’t I be able to pay for healthcare insurance when I need it (pre-existing condition) , but not before I need it and receive quality treatment at the expense of that insurance company?
Shouldn’t I be able to obtain fire insurance AFTER my house has burned down and receive a payout retroactively?
Shouldn’t I be able to obtain home owners or renters insurance after I’ve been robbed and receive an in kind payout retrocatively?
Shouldn’t I be able to obtain car insurance (channeling Mike Webb) after I’ve had an accident and then have that insurance company give me a payout retroactively?
Can one of our Obambots explain why these aren’t as much a “right” as healthcare? All of these might be a “life changing” event afterall…when will the president be bringing his brand of “social justice” like those listed above?
Marvin Stamnspews:
70. YLB spews:
Unlike wingnuts and maybe some on my side of the ailse, I don’t have a problem with illegals getting health care.
Prove it. Adopt one and pay for his healthcare.
All I know is if I come down with a bug or break a bone in France, Sweden, Japan – I can get care at minimal cost. That’s just what a humane country does.
Are you talking about people vacationing/visiting or people that sneaked into the country illegally?
I’m honored that you would be so concerned for my well-being..
You must be a graduate of Limbaugh/Drudge/Sean Inanity Academy.
@34: Puddy supports and rationalizes what Foley did.
I did not say he was proven guilty – I just showed the immoral crap he texted to underage pages.
You are the one supporting what Foley did.
@34: Puddy supports and rationalizes what Foley did.
I did not say he was proven guilty – I just showed the immoral crap he texted to underage pages.
You are the one supporting what Foley did.
@34: Puddy supports and rationalizes what Foley did.
I did not say he was proven guilty – I just showed the immoral crap he texted to underage pages.
You are the one supporting what Foley did.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
It only took ylb five posts to say
But no… The Stupes solution is always the stupid solution – punish the worker who’s only trying to better his lot in life
Well Puddy knew he could get Dr StrangeEye to go ballistic…The worker needs to come to the US legally fool!
L E G A L L Y! Is that how your relatives snuck into America?
Marvin Stamnspews:
82. YLB spews:
75 – Sigh… The illegal often does a dirty, dangerous job, pays many taxes that are passed on to the end consumer just like the rest of us.
They also take jobs away from the poorest and least educated americans.
people that sneaked into the country illegally?
There’s about 11 million of those people.
They keep down the costs of food and restaurant meals, help build out cheap sub-divisions – many other services but bottom-line they fatten the profit margins of many Republicans.
And you want to deny them health care.
You don’t seen enthusiastic about going after those who profit from their labor.
Of course not – that would be betraying the right wing cause – rank hypocrisy as represented by the fool in the tape up above.
Who by the way has now resigned in disgrace.
@80 Well, sue, as an avowed commie-fascist, Black Panther sympathizing (Power to the People!) tax-the-rich-or slit-their-throats tree-hugging, stormwater-hating leftist, I praise the Dems for having the commie thing down, but those sad fucks still have a thing or two to learn about goose-stepping fascism from our dear friends to the right. So, yeah, we definitely need better Dems.
They also take jobs away from the poorest and least educated americans.
If that’s true then who’s hiring them?
Oh! Greedy right wingers who complain about their taxes!
Oh, you’re talking about more backbone. Obama was accused of not having enough of this by some of his base, so that’s who you mean I guess.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb StrangeEye,
There’s about 11 million of those people.
Puddy been saying this for a long time fool.
Glad you finally joined the knowledge crowd. Puddy knew if you were continually pounded with the truth it would penetrate that granite encased Neanderthal cranial orifice!
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
And you want to deny them health care.
Which part of illegaly here don’t you understand?
You don’t seen enthusiastic about going after those who profit from their labor.
I do. They should lose their business license and receive heavy fines.
Who by the way has now resigned in disgrace.
Hmm yes, It seems only Republicans hold their representatives accountable. Not like Blago in Illinois, Kilpatrick in Detroit…etc. Dems hold onto their soiled linen politicians, usually promoting them within the party.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Once again ylb StrangeEye just doesn’t know the facts.
From Rasmussen a name you don’t trust…
“Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Republicans support strict sanctions on employers who hire illegal immigrants, as do 58% of Democrats and 72% of those not affiliated with either major party. “
The worker needs to come to the US legally fool!
And the right wing employer has to obey the law as well.
The worker has to do whatever it takes to put food on the table and provide for his family. He wouldn’t come here if someone wasn’t willing to use his labor.
It’s always the worker’s fault with you right wing crap heads.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb StrangeEye, doesn’t comprehend the word illegal. He didn’t answer my simple question, maybe because it was toooooo simple for his simple mind.
105 – And 33 percent of Republicans don’t..
Must be the ones hiring the illegals..
Andnot only do I NOT trust Rassmussen..
I don’t trust Republicans.
As the “family values” fool in the tape showed it’s say one thing do another…
Which part of illegaly here don’t you understand?
Which part of “if they weren’t hired they wouldn’t be here” do you not understand? What part of the right wing employer breaking the law do you not understand?
But they are here, 11 million of them and we all benefit from their cheap labor – especially greedy right wingers.
Just like you wouldn’t be denied health care in the UK or Europe on a tourist visa, they shouldn’t be denied either after their labor keeps your food and other services cheaper.
You knee jerk right wingers are such selfish, loathsome bastards.
I tried posting this earlier, Puddy, but the machine ate it. I remember apologizing to you over that Foley thing. Sorry I forgot. Damn, now that’s two apologies.
Oh, and you do know how much I love the way cnr mistreats you, don’t you? Serves you right for succumbing to the power of the dark side.
Marvin Stamnspews:
98. YLB spews:
They keep down the costs of food and restaurant meals, help build out cheap sub-divisions – many other services but bottom-line they fatten the profit margins of many Republicans.
So democrats don’t buy any food picked by illegals? Democrats don’t buy homes built by illegals? Democrats don’t hire illegals as nannies/housekeepers? Democrats don’t eat in resturants where illegals work?
If they do, don’t those democrats also reap the benefits of cheap labor?
And you want to deny them health care.
Nope. I just want them to pay for their own, just like millions of americans.
You don’t seen enthusiastic about going after those who profit from their labor.
I have no problem with those that hire illegals get fined heavily.
I feel that you living in seattle don’t have an understanding about the drain illegals put on the american system. Here in the schools, ESL wastes the time of american kids that could be learning. The children of illegals aren’t attending schools in the rich white areas, they take the time and resources of those that can least afford to lose them.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 105 Puddybud~ Me thinks YLB’s head is going to explode with those poll results.
Obama claimed falsely that costs would lessen with a government Option….so how is that Romneycare in Massachussetts going you ask? Well, looks like we can see that the Taxachussetts plan isn’t exactly the model for the U.S. to implement when enstating “reform”
Massachusetts has the most expensive family health insurance premiums in the country, according to a new analysis that highlights the state’s challenge in trying to rein in medical costs after passage of a landmark 2006 law that mandated coverage for nearly everyone.
The report by the Commonwealth Fund, a nonprofit health care foundation, showed that the average family premium for plans offered by employers in Massachusetts was $13,788 in 2008, 40 percent higher than in 2003. Over the same period, premiums nationwide rose an average of 33 percent.
100. YLB spews:
If that’s true then who’s hiring them?
Here in los angeles, mostly democrats/liberals.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@108, what a moron ylb StrangeEye is.
And 42% of Democrats don’t. So what you fool? Many of us on the right have stated over and over fine those companies who hire illegals. You on the other hand keep repeating the progressive libtard playbook, because you’ve be inculcated with the kook-aid it naturally flows to your unemployed fingers.
Many of us on the right have stated over and over fine those companies who hire illegals.
Ok how much? A slap on the wrist doesn’t cut it.
It’s just a cost of doing business to the right wing greedhead who just passes it on to the customer!
and I’ll repeat: I DON”T TRUST RASSMUSSEN!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Golly ylb StrangeEye,
You don’t trust Rasmussen. Well they are very damn accurate.
Marvin Stamnspews:
115. YLB spews:
Ok how much? A slap on the wrist doesn’t cut it.
It’s just a cost of doing business to the right wing greedhead who just passes it on to the customer!
Here in california, the government is controlled by democrats. Why haven’t they gone after those evil rich white republicans that hire illegals.
If it’s just the cost of doing business and they pass it on to the customer, what’s the point of hiring cheap labor? Hire americans and jack the price of food up. It’s not as if people that want to eat have a choice.
Marvin Stamnspews:
116. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Golly ylb StrangeEye,
You don’t trust Rasmussen. Well they are very damn accurate.
He doesn’t trust anyone that doesn’t share his opinions.
Rumor has it that he got in a tiff with the breadwinner of the family when she said he wasn’t the best looking guy in the city. All is okay now, she let him back in the house.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ESO and Marvin,
Of course Puddy always visits the “enemy battleground”. Puddy remembered this post.
AFL-CIO Sues Over Government Crackdown on employers who hire illegal immigrants
Or when the Democrats finally voted to bar illegals from Porkulus monies.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ylb StrangeEye forgets it was his party pushing for drivers licenses for illegals. Give them better navigation and they disappear making it tougher to be found.
Marvin Stamnspews:
119. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
ESO and Marvin,
Of course Puddy always visits the “enemy battleground”.
I hope you wear protection and delouse immediately afterwards. ylb is a good example of what happens if you don’t take precautions.
So democrats don’t buy any food picked by illegals? Democrats don’t buy homes built by illegals? Democrats don’t hire illegals as nannies/housekeepers? Democrats don’t eat in resturants where illegals work?
Sure they do. Again it wouldn’t be a problem if the undocumented worker couldn’t find work and businesses only hired citizens.
Nope. I just want them to pay for their own, just like millions of americans.
Hmmm… At the Inglewood Forum recently a lot of people didn’t pay for their own. Why was that? Were they too greedy? Living with an infected tooth rather part with a dollar? I believed they pulled over 4000 teeth at that Remote Area Medical clinic.
I have no problem with those that hire illegals get fined heavily.
Yeah, sure you don’t.
I feel that you living in seattle don’t have an understanding about the drain illegals put on the american system. Here in the schools, ESL wastes the time of american kids that could be learning. The children of illegals aren’t attending schools in the rich white areas, they take the time and resources of those that can least afford to lose them.
I used to live where you do. And again if employers didn’t hire them – they wouldn’t be here.
121 – Wow a right winger regarding a political adversary as vermin.
How Nazi of you.
118 – Ouch Marvin. Getting so personal..
Well it must suck that you’re making such lame arguments, repeating weak talking points and getting your ass handed to you day after day.
it was his party pushing for drivers licenses for illegals.
First you complain they’re in this country illegally making rich Republicans richer now you want them to drive illegally without vision checks, ignorant of rules of the road etc.
Right wingers want 11 million people to be invisible and yet enjoy all the benefits their cheap labor brings..
Just seems so… racist…
Marvin Stamnspews:
124. YLB spews:
118 – Ouch Marvin. Getting so personal..
Relax. It was a joke.
Here in california, the government is controlled by democrats.
Ooooops. The legislature is but the executive branch is controlled by a Republican. – as it was by Ronald Reagan, George Dukemejian and Pete Wilson.
The growers in California are rock-ribbed Republicans.
Who works the fields? Brings in the harvests?
Who hires the workers?
Marvin Stamnspews:
122. YLB spews:
Sure they do. Again it wouldn’t be a problem if the undocumented worker couldn’t find work and businesses only hired citizens.
It wouldn’t be a problem if democrats took personal responsibility and started boycotting something other than faux sponsors.
To blame the problem of democrats reaping the benefits of cheap labor on the government not doing something about shows that you are waaaay too dependent on the government making your choices for you.
Hmmm… At the Inglewood Forum recently a lot of people didn’t pay for their own. Why was that?
Because it wasn’t a government program.
I’m surprised you gave a private organization credit for doing something good. Maybe Puddy is finally getting through to you.
126 – Hilarious.
Take my word for it – I’m quite relaxed.
I find mocking right wing talking points very relaxing.
Marvin Stamnspews:
127. YLB spews:
The growers in California are rock-ribbed Republicans.
Let me get this straight…
Republicans are responsible for growing our food.
Republicans are responsible for our energy.
Republicans are responsible for manufacturing.
Now I see why you hate republicans.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
I’m quite relaxed.
Yes, well being chronically employed isn’t exactly a quality to brag about, YLB. Care to take up the challenge @ 90? It wasn’t a rhetorical question afterall… I’m assuming someone with your legendary work ethic would mark an [x] next to “all of the above”.
Marvin Stamnspews:
129. YLB spews:
126 – Hilarious.
I’m glad you think it was funny. I was beginning to think you didn’t have a sense of humor.
It wouldn’t be a problem if democrats took personal responsibility and started boycotting something other than faux sponsors.
Gee Marvin, didn’t you just say you supported employer sanctions?
It would appear you didn’t mean it.
Thought so.
Nice idea on what Dem voters should do but not a word about Republicans.
Care to take up the challenge @ 90?
I tend to ignore the most egregiously idiotic right wing drivel..
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
undocumented worker?
They are illegal aliens fool. The kook-aid has polluted it’s mind.
Let me get this straight…
I doubt you can “get” it.
Republicans are responsible for growing our food.
Using illegal labor to produce and harvest it.
Republicans are responsible for our energy.
Using illegal labor to mine for it. (That coal mining accident in Utah).
Republicans are responsible for manufacturing.
Using illegal labor every chance they get.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@124 ylb StrangeEye,
Once again the strange eye is seeing something which isn’t true. The only ASS being handed here is the monomaniacal one!
You get smacked even by your own peeps.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 134
What is amusing is your touting the work ethic of illegals , while not having one of your own. What irony…
I say keep one that is willing to do work you could do (but won’t as you’re a layabout) and deport your ass to Mexico. Think of it as an exchange program.
Marvin Stamnspews:
136. YLB spews: Let me get this straight…
I doubt you can “get” it.
I understand that democrats are reliant on the work of republicans and cheap labor and they bitch and moan about it.
To blame the problem of democrats reaping the benefits of cheap labor on the government not doing something about shows that you are waaaay too dependent on the government making your choices for you.
I blame the problem of Dems and Republicans reaping the benefit of cheap undocumented labor on employers breaking the law.
We don’t have an illegal immigration problem in this country – we have an illegal employment problem.
The undocumented worker is breaking the law but in 99 percent of the cases is doing what he or she has to do to make a better life. Again they wouldn’t even try if there was no chance they could get work.
138 – Yaaaaawwwwnn, see 134 again…
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 141 ~ yaaaawwwwn away YoungLazyBoy. You’re not smart enough for the challenge anyway.
Mr. Foley resigned from the United States Congress for innapropriate contact with minor pages, at the same time he was chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children.
Mr. Foley’s text messages and emails to minor children working in the US Capital included:
– “Did you spank it this weekend yourself?” and “Where did you unload it.”
– “I am hard as a rock…so tell me when yours reaches rock”
– “Get a ruler and measure it for me.”
It’s sickening to retype. Why would you give a public voice to this man?
Do the residents of North Palm Beach truly want to know what is “inside the mind of Mark Foley?” Haven’t all Americans suffered enough from his manipulation of children and misuse of power?
Mr. Foley was a career hipocrit and liar. In 2002, he told National Public Radio:
– “I think what we’ve done here is allowed people to get away, if you will, whether it’s virtual reality or live children, exploiting them for sexual gratification.”
– “What I consider pornographic is when you’re allowed to interact with a person who has a less than desirable intent [on the Internet.]”
– “I look at this more from a child-endangerment aspect. It’s not necessarily that we have committed the crime already and can find reasonable cause to prosecute. My concern is it’s luring people into the likelihood that they become victims themselves. I think that’s a misuse of youth and I think it’s a way to soil their future…”
What will the station do when the topic of peadophilia arises? Allow Mr. Foley to lie and manipulate the public once more…or simply ask him not to show up for work that day?
How will the station respond if a minor child calls into the show with a comment or quesiton? Some parents were up in arms over the President giving a speech on education. Will these same parents want their children listening to this predator?
I’m very dissapointed. “Inside the Mind of Mark Foley” was a bad idea and should never air.
Shame on whomever gave this man a public voice in North Palm Beach.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@141, because you are intellectually incapable so you “ignore”.
Bwaaaaaaaaaawk Bwaaaaaaaaaawk Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaawk!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, Puddy didn’t succumb. Puddy grew up in the Philly liberal era where Democrats controlled everything, just like today!
Hmmmm. The right wing solution is just elect idiots like the loser in the video at the top of this thread – the lucky loser can be middle-aged, paunchy and gets to screw much younger female lobbyists on the taxpayer dime all the while being holier than thou on “family values”.
Or vote for a right wing doctor! He knows about health care – and makes so much money as a surgeon, he gets to throw it away on a phony title marketed by British con artists.
More guys like that – just the ticket to fix the broken health care system.
Bye, bye, creep.
Recorded sex comments cost Calif. lawmaker his job
By JULIET WILLIAMS (AP) – 1 hour ago
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Mike Duvall’s second term as a member of the California Assembly was progressing pretty much like his first — in relative obscurity, with few notable legislative accomplishments.
The Orange County Republican is now a YouTube hit after KCAL-TV aired his racy comments about sexual conquests that were caught by an open microphone in a Capitol hearing room. Several media outlets said the comments referred to Duvall’s affairs with a female lobbyist and another woman. He resigned Wednesday.
Tee-hee-hee. Mexico City is going “greener” than Seattle.
last month Mexico City banned the standard plastic bag at supermarkets, joining countries as far away as China and Tanzania and cities as diverse as New Delhi and San Francisco
This just in!!
Public Option is D-E-A-D!!
Baucus just paid back Obama for trying to ram things thru over top of him.
Special interest money is one thing but how to compete with this kind of favor? I like the comment small minds, small appendages.
The right wing idiots who spew here couldn’t care less about “family values” – the monkey they vote for could have a harem of lobbyist whores servicing him in hotel rooms, apartments, condos, a little side room to his office – all on the taxpayer dime.
cut taxes, cut taxes, cut taxes…
just cut taxes – even it’s a modest amount, you’ll do better next time..
just cut taxes and mouth “conservative” pieties…
it’s all they care about. I’ve said it for years: to a Republican, the worst crime that can be committed is getting caught.
I’ve hung out in the O.C. a bit – the “Republicans” down there drink like fiends and are totally over the top hedonistic. Their desperate materialism is depressing. It’s a very strange place.
All smart people know that it’s only “republicans” that drink, drug and have sex outside of marriage.
This won’t slow the wingers down a bit. They don’t even hear it. If they do it, it’s totally inconsequential. Boys will be boys, so what?
Or Shortest Marvy
“You do it tooooo!!!!”
Dr StrangeEye@2 cracks me up. Your side doesn’t even know what family values are. Oh sure say some platitudes but when it comes down to enacting legislation, Nope gotta answer to the “coalition”.
Next “the messiah” claims he will not have lobbyists in his administration and then how many lobbyist passes has “the messiah” given out to date Dr StrangeEye? Seems the K street crowd just moved up a few blocks eh?
To a Democrat, it’s business as usual so who cares if they are caught.
You hung out in the OC huh? Felt more comfortable there? Had to get away from the NW Pasadena folks?
My how times change.
When clinton was ex[posed as cheating on his wife IN the white house, the excuse was sex was a private matter between consenting adults.
Yet now the left is whining about republicans having sex.
More of those community organizing acorn members are being rounded up for falsifying voter registration cards just like the republicans have been saying.
Eleven people hired to register potential voters in Miami-Dade County before last year’s presidential election were being sought Wednesday for falsifying hundreds of voter registration cards.
The Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office issued arrest warrants for each of the 11 suspects, all of whom worked for the local chapter of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, (ACORN).
By early Wednesday morning, six were in custody, authorities said.
Maybe olbermann will say something about this tonight on his show.
Maybe I’ll win american idol.
@5 “Your side doesn’t even know what family values are.”
And here I thought your side finally had shown the good sense to stop talking about family values. My bad. But anyways, speaking of Republican family values, I hear that Mark Foley got himself a radio gig, “Inside the Mind of Mark Foley”. All joking aside, that’s, um, a very interesting premise for a show, a peek inside the mind of the failed and utterly humiliated Republican pervert, Mark Foley. You have to admit, if he could book Neal Horsely, he of the hapless mule and watermelon-with-a-name fame, it’d make for quite the show.
Obviously you didn’t read the story or you wouldn’t be trumpeting it since you hate ACORN so much. It was ACORN that notified the state about the discrepancies.
You don’t see a problem with a state assemblyman having sex with lobbyists while the legislature is in session?
Marvin Stamn @ 8,
“acorn members are being rounded up for falsifying voter registration cards…”
Not ACORN “members,” former ACORN employees:
“…just like the republicans have been saying”
In fact, it was ACORN who “said so” and, in almost all cases where employees have been suspected of faking registrations, it has been because ACORN reported it to authorities:
Essentially, these individuals defrauded ACORN by taking pay after making up voter registrations.
Olbermann has covered this before and may well do so again.
Ahhh Steve, Mark Foley tsk tsk tsk. All he did was send lewd messages. The FBI said he didn’t break any laws.
CBS ABC and NBC carried 152 stories on Mark Foley when his successor was alleged to have done this
“Congressman’s $121,000 Payoff to Alleged Mistress” Now did he break the law?
Butt this was the funny part…”Senior Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives, including Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), the chair of the Democratic Caucus, have been working with Mahoney to keep the matter from hurting his re-election campaign, the Mahoney staffers said. “
Looking forward to another obama speech today.
The over-under on the speech is 6,000 words.
Obama speech (3/18/09) on Rev. Jeremiah Wright – 4,868 words
Obama acceptance speech- 4,873 words
Obama inauguration speech- 2,398 words
Obama 2/24 address to Congress- 6,204 words
Obama 6/4 Cairo speech- 6,094 wordx
Obama school speech- 2,436 words
Compare that to-
Lincoln Gettysburg address- 250 words
Of course they are “former” acorn members.
They got thrown under the bus with all the other friends of the obama.
Don’t forget, the obama said about Rev. Jeremiah Wright: “I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother.”
6 weeks later wright was under the bus.
With friends like obama, who needs enemies.
“Chuck Grassley warns Obama not to attack Republicans tonight.”
Er…why? Grassley and the other Republicans have already admitted they’re NOT going to support ANY bill Obama introduces and their only goal is to cause his political defeat. They’ve already laid down their cards, this hand of poker is over. Since Obama can COUNT on them voting against ANYTHING he does, who cares? If I were Obama I’d tell Grassley to kiss my black ass. Obama should ‘remind’ Chuck that he’s President…not Chuck Grassley.
The public gave the White House and Congress to the Democrats in an open election, knowing the Democrats wanted universal health care….so get over yourself. The Republicans had 8 years (6 with a totally submissive Republican congress) to fix health care…and they didn’t.
The left finally got their wish and got bill o’reilly out of the #1 spot in cable news ratings.
Thanks to the arracks by the left, glenn beck had more viewerss last friday at 5pm than o’reilly at 8pm.
Glenn Beck– 2,590,000 viewers
The O’Reilly Factor – 2,185 ,000 viewers
(Special mention goes out to the left for increasing the ratings of rush)
Of course, fox still beats their “competition.”
FNC – 1,267,000 viewers
CNN – 560,000 viewers
MSNBC –352,000 viewers
CNBC – 194,000 viewers
HLN – 284,000 viewers
Do we really need to explain hypocracy here???
If it were Republicans like Barry Goldwater, who believed it was nobody’s business what people did in their private lives, then it wouldn’t be an issue.
But when a political figure trumpets his stand on behalf of sexual “morality”, “decency”, and “family values”, then we expect him/her to at least live up to his/her own standards.
There have been so many Republicans caught speaking “family values” out of one side of their mouth, and then were caught in violation of those self-proclaimed values (by their own definition), that’s its really hard to keep track of them without a list: Foley, Craig, Sanford, etc., etc., etc.
But I still think the King of Hypocracy title still rests with Newt Gingrich, who loudly and continually insisted on the investigation, prosecution, and impeachment of Bill Clinton, all while he was committing adultery with his own staffer (who ultimately became wife # 3). Of course, Gingrich is still hoping to become President. During his last media tour he claimed that it took “courage” for him to insist on Clinton’s impeachment on moral grounds while he was also guilty of adultery. (Apprantly he thinks we are all idiots, to try uttering that line with a straight face).
@13 Well, yeah, but did you take a gander at that photo of Congressman Tim Mahoney’s wife??
RHP6033, You don’t remember the Clarence Thomas Anita Hill hearings? Talk about hypocrisy!
Marvin Stamn,
“Of course they are “former” acorn members.”
Is that your comedy act, Buster? If so, don’t quit your “music” job.
By the rest of your comment I take it you no longer dispute that it was ACORN that reported the criminal activity to the authorities?
Much of the money given to General Motors and Chrysler to prevent them from collapsing will never be recovered, according to a report released Wednesday by the Congressional Oversight Panel.
An obama policy losing taxpayers money?
Who would have ever thought that was going to happen.
If they can’t run a cash for clunkers program, how can any reasonable person believe they could do better with free government healthcare.
No plans to quit for a career in comedy. Thanks for the suggestion.
By the rest of your comment I take it you no longer dispute that they were thrown under the bus like so many of the friends of obama.
Wow you can read. Comprehension – that’s a whole other matter with you.
Nope. The right wing hypocrisy hung in the air as thick as smog.
Nope. Didn’t I just say I had to get away from right wing hypocrisy in Orange County? Did you have to get away from the folks in inner city Philly?
As for Acorn, we’ve been over this before, but some here aren’t interested in the facts, they want to ignore the facts and lie about them instead. State law required ACORN to turn over the signature cards (which if you think about it, is a good policy). ACORN did so but identified the suspect registrations and turned over the information on the gatherers to the authorities, who are prosecuting them. They had quality control in place which identified the problem, and fully cooperated with the authorities.
By comparison:
The recent initiative campaign to repeal the everything-but-marriage law had about a 12% signature rejection rate. If we were to follow the Wingnut’s logic, shouldn’t we all be outraged at his incredibly high rate of fraudulent signatures? Shouldn’t the initiative campaign and it’s leadership be held responsible?
“Firefighter endorsed.”
Um, so? Why should I give a crap about what some dope with only a high school diploma who’s an expert and holding a hose thinks about a candidate?
@13: Puddy and his immoral excuses:
Oh yeah, that was totally moral!
Especially the posts where Foley starts texting congressional male aides about how hot they are or what he is doing in his underwear.
Posts like this:
No not that illegal…just totally immoral.
Spare me your incessant rationalization Puddy, you have no moral credibility supporting a pervert like Foley. So what if he got treated with “kid gloves” by the Bush FBI, the guy is a pervert and you support perverts.
Of course. It’s Puddy. If THEY do it it’s ok.
@17: Marvin the idiot
And all those Faux News viewers, they sure won the last election for the republicans?
Hahahaha, you are so damn stupid. Many places of business just air Faux News but people know they are not a real news station.
Do you have anything of substance to say?
I doubt it.
Here are some important facts to remember before the health care speech:
1. We spend almost twice what the nearest other countries spend on health care.
2. Our health care is on par with Slovenia.
3. Over 47 million Americans are uninsured as of 2006 (probably many more now).
4. The majority of bankruptcies in this country are due to health problems. The majority of bankruptcies due to health problems are for people who HAVE health insurance.
5. The insurance industry takes over a 20% cut in overhead and profits. Medicare takes a 3% cut.
6. Any health care plan without a strong and viable public option will not cut costs becuase there will be no way to pressure big Pharma and no incentive to cut overhead in the Medical profession.
I mean this is a big deal.
Any Republican salesman knows that his most “potent” weapon to close the sale is to “get ’em laid” – the customer that is.
But why is it that some female lobbyists feel compelled to close the “sale” on their backs?
It’s a pretty sad state of affairs in politics these days.
@30 “close the “sale” on their backs”
And that’s not even to mention the spankings.
If the Obama Healthcare plan is soooo good why does it exempt Obama, his wife, his kids, congress, senators and their families…Page 114 Line 22
First Moron@24:
Went to college and got a job idiot.
What a useless tard!
Hey cnr@7,
Law breaking fool. Foley was accused of breaking the law. FBI said he didn’t break THE LAW! Puddy placed this on HA Libtardos some time ago. You can check moron@24, because he has all the PuddyMissives.
Puddy already commented on his morals cnr and X’ad@28 fools. You can contact the moron@24 and Steve because Steve already commented that he saw Puddy’s Mark Foley morality comments. Who know what the moron@24 does collecting and cataloging all the PuddyMissives for his “chronological collection”.
Hey Steve why don’t you replay that comment since per cnr
Lets see the daily idiot cnr will eat his words again.
Butt then again cnr and X’ad you both are morons with 24 hour libtardo memory disease. Steve will help you with that problem.
It’s that thing you call a job. He doesn’t understand it.
Do as I say, not as I do.
Do you think the people writing the laws are stupid? They know what is in their best interest. That’s why there will be two health plans, one for the rulers and one for the serfs.
I’m not sure why lefties support a system where the ruling class gets better care than the poor.
Uhhh.. I believed he was accused of wandering to the page dorm in a drunken stupor.
He loved to visit that dorm.
Just the kind of guy Stupes would vote for in a flat second especially if he said the magic words “cut taxes”.
Once again one needs to educate #37.
“Foley has been accused of writing sexually explicit emails and internet messages (using AIM) to congressional pages under 18 years of age.”
You know @37 Puddy already posted this. Maybe cnr@27 needs to see this again since you collect them but you won’t replay them. That’s okay Puddy will replay them.
Butt when needed, Democrats will throw gays under the bus.
“Ironically, Democrats seem, well, rather reluctant to answer those questions themselves. And in the process of smearing Foley they also dredged up the ugly “all gay men are pedophiles and sexual predators” stereotype that gay rights groups have been fighting to eradicate for decades. Nice going, guys.”
So Boeing Bob, Windie, Blue John, Gman and others, how do you feel about “your Democrat party” now?
cnr – See your friends who hate gays here… http://ace.mu.nu/archives/202057.php
Hey cnr, why did leftist pinhead Mike Rogers, – “the nation’s leading gay activist blogger” tell everyone on the hill he would out them if they didn’t come clean September 2007?
Steve, Puddy waiting… See #34
@40 I recall that you denounced Foley’s acts some time ago. Is that what you mean?
Is that a problem because he’s gay or because he’s republican.
re 1_ ….and then it goes back to the House. As Karen Carpenter often said in song: “We’ve only just begun….”
You would have been the perfect flunky for General Rommel.
Your posts are evolving from merely a bit unclear and unfocused to completely incomprehensible. You need to slow down, catch your breath, and try to focus.
Hello cnr,
Your preznit just said 30 million AMERICANS uninsured. So the number has dropped from 47 million. Puddy can “live” with that number.
Proud Leftist,
What? You are the one who couldn’t decipher Darryl’s rule while it was crystal clear to Puddy.
Puddy suggests you clean out the peanut butter from between your ears, behind those beady leetle eyes.
Yes. It appears X’ad and cnr have continual memory problems.
So mr preznit,
why are you and your cabinet not going on this health care plan?
He’s gonna ask to implement the McCain health care suggestion. Puddy remembers the HA Libtardo screams over that being so wrong.
Looks like you morons are wrong again!
Looks like Roger Rabbit owes Puddy a tall mug of soda!
Marvin Stamn @ 23
“By the rest of your comment I take it you no longer dispute that they were thrown under the bus like so many of the friends of obama.”
What the fuck are you babbling about? The former ACORN workers have nothing to do with Obama. They were dishonest employees stealing from their employer and breaking the law in the process.
I guess I’m not surprised that you don’t understand that.
Wow the preznit discussed defensive medicine and it’s >$100 Billion cost.
Looks like Puddy is RIGHT again!
No use trying to explain anything to trolls.
Puddybud @ 52
“Wow the preznit discussed defensive medicine and it’s >$100 Billion cost. Looks like Puddy is RIGHT again!”
Good call, Puddy. You must have read Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Victor R. Fuchs (2008) The Perfect Storm of Overutilization. Journal of the American Medical Association. Vol 299 no. 23, pp. 2789-2791:
But I though that paper scared the shit out of you wingnuts?
I’d prefer NO Americans uninsured myself.
The Prez hit the ball out of the park.
Strong stand on the public option, could have been a little stronger maybe.
Great comebacks to the total bullshit coming from the ugly right wing.
Lots of stone faces among the idiots in the chamber.
It was a good speech.
Nope. Puddy been discussing this from the beginning. Check the HA Archives dude!
Once again ylb missed the point. Puddy said before 30 million was a legit number not 50 or 47 or 46 million. Apparently that brown eye isn’t working too well.
Got it fool?
Let’s see if he signs a bill with no increase in $$$.
OMG listening to Keith Olbermann makes me want to retch! What a buffoon.
Darryl postulated
No Puddy didn’t. Puddy started here.
ylb use tctmgr to look at the old PuddyMissives. See how Puddy subtracted the illegal alien numbers.
I left the TV before “Lord” Boustany.
Any reactions to that clown?
You must have meant Nancy Piglosi. That nut went apeshit when someone said something in the chamber when Obama lied about his plan not covering illegal aliens. Too funny.
The 47 million number the Democrat defecate out is also false and has been discredited outright.
@62 GREAT! Only 8.2 million uninsured! Thanks for helping the Democrats! That just means the program will cost even LESS! Thanks for helping! I’ll go tell Obama his program will cost even LESS! That’ll show him…er….or something. LOL
Dude…arguing whether the “real” number is 10 million or 30 million or whatever is NOT the point and doesn’t matter. Which turns out to be “right” doesn’t make a bit of difference. It’s controlling health care costs, and making sure everyone can get basic health care. The number you’re “upset” about doesn’t matter.
I’m SURE the Democrats slightly exaggerate it to make a point. Golly, just like the Republicans “exaggerate” or just make up shit for their points (death tax, death panels, death books…what’s with all the death stuff?). Politicians always exaggerate. Whether it was Dick and Bush on how fast and cheap the Iraq war would be (6 months, $100 million) or the number of uninsured. Just take it with a grain of salt and move on.
Golly Joe Bastardi of AccuWeather is on O’Reilly and is destroying the California wild fire theory is a global warming activity by GreenPeace. Unfortunately the REAL data shows the Pacific Ocean is cooling over the last 10 years and historically colder air causes California droughts!
I guess for Waxx, 1 out of every 3 Americans uninsured is something ‘he’ can live with.
I just hope he’s the third person. He always refers to himself as such. I can live with that!
Alki Postings,
By 16-20 million?
Yeah right dude/ma’am!
Then why do democrats insist on lying about the number?
…and Obama and the democrats are ignoring ways to do this by refusing to address tort reform and the ability to shop out of state for your health care insurance. Bottom line is Obama doesn’t want competition, he wants universal healthcare and doesn’t care how many lies he has to tell to get his foot in the door with a “government option”, which by default becomes the “only option” down the road. Some of the willfully ignorant are falling for his bluster and lies, but he still can’t sell a shit sandwich to the majority and tell them its a gourmet delicacy.
…you can move on if you’d like, but don’t tell me what to do, squirt.
Nope Puddy said the value in the discussion is what Puddy can live with.
Why are you into twisting truths in this thread?
55 Those cold stone faces were them holding back from choking the life out of the liar known as Obama The Kenyan (Kansas) wonder.
60 – Your dumbass broken record orders are ignored.
Unlike wingnuts and maybe some on my side of the ailse, I don’t have a problem with illegals getting health care. If cheap labor right wing greedheads didn’t hire them, they would even be in this country. So if they get injured on the job – maybe the greedhead should pay through the nose – maybe not a practicable idea but it would be fitting justice.
All I know is if I come down with a bug or break a bone in France, Sweden, Japan – I can get care at minimal cost. That’s just what a humane country does.
69 – Awwwwww mark the racist birfer has blessed us.
And what happens if they get sick or have an accident within those four months?
SOL right?
That has to stop.
Once again
bwaaaaaaaaaaawk, bwaaaaaaaaaaaaawk. What a chickenshit!
70 – Heh. Like your cowardly refusal to back up your bullshit about “ustogether” and KO?
Not even close.
ylb farts
With no job and not paying taxes you are spending other people’s money.
Typical Democrat.
Puddy agrees wholeheartedly…
The fewer the liberals on the planet the better we’ll all be.
“If these basic family planning needs were met, 34 gigatons (billion tonnes) of CO2 would be saved – equivalent to nearly 6 times the annual emissions of the US”. All that democratic bloviating…
@70 I’d rather not see the day come when refusing care to the sick defines American values.
@72 And what about the other 55%? What’s their fate? Get ill and die? Wingnuts can be so damned Darwinian in their cruelty. Good thing they’re out of power. Sigh! Now if only we had better Dems.
President Obama speaking tonight about himself and the Democrat party’s fear mongering, outright lies and distortions put forth in their version of the health care reform that America isn’t buying. This guy needs to be looking in the mirror when delivering such bile like the quote above.
…number nine, number nine, number nine…
While it’s not a big amount, another Democratic congressperson is doing it again…
@77 Now if only we had better Dems.
What’s wrong with what you have?
Puddy suggests if any company hires illegal aliens (screw that liberal undocumented worker moniker) then the company pays their health care costs out-of-pocket. The American taxpaper should not bear the burden.
75 – Sigh… The illegal often does a dirty, dangerous job, pays many taxes that are passed on to the end consumer just like the rest of us. Even pays above board taxes if he gets a paycheck..
But no… The Stupes solution is always the stupid solution – punish the worker who’s only trying to better his lot in life – never punish the right wing cheap labor greedhead who profits from illegal labor.
81 – Wow! Stupes wants to sanction the right wing greedhead!
Am I dreaming?
Go a little further fool… How about in addition to paying for the illegal’s health care, how about hiring an american citizen in lieu of a sanction for hiring the illegal in the first place?
@78: Empty suit and empty brain:
Mirror – look at your reflection. What positive ideas do you have to solve our health care mess?
@64 Yeah, like anything you have said about climate change has been accurate. You have no credibility.
Dear Moron empty suit says:
umm, idiot. That is the census number collected under George W. Bush in 2006. Newer estimates put that number much higher.
So I guess you are right….it is an old number taken before the Bush recession put even more people out of work.
@83 Am I dreaming?
Yes, and most likely this is your normal state. Will you ever emerge from your stupor?
78 – The only lies I see are coming from you.
The population of the united states is 304,059,724
Wouldn’t 1 out of every 3 americans be around 100,000,000 uninsured?
As always, the liberal solution to “reform” is to overhaul the system by an incompetent Government. See GSE Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
…and where do the takeovers end?
Shouldn’t I be able to pay for healthcare insurance when I need it (pre-existing condition) , but not before I need it and receive quality treatment at the expense of that insurance company?
Shouldn’t I be able to obtain fire insurance AFTER my house has burned down and receive a payout retroactively?
Shouldn’t I be able to obtain home owners or renters insurance after I’ve been robbed and receive an in kind payout retrocatively?
Shouldn’t I be able to obtain car insurance (channeling Mike Webb) after I’ve had an accident and then have that insurance company give me a payout retroactively?
Can one of our Obambots explain why these aren’t as much a “right” as healthcare? All of these might be a “life changing” event afterall…when will the president be bringing his brand of “social justice” like those listed above?
Prove it. Adopt one and pay for his healthcare.
Are you talking about people vacationing/visiting or people that sneaked into the country illegally?
I’m honored that you would be so concerned for my well-being..
You must be a graduate of Limbaugh/Drudge/Sean Inanity Academy.
@34: Puddy supports and rationalizes what Foley did.
I did not say he was proven guilty – I just showed the immoral crap he texted to underage pages.
You are the one supporting what Foley did.
@34: Puddy supports and rationalizes what Foley did.
I did not say he was proven guilty – I just showed the immoral crap he texted to underage pages.
You are the one supporting what Foley did.
@34: Puddy supports and rationalizes what Foley did.
I did not say he was proven guilty – I just showed the immoral crap he texted to underage pages.
You are the one supporting what Foley did.
It only took ylb five posts to say
Well Puddy knew he could get Dr StrangeEye to go ballistic…The worker needs to come to the US legally fool!
L E G A L L Y! Is that how your relatives snuck into America?
They also take jobs away from the poorest and least educated americans.
There’s about 11 million of those people.
They keep down the costs of food and restaurant meals, help build out cheap sub-divisions – many other services but bottom-line they fatten the profit margins of many Republicans.
And you want to deny them health care.
You don’t seen enthusiastic about going after those who profit from their labor.
Of course not – that would be betraying the right wing cause – rank hypocrisy as represented by the fool in the tape up above.
Who by the way has now resigned in disgrace.
@80 Well, sue, as an avowed commie-fascist, Black Panther sympathizing (Power to the People!) tax-the-rich-or slit-their-throats tree-hugging, stormwater-hating leftist, I praise the Dems for having the commie thing down, but those sad fucks still have a thing or two to learn about goose-stepping fascism from our dear friends to the right. So, yeah, we definitely need better Dems.
If that’s true then who’s hiring them?
Oh! Greedy right wingers who complain about their taxes!
Once again Steve, cnr@93-94-95 is a moron.
Do you finally concur Steve?
@99 So, yeah, we definitely need better Dems.
Oh, you’re talking about more backbone. Obama was accused of not having enough of this by some of his base, so that’s who you mean I guess.
ylb StrangeEye,
Puddy been saying this for a long time fool.
Glad you finally joined the knowledge crowd. Puddy knew if you were continually pounded with the truth it would penetrate that granite encased Neanderthal cranial orifice!
Which part of illegaly here don’t you understand?
I do. They should lose their business license and receive heavy fines.
Hmm yes, It seems only Republicans hold their representatives accountable. Not like Blago in Illinois, Kilpatrick in Detroit…etc. Dems hold onto their soiled linen politicians, usually promoting them within the party.
Once again ylb StrangeEye just doesn’t know the facts.
From Rasmussen a name you don’t trust…
“Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Republicans support strict sanctions on employers who hire illegal immigrants, as do 58% of Democrats and 72% of those not affiliated with either major party. “
And the right wing employer has to obey the law as well.
The worker has to do whatever it takes to put food on the table and provide for his family. He wouldn’t come here if someone wasn’t willing to use his labor.
It’s always the worker’s fault with you right wing crap heads.
ylb StrangeEye, doesn’t comprehend the word illegal. He didn’t answer my simple question, maybe because it was toooooo simple for his simple mind.
105 – And 33 percent of Republicans don’t..
Must be the ones hiring the illegals..
Andnot only do I NOT trust Rassmussen..
I don’t trust Republicans.
As the “family values” fool in the tape showed it’s say one thing do another…
Which part of “if they weren’t hired they wouldn’t be here” do you not understand? What part of the right wing employer breaking the law do you not understand?
But they are here, 11 million of them and we all benefit from their cheap labor – especially greedy right wingers.
Just like you wouldn’t be denied health care in the UK or Europe on a tourist visa, they shouldn’t be denied either after their labor keeps your food and other services cheaper.
You knee jerk right wingers are such selfish, loathsome bastards.
I tried posting this earlier, Puddy, but the machine ate it. I remember apologizing to you over that Foley thing. Sorry I forgot. Damn, now that’s two apologies.
Oh, and you do know how much I love the way cnr mistreats you, don’t you? Serves you right for succumbing to the power of the dark side.
So democrats don’t buy any food picked by illegals? Democrats don’t buy homes built by illegals? Democrats don’t hire illegals as nannies/housekeepers? Democrats don’t eat in resturants where illegals work?
If they do, don’t those democrats also reap the benefits of cheap labor?
Nope. I just want them to pay for their own, just like millions of americans.
I have no problem with those that hire illegals get fined heavily.
I feel that you living in seattle don’t have an understanding about the drain illegals put on the american system. Here in the schools, ESL wastes the time of american kids that could be learning. The children of illegals aren’t attending schools in the rich white areas, they take the time and resources of those that can least afford to lose them.
@ 105 Puddybud~ Me thinks YLB’s head is going to explode with those poll results.
Obama claimed falsely that costs would lessen with a government Option….so how is that Romneycare in Massachussetts going you ask? Well, looks like we can see that the Taxachussetts plan isn’t exactly the model for the U.S. to implement when enstating “reform”
Coming to a household near you with Obamascare…??
Here in los angeles, mostly democrats/liberals.
@108, what a moron ylb StrangeEye is.
And 42% of Democrats don’t. So what you fool? Many of us on the right have stated over and over fine those companies who hire illegals. You on the other hand keep repeating the progressive libtard playbook, because you’ve be inculcated with the kook-aid it naturally flows to your unemployed fingers.
Ok how much? A slap on the wrist doesn’t cut it.
It’s just a cost of doing business to the right wing greedhead who just passes it on to the customer!
and I’ll repeat: I DON”T TRUST RASSMUSSEN!
Golly ylb StrangeEye,
You don’t trust Rasmussen. Well they are very damn accurate.
Here in california, the government is controlled by democrats. Why haven’t they gone after those evil rich white republicans that hire illegals.
If it’s just the cost of doing business and they pass it on to the customer, what’s the point of hiring cheap labor? Hire americans and jack the price of food up. It’s not as if people that want to eat have a choice.
He doesn’t trust anyone that doesn’t share his opinions.
Rumor has it that he got in a tiff with the breadwinner of the family when she said he wasn’t the best looking guy in the city. All is okay now, she let him back in the house.
ESO and Marvin,
Of course Puddy always visits the “enemy battleground”. Puddy remembered this post.
AFL-CIO Sues Over Government Crackdown on employers who hire illegal immigrants
Or when the Democrats finally voted to bar illegals from Porkulus monies.
ylb StrangeEye forgets it was his party pushing for drivers licenses for illegals. Give them better navigation and they disappear making it tougher to be found.
I hope you wear protection and delouse immediately afterwards. ylb is a good example of what happens if you don’t take precautions.
Sure they do. Again it wouldn’t be a problem if the undocumented worker couldn’t find work and businesses only hired citizens.
Hmmm… At the Inglewood Forum recently a lot of people didn’t pay for their own. Why was that? Were they too greedy? Living with an infected tooth rather part with a dollar? I believed they pulled over 4000 teeth at that Remote Area Medical clinic.
Yeah, sure you don’t.
I used to live where you do. And again if employers didn’t hire them – they wouldn’t be here.
121 – Wow a right winger regarding a political adversary as vermin.
How Nazi of you.
118 – Ouch Marvin. Getting so personal..
Well it must suck that you’re making such lame arguments, repeating weak talking points and getting your ass handed to you day after day.
First you complain they’re in this country illegally making rich Republicans richer now you want them to drive illegally without vision checks, ignorant of rules of the road etc.
Right wingers want 11 million people to be invisible and yet enjoy all the benefits their cheap labor brings..
Just seems so… racist…
Relax. It was a joke.
Ooooops. The legislature is but the executive branch is controlled by a Republican. – as it was by Ronald Reagan, George Dukemejian and Pete Wilson.
The growers in California are rock-ribbed Republicans.
Who works the fields? Brings in the harvests?
Who hires the workers?
It wouldn’t be a problem if democrats took personal responsibility and started boycotting something other than faux sponsors.
To blame the problem of democrats reaping the benefits of cheap labor on the government not doing something about shows that you are waaaay too dependent on the government making your choices for you.
Because it wasn’t a government program.
I’m surprised you gave a private organization credit for doing something good. Maybe Puddy is finally getting through to you.
126 – Hilarious.
Take my word for it – I’m quite relaxed.
I find mocking right wing talking points very relaxing.
Let me get this straight…
Republicans are responsible for growing our food.
Republicans are responsible for our energy.
Republicans are responsible for manufacturing.
Now I see why you hate republicans.
Yes, well being chronically employed isn’t exactly a quality to brag about, YLB. Care to take up the challenge @ 90? It wasn’t a rhetorical question afterall… I’m assuming someone with your legendary work ethic would mark an [x] next to “all of the above”.
I’m glad you think it was funny. I was beginning to think you didn’t have a sense of humor.
Gee Marvin, didn’t you just say you supported employer sanctions?
It would appear you didn’t mean it.
Thought so.
Nice idea on what Dem voters should do but not a word about Republicans.
I tend to ignore the most egregiously idiotic right wing drivel..
They are illegal aliens fool. The kook-aid has polluted it’s mind.
I doubt you can “get” it.
Using illegal labor to produce and harvest it.
Using illegal labor to mine for it. (That coal mining accident in Utah).
Using illegal labor every chance they get.
@124 ylb StrangeEye,
Once again the strange eye is seeing something which isn’t true. The only ASS being handed here is the monomaniacal one!
You get smacked even by your own peeps.
@ 134
What is amusing is your touting the work ethic of illegals , while not having one of your own. What irony…
I say keep one that is willing to do work you could do (but won’t as you’re a layabout) and deport your ass to Mexico. Think of it as an exchange program.
I understand that democrats are reliant on the work of republicans and cheap labor and they bitch and moan about it.
I blame the problem of Dems and Republicans reaping the benefit of cheap undocumented labor on employers breaking the law.
We don’t have an illegal immigration problem in this country – we have an illegal employment problem.
The undocumented worker is breaking the law but in 99 percent of the cases is doing what he or she has to do to make a better life. Again they wouldn’t even try if there was no chance they could get work.
138 – Yaaaaawwwwnn, see 134 again…
@ 141 ~ yaaaawwwwn away YoungLazyBoy. You’re not smart enough for the challenge anyway.
Mr. Foley resigned from the United States Congress for innapropriate contact with minor pages, at the same time he was chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children.
Mr. Foley’s text messages and emails to minor children working in the US Capital included:
– “Did you spank it this weekend yourself?” and “Where did you unload it.”
– “I am hard as a rock…so tell me when yours reaches rock”
– “Get a ruler and measure it for me.”
It’s sickening to retype. Why would you give a public voice to this man?
Do the residents of North Palm Beach truly want to know what is “inside the mind of Mark Foley?” Haven’t all Americans suffered enough from his manipulation of children and misuse of power?
Mr. Foley was a career hipocrit and liar. In 2002, he told National Public Radio:
– “I think what we’ve done here is allowed people to get away, if you will, whether it’s virtual reality or live children, exploiting them for sexual gratification.”
– “What I consider pornographic is when you’re allowed to interact with a person who has a less than desirable intent [on the Internet.]”
– “I look at this more from a child-endangerment aspect. It’s not necessarily that we have committed the crime already and can find reasonable cause to prosecute. My concern is it’s luring people into the likelihood that they become victims themselves. I think that’s a misuse of youth and I think it’s a way to soil their future…”
What will the station do when the topic of peadophilia arises? Allow Mr. Foley to lie and manipulate the public once more…or simply ask him not to show up for work that day?
How will the station respond if a minor child calls into the show with a comment or quesiton? Some parents were up in arms over the President giving a speech on education. Will these same parents want their children listening to this predator?
I’m very dissapointed. “Inside the Mind of Mark Foley” was a bad idea and should never air.
Shame on whomever gave this man a public voice in North Palm Beach.
@141, because you are intellectually incapable so you “ignore”.
Bwaaaaaaaaaawk Bwaaaaaaaaaawk Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaawk!
Steve, Puddy didn’t succumb. Puddy grew up in the Philly liberal era where Democrats controlled everything, just like today!
Hmmmm. The right wing solution is just elect idiots like the loser in the video at the top of this thread – the lucky loser can be middle-aged, paunchy and gets to screw much younger female lobbyists on the taxpayer dime all the while being holier than thou on “family values”.
Or vote for a right wing doctor! He knows about health care – and makes so much money as a surgeon, he gets to throw it away on a phony title marketed by British con artists.
More guys like that – just the ticket to fix the broken health care system.
Bye, bye, creep.
Tee-hee-hee. Mexico City is going “greener” than Seattle.