My dad was an Eisenhower Republican. Where did THAT party go?
I must be getting old. I remember liberal Republicans in the northeast. Where did they go?
proud leftistspews:
Wow, Dan Savage as the voice of reason.
On another note, Savage made an excellent point–the religious right is so hateful that Christianity is gaining an image in this country that is not good. As a Christian, familiar with Scripture, I cannot fathom how the tenets of our faith could be twisted into the vileness that we see those proclaiming to be Christians scream about. History, alas, proves me wrong. Such twisting occurs, over and over again. Stephen Stills said that “Jesus Christ was the first non-violent revolutionary.” I agree with Stills. Glenn Beck would not have a clue what I’m talking about.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
…Bathhouse Dan only proves he’s a religious bigot (Olbermann is simply batshit crazy-getting worse with his test pattern ratings).
Luckily for dainty danny, no one with an IQ in the high double digits tunes into the Olbermann monologue/wannabe-thespian rantalogue to actually get their news and make a ripple of difference. FoxNews increases viewership while the lame stream lap dogs of the empty suit Obama Admin hemmorhage viewers…Can’t argue the numbers now can you, kids?
LOL! You sound like someone who has just bought a pack of razor blades….
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@5 ~ actually, if you look at the latest presidential approval ratings and frantic postings on this website re: Healthcare reform is DOA…it’s the folks on the left that are the ones purchasing sharp objects…along with the occasional banging of your eating utensil upon the high chair in defiance of such reality. No worries though as adults are near.
But by all means, continue to project if it makes you feel better.
proud leftistspews:
My father, a confirmed liberal, watches Fox just to know what the opposition is up to. You couldn’t watch Olbermann if you were passed out and puking, because you are incapable of exposing yourself to smart people who talk about reality. So, the long and short of it is that television ratings don’t mean squat when it comes to measuring the political pulse of the nation.
BTW, YLB got it right on a different thread–you are Little Ricky Dumbass. Your style is all too apparent, you little sock puppet, you.
“@5 ~ actually, if you look at the latest presidential approval rating”
Which are just about where Chimpy was at this point in his first term…
“and frantic postings on this website re: Healthcare reform is DOA…”
Not nearly as DOA as your ability to construct a sentence, there, Squirt.
“…it’s the folks on the left that are the ones purchasing sharp objects…”
Mwwwawhhhhhhh Ha Ha Ha Ha…You’re fucking hilarious. Obama has a Looooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnng ways to go before slipping into Chimpster territory.
But, Obama’s drop in approval from high to mediocre, in fact, reflects a lot of folk like me who think Obama is being far too timid.
“But by all means, continue to project if it makes you feel better.”
Yaaaaawwwwwwwwnn. Come on, Squirt, I liked you better as a comedian than as a prig. See what you can do about that.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
But, Obama’s drop in approval from high to mediocre, in fact, reflects a lot of folk like me who think Obama is being far too timid. ~ Darryl-ict
…uh, no dumbass. Obama’s approval ratings amongst the nutty turd fringe remains very high. Obama is hemmorhaging approval from Independents and those retarded enough to call themselves (mistakenly) “Republicans for Obama” on the misguided notion that he was a “transformational” politician, and not the sewer byproduct of the Chicago political machine. Like they say, you can’t polish a turd…
So, Squirt….as usual…’re all wet.
Brenda Helversonspews:
I have read a lot of Dan’s writing over the years but this is the first time that I have heard him speak. I was proud of him. He is well-spoken and, as far as I am concerned, exactly right. The adults have long since left the Republican Party.
“…uh, no dumbass. Obama’s approval ratings amongst the nutty turd fringe remains very high. Obama is hemmorhaging approval from Independents and those retarded enough to call themselves (mistakenly) “Republicans for Obama” on the misguided notion that he was a “transformational” politician, and not the sewer byproduct of the Chicago political machine. Like they say, you can’t polish a turd…”
Sorry, Squirt, I can’t make heads or tails of your wingnutobabble. Perhaps that’s the alcohol talking? But, FWIW, I AM an independent, dumb ass!
WELL said Dan Savage! Nice to see him calling out the haters without trying to nicely sound bipartisanship. Thanks for the clip, that was refreshing.
I’m hopeful that when this congressional summer break is concluded, President Obama will come back and say ‘Well, bipartisanship obviously wasn’t workable. Dems roll up your sleeves and let’s get down to business in moving this country FORWARD!’ Leave the GOP hillbillies choking on the dust.
Now, don’t go putting hillbillies in the same category as the hardcore wingnuts. I’ve known real “hillbillies”, most are decent folks, a little backwards perhaps in a lot of things but Michelles Bachman and Malkin and people like Glen Beck wouldn’t stand a chance in hillbilly heaven. Real hillbillies have freinds. Real hillbillies have people that they can rely on, and who rely on them in return for things like that casserole at the funeral or that extra hand getting the house rebuilt after a fire.
The wingnuts dont have any of that. They only associate through commonalities of belief, and will instantly turn on their own at even a perception of a break in faith or a small deviation from their percieved social norms. They’ll burn your house down if you question them about a conflict of interest or an obvious contradiction in their belief system.
They don’t cater to the real hillbilly attitude, they cater to the diehard religious fanaticism that is most commonly found amoungst the flatlander folks in Oklahoma and Iowa and Texas. They are mostly welcome in places like the Florida panhandle, in a state that is renowned for the highest point of land in the whole state literally being at a garbage dump.
Real hillbillies wouldn’t piss in those peoples mouth if their back teeth were on fire.
Keith Olbermann is very likely a secret white supremacist.What else would account for his being an asshole?
“Fifty-three percent of independents questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Tuesday say they disapprove of how Obama’s handling his duties in the White House, with 43 percent in approval. That result marks the first time in a CNN poll that a majority of independents give the president’s performance a thumbs-down.”
And your pal spongebob wondermoron can’t complain about it being right-wing bullshit either. And it isn’t from Rasmussen or Fox News.
Remember “the messiah” won a majority of the independent vote. Now they are turning against “the messiah”.
Have you seen Robert Wright’s essay One World, Under God (The Atlantic, April 2009)?
Wright argues that Western religions have adopted tolerant or belligerent doctrines as needs dictated. Further, knowing that Christianity has the potential for tolerance and benevolence, Wright sees this as a source of optimism (and a much needed reform).
I don’t have a citation, but I recall reading that liberal Christians outnumber whackjobs in the USA. Perception is different, because liberals busied themselves trying to help others while wingers spent their time and money organizing for theocratic violent takeover of our country.
Complete Aside: Have you seen Ohio’s Touchdown Jesus? Whenever I see extravagances like this, I wonder what Jesus will say to these jokers when he comes back. “Hey, um, nice statue. Thanks. So that must mean you’ve cured poverty and suffering, right?”
The trogs can label themselves Christians. Whatever. But they’re certainly not following the teachings of Jesus. I imagine it’s just like how Karl Marx didn’t consider himself a Marxist. We have the teachers, trying the best, and some students just aren’t very bright. Something gets lost in the translation.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Hey Puddy, don’t confuse Darryl with the facts. Afterall, he’s still deluding himself with the belief that he’s actually an Independent.
@ 11 Darryl~ But, FWIW, I AM an independent, dumb ass!
cue the canned laughter…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Gotta love those enviromental nutzos. The wild fires in CA near the old home of spongebob wondermoron may have been prevented if the Forest Service did it’s job earlier this year. Yep more libtardoism running amok!
Tell that to the dozens of homeowners and the families of the two killed firefighters.
“Obtaining the necessary permits is a complicated process, and such efforts often draw protests from environmentalists. Biologist Ileene Anderson with the Center for Biological Diversity, an environmental organization, said burn permits should be difficult to get because of the potential damage to air quality.”
Well damn lady. The air quality really sucks now!
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 16 ` May I suggest you read “who really cares” a book written by a liberal (one homegrown here in Groupthink Seattle no less ) thinking he was going to reveal that liberals cared more “about others” than conservaties…only to find out that the truth was just the opposite.
Or, you can just keep believing the myth you regurgitated @ 16 hoping that it will actually one day ring true.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
ESO@17, Cynical has been posting the Rasmussen numbers just about every day for review. First the screaming libtardos claimed Rasmussen was a right-wing whack org. Then when Puddy whipped out Rasmussen was the most accurate of the 2008 presidential erection numbers they went mute for a few minutes. Then Artfart posts something stupid from August 2008 trying to dizz Rasmussen. Now the CNN poll displays similar data for independents.
Guess good old Scott Rasmussen sees trends before others.
if the Forest Service did it’s job earlier this year.
Can anyone point out to this moron the utter stupidity of that statement???
LMAO!!! He makes it soooooooooooo easy!!
I’ll give the moron a little hint:
google “Angeles National Forest”
another even tinier hint: you don’t even have to google it!
@11 But, FWIW, I AM an independent, dumb ass!
A couple more months of dismal poll results and he’ll be claiming he was a Republican all along! Speaking of Republicans, Obama may need them more than he wants since he can’t depend on Dems and liberals in particular to support his Afghan war. Many of these were the same people who only a short eight months ago were touting his superior judgment in this area. With friends like these . . .
good old spongebob wondermoron appears right on time just like Pavlov’s Doggie. Here is a map of the fire and here’s the AP’s opening paragraph…
LOS ANGELES – Federal authorities failed to follow through on plans earlier this year to burn away highly flammable brush in a forest on the edge of Los Angeles to avoid the very kind of wildfire now raging there, The Associated Press has learned.
Oh wait… the AP is a right-wing bullshit organization controlled by the Moonies or Rupert Murdoch or Richard Scaife.
Here’s the second paragraph…
“Months before the huge blaze erupted, the U.S. Forest Service obtained permits to burn away the undergrowth and brush on more than 1,700 acres of the Angeles National Forest. But just 193 acres had been cleared by the time the fire broke out, Forest Service resource officer Steve Bear said.”
Oh BTW spongebob wondermoron, my oldest sister used to live in Pasadena and is being kept up to date by her old pals there.
23 – WWaaaaaaaaahaaaahhhahaha!
The moron still doesn’t get it….
Keep going fool. Keep going! Another little hint (you need them):
Bear said crews using machinery and hand tools managed to trim 5,000 acres in the forest this year before the money ran out. Ideally, “at least a couple thousand more acres” would have been cleared.
Gee why did the money run out?
Tell that to the dozens of homeowners and the families of the two killed firefighters.
Tell me moron why are your relatives living in Northwest Pasadena and not up in Tujunga or San Gabriel Canyon?
And you’re blaming the firefighters deaths on environmentalism when it’s a fact that controlled burns can get out of control. Now tell me why your sons aren’t in Iraq or Afghanistan again?
Yeah firefighting is a hazardous calling. Go figure.
That was exactly my point. But the fact remains, Obama is about where Shruby was at this point in his first term (or doing slightly better). Here are all poll in the pollkatz database for that period:
Date ……..Approval.. Source
30-Aug-01 … 50 …… Zogby
31-Aug-01 … 50 …… CBS
05-Sep-01 … 51 …… Pew
09-Sep-01 … 55 …… ABC/WaPo
09-Sep-01 … 45 …… Inv Bus Daily
The Obama polls (excluding Rasmussen*) are very similar (if slightly higher).
Date ……..Approval.. Source
27-Aug-09 … 52 …… Pew Research
31-Aug-09 … 53 …… CNN/Opinion Research
31-Aug-09 … 56 …… Ipsos-McClatchy
31-Aug-09 … 56 …… CBS News
01-Sep-09 … 54 …… Gallup
*Why exclude the Rasmussen poll? First, because Rasmussen was excluded from the database of Bush’s polls. I believe Pollkatz did that because Rasmussen averages over several days, resulting in non-independence among subsequent days.
Also, Rasmussen head-to-head election polls were considered pretty good this last election season by professional pollsters. (In fact, I’ve been known to defend them from unfair analytical criticism.)
But, Rasmussen’s presidential tracking polls (PTP) have always been odd, compared to other presidential approval polls. During the Bush administration, Rasmussen PTP were systematically biased upward by 5% to 10%. I haven’t done an analysis of Rasmussen v. other polls for Obama, but it sure looks like that bias has been flipped around so that Obama has lower approval under the Rasmussen PTP.
The brainless one seems to know everything about everything. We are sooooooo blest to have such as he amongst us.
Hey moron,
Out there in Wyoming where the taxes are low, low, low, the politicians are R, R, R and they burn the heck out of shit:
“he’s still deluding himself with the belief that he’s actually an Independent.”
Well look, Squirt, you seem to believe you have evidence to the contrary. I’ve published several thousand blog posts and even more comments in blog threads.
Can you find instances where I have implied that I consider myself a member of a party?
(I’ll presume that you don’t take this too seriously.)
Pastor Anderson has gained national and international media attention for that sermon, in which he declared he is praying “imprecatory prayer” for Obama’s death. Media attention has missed the fact that Anderson preached an almost identical but even more virulently hateful version of the same sermon two days before Barack Obama was inaugurated, during which Anderson appeared to veer over the line into direct incitement, declaring “somebody should abort Barack Obama.”
But, Anderson is only one of three nationally recognized Christian pastors who have declared they are praying for the death of the current president of the United States.
Pastor Wiley Drake is a Former Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention who also served as Alan Keyes’ American Independent Party running mate in the 2008 election. Wiley Drake has long been linked with the violent wing of the antiabortion movement and prior to the murder of abortion doctor George Tiller, Drake announced he was praying for Tiller’s death. After Tiller’s murder, during a June 2, 2009 appearance on Alan Colmes’ nationally syndicated radio show, Wiley Drake declared that his prayers had been answered and then went on to inform Colmes that he was praying for president Barack Obama’s death (also see here).
A third, and perhaps even more menacing anti-Obama “death prayer pastor” is Peter Peters of the LaPorte, Colorado Church of Christ. During the 1980’s, members of the white supremacist militia group The Order attended Peters’ church and four months after Pastor Pete Peters and his parishioner Colonel Jack Mohr appeared on Jewish talk show host Alan Berg’s Denver radio show, during which the radio show host confronted Peters and Mohr about their views, Berg was machine-gunned to death. Members of The Order were later convicted of the murder.
So does the puddybiotch and the cyniklown and the marvin back their fellow followers of the “Prince of Peace”?
Inquiring minds want to know!!!
Marvin Stamnspews:
What, no posts about the moveon obama supporter biting the finger off a man that was anti-free government healthcare at the protest in thousand oaks?
Gotta love those peaceful tolerant liberals.
32. Marvin Stamn spews:
What, no posts about the moveon obama supporter biting the finger off a man that was anti-free government healthcare at the protest in thousand oaks?
Gotta love those peaceful tolerant liberals.
09/03/2009 at 9:53 am
The marvin ought to answer the question…let’s see where these assholes line up.
Marvin Stamnspews:
30. Rujax! spews:
So does the puddybiotch and the cyniklown and the marvin back their fellow followers of the “Prince of Peace”?
Do you have any proof that the “prince of peace” is my fellow follower?
Or is this just todays example of you being caught in a lie.
Ask your mom to help you post the link to back up your claim.
Marvin Stamnspews:
33. Rujax! spews:
The marvin ought to answer the question…let’s see where these assholes line up.
I can’t answer the question who your daddy is.
Ask your mom.
Still waiting….
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Yep good old spongebob wondermoron still doesn’t get it. Yes, the money ran out. So what does that mean? It doesn’t excuse the problem fool! Why? Your party passed the Porkulus Bill in February. Chronologically deficient even after all the PuddyWarnings to the spongebob wondermoron. Why wasn’t more money put in the Porkulus Bill for forest fire prevention MORON?
Yep, he’s still stupid.
Marvin Stamnspews:
27. Darryl spews:
That was exactly my point. But the fact remains, Obama is about where Shruby was at this point in his first term
Ouch. The same as bush?
I thought obama was all about change.
Do you have any proof that the “prince of peace” is my fellow follower?
Or is this just todays example of you being caught in a lie.
Ask your mom to help you post the link to back up your claim.
Hmmmmm…Peter denied knowing “The Lord” three times. Strike one for “the marvin”.
Marvin Stamnspews:
36. Rujax! spews:
Still waiting….
I’m guessing your dad is a goat.
If your mom doesn’t know who your daddy is, how can you expect me to know.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Darryl, there was a bigger difference between GWB polling numbers in 2001 and “the messiah’s” polling numbers 2009. Can you tell Puddy what the big difference was?
Marvin Stamnspews:
39. Rujax! spews:
Hmmmmm…Peter denied knowing “The Lord” three times. Strike one for “the marvin”.
I knew you couldn’t provide a link to back up your empty words.
Thanks for proving me correct again. I knew I could count on you.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
The clusterfucked cinderblock flakes
Peter denied knowing “The Lord” three times.
And you deny Jesus as Lord and Saviour forever. So what is your point fool?
@32: you mean the story about the helth care protester who puched a senior citizen…becasue he was too stupid to defend his views (now he is claiming self-defense).
What a bunch of losers and idiots.
Keep telling us how great the current system is….you fools. We pay almost twice as much as any country on earth and get ….care equal to Slovenia and over 47 million (per 2006 estimate, many more people now) uninsured.
Even those with insurance don’t do well…most of the bankruptcies in this country are due to halth care and majority have insurance (and a whole lotta good it does them!).
Marvin Stamnspews:
25. YLB spews:
Gee why did the money run out?
The democrats have been in control of congress for a couple years now, meaning the democrats have control of the federal checkbook.
In los angeles and kalifornia the checkbooks are controlled by democrats.
Why didn’t the democrats fund fire prevention?
Too many vote buying entitlement programs?
Yes, the money ran out. So what does that mean?
He still doesn’t get it… The answer is right in the freaking url for Angeles National Forest.
So now he sidesteps with bullshit about the stimulus.. The moron would have called wildfire prevention “pork” right along with his hero Limpblows.
What an idiot!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
You know correctnotright, study after study admit the real value is much lower than 47 million and yet your side loves that number even raising it to 50 million.
Why the continued dissembling of facts correctnotright? Why no comment on post #15?
So you and the puddybitch and the cyniklown agree with the death pastors?
WOW…you’re sicker than I thought. All of you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
44. correctnotright spews:
@32: you mean the story about the helth care protester who puched a senior citizen…becasue he was too stupid to defend his views (now he is claiming self-defense).
You must have read the la times account of the incident. You see, the la times is very liberal and doesn’t feel the need to be honest.
Even websites of left-wingnuts admit the obama supporter walked across the street to confront the anti-free government health care crowd and ended up biting the finger off. *IF* it was self-defense, why do you believe the finger biter ran away before the police got there.
get ….care equal to Slovenia
Oh, so that’s where alcoholic ted kennedy went to for his cancer treatments. Kidding, we all knew kennedy got the best possible medical care he could afford. And he didn’t leave the country to get it.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Yep spongebob wondermoron has lost it on his meds. Here’s his latest liquid fart diarrhea
So now he sidesteps with bullshit about the stimulus.. The moron would have called wildfire prevention “pork” right along with his hero Limpblows.
It’s so easy when spongebob wondermoron is caught whacking his weenie.
We just talked to an eyewitness to the rapidly becoming notorious finger-biting incident at the health care rally in California last night. According to the eyewitness the anti-health care reform guy punched the reformer in the face before having the reformer bite off his finger. And in a crowning bit of poetic justice for the reformers, the anti- guy had his finger reattached under Medicare.
Yayyyy marvin!!!! Way to go buddy…that sure made a point for ya!! Good goin’ pally!!!
45 – Bullshit! The chimp administration ran the show as far as agency budgets and spending went.
Their priority was torture, domestic spying and a recreational war of choice in Iraq.
What really gets me is that UTTER RIGHT WING ASSHOLE Antonovich who is quick to blame the environmentalists but could he have thought to lobby for a simple earmark for brush clearing in the Angeles Crest along with all the other Republican porksters?
August 26, 2009
Presidential Approval Usually Falls Below 50%; Timing Varies Obama at 51% approval in eighth month in office.
PRINCETON, NJ — Barack Obama’s latest job approval rating is 51%, according to Aug. 23-25 Gallup Daily tracking. [AUTHOR’S NOTE: Obama’s job approval rating has fallen to 50% since this story was originally published.] Should his rating continue its downward trend and fall below 50%, he would — like most post-World War II presidents — have less-than-majority approval at some point in his presidency. However, Obama, in his eighth month in office, could hit this mark in a shorter time than has typically been the case. If his rating falls below 50% before November, it would represent the third-fastest drop to below majority approval since World War II, behind the declines for Gerald Ford (in his third month as president) and Bill Clinton (in his fourth month).
I guess this means the honeymoon with the American people is over…and the sheets are hardly ruffled.
Marvin Stamnspews:
26. YLB spews:
Tell me moron why are your relatives living in Northwest Pasadena and not up in Tujunga or San Gabriel Canyon?
Easy answer ylb.
All racists think that all blacks live in the hood.
NW pasadena is the hood of pasadena.
Hmmmmm…wasn’t there a “commandment” or something about not killing people? Hmmmmm…
Still nothing from the uber religious christianist assholes?
Telling. Telling indeed.
50 – Falls flat fool.
They ran out of money. It’s a fact!!!!
The true priority of the chimp budgets was a recreational war of choice in Iraq and enriching the well-connected contractors.
Taking care of business at home could go to hell!
Tell that to the firefighters’ families and the homeowners damn fool enough to build so close to a wildfire zone.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Marvin,
You notice when the drug-fried brain of spongebob wondermoron tries to kick in like a sputtering piston fired prop of a vintage aircraft you see how he loves to deflect the blame?
Hey spongebob wondermoron, you said
Puddy was told being a school teacher was a good thing when it was Maxine Waters!
55 – If you want to call me a racist don’t pussyfoot – call me racist. That’s been your hard on here since the beginning.
My answer in any case is fuck you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
56. Rujax! spews:
Still nothing from the uber religious christianist assholes?
God told me he was ashamed of you. He also told me that to punish you he was going to make you ignorant and dependent on democrats.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Again spongebob wondermoron you previously farted
The moron would have called wildfire prevention “pork” right along with his hero Limpblows.
So how does Puddy calling for the underbrush removal in 2008
50 – Falls flat fool.
fall flat when it’s your leaders in Congress who write the final bills per the US Constitution?
Take your whine with your moldy cheeze to Charles Rangel fool!
Now little Ricky Dumbass comes out of hiding. We’re blessed.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
In other HA news:
YLB’s family member in Maine was found running afoul of the law again I see. I’ve heard YLB talking on these threads about enjoying fishing (that is when he DOES actually leave the house)…I just wasn’t aware that he and his extended family exclusively fished for “brown trout”.
With an avatar like his, is anyone really surprised??
So the marvin, the puddybiotch and the cyniklown agree with the death pastors.
Good gawd (y’all!), they are sicker than I thought.
61 – Republicans still got earmarks after 2006 moron. Where was Mike and the rest of his right wing buddies?
Too busy watching the “surge” on Faux News maybe? Too busy cheering his “team” as they blocked Dem efforts to set the country’s priorities a little straighter?
Miserable fiend.
Marvin Stamnspews:
59. YLB spews:
55 – If you want to call me a racist don’t pussyfoot – call me racist.
You’re not a racist like steve and gbs, but you do have issues with blacks. Issues not like hating and wanting bad things for blacks, issues like you feel you have done wrong as a white liberal and now have to bend over backwards to atone. Like I pointed out a while back when you quoted steve and manotruth. You were clearly quoting them, you used steve’s favorite word “faggot” but when it came time to quote manotruth you said the “N word.” Because of your liberal guilt you couldn’t even quote manotruth. Not being a democrat means I don’t have to assume the guilt for all the hateful atrocities my party committed against blacks for decades and decades.
Back to the issue of the NW pasadena hood… Why did you assume Puddys relatives live in the hood. Is it a black thing?
Dumbass @ 63
Don’t have any right wing or Republican relations in Maine.
Marvin Stamnspews:
64. Rujax! spews:
So the marvin, the puddybiotch and the cyniklown agree with the death pastors.
Aren’t you late for your klan meeting. After you comment about hating blacks I’m surprised that steve hasn’t called you out. Oh yeah, steve only calls out people on the other side of the isle.
66 – No just making a wild guess asshole.
Fuck you again.
And screw you about GBS and Steve. You’ve been away a while. Have they “sinned” again? Of course not – they’re adults – it looks like you’re barely out of freshman community college politics if not junior high.
68. Marvin Stamn spews:
Relax. the nurses will be by with your meds real soon.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
spongebob wondermoron again falls off the wagon with
Republicans still got earmarks after 2006 moron.
Who’s discussing earmarks fool? Another of your worthless canard deflection techniques that fall flat fool!
Puddy repeats… Take your whine with your moldy cheeze to Charles Rangel fool!
fished for “brown trout”.
Wow. That’s a totally new one on me!
And wouldn’t you know it, it can only come from the filthy “mind” of a right winger.
“Presidential Approval Usually Falls Below 50%; Timing Varies Obama at 51% approval in eighth month in office.
I guess this means the honeymoon with the American people is over…and the sheets are hardly ruffled.”
Well…let’s see.
George W. Bush’s very first poll was a FOX News poll that ended on 25-Jan-01 and Bush had 46% approval!
There were 83 polls taken through this point in Bush’s first term. Nine of the polls found Bush’s approval under 50%. That’s 11% of the time Bush didn’t even make 50%.
So far, Obama has had 113 approval polls (this excludes Rasmussen polls for the reasons given here). He had gone below 50% in none of these polls, for an average of 0% (or 100% of the time being 50% or better approval).
71 – It was Antonovich blaming the enviros asshole!
If the Mat-Su Barbie in Alaska could hire a lobbyist to shake down her Congressional delegation as mayor of a podunk town why couldn’t Antonovich lobby for brush clearing earmarks as a Supervisor of LA County?
He’s been doing that job for freaking ever! Isn’t he well connected enough in chimp circles?
Maybe it’s just because he’s a right wing shithead! Like Pat Caddell said once (Faux News token Dem) – “I’ve never met anyone dumber than a California Republican”.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
spongebob wondermoron now enters the speculation game.
why couldn’t Antonovich lobby for brush clearing earmarks as a Supervisor of LA County?
What a tard of the first degree. So you are saying the US Forest Service would get a “earmark” because Supervisor of LA County Antonovich says so?
Now where did they put rujax’s straight-jacket again?
Gee…I wonder which one of the death pastors the puddybitch likes better?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow the clusterfucked cinderblock@76 needs something stronger meds than what he is using now.
Maybe propofol. Puddy hears that has special effects.
Death pastor anderson is a good one…maybe colonelsandersfavoritechicken likes Anderson’s message of the christ’s love and tolerance.
proud leftistspews:
Jason @ 17
Thanks for the link. I’ll take a look at the article. My impression of wingnut Christians is that they simply believe that because they consider themselves Christians, whatever they believe concerning any political issue must be consistent with Christian values. They see no need to actually consult Scripture and decipher what Scripture might say about their opinions. That’s how we get self-described Christians like Puddy and Cynical supporting the bombing of villages in Iraq.
So you are saying the US Forest Service would get a “earmark” because Supervisor of LA County Antonovich says so?
No because he lobbies for it like Sister Sarah did in Alaska as Mayor of podunk Wasilla for whatever pork she wanted. Instead he blames enviros – oldest trick in the book.
Antonovich is a right wing dipwad. Always was. But he’ll survive this because 60 or so fools bought homes where they shouldn’t and firefighters? – dying comes with the territory.
Just like in Wyoming.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Darryl, still waiting for that answer…
Obama Losing Support Among Democrats
“Obama has lost even more support among 18-29-year-old voters, whose approval fell by 18 points over that time. The Democrats may be able to count on older, die hard party members to come out and vote, even when they may be disappointed. But those young voters could very easily sour on the Democrats and politics itself if Obama does not deliver on his message of change.
“Health care isn’t the only issue that is hurting Obama with his Democratic base. The war in Afghanistan is losing popularity, and his handling of detainees and the bank bailout may not be what many Democrats voted for.”
Good try spongebob wondermoron. Hell of an effort.
You’ve taken this conversation over so many dirt roads one can’t even navigate back to the starting point. The US Forest Service didn’t remove the brush just like Puddy pointed out in 2008.
Marvin Stamnspews:
69. YLB spews:
66 – No just making a wild guess asshole.
A wild guess that since Puddy is black that his relatives live in the hood? Guess that works for you. Do you also make a wild guess that since Obama is black his re;latives live in the hood and live off public assistance too? Or do you hold your stereotyping to blacks that have escaped the democrat plantation.
Fuck you again.
It’s good to see that you are tolerant of differing opinions.
And screw you about GBS and Steve. You’ve been away a while. Have they “sinned” again? Of course not – they’re adults
They’re adults? Meaning what, they have matured from snotblowing little kids that spewed homophobic and racist shit a couple months ago into adults? They were adults when they were posting their homophobic and racist shit in case you didn’t know.
And since you want to defend steve and gbs… neither you or gbs ever explained why he assumed I was black when I said I was on welfare. He made up a lie about me saying I was black, but for some reason he never wanted to prove his point with a link. Which would be like me saying you said you hated gays and when you ask for me to back it up (link) I refuse. gbs refused to back up his “excuse.”
Speaking of gbs, let’s not forget how fucking ignorant he is. 95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
I asked him for proof again. once again he refused.
But keep defending him. At least I was smart enough not to defend manotruth.
it looks like you’re barely out of freshman community college politics if not junior high.
As said by someone so offended by a differing viewpoint that he replied “Fuck you again.”
Pastor Wiley Drake is a Former Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention who also served as Alan Keyes’ American Independent Party running mate in the 2008 election. Wiley Drake has long been linked with the violent wing of the antiabortion movement and prior to the murder of abortion doctor George Tiller, Drake announced he was praying for Tiller’s death. After Tiller’s murder, during a June 2, 2009 appearance on Alan Colmes’ nationally syndicated radio show, Wiley Drake declared that his prayers had been answered and then went on to inform Colmes that he was praying for president Barack Obama’s death (also see here).
How ’bout THIS holy man of god…bet this one is the marvin’s fave.
84 – incoherent bullshit. I’ll let GBS fight his own battles. He’s more than capable.
As for me I couldn’t care less what the color of your skin is.
And I said “fuck you” not because of your “viewpoint” (which is juvenile) but because you’re a lying, willfully ignorant, race baiter.
Levi Johnston’s new article in Vanity Fair, in which he dishes all manner of dirt against his almost-mother-in-law Sarah Palin, is a real tour de force of family dysfunction, private dirt, and all-around personal contempt.
Man…would this be a great “Celebrity Death Match” episode or what????
How ’bout THIS one:
People think that Sarah likes hunting, fishing, and camping, but she doesn’t. She says she goes hunting and lives off animal meant — I’ve never seen it. I’ve never seen her touch a fishing pole. She had a gun in her bedroom and one day she asked me to show her how to shoot it. I asked her what kind of gun it was, and she said she didn’t know, because it was in a box under her bed.
Marvin Stamnspews:
85. Rujax! spews:
How ’bout THIS holy man of god…bet this one is the marvin’s fave.
I enjoy listening to the rev wright. Especially the parts when he’s talking about you.
Oops, after 20 years of attending his church the obama threw him under the bus, maybe I should too.
The rev wright I enjoyed listening to was not the rev wright I knew for 20 years.
87 – The Palins sure know how to pick ’em – from psycho state troopers to teenage hockey stars reaching for tabloid stardom.
I wouldn’t give Levi all that much credibility but what the hell – break out the popcorn, the diet coke and let’s watch the fireworks show!
The jackass just won’t answer the question will he. None of them will.
Stand-up guys, huh?
The US Forest Service didn’t remove the brush just like Puddy pointed out in 2008.
Oh? From the AP article:
Bear said crews using machinery and hand tools managed to trim 5,000 acres in the forest this year before the money ran out. Ideally, “at least a couple thousand more acres” would have been cleared.
That was THIS year. Am I repeating myself again?
And if it had been a priority for right wing idiot Antonovich, more could have been done – that is if it didn’t conflict too much with chimp priorities of saving Republican seats, bailing out the banks they didn’t care to regulate and endless war!
“Darryl, there was a bigger difference between GWB polling numbers in 2001 and “the messiah’s” polling numbers 2009. Can you tell Puddy what the big difference was?”
I can tell you about lots and lots of differences and similarities between Bush’s numbers and Obama’s numbers–based on my own statistical analyses of the polls. But I’m not going to bother attempting to guess about something you read somewhere.
@66 The goatfucker spews: “You’re not a racist like steve and gbs, but you do have issues with blacks.”
Good fucking grief. And just what fucking proof do you have that I’m a racist? Do you even know what the fucking word means?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
spongebob wondermoron it was you in another thread telling us about the fires in your old stomping grounds. So how would most know about NW Pasadena unless they lived around there.
91. YLB, 92. Darryl,93. Steve:
They’re just making shit up out of whole cloth now.
They really have nothing else. Pure fabrication is their last resort. Right out of the gooper playbook.
Nice leftist propoganda! Will Goldy have a thread on this?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Yes clusterfucked cinderblock@95, Puddy uses the AP and Puddy is fabricating the evidence.
You are the dumbest of the HA Libtardos here.
Nice leftist propoganda!
From the king of delusional right-wing propaganda!
What a god-damned fucking death pastor supporting moron.
94 – Don’t know what you’re babbling about. Your relations could live in Old Town Pasadena for all I know.
So I guessed northwest – sue me!
proud leftistspews:
Watching the Johnston-Palin pissing match will be a guilty pleasure, but a pleasure nonetheless. To think she’s one of the shining lights in the Republican Party–talk about the lack of a bench.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Darryl, it wasn’t any reading. Two events occurred.
1) The continual talk of Bush was the illegitimate president and pushed by talk shows and the liberal MSM.
2) Jumping Jim Jeffords bolts to give the Dummocrapts the majority in the Senate.
Wishing death on others is sooooo christ-like.
Such a good little christian the puddybitch is.
I guess never being wrong goes along with being saved…but I’m confused…I thought you clowns didn’t like “papal infallibility”.
Oh wait…you believe in “puddypoopal infallibility”!!! ohhh-kay….I get it now…
…delusional, but cool, I guess.
How about death pastor trading cards????
Marvin’s repeatedly called GBS a racist. Let’s see Marvin post a definition of racism along with the comment by GBS, followed by Marvin’s own analysis of how GBS’s comment makes him a racist.
I’m always ready for a discussion about race. How about you, goatfucker? Or is the best you can do is spew out baseless accusations?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Listen to the green czar and his propoganda clusterfucked cinderblock.
“1) The continual talk of Bush was the illegitimate president and pushed by talk shows and the liberal MSM.”
Sort of. I think you are suggesting that Bush’s numbers simply started out lower. They did, and it is probably attributable to the highly contentious end of the 2000 election. Essentially, the polarization for and against a Bush—something that normally takes months—happened before Bush even took office.
“Jumping Jim Jeffords bolts to give the Dummocrapts the majority in the Senate.”
Probably not a huge factor. Political Scientists tell us that, in general, presidential approval get a boast when one or both chambers of Congress is controlled by the other party, and presidential approval is dragged down under a congress that is controlled by the same party*.
Therefore Bush probably got a small bump in approval as a result of Jeffords switch.
(*Disclaimer: I learned this factoid in an academic talk, and have not tracked down the original research).
Moron, idiotic, willfully ignorant FIEND @ 107
Get a life fool!
Marvin Stamnspews:
90. Rujax! spews:
The jackass just won’t answer the question will he. None of them will.
I’ve said I don’t know who your daddy is. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
Stand-up guys, huh?
I agree, the “guys” that were with your mom that night when you were conceived should stand up and be a parent to you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
95. Rujax! spews:
91. YLB, 92. Darryl,93. Steve:
get a room next time.
Don’t forget to wipe your nose.
Marvin Stamnspews:
104. Steve spews:
Marvin’s repeatedly called GBS a racist. Let’s see Marvin post a definition of racism along with the comment by GBS, followed by Marvin’s own analysis of how GBS’s comment makes him a racist.
Why don’t you take a shot at explaining it.
Why did gbs assume I was black when I said I was on welfare. Simple question.
I’m always ready for a discussion about race. How about you, goatfucker?
We both agree that democrats were the party of the KKK.
We already both agree that the democrats have done nothing for inner city blacks since the late 60s. I add that all they have given blacks is li[p service and empty promises, would you agree on that?
Now you can put down a couple points and see if I agree with you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
106. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews: clusterfucked cinderblock@102,
what in your drug-fried delusional mind suggests Puddy supports that pastor you stupid moron?
In the mind of the little trained monkey, if you don’t denounce the people rujax disagrees with that proves you agree with them.
Much like how since rujax has NEVER denounced child rapist garrido that proves he agrees with kidnapping little girls and raping them for over a decade. What is wrong with rujax???
In the mind of the little trained monkey, if you don’t denounce the people….
Sounds like what Stupes has been doing for years with HL.
Thanks for playing…
@112 In other words, you can’t support your accusations, leaving you to make shit up and to pull shit from your ass as though it actually means anything.
Well, you utterly failed to prove GBS to be a racist. Let’s move on. Got any proof that I’m a racist? I say it’s just another baseless accusation pulled from your ass.
Marvin Stamnspews:
114. YLB spews:
Sounds like what Stupes has been doing for years with HL.
How democrat of you.
Pointing the finger at someone else to justify a democrats behavior.
So it looks like we agree on point #1. THe MSM helps shape polling results. Puddy will take some time soon enough and research the poll numbers after Jeffords made his announcement in late May 2001 as Puddy remembers.
Bottom line, in Bernie Goldberg’s Book “A Slobbering Love Affair”, he documents many instances of libtardo biases in the mainstream MSM which were not apparent for GWB when he became president.
“Congressman Rangel has been arrogant in refusing to discuss how, as the man who writes this country’s tax laws, he failed to report over $1 million in outside income and $3 million in business transactions as required by the House, lapses under investigation by the House Ethics Committee.” – Typical Dummocrapt arrogance when they are in power.
Notice the article is not from anything controlled by conservatives spongebob wondermoron, so you can’t sponge comments from this for your worthless commentary.
So Stamn,
Did you make it up here for the filming of “The Details”?
Did they need a trumpet playing extra?
And the filming location turned out to be Montlake, not Greenlake after all. Certainly not “yellow lake”.
“President Obama’s plan to inspire the nation’s schoolchildren with a video address next week erupted into controversy Wednesday, forcing the White House to pull out its eraser and rewrite a government recommendation that teachers nationwide assign students a paper on how to “help the president.””
Marvin Stamnspews:
115. Steve spews:
@112 In other words, you can’t support your accusations,
You said you wanted to discuss race. I listed a couple points that we both agree on as a starting point. Yet it seems like you are still bitter and don’t want to discuss anything but continuing your childish name calling. My bad for expecting better, even after YLB talking about you being an adult.
Well, you utterly failed to prove GBS to be a racist.
If so, why are you afraid to answer the simple question.
WHY did gbs assume I was black when I said I was on welfare.
And if you want to believe his story about reading I was black, do you have any explanation for him calling me “boy-eeee?”
What say you steve, cat got your tongue?
Let’s move on.
I’ll move on when you can step up to the plate and answer why gbs assumed I was black. Don’t chicken out now. How can we ever have an honest discussion about race if you’re scared to answer simple questions. A question let me add, that you would be asking if it applied to a right-wingnut.
Got any proof that I’m a racist?
Remember when gbs trying to defend himself insisted I said I was black which is why he called me black regarding the welfare comment. Remember I said he was lying? Remember he said it was my responsibility to prove I didn’t say it? Well, prove you’re not a racist.
Marvin Stamnspews:
119. YLB spews:
So Stamn,
Did you make it up here for the filming of “The Details”?
Did they need a trumpet playing extra?
And the filming location turned out to be Montlake, not Greenlake after all. Certainly not “yellow lake”.
The location was changed to a lake local to los angeles.
It was yellow lake. I think you said there was no such place but I googled and found a yellow lake.
At this point of my career, trumpet playing is for my enjoyment. I do composing/arranging at home on the computer.
Darryl's Humble Servantspews:
Dan Savage and I have the hots for the same woman, Florence King. Sign in to National Review and read King’s review of recently released essays (and this old classic: How to Do Drugs, Drive Fast, Get Your Wing Wang Squeezed, and Not Spill Your Drink) from P.J. O’Rourke.
Darryl's Humble Servantspews:
How to Help the President: Make Dominatrix Darryl the Majority Whip and the Minority (no pun) Whip. Problems solved.
122 – I said there was no such place in Seattle.
It appears there’s a puddle called Yellow Lake just east of southern Lake Sammamish.
Marvin Stamnspews:
115. Steve spews:
@112 In other words, you can’t support your accusations
Just another baseless claim of yours that you couldn’t back up.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Another day without gbs.
Did I shame him into leaving the blog altogether?
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
Where’s the proof gbs?
Speaking of racism, a lot of uptight folks are afraid Obama is going to “recruit” their kids or take precious time away from the first day of school or some such on Sept 8.
And remember, the great white father or the idiot son read “My Pet Goat” on September 11.
Darryl's Obediant Servantspews:
Abrupt lane change: Has anyone (else) read The Siege of Mecca? Not to get in the way of important rancor about race and goats, but try to remember the origin of the 30 Years War we’re in.
It began with Jimmy Carter’s inability to see the world as it was and is. If Barack Obama is unable to understand the distinction between inconvenience and torture, or if he believes inconvenint “torture” is a greater threat than the real threat we face because of Carter, then the 30 Years War will be at least a 100 Years War.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Does spongebob wondermoron read anything else besides Daily Kooks TPM or HuffPo?
What a dunce.
What is racism to you, goatfucker? How do you define it? Downward, I’d say. Same with bigotry. Define these terms downward until they lose all meaning and all the real wingnut racists and bigots blend with the woodwork. Well, it ain’t gonna happen, goatfucker.
How does what GBS wrote make him a racist? Was it the part where he talked about false stereotyping of blacks? Remember, asswipe, you’re the one making the accusation. Back it up or shut the fuck up.
Meanwhile, how about stating why you think you’re justified in calling me a racist. You can’t back that one up either.
You’re full of shit and everybody here knows it.
@126 The goatfucker spews:
“Speaking of which…
91. Steve spews:
Thanks for the dose of thinnly veiled racism there, Marvin.
How did your accusation work out for you?”
Well, let’s see, you were writing about blacks as though they all think as one, so I wrote,
“Hmm, in Marvin’s World blacks are some monolithic entity, all thinking alike, acting alike, all being fooled by our beloved President. heh-
Thanks for the dose of thinnly veiled racism there, Marvin.”
How’d that work out for me? Other than the typo, just fine, thank you. You had no rebuttal then as you have no rebuttal now.
We’re still waiting to read your definition of racism, goatfucker. But I’m sure you’ll continue your bullshit dance.
Your friend and fellow traveler, Mr. Klynical, has a joke he’d like to share with you.
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head.
In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an
examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to
Barack, and told him to drink it all.
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
07/08/2009 at 9:11 pm
You said nothing about Klynical’s racist joke. Nothing. How many times have you been silent when Mark rants about blacks being “jigaboos”. You’ve been silent every damned time. How about showing some courage and standing up to real racists, asswipe? Oh, don’t worry, goatfucker, we know you never will and we all know why.
@128 The wingnuts seem to be afraid that on September 8th our president will speak for a few minutes and thus turn all of our nation’s school children into little commie-fascist fanatics who will then go home and slit their wingnut parents throats in the middle of the night while they’re sleeping.
Naaaa. I know of no evidence to suggest the media played a stronger role in shaping public opinion in 2001 than it has in 2009. My statement was that the controversy itself (close election, popular vote/electoral vote split, law suit that went to the Supreme Court, Supreme Court shutting down the recount) lead to the polarization that would normally develop during the honeymoon.
“Puddy will take some time soon enough and research the poll numbers after Jeffords made his announcement in late May 2001 as Puddy remembers.”
Good luck. I’ve got the poll numbers and a plot of them in front of me. You won’t see anything that can be distinguished from trend and noise.
“Bottom line, in Bernie Goldberg’s Book “A Slobbering Love Affair”, he documents many instances of libtardo biases in the mainstream MSM which were not apparent for GWB when he became president.”
Whatever. Why not just ask Cheney?
proud leftistspews:
Not that it’s anything new, but I still can get surprised how wingies make everything political and partisan. They don’t even respect the Office of the President, if a Democrat occupies it. The president should be able to speak to schoolchildren without wingies raising a ruckus. Lord, they are a fearful group of people.
Heterosexuals are murderous, raping, thieving individuals. The downfall to civilization.
buttslammin’ dan teamed up with Krazy what a fucking pair they make.
@135 “Lord, they are a fearful group of people.”
Rabidly so.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Darryl, ask Cheney?
Bernie is one of them.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Will the HA Libtardos call for Charles Rangel to step aside?
Is this Pelosi’s ethical congress?
“Much is expected of elected officials. Much more is expected and demanded of those entrusted with chairmanships and the power that comes with them, especially when it involves the nation’s purse strings. From all that we’ve seen thus far, Mr. Rangel has violated that trust continually and seemingly without care. “
Say, Puddy, I see from looking through old threads that you once stated that GBS was one of the handful of people who stood with you against racism when headless lucy spewed racist slurs your way. I’m curious, when you read Marvin’s repeated accusations of GBS being a racist, apparently based on a single sentence where GBS talks about the false stereotyping of blacks, do you have an opinion on that one way or another? You’ve met GBS. You’ve dined together. Have you ever read any post of his on this blog that would lead you to conclude that GBS is a racist?
what in your drug-fried delusional mind suggests Puddy supports that pastor you stupid moron?
Goldy you need better libtardos. This cinderblock would be rejected for a corner location. Maybe an inside wall.
09/03/2009 at 1:07 pm
Easy fix then goat-fucker…just acknowledge that the death pastors and their message of hate is out of line. Just state clearly that these THREE pwerful and nationally recognized leaders of the modern conservative christian movement are wrong. That the christ never preached hate. That the christ message was one of love and tolerance.
Easy fix for the chickenshit mister motherfucker. Just do it, maaaaan.
How ’bout the marvin…you gonna “man up” as well? Or you got something less than a mustard seed.
ps…I’m not expecting much.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, I stood up for GBS already. Ask Marvin. Or better yet, ask your friend spongepants wondermoron. He has all the PuddyMissives.
You would be the last human slime biomass for Puddy to do your bidding. Besides, you are another of the leftist animal abusers.
Besides clusterfucked cinderblock@142 never saw your denunciation of Dr Wright and his filth!
See ya cinderblockhead.
I don’t believe Bachmann represents the majority of the Republican party. There are plenty Republicans without devise tactics and extreme views such as Jindal, Romney, Huckabee, Graham, etc. As for Beck and Limbaugh, they present a conservative movement that is stirring up with the country and are finding new audiences that are fed up with both parties in this ever-expanding federal government.
Yeah…what I thought.
Death hate and killing…great christian values according to the puddybitch, the marvin and the cyniklown.
Yayyy. Nice to know where you guys stand.
145. DCG spews:
I don’t believe Bachmann represents the majority of the Republican party. There are plenty Republicans without devise tactics and extreme views such as Jindal, Romney, Huckabee, Graham, etc.
09/03/2009 at 6:59 pm
Name ONE.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Once again the clusterfucked clinderblock assumes out of his ASS.
Keep assuming and stay an ASS moron!
Never saw your denunciation of Dr Wright and his filth!
Keep your loser “faith” idiot.
Goldy better libtardos please!
Marvin Stamnspews:
132. Steve spews:
@126 The goatfucker spews: How did your accusation work out for you?”
How’d that work out for me? Other than the typo, just fine, thank you. You had no rebuttal then as you have no rebuttal now.
Once again the clusterfucked clinderblock assumes out of his ASS.
Keep assuming and stay an ASS moron!
Never saw your denunciation of Dr Wright and his filth!
Keep your loser “faith” idiot.
Goldy better libtardos please!
09/03/2009 at 7:03 pm
Death and hate huh. “You will know we are “christians” by our hate.”
“Hate thy neighbor.”
All has such a nice freindly ring to it, doncha think?
“Jesus said to hate your neighbor and pray that the President (who is a man of color…hmmmm…must be lost on the deathpastorfollowingpuddybitch…oh well) gets cancer and dies like Ted Kennedy.”
Did I miss anything?
Marvin Stamnspews:
141. Steve spews:
I’m curious, when you read Marvin’s repeated accusations of GBS being a racist, apparently based on a single sentence where GBS talks about the false stereotyping of blacks
You keep talking about it.
Why not answer a couple simple questions.
1. When I said I was on welfare, why did gbs assume I was black?
2. If like gbs said, I wrote I was black, why did gbs call me “boy-eee?”
Why is steve afraid to answer such simple questions.
149. Marvin Stamn spews:
My rebuttal is in #106 of the very same thread.
That was a black caller on the al sharpton radio show.
09/03/2009 at 7:18 pm
How cute. the deathpastorfollowingmarvin is aping his hero.
Marvin Stamnspews:
133. Steve spews:
@128 The wingnuts seem to be afraid that on September 8th our president will speak for a few minutes and thus turn all of our nation’s school children
What was it democrat richard gephardt said about bush giving a speech to schoolchildren?
If it was wrong then, why isn’t it wrong now?
Oh yeah, the democrat party of double standards.
…”Hate thy neighbor as thyself”…no, THAT doesn’t work….
I know, I know…how about this!!!!…:
“Thou shalt not kill thy neighbor, unless they are gay or the President in which case you can hope and pray they get cancer and die like Ted Kennedy.”
You know…kill them with PRAYER…
…bet the christ NEVER thought of THAT!!!
A great re-write of the first commandment don’t you think?
Marvin Stamnspews:
142. Rujax! spews:
How ’bout the marvin…you gonna “man up” as well? Or you got something less than a mustard seed.
What are you talking about little guy?
Man up about what? Who your father is?
My first guess would be giuseppe, the trained monkey that used to hang around with that blind organ player in hollywood.
You know…maybe the puddybitch and the marvin are on to something. The boyz really like those death pastors…maybe there’s something to it!
@151 You and your stupid fucking questions. Christ, even for a goatfucker you’re stupid. Dumber than a stump! Hell, I’ve been to two hog calling’s and a county fair and I’ve still never encountered anything as stupid as you!
Marvin Stamnspews:
154. Rujax! spews:
A great re-write of the first commandment don’t you think?
I’m sure steve the fake christian would love it.
Steve really gets offended when the words of left-wingers that mock christians gets thrown in his face.
Steve hated the bill maher joke about god being at the top of the beanstalk that jack climbed up.
157. Steve spews:
Hell, I’ve been to two hog calling’s and a county fair and I’ve still never encountered anything as stupid as you!
Of course you’d like it. Hog callings remind you of your childhood in the “pen”.
Oh…did the deathpastorfollowingassholeknownasthepuddybitch say something?
Marvin Stamnspews:
157. Steve spews:
@151 You and your stupid fucking questions.
[A] Are they too tough for you to answer?
[B] Or do you know the answer and know better than to answer the questions.
I know it’s [B].
If you aren’t a racist, why would you get so upset by being called one by *me*. If I’m an idiot and no one pays attention to me, why are you still whining about it. If I called you a biological woman would you whine about it for months or would you say marv is an idiot and move on.
The fact you keep trying to defend yourself proves there is some truth to my words.
The puddybitch really likes him them death pastors.
And that killer praying. Bet he’s good at it. Hmmmm…maybe I better watch out.
the marvin likes them death pastors too.
Marvin Stamnspews:
159. Rujax! spews:
I LIKE that, Steve!
get a room.
Can I use it sometime?
What, can’t you come up anything funny on your own? That was a rhetorical question, everyone here knows the answer.
Um, I named four. Four that aren’t spouting crazy things like Bachmann and have worked with others to help their states. Jindal became governor of Louisiana and is admired by many for his help in trying to turn that state around. Romney got elected in extremely liberal MA. My point was that not all Republicans are crazy like Bachmann and she doesn’t alone represent the party.
So that exorcism thing with Jindal musta got by ya.
Marvin Stamnspews:
164. Rujax! spews:
the marvin likes them death pastors too.
If I asked you for a link to back up your claim could you provide one or is that too far out of your skill set?
Say, you have NEVER provided a link to back up anything you’ve said, have you? I wonder why.
That must suck for you, watching Puddy, Cynical and myself provide links and you don’t have a clue how we do it.
Here’s a link to prove your buddy gbs is an ignorant fool.
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
08/12/2009 AT 2:34 PM
See rujax, simple as pie. Well, at least for me.
@159 Hey, feel free to use it, Rujax!.
@165 Like that goatfucker Marvin knows anything about humor.
Oh, you deliver the laughs alright, Marvin, it’s just that it’s never your intent.
Why won’t the marvin just come out against the death pastors.
Simple, quick, easy…bada bing bada boom.
Hmmmmm…what IS the marvin hiding….hmmmmmmm…
the puddybitch thinks they are godly guys…so does the cyniklown.
…but the maaaaaarvinnnn….HE might be the WEAK LINK!
Marvin sez: “get a room”
That reminds me, what does Marvin call Mr. Klynical’s barn?
His favorite whorehouse. heh-
Marvin Stamnspews:
169. Steve spews:
@165 Like that goatfucker Marvin knows anything about humor.
Here’s some humor.
I shamed you into apologizing for using the word “faggot” at the same time you were insisting you said nothing offensive.
How fucking funny is that.
Just in case you don’t remember me shaming you into apologizing…
57. Marvin Stamn spews:
It appears I shamed you into doing the right thing.
I don’t blame you for not using the “faggot” and “cunt” words anymore.
05/08/2009 AT 9:27 AM
58. Steve spews:
@57 Yeah, thanks Marvin.
05/08/2009 AT 9:34 AM
See rujax how simple that was for me to prove I shamed steve into apologizing.
@171 “WEAK LINK!”
Or the missing link. That’d sure fuck with that flat-earther, Mr. “my mama rode dinos” Klynical’s head.
So we learned a LOT today. Let’s review, shall we:
God kills. LIKES killing even (a new one on me but hey!…). The jesus (NOT the one in the “Big Lebowski”, the OTHER one)…likes killing too…who knew? the cyniklown and the puddybitch…godly guys…got the AK-47’s with the fish etched on ’em. Got the killer cancer causing prayers (killed Teddy….whoaaaaaahhhh…look out Barak).
Damn. Big day with the christian guys, huh. What’s gonna happen tomorrow?????
@173 Now if I could only shame you to stop fucking Mr. Klynical’s goats.
172. Steve spews:
Marvin sez: “get a room”
That reminds me, what does Marvin call Mr. Klynical’s barn?
How long did it take the right to go from: “if you criticize the President you are a traitor” to “School children should not trust the President.”
So anyways, Marvin, if you want to toss out charges of racism, you might want to actually understand the meaning of the word. You see, a racist believes that “race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities” and that “racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race”. That’s out of Meriam-Websters. That’s a start.
You’re the one who accuses GBS of racism. What has GBS ever written that displayed a belief that race determines anything or that his race, whatever it is, is superior to blacks? Can you come up with anything at all? And please, do try to come up with something where GBS isn’t discussing the false stereotyping of blacks. That one only makes you look really fucking stupid.
You’ve accused me of being a racist in this very thread. What proof have you of this charge? Anything at all? Or is that one pulled from your ass entirely?
Marvin Stamnspews:
176. Steve spews:
@173 Now if I could only shame you to stop fucking Mr. Klynical’s goats.
Not bad for a racist.
Did you google what I quoted just to make sure I wasn’t making stuff up like you do or did you remember me shaming you into doing the right thing.
Say, why did I have to shame you into doing the right thing? Why didn’t you do the right thing in the first place. Oops, the right thing would have been to not run around calling people a “faggot” and “cunt.” But you couldn’t control yourself. I hope you don’t consider yourself a good christian. Good christians don’t go around calling people “faggots” and “cunts.”
@162 “If you aren’t a racist, why would you get so upset at being called one”
Interesting. So if someone takes exception to being called a racist, that’s proof enough for you that they are a racist? Then I take that if someone here, say you, Marvin, were to bristle at being called a goatfucker, then that should be proof enough for everybody that you really do fuck goats?
Have I ever told you that you project too much, Marvin? It’s a Psych 101 thing.
Marvin Stamnspews:
179. Steve spews:
You’re the one who accuses GBS of racism.
And you are the one that can’t bring himself to answer simple questions.
If what he wrote wasn’t racist, all you have to do is write that assuming I was black because I was on welfare isn’t the act of a racist. And then you can explain his “boy-eee” comment to someone he “believed” was black.
You’ve accused me of being a racist in this very thread.
Until you prove otherwise, I’ll consider you a racist. If you don’t like it, do something about it.
As a good Christian I am called upon by God to inform everybody here that Marvin fucks goats.
So that exorcism thing with Jindal musta got by ya.
No, nor did the witchcraft practiced by Michelle’s mom in the WH. Jindal isn’t shouting for an “exorcism” of health care is he? It was his personal choice over 15 years ago and he doesn’t talk about exorcism in his politics.
There are plenty Republicans without devise tactics and extreme views such as Jindal, Romney, Huckabee, Graham, etc.
I suppose you were serious.
Marvin Stamnspews:
181. Steve spews:
Interesting. So if someone takes exception to being called a racist, that’s proof enough for you that they are a racist?
You are kidding me aren’t you? I mean, are you really this fuckin stupid?
In the case of me calling you a racist, yes, your whining about it proves my point.
Lets say darryl also calls you a racist, I could see you getting upset about that.
If I believe you, I’m an idiot that no one takes serious.
Except you.
Get the point now mr racist?
The fact you are giving my words that much respect proves there is some truth in what I say.
Gosh…prove marvin’s stupid and he really gets hot!
@182 That’s too fucking funny.
Marvin Stamnspews:
183. Steve spews:
As a good Christian I am called upon by God to inform everybody here that Marvin fucks goats.
Say, I haven’t read anything about you having a family.
Can’t you find a woman that wants to share a bed with you and your goat?
Never mind… I just remembered how you threw that “cunt” word around. Obviously you still have some mother issues from growing up poor around black people. It’s that psych 101 thing once again rearing it’s ugly head in your life.
Have you ever dated a black woman? HAHAHAHA that was wing-nut humor.
@186 Oh my, is your head exploding again, Marvin?
Time for some popcorn, Rujax!. It’s always a good show when Marvin’s head explodes. But watch out! There’ll soon be goatshit everywhere!
I got my “invisible protective shield” like those old Crest Toothpaste commercials…LOL!
Here…have a cold Diet Coke!
Marvin Stamnspews:
188. Steve spews:
@182 That’s too fucking funny.
I knew you wouldn’t do anything about it.
Well, I’m sure you’re gonna be whining about it again tomorrow.
@189 heh- There goes Marvin’s head!
More popcorn, Rujax!?
Thanks…don’t mind if I do.
Man…he’s really covered with that goat shit…peee-yewwww.
ps…I honestly can’t figure out what the fuck he was blabbering about.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Hey steve, why do you believe the democrats have failed inner-city blacks?
That was one of those rhetorical questions. It’s nothing you care about so you won’t answer even that question,
Say, have you noticed that I always ask you questions you are scared to answer.
Does little rujax agree with you that the democrat party has failed inner-city blacks?
@192 LMFAO!! Do something about it? Are you challenging me? Now that’s funny. Like you’d ever show up.
@195 I’ll have that conversation with Puddy anytime. He gets it. You? You’re too fucking stupid for words. All you’re good for is bitch-slapping.
Would you please pass the popcorn, Rujax!?
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
193. Steve spews:
More popcorn, Rujax!?
Well, at least steve isn’t limiting his relationships to the animal species.
Play the field, steve. You ol’ horndog!!
Here ya go…
Marvin Stamnspews:
197. Steve spews:
@195 I’ll have that conversation with Puddy anytime. He gets it. You? You’re too fucking stupid for words. All you’re good for is bitch-slapping.
In that case, you better go get someone that can do that bitch-slapping for you. That is out of your skill set.
I’m not judging you, just making the observation.
Perhaps it will occur to the goatfucker someday that his stupid fucking questions just aren’t worth fucking answering.
Marvin Stamnspews:
198. Empty Suit Obama spews: 193. Steve spews:
More popcorn, Rujax!?
Well, at least steve isn’t limiting his relationships to the animal species.
Play the field, steve. You ol’ horndog!!
Since rujax is a trained monkey, wouldn’t that mean steve is still into animal relationships?
Not judging you steve and rujax, just making the observation.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
P R I C E L E S S!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
For something completely different, now Puddy knows why HA Libtardos like Hugo Chavez
Marvin Stamnspews:
Even now looking at your words steve I am still shocked.
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
How homophobic does one have to be to write what you did. Can you imagine your outrage if manotruth wrote “i’m not calling you a kike to belittle jews, I’m calling you a kike to belittle you.” Yet that’s what you wrote. In your desire to have a daddy, did your mommy let strange men touch you? is that where you homophobic hate comes from?
You one sick puppy steve.
the puddybitch must be done with the killer prayers and the death pastors.
So you really want to have a confrontation, Marvin? No problem. I’m always up for a bit of the ol’ ultra-violence.
I’ve said of you before that you’re one of those pathetic types who go through life practically begging for someone to kill them. Then they act all surprised when somebody finally obliges them.
@203 I’m always ready for a laugh, Puddy, even at my own expense, but that one didn’t quite do it for me. Hmm, maybe it’s a cultural humor divide. You didn’t blow up frogs for kicks when you were a kid, did you, Puddy?
@205 “homophobic” “You’re one sick puppy”
And you project too much. Sigh! We sometimes learn more of your personal issues than we care to know. Oh, and did I mention that it’s a Psych 101 thing?
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
Shall we leave and let Rujax and Steve have a private chat (and share popcorn recipes)?
207. Steve spews:
So you really want to have a confrontation, Marvin? No problem.
Calm down, steve. No one is moving in on Rujax!? He’s all yours you big horndog
Marvin Stamnspews:
207. Steve spews:
So you really want to have a confrontation, Marvin? No problem. I’m always up for a bit of the ol’ ultra-violence.
Hey dumbass, I didn’t challenge you to shit.
In #182 I wrote- If you don’t like it, do something about it.
I was letting you know if you had a problem you should do something about it. I never mentioned violence, you did.
How stupid will you look if you decide not to come down and back up your words now after acting tough.
Damn, I can’t believe how easy it is for me to goad you into saying ignorant stuff.
I suppose you were serious.
Yes. I answered your question and you ignore my response and go on to another question. I acknowledged Jindal’s experience with exorcism, tried to outline how other Republicans work with others, etc. My point – again – is that Bachmann says crazy things, using them in her politics. Jindal does not use his exorcism in politics, Huckabee, Romney, and Graham try to work with others. Starting from the beginning, Bachmann is not representative of the Republican party. Re-read my first post. Then ask me another question…
Marvin Stamnspews:
210. Empty Suit Obama spews:
Shall we leave and let Rujax and Steve have a private chat (and share popcorn recipes)?
207. Steve spews:
So you really want to have a confrontation, Marvin? No problem.
Calm down steve. No one is moving in on Rujax!? He’s all yours you big horndog
steve should get a good laugh at that one if he enjoys jokes at his expense. Hhmm, maybe that wasn’t a joke.
rujackoff has only been laid twice. Once by a drunk skank and the other time by a fat ugly chick.
Marvin Stamnspews:
214. yuck spews:
rujackoff has only been laid twice. Once by a drunk skank and the other time by a fat ugly chick.
And some people wonder why drunk skanks have such a bad reputation.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, never did the frog destruction.
I can laugh at that, @210.
I say you fuck goats, Marvin. I’ve posted many times your own admission that you fuck goats. Dumbed you down, didn’t you say? Hey, if you don’t like it, do something about it. And, no, I’m not suggesting that you seek intensive therapy because of that beastiality thing of yours, although you do need it. I’m saying if you don’t like it, if you don’t like what the fuck I’m saying to you, then you just fucking try to do something about it, asswipe.
That’s good to hear, Puddy. I’m sure that if God notes the fallen sparrow, he also notes the exploded frog.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Earlier today Puddy suggested getting the clusterfucked cinderblock@206 straight-jacket for spongebob wondermoron. Ever since that comment his head exploded, he lost his mind (well it was only a single celled femtometer sized brain), and he went apoplectic. His pithy responses on how we supported some pastors with no URL, Citation or Time and Date Stamp continues to prove he is as dumb as a newly formed cinderblock and has the same interstitial space volume between the ears.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
the clusterfucked cinderblock@206 claimed he procreated once. Hmmm…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hmmm it seems the green czar AKA the avowed communist’s name was on 9/11 Truther documents? And this is the fool leading the Glenn Beck advertiser ban?
Van Jones, executive director, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Puddy wonders how many more of these fools are playing in “the messiah’s” personal reservation?
Oh MY!
You’re wasting your time, goatfucker. I don’t threaten people. But rest assured, if I ever decide that you’re wasting space, you’ll know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@210 Another cut-and-run Republican.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@212 “Bachmann is not representative of the Republican party.”
Ah, but she is, she is …
Marvin Stamnspews:
217. Steve spews:
I say you fuck goats, Marvin. I’ve posted many times your own admission that you fuck goats. Dumbed you down, didn’t you say? Hey, if you don’t like it, do something about it.
Why do something?
You’re the idiot that actually believes I fuck goats. Why should I help you?
Now, did you see the difference between you and me?
You get all worked up when I point out you’re a racist. When you call me a goatfucker I get a chuckle out of how gullible you and gbs are. The two of you believe any and everything I write if it’s negative about me. And damn if I don’t take advantage of it.
Strange, your words “I’m always up for a bit of the ol’ ultra-violence” have turned into “Hey, if you don’t like it, do something about it.” Sounds like you are already backing down and I haven’t even asked you what day you are flying into LA.
I’m saying if you don’t like it, if you don’t like what the fuck I’m saying to you, then you just fucking try to do something about it, asswipe.
blah blah blah blah
As if I would ever take the words of a racist homophobe serious.
Marvin Stamnspews:
222. Steve spews:
You’re wasting your time, goatfucker. I don’t threaten people. But rest assured, if I ever decide that you’re wasting space, you’ll know.
I don’t threaten people either.
But if I decide to, you’ll know.
Damn, it sounds as stupid when I write it as when you wrote it. That makes it official, you wrote something utterly stupid.
I’m sure that if God notes the fallen sparrow, he also notes the exploded frog.
And God also notices those that use words like “faggot” and “cunt” as an insult.
How fake Christian of you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
221. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Hmmm it seems the green czar AKA the avowed communist’s name was on 9/11 Truther documents?
Wow, a real live truther. And he’s in the obama administration.
I so wish that weren’t true.
My dad was an Eisenhower Republican. Where did THAT party go?
I must be getting old. I remember liberal Republicans in the northeast. Where did they go?
Wow, Dan Savage as the voice of reason.
On another note, Savage made an excellent point–the religious right is so hateful that Christianity is gaining an image in this country that is not good. As a Christian, familiar with Scripture, I cannot fathom how the tenets of our faith could be twisted into the vileness that we see those proclaiming to be Christians scream about. History, alas, proves me wrong. Such twisting occurs, over and over again. Stephen Stills said that “Jesus Christ was the first non-violent revolutionary.” I agree with Stills. Glenn Beck would not have a clue what I’m talking about.
…Bathhouse Dan only proves he’s a religious bigot (Olbermann is simply batshit crazy-getting worse with his test pattern ratings).
Luckily for dainty danny, no one with an IQ in the high double digits tunes into the Olbermann monologue/wannabe-thespian rantalogue to actually get their news and make a ripple of difference. FoxNews increases viewership while the lame stream lap dogs of the empty suit Obama Admin hemmorhage viewers…Can’t argue the numbers now can you, kids?
Empty Suit @ 4,
LOL! You sound like someone who has just bought a pack of razor blades….
@5 ~ actually, if you look at the latest presidential approval ratings and frantic postings on this website re: Healthcare reform is DOA…it’s the folks on the left that are the ones purchasing sharp objects…along with the occasional banging of your eating utensil upon the high chair in defiance of such reality. No worries though as adults are near.
But by all means, continue to project if it makes you feel better.
My father, a confirmed liberal, watches Fox just to know what the opposition is up to. You couldn’t watch Olbermann if you were passed out and puking, because you are incapable of exposing yourself to smart people who talk about reality. So, the long and short of it is that television ratings don’t mean squat when it comes to measuring the political pulse of the nation.
BTW, YLB got it right on a different thread–you are Little Ricky Dumbass. Your style is all too apparent, you little sock puppet, you.
Empty Suit @ 6
“@5 ~ actually, if you look at the latest presidential approval rating”
Which are just about where Chimpy was at this point in his first term…
“and frantic postings on this website re: Healthcare reform is DOA…”
Not nearly as DOA as your ability to construct a sentence, there, Squirt.
“…it’s the folks on the left that are the ones purchasing sharp objects…”
Mwwwawhhhhhhh Ha Ha Ha Ha…You’re fucking hilarious. Obama has a Looooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnng ways to go before slipping into Chimpster territory.
But, Obama’s drop in approval from high to mediocre, in fact, reflects a lot of folk like me who think Obama is being far too timid.
“But by all means, continue to project if it makes you feel better.”
Yaaaaawwwwwwwwnn. Come on, Squirt, I liked you better as a comedian than as a prig. See what you can do about that.
…uh, no dumbass. Obama’s approval ratings amongst the nutty turd fringe remains very high. Obama is hemmorhaging approval from Independents and those retarded enough to call themselves (mistakenly) “Republicans for Obama” on the misguided notion that he was a “transformational” politician, and not the sewer byproduct of the Chicago political machine. Like they say, you can’t polish a turd…
So, Squirt….as usual…’re all wet.
I have read a lot of Dan’s writing over the years but this is the first time that I have heard him speak. I was proud of him. He is well-spoken and, as far as I am concerned, exactly right. The adults have long since left the Republican Party.
Empty Suit @ 9,
“…uh, no dumbass. Obama’s approval ratings amongst the nutty turd fringe remains very high. Obama is hemmorhaging approval from Independents and those retarded enough to call themselves (mistakenly) “Republicans for Obama” on the misguided notion that he was a “transformational” politician, and not the sewer byproduct of the Chicago political machine. Like they say, you can’t polish a turd…”
Sorry, Squirt, I can’t make heads or tails of your wingnutobabble. Perhaps that’s the alcohol talking? But, FWIW, I AM an independent, dumb ass!
WELL said Dan Savage! Nice to see him calling out the haters without trying to nicely sound bipartisanship. Thanks for the clip, that was refreshing.
I’m hopeful that when this congressional summer break is concluded, President Obama will come back and say ‘Well, bipartisanship obviously wasn’t workable. Dems roll up your sleeves and let’s get down to business in moving this country FORWARD!’ Leave the GOP hillbillies choking on the dust.
Now, don’t go putting hillbillies in the same category as the hardcore wingnuts. I’ve known real “hillbillies”, most are decent folks, a little backwards perhaps in a lot of things but Michelles Bachman and Malkin and people like Glen Beck wouldn’t stand a chance in hillbilly heaven. Real hillbillies have freinds. Real hillbillies have people that they can rely on, and who rely on them in return for things like that casserole at the funeral or that extra hand getting the house rebuilt after a fire.
The wingnuts dont have any of that. They only associate through commonalities of belief, and will instantly turn on their own at even a perception of a break in faith or a small deviation from their percieved social norms. They’ll burn your house down if you question them about a conflict of interest or an obvious contradiction in their belief system.
They don’t cater to the real hillbilly attitude, they cater to the diehard religious fanaticism that is most commonly found amoungst the flatlander folks in Oklahoma and Iowa and Texas. They are mostly welcome in places like the Florida panhandle, in a state that is renowned for the highest point of land in the whole state literally being at a garbage dump.
Real hillbillies wouldn’t piss in those peoples mouth if their back teeth were on fire.
Keith Olbermann is very likely a secret white supremacist.What else would account for his being an asshole?
Correctnotright, another anecdote?
Hey Darryl, did you miss the CNN article on Independents and “the messiah”?
“Fifty-three percent of independents questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Tuesday say they disapprove of how Obama’s handling his duties in the White House, with 43 percent in approval. That result marks the first time in a CNN poll that a majority of independents give the president’s performance a thumbs-down.”
And your pal spongebob wondermoron can’t complain about it being right-wing bullshit either. And it isn’t from Rasmussen or Fox News.
Remember “the messiah” won a majority of the independent vote. Now they are turning against “the messiah”.
proud leftist @ 3
Have you seen Robert Wright’s essay One World, Under God (The Atlantic, April 2009)?
Wright argues that Western religions have adopted tolerant or belligerent doctrines as needs dictated. Further, knowing that Christianity has the potential for tolerance and benevolence, Wright sees this as a source of optimism (and a much needed reform).
I don’t have a citation, but I recall reading that liberal Christians outnumber whackjobs in the USA. Perception is different, because liberals busied themselves trying to help others while wingers spent their time and money organizing for theocratic violent takeover of our country.
Complete Aside: Have you seen Ohio’s Touchdown Jesus? Whenever I see extravagances like this, I wonder what Jesus will say to these jokers when he comes back. “Hey, um, nice statue. Thanks. So that must mean you’ve cured poverty and suffering, right?”
The trogs can label themselves Christians. Whatever. But they’re certainly not following the teachings of Jesus. I imagine it’s just like how Karl Marx didn’t consider himself a Marxist. We have the teachers, trying the best, and some students just aren’t very bright. Something gets lost in the translation.
Hey Puddy, don’t confuse Darryl with the facts. Afterall, he’s still deluding himself with the belief that he’s actually an Independent.
cue the canned laughter…
Gotta love those enviromental nutzos. The wild fires in CA near the old home of spongebob wondermoron may have been prevented if the Forest Service did it’s job earlier this year. Yep more libtardoism running amok!
Tell that to the dozens of homeowners and the families of the two killed firefighters.
“Obtaining the necessary permits is a complicated process, and such efforts often draw protests from environmentalists. Biologist Ileene Anderson with the Center for Biological Diversity, an environmental organization, said burn permits should be difficult to get because of the potential damage to air quality.”
Well damn lady. The air quality really sucks now!
@ 16 ` May I suggest you read “who really cares” a book written by a liberal (one homegrown here in Groupthink Seattle no less ) thinking he was going to reveal that liberals cared more “about others” than conservaties…only to find out that the truth was just the opposite.
Or, you can just keep believing the myth you regurgitated @ 16 hoping that it will actually one day ring true.
ESO@17, Cynical has been posting the Rasmussen numbers just about every day for review. First the screaming libtardos claimed Rasmussen was a right-wing whack org. Then when Puddy whipped out Rasmussen was the most accurate of the 2008 presidential erection numbers they went mute for a few minutes. Then Artfart posts something stupid from August 2008 trying to dizz Rasmussen. Now the CNN poll displays similar data for independents.
Guess good old Scott Rasmussen sees trends before others.
Can anyone point out to this moron the utter stupidity of that statement???
LMAO!!! He makes it soooooooooooo easy!!
I’ll give the moron a little hint:
google “Angeles National Forest”
another even tinier hint: you don’t even have to google it!
@11 But, FWIW, I AM an independent, dumb ass!
A couple more months of dismal poll results and he’ll be claiming he was a Republican all along! Speaking of Republicans, Obama may need them more than he wants since he can’t depend on Dems and liberals in particular to support his Afghan war. Many of these were the same people who only a short eight months ago were touting his superior judgment in this area. With friends like these . . .
G.O.P. May Be Vital to Obama on Afghan War
good old spongebob wondermoron appears right on time just like Pavlov’s Doggie. Here is a map of the fire and here’s the AP’s opening paragraph…
LOS ANGELES – Federal authorities failed to follow through on plans earlier this year to burn away highly flammable brush in a forest on the edge of Los Angeles to avoid the very kind of wildfire now raging there, The Associated Press has learned.
Oh wait… the AP is a right-wing bullshit organization controlled by the Moonies or Rupert Murdoch or Richard Scaife.
Here’s the second paragraph…
“Months before the huge blaze erupted, the U.S. Forest Service obtained permits to burn away the undergrowth and brush on more than 1,700 acres of the Angeles National Forest. But just 193 acres had been cleared by the time the fire broke out, Forest Service resource officer Steve Bear said.”
Oh BTW spongebob wondermoron, my oldest sister used to live in Pasadena and is being kept up to date by her old pals there.
23 – WWaaaaaaaaahaaaahhhahaha!
The moron still doesn’t get it….
Keep going fool. Keep going! Another little hint (you need them):
Gee why did the money run out?
Tell me moron why are your relatives living in Northwest Pasadena and not up in Tujunga or San Gabriel Canyon?
And you’re blaming the firefighters deaths on environmentalism when it’s a fact that controlled burns can get out of control. Now tell me why your sons aren’t in Iraq or Afghanistan again?
Yeah firefighting is a hazardous calling. Go figure.
Puddybud @ 15,
That was exactly my point. But the fact remains, Obama is about where Shruby was at this point in his first term (or doing slightly better). Here are all poll in the pollkatz database for that period:
Date ……..Approval.. Source
30-Aug-01 … 50 …… Zogby
31-Aug-01 … 50 …… CBS
05-Sep-01 … 51 …… Pew
09-Sep-01 … 55 …… ABC/WaPo
09-Sep-01 … 45 …… Inv Bus Daily
The Obama polls (excluding Rasmussen*) are very similar (if slightly higher).
Date ……..Approval.. Source
27-Aug-09 … 52 …… Pew Research
31-Aug-09 … 53 …… CNN/Opinion Research
31-Aug-09 … 56 …… Ipsos-McClatchy
31-Aug-09 … 56 …… CBS News
01-Sep-09 … 54 …… Gallup
*Why exclude the Rasmussen poll? First, because Rasmussen was excluded from the database of Bush’s polls. I believe Pollkatz did that because Rasmussen averages over several days, resulting in non-independence among subsequent days.
Also, Rasmussen head-to-head election polls were considered pretty good this last election season by professional pollsters. (In fact, I’ve been known to defend them from unfair analytical criticism.)
But, Rasmussen’s presidential tracking polls (PTP) have always been odd, compared to other presidential approval polls. During the Bush administration, Rasmussen PTP were systematically biased upward by 5% to 10%. I haven’t done an analysis of Rasmussen v. other polls for Obama, but it sure looks like that bias has been flipped around so that Obama has lower approval under the Rasmussen PTP.
The brainless one seems to know everything about everything. We are sooooooo blest to have such as he amongst us.
Hey moron,
Out there in Wyoming where the taxes are low, low, low, the politicians are R, R, R and they burn the heck out of shit:
Firefighters die too! Who’d a thunk it????$41165
Must be the San Francisco environmentalists fault.
Silly fiend.
Empty Suit @ 17 (and Jon @ 22),
“he’s still deluding himself with the belief that he’s actually an Independent.”
Well look, Squirt, you seem to believe you have evidence to the contrary. I’ve published several thousand blog posts and even more comments in blog threads.
Can you find instances where I have implied that I consider myself a member of a party?
(I’ll presume that you don’t take this too seriously.)
So does the puddybiotch and the cyniklown and the marvin back their fellow followers of the “Prince of Peace”?
Inquiring minds want to know!!!
What, no posts about the moveon obama supporter biting the finger off a man that was anti-free government healthcare at the protest in thousand oaks?
Gotta love those peaceful tolerant liberals.
The marvin ought to answer the question…let’s see where these assholes line up.
Do you have any proof that the “prince of peace” is my fellow follower?
Or is this just todays example of you being caught in a lie.
Ask your mom to help you post the link to back up your claim.
I can’t answer the question who your daddy is.
Ask your mom.
Still waiting….
Yep good old spongebob wondermoron still doesn’t get it. Yes, the money ran out. So what does that mean? It doesn’t excuse the problem fool! Why? Your party passed the Porkulus Bill in February. Chronologically deficient even after all the PuddyWarnings to the spongebob wondermoron. Why wasn’t more money put in the Porkulus Bill for forest fire prevention MORON?
Yep, he’s still stupid.
Ouch. The same as bush?
I thought obama was all about change.
Hmmmmm…Peter denied knowing “The Lord” three times. Strike one for “the marvin”.
I’m guessing your dad is a goat.
If your mom doesn’t know who your daddy is, how can you expect me to know.
Darryl, there was a bigger difference between GWB polling numbers in 2001 and “the messiah’s” polling numbers 2009. Can you tell Puddy what the big difference was?
I knew you couldn’t provide a link to back up your empty words.
Thanks for proving me correct again. I knew I could count on you.
The clusterfucked cinderblock flakes
And you deny Jesus as Lord and Saviour forever. So what is your point fool?
@32: you mean the story about the helth care protester who puched a senior citizen…becasue he was too stupid to defend his views (now he is claiming self-defense).
What a bunch of losers and idiots.
Keep telling us how great the current system is….you fools. We pay almost twice as much as any country on earth and get ….care equal to Slovenia and over 47 million (per 2006 estimate, many more people now) uninsured.
Even those with insurance don’t do well…most of the bankruptcies in this country are due to halth care and majority have insurance (and a whole lotta good it does them!).
The democrats have been in control of congress for a couple years now, meaning the democrats have control of the federal checkbook.
In los angeles and kalifornia the checkbooks are controlled by democrats.
Why didn’t the democrats fund fire prevention?
Too many vote buying entitlement programs?
He still doesn’t get it… The answer is right in the freaking url for Angeles National Forest.
So now he sidesteps with bullshit about the stimulus.. The moron would have called wildfire prevention “pork” right along with his hero Limpblows.
What an idiot!
You know correctnotright, study after study admit the real value is much lower than 47 million and yet your side loves that number even raising it to 50 million.
Why the continued dissembling of facts correctnotright? Why no comment on post #15?
So you and the puddybitch and the cyniklown agree with the death pastors?
WOW…you’re sicker than I thought. All of you.
You must have read the la times account of the incident. You see, the la times is very liberal and doesn’t feel the need to be honest.
Even websites of left-wingnuts admit the obama supporter walked across the street to confront the anti-free government health care crowd and ended up biting the finger off. *IF* it was self-defense, why do you believe the finger biter ran away before the police got there.
Oh, so that’s where alcoholic ted kennedy went to for his cancer treatments. Kidding, we all knew kennedy got the best possible medical care he could afford. And he didn’t leave the country to get it.
Yep spongebob wondermoron has lost it on his meds. Here’s his latest liquid fart diarrhea
It’s so easy when spongebob wondermoron is caught whacking his weenie.
So the answer is NOPE YOU DOPE!
Did I say that?
Damn, you are the stupidest trained monkey I have ever read about.
Yayyyy marvin!!!! Way to go buddy…that sure made a point for ya!! Good goin’ pally!!!
45 – Bullshit! The chimp administration ran the show as far as agency budgets and spending went.
Their priority was torture, domestic spying and a recreational war of choice in Iraq.
What really gets me is that UTTER RIGHT WING ASSHOLE Antonovich who is quick to blame the environmentalists but could he have thought to lobby for a simple earmark for brush clearing in the Angeles Crest along with all the other Republican porksters?
No of course not!
August 26, 2009
Presidential Approval Usually Falls Below 50%; Timing Varies Obama at 51% approval in eighth month in office.
I guess this means the honeymoon with the American people is over…and the sheets are hardly ruffled.
Easy answer ylb.
All racists think that all blacks live in the hood.
NW pasadena is the hood of pasadena.
Hmmmmm…wasn’t there a “commandment” or something about not killing people? Hmmmmm…
Still nothing from the uber religious christianist assholes?
Telling. Telling indeed.
50 – Falls flat fool.
They ran out of money. It’s a fact!!!!
The true priority of the chimp budgets was a recreational war of choice in Iraq and enriching the well-connected contractors.
Taking care of business at home could go to hell!
Tell that to the firefighters’ families and the homeowners damn fool enough to build so close to a wildfire zone.
Hey Marvin,
You notice when the drug-fried brain of spongebob wondermoron tries to kick in like a sputtering piston fired prop of a vintage aircraft you see how he loves to deflect the blame?
Hey spongebob wondermoron, you said
Puddy was told being a school teacher was a good thing when it was Maxine Waters!
55 – If you want to call me a racist don’t pussyfoot – call me racist. That’s been your hard on here since the beginning.
My answer in any case is fuck you.
God told me he was ashamed of you. He also told me that to punish you he was going to make you ignorant and dependent on democrats.
Again spongebob wondermoron you previously farted
So how does Puddy calling for the underbrush removal in 2008
fall flat when it’s your leaders in Congress who write the final bills per the US Constitution?
Take your whine with your moldy cheeze to Charles Rangel fool!
Now little Ricky Dumbass comes out of hiding. We’re blessed.
In other HA news:
YLB’s family member in Maine was found running afoul of the law again I see. I’ve heard YLB talking on these threads about enjoying fishing (that is when he DOES actually leave the house)…I just wasn’t aware that he and his extended family exclusively fished for “brown trout”.
With an avatar like his, is anyone really surprised??
So the marvin, the puddybiotch and the cyniklown agree with the death pastors.
Good gawd (y’all!), they are sicker than I thought.
61 – Republicans still got earmarks after 2006 moron. Where was Mike and the rest of his right wing buddies?
Too busy watching the “surge” on Faux News maybe? Too busy cheering his “team” as they blocked Dem efforts to set the country’s priorities a little straighter?
Miserable fiend.
You’re not a racist like steve and gbs, but you do have issues with blacks. Issues not like hating and wanting bad things for blacks, issues like you feel you have done wrong as a white liberal and now have to bend over backwards to atone. Like I pointed out a while back when you quoted steve and manotruth. You were clearly quoting them, you used steve’s favorite word “faggot” but when it came time to quote manotruth you said the “N word.” Because of your liberal guilt you couldn’t even quote manotruth. Not being a democrat means I don’t have to assume the guilt for all the hateful atrocities my party committed against blacks for decades and decades.
Back to the issue of the NW pasadena hood… Why did you assume Puddys relatives live in the hood. Is it a black thing?
Dumbass @ 63
Don’t have any right wing or Republican relations in Maine.
Aren’t you late for your klan meeting. After you comment about hating blacks I’m surprised that steve hasn’t called you out. Oh yeah, steve only calls out people on the other side of the isle.
66 – No just making a wild guess asshole.
Fuck you again.
And screw you about GBS and Steve. You’ve been away a while. Have they “sinned” again? Of course not – they’re adults – it looks like you’re barely out of freshman community college politics if not junior high.
Relax. the nurses will be by with your meds real soon.
spongebob wondermoron again falls off the wagon with
Who’s discussing earmarks fool? Another of your worthless canard deflection techniques that fall flat fool!
Puddy repeats… Take your whine with your moldy cheeze to Charles Rangel fool!
Wow. That’s a totally new one on me!
And wouldn’t you know it, it can only come from the filthy “mind” of a right winger.
Lil’ Ricky Dumbass @ 54,
“Presidential Approval Usually Falls Below 50%; Timing Varies Obama at 51% approval in eighth month in office.
I guess this means the honeymoon with the American people is over…and the sheets are hardly ruffled.”
Well…let’s see.
George W. Bush’s very first poll was a FOX News poll that ended on 25-Jan-01 and Bush had 46% approval!
There were 83 polls taken through this point in Bush’s first term. Nine of the polls found Bush’s approval under 50%. That’s 11% of the time Bush didn’t even make 50%.
So far, Obama has had 113 approval polls (this excludes Rasmussen polls for the reasons given here). He had gone below 50% in none of these polls, for an average of 0% (or 100% of the time being 50% or better approval).
71 – It was Antonovich blaming the enviros asshole!
If the Mat-Su Barbie in Alaska could hire a lobbyist to shake down her Congressional delegation as mayor of a podunk town why couldn’t Antonovich lobby for brush clearing earmarks as a Supervisor of LA County?
He’s been doing that job for freaking ever! Isn’t he well connected enough in chimp circles?
Maybe it’s just because he’s a right wing shithead! Like Pat Caddell said once (Faux News token Dem) – “I’ve never met anyone dumber than a California Republican”.
spongebob wondermoron now enters the speculation game.
What a tard of the first degree. So you are saying the US Forest Service would get a “earmark” because Supervisor of LA County Antonovich says so?
Now where did they put rujax’s straight-jacket again?
Gee…I wonder which one of the death pastors the puddybitch likes better?
Wow the clusterfucked cinderblock@76 needs something stronger meds than what he is using now.
Maybe propofol. Puddy hears that has special effects.
Death pastor anderson is a good one…maybe colonelsandersfavoritechicken likes Anderson’s message of the christ’s love and tolerance.
Jason @ 17
Thanks for the link. I’ll take a look at the article. My impression of wingnut Christians is that they simply believe that because they consider themselves Christians, whatever they believe concerning any political issue must be consistent with Christian values. They see no need to actually consult Scripture and decipher what Scripture might say about their opinions. That’s how we get self-described Christians like Puddy and Cynical supporting the bombing of villages in Iraq.
No because he lobbies for it like Sister Sarah did in Alaska as Mayor of podunk Wasilla for whatever pork she wanted. Instead he blames enviros – oldest trick in the book.
Antonovich is a right wing dipwad. Always was. But he’ll survive this because 60 or so fools bought homes where they shouldn’t and firefighters? – dying comes with the territory.
Just like in Wyoming.
Darryl, still waiting for that answer…
Obama Losing Support Among Democrats
“Obama has lost even more support among 18-29-year-old voters, whose approval fell by 18 points over that time. The Democrats may be able to count on older, die hard party members to come out and vote, even when they may be disappointed. But those young voters could very easily sour on the Democrats and politics itself if Obama does not deliver on his message of change.
“Health care isn’t the only issue that is hurting Obama with his Democratic base. The war in Afghanistan is losing popularity, and his handling of detainees and the bank bailout may not be what many Democrats voted for.”
Good try spongebob wondermoron. Hell of an effort.
You’ve taken this conversation over so many dirt roads one can’t even navigate back to the starting point. The US Forest Service didn’t remove the brush just like Puddy pointed out in 2008.
A wild guess that since Puddy is black that his relatives live in the hood? Guess that works for you. Do you also make a wild guess that since Obama is black his re;latives live in the hood and live off public assistance too? Or do you hold your stereotyping to blacks that have escaped the democrat plantation.
It’s good to see that you are tolerant of differing opinions.
They’re adults? Meaning what, they have matured from snotblowing little kids that spewed homophobic and racist shit a couple months ago into adults? They were adults when they were posting their homophobic and racist shit in case you didn’t know.
And since you want to defend steve and gbs… neither you or gbs ever explained why he assumed I was black when I said I was on welfare. He made up a lie about me saying I was black, but for some reason he never wanted to prove his point with a link. Which would be like me saying you said you hated gays and when you ask for me to back it up (link) I refuse. gbs refused to back up his “excuse.”
Speaking of gbs, let’s not forget how fucking ignorant he is.
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
I asked him for proof again. once again he refused.
But keep defending him. At least I was smart enough not to defend manotruth.
As said by someone so offended by a differing viewpoint that he replied “Fuck you again.”
How ’bout THIS holy man of god…bet this one is the marvin’s fave.
84 – incoherent bullshit. I’ll let GBS fight his own battles. He’s more than capable.
As for me I couldn’t care less what the color of your skin is.
And I said “fuck you” not because of your “viewpoint” (which is juvenile) but because you’re a lying, willfully ignorant, race baiter.
Man…would this be a great “Celebrity Death Match” episode or what????
How ’bout THIS one:
I enjoy listening to the rev wright. Especially the parts when he’s talking about you.
Oops, after 20 years of attending his church the obama threw him under the bus, maybe I should too.
The rev wright I enjoyed listening to was not the rev wright I knew for 20 years.
87 – The Palins sure know how to pick ’em – from psycho state troopers to teenage hockey stars reaching for tabloid stardom.
I wouldn’t give Levi all that much credibility but what the hell – break out the popcorn, the diet coke and let’s watch the fireworks show!
The jackass just won’t answer the question will he. None of them will.
Stand-up guys, huh?
Oh? From the AP article:
That was THIS year. Am I repeating myself again?
And if it had been a priority for right wing idiot Antonovich, more could have been done – that is if it didn’t conflict too much with chimp priorities of saving Republican seats, bailing out the banks they didn’t care to regulate and endless war!
“Darryl, there was a bigger difference between GWB polling numbers in 2001 and “the messiah’s” polling numbers 2009. Can you tell Puddy what the big difference was?”
I can tell you about lots and lots of differences and similarities between Bush’s numbers and Obama’s numbers–based on my own statistical analyses of the polls. But I’m not going to bother attempting to guess about something you read somewhere.
@66 The goatfucker spews: “You’re not a racist like steve and gbs, but you do have issues with blacks.”
Good fucking grief. And just what fucking proof do you have that I’m a racist? Do you even know what the fucking word means?
spongebob wondermoron it was you in another thread telling us about the fires in your old stomping grounds. So how would most know about NW Pasadena unless they lived around there.
91. YLB, 92. Darryl,93. Steve:
They’re just making shit up out of whole cloth now.
They really have nothing else. Pure fabrication is their last resort. Right out of the gooper playbook.
Now isn’t this interesting…
Nice leftist propoganda! Will Goldy have a thread on this?
Yes clusterfucked cinderblock@95, Puddy uses the AP and Puddy is fabricating the evidence.
You are the dumbest of the HA Libtardos here.
From the king of delusional right-wing propaganda!
What a god-damned fucking death pastor supporting moron.
94 – Don’t know what you’re babbling about. Your relations could live in Old Town Pasadena for all I know.
So I guessed northwest – sue me!
Watching the Johnston-Palin pissing match will be a guilty pleasure, but a pleasure nonetheless. To think she’s one of the shining lights in the Republican Party–talk about the lack of a bench.
Darryl, it wasn’t any reading. Two events occurred.
1) The continual talk of Bush was the illegitimate president and pushed by talk shows and the liberal MSM.
2) Jumping Jim Jeffords bolts to give the Dummocrapts the majority in the Senate.
Wishing death on others is sooooo christ-like.
Such a good little christian the puddybitch is.
I guess never being wrong goes along with being saved…but I’m confused…I thought you clowns didn’t like “papal infallibility”.
Oh wait…you believe in “puddypoopal infallibility”!!! ohhh-kay….I get it now…
…delusional, but cool, I guess.
How about death pastor trading cards????
Marvin’s repeatedly called GBS a racist. Let’s see Marvin post a definition of racism along with the comment by GBS, followed by Marvin’s own analysis of how GBS’s comment makes him a racist.
I’m always ready for a discussion about race. How about you, goatfucker? Or is the best you can do is spew out baseless accusations?
Listen to the green czar and his propoganda clusterfucked cinderblock.
clusterfucked cinderblock@102,
what in your drug-fried delusional mind suggests Puddy supports that pastor you stupid moron?
Goldy you need better libtardos. This cinderblock would be rejected for a corner location. Maybe an inside wall.
spongebob wondermoron@99
You didn’t comment in another thread on the fires in another thread in your old back yard in CA?
You sure…?
That was no guess.
“1) The continual talk of Bush was the illegitimate president and pushed by talk shows and the liberal MSM.”
Sort of. I think you are suggesting that Bush’s numbers simply started out lower. They did, and it is probably attributable to the highly contentious end of the 2000 election. Essentially, the polarization for and against a Bush—something that normally takes months—happened before Bush even took office.
“Jumping Jim Jeffords bolts to give the Dummocrapts the majority in the Senate.”
Probably not a huge factor. Political Scientists tell us that, in general, presidential approval get a boast when one or both chambers of Congress is controlled by the other party, and presidential approval is dragged down under a congress that is controlled by the same party*.
Therefore Bush probably got a small bump in approval as a result of Jeffords switch.
(*Disclaimer: I learned this factoid in an academic talk, and have not tracked down the original research).
Moron, idiotic, willfully ignorant FIEND @ 107
Get a life fool!
I’ve said I don’t know who your daddy is. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
I agree, the “guys” that were with your mom that night when you were conceived should stand up and be a parent to you.
get a room next time.
Don’t forget to wipe your nose.
Why don’t you take a shot at explaining it.
Why did gbs assume I was black when I said I was on welfare. Simple question.
We both agree that democrats were the party of the KKK.
We already both agree that the democrats have done nothing for inner city blacks since the late 60s. I add that all they have given blacks is li[p service and empty promises, would you agree on that?
Now you can put down a couple points and see if I agree with you.
In the mind of the little trained monkey, if you don’t denounce the people rujax disagrees with that proves you agree with them.
Much like how since rujax has NEVER denounced child rapist garrido that proves he agrees with kidnapping little girls and raping them for over a decade. What is wrong with rujax???
Sounds like what Stupes has been doing for years with HL.
Thanks for playing…
@112 In other words, you can’t support your accusations, leaving you to make shit up and to pull shit from your ass as though it actually means anything.
Well, you utterly failed to prove GBS to be a racist. Let’s move on. Got any proof that I’m a racist? I say it’s just another baseless accusation pulled from your ass.
How democrat of you.
Pointing the finger at someone else to justify a democrats behavior.
So it looks like we agree on point #1. THe MSM helps shape polling results. Puddy will take some time soon enough and research the poll numbers after Jeffords made his announcement in late May 2001 as Puddy remembers.
Bottom line, in Bernie Goldberg’s Book “A Slobbering Love Affair”, he documents many instances of libtardo biases in the mainstream MSM which were not apparent for GWB when he became president.
Man this Charlie Rangel stuff gets more interesting every day.
“Congressman Rangel has been arrogant in refusing to discuss how, as the man who writes this country’s tax laws, he failed to report over $1 million in outside income and $3 million in business transactions as required by the House, lapses under investigation by the House Ethics Committee.” – Typical Dummocrapt arrogance when they are in power.
Notice the article is not from anything controlled by conservatives spongebob wondermoron, so you can’t sponge comments from this for your worthless commentary.
So Stamn,
Did you make it up here for the filming of “The Details”?
Did they need a trumpet playing extra?
And the filming location turned out to be Montlake, not Greenlake after all. Certainly not “yellow lake”.
Wow the indoctrination continues?
“President Obama’s plan to inspire the nation’s schoolchildren with a video address next week erupted into controversy Wednesday, forcing the White House to pull out its eraser and rewrite a government recommendation that teachers nationwide assign students a paper on how to “help the president.””
You said you wanted to discuss race. I listed a couple points that we both agree on as a starting point. Yet it seems like you are still bitter and don’t want to discuss anything but continuing your childish name calling. My bad for expecting better, even after YLB talking about you being an adult.
If so, why are you afraid to answer the simple question.
WHY did gbs assume I was black when I said I was on welfare.
And if you want to believe his story about reading I was black, do you have any explanation for him calling me “boy-eeee?”
What say you steve, cat got your tongue?
I’ll move on when you can step up to the plate and answer why gbs assumed I was black. Don’t chicken out now. How can we ever have an honest discussion about race if you’re scared to answer simple questions. A question let me add, that you would be asking if it applied to a right-wingnut.
Remember when gbs trying to defend himself insisted I said I was black which is why he called me black regarding the welfare comment. Remember I said he was lying? Remember he said it was my responsibility to prove I didn’t say it? Well, prove you’re not a racist.
The location was changed to a lake local to los angeles.
It was yellow lake. I think you said there was no such place but I googled and found a yellow lake.
At this point of my career, trumpet playing is for my enjoyment. I do composing/arranging at home on the computer.
Dan Savage and I have the hots for the same woman, Florence King. Sign in to National Review and read King’s review of recently released essays (and this old classic: How to Do Drugs, Drive Fast, Get Your Wing Wang Squeezed, and Not Spill Your Drink) from P.J. O’Rourke.
How to Help the President: Make Dominatrix Darryl the Majority Whip and the Minority (no pun) Whip. Problems solved.
122 – I said there was no such place in Seattle.
It appears there’s a puddle called Yellow Lake just east of southern Lake Sammamish.
Speaking of which…
91. Steve spews:
Thanks for the dose of thinnly veiled racism there, Marvin.
How did your accusation work out for you?
Just another baseless claim of yours that you couldn’t back up.
Another day without gbs.
Did I shame him into leaving the blog altogether?
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
Where’s the proof gbs?
Speaking of racism, a lot of uptight folks are afraid Obama is going to “recruit” their kids or take precious time away from the first day of school or some such on Sept 8.
And remember, the great white father or the idiot son read “My Pet Goat” on September 11.
Abrupt lane change: Has anyone (else) read The Siege of Mecca? Not to get in the way of important rancor about race and goats, but try to remember the origin of the 30 Years War we’re in.
It began with Jimmy Carter’s inability to see the world as it was and is. If Barack Obama is unable to understand the distinction between inconvenience and torture, or if he believes inconvenint “torture” is a greater threat than the real threat we face because of Carter, then the 30 Years War will be at least a 100 Years War.
Does spongebob wondermoron read anything else besides Daily Kooks TPM or HuffPo?
What a dunce.
What is racism to you, goatfucker? How do you define it? Downward, I’d say. Same with bigotry. Define these terms downward until they lose all meaning and all the real wingnut racists and bigots blend with the woodwork. Well, it ain’t gonna happen, goatfucker.
How does what GBS wrote make him a racist? Was it the part where he talked about false stereotyping of blacks? Remember, asswipe, you’re the one making the accusation. Back it up or shut the fuck up.
Meanwhile, how about stating why you think you’re justified in calling me a racist. You can’t back that one up either.
You’re full of shit and everybody here knows it.
@126 The goatfucker spews:
Well, let’s see, you were writing about blacks as though they all think as one, so I wrote,
How’d that work out for me? Other than the typo, just fine, thank you. You had no rebuttal then as you have no rebuttal now.
We’re still waiting to read your definition of racism, goatfucker. But I’m sure you’ll continue your bullshit dance.
Your friend and fellow traveler, Mr. Klynical, has a joke he’d like to share with you.
You said nothing about Klynical’s racist joke. Nothing. How many times have you been silent when Mark rants about blacks being “jigaboos”. You’ve been silent every damned time. How about showing some courage and standing up to real racists, asswipe? Oh, don’t worry, goatfucker, we know you never will and we all know why.
@128 The wingnuts seem to be afraid that on September 8th our president will speak for a few minutes and thus turn all of our nation’s school children into little commie-fascist fanatics who will then go home and slit their wingnut parents throats in the middle of the night while they’re sleeping.
Puddybud @ 117
“So it looks like we agree on point #1.”
A bit.
“THe MSM helps shape polling results.”
Naaaa. I know of no evidence to suggest the media played a stronger role in shaping public opinion in 2001 than it has in 2009. My statement was that the controversy itself (close election, popular vote/electoral vote split, law suit that went to the Supreme Court, Supreme Court shutting down the recount) lead to the polarization that would normally develop during the honeymoon.
“Puddy will take some time soon enough and research the poll numbers after Jeffords made his announcement in late May 2001 as Puddy remembers.”
Good luck. I’ve got the poll numbers and a plot of them in front of me. You won’t see anything that can be distinguished from trend and noise.
“Bottom line, in Bernie Goldberg’s Book “A Slobbering Love Affair”, he documents many instances of libtardo biases in the mainstream MSM which were not apparent for GWB when he became president.”
Whatever. Why not just ask Cheney?
Not that it’s anything new, but I still can get surprised how wingies make everything political and partisan. They don’t even respect the Office of the President, if a Democrat occupies it. The president should be able to speak to schoolchildren without wingies raising a ruckus. Lord, they are a fearful group of people.
Heterosexuals are murderous, raping, thieving individuals. The downfall to civilization.
buttslammin’ dan teamed up with Krazy what a fucking pair they make.
@135 “Lord, they are a fearful group of people.”
Rabidly so.
Darryl, ask Cheney?
Bernie is one of them.
Will the HA Libtardos call for Charles Rangel to step aside?
Is this Pelosi’s ethical congress?
“Much is expected of elected officials. Much more is expected and demanded of those entrusted with chairmanships and the power that comes with them, especially when it involves the nation’s purse strings. From all that we’ve seen thus far, Mr. Rangel has violated that trust continually and seemingly without care. “
Say, Puddy, I see from looking through old threads that you once stated that GBS was one of the handful of people who stood with you against racism when headless lucy spewed racist slurs your way. I’m curious, when you read Marvin’s repeated accusations of GBS being a racist, apparently based on a single sentence where GBS talks about the false stereotyping of blacks, do you have an opinion on that one way or another? You’ve met GBS. You’ve dined together. Have you ever read any post of his on this blog that would lead you to conclude that GBS is a racist?
Easy fix then goat-fucker…just acknowledge that the death pastors and their message of hate is out of line. Just state clearly that these THREE pwerful and nationally recognized leaders of the modern conservative christian movement are wrong. That the christ never preached hate. That the christ message was one of love and tolerance.
Easy fix for the chickenshit mister motherfucker. Just do it, maaaaan.
How ’bout the marvin…you gonna “man up” as well? Or you got something less than a mustard seed.
ps…I’m not expecting much.
Steve, I stood up for GBS already. Ask Marvin. Or better yet, ask your friend spongepants wondermoron. He has all the PuddyMissives.
clusterfucked cinderblock@142,
Not expecting much? Well you ain’t much fool!
You would be the last human slime biomass for Puddy to do your bidding. Besides, you are another of the leftist animal abusers.
Besides clusterfucked cinderblock@142 never saw your denunciation of Dr Wright and his filth!
See ya cinderblockhead.
I don’t believe Bachmann represents the majority of the Republican party. There are plenty Republicans without devise tactics and extreme views such as Jindal, Romney, Huckabee, Graham, etc. As for Beck and Limbaugh, they present a conservative movement that is stirring up with the country and are finding new audiences that are fed up with both parties in this ever-expanding federal government.
Yeah…what I thought.
Death hate and killing…great christian values according to the puddybitch, the marvin and the cyniklown.
Yayyy. Nice to know where you guys stand.
Name ONE.
Once again the clusterfucked clinderblock assumes out of his ASS.
Keep assuming and stay an ASS moron!
Never saw your denunciation of Dr Wright and his filth!
Keep your loser “faith” idiot.
Goldy better libtardos please!
My rebuttal is in #106 of the very same thread.
That was a black caller on the al sharpton radio show.
Death and hate huh. “You will know we are “christians” by our hate.”
“Hate thy neighbor.”
All has such a nice freindly ring to it, doncha think?
“Jesus said to hate your neighbor and pray that the President (who is a man of color…hmmmm…must be lost on the deathpastorfollowingpuddybitch…oh well) gets cancer and dies like Ted Kennedy.”
Did I miss anything?
You keep talking about it.
Why not answer a couple simple questions.
1. When I said I was on welfare, why did gbs assume I was black?
2. If like gbs said, I wrote I was black, why did gbs call me “boy-eee?”
Why is steve afraid to answer such simple questions.
How cute. the deathpastorfollowingmarvin is aping his hero.
What was it democrat richard gephardt said about bush giving a speech to schoolchildren?
If it was wrong then, why isn’t it wrong now?
Oh yeah, the democrat party of double standards.
…”Hate thy neighbor as thyself”…no, THAT doesn’t work….
I know, I know…how about this!!!!…:
“Thou shalt not kill thy neighbor, unless they are gay or the President in which case you can hope and pray they get cancer and die like Ted Kennedy.”
You know…kill them with PRAYER…
…bet the christ NEVER thought of THAT!!!
A great re-write of the first commandment don’t you think?
What are you talking about little guy?
Man up about what? Who your father is?
My first guess would be giuseppe, the trained monkey that used to hang around with that blind organ player in hollywood.
You know…maybe the puddybitch and the marvin are on to something. The boyz really like those death pastors…maybe there’s something to it!
@151 You and your stupid fucking questions. Christ, even for a goatfucker you’re stupid. Dumber than a stump! Hell, I’ve been to two hog calling’s and a county fair and I’ve still never encountered anything as stupid as you!
I’m sure steve the fake christian would love it.
Steve really gets offended when the words of left-wingers that mock christians gets thrown in his face.
Steve hated the bill maher joke about god being at the top of the beanstalk that jack climbed up.
I LIKE that, Steve! Can I use it sometime?
clusterfucked cinderblock@159,
Of course you’d like it. Hog callings remind you of your childhood in the “pen”.
Oh…did the deathpastorfollowingassholeknownasthepuddybitch say something?
[A] Are they too tough for you to answer?
[B] Or do you know the answer and know better than to answer the questions.
I know it’s [B].
If you aren’t a racist, why would you get so upset by being called one by *me*. If I’m an idiot and no one pays attention to me, why are you still whining about it. If I called you a biological woman would you whine about it for months or would you say marv is an idiot and move on.
The fact you keep trying to defend yourself proves there is some truth to my words.
The puddybitch really likes him them death pastors.
And that killer praying. Bet he’s good at it. Hmmmm…maybe I better watch out.
the marvin likes them death pastors too.
get a room.
What, can’t you come up anything funny on your own? That was a rhetorical question, everyone here knows the answer.
Um, I named four. Four that aren’t spouting crazy things like Bachmann and have worked with others to help their states. Jindal became governor of Louisiana and is admired by many for his help in trying to turn that state around. Romney got elected in extremely liberal MA. My point was that not all Republicans are crazy like Bachmann and she doesn’t alone represent the party.
So that exorcism thing with Jindal musta got by ya.
If I asked you for a link to back up your claim could you provide one or is that too far out of your skill set?
Say, you have NEVER provided a link to back up anything you’ve said, have you? I wonder why.
That must suck for you, watching Puddy, Cynical and myself provide links and you don’t have a clue how we do it.
Here’s a link to prove your buddy gbs is an ignorant fool.
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
08/12/2009 AT 2:34 PM
See rujax, simple as pie. Well, at least for me.
@159 Hey, feel free to use it, Rujax!.
@165 Like that goatfucker Marvin knows anything about humor.
Oh, you deliver the laughs alright, Marvin, it’s just that it’s never your intent.
Why won’t the marvin just come out against the death pastors.
Simple, quick, easy…bada bing bada boom.
Hmmmmm…what IS the marvin hiding….hmmmmmmm…
the puddybitch thinks they are godly guys…so does the cyniklown.
…but the maaaaaarvinnnn….HE might be the WEAK LINK!
Marvin sez: “get a room”
That reminds me, what does Marvin call Mr. Klynical’s barn?
His favorite whorehouse. heh-
Here’s some humor.
I shamed you into apologizing for using the word “faggot” at the same time you were insisting you said nothing offensive.
How fucking funny is that.
Just in case you don’t remember me shaming you into apologizing…
57. Marvin Stamn spews:
It appears I shamed you into doing the right thing.
I don’t blame you for not using the “faggot” and “cunt” words anymore.
05/08/2009 AT 9:27 AM
58. Steve spews:
@57 Yeah, thanks Marvin.
05/08/2009 AT 9:34 AM
See rujax how simple that was for me to prove I shamed steve into apologizing.
@171 “WEAK LINK!”
Or the missing link. That’d sure fuck with that flat-earther, Mr. “my mama rode dinos” Klynical’s head.
So we learned a LOT today. Let’s review, shall we:
God kills. LIKES killing even (a new one on me but hey!…). The jesus (NOT the one in the “Big Lebowski”, the OTHER one)…likes killing too…who knew? the cyniklown and the puddybitch…godly guys…got the AK-47’s with the fish etched on ’em. Got the killer cancer causing prayers (killed Teddy….whoaaaaaahhhh…look out Barak).
Damn. Big day with the christian guys, huh. What’s gonna happen tomorrow?????
@173 Now if I could only shame you to stop fucking Mr. Klynical’s goats.
Here’s a good one:
So anyways, Marvin, if you want to toss out charges of racism, you might want to actually understand the meaning of the word. You see, a racist believes that “race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities” and that “racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race”. That’s out of Meriam-Websters. That’s a start.
You’re the one who accuses GBS of racism. What has GBS ever written that displayed a belief that race determines anything or that his race, whatever it is, is superior to blacks? Can you come up with anything at all? And please, do try to come up with something where GBS isn’t discussing the false stereotyping of blacks. That one only makes you look really fucking stupid.
You’ve accused me of being a racist in this very thread. What proof have you of this charge? Anything at all? Or is that one pulled from your ass entirely?
Not bad for a racist.
Did you google what I quoted just to make sure I wasn’t making stuff up like you do or did you remember me shaming you into doing the right thing.
Say, why did I have to shame you into doing the right thing? Why didn’t you do the right thing in the first place. Oops, the right thing would have been to not run around calling people a “faggot” and “cunt.” But you couldn’t control yourself. I hope you don’t consider yourself a good christian. Good christians don’t go around calling people “faggots” and “cunts.”
@162 “If you aren’t a racist, why would you get so upset at being called one”
Interesting. So if someone takes exception to being called a racist, that’s proof enough for you that they are a racist? Then I take that if someone here, say you, Marvin, were to bristle at being called a goatfucker, then that should be proof enough for everybody that you really do fuck goats?
Have I ever told you that you project too much, Marvin? It’s a Psych 101 thing.
And you are the one that can’t bring himself to answer simple questions.
If what he wrote wasn’t racist, all you have to do is write that assuming I was black because I was on welfare isn’t the act of a racist. And then you can explain his “boy-eee” comment to someone he “believed” was black.
Until you prove otherwise, I’ll consider you a racist. If you don’t like it, do something about it.
As a good Christian I am called upon by God to inform everybody here that Marvin fucks goats.
So that exorcism thing with Jindal musta got by ya.
I suppose you were serious.
You are kidding me aren’t you? I mean, are you really this fuckin stupid?
In the case of me calling you a racist, yes, your whining about it proves my point.
Lets say darryl also calls you a racist, I could see you getting upset about that.
If I believe you, I’m an idiot that no one takes serious.
Except you.
Get the point now mr racist?
The fact you are giving my words that much respect proves there is some truth in what I say.
Gosh…prove marvin’s stupid and he really gets hot!
@182 That’s too fucking funny.
Say, I haven’t read anything about you having a family.
Can’t you find a woman that wants to share a bed with you and your goat?
Never mind… I just remembered how you threw that “cunt” word around. Obviously you still have some mother issues from growing up poor around black people. It’s that psych 101 thing once again rearing it’s ugly head in your life.
Have you ever dated a black woman? HAHAHAHA that was wing-nut humor.
@186 Oh my, is your head exploding again, Marvin?
Time for some popcorn, Rujax!. It’s always a good show when Marvin’s head explodes. But watch out! There’ll soon be goatshit everywhere!
I got my “invisible protective shield” like those old Crest Toothpaste commercials…LOL!
Here…have a cold Diet Coke!
I knew you wouldn’t do anything about it.
Well, I’m sure you’re gonna be whining about it again tomorrow.
@189 heh- There goes Marvin’s head!
More popcorn, Rujax!?
Thanks…don’t mind if I do.
Man…he’s really covered with that goat shit…peee-yewwww.
ps…I honestly can’t figure out what the fuck he was blabbering about.
Hey steve, why do you believe the democrats have failed inner-city blacks?
That was one of those rhetorical questions. It’s nothing you care about so you won’t answer even that question,
Say, have you noticed that I always ask you questions you are scared to answer.
Does little rujax agree with you that the democrat party has failed inner-city blacks?
@192 LMFAO!! Do something about it? Are you challenging me? Now that’s funny. Like you’d ever show up.
@195 I’ll have that conversation with Puddy anytime. He gets it. You? You’re too fucking stupid for words. All you’re good for is bitch-slapping.
Would you please pass the popcorn, Rujax!?
Well, at least steve isn’t limiting his relationships to the animal species.
Play the field, steve. You ol’ horndog!!
Here ya go…
In that case, you better go get someone that can do that bitch-slapping for you. That is out of your skill set.
I’m not judging you, just making the observation.
Perhaps it will occur to the goatfucker someday that his stupid fucking questions just aren’t worth fucking answering.
Since rujax is a trained monkey, wouldn’t that mean steve is still into animal relationships?
Not judging you steve and rujax, just making the observation.
P R I C E L E S S!
For something completely different, now Puddy knows why HA Libtardos like Hugo Chavez
Even now looking at your words steve I am still shocked.
How homophobic does one have to be to write what you did. Can you imagine your outrage if manotruth wrote “i’m not calling you a kike to belittle jews, I’m calling you a kike to belittle you.” Yet that’s what you wrote. In your desire to have a daddy, did your mommy let strange men touch you? is that where you homophobic hate comes from?
You one sick puppy steve.
the puddybitch must be done with the killer prayers and the death pastors.
So you really want to have a confrontation, Marvin? No problem. I’m always up for a bit of the ol’ ultra-violence.
I’ve said of you before that you’re one of those pathetic types who go through life practically begging for someone to kill them. Then they act all surprised when somebody finally obliges them.
@203 I’m always ready for a laugh, Puddy, even at my own expense, but that one didn’t quite do it for me. Hmm, maybe it’s a cultural humor divide. You didn’t blow up frogs for kicks when you were a kid, did you, Puddy?
@205 “homophobic” “You’re one sick puppy”
And you project too much. Sigh! We sometimes learn more of your personal issues than we care to know. Oh, and did I mention that it’s a Psych 101 thing?
Shall we leave and let Rujax and Steve have a private chat (and share popcorn recipes)?
Calm down, steve. No one is moving in on Rujax!? He’s all yours you big horndog
Hey dumbass, I didn’t challenge you to shit.
In #182 I wrote-
If you don’t like it, do something about it.
I was letting you know if you had a problem you should do something about it. I never mentioned violence, you did.
How stupid will you look if you decide not to come down and back up your words now after acting tough.
Damn, I can’t believe how easy it is for me to goad you into saying ignorant stuff.
I suppose you were serious.
steve should get a good laugh at that one if he enjoys jokes at his expense. Hhmm, maybe that wasn’t a joke.
rujackoff has only been laid twice. Once by a drunk skank and the other time by a fat ugly chick.
And some people wonder why drunk skanks have such a bad reputation.
Steve, never did the frog destruction.
I can laugh at that, @210.
I say you fuck goats, Marvin. I’ve posted many times your own admission that you fuck goats. Dumbed you down, didn’t you say? Hey, if you don’t like it, do something about it. And, no, I’m not suggesting that you seek intensive therapy because of that beastiality thing of yours, although you do need it. I’m saying if you don’t like it, if you don’t like what the fuck I’m saying to you, then you just fucking try to do something about it, asswipe.
That’s good to hear, Puddy. I’m sure that if God notes the fallen sparrow, he also notes the exploded frog.
Earlier today Puddy suggested getting the clusterfucked cinderblock@206 straight-jacket for spongebob wondermoron. Ever since that comment his head exploded, he lost his mind (well it was only a single celled femtometer sized brain), and he went apoplectic. His pithy responses on how we supported some pastors with no URL, Citation or Time and Date Stamp continues to prove he is as dumb as a newly formed cinderblock and has the same interstitial space volume between the ears.
the clusterfucked cinderblock@206 claimed he procreated once. Hmmm…
Hmmm it seems the green czar AKA the avowed communist’s name was on 9/11 Truther documents? And this is the fool leading the Glenn Beck advertiser ban?
Van Jones, executive director, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Puddy wonders how many more of these fools are playing in “the messiah’s” personal reservation?
Oh MY!
You’re wasting your time, goatfucker. I don’t threaten people. But rest assured, if I ever decide that you’re wasting space, you’ll know.
@210 Another cut-and-run Republican.
@212 “Bachmann is not representative of the Republican party.”
Ah, but she is, she is …
Why do something?
You’re the idiot that actually believes I fuck goats. Why should I help you?
Now, did you see the difference between you and me?
You get all worked up when I point out you’re a racist. When you call me a goatfucker I get a chuckle out of how gullible you and gbs are. The two of you believe any and everything I write if it’s negative about me. And damn if I don’t take advantage of it.
Strange, your words “I’m always up for a bit of the ol’ ultra-violence” have turned into “Hey, if you don’t like it, do something about it.” Sounds like you are already backing down and I haven’t even asked you what day you are flying into LA.
blah blah blah blah
As if I would ever take the words of a racist homophobe serious.
I don’t threaten people either.
But if I decide to, you’ll know.
Damn, it sounds as stupid when I write it as when you wrote it. That makes it official, you wrote something utterly stupid.
And God also notices those that use words like “faggot” and “cunt” as an insult.
How fake Christian of you.
Wow, a real live truther. And he’s in the obama administration.