“Conservatives” for Patients Rights front group was organized this year by Republican Bush Pioneer Pal Richard Scott to fight U.S. president Barack Obama’s proposals for health reform.
Why did Republican Richard Scott raise $20 million this year to fight Barack Obama’s proposals for health care reform? Because Richard Scott earned millions from Medicare Fraud and the broken system we now have.
Republican Richard Scott previously started the for-profit hospital chain Columbia/Health Care America in 1987 and was fired as CEO in 1997 after an FBI investigation of Columbia/HCA led to 14 felony convictions and $1.7 billion in criminal and civil fines for Medicare fraud. Richard Scott and the public relations firm CR, “The Conservative” PR firm have joined efforts (previously known as Creative Response Concepts — “that masterminded the ‘Swift boat’ attacks against 2004 Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kerry,”)this information was reported by the Washington Post.
For all you Republican non-thinkers you can google this information :) In other words your private health care is fraught with Medicare Fraud profiteers in the Health Care industry such as Republican Bill Frist and Republican Richard Scott who want to keep the status quo.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You KLOWNS (Progessive COmmie Bastards) still havin’ a good time??
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 29% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -10 This is the first time since July 31 that the President’s Approval Index has fallen to negative double digits (see trends).
Sixty percent (60%) of liberal voters Strongly Approve while 68% of conservatives Strongly Disapprove. This creates a challenge for the President since there are roughly twice as many conservative voters as liberals. Among those who consider themselves politically moderate, 37% Strongly Approve while 18% Strongly Disapprove.
Obama administration to vets who haven’t gotten their checks yet: “Fuck you. We’re giving big bonuses to high-level VA employees first. Wait your turn, baby killers.”
Ouch, the deficit just got moved to $9 trillion from $7 trillion over the next 10 years.
Nice move Barry. You own it.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Republican candidates have now matched their biggest lead over Democrats of the past several years on the Generic Congressional Ballot.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 43% would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate while 38% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent.
The level of support for Democratic candidates is unchanged this week, but backing for GOP candidates rose one point from a week ago. This is now the eighth straight week Republicans have led on the Generic Ballot.
Yup, the Democrats are reeeeeeeeeeal successful in their governing of America.
Now they are too scared to do anything before the 2010 Elections…then it will be 2012.
Prezdint Barry is making a lot of noise and facetime with America…and they hate him!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I saw that..
But it doesn’t include the $59 TRILLION of unfunded Liabilities in State, Local & Federal government either!!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
But Prezdint Barry wants to keep them emtitlements rollin’ and the Debt arisin’!!
5 – Funny we never heard a peep when deficits were run to fund recreational wars and keep Republican politicians in their seats.
Now we run deficits to keep the financial system from collapsing to stave off a great depression and build the occasional bridge that’s about to collapse or pave the occasional crumbling road.
And Republican political geniuses like the Mat-Su Barbie, Bobby Who? and long walk Mark Sanford fight to keep these funds our of their states.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey wingnut liars! Remember the early days of the torture debate when you shitheads mocked liberals who objected to the Bushevik regime’s torturing and killing of innocent people by asserting CIA interrogaters did nothing more than rip pages out of the Koran?
Well, you lied through your noses.
The Associated Press reports this morning,
“CIA Staged Mock Executions, Report Says
“posted: 25 MINUTES AGO
“WASHINGTON (Aug. 22) – … [S]ources say a soon-to-be-released report by the CIA’s inspector general reveals that agency interrogators conducted mock executions of terror suspects.
“These latest allegations are contained in a 2004 report that has been kept secret and is to be released next week, two congressional officials told The Associated Press. …
“Threatening a prisoner with death violates U.S. anti-torture laws.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It also causes severe psychological stress, and in some cases, permanent emotional damage. For example, the great Russian novelist Fyoder Dostoevsky was subjected to a mock firing squad by the Tsar’s police, and it screwed him up for good. Personally, I mean. This tortured soul apparently found some sort of psychological catharsis by writing the world’s first (and greatest) psychological novels, so maybe we’ll get some memorable literary work out of Bush’s torture victims — that is, the ones that survived the Bush torture chambers — but that wouldn’t make Bush’s crimes any less criminal any more than Dostoevsky’s work vindicated the Tsar. The bottom line is that Bush ran his own terror network and you morally bankrupt rightwing bootlickers shilled for him and his jackbooted thugs. Shame on you!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Klown, you must be real proud of the fact that your side’s anti-health care crusade is being bankrolled by the biggest Medicare crook in world history (see #2). How’s it feel to goose-step behind a leader like that? Does it give you a warm glow inside and make you feel more confident of our country’s future?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Bush administration to wounded vets: “Fuck you, we’re gonna warehouse you in moldy rat-infested slums and cut your VA benefits!” Yeah, you veteran-hating asswipes should be real proud of yourselves for nickel-and-diming soldiers and veterans (read: refusing to buy body army, eliminating combat pay, and cutting veterans’ benefits) so you could give another tax cut to billionaires. Why would anyone vote for Republicans?
2 But you are for Rahm Emmanuel and Franklin Raines And Dodd and a couple other FUCKS and the mortgage fraud of every kind? You’re okay with them? If Scott did those things I think he should be in jail right along with Dodd. Why dont they prosecute?
If approval numbers prove to Mr. Klynical that America hates President Obama, how the fuck did America feel about Mr. Klynical’s George “Mr. 22% Approval” Bush? And just how did Mr. Klynical respond to Bush’s plummeting approval at the time?
Mr. Klynical obviously fucks goats.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Or the $600 trillion of derivatives put in circulation by Wall Street. Waytago wingfucks! Btw, ass-kissing the thieving billionaires who brought the global economy to its knees won’t get them to “trickle down” any of the loot to you, so you’re doing it for nothing — maybe you stupes didn’t get that memo?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 But there’s nothing wrong with taxpayer-funded entitlements for greedy for-profit hospital owners and Wall Street sharks, right Klown?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Republicans like depressions. They concentrate wealth.
Roger Rabbitspews:
By the way, depressions aren’t “acts of God” or natural phenomena like falling tree limbs or earthquakes. Economic collapses are purely a man-made phenomenon; and they’re made by the rich people who control economies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “In 2001, HCA reached a plea agreement with the U.S. government that avoided criminal charges” (Wikipedia)
Let’s see, who was running the Justice Department for partisan gain in 2001? Why, that would be your Republican friends! You don’t expect them to prosecute their own buddies for something as trivial as stealing billions of dollars from Medicare, do you?
Perhaps you should read articles befor linking.
“A report issued by the VA’s Office of Inspector General said the department issued millions of dollars in awards over a two-year period in 2007 and 2008.”
You: “Obama administration to vets…” Hmm that would be the retroactive Obama administration that started in 2007?
Troll, I suggets you self exile yourself for the weekend for comments filed under massive, nearly criminal, stupidity.
And I suddenly have a modicum of respect for you sir!
Montana Sheepfuckerspews:
See if you can summon up a modicum of respect for Cynical, will you?
We’re trying to find him a job so he will have something constructive to do with his time and won’t be bumming money from everyone he knows, but after the incidents with the lambs and kids it’s pretty tough. Especially since he was dumb enough to post the pictures on the kiddy porn sites. We keep trying to tell him some humans find bestiality offensive but he is as stupid about that as everything else.
He’s been kicked out of Paradise ( and Plains) despite his being such a wonderful Christian man and a testament to his faith.
Also there doesn’t seem to be anything he is qualified to do for a living. I know that surprises you, but it’s true.
Marvin Stamnspews:
When socialists are calling the obama bush like you know that’s bad news for the democrats.
In spite of Blackwater’s well-established record of indiscriminate killings of Iraqi civilians, the Obama administration has retained its services in Afghanistan, where a new report reveals that Blackwater has been contracted to work with the unmanned Predator drones that carry out assassinations and terrorize villages in eastern and southern Afghanistan and the border regions of Pakistan.
Of course olbermann, abc, bnc, cbs, npr, ,cnn and msnbc won’t report on this.
After all, it’s only bad when a republican does it.
The democrat double standard.
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. Roger Rabbit spews:
How’s it feel to goose-step behind a leader like that? Does it give you a warm glow inside and make you feel more confident of our country’s future?
Yet you are comfortable hopping behind a leader that promised the debates on cspan and then made a backroom deal with the pharmaceutical industry.
Just a couple years ago the left was outraged when bush/cheney made backroom deals.
Now the left doesn’t care.
Go figure.
Montana Sheepfuckerspews:
Please, Marvin, it’s hard for us here in Cosmopolitan Montana not to laugh at Cynical when your head is stuck up his ass.
Try to find somewhere else to hide in. Go back to California, the rational and intellectual center of the universe.
@5 – Elbert what was the defict from 2001 to 2008…..ouch, it hurts….pick up your penis and go home.
I was disappointed to the see the editorial board of the Tacoma News Tribune lie yesterday and claim that 20% of Washington State’s electrical power comes from coal.
They didn’t bother to fix their lie in today’s paper.
Many opponents of the dams brush off the carbon problem. They talk as if wind power and conservation will readily replace the dams’ nearly 3,500 megawatts of combined capacity.
We’d much rather see the conservation and wind first replace the dirty coal power that accounts for 20 percent of the Pacific Northwest’s electricity. When they finish replacing the coal, they should start replacing the natural gas turbines that – though far cleaner than coal – still emit carbon dioxide.
Democratic Congressman gets death threat and the local Republican party condemn….. the Congressman
@29 Why would anyone vote Republican? Those asswipes keep giving people more reasons not to vote for them. They’re hell-bent on making their party extinct.
Haywood Jablomespews:
@27 – go eat a dick…..oh nevermind, you probably already are….shitpacker.
@27, 31
Keep up the good work Haywood, that sort of stuff does wonders for driving people away from you.
How much longer do you think you’ll have your seat at the table when all you do is scream?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
YLB farts
5 – Funny we never heard a peep when deficits were run to fund recreational wars and keep Republican politicians in their seats
Irrelevant. Your side told us about it every day. We don’t need to parrot what you and others say.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Sure is strange how the leftist libtardo Charles Gibson of ABC News dissed Cindy Sheehan going to Massachusetts to protest “the messiah” over the wars. Wars previously held in negative light don’t matter when Dummocrapts are in power and controlling them.
“The functionally retarded adults, the racists – with their cries of, ‘I want my country back,’” she said. “You know what they’re really saying is, ‘I want my white guy back.’
Thanks Jeanane, you continue to make Puddy’s point on leftist pinheads and how they are perpetuating racial issues.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 But if all Scott did was steal billions from Medicare, you don’t think he should be in jail, right?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Maybe we should privatize Medicare. Make greedy insurance companies and hospitals pay for it. Then they’ll be stealing from themselves!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 Speaking of pinheads, that genius who said “Keep the government’s hands off my Medicare!” is one of yours …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 Well, how about that? Turns out Sheehan is against the war no matter who’s running it! So now she’s your hero, eh? …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 Yep, you only need to parrot what Rush says. It doesn’t take much to keep you happy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Puddy wants a cracker!
Puddy wants a cracker!
Puddy wants a cracker!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@40 as you parrot what Daily Kos says? Or is it TPM? HuffPo?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@39: How about that. Never said Sheehan is Puddy’s hero. Except now Cindy is no longer being sought for “pithy” commentary now “the messiah” is in charge.
Funny how that went right through those “fallen floppy ears”.
28 According to my last power bill 36% of PNW power comes from coal. What power source are environmentalists for? I never met one that didn’t use it!
Scott criminally defrauded the government. Dodd erceived perfectly legal sweetheart loan terms (pretty common among the rich and powerful) from a private lender. Do the words, “false equivalence” strike a familiar tone?
Daddy Lovespews:
45 MB
It’s “shill,” and how is Dow Constantine an SEIU shill? They’re not even that powerful here. If he wins, it will be uneventful, as the Democrat in the race in a heavily Democratic county.
And if you read his endorsements page, you’ll see that the SEIU has to get in line.
Daddy Lovespews:
Yeah, 2010 is WAY too far off to make a prediction. But given the current historically low Republican reputation in America, I’d say they will have a real uphill battle to capitalize electorally on Demcratic troubles.
Gallupo (uses cell phone data) has job approval/disapproval for Congresssional Republicans at 29%/59%. CBS/NYT (does not use cell phone data) has it at 36%/58%. Diageao/Hotline (I think they don’t use cell phone data) has it at 29%/59%. Pew (uses cell phone data) has it at 29%/56%.
Nope, doesn’t look good if you are a Congressional Republican.
Mike Damone has Cheap Trick tickets for salespews:
LMFAO @ 46….sure g(ay)man, the future of mankind is with TEH GAYZ….one has to wonder what exactly happened in junior high to make you so scared of women……embrace the pussy, dont be frightened of it.
on second thought, nevermind..just go back to spreading your diseases.
Daddy Lovespews:
All right, get down on the ground and follow my instructions.
Sorry all, watching “Cops” with my sweetheart. They have a Haywood Jablome on there, too!
Murderous heterosexuals, rapists and thieves, the true downfall to civilization.
“Conservatives” for Patients Rights front group was organized this year by Republican Bush Pioneer Pal Richard Scott to fight U.S. president Barack Obama’s proposals for health reform.
Why did Republican Richard Scott raise $20 million this year to fight Barack Obama’s proposals for health care reform? Because Richard Scott earned millions from Medicare Fraud and the broken system we now have.
Republican Richard Scott previously started the for-profit hospital chain Columbia/Health Care America in 1987 and was fired as CEO in 1997 after an FBI investigation of Columbia/HCA led to 14 felony convictions and $1.7 billion in criminal and civil fines for Medicare fraud. Richard Scott and the public relations firm CR, “The Conservative” PR firm have joined efforts (previously known as Creative Response Concepts — “that masterminded the ‘Swift boat’ attacks against 2004 Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kerry,”)this information was reported by the Washington Post.
For all you Republican non-thinkers you can google this information :) In other words your private health care is fraught with Medicare Fraud profiteers in the Health Care industry such as Republican Bill Frist and Republican Richard Scott who want to keep the status quo.
You KLOWNS (Progessive COmmie Bastards) still havin’ a good time??
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Obama administration to vets who haven’t gotten their checks yet: “Fuck you. We’re giving big bonuses to high-level VA employees first. Wait your turn, baby killers.”
Ouch, the deficit just got moved to $9 trillion from $7 trillion over the next 10 years.
Nice move Barry. You own it.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Yup, the Democrats are reeeeeeeeeeal successful in their governing of America.
Now they are too scared to do anything before the 2010 Elections…then it will be 2012.
Prezdint Barry is making a lot of noise and facetime with America…and they hate him!
I saw that..
But it doesn’t include the $59 TRILLION of unfunded Liabilities in State, Local & Federal government either!!
But Prezdint Barry wants to keep them emtitlements rollin’ and the Debt arisin’!!
5 – Funny we never heard a peep when deficits were run to fund recreational wars and keep Republican politicians in their seats.
Now we run deficits to keep the financial system from collapsing to stave off a great depression and build the occasional bridge that’s about to collapse or pave the occasional crumbling road.
And Republican political geniuses like the Mat-Su Barbie, Bobby Who? and long walk Mark Sanford fight to keep these funds our of their states.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Hey wingnut liars! Remember the early days of the torture debate when you shitheads mocked liberals who objected to the Bushevik regime’s torturing and killing of innocent people by asserting CIA interrogaters did nothing more than rip pages out of the Koran?
Well, you lied through your noses.
The Associated Press reports this morning,
“CIA Staged Mock Executions, Report Says
“posted: 25 MINUTES AGO
“WASHINGTON (Aug. 22) – … [S]ources say a soon-to-be-released report by the CIA’s inspector general reveals that agency interrogators conducted mock executions of terror suspects.
“These latest allegations are contained in a 2004 report that has been kept secret and is to be released next week, two congressional officials told The Associated Press. …
“Threatening a prisoner with death violates U.S. anti-torture laws.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It also causes severe psychological stress, and in some cases, permanent emotional damage. For example, the great Russian novelist Fyoder Dostoevsky was subjected to a mock firing squad by the Tsar’s police, and it screwed him up for good. Personally, I mean. This tortured soul apparently found some sort of psychological catharsis by writing the world’s first (and greatest) psychological novels, so maybe we’ll get some memorable literary work out of Bush’s torture victims — that is, the ones that survived the Bush torture chambers — but that wouldn’t make Bush’s crimes any less criminal any more than Dostoevsky’s work vindicated the Tsar. The bottom line is that Bush ran his own terror network and you morally bankrupt rightwing bootlickers shilled for him and his jackbooted thugs. Shame on you!
@3 Klown, you must be real proud of the fact that your side’s anti-health care crusade is being bankrolled by the biggest Medicare crook in world history (see #2). How’s it feel to goose-step behind a leader like that? Does it give you a warm glow inside and make you feel more confident of our country’s future?
@4 Bush administration to wounded vets: “Fuck you, we’re gonna warehouse you in moldy rat-infested slums and cut your VA benefits!” Yeah, you veteran-hating asswipes should be real proud of yourselves for nickel-and-diming soldiers and veterans (read: refusing to buy body army, eliminating combat pay, and cutting veterans’ benefits) so you could give another tax cut to billionaires. Why would anyone vote for Republicans?
2 But you are for Rahm Emmanuel and Franklin Raines And Dodd and a couple other FUCKS and the mortgage fraud of every kind? You’re okay with them? If Scott did those things I think he should be in jail right along with Dodd. Why dont they prosecute?
If approval numbers prove to Mr. Klynical that America hates President Obama, how the fuck did America feel about Mr. Klynical’s George “Mr. 22% Approval” Bush? And just how did Mr. Klynical respond to Bush’s plummeting approval at the time?
Mr. Klynical obviously fucks goats.
@7 Or the $600 trillion of derivatives put in circulation by Wall Street. Waytago wingfucks! Btw, ass-kissing the thieving billionaires who brought the global economy to its knees won’t get them to “trickle down” any of the loot to you, so you’re doing it for nothing — maybe you stupes didn’t get that memo?
@8 But there’s nothing wrong with taxpayer-funded entitlements for greedy for-profit hospital owners and Wall Street sharks, right Klown?
@9 Republicans like depressions. They concentrate wealth.
By the way, depressions aren’t “acts of God” or natural phenomena like falling tree limbs or earthquakes. Economic collapses are purely a man-made phenomenon; and they’re made by the rich people who control economies.
@13 “In 2001, HCA reached a plea agreement with the U.S. government that avoided criminal charges” (Wikipedia)
Let’s see, who was running the Justice Department for partisan gain in 2001? Why, that would be your Republican friends! You don’t expect them to prosecute their own buddies for something as trivial as stealing billions of dollars from Medicare, do you?
Perhaps you should read articles befor linking.
“A report issued by the VA’s Office of Inspector General said the department issued millions of dollars in awards over a two-year period in 2007 and 2008.”
You: “Obama administration to vets…” Hmm that would be the retroactive Obama administration that started in 2007?
Troll, I suggets you self exile yourself for the weekend for comments filed under massive, nearly criminal, stupidity.
I retract my @4 comment.
And I suddenly have a modicum of respect for you sir!
See if you can summon up a modicum of respect for Cynical, will you?
We’re trying to find him a job so he will have something constructive to do with his time and won’t be bumming money from everyone he knows, but after the incidents with the lambs and kids it’s pretty tough. Especially since he was dumb enough to post the pictures on the kiddy porn sites. We keep trying to tell him some humans find bestiality offensive but he is as stupid about that as everything else.
He’s been kicked out of Paradise ( and Plains) despite his being such a wonderful Christian man and a testament to his faith.
Also there doesn’t seem to be anything he is qualified to do for a living. I know that surprises you, but it’s true.
When socialists are calling the obama bush like you know that’s bad news for the democrats.
Obama administration uses Blackwater in drone killings
In spite of Blackwater’s well-established record of indiscriminate killings of Iraqi civilians, the Obama administration has retained its services in Afghanistan, where a new report reveals that Blackwater has been contracted to work with the unmanned Predator drones that carry out assassinations and terrorize villages in eastern and southern Afghanistan and the border regions of Pakistan.
Of course olbermann, abc, bnc, cbs, npr, ,cnn and msnbc won’t report on this.
After all, it’s only bad when a republican does it.
The democrat double standard.
Yet you are comfortable hopping behind a leader that promised the debates on cspan and then made a backroom deal with the pharmaceutical industry.
Just a couple years ago the left was outraged when bush/cheney made backroom deals.
Now the left doesn’t care.
Go figure.
Please, Marvin, it’s hard for us here in Cosmopolitan Montana not to laugh at Cynical when your head is stuck up his ass.
Try to find somewhere else to hide in. Go back to California, the rational and intellectual center of the universe.
@5 – Elbert what was the defict from 2001 to 2008…..ouch, it hurts….pick up your penis and go home.
I was disappointed to the see the editorial board of the Tacoma News Tribune lie yesterday and claim that 20% of Washington State’s electrical power comes from coal.
They didn’t bother to fix their lie in today’s paper.
Democratic Congressman gets death threat and the local Republican party condemn….. the Congressman
@29 Why would anyone vote Republican? Those asswipes keep giving people more reasons not to vote for them. They’re hell-bent on making their party extinct.
@27 – go eat a dick…..oh nevermind, you probably already are….shitpacker.
@27, 31
Keep up the good work Haywood, that sort of stuff does wonders for driving people away from you.
Note here:
That the Lefties are having a civil, thoughtful, discussion while the Righties are just howling at the moon.
How much longer do you think you’ll have your seat at the table when all you do is scream?
YLB farts
Irrelevant. Your side told us about it every day. We don’t need to parrot what you and others say.
Sure is strange how the leftist libtardo Charles Gibson of ABC News dissed Cindy Sheehan going to Massachusetts to protest “the messiah” over the wars. Wars previously held in negative light don’t matter when Dummocrapts are in power and controlling them.
Oh no Jeanane Garafalo opened her trap again…
“The functionally retarded adults, the racists – with their cries of, ‘I want my country back,’” she said. “You know what they’re really saying is, ‘I want my white guy back.’
Thanks Jeanane, you continue to make Puddy’s point on leftist pinheads and how they are perpetuating racial issues.
@13 But if all Scott did was steal billions from Medicare, you don’t think he should be in jail, right?
Maybe we should privatize Medicare. Make greedy insurance companies and hospitals pay for it. Then they’ll be stealing from themselves!
@35 Speaking of pinheads, that genius who said “Keep the government’s hands off my Medicare!” is one of yours …
@34 Well, how about that? Turns out Sheehan is against the war no matter who’s running it! So now she’s your hero, eh? …
@33 Yep, you only need to parrot what Rush says. It doesn’t take much to keep you happy.
Puddy wants a cracker!
Puddy wants a cracker!
Puddy wants a cracker!
@40 as you parrot what Daily Kos says? Or is it TPM? HuffPo?
@39: How about that. Never said Sheehan is Puddy’s hero. Except now Cindy is no longer being sought for “pithy” commentary now “the messiah” is in charge.
Funny how that went right through those “fallen floppy ears”.
28 According to my last power bill 36% of PNW power comes from coal. What power source are environmentalists for? I never met one that didn’t use it!
Discovery Institute fembot
SEIU schill
kc exec race sucksass!
@31 – yeah you and the likes of Mark Foley would love to get your hands on a cock.
But you are afraid to. You’d rather be murdering and raping and thieving, and continuing to put civilization in the dark ages.
Heterosexuals or Homosexuals – this one is a tough one, now really put your thinking caps on.
13 m
Scott criminally defrauded the government. Dodd erceived perfectly legal sweetheart loan terms (pretty common among the rich and powerful) from a private lender. Do the words, “false equivalence” strike a familiar tone?
45 MB
It’s “shill,” and how is Dow Constantine an SEIU shill? They’re not even that powerful here. If he wins, it will be uneventful, as the Democrat in the race in a heavily Democratic county.
And if you read his endorsements page, you’ll see that the SEIU has to get in line.
Yeah, 2010 is WAY too far off to make a prediction. But given the current historically low Republican reputation in America, I’d say they will have a real uphill battle to capitalize electorally on Demcratic troubles.
Gallupo (uses cell phone data) has job approval/disapproval for Congresssional Republicans at 29%/59%. CBS/NYT (does not use cell phone data) has it at 36%/58%. Diageao/Hotline (I think they don’t use cell phone data) has it at 29%/59%. Pew (uses cell phone data) has it at 29%/56%.
Nope, doesn’t look good if you are a Congressional Republican.
LMFAO @ 46….sure g(ay)man, the future of mankind is with TEH GAYZ….one has to wonder what exactly happened in junior high to make you so scared of women……embrace the pussy, dont be frightened of it.
on second thought, nevermind..just go back to spreading your diseases.
All right, get down on the ground and follow my instructions.
Sorry all, watching “Cops” with my sweetheart. They have a Haywood Jablome on there, too!