so lets see, pelosi says the healthbaggers were nazis and had swaztikas. that alone should require her to resign. funny, how when janet reno killed 90 people, and they were calling the fbi jack booted thugs, the outrage was shown by all the people who now are quiet. you are so hypocritcal its sickening.
I wonder which hypothetical scenario Goldy would pick for Seattle:
A) Seattle is run by a Democratic mayor, but it ranks #1 in violent crime.
B) Seattle is run by a Republican mayor, and it ranks last in violent crime.
Something tells me Goldy, being the partisan that he is, would pick A.
The FBI tried to make a TV arrest, the purpose was to display their capabilities in an effort to show what their new tactics were. That purpose was to intimidate the people who would emulate the Branch Dividian religious methodology.
That is, captive audience, maximum exposure and input of the doctrines being taught while excluding other influences (often by social sanction or even physical punishment), and denial of self-interest. These are the real goals of all religious institutions.
This is how Nazism worked, North Korea works, and the Soviet Union, and Cuba. Religious indoctrination works in all totalitarian paradigms. Religion is totalitarian by its own nature. It cannot be anything else, or it ceases to exist.
This is the basic tenet of all religion. Religions real purpose is to control human behaviors and extract their wealth using those controls. Intelligent people who are raised in this environment become weath extractors, the stupid people will complacantly allow their wealth to be extracted. Sound familiar?
There are hundreds of similiar cults all over the country. Most are just welfare scams, all are brainwashing theaters to one end or the other. All are prisons for peoples minds and, in cases such as those of the BDs, for the bodies as well.
I watched both the biginning and end of the Branch Dividian clusterfuck live on TV, and as an athiest liberal, was outraged at the tactics used by the FBI.
The reasons for the raid WERE legitimate. The BDs were stockpiling illegal weapons, David Koresh WAS raping little girls, and the BDs were selling conversion kits to make legal firearms into military capable select fire weapons. They were doing so openly, and had refused several court orders to cease their activities.
This wasn’t a spontaneous raid out of the blue, it was the culmination of several years of efforts by law enforcement to resolve the situation without resorting to violence. The raid was planned over a year before it actually happened.
The FBI didn’t kill those people, the BDs set those fires themselves. Koresh would rather burn down his entire house and kill everyone inside rather than allow them to be returned to the outside world where he couldn’t have that religious control over them. He was a raving psychopath and a baby rapist, and he needed to control every aspect of those peoples lives to maintain his fetish for little girls, and have his own little private North Korea. Religion was just the tool.
You have consistently demonstrated your appalling ignorance of various subjects in this forum. You have openly demonstrated your racist, selfish and hateful personality to everyone. Shouldn’t you be goosestepping around your moms basement? And clean up your room, those old cumdumper socks under the bed are starting to stink. Your mom is getting tired of having to do it for you.
What do the top ten cities with the highest poverty rate all have in common?
What do the top ten cities with the highest crime rates all have in common?
Anyone care to guess the party affiliation of the mayors of these cities?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “funny, how when janet reno killed 90 people”
I think you meant to say “when David Koresh killed 90 people” … oh wait, when criminals instigage shootouts with cops, wingnuts always side with the criminals —
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 I’m too lazy to lick on the link. So what’s in Rupert Murdoch’s propaganda sheet today? Since he bought it, the WSJ has become a supermarket tabloid …
Roger Rabbitspews:
typo @8 — click not lick, but you can lick my cute cottontail if you like — for a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG; this is a toll call ($49.95 per minute) but all proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 My, you do have a hyperactive imagination, don’t you? Based on recent experience, it’s a stretch to argue any Republican could run a lunchbox let alone an enterprise as big as the city of Seattle.
@6: And? Out of the twenty largest cities in the U.S., only five are Republicans. Better to say that Republicans just suck with dealing with non-rich, non-white people.
But let’s take a quiz! Seven out of ten of the states with the lowest GDP per capita are have Democrats or Republicans as governors?
Seven out of ten of the states with the highest GDP per capita are have Democrats or Republicans as governors?
On average, the highest obesity rates are in red or blue states?
The highest divorce rates are in red or blue states?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 This is why we call ’em “trolls.” They throw stinky bait in the water and drag it around to see what they can catch.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Um, crime-breeding unemployment and poverty caused by Republican economic policies? Yes, that sounds right.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 And then, of course, there’s the famous map that shows Democrat-voting states pay more in taxes than they get in federal spending, and Republican-voting states get more federal spending than they pay in taxes. In other words, almost without exception, the blue states are net payers and the red states are net takers.
Heterosexuals are murderers, rapists, and thieves. They are the downfall to civilization, soon to succumb to their temptations.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The guy that is putting up the obama/joker posters is getting in trouble for vandalism.
Times are different now with obama in the white house.
Back a few months when he was campaigning for president he had no problem with his hope posters being stuck to stop signs.
Talking about the “artist” that was putting up the hope posters the obama said-
You gotta feel sorry for the residents living under democrat rule-
“This is by no means an isolated incident,” reads a comment by Michael. “This same exact scene played out multiple times this Spring as well.”
“We have had 3 nights in a row of this and never in my 10 years of living here have I seen it so bad,” wrote another resident.
“I’m scared to walk my dog after 7:30PM in this neighborhood! Sad!,” wrote “KenmoreResident.”
Maybe obama can do a little community organizing to help the innocent victims.
If nothing else, maybe drop a dime to the police department to tell them it’s okay to go out and protect the citizens.
Residents say its taken repeated complaints to get any action from the city.
Go figure, democrat rulers not really caring about the people.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Even the ny times is seeing the writing on the wall…
Guess that is what happens when poll numbers are dropping.
As the health care debate intensifies, the president is turning to his grass-roots network — the 13 million members of Organizing for America — for support.
“HIS” grass-root network. AKA, astroturfing the democrat way.
“People came out of the woodwork for Obama during the campaign, but now they are hibernating,” Ms. Smith said.
Hibernating? A better word might be disillusioned.
Marvin Stamnspews:
For those that watch the liberal media and never saw the bush-hitler posters…
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think that there is going to have to be a conversation that is guided by doctors, scientists, ethicists. And then there is going to have to be a very difficult democratic conversation that takes place. It is very difficult to imagine the country making those decisions just through the normal political channels. And that’s part of why you have to have some independent group that can give you guidance. It’s not determinative, but I think has to be able to give you some guidance. And that’s part of what I suspect you’ll see emerging out of the various health care conversations that are taking place on the Hill right now.
I don’t know how much that hip replacement cost. I would have paid out of pocket for that hip replacement just because she’s my grandmother.
The best part of the article was the obama saying he “would have” paid for his grandmothers hip replacement. But since government healthcare picked up the tab no reason for the obama to spend his own money.
And people wonder why the cost of healthcare is so high.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Things go from bad to worse with that plant at shiela jackson lee townhall meeting where the obama supporter got up and identified herself as a doctor. Which has been proven to be a lie.
Now we find out she was asked by one of those obama supporters that made the news a while back for having the che guevara proudly hanging on the wall of the obama campaign office.
Mayer was an organizer and delegate for the Barack Obama campaign last year.
Guess we won’t be hearing much more about this from the supporters of transparency.
I wonder who advised her not to be honest and truthful anymore? I wonder why these obama supporters are scared of the truth.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 Vandalism is a local police matter. The White House is not involved in this. I thought you wingfucks respected private property? Guess not, when you want to plaster your hate propaganda all over town on other people’s fences and phone poles.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Let’s say the Republican campaign of lies, smears, and hate succeeds in defeating health care reform. Then GOPers can celebrate the fact America will continue to live under the world’s most costly and least efficient health care system, with 50 million uninsured and thousands of insured patients losing their life’s savings and being forced into bankruptcy every year by coverage gaps, policy loopholes, or recalcitrant insurance companies that simply refuse to pay for what they promised policyholders they would pay for.
Yes, this is the sort of thing Republicans love to celebrate. If they had their way, we’d all be riding horses and reading by kerosene lamps, and appendectomies would be performed by local meat butchers without anesthetic.
The GOP – Leading The Way Back To The 19th Century
Marvin Stamnspews:
23. Roger Rabbit spews:
@16 Vandalism is a local police matter. The White House is not involved in this. I thought you wingfucks respected private property?
Obama did not say anything negative about his posters being placed on stop signs, instead, he said ” I am privileged to be a part of your artwork and proud to have your support.”
Why don’t left wingfucks respect publ;ic property? And if you use left wingfuck protests as an example, why don’t they respect private property?
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. Roger Rabbit spews:
Let’s say the Republican campaign of lies, smears, and hate succeeds in defeating health care reform.
The democrats are in control of the senate, congress and white house.
To blame the failure on the republicans is bullshit.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Hey specter, how did turning into a democrat work out for you? SUCKER.
I wonder why when the left protests they cause such damage.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Ever since gbs said he had the proof I am Puddy he hasn’t been back to prove it.
I wonder why.
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
lol, if i’m that igniant, you just wasted 20 minutes typing
roger, you mean its not the same as when a woman spills hot coffee on herself and her shyster lawyer sues mcdonalds for selling it to her?
30. manoftruth spews:
lol, if i’m that igniant, you just wasted 20 minutes typing
08/15/2009 at 1:05 pm
a classic mot moment!
the puddybiotch may be a dumb cluck…I mean dumb fuck…
…but he is waaaaaayyyyyyy smarter than the marvin.
roger, you’re right that vandalism is a local police matter and the whitehouse shouldnt be involved. thats why obama didnt get involved in the gates/crowley local police matter.
Marvin Stamnspews:
33. Rujax! spews:
the puddybiotch may
good edit dumbass.
I guess after acting spelling nanny for mot you figured you should at least spell a simpler word correctly.
Marvin Stamnspews:
I remember when the democrats whined about the separation of church and state.
Here’s a democrat disguising her townhall meetings as health care prayer vigils.
So you DO know that Arlen Specter left the Republican party because he was DOOMED to primary defeat from Toomey if he remained with the party? He took the only course left open to him to give him a chance of continuing as a Senator. He knew it was a roll of the dice, but he wanted that roll instead of the sure dumping he would experience as a moderate Republicans in a time when the crazies are ascendant in the weak, rump Republican party.
BTW, I agree with you that there is no one to blame but Democrats if they can’t pass health insurance reform. However, we’re going to pass it and here’s hoping that your side all choke on the bile you’ll be spewing when it does.
Daddy Lovespews:
31 mot
Right. It’s not the same. I’m surprised to hear you say it, and I agree with you.
However, you left out the part where they proved their case by the preponderance of evidence and a jury found them to be entitled to relief.
Daddy Lovespews:
Here’s the thing:
If we told the GOP that we would give them “everything they want,” whatever that means, in health insurance reform, they still would not vote FOR it.
So fuck them.
Daddy Lovespews:
Remember Terry Schiavo? How Republicans specifically wanted the federal government to intrervene in end-of-life decisions? And how the Republicans wrote a bill that would mandate Medicare funding to support and pay for counseling around living wills?
Bastards. Fucking, lying, hypocritical bastards.
Hey, what about Bush cutting short his vacation to come back to DC for the Schiavo bill, when he wouldn’t after the Aug. 6, 2001 PDB warning that “bin Laden is determined to strike within the US?”
“Dick” doesn’t begin to cover it.
Daddy Lovespews:
and don’t miss Obama being compared to the Nazis (again–sigh):
Newt Gingrich has said that “advance directives” (living wills) would save Medicare $33 billion each year.
AND, humorously enough, he now argues that funding such counseling and the development of advance directives (living wills) is a plot to kill the elderly in our country.
Honestly, I just want to be there when the panel gives the thumbs-down on poor baby Trig. Because being used as Palin’s political prop is really not enough “worth to society,” right? I mean, we can all get together on this, right?
Daddy Lovespews:
BTW, you all know that Obama is Hitler and that health insurance reform is just reparations that will kill white people and advance (in some unknown way) um, not-white-people. Right? I mean, be very afraid. Or something.
Daddy Lovespews:
In the interest of full disclosure,I will be making an apple crumb pie tomorrow. I don’t think this is covered in any of the health insurance reform bills, but I think it will be good. I am using golden raisins, for what it is worth. Oh, and nutmeg rules!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
rujax, still the dumbest cinder block on HA Libtardos. Even dumber than clueless wondermoron the monomaniacal chronological fool!
The City of Chicago will basically be closed for business on Aug. 17, a reduced-service day in which most city employees are off without pay, according to a release from the Office of Budget and Management. City Hall, public libraries, health clinics and most city offices will be closed.
The city isn’t doing a very good job for it’s citizens.
So even a $96 million increase wasn’t enough to cover the increase in cost. Ouch.
Of course, that would never happen here in america. After all, canada has a population of 33 million.
America only has 304 million. California has 37 million.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Who wants to meet for sushi?
I’m working on a movie, they are filming a scene at a place in the seattle area called yellow lake on the weekend of 28-30. I’m trying to weasel my way onto the trip. I’m waiting to hear back with the details.
If so, who wants to get together.
56 – I wouldn’t care to meet you but I think you’ve got the name of the place wrong. It’s Green Lake.
Stefan Sharkansky lives a block or two away from there. He’d be delighted to meet up with you I’m sure.
I call him the pied piper of Green Lake. He led his flock of fools at (un)SP right into the drink in June 2005.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Did clueless wondermoron try and make a funny @57?
Ever heard of a lead balloon? wondermoron tried to launch it @57.
58 – Nope just speaking the truth fool. That’s what happened. You were name-calling like crazy back then and y’all had egg on your faces after Bridges decision.
Same thing in Nov 2005, then Nov 2006, then Nov 2008.
A freaking freefall for your delusional asses.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Name calling like crazy?
Just following the lead of the libtardos!
57 Stefan proved that King Co cheated to beat hell in the governor election. Too bad Rossi got fucked. Our State would be in alot better shape. However, Obama is a moron of gigantic proportions and thinks (thinks) hes going to take over the world. He is without a doubt the most undeserving monkey to hold the high office and I mean monkey with no respect whatsoever. I also see NO PRAISE coming from anyone other than some welfare case yammering about “free money”. Tards are so easily manipulated it’s staggering.
60 – You could have stayed at (un)SP but you had to come here to call Goldy a coward didn’t you? For not responding to a whackjob like you?
Who called it right in June 2005?
Who got heckuvajob Brownie fired?
Who warned the voters of King County about that woman-abusing creep Irons?
Who got Sutherland canned?
Of course none of that means anything to you after the pied piper and his ambulance chasing lawyer shook down the taxpayers of King County for whatever it was and lit the way for other whackjob hustlers to follow.
Too bad Rossi got fucked.
Rossi fucked himself by being hitching his star to the wrong people (BIAW).
How much did BIAW spend last summer/fall to get him elected? 5 or 7 million? It was freaking out of control! And what a mean-sprited asshole! Not once did he refer to Chris Gregoire as the Governor or use her real name. It was always “my opponent” or “the incumbent”. What a dick head!
Finally after he was defeated he seemed almost relieved he could be a human being and call her Governor Chris Gregoire. He didn’t have to do BIAW’s bidding anymore.
Idiot @ 61
Did you know Rossi was half Tlingit?
You thought no way could this country elect a “jigaboo” for President. Am I right?
What’s your name for a guy like Rossi?
Racist moron.
hey ylb, is that all you know how to do is scream “racist” all the time? a cheating, money grubbing, , adultery, is worst than someone who doesnt happen to like someone who doesnt look like him. get that thru your thick skull.
this is why this country is headed for catastrophe because of divisions we never had during beaver cleavers days. i saw tony blankley on hannity. they were talking about axlerods emails. he mentioned that he, tony, had worked on ronald reagans staff and there were very strick rules about what you could and could not do. i fucking know that rahm emaneul dosent follw any fucking rules. when i compare blankley and reagan to obama, rahm emanuel and axlerod, i can see that, one, what a difference in character, and two, this country has been stolen from us. its doubful we can take it back, because just using this blog as an example, you have goldstein, seattle jew, proud leftist, and the others all, monitoring, being active in the community, involved in voting and so forth. the stupid wasps who founded this country just go to work everyday not realizing the theft.
65 – I calls it as I sees it racist idiot. You, mark, troll are over the top racists. Even your fellow right wingers condemn you in particular.
66 – You’re a frightened, ignorant little man.
In other news, the Mat-Su Barbie TRIPLES DOWN on “death panels”:
She lies, lies, lies and right wing sheep eat it up.
Former Reagan/Papa Bush treasury guy Bruce Bartlett has this to say:
One reason this isn’t happening is because the media don’t treat Republicans as if they are discredited. On the contrary, they often seem to be treated as if they have more credibility than the administration. Just look at the silly issue of death panels. The media should have laughed it out the window, ridiculed it or at least ignored it once it was determined that there was no basis to the charge. Instead, those making the most outlandish charges are treated with deference and respect, while those that actually have credibility on the subject are treated as equals at best and often with deep skepticism, as if they are the ones with an ax to grind.
I am truly baffled by this situation, as I’m sure you are.
Marvin Stamnspews:
67. YLB spews:
65 – I calls it as I sees it racist idiot. You, mark, troll are over the top racists. Even your fellow right wingers condemn you in particular.
68. YLB spews:
66 – You’re a frightened, ignorant little man.
And you keep replying to him because?
Either bash his ass or ignore. Basic troll rules.
“Racist Moron” is the Sherwin William color I painted my living room. I never sit around and think about race. EVER. Democrats bring it up every hour of their miserable existence, which is what it is. MISERABLE. I dont feel one way or another about jigaboos, most of them are a burden on society but so is YLB.
I only use the term jigaboo to get a rise out of you tardnuggets. However, Obama holds the record for a jigaboo having a job. HAHAHAHAHAHAH Wingnut humor HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Don’t worry about crossing the line, Mark, as Puddy’s good with that kind of shit being spewed from the mouths of crazed wingnuts. Got any racist jokes, Mark? Puddy’s got a track record here of being good with wingnuts telling those, too.
Lets get obamacare in motion. Death panel says pull the plug on Ted Kennedy! It’s time to find out if God exists Ted you fucking phony catholic piece of shit. Your time is up cocksucker. Mary Jo is coming for you!
And you keep replying to him because?
Either bash his ass or ignore. Basic troll rules.
I’ll do whatever I effin’ please thank you very much.
Like ignore your stupid graffiti here if I care to.
d--a--i--l--y k--r--a--k--espews:
I don’t see why, klake, this being the cesspool and all that. Besides, you’re funny. If you’re a nazi with a sense of humor then, fuck, we need more folks like you. I mean, when was the last time Klynical or Marvin made anybody laugh? Well, purposefully, anyway. If your not a nazi, then why the fuck do people here call you one? Sigh! Now there’s a thread I wish I hadn’t missed. Must have been before my time.
Thank you, my brother, but there’s Klake and then there’s Daily Klake. Klake has a better hat.
It’s been a bad week, Steve. Staggered by the death of Les, getting whacked, not being invited by Goldy to Liberally Drunk to get liberally drunk, not being invited by Lee to the crackhouse for crack … I’m at the end of my thong. What’s a mutha to do?
"Democrat Death Panel Tutorialspews:
GBS, who read somewhere (“News”week) that Reagan failed, needs some context. Here’s Democrats for Dummies, Hundred Days edition:
Progressives had been urging [FDR] to make his next initiative a well-funded relief program for the unemployed. Roosevelt’s highest priority, however, was reducing the federal budget. … (H)e had railed against President Hoover’s budget deficits, calling them “a veritable cancer in the body politic and economic.” Now, he was about to introduce the Economy Act, a bill to slash federal spending. …
An overspending nation, he argued, like an overspending family, was one “on the road to bankruptcy.” It was a vast oversimplification, but his progressive advisers had been unable to talk him out of this homespun argument for a balanced federal budget. …
He had assiduously courted business leaders and wealthy individuals during the general election, and both groups were pressuring him to balance the budget. …
Tugwell could see how easily Toosevelt took on [Lewis] Douglas’s skepticism about the role of government … “The federal government has no business to be doing research, for instance,” Roosevelt told Tugwell …
Not least, budget cutting simply appealed to Roosevelt’s thrifty nature. … “He claimed,” Henry Wallace would later recall, “that the original Roosevelt in this country had married a Jewess when he came here in 1620 or thereabouts.” Then, according to Wallace, Roosevelt would “rub his hands together.”
– Adam Cohen, Nothing to Fear, 2009, pages 84-97
Pardon me, boy, have you seen my book report?spews:
The same people who loved the Clinton attack machine when it was used against Republicans cried foul when it was turned on the new fair-haired boy B. Hussein Obama.
John Schrank, who shot and wounded Teddy Roosevelt in 1921, seemed to have no political beliefs other than a strong opposition to third terms — which Roosevelt was then serving.
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter jokes from 2008’s Guilty, pages 83 and 258.
Everybody knows that Ann Coulter isn’t a racist moron, so we’ll just let that first quote go. The second, tho, is kind of creepy. It has an endnote. Half her book is childish churlish puerile HNMT “humor,” but it looks like she wasn’t just kidding about Schrank.
Coulter’s books run from not bad (Slander) to bad (Treason). Guilty is somewhere in the mushy middle, but it’s mostly worth your time.
Coulter sets the record straight about the “discredited” Swiftboat Veterans for “Truth” … they were telling the truth … and she trashes Steve’s concerns about planted Gannon-Guckert. She thrashes Rabbit about Hiss and Florida felons, and has the last word (let’s hope) on Schiavo, macaca, Palin, Krugman, Maddow and arsenic. No wonder Rabbit hates her.
But then she does Scott McClellan, and things fall apart. Remember, about nine years ago, when Rush told us to “just wait” until the tell-all books come out about Bill, the fat bitch in BigBoy jeans who blew off impeachment and thumped fat Rush? Well, the tell-alls came out, big time. Book after book. Problem is, except for one, all the books were telling on Bush, including McClellan telling that Bush probably did coke.
Coulter goes through the insider Bush-bash books, every one, and not even HNMT snarkasm can pull her out of the quagmire she mires herself in. Don’t know what her point was supposed to be, but the point she inadvertendly makes is that the GOP is DOA. Not even calling McClellan a fat effeminate sissy can bring Coulter’s Republicans back from the dead.
so lets see, pelosi says the healthbaggers were nazis and had swaztikas. that alone should require her to resign. funny, how when janet reno killed 90 people, and they were calling the fbi jack booted thugs, the outrage was shown by all the people who now are quiet. you are so hypocritcal its sickening.
Darrly, seriously, another Palin post?
Can’t you say anything positive about your party’s politicians?
This is what happens when you have only liberals run something unopposed for decades:
I wonder which hypothetical scenario Goldy would pick for Seattle:
A) Seattle is run by a Democratic mayor, but it ranks #1 in violent crime.
B) Seattle is run by a Republican mayor, and it ranks last in violent crime.
Something tells me Goldy, being the partisan that he is, would pick A.
The FBI tried to make a TV arrest, the purpose was to display their capabilities in an effort to show what their new tactics were. That purpose was to intimidate the people who would emulate the Branch Dividian religious methodology.
That is, captive audience, maximum exposure and input of the doctrines being taught while excluding other influences (often by social sanction or even physical punishment), and denial of self-interest. These are the real goals of all religious institutions.
This is how Nazism worked, North Korea works, and the Soviet Union, and Cuba. Religious indoctrination works in all totalitarian paradigms. Religion is totalitarian by its own nature. It cannot be anything else, or it ceases to exist.
This is the basic tenet of all religion. Religions real purpose is to control human behaviors and extract their wealth using those controls. Intelligent people who are raised in this environment become weath extractors, the stupid people will complacantly allow their wealth to be extracted. Sound familiar?
There are hundreds of similiar cults all over the country. Most are just welfare scams, all are brainwashing theaters to one end or the other. All are prisons for peoples minds and, in cases such as those of the BDs, for the bodies as well.
I watched both the biginning and end of the Branch Dividian clusterfuck live on TV, and as an athiest liberal, was outraged at the tactics used by the FBI.
The reasons for the raid WERE legitimate. The BDs were stockpiling illegal weapons, David Koresh WAS raping little girls, and the BDs were selling conversion kits to make legal firearms into military capable select fire weapons. They were doing so openly, and had refused several court orders to cease their activities.
This wasn’t a spontaneous raid out of the blue, it was the culmination of several years of efforts by law enforcement to resolve the situation without resorting to violence. The raid was planned over a year before it actually happened.
The FBI didn’t kill those people, the BDs set those fires themselves. Koresh would rather burn down his entire house and kill everyone inside rather than allow them to be returned to the outside world where he couldn’t have that religious control over them. He was a raving psychopath and a baby rapist, and he needed to control every aspect of those peoples lives to maintain his fetish for little girls, and have his own little private North Korea. Religion was just the tool.
You have consistently demonstrated your appalling ignorance of various subjects in this forum. You have openly demonstrated your racist, selfish and hateful personality to everyone. Shouldn’t you be goosestepping around your moms basement? And clean up your room, those old cumdumper socks under the bed are starting to stink. Your mom is getting tired of having to do it for you.
What do the top ten cities with the highest poverty rate all have in common?
What do the top ten cities with the highest crime rates all have in common?
Anyone care to guess the party affiliation of the mayors of these cities?
@1 “funny, how when janet reno killed 90 people”
I think you meant to say “when David Koresh killed 90 people” … oh wait, when criminals instigage shootouts with cops, wingnuts always side with the criminals —
@3 I’m too lazy to lick on the link. So what’s in Rupert Murdoch’s propaganda sheet today? Since he bought it, the WSJ has become a supermarket tabloid …
typo @8 — click not lick, but you can lick my cute cottontail if you like — for a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG; this is a toll call ($49.95 per minute) but all proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
@4 My, you do have a hyperactive imagination, don’t you? Based on recent experience, it’s a stretch to argue any Republican could run a lunchbox let alone an enterprise as big as the city of Seattle.
@6: And? Out of the twenty largest cities in the U.S., only five are Republicans. Better to say that Republicans just suck with dealing with non-rich, non-white people.
But let’s take a quiz! Seven out of ten of the states with the lowest GDP per capita are have Democrats or Republicans as governors?
Seven out of ten of the states with the highest GDP per capita are have Democrats or Republicans as governors?
On average, the highest obesity rates are in red or blue states?
The highest divorce rates are in red or blue states?
@5 This is why we call ’em “trolls.” They throw stinky bait in the water and drag it around to see what they can catch.
@6 Um, crime-breeding unemployment and poverty caused by Republican economic policies? Yes, that sounds right.
@11 And then, of course, there’s the famous map that shows Democrat-voting states pay more in taxes than they get in federal spending, and Republican-voting states get more federal spending than they pay in taxes. In other words, almost without exception, the blue states are net payers and the red states are net takers.
Heterosexuals are murderers, rapists, and thieves. They are the downfall to civilization, soon to succumb to their temptations.
The guy that is putting up the obama/joker posters is getting in trouble for vandalism.
Clermont police have interviewed one suspect who is admitting to putting up the dozens of posters pasted around the city depicting President Obama as the Joker character from the Batman film The Dark Knight, city officials confirmed.
Times are different now with obama in the white house.
Back a few months when he was campaigning for president he had no problem with his hope posters being stuck to stop signs.
Talking about the “artist” that was putting up the hope posters the obama said-
Your images have a profound effect on people, whether seen in a gallery or on a stop sign. I am privileged to be a part of your artwork and proud to have your support.”
Vandalism is good if it supports the obama. Criminal if it doesn’t.
It’s the democrat way, hypocrisy and double standards.
Definitely the Republican way:
You don’t hear much about this on the news.
Probably because it shows the great job that obama and his cronies did in chicago that they are now forcing on the rest of the country.
Uptown Up in Arms Over “Near Riot-Like” Activity
You gotta feel sorry for the residents living under democrat rule-
Maybe obama can do a little community organizing to help the innocent victims.
If nothing else, maybe drop a dime to the police department to tell them it’s okay to go out and protect the citizens.
Go figure, democrat rulers not really caring about the people.
Even the ny times is seeing the writing on the wall…
Health Debate Fails to Ignite Obama’s Grass Roots
Guess that is what happens when poll numbers are dropping.
“HIS” grass-root network. AKA, astroturfing the democrat way.
Hibernating? A better word might be disillusioned.
For those that watch the liberal media and never saw the bush-hitler posters…
Zombie has a partial collection. Enjoy.
Bush as Hitler, Swastika-Mania: A Retrospective
Of course the obama wasn’t planning on “death panels.” He called them “democratic conversation.” Calling it “democratic” makes it oh so much better.
THE PRESIDENT: So that’s where I think you just get into some very difficult moral issues. But that’s also a huge driver of cost, right?
I mean, the chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health care bill out here.
So how do you — how do we deal with it?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think that there is going to have to be a conversation that is guided by doctors, scientists, ethicists. And then there is going to have to be a very difficult democratic conversation that takes place. It is very difficult to imagine the country making those decisions just through the normal political channels. And that’s part of why you have to have some independent group that can give you guidance. It’s not determinative, but I think has to be able to give you some guidance. And that’s part of what I suspect you’ll see emerging out of the various health care conversations that are taking place on the Hill right now.
The best part of the article was the obama saying he “would have” paid for his grandmothers hip replacement. But since government healthcare picked up the tab no reason for the obama to spend his own money.
And people wonder why the cost of healthcare is so high.
Things go from bad to worse with that plant at shiela jackson lee townhall meeting where the obama supporter got up and identified herself as a doctor. Which has been proven to be a lie.
Now we find out she was asked by one of those obama supporters that made the news a while back for having the che guevara proudly hanging on the wall of the obama campaign office.
The best line from the link-
So you have two Obama activists sitting in the front together, one of whom invited the other via a listserv. One is a Che Guevara fan and the other lies about being a doctor.
The local paper weighs in…
In an e-mail to the Chronicle today, Mayer said she’d been advised not to talk further about the matter, but did not say who counseled her.
Mayer was an organizer and delegate for the Barack Obama campaign last year.
Guess we won’t be hearing much more about this from the supporters of transparency.
I wonder who advised her not to be honest and truthful anymore? I wonder why these obama supporters are scared of the truth.
@16 Vandalism is a local police matter. The White House is not involved in this. I thought you wingfucks respected private property? Guess not, when you want to plaster your hate propaganda all over town on other people’s fences and phone poles.
Let’s say the Republican campaign of lies, smears, and hate succeeds in defeating health care reform. Then GOPers can celebrate the fact America will continue to live under the world’s most costly and least efficient health care system, with 50 million uninsured and thousands of insured patients losing their life’s savings and being forced into bankruptcy every year by coverage gaps, policy loopholes, or recalcitrant insurance companies that simply refuse to pay for what they promised policyholders they would pay for.
Yes, this is the sort of thing Republicans love to celebrate. If they had their way, we’d all be riding horses and reading by kerosene lamps, and appendectomies would be performed by local meat butchers without anesthetic.
The GOP – Leading The Way Back To The 19th Century
Obama did not say anything negative about his posters being placed on stop signs, instead, he said ” I am privileged to be a part of your artwork and proud to have your support.”
Why don’t left wingfucks respect publ;ic property? And if you use left wingfuck protests as an example, why don’t they respect private property?
The democrats are in control of the senate, congress and white house.
To blame the failure on the republicans is bullshit.
Hey specter, how did turning into a democrat work out for you? SUCKER.
From the nutroots convention-
Q.10 Of the two candidates who have declared they are running for the Democratic nomination
for the Senate here in Pennsylvania, who do you currently support?
Joe Sestak……………………………………………….46
Arlen Specter…………………………………………..10
He’s going to learn the hard way to never trust democrats.
At least you knew better than to say lefty protests don’t damage property.
From that wto protest in seattle.
There were some 600 arrests and $3 million in property damage.
I wonder why when the left protests they cause such damage.
Ever since gbs said he had the proof I am Puddy he hasn’t been back to prove it.
I wonder why.
lol, if i’m that igniant, you just wasted 20 minutes typing
roger, you mean its not the same as when a woman spills hot coffee on herself and her shyster lawyer sues mcdonalds for selling it to her?
a classic mot moment!
the puddybiotch may be a dumb cluck…I mean dumb fuck…
…but he is waaaaaayyyyyyy smarter than the marvin.
roger, you’re right that vandalism is a local police matter and the whitehouse shouldnt be involved. thats why obama didnt get involved in the gates/crowley local police matter.
good edit dumbass.
I guess after acting spelling nanny for mot you figured you should at least spell a simpler word correctly.
I remember when the democrats whined about the separation of church and state.
Here’s a democrat disguising her townhall meetings as health care prayer vigils.
Rep. Loretta Sanchez’s Health Care Prayer Vigil
it’s amazing how these assholes always make my case for me.
here’s another lovely legacy of the Bush administration…
4 T
Those aren’t the choices.
27 MS
So you DO know that Arlen Specter left the Republican party because he was DOOMED to primary defeat from Toomey if he remained with the party? He took the only course left open to him to give him a chance of continuing as a Senator. He knew it was a roll of the dice, but he wanted that roll instead of the sure dumping he would experience as a moderate Republicans in a time when the crazies are ascendant in the weak, rump Republican party.
BTW, I agree with you that there is no one to blame but Democrats if they can’t pass health insurance reform. However, we’re going to pass it and here’s hoping that your side all choke on the bile you’ll be spewing when it does.
31 mot
Right. It’s not the same. I’m surprised to hear you say it, and I agree with you.
However, you left out the part where they proved their case by the preponderance of evidence and a jury found them to be entitled to relief.
Here’s the thing:
If we told the GOP that we would give them “everything they want,” whatever that means, in health insurance reform, they still would not vote FOR it.
So fuck them.
Remember Terry Schiavo? How Republicans specifically wanted the federal government to intrervene in end-of-life decisions? And how the Republicans wrote a bill that would mandate Medicare funding to support and pay for counseling around living wills?
Bastards. Fucking, lying, hypocritical bastards.
Hey, what about Bush cutting short his vacation to come back to DC for the Schiavo bill, when he wouldn’t after the Aug. 6, 2001 PDB warning that “bin Laden is determined to strike within the US?”
“Dick” doesn’t begin to cover it.
and don’t miss Obama being compared to the Nazis (again–sigh):
Oh, here it is
Yeah, stay classy, Head of the Republican Party.
How stupid are you and your political party when you think that fascism and communism are the same thing?
(Hint: I think you can write this hint yourself)
So typical of the right wing, they “Alinsky-bait” progressives while reading and adopting Alinsky styled tactics for their own degenerate ends:
Newt Gingrich has said that “advance directives” (living wills) would save Medicare $33 billion each year.
AND, humorously enough, he now argues that funding such counseling and the development of advance directives (living wills) is a plot to kill the elderly in our country.
Honestly, I just want to be there when the panel gives the thumbs-down on poor baby Trig. Because being used as Palin’s political prop is really not enough “worth to society,” right? I mean, we can all get together on this, right?
BTW, you all know that Obama is Hitler and that health insurance reform is just reparations that will kill white people and advance (in some unknown way) um, not-white-people. Right? I mean, be very afraid. Or something.
In the interest of full disclosure,I will be making an apple crumb pie tomorrow. I don’t think this is covered in any of the health insurance reform bills, but I think it will be good. I am using golden raisins, for what it is worth. Oh, and nutmeg rules!
rujax, still the dumbest cinder block on HA Libtardos. Even dumber than clueless wondermoron the monomaniacal chronological fool!
sumtin interesting…
Yeah, the Brit conservatives hate the NHS. Suprise, suprise.
And ours lie about Grandma being killed.
Butt Daddy Love, your good friends commented on this thread saying conservatives loved the NHS. Someone has to be wrong Daddy Love…
So the city of chicago is going to shut down on monday.
If you planned to check out a library book, visit a city clinic or have your garbage picked up on Monday, you’re out of luck.
The City of Chicago will basically be closed for business on Aug. 17, a reduced-service day in which most city employees are off without pay, according to a release from the Office of Budget and Management. City Hall, public libraries, health clinics and most city offices will be closed.
The city isn’t doing a very good job for it’s citizens.
Good thing the president isn’t from chicago.
Yeah, canada has great healthcare.
The Fraser Health Authority confirmed Thursday it intends to cut surgeries, seniors’ programs and services for the mentally ill to help deal with a budget shortfall of up to $160 million.
Fraser Health says it faces a $130-million to $160-million shortfall in 2009-10 despite a $96-million increase in base funding from the provincial government this year..
So even a $96 million increase wasn’t enough to cover the increase in cost. Ouch.
Of course, that would never happen here in america. After all, canada has a population of 33 million.
America only has 304 million. California has 37 million.
Who wants to meet for sushi?
I’m working on a movie, they are filming a scene at a place in the seattle area called yellow lake on the weekend of 28-30. I’m trying to weasel my way onto the trip. I’m waiting to hear back with the details.
If so, who wants to get together.
56 – I wouldn’t care to meet you but I think you’ve got the name of the place wrong. It’s Green Lake.
Stefan Sharkansky lives a block or two away from there. He’d be delighted to meet up with you I’m sure.
I call him the pied piper of Green Lake. He led his flock of fools at (un)SP right into the drink in June 2005.
Did clueless wondermoron try and make a funny @57?
Ever heard of a lead balloon? wondermoron tried to launch it @57.
58 – Nope just speaking the truth fool. That’s what happened. You were name-calling like crazy back then and y’all had egg on your faces after Bridges decision.
Same thing in Nov 2005, then Nov 2006, then Nov 2008.
A freaking freefall for your delusional asses.
Name calling like crazy?
Just following the lead of the libtardos!
57 Stefan proved that King Co cheated to beat hell in the governor election. Too bad Rossi got fucked. Our State would be in alot better shape. However, Obama is a moron of gigantic proportions and thinks (thinks) hes going to take over the world. He is without a doubt the most undeserving monkey to hold the high office and I mean monkey with no respect whatsoever. I also see NO PRAISE coming from anyone other than some welfare case yammering about “free money”. Tards are so easily manipulated it’s staggering.
60 – You could have stayed at (un)SP but you had to come here to call Goldy a coward didn’t you? For not responding to a whackjob like you?
Who called it right in June 2005?
Who got heckuvajob Brownie fired?
Who warned the voters of King County about that woman-abusing creep Irons?
Who got Sutherland canned?
Of course none of that means anything to you after the pied piper and his ambulance chasing lawyer shook down the taxpayers of King County for whatever it was and lit the way for other whackjob hustlers to follow.
Rossi fucked himself by being hitching his star to the wrong people (BIAW).
How much did BIAW spend last summer/fall to get him elected? 5 or 7 million? It was freaking out of control! And what a mean-sprited asshole! Not once did he refer to Chris Gregoire as the Governor or use her real name. It was always “my opponent” or “the incumbent”. What a dick head!
Finally after he was defeated he seemed almost relieved he could be a human being and call her Governor Chris Gregoire. He didn’t have to do BIAW’s bidding anymore.
Idiot @ 61
Did you know Rossi was half Tlingit?
You thought no way could this country elect a “jigaboo” for President. Am I right?
What’s your name for a guy like Rossi?
Racist moron.
hey ylb, is that all you know how to do is scream “racist” all the time? a cheating, money grubbing, , adultery, is worst than someone who doesnt happen to like someone who doesnt look like him. get that thru your thick skull.
this is why this country is headed for catastrophe because of divisions we never had during beaver cleavers days. i saw tony blankley on hannity. they were talking about axlerods emails. he mentioned that he, tony, had worked on ronald reagans staff and there were very strick rules about what you could and could not do. i fucking know that rahm emaneul dosent follw any fucking rules. when i compare blankley and reagan to obama, rahm emanuel and axlerod, i can see that, one, what a difference in character, and two, this country has been stolen from us. its doubful we can take it back, because just using this blog as an example, you have goldstein, seattle jew, proud leftist, and the others all, monitoring, being active in the community, involved in voting and so forth. the stupid wasps who founded this country just go to work everyday not realizing the theft.
65 – I calls it as I sees it racist idiot. You, mark, troll are over the top racists. Even your fellow right wingers condemn you in particular.
66 – You’re a frightened, ignorant little man.
In other news, the Mat-Su Barbie TRIPLES DOWN on “death panels”:
She lies, lies, lies and right wing sheep eat it up.
Former Reagan/Papa Bush treasury guy Bruce Bartlett has this to say:
And you keep replying to him because?
Either bash his ass or ignore. Basic troll rules.
“Racist Moron” is the Sherwin William color I painted my living room. I never sit around and think about race. EVER. Democrats bring it up every hour of their miserable existence, which is what it is. MISERABLE. I dont feel one way or another about jigaboos, most of them are a burden on society but so is YLB.
I only use the term jigaboo to get a rise out of you tardnuggets. However, Obama holds the record for a jigaboo having a job. HAHAHAHAHAHAH Wingnut humor HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Don’t worry about crossing the line, Mark, as Puddy’s good with that kind of shit being spewed from the mouths of crazed wingnuts. Got any racist jokes, Mark? Puddy’s got a track record here of being good with wingnuts telling those, too.
Lets get obamacare in motion. Death panel says pull the plug on Ted Kennedy! It’s time to find out if God exists Ted you fucking phony catholic piece of shit. Your time is up cocksucker. Mary Jo is coming for you!
I’ll do whatever I effin’ please thank you very much.
Like ignore your stupid graffiti here if I care to.
Thank you, my brother, but there’s Klake and then there’s Daily Klake. Klake has a better hat.
It’s been a bad week, Steve. Staggered by the death of Les, getting whacked, not being invited by Goldy to Liberally Drunk to get liberally drunk, not being invited by Lee to the crackhouse for crack … I’m at the end of my thong. What’s a mutha to do?
GBS, who read somewhere (“News”week) that Reagan failed, needs some context. Here’s Democrats for Dummies, Hundred Days edition:
– Adam Cohen, Nothing to Fear, 2009, pages 84-97
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter jokes from 2008’s Guilty, pages 83 and 258.
Everybody knows that Ann Coulter isn’t a racist moron, so we’ll just let that first quote go. The second, tho, is kind of creepy. It has an endnote. Half her book is childish churlish puerile HNMT “humor,” but it looks like she wasn’t just kidding about Schrank.
Coulter’s books run from not bad (Slander) to bad (Treason). Guilty is somewhere in the mushy middle, but it’s mostly worth your time.
Coulter sets the record straight about the “discredited” Swiftboat Veterans for “Truth” … they were telling the truth … and she trashes Steve’s concerns about planted Gannon-Guckert. She thrashes Rabbit about Hiss and Florida felons, and has the last word (let’s hope) on Schiavo, macaca, Palin, Krugman, Maddow and arsenic. No wonder Rabbit hates her.
But then she does Scott McClellan, and things fall apart. Remember, about nine years ago, when Rush told us to “just wait” until the tell-all books come out about Bill, the fat bitch in BigBoy jeans who blew off impeachment and thumped fat Rush? Well, the tell-alls came out, big time. Book after book. Problem is, except for one, all the books were telling on Bush, including McClellan telling that Bush probably did coke.
Coulter goes through the insider Bush-bash books, every one, and not even HNMT snarkasm can pull her out of the quagmire she mires herself in. Don’t know what her point was supposed to be, but the point she inadvertendly makes is that the GOP is DOA. Not even calling McClellan a fat effeminate sissy can bring Coulter’s Republicans back from the dead.
But maybe fair-haired boy Obama can.