So Goldy reveals in Unbearable Lightness post why he obsessively reads and criticizes the Seattle Times: They weren’t as biased for her as he was. They were neutral, and this angered him, especially after she lost.
Once again, you have committed a logical fallacy. You see…when one writes about something, one express an opinion on the topic, providing you evidence for drawing “conclusions.”
On the other hand, when one doesn’t write about something, it means that an opinion has not been expressed either way, thereby offering no evidence from which you can draw conclusions.
“So Goldy reveals in Unbearable Lightness post why he obsessively reads and criticizes the Seattle Times: They weren’t as biased for her as he was.”
Once again, you demonstrate that logic isn’t your strong suite (to put it as kindly as possible).
How would the relative bias between Goldy and the Times “reveal” why Goldy “obsessively” reads and criticizes the Times? Your statement makes no sense whatsoever.
We expect better from a Jesuit-educated troll. Much better!
Daddy Lovespews:
Aren’t those Mormons stuuuuuupid? Hahahahahahahaha!
Marvin Stamnspews:
Was it a far right winger that started the birther nonsense?
What about liberal talk show host “Bertha the birther?” Is she a rightie?
Oh yeah, like lee said…
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
Which explains why Troll points out the lack of posts regarding the obama. Not much good to say… besides Hope & Change.
If Daryl had a problem had a problem with Obama and the Democrats don’t you think he’d right an anti Obama/anti Democrat post?
I was disappointed to read that Olbermann and O’Reilly had ended their on-air feud because the network executives had gotten together and agreed that neither network liked it very much.
Doesn’t this undermine the authenticity of both programs? On the one hand, I was tired of Billo being Worst Person of the World every day; on the other, what does it mean when corporate pinheads talk and Olbermann (along with Billo, whom I don’t watch) listens?
Troll appears to have completely short circuited this morning.
Marvin Stamnspews:
7. Montanto spews:
Troll @1,
Uh… Troll? Just a thought here…
If Daryl had a problem had a problem with Obama and the Democrats don’t you think he’d right an anti Obama/anti Democrat post?
Not if you believe lee.
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
Marvin Stamnspews:
8. YellowPup spews:
I was disappointed to read that Olbermann and O’Reilly had ended their on-air feud
The article you inked gives the imprssion that the speaker of truth to power isn’t a party on the deal.
Mr. Olbermann, who is on vacation, said by e-mail message, “I am party to no deal,” adding that he would not have been included in any conversations between G.E. and the News Corporation
It will be interesting to see if olbermann stands up for what he believes in. If not, his reputation will be for ever tarnished for his censoring himself at the direction of others to keep his job.
Tough spot for olbermann… he loses either way.
@11: Whatever. Cable news in general seems to be more and more about itself and less about news these days. It’s a racket where blowhards hired by one network make outrageous statements that the other networks can cheaply obsess over, with the result of higher ratings and lower costs for all.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
How come the peacenik’s from the fringe lunatic left aren’t screamin’ about this: The deadliest month for the US and British forces in Afghanistan. 43 American troops were killed in Afghanistan in July. A total of 75 coalition forces died.
These deaths are on the back of your guy Obama.
Afghanistan is a terrible place to fight.
Ask the Russians.
13. Mr. Cynical spews:
How come the peacenik’s from the fringe lunatic left aren’t screamin’ about this:
Probably because the past few years of similar numbers from your guy it has deadened us to these things. Nice to see you’re finally giving a damn, though.
How ’bout this (which is the opinion of me and a whole bunch of lefties…)
Afghanistan is a justifiable war. Bin Laden was based there, was aided by the Taliban, the de facto government of Afghanistan at the time (but curiously OBL was NOT aided by Iraq, funny that.) But as has been reported on Ad Nauseum, troops were pulled from Afghanistan to go adventuring in Iraq for some odd reason. Bin Laden slips into Pakistan and the decreased military force allows the Taliban to regain control of much of the country. Meanwhile chasing OBL into Pakistan is abandoned, they are among the “Coalition of the willing.”
Thanks to our servicemembers who are doing something necessary. This is not meant to disrepect those who have died in Iraq. Your deaths are even more tragic given that the “no fly zone” and the IAEA made Saddam basically the Mayor of Bagdad who posed little if any threat on the world stage. You served honorably doing what you were ordered. Those who ordered you there deserve a special place in hell.
We shouldn’t let Afghanistan fall back into the 12th Century again. We had a hand in that if you remember.
It’s going to be a long process to reach accommodation with the Muslim world – empowering moderates and marginalizing radicals.
Puddybud is traveling TRAVELINGspews:
clueless wondermoron wrote
empowering moderates and marginalizing radicals.
We who think right have been marginalizing radical monomaniacal chronological moronic fools like you for years.
That’s why a lefty labeled you as monomaniacal. He was absolutely positively correct.
Politically Incorrectspews:
The common thread connecting O’Reilly, Olbermann, Hannity, Beck, Matthews, Shultz and the rest is that they’re all a bunch of fucking arrogant jerks.
Marvin Stamnspews:
13. Mr. Cynical spews:
How come the peacenik’s from the fringe lunatic left aren’t screamin’ about this:
The deadliest month for the US and British forces in Afghanistan. 43 American troops were killed in Afghanistan in July. A total of 75 coalition forces died.
Mr Cynical, I’m sure you understand that the liberal media no longer has an interest in troop deaths now that a democrat is president. HAve you noticed the anti-war protesters can’t get any face time on teev any more?
We who think right have been marginalizing radical monomaniacal chronological moronic fools like you for years.
ZZZZZZZZZ…..zzzzz. Lame as usual…
Who’s in the White House now? Who’s got majorities in Congress, Governorships and State Houses?
Some of those Dems need to be schooled or replaced with progressives for sure but we’re getting to that.
You’re on the margins now. Shit, you always were.
Such a feckless fool.. Such a never-was…
Mr Cynical, I’m sure you understand that the liberal media no longer has an interest in troop deaths
I already pointed out that the WAPO reported on this.
Shall I do it again? How about that NY Times? Is that liberal enough for you?
Wow clueless wondermoron, the WaPo and the NY Times carries a story so it’s all the MSM liberal media?
Yeah right.
22 – According to you loons WAPO and NY Times is as lib as it gets, Fred Hiatt and Judy Miller notwithstanding.
Eat it FIEND! We’re well aware of rising casualties in Afghanistan from reading the so-called “librul” media.
Nice try, right wing fools…
Puddy is STILL an idiot.
The Blowhards in the, ahem *unbiased* media put special emphasis to three entities as “the liberal media.” Those entities are: NY Times, MSNBC, PBS.
So if a story is covered by ANY of those three bastions of liberalism, making the claim that the “liberal media” has no interest in the story and only lead to 2 conclusions.
1: You’re full of shit/didn’t check to see if the “liberal media” isn’t covering the story.
2: You don’t actually beleive the right’s dogma about what constitues the liberal media. (Which inderectly leads to being full of shit.)
And Darryl’s streak continues. (He never makes pro-Obama or pro-Democrat posts).
My conclusion? He doesn’t like the job the Democrats are doing.
So Goldy reveals in Unbearable Lightness post why he obsessively reads and criticizes the Seattle Times: They weren’t as biased for her as he was. They were neutral, and this angered him, especially after she lost.
Troll @ 1,
Your streak of perpetual cluelessness continues.
Once again, you have committed a logical fallacy. You see…when one writes about something, one express an opinion on the topic, providing you evidence for drawing “conclusions.”
On the other hand, when one doesn’t write about something, it means that an opinion has not been expressed either way, thereby offering no evidence from which you can draw conclusions.
Troll @ 2
“So Goldy reveals in Unbearable Lightness post why he obsessively reads and criticizes the Seattle Times: They weren’t as biased for her as he was.”
Once again, you demonstrate that logic isn’t your strong suite (to put it as kindly as possible).
How would the relative bias between Goldy and the Times “reveal” why Goldy “obsessively” reads and criticizes the Times? Your statement makes no sense whatsoever.
We expect better from a Jesuit-educated troll. Much better!
Aren’t those Mormons stuuuuuupid? Hahahahahahahaha!
Was it a far right winger that started the birther nonsense?
What about liberal talk show host “Bertha the birther?” Is she a rightie?
Oh yeah, like lee said…
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
Which explains why Troll points out the lack of posts regarding the obama. Not much good to say… besides Hope & Change.
Troll @1,
Uh… Troll? Just a thought here…
If Daryl had a problem had a problem with Obama and the Democrats don’t you think he’d right an anti Obama/anti Democrat post?
I was disappointed to read that Olbermann and O’Reilly had ended their on-air feud because the network executives had gotten together and agreed that neither network liked it very much.
Doesn’t this undermine the authenticity of both programs? On the one hand, I was tired of Billo being Worst Person of the World every day; on the other, what does it mean when corporate pinheads talk and Olbermann (along with Billo, whom I don’t watch) listens?
Troll appears to have completely short circuited this morning.
Not if you believe lee.
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
The article you inked gives the imprssion that the speaker of truth to power isn’t a party on the deal.
It will be interesting to see if olbermann stands up for what he believes in. If not, his reputation will be for ever tarnished for his censoring himself at the direction of others to keep his job.
Tough spot for olbermann… he loses either way.
@11: Whatever. Cable news in general seems to be more and more about itself and less about news these days. It’s a racket where blowhards hired by one network make outrageous statements that the other networks can cheaply obsess over, with the result of higher ratings and lower costs for all.
How come the peacenik’s from the fringe lunatic left aren’t screamin’ about this:
The deadliest month for the US and British forces in Afghanistan. 43 American troops were killed in Afghanistan in July. A total of 75 coalition forces died.
These deaths are on the back of your guy Obama.
Afghanistan is a terrible place to fight.
Ask the Russians.
Probably because the past few years of similar numbers from your guy it has deadened us to these things. Nice to see you’re finally giving a damn, though.
How ’bout this (which is the opinion of me and a whole bunch of lefties…)
Afghanistan is a justifiable war. Bin Laden was based there, was aided by the Taliban, the de facto government of Afghanistan at the time (but curiously OBL was NOT aided by Iraq, funny that.) But as has been reported on Ad Nauseum, troops were pulled from Afghanistan to go adventuring in Iraq for some odd reason. Bin Laden slips into Pakistan and the decreased military force allows the Taliban to regain control of much of the country. Meanwhile chasing OBL into Pakistan is abandoned, they are among the “Coalition of the willing.”
Thanks to our servicemembers who are doing something necessary. This is not meant to disrepect those who have died in Iraq. Your deaths are even more tragic given that the “no fly zone” and the IAEA made Saddam basically the Mayor of Bagdad who posed little if any threat on the world stage. You served honorably doing what you were ordered. Those who ordered you there deserve a special place in hell.
We shouldn’t let Afghanistan fall back into the 12th Century again. We had a hand in that if you remember.
It’s going to be a long process to reach accommodation with the Muslim world – empowering moderates and marginalizing radicals.
clueless wondermoron wrote
We who think right have been marginalizing radical monomaniacal chronological moronic fools like you for years.
That’s why a lefty labeled you as monomaniacal. He was absolutely positively correct.
The common thread connecting O’Reilly, Olbermann, Hannity, Beck, Matthews, Shultz and the rest is that they’re all a bunch of fucking arrogant jerks.
Mr Cynical, I’m sure you understand that the liberal media no longer has an interest in troop deaths now that a democrat is president. HAve you noticed the anti-war protesters can’t get any face time on teev any more?
ZZZZZZZZZ…..zzzzz. Lame as usual…
Who’s in the White House now? Who’s got majorities in Congress, Governorships and State Houses?
Some of those Dems need to be schooled or replaced with progressives for sure but we’re getting to that.
You’re on the margins now. Shit, you always were.
Such a feckless fool.. Such a never-was…
I already pointed out that the WAPO reported on this.
Shall I do it again? How about that NY Times? Is that liberal enough for you?
Dance Marvin Dance!
Wow clueless wondermoron, the WaPo and the NY Times carries a story so it’s all the MSM liberal media?
Yeah right.
22 – According to you loons WAPO and NY Times is as lib as it gets, Fred Hiatt and Judy Miller notwithstanding.
Eat it FIEND! We’re well aware of rising casualties in Afghanistan from reading the so-called “librul” media.
Nice try, right wing fools…
Puddy is STILL an idiot.
The Blowhards in the, ahem *unbiased* media put special emphasis to three entities as “the liberal media.” Those entities are: NY Times, MSNBC, PBS.
So if a story is covered by ANY of those three bastions of liberalism, making the claim that the “liberal media” has no interest in the story and only lead to 2 conclusions.
1: You’re full of shit/didn’t check to see if the “liberal media” isn’t covering the story.
2: You don’t actually beleive the right’s dogma about what constitues the liberal media. (Which inderectly leads to being full of shit.)
But just for fun, cnn
LA Times
Marvin and Puddy need to go hide in shame now. “Liberal Media not covering…” Bullshit. PROVEN.