I’ll bet that idiot Cynical is gloating about Obama’s plummeting numbers. Here is the most reliable source of info:
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 30% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-seven percent (37%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of –7 (see trends).
“Q. Are you talking about the distances women have to travel because in parts of the country, abortion is essentially unavailable, because there are so few doctors and clinics that do the procedure? And also, the lack of Medicaid for abortions for poor women?
Justice Ginsburg: Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. Frankly, I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.
So what are “those populations that we don’t want to have too many of”?
Country people? Poor People? Huh? Well let’s see… Many of them are on this board as libtardo progressives. They complain they are poor and in their dire circumstances because it was George W. Bush’s fault. Many of them here support my poor people culling their herd. Never seen ROTCODDAM make a positive comment on our people stopping abortion. Even though later Ginsburg admits she was wrong to think that, how could she come to that conclusion in the first place unless she was a Margaret Sanger, Oliver Wendell Holmes fascist libtardo progressive?
“Even the United States Supreme Court endorsed aspects of eugenics. In its infamous 1927 decision, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, “It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind…. Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” This decision opened the floodgates for thousands to be coercively sterilized or otherwise persecuted as subhuman. Years later, the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials quoted Holmes’s words in their own defense.”
Interestingly enough it’s HA Libtardo Progressives whom call us whom think right Nazis when the Words from Nuremberg condemn their predecessors! Now which HA libtardos fit AJOTUS Holmes commentary today?
Butt wait… there is more interesting stuff in this article
Eugenic breeders believed American society was not ready to implement an organized lethal solution. But many mental institutions and doctors practiced improvised medical lethality and passive euthanasia on their own. One institution in Lincoln, Illinois fed its incoming patients milk from tubercular cows believing a eugenically strong individual would be immune. Thirty to forty percent annual death rates resulted at Lincoln. Some doctors practiced passive eugenicide one newborn infant at a time. Others doctors at mental institutions engaged in lethal neglect.
And you wonder why California is in the mess it’s in today? Look at it’s previous history…
“Nonetheless, with eugenicide marginalized, the main solution for eugenicists was the rapid expansion of forced segregation and sterilization, as well as more marriage restrictions. California led the nation, performing nearly all sterilization procedures with little or no due process. In its first twenty-five years of eugenic legislation, California sterilized 9,782 individuals, mostly women. Many were classified as “bad girls,” diagnosed as “passionate,” “oversexed” or “sexually wayward.” At Sonoma, some women were sterilized because of what was deemed an abnormally large [part] (you can read the real words in the article – Puddy).
In 1933 alone, at least 1,278 coercive sterilizations were performed, 700 of which were on women. The state’s two leading sterilization mills in 1933 were Sonoma State Home with 388 operations and Patton State Hospital with 363 operations. Other sterilization centers included Agnews, Mendocino, Napa, Norwalk, Stockton and Pacific Colony state hospitals.”
Yep! Thanks for the wonderful thought ASOTUS Ginsburg. You are a credit to Donkdom!
Daddy Lovespews:
It was so funny to see the right-wing ninnies faithfully parroting Reich Minister of Propaganda Karl Rove’s talking points attacking “czars” as an expansion of presidential power.
The facts are:
– Bush appointed a slew of “czars” including a “cybersecurity czar,” “regulatory czar,” “AIDS czar,” “bird-flu czar,” and “Katrina czar.”
– Many, if not most, progressives warned against the Bush expansion of presidential powers, warning conservatives that we can’t easily put the genie back in the bottle, and how they will hate the next Democratic presidency. I certainly did.
So now I guess the anwer is:
Suck. On. That.
Wait until the warrantless wiretapping and surveillance of conservatives and conservative organizations begins. Oh, wait, it just did.
Daddy Lovespews:
3 Pud
I guess you’d have to ask Justice Ginsburg what she meant. That would serve you better than trying to think it through, pretty clearly. What you try to pass off as deductive logic is anything but.
Daddy Lovespews:
Here’s the first clue of faulty logic:
“…how could she come to that conclusion in the first place unless…”
Ah, the old “I couldn’t think of another reason so what I CAN think of must be true” fallacy. Your ignorance and lack of intellectual breadth does not constrain the possibilities.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Now what is strange is the Rockefellers and their foundation support in all this eugenics stuff… what are they doing politically today? Today the Rockefeller Foundation supports such libtardo professors as Jacob Hacker. Jacob Hacker friends of Ted Halstead and Michael Lind of New America. You don’t remember New America? Wow Libtardo disease runs amok among the HA Libtardos.
What also is interesting is today’s Rockefeller family and their CFR and Bilderbergs support and whom they politically supported. – Dummocraptics Puddy already told you last year about CFR and Bilderbergs and whom they had in their pocket… Clinton, Obama, and Edwards. Golly CFR and Goldman Sachs and their progressive history. It’s all cummin together.
Thank you again ASOTUS Ginsburg for letting something like that slip.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Poor poor Diddled Luvr, trying to cover for ASOTUS Ginsburg thoughts. She told us what she meant.
I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.
Good try good try.
What the problem Diddled Luvr, the truth bothering you so you scream and shout something else? Historical perspectives make you crazy because you can’t change facts?
Oh the shame, the shame!
Daddy Lovespews:
I remember both Bush and Goering Cheney telling us that their warrantless surveillance program “helped prevent attacks and save American lives.”
Turns out, unsurpisingly, not so much.
A report issued yesterday by inspectors general from five intelligence agencies tells a different story.
The report, mandated by Congress last year and produced by the inspectors general of five federal agencies, found that other intelligence tools used in assessing security threats posed by terrorists provided more timely and detailed information.
Most intelligence officials interviewed “had difficulty citing specific instances” when the National Security Agency’s wiretapping program contributed to successes against terrorists, the report said.
While the program obtained information that “had value in some counterterrorism investigations, it generally played a limited role in the F.B.I.’s overall counterterrorism efforts,” the report concluded. The Central Intelligence Agency and other intelligence branches also viewed the program, which allowed eavesdropping without warrants on the international communications of Americans, as a useful tool but could not link it directly to counterterrorism successes, presumably arrests or thwarted plots.
The report (.PDF) also tells us of “political pressure in preparing the so-called threat assessments that helped form the legal basis for continuing the classified program,” and that most of the leads generated by the program “were determined not to have any connection to terrorism.”
Who woulda thought it, huh? An illegal program that is inep and ineffective, run by people who lied to us about its existence. President Palin would love it.
Politically Incorrectspews:
With all this talk about Sarah Palin, I’m surprised we don’t hear as much about the dolt that actually is vice-prez now: Joe Biden. That guy couldn’t find his ass with a flashlight, yet this mental midget goes unchallenged every day by you people while you attack a lady that, pretty soon, ain’t gonna hold any elected office whatsoever. That is, she will be a private citizen.
You’re worried about the piss-ants while the elephants are running amok.
Daddy Lovespews:
8 Pud
I haven’t yet read the NYT Magazine piece. I certainly know better than to trust CNSNews.
But let’s assume she said that. The question is, wht did she mean? You prsented what you think, cribbing heavily from the right-wing article.
Was such a conclusion logically justified by the mere evidence of her statement? No.
Daddy Lovespews:
Right wingers are attacking the eugenics movement? I applaud it.
Right wingers trying to associate present-day political figures (oddly enough, only their political enemeies) with the eugenics movement? Predictable as sunrise.
After all, if right-wingers didn’t have ridiculous, non sequitur, pejorative character assasination, they’d have no political arguments at all.
Policy is hard, isn’t it guys? Oh, wait, you wouldn’t know.
Piper Scottspews:
And today the left practices cultural, economic, and intellectual eugenics as it creates a nanny state on steroids.
The left will herd us up the road to salvation whether we want to go or not since it has truth by the tail on a downhill grade.
Genetic eugenics is but an extreme example of the principal, but not terribly unimaginable, especially if you read the comments from the HA Happy Hooligans.
I suppose if you had to ask yourselves what the HA Happy Hooligans would regard as the perfectly crafted society, you’d have to go to the Romania of the early 1980’s. Nicolae Ceausescu has to be the archtype HA Happy Hooligan government official. Sad, then, that his own people turned on him, overthrew him, then executed him.
When will Gelding post a thread calling for his birthday to be an international holiday akin to May Day?
The Piper
Daddy Lovespews:
10 PI
Let’s see: with an opportunity to present us with a recitation of actual words or actions that would tell us how supposedly terrible Biden is, you pass.
Instead, we are regaled with standard, off-the-shelf right-wing character assassination: “the dolt,” “That guy couldn’t find his ass with a flashlight,” “mental midget”
Yawn. Wake me when you have something substantive to say.
Daddy Lovespews:
13 PS
Man, lose a couple of elections and you guys go totally un-fucking-hinged.
Why don’t you pull your heads out your asses and organize?
But no, you’d all rather bleat your pathetic conspiracy theories to one another and nod wisely as you lose the NEXT two elections.
Some really STRANGE shit in this thread.. When the Pooper chimes in to prop up the paranoia of Stupes things get really WEIRD.
CNSnews? Heh. Funny…
Piper Scottspews:
Google: Joe Biden gaffes. You’l get some 294,000 hits.
Here’s a link to a great one where he confessed that the Obama Administration “guessed wrong” on the impact of the economic stimulus.
Must be an effect of the hair-plug glue seeping into his brain. How else can anyone ‘splain his ever-present foot-in-mouth status?
The Piper
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Of course the moron aptly named monomaniacal clueless wonder will diss the source even though those are ASOTUS Ginsburg’s own words.
And he wonders cluelessly why he is clueless wonder.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Diddled Luvr,
Your side calls yourself progressives. We whom think right didn’t name you fools.
Nuff SAID!
Daddy Lovespews:
19 Pud
That’s the best example I couldn’t have come up with myself for my point. Name-calling and gravely assuring yourselves and each other that you’re really RIGHT even though no one will vote for your side.
You see, we’re the “fools” who are drinking your fucking milkshake.
Daddy Lovespews:
18 Pud
No. I have only CNSNews’ word for it that those are Ginsburg’s own words. Until I read it in the NY Times magazine, I won’t really know, now will I?
Piper Scottspews:
But then you’ll only have the word of the NY Times Magazine.
So, to straighten this out, it’s only true if you approve of the source? Glad you are the ultimate arbiter of what is and what is not.
Really, you should consider how silly you sound before you post dumb stuff.
The Piper
Daddy Lovespews:
17 PS
and @10
Again, it’s not MY responsibility to spend my time looking up materials to support YOUR (or PI’s) assertions.
But thanks for the link. Devastating, isn’t it? Unemployment as a bit worse than many economists had estimated under the stimulus plan. And you conclusions appear to be that (a) this is Joe Biden’s fault, (b) it’s a “gaffe” for him to report this simple fact, and c) this makes him “the dolt,” the guy who”couldn’t find his ass with a flashlight,” and a “mental midget.”
Not impressive at all, really.
Hey, did you see where the Ohio Department of Transportation has been using stimulus funds for work on 52 projects? On June 15, the ODOT issued a statement noting that the stimulus funds are helping to create jobs. “As contracts are awarded, construction companies begin to mobilize workers for these jobs,” the statement reads.
Daddy Lovespews:
22 PS
Please don’t sound any stupider than you have to. CNS’s claim is that the NY Times Magazine is printing an interview containing the quotes in question. THAT, in case you’re still catching up on your reading, is the claim I am questioning. So, in fact, when I see the words in that article, I will then know that CNS was accurate.
I am not so solipsistic as you assume. Even if I heard her say it, how would I know she exists?
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey, I searched for “solipsism” and got 251,000 results. Man, that Joe Biden must be a DICK!
Piper Scottspews:
What a crock!
Biden steps in it so routinely it’s no longer newsworthy. And the fact that the administration resorts to “guessing?” What’s next – consult the entrails of a goat???
How dopey.
As we all watch unemployment creep up to 10 percent, the stimulus continues to look stupid. Any credible source out there saying that it has worked?
And as to the CNS/NY Times Magazine piece? Go read this, which is what CNS reported Justice Ginsburg said.
Here’s a clue: when you find yourself in a deep hole, quit digging. I will accept your apology in advance.
The Piper
Daddy Lovespews:
26 PS
I’ll take your first statement as an admission that you can’t or won’t back up assertions about Joe Biden. Whatever. You can’t expect people to accept whatever your piehole spews as fact if you don’t bother to support it. I know that to a conservative, opinion is more important than fact. Thos darned facts have that well-kown left wing bias.
As for the “administration” resorting to “guessing:” um, they’re called “estimates” which is what people do to evaluate a course of action in advance of it actually being implmented. Even your holy of holies, private enterprise, does that ALL THE TIME. And sometimes they’re even a bit off.
But Biden didn’t say that the Obama administration guessed wrong. He said, and I quote from the article, “Everyone guessed wrong at the time the estimate was made about what the state of the economy was at the moment this was passed.” He also said, according to the article, that the estimates were based on standard economic models. And I am sure they were. If they were not, you’d be bleating about that. But that means that any economist using the same models would come to essentially the same conclusion. And no doubt many did, which is likely why he said “everyone.” He reads.
As for the NYT article, thank for the link. I owe you nothing, because I doubted CNS News, not you. I don’t understand how you still don’t get that. Oh, well.
As for Justice Ginsburg’s statement, I find it hard to believe that an honest person could read that article and then come to the conclusion that she is against poor people. But then you guys don’t read whole articles, do you? You just re-post what you’re told to.
Daddy Lovespews:
Shouldn’t we all keep in mind that the stimulus bill was signed in April, and it’s only July?
Politically Incorrectspews:
Have you been paying attention? Every time the dummy opens his mouth, he put his foot in it. Just watch Joe stumble a few times on the news, and you’ll be praying for Obama’s longevity and good health, too!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Here’s the first thing that came up when I Googled “Joe Biden’s blunders:”
Google “Joe Biden’s blunders” and have a read, asshole! You can attack Sarah Palin for being a dimwit if you want, but Biden has a front seat on the “little school bus!”
Daddy Lovespews:
30 PI
First, I don’t have to look up a goddamned thing to prove a point YOU want to make. Bring it or stay home.
Second, hmm. Your example is not terrifically impressive either. So Biden said a couple of things that were pretty clearly mistakes and which might beave been politically unfortunate during the campaign for an election they won. So what? None of that either obscrures or contradicts what we know of Joe Biden: that this 36-year veteran of the Senate is an acknowledged expert in foreign policy and crime prevention.
In case you just woke up, Rip, John McCain and Sarah Palin said such a huge number of stupid things that THEY LOST THE ELECTION! Seems kind of indicative of something. QED, motherfucker.
Daddy Lovespews:
…and Sarah Palin during the 2008 campaign was unable to answer a question about what newspapers she reads, or what the Bush Docrine is. I’m not even counting “Africa the country.” She’s not exacty making Joe Biden nervous. She makes ME laugh.
Daddy Lovespews:
I just saw a copy of the Globe at the grocery store with the huge headline “Bush Alzheimer’s Shocker!”
I gotta tell you, it’s not as much of a shock as they seem to think. Like Reagan’s last few years in office, if any of you are old enough to remember. He was pretty fucking out of it. Everyone wondered why, but no one wondered IF.
And Bush? He was no mental prize-winner BEFORE he started to lose it.
Daddy Lovespews:
Current Obama Job approval from pollingreport.com, in the form: Source Approval/Disapproval Spread
Quinnipiac 57/33 +24
CNN/RC 61/37 +24
ABC/Washington Post 65/31 +34
CBS/New York Times 63/26 +37
NBC/Wall St. Journal 56/34 +18
Pew 61/30 +31
FOX/OD RV 62/31 +31
Ipsos/McClatchy 64/32 +32
Diageo/Hotline RV 65/31 +34
Marist RV 56/32 +24
He stepped in the batters box and missed 81 pitches. Perfect game Piper with the minimum pitch count.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow Diddled Luvr, Puddy recognizes you call yourself a progressive and Puddy is name calling. You have no retort on Rockefeller Foundation. Truth and history can’t be changed Diddled Luvr!
Drill, Sarah, drill.
I’ll bet that idiot Cynical is gloating about Obama’s plummeting numbers. Here is the most reliable source of info:
Saturday, July 11, 2009
AJOTSC Ruth Ginsburg let one slip…
“Q. Are you talking about the distances women have to travel because in parts of the country, abortion is essentially unavailable, because there are so few doctors and clinics that do the procedure? And also, the lack of Medicaid for abortions for poor women?
Justice Ginsburg: Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. Frankly, I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.
Country people? Poor People? Huh? Well let’s see… Many of them are on this board as libtardo progressives. They complain they are poor and in their dire circumstances because it was George W. Bush’s fault. Many of them here support my poor people culling their herd. Never seen ROTCODDAM make a positive comment on our people stopping abortion. Even though later Ginsburg admits she was wrong to think that, how could she come to that conclusion in the first place unless she was a Margaret Sanger, Oliver Wendell Holmes fascist libtardo progressive?
Interestingly enough it’s HA Libtardo Progressives whom call us whom think right Nazis when the Words from Nuremberg condemn their predecessors! Now which HA libtardos fit AJOTUS Holmes commentary today?
Butt wait… there is more interesting stuff in this article
And you wonder why California is in the mess it’s in today? Look at it’s previous history…
Yep! Thanks for the wonderful thought ASOTUS Ginsburg. You are a credit to Donkdom!
It was so funny to see the right-wing ninnies faithfully parroting Reich Minister of Propaganda Karl Rove’s talking points attacking “czars” as an expansion of presidential power.
The facts are:
– Bush appointed a slew of “czars” including a “cybersecurity czar,” “regulatory czar,” “AIDS czar,” “bird-flu czar,” and “Katrina czar.”
– Many, if not most, progressives warned against the Bush expansion of presidential powers, warning conservatives that we can’t easily put the genie back in the bottle, and how they will hate the next Democratic presidency. I certainly did.
So now I guess the anwer is:
Suck. On. That.
Wait until the warrantless wiretapping and surveillance of conservatives and conservative organizations begins. Oh, wait, it just did.
3 Pud
I guess you’d have to ask Justice Ginsburg what she meant. That would serve you better than trying to think it through, pretty clearly. What you try to pass off as deductive logic is anything but.
Here’s the first clue of faulty logic:
Ah, the old “I couldn’t think of another reason so what I CAN think of must be true” fallacy. Your ignorance and lack of intellectual breadth does not constrain the possibilities.
Now what is strange is the Rockefellers and their foundation support in all this eugenics stuff… what are they doing politically today? Today the Rockefeller Foundation supports such libtardo professors as Jacob Hacker. Jacob Hacker friends of Ted Halstead and Michael Lind of New America. You don’t remember New America? Wow Libtardo disease runs amok among the HA Libtardos.
What also is interesting is today’s Rockefeller family and their CFR and Bilderbergs support and whom they politically supported. – Dummocraptics Puddy already told you last year about CFR and Bilderbergs and whom they had in their pocket… Clinton, Obama, and Edwards. Golly CFR and Goldman Sachs and their progressive history. It’s all cummin together.
Thank you again ASOTUS Ginsburg for letting something like that slip.
Poor poor Diddled Luvr, trying to cover for ASOTUS Ginsburg thoughts. She told us what she meant.
Good try good try.
What the problem Diddled Luvr, the truth bothering you so you scream and shout something else? Historical perspectives make you crazy because you can’t change facts?
Oh the shame, the shame!
I remember both Bush and
GoeringCheney telling us that their warrantless surveillance program “helped prevent attacks and save American lives.”Turns out, unsurpisingly, not so much.
A report issued yesterday by inspectors general from five intelligence agencies tells a different story.
The report (.PDF) also tells us of “political pressure in preparing the so-called threat assessments that helped form the legal basis for continuing the classified program,” and that most of the leads generated by the program “were determined not to have any connection to terrorism.”
Who woulda thought it, huh? An illegal program that is inep and ineffective, run by people who lied to us about its existence. President Palin would love it.
With all this talk about Sarah Palin, I’m surprised we don’t hear as much about the dolt that actually is vice-prez now: Joe Biden. That guy couldn’t find his ass with a flashlight, yet this mental midget goes unchallenged every day by you people while you attack a lady that, pretty soon, ain’t gonna hold any elected office whatsoever. That is, she will be a private citizen.
You’re worried about the piss-ants while the elephants are running amok.
8 Pud
I haven’t yet read the NYT Magazine piece. I certainly know better than to trust CNSNews.
But let’s assume she said that. The question is, wht did she mean? You prsented what you think, cribbing heavily from the right-wing article.
Was such a conclusion logically justified by the mere evidence of her statement? No.
Right wingers are attacking the eugenics movement? I applaud it.
Right wingers trying to associate present-day political figures (oddly enough, only their political enemeies) with the eugenics movement? Predictable as sunrise.
After all, if right-wingers didn’t have ridiculous, non sequitur, pejorative character assasination, they’d have no political arguments at all.
Policy is hard, isn’t it guys? Oh, wait, you wouldn’t know.
And today the left practices cultural, economic, and intellectual eugenics as it creates a nanny state on steroids.
The left will herd us up the road to salvation whether we want to go or not since it has truth by the tail on a downhill grade.
Genetic eugenics is but an extreme example of the principal, but not terribly unimaginable, especially if you read the comments from the HA Happy Hooligans.
I suppose if you had to ask yourselves what the HA Happy Hooligans would regard as the perfectly crafted society, you’d have to go to the Romania of the early 1980’s. Nicolae Ceausescu has to be the archtype HA Happy Hooligan government official. Sad, then, that his own people turned on him, overthrew him, then executed him.
When will Gelding post a thread calling for his birthday to be an international holiday akin to May Day?
The Piper
10 PI
Let’s see: with an opportunity to present us with a recitation of actual words or actions that would tell us how supposedly terrible Biden is, you pass.
Instead, we are regaled with standard, off-the-shelf right-wing character assassination: “the dolt,” “That guy couldn’t find his ass with a flashlight,” “mental midget”
Yawn. Wake me when you have something substantive to say.
13 PS
Man, lose a couple of elections and you guys go totally un-fucking-hinged.
Why don’t you pull your heads out your asses and organize?
But no, you’d all rather bleat your pathetic conspiracy theories to one another and nod wisely as you lose the NEXT two elections.
Some really STRANGE shit in this thread.. When the Pooper chimes in to prop up the paranoia of Stupes things get really WEIRD.
CNSnews? Heh. Funny…
Google: Joe Biden gaffes. You’l get some 294,000 hits.
Here’s a link to a great one where he confessed that the Obama Administration “guessed wrong” on the impact of the economic stimulus.
Must be an effect of the hair-plug glue seeping into his brain. How else can anyone ‘splain his ever-present foot-in-mouth status?
The Piper
Of course the moron aptly named monomaniacal clueless wonder will diss the source even though those are ASOTUS Ginsburg’s own words.
And he wonders cluelessly why he is clueless wonder.
Diddled Luvr,
Your side calls yourself progressives. We whom think right didn’t name you fools.
Nuff SAID!
19 Pud
That’s the best example I couldn’t have come up with myself for my point. Name-calling and gravely assuring yourselves and each other that you’re really RIGHT even though no one will vote for your side.
You see, we’re the “fools” who are drinking your fucking milkshake.
18 Pud
No. I have only CNSNews’ word for it that those are Ginsburg’s own words. Until I read it in the NY Times magazine, I won’t really know, now will I?
But then you’ll only have the word of the NY Times Magazine.
So, to straighten this out, it’s only true if you approve of the source? Glad you are the ultimate arbiter of what is and what is not.
Really, you should consider how silly you sound before you post dumb stuff.
The Piper
17 PS
and @10
Again, it’s not MY responsibility to spend my time looking up materials to support YOUR (or PI’s) assertions.
But thanks for the link. Devastating, isn’t it? Unemployment as a bit worse than many economists had estimated under the stimulus plan. And you conclusions appear to be that (a) this is Joe Biden’s fault, (b) it’s a “gaffe” for him to report this simple fact, and c) this makes him “the dolt,” the guy who”couldn’t find his ass with a flashlight,” and a “mental midget.”
Not impressive at all, really.
Hey, did you see where the Ohio Department of Transportation has been using stimulus funds for work on 52 projects? On June 15, the ODOT issued a statement noting that the stimulus funds are helping to create jobs. “As contracts are awarded, construction companies begin to mobilize workers for these jobs,” the statement reads.
22 PS
Please don’t sound any stupider than you have to. CNS’s claim is that the NY Times Magazine is printing an interview containing the quotes in question. THAT, in case you’re still catching up on your reading, is the claim I am questioning. So, in fact, when I see the words in that article, I will then know that CNS was accurate.
I am not so solipsistic as you assume. Even if I heard her say it, how would I know she exists?
Hey, I searched for “solipsism” and got 251,000 results. Man, that Joe Biden must be a DICK!
What a crock!
Biden steps in it so routinely it’s no longer newsworthy. And the fact that the administration resorts to “guessing?” What’s next – consult the entrails of a goat???
How dopey.
As we all watch unemployment creep up to 10 percent, the stimulus continues to look stupid. Any credible source out there saying that it has worked?
And as to the CNS/NY Times Magazine piece? Go read this, which is what CNS reported Justice Ginsburg said.
Here’s a clue: when you find yourself in a deep hole, quit digging. I will accept your apology in advance.
The Piper
26 PS
I’ll take your first statement as an admission that you can’t or won’t back up assertions about Joe Biden. Whatever. You can’t expect people to accept whatever your piehole spews as fact if you don’t bother to support it. I know that to a conservative, opinion is more important than fact. Thos darned facts have that well-kown left wing bias.
As for the “administration” resorting to “guessing:” um, they’re called “estimates” which is what people do to evaluate a course of action in advance of it actually being implmented. Even your holy of holies, private enterprise, does that ALL THE TIME. And sometimes they’re even a bit off.
But Biden didn’t say that the Obama administration guessed wrong. He said, and I quote from the article, “Everyone guessed wrong at the time the estimate was made about what the state of the economy was at the moment this was passed.” He also said, according to the article, that the estimates were based on standard economic models. And I am sure they were. If they were not, you’d be bleating about that. But that means that any economist using the same models would come to essentially the same conclusion. And no doubt many did, which is likely why he said “everyone.” He reads.
As for the NYT article, thank for the link. I owe you nothing, because I doubted CNS News, not you. I don’t understand how you still don’t get that. Oh, well.
As for Justice Ginsburg’s statement, I find it hard to believe that an honest person could read that article and then come to the conclusion that she is against poor people. But then you guys don’t read whole articles, do you? You just re-post what you’re told to.
Shouldn’t we all keep in mind that the stimulus bill was signed in April, and it’s only July?
Have you been paying attention? Every time the dummy opens his mouth, he put his foot in it. Just watch Joe stumble a few times on the news, and you’ll be praying for Obama’s longevity and good health, too!
Here’s the first thing that came up when I Googled “Joe Biden’s blunders:”
Google “Joe Biden’s blunders” and have a read, asshole! You can attack Sarah Palin for being a dimwit if you want, but Biden has a front seat on the “little school bus!”
30 PI
First, I don’t have to look up a goddamned thing to prove a point YOU want to make. Bring it or stay home.
Second, hmm. Your example is not terrifically impressive either. So Biden said a couple of things that were pretty clearly mistakes and which might beave been politically unfortunate during the campaign for an election they won. So what? None of that either obscrures or contradicts what we know of Joe Biden: that this 36-year veteran of the Senate is an acknowledged expert in foreign policy and crime prevention.
In case you just woke up, Rip, John McCain and Sarah Palin said such a huge number of stupid things that THEY LOST THE ELECTION! Seems kind of indicative of something. QED, motherfucker.
…and Sarah Palin during the 2008 campaign was unable to answer a question about what newspapers she reads, or what the Bush Docrine is. I’m not even counting “Africa the country.” She’s not exacty making Joe Biden nervous. She makes ME laugh.
I just saw a copy of the Globe at the grocery store with the huge headline “Bush Alzheimer’s Shocker!”
I gotta tell you, it’s not as much of a shock as they seem to think. Like Reagan’s last few years in office, if any of you are old enough to remember. He was pretty fucking out of it. Everyone wondered why, but no one wondered IF.
And Bush? He was no mental prize-winner BEFORE he started to lose it.
Current Obama Job approval from pollingreport.com, in the form:
Source Approval/Disapproval Spread
Quinnipiac 57/33 +24
CNN/RC 61/37 +24
ABC/Washington Post 65/31 +34
CBS/New York Times 63/26 +37
NBC/Wall St. Journal 56/34 +18
Pew 61/30 +31
FOX/OD RV 62/31 +31
Ipsos/McClatchy 64/32 +32
Diageo/Hotline RV 65/31 +34
Marist RV 56/32 +24
Piper, great whup ASS on Diddled Luvr.
He stepped in the batters box and missed 81 pitches. Perfect game Piper with the minimum pitch count.
Wow Diddled Luvr, Puddy recognizes you call yourself a progressive and Puddy is name calling. You have no retort on Rockefeller Foundation. Truth and history can’t be changed Diddled Luvr!
You R Strange strange strange.
“What we can do, we will try to do.” M. Ghandi
The Piper