Many conservatives want to replace the income tax with a 54% federal sales tax. They call it the “Fair Tax” and they’re lying about how much it will cost you. Remember this when you vote.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Washington has a very high sales tax and no income tax. In our state, low income households pay 5 1/2 times as much of their income in state/local taxes as high income households pay — roughly 17% vs. 3%. Conservatives like this tax distribution so much they want to implement it on a national scale. Remember this when you vote.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A typical estate subject to inheritance taxes consists largely of previously untaxed capital gains. Under existing law, heirs get a “basis step-up,” which means these gains will never be taxed. Without inheritance taxes, the very rich could pass on billions of dollars of investment, business, real estate, and sotck market earnings to their descendants without a penny of taxes ever being paid on any of it. Conservatives want to abolish inheritance taxes, which will allow very rich families to receive enormous incomes and accumulate gigantic fortunes entirely tax-free, while wage earners continue to get their $3,000 personal exemption, adjusted a few dollars a year for inflation. Remember this when you vote.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Conservatives like to spend your tax dollars on killing innocent women and child in foreign lands, but oppose spending the taxes you paid on anything that benefits you or your family. Remember this when you vote.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Conservatives support denying children health care because their parents are poor. Remember this when you vote.
Pelletizer, where are the facts for posts #1-5? Does Mrs Dumb Bunny know of your enfeebled mind? Most of the time when you place your crap on this blog peeps dissect it. Puddy giving you a chance to prove these “charges”. Otherwise it’s just more swill from de dumb bunny. Just like your latest moronic attack that Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama’s Princeton Thesis didn’t show she hated white college educated liberals was proven WRONG!
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 35% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-two percent (32%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of +3
Obama has his hardcore 30% and his anti-30%.
The middle is fluid & up for grabs.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
How about David Letterman (father of Harry the L’il Bastard Letterman…born out of wedlock by definition is a bastard and he is young)
His apology was not an apology but an excuse!
Soon he will get the point…Letterman is sooooo arrogant. Conan is close to him in ratings & rising.
How come some comedians like Kramer are crucified when they cross the line…and Letterman gets a pass from the same folks???
Letterman is no Johnny Carson, Jerry Seinfeld, Billy Crystal…that’s for sure.
He is a childish 62 year-old with zero conscience.
Perhaps Harry “the L’il Bastard” Letterman will grow to hate his old man for drawing attention to him in a negative way.
Why shouldn’t a “jokester” experience the same cruel jokes he dishes out??
Where is the outrage Jon, Goldy & Darryl??
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
The AmeriCorps Inspector General (IG) accuses a prominent California mayor and Obama supporter of misusing AmeriCorps grant money. The prominent Obama supporter from California has to pay back more than $400,000 of that grant money. Obama fires AmeriCorps IG for identifying these issues.
“[Walpin] found that [Kevin] Johnson, a former all-star point guard for the Phoenix Suns [mayor of Sacramento], had used AmeriCorps grants to pay volunteers to engage in school-board political activities, run personal errands for Johnson and even wash his car.” Associated Press reports.
So if you check on a supporter of “the messiah” and you find wrong doing, look the other way otherwise you’ll lose your job ensuring American taxpayer money is being used correctly. Remember he’s the man who should be obeyed cuz he says so!
How is that hope and change working out again?
How is the most transparent sadministration working out again?
Piper Scottspews:
Going up to Husky Stadium today to watch my youngest daughter graduate from the UW. Phi Beta Kappa with a double major in French and political science, this young and very conservative woman is already knockin’ ’em dead in Teach for America.
She flew home from Houston, where she’s going through her TfA orientation in anticipation of spending two years teaching French in the Mississippi Delta region, just for the occassion.
The HA Happy Hooligans might as well quit know because the lot of you don’t, and can never, hold a candle to her brilliance, determination, and commitment. She will set the world ON FIRE!!!
Her Pops is going to be the proudest guy in the bleachers as she gets her B.A.
The Piper
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Cynical, there is no outrage about Letterman from the NAGs either or childrens’ support groups. Did you see the stupid Matt Lauer try to defend Letterman in his interview with Palin?
Don Imus was fired for attacking adult women. David Letterman, far left whack job liberal attacks a girl under 18 and he gets supported and a pass cuz he’s a “comedian”.
“Bought makeup from Bloomingdale’s to update her ‘slutty flight attendant’ look,” Letterman said. – I guess flight attendants love Letterman now.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Congrats Piper. Smart people beget smart people!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow the NAGs finally said something about Letterman’s stupid joke. Funny the HA swineflu weasel gang has nothing to say. I bet von Brunn hates Sarah Palin like all leftist weasels here. What say you NutsTooTight? You hate Sarah Palin right?
By the way to Puddy it seems the NAGs response was forced. Look at the last paragraph. You see if they were really sincere, the comments would be about Letterman would have been the last paragraph. By adding the paragraph about Limbaugh shows their innate leftist biases. Sad and so typical.
The Limbaugh comment on Chelsea Clinton was a one time incidental event. The Letterman attack jokes were scripted, taped, aired and repeated. They had plenty of time to verify which daughter was with Palin. It could have been edited out. The audience’s laughter on his stupid joke went beyond the pale. It shows just about everyone who attends Letterman’s show are libtard progressives. Even Letterman’s attempt at an apology was offensive. He tripped again.
CBS fired Imus from his radio show. You heard Imus. Will CBS fire Letterman from his TV show? You watched Letterman.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Why does Letterman, et alia, even care about Sarah Palin anymore? That election is over, and the Milk Chocolate Messiah won.
Politically Incorrectspews:
If poor people are buying stuff that’s subject to sales tax, then they should pay the tax. If they’re not buying stuff subject to sales tax, then there’s no tax.
What a lot of “progressives” really want is re-distribution of wealth. Why don’t they just admit it and say they want a totally socialist world where government runs everything? All decisions made by government bureaucrats with no personal freedoms whatsoever.
Letterman is a liberal, and therefore he is intolerant of those who don’t think like him. He’s a very angry, hate-filled man. I think he embodies what it means to be a Democratic liberal/progressive in America: Anger. Hate. Intolerance. Demonization.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Did the libtards know since shooting death of patrolman John Holt Jr. in 1940, there have been at least 20 such incidents of policemen shooting policemen in NYC, most of them white cops shooting black cops. Officer Omar Edwards was offed by two fellow white officers two weeks ago. They fired six shots into Omar and he died while chasing after and trying to catch the criminals who broke into his car.
White officers sees a black man with a gun and whitey goes nuts? You tell Puddy what you think.
Marvin Stamnspews:
14. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
The Limbaugh comment
Rush had some funny jokes about the obama yesterday…
Remember during the campaign when John McCain attacked Obama for acting like a celebrity… Well, it turns out he was right.
Taking strangers from a TV show on a tour of your house? We have that show; it’s called “Cribs.”
I saw him take Brian Williams into his bedroom, and at the end of the bed there was a teleprompter and it said, “Who’s your daddy?”
President Obama should just join the cast of “I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!” It’s not that farfetched; he’s been on everything else.
Hilarious stuff, unlike those child rape jokes of letterman.
I was wondering why the homophobic bigot didn’t post his rasmussen poll update today.
Thanks for the update.
Congrats to the Pooper.
It’s truly remarkable that even the issue of the Pooper could have more on the ball than Susan Hutchison.
and French? Don’t tell fiends like BillO.
Marvin Stamnspews:
18. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Did the libtards know since shooting death of patrolman John Holt Jr. in 1940, there have been at least 20 such incidents of policemen shooting policemen in NYC, most of them white cops shooting black cops.
Good thing it happened in the democrat controlled new york city.
Could you imagine the outrage from the left had it been in a city under republican control?
And it’s really funny.
Both the Pooper and Stupes send their kids to UW..
in Seattle?
Why couldn’t they send their kids to a wingnut school in Mississippi? Deep Red down there it is. Terrific “conservative” legacy. Ronnie Raygun started his run for the White House down there talking about cough .. states rights.
Hell they even build sturdy cheap boats to boot..
Good thing it happened in the democrat controlled new york city.
So how many black cops were shot on Rudy and Bloomberg’s watch?
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. Piper Scott spews:
Going up to Husky Stadium today to watch my youngest daughter graduate from the UW. Phi Beta Kappa with a double major in French and political science, this young and very conservative woman is already knockin’ ‘em dead in Teach for America.
Maybe the obama should have said the liberals he hangs with don’t speak french since the Piper has proven that real Americans can major in french.
Real Americans???? Hmmm.. Again funny that a “Real American” like Pooper would allow his kid to attend a school like UW much less graduate. According to his tribe, “Real Americans” don’t live and work here.
So Stamn are you one of the fiends who answered the call to hate the French by Billo and Faux? Do you order freedom fries?
Heh. Talk about anti-bigotry.
Where does this kind of lunacy happen? Only on the right…
So “state rights” is codespeak for bigotry?
Not exactly but very close. In Raygun’s usage it was codespeak for “I want the bigot vote. I’m your guy.”
And yep, they gave it to him.
The other guy wasn’t going to issue such a dog whistle.
Rush had some funny jokes about the obama yesterday…
I wouldn’t be surprised if the pseudo anti-bigot is the single biggest requester of “Barack the Magic Negro” from the gas-bloated whale show.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 You think I’m making all that up, puddlehead? That’s so typical of wingnut troll tactics: When the facts are against you, lie and deny.
It’s true I don’t know exactly how one should respond to someone who goes around insisting the moon is made of green cheese. You can’t reason with willful stupidity and ignorance, and it’s folly to try.
Please understand this, Glassy-Eyed One. I don’t post here to educate you. That’s hopeless. I wrote you off long enough. What I’m try to do is neutralize the poison that you and your ilk spew so it doesn’t sicken and kill the innocent masses.
That’s a sufficient statement of general principles. Now, as for your specific allegations, let’s start with the so-called “Fair Tax.” The basic proposal is concisely outlined on Wikipedia as follows:
“The FairTax is a proposed change to the federal tax laws of the United States that would replace all federal income taxes[1] with a single national retail sales tax. The plan has been introduced into the United States Congress as the Fair Tax Act (H.R. 25/S. 296). The tax would be levied once at the point of purchase on all new goods and services for personal consumption. The proposal also calls for a monthly payment to all family households of lawful U.S. residents as an advance rebate, or ‘prebate’, of tax on purchases up to the poverty level.[2][3] The sales tax rate, as defined in the legislation, is 23 percent of the total payment including the tax ($23 of every $100 spent in total—calculated similar to income taxes). This would be equivalent to a 30 percent traditional U.S. sales tax ($23 on top of every $77 spent—$100 total).”
Don’t like Wikipedia? Then go to the Wikipedia entry and click on each and every one of the provided footnotes to go to the original sources. Don’t believe the Fair Tax rate is 30%? Then go to H.R. 25 or S.296 and read the actual proposed legislation yourself. You don’t have to take my mind for it; that’s why sources are provided, Addled One. That’s what sources are for.
Likewise the provisions of the inheritance tax, and their effect. You can google descriptive material on the internet, or read the actual Tax Code, or hire a tax attorney to explain it to you. The basis step-up is real, Puddinghead, and here’s how it works:
Let’s say your grandfather bought farmland in 1920 for $2,000, in what is now downtown Everett, and leaves it to you in his will. Now let’s say you sell it for its current market value of $1,500,000. This is $1,490,000 of capital gains, and after subtracting your grandfather’s original $2,000 investment, it is income to your family that has not been previously taxed. But it’s not taxable income, and it’s not even taxable capital gains, because when the property passed to you through inheritance the law redefined the “basis” of the property for tax purposes at its current value. This is a gift the Tax Code makes to you and all other heirs, puddy. I’m not bullshitting about this, it’s the law, and anyone whose parents have died and who have inherited a house, bank accounts, stocks, or any other type of property knows this from personal experience. And because the $1,490,000 capital gain in the illustration above is less than the inheritance tax exemption, you get that income/capital gain absolutely tax free.
You don’t have to take my word for how much the wage earner’s personal exemption is, either, puddy. If you don’t know, that means you’ve never worked, and have never reported earned income on a 1040 form. But every working person in the country knows what this exemption is, puddy. Since you don’t, I’ll save you the trouble of looking it up: For the most recent tax year, 2008, it’s $3,500.
Now compare that to the inheritance tax exemption, which in 2008 was $2,000,000. It should be understood, though, that’s only a nomimal figure and your hypothetical grandfather can, in fact, greatly increase the amount of his estate that will be untaxed by transferring some of his wealth to his heirs before his death, so that with proper tax planning the real exemption is the inheritance tax exemption PLUS accumulated gift tax exemptions (you get a new gift tax exemption every year). Don’t take my word for it, pudpacker; look it up, or ask a tax accountant or tax attorney to explain it to you.
Millions of dollars of exemptions versus $3,500 exemption: Somebody’s getting screwed. Who? Wage earners. Since only a tiny percentage of estates are large enough to owe inheritance taxes, the vast majority of heirs get a FREE RIDE. I’m not lying about this, puddy, these are facts. This is the truth. Deny it all you want, nobody except other wingnuts will believe you, because at the end of the day you can’t make reality go away by lying.
Washington state’s tax structure, and its corresponding distribution of tax burdens, has been studied by a legislatively-commissioned official task force, and by others. You can read the reports, puddy. I’m simply repeating the findings. I didn’t make this stuff up. It’s a fact that the bottom 20% of Washington households pay many times the percentage of their income to state and local taxes than the top 20% pay. It’s also a fact that small business is taxed more heavily in Washington than most other states, in large part because of the regressive B & O tax that is effectively a tax on gross income regardless of whether the business makes a profit. Studies show this tax is especially hard on new struggling businesses compared to established profitable businesses. Of course, Big Business isn’t even in the picture, because they own this state’s politicians and use their clout to not only get exemptions from any meaningful level of taxation but also to get taxpayer subsidies and handouts like the $3 billion that Boeing extorted from Gutless Gary Locke and his equally gutless legislature, which at that time was controlled by the Democrats (House) and Republicans (Senate). Of course, Republicans are always happy to give tax exemptions and gifts of taxpayer monies to Big Business, so it wasn’t hard to get them to go along with that.
This system sucks, puddlebutt. Workers are getting raped. They get all of the country’s work including all the dirty, dangerous, and unpleasant jobs. They get less than half of the country’s income, even though they’re over 95% of the population. They get the commuting hassles, the bullying bosses, the bad working conditions, the lack of job security. They get their pensions stolen and their health benefits cut back. And they get the highest tax rates and the least tax exemptions and deductions. Workers are simply getting fucked in the ass by the economic and tax system that conservatives like you have built up in this country, pussbutt.
Of course, I don’t hate you for all this, although I should. People who do this to their fellow citizens deserve to be hated, loathed, and despised. But I don’t hate you, pussbutt. I merely disagree with you. I think this system should go. It’s unfair, and should be changed to make it more fair. That’s all. I know you’re against that, you like it the way it is, and want to make it even more regressive if you can. That’s what all conservatives want, you included. I’m not even trying to change your mind, puddlehead.
All I’m doing is asking people not to vote for conservatives.
Roger Rabbitspews:
There are two kinds of income, earned and unearned. Stated another way, there’s wages and there’s investment income. Or, stated yet another way, there’s income you work for, and income you get by owning stuff.
Most of the U.S. population consists of workers. Only a tiny percentage of Americans are wealthy capitalists. Yet, the amount of our national output that goes to owners of capital is breathtaking.
It used to be that labor got about 60% of GDP and the capitalists got the other 40%. But in the 25 years since the so-called “Reagan Revolution,” this allocation has almost reversed: Workers now get less than half of GDP, and capital gets over half.
Less than half! All the workers in America get less than half of the nation’s aggregate income.
We know how one becomes a worker: By not owning the means of production, which in this country is more commonly due to accident of birth — i.e., determined by who your parents were — than anything else. No one workers because they want to. Working is the default option; it’s what you do when you have no other choice. And being a worker is such a bad deal that it’s obvious — it hits you over the head — that being a capitalist is the only way to go.
But how does one become a capitalist? How do you accumulate enough money to become an owner of income-producing assets? Well, one way is to steal it, and there’s an awful lot of that going on today, due in no small part to the prevalence of the conservative ideology of non-regulation.
The surest way to become rich in America is to inherit a shitload of money, and that’s how most of America’s wealthiest people got their money. But this works only if inheritances are taxed lightly or not at all. That’s why conservatives fight so hard to eliminate estate taxes.
Conservative propaganda about “working hard to get ahead” is stuffed into young minds as soon as toddlers learn to walk. It’s bullshit. Working hard doesn’t make you rich; it makes your boss rich. Owning capital, not working, is what makes people rich. Rich people don’t work. Some of them go to businesses or offices, it’s true; but they don’t work there; they spend their “work day” ordering other people to work and counting their profits. Anyone who thinks that constitutes “work” has never had a real job and doesn’t know what real work is.
Implicit in the conservative propaganda is a suggestion that workers can become capitalists, and join the wealthy class, by saving money from their wages and then using it to invest or start a business. Sounds great on paper, but the truth is, conservatives have not only given the capitalist class enormous tax advantages, but have shifted so much of the tax burden to wage income that it’s not realistically possible to accumulate any meaningful amounts of capital from wage income.
The way most capitalists accumulate capital is from capital gains and investment income, which is not only possible but easy to do, because conservatives have made sure that capital gains and investment income are lightly taxed. They not only do this with low tax rates on the capitalists’ sources of income, but they also compound the effect of these low tax rates many times over by giving the capitalist class enormous tax exemptions, a plethora of deductions and tax credits, legal tax shelters (both onshore and offshore), and so on. Conservatives have showered the Owner Class with so many tax advantages that over half of U.S. corporations pay no income taxes at all and back in the 1980s the Congress enacted the Alternative Minimum Tax because so many extremely rich individuals were paying no taxes at all that it was a national embarrassment that threatened to provoke a popular uprising.
Essential to the preservation of the Owner Class’s outrageous rigging of the tax system in favor of their own favor is their gigantic, multibillion-dollar propaganda effort to mislead gullible saps like Puddy. The lies this propaganda machine disseminates would be funny if they weren’t so obscene: The rich pay most of the taxes, the tax breaks we give to the rich create jobs, blah blah blah. None of this is true. It’s all bullshit. If it were true, the country would be rolling in jobs right now, we would have jobs coming out of our ears, we would be kidnapping Mexicans and other foreigners to fill vacant job positions, because of all the jobs created by the trillions of dollars in tax breaks that George W. Bush and his GOP Congress gave to the rich.
The public was fooled for a while, but eventually figured out it’s bullshit. I mean, you can’t hide from millions of unemployed workers the fact that they and millions of their neighbors are unemployed. The public finally saw through the conservative bullshit and voted the conservatives out of office.
Now, you don’t have to believe me when I say that, puddy. You can believe that John McCain is in the White House and the GOP controls Congress, if you want to. You can believe any fucking thing you want. I don’t care what you believe. You’re a basket case and I’ve written you off. All I’m trying to do on this blog is throw a little lime on the bullshit that you and your fellow conservative trolls post here, so that honest people don’t gag on the stench of your lies and propaganda.
Here’s some good support for rejecting conservatives.
Butt-ugly ignorant. They’ll always be with us of course. That’s why right wing greedheads try to divide and conquer and dumb down public education – to produce sheep like this.
The worst nightmare of the right wing greedheads is a populace that can think critically.
Roger Rabbitspews:
One of the arguments conservative use against the estate tax is that people should be able to pass on property they’ve accumulated through a lifetime of hard work to their children and grandchildren.
The simple answer to that is eliminate both the estate tax and the basis step-up. Heirs would pay taxes only when they sell non-cash property, and then only on previously untaxed capital gains.
But that’s not what conservatives want. They want to eliminate the estate tax and keep the basis step-up. In short, they want heirs to get previously untaxed capital gains (which comprise the bulk of most large estates) absolutely tax-free.
There’s no reason why wage earners who get only a $3,500 personal exemption should agree to that. Nor is there any reason for working people to vote for the party that believes workers should pay all of the country’s taxes and owners of capital should pay no taxes at all.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wage earners who vote Republican are voting against themselves and their families.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 Yeah, that’s pretty much the way it is, puddy. White racists lynch black men. It’s been going on a long time, and while it’s not as overt as it used to be, it’s still going on. And it’s no secret that our nation’s police departments have white racists in their officer ranks. What should we do about that, puddy? Should lynching be a federal crime? Should racially-motivated violence be classified as “hate crimes” and given enhanced penalties? I think so. I can’t think of any reason to give a free pass to a man who harms another man because of the color of the other man’s skin — can you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 This cuts both ways, of course. I think racially-motivated black-against-white violence also should be prosecuted as hate crimes. It’s a travesty the Carr brothers escaped the death penalty. Colin Ferguson should never see the light of day again. “Black rage” shouldn’t be a defense, it should be an enhanced offense.
All I know is the stupid fucking asshole known as the “puddybuddy” (the dumbest handle ever…) is neverneverneverneberevereverever wrong. Just ask him.
That goes also for “the marvin”, the (crack) piper”, mr. cynical, troll, the excreble man of truth, et al, ad nauseum.
If this dumbass corporatist, christo-facsist, bullshit has worked so well….why is the world economy so fucked up? Why are there no more JOBS in the US…e.i. why do we manufacture NOTHING here anymore? Why do we make our industry…our hallowed (according to you jerks) “producers” pay for health care and put our inddustry at a competitive disadvantage to the rest of the industrialized world, which pays for health coverage by “single-payor”.
You assholes can’t engage those questions because you know you’ve failed. All you can do is bullshit, deny and change the subject.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Remember Lee Iacocca, the man who rescued Chrysler Corporation from its death throes? He’s now 82 years old and has a new book, ‘Where Have All The Leaders Gone?’.
Lee Iacocca Says:
‘Am I the only guy in this country who’s fed up with what’s happening? Where the hell is our outrage? We should be screaming bloody murder! We’ve got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, we’ve got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and we can’t even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car. But instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods their heads when the politicians say, ‘Stay the course..’
Stay the course? You’ve got to be kidding. This is America , not the damned, ‘Titanic’. I’ll give you a sound bite: ‘Throw all the bums out!’
You might think I’m getting senile, that I’ve gone off my rocker, and maybe I have. But someone has to speak up. I hardly recognize this country anymore..
The most famous business leaders are not the innovators but the guys in handcuffs.. While we’re fiddling in Iraq , the Middle East is burning and nobody seems to know what to do. And the press is waving ‘pom-poms’ instead of asking hard questions. That’s not the promise of the ‘ America ‘ my parents and yours traveled across the ocean for. I’ve had enough. How about you?
I’ll go a step further. You can’t call yourself a patriot if you’re not outraged. This is a fight I’m ready and willing to have. The Biggest ‘C’ is Crisis! (Iacocca elaborates on nine C’s of leadership, with crisis being the first.)
Leaders are made, not born. Leadership is forged in times of crisis. It’s easy to sit there with your feet up on the desk and talk theory. Or send someone else’s kids off to war when you’ve never seen a battlefield yourself. It’s another thing to lead when your world comes tumbling down.
On September 11, 2001, we needed a strong leader more than any other time in our history. We needed a steady hand to guide us out of the ashes. A hell of a mess, so here’s where we stand.
We’re immersed in a bloody war with no plan for winning and no plan for leaving.
We’re running the biggest deficit in the history of the country.
We’re losing the manufacturing edge to Asia , while our once-great companies are getting slaughtered by health care costs.
Gas prices are skyrocketing, and nobody in power has a coherent energy policy. Our schools are in trouble.
Our borders are like sieves.
The middle class is being squeezed every which way.
These are times that cry out for leadership.
But when you look around, you’ve got to ask: ‘Where have all the leaders gone?’ Where are the curious, creative communicators? Where are the people of character, courage, conviction, omnipotence, and common sense? I may be a sucker for alliteration, but I think you get the point.
Name me a leader who has a better idea for homeland security than making us take off our shoes in airports and throw away our shampoo?
We’ve spent billions of dollars building a huge new bureaucracy, and all we know how to do is react to things that have already happened.
Name me one leader who emerged from the crisis of Hurricane Katrina. Congress has yet to spend a single day evaluating the response to the hurricane or demanding accountability for the decisions that were made in the crucial hours after the storm.
Everyone’s hunkering down, fingers crossed, hoping it doesn’t happen again. Now, that’s just crazy. Storms happen. Deal with it. Make a plan. Figure out what you’re going to do the next time.
Name me an industry leader who is thinking creatively about how we can restore our competitive edge in manufacturing. Who would have believed that there could ever be a time when ‘The Big Three’ referred to Japanese car companies? How did this happen, and more important, what are we going to do about it?
Name me a government leader who can articulate a plan for paying down the debit, or solving the energy crisis, or managing the health care problem. The silence is deafening. But these are the crises that are eating away at our country and milking the middle class dry.
I have news for the gang in Congress. We didn’t elect you to sit on your asses and do nothing and remain silent while our democracy is being hijacked and our greatness is being replaced with mediocrity. What is everybody so afraid of? That some bonehead on NBC news or CNN news will call them a name? Give me a break. Why don’t you guys show some spine for a change?
Had Enough? Hey, I’m not trying to be the voice of gloom and doom here. I’m trying to light a fire. I’m speaking out because I have hope – I believe in America . In my lifetime, I’ve had the privilege of living through some of America ‘s greatest moments. I’ve also experienced some of our worst crises: The ‘Great Depression,’ ‘World War II,’ the ‘Korean War,’ the ‘Kennedy Assassination,’ the ‘Vietnam War,’ the 1970’s oil crisis, and the struggles of recent years culminating with 9/11.
If I’ve learned one thing, it’s this: ‘You don’t get anywhere by standing on the sidelines waiting for somebody else to take action. Whether it’s building a better car or building a better future for our children, we all have a role to play. That’s the challenge I’m raising in this book. It’s a “Call to Action” for people who, like me, believe in America ‘. It’s not too late, but it’s getting pretty close.. So let’s shake off the crap and go to work. Let’s tell ’em all we’ve had ‘enough.’
Mr. Cynicalspews:
37. Rujax! spews:
All I know is the stupid fucking asshole known as the “puddybuddy” (the dumbest handle ever…) is neverneverneverneberevereverever wrong. Just ask him.
That goes also for “the marvin”, the (crack) piper”, mr. cynical, troll, the excreble man of truth, et al, ad nauseum.
Hey Rujax, I was wrong ONCE. There was a brief moment on this Blog when I didn’t think you were a dumbf*ck.
Thanks for enlightening me about the real YOU!
I like the one comment about how, losing Hispanics as they are, the dumbass Republicans respond by lambasting Sotomayor for her Latino pride.
Sucks to be you guys.
So much for the relevance of Republicans. But if our nation is ever in need of fascist goatfuckers, hey, we’ll give you asswipes a call. Until then, enjoy your stay in the backwaters of American society and politics.
Oh, and quit your whining. You have nobody to blame but yourselves.
The Collected Wit and Wisdom of the Cyniklown:
Mr. Cynicalspews:
C’mon Rujax…
You are just another dimwitted humorless KLOWN who can’t take a joke…but sure can dish ’em out.
Yer a MAMA’s boy!
Marvin Stamnspews:
39. Mr. Cynical spews:
Hey Rujax, I was wrong ONCE. There was a brief moment on this Blog when I didn’t think you were a dumbf*ck.
Thanks for enlightening me about the real YOU!
Have you ever noticed all little rujax does is post his hate for fellow americans.
You gotta feel sorry for him. It’s obvious his bitterness is having a detrimental effect on both his emotional and physical health.
Marvin Stamnspews:
29. YLB spews:
I wouldn’t be surprised if the pseudo anti-bigot is the single biggest requester of “Barack the Magic Negro” from the gas-bloated whale show.
I got the “barack the magic negro” directly from the source, the los angeles times.
Over a month before crooks&liars was offended that rush made it public.
Those jokes were funny. And they were not racist. You only want to paint those jokes as racist since it was rush and not david letterman.
Marvin Stamnspews:
36. Roger Rabbit spews:
@35 This cuts both ways, of course. I think racially-motivated black-against-white violence also should be prosecuted as hate crimes.
The left won’t allow that to happen.
Did you hear about the halloween incident down here is so cal.
The victims were three white girls. Probably the kind of girls that letterman would call slutty airline stewardesses.
No doubt you didn’t hear about it.
The liberal media had a real racist (michael richards- sienfield) story to cover. After all, a hate crime against white women isn’t as serious as some racist spewing racist crap. Priorities.
The HA Happy Hooligans might as well quit know because the lot of you don’t, and can never, hold a candle to her brilliance, determination, and commitment. She will set the world ON FIRE!!!
The first right wing female President perhaps. Our Maggie Thatcher. No doubt she’d “light the world on fire”.
as in “the missiles will reach China in five minutes…” – right wing “fire” to be sure.
and stop? Puhleeeze Pooper. You should know by now everyone here ignores your silly orders.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Pelletizer crapped:
There are two kinds of income, earned and unearned.
Yes, Ted Kennedy knows all about unearned income. Yes, Richard C. Blum knows all about unearned income as his wife stacked the rack for his companies when she was on MILCON!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Pelletizer farted:
I wrote you off long enough.
From the fool who claimed Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama didn’t say what she said about white college libtards. What did Pelletizer claim?
“You got that from Free Republic”.
What a fool. Uhhh dumb bunny, now that it’s proven wrong you had nuthin to say fool. But this I will agree with, leftist college educated libtards are racists.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Piper, let’s see if clueless idiot spawn gets accepted at UW.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
rujax@37: You are the moron of hate. Thanks for showing us the rujax who teaches his son the difference between house and field. How are your house negroes working out for you fool?
Marvin Stamnspews:
37. Rujax! spews:
Why are there no more JOBS in the US…e.i. why do we manufacture NOTHING here anymore?
Easy answer.
Walk through your double wide and count the number of things labeled “made in america.” Compare that to the number of things made elsewhere.
Ask yourself why you didn’t support american workers.
Marvin Stamnspews:
51. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Did you see gbs exhibit his racist beliefs?
I’ve been making gbs feel good by telling him I’m on welfare. People like gbs take pleasure thinking he’s better than others so of course he completely believed I was on welfare.
So what does he assume? He assumes I’m black. Why? Because racists believe that only black people on welfare.
229. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin is also on welfare in California. Which explains why he’s has soooooo much time on his hands to post on HA.
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
06/11/2009 AT 1:18 PM
No surprise he’s a racist considering how easily he displayed his homophobic bigotry.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Marvin, Puddy lives near a Boeing plant. When Puddy drives by the plant a whole plethora for foreign cars come flying out their parking lots at shift change.
Yet aircraft unions are the first to cry out when airlines buy ScareBus. Yet, their UAW union buds are struggling over their aircraft union brothers buying anything but American. Human biomASS idiots like rujax will never figger it out.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Marvin Cynical Mark Mark1 Marks Pudge Delbert Lex RUFUS Piper et all whom think right… Can you imagine if the HA swineflu weasels sent their 12 and older kids to one of these parties?
It’s a prom held at Boston City Hall. Why not at Seattle City Hall?
Marvin Stamnspews:
55. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Can you imagine if the HA swineflu weasels sent their 12 and older kids to one of these parties?
Why wouldn’t they? Are all the HA swineful weasels homophobic bigots?
Why not at Seattle City Hall?
With bigots like gbs and steve in the area, seattle would be wise not to let them close to city hall. Who knows what those hateful bigots would do to all those “faggots.”
Marvin now accuses GBS of being a racist. So, Puddy, you know racism. Tell us, for what he wrote, is GBS a racist in your mind?
How about bigotry? Marvin has accused me of being a bigot for having hurled the “f” word. Do you agree with Marvin that I’m a bigot for having done that?
Hey, Marvin, since not everybody has Puddy’s photographic, though selective, memory, how about reposting what GBS and I wrote? You just accused us of bigotry against gays again. Repost that proof of yours.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, GBS and Puddy go back a ways so we don’t yell and scream at each other. We have a normal conversational discourse. He’s the first HA liberal Puddy broke bread with. He may have temporarily lost it attacking Marvin. Marvin’s blistering accurate attacks against libtards such as you Steve do make even the most level headed librul lose it at times.
Now to your comment:
So, Puddy, you know racism.
While Puddy appreciates the sentiment, you just opened yourself for attacks from the bottom dwelling loons such as rujax and clueless wonder.
And how is Puddy’s memory selective? All Puddy does is what Pelletizer and others do on your side. Look for the good on the right while finding easy stories of moronic leftist pinhead activities. Puddy doesn’t need Free Republic to help unlike your side which needs the most moronic of web sites, many supported by George I Hate My Jewish Heritage Soros. They are many more libtard stories out there Steve. Notice Goldy and his minions didn’t touch the Dave Letterman fiasco. Why? Even the NAGs eventually woke up and had to join the fray.
You can find the stories just as easy as Puddy does. Just open your eyes for once Steve.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, on your next flight from Sea-Tac, ask a flight attendant if that’s her best slutty look. Maybe you can give her some additional pointers since you are a “liberal” who thinks similar to David Letterman. See how far that gets you in excellent flight attendant airline service.
Why not ask female HA peeps like Jennie Tlaz of good old grandma Fricknfrack what constitutes the slutty flight attendant look. Puddy don’t know that look since Puddy sees flight attendants as people working, making a living!!!!!!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve maybe you should email Keith The ESPN Reject Olbermann and see if KO (knocked out by Bill O’Reilly) will induct NOW into his hall of Worst Persons. Didn’t Puddy see your mug up there with your goat? Late last week your sexist jackass buddy was on the attack against Sarah Palin for the crime of defending her daughters virtue from Letterman! Sorry Steve, where was your voice on Letterman suggesting sex to teenage women again?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
And lastly Steve as Puddy is going out to work on the garden, it’s really curious to Puddy on how the HA swineflu weasels go oh so quiet when one of theirs goes whack job nuts and how the leftist pinheads circle the wagons. It took the NAGS three days to finally formulate a weak sauce commentary against David Letterman. Yet if a conservative dared make a comment like that against a libtard politician female children it would make instantaneous program breaking news. Sporting events would be disrupted, soap operas would be stopped, game shows would grind to a halt. CNN & PMSNBC would find their most vile hosts to rant and rave over it. Yet it was wery wery wery qwiet here on HA. Why the dichotomy Steve? An attack on a conservative woman and her daughters is still an attack on a woman and her daughters. Why are you and your worthless peers so wery wery wery qwiet here on HA?
Even Amy Suskind on HuffPo wrote: Sexism Against Conservative Women Is Still Sexism. Where is Steve’s courage to be a different type of libtard on HA? Puddy doesn’t expect courage to be in the psyche of fools such as rujax or clueless wonder. They are HA swineflu weasel mental bottom dwellers.
Wait for it…… the blistering attack will cum!
It’s been too weird seeing the right wing bust a gut over a botched six second joke done in poor taste.
What if a conservative did that, blah, blah, blah… Right wingers just don’t get it – RIGHT WINGERS AREN”T FUNNY.. They are FAILURES at comedy.. Just like they’re almost ALWAYS on the wrong side of the issues.
Last I saw tonight show won the ratings..
Marvin Stamnspews:
57. Steve spews:
Marvin now accuses GBS of being a racist.
When I joked about being on welfare, why did gbs assume I was black?
229. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin is also on welfare in California. Which explains why he’s has soooooo much time on his hands to post on HA.
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
06/11/2009 AT 1:18 PM
Only a racist would assume someone on welfare was black when a much much larger percentage of welfare receipants are white.
How about bigotry? Marvin has accused me of being a bigot for having hurled the “f” word.
Of course you are. It’s not as if you used the word once, you used it numerous times over numerous times. You didn’t use the word quoting someone, you used it as an insult. Hell, you even went out of your way to make sure I knew you were insulting me. Remember??
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
If in your bigoted mind bigoted/racist words don’t matter, why are you whining day after day about kikekiller and manotruth?
Hold yourself to the same standard.
An attack on a conservative woman and her daughters is still an attack on a woman and her daughters.
An attack huh? Letterman said the joke was botched. It should have been about Bristol. Either way it was in poor taste but who was just on the cover of People magazine – uh huh?
Bristol and her out of wedlock “spawn” (your word) spouting her new found wisdom about sex.. She is a PUBLIC FIGURE MORON.
This is your precious power-mad right wing Sister Sarah with along with her new Scientology friends promoting her sorry ass to the nation FOR POWER and USING HER CHILDREN TO GET THERE..
What kind of a “conservative” value is that?
LOL! I have yet to see Stupes defend Sister Sarah from her poor choice of wardrobe on Memorial Day.
What kind of a right wing parent would raise a daughter to believe “it’s not realistic to wait”?
Even Stupes bragged he was more successful than that with his own kids.
Marvin Stamnspews:
63. YLB spews:
It’s been too weird seeing the right wing bust a gut over a botched six second joke done in poor taste.
What happened to don imus after his botched joke?
That’s the difference.
The left not only allows but appreciates jokes at the expense of conservatives.
Say, has your underage daughter been knocked up by a non-white adult yet?
Don’t be offended, that’s left-wing humor.
And to think it bothered you when you believed Puddy was joking about your daughter and her turning tricks.
I wonder why you have a double standard for jokes about children.
You are deflecting and avoiding the questions I ask of you, Puddy. Is Marvin correct when he calls GBS a racist? Yes or no? And let me rephrase the other question. When Marvin levels charges of bigotry against GBS and myself simply because we threw out the “f” word, is that one of those “blistering accurate attacks” you speak of? Again, a simple “yes” or “no” will do. These are very serious charges your friend makes, Puddy. Racism and bigotry. GBS stands accused. So do I. Where do you stand on this?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Stopping for a minute to see if any libtards respond and Puddy sees clueless wonder settling to the lowest common denominator among HA swineflu weasels. Why is this boy’s mind lower than whale shit?
Great job on missing the point in posts #63&64. You could be Matt Lauer on the Today Show fool! Matt Lauer was making excuses for that dirty old fart Letterman and all can see clueless wonder making basically the same rant. Imagine if Letterman made this attack (joke? yeah right) about Obama’s daughters? Letterman would have been skewered, tarred, feathered and even clueless wonder would have demanded he resign from CBS. Clueless is as clueless wonder really is.
You do a great job at being stupid. Stay that way fool! You are doing your CA momma proud. Do you send your worthless rants for her review? You should. Maybe a golf club beside your head may help.
Heh, the same crowd who laughs at Coulter’s jokes of killing half the country and blowing up newspaper buildings takes great umbrage at a Letterman joke made in poor taste about Palin’s kid.
Marvin Stamnspews:
68. Steve spews:
Is Marvin correct when he calls GBS a racist?
What kind of person assumes someone on welfare is black despite the FACT there are more whites on welfare.
Yes or no?
When Marvin levels charges of bigotry against GBS and myself simply because we threw out the “f” word, is that one of those “blistering accurate attacks” you speak of?
If there is nothing wrong with you using the “faggot” word as an insult, what was your pretend apology about?
We can both agree you weren’t apologizing to me for trying to insult me. You and I both know you fucked up by letting the real you out from under the rock.
Again, a simple “yes” or “no” will do.
Again, YES
These are very serious charges your friend makes, Puddy. Racism and bigotry. GBS stands accused. So do I. Where do you stand on this?
I pointed out that you call out kikekiller & manotruth for their bigoted/racist words.
What’s the difference between you and them? Shouldn’t your bigoted/racist words be called out like you do to them?
Steve, you are a bigot. Your own words proved it.
Remember, you own words said you weren’t insulting gays, you were insulting me by calling me to “faggots.”
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Like dr phil would say… How’s that homophobic bigotry working out for you?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve steve steve. Sorry dude Puddy ain’t gonna bite. Puddy already said his piece on what GBS and you said in another thread. You picked up on it. Marvin picked up on it too. So if Marvin wants to think you and GBS are worthless and crummy, that’s his prerogative, just as it was your prerogative not to take headless lucy to task when you had your chance. Why do you ask Puddy to make judgments on Marvin when you don’t ask your fellow HA swineflu weasel antagonists to take on headless lucy’s rant? You didn’t ask them to take rujax to task for his attack against Juan Williams.
Somehow it seems your fingers lost their mobility and your femtometer brain lost control. Sorry Steve but that walking stick doesn’t support any weight.
Marvin Stamnspews:
68. Steve spews:
Racism and bigotry. GBS stands accused. So do I. Where do you stand on this?
Like the Piper pointed out…
In court would your words be used by the prosecution or by your defense team.
How do you think the jury would interpret your bigoted words?
What a fucking bigot you are. If you can use the “faggot” word as an insult in a public forum, one can only imagine what you say when you are with your friends.
Say, Marvin, I’ve been meaning to ask, did it ever occur to you to do a HA search using the names of trolls like “Puddybud”, “Mr. Cynical” or “Mark Redneck”, as well as the words “faggots”, “fags” and “queers”? How about “niggers” or “ni##ers”. No? Well, it occurred to me.
How’s that photographic memory of yours working now, Puddy?
Marvin Stamnspews:
72. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Why do you ask Puddy to make judgments on Marvin
No need to make judgments on me.
I’m not the person that uses “faggot” as an insult.
I’m not the one that believes juan williams is a house negro.
I’m not the one that assumed someone on welfare is black.
Those are the beliefs of proud democrats.
Why is steve a hypocrite?
Marvin Stamnspews:
74. Steve spews:
Say, Marvin, I’ve been meaning to ask, did it ever occur to you to do a HA search
Is that the excuse you are using today? Others did it so I can too? How pathetic. You sound like a 5 year old.
It’s hard keeping track of all your lame-ass excuses. Can you write them all up in one post and I’ll pick which one is the lamest. It will be the “bigot excuse of the week” award. Of course, you and gbs have a substantial lead over your fellow racist headless.
Want to make another lame-ass excuse why you were so intent on insulting me by comparing me to “faggots?
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
I wish goldy would code his software so we can see the IPs of the “commenters.” I wouldn’t be surprised to see that your IP matches that of manotruth and kikekiller.
What happened to don imus after his botched joke?
LMAO!! That fart must have blown out whatEVER was left of your meager brain material (more than Stupes in any case).
Imus didn’t make a joke.
“Nappy headed ho’s”? Gimme a break!
And Imus said he was for McSame. Last I heard he was still on the radio.
74 – Stamn you’re displaying that lame quote AGAIN that both Steve and GBS took back.
You know lame as in this (according to you) is lame?
By the way, that website has a fairly new Republican child abuser at the top of the page.
Check it out to see how your peeps do.
Hey Stupes @ 67
You called Imus “a liberal” for “attacking” black women. Did you defend black women to any of the degree you defend Sister Sarah and her brood?
I don’t recall you characterizing as an “attack”…
Yet, he was for McSame.. Pretty funny..
You’re such an idiot…
Matt Lauer!!! I just saw Donny Deutch on the Ed show say the joke was in poor taste, that he had three daughters himself and wasn’t going to defend Letterman’s bad joke.
Yet he SKEWERED Palin for media whoring herself to every TV camera she could to blather about the poor defenseless family she put on every stage ever chance she could on the campaign trail.
All she wants is power Stupes and you so DESPERATELY want her to have it even DESPITE your theological differences with her.
The stink of that desperation carries through the monitor. It’s too funny.
Why do you ask Puddy to make judgments on Marvin when you don’t ask your fellow HA swineflu weasel antagonists to take on headless lucy’s rant? You didn’t ask them to take rujax to task for his attack against Juan Williams.
Wait a minute Stupes. Isn’t that “looking backwards”? What’s that lame-ass “looking backwards” TALLY of those who denounced HL up to these days? LOL!
And didn’t you say Rujax used the N-word against Juan Williams? He didn’t do that Stupes. You be a LIAR.
LMAO @ your pathetic fecklessness…
Maybe a golf club beside your head may help.
Oh… I see, the Stupes displays deeply repressed wishes for VIOLENCE against those who call him out for his name-calling and hypocrisy.
Never going to be in the same room with you fool. Your kind sucks the life right out of the place. The right wing could have close to a perfect soldier with you.
Didn’t that bloated whale on the radio call Chelsea Clinton the “first dog in the White House”?
Didn’t McSame says Chelsea’s dad was Janet Reno?
Were those “attacks”? Ha! ha! laugh the conservatives. Don’t liberals have a sense of humor? ha! ha! ha!
It’s OK if you are Republican!!!
Geez, Marvin, it looks like you didn’t do a search, now did you? Don’t you care to read what Puddybud, Mark the Redneck and Mr. Cynical have written? Say, I know, try the search with other troll screen names. Heh- Get a load of “JCH”. Go read those posts, Marvin, and acquaint yourself with some very real and very unapologetic bigotry against gays.
@80 Coulter’s eliminationist jokes, death to libs, that’s just fine.
Wow Marvin makes hay against Letterman’s joke and the last I looked the viagra-pumped whale still has a job, makes more money than he ever has and McSame despite a bathetic presidential campaign and his equally poor humor is still a Senator.
I guess their “attacks” on the daughters of politicians on our side are just all in good fun.
@76 “new Republican child abuser”
“authorities say Berlin suggested dressing up in animal costumes during online sex chats with a 15-year-old boy. During a search, agents found wolf- and cat-type costumes in his home”
What, no goat costume?
Marvin Stamnspews:
78. YLB spews:
74 – Stamn you’re displaying that lame quote AGAIN that both Steve and GBS took back.
Well, for one thing steve asked in this very thread…
58. Steve spews:
Hey, Marvin, since not everybody has Puddy’s photographic, though selective, memory, how about reposting what GBS and I wrote?
If steve took it back, why is he practically begging to get puddy to tell him he’s not a bigot? Doesn’t that alone prove he’s not repentant for his remark?
If I hadn’t made an issue of steve & gbs being bigots, would anyone else have? When you consider that you were the only lefty that was bothered we can both assume that your fellow lefties on this blog were more than happy to tacitly approve of their bigotry.
You know lame as in this (according to you) is lame?
Outing child abusers is not lame. You being a one trick pony is lame.
Don’t you find it strange, strange as in hypocritical, that you consider the steve/gbs quotes lame yet you continue to post the republican child abuser link? Why do you have a lower standard for democrats?
By the way, that website has a fairly new Republican child abuser at the top of the page.
I hope the father of the kid had a couple minutes alone with the child abuser. I wouldn’t lose a second of sleep if the child abuser accidently died from lack of free health care…. and a folding chair two and a half feet up his ass.
Check it out to see how your peeps do.
Do you *honestly* believe that only right-wingers abuse children? To be honest, that would be terribly myopic on your part.
@83 The wingnuts who faint at hearing Letterman’s Palin joke are the sames ones who ignored the combination of the bloated one, the Dominican Republican, child prostitution, and a very large jar of Viagra.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
clueless wonder akxs
What’s that lame-ass “looking backwards” TALLY of those who denounced HL up to these days? LOL!
It’s 11 fool. Been holding at 11 for quite some time now moron.
Moron, Puddy suggested jo mama taking a golf club beside your head to knock some horse sense in ya fool!
Another clueless wonderism
Imus didn’t make a joke. HE DISPLAYED BIGOTED ATTITUDES.
And Letterman didn’t moron? He displayed bigoted attitudes toward Republican women and their teen-aged daughters. Too bad the truth is not palatable with the likes of clueless wonder. What planet you from? Pluto? Somewhere the sun isn’t too strong and the cold has frosted your brain? What a moron!!!
Yep Limbaugh’s attack on Clinton was covered last week weak sauce clueless wonder. Just got the memo? What a loon!!! And the libtard MSM was all over Rush. Where are they now on Letterman? We already saw Matt Lauer sticking up for him and Sarah handed Matt is sorry ASS again. No fool it’s okay if you are libtard, the press gives you a pass just like Jeremiah Wright and he can’t get passed the Jews to see “the messiah”. The press gives him a pass.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
If steve took it back, why is he practically begging to get puddy to tell him he’s not a bigot? Doesn’t that alone prove he’s not repentant for his remark?
Excellent come back on the clueless wonder. He still doesn’t get why he’s on the bottom rung of the HA swineflu mental ladder, a monomaniacal idiot of the prime order.
Heh- Marvin would have us consider that someone other than a Republican might be a pedophile.
Geez, Marvin, a simple search will show some real gay-hate. Puddy. Mr. Klynical. Mark the Redneck. JCH. Rabid, unapologetic hate. You can even read JCH spewing endlessly about niggers, all while Puddy sucks up to him. Great stuff.
Heh- Nothing new under the sun, huh, Puddy?
Marvin Stamnspews:
83. Steve spews:
Geez, Marvin, it looks like you didn’t do a search, now did you?
At least you stopped begging Puddy to lie to you and tell you that you are not a bigot. That was pretty pathetic display even for you.
Why do you keep bringing up other people. That is the kind of thinking that 5 year olds do. Grow up and be accountable for your own words. Even the obama said “words have meaning.” And we all know what you meant when you were throwing those “faggot” words. You were trying to insult me.
Since you tried really really hard to insult me with your “faggot” insults, shouldn’t you try and justify it by searching the ha archives for my racist/bigoted words instead of the words of others? Oops, I guess that’s why you didn’t list my name. I don’t feel the same way you do about gays.
Like Piper said, how would the jury see your words?
Exactly like you wrote them.
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
In your mind an insult is calling me a “faggot.”
Soon we will start discussing your attitude about women, as evidenced by your use of the “cunt” word. Are you still bitter at your mother for forcing you to live around blacks?
Marvin Stamnspews:
91. Steve spews:
Geez, Marvin, a simple search will show some real gay-hate.
I did a google search for “ real gay hate.”
I found this…
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Like dr phil would say… How’s that google search working for you.
Once again, please don’t justify your gay hate by pointing the finger at others.
Stand up and be accountable for your words.
It wasn’t me that yelled “faggot” on a public blog.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
The tool clueless wonder farted earlier:
Bristol and her out of wedlock “spawn” (your word) spouting her new found wisdom about sex.. She is a PUBLIC FIGURE MORON.
How did Brostol become a public figure pendejo? Why did that happen pendejo? Who immmediately went on the Internet and started lying about Bristol being the mother of Trigg pendejo? Daily Kos, Media Matters, and Talking Points Memo. Otherwise Bristol could have had a quiet pregnancy. But no, the gross left-wing blogosphere, the sites you love to grovel in made up those lies and had to retract them. Even the Daily Kurse tried to remove the entries but Google saved them.
90 – LMAO!!! There goes Stamn being a “one trick pony” again.
I like that Stamn. Like all right wingers, your projection provides the best material to sink yourselves.
Marvin Stamnspews:
90. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Excellent come back on the clueless wonder.
The scary part is that YLB was the only lefty that had the courage to admit that what steve wrote was bigoted.
I wonder why ylb is now trying to cover for admitted bigots.
@88 Talk about clueless. Do the search, Puddy. Refresh that celebrated memory of yours. You are now defined as a bigot. Not by me, but by Marvin. And it appears to me that you are in complete agreement with him. After all, Puddy, you did use the “f” word. You were writing about “fags”, as I recall. Oh, and when are you going to get around to apologizing? Isn’t that a little bit overdue?
How did Brostol become a public figure pendejo?
You tell me fool. What is she doing with her “spawn” (your word) on the COVER OF PEOPLE MAGAZINE… And dispensing “conservative” wisdom about sex.
Whose brilliant idea was that CABRON???
Is that “conservative”????
Why did she get pregnant? Where was the mother? Where was the father? Why don’t you ask those questions Stupes? Have your kids gotten anyone pregnant??
Would a “conservative” like you want such parents in the White House?
Marvin Stamnspews:
95. YLB spews:
I like that Stamn. Like all right wingers, your projection provides the best material to sink yourselves.
I must be the strongest projector ever if I could project all the way up to seattle and force steve to be a bigot.
Remember, we are not talking about me writing hate speech, it was steve and gbs that had no problem using the “faggot” word over and over and over.
Come on ylb, you know what they did is wrong. Why are you defending them? If you are afraid to speak out against those on the left that use hate speech, just don’t comment at all.
So anyways, Puddy, why do you buddy up to folks who like to call your peeps “niggers”? I now see that that’s been going on here at HA for years. Heh- you and JCH. What a pair! Throw in “Mike Webb Sucks” and you guys had some really twisted conversations going on.
Marvin Stamnspews:
98. YLB spews:
You tell me fool. What is she doing with her “spawn” (your word) on the COVER OF PEOPLE MAGAZINE
So does that mean since the obama has appeared with his children on the cover of people, time, ebony, etc. that it is now fair game to attack his children?
It’s hard for me to believe that you actually mean the points you are trying to make.
Who immmediately went on the Internet and started lying about Bristol being the mother of Trigg pendejo? Daily Kos, Media Matters, and Talking Points Memo.
Hey Stamn, those goes your buddy Stupes being a “one trick pony” again..
And again the poor selective Alzheimer’s patient has to be reminded that that rumor started in Alaska.
Her piss poor record as a Mayor, a Governor and a power-mad hypocrite spoke for itself.
Marvin Stamnspews:
100. Steve spews:
So anyways
Stop deflecting.
You are a bigot.
There are many people on this planet that are bigots.
The difference is that you are a hypocrite when you want people to denounce manocrap and kikekiller and you try to justify your bigotry.
I see the cro-magnon crowd is at it again.
Like shootin’ fish in a barrel ain’t it.
What are the odds that Marvin has a goat costume?
99 – You’re going beyond the trifecta for stupid today.
Obama was running for President.. It’s natural for him and his family to be on magazine covers
Sarah isn’t running for anything right now. Yet her daughter gets a cover page. How’d she get that? Could the van Susteren’s have anything to do it. More than likely in my view.
Letterman makes a bad joke and one press release condemning the joke would have been sufficient. Yet Sarah drops everything (she’s supposed to be governing a state) and gets on every tv camera she can…
The poor woman must know her time is just about up in Alaska, her horrible mistakes have caught up to her and is not content to just spend the rest of her life being a Grandma.
I wonder why ylb is now trying to cover for admitted bigots.
Like all right wingers you’d never admit your own spoor doesn’t stink.
You’ve never made a bigoted remark and wish you hadn’t?
Go ahead and post that lame quote again – “one trick pony”.
Marvin Stamnspews:
104. Rujax! spews:
I see the cro-magnon crowd is at it again.
Like shootin’ fish in a barrel ain’t it.
No shit.
When I have quotes from steve and gbs being bigots and you being a racist it’s almost not fair.
I guess I should thank you for making it so easy. HAHAHA. My personal philosophy is to NEVER thank a racist for anything. I know, that’s rude of me. But at least I’m not a bigot or a racist.
But no, the gross left-wing blogosphere, the sites you love to grovel in made up those lies and had to retract them. Even the Daily Kurse tried to remove the entries but Google saved them.
Oh this is too good. “Had to retract them”, i.e. admit a mistake.
Did Limbaugh retract “first dog in the White House”?
Did McSame retract “her father is Janet Reno”?
No of course not. Why bother? That was supposedly a case of liberals not being able to take a joke.. FIEND
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
clueless wonder just doesn’t get it. Who in Alaska ran with the rumor fool? The leftwingnutosphere moron which got it from the Anchorage Daily News! The newspaper which tripped over it’s own dick to quickly endorse Obama!
“Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee, brings far more promise to the office. In a time of grave economic crisis, he displays thoughtful analysis, enlists wise counsel and operates with a cool, steady hand. The same cannot be said of Sen. McCain… On the most important issue of the day, Sen. Obama is a clear choice.”
Nuff Said Sucka, one of the dumbest of the dumb leftist pinhead swineflu weasels.
Oh mommy he called me a fiend. Such a blistering attack from the one whom his own lefties crew called monomaniacal. Now that sets the record for being a bottom dweller of the swineflu leftist mental midgets.
the press gives you a pass just like Jeremiah Wright and he can’t get passed the Jews to see “the messiah”. The press gives him a pass.
Who cares about Wright making dumb remarks? The man is supposed to be retired. People sadly say a lot of dumb things in their dotage.
Obama broke with him long ago..
Yet you make an issue of him bringing up that sorry assed paranoia about the media which is just a deflection from being on the wrong side of all the issues.
Nice try. Keep doing the same things expecting different results. It’s working great for my side.
Marvin Stamnspews:
107. YLB spews:
Like all right wingers you’d never admit your own spoor doesn’t stink.
That’s a funny comment considering…
Lee spewed:
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
You’ve never made a bigoted remark and wish you hadn’t?
Bigoted? Not that I can remember. I’ve said many rude/crude/inappropriate comments I wish I hadn’t, but I know the line that isn’t supposed to be crossed. Just like I’ve gotten into fights playing ball with other guys, yet I know better than to ever hit a woman/child out of anger.
We don’t agree on much, but I would like to think that you share my views about basic lines not to be crossed.
Marvin Stamnspews:
107. YLB spews: I wonder why ylb is now trying to cover for admitted bigots.
Like all right wingers you’d never admit your own spoor doesn’t stink.
Is this an admission that because right-wingers cover for their own you are going to do the same thing?
That prompts the question, what’s the difference between you and a right winger if you do exactly as they do?
Go ahead and post that lame quote again – “one trick pony”.
Sure, I can help you out.
One Trick Pony.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Another clueless wonder fart on Dr Wright:
Obama broke with him long ago..
If that’s so then why is Dr Jeremiah Wright still trying to see him fool? If “the messiah” said Jerry you have to stay away. You are causing me problems, why would the fool be trying to see his good bud “the messiah”? HE would heed “the messiah’s” counseling and move on tool.
You don’t make sense fool! Such a blistering attack from the one whom his own lefties crew called monomaniacal. Now that sets the record for being a bottom dweller of the swineflu leftist mental midgets.
McSame looked like a FOOL during the financial collapse. We dodged a bullet there.
And you are a FIEND Stupes. Pretty good word I have cadged to characterize you fools. I bet you are kicking own sorry ass that you didn’t come up with it first. A lot better than that lame “monomaniacal”. zzzzzzZZZ…
It’s gonna stick. LOL!
111 – Steve and GBS admitted their mistake. That’s what adults do. They’re ok in my book.
Your behavior is anything but that.
Keep on going with that “one trick pony” schtick. It becomes you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
115. YLB spews:
And you are a FIEND Stupes. Pretty good word I have cadged to characterize you fools. I bet you are kicking own sorry ass that you didn’t come up with it first.
You would lose that bet.
an evil spirit or demon.
Good one ylb. Directly out of the saul alinsky playbook, demonize your enemy. You obey well.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wait a minute clueless wonder @113. You claimed the Bristol is Trigg’s mama rumor came from Alaska when Puddy said it came from the leftwingnutosphere. Puddy proved it came from a left wing Alaska MSM newspaper which tripped over it’s dick on it’s “the messiah” endorsement.
Again clueless wonder doesn’t get how stupid he is. A left-wing newspaper feeding the leftwingnutosphere blogs with lying rumors.
The Prosecution Rests your honor. clueless wonder just proved our case about him being one of the mental bottom dwellers of the HA swineflu weasel class.
Marvin Stamnspews:
116. YLB spews:
111 – Steve and GBS admitted their mistake. That’s what adults do. They’re ok in my book.
Really? Let’s look at the gbs apology.
51. GBS spews:
Apology to Marvin Stamn:
I want to extend a genuine apology to you for calling you a faggot.
You’re not a faggot and I retract that statement fully and completely.
I’m sorry.
He apologized to me since *I* wasn’t a “faggot.”
That’s not the same as apologizing for saying something bigoted.
Dose his apology mean if I was a “faggot” he wouldn’t have had to apologize.
Keep on going with that “one trick pony” schtick.
One trick pony.
Directly out of the saul alinsky playbook
Demonizing? Which the right wing NEVER does. Oh no…
People skeptical about Bush war policy were demonized from day one. Called traitors and worse. Glenn Reynolds, the “Instapundit” said Ward Churchill was the “face of the Democratic Party”. Wow that kind of rhetoric worked out great for the right wing. Look who’s in power now.
Your buddy Stupes. He’s called us “eat shit and bark at the moon moonbats”, “stooges” among many other names. He and his sock puppet MWS posted many links to ugly pictures claiming a likeness to the regulars here which I’m proud to say I’ve never clicked on once.
Fiend is exactly the kind of word Stupes would use to characterize people who deplore his views. He’s probably kicking himself right now that he didn’t come up with it first so I can’t use it against him.
Because it’s only too true about his behavior in these comment threads. I prefer the following definition:
“a cruel wicked and inhuman person”
Marvin Stamnspews:
114. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
If that’s so then why is Dr Jeremiah Wright still trying to see him fool?
the reverend is trying. It’s those “jews” that won’t let him.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
monomaniacal was the adjective one leftist pinhead said you are. Puddy didn’t give to you. A leftist pinhead who’s been reading your drivel named you perfectly. Your worthless rants have been identified as monomaniacal.
clueless wonder, you forget or want all on HA swineflu weasels to forget it was you who called Puddybud the first name. Puddy has shown everyone who pays attention that name three times. You have never claimed otherwise, but you do change the subject.
Now onto your other worthelss rant:
He’s called us “eat shit and bark at the moon moonbats”
Puddy gave credit for the quote to KLake moron. Too bad your moronic monomaniacal memory fails you again.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Good try monomaniacal one @121. It came from one loon to the lying leftwingnutosphere blogs.
Thanks for playing SUCKA!
Marvin Stamnspews:
120. YLB spews:
Demonizing? Which the right wing NEVER does. Oh no…
Both parties do the same thing. I know it. Do you or can’t you bring yourself to admit it.
People skeptical about Bush war policy were demonized from day one. Called traitors and worse.
Day one the democrats were lying about WMDs and saddam. So of course, when the majority of both reps/dems were for the war those opposed would have a much smaller voice.
Glenn Reynolds, the “Instapundit” said Ward Churchill was the “face of the Democratic Party”.
Much like cnn, msnbc, abc, cbs, nbc, npr, etc keep insisting that rush is the face of the republican party. See how both parties act the same.
Wow that kind of rhetoric worked out great for the right wing. Look who’s in power now.
So does that mean when hillary was blaming the vast right wing conspiracy for those rumors about bill having non-sex that’s the reason the country looked right and elected bush for two terms?
Do you remember what happened the last time the democrats elected someone as far left as the obama? Reagan/Reagan/Bush. I wonder which republicans are going to be prsident in 2012, 16, 20.
Your buddy Stupes. He’s called us “eat shit and bark at the moon moonbats”, “stooges” among many other names.
That pales in comparison to what your buddies call me. Or haven’t you noticed?
He and his sock puppet MWS posted many links to ugly pictures which I’m proud to say I’ve never clicked on once.
That was an ugly picture the other day of steve and his white goat.
Fiend is exactly the kind of word Stupes would use to characterize people who deplore his views.
Thanks but no thanks. I don’t need your help to prove that you do exactly the same as the people you try to demonize. Hhmm, would that make you a hypocrite?
122 – You came to a liberal board who was rallying behind Christine Gregoire and called us “Democraps” and implied we supported “Moveon.pork”.
That was the first time I saw your shit FIEND.
I would have BANNED on (un)SP if I called your politicians “Repukes” or something like that.
You started the name-calling! LIAR!
Puddy gave credit for the quote to KLake moron.
Yeah you were always great on originality.
Thanks for playing. Nice way to excuse your inexcusable behavior.
Marvin Stamnspews:
127. YLB spews:
and implied we supported “Moveon.pork”.
on (un)SP
Correct me if I’m wrong.
It bothered you that Puddy referred to as moveon.pork yet you refer to SP as (un)SP.
So tell me again, what’s the difference between you and a right winger?
It sure looks like you do EXACTLY as the people you try to demonize.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Once again clueless wonder can not refute the lies of the leftwingnutosphere blogs. Once again clueless wonder can not refute monomaniacal was the adjective one leftist pinhead said you are. Puddy didn’t give to you. A leftist pinhead who’s been reading your drivel named you perfectly. Your worthless rants have been identified as monomaniacal. So what does clueless wonder do try and deflect.
Fool Puddy called you “DemocRATs” like the John Effin Kerry attack in 2004. Then Puddy called you Democrapts Dummocrapts Democratic, etc. All fitting names for a dunce like you.
Yep he’s a chump too! There is a huge difference between we whom think right and a moron like clueless wonder. And it is moveon.pork. The grease the Dummocraptic palm with their “progressive” demands!
Marvin Stamnspews:
So the obama is going to let fiat buy chrysler.
Something that hasn’t gotten any press coverage in the liberal media is…
So it appears that the obama is going to help a saddam supporter buy an american car company.
Who said violating UN resolutions doesn’t pay.
Both parties do the same thing. I know it. Do you or can’t you bring yourself to admit it.
You’re deflecting. Republicans lie about the views of those who disagree with them. I’ve seen it here and other places for years. I’m telling the truth about Stupes. FIEND is a perfect word for his behavior.
Day one the democrats were lying about WMDs and saddam. So of course, when the majority of both reps/dems were for the war those opposed would have a much smaller voice.
A lot more Dems voted against the war than Republicans. Was Ron Paul the only one? Dems who supported the war were mostly caught in a political bind given the war fever of the time. And they felt safe by continuing the misguided rhetoric of the failed Clinton policy of regime change.
Much like cnn, msnbc, abc, cbs, nbc, npr, etc keep insisting that rush is the face of the republican party. See how both parties act the same.
I don’t see Dem politicians running to Ward Churchill to apologize for saying bad things about him. Ward Churchill was a tempest in a teapot manufactured by nutjob right wingers.
So does that mean when hillary was blaming the vast right wing conspiracy for those rumors about bill having non-sex that’s the reason the country looked right and elected bush for two terms?
Hillary was telling the truth about the right wing. You condemned us for “hating” Bush and gave yourselves a big pass for collectively hating Clinton. And so what if Clinton had consensual sex? Isn’t that a pretty natural human drive? I’d be worried about a President who wasn’t getting what he needed. So he lied about it. Not good but hey that’s politics and politics sucks.
Do you remember what happened the last time the democrats elected someone as far left as the obama? Reagan/Reagan/Bush. I wonder which republicans are going to be prsident in 2012, 16, 20.
That’s a total brain fart. He’s hardly “left”. Would a lefty hire guys like Summers and Chicago School economists as advisers? General Jones for National Security. Gates, a Bush family retainder as SecDef? Like Clinton he’s probably going to cleave to the middle and disappoint progressives. We have no illusions about him. Our focus should be on the Congress.
And dream on about future Republicans. All the demographic numbers point to Democratic dominance of politics for as far as the eye can see. Right wing Republican just don’t appeal to the changing face of this country.
That pales in comparison to what your buddies call me. Or haven’t you noticed?
So that excuses the name-calling from your side. Nice.
Thanks but no thanks. I don’t need your help to prove that you do exactly the same as the people you try to demonize. Hhmm, would that make you a hypocrite?
I’m telling the truth about Stupes. You come here and paste lame-assed rhetoric from sites like Drudge, Breitbart and Hot Air. I’m at peace with myself.
127 – Sheesh. Why do I bother?
The issue was who started the name-calling. Stupes was name-calling
(un)SP is hardly sound. They were on the wrong and losing side of the 2005 election contest. They LOST the effort to repeal the gas tax the following fall and they LOST the effort to install a female abusing right wing extremist as King County Commisioner. (un)Sound fits.
I don’t see what Stupes’ religious revulsion at consuming pork has to do with what tries to do.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
clueless wonder farts:
Sheesh. Why do I bother?
Cuz you always need to have the late word!
Fool Puddy called you “DemocRATs” like the John Effin Kerry attack in 2004. Then Puddy called you Democrapts Dummocrapts Democratic, etc. All fitting names for a dunce like you.
Thanks for playing fool. Look who’s in power now. And it’s going to stay that way for a long, long time as far as I can see.
Keep up the great work fiend. It’s your kind that’ll remind people what they need to stay away from.
Marvin Stamnspews:
133. YLB spews: Both parties do the same thing. I know it. Do you or can’t you bring yourself to admit it.
You’re deflecting.
How am I deflecting if I am admitting both parties do it. I never said it was right, I said both parties do it.
Republicans lie about the views of those who disagree with them. I’ve seen it here and other places for years.
And I’ve seen democrats doing the same.
I’m telling the truth about Stupes. FIEND is a perfect word for his behavior.
Has Puddy abused you that bad that you have such hate for him? True. he has exposed you numerous times for being clueless, I don’t remember him exposing you as a bad person… like the bigots steve/gbs and the racists headless/rujax.
Dems who supported the war were mostly caught in a political bind given the war fever of the time.
Exactly. If someone (bush) honestly believes the war in iraq will help the US that decision can be discussed. Yet the democrats going against their principles only because of public support is dishonest. That is the true meaning of lying us into war.
Hillary was telling the truth about the right wing.
BZZZT. Wrong answer. Bill did have sex with an intern.
The conspiracy was the liberal media covering for him. Just like the liberal media covered for john edwards and his love child.
That pales in comparison to what your buddies call me. Or haven’t you noticed?
So that excuses the name-calling from your side. Nice.
I didn’t say that. I was simply pointing out that we both have had words thrown at us. I’m guessing, unlike you I’m not hurt by them.
I’m at peace with myself.
If you’re not aware… your words don’t reflect that. Of course, that might just be the persona you play on this blog. I’m playing a persona so I kinda assume others might be doing the same. If you are being 100% authentic on this blog, I would say you are not at peace with yourself. Sorry.
Marvin Stamnspews:
134. YLB spews:
I don’t see what Stupes’ religious revulsion at consuming pork has to do with what tries to do.
Without the context I can’t say.
When the topic is politics and I hear the word pork, my first thoughts at byrd and stevens. My second thought is democrats.
Look at the stimulus bill if you want further explanations of pork.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Marvin, clueless wonder is at peace with himself slavishly worshiping the crap from the leftistwhackosphere blogs who promulgated the Bristol lie. You visit Daily Kurse every day. Notice how fast the clueless wonder dropped that attack? It changed into his Puddy is a fiend mode. Well clueless wonder you’ll always be monomaniacal in the eyes of many HA leftists here. Sucks to be you in the party of your own “fiendish friends”.
And fool, the issue was personal name calling. You did that first. You admitted to the name and you never refuted it, hateful name morphing moby troll.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Marvin, even when HA’s clueless wonder and other swineflu weasels used Meghan McCain as their rallying cry… First installment
Later, Steve spews: Alas, Meghan McCain was thrown under the bus driven by the Bloated Bloviator shortly after she dissed the Republican she-male Godess, Ann Coulter. Poor Meghan. She’s now road kill along with her father, David Frum, Kathleen Parker, Jesus and a number of others. He said that a few times in differing versions. Kind of like re-run AKA clueless wonder. Repeating himself ad nauseum!
clueless wonder said: A Republican who actually makes some sense.
Yes, Meghan McCain stepped up to the plate to castigate Dave Letterman…”The shocking thing about the late-night comic’s “joke” about Willow Palin isn’t just that he told it, but that he would never have considered doing the same about the daughter of a Democrat.”
“I am certain that David Letterman would never make a joke about Malia being raped by Eliot Spitzer or refer to the first lady as looking “slutty.”
Where is the Meghan McCain love and support from her faithful HA swineflu weasel crew? Hey clueless wonder, you said she made sense.
Marvin Stamnspews:
140. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Where is the Meghan McCain love and support from her faithful HA swineflu weasel crew? Hey clueless you said she made sense.
Once she started sounding like a conservative the HA holligans had no use for her.
How am I deflecting
The right wing DEPENDS on demonization, on division to attain and maintain power. Karl Rove, Lee Atwater, they built careers on it. We’d rather depend on being on the right side of the issues
Has Puddy abused you that bad that you have such hate for him?
No he’s just made a total ass of himself that I get too much entertainment from. And keep on with your one-trick pony act about Steve/GBS/HL. If you’re still at it a year from now that’d only seal your fate as a namesake of this blog.
Yet the democrats going against their principles only because of public support is dishonest. That is the true meaning of lying us into war.
The principle was staying elected. That’s the main principle of every politician. Those who did the right thing were in safe seats. Now look at the Republicans. Why didn’t more vote against the war? Because that DEFINITELY would have been political suicide for them. That makes all the difference to me.
BZZZT. Wrong answer. Bill did have sex with an intern.
The conspiracy was the liberal media covering for him. Just like the liberal media covered for john edwards and his love child.
My recollection was that Bill lied to her at first. And no the media reported the rumors at the outset and the back and forth all the way through. The true conspiracy was on the right who didn’t see Clinton’s election in 1992 as legitimate (although it certainly was by 96) and had nothing but paranoia and hatred for him. Even Stupes believes in the “Clinton Death Squads” – pretty creepy shit. John Edwards? The guy is finished in politics. That was reported. And even John Kerry’s affair with an intern was reported – by Drudge – and turned out to be a total lie.
Note: gotta pinch myself to remind who I’m dealing with here.
If you’re not aware… your words don’t reflect that. Of course, that might just be the persona you play on this blog. I’m playing a persona so I kinda assume others might be doing the same. If you are being 100% authentic on this blog, I would say you are not at peace with yourself. Sorry.
LOL.. Believe whatever you want. I could give a flying F.
You admitted to the name and you never refuted it, hateful name morphing moby troll.
Ok back up the accusation with a link please and I’ll take a look. I don’t recall anything like that.
138 – Is there a point to this?
It was a total comedy to see those scumbag right wingers pile in on McSame’s daughter.
The right wing eating its own is always great entertainment for our side.
Nice try fool!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
clueless wonder@141, screw you dude. The link was posted and we went over this three weeks ago. Puddy ain’t doing it. Look it up fool!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@142, yep. To show you are a fool!
Well clueless wonder you’ll always be monomaniacal in the eyes of many HA leftists here. Sucks to be you in the party of your own “fiendish friends”.
LMAO! I calls it as I sees it moron. You’re a FIEND. I beat you to the word and it fits you to a tee.
Now go back to your Limbaugh, your Sean Insanity, your Regnery and Murdoch publications, your, your Wingnut Daily, your Moonie Times and your old pal Brent ‘hozell for more of that old feckless, right wing bullshit you so love to bring here.
Your side is floundering fool and it’s pass the popcorn time for me and my friends.
143 – I call right wing bullshit then.
Marvin Stamnspews:
142. YLB spews:
And keep on with your one-trick pony act about Steve/GBS/HL. If you’re still at it a year from now that’d only seal your fate as a namesake of this blog.
Yet you are talking about alleged insults from Puddy a year ago.
You never replied to my message at #119 dissecting the gbs apology. Since you missed it I’ll post it again for you.
51. GBS spews:
Apology to Marvin Stamn:
I want to extend a genuine apology to you for calling you a faggot.
You’re not a faggot and I retract that statement fully and completely.
I’m sorry.
He apologized to me because *I* wasn’t a “faggot.”
That’s not the same as apologizing for being bigoted.
Does his apology mean if I was a “faggot” he wouldn’t have had to apologize.
What say you ylb?
The principle was staying elected.
So democrats put party before country. Well, isn’t that exactly what I’ve been saying.
My recollection was that Bill lied to her at first.
Quite possibly. What cheating husband wouldn’t lie to the woman he married. But that’s not the point. I made the statement… #126 So does that mean when hillary was blaming the vast right wing conspiracy for those rumors about bill having non-sex
You replied… #133 Hillary was telling the truth about the right wing.
And now you’re saying she was lied to. If she was lied to, how can what she said (vast right wing conspiracy) be considered the truth? OBVIOUSLY she didn’t have any proof that bill having sex was a right-wing lie when she said it. That means she made up a lie to demonize republicans.
And no the media reported the rumors at the outset and the back and forth all the way through.
Rumors? He admitted he lied, of course after being exposed. Much like what I’ve done to steve/gbs here. He settled a sexual harassment lawsuit. There were many accusations he cheated but like usual, the left called those women “trailer trash” and other cute names to demean them.
The true conspiracy was on the right who didn’t see Clinton’s election in 1992 as legitimate (although it certainly was by 96)
?? Do you mean because they said if ross perrot didn’t siphon off voters bush would have won?
But at least the democrats played their game of pettiness and claimed the same thing about bush, not once, but twice.
Even Stupes believes in the “Clinton Death Squads” – pretty creepy shit.
Kinda like the left and their belief in “cheney death squads.” Pretty creepy shit those democrats believe.
Yet you are talking about alleged insults from Puddy a year ago.
He doesn’t see anything wrong to my reading with his name-calling. GBS/Steve took theirs back and have stopped – the most objectional stuff anyway. No way should anyone leave you off the hook for copying/pasting right wing talking points.
You never replied to my message at #119 dissecting the gbs apology. Since you missed it I’ll post it again for you.. He apologized to me because *I* wasn’t a “faggot.”.. That’s not the same as apologizing for being bigoted.. Does his apology mean if I was a “faggot” he wouldn’t have had to apologize.. What say you ylb?
I see the words “I’m sorry” in there. What’s so hard for you to understand about that? Has he used the word “faggot” against you or anyone else since then? Actions should speak louder.
So democrats put party before country. Well, isn’t that exactly what I’ve been saying.
Bzzzt. Wrong conclusion. You can’t do anything unless you’re elected. Even Republicans see the need for a credible opposition. Too bad the Republicans can’t shed their feckless rhetoric and failed policies to mount something of a loyal opposition these days.
You replied…
#133 Hillary was telling the truth about the right wing.
Yep she was telling the truth about a vast right wing conspiracy of haters out there. At the time they included Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Richard Mellon-Scaife, Rupert Murdoch and on and on and on. People driven by hate.
And now you’re saying she was lied to. If she was lied to, how can what she said (vast right wing conspiracy) be considered the truth? OBVIOUSLY she didn’t have any proof that bill having sex was a right-wing lie when she said it. That means she made up a lie to demonize republicans.
As I said the Clintons were being assaulted by hate mongering since before 1992. Gingrich piled on quite viciously before and after 1994. The hatred towards Hillary was especially virulent. It was so bad that David Brock was drummed out of the right wing movement for finding out that the hatred against Hillary had little to no basis in fact and wrote as much in a book about her.
Rumors? He admitted he lied, of course after being exposed. Much like what I’ve done to steve/gbs here. He settled a sexual harassment lawsuit. There were many accusations he cheated but like usual, the left called those women “trailer trash” and other cute names to demean them.
No James Carville called that name as I recall. The media just reported what he said much as they report whatever Karl Rove said the last eight years and is saying these days.
?? Do you mean because they said if ross perrot didn’t siphon off voters bush would have won?
But at least the democrats played their game of pettiness and claimed the same thing about bush, not once, but twice.
The right wing believed that Perot was a factor in 1992 bu t I’ve read Clinton would have won anyway. Pettiness? Nope. Pretty much substantiated by fact. Even Stupes admitted Gore would have won if he just pushed for a statewide recount of Florida. The NAACP was absolutely convinced of the vote-suppression of blacks in that election.
Ken Blackwell’s vote suppression in OH was definitely a factor in 2004.
Kinda like the left and their belief in “cheney death squads.” Pretty creepy shit those democrats believe.
I’ve never heard that and seen no evidence. I have heard about Cheney’s “leave behinds” though and that seems credible to me.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Every week Puddy has to repost links cuz he forgets how stupid he is. Then he calls bullshit.
Up yours fool. You are the most egregious ignoramus. Puddy ain’t gonna post it again fool. Others saw it because Puddy named the first name you called me. Puddy ain’t your Pavlov’s dog, you are Puddy’s Pavlov.
Wait for it… a Fiend call is cummin soon!
What a fool. Useless and monomaniacal.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Fiend? Why would Puddy want to use that when there are much more colorful adjectives to use.
Right now you are still a clueless wonder. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahaha
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Regarding McCain’s daughter, notice clueless wonder calls her McSame when he has no use for her.
Typical and so sad.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
clueless wonder doesn’t recall because he’s a fool, stooge and a moron. Moe Larry and Curly all in one package.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Marvin, the clueless wonder started his insults of Puddy as soon as he arrived. When PacMan left he called out clueless wonder as one of the reasons he was leaving along with headless lucy.
Now he’s trying to cum off a mr pristine. Sorry that turkey is as filthy as stillbentover!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Post #148, what a bunch of clueless wonder monomaniacal crap!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Demonization clueless wonder? Daily Kos, Media Matters, Talking Points Memo Crooks and Liars immediately cum to mind fool. All your favrit warm sticky kook-aid sites.
Back from suppah… What have we got?
149 – Still no link. High hat. No cattle.
150 – Nothing but a feckless fool frothing at the mouth.
152 – Nothing but a feckless fool name-calling.
153 – I ignored your silly ass when you showed for the most part until you started pasting Murdoch bullshit and wailing about “The Wall, The Wall”. Such a freaking tool… PacMan? Couldn’t care less about that fool but I admit he was more sensible on the whole than your silly ass. Hell he voted the right side last November.
154 – Feckless yet again. Where’s your argument fool? Even Stamn responds to me point by point.
155 – I read sites that freely inquire into the truth about the right wing, politics and policy. The only way you can respond is to name-call. What do you bring? Right wing bullshit so transparently ugly even you hardly bring it here anymore unless it’s dressed in MSM link clothing. Look who’s in power now fool. You’ve lost. Your movement is on the ropes and going down for the long count. Shit it’s practically knocked out.
calls her McSame when he has no use for her.
I referred to her as McSame’s daughter.
The world can see what a lying FIEND you are.
Having no use for her? I compliment her once on speaking sense to her feckless, reality-denying party and then I’m supposed to treat her like she’s one of our fold? Sorry she’s got a ways to haul to prove her bona fides with the winning side.
Such a moronic bullshit artist you are.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Moron@156: Puddy gave the link and the first name used against him in early 2005. You NEVER questioned it three weeks ago.
Not your Pavlov’s dog, you are mine fool. Keep barking.
All else is a dog frothing at the mouth.
Feckless, you didn’t know what the word meant until Puddy called you the feckless clueless idiot.
Fool, the Wall was mentioned in the 9/11 Report and Gorton comment was trashed thoroughly on this blog fool. Gorton was eviscerated on this blog by Puddy and others moron. There were so many facts that are out there which made Gorton look stupid. And naturally when this is the only Gorton statement you’ve ever agreed with tool. You forget those facts front and center fool. Why do you do that?
All else you discuss is bullshit. Instead of supporting Meghan McCain for her attack on Letterman you don’t care. This is why you are clueless clueless wonder.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
The moronic post of the day courtesy of clueless wonder:
I read sites that freely inquire into the truth about the right wing, politics and policy.
You drink kook-aid from sites that promulgate big-time lies. From Bristol is the mother of Trigg to Barack The Magic Negro was from Rush. Why do you swallow those sticky kook-aid lies fool?
Keep using that fiend term clueless wonder. Good Pavolv’s Doggy!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Since you think Letterman’s attack is just another joke, so was Puddy comments when Puddy showed how stupid you are on your abortion support.
You’ll go to your grave clueless. Your children will eventually see this blog and will know you are clueless. Any of your “friends” who read your crap will immediately determine you are clueless and monomaniacal.
161. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
You drink kook-aid from sites that promulgate big-time lies. From Bristol is the mother of Trigg to Barack The Magic Negro was from Rush. Why do you swallow those sticky kook-aid lies fool?
It’s one thing to believe what he reads on those left wing-nut kooky websites.
Yet it’s another thing when he is provided evidence contrary to what he believes and he refuses to acknowledge it.
ylb refuses to stop hating long enough to open his mind.
Let’s see:
158 – I always have to repeat myself for a braindead fool like you. I said Letterman’s joke was in poor taste. I told Stamn it was out of bounds. If it was an “attack” then I suppose your hero that drug-addled sex tourist Limbaugh and Senator McSame “attacked” Chelsea Clinton too.
159 – There you go again projecting what you do on me. You’ve brought ugly right wing bullshit from Freeperland,, Wingnut Daily, Captain Now Dead at Hot Air and dozens of other places moron. Whose peeps are pulling the levers of power now fool?
160 – So your kids and friends are down with what you do here huh? They are down with you circle jerking with your sock puppet MWS. They are down with “My word is my bond” and then you breaking it. They are down with your endless stream of nauseating name-calling. They are down with you being a FIEND. Wow. I’m impressed!
161 – Wow who owns that website? Some other right wing FIEND? Notice Limbaugh and McSame still have their jobs. If Letterman goes down ya think I’d give a fuck? I hardly ever watch that show or his old late night. Leno said on his last Tonight Show it’s just a show. Another will spring up to replace it. Maybe on the innertubes. It’s all just entertainment at the end of the day.
You drink kook-aid from sites that promulgate big-time lies. From Bristol is the mother of Trigg to Barack The Magic Negro was from Rush. Why do you swallow those sticky kook-aid lies fool?
You see me clinging to those rumors? You still believe in that stupid wall. Slade Gorton never did and anyone with a brain didn’t either. Last I knew you still believed that China was taking OUR oil from Cuban waters last year. Last I knew you believed in the Clinton death squads. Last I know you believed that able danger hoohaw amounted to more than a hill of beans. Slade Gorton didn’t buy that right wing gas explosion either.
Limbaugh played that racist bullshit on his show before his audience of at least 10 million hard core crap heads. Damn right it might have well been from him. You think Paul Shanklin could ever DREAM an audience that size for his right wing bullshit on his own? By supporting Limbaugh and Shanklin you support white racists having bigoted fun at the expense of black leaders. Leaving aside those leaders’ obvious faults why do you enable bigotry Stupes?
162 – I’m done with you fool. Keep on with your one trick pony. Keep on with your copying and pasting Drudge/Breitbard/Hot Air.
You don’t fool anyone.
158 – Almost forgot. Still no link.. Still full of bullshit as far as I’m concerned.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
One at a time folks:
@166: You are Puddy’s Pavlov Dog. Link was provided 3 weeks ago. Won’t be provided anymore. Puddy don’t answer to cum-drunk fools such as yourself. You can’t pay attention or remember facts, proves you are clueless.
@165: Embarrassed by Puddy when Puddy found his so called Christian Science Monitor link direct from Daily Kurse. The fool even used specific words only found on the Kurse web site. Showed the PuddyProof to all and you went apoplectic. That was Too Damn Funny.
#164: You can’t get that femtometer brain around a black LA Slimes columnist David Ehrenstein calling Barack The Magic Negro. You and other HA swineflu weasels ran with the Kurse, Moron, TPM web links and wouldn’t let them go even when the libtard MSM finally admitted a black man was parodying “the future messiah”. In fact Puddy proved to all you supported John Deadwards, the one with the bastard son, and you weren’t a fan of “the future messiah”. You backpedaled real quick when Puddy whipped out those links.
@163: Biggest liar on HA. You said you were leaving for good. November 10, 2006 10:00 AM, “My work is done, I’m leaving HA” as “I’m Clueless”. Cums back at 5:07 PM as “I’m Still Clueless”.
Started the name calling. Called Piper Pooper. Called Puddy names. Called KLake names. Called Rick D names. Hateful name morphing moby troll. Admitted to using a different name before “I’m Clueless”. Used three hateful name morphing moby troll names January 2009 and was busted by Puddy while Goldy gave you MWS. Goes to show who pays attention fool.
You now say Letterman’s joke was in poor taste. Provide an earlier link other wise it’s just hot air from a big bellows full of hot air.
See you clueless wonder, mental bottom dweller of the HA swineflu weasel crew.
I looked through the thread and didn’t see any apology offered by Puddy for calling people fags. Same with Mr. Klynical and Mark the Redneck. Odd, Marvin, our blog’s PC speech monitor, has no comment on the failure of wingnuts to apologize. IOKIYAR, obviously.
Marvin Stamnspews:
170. Steve spews:
I looked through the thread and didn’t see any apology
STOP trying to justify your bigotry by pointing your finger at others. That’s how little children act when caught.
Remember, it’s not as if you used the word once and felt bad. You went out of your way to make sure I knew you were trying to insult me by calling me a “faggot.”
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Won’t be provided anymore. ‘cuz it most probably never existed. I call right wing bullshit. Cough up the link and I’ll take it back.
Embarrassed by Puddy and obviously not embarrassed about braggin’ how well hung he is to his own sockpuppet!
You can’t get that and you can’t criticize that bloated whale and his poodle Shanklin. You might have to go on the air and apologize like the rest of those whipped right wing dogs!
In fact Puddy proved to all you supported John Deadwards, the one with the bastard son, and you weren’t a fan of “the future messiah”. And you asked me to verify that I supported Obama before Edwards and I skewered your silly ASS!
Oh do I call Little Ricky Dumbass, Pooper, Flakey Klake names? Oh poor little babies who bring their discredited right wing swill to these comment threads and they don’t name-call? Oh no not those poor babies who stink right!
Biggest liar on HA. Oh yeah, do go on, “I am Puddybud NOT”, do go on “My word is my bond”, do go on O pinpoint accurate quoter of Rujax.
You now say Letterman’s joke IN THIS FUCKING THREAD. In 63. Ask Stamn if I said it was out of bounds. That was an earlier thread.
And how you do go on about “facts”! Facts are meaningless when they enter into that gas-filled cavity between your ears. The one fact you can’t face, you’ll never accept is that you’re a FIEND who stinks right.
Marvin Stamnspews:
172. YLB spews:
Ask Stamn if I said it was out of bounds.
You whine because I point out that you thought steve using the “faggot” word as an insult was wrong.
And here you are doing the exact same thing you don’t want me to do.
Have you ever been in therapy or taken meds for having multiple personalities?
171 – You obviously forgot your medication this morning. Stupes asked if my daughter was turning tricks yet and you countered with Letterman’s joke and I told you it was out of bounds.
Why can’t you accept that Steve and GBS took back their words? Have they done it since? I don’t think so. Those are ACTIONS. They’re supposed to speak louder than words. Yet you repeat that lame quote like the one trick pony act you whined about earlier.
They obviously don’t like what you do here. I don’t like it either. That hasn’t changed. And it’s not going to change because the people and philosophy you try to bolster through your blathering are discredited and failed.
Marvin Stamnspews:
174. YLB spews:
171 – You obviously forgot your medication this morning. Stupes asked if my daughter was turning tricks yet and you countered with Letterman’s joke and I told you it was out of bounds.
Nope, took it.
The point I was making was that you are bothered (AKA whining) that I use your words to beat over the head of steve/gbs.
And here you are doing the exact same thing.
Why can’t you accept that Steve and GBS took back their words?
Those “apologies” were bullshit.
Let’s look at the apology of gbs…
51. GBS spews:
Apology to Marvin Stamn:
I want to extend a genuine apology to you for calling you a faggot.
You’re not a faggot and I retract that statement fully and completely.
I’m sorry.
He didn’t say “faggot is not a word to be used,” he said “you’re not a faggot…”
So if I was a “faggot” then it would be an acceptable insult to him?
Have they done it since? I don’t think so.
They wouldn’t dare as long as I’m here.
Yet you repeat that lame quote like the one trick pony act you whined about earlier.
I wasn’t whining. I was simply pointing out that you keep posting that republicansexoffender link over and over and over while out of the other side of your mouth you complain that I post the words of a democrat bigot over and over. And unlike the link you post, the link I post is from people actually on this blog. I bet you are regretting speaking out against steve/gbs, which is why you are trying so hard to make amends and get me to moveon.pork.
They obviously don’t like what you do here. I don’t like it either. That hasn’t changed.
Yet you don’t have to call me a “faggot” in an attempt to insult me.
And it’s not going to change because the people and philosophy you try to bolster through your blathering are discredited and failed.
Have you seen me talking up the republicans? I don’t think so. And the philosophy didn’t fail, the leaders failed the philosophy.
@172 We act out our real values. Marvin, our blog’s self-appointed guardian of the word “faggot”, supports in every way the political party that has stood in the way of GLBT progress from the very beginning through to today. These days he’s silent when a Republican mouthpiece, Coulter, spews the “f” word out to the media. He’s silent when a Republican congresswoman lies about the hate-crime that was the murder of Matthew Sheppard. He’s silent about the gay-hate spewed by his fellow travelers on this blog. I’ll be clear about this – Puddy did not call a self-loathing wingnut goatfucker like Marvin a faggot, then reconsider and then apologize. He unapologetically called every gay living in Seattle a fag. Did the self-loathing goatfucker Marvin not consider that there might be a trail of wingnut gay-hate spewn here at HA from it’s inception?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Fool AKA clueless idiot:
I call right wing bullshit. Cough up the link and I’ll take it back.
Done providing the same material over and over. You are Puddy’s Pavlov Dog. You came back to answer again. Right on time. Bark now.
Still can’t get over a black man parodying “the messiah” and others running with it. That’s why you are a clueless wonder fool.
And you asked me to verify that I supported Obama before Edwards and I skewered your silly ASS!
Puddy caught you big time and now you making up crap. Just like a typical libtard.
Ask Stamn if I said it was out of bounds. That was an earlier thread.
Proof fool? Pavlov is waiting…
I call Little Ricky Dumbass, Pooper, Flakey Klake names?
Nuff Said hateful name calling moby troll. One of the biggest haters here.
It’s amazing the biggest HA swineflu weasel haters here are the ones with on the lowest rung of the HA mental ladder. This includes the monomaniacal one clueless wonder.
Pavlov is waiting fool…
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Matthew Shepard Steve? Oh come on. Now you are getting vile. Those two scumbags needed the electric chair.
Marvin Stamnspews:
176. Steve spews:
@172 We act out our real values. Marvin, our blog’s self-appointed guardian of the word “faggot”, supports
How long are you going to act like a little kid and keep whining “he did it first?”
You proved you were a homophobic bigot.
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
As far as bigots go, you are either one of the proudest or the dumbest to write this kind of shit on a public blog.
Are you willing to come clean on your sockpuppets kikekiller and manocrap? Considering how much you have in common you see why the connection is so easy to make.
Nope, took it.
The point I was making was that you are bothered (AKA whining) that I use your words to beat over the head of steve/gbs.
And here you are doing the exact same thing.
The difference is that you use my words over and over and over in service of your agenda against Steve, GBS and Democrats in general. Stupes asked for proof that I disapproved of Letterman’s joke and I offered my exchange with you as evidence. When the Letterman issue fades away, that will go away. You on the other hand will probably be using Steve, GBS’ and even MY words a year from now.
Those “apologies” were bullshit.
There you go again. Have they done it since?
Let’s look at the apology of gbs…
blah, blah, blah. You’re repeating yourself. It doesn’t fly.
They wouldn’t dare as long as I’m here.
Ok then let’s try something. Take a break for a couple months or so and see if they do it again. If we seem them doing it again habitually then I’ll concede your point.
I wasn’t whining. I was simply pointing out that you keep posting that republicansexoffender link over and over and over while out of the other side of your mouth you complain that I post the words of a democrat bigot over and over. And unlike the link you post, the link I post is from people actually on this blog. I bet you are regretting speaking out against steve/gbs, which is why you are trying so hard to make amends and get me to moveon.pork.
I post that link because it’s effective. Stupes used to club us with ACLU representing NAMBLA (to defend them from stuff they didn’t do) and that link shows Republicans actually GOING TO JAIL for stuff THEY DID. Now Stupes doesn’t do his holier than thou act over NAMBLA any more. It’s feckless. Obviously NAMBLA is an offensive organization but we don’t live in Nazi Germany and nobody should sue them or persecute them as long as they stay within the bounds of the law.
Yet you don’t have to call me a “faggot” in an attempt to insult me.
No I don’t and neither should anyone else on my side of the aisle do so either. It doesn’t make us look good. We should let the right wingers do that and guess what? They have done it here. In spades… Pointing out your copy/paste and your fallacious arguments should be sufficient.
Have you seen me talking up the republicans? I don’t think so. And the philosophy didn’t fail, the leaders failed the philosophy.
No you haven’t directly but you do indirectly and I agree the Republicans have failed their cause miserably. Hell I believe in lower taxes and smaller government myself. I never usually advocate for anything beyond social justice, bolstering Social Security/Medicare, higher education funding, environment, a progressive income tax, infrastructure spending, Pentagon spending accountability and correcting obvious market failures like health care. The market can do the rest. And except for environment and health care these are things this country got right under Ike Eisenhower and he left office warning about out of control Pentagon spending.
Marvin Stamnspews:
180. YLB spews: And here you are doing the exact same thing.
The difference is that you use my words over and over and over in service of your agenda against Steve, GBS and Democrats in general. Stupes asked for proof that I disapproved of Letterman’s joke
I’ll try again. It has nothing to do with letterman, so get off that train of thought.
I post the proof over and over that steve/gbs are homophobic bigots.
You post the link to repsexcrimes over and over.
Like I said, you do exactly what you don’t want me to do.
Hhmm… Do you think those repsexcrimes offenders apologized once they got caught?
Since you want to give steve/gbs a free pass for their faux apologies, shouldn’t you give others the same benefit of apologizing? You believe in being fair don’t you? It would be very telling if you hold reps to a higher standard than you do your fellow left-wingnuts.
Pavlov is waiting fool…
I don’t take orders from right wing nutjobs.
I’ll be back to skewer your failing “bubble memory” and your silly, lying ASS.
Have a nice day, FIEND!
Marvin Stamnspews:
180. YLB spews:
I post that link because it’s effective. Stupes used to club us with ACLU representing NAMBLA
So in retaliation you are doing the same thing.
That’s fine, free country, free speech.
Just don’t be a hypocrite and deny that you don’t do EXACTLY the same tricks.
179 – I’m getting tired of repeating myself. I’ve said all I’m going to say on Steve and GBS.. If you’re still posting that quote a year from now in response to every time they condemn you for posting right wing talking points then who are the adults and who’s the child?
Repsexcriminals apologizing? Irrelevant to the issue of the holier than thou posturing of right wingers.
@176 “Matthew Shepard Steve? Oh come on. Now you are getting vile.”
Sorry to have brought up that old stuff, Puddy. I will not repost your old comment nor will I even mention it again. The reason is simple. I haven’t ever believed for even a nanosecond that you’re a bigot. An ass? Oh yeah. A bigot? No.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, HorsesASSes are you and your buds. But thanks for the sentiment anyway.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
clueless wonder, NAMBLA and the ACLU are friends of a feather. But when Puddy stumbled across the ex-ACLU head of the Virginia chapter, Charles Rust-Tierney, 51, of Arlington, Virginia, was arrested Friday by federal agents Feb 23, 2007 for child pornography, that took precedent over NAMBLA, even though they are your peeps on both ends of that activity fool!
Here is your hero on Dec. 1, 1998. “Recognizing that individuals will continue to behave responsibly and appropriately while in the library, the default should be maximum, unrestricted access to the valuable resources of the Internet.” So your kind can get their library porn everyday all day fool! This turd coached various youth sports teams in and around Arlington. It wasn’t NAMBLA worthy material. It was graphic, forcible intercourse with prepubescent females, one of whom can be “seen and heard crying,” while another is apparently tied with ropes. Yep, that’s what the Virginia head of the ACLU liked to look at.
And Marvin is right clueless wonder. You like a rerun post Rep Sex Offenders. There could be a site for Donkey Sex Offenders but their is an act a week and the list would be page after page after page after page after page after page after page after page.
@184 “Steve, HorsesASSes are you and your buds.”
I do try. Thanks for the recognition.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Then it seems the apple didn’t fall too far from dee tree. Even if it’s a frat prank, there are limits.
Yep, your kind are disgusting clueless wonder…
@185 “There could be a site for Donkey Sex Offenders”
Sure there could. But it be boring and not nearly as full of weird and fascinating characters like the Republican page we post. Did you read about that latest Republican pedophile and his animal costumes? How can Dems possibly compete with that kind of behavior? As someone around here likes to say,
Marvin Stamnspews:
187. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
There could be a site for Donkey Sex Offenders but their is an act a week and the list would be page after page after page after page after page after page after page after page.
That’s the advantage democrats have over republicans.
Like that game I play, “name that party,” any news story about democrats fail to contain that little (d) next to their name.
Here is an example of the liberal media intentionally omitting the (D) label of a democrat and an underage girl.
But at least bush didn’t pardon any child molesters like clinton did for for Mel Reynolds.
Go figure, a democrat getting a pardon for raping underage girls from a democrat.
Many conservatives want to replace the income tax with a 54% federal sales tax. They call it the “Fair Tax” and they’re lying about how much it will cost you. Remember this when you vote.
Washington has a very high sales tax and no income tax. In our state, low income households pay 5 1/2 times as much of their income in state/local taxes as high income households pay — roughly 17% vs. 3%. Conservatives like this tax distribution so much they want to implement it on a national scale. Remember this when you vote.
A typical estate subject to inheritance taxes consists largely of previously untaxed capital gains. Under existing law, heirs get a “basis step-up,” which means these gains will never be taxed. Without inheritance taxes, the very rich could pass on billions of dollars of investment, business, real estate, and sotck market earnings to their descendants without a penny of taxes ever being paid on any of it. Conservatives want to abolish inheritance taxes, which will allow very rich families to receive enormous incomes and accumulate gigantic fortunes entirely tax-free, while wage earners continue to get their $3,000 personal exemption, adjusted a few dollars a year for inflation. Remember this when you vote.
Conservatives like to spend your tax dollars on killing innocent women and child in foreign lands, but oppose spending the taxes you paid on anything that benefits you or your family. Remember this when you vote.
Conservatives support denying children health care because their parents are poor. Remember this when you vote.
How’s that liberal immigration policy working out for you, England? Having any second thoughts?
Pelletizer, where are the facts for posts #1-5? Does Mrs Dumb Bunny know of your enfeebled mind? Most of the time when you place your crap on this blog peeps dissect it. Puddy giving you a chance to prove these “charges”. Otherwise it’s just more swill from de dumb bunny. Just like your latest moronic attack that Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama’s Princeton Thesis didn’t show she hated white college educated liberals was proven WRONG!
Hey Kommodore/Kountry Klubber Steve…the arrogant, elitist leftist—
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Obama has his hardcore 30% and his anti-30%.
The middle is fluid & up for grabs.
How about David Letterman (father of Harry the L’il Bastard Letterman…born out of wedlock by definition is a bastard and he is young)
His apology was not an apology but an excuse!
Soon he will get the point…Letterman is sooooo arrogant. Conan is close to him in ratings & rising.
How come some comedians like Kramer are crucified when they cross the line…and Letterman gets a pass from the same folks???
Letterman is no Johnny Carson, Jerry Seinfeld, Billy Crystal…that’s for sure.
He is a childish 62 year-old with zero conscience.
Perhaps Harry “the L’il Bastard” Letterman will grow to hate his old man for drawing attention to him in a negative way.
Why shouldn’t a “jokester” experience the same cruel jokes he dishes out??
Where is the outrage Jon, Goldy & Darryl??
The AmeriCorps Inspector General (IG) accuses a prominent California mayor and Obama supporter of misusing AmeriCorps grant money. The prominent Obama supporter from California has to pay back more than $400,000 of that grant money. Obama fires AmeriCorps IG for identifying these issues.
“[Walpin] found that [Kevin] Johnson, a former all-star point guard for the Phoenix Suns [mayor of Sacramento], had used AmeriCorps grants to pay volunteers to engage in school-board political activities, run personal errands for Johnson and even wash his car.” Associated Press reports.
So if you check on a supporter of “the messiah” and you find wrong doing, look the other way otherwise you’ll lose your job ensuring American taxpayer money is being used correctly. Remember he’s the man who should be obeyed cuz he says so!
How is that hope and change working out again?
How is the most transparent sadministration working out again?
Going up to Husky Stadium today to watch my youngest daughter graduate from the UW. Phi Beta Kappa with a double major in French and political science, this young and very conservative woman is already knockin’ ’em dead in Teach for America.
She flew home from Houston, where she’s going through her TfA orientation in anticipation of spending two years teaching French in the Mississippi Delta region, just for the occassion.
The HA Happy Hooligans might as well quit know because the lot of you don’t, and can never, hold a candle to her brilliance, determination, and commitment. She will set the world ON FIRE!!!
Her Pops is going to be the proudest guy in the bleachers as she gets her B.A.
The Piper
Cynical, there is no outrage about Letterman from the NAGs either or childrens’ support groups. Did you see the stupid Matt Lauer try to defend Letterman in his interview with Palin?
Don Imus was fired for attacking adult women. David Letterman, far left whack job liberal attacks a girl under 18 and he gets supported and a pass cuz he’s a “comedian”.
“Bought makeup from Bloomingdale’s to update her ‘slutty flight attendant’ look,” Letterman said. – I guess flight attendants love Letterman now.
Congrats Piper. Smart people beget smart people!
Wow the NAGs finally said something about Letterman’s stupid joke. Funny the HA swineflu weasel gang has nothing to say. I bet von Brunn hates Sarah Palin like all leftist weasels here. What say you NutsTooTight? You hate Sarah Palin right?
By the way to Puddy it seems the NAGs response was forced. Look at the last paragraph. You see if they were really sincere, the comments would be about Letterman would have been the last paragraph. By adding the paragraph about Limbaugh shows their innate leftist biases. Sad and so typical.
The Limbaugh comment on Chelsea Clinton was a one time incidental event. The Letterman attack jokes were scripted, taped, aired and repeated. They had plenty of time to verify which daughter was with Palin. It could have been edited out. The audience’s laughter on his stupid joke went beyond the pale. It shows just about everyone who attends Letterman’s show are libtard progressives. Even Letterman’s attempt at an apology was offensive. He tripped again.
CBS fired Imus from his radio show. You heard Imus. Will CBS fire Letterman from his TV show? You watched Letterman.
Why does Letterman, et alia, even care about Sarah Palin anymore? That election is over, and the Milk Chocolate Messiah won.
If poor people are buying stuff that’s subject to sales tax, then they should pay the tax. If they’re not buying stuff subject to sales tax, then there’s no tax.
What a lot of “progressives” really want is re-distribution of wealth. Why don’t they just admit it and say they want a totally socialist world where government runs everything? All decisions made by government bureaucrats with no personal freedoms whatsoever.
Letterman is a liberal, and therefore he is intolerant of those who don’t think like him. He’s a very angry, hate-filled man. I think he embodies what it means to be a Democratic liberal/progressive in America: Anger. Hate. Intolerance. Demonization.
Did the libtards know since shooting death of patrolman John Holt Jr. in 1940, there have been at least 20 such incidents of policemen shooting policemen in NYC, most of them white cops shooting black cops. Officer Omar Edwards was offed by two fellow white officers two weeks ago. They fired six shots into Omar and he died while chasing after and trying to catch the criminals who broke into his car.
White officers sees a black man with a gun and whitey goes nuts? You tell Puddy what you think.
Rush had some funny jokes about the obama yesterday…
Hilarious stuff, unlike those child rape jokes of letterman.
I was wondering why the homophobic bigot didn’t post his rasmussen poll update today.
Thanks for the update.
Congrats to the Pooper.
It’s truly remarkable that even the issue of the Pooper could have more on the ball than Susan Hutchison.
and French? Don’t tell fiends like BillO.
Good thing it happened in the democrat controlled new york city.
Could you imagine the outrage from the left had it been in a city under republican control?
And it’s really funny.
Both the Pooper and Stupes send their kids to UW..
in Seattle?
Why couldn’t they send their kids to a wingnut school in Mississippi? Deep Red down there it is. Terrific “conservative” legacy. Ronnie Raygun started his run for the White House down there talking about cough .. states rights.
Hell they even build sturdy cheap boats to boot..
So how many black cops were shot on Rudy and Bloomberg’s watch?
Congrats for a job well done.
She majored in french.
Our president doesn’t even know the difference between cinco de mayo and cinco de cuatro.
Yet the obama is embarrassed that americans don’t speak french.
Maybe the obama should have said the liberals he hangs with don’t speak french since the Piper has proven that real Americans can major in french.
So “state rights” is codespeak for bigotry?
Instead, the Obama administration argued that the law preserves long-standing state authority to define marriage while saving taxpayer dollars.
Real Americans???? Hmmm.. Again funny that a “Real American” like Pooper would allow his kid to attend a school like UW much less graduate. According to his tribe, “Real Americans” don’t live and work here.
So Stamn are you one of the fiends who answered the call to hate the French by Billo and Faux? Do you order freedom fries?
Heh. Talk about anti-bigotry.
Where does this kind of lunacy happen? Only on the right…
Not exactly but very close. In Raygun’s usage it was codespeak for “I want the bigot vote. I’m your guy.”
And yep, they gave it to him.
The other guy wasn’t going to issue such a dog whistle.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the pseudo anti-bigot is the single biggest requester of “Barack the Magic Negro” from the gas-bloated whale show.
@7 You think I’m making all that up, puddlehead? That’s so typical of wingnut troll tactics: When the facts are against you, lie and deny.
It’s true I don’t know exactly how one should respond to someone who goes around insisting the moon is made of green cheese. You can’t reason with willful stupidity and ignorance, and it’s folly to try.
Please understand this, Glassy-Eyed One. I don’t post here to educate you. That’s hopeless. I wrote you off long enough. What I’m try to do is neutralize the poison that you and your ilk spew so it doesn’t sicken and kill the innocent masses.
That’s a sufficient statement of general principles. Now, as for your specific allegations, let’s start with the so-called “Fair Tax.” The basic proposal is concisely outlined on Wikipedia as follows:
“The FairTax is a proposed change to the federal tax laws of the United States that would replace all federal income taxes[1] with a single national retail sales tax. The plan has been introduced into the United States Congress as the Fair Tax Act (H.R. 25/S. 296). The tax would be levied once at the point of purchase on all new goods and services for personal consumption. The proposal also calls for a monthly payment to all family households of lawful U.S. residents as an advance rebate, or ‘prebate’, of tax on purchases up to the poverty level.[2][3] The sales tax rate, as defined in the legislation, is 23 percent of the total payment including the tax ($23 of every $100 spent in total—calculated similar to income taxes). This would be equivalent to a 30 percent traditional U.S. sales tax ($23 on top of every $77 spent—$100 total).”
Don’t like Wikipedia? Then go to the Wikipedia entry and click on each and every one of the provided footnotes to go to the original sources. Don’t believe the Fair Tax rate is 30%? Then go to H.R. 25 or S.296 and read the actual proposed legislation yourself. You don’t have to take my mind for it; that’s why sources are provided, Addled One. That’s what sources are for.
Likewise the provisions of the inheritance tax, and their effect. You can google descriptive material on the internet, or read the actual Tax Code, or hire a tax attorney to explain it to you. The basis step-up is real, Puddinghead, and here’s how it works:
Let’s say your grandfather bought farmland in 1920 for $2,000, in what is now downtown Everett, and leaves it to you in his will. Now let’s say you sell it for its current market value of $1,500,000. This is $1,490,000 of capital gains, and after subtracting your grandfather’s original $2,000 investment, it is income to your family that has not been previously taxed. But it’s not taxable income, and it’s not even taxable capital gains, because when the property passed to you through inheritance the law redefined the “basis” of the property for tax purposes at its current value. This is a gift the Tax Code makes to you and all other heirs, puddy. I’m not bullshitting about this, it’s the law, and anyone whose parents have died and who have inherited a house, bank accounts, stocks, or any other type of property knows this from personal experience. And because the $1,490,000 capital gain in the illustration above is less than the inheritance tax exemption, you get that income/capital gain absolutely tax free.
You don’t have to take my word for how much the wage earner’s personal exemption is, either, puddy. If you don’t know, that means you’ve never worked, and have never reported earned income on a 1040 form. But every working person in the country knows what this exemption is, puddy. Since you don’t, I’ll save you the trouble of looking it up: For the most recent tax year, 2008, it’s $3,500.
Now compare that to the inheritance tax exemption, which in 2008 was $2,000,000. It should be understood, though, that’s only a nomimal figure and your hypothetical grandfather can, in fact, greatly increase the amount of his estate that will be untaxed by transferring some of his wealth to his heirs before his death, so that with proper tax planning the real exemption is the inheritance tax exemption PLUS accumulated gift tax exemptions (you get a new gift tax exemption every year). Don’t take my word for it, pudpacker; look it up, or ask a tax accountant or tax attorney to explain it to you.
Millions of dollars of exemptions versus $3,500 exemption: Somebody’s getting screwed. Who? Wage earners. Since only a tiny percentage of estates are large enough to owe inheritance taxes, the vast majority of heirs get a FREE RIDE. I’m not lying about this, puddy, these are facts. This is the truth. Deny it all you want, nobody except other wingnuts will believe you, because at the end of the day you can’t make reality go away by lying.
Washington state’s tax structure, and its corresponding distribution of tax burdens, has been studied by a legislatively-commissioned official task force, and by others. You can read the reports, puddy. I’m simply repeating the findings. I didn’t make this stuff up. It’s a fact that the bottom 20% of Washington households pay many times the percentage of their income to state and local taxes than the top 20% pay. It’s also a fact that small business is taxed more heavily in Washington than most other states, in large part because of the regressive B & O tax that is effectively a tax on gross income regardless of whether the business makes a profit. Studies show this tax is especially hard on new struggling businesses compared to established profitable businesses. Of course, Big Business isn’t even in the picture, because they own this state’s politicians and use their clout to not only get exemptions from any meaningful level of taxation but also to get taxpayer subsidies and handouts like the $3 billion that Boeing extorted from Gutless Gary Locke and his equally gutless legislature, which at that time was controlled by the Democrats (House) and Republicans (Senate). Of course, Republicans are always happy to give tax exemptions and gifts of taxpayer monies to Big Business, so it wasn’t hard to get them to go along with that.
This system sucks, puddlebutt. Workers are getting raped. They get all of the country’s work including all the dirty, dangerous, and unpleasant jobs. They get less than half of the country’s income, even though they’re over 95% of the population. They get the commuting hassles, the bullying bosses, the bad working conditions, the lack of job security. They get their pensions stolen and their health benefits cut back. And they get the highest tax rates and the least tax exemptions and deductions. Workers are simply getting fucked in the ass by the economic and tax system that conservatives like you have built up in this country, pussbutt.
Of course, I don’t hate you for all this, although I should. People who do this to their fellow citizens deserve to be hated, loathed, and despised. But I don’t hate you, pussbutt. I merely disagree with you. I think this system should go. It’s unfair, and should be changed to make it more fair. That’s all. I know you’re against that, you like it the way it is, and want to make it even more regressive if you can. That’s what all conservatives want, you included. I’m not even trying to change your mind, puddlehead.
All I’m doing is asking people not to vote for conservatives.
There are two kinds of income, earned and unearned. Stated another way, there’s wages and there’s investment income. Or, stated yet another way, there’s income you work for, and income you get by owning stuff.
Most of the U.S. population consists of workers. Only a tiny percentage of Americans are wealthy capitalists. Yet, the amount of our national output that goes to owners of capital is breathtaking.
It used to be that labor got about 60% of GDP and the capitalists got the other 40%. But in the 25 years since the so-called “Reagan Revolution,” this allocation has almost reversed: Workers now get less than half of GDP, and capital gets over half.
Less than half! All the workers in America get less than half of the nation’s aggregate income.
We know how one becomes a worker: By not owning the means of production, which in this country is more commonly due to accident of birth — i.e., determined by who your parents were — than anything else. No one workers because they want to. Working is the default option; it’s what you do when you have no other choice. And being a worker is such a bad deal that it’s obvious — it hits you over the head — that being a capitalist is the only way to go.
But how does one become a capitalist? How do you accumulate enough money to become an owner of income-producing assets? Well, one way is to steal it, and there’s an awful lot of that going on today, due in no small part to the prevalence of the conservative ideology of non-regulation.
The surest way to become rich in America is to inherit a shitload of money, and that’s how most of America’s wealthiest people got their money. But this works only if inheritances are taxed lightly or not at all. That’s why conservatives fight so hard to eliminate estate taxes.
Conservative propaganda about “working hard to get ahead” is stuffed into young minds as soon as toddlers learn to walk. It’s bullshit. Working hard doesn’t make you rich; it makes your boss rich. Owning capital, not working, is what makes people rich. Rich people don’t work. Some of them go to businesses or offices, it’s true; but they don’t work there; they spend their “work day” ordering other people to work and counting their profits. Anyone who thinks that constitutes “work” has never had a real job and doesn’t know what real work is.
Implicit in the conservative propaganda is a suggestion that workers can become capitalists, and join the wealthy class, by saving money from their wages and then using it to invest or start a business. Sounds great on paper, but the truth is, conservatives have not only given the capitalist class enormous tax advantages, but have shifted so much of the tax burden to wage income that it’s not realistically possible to accumulate any meaningful amounts of capital from wage income.
The way most capitalists accumulate capital is from capital gains and investment income, which is not only possible but easy to do, because conservatives have made sure that capital gains and investment income are lightly taxed. They not only do this with low tax rates on the capitalists’ sources of income, but they also compound the effect of these low tax rates many times over by giving the capitalist class enormous tax exemptions, a plethora of deductions and tax credits, legal tax shelters (both onshore and offshore), and so on. Conservatives have showered the Owner Class with so many tax advantages that over half of U.S. corporations pay no income taxes at all and back in the 1980s the Congress enacted the Alternative Minimum Tax because so many extremely rich individuals were paying no taxes at all that it was a national embarrassment that threatened to provoke a popular uprising.
Essential to the preservation of the Owner Class’s outrageous rigging of the tax system in favor of their own favor is their gigantic, multibillion-dollar propaganda effort to mislead gullible saps like Puddy. The lies this propaganda machine disseminates would be funny if they weren’t so obscene: The rich pay most of the taxes, the tax breaks we give to the rich create jobs, blah blah blah. None of this is true. It’s all bullshit. If it were true, the country would be rolling in jobs right now, we would have jobs coming out of our ears, we would be kidnapping Mexicans and other foreigners to fill vacant job positions, because of all the jobs created by the trillions of dollars in tax breaks that George W. Bush and his GOP Congress gave to the rich.
The public was fooled for a while, but eventually figured out it’s bullshit. I mean, you can’t hide from millions of unemployed workers the fact that they and millions of their neighbors are unemployed. The public finally saw through the conservative bullshit and voted the conservatives out of office.
Now, you don’t have to believe me when I say that, puddy. You can believe that John McCain is in the White House and the GOP controls Congress, if you want to. You can believe any fucking thing you want. I don’t care what you believe. You’re a basket case and I’ve written you off. All I’m trying to do on this blog is throw a little lime on the bullshit that you and your fellow conservative trolls post here, so that honest people don’t gag on the stench of your lies and propaganda.
Here’s some good support for rejecting conservatives.
They pander to people like these:
Butt-ugly ignorant. They’ll always be with us of course. That’s why right wing greedheads try to divide and conquer and dumb down public education – to produce sheep like this.
The worst nightmare of the right wing greedheads is a populace that can think critically.
One of the arguments conservative use against the estate tax is that people should be able to pass on property they’ve accumulated through a lifetime of hard work to their children and grandchildren.
The simple answer to that is eliminate both the estate tax and the basis step-up. Heirs would pay taxes only when they sell non-cash property, and then only on previously untaxed capital gains.
But that’s not what conservatives want. They want to eliminate the estate tax and keep the basis step-up. In short, they want heirs to get previously untaxed capital gains (which comprise the bulk of most large estates) absolutely tax-free.
There’s no reason why wage earners who get only a $3,500 personal exemption should agree to that. Nor is there any reason for working people to vote for the party that believes workers should pay all of the country’s taxes and owners of capital should pay no taxes at all.
Wage earners who vote Republican are voting against themselves and their families.
@18 Yeah, that’s pretty much the way it is, puddy. White racists lynch black men. It’s been going on a long time, and while it’s not as overt as it used to be, it’s still going on. And it’s no secret that our nation’s police departments have white racists in their officer ranks. What should we do about that, puddy? Should lynching be a federal crime? Should racially-motivated violence be classified as “hate crimes” and given enhanced penalties? I think so. I can’t think of any reason to give a free pass to a man who harms another man because of the color of the other man’s skin — can you?
@35 This cuts both ways, of course. I think racially-motivated black-against-white violence also should be prosecuted as hate crimes. It’s a travesty the Carr brothers escaped the death penalty. Colin Ferguson should never see the light of day again. “Black rage” shouldn’t be a defense, it should be an enhanced offense.
All I know is the stupid fucking asshole known as the “puddybuddy” (the dumbest handle ever…) is neverneverneverneberevereverever wrong. Just ask him.
That goes also for “the marvin”, the (crack) piper”, mr. cynical, troll, the excreble man of truth, et al, ad nauseum.
If this dumbass corporatist, christo-facsist, bullshit has worked so well….why is the world economy so fucked up? Why are there no more JOBS in the US…e.i. why do we manufacture NOTHING here anymore? Why do we make our industry…our hallowed (according to you jerks) “producers” pay for health care and put our inddustry at a competitive disadvantage to the rest of the industrialized world, which pays for health coverage by “single-payor”.
You assholes can’t engage those questions because you know you’ve failed. All you can do is bullshit, deny and change the subject.
Remember Lee Iacocca, the man who rescued Chrysler Corporation from its death throes? He’s now 82 years old and has a new book, ‘Where Have All The Leaders Gone?’.
Lee Iacocca Says:
37. Rujax! spews:
Hey Rujax, I was wrong ONCE. There was a brief moment on this Blog when I didn’t think you were a dumbf*ck.
Thanks for enlightening me about the real YOU!
The future looks mighty bleak for Republicans.
I like the one comment about how, losing Hispanics as they are, the dumbass Republicans respond by lambasting Sotomayor for her Latino pride.
Sucks to be you guys.
So much for the relevance of Republicans. But if our nation is ever in need of fascist goatfuckers, hey, we’ll give you asswipes a call. Until then, enjoy your stay in the backwaters of American society and politics.
Oh, and quit your whining. You have nobody to blame but yourselves.
The Collected Wit and Wisdom of the Cyniklown:
C’mon Rujax…
You are just another dimwitted humorless KLOWN who can’t take a joke…but sure can dish ’em out.
Yer a MAMA’s boy!
Have you ever noticed all little rujax does is post his hate for fellow americans.
You gotta feel sorry for him. It’s obvious his bitterness is having a detrimental effect on both his emotional and physical health.
I got the “barack the magic negro” directly from the source, the los angeles times.
Over a month before crooks&liars was offended that rush made it public.
Those jokes were funny. And they were not racist. You only want to paint those jokes as racist since it was rush and not david letterman.
The left won’t allow that to happen.
Did you hear about the halloween incident down here is so cal.
The victims and neighbors who witnessed the beating said the three young women were attacked as they left a haunted house. It began with what some thought was a sexually suggestive remark from a male, and exploded, the victims said, when they ignored the taunts and tried to walk away.
They described being pelted with lemons and pumpkins, then beaten by a crowd of 20 to 40 people who swarmed around them shouting, “I hate whites” and “F— whites.”
One assailant used a skateboard to knock one of the 19-year-olds unconscious, then hit her as others jumped on her back while she lay in the street.
The victims were three white girls. Probably the kind of girls that letterman would call slutty airline stewardesses.
No doubt you didn’t hear about it.
The liberal media had a real racist (michael richards- sienfield) story to cover. After all, a hate crime against white women isn’t as serious as some racist spewing racist crap. Priorities.
The first right wing female President perhaps. Our Maggie Thatcher. No doubt she’d “light the world on fire”.
as in “the missiles will reach China in five minutes…” – right wing “fire” to be sure.
and stop? Puhleeeze Pooper. You should know by now everyone here ignores your silly orders.
Pelletizer crapped:
Yes, Ted Kennedy knows all about unearned income. Yes, Richard C. Blum knows all about unearned income as his wife stacked the rack for his companies when she was on MILCON!
Pelletizer farted:
From the fool who claimed Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama didn’t say what she said about white college libtards. What did Pelletizer claim?
What a fool. Uhhh dumb bunny, now that it’s proven wrong you had nuthin to say fool. But this I will agree with, leftist college educated libtards are racists.
Piper, let’s see if clueless idiot spawn gets accepted at UW.
rujax@37: You are the moron of hate. Thanks for showing us the rujax who teaches his son the difference between house and field. How are your house negroes working out for you fool?
Easy answer.
Walk through your double wide and count the number of things labeled “made in america.” Compare that to the number of things made elsewhere.
Ask yourself why you didn’t support american workers.
Did you see gbs exhibit his racist beliefs?
I’ve been making gbs feel good by telling him I’m on welfare. People like gbs take pleasure thinking he’s better than others so of course he completely believed I was on welfare.
So what does he assume? He assumes I’m black. Why? Because racists believe that only black people on welfare.
No surprise he’s a racist considering how easily he displayed his homophobic bigotry.
Marvin, Puddy lives near a Boeing plant. When Puddy drives by the plant a whole plethora for foreign cars come flying out their parking lots at shift change.
Yet aircraft unions are the first to cry out when airlines buy ScareBus. Yet, their UAW union buds are struggling over their aircraft union brothers buying anything but American. Human biomASS idiots like rujax will never figger it out.
Marvin Cynical Mark Mark1 Marks Pudge Delbert Lex RUFUS Piper et all whom think right… Can you imagine if the HA swineflu weasels sent their 12 and older kids to one of these parties?
It’s a prom held at Boston City Hall. Why not at Seattle City Hall?
Why wouldn’t they? Are all the HA swineful weasels homophobic bigots?
With bigots like gbs and steve in the area, seattle would be wise not to let them close to city hall. Who knows what those hateful bigots would do to all those “faggots.”
Marvin now accuses GBS of being a racist. So, Puddy, you know racism. Tell us, for what he wrote, is GBS a racist in your mind?
How about bigotry? Marvin has accused me of being a bigot for having hurled the “f” word. Do you agree with Marvin that I’m a bigot for having done that?
Hey, Marvin, since not everybody has Puddy’s photographic, though selective, memory, how about reposting what GBS and I wrote? You just accused us of bigotry against gays again. Repost that proof of yours.
Steve, GBS and Puddy go back a ways so we don’t yell and scream at each other. We have a normal conversational discourse. He’s the first HA liberal Puddy broke bread with. He may have temporarily lost it attacking Marvin. Marvin’s blistering accurate attacks against libtards such as you Steve do make even the most level headed librul lose it at times.
Now to your comment:
While Puddy appreciates the sentiment, you just opened yourself for attacks from the bottom dwelling loons such as rujax and clueless wonder.
And how is Puddy’s memory selective? All Puddy does is what Pelletizer and others do on your side. Look for the good on the right while finding easy stories of moronic leftist pinhead activities. Puddy doesn’t need Free Republic to help unlike your side which needs the most moronic of web sites, many supported by George I Hate My Jewish Heritage Soros. They are many more libtard stories out there Steve. Notice Goldy and his minions didn’t touch the Dave Letterman fiasco. Why? Even the NAGs eventually woke up and had to join the fray.
You can find the stories just as easy as Puddy does. Just open your eyes for once Steve.
Steve, on your next flight from Sea-Tac, ask a flight attendant if that’s her best slutty look. Maybe you can give her some additional pointers since you are a “liberal” who thinks similar to David Letterman. See how far that gets you in excellent flight attendant airline service.
Why not ask female HA peeps like Jennie Tlaz of good old grandma Fricknfrack what constitutes the slutty flight attendant look. Puddy don’t know that look since Puddy sees flight attendants as people working, making a living!!!!!!
Steve maybe you should email Keith The ESPN Reject Olbermann and see if KO (knocked out by Bill O’Reilly) will induct NOW into his hall of Worst Persons. Didn’t Puddy see your mug up there with your goat? Late last week your sexist jackass buddy was on the attack against Sarah Palin for the crime of defending her daughters virtue from Letterman! Sorry Steve, where was your voice on Letterman suggesting sex to teenage women again?
And lastly Steve as Puddy is going out to work on the garden, it’s really curious to Puddy on how the HA swineflu weasels go oh so quiet when one of theirs goes whack job nuts and how the leftist pinheads circle the wagons. It took the NAGS three days to finally formulate a weak sauce commentary against David Letterman. Yet if a conservative dared make a comment like that against a libtard politician female children it would make instantaneous program breaking news. Sporting events would be disrupted, soap operas would be stopped, game shows would grind to a halt. CNN & PMSNBC would find their most vile hosts to rant and rave over it. Yet it was wery wery wery qwiet here on HA. Why the dichotomy Steve? An attack on a conservative woman and her daughters is still an attack on a woman and her daughters. Why are you and your worthless peers so wery wery wery qwiet here on HA?
Even Amy Suskind on HuffPo wrote: Sexism Against Conservative Women Is Still Sexism. Where is Steve’s courage to be a different type of libtard on HA? Puddy doesn’t expect courage to be in the psyche of fools such as rujax or clueless wonder. They are HA swineflu weasel mental bottom dwellers.
Wait for it…… the blistering attack will cum!
It’s been too weird seeing the right wing bust a gut over a botched six second joke done in poor taste.
What if a conservative did that, blah, blah, blah… Right wingers just don’t get it – RIGHT WINGERS AREN”T FUNNY.. They are FAILURES at comedy.. Just like they’re almost ALWAYS on the wrong side of the issues.
Last I saw tonight show won the ratings..
Only a racist would assume someone on welfare was black when a much much larger percentage of welfare receipants are white.
Of course you are. It’s not as if you used the word once, you used it numerous times over numerous times. You didn’t use the word quoting someone, you used it as an insult. Hell, you even went out of your way to make sure I knew you were insulting me. Remember??
If in your bigoted mind bigoted/racist words don’t matter, why are you whining day after day about kikekiller and manotruth?
Hold yourself to the same standard.
An attack huh? Letterman said the joke was botched. It should have been about Bristol. Either way it was in poor taste but who was just on the cover of People magazine – uh huh?
Bristol and her out of wedlock “spawn” (your word) spouting her new found wisdom about sex.. She is a PUBLIC FIGURE MORON.
This is your precious power-mad right wing Sister Sarah with along with her new Scientology friends promoting her sorry ass to the nation FOR POWER and USING HER CHILDREN TO GET THERE..
What kind of a “conservative” value is that?
LOL! I have yet to see Stupes defend Sister Sarah from her poor choice of wardrobe on Memorial Day.
What kind of a right wing parent would raise a daughter to believe “it’s not realistic to wait”?
Even Stupes bragged he was more successful than that with his own kids.
What happened to don imus after his botched joke?
That’s the difference.
The left not only allows but appreciates jokes at the expense of conservatives.
Say, has your underage daughter been knocked up by a non-white adult yet?
Don’t be offended, that’s left-wing humor.
And to think it bothered you when you believed Puddy was joking about your daughter and her turning tricks.
I wonder why you have a double standard for jokes about children.
You are deflecting and avoiding the questions I ask of you, Puddy. Is Marvin correct when he calls GBS a racist? Yes or no? And let me rephrase the other question. When Marvin levels charges of bigotry against GBS and myself simply because we threw out the “f” word, is that one of those “blistering accurate attacks” you speak of? Again, a simple “yes” or “no” will do. These are very serious charges your friend makes, Puddy. Racism and bigotry. GBS stands accused. So do I. Where do you stand on this?
Stopping for a minute to see if any libtards respond and Puddy sees clueless wonder settling to the lowest common denominator among HA swineflu weasels. Why is this boy’s mind lower than whale shit?
Great job on missing the point in posts #63&64. You could be Matt Lauer on the Today Show fool! Matt Lauer was making excuses for that dirty old fart Letterman and all can see clueless wonder making basically the same rant. Imagine if Letterman made this attack (joke? yeah right) about Obama’s daughters? Letterman would have been skewered, tarred, feathered and even clueless wonder would have demanded he resign from CBS. Clueless is as clueless wonder really is.
You do a great job at being stupid. Stay that way fool! You are doing your CA momma proud. Do you send your worthless rants for her review? You should. Maybe a golf club beside your head may help.
Heh, the same crowd who laughs at Coulter’s jokes of killing half the country and blowing up newspaper buildings takes great umbrage at a Letterman joke made in poor taste about Palin’s kid.
What kind of person assumes someone on welfare is black despite the FACT there are more whites on welfare.
If there is nothing wrong with you using the “faggot” word as an insult, what was your pretend apology about?
We can both agree you weren’t apologizing to me for trying to insult me. You and I both know you fucked up by letting the real you out from under the rock.
Again, YES
I pointed out that you call out kikekiller & manotruth for their bigoted/racist words.
What’s the difference between you and them? Shouldn’t your bigoted/racist words be called out like you do to them?
Steve, you are a bigot. Your own words proved it.
Remember, you own words said you weren’t insulting gays, you were insulting me by calling me to “faggots.”
Like dr phil would say… How’s that homophobic bigotry working out for you?
Steve steve steve. Sorry dude Puddy ain’t gonna bite. Puddy already said his piece on what GBS and you said in another thread. You picked up on it. Marvin picked up on it too. So if Marvin wants to think you and GBS are worthless and crummy, that’s his prerogative, just as it was your prerogative not to take headless lucy to task when you had your chance. Why do you ask Puddy to make judgments on Marvin when you don’t ask your fellow HA swineflu weasel antagonists to take on headless lucy’s rant? You didn’t ask them to take rujax to task for his attack against Juan Williams.
Somehow it seems your fingers lost their mobility and your femtometer brain lost control. Sorry Steve but that walking stick doesn’t support any weight.
Like the Piper pointed out…
In court would your words be used by the prosecution or by your defense team.
How do you think the jury would interpret your bigoted words?
What a fucking bigot you are. If you can use the “faggot” word as an insult in a public forum, one can only imagine what you say when you are with your friends.
Say, Marvin, I’ve been meaning to ask, did it ever occur to you to do a HA search using the names of trolls like “Puddybud”, “Mr. Cynical” or “Mark Redneck”, as well as the words “faggots”, “fags” and “queers”? How about “niggers” or “ni##ers”. No? Well, it occurred to me.
How’s that photographic memory of yours working now, Puddy?
No need to make judgments on me.
I’m not the person that uses “faggot” as an insult.
I’m not the one that believes juan williams is a house negro.
I’m not the one that assumed someone on welfare is black.
Those are the beliefs of proud democrats.
Why is steve a hypocrite?
Is that the excuse you are using today? Others did it so I can too? How pathetic. You sound like a 5 year old.
It’s hard keeping track of all your lame-ass excuses. Can you write them all up in one post and I’ll pick which one is the lamest. It will be the “bigot excuse of the week” award. Of course, you and gbs have a substantial lead over your fellow racist headless.
Want to make another lame-ass excuse why you were so intent on insulting me by comparing me to “faggots?
I wish goldy would code his software so we can see the IPs of the “commenters.” I wouldn’t be surprised to see that your IP matches that of manotruth and kikekiller.
LMAO!! That fart must have blown out whatEVER was left of your meager brain material (more than Stupes in any case).
Imus didn’t make a joke.
“Nappy headed ho’s”? Gimme a break!
And Imus said he was for McSame. Last I heard he was still on the radio.
74 – Stamn you’re displaying that lame quote AGAIN that both Steve and GBS took back.
You know lame as in this (according to you) is lame?
By the way, that website has a fairly new Republican child abuser at the top of the page.
Check it out to see how your peeps do.
Hey Stupes @ 67
You called Imus “a liberal” for “attacking” black women. Did you defend black women to any of the degree you defend Sister Sarah and her brood?
I don’t recall you characterizing as an “attack”…
Yet, he was for McSame.. Pretty funny..
You’re such an idiot…
Matt Lauer!!! I just saw Donny Deutch on the Ed show say the joke was in poor taste, that he had three daughters himself and wasn’t going to defend Letterman’s bad joke.
Yet he SKEWERED Palin for media whoring herself to every TV camera she could to blather about the poor defenseless family she put on every stage ever chance she could on the campaign trail.
All she wants is power Stupes and you so DESPERATELY want her to have it even DESPITE your theological differences with her.
The stink of that desperation carries through the monitor. It’s too funny.
Wait a minute Stupes. Isn’t that “looking backwards”? What’s that lame-ass “looking backwards” TALLY of those who denounced HL up to these days? LOL!
And didn’t you say Rujax used the N-word against Juan Williams? He didn’t do that Stupes. You be a LIAR.
LMAO @ your pathetic fecklessness…
Oh… I see, the Stupes displays deeply repressed wishes for VIOLENCE against those who call him out for his name-calling and hypocrisy.
Never going to be in the same room with you fool. Your kind sucks the life right out of the place. The right wing could have close to a perfect soldier with you.
Didn’t that bloated whale on the radio call Chelsea Clinton the “first dog in the White House”?
Didn’t McSame says Chelsea’s dad was Janet Reno?
Were those “attacks”? Ha! ha! laugh the conservatives. Don’t liberals have a sense of humor? ha! ha! ha!
It’s OK if you are Republican!!!
Geez, Marvin, it looks like you didn’t do a search, now did you? Don’t you care to read what Puddybud, Mark the Redneck and Mr. Cynical have written? Say, I know, try the search with other troll screen names. Heh- Get a load of “JCH”. Go read those posts, Marvin, and acquaint yourself with some very real and very unapologetic bigotry against gays.
@80 Coulter’s eliminationist jokes, death to libs, that’s just fine.
Wow Marvin makes hay against Letterman’s joke and the last I looked the viagra-pumped whale still has a job, makes more money than he ever has and McSame despite a bathetic presidential campaign and his equally poor humor is still a Senator.
I guess their “attacks” on the daughters of politicians on our side are just all in good fun.
@76 “new Republican child abuser”
“authorities say Berlin suggested dressing up in animal costumes during online sex chats with a 15-year-old boy. During a search, agents found wolf- and cat-type costumes in his home”
What, no goat costume?
Well, for one thing steve asked in this very thread…
If steve took it back, why is he practically begging to get puddy to tell him he’s not a bigot? Doesn’t that alone prove he’s not repentant for his remark?
If I hadn’t made an issue of steve & gbs being bigots, would anyone else have? When you consider that you were the only lefty that was bothered we can both assume that your fellow lefties on this blog were more than happy to tacitly approve of their bigotry.
Outing child abusers is not lame. You being a one trick pony is lame.
Don’t you find it strange, strange as in hypocritical, that you consider the steve/gbs quotes lame yet you continue to post the republican child abuser link? Why do you have a lower standard for democrats?
I hope the father of the kid had a couple minutes alone with the child abuser. I wouldn’t lose a second of sleep if the child abuser accidently died from lack of free health care…. and a folding chair two and a half feet up his ass.
Do you *honestly* believe that only right-wingers abuse children? To be honest, that would be terribly myopic on your part.
@83 The wingnuts who faint at hearing Letterman’s Palin joke are the sames ones who ignored the combination of the bloated one, the Dominican Republican, child prostitution, and a very large jar of Viagra.
clueless wonder akxs
It’s 11 fool. Been holding at 11 for quite some time now moron.
Moron, Puddy suggested jo mama taking a golf club beside your head to knock some horse sense in ya fool!
Another clueless wonderism
And Letterman didn’t moron? He displayed bigoted attitudes toward Republican women and their teen-aged daughters. Too bad the truth is not palatable with the likes of clueless wonder. What planet you from? Pluto? Somewhere the sun isn’t too strong and the cold has frosted your brain? What a moron!!!
Yep Limbaugh’s attack on Clinton was covered last week weak sauce clueless wonder. Just got the memo? What a loon!!! And the libtard MSM was all over Rush. Where are they now on Letterman? We already saw Matt Lauer sticking up for him and Sarah handed Matt is sorry ASS again. No fool it’s okay if you are libtard, the press gives you a pass just like Jeremiah Wright and he can’t get passed the Jews to see “the messiah”. The press gives him a pass.
Excellent come back on the clueless wonder. He still doesn’t get why he’s on the bottom rung of the HA swineflu mental ladder, a monomaniacal idiot of the prime order.
Heh- Marvin would have us consider that someone other than a Republican might be a pedophile.
Geez, Marvin, a simple search will show some real gay-hate. Puddy. Mr. Klynical. Mark the Redneck. JCH. Rabid, unapologetic hate. You can even read JCH spewing endlessly about niggers, all while Puddy sucks up to him. Great stuff.
Heh- Nothing new under the sun, huh, Puddy?
At least you stopped begging Puddy to lie to you and tell you that you are not a bigot. That was pretty pathetic display even for you.
Why do you keep bringing up other people. That is the kind of thinking that 5 year olds do. Grow up and be accountable for your own words. Even the obama said “words have meaning.” And we all know what you meant when you were throwing those “faggot” words. You were trying to insult me.
Since you tried really really hard to insult me with your “faggot” insults, shouldn’t you try and justify it by searching the ha archives for my racist/bigoted words instead of the words of others? Oops, I guess that’s why you didn’t list my name. I don’t feel the same way you do about gays.
Like Piper said, how would the jury see your words?
Exactly like you wrote them.
In your mind an insult is calling me a “faggot.”
Soon we will start discussing your attitude about women, as evidenced by your use of the “cunt” word. Are you still bitter at your mother for forcing you to live around blacks?
I did a google search for “ real gay hate.”
I found this…
Like dr phil would say… How’s that google search working for you.
Once again, please don’t justify your gay hate by pointing the finger at others.
Stand up and be accountable for your words.
It wasn’t me that yelled “faggot” on a public blog.
The tool clueless wonder farted earlier:
How did Brostol become a public figure pendejo? Why did that happen pendejo? Who immmediately went on the Internet and started lying about Bristol being the mother of Trigg pendejo? Daily Kos, Media Matters, and Talking Points Memo. Otherwise Bristol could have had a quiet pregnancy. But no, the gross left-wing blogosphere, the sites you love to grovel in made up those lies and had to retract them. Even the Daily Kurse tried to remove the entries but Google saved them.
90 – LMAO!!! There goes Stamn being a “one trick pony” again.
I like that Stamn. Like all right wingers, your projection provides the best material to sink yourselves.
The scary part is that YLB was the only lefty that had the courage to admit that what steve wrote was bigoted.
I wonder why ylb is now trying to cover for admitted bigots.
@88 Talk about clueless. Do the search, Puddy. Refresh that celebrated memory of yours. You are now defined as a bigot. Not by me, but by Marvin. And it appears to me that you are in complete agreement with him. After all, Puddy, you did use the “f” word. You were writing about “fags”, as I recall. Oh, and when are you going to get around to apologizing? Isn’t that a little bit overdue?
You tell me fool. What is she doing with her “spawn” (your word) on the COVER OF PEOPLE MAGAZINE… And dispensing “conservative” wisdom about sex.
Whose brilliant idea was that CABRON???
Is that “conservative”????
Why did she get pregnant? Where was the mother? Where was the father? Why don’t you ask those questions Stupes? Have your kids gotten anyone pregnant??
Would a “conservative” like you want such parents in the White House?
I must be the strongest projector ever if I could project all the way up to seattle and force steve to be a bigot.
Remember, we are not talking about me writing hate speech, it was steve and gbs that had no problem using the “faggot” word over and over and over.
Come on ylb, you know what they did is wrong. Why are you defending them? If you are afraid to speak out against those on the left that use hate speech, just don’t comment at all.
So anyways, Puddy, why do you buddy up to folks who like to call your peeps “niggers”? I now see that that’s been going on here at HA for years. Heh- you and JCH. What a pair! Throw in “Mike Webb Sucks” and you guys had some really twisted conversations going on.
So does that mean since the obama has appeared with his children on the cover of people, time, ebony, etc. that it is now fair game to attack his children?
It’s hard for me to believe that you actually mean the points you are trying to make.
Hey Stamn, those goes your buddy Stupes being a “one trick pony” again..
And again the poor selective Alzheimer’s patient has to be reminded that that rumor started in Alaska.
Her piss poor record as a Mayor, a Governor and a power-mad hypocrite spoke for itself.
Stop deflecting.
You are a bigot.
There are many people on this planet that are bigots.
The difference is that you are a hypocrite when you want people to denounce manocrap and kikekiller and you try to justify your bigotry.
I see the cro-magnon crowd is at it again.
Like shootin’ fish in a barrel ain’t it.
What are the odds that Marvin has a goat costume?
99 – You’re going beyond the trifecta for stupid today.
Obama was running for President.. It’s natural for him and his family to be on magazine covers
Sarah isn’t running for anything right now. Yet her daughter gets a cover page. How’d she get that? Could the van Susteren’s have anything to do it. More than likely in my view.
Letterman makes a bad joke and one press release condemning the joke would have been sufficient. Yet Sarah drops everything (she’s supposed to be governing a state) and gets on every tv camera she can…
The poor woman must know her time is just about up in Alaska, her horrible mistakes have caught up to her and is not content to just spend the rest of her life being a Grandma.
Like all right wingers you’d never admit your own spoor doesn’t stink.
You’ve never made a bigoted remark and wish you hadn’t?
Go ahead and post that lame quote again – “one trick pony”.
No shit.
When I have quotes from steve and gbs being bigots and you being a racist it’s almost not fair.
I guess I should thank you for making it so easy. HAHAHA. My personal philosophy is to NEVER thank a racist for anything. I know, that’s rude of me. But at least I’m not a bigot or a racist.
Oh this is too good. “Had to retract them”, i.e. admit a mistake.
Did Limbaugh retract “first dog in the White House”?
Did McSame retract “her father is Janet Reno”?
No of course not. Why bother? That was supposedly a case of liberals not being able to take a joke.. FIEND
clueless wonder just doesn’t get it. Who in Alaska ran with the rumor fool? The leftwingnutosphere moron which got it from the Anchorage Daily News! The newspaper which tripped over it’s own dick to quickly endorse Obama!
“Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee, brings far more promise to the office. In a time of grave economic crisis, he displays thoughtful analysis, enlists wise counsel and operates with a cool, steady hand. The same cannot be said of Sen. McCain… On the most important issue of the day, Sen. Obama is a clear choice.”
Nuff Said Sucka, one of the dumbest of the dumb leftist pinhead swineflu weasels.
Oh mommy he called me a fiend. Such a blistering attack from the one whom his own lefties crew called monomaniacal. Now that sets the record for being a bottom dweller of the swineflu leftist mental midgets.
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
The Prosecution Rests.
Who cares about Wright making dumb remarks? The man is supposed to be retired. People sadly say a lot of dumb things in their dotage.
Obama broke with him long ago..
Yet you make an issue of him bringing up that sorry assed paranoia about the media which is just a deflection from being on the wrong side of all the issues.
Nice try. Keep doing the same things expecting different results. It’s working great for my side.
That’s a funny comment considering…
Bigoted? Not that I can remember. I’ve said many rude/crude/inappropriate comments I wish I hadn’t, but I know the line that isn’t supposed to be crossed. Just like I’ve gotten into fights playing ball with other guys, yet I know better than to ever hit a woman/child out of anger.
We don’t agree on much, but I would like to think that you share my views about basic lines not to be crossed.
Is this an admission that because right-wingers cover for their own you are going to do the same thing?
That prompts the question, what’s the difference between you and a right winger if you do exactly as they do?
Sure, I can help you out.
One Trick Pony.
Another clueless wonder fart on Dr Wright:
If that’s so then why is Dr Jeremiah Wright still trying to see him fool? If “the messiah” said Jerry you have to stay away. You are causing me problems, why would the fool be trying to see his good bud “the messiah”? HE would heed “the messiah’s” counseling and move on tool.
You don’t make sense fool! Such a blistering attack from the one whom his own lefties crew called monomaniacal. Now that sets the record for being a bottom dweller of the swineflu leftist mental midgets.
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
The Prosecution Rests.
108 – What is this?
Pretty good call by ADN on Obama.
McSame looked like a FOOL during the financial collapse. We dodged a bullet there.
And you are a FIEND Stupes. Pretty good word I have cadged to characterize you fools. I bet you are kicking own sorry ass that you didn’t come up with it first. A lot better than that lame “monomaniacal”. zzzzzzZZZ…
It’s gonna stick. LOL!
111 – Steve and GBS admitted their mistake. That’s what adults do. They’re ok in my book.
Your behavior is anything but that.
Keep on going with that “one trick pony” schtick. It becomes you.
You would lose that bet.
an evil spirit or demon.
Good one ylb. Directly out of the saul alinsky playbook, demonize your enemy. You obey well.
Wait a minute clueless wonder @113. You claimed the Bristol is Trigg’s mama rumor came from Alaska when Puddy said it came from the leftwingnutosphere. Puddy proved it came from a left wing Alaska MSM newspaper which tripped over it’s dick on it’s “the messiah” endorsement.
Again clueless wonder doesn’t get how stupid he is. A left-wing newspaper feeding the leftwingnutosphere blogs with lying rumors.
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
You are 1 Googol percent a nut fool.
The Prosecution Rests your honor. clueless wonder just proved our case about him being one of the mental bottom dwellers of the HA swineflu weasel class.
Really? Let’s look at the gbs apology.
He apologized to me since *I* wasn’t a “faggot.”
That’s not the same as apologizing for saying something bigoted.
Dose his apology mean if I was a “faggot” he wouldn’t have had to apologize.
One trick pony.
Demonizing? Which the right wing NEVER does. Oh no…
People skeptical about Bush war policy were demonized from day one. Called traitors and worse. Glenn Reynolds, the “Instapundit” said Ward Churchill was the “face of the Democratic Party”. Wow that kind of rhetoric worked out great for the right wing. Look who’s in power now.
Your buddy Stupes. He’s called us “eat shit and bark at the moon moonbats”, “stooges” among many other names. He and his sock puppet MWS posted many links to ugly pictures claiming a likeness to the regulars here which I’m proud to say I’ve never clicked on once.
Fiend is exactly the kind of word Stupes would use to characterize people who deplore his views. He’s probably kicking himself right now that he didn’t come up with it first so I can’t use it against him.
Because it’s only too true about his behavior in these comment threads. I prefer the following definition:
“a cruel wicked and inhuman person”
the reverend is trying. It’s those “jews” that won’t let him.
monomaniacal was the adjective one leftist pinhead said you are. Puddy didn’t give to you. A leftist pinhead who’s been reading your drivel named you perfectly. Your worthless rants have been identified as monomaniacal.
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Idiot @ 116.
So you admit it came from Alaska like I said.
Thanks for playing.
clueless wonder, you forget or want all on HA swineflu weasels to forget it was you who called Puddybud the first name. Puddy has shown everyone who pays attention that name three times. You have never claimed otherwise, but you do change the subject.
Now onto your other worthelss rant:
Puddy gave credit for the quote to KLake moron. Too bad your moronic monomaniacal memory fails you again.
Good try monomaniacal one @121. It came from one loon to the lying leftwingnutosphere blogs.
Thanks for playing SUCKA!
Both parties do the same thing. I know it. Do you or can’t you bring yourself to admit it.
Day one the democrats were lying about WMDs and saddam. So of course, when the majority of both reps/dems were for the war those opposed would have a much smaller voice.
Much like cnn, msnbc, abc, cbs, nbc, npr, etc keep insisting that rush is the face of the republican party. See how both parties act the same.
So does that mean when hillary was blaming the vast right wing conspiracy for those rumors about bill having non-sex that’s the reason the country looked right and elected bush for two terms?
Do you remember what happened the last time the democrats elected someone as far left as the obama? Reagan/Reagan/Bush. I wonder which republicans are going to be prsident in 2012, 16, 20.
That pales in comparison to what your buddies call me. Or haven’t you noticed?
That was an ugly picture the other day of steve and his white goat.
Thanks but no thanks. I don’t need your help to prove that you do exactly the same as the people you try to demonize. Hhmm, would that make you a hypocrite?
122 – You came to a liberal board who was rallying behind Christine Gregoire and called us “Democraps” and implied we supported “Moveon.pork”.
That was the first time I saw your shit FIEND.
I would have BANNED on (un)SP if I called your politicians “Repukes” or something like that.
You started the name-calling! LIAR!
Yeah you were always great on originality.
Thanks for playing. Nice way to excuse your inexcusable behavior.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
It bothered you that Puddy referred to as moveon.pork yet you refer to SP as (un)SP.
So tell me again, what’s the difference between you and a right winger?
It sure looks like you do EXACTLY as the people you try to demonize.
Once again clueless wonder can not refute the lies of the leftwingnutosphere blogs. Once again clueless wonder can not refute monomaniacal was the adjective one leftist pinhead said you are. Puddy didn’t give to you. A leftist pinhead who’s been reading your drivel named you perfectly. Your worthless rants have been identified as monomaniacal. So what does clueless wonder do try and deflect.
Fool Puddy called you “DemocRATs” like the John Effin Kerry attack in 2004. Then Puddy called you Democrapts Dummocrapts Democratic, etc. All fitting names for a dunce like you.
Can’t say that enough!
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Marvin@127, that’s two for you today on the clueless wonder. He’s so caught up in his hate he can’t see it.
So he’s………
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Monomaniacal – LMAO
Yep he’s a chump too! There is a huge difference between we whom think right and a moron like clueless wonder. And it is moveon.pork. The grease the Dummocraptic palm with their “progressive” demands!
So the obama is going to let fiat buy chrysler.
Something that hasn’t gotten any press coverage in the liberal media is…
Fiat, the Italian carmaker, has agreed to pay $17.8 million (£11.9 million) to settle claims it gave kickbacks to Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq under the United Nations’ oil-for-food scheme.
So it appears that the obama is going to help a saddam supporter buy an american car company.
Who said violating UN resolutions doesn’t pay.
You’re deflecting. Republicans lie about the views of those who disagree with them. I’ve seen it here and other places for years. I’m telling the truth about Stupes. FIEND is a perfect word for his behavior.
A lot more Dems voted against the war than Republicans. Was Ron Paul the only one? Dems who supported the war were mostly caught in a political bind given the war fever of the time. And they felt safe by continuing the misguided rhetoric of the failed Clinton policy of regime change.
I don’t see Dem politicians running to Ward Churchill to apologize for saying bad things about him. Ward Churchill was a tempest in a teapot manufactured by nutjob right wingers.
Hillary was telling the truth about the right wing. You condemned us for “hating” Bush and gave yourselves a big pass for collectively hating Clinton. And so what if Clinton had consensual sex? Isn’t that a pretty natural human drive? I’d be worried about a President who wasn’t getting what he needed. So he lied about it. Not good but hey that’s politics and politics sucks.
That’s a total brain fart. He’s hardly “left”. Would a lefty hire guys like Summers and Chicago School economists as advisers? General Jones for National Security. Gates, a Bush family retainder as SecDef? Like Clinton he’s probably going to cleave to the middle and disappoint progressives. We have no illusions about him. Our focus should be on the Congress.
And dream on about future Republicans. All the demographic numbers point to Democratic dominance of politics for as far as the eye can see. Right wing Republican just don’t appeal to the changing face of this country.
So that excuses the name-calling from your side. Nice.
I’m telling the truth about Stupes. You come here and paste lame-assed rhetoric from sites like Drudge, Breitbart and Hot Air. I’m at peace with myself.
127 – Sheesh. Why do I bother?
The issue was who started the name-calling. Stupes was name-calling
(un)SP is hardly sound. They were on the wrong and losing side of the 2005 election contest. They LOST the effort to repeal the gas tax the following fall and they LOST the effort to install a female abusing right wing extremist as King County Commisioner. (un)Sound fits.
I don’t see what Stupes’ religious revulsion at consuming pork has to do with what tries to do.
clueless wonder farts:
Cuz you always need to have the late word!
Thanks for playing fool. Look who’s in power now. And it’s going to stay that way for a long, long time as far as I can see.
Keep up the great work fiend. It’s your kind that’ll remind people what they need to stay away from.
How am I deflecting if I am admitting both parties do it. I never said it was right, I said both parties do it.
And I’ve seen democrats doing the same.
Has Puddy abused you that bad that you have such hate for him? True. he has exposed you numerous times for being clueless, I don’t remember him exposing you as a bad person… like the bigots steve/gbs and the racists headless/rujax.
Exactly. If someone (bush) honestly believes the war in iraq will help the US that decision can be discussed. Yet the democrats going against their principles only because of public support is dishonest. That is the true meaning of lying us into war.
BZZZT. Wrong answer. Bill did have sex with an intern.
The conspiracy was the liberal media covering for him. Just like the liberal media covered for john edwards and his love child.
I didn’t say that. I was simply pointing out that we both have had words thrown at us. I’m guessing, unlike you I’m not hurt by them.
If you’re not aware… your words don’t reflect that. Of course, that might just be the persona you play on this blog. I’m playing a persona so I kinda assume others might be doing the same. If you are being 100% authentic on this blog, I would say you are not at peace with yourself. Sorry.
Without the context I can’t say.
When the topic is politics and I hear the word pork, my first thoughts at byrd and stevens. My second thought is democrats.
Look at the stimulus bill if you want further explanations of pork.
Marvin, clueless wonder is at peace with himself slavishly worshiping the crap from the leftistwhackosphere blogs who promulgated the Bristol lie. You visit Daily Kurse every day. Notice how fast the clueless wonder dropped that attack? It changed into his Puddy is a fiend mode. Well clueless wonder you’ll always be monomaniacal in the eyes of many HA leftists here. Sucks to be you in the party of your own “fiendish friends”.
And fool, the issue was personal name calling. You did that first. You admitted to the name and you never refuted it, hateful name morphing moby troll.
Marvin, even when HA’s clueless wonder and other swineflu weasels used Meghan McCain as their rallying cry… First installment
Later, Steve spews: Alas, Meghan McCain was thrown under the bus driven by the Bloated Bloviator shortly after she dissed the Republican she-male Godess, Ann Coulter. Poor Meghan. She’s now road kill along with her father, David Frum, Kathleen Parker, Jesus and a number of others. He said that a few times in differing versions. Kind of like re-run AKA clueless wonder. Repeating himself ad nauseum!
clueless wonder said: A Republican who actually makes some sense.
Yes, Meghan McCain stepped up to the plate to castigate Dave Letterman…”The shocking thing about the late-night comic’s “joke” about Willow Palin isn’t just that he told it, but that he would never have considered doing the same about the daughter of a Democrat.”
“I am certain that David Letterman would never make a joke about Malia being raped by Eliot Spitzer or refer to the first lady as looking “slutty.”
Where is the Meghan McCain love and support from her faithful HA swineflu weasel crew? Hey clueless wonder, you said she made sense.
Once she started sounding like a conservative the HA holligans had no use for her.
The right wing DEPENDS on demonization, on division to attain and maintain power. Karl Rove, Lee Atwater, they built careers on it. We’d rather depend on being on the right side of the issues
No he’s just made a total ass of himself that I get too much entertainment from. And keep on with your one-trick pony act about Steve/GBS/HL. If you’re still at it a year from now that’d only seal your fate as a namesake of this blog.
The principle was staying elected. That’s the main principle of every politician. Those who did the right thing were in safe seats. Now look at the Republicans. Why didn’t more vote against the war? Because that DEFINITELY would have been political suicide for them. That makes all the difference to me.
My recollection was that Bill lied to her at first. And no the media reported the rumors at the outset and the back and forth all the way through. The true conspiracy was on the right who didn’t see Clinton’s election in 1992 as legitimate (although it certainly was by 96) and had nothing but paranoia and hatred for him. Even Stupes believes in the “Clinton Death Squads” – pretty creepy shit. John Edwards? The guy is finished in politics. That was reported. And even John Kerry’s affair with an intern was reported – by Drudge – and turned out to be a total lie.
Note: gotta pinch myself to remind who I’m dealing with here.
LOL.. Believe whatever you want. I could give a flying F.
Ok back up the accusation with a link please and I’ll take a look. I don’t recall anything like that.
138 – Is there a point to this?
It was a total comedy to see those scumbag right wingers pile in on McSame’s daughter.
The right wing eating its own is always great entertainment for our side.
Nice try fool!
clueless wonder@141, screw you dude. The link was posted and we went over this three weeks ago. Puddy ain’t doing it. Look it up fool!
@142, yep. To show you are a fool!
LMAO! I calls it as I sees it moron. You’re a FIEND. I beat you to the word and it fits you to a tee.
Now go back to your Limbaugh, your Sean Insanity, your Regnery and Murdoch publications, your, your Wingnut Daily, your Moonie Times and your old pal Brent ‘hozell for more of that old feckless, right wing bullshit you so love to bring here.
Your side is floundering fool and it’s pass the popcorn time for me and my friends.
143 – I call right wing bullshit then.
Yet you are talking about alleged insults from Puddy a year ago.
You never replied to my message at #119 dissecting the gbs apology. Since you missed it I’ll post it again for you.
He apologized to me because *I* wasn’t a “faggot.”
That’s not the same as apologizing for being bigoted.
Does his apology mean if I was a “faggot” he wouldn’t have had to apologize.
What say you ylb?
So democrats put party before country. Well, isn’t that exactly what I’ve been saying.
Quite possibly. What cheating husband wouldn’t lie to the woman he married. But that’s not the point. I made the statement…
#126 So does that mean when hillary was blaming the vast right wing conspiracy for those rumors about bill having non-sex
You replied…
#133 Hillary was telling the truth about the right wing.
And now you’re saying she was lied to. If she was lied to, how can what she said (vast right wing conspiracy) be considered the truth? OBVIOUSLY she didn’t have any proof that bill having sex was a right-wing lie when she said it. That means she made up a lie to demonize republicans.
Rumors? He admitted he lied, of course after being exposed. Much like what I’ve done to steve/gbs here. He settled a sexual harassment lawsuit. There were many accusations he cheated but like usual, the left called those women “trailer trash” and other cute names to demean them.
?? Do you mean because they said if ross perrot didn’t siphon off voters bush would have won?
But at least the democrats played their game of pettiness and claimed the same thing about bush, not once, but twice.
Kinda like the left and their belief in “cheney death squads.” Pretty creepy shit those democrats believe.
He doesn’t see anything wrong to my reading with his name-calling. GBS/Steve took theirs back and have stopped – the most objectional stuff anyway. No way should anyone leave you off the hook for copying/pasting right wing talking points.
I see the words “I’m sorry” in there. What’s so hard for you to understand about that? Has he used the word “faggot” against you or anyone else since then? Actions should speak louder.
Bzzzt. Wrong conclusion. You can’t do anything unless you’re elected. Even Republicans see the need for a credible opposition. Too bad the Republicans can’t shed their feckless rhetoric and failed policies to mount something of a loyal opposition these days.
Yep she was telling the truth about a vast right wing conspiracy of haters out there. At the time they included Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Richard Mellon-Scaife, Rupert Murdoch and on and on and on. People driven by hate.
As I said the Clintons were being assaulted by hate mongering since before 1992. Gingrich piled on quite viciously before and after 1994. The hatred towards Hillary was especially virulent. It was so bad that David Brock was drummed out of the right wing movement for finding out that the hatred against Hillary had little to no basis in fact and wrote as much in a book about her.
No James Carville called that name as I recall. The media just reported what he said much as they report whatever Karl Rove said the last eight years and is saying these days.
The right wing believed that Perot was a factor in 1992 bu t I’ve read Clinton would have won anyway. Pettiness? Nope. Pretty much substantiated by fact. Even Stupes admitted Gore would have won if he just pushed for a statewide recount of Florida. The NAACP was absolutely convinced of the vote-suppression of blacks in that election.
Ken Blackwell’s vote suppression in OH was definitely a factor in 2004.
I’ve never heard that and seen no evidence. I have heard about Cheney’s “leave behinds” though and that seems credible to me.
Every week Puddy has to repost links cuz he forgets how stupid he is. Then he calls bullshit.
Up yours fool. You are the most egregious ignoramus. Puddy ain’t gonna post it again fool. Others saw it because Puddy named the first name you called me. Puddy ain’t your Pavlov’s dog, you are Puddy’s Pavlov.
Wait for it… a Fiend call is cummin soon!
What a fool. Useless and monomaniacal.
Fiend? Why would Puddy want to use that when there are much more colorful adjectives to use.
Right now you are still a clueless wonder. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahaha
Regarding McCain’s daughter, notice clueless wonder calls her McSame when he has no use for her.
Typical and so sad.
clueless wonder doesn’t recall because he’s a fool, stooge and a moron. Moe Larry and Curly all in one package.
Marvin, the clueless wonder started his insults of Puddy as soon as he arrived. When PacMan left he called out clueless wonder as one of the reasons he was leaving along with headless lucy.
Now he’s trying to cum off a mr pristine. Sorry that turkey is as filthy as stillbentover!
Post #148, what a bunch of clueless wonder monomaniacal crap!
Demonization clueless wonder? Daily Kos, Media Matters, Talking Points Memo Crooks and Liars immediately cum to mind fool. All your favrit warm sticky kook-aid sites.
Back from suppah… What have we got?
149 – Still no link. High hat. No cattle.
150 – Nothing but a feckless fool frothing at the mouth.
152 – Nothing but a feckless fool name-calling.
153 – I ignored your silly ass when you showed for the most part until you started pasting Murdoch bullshit and wailing about “The Wall, The Wall”. Such a freaking tool… PacMan? Couldn’t care less about that fool but I admit he was more sensible on the whole than your silly ass. Hell he voted the right side last November.
154 – Feckless yet again. Where’s your argument fool? Even Stamn responds to me point by point.
155 – I read sites that freely inquire into the truth about the right wing, politics and policy. The only way you can respond is to name-call. What do you bring? Right wing bullshit so transparently ugly even you hardly bring it here anymore unless it’s dressed in MSM link clothing. Look who’s in power now fool. You’ve lost. Your movement is on the ropes and going down for the long count. Shit it’s practically knocked out.
I referred to her as McSame’s daughter.
The world can see what a lying FIEND you are.
Having no use for her? I compliment her once on speaking sense to her feckless, reality-denying party and then I’m supposed to treat her like she’s one of our fold? Sorry she’s got a ways to haul to prove her bona fides with the winning side.
Such a moronic bullshit artist you are.
Moron@156: Puddy gave the link and the first name used against him in early 2005. You NEVER questioned it three weeks ago.
Not your Pavlov’s dog, you are mine fool. Keep barking.
All else is a dog frothing at the mouth.
Feckless, you didn’t know what the word meant until Puddy called you the feckless clueless idiot.
Fool, the Wall was mentioned in the 9/11 Report and Gorton comment was trashed thoroughly on this blog fool. Gorton was eviscerated on this blog by Puddy and others moron. There were so many facts that are out there which made Gorton look stupid. And naturally when this is the only Gorton statement you’ve ever agreed with tool. You forget those facts front and center fool. Why do you do that?
All else you discuss is bullshit. Instead of supporting Meghan McCain for her attack on Letterman you don’t care. This is why you are clueless clueless wonder.
The moronic post of the day courtesy of clueless wonder:
You drink kook-aid from sites that promulgate big-time lies. From Bristol is the mother of Trigg to Barack The Magic Negro was from Rush. Why do you swallow those sticky kook-aid lies fool?
Keep using that fiend term clueless wonder. Good Pavolv’s Doggy!
Since you think Letterman’s attack is just another joke, so was Puddy comments when Puddy showed how stupid you are on your abortion support.
You’ll go to your grave clueless. Your children will eventually see this blog and will know you are clueless. Any of your “friends” who read your crap will immediately determine you are clueless and monomaniacal.
For you clueless wonder…
It’s one thing to believe what he reads on those left wing-nut kooky websites.
Yet it’s another thing when he is provided evidence contrary to what he believes and he refuses to acknowledge it.
ylb refuses to stop hating long enough to open his mind.
Let’s see:
158 – I always have to repeat myself for a braindead fool like you. I said Letterman’s joke was in poor taste. I told Stamn it was out of bounds. If it was an “attack” then I suppose your hero that drug-addled sex tourist Limbaugh and Senator McSame “attacked” Chelsea Clinton too.
159 – There you go again projecting what you do on me. You’ve brought ugly right wing bullshit from Freeperland,, Wingnut Daily, Captain Now Dead at Hot Air and dozens of other places moron. Whose peeps are pulling the levers of power now fool?
160 – So your kids and friends are down with what you do here huh? They are down with you circle jerking with your sock puppet MWS. They are down with “My word is my bond” and then you breaking it. They are down with your endless stream of nauseating name-calling. They are down with you being a FIEND. Wow. I’m impressed!
161 – Wow who owns that website? Some other right wing FIEND? Notice Limbaugh and McSame still have their jobs. If Letterman goes down ya think I’d give a fuck? I hardly ever watch that show or his old late night. Leno said on his last Tonight Show it’s just a show. Another will spring up to replace it. Maybe on the innertubes. It’s all just entertainment at the end of the day.
You see me clinging to those rumors? You still believe in that stupid wall. Slade Gorton never did and anyone with a brain didn’t either. Last I knew you still believed that China was taking OUR oil from Cuban waters last year. Last I knew you believed in the Clinton death squads. Last I know you believed that able danger hoohaw amounted to more than a hill of beans. Slade Gorton didn’t buy that right wing gas explosion either.
Limbaugh played that racist bullshit on his show before his audience of at least 10 million hard core crap heads. Damn right it might have well been from him. You think Paul Shanklin could ever DREAM an audience that size for his right wing bullshit on his own? By supporting Limbaugh and Shanklin you support white racists having bigoted fun at the expense of black leaders. Leaving aside those leaders’ obvious faults why do you enable bigotry Stupes?
162 – I’m done with you fool. Keep on with your one trick pony. Keep on with your copying and pasting Drudge/Breitbard/Hot Air.
You don’t fool anyone.
158 – Almost forgot. Still no link.. Still full of bullshit as far as I’m concerned.
One at a time folks:
@166: You are Puddy’s Pavlov Dog. Link was provided 3 weeks ago. Won’t be provided anymore. Puddy don’t answer to cum-drunk fools such as yourself. You can’t pay attention or remember facts, proves you are clueless.
@165: Embarrassed by Puddy when Puddy found his so called Christian Science Monitor link direct from Daily Kurse. The fool even used specific words only found on the Kurse web site. Showed the PuddyProof to all and you went apoplectic. That was Too Damn Funny.
#164: You can’t get that femtometer brain around a black LA Slimes columnist David Ehrenstein calling Barack The Magic Negro. You and other HA swineflu weasels ran with the Kurse, Moron, TPM web links and wouldn’t let them go even when the libtard MSM finally admitted a black man was parodying “the future messiah”. In fact Puddy proved to all you supported John Deadwards, the one with the bastard son, and you weren’t a fan of “the future messiah”. You backpedaled real quick when Puddy whipped out those links.
@163: Biggest liar on HA. You said you were leaving for good. November 10, 2006 10:00 AM, “My work is done, I’m leaving HA” as “I’m Clueless”. Cums back at 5:07 PM as “I’m Still Clueless”.
Started the name calling. Called Piper Pooper. Called Puddy names. Called KLake names. Called Rick D names. Hateful name morphing moby troll. Admitted to using a different name before “I’m Clueless”. Used three hateful name morphing moby troll names January 2009 and was busted by Puddy while Goldy gave you MWS. Goes to show who pays attention fool.
You now say Letterman’s joke was in poor taste. Provide an earlier link other wise it’s just hot air from a big bellows full of hot air.
See you clueless wonder, mental bottom dweller of the HA swineflu weasel crew.
I looked through the thread and didn’t see any apology offered by Puddy for calling people fags. Same with Mr. Klynical and Mark the Redneck. Odd, Marvin, our blog’s PC speech monitor, has no comment on the failure of wingnuts to apologize. IOKIYAR, obviously.
STOP trying to justify your bigotry by pointing your finger at others. That’s how little children act when caught.
Remember, it’s not as if you used the word once and felt bad. You went out of your way to make sure I knew you were trying to insult me by calling me a “faggot.”
Won’t be provided anymore. ‘cuz it most probably never existed. I call right wing bullshit. Cough up the link and I’ll take it back.
Embarrassed by Puddy and obviously not embarrassed about braggin’ how well hung he is to his own sockpuppet!
You can’t get that and you can’t criticize that bloated whale and his poodle Shanklin. You might have to go on the air and apologize like the rest of those whipped right wing dogs!
In fact Puddy proved to all you supported John Deadwards, the one with the bastard son, and you weren’t a fan of “the future messiah”. And you asked me to verify that I supported Obama before Edwards and I skewered your silly ASS!
Oh do I call Little Ricky Dumbass, Pooper, Flakey Klake names? Oh poor little babies who bring their discredited right wing swill to these comment threads and they don’t name-call? Oh no not those poor babies who stink right!
Biggest liar on HA. Oh yeah, do go on, “I am Puddybud NOT”, do go on “My word is my bond”, do go on O pinpoint accurate quoter of Rujax.
You now say Letterman’s joke IN THIS FUCKING THREAD. In 63. Ask Stamn if I said it was out of bounds. That was an earlier thread.
And how you do go on about “facts”! Facts are meaningless when they enter into that gas-filled cavity between your ears. The one fact you can’t face, you’ll never accept is that you’re a FIEND who stinks right.
You whine because I point out that you thought steve using the “faggot” word as an insult was wrong.
And here you are doing the exact same thing you don’t want me to do.
Have you ever been in therapy or taken meds for having multiple personalities?
171 – You obviously forgot your medication this morning. Stupes asked if my daughter was turning tricks yet and you countered with Letterman’s joke and I told you it was out of bounds.
Why can’t you accept that Steve and GBS took back their words? Have they done it since? I don’t think so. Those are ACTIONS. They’re supposed to speak louder than words. Yet you repeat that lame quote like the one trick pony act you whined about earlier.
They obviously don’t like what you do here. I don’t like it either. That hasn’t changed. And it’s not going to change because the people and philosophy you try to bolster through your blathering are discredited and failed.
Nope, took it.
The point I was making was that you are bothered (AKA whining) that I use your words to beat over the head of steve/gbs.
And here you are doing the exact same thing.
Those “apologies” were bullshit.
Let’s look at the apology of gbs…
He didn’t say “faggot is not a word to be used,” he said “you’re not a faggot…”
So if I was a “faggot” then it would be an acceptable insult to him?
They wouldn’t dare as long as I’m here.
I wasn’t whining. I was simply pointing out that you keep posting that republicansexoffender link over and over and over while out of the other side of your mouth you complain that I post the words of a democrat bigot over and over. And unlike the link you post, the link I post is from people actually on this blog. I bet you are regretting speaking out against steve/gbs, which is why you are trying so hard to make amends and get me to moveon.pork.
Yet you don’t have to call me a “faggot” in an attempt to insult me.
Have you seen me talking up the republicans? I don’t think so. And the philosophy didn’t fail, the leaders failed the philosophy.
@172 We act out our real values. Marvin, our blog’s self-appointed guardian of the word “faggot”, supports in every way the political party that has stood in the way of GLBT progress from the very beginning through to today. These days he’s silent when a Republican mouthpiece, Coulter, spews the “f” word out to the media. He’s silent when a Republican congresswoman lies about the hate-crime that was the murder of Matthew Sheppard. He’s silent about the gay-hate spewed by his fellow travelers on this blog. I’ll be clear about this – Puddy did not call a self-loathing wingnut goatfucker like Marvin a faggot, then reconsider and then apologize. He unapologetically called every gay living in Seattle a fag. Did the self-loathing goatfucker Marvin not consider that there might be a trail of wingnut gay-hate spewn here at HA from it’s inception?
Fool AKA clueless idiot:
Done providing the same material over and over. You are Puddy’s Pavlov Dog. You came back to answer again. Right on time. Bark now.
Still can’t get over a black man parodying “the messiah” and others running with it. That’s why you are a clueless wonder fool.
Puddy caught you big time and now you making up crap. Just like a typical libtard.
Proof fool? Pavlov is waiting…
Nuff Said hateful name calling moby troll. One of the biggest haters here.
It’s amazing the biggest HA swineflu weasel haters here are the ones with on the lowest rung of the HA mental ladder. This includes the monomaniacal one clueless wonder.
Pavlov is waiting fool…
Matthew Shepard Steve? Oh come on. Now you are getting vile. Those two scumbags needed the electric chair.
How long are you going to act like a little kid and keep whining “he did it first?”
You proved you were a homophobic bigot.
As far as bigots go, you are either one of the proudest or the dumbest to write this kind of shit on a public blog.
Are you willing to come clean on your sockpuppets kikekiller and manocrap? Considering how much you have in common you see why the connection is so easy to make.
The difference is that you use my words over and over and over in service of your agenda against Steve, GBS and Democrats in general. Stupes asked for proof that I disapproved of Letterman’s joke and I offered my exchange with you as evidence. When the Letterman issue fades away, that will go away. You on the other hand will probably be using Steve, GBS’ and even MY words a year from now.
There you go again. Have they done it since?
blah, blah, blah. You’re repeating yourself. It doesn’t fly.
Ok then let’s try something. Take a break for a couple months or so and see if they do it again. If we seem them doing it again habitually then I’ll concede your point.
I post that link because it’s effective. Stupes used to club us with ACLU representing NAMBLA (to defend them from stuff they didn’t do) and that link shows Republicans actually GOING TO JAIL for stuff THEY DID. Now Stupes doesn’t do his holier than thou act over NAMBLA any more. It’s feckless. Obviously NAMBLA is an offensive organization but we don’t live in Nazi Germany and nobody should sue them or persecute them as long as they stay within the bounds of the law.
No I don’t and neither should anyone else on my side of the aisle do so either. It doesn’t make us look good. We should let the right wingers do that and guess what? They have done it here. In spades… Pointing out your copy/paste and your fallacious arguments should be sufficient.
No you haven’t directly but you do indirectly and I agree the Republicans have failed their cause miserably. Hell I believe in lower taxes and smaller government myself. I never usually advocate for anything beyond social justice, bolstering Social Security/Medicare, higher education funding, environment, a progressive income tax, infrastructure spending, Pentagon spending accountability and correcting obvious market failures like health care. The market can do the rest. And except for environment and health care these are things this country got right under Ike Eisenhower and he left office warning about out of control Pentagon spending.
I’ll try again. It has nothing to do with letterman, so get off that train of thought.
I post the proof over and over that steve/gbs are homophobic bigots.
You post the link to repsexcrimes over and over.
Like I said, you do exactly what you don’t want me to do.
Hhmm… Do you think those repsexcrimes offenders apologized once they got caught?
Since you want to give steve/gbs a free pass for their faux apologies, shouldn’t you give others the same benefit of apologizing? You believe in being fair don’t you? It would be very telling if you hold reps to a higher standard than you do your fellow left-wingnuts.
I don’t take orders from right wing nutjobs.
I’ll be back to skewer your failing “bubble memory” and your silly, lying ASS.
Have a nice day, FIEND!
So in retaliation you are doing the same thing.
That’s fine, free country, free speech.
Just don’t be a hypocrite and deny that you don’t do EXACTLY the same tricks.
179 – I’m getting tired of repeating myself. I’ve said all I’m going to say on Steve and GBS.. If you’re still posting that quote a year from now in response to every time they condemn you for posting right wing talking points then who are the adults and who’s the child?
Repsexcriminals apologizing? Irrelevant to the issue of the holier than thou posturing of right wingers.
@176 “Matthew Shepard Steve? Oh come on. Now you are getting vile.”
Sorry to have brought up that old stuff, Puddy. I will not repost your old comment nor will I even mention it again. The reason is simple. I haven’t ever believed for even a nanosecond that you’re a bigot. An ass? Oh yeah. A bigot? No.
Steve, HorsesASSes are you and your buds. But thanks for the sentiment anyway.
clueless wonder, NAMBLA and the ACLU are friends of a feather. But when Puddy stumbled across the ex-ACLU head of the Virginia chapter, Charles Rust-Tierney, 51, of Arlington, Virginia, was arrested Friday by federal agents Feb 23, 2007 for child pornography, that took precedent over NAMBLA, even though they are your peeps on both ends of that activity fool!
Here is your hero on Dec. 1, 1998. “Recognizing that individuals will continue to behave responsibly and appropriately while in the library, the default should be maximum, unrestricted access to the valuable resources of the Internet.” So your kind can get their library porn everyday all day fool! This turd coached various youth sports teams in and around Arlington. It wasn’t NAMBLA worthy material. It was graphic, forcible intercourse with prepubescent females, one of whom can be “seen and heard crying,” while another is apparently tied with ropes. Yep, that’s what the Virginia head of the ACLU liked to look at.
And Marvin is right clueless wonder. You like a rerun post Rep Sex Offenders. There could be a site for Donkey Sex Offenders but their is an act a week and the list would be page after page after page after page after page after page after page after page.
@184 “Steve, HorsesASSes are you and your buds.”
I do try. Thanks for the recognition.
Then it seems the apple didn’t fall too far from dee tree. Even if it’s a frat prank, there are limits.
Yep, your kind are disgusting clueless wonder…
@185 “There could be a site for Donkey Sex Offenders”
Sure there could. But it be boring and not nearly as full of weird and fascinating characters like the Republican page we post. Did you read about that latest Republican pedophile and his animal costumes? How can Dems possibly compete with that kind of behavior? As someone around here likes to say,
That’s the advantage democrats have over republicans.
Like that game I play, “name that party,” any news story about democrats fail to contain that little (d) next to their name.
Here is an example of the liberal media intentionally omitting the (D) label of a democrat and an underage girl.
But at least bush didn’t pardon any child molesters like clinton did for for Mel Reynolds.
Go figure, a democrat getting a pardon for raping underage girls from a democrat.