It’s a bit too late for Cheney to be worrying about his legacy.
proud leftistspews:
Aren’t are you Rs out there proud of Dickless Cheney? Don’t you agree that he is the face of your party’s future? Please, oh please, Dickless, keep it up (even if taking Cialis hourly is what requires you to keep it up).
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trying to use Goldy’s edit function crashed my computer a few minutes ago. Froze the whole thing up; couldn’t even reboot it, I had to kill the power by yanking the plug out of the wall. As this is an open thread, and I don’t have anything else to write about right now, I think I’ll take this opportunity to discuss the various interesting phenomena that occur when I try to edit HA comments on my computer.
1. In some cases, the “Click to Edit” link never appears, and the comment can’t be edited.
2. When it does appear, the edit function sometimes times out in as little as 1 minute, although 2 minutes is more common.
3. Clicking on the “edit” button often simply doesn’t work. The most common result is for the screen to go dark, although sometimes it will kick to an error page. Occasionally using the “back” arrow will bring the comment page back up, but more often than not I have to close HA and reopen it, i.e. start completely over. It often takes multiple attempts, and the edit function often has timed up before I can get the edit window to open.
4. Failure to save the changes after clicking on the “Submit Comment” button is also very common. I have found the changes rarely save unless I move the cursor to the end of the comment and left-click on the first empty space after the ending period. Why this extra procedure is necessary, I don’t know, but it takes time and sometimes results in the edit function timing out before I can save the changes.
5. The most common failure to save is that nothing happens. The edited comment just sits there while the timer ticks away. When this happens, I have to cancel the edit and start over by clicking on the “Click to Edit” button. By the time I can go through these hoops, the edit function often has timed out.
6. However, there are variations on “save” failures. I may get a “white screen of death.” It may freeze the HA link, the only cure for which is to close out HA and reopen it. Sometimes this doesn’t work unless I also close out my internet connection and reboot the computer. Clicking on the “Submit Comment” button also has been known to crash my entire computer, as it did a few minutes ago.
6. It usually takes 3 or 4 attempts to submit the changes before they’re saved. Only rarely do my edits go through on the first attempt.
7. There are times, however, when the edit function operates smoothly. It seems completely arbitrary. There’s no apparent correlation of edit malfunctions to anything else, except as mentioned above, I have to move the cursor to the end of the comment and left-click on the first white space after the ending period, or the submit function will crash most of the time.
8. My failure rate on trying to edit HA comments is very high. Only about 15% of my edits go through without trouble on the first attempt.
I wonder if anyone else has any of these difficulties? I suspect my AOL program may be the culprit. AOL is pretty much incompatible with the entire universe of software.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 I would say he’s the face of their past, but that’s the same thing, because the GOP lives in the past.
Republicans are nostalgic for the 1880s, when courts automatically considered injured workmen contributorily negligent, organizing a union was a criminal offense, and you could hire domestic servants for 50 cents a day. Nowadays you can’t get a good butler at any price, and you have to move your factory to China to get away with paying 50 cents a day.
I’ve never had a single problem with HA. Time to ditch AOL.
Dick Cheney:
Listen to me. I’m still relevant!!! But, I’m not done being president yet! ‘Oh shit did I say that out loud?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder how many wingers are cheering the Army recruiter’s murder by a foreign-trained terrorist?
Does that sound far-fetched? Not as much as you might think. Plenty of Republicans think terrorist attacks on Americans are good for their party’s electoral prospects.
For example, GOP legislative candidate Mark Griswold posted on Sound Politics:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
As I said, Griswold isn’t alone in these sentiments. That goofy wingnut flamethrower in Federal Way, I forget his name, posted something very similar on a public blog.
In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if our friend “Troll” feels the same way and is a white supremacist to boot, although these are unsupported conjectures on my part.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 AOL is a dying company. I’m not deliberately trying to get into the Guinness Book of World Records by being their last subscriber, but the way things are going for them that might happen. I just don’t know where else to go, that’s all. Where can I get internet access for $9.95 a month? I don’t want some fly-by-night ISP; I’ve been that route. I’ve thought about switching to Verizon, but not at their broadband rate. When I need broadband for something, I go to the public library and get it free. Well, not free; I pay plenty of library taxes.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey KLOWNS, one of your “brothers” is a criminal right here in Seattle. What in the hell kind of job is this anway??
Director of Commission on African American Affairs??
With an estimated 5 million to 8 million Muslims, obviously he does not mean by percentage; Muslims are less than 3% of the U.S. population.
By sheer number, the United States is far behind Indonesia (213 million), Pakistan (156 million), Bangladesh (127 million) and so on. At least 23 nations have more Muslims.
The USA in fact has less than 1% of the world’s Muslim population of an estimated 1 billion people.
So why would a president make such an outrageous lie?
Because no one will fact check him.
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. YLB spews: one of your “brothers”
Interesting choice of phrase there Klynical.
He means one of your fellow liberal government employees.
Rather disturbing news article.
A government employee attacks someone a couple steps inside their condo and the “alleged” attacker claims self-defense.
Lucky for the attacker, he is a liberal government employee.
Imagine the outrage if he was a republican.
Marvin the confirmed child rapist is a natural born liar and accordingly – has no right to call anyone else a liar.
Now – why don’t the right wing America-haters like Marvin want to talk about all the successes of PRESIDENT OBAMA! First reports of fewer job losses came out today – it only took about five months for PRESIDENT OBAMA to revive us from the Bush depression.
3 Those edit functions are “ajax” enabled. They talk directly to Goldy’s web server and rely on a moderately high bandwidth, low latency connection. I bet something like Google Maps works poorly over dial up as well.
8 is still around but they may be as endangered as well. And if my previous remarks hold true, these alternative dial-up services won’t help you.
I’ve had broadband since 1998. I wish I could pay less for it though.
He means one of your fellow liberal government employees.
No – he means an African-American. Nice way to cover up for him Stamn – you pseudo anti-racist.
Klynical is a small-minded practitioner of resentment towards Seattle which explains his little postings like above. Why do right wingers knee-jerk resentment towards Seattle? Because we’re a community that by and large rejects right wing thinking.
And any place like that is a threat to the right wing group-think mentality.
As for the perpetrator of that assault, he should go to jail. Oh, was that a “conservative” sentiment? No that’s common sense – almost absent on the right.
Marvin Stamnspews:
16. YLB spews: He means one of your fellow liberal government employees.
No – he means an African-American. Nice way to cover up for him Stamn – you pseudo anti-racist.
pseudo anti-racist?
If I was a racist, the words I type would look like the words of manocrap, headless lucy and bibigoober.
If I was a homophobic bigot my words would match those of steve, gbs and bibigoober.
And since you’re calling me a pseudo anti-racist, why don’t you provide some proof of that.
Or is that your new lie for the day.
Remember, I’m forcing you not to come to los angeles so I won’t have to hurt you.
If I was a racist, the words I type would look like the words of manocrap
Instead you substitute liberal for African-American and cover for the racism of right wingers.
You’re anti-racist only to the extent it promulgates your right wing agenda. GBS and Steve have taken back some of their ill-considered name-calling – yet you still post their remarks. Your agenda comes first.
Let’s be clear about what Klynical is doing – he’s invoking fear of the inner city black man. Sitting on his craptastic throne in rural Montana throwing mean-spirited jibes at a place that will remain independent and free-thinking for his rest of his miserable life.
And you’re covering for him.
Oh and what is this about L.A? Remember, I’m from there and if I decide to visit, you’ll be absolutely the last thing on my mind. In fact you’ll be completely absent.
Marvin Stamnspews:
So what is the motive of gore and his man made climate crap…
Of course it’s all about gore making millions and millions of dollars.
At least we now know who is going to profit off of any cap & trade scams.
Marvin Stamnspews:
18. YLB spews:
Instead you substitute liberal for African-American and cover for the racism of right wingers.
So pointing out someone is a liberal government employee is now racist. Only in the mind of someone that views people by the color of their skin and not the content of the character.
You’re anti-racist only to the extent it promulgates your right wing agenda.
And you know this because you know me personally? Unless you have some proof this is just more made up crap from the mind of a bitter hateful person.
GBS and Steve have taken back some of their ill-considered name-calling – yet you still post their remarks. Your agenda comes first.
Remember, except for you, NO ONE else had any problems with steve/gbs/bibigoober being homophobic bigots. I’ve credited you numerous times for acknowledging their bigotry.
So, steve and his fellow gutter dwellers call me a goatfucker with no proof on a daily basis yet you want me to stop reminding everyone of the bigots that are in your party? Why are you protecting bigots? If I was posting manocrap’s racist words would that bother you, or since he’s not a left wing-nut would not bother you.
Let’s be clear about what Klynical is doing – he’s invoking fear of the inner city black man.
I don’t agree.
But if you are correct, why do you feel that your fellow left wing-nuts would be prompted to fear the inner city black man. Although, the black man in question is not an “inner city” black man, he’s a well paid government employee.
Sitting on his craptastic throne in rural Montana throwing mean-spirited jibes at a place that will remain independent and free-thinking for his rest of his miserable life.
Yup. Seattle is so free thinking at least one of its residents views people he doesn’t agree with as sitting on a craptastic throne. A real free-thinker not only allows opposing opinions but welcome it. Small minded people can’t handle opposing viewpoints.
And you’re covering for him.
In your mind.
Oh and what is this about L.A? Remember, I’m from there and if I decide to visit, you’ll be absolutely the last thing on my mind. In fact you’ll be completely absent.
I was “threatening” you. I am forcing you not to come down here.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Lucky for harry reid he’s a democrat, otherwise the media would be all up his ass…
Only a left wing-nut leader could get away with saying how qualified someone is without looking at their record.
@18 YLB,
GBS and I both apologized for our unfortunate remarks many times but that doesn’t matter to Marvin. He keeps quoting us as though we had no regrets and had never apologised. He removes context to create a lie. He never speaks of his expressed hatred for our troops that drove a vet, GBS, to such anger towards him and that drew me to GBS’ defense. He never mentions our apologies to the forum. He just spews each day how GBS and I are homophobic bigots. As you can see from above, it’s just a screen to conceal his own hatred and bigotry. Marvin has a long history here of posting thinly-veiled hatred for blacks and others. Remember his constant posting of lists of black mayors in predominately black cities with high crime rates? Or how about his hatred of Christians? He’s toned that down, in an attempt to appeal to his new friends, Mr. Klynical(Christian)and Puddy (black and Christian). Now he’s the new Marvin, defender of Christians, blacks and gays! Horseshit. He’s just a hater and a liar.
Marvin now promises to expose me as a racist. That should be a good one.
Worse than all that, the worthless piece of shit fucks goats. And that’s all one really needs to know about him.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The views of murder, obama style…
The obama is saddened that a couple militarymen were shot.
An abortion doctor being killed shocks and outrages the obama.
Troops being killed in the streets of america and the obama is saddened.
I guess obama isn’t shocked that american troops were gunned down in the streets of america. Nor is he outraged like he is when an abortion doctor is killed.
…lucky for “the marvin” that he fucks goats. I doubt if he’d get relief otherwise.
(hmmm…does the goat make him wear a condom? Just askin”…)
Marvin Stamnspews:
22. Steve spews:
@18 YLB,
GBS and I both apologized for our unfortunate remarks many times but that doesn’t matter to Marvin. He keeps quoting us as though we had no regrets and had never apologised. He removes context to create a lie.
Context? Follow the link…
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
So what excuse you are using today? I took you out of context or you already apologized. Oops, you’re using both.
He never speaks of his expressed hatred for our troops that drove a vet, GBS, to such anger towards him and that drew me to GBS’ defense.
Of course you refuse to post the link where I “expressed my hatred for our troops.” I wonder why you don’t. I’ll tell you, steve is lying. If there was a link, he would be posting it right along with his imaginary dreams of me being a goatfucker. He has no problem calling me a goatfucker on a daily basis but can’t provide a link.
He never mentions our apologies to the forum.
Except for right-wingers and YLB, the forum wasn’t bothered by you homophobic bigoty. I wonder why that is.
So your apology to a group of people that weren’t bothered by you displaying you bigotry doesn’t count as an apology. It would be like david duke apologizing to the klan for his views on blacks.
He just spews each day how GBS and I are homophobic bigots.
Let’s see, you said you apologized. Why the apology if you aren’t bigots?
Yet you spew each day about me fucking goats. Wouldn’t that make you a hypocrite? At least when I call you a bigot I have your words to prove it. And your “fake” apology.
Marvin has a long history here of posting thinly-veiled hatred for blacks and others.
If it’s so long it should be easy to post links proving what you say. Of course, you’re too busy or I’m not important enough to you for you to take the time to back up your words. Typical behavior of a bigot.
Remember his constant posting of lists of black mayors in predominately black cities with high crime rates?
I was pointing out they were Why did you see those democrat mayors as black?
Or how about his hatred of Christians?
Those were the words of liberals. I made that very clear. Remember how pissy you got when I posted the comment from bill mahr about god being the man at the top of jack’s beanstalk. I knew that pissed you off, so much that you weren’t even able to follow the link. How pathetic are you.
Marvin now promises to expose me as a racist. That should be a good one.
If I told you I was going to expose you as a homophobic bigot would you have believed me? Look how that turned out for you.
Worse than all that, the worthless piece of shit fucks goats.
Doesn’t it suck for you that someone you look down at so easily exposed you as a bigot?
hey steve, anytime you want to start quoting my words feel free.
Your own words prove you’re a bigot. Your words prove nothing about me.
p.s. Stop whining that you’ve already apologized and now want your bigotry forgotten. You’re a bigot. If you believe otherwise, look at your words I quoted. Explain how someone that isn’t a bigot calls people he wants to belittle a “faggot.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
How bad does a federal judge have to be to get impeached after he has already resigned? This bad:
Oh, and by the way, he’s a Republican — you didn’t have to ask, did you?
@25 Marvin – heh, the wingnut defender of blacks and gays. Sure thing, goatfucker.
Marvin Stamnspews:
27. Steve spews:
@25 Marvi
Still no links proving anything you say?
Let me provide one proving you are a homophobic bigot.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Bigot is as bigot writes.
So steve, tell us all why you picked a place of employment to work at that doesn’t employ any blacks. Is that what attracted you to the company or was it, in your mind, just a wonderful benefit.
How many blacks members are there at that kountry klub you belong to.
Do you search out places where the number of blacks are tightly controlled, or is it just a coincidence.
And please, no more stories about you knowing a black guy, or you once had a black guy as a friend, or you were once in a band with a black singer. That sounds exactly like when a racist is exposed and immediately replies he has a black friend.
So pointing out someone is a liberal government employee is now racist.
No. You (the pseudo anti-racist), covering for the bigoted speech of another wingnut is NOT necessarily racist but oh so laughable.
Only in the mind of someone that views people by the color of their skin and not the content of the character.
Tell that to Klynical. He referred to the assaulter as a “brother”. Why couldn’t he refer to him as a “liberal government employee”?
And you know this because you know me personally?
Nope. I know this from reading your blathering here.
Unless you have some proof this is just more made up crap from the mind of a bitter hateful person.
LOL! Oh we’re falling back on that meme now. It used to be “the angry left”. Well the right wing has been “angry” for as long as I can remember. Clinton made them really angry (he outsmarted them at every turn despite his terrible mistakes) and when Bush took over and let 9/11 happen, their hate went into overdrive.
Projection. next!
Remember, except for you, NO ONE else had any problems with steve/gbs/bibigoober being homophobic bigots.
Oh do you know them personally? I don’t. If Quentin Tarantino uses the “N” word in his scripts does that mean he’s a racist?
I’ve credited you numerous times for acknowledging their bigotry.
Ok you can stop now. Why? Because “numerous times” you’ve used what I said as a club over their heads. I don’t think anyone who professes liberal ideals can cling to a bigoted attitude for long. And that’s what happened – they took back what they said. But what did you do? You kept quoting them.
Because propping up your failed right wing agenda comes first.
So, steve and his fellow gutter dwellers call me a goatfucker with no proof on a daily basis yet you want me to stop reminding everyone of the bigots that are in your party? Why are you protecting bigots? If I was posting manocrap’s racist words would that bother you, or since he’s not a left wing-nut would not bother you.
Awwwwww. Poor baby. Stay out of the kitchen. We’re here because we believe, no we’re convinced that REPUBLICANS SUCK.
I don’t agree.
But if you are correct, why do you feel that your fellow left wing-nuts would be prompted to fear the inner city black man.
Prompted by Cynical? Cynical was being Cynical – name-calling is his style. He’s in Montana. And most of his “tribe” don’t live in Seattle. He was talking more to them than to anyone like me.
Anyone with a brain who knows something about the knee-jerk right wing resentment towards places like Seattle. Ever hear of “white flight”? Klynical’s attitude is just a distant echo of that.
Although, the black man in question is not an “inner city” black man, he’s a well paid government employee.
To a person like Klynical, anyone from Seattle is “inner city” as “in the city”, “in Seattle” – that is other, alien. He calls them “Klowns”, “leftist pinheads”, etc…
Yup. Seattle is so free thinking at least one of its residents views people he doesn’t agree with as sitting on a craptastic throne.
Yeah. I disdain Klynical’s name-calling and bigoted attitudes. Poor me.
A real free-thinker not only allows opposing opinions but welcome it.
LOL! You’re kidding yourself. Your crowd isn’t bringing anything new to the table that we haven’t heard already, considered and for the most part rejected. That’s why you’re on ropes. Yet you keep bringing this discredited stuff and that’s why we laugh at you.
If it was so great, McSame would be President. Rossi would be Governor of WA. The economy wouldn’t be in the crapper.
Small minded people can’t handle opposing viewpoints.
This country has taken a rightward course since the election of Nixon and I’ve lived through it. I know what the opposing viewpoint is. And yes, I’ve actually read the National Review and the Wall Street Journal Editorial page among many other things trying to understand it. I wasn’t convinced and I wasn’t impressed beyond acknowledging the success that so many right wing adherents had at lining their pockets.
In your mind.
I calls it as I sees it.
I was “threatening” you. I am forcing you not to come down here.
Oh? I’m so scared. I’ll do as I please thank you very much. It’s a free country. Don’t you love it?
I guess obama isn’t shocked that american troops were gunned down in the streets of america. Nor is he outraged like he is when an abortion doctor is killed.
Neither is Marvin shocked about over 4000 Americans losing their lives to Dumbya’s disastrous decision to invade and occupy Iraq.
He’s even less shocked and outraged over the MANY, MANY MORE THOUSANDS of Iraquis who have lost their lives due to that same fiasco.
Are you part of the “generational theft” teabagging crowd Marv? It obviously wasn’t “generational theft” to charge a war on the credit card.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “What kind of animal would still use AOL?”
Well gee, the same kind of animal that lives in a dirt hole and eats grass, dumbshit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Thanks for info, YLB. Sounds like the only fix that will work is getting broadband, which I’m not willing to pay for, also there are security issues with being continually connected to the internet. I realize someday I’ll have to, though. Maybe after oil hits $200 a barrel (trust me, it will) and my oil stocks triple again (which I have no doubt they will; it’s just a matter of time, because humans are consuming the stuff faster and faster while Ma Nature ain’t making any more of it).
Steve @ 22
Yeah I know. I see Stamn’s agenda clear as day.
Stamn: give it up. You’re never going to convince anyone here that Republicans don’t suck.
Democrats are far from perfect but we’ll always be working on that. Republicans are going the way of the Whigs in a country that will soon be “majority minority”. With serial liars like Gingrich, Limbaugh and Hannity carrying their banner, they’re not going anywhere soon.
Marvin Stamnspews:
30. YLB spews:
Neither is Marvin shocked about over 4000 Americans losing their lives to Dumbya’s disastrous decision to invade and occupy Iraq.
If the democrats didn’t lie about WMDs and saddam, maybe we would have never gone to war. Why do you believe so many democrats backed up bush and lied?
He’s even less shocked and outraged over the MANY, MANY MORE THOUSANDS of Iraquis who have lost their lives due to that same fiasco.
Do you have a link or is that once again your imagination at work.
Are you part of the “generational theft” teabagging crowd Marv? It obviously wasn’t “generational theft” to charge a war on the credit card.
I am against higher taxes. If in your mind that makes me a teabagger, then by all means go ahead and stereotype me as a teabagger.
Say, how much extra did you send the government last april 15th. I’m sure someone like you that believes in high taxes for the good of others would never cheat those “others” out of money by using deductions. Using deductions to lower you tax obligation would prove that you too want to pay less taxes.
Marvin Stamnspews:
29. YLB spews: I was “threatening” you. I am forcing you not to come down here.
Oh? I’m so scared. I’ll do as I please thank you very much. It’s a free country. Don’t you love it?
I screwed the pooch this time.
Sorry, no “threat” intended.
It was correctnotright that considered me “forcing” someone not to come down to la as a threat.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 “If the democrats didn’t lie about WMDs and saddam, maybe we would have never gone to war.”
Are you trying to wear Baghdad Bob’s mantle? You’re getting close to being funny.
In Seattle, you can get dial-up access for nothing:
36. Roger Rabbit spews: @34 “If the democrats didn’t lie about WMDs and saddam, maybe we would have never gone to war.”
Are you trying to wear Baghdad Bob’s mantle? You’re getting close to being funny.
How many more links & videos until you admit the democrats also lied.
$2000 for information leading to the exact location and true identity of Stammerin Marvin. I am assuming this economy will get so bad Goldy will eventually have to take me up on my offer then I can get the benefit of that “OH SHIT” moment when that cunt and coward Stamerin Marvin has to come to grips with his worst nightmare – not being able to hide under his mom’s skirt in the basement!
Look Sheik al Marvin is the Minister of Propaganda for the American Taliban movement.
The difference between all the Democrats you quote and Bush, is none of the Democrats allowed the rhetoric to go past our shores.
An American tradition.
Your failed president acted on lies he created. Created from torturing captives in to saying anything to make the torture stop. Statements used by Bush, et al, to justify the illegal war in Iraq.
Why do you continue to spread propaganda for al Qeada?
I guess when you’re an America hating terrorist like yourself who’s pledged allegiance to bin Laden you can’t help yourself.
Well, if the Minister of Taliban Propaganda, Sheik al Marvin, were so sure of himself that he can handle BBG, I figure he’d out himself for the 2 grand and kick BBG’s ass.
But, if he doesn’t out himself it’s because he KNOWS he can’t handle BBG.
Hmmmm . . . this will be interesting to see if the Sheik is man enough to “strap it on.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
39. ByeByeGOP spews:
$2000 for information leading to the exact location and true identity of Stammerin Marvin
Hell, for $2,000 I’ll take you up on that offer.
I’m sure you understand that like your family, I don’t trust you. Although I don’t have a lock on my bedroom door to keep you out like your younger brother has. But I digress.
Of course I need the $$ first. How are you going to get me the money. Your reputation and all, I’m sure you understand.
I am assuming this economy will get so bad
Yeah, lots of people feel that way about the obama economy.
Minister of Taliban Propaganda, Sheik al Marvin spewed:
Say, how much extra did you send the government last april 15th. I’m sure someone like you that believes in high taxes for the good of others would never cheat those “others” out of money by using deductions. Using deductions to lower you tax obligation would prove that you too want to pay less taxes.
Sheik, did you send the government a check for your taxes?
Hmmmm . . . did you?
Doubt it, unless welfare is a taxable income. BTW is it, Sheik? You’d know.
YLB, I can speak openly about my views towards homosexuallity and how they’ve drastically changed over the years. I reckon in many ways my story reflects society’s changing views. Maybe one of these days we’ll have that discussion. Maybe here. Maybe at Drinking Liberally.
Now, regarding race and our vapid troll, Marvin, I haven’t changed my outlook over the years. Yup, I was raised in the housing projects and there was never a racial slur uttered in my home, never a mention of race. My three best friends were black kids. Two made it out and have done OK, one killed a cop and got sent up. Yeah, I lived in detention facilities after my Mom died and, yeah, that meant living with blacks and Indians. Friends for life. But so fucking what? Yeah, I played in mixed race bands back in the day. So what? Yeah, I had a friend, a black man from Detroit, who was the best friend I ever had in this life. He died. Would Marvin have me establish a quota system and reload? Hey, Puddy, want to be my new BBF? No, Marvin, I’m not going to reload. The race, gender, faith, politics, or sexual orientation of whoever I like as a friend is irrelevant. These days I’m more likely to hang with Indians down at the reservation, go out with my very conservative white girlfriend, play golf with Filipinos, Japanese and Chinese-Americans, play basketball with Filipinos and Koreans in the alleys of Rainier Valley, or have dinner with a gay male friend in Ballard like I will tomorrow night. Yeah, I live at a country club. So fucking what? I’m more likely to be found playing golf at Jefferson Park, where I grew up and where I learned to play the game. Race? You and Mr. Klynical would shit a goat before finding the courage to even drive your fucking car past the course, let alone park there. You see, communities like Seattle’s south end, East Palo Alto, Oakland, Compton, 27th and Welton in Denver, places where I grew up, hung out and lived, put fear into your hearts and weaken your spines. To me it’s just like going home. Puddy has never accused me of lying about this stuff. Though we bitterly disagree about politics, he knows better and, unlike you, and as GBS knows, Puddy’s a better man than that.
When I started my career in engineering, it was an all-white, all-male environment. One black. No Asians. White women only, and only in clerical positions. How different things are today! But yeah, we need more blacks. Something went wrong there. We have more Russian female immigrants these days than we do blacks. In many ways, Affirmative Action failed blacks. I saw some forms of that failure up close. But some eyes have been opened in recent years to what has gone wrong and change is afoot. Some of those eyes were opened due to what my best friend faced during the last years of his life. It will take time, but myself and others will see an end to this as we find it to be entirely unacceptable.
Puddy and I have discussed this matter and Marvin has read those posts. Marvin takes something like this and tries to twist it to convey that I am somehow racist. I am reminded that there are people like Marvin who go through life practically begging for someone to kill them. And yet I’ll bet that Marvin will still be surprised when someone finally obliges him.
I’m always glad to have a open conversation about race or human sexuality, just not with a insipid, one-dimensional, goatfucking perv like Marvin.
All you need is an escrow account now to transfer the money. Once the Sheik performs his side of the obligation and gives out his true and accurate address the money will be transferred to him.
No trust factor, involved just PUT UP OR SHUT UP TIME.
BAM! let the ass kickin’ begin.
Marvin Stamnspews:
40. GBS spews:
The difference between all the Democrats you quote and Bush, is none of the Democrats allowed the rhetoric to go past our shores.
So bush says something it’s a lie, a democrats says the same thing it’s rhetoric.
You are definitely worth the price of admission to this cesspool.
Did you see my message at #25. Why do you think the obama is not outraged over the killing of serviceman by a muslim on the streets of america like he is at the murder of an abortion doctor by a christian.
Did the left already stop supporting the troops while you weren’t looking?
Did you see what the father (veteran) of William Long, the soldier that was killed by a muslim said?
32 – One thing that’s kind of nice about having Comcast broadband @ 42.95/mo is that I get McAffee Virus/Firewall/Parental Control bundled with it. I have it installed on every Windows Computer in the house (unfortunately not available for Mac/Linux). Couple that with any broadband router these days (which is set secure out of the box) and the security issues are much less troubling.
@45 This will no doubt turn out like the Trade Confirmation showdown I had with Mr. Klynical. Goldy has my trade confirmations. He doesn’t have Mr. Klynical’s, and never will. There were no WFC trades. It was just bullshit. Like Marvin. That said, I’ll put up a couple grand myself. I’d like Marvin to have the opportunity to call me a racist and bigot to my face. I can immediately Paypal the money to Goldy once we get the “go” word. We’ll need a means to confirm identity because something really bad would be about to happen to somebody, although nothing that person hasn’t, um, already begged for.
Steve @ 44
No problem. I grew up with the same homophobic attitudes most Americans have. I was no different. My attitudes towards gays started changing when I saw the likes of Anita Bryant in Florida and John Briggs in California going all out to persecute gays and gain politically from homophobia.
Did I want to be that way in the world? Was that me? Fuck no!
We’re still dealing with that today. Eyman tried repealing progressive domestic partnership and there’s a group a crazies out there trying to put another homophobic initiative on the ballot.
A progressive group is pushing back trying to publish the names of all those who sign those petitions.
Great! Let the homophobes come out of the closet!
So bush says something it’s a lie,
People died because of his disastrous decision. LOTS OF PEOPLE DIED. This country is all but bankrupt from his mistake.
I’m on broadband myself but know several people who use Frys for dial up and are happy.
Daddy Lovespews:
23 MS
Like there was a way that Obama could have said those things of which you WOULD approve. Had he done so, you would instead be posting about some other piece of wingnut bullshit that outrages you.
Daddy Lovespews:
9 Cyn
It’s obvious you cannot read. I guess I kinf of surprised you can write (after a fashion, anyway).
But the article does not say that the perp is the “Director” of the Commission on African American Affairs.
It says, and I quote:
“Hooks is a Seattle city employee and a member of the Washington state’s Commission on African American Affairs”
Susan Hill, the president of the National Women’s Health Foundation, explains that women in Tiller’s care were there mostly because life had dealt them a crippling blow. “We always sent the really tragic cases to Tiller,” said Hill, who knew the doctor for 20 years. This included women who were newly diagnosed with cancer and who could not start chemotherapy unless they terminated their pregnancies; women whose babies would be born only to suffer from genetic illness and die; women – no girls – who were victims of rape or incest and who were so young that they didn’t know enough to know they were pregnant until they were many months along.
What a monster he was.
Daddy Lovespews:
46 MS
Here’s the reason for the difference re: Obama on servicemen and Tiller.
Obama says that he is “deeply saddened” by the deaths of these servicemen out or repect for their families, and because these young men volunteered to put themselves in harm’s way, meaning even in the way of Muslim terrorists inflamed by Bush’s stupid illegal war, torture camps, and prison gulag.
Dr. Tiller, on the hand, was a dedicated man of healing who helped many, many women with the most crucial medical decisions of their lives, and who never volunteered to be bombed, shot, or murdered. His death WAS a shock and an outrage.
The shooting of a soldier, whether here or abroad, has ceased to shock. Death #s 4310 and 4311? It’s still pretty damn sad, though.
@49 Back in 1985 or so, when I was working down in Palo Alto, there was this gal who reminded me of this woman in Seattle I knew who was named ‘Gay’. One day we were standing outside talking and she interrupts our conversation to say, “Um, Steve, I’m gay”. And here I had just given thought of how much she reminded me of my friend Gay. I look at her, completely baffled, and replied, “No you’re not.” “Yes I am” “No you’re not!” Most emphatically, “Yes I am!!” Duh! It finally dawned on me what she was fucking saying. “Ohhhh, you’re gaaaay.” Turns out, she thought I was hitting on her, though I wasn’t. She just reminded me of someone I liked back home. She got married later that year and, imagine this, I thought for the longest time that gay marriage was legal. A straight guy, I wasn’t much at keeping abreast of the gay pride movement back then. As friends have come out, I’ve learned more and my views have really changed. I think I’m starting to get it now. Still, some of my cuss words, learned so long ago, need to be discarded. I have a hunch GBS feels the same way.
That stupid Marvin. He fucks goats, you know.
46. Marvin Stamn spews:
40. GBS spews:
The difference between all the Democrats you quote and Bush, is none of the Democrats allowed the rhetoric to go past our shores.
So bush says something it’s a lie, a democrats says the same thing it’s rhetoric.
Stop pimping American Taliban propaganda, Sheik.
Can’t you comprehend anything?
When the Democrats said it, it is rhetoric because they did NOT launch a WAR based on their accusations. That’s called rhetoric.
This next part you won’t understand because you were and still are too much of an American hating terrorists to understand, but, when an American president acts on rhetoric and coerces false statement via torture, it’s a LIE.
Bush lied, AMERICAN soldiers died.
Marvin Stamnspews:
55. Daddy Love spews:
The shooting of a soldier, whether here or abroad, has ceased to shock. Death #s 4310 and 4311? It’s still pretty damn sad, though.
A death by the hands of someone else is always sad.
Are the men that were killed when the USS Cole was attacked included in those Deaths#4610 & 4311?
Or are we not counting them?
Marvin Stamnspews:
57. GBS spews:
When the Democrats said it, it is rhetoric because they did NOT launch a WAR based on their accusations. That’s called rhetoric.
Baucus, Max (D-MT)
Bayh, Evan (D-IN)
Biden, Joseph (D-DE)
Breaux, John (D-LA)
Cantwell, Maria (D-WA)
Carnahan, Jean (D-MO)
Carper, Thomas (D-DE)
Cleland, Max (D-GA)
Clinton, Hillary (D-NY)
Daschle, Tom (D-SD)
Dodd, Christopher (D-CT)
Dorgan, Byron (D-ND)
Edwards, John (D-NC)
Feinstein, Dianne (D-CA)
Harkin, Tom (D-IA)
Hollings, Ernest (D-SC)
Johnson, Tim (D-SD)
Kerry, John (D-MA)
Kohl, Herb (D-WI)
Landrieu, Mary (D-LA)
Lieberman, Joseph (D-CT)
Lincoln, Blanche (D-AR)
Miller, Zell (D-GA)
Nelson, Bill (D-FL)
Nelson, Ben (D-NE)
Reid, Harry (D-NV)
Rockefeller, John (D-WV)
Schumer, Charles (D-NY)
Torricelli, Robert (D-NJ)
Even to someone as stupid as me, putting their john hancocks on a bill that authorizes the use of force sounds like they were for the war. Their actions match their rhetoric.
The Goat-Fucker is back!!!!
Hi there Mr. Goat-Fucker!!!
58 Marvin, your pathetically lame attempt at obfuscation would seem to indicate that, dumb as you are, Daddy Love’s point actually got through.
Oh, Marvin, Marvin, Marvin.
I’m going to dispense with you once and for all.
You American HATING, Taliban propaganda spreading PIECE OF SHIT!.
Thanks for the opportunity to prove you are disloyal to MY America. The America I servced in uniform. The America I served in combat.
You thumb sucking, bed wetting, momma’s BOY.
Stand by ass HOLE.
Marvin Stamnspews:
44. Steve spews:
YLB, I can speak openly about my views towards homosexuallity and how they’ve drastically changed over the years.
Now, regarding race
(text deleted)
Steve, thank you for the compliment. Like you said a few messages ago-
22. Steve spews:
Marvin now promises to expose me as a racist. That should be a good one.
And then you come out writing a 615 word essay on why you shouldn’t be considered a racist. What scared the crap out of you?
63. Marvin Stamn spews:
And then you come out writing a 615 word essay on why you shouldn’t be considered a racist. What scared the crap out of you?
06/04/2009 at 2:54 pm
Oh it was you, Mr. Goat-Fucker.
NOTHING strikes fear in the heart of a librul like “the marvin”…unless it’s the puddy (I am never never never ever wrong…just ask me) biotch.
Marvin Stamnspews:
43. GBS spews:
Sheik, did you send the government a check for your taxes?
Hmmmm . . . did you?
Doubt it, unless welfare is a taxable income. BTW is it, Sheik? You’d know.
Yeah, I’m on welfare.
Keep paying your taxes, I’m planning on buying a new car soon.
@63 “scared the crap out of you”
All that goatfucking must have fried your brain, Marvin. You expressed a desire to expose me as a racist. I follow by openly discussing race. Damn, Marvin, your every post reveals nothing if not an utter lack of intelligence and self-esteem. Begone with you! Go project your fears and shortcomings on someone else, asswipe.
Marvin Stamnspews:
45. GBS spews:
All you need is an escrow account now to transfer the money. Once the Sheik performs his side of the obligation and gives out his true and accurate address the money will be transferred to him.
No trust factor, involved just PUT UP OR SHUT UP TIME.
BAM! let the ass kickin’ begin.
gbs trying to get bibigoober to beat my ass.
Marvin Stamnspews:
66. Steve spews:
@63 “scared the crap out of you”
All that goatfucking must have fried your brain, Marvin. You expressed a desire to expose me as a racist. I follow by openly discussing race.
Of course you were planning on openly discussing race. Nothing to do with me.
Damn, Marvin, your every post reveals nothing if not an utter lack of intelligence and self-esteem. Begone with you!
Yup, that’s me. Although I did successfully get you to expose your homophobic bigotry.
Maybe someday I’ll “begone” enough that you won’t have to mention me in so many posts. That is once you develop a little self-control.
Daddy Lovespews:
The majority of Democrats in both houses voted aginst the AUMF. That as a wholly Republican production, that garnered Democratic votes because Rove rolled out out just before the mid-terms with the promise that Democrats would be MauMaued with “soft on 9/11!!” as the rallying cry against them. Yes, Democrats were spineless to capitulate, but they’re not responsible for this. 29 Democrats couldn’t have passed the AUMF in the Senate by themselves.
Don’t try blaming Iraq on the Democrats. Bush and his people were planning Iraq before he got into office, and had meetings to figure out how/when to invade begining in January 2001. It was Bush and the Republicans who own that dirty little fiasco.
(a) AUTHORIZATION- The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to–
(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq.
(b) PRESIDENTIAL DETERMINATION- In connection with the exercise of the authority granted in subsection (a) to use force the President shall, prior to such exercise or as soon thereafter as may be feasible, but no later than 48 hours after exercising such authority, make available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that– (1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq; and
(2) acting pursuant to this joint resolution is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorist and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.
Security Council hears repeated calls for more time for UN inspections in Iraq
5 February 2003 – After United States Secretary of State Colin Powell presented to the Security Council US evidence of Iraq’s failure to destroy illicit weapons, several members of the Council voiced their strong support for the continuation of United Nations inspections and urged Baghdad to cooperate proactively in the process.
“Why go to war if there still exists an unused space in resolution 1441?”
Clearly, Bush did NOT follow the congressional authorization to use force in Sect. 3(1).
The weapons inspectors, following leads provided by the pentagon were not finding any WMD’s or even evidence of a WMD program. Bush, finally kicked the UN Weaons Inspectors out of Iraq with an artificial 48 hour deadline.
He knew he was running out of political steam, and the timing to launch in invasion was in the spring or wait until next fall.
The pentagon did not want to start a land invasion in June or July.
There was no reason to rush into war. No security threats, no WMD’s, just lies.
Now, Sheik, go peddle your Taliban propaganda elsewhere.
65. Marvin Stamn spews:
43. GBS spews:
Sheik, did you send the government a check for your taxes?
Hmmmm . . . did you?
Doubt it, unless welfare is a taxable income. BTW is it, Sheik? You’d know.
Yeah, I’m on welfare.
Keep paying your taxes, I’m planning on buying a new car soon.
I think I’ll hold on to this one for a while.
Marvin, the right-wing welfare king.
Talk about priceless.
Marvin Stamnspews:
69. Daddy Love spews:
Don’t try blaming Iraq on the Democrats.
Everyone that lied or signed their name authorizing the war are to blame. That includes democrats.
Bush and his people were planning Iraq before he got into office, and had meetings to figure out how/when to invade begining in January 2001.
If only bush didn’t sign the iraq liberation act. “It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
70. GBS spews:
Marvin, the right-wing welfare king.
Thanks to taxpayers like you I have zero responsibility.
I get food stamps. And under the clinton internet outreach program I get a new computer every two years and free dsl. Next month it will be FIOS.
My utilities are subsidized by taxpayers like you, which means I don’t have to concern myself with water usage or any of those pesky utility taxes.
Did I mention, keep paying your taxes so I won’t have to work.
At least for me. You on the other hand are paying for my free ride.
Thanks again. How often is it some welfare-king can thank the very people that are gladly paying taxes to support them.
p.s. Please, don’t forget to pay ALL your taxes this year.
Marvin Stamnspews:
You gotta love those liberal government employees in san fran…
Yeah, the left in san fran care about the poor as long as they don’t try and pull themselves up by their bootstraps. When that does happens, liberals have to find someway to get his money.
He should do like I do and become a welfare-king, as gbs has called me.
He can sit back and blog shit all day while gbs earns enough $$ to make sure I can do with the finer things in life.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Did anyone see how Liz Cheney handed Eugene Robinson (hero of the moronic dense as spent uranium rujax)
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
When steve wants to belittle someone, he calls them “faggots.”
His own words.
Only a lying piece of shit who rapes babies like Stammerin’ Marvin would try to convince someone that the war in Iraq was anyone’s doing other than the Bush regime. Fortunately on Nov 4 08 America answered the question of who was responsible for the war by RUNNING THE COWARDLY GOP OUT OF TOWN. Deal with it bitches!
‘Oh, God. I agree with Marv. How the fuck did that happen?
It’s a bit too late for Cheney to be worrying about his legacy.
Aren’t are you Rs out there proud of Dickless Cheney? Don’t you agree that he is the face of your party’s future? Please, oh please, Dickless, keep it up (even if taking Cialis hourly is what requires you to keep it up).
Trying to use Goldy’s edit function crashed my computer a few minutes ago. Froze the whole thing up; couldn’t even reboot it, I had to kill the power by yanking the plug out of the wall. As this is an open thread, and I don’t have anything else to write about right now, I think I’ll take this opportunity to discuss the various interesting phenomena that occur when I try to edit HA comments on my computer.
1. In some cases, the “Click to Edit” link never appears, and the comment can’t be edited.
2. When it does appear, the edit function sometimes times out in as little as 1 minute, although 2 minutes is more common.
3. Clicking on the “edit” button often simply doesn’t work. The most common result is for the screen to go dark, although sometimes it will kick to an error page. Occasionally using the “back” arrow will bring the comment page back up, but more often than not I have to close HA and reopen it, i.e. start completely over. It often takes multiple attempts, and the edit function often has timed up before I can get the edit window to open.
4. Failure to save the changes after clicking on the “Submit Comment” button is also very common. I have found the changes rarely save unless I move the cursor to the end of the comment and left-click on the first empty space after the ending period. Why this extra procedure is necessary, I don’t know, but it takes time and sometimes results in the edit function timing out before I can save the changes.
5. The most common failure to save is that nothing happens. The edited comment just sits there while the timer ticks away. When this happens, I have to cancel the edit and start over by clicking on the “Click to Edit” button. By the time I can go through these hoops, the edit function often has timed out.
6. However, there are variations on “save” failures. I may get a “white screen of death.” It may freeze the HA link, the only cure for which is to close out HA and reopen it. Sometimes this doesn’t work unless I also close out my internet connection and reboot the computer. Clicking on the “Submit Comment” button also has been known to crash my entire computer, as it did a few minutes ago.
6. It usually takes 3 or 4 attempts to submit the changes before they’re saved. Only rarely do my edits go through on the first attempt.
7. There are times, however, when the edit function operates smoothly. It seems completely arbitrary. There’s no apparent correlation of edit malfunctions to anything else, except as mentioned above, I have to move the cursor to the end of the comment and left-click on the first white space after the ending period, or the submit function will crash most of the time.
8. My failure rate on trying to edit HA comments is very high. Only about 15% of my edits go through without trouble on the first attempt.
I wonder if anyone else has any of these difficulties? I suspect my AOL program may be the culprit. AOL is pretty much incompatible with the entire universe of software.
@3 I would say he’s the face of their past, but that’s the same thing, because the GOP lives in the past.
Republicans are nostalgic for the 1880s, when courts automatically considered injured workmen contributorily negligent, organizing a union was a criminal offense, and you could hire domestic servants for 50 cents a day. Nowadays you can’t get a good butler at any price, and you have to move your factory to China to get away with paying 50 cents a day.
I’ve never had a single problem with HA. Time to ditch AOL.
Dick Cheney:
Listen to me. I’m still relevant!!! But, I’m not done being president yet! ‘Oh shit did I say that out loud?
I wonder how many wingers are cheering the Army recruiter’s murder by a foreign-trained terrorist?
Does that sound far-fetched? Not as much as you might think. Plenty of Republicans think terrorist attacks on Americans are good for their party’s electoral prospects.
For example, GOP legislative candidate Mark Griswold posted on Sound Politics:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
As I said, Griswold isn’t alone in these sentiments. That goofy wingnut flamethrower in Federal Way, I forget his name, posted something very similar on a public blog.
In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if our friend “Troll” feels the same way and is a white supremacist to boot, although these are unsupported conjectures on my part.
@5 AOL is a dying company. I’m not deliberately trying to get into the Guinness Book of World Records by being their last subscriber, but the way things are going for them that might happen. I just don’t know where else to go, that’s all. Where can I get internet access for $9.95 a month? I don’t want some fly-by-night ISP; I’ve been that route. I’ve thought about switching to Verizon, but not at their broadband rate. When I need broadband for something, I go to the public library and get it free. Well, not free; I pay plenty of library taxes.
Hey KLOWNS, one of your “brothers” is a criminal right here in Seattle. What in the hell kind of job is this anway??
Director of Commission on African American Affairs??
Read and weep–
You use AOL?
Didn’t AOL die back in the early 90’s?
What kind of animal would still use AOL?
Interesting choice of phrase there Klynical. What say you Stupes?
Stupes and Kyln, you are “brothers” indeed. A dumb and dumber tag-team in name-calling! LOL! Pathetic..
“And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world,” Mr. Obama said.
With an estimated 5 million to 8 million Muslims, obviously he does not mean by percentage; Muslims are less than 3% of the U.S. population.
By sheer number, the United States is far behind Indonesia (213 million), Pakistan (156 million), Bangladesh (127 million) and so on. At least 23 nations have more Muslims.
The USA in fact has less than 1% of the world’s Muslim population of an estimated 1 billion people.
So why would a president make such an outrageous lie?
Because no one will fact check him.
He means one of your fellow liberal government employees.
Rather disturbing news article.
A government employee attacks someone a couple steps inside their condo and the “alleged” attacker claims self-defense.
Lucky for the attacker, he is a liberal government employee.
Imagine the outrage if he was a republican.
Marvin the confirmed child rapist is a natural born liar and accordingly – has no right to call anyone else a liar.
Now – why don’t the right wing America-haters like Marvin want to talk about all the successes of PRESIDENT OBAMA! First reports of fewer job losses came out today – it only took about five months for PRESIDENT OBAMA to revive us from the Bush depression.
3 Those edit functions are “ajax” enabled. They talk directly to Goldy’s web server and rely on a moderately high bandwidth, low latency connection. I bet something like Google Maps works poorly over dial up as well.
8 is still around but they may be as endangered as well. And if my previous remarks hold true, these alternative dial-up services won’t help you.
I’ve had broadband since 1998. I wish I could pay less for it though.
No – he means an African-American. Nice way to cover up for him Stamn – you pseudo anti-racist.
Klynical is a small-minded practitioner of resentment towards Seattle which explains his little postings like above. Why do right wingers knee-jerk resentment towards Seattle? Because we’re a community that by and large rejects right wing thinking.
And any place like that is a threat to the right wing group-think mentality.
As for the perpetrator of that assault, he should go to jail. Oh, was that a “conservative” sentiment? No that’s common sense – almost absent on the right.
pseudo anti-racist?
If I was a racist, the words I type would look like the words of manocrap, headless lucy and bibigoober.
If I was a homophobic bigot my words would match those of steve, gbs and bibigoober.
And since you’re calling me a pseudo anti-racist, why don’t you provide some proof of that.
Or is that your new lie for the day.
Remember, I’m forcing you not to come to los angeles so I won’t have to hurt you.
Instead you substitute liberal for African-American and cover for the racism of right wingers.
You’re anti-racist only to the extent it promulgates your right wing agenda. GBS and Steve have taken back some of their ill-considered name-calling – yet you still post their remarks. Your agenda comes first.
Let’s be clear about what Klynical is doing – he’s invoking fear of the inner city black man. Sitting on his craptastic throne in rural Montana throwing mean-spirited jibes at a place that will remain independent and free-thinking for his rest of his miserable life.
And you’re covering for him.
Oh and what is this about L.A? Remember, I’m from there and if I decide to visit, you’ll be absolutely the last thing on my mind. In fact you’ll be completely absent.
So what is the motive of gore and his man made climate crap…
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – An environmental start-up backed by Al Gore’s venture capital firm aims to take advantage of coming U.S. climate change legislation by helping companies like Coca Cola and even cities cut pollution.
Of course it’s all about gore making millions and millions of dollars.
At least we now know who is going to profit off of any cap & trade scams.
So pointing out someone is a liberal government employee is now racist. Only in the mind of someone that views people by the color of their skin and not the content of the character.
And you know this because you know me personally? Unless you have some proof this is just more made up crap from the mind of a bitter hateful person.
Remember, except for you, NO ONE else had any problems with steve/gbs/bibigoober being homophobic bigots. I’ve credited you numerous times for acknowledging their bigotry.
So, steve and his fellow gutter dwellers call me a goatfucker with no proof on a daily basis yet you want me to stop reminding everyone of the bigots that are in your party? Why are you protecting bigots? If I was posting manocrap’s racist words would that bother you, or since he’s not a left wing-nut would not bother you.
I don’t agree.
But if you are correct, why do you feel that your fellow left wing-nuts would be prompted to fear the inner city black man. Although, the black man in question is not an “inner city” black man, he’s a well paid government employee.
Yup. Seattle is so free thinking at least one of its residents views people he doesn’t agree with as sitting on a craptastic throne. A real free-thinker not only allows opposing opinions but welcome it. Small minded people can’t handle opposing viewpoints.
In your mind.
I was “threatening” you. I am forcing you not to come down here.
Lucky for harry reid he’s a democrat, otherwise the media would be all up his ass…
I understand that during her career, she’s written hundreds and hundreds of opinions. I haven’t read a single one of them, and if I’m fortunate before we end this, I won’t have to read one of them.
Only a left wing-nut leader could get away with saying how qualified someone is without looking at their record.
@18 YLB,
GBS and I both apologized for our unfortunate remarks many times but that doesn’t matter to Marvin. He keeps quoting us as though we had no regrets and had never apologised. He removes context to create a lie. He never speaks of his expressed hatred for our troops that drove a vet, GBS, to such anger towards him and that drew me to GBS’ defense. He never mentions our apologies to the forum. He just spews each day how GBS and I are homophobic bigots. As you can see from above, it’s just a screen to conceal his own hatred and bigotry. Marvin has a long history here of posting thinly-veiled hatred for blacks and others. Remember his constant posting of lists of black mayors in predominately black cities with high crime rates? Or how about his hatred of Christians? He’s toned that down, in an attempt to appeal to his new friends, Mr. Klynical(Christian)and Puddy (black and Christian). Now he’s the new Marvin, defender of Christians, blacks and gays! Horseshit. He’s just a hater and a liar.
Marvin now promises to expose me as a racist. That should be a good one.
Worse than all that, the worthless piece of shit fucks goats. And that’s all one really needs to know about him.
The views of murder, obama style…
The obama is saddened that a couple militarymen were shot.
Meanwhile, in a statement released by the White House Wednesday, President Obama said, “I am deeply saddened by this senseless act of violence against two brave young soldiers who were doing their part to strengthen our armed forces and keep our country safe.
Yet when it comes to the abortion doctor is killed…
“I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning,” Obama said in a statement.
An abortion doctor being killed shocks and outrages the obama.
Troops being killed in the streets of america and the obama is saddened.
I guess obama isn’t shocked that american troops were gunned down in the streets of america. Nor is he outraged like he is when an abortion doctor is killed.
…lucky for “the marvin” that he fucks goats. I doubt if he’d get relief otherwise.
(hmmm…does the goat make him wear a condom? Just askin”…)
Context? Follow the link…
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
So what excuse you are using today? I took you out of context or you already apologized. Oops, you’re using both.
Of course you refuse to post the link where I “expressed my hatred for our troops.” I wonder why you don’t. I’ll tell you, steve is lying. If there was a link, he would be posting it right along with his imaginary dreams of me being a goatfucker. He has no problem calling me a goatfucker on a daily basis but can’t provide a link.
Except for right-wingers and YLB, the forum wasn’t bothered by you homophobic bigoty. I wonder why that is.
So your apology to a group of people that weren’t bothered by you displaying you bigotry doesn’t count as an apology. It would be like david duke apologizing to the klan for his views on blacks.
Let’s see, you said you apologized. Why the apology if you aren’t bigots?
Yet you spew each day about me fucking goats. Wouldn’t that make you a hypocrite? At least when I call you a bigot I have your words to prove it. And your “fake” apology.
If it’s so long it should be easy to post links proving what you say. Of course, you’re too busy or I’m not important enough to you for you to take the time to back up your words. Typical behavior of a bigot.
I was pointing out they were Why did you see those democrat mayors as black?
Those were the words of liberals. I made that very clear. Remember how pissy you got when I posted the comment from bill mahr about god being the man at the top of jack’s beanstalk. I knew that pissed you off, so much that you weren’t even able to follow the link. How pathetic are you.
If I told you I was going to expose you as a homophobic bigot would you have believed me? Look how that turned out for you.
Doesn’t it suck for you that someone you look down at so easily exposed you as a bigot?
hey steve, anytime you want to start quoting my words feel free.
Your own words prove you’re a bigot. Your words prove nothing about me.
p.s. Stop whining that you’ve already apologized and now want your bigotry forgotten. You’re a bigot. If you believe otherwise, look at your words I quoted. Explain how someone that isn’t a bigot calls people he wants to belittle a “faggot.”
How bad does a federal judge have to be to get impeached after he has already resigned? This bad:
Oh, and by the way, he’s a Republican — you didn’t have to ask, did you?
@25 Marvin – heh, the wingnut defender of blacks and gays. Sure thing, goatfucker.
Still no links proving anything you say?
Let me provide one proving you are a homophobic bigot.
Bigot is as bigot writes.
So steve, tell us all why you picked a place of employment to work at that doesn’t employ any blacks. Is that what attracted you to the company or was it, in your mind, just a wonderful benefit.
How many blacks members are there at that kountry klub you belong to.
Do you search out places where the number of blacks are tightly controlled, or is it just a coincidence.
And please, no more stories about you knowing a black guy, or you once had a black guy as a friend, or you were once in a band with a black singer. That sounds exactly like when a racist is exposed and immediately replies he has a black friend.
No. You (the pseudo anti-racist), covering for the bigoted speech of another wingnut is NOT necessarily racist but oh so laughable.
Tell that to Klynical. He referred to the assaulter as a “brother”. Why couldn’t he refer to him as a “liberal government employee”?
Nope. I know this from reading your blathering here.
LOL! Oh we’re falling back on that meme now. It used to be “the angry left”. Well the right wing has been “angry” for as long as I can remember. Clinton made them really angry (he outsmarted them at every turn despite his terrible mistakes) and when Bush took over and let 9/11 happen, their hate went into overdrive.
Projection. next!
Oh do you know them personally? I don’t. If Quentin Tarantino uses the “N” word in his scripts does that mean he’s a racist?
Ok you can stop now. Why? Because “numerous times” you’ve used what I said as a club over their heads. I don’t think anyone who professes liberal ideals can cling to a bigoted attitude for long. And that’s what happened – they took back what they said. But what did you do? You kept quoting them.
Because propping up your failed right wing agenda comes first.
Awwwwww. Poor baby. Stay out of the kitchen. We’re here because we believe, no we’re convinced that REPUBLICANS SUCK.
Prompted by Cynical? Cynical was being Cynical – name-calling is his style. He’s in Montana. And most of his “tribe” don’t live in Seattle. He was talking more to them than to anyone like me.
Anyone with a brain who knows something about the knee-jerk right wing resentment towards places like Seattle. Ever hear of “white flight”? Klynical’s attitude is just a distant echo of that.
To a person like Klynical, anyone from Seattle is “inner city” as “in the city”, “in Seattle” – that is other, alien. He calls them “Klowns”, “leftist pinheads”, etc…
Yeah. I disdain Klynical’s name-calling and bigoted attitudes. Poor me.
LOL! You’re kidding yourself. Your crowd isn’t bringing anything new to the table that we haven’t heard already, considered and for the most part rejected. That’s why you’re on ropes. Yet you keep bringing this discredited stuff and that’s why we laugh at you.
If it was so great, McSame would be President. Rossi would be Governor of WA. The economy wouldn’t be in the crapper.
This country has taken a rightward course since the election of Nixon and I’ve lived through it. I know what the opposing viewpoint is. And yes, I’ve actually read the National Review and the Wall Street Journal Editorial page among many other things trying to understand it. I wasn’t convinced and I wasn’t impressed beyond acknowledging the success that so many right wing adherents had at lining their pockets.
I calls it as I sees it.
Oh? I’m so scared. I’ll do as I please thank you very much. It’s a free country. Don’t you love it?
Neither is Marvin shocked about over 4000 Americans losing their lives to Dumbya’s disastrous decision to invade and occupy Iraq.
He’s even less shocked and outraged over the MANY, MANY MORE THOUSANDS of Iraquis who have lost their lives due to that same fiasco.
Are you part of the “generational theft” teabagging crowd Marv? It obviously wasn’t “generational theft” to charge a war on the credit card.
@10 “What kind of animal would still use AOL?”
Well gee, the same kind of animal that lives in a dirt hole and eats grass, dumbshit.
@15 Thanks for info, YLB. Sounds like the only fix that will work is getting broadband, which I’m not willing to pay for, also there are security issues with being continually connected to the internet. I realize someday I’ll have to, though. Maybe after oil hits $200 a barrel (trust me, it will) and my oil stocks triple again (which I have no doubt they will; it’s just a matter of time, because humans are consuming the stuff faster and faster while Ma Nature ain’t making any more of it).
Steve @ 22
Yeah I know. I see Stamn’s agenda clear as day.
Stamn: give it up. You’re never going to convince anyone here that Republicans don’t suck.
Democrats are far from perfect but we’ll always be working on that. Republicans are going the way of the Whigs in a country that will soon be “majority minority”. With serial liars like Gingrich, Limbaugh and Hannity carrying their banner, they’re not going anywhere soon.
If the democrats didn’t lie about WMDs and saddam, maybe we would have never gone to war. Why do you believe so many democrats backed up bush and lied?
He’s even less shocked and outraged over the MANY, MANY MORE THOUSANDS of Iraquis who have lost their lives due to that same fiasco.
Do you have a link or is that once again your imagination at work.
I am against higher taxes. If in your mind that makes me a teabagger, then by all means go ahead and stereotype me as a teabagger.
Say, how much extra did you send the government last april 15th. I’m sure someone like you that believes in high taxes for the good of others would never cheat those “others” out of money by using deductions. Using deductions to lower you tax obligation would prove that you too want to pay less taxes.
I screwed the pooch this time.
Sorry, no “threat” intended.
It was correctnotright that considered me “forcing” someone not to come down to la as a threat.
@34 “If the democrats didn’t lie about WMDs and saddam, maybe we would have never gone to war.”
Are you trying to wear Baghdad Bob’s mantle? You’re getting close to being funny.
In Seattle, you can get dial-up access for nothing:
How do you explain…
“In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members.
Hillary is lying about the connection between saddam and al qaeda.
“People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons.”
Bubba clinton lying about WMDs
“Saddam Hussein certainly has chemical and biological weapons. There’s no question about that.”
Pelosi lying on meet the press November 17, 2002
How many more links & videos until you admit the democrats also lied.
$2000 for information leading to the exact location and true identity of Stammerin Marvin. I am assuming this economy will get so bad Goldy will eventually have to take me up on my offer then I can get the benefit of that “OH SHIT” moment when that cunt and coward Stamerin Marvin has to come to grips with his worst nightmare – not being able to hide under his mom’s skirt in the basement!
Look Sheik al Marvin is the Minister of Propaganda for the American Taliban movement.
The difference between all the Democrats you quote and Bush, is none of the Democrats allowed the rhetoric to go past our shores.
An American tradition.
Your failed president acted on lies he created. Created from torturing captives in to saying anything to make the torture stop. Statements used by Bush, et al, to justify the illegal war in Iraq.
Why do you continue to spread propaganda for al Qeada?
I guess when you’re an America hating terrorist like yourself who’s pledged allegiance to bin Laden you can’t help yourself.
Well, if the Minister of Taliban Propaganda, Sheik al Marvin, were so sure of himself that he can handle BBG, I figure he’d out himself for the 2 grand and kick BBG’s ass.
But, if he doesn’t out himself it’s because he KNOWS he can’t handle BBG.
Hmmmm . . . this will be interesting to see if the Sheik is man enough to “strap it on.”
Hell, for $2,000 I’ll take you up on that offer.
I’m sure you understand that like your family, I don’t trust you. Although I don’t have a lock on my bedroom door to keep you out like your younger brother has. But I digress.
Of course I need the $$ first. How are you going to get me the money. Your reputation and all, I’m sure you understand.
Yeah, lots of people feel that way about the obama economy.
Minister of Taliban Propaganda, Sheik al Marvin spewed:
Sheik, did you send the government a check for your taxes?
Hmmmm . . . did you?
Doubt it, unless welfare is a taxable income. BTW is it, Sheik? You’d know.
YLB, I can speak openly about my views towards homosexuallity and how they’ve drastically changed over the years. I reckon in many ways my story reflects society’s changing views. Maybe one of these days we’ll have that discussion. Maybe here. Maybe at Drinking Liberally.
Now, regarding race and our vapid troll, Marvin, I haven’t changed my outlook over the years. Yup, I was raised in the housing projects and there was never a racial slur uttered in my home, never a mention of race. My three best friends were black kids. Two made it out and have done OK, one killed a cop and got sent up. Yeah, I lived in detention facilities after my Mom died and, yeah, that meant living with blacks and Indians. Friends for life. But so fucking what? Yeah, I played in mixed race bands back in the day. So what? Yeah, I had a friend, a black man from Detroit, who was the best friend I ever had in this life. He died. Would Marvin have me establish a quota system and reload? Hey, Puddy, want to be my new BBF? No, Marvin, I’m not going to reload. The race, gender, faith, politics, or sexual orientation of whoever I like as a friend is irrelevant. These days I’m more likely to hang with Indians down at the reservation, go out with my very conservative white girlfriend, play golf with Filipinos, Japanese and Chinese-Americans, play basketball with Filipinos and Koreans in the alleys of Rainier Valley, or have dinner with a gay male friend in Ballard like I will tomorrow night. Yeah, I live at a country club. So fucking what? I’m more likely to be found playing golf at Jefferson Park, where I grew up and where I learned to play the game. Race? You and Mr. Klynical would shit a goat before finding the courage to even drive your fucking car past the course, let alone park there. You see, communities like Seattle’s south end, East Palo Alto, Oakland, Compton, 27th and Welton in Denver, places where I grew up, hung out and lived, put fear into your hearts and weaken your spines. To me it’s just like going home. Puddy has never accused me of lying about this stuff. Though we bitterly disagree about politics, he knows better and, unlike you, and as GBS knows, Puddy’s a better man than that.
When I started my career in engineering, it was an all-white, all-male environment. One black. No Asians. White women only, and only in clerical positions. How different things are today! But yeah, we need more blacks. Something went wrong there. We have more Russian female immigrants these days than we do blacks. In many ways, Affirmative Action failed blacks. I saw some forms of that failure up close. But some eyes have been opened in recent years to what has gone wrong and change is afoot. Some of those eyes were opened due to what my best friend faced during the last years of his life. It will take time, but myself and others will see an end to this as we find it to be entirely unacceptable.
Puddy and I have discussed this matter and Marvin has read those posts. Marvin takes something like this and tries to twist it to convey that I am somehow racist. I am reminded that there are people like Marvin who go through life practically begging for someone to kill them. And yet I’ll bet that Marvin will still be surprised when someone finally obliges him.
I’m always glad to have a open conversation about race or human sexuality, just not with a insipid, one-dimensional, goatfucking perv like Marvin.
All you need is an escrow account now to transfer the money. Once the Sheik performs his side of the obligation and gives out his true and accurate address the money will be transferred to him.
No trust factor, involved just PUT UP OR SHUT UP TIME.
BAM! let the ass kickin’ begin.
So bush says something it’s a lie, a democrats says the same thing it’s rhetoric.
You are definitely worth the price of admission to this cesspool.
Did you see my message at #25. Why do you think the obama is not outraged over the killing of serviceman by a muslim on the streets of america like he is at the murder of an abortion doctor by a christian.
Did the left already stop supporting the troops while you weren’t looking?
Did you see what the father (veteran) of William Long, the soldier that was killed by a muslim said?
Daris Long spoke about his son reluctantly. Long said he mistrusted reporters, stemming from his time in Somalia during the American intervention there in the 1990s and saying he didn’t like coverage of the 2008 presidential election.
32 – One thing that’s kind of nice about having Comcast broadband @ 42.95/mo is that I get McAffee Virus/Firewall/Parental Control bundled with it. I have it installed on every Windows Computer in the house (unfortunately not available for Mac/Linux). Couple that with any broadband router these days (which is set secure out of the box) and the security issues are much less troubling.
@45 This will no doubt turn out like the Trade Confirmation showdown I had with Mr. Klynical. Goldy has my trade confirmations. He doesn’t have Mr. Klynical’s, and never will. There were no WFC trades. It was just bullshit. Like Marvin. That said, I’ll put up a couple grand myself. I’d like Marvin to have the opportunity to call me a racist and bigot to my face. I can immediately Paypal the money to Goldy once we get the “go” word. We’ll need a means to confirm identity because something really bad would be about to happen to somebody, although nothing that person hasn’t, um, already begged for.
Steve @ 44
No problem. I grew up with the same homophobic attitudes most Americans have. I was no different. My attitudes towards gays started changing when I saw the likes of Anita Bryant in Florida and John Briggs in California going all out to persecute gays and gain politically from homophobia.
Did I want to be that way in the world? Was that me? Fuck no!
We’re still dealing with that today. Eyman tried repealing progressive domestic partnership and there’s a group a crazies out there trying to put another homophobic initiative on the ballot.
A progressive group is pushing back trying to publish the names of all those who sign those petitions.
Great! Let the homophobes come out of the closet!
People died because of his disastrous decision. LOTS OF PEOPLE DIED. This country is all but bankrupt from his mistake.
You asked about Iraquis. Here it is:
And that’s just DOCUMENTED. The reality is much worse.
One ISP I can recomend is Frys.
I’m on broadband myself but know several people who use Frys for dial up and are happy.
23 MS
Like there was a way that Obama could have said those things of which you WOULD approve. Had he done so, you would instead be posting about some other piece of wingnut bullshit that outrages you.
9 Cyn
It’s obvious you cannot read. I guess I kinf of surprised you can write (after a fashion, anyway).
But the article does not say that the perp is the “Director” of the Commission on African American Affairs.
It says, and I quote:
Re: Dr. Tiller on
What a monster he was.
46 MS
Here’s the reason for the difference re: Obama on servicemen and Tiller.
Obama says that he is “deeply saddened” by the deaths of these servicemen out or repect for their families, and because these young men volunteered to put themselves in harm’s way, meaning even in the way of Muslim terrorists inflamed by Bush’s stupid illegal war, torture camps, and prison gulag.
Dr. Tiller, on the hand, was a dedicated man of healing who helped many, many women with the most crucial medical decisions of their lives, and who never volunteered to be bombed, shot, or murdered. His death WAS a shock and an outrage.
The shooting of a soldier, whether here or abroad, has ceased to shock. Death #s 4310 and 4311? It’s still pretty damn sad, though.
@49 Back in 1985 or so, when I was working down in Palo Alto, there was this gal who reminded me of this woman in Seattle I knew who was named ‘Gay’. One day we were standing outside talking and she interrupts our conversation to say, “Um, Steve, I’m gay”. And here I had just given thought of how much she reminded me of my friend Gay. I look at her, completely baffled, and replied, “No you’re not.” “Yes I am” “No you’re not!” Most emphatically, “Yes I am!!” Duh! It finally dawned on me what she was fucking saying. “Ohhhh, you’re gaaaay.” Turns out, she thought I was hitting on her, though I wasn’t. She just reminded me of someone I liked back home. She got married later that year and, imagine this, I thought for the longest time that gay marriage was legal. A straight guy, I wasn’t much at keeping abreast of the gay pride movement back then. As friends have come out, I’ve learned more and my views have really changed. I think I’m starting to get it now. Still, some of my cuss words, learned so long ago, need to be discarded. I have a hunch GBS feels the same way.
That stupid Marvin. He fucks goats, you know.
Stop pimping American Taliban propaganda, Sheik.
Can’t you comprehend anything?
When the Democrats said it, it is rhetoric because they did NOT launch a WAR based on their accusations. That’s called rhetoric.
This next part you won’t understand because you were and still are too much of an American hating terrorists to understand, but, when an American president acts on rhetoric and coerces false statement via torture, it’s a LIE.
Bush lied, AMERICAN soldiers died.
A death by the hands of someone else is always sad.
Are the men that were killed when the USS Cole was attacked included in those Deaths#4610 & 4311?
Or are we not counting them?
Did you see the list of democrats that voted for-
Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution (Public Law 102-1), Congress has authorized the President `to use United States Armed Forces pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution 678 (1990) in order to achieve implementation of Security Council Resolution 660, 661, 662, 664, 665, 666, 667, 669, 670, 674, and 677;
Whereas the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-338) expressed the sense of Congress that it should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove from power the current Iraqi regime and promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime;
Baucus, Max (D-MT)
Bayh, Evan (D-IN)
Biden, Joseph (D-DE)
Breaux, John (D-LA)
Cantwell, Maria (D-WA)
Carnahan, Jean (D-MO)
Carper, Thomas (D-DE)
Cleland, Max (D-GA)
Clinton, Hillary (D-NY)
Daschle, Tom (D-SD)
Dodd, Christopher (D-CT)
Dorgan, Byron (D-ND)
Edwards, John (D-NC)
Feinstein, Dianne (D-CA)
Harkin, Tom (D-IA)
Hollings, Ernest (D-SC)
Johnson, Tim (D-SD)
Kerry, John (D-MA)
Kohl, Herb (D-WI)
Landrieu, Mary (D-LA)
Lieberman, Joseph (D-CT)
Lincoln, Blanche (D-AR)
Miller, Zell (D-GA)
Nelson, Bill (D-FL)
Nelson, Ben (D-NE)
Reid, Harry (D-NV)
Rockefeller, John (D-WV)
Schumer, Charles (D-NY)
Torricelli, Robert (D-NJ)
Even to someone as stupid as me, putting their john hancocks on a bill that authorizes the use of force sounds like they were for the war. Their actions match their rhetoric.
The Goat-Fucker is back!!!!
Hi there Mr. Goat-Fucker!!!
58 Marvin, your pathetically lame attempt at obfuscation would seem to indicate that, dumb as you are, Daddy Love’s point actually got through.
Oh, Marvin, Marvin, Marvin.
I’m going to dispense with you once and for all.
You American HATING, Taliban propaganda spreading PIECE OF SHIT!.
Thanks for the opportunity to prove you are disloyal to MY America. The America I servced in uniform. The America I served in combat.
You thumb sucking, bed wetting, momma’s BOY.
Stand by ass HOLE.
Steve, thank you for the compliment. Like you said a few messages ago-
And then you come out writing a 615 word essay on why you shouldn’t be considered a racist. What scared the crap out of you?
Oh it was you, Mr. Goat-Fucker.
NOTHING strikes fear in the heart of a librul like “the marvin”…unless it’s the puddy (I am never never never ever wrong…just ask me) biotch.
Yeah, I’m on welfare.
Keep paying your taxes, I’m planning on buying a new car soon.
@63 “scared the crap out of you”
All that goatfucking must have fried your brain, Marvin. You expressed a desire to expose me as a racist. I follow by openly discussing race. Damn, Marvin, your every post reveals nothing if not an utter lack of intelligence and self-esteem. Begone with you! Go project your fears and shortcomings on someone else, asswipe.
gbs trying to get bibigoober to beat my ass.
Of course you were planning on openly discussing race. Nothing to do with me.
Yup, that’s me. Although I did successfully get you to expose your homophobic bigotry.
Maybe someday I’ll “begone” enough that you won’t have to mention me in so many posts. That is once you develop a little self-control.
The majority of Democrats in both houses voted aginst the AUMF. That as a wholly Republican production, that garnered Democratic votes because Rove rolled out out just before the mid-terms with the promise that Democrats would be MauMaued with “soft on 9/11!!” as the rallying cry against them. Yes, Democrats were spineless to capitulate, but they’re not responsible for this. 29 Democrats couldn’t have passed the AUMF in the Senate by themselves.
Don’t try blaming Iraq on the Democrats. Bush and his people were planning Iraq before he got into office, and had meetings to figure out how/when to invade begining in January 2001. It was Bush and the Republicans who own that dirty little fiasco.
(a) AUTHORIZATION- The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to–
(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq.
(b) PRESIDENTIAL DETERMINATION- In connection with the exercise of the authority granted in subsection (a) to use force the President shall, prior to such exercise or as soon thereafter as may be feasible, but no later than 48 hours after exercising such authority, make available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that–
(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq; and
(2) acting pursuant to this joint resolution is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorist and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.
Security Council hears repeated calls for more time for UN inspections in Iraq
5 February 2003 – After United States Secretary of State Colin Powell presented to the Security Council US evidence of Iraq’s failure to destroy illicit weapons, several members of the Council voiced their strong support for the continuation of United Nations inspections and urged Baghdad to cooperate proactively in the process.
“Why go to war if there still exists an unused space in resolution 1441?”
Clearly, Bush did NOT follow the congressional authorization to use force in Sect. 3(1).
The weapons inspectors, following leads provided by the pentagon were not finding any WMD’s or even evidence of a WMD program. Bush, finally kicked the UN Weaons Inspectors out of Iraq with an artificial 48 hour deadline.
He knew he was running out of political steam, and the timing to launch in invasion was in the spring or wait until next fall.
The pentagon did not want to start a land invasion in June or July.
There was no reason to rush into war. No security threats, no WMD’s, just lies.
Now, Sheik, go peddle your Taliban propaganda elsewhere.
I think I’ll hold on to this one for a while.
Marvin, the right-wing welfare king.
Talk about priceless.
Everyone that lied or signed their name authorizing the war are to blame. That includes democrats.
If only bush didn’t sign the iraq liberation act.
“It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime.”
Thanks to taxpayers like you I have zero responsibility.
I get food stamps. And under the clinton internet outreach program I get a new computer every two years and free dsl. Next month it will be FIOS.
My utilities are subsidized by taxpayers like you, which means I don’t have to concern myself with water usage or any of those pesky utility taxes.
Did I mention, keep paying your taxes so I won’t have to work.
At least for me. You on the other hand are paying for my free ride.
Thanks again. How often is it some welfare-king can thank the very people that are gladly paying taxes to support them.
p.s. Please, don’t forget to pay ALL your taxes this year.
You gotta love those liberal government employees in san fran…
He sleeps under a bridge, washes in a public bathroom and was panhandling for booze money 11 months ago, but now Larry Moore is the best-dressed shoeshine man in the city. When he gets up from his cardboard mattress, he puts on a coat and tie. It’s a reminder of how he has turned things around.
In fact, until last week it looked like Moore was going to have saved enough money to rent a room and get off the street for the first time in six years. But then, in a breathtakingly clueless move, an official for the Department of Public Works told Moore that he has to fork over the money he saved for his first month’s rent to purchase a $491 sidewalk vendor permit.
Yeah, the left in san fran care about the poor as long as they don’t try and pull themselves up by their bootstraps. When that does happens, liberals have to find someway to get his money.
He should do like I do and become a welfare-king, as gbs has called me.
He can sit back and blog shit all day while gbs earns enough $$ to make sure I can do with the finer things in life.
Did anyone see how Liz Cheney handed Eugene Robinson (hero of the moronic dense as spent uranium rujax)
And here is number two…
Marvin fucks goats.
steve is a homophobic bigot.
When steve wants to belittle someone, he calls them “faggots.”
His own words.
Only a lying piece of shit who rapes babies like Stammerin’ Marvin would try to convince someone that the war in Iraq was anyone’s doing other than the Bush regime. Fortunately on Nov 4 08 America answered the question of who was responsible for the war by RUNNING THE COWARDLY GOP OUT OF TOWN. Deal with it bitches!
‘Oh, God. I agree with Marv. How the fuck did that happen?