– So, yeah. More on World Vision.
– On year anniversary of devastating DUI, community rallies in call for ‘vision zero’
– Five Reasons Contraceptive Coverage Is Essential
– Glad to see that Oregonians care about climate change. Hopefully that will lead to real action.
– Olympia has ducks
– If you’re interested in the memorial service for Jim Compton, it’s Saturday at Town Hall 10:00 to Noon.
Whoops… http://www.latimes.com/local/l.....z2xBSbOxzv
Great Noodles this woman is a fucking imbecile. How the hell did she end up in Government?
New Jersey’s governor is afflicted with early-onset Alzheimers.
@2 Angel wings do wonders for fuel efficiency, and I’m sure Boeing would be very interested in her idea if she can figure out a way to bring them back.
@2… http://www.examiner.com/articl.....-to-heaven
@5 “Predictably, a number of Palin-hating liberals were apparently unable to discern fact from fantasy and attacked the former governor over something that never happened …”
Well, back at ya; conservatives do it 1,000 times a day, so why is it a problem when liberals do it once in a while?
@ 5
I fell for that, simply because it is something that is exactly in the context of how she speaks. I’m surprised she didn’t take credit for it.
“Why do we trust corporations to tell us the truth and do the right thing when they are not only designed but incentivized to do the opposite?”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As the GM scandal demonstrates — again, for the umpteenth time — liberals are right and conservatives are wrong about the need for government regulation of business.
OWS Racist Fraggy fell for that cuz you are:
1) Racist Idiot
2) Racist ASShole
3) Racist Moron
5) Racist Loon
6) All the above!
Answer: 6
Several DUMMOCRETINS were caught with their panties in the cookie jar.
Uncle Leeland – above story in California
CA – Senator convicted of voter fraud and perjury
CA – Two other senators Rod Wright and Ron Calderon face federal charges for alleged misdeeds that include accepting large financial bribes. CA DUMMOCRETINS senators blocking Republican calls for their expulsion!
Rhode Island – DUMMOCRETIN Speaker of House Bribes
Pennsylvania – DA after the Attorney General for acting a DUMMOCRETIN
North Carolina – DUMMOCRETIN Mayor of Charlotte Big time Bribes
DUMMOCRETINS, yep scum of the earth!
@11 I still like our crooks better than your crooks. And you have a lot more of them. Show me a GOPer and I’ll show you a thief.
Every one of those are thieves Idiot Wabbit!
Wow the loonacy of this senator is shocking… As one of the commenters mentioned… She’s upset about Rowe V. Wade since it was decided by “nine people”?
Must be a fuse is out upstairs in that DUMMOCRETIN! This DUMMOCRETIN has no clue about the US legal process!
Is it really ego Obummer won’t name Russia as our geopolitical foe? So why does Obummer keep all those nukular weapons aimed at Russia?
What are these PooDeButt?
Do you have a name for them? Something mild like “family values hypocrites” or something stronger?
Oh look… Now remember all those HA DUMMOCRETINS who jock strap and goose step to Mahmoud Abbas?
Sux to be a moronic twit HA DUMMOCRETIN!
Another reason DUMMOCRETINS should not be allowed to speak in public settings.
From Slate, one of those leftist pinhead web locations!
Dayum… smell dat fart@15?
Translation: klownservative troll has nothing to say about Republicans that rape children.
The signals are not good at Seattle Police Department. Why did Ed Murray throw out the reform-minded interim chief, who is now being run out of the department altogether, and replace him with a Police Guild honcho who is now busy reversing disciplinary actions against bad cops? This is the wrong direction for our city and someone needs to call out Mayor Murray on it, because it looks like a payoff to the Guild for their political support.
@17 Those Iowa farmers are laughing all the way to the bank as they lift dollars from your pockets with the help of their Republican buddies in Congress.
They get you coming and going. The ethanol you’re required by law to buy from them at the gas pump drives up the cost of gas, corrodes your engine, and makes them plenty rich.
And the 40% of the corn crop this ethanol beast wolfs down drives up the cost of food. Everything from hogs and chickens, which eat corn feed, to breakfast cereal and soda pop, which use corn or corn sugar as ingredients, costs more because of the high corn prices inflated by the ethanol mandate.
Last, but no means least, is the direct subsidies these farmers get from your taxes.
So I guess it’s no surprise that Poodebutt is a big fan of Iowa farmers. He’s always on the wrong side of everything.
@13 It’s just another demonstration of the fact that under our Capitalist system workers are less respected than dirt under fingernails. Ownership is everything. If you’re not an Owner, if you’re just an employee, you’re a pawn in someone else’s chess game, to be used up and then discarded at the whim of some stranger you’ve never met.
There’s no such thing as a management-labor partnership in America. There’s the Owner class and the wage-slave class, and nothing else. Owners are prospering as never before! And workers are vilified for wanting $15 an hour. Some people even say they won’t tip the $2.13-an-hour waitress anymore if the $9-an-hour short-order cook gets a $6 raise.
If you’re a Shareholder, you get an Admission Ticket in the mail that gets you into the Annual Meeting where you get to meet the CEO, ask him questions, and get free food and coffee and maybe even a door prize. If you’re an employee, you use the servants’ entrance and spend all day in a cubicle in the center of the building with no window view.
I used to be one of those wage-slaves until I wised up. Now I’m a Capitalist, and I live like the rest of the Owner class lives: I sleep in until 10 or noon, I eat myself fat, and I get checks in the mail from companies even though I do no work and produce nothing. It’s wildly better to Own than to work!
No one should work. Everyone should be a Capitalist. To do that, you need some money — not a lot to get started — to buy Stock. Where do you get this money? Simple. From the money you already have. Just stop giving it to Capitalists and start investing it in yourself. Don’t buy their stuff, buy their Stock instead, it’s as simple as that!
Of course, if everyone did that, the economy would crash. Capitalism depends on You buying Stuff from Them so they can have all the money and give you all the work. Fortunately, most of you don’t consume like I do, which allows Capitalism to survive. You spend every nickel you lay your hands on as fast as you get it. So do I, but I buy Stock — not Stuff — with it. When you spend on Stuff, you end up with a house full of Stuff, and then you need a bigger house to hold more Stuff. When you buy Stock, you don’t need a bigger burrow, you need a bigger bank account to hold all the money rolling in!
Working is for fools. Nobody should work. Having a job is a sucker’s game. You should be a Capitalist like me and get paid for Owning like I do. Nobody gets paid for working anymore. All the money goes to Owners now.
M-1 Rail, the proposed privately funded streetcar in Detroit is inching closer to construction. It just received a loan from the Michigan Economic Development Council. I hope this works out better than the People Mover, which used SkyTrain technology, and was a one way loop. A major funder/promoter for M-1Rail is Roger Penske.
Someone calling out a DUMMOCRETIN politician when they do wrong in Seattle. Do you honestly think the head HA DUMMOCRETINS will agree with you Roger Idiot Waiit/ Well maybe now since Puddy just asked the question.
You all voted for this DUMMOCRETIN mayor and now you reap the results Idiot Wabbit. Just like the world is laughing at the US over the DUMMOCRETINS who voted for Obummer in 2012. Crisis after crisis has happened and now Saudi Arabia is calling Obummer onto the carpet for Obummer’s sadministration stance on Iran! So sad… really so sad!
Sux to be a Seattle DUMMOCRETIN. Well they just march up and pull the lesser of two evil DUMMOCRETINS!
@ the Lunatic @ 24
Why should the President of the United States do anything whatsoever to give a shit about what the House of Saud thinks? They’re elderly and the monarchy is going to collapse in a couple of years. Saudi Arabia is going to cease to exist.
At least this President isn’t publicly trading spit with the King, as did his predecessor.
Does shit-for-brains here even have a point?
Just updating stuff here…will even get back to blogging myself maybe!
Anybody know how to add an avatar for HA?
@ 26
Does shit-for-brains here even have a point?
That isn’t ever why he comes in here. He’s a threadshitter. He knows full well that he can automatically take a contrary position on every topic and get attention for it, that being his only real reason. He thrives on negative attention.
He’s the grown-up version of the high school kid that goes around whispering to people in school that somebody is secretly queer because they have a girlfriend.
License to sin
Researchers into the field of will power found when they gave people the chance to reject strongly racist or sexist statements, they would, but then those same people were more likely then act in ways that were more racist or sexist. The act of imagining they were strongly moral people gave them license to then act immoral as a reward. They felt strongly virtuous about themselves, so they stopped questioning their impulses, even when the impulse was opposite of their virtues, because they felt they deserved it for being “so good” .
Thus, the married televangelist has an affair, the fiscal conservative uses public finds on remodeling her home or the police officer using extreme force against an unresisting prisoner.
Conversely, people who were given morally grey statements were also much less likely to act racist or sexist because they didn’t have the fiction of virtuousness to give them permission. That group of people more willpower and impulse control compared to the polarized group.
How much do you think conservatives fantasize all day about outstandingly virtuous they are, so there would be no harm in going on HA and spewing hate and abuse.
You nailed it Froggy.
@10. I realize it’s old news, but it’s nice to see that Puddy watches Rachel Maddow. She covered ALL the mentioned democratic scandals in depth on her show the day before Puddy posted the same info. She calls out stupid and corrupt regardless who does it. It’s just that republicans seem do do it more often. Maybe republicans feel they are very virtuous and so should be forgiven a little corrupt once in a while.
Another way automation is getting rid of jobs?
@24 It could be worse. At least this guy isn’t running our police department.
In other words, I don’t see how replacing Hizzoner with a rightwinger, as you’d like to do, would improve things.
Wrong again “worser@31”. Puddy doesn’t get PuddyNews from that joke called PMSNBC and that US Constitution idiot MadCow!
Really… Puddy hasn’t read where MadCow called out Eric Holder or Kathleen Sebelius? Corrupt as can be!
Sux to be you!
Sorry Roger Idiot Wabbit… From WikiPedia…
They had more in common with today’s DUMMOCRETIN left than conservatives!
HA’s Idiot Wabbit, such a historical moron!
Really OWS Racist Fraggy? And you bring an erudite concise opinion here on HA DUMMOCRETINS?
.NOPE. you .DOPE.
rujax, still at the lowest rung of HA DUMMOCRETIN thought with the mentally broken tool@19! The open celled cinder block and the dumb brick! Even their personal attacks are more moronic every day!
Sux to be them.
@36 “And you bring an erudite concise opinion here on HA”
I would say he does, any way you choose to slice it — either in absolute terms, or compared to your indecipherable gibberish.
@35 So your argument is that if the Himmlers of the world run police departments, cops will stop shooting dogs?
That’s nice, as far as it goes, but it’s not enough.
This is why OWS Racist Fraggy is an idiot.
1) The House of Saud has a lot of money
2) The House of Saud may decide to start a nuclear research project to counter Iran
3) The House of Saud’s nuclear decision will cause other Arabic regimes to think about starting their program
4) Israel will feel more isolated because Obummer is weak weak weak.
5) Israel will want to attack those new nuclear reactors.
6) Obummer loses what little control he has left.
This is so obvious except to a self-loathing self-hating Jewish hater and racist like OWS Racist Fraggy!
sux to be you!
One DUMMOCRETIN jock strapping another DUMMOCRETIN! Whodathinkit?
@39 Where did that come from? I know you’re not smart enough to make this shit up.
@40 I’m sorry you have so much trouble with obvious facts. Sux to be you.
If the Saudis wanted nuclear weapons they would’ve have had them a long time ago.
The pinheads apologize!
Not shit you Idiot Wabbit! Can’t comprehend facts so you attack?
I’m sorry you have so much trouble with obvious facts. So living in your burrow has your ASS above your “head”! Who knew?
Sux to be you.
Meanwhile DUMMOCRETIN attacks on the Koch Bros falls flat in it’s face!
Keep wasting that DUMMOCRETIN money now so it will be paltry in the fall campaign season!
Oh no the Daily Kooks are going nutzo on Chris Christie!
Sux to be them!
@45 “Not shit you Idiot Wabbit! Can’t comprehend facts so you attack?”
I’m impressed! Even though the rest of comment #45 is copy-and-paste, you did manage to string together 11 words in two more-or-less original sentences.
@47 Your ex-presidential frontrunner? Is he still around? Kinda looks to me like his ex-bosom buddy at the Port Authority is about to turn state’s evidence to save his own ass.
Where is that Rail Post on the CA bullet train that won’t run at the original proposed speed to start the bonding process?
So you thought of:
Sux to be you!
Please put forth your previous use of this Puddyism!
Puddy waits…
Meanwhile Harry Reid has DUMMOCRETIN memory malady!
@51 You think you’re the first person in history to use the phrase “sux to be you”? Coming from you, that’s not surprising. You’re a man of many delusions.
Hey Idiot Wabbit,
Puddy wonders if this is another Obummer jock strap!
Produce your proof Idiot Wabbit since you claim you used it before Puddy!
Why is Denmark doing this?
The WaPo wonders if it’s because they realize with a low birth rate their top heavy socialist society fails in the future!
@54 I have no idea. Why don’t you ask him? I suggest you wear a helmet and padded jacket for your safety.
Puddy decided to visit the Rachel MadCow video…
Yet… here’s the truth!!!
Rachel can’t even tell the story straight!
Go Hobby Lobby!
LMAO!!! No amicus briefs. The four right wing buffoons will stick to their silly guns. And it’ll be up to Kennedy to make it possible for the court to signal to the world that they get the hint!
Woo hoo if only! Every greedhead in this country is crapping their drawers on this one!
Why, whatEVERRRRR would make anybody think this would be a problem?
It’s possible to embed video now?
Rujax@60 – Welcome back!
Damn! Look at the latest at (un)SP..
Pudge is preparing for TEA-had!
To the last breath that fool will deny that “property rights” and other such right wing policy crap can in many cases lead right wingers and others to forfeit their lives!
Boeing offers scant info on which engineers will lose jobs
Sure glad we gave these lying motherfuckers a tax break, aren’t you?
Thanks YLB!!!!
50) I work nights, and don’t have internet access at work, and not much time to check on things when I get home. Some of the posts I make, come from railway news sites, and articles that the moderator posts on a railfan board. The moderator of that discussion board has a rule, no politics, that even goes for him, he lives in New Jersey. He has commented on actions out of Trenton though, agreed with the cancellation of the ARC Tunnel(bad design) even though it was needed, but is critical on others. The current scandal over the bridge lanes, is not an exception to this rule.
As for the project, yes, I am disappointed they had to scale back to a blended approach, like how some of the European projects got started. Some of the planners got enamored with the Japanese system, which runs in it’s own right of way. Two of the most needed parts were a new Tehachapi crossing, the existing one is a curvy, congested, and slow route, one of the reasons that the existing San Joaquin service ends in Bakersfield. The other, is electrification of the Peninsula Commute train, CalTrain. A service that began in the era of steam.
By the way, one project that will serve both high speed rail and CalTrain, is the San Bruno Grade Separation project. The Station that was built as part of it, opens next week.
1) Pay for your own goddamned contraception. I have no moral view on this at all but I have had it with this “essential benefits” nonsense – it is destroying the whole idea of national healthcare.
2) Vision zero” is just a way to force limits on my freedom based on your cowardice. FUCK YOU! If you are that timid, hide under your bed and starve.