So this happened over the weekend.
You guys!
— Carl Ballard (@BallardCrl) March 19, 2016
If you care about the opening of the new line, other people have said more interesting things than me. But here’s my 2 cents anyway.
This isn’t such a new thing in the way that the line from the airport to Westlake was. That being the first line and all. But it being on time and under budget, as well as a useful extension is promising. The stations are beautiful, and in great locations.
the only real negative for me was that I was a bit claustrophobic getting off at the U-Link station. I wandered around a bit before getting on the escalators but still felt boxed in. I hope at some point we get better as a city at stand to the right walk on the left.
All in all, quite good. I imagine I’ll take it pretty regularly. It’s a bit far from the Capitol Hill station, but if it isn’t raining too bad, you can take the train to Drinking Liberally.
Trump’s tax plan is like Dubya’s: The middle class gets 300 bucks, while the rich get millions. And deficits would explode.
“The bottom 80 percent of taxpayers would see their average federal income tax rates drop by between 0.9 percent and 4.8 percent. For the top 20 percent, the rate would fall 7.2 percent , while the top 1 percent would get a 12.5 percent cut.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s really a massive tax cut for a rich guy named Donald J. Trump.
Trump is the man.
New polling suggests that Trump would lose in UTAH, UTAH!, UTAH?!? to Hillary and by a much larger margin Sanders.
And yet there are still pundits out there saying the “White, Angry Democrat” vote could carry Trump to the White House.
@2 My experience with Mormons (grew up around ’em–my folks’ next-door neighbor was a close relative of ML Bean) tells me that they might promote pretty particular standards of personal behavior, but as a group they definitely aren’t stupid.
@3 Perhaps Trump should be seen as something akin to the neighborhood trash collector. He goes through the trailer park districts picking up stuff left on curbs. The refuse that Salvation Army won’t take. Somewhere along the line, he realized this junk constitutes roughly half the Republican Party, and thought he saw an opportunity. Outsider observers might estimate closer to three-quarters, with Ted Crud siphoning off a substantial part of it. The Donald seems to have overlooked the Crud Collector in his calculations.
He could have held some of the more radical sectarians if he had just kept all the wives.
He could have held some of the more radical sectarians if he had just kept all the wives.
Where Republicans get their foreign policy advice.
“Trump foreign policy adviser has ties to brutal Lebanese militia.
Walid Phares played an ugly role in Lebanon’s civil war.” — Mother Jones
“A top Ted Cruz adviser thinks Islamists are infiltrating the NRA.” — Mother Jones
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Before Puffed Butt attacks the source, let me point out that Mother Jones doesn’t make the news, they only report it. If he doesn’t like what’s being reported about Trump and Cruz, he should talk to them about it. After all, they’re the ones bringing people like these aboard their campaigns.
It’s fascinating to watch the republican Establishment try to stop the messager of trump without addressing any of the demographics of trumps message. They call Trump a racist, but no mention of the voters who approved of trumps racist message. They don’t call out the voters foe supporting a fascist. They don’t call out their voters for being uneducated. The don’t tell their voters that their policies destroyed jobs.
Monday News
— The FBI apparently has found a way to break into the San Bernardino terrorists’ iPhone and says it doesn’t need Apple anymore.
— Drumpf says the U.S. should rethink its involvement in NATO because the organization costs too much.
— Drumpf retaliated against Sen. Elizabeth Warren for criticizing him by calling her an “Indian.”
R senile,
Puddy doesn’t attack the source. Puddy attacks the cretins who write the articles for your “sources”! Just ax the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS for a crazed databaze replay!
Go on… grow some homo sapien testicles and ax!
Big DIFF senile one!
— Trump retaliated against Sen. Elizabeth Warren for criticizing him by calling her an “Indian.”
Didn’t Fauxcohantas claim she was Cherokee?
Yes she did! So Donald was just giving her her just desserts!
Well we all see that Obummer received the best military advice known to man and IGNORED and continues to IGNORE it R senile! The most feckless foreign and military strategies known to modern man!
That speaks way more volumes than that the gutter BULLSHITTIUM you posted above!
Comparing Heilary’s putrid speech at AIPAC to the Republicans ACT filled and fiery speeches at AIPAC is like comparing any left wrong HA DUMMOCRETIN libtard post to Mr. Cynical!
Cynical wipes your sad ASSes like the Republicans did with Heilary. More of the same Obummer Israel hatred if Heilary is elected!
What’s so amazing is how Apple Corporation, loved by libtards all over for their DUMMOCRETIN contributions, tries to use federal law to claim IT would be damaged like an individual American by the US Government compelling it to unlock the DEAD San Bernadino terrorist iPhone. Libtard DUMMOCRETINS are cheering Apple’s position. Of course. Libtards receive mucho dinero from Apple in the election cycles!
Yet, libtard DUMMOCRETINS are dead against Citizen’s United ruling which gives corporations rights like individual Americans regarding campaign contributions. Sure is amazing!
Oh and you won’t find that on conservative web sites HA DUMMOCRETINS. Straight from Puddy!
Puddy was waiting patiently for HA’s voluminous smelly vomit making vomit producer to discuss that black Trump supporter wailing away on that DUMMOCRETIN KKK plant white piece of trash causing a disturbance at a private Trump event with his KKK sign!
Our wonderful 1st Amendment protects the content of your speech except yelling fire in a theatre. Our wonderful 1st Amendment does not protect your conduct when you speak. This is why and their FASCISM needs to break into these private events and scream and shout! If you’re in public and you annoy people, that’s the disorderly conduct. Libtards think they can grab a megaphone and scream their lungs out. You need a permit. Libtard cities give libtard FASCISTS a pass. Libtard msm mislead the LIV public into thinking it’s Trump’s fault is there!
DUMMOCRETINS will always display their white privilege and hatred all over this planet! They block people on a highway so they can’t attend a private Trump rally.
DUMMOCRETINS are BIG TIME FASCISTS! Mussolini would be so proud!
Put that in your Psych 101 pipe and suck on that QPPS!
Shouldnt call his tax proposals a “plan”.
There is nothing “planned” about it. Like Romney’s, it’s a lie he hopes to sell to credulous rubes. It’s no more of a “plan” than his proposal to build a wall, etc. It’s all just bullshit created to flesh out his fake identity. Same fucking “conservative” grift as always, just with a louder bullhorn.
Most Republican primary voters are embarrassed by their party’s primary.
Imagine how embarrassed they’d be if they saw the unhinged psycho-babble that troll posts.
@9 So reporters who report news you don’t like are “cretins”? A fence post can do better than that.
@10 Except she claims her Native American heritage with pride, whereas Trump spat the term “Indian” at her as a racist epithet.
Big DIFF, babbling troll. But you’re too stupid to figure it out.
@11 I’m waiting for your list of wars won by Republican presidents.
@13 Why don’t you give the FBI a key to your house, too, so they can come in anytime they want to.
What the FBI asked Apple to do was create software that would enable them to unlock any iPhone, meaning all iPhones, because if it works on one, it’ll work on all of them. Apple figured some of their customers might have issues with that.
But you, as usual, are too stupid to figure it out.
Apparently people are concerned or question whether this Country is ready for a “Socialist” and Solcialism. I guess they don’t mind or have concerns of becoming a fascist state. This is truly going to be fun times.
@14 Should I explain the 1st amendment to this idiot? Nah, it’s not worth the effort. I’m not condoning anyone disrupting anyone else’s political rally, but disorderly conduct is a police matter, not a call for vigilante action. A GOP presidential candidate is calling on his own unruly crowds to take the law into their own hands. The babbling troll, as usual, is too stupid to figure out why that’s a problem.
I didn’t know that Republicans don’t like Apple. So it is Democrats that just fueling this economy by buying all of Apple Products.
@21 I think “Erika” would be appropriate theme music for Trump’s rallies. If there are copyright issues, then “Prussian Glory.”
Didn’t the Jews kill Jesus? I thought we learned that from the chanting basketball fans at Newton High School. I get it now it must be like saying Merry Cristmas and they just couldn’t wait until Christmass of 2016. 👊🏻
The indelible Nazi association ruined a lot of good marching music.
Another good day for rabbit carrots on Wall Street!
“The babbling troll, as usual, is too stupid to figure out why that’s a problem.”
His problem is that he’s drllusional thinking that they’ll first skip over the blacks and go right to the Mexicans first and then to gay people.
I wonder if this was payback by God? Ford’s Hell – a peaceful hell.
@27 Today was okay, but unspectacular. The Dow was up 0.12%, the S&P 500 did better at 0.28%. My stocks tracked the Dow, for the uncomplicated reason that a lot of my portfolio consists of Dow 30 stocks. March has been a good month for steady-at-the-helm investors and not so good for market timers still sleeping on top of their money. The January-February losses have been more than erased, and I now have a 10.5% rate of return (annualized) for this year. Who was that troll who dissed me for saying it’s easy to make 8% a year in the stock market? I can’t remember his name anymore. It’s truly easy. All you have to do is buy stocks of good companies and not sell them. When the market goes down, you should buy more.
@8 Oh the FBI finally talked to the NSA?!? If the NSA can’t get into the phone then Apple has some pretty good encryption.
Hmmm this is almost the same concept that people can really like Apple for its products and the coolness of its former CEO, and still realize corporations aren’t people.
@30 good for you. But I’m going to wait till those 6 indicees change and the Dow is like 18,500 befor I get back in (sarcasm) (and stupidity).
@14 Justice Black you are not as the Constitution means what it says and yelling fire in a theater is protected speech. He would argue even in a crowded theater, but you are responsible for the results.
Thank you for pointing out Mr Trump’s House will be renamed Trump House should he ever reside there.
Catered to “Traditional” weddings. I wonder in what sense. The one you traditionally scam idiots of?
The huge volume of background noise gives a lot of people the wrong impression about investing. You don’t have to read investing books, subscribe to financial magazines and newsletters, or spend all day watching CNBC. That stuff’s just a consumer product the financial media industry is trying to sell. You don’t need it, and you’re better off without it, because they don’t know any more about this than you do. (I don’t even own a TV.) There are no investing experts. The stock market is the most truly democratic institution on earth. There’s no advantage in hiring geniuses to program supercomputers. The people who try that do no better than me, and often do worse, because they’re overthinking something that isn’t amenable to thinking, like trying to buy a house that won’t be hit by a meteor or a crashing airplane. The best strategy is to buy stocks of good companies, forget you own them, and ignore the market. The worst thing you can do is try timing the market, and the second worst thing is to constantly tinker with your portfolio. If you own good stocks, the only thing you should be doing is buying more shares whenever you can, especially when everyone else is scared and the market is tanking. That’s it, there’s nothing more to it. Mathematical compounding does all the work of making money from money, which sure beats working for it. Absolutely no one can second-guess or outguess the market, so your time and energy are better spent posting on HorsesAss.
@11 Yet the President is in Havana. Meaning military action is the continuation of political action. The Joint Chiefs answer to civilian authority so until next January they work for President Obama who is free to follow or reject the JCS advice.
So a round of carrot juice you rich rabbit you?
@29 We should be sad. Canadians are nice and trhey have no corruption or corrupt politicians.
In any case he’s using the Canadian health system even if he has a private doctor. Good enough for Rod means it would work for Americans.
Native heritage R senile? Where is it? That’s what Trump was discussing and hence the link!
DAYUM U B weal stoooooooooooopid!
More farts from R senile… @13 Why don’t you give the FBI a key to your house, too, so they can come in anytime they want to.
They can get a key real easily R senile and you know this. Playing stooooooopid for your demented east coast son hanging human teabag licker eh?
The perp is DEAD senile wabbit!
What part of that don’t you comprehend?
Being a DUMMOCRETIN… it’s a sad disease!
A new CNN poll shows Kasich is the only GOP contender with a chance to beat Clinton.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But Kasich is the least likely of the 3 remaining GOP candidates to be nominated because, you know, the GOP is the crazy party.
HHTL @21,
You DUMMMOCRETINS are demonstrating FASCISM big time! The libtard fools at are blazing the 2016 trail!
@39 A person who’s flinging racist epithets at someone he doesn’t like isn’t “discussing” anything. Inciting isn’t discussing. But you, as usual, are too stupid to know the difference.
@40 “They can get a key real easily R senile and you know this.”
Well then, they don’t need to ask for one, do they? All Apple is saying is, “Don’t ask us to open the door for you.” What’s so hard about accepting that answer and walking away?
R senile farted,
but disorderly conduct is a police matter, not a call for vigilante action.
And that’s what the Morons at called for! Saw that big time in Chicago! The libtards came in and went disorderly! Black beatdown.
BTW R senile have you seen the vomit producer? Seems those black peeps are showing up at private Trump rallies. Seems the vomit from the vomit producer is smelly as ever. Well, when you live on worthless libtard sites you swallow worthless vomit, like the legal vomit you spew here!
Puddy has lawyers in the family now so your proffered legal BULLSHITTIUM is for the libtard rubes like HHTL and the vomit producer!
R senile farted,
but disorderly conduct is a police matter, not a call for vigilante action.
And that’s what the Morons at called for! Saw that big time in Chicago! The libtards came in and went disorderly! Black beatdown.
BTW R senile have you seen the vomit producer? Seems those black peeps are showing up at private Trump rallies. Seems the vomit from the vomit producer is smelly as ever. Well, when you live on worthless libtard sites you swallow worthless vomit, like the legal vomit you spew here!
Puddy has lawyers in the family now so your proffered legal BULLSHITTIUM is for the libtard rubes like HHTL and the vomit producer!
Andy Grove has died.
@45 “Puddy has lawyers in the family now”
Whatever they have upstairs clearly didn’t rub off on you.
Heilary going to be at the Boeing union tomorrow in Everett. Pandering for that union money! Head far away!
I like that Piddles is so wrapped up in denying Trump is a racist.
Here’s a family story. I am of the Scottish Clan Forbes. My Grandmother told me. My Father told me. I had a Forbes Tartan made for my wedding and damn I look good in a skirt.
But there’s a problem. One of my cousins researched it and as it turns out my Great Great Grandfather got a woman pregnant, deserted the Royal Calvary to marry her and took the name Forbes. Turns out his real name is McQuarrie. The child died in childbirth and it says Forbes on the birth record. Just like it does on my Great Grandfather’s and Great Grand Aunt’s birth records. Countless cousins are officially Forbes. My Grandmother was named Forbes. Up until about three years ago it never occurred to anyone in the family that we weren’t actually Clan Forbes but now clearly we know we aren’t.
And it really isn’t a big deal unless you’re an asshole that wants to make a big deal of it.
“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” Man that’s an asshole right there. Kind of like an asshole who still calls someone “Indian” as a put-down. Surprised he didn’t offer her the heap big peace pipe.
Inciting isn’t discussing
Yet you cheer inciting attacks against Trump!
I like that Piddles is so wrapped up in denying Trump is a racist.
Where has Puddy claimed this checkmate?
Once again self checkmating commentary!
You spew almost as much BULLSHITTIUM as R senile; you know Roger Roger senile dodger!
And it really isn’t a big deal unless you’re an asshole that wants to make a big deal of it.
Seems you are the big ASShole making a big deal of it! See ya!
I like that Piddles is so wrapped up in denying Trump is a racist.
Where has Puddy claimed this checkmate?
Once again self checkmating commentary!
You spew almost as much BULLSHITTIUM as R senile; you know Roger Roger senile dodger!
And it really isn’t a big deal unless you’re an asshole that wants to make a big deal of it.
Seems you are the big ASShole making a big deal of it! See ya!
@51 “Yet you cheer attacks against Trump!”
Prove it. Cite, please.
@53 “Where has Puddy claimed this checkmate?”
So you don’t deny Trump is a racist? But you’ll vote for him anyway, right?
It was only just deserts. It’s not like he was being a racist asshole or anything, right Piddles. Still voting for the guy who would rather have your character shining his shoes than counting his money?
“I had a Forbes Tartan made for my wedding and damn I look good in a skirt.”
Any pictures?
Should @40 creep me out? Other than probably being a brainless bigot using Repuke tactics, but it is kind of creepy to associate hanging with my name. I understand hanging teabag like the Teabaggers who hung teabags from thier hats but to me his statement makes more fun at the idiot moron fucking useless Tea Party fuckers than it applies to me hanging. I guess if I were hanging I would or could possible die. Is he trying to just be playful in saying I should be hung or is he trying to tell me I should be hung. After all he has family (son) on the east coast as he likes to remind me that I’m from the east coast. And as noted below he playfully called me Rogers’s son. And in the last post he typed Dead in all capitals? I didn’t get that. I know he was writing the comment to the lucrative Wall Street rabbit, but I could see where it applied to anything that Roger said. Kind of weird to be just said their and then to put it all in caps.
Is the idiot innocently stupi? Or is he trying to intimidate me like a good little Drumpf?
Carl/Daryll/Goldy please keep an eye on this loon. Not to sure the loon is truly not a real dimented loon.
@40 said
They can get a key real easily R senile and you know this. Playing stooooooopid for your demented east coast son hanging human teabag licker eh?
The perp is DEAD senile wabbit!
Prove it. Cite, please.
This thread has no condemnation R senile!
See ya!
Cry Puddy a river!
ISIS suicide bomber in Brussels airport, at least 34 dead.
Obummer dithers on ISIS!
Piecemeal uncoordinated attacks by Obummer’s feckless foreign policy!
Awwww pooor poor HHTL…
Just now getting the double entendre. Puddy uses them all the time with you leftist morons and it took this long to get it?
Wow U B really stooooooooooopid too!
How many ISIS morons have crossed the porous Mexican border over the last seven plus years?
How many ISIS morons came to America during these last seven plus years?
A real void of true leadership in this Obummer sadministration! Obummer will not take care of Racca because Obummer is feckless!
HHTl @58,
Can’t think on your ASS for a comeback? You are another libtard mental disaster! Trying to make an association when none is there?
HHTL @58,
Can’t think on your ASS for a comeback? Trying to make an association when none is there? The reference is back to #13, something you missed always being as stooooooooopid as you demonstrate with your posts.
You are another libtard mental disaster!
Puddy been to the Brussels airport. Sad day for those dead and injured people.
No comment from Obummer YET! Will Obummer visit Europe to display solidarity? No defeat ISIS strategy!
Still voting for the guy who would rather have your character shining his shoes than counting his money?
Wow checkmate, such racism from your fingers. Got proof Trump would have blacks shining his shoes or R U looking for blacks to shine your shoes and you are Psych 101 projecting again?
So you don’t deny Trump is a racist?
Got proof?
Remember the vomit producer claimed blacks not welcomed at Trump events. Well that went POOF!
Next you HA DUMMOCRETINS claimed more stooooooopid KKK comments when came dressed as KKK peeps. Shows how DUMMOCRETINS feel comfortable wearing that garb!
Next Elizabeth Warren claimed she was Cherokee. Yeah Puddy went to Stinking Progressives and read their tirade which you and checkmate obviously reacted to being the moronic dunce you both are!
There is a big difference part Cherokee and really being part Cherokee. Warren wrote it in her book after the Cherokee Nation disproved her claims. Interesting twits from Warren! All Warren had to do was have the DNA test for Cherokee blood markers! She chose not to!
Wow the loon Piddles got up, looked on line and rushed to HA to say Obama is responsible for Belgian or EU security.
I’ll bite.
George W. Bush’s feckless policy got 3,000 American’s killed on his own soil.
George W. Bush’s feckless foreign policy resulted in the death of 202 people in Bali
The do-nothing leadership of George W. Bush alllowed Israeli owned hotel to be bombed killing 13.
Where was George W. Bush in 2003 when bombs tore apart Ryad?
Marriott is an American Based hotel. How could George W. Bush fail to keep Al Queda from bombing one in Jakarta?
It took George W. Bush forever to make a statement after bombs rocked the trains in Madrid.
What an utter waste of skin is Piddles.
If it was a good thing to demonstrate against Nazis parading in Skokie, then it’s a good thing to demonstrate against Trump’s white power rallies.
@57 Could be a certain court case involving Hulk Hogan has had a chilling effect. Or not.
It never ends, does it? If light rail promoters get their way, ST taxes will more than double. How much has been spent so far? They want another $50 billion. For a project that won’t be completed in my lifetime. For Seattle-area residents, the sales tax will go over 10%, the hated car-tab tax costing hundreds of dollars a year will come back, property taxes will rise — and public spending for schools, parks, libraries, etc., will be shouldered aside. If ST3 makes it to the ballot, I’m a certain “no” vote. Yes, Puget Sound needs public transportation — badly. We simply don’t have space for more cars. But digging miles of underground tunnels is the most expensive way to do it. And paying taxes now for something that won’t be built until 25 years in the future is crazy.