– Get your questions in to ask the governor.
– In case you’re wondering why people used to call them MSGOP, here’s a reminder of where MSNBC were at the start of the Iraq war.
– Clean up your trash, Yakima businesses.
– A large road project finished on time and under budget in Seattle.
Who says that Congress is inept? They manage to come together to do what’s really important for the country – kick the can down the road for six more months
House Approves Funding Bill to Avert Government Shutdown
Re: Nixon
The best thing we can say about Richard Nixon is that he’s dead and won’t trouble us in the future. He was terrible.
From 1,
You realize, of course, that your people are responsible for a goodly portion of our debt problems?
Anyone catch Michelle Bachman running from a reporter?
She sounds just like Cereal. “Wait, you have solid proof that I pulled a ‘fact’ directly from my ass? BENGHAZZI, Yaaaargh. It’s not important that I am a delusional crazy ass person on the intelligence committee. Why would that concern anyone when BENGHAZZI!”
One of Puffy’s Bible Thumping Pastors.
But…but…he’s a CHRISTIAN PASTOR!!!
In spite of the low standard Nixon set, GW still managed to crawl under it.
Speaking of Bible Thumpers…
I’d like them to explain where Jesus Christ said it is OK to commit mass murder, be it in a school with small children or a country like Iraq that made the mistake of having the world’s second largest oil reserves.
I believe Gman has already linked to folk singer Michelle Shocked’s disgusting preaching of anti-gay bigotry and pro Prop 8 propagandizing at a show at Yoshi’s in San Francisco..
San Francisco of all places to say “God really hates fags and you can tweet me on that” (paraphrasing).. And then backing all that bigotry up by quoting the Bible.. Really, really bad!
Shocked has attended West Angeles Church of God in Christ, a Pentecostal congregation for 15 years.. Puddyidiot will be happy to know that this looks to be a predominantly African American church and Shocked is white..
See how much we “whiteys” (Puddyasswipe’s word) have to gain from African American churches who supported Prop 8?
Too bad. Shocked is a halfway decent singer and her shows are now being cancelled left and right.
@ 9
Speaking of halfway decent musicians (from what I was told, anyway), anyone seen Rujax online lately?
10 – Awwwwww. Bob misses Rujax..
You, puddyasswipe and the asshat troll little maxie were REALLY, REALLY obsessed with him..
It was too funny to see you guys tear your hair out. He put you right wing degenerates into FITS.
Rujax, if you’re lurking, excellent work!
That was old news. Ask Pluto boy to pull up all the characterizations from your friends on Schaap. Butt, since you like coming back to it, enjoy yourself.
Ummmm NOPE you dope. He was a rung higher on the stoooooooooopid ladder than you, HA’s unemployed ID10T moron! He had a job!
NOPE you DOPE Pluto boy… too stoooooooooooopid for any help whatsoever!
Where did Christ say this goatpacker? Why don’t you explain how your leader, Satan, lied to Eve by saying “Ye shall not surely die.” And now man dies, some early some later.
With all this talk of Rujax! I decided to listen to a little Rujax! music, a song he shared with me called Wine and Roses. In my opinion it’s pretty darned good. And I get the impression that he’s a very versatile musician.
He hasn’t been posting? If not, I hope he’s OK.
14 – LMAO!!!! Wow puddy “dope” is really into urban slang about cannabis..
“whitey house” “whitey peeps” – this shit pulled from his ass is all about peeps handling their dope and supposedly not skin color..
Right… I’ll buy that any day!
@ 16
Was probably you who shared his talent on the bass.
Heh. Maybe Rujax! is “on a whitey”.
I had never heard of that one before.
Well Steve, glad to educate ya!
NOPE you DOPE Pluto boy. Just another demonstration in Pluto boy lunacy. Puddy PWNS you!
Puddy left a “message” for you Drinking Lib thread. Oh Puddy meant another ASS-kicking! My foot kicking your unemployed ASS!
@18 Yeah, I recall that I mentioned it. Heck, even Max might have liked it.
So where’s Max these days?
I like this one:
That fits Puddyidiot to a tee in reference to his classic slur over my “cheap relatives” – PUDDYBIGOT’S OWN WORDS!
LOL! Thanks for warning me!
Poor poor unemployed bigot Pluto boy forgets his North Pasadena exchange? It was P R I C E L E S S! Marvin kicked your ASS everywhere!
It was you who threw up “whitey” trying to make another of your useless points. When caught with facts you now are failing again with #23. It is you who claim Republicans are racists, and scream bloody murder when Puddy places DUMMOCRAPT whitey racists for review.
Sucks to be you unemployed lunatic Pluto boy.
Thanks for playing again! Go ahead and ignore the message. You were caught again in another of your blatant databaze lies!
25 – zzzzzZZZZzzzzzzz… So stupid..
“cheap relatives”…
Your words.. What if HL said that about your relatives?
Poor dummy!
Typical Pluto boy comment when someone kicks that “micro-encephalitic” mind Pluto boy possesses.
It did. Sept 9-15 2005. House vs. Field! Have all those comments cached on home system and backed up on a DVD.
See ya. Glad not to be ya.
Thanks for playing!
LOL!! So that gives you permission to do the same??
What a low life!
Self-imprisoned, wandering in a McMansion coated floor, ceiling and wall with mirrors..
Heh. That was one racist, misogynist dumbass who was really stuck on himself.
I know he was a part of your industry Steve and you’ve known people like him all your life but he did little but spew hate for self-relief in these threads.
He changed his handle something like 175 times over the 6800 comments I have down for him. Maybe you didn’t see the full extent of his mean-spiritedness.
And you stay at home unemployed and catalog from someone else’s blog what everyone who thinks right sez? So how many posts is Puddy at now?
No wonder you are a mental failure unemployed Pluto boy. Misplaced priorities. Didn’t mamma teach you anything? Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA?
If only I understood what you meant, maybe I would. Hey Roger, do you have that Puffy Decoder thingy.
30 – A question for the moron:
You’ve said in the past you reside in Everett, WA..
Do you consider Everett, WA to be part of the “urban vote” Paul Ryan talked about?
Answer the questions posed Pluto boy
1) Didn’t mamma teach you anything?
2) Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA?
gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman: Of course you are stoooooooooopid. You skipped over the first sentence. No wonder you are lost!
@1 Congress will get some work done when Republicans stop playing sandbox games. In other words, never.
I understand why puddy complains about taxes. Capitalists like me have such a good deal, and workers like him have such a rotten deal, I can’t understand why he’s still working. Our capitalist system reward me for being lazy and punishes him for working hard. What’s not to like about that? But only if you’re a rabbit who sleeps in ’til noon every day.
Puddy lives in Everett?
I may have to move. I feel dirty already, knowing that he’s within fifteen miles of me.
Living here long time rhpee6033. You forgot rhpee6033? Puddy mentioned he saw someone who looked like you in a store. Ask Pluto boy to replay the reportage.
Puddy knows people who’ve been around you in industry. Interesting stuff rhpee6033. Showed them your picture here and the other place you blog. They said “Yep, that’s him.” Puddy will add they said you are smart er intelligent even… book larnin that is!
Nuff said there.
@13 Why would anyone want a job? See #36. What’s really going on here is you want him to have a job, i.e. Republicans want other people to work so they don’t have to. Well, I’m on that gravy train myself, see #36 again. Just because I’m a Democrat doesn’t mean I shouldn’t live like a Republican.
@38 You drive a primer-colored car, fish for dinner from the banks of the Slough, and chop firewood for heat? Thought so.
@31 “Hey Roger, do you have that Puffy Decoder thingy.”
No, I was looking for it myself the other day.
@15 “And now man dies, some early some later.”
Wingers prefer early, that’s why they like wars, but only for others.
More Backman craziness:
Did you forget this from Steve Rattner rhpee6033? Puddy thought the most telling part of the piece was this
Puddy is quite sure if your mother goes in for some medical procedure you’d get pizzed very quickly if a doctor told you “your elderly mother is not entitled to every conceivable medical procedure or pharmaceutical.” Especially since she’s owed it right rhpee6033? So with all that screaming over Sarah Palin was this… Sarah Palin was that… she had to be right because Rattner admitted the above. So maybe Bachmann was ranting about this Op Ed which hasn’t been refuted.
@12, 34
Are you referring to me coming back to the Schaap story? For one thing it wasn’t me who brought it up again, it was YLB (and for a good reason). Secondly, how do you know about the Schaap story? I thought you told me that you didn’t open the link?
Who the fuck is this Schaap anyways, I never herd of her until now.
@43 the lady is a loon. Anyone who voted for her should have their brains and their ass examined.
Butt wait… HA’s favrit economist Paul Death Panel Krugman said this…
So why doe Puddy remember and leftist peeps like rhpee6033 forget and go nutz when Bachmann reminds everyone what people said.
Bachmann’s main problem is she doesn’t know how to fire back. All she had to do was remind everyone of Paul Krugman and Steve Rattner.
Pluto boy will call Puddy a liar because I included the video.
@43 she sure does have a dandy husband though.
@47 – you don’t suppose many people (the old) will die when the Ryan Plan kicks in. They’ll not have the money to afford health care and will be told “Die quickly”.
#44: Hey, I get that regularly, from my health insurance.
(The above is an actual quote from a conversation today with my employer-provided heath care representative).
Really gleeeeeeeeeeeman. Apparently you haven’t read Paul Ryan’s plan, just listened to the leftist pinheads on MSNBC tell lie after lie. After all that DUMMOCRAPT posturing and attacking Sarah Palin being prescient in 2009 and now Michelle Bachmann telling the truth on ObummerCare and death panels?
You see gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman you can’t have it both ways even though in your case it may feel good!
@43 Yep, “death panel” rhetoric is back, and the Whacko Wing of the Nutjob Party still wants to repeal Obamacare, even after losing decisively at the Supreme Court and in the election. Looks like the Teaparty Chamber of Congress isn’t interested in doing any work or getting anything done.
Lindsay Lohan is,going back into rehab. Does anyone care?
One thing I think we can thank her for is that she will die early and her FICA taxes will benefit the rest of us.
I found a horse carcass and I have a whip…
So CBS’ public rationale for switching to sportstalk on 1090 was their ability to air “more national events.” So what’s on during day one of the biggest event in CBS’ broadcasting universe? Some fill in host blathering on about the upcoming NFL draft.
Is lower than a .9 share even measurable?
Puddy claims death panels are real. It used to be sport making fun of you but now, you are as a horse carcass.
Wow these leftist pinheads forget what they post
The link is readily apparent with Schaap’s name in it.
Is a human appendage stuck in your brain gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman?
So you post links without reading their content? Seems above you did. Now you deny. Such caterwauling.
Thanks for playing gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman!
There goes checkmate checkmating himself. Rattner and Krugman said they are coming and needed. Apparently their own words and videos can’t penetrate that Neanderthal cranial orifice holding a vacuum packed void! Puddy sees reading comprehension is lacking checkmate so here is the last sentence of Krugman…
Nuff said sucka! Apparently you are the horse carcass! Thanks for playing!
#38: No, I didn’t read the post about you living in Everett. I kind of have a hard time reading your posts, when you depart from the King’s English and start making strange sounds, I generally just quite trying to decypher them (maybe I can borrow Roger’s decoder ring, if he finds it).
As for my picture, that was taken a long time ago – more than twenty years now. I started using it when I began posting here, so people will know it’s really me commmenting, and not some imposter (which has been done here before). I haven’t updated it for the same reason. I’m surprised anybody could recognize me at all from that picture. I wasn’t even in the same industry when that picture was taken.
Steve Rattner and Paul Krugman, a man you hold in esteem are DUMMOCRAPTS – the Whacko Wing of the Nutjob Party!
Good job DUMB Wabbit!
The low information voter watching those evening entertainment shows. Living vicariously on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s farts. The ones who read National Enquirer. Wait a minute… they broke the Jesse Jackson bastard child and John Deadward cheating scandals. Hmmm…? Jimmy Kimmel demonstrated low information voters on his show… The sounded like DUMMOCRAPTS. Puddy delivers a different link each time so it throws off the Pluto boy databaze.
It only works if you ignore the first part of what Krugman said. “(medicare) needs to decide which medical procedures are not effective at all and should not be paid for at all in other words it should have endorsed the panel that was part of the health care reform…if the commission isn’t even brave enough to take on the “death panels” people, then it’s not telling the public about the choices that need to be made.”
He’s making fun of you Piddles. He’s telling you that calling a body that decides that Bariatric Surgery is not going to cure your brain cancer and deny that payment “a death panel” is just being stupid.
One last time, he’s making fun of you for calling any form of oversight on costs a “death panel.”
Nice right wing meme you’ve glommed onto today. You’re too stupid to know when you’re being laughed at. Can I recommend “A modest proposal” by Jonathan Swift. It’s the best cookbook I’ve ever owned. Yummy, Yummy Irish stew.
@53 and 60
I care only in the sense that LiLo is from a “traditional” family of total screwups and is the newest in a long line of child stars who’s upbringing appears to form them into adults incapable of dealing with the lives and other people.
So glad she had a mother and a father to guide her.
bariatric surgery… brain cancer…
Yeah there’s an association only a libtard would make for a death panel argument. Keep up the stoooooooooooopid checkmate. Rattner and Krugman are on your lunacy team!
You can type lots of characters but that doesn’t change the fact that you missed sarcasm and insist, double down insist, that it’s literal.
When someone says, “Tell yo mama she left her bra on my bed” do you go to their house to pick it up? When a manger says, ” We lit a fire under the team and the project is done.” do you run for the extinguisher? If I told you “I gotta go see a man about a horse,” do you look for a stall to muck?
yes, I’m mocking you, idiot.
From 62,
Yeah, you’re right: the traditional family is now a dysfunctional mess, consisting of a woman, a man (who probably is absent and worthless) and several kids with no moral compass whatsoever.
checkmate… There was no sarcasm in Rattner’s comments.
Interesting that since the “Obama/Satan” flap about the History Channel’s “Bible” flick hit the streets, the few images of the actor who played the part seem to have disappeared from the interwebs. I know Puddy’s going to call me a liar (although in PuddyJive it’s pretty hard to tell what he’s trying to say) but those I observed a couple days ago shows a man with long, straight grey hair, a mustache, a different head shape and a completely different smile–and a comparatively light complexion for a Moroccan. Apparently that mole on the chin is originally his. Seems there was a fair amount of deliberate effort expended (and about 25 pounds of makeup) to make him look like he does in all those…er, other pictures presently visible all over the place.
Piddles….did you fail remedial reading comprehension? Rattner is saying that because morons like Bachman and Palin (and you) screeched about death panels then oversight committees were stripped from the final Obamacare package and that will lead to higher costs. Both pundits are calling “death panel” claims idiotic. If a pharmaceutical is prescribed to treat symptom one even though it has never been proven effective against symptom one, does the patient have the right to coverage of the cost? Free market insurance doesn’t cover a “throw every surgery and medicine at the wall and see if something sticks” treatment plan. Why should medicare?
Does a medicare recipient have the right to life, yes. Does a medicare recipient have the right to a massively expensive experimental treatment? Maybe. How long before you and Bachman are screeching about the case of the $2million course of experimental treatment given to a senior that didn’t cure them and they died anyway? Why that would be a waste of your tax dollars. (But it’s already lawful for a private insurer to not waste your premiums on such treatments.)
But because there is no “death panel” there is no one to do waste oversight.
Excuses excuses checkmate. If they are rationing what is it?
Hey ButtBanger, you stupid ignorant PUTZ, reread what I wrote. You’re making yourself look bad.
And Satan? Sorry, don’t know anyone by that name. Must be one of your good friends.
And you can find them in the private health insurance industry.
Well well well looks like ekim just checkmated checkmate.
Thanks ekim!
I skipped all of the PUTZ’s post after @15.
Did he say anything of value?
And what is with the PUTZ’s “whiteys” kick, anyway?
If he is trying to be insulting, it is an epic fail.
A PUTZ calling someone else a whitey? Really.
If you don’t believe in Jesus Christ the son of God Creator of Heaven and Earth, then you know Satan.
See ya!
Sez the moron who claimed no DUMMOCRAPT voted for the Sequester. Except 95 voted Yea! A PUTZ response to truths!
When busted, he goes ad hominem. Sez the PUTZ who accepts goat appendages in all his orifices!
Typical of leftist pinheads such as ekim.
We really need better trolls, but maybe the ability to be rational is beyond the capability of any Republican.
@53 “Lindsay Lohan is,going back into rehab. Does anyone care?
Since Republicans were not involved in crafting of the health care laws it was DUMMOCRAPTS who “stripped” them from the final package. So if there were no “death panels” in the original bill why strip anything out? Strange logic you possess checkmate. Remember Nancy Pelosi comments on the House health care bill? The rest of your comment is blah blah blah!
@55 Of course death panels are real. Insurance companies have had them for years.
How can anybody with more than a single functioning brain cell not see that Michele Bachmann is an actual raving lunatic?
Cripes, if one really cared about her one would work to get Bachmann medical attention …. before it is too late.
@65 “several kids with no moral compass whatsoever”
All of whom will become bankers or Republican operatives.
Hey cubscout, when your side claims untruths you give them a pass. Typical leftist crapola!
@78 “Since Republicans were not involved in crafting of the health care laws”
Who made that choice??
@80 Nah, let the voters who elected her live with her.
Lindsey Lohan…
L’il Wayne
Nancy Pelosi, she was Queen of the House. She told reporters they didn’t need Republican help. Posted the link multiple long ago DUMB Wabbit! Too bad your memory fails you!
checkmate, now the DUMB Wabbit@79 slapped you silly.
From 81,
These kids may grow up to be successful, but it’s unlikely. Most often they wander off into crime, drugs, prostitutioin, hopelessness. They’d be lucky, indeed, to become bankers and even Republicans instead of the dregs of society.
The decay of families is a serious, serious problem in our country.
@82 Uncle Puddles – Welcome back you Ignorant Troll!
You sir, are the epitome of irrational. In addition to all the other ad hominem worthless comments you’ve posted on this thread your reply at @82 is just more of the same shit.
I feel sorry for you. Your life must be so empty.
Also too, Benghazi! because 4 dead > 4,500+ dead.
You mentioned, the other day having the death penalty for heinous murders. Have you been following the story of the guy who allegedly killed his grandparents shortly after being released from prison? He was recently caught in Oregon, and I think he has been extradited to Washington at this point.
For the sake of argument, let’s say he is found guilty. Due to the horrendous nature of his alleged crime, is he a candidate for the death penalty under your guidelines?
I have 2 primary issues with the death penalty.
1. Cost of prosecution.
2. The inability to reverse an error.
From 91,
Roger’s idea was to have life in prison for murder cases, with the availability of the death sentence for the most evil murderers, such as Ted Bundy. I think would be a good idea, especially if it would save all that legal expense of the appeals process. Frankly, I think Roger’s plan has merit: super-evil guys might get death, but other murderers might get life in prison instead.
God is great. Not only did he see to it to that President Barak Obama was re-elected he is making sure that Republicans go down in flames. Hallelujah and Amen.
Glad you think Puddy’s life is empty. Far from it. It’s awesome. Just went around the world. Visited new Asian cities; met new people; made new friends. Great beautiful wife. Ask SJ or the DUMB Wabbit. They met her. Two great multilingual sons.
Once again Cubscout you are the Flubscout.
Speaking of murders and such, have you noticed the Bush/Cheney gang of criminals coming out from under rocks this week?
But regardless what they say, they lied us into a war where hundreds of thousands died.
Hubris: The Selling of the Iraq War, a documentary special hosted by Rachel Maddow will re-air Friday, March 22 at 9 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
To repeat, I’ve skipped all of the PUTZ’s posts after @15.
Has he yet said anything of value?
96 – Not a damn thing..
#2 @ 94 (life-bereft conserva-TOOL and smelly product of ass-end of the right wing LIE machine):
Question for you:
Was this bumbling, self-entitled, speaking out of both sides of his mouth, pathological LIAR trying in this video to appeal to the “urban vote” in Everett, WA???
Thanks YLB, now I don’t have to bother reading PUTZ’s blathering tirades.
Hey BUTTPUTTY, you’re still a PUTZ.
Now wait for it. Another blistering PUTZ comeback.
Which I won’t bother to read…
100 – No problem..
At one time I would have thought this laugh out loud funny..
Looking at the this line up of ugly liars, it just depresses me.. These freaks should have all gone the way of Morton Downey Jr by now..
I read your link. Now I feel…dirty.
Dregs of society… DUMMOCRAPTS…
Kwame Kilpatrick – One corrupt Detroit Mayor, drove it into the ground.
John Street – One corrupt Philadelphia Mayor
Oscar Hernandez – One corrupt Bell CA Mayor
Otis Wallace – One corrupt Florida City, FL Mayor
Ray Nagin – One corrupt New Orleans Mayor
Tony Mack – One corrupt Trenton Mayor, one of his prime backers was a convicted sex offender
Jerramiah Healy & Leona Beldini – Corrupt Mayor & Deputy Mayor of Jersey City
Charles Moreau – One Corrupt Mayor of bankrupt Central Falls, R.I
So many more!
Ahhh unemployed Pluto boy returns… will he answer these pertinent questions previously posed or will he run run run? Time to step up unemployed fool!
1) Didn’t mamma teach you anything?
2) Aren’t you a man?
3) Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA?
4) Does the skirt fit so well you love it?
Yet you still love Daily Kooks. Very telling unemployed one!
goathumper ekim,
How many House DUMMOCRAPTS voted for Sequestration again?
And you call Puddy a putz? You don’t know your own party’s history!
Very fitting to see ekim and Pluto boy hanging together on HA.
I see BUTTPUTTY is sniveling again.
Yawn. Move along folks.
There is nothing worth reading there.
And BUTTPUTTY is still a PUTZ.
Did ekim actually post something worthwhile? Like his Sequestration rant…
nuthin important. not even worth capitalization.
107 – Indeed, not a damn thing worth anyone’s time.
What’s wrong unemployed Pluto boy? Cat got your unemployed tongue? What did you do today except sit unemployed at home cruise left wrong sites and post on HA?
Lets see…
Reviewed three PPTX files. Posted one for worldwide use
Created Notes for 20 people
Reviewed two word docs
Evaluated some virtualization configurations
Solved two networking problems
And smacked your sorry ASS along with ekim’s all over this blog.
Hey Piddles, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll start calling them Death Panels as soon as you admit that what has existed for 40 years in the private insurance industry is a death panel and Bachman, Palin et al labeling it “Death Panels” is disgusting pandering. Deal?
Funny about your type. If the private sector does it while making obscene profits, A-O-K. If the government does it, Socialism! Free-Market! Killing Grandma!
If you want me to say that spineless Democrats didn’t fight hard enough for a better healthcare bill for fear of being “in favor of death panels” I’m all in.
checkmate… If you check with the unemployed Pluto boy, Puddy never claimed anything otherwise about today’s insurance companies. Heck, Puddy has been at arms with them over claims Puddyself. So now that others have said death panels exist you want a truce?
Silly checkmate. You were the one flagellating all over this blog today! This will be a guvmint approved death panel paid with tax dollars with guvmint bureaucraps making decisions. Will one have any recourse?
DUMMOCRAPTS didn’t accept any of the Republican proposals, even the one Obummer liked. Pelosi created, crafted and curried that bill through the House. Then you had to pass it to read what was in it.
moronic conserv-ahole @ 112
How did this investment of time and energy work out for you?
% b cs -r -t “^puddymoron$” -d “^2009|201[0-3]” -c
| count |
| 19596 |
1 row in set
in contrast to
% b cs -r -t “^ylb$” -d “^2009|201[0-3]” -c
| count |
| 13699 |
1 row in set
Followup: Did all the lies, name-calling and other assorted bullshit as quantified in the former query result in a satisfactory outcome last November 6?
Amnesiac right wing conserva-dunce @ 60:
Question for you:
Do you believe that a liberal or conservative dosage of “Jim Beam” results in a clearer view of Brownie’s emergency management outcomes in NOLA?
Pitifully blind clownservative @ 110
Question for you:
Have you observed any correlation between diet and hygiene and achievment of right wing political fundraising goals?
Same question..
Need I say more?
Little wonder.. Here’s one he has liked for a long time..
Poor Pluto boy…
Won’t answer the simple questions posed in #104. So let’s ask them again… Time to step up unemployed fool!
1) Didn’t mamma teach you anything?
2) Aren’t you a man? With your avatar it seems you aren’t a man, playing with “dolls”!
3) Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA?
4) Does the skirt fit so well you love it?
Puddy has to run some wget statements this morning so Puddy will check back time to time to see if Pluto boy will “man up” and explain his unemployed position. Why he lounges at home while Mrs SEIU slaves hard each day bring home da bread to keep electricity running for his fetid commentaries.
So sad so sad a sack of horse manure.
Thanks for playing this morning Pluto boy. So early too.
Typical leftist professor
@120, if that that a typical leftist professor, then this is a typical conservative.
Neither are true and you know it.
Oh no! I read some BUTTPUTTY drivel!
So I might as well comment…
So PUTZ, this is suppose to impress? wget? My oh my! Let’s all bow down to the Official HA PUTZ.
Oh wait. I run wget. I also run other fancy *nix tools as well as a number of custom tools too. But I set them up as cron jobs that send me summary reports so I don’t waste my time.
Cron jobs are blocked in certain directory structures ON PURPOSE on our systems PUTZ. That’s by design.
Stoooooooooooooopid… You don’t know the hardware/software combinations so just spout off at the mouth because ekim PUTZ is a lefty and who cares if it’s correct or not. Just a plain stoooooooooooooopid ekim PUTZ.
Stoooooooooooooopid and built that way!
Fascist Pigsty… 100% chance Puddy right on the FAU professor. Poole is the Palm Beach County Democratic Executive Committee Recording Secretary.
Slam Dunk!
Sucks to be you Fascist Pigsty.
Well Fascist Pigsty… your blog buddies have already ID Ebel as a conservative. HA eats the link.
It’s like talking trigonometry to a mynah bird and less productive. He just ignores facts and logic and just keeps babbling like a raving drunk guy at the end of the bar, cherry picking key words to base his next tirade on.
Back to ignoring him.
PuddyTranslation… Damn he really got me on that professor being a DUMMOCRAPT so let me create some junk to throw on HA!
I must have touched a nerve.
I never mentioned your network or that you aren’t trusted with cron jobs.
But you can still set up scripts to run at the prompt and then check the summary reports for errors.
ekim PUTZ,
You missed the nerve. You still don’t get it. Now we know why you are the goatwhisperer!
Reread what Puddy said. It’s built into the system you moron. Even if you log in as root on the CLI (Puddy privs) it’s blocked! There are no network issues goatdummy! Scripting (perl, python, etc…) and cron jobs are blocked on purpose to inhibit accidental actions!
Stooooooooooooooooooopid! Just plain stooooooooooooooooooopid!
Good ridance.
So, puddybud, if we leftists are all stupid and confused and benighted, is it the Christian loving thing to do to call us names and hurl insults?
Shouldn’t you be teaching with compassion and patience and love?
What would your Jesus say if he could read this:
Oh Liberal Scientist is a Dirty Fucking Socialist Hippie that’s a good question.
Has ekim told you that you fuck goats? No?
Case closed!
See ya. Thanks for playing!
Meanwhile ObummerCare is coming to you really soon…
HAHAHAHA, These ObummerCare regulations will spell the end of congressional staff subsidies, worth $000 to each staffer. Too bad! Oh no, they are not happy about it. Well DUMMOCRAPT pukeheads deal with it. Republicans warned you of this before you passed it so you read it.
Meanwhile NYState and their gun law is really flawed. No such thing as a 7 bullet clip, but Cuomo didn’t read it before signing it.
Oh Noze! Terrible deficits will make us Grreeeeceee!
8 consecutive negative yield auctions of American debt.
Ekim, curl is sooooo far beyond this idiot!
He still needs training wheels.
Police departments can’t buy bullets because Big Sis has stockpiled 1.6 Billion bullets and won’t tell congress why.
Yeah, .the. .most. .transparent. .administration. .evah.
One again HA’s unemployed ID10T doesn’t understand enterprise systems. Maybe that’s why he’s unemployed!
Won’t answer the simple questions posed in #119. So let’s ask them again… Time to step up unemployed fool!
1) Didn’t mamma teach you anything?
2) Aren’t you a man? With your avatar it seems you aren’t a man, playing with “dolls”!
3) Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA?
4) Does the skirt fit so well you love it?
Will Pluto boy “man up” and explain his unemployed position. Why does he lounge at home while Mrs SEIU slaves hard each day bring home da bread to keep electricity running for his fetid commentaries?
So sad so sad a sack of horse manure.
Thanks for playing this morning Pluto boy.
Puddy has a specific expression Puddy tried to enter on the blog and it went to the WordPress error page. Way over Pluto boy’s head!
Maybe Carl can unfreeze it. Doubt it!
Conserva-jerk @ 137
Question for you:
Where is this moronic idiot empty suit’s faith in your skygod?
Oh is it this?
Didn’t filter when I posted..
Follow up question:
How “hungry” were you when you uttered the “expression” blockquoted above?
OK, I reread what you wrote.
You have “root” access and you aren’t trusted to do scripting of any kind on your system/systems/network/Etch-a-Sketch.
I’m soooo impressed.
Why won’t you answer the posed questions @138 Pluto boy? Tell us why unemployment is so good for the Pluto boy home!
Hungry? Stupid question! Ignored. Answer those above Pluto boy!
You can put training wheels on an Etch-a-Sketch?
Where did Puddy say “you aren’t trusted to do scripting of any kind”? As all can see the goatfucking ekim got last night affected his mind… Puddy wrote this…
The HA leftist PUTZ goat lover can’t read or process the words delivered.
Training wheels? HAHAHAHA! Conversing with the unemployed loser eh ekim? Typical. Remember he is an expert on wireless payloads. Wait… were they encrypted payloads?
Obama Derangement Syndrome addled coward @ 143
Question for you:
Is your skygod’s wrath to be visited once again upon your skygod’s chosen people for once again ignoring “his will”??
LOL! Implied confirmation that he doesn’t know what curl is..
Oh! That filter.. That’s the ticket.
I give up.
First the BUTTPUTTY says: ‘Scripting (perl, python, etc…) and cron jobs are blocked on purpose to inhibit accidental actions!’
Then the BUTTPUTTY asks ‘Where did Puddy say “you aren’t trusted to do scripting of any kind”?’
Is BUTTPUTTY truly a PUTZ or what?
Of course if I was BUTTPUTTY’s sysadmin I wouldn’t trust him either.
I’m going back to ignoring the PUTZ’s drivel.
Let me know if he says anything of value…
Yeah keep thinking that Pluto boy. Why would Puddy use wget over curl? Can you figger it out Pluto boy? This posting should give you a hint.
You don’t know how to answer posed questions… so sad! Are you embarrassed because Mrs SEIU works hard and you play all day? It doesn’t seem so. Otherwise you’d be gone during normal working hours. Puddy gets to use tools that allow Puddy to multitask! Sucks to be you unemployed moron Pluto boy. Just answer the questions and we can move on Pluto boy!
Keep using that crazed databaze. How do you know God’s will Pluto boy? You reject Him out of hand! He’s not the skygod you worship Pluto boy. He’s the Creator. Puddy owns you lock stock and barrel.
SHAME! On Democrats caving to special interest pressures:
It is well documented the role medical device manufacturers play in contributing to soaring health care costs.
ekim is a chronological idiot. Since Puddy is one of the sys admins on the system with full root access Puddy tried to explain to ekim the deal at 03/22/2013 at 8:04 am. Somehow ekim skipped over that and jumped to 03/22/2013 at 8:44 amNo wonder you hang out with Pluto boy. He’s chronologically challenged like you. Reading is a fundamental challenge for you ekim. You can’t process thought. You can’t follow a thread. But you can fuck and graze with mountain and lowland goats!
Ask Pluto boy to replay that chronologically challenged discussion of Mike Webb when Pluto boy accused Puddy of dancing on Mike Webb’s grave.
Now that was a chronological laughing disaster for Pluto boy.
Don’t worry Pluto boy won’t replay it. Pluto boy only replays commentary that makes Pluto boy look good.
And it’s well documented the states with DUMMOCRAPTS in charge where this tax is creating unemployment issues.
Butt, Pluto boy don’t care about jobs. He’s unemployed. The more the merrier for him!
Now remember this is the same unemployed moron Pluto boy who accused Puddy of not knowing or understanding curl. Let’s see his latest response! He’ll have to man page the commands and read carefully! Now if he would man up and answer the four simple questions posed in #138!
Touched a nerve..
Again the question: will your skygod’s wrath be visited upon the jewish people of Florida who FAILED to depose your HATE OBJECT of the last 4 plus years?
Second term President,
former Chicago “community organizer”,
Barack H. Obama.
A 2.3 percent tax.. Whining BABY corporations taking it out on workers..
A pox on their miserable house.
Gotta go coward!
Run coward run. Can’t tell us why you sit at home all day while Mrs SEIU works hard!
No answer on curl vs wget.
Nope he’s too stoooooooooooooopid!
So sad when you worship yourself.
Of course this too was missed by Pluto boy!
Not only ODS Dementia but
PseudoBulbar Affect..
Later ODS-addled dope!
Do your posts on this thread demonstrate your Christian values?
What would your Jesus say if he could read your writings?
@160 Jesus has already told Puffy to go fuck himself, he is just deaf to it.
Answer the questions Pluto boy! Why do you parade around on HA when you are an unemployed moron?
Do your posts on this thread demonstrate your Satanic values?
161 – The Skygod apparently was deaf to his prayers beseeching intercession with the “chosen people” in Florida..
Heh. Imagine that – the “community organizer” going unpunished for refusing Bibi Netanyahu’s dictates..
Musta threw the ODS-addled fool Puddyidiot into a world of hurt! LMAO!!!
Dance dance dance Pluto boy.
Get a job Pluto boy!
165 – Pray, pray, pray silly fool..
Hate, hate, hate, O #2
It does no good. We’re all laughing at you..
Laugh all you want Pluto boy. Puddy got a great job. You got nuthin except the couch you sit on all day! You saw where Puddy was last week. Be back there again later this year!
Puddy don’t hate Obummer. Y’all are reaping his whirlwind.
When Jesus comes what will you do Pluto boy? “Well Jesus it was more important for me to spew hatred against Puddybud, Serial Conservative, Mark, Max, HowCanYouBeProudToBEAnASS, Cynical, Mark1, Rob, Sarah, etc. than it was for me to support my wife and children. It felt really good blogging over getting a job!”
@167…demonstrating perhaps the most abject lack of self-insight I have ever read.
I love when piddl posts a lot, because the rich rich hypocrisy simply will not be repressed.
What would your Jesus say, piddl?
Hey, Bob, dig this. Daily Caller tied to Menendez hookers.
No idea.. Treading water in an open sewer perhaps?
OoOOOOOHHHH… Pleeeeeezzzz…. Documented right here in the threads your obsession with him.. How many times have you called him “the messiah, obummer, obdumba, obamaa+..”?
Fool your most idiotic over the top activity in these threads was after Obama’s election in 2008.. Your most crazed hour, week, month, year.. I’ve documented this activity many times!
Put that shit together and you’re trying to say you’re neutral on the guy??
Sell that bag of shit somewhere else dummy!
If he hands me a Jack Chick tract, I’ll tell him he’ll have better success selling right wing bullshit at a crazed idiot’s house in Everett, WA..
Obama was re-elected.. After dissing Bibi even.. What will ha trolls do??? !!Benghazi!! fizzled out.. What will ha trolls do? !!Greece!! Oops still getting a negative return on a 10 year U.S. Treasury.. Where are the bond vigilantes? What will ha trolls do?? The one percent is paying higher taxes.. Same rate as they paid under Bill Clinton.. What will ha trolls do? Military contractors and other personnel being furloughed after Congress did nothing.. What will ha trolls do?
169 – Hmmmm.. Interesting.. Tucker Carlson denies it of course..
Well, I hope the FBI does what an old FBI hand once advised a cub reporter: “follow the money”..
Who knows Lib da moron. But His brightness will leave no doubt to you before your sins kill you Schmucko!
By the PUTZ’s own self proclaimed gold standard, Netanyahu and all those Israeli jews “knows Satan”. So why does the PUTZ want to support those Satan worshipers?
Maybe Roger has found his magic decoder ring to interpret the PUTZ’s drivel. Asking the PUTZ to expound is worthless, all you get is more drivel.
Notice Pluto boy threw out so much crap. Still waiting for
1) Didn’t mamma teach you anything? No answer
2) Aren’t you a man? With your avatar it seems you aren’t a man, playing with “dolls”! No answer
3) Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA? No answer
4) Does the skirt fit so well you love it? No answer
5) curl vs wget No answer
6) Why do you parade around on HA when you are an unemployed moron? No answer
MSNBC tonight at 9pm Eastern – 6pm local
or how Cheney/Bush fuked up America
MSNBC will re-air the documentary HUBRIS: SELLING THE IRAQ WAR, hosted by Rachel Maddow, on Friday, March 22 at 9 p.m. ET. Following the documentary at 10 p.m. ET, MSNBC will air “Talking Hubris,” hosted by Chris Hayes with Chris Matthews, Alex Wagner, Fmr. Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA) and co-authors of Hubris, Michael Isikoff and David Corn. The panel will dig deeper and address additional topics not explored in the film.
Warning to the PUTZ
This show may be hazardous to your delusions.
That was directed to you ekim… Don’t make associations to those you don’t agree with. Puddy wasn’t making any commentary on Jewish Religion. They believe in God and are waiting for the Messiah! Get your facts straight. Who knows what will happen to them when Jesus comes. They will accept He is the Messiah then!
Nuff Said SUCKA!
PUTTPUTTY, you’re still a PUTZ.
“Police have arrested two teenagers suspected in the shooting death of a baby in a stroller and the wounding of the baby’s mother. …
“The mother, Sherry West, said she was walking near her home Thursday morning with her baby, Antonio, when she was approached by two boys who demanded money. …
“‘He asked me for money and I said I didn’t have it,’ she said. … ‘And he kept asking and I just said I don’t have it. And he said, Do you want me to kill your baby? And I said, No, don’t kill my baby!'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s too easy for the wrong people to get guns. We have stupid gun laws in this country.
174 – You’re ordering me around again??
I’ll continue to ask pertinent questions when the opportunities present themselves.
And we on the winning team know why you’ll never answer..
Forthright answers can only mean the IMPLOSION of your beloved RIGHT WING BULLSHIT.
BUTTPUTTY? Of course he is.
After all he is the self proclaimed SPEAKER FOR GOD.
If a Christian embraces the mass murder of thousands of children in another country does he go to hell?
Would Jesus approve?
If Bush/Cheney build a web of lies to justify going to war against Iraq where thousands of children are murdered, are Bush/Cheney good Christians or good Satanists?
@181, 182
Indeed, indeed. I really love asking such questions of people who invoke ‘god’ destroying their enemies.
One doesn’t find much love or compassion or peace in piddl’s posts.
Nope you dope… We’re trying to understand how you continue to ask questions but never answer any.
We’re really trying to comprehend how someone like you will not get a job but browse left wrong web sites starting 4:30AM in the morning.
And you expect me and others to care what you think when you are careless with your own spawn?
On the topic of piddl and his bizarre beliefs regarding the supernatural, he is, of course, a believer in the literal story of Noah’s Ark. As such, ALL the animals we have on the earth today were lodged on the ole’ Ark, including, as I’ve pointed out, Emperor Penguins.
Piddl has never explained how a breeding pair of Emperor Penguins were teleported from Antarctica to Mesopotamia for their ride on the Ark, and back, apres le deluge.
I wonder if he has a theory for this, a pair of male Emperor Penguins, GAY Emperor Penguins, happily and handily raising a chick from an egg they incubated (previously abandoned by a pair of hetero penguins.)
How did this happen? Was it the teleportation the created a ‘gay’ gene? Is this ‘god’s’ plan?
I think when someone says that homosexuality is a choice or a lifestyle that is chosen, then it’s their way of sticking a toe out of the closet. If it is a choice then everyone is gay, some just dint want to act upon it!
Notice how Lib da schmuck focuses on the minutia while missing the big picture. God could have miraculously brought them to the ark Schmucko. If He can speak the world into existence and create man from the dust of the ground, send rain for 40 days and nights, start a bush on fire but it doesn’t burn, part the Red Sea, create a pillar of fire, keep Jonah alive in an aquatic animal for 3 days, send lightning from Heaven for Elijah, raise His Son from the dead, He most definitely can deliver two Emperor Penguins to the ark.
Sorry dude you got that wrong gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman… a hairy ASS with dangling bits doesn’t turn Puddy on. A beautiful mind in a great looking female human form, i.e., Mrs Puddy, turns Puddy on!
BUTTPUTTY the PUTZ drivels:
So what miracles of Biblical proportions has He done lately? I’d settle for something relatively small, like removing the pedophile and money changer clergy from His churches and doing some appropriately God type punishment to them.
Oh and something appropriate for the Satan worshipers Bush and Cheney. Water boarding 20 times a day for the next 100 years and making them wish they were dead but not letting them die would be good.
Why are you like Herod who asked Jesus to show him a miracle so Herod could believe on him? Why are you like the Pharisees who demanded Christ come down from the cross and then they would believe Him? You don’t think there are those who have been recently healed when doctors told them they had weeks to live get their affairs in order? Oh ye of little faith (well ekim, you prove it every day). Blessed are those who have not seen me but still have believed.” – John 29:20
So ekim, do you fit gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman’s profile?
Hey, you bring up all those old Testament type miracles that God did for the Jews and you bitch at me because God stopped deliver miracle. Hokay. Whatever floats your boat.
Anyway BUTTPUTTY, you’re still a PUTZ.
Oh you mean the intelligence Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi got to see from other countries?
Nah. While I have a number of not so straight friends I’ve never been tempted. I’m wired strictly a/c human female only.
How’s the goat herd working for you. And that one you named Mrs Puddy? He still surviving or have you had him stuffed?
They got to see the cooked intel the Bush/Cheney criminal enterprise served them, not the raw data.
@184 “We’re really trying to comprehend how someone like you will not get a job …”
I’ve made endless and heroic efforts to explain this, but some skulls are just too thick to penetrate. Here’s why I won’t get a job:
If you can direct me to an employer willing to pay me $331.90 an hour for doing nothing I’ll consider taking a job with him.
Hey Roger, anybody stupid enough to hire the PUTZ to type wget statements all day is probably stupid enough to pay you $500/hr to be PUTZ’s supervisor.
“Then, a MIRACLE occurs…”
Piddl as Gary Larson…God of the Far Side
Piddl is so pitifully jejune.
Not well at all. That’s your skill set. Since Roger Rabbit AKA DUMB Wabbit has met Mrs Puddy and she is a beautiful hominid, sucks to be you!
So ekim the goat herding putz, how was your daily animal appendage?
Since ekim can’t comprehend why system designers would block cron jobs in certain directories…
Since ekim was proven above to be a chronological idiot…
Since ekim has been proven to love the goatsee and enjoy goat appendages
Since ekim thinks God stopped delivering miracles today…
Puddy pities you ekim. May God have mercy upon your soul!
Lib da schmucko making fun of God! Sad so very sad!
You mean goat male right? HA goat grazing goat herder! You see people have met Mrs Puddy. She’s a human, a very beautiful human. Not a goat! No one has met your goat yet.
HOMINID: any of a family (Hominidae) of erect bipedal primate mammals that includes recent humans together with extinct ancestral and related forms including the gorilla, chimpanzee, and orangutan.
Piddl, there was no Ark, though we did rise from the ‘dust’ – we, like everything else alive, evolved from early self-replicating molecules in the ooze 3.5 billions years ago, or so, which is sort of like ‘dust’ in that it wasn’t alive, until it was. But there was no god involved.
blah, blah, blah…
It’s rather pitiable that you take an irrational literal belief in the myths of a pack of bronze-age nomadic herders, but worse is your contrivance that this ‘god’ of theirs approves of your petty hatreds and prejudices and nasty sneerings and makes it all OK for you to be a dick.
You must be so empty.
So BUTTBANGER, you have 2 Mrs Puddys in your live. One a goat and one a HOMINID. Whatever floats your boat. Do the 2 Mrs Puddys play well together or are you keeping secrets.
@198 Supervising putz isn’t doing nothing, and $500/hr. isn’t enough for me to take that job.
@200 If you want me to testify about that pay me the statutory witness fee.
@203 Could you bring your goat next time? I really want to meet your goat.
typo @197: $2,6551.19 should read $2,655.19
@188 so then thanks for clarifying, being gay isn’t a choice. And even if it was this is America, where we get to have choices. Thanks for playing Puffy.
I would not recommend anyone being a christian if puddy was the only example of one
@187 and Sadam Husein had weapons of mass destruction too.