– Wayne LaLaPierre’s speech at CPAC was troubling. Even by speech at CPAC standards.
– Because the city of Seattle has been so awesome on civil rights issues, they really need new things like facial recognition software for video surveillance. The logic is solid.
– The Very Real Consequences of Young People Not Voting
– The worst part about Putin’s power grab is that it’s totally copyright infringement.
What’s the take on Joan McBride? Can I throw $25 her way because she’s a better Democrat*, or only because anything or anyone is better than Rodney Tom?
*(For example: I wouldn’t throw 25 cents to Gregoire for anything ever.)
@2 Gregoire disappointed me.
Wayne LaPierre’s speech was troubling to you Carl? Or, as Puddy reads from the link, you just drank the DUMMOCRETIN left wrong kook-aid?
Puddy remembers when the school shootings were occuring… seems libtards with guns are a real problem these days! Just over a year ago, LaPierre and the NRA offered a proposal to make American schools safer. The left wrong msm went apoplectic over the speech calling LaPierre every filthy left wrong name in the book just like DUMMOCRETINS recently did with Sarah Palin over her 2008 Russia and Ukraine comments. Don’t you remember Carl? http://horsesass.org/friday-ni.....ganza-111/ Hmmm…?
Well let’s see… Schools all over the fruited plain put armed security safeguards in place in their school systems.
Yet your libtard link took exception to this…
Ever went to Cicero Avenue in Chicago around Midway? How about 63rd St? Maybe 71st St? How about Puddy’s hometown in Philadelphia? New York City? Houston?
Puddy knows you don’t visit sites like this: http://gunssavelives.net/category/self-defense/ to view gun owners who have taken care of criminals. Yet libtards wanna do what Hitler did in the 1930s. Remove guns from the populace.
Of course libtards like DUMMOCRETIN Dianne Feinstein trust the government, except when DUMMOCRETIN Dianne Feinstein figgers out her precious SENATE computers were “visited” by CIA friends of Obummer. Then she screams NIMBY!
Then there is Benghazi. Still haven’t captured the culprits. Yet now we hear Susan Rice admit her 5 visits to the network talk shows was all lies over a stupid movie. Pfffffffffft.
Then we see the IRS scandal. Why is Lois Lerner taking the fifth if she didn’t do anything wrong as she claims?
Then we see Fast and Furious. Yep those guns left the US fast and the users were furious against US Customs & Border Agent Brian Terry. Expendable to keep Eric Holder as Attorney General.
DUMMOCRETINS… Sad, so sad.
How many times did Puddy mention this Roger Idiot Wabbit? Yet y’all jack-booted lock step went to the polls and voted for the Queen!
DUMMOCRETINS… Sad, so sad.
On another note… Target peeps missed the warnings in Minnesota!
Puddy been saying metadata will tell who you are for years. HA DUMMOCRETINS disagreed as always. Well HA DUMMOCRETINS are as stupid as always!
@4 But looking at the bright side, she kept Dino Rossi from governing our state.
When they finally find that missing plane, the bodies of Jimmy Hoffa and Judge Crater will be seated together in one of the middle rows.
Roger Idiot Wabbit… That’s a bright side? With the problems y’all are screaming over education shortfalls?
Hell they can’t find a giant Boeing 777 but they can trace every phone call, twitter, facebook, and text message in the US.
Be damn glad that plane was nowhere near Wabbit’s home.
Hey rujax,
How much ya wanna bet these thugs went into the Wisconsin voting booth and yanked it for Obummer? Puddy wonders if they be union membas? All the suspects live in Madison, strongly DUMMOCRETIN.
@11 Grasp at straws much?
@9 “That’s a bright side?”
Absolutely. Dino would have turned public education into a wasteland of charter schools.
Well, it looks like Flight MH 370 is now officially an act of air piracy. The prime minister of Malaysia has announced there is “conclusive evidence” that the plane was hijacked. Some media sources are now saying it could have gone to Kazakhstan. What’s in Kazakhstan?
@11 thugs? I didn’t know any blacks lived in Madtown.