So…a guy in a tree? I don’t know. It’s sad that he’s still up there. Also, we all decided “stuck” was the right word to describe it, even though it sounds like he’s staying voluntarily. I don’t want to speculate too much based on my basically scanning social media headlines, so I won’t. I will just say, I like the tree more than Seattlish.
So, Boob is still up in the tree?
This mental case, whoever he is, has disfigured the tree by ripping branches off the top. He’s building a nest, so maybe he thinks he’s an eagle. Let’s hope for his sake he doesn’t try to fly. What happens when he needs to poop? That’s probably why the police have roped off the base of the tree. He’s been throwing apples and branches at cops, so maybe he’ll fling poo next. (Is he a Republican?) I didn’t know Sequoias grow apples. Well, you learn something new every day.
Come down soon, Treebeard. We’ve still got lots of Liddle Marco jokes for you.
Meanwhile, the law tries to give natural selection an assist.
So, as the fake “conservative” Republican party continues to self-destruct, this happened yesterday in AZ.
But here’s the awesome part: the Republican ass-clown election official responsible for assigning over 100,000 voters per polling location blames the voters!
Ain’t she a peach.
Another piece of wreckage possibly from MH370 has been found. This one’s a chunk of engine cowling that washed up in South Africa.
@4 Unfortunately, innocent people get shot by kids who pick up loaded guns left lying around by idiotic gun owners, too.
Let’s all hope this goes somewhere.
Looks like fun!
Fucking A, I see that the loon really brought the hate to the Drinking Liberally thread. One thing that’s obvious to me from reading that thread, like his two leading presidential candidates, the loon hates ordinary Muslims as much as he hates Muslim Jihadists, but he doesn’t hate either of them nearly as much as he hates American DUMMOCRETIN scum!
I love when Donald spills the beans. I’m sure there are plenty of beans to spill out there….hopefully he can and does follow thru on something nice!
@8 – you beat me to it…maybe there is a picture of Crud’s wife using a dildo on herself….wouldn’t that be nice!
Clinton’s Arizona win got all the media play yesterday, but Sanders won Utah and Idaho, and won more delegates than Clinton (55 to 51).
I love Obama – but I think I’d even think he would be a whack job for doing shit like this. Unbelievable – Republicans have no shame.
Trump tweeted, deleted, and then re-tweeted. I wonder if Treebeard brought his mobile phone with him so he could follow along. Maybe that’s why he’s throwing the apples.
I say we should “patrol and secure” red state trailer-parks as these neighborhoods are chock-full of America-hating religious fanatics.
This map (scroll down) shows the states Clinton has won, and the states Sanders has won. It’s a remarkable pattern. The country truly is divided between north and south.
77% of Americans (pdf) think Republicans in the Senate are full of shit – 86% of Ds, 80% of Is, and 62% of Rs! Well over half of all Republicans think their own Republican Senators are full of shit!
It shouldn’t be this easy.
“77% of Americans (pdf) think Republicans in the Senate are full of shit”
And 60 Percent of Republicans are “embarrassed” by their party.
Republicans actually knowing shame. Wonders never cease.
If he’s nominated, wingnuts will back Trump, even if he’s proven to be the Antichrist.
Every time another shit-for-brains Republican does something like this, Paul Ryan wants us to believe he dies a little inside.
At least he does when he isn’t hanging on Trump’s jock.
Are there any “conservatives” who would have volunteered to torture Richard Jewell? How ’bout one of our fucking trolls?
What’s wrong you fucking cowards? Not willing to go “all-in” against “terrorism” like your nominee? How can you possibly expect to keep America safe from terrorism if you aren’t willing to torture terrorism suspects?
Also, while were on this delightful subject that seems to be a significant pre-occupation of “conservatives”,
why won’t The Canadian torture Muslims like the Republican nominee will? As a Canadian, is he so un-American that he’s not willing to do “whatever it takes”, like Trump?
This is a very strange election. People tell pollsters they can’t stand Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Then why are these candidates winning? Someone’s voting for them. It’s gotta be the people who claim they don’t like them.
Kinda reminds me of 1974. After Nixon resigned you couldn’t find a single person who would admit to having voted for him. The way people talked after Watergate, Nixon lost both his elections by landslides.
You humans are very strange critters.
The eagle has landed.
A blurb about the Branch Dildonians written by a friend of my folks, who has been a criminal defense and contracts attorney for the better part of forty years:
“Imagine someone collecting legal terms of art, maxims and principles from the US Constitution, the Uniform Commercial Code, a legal encyclopedia like the CJS2d and Black’s Law Dictionary in the same way that ravens and bower birds collect shiny objects for their nests. Now imagine trying to recreate an accurate picture of American law based on that collection of “shiny” legal tidbits- you might get some broad impression of what the law is like, but there would be huge holes in the puzzle and some of the pieces might be in the wrong places.
Now throw into the mix books from crank conspiracy theorist authors like W Cleon Skousen and David Barton who have written revisionist “histories” (neither of whom has any training or credibility as historians and whose works have been met with scorn by historians, even those who are very conservative and decidedly Christian) as the example photos on the box for the puzzle you are trying to solve. That’s how Sovereign Citizens’ concept of American law produces the legal equivalent of submarines with screen doors, over-sized superchargers, a custom flame paint job and wrinkle wall slicks rolling across the prairies pulled by oxen driven by Garbage Pail Kids pioneers.”
Yeah, Ed, you ain’t wrong.
Paul Ryan is trying to sound like a nicer kind of Republican. But his policies are as brutal to the poor as ever.
@22 Watch out for them flags with gold fringes! And homemade cardboard license plates.
@21 you know if he wasn’t white this would have ended a lot quicker. Commuters would have all been happy and the resources used much less costly; The police would have used a tranquilizer gun and just have let him drop to the ground. White Privrlage as the loon calls it.
It’s very telling to view how QPPS @9 loves muslim terrorists. Does QPPS have any in its house now? Will QPPS invite Syrian refugees like QPPS “invited” those Central American children last January 2015?
Sux to have quadruple BULLSHITTIUM pressure between the ears!
The family values Klan can’t abide by there own rules and regulations.
Hypocrites to the Max.
Wow, if this is really true…
Typical DUMMOCRETIN FASCISM in action…
Oh no… Mike Rowe Agreshuns!
More truths of Illegal Muslims on southern border…
DUMMOCRETINS could care less!
Seems that IRS Scandal is coming back strong…
@29 Are they too wimpy for your taste? Would it make you happy if they sucker-punched a Trump supporter?
@31 Yawn. Stretch. Scratch.
The origins of the “war on drugs.”
Trump’s wall would do nothing to prevent this:
Me @9, “the loon hates ordinary Muslims as much as he hates Muslim Jihadists”
The batshit crazy loon, “It’s very telling to view how QPPS @9 loves muslim terrorists.”
Apparently my failure to hate over a billion non-violent Muslims means that I love terrorists. What a fucking loon!
Yawwwn… The babbling jackass remains blind to the “fair skinned” border.
Even little low-life Scotty Walker could see “Canada from his house”.
The silly troll is just obsessed with “cheap” people. White identity politics, pure and simple. Too funny this stupid and credulous troll.
Another “Republican values” pol ‘fesses up …
… he’s a Baptist deacon, too.
@28 . . . then what?
@28 If only those Hessian troops had known that terrorist leader George Washington would cross an icy river on Christmas Eve they never would have gotten drunk. Intelligence said those evil Americans were planning some attack on the Fort.
@30 How many legal Muslims were on the southern border?
Wonder how many Moors there were or how many people there have a Moorish ancestor.
@31 Does the sit end if President Ted Cruz abolishes the IRS. Oh Congress would have to do that. What is Senator Cruz waiting for? Oh so he’s buddies in these groups can cash in. Were they actually damaged?
@34 Thanks RR I wanted to read that story. Seems Nixon was just following the original origin of the illegalization of drugs. The original law is based on sexism and racism and Calvinism. White men were too cultured and refined to fall to drugs. They could resist having a little coke and a smile at the drugstore. Only women became addicts. Lotus eaters were all Asians all too willing to purchase his dreams from British business men and loosing an empire. Our American boys resisted the lotus blossom during the boxer rebellion. Only black jazz players and Mexicans smoked pot. Peyote is only used by Apache savages.
Strong powerful white men smoked tobacco, drank beer or whiskey, and drank coffee black. These are not drugs. When heroin is used to control pain white men are immune from addiction.
More EPIC FAYLES from the crazed databaze eh
salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
Southern border failures will appear and Obummer and DUMMOCRETINS will be blamed! Just like Clinton was blamed for the arrival of the 9-11 terrorists!
More EPIC FAYLES from the crazed databaze eh
salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
Southern border failures will appear and Obummer and DUMMOCRETINS will be blamed! Just like Clinton was blamed for the arrival of the 9-11 terrorists!
Another miserable example of Republican incompetence.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: When will you stupid humans learn? If you don’t want to wait in line for hours to vote, then don’t elect Republicans to run your elections.
@45 Blaming others is the only thing Republicans are any good at.
Thank you troll for responding to your true identity – a babbling jackass.
Its kb has diarhhea – double posts every day!
The trumphole CORRECTLY points out that 9/11 happened on its beloved empty suits watch and…
the trumphole wins in AZ…
the trumphole leads in the polls for the R nomination..
Baggers, Coulter, Ingraham, David Duke, karson kook-a-nut, incontinent R’s and klownservatics everywhere, even Flush Limpbone LOVE the Drumpfhole.
The babbling jackass LOVES it as well. It can’t help it. Remember what Darryl said – it’s a bullshitting asshole. Like (Dumpfhole) attracts like (babbling jackass). Sux to be the babbling jackass.
And its still blind to the fair skinned border – hopelessly bigoted and in thrall to white identity politics.
Where’s Boob? Still in Harborview Mental Ward after coming down from the tree?
This blog has always suffered from a lack of quality trolls, and now it has a shortage of trolls, period. What happened to all the trolls we used to have around here? The babbling jackass is all we’ve got left. Stefan’s sucky little blog is as dead as a fencepost, too. We’re running out of things to do.
@49 he must truly be embarASSed by his beloved party. Too asshamed and embarrASSed to show face here anymore. Or he finally realizes how much of a fucking moron he really is and figures coming here for his daily beating isn’t worth it.
Ever since Marco flamed out he’s had a negative outlook on life….I’m starting to wonder – was that really Boob in the tree? If it was Boob, I think it would have ended with him jumping to his DEATH (caps for the creepy effect that the Trolls like).
President Obama honors victims of CIA-abetted rightwing terrorism:
“President Obama paid tribute to the victims of Argentina’s so-called ‘Dirty War,’ honoring thousands of Argentinians killed by visiting the Parque de la Memoria on the 40th anniversary of the 1976 military coup, acknowledging ‘controversy about the policies of the United States early in those dark days.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: From Hitler to Pinochet to ISIS, rightwing murderers have been responsible for much of the world’s suffering. Communists, of course, are the bloodiest killers of all. Intelligent people despise both fascists and commies, and understand that fascism is not a reasonable alternative to communism. Why can’t Republicans figure this out? Are they really that stupid?
Yet another klownservatic “family values” hypocrite flushed down the toilet:
Sold out by the tool’s ex-wife! Sweeeeet justice!
Now what will our local babbling village idiot TideeBowl jackass @45 doooooo? HAHAHAHAHAHA!
“Stefan’s sucky little blog is as dead as a fencepost, too.”
Even when it has a post up, it’s dead, which is a humiliating and appropriate way for that blog to die.
@53 “Now what will our local babbling village idiot TideeBowl jackass @45 doooooo? HAHAHAHAHAHA!”
Vote for Drumfp, of course.
Cruz to Trump, “You’re a sniveling coward and leave Heidi the hell alone”
From who has the smallest dick to who has the ugliest wife, this is all just too damned funny. America is potentially facing it’s worst popcorn shortage EVAH!
General Electric CEO Lauds Boston As New Site
@56 “From who has the smallest dick to who has the ugliest wife”
This is what the GOP has descended to. Ike is turning over in his grave.
Of course FACTS like those presented in this link will fly right over the femtometer sized single amoeba brain cells of HA DUMMOCRETINS…
Re 59:
Aaaackkkkk….thppphphpphp… More Bill the Cat bullshit.
We already know how much you hate the idea of women owning control over their own bodies or even having any possession of self that permits them to tell a man “no” on occasion.
There should be no Religious exemptions from anything and maybe they should just be forced to shut the fuck up once in a while. They have no business pontificating on any morality and most certainly when it comes to other people’s medical care.
Maybe especially taxes. The Catholic Church has so much massive wealth that it has gathered over the centuries that it could easily pay for medical care for every human on the planet. Fuck them.
There were entire volumes of good reasons why the Russians got rid of the Orthodox Church, and the Chinese threw out the American Evilangelicals when they did. There were some damn good, legitimate reasons for it.
Republicans are EVIL!
“We already know how much you hate the idea of women owning control over their own bodies”
What’s funny is that, according to the hate-filled loon and his cult, the Sisters are devotees of the Antichrist Pope and they are all going to hell.
@72 Bitchies!
Where’s Bill?
@64 Who cares? Besides you, I mean. Btw, how come we never hear about GWB anymore? Are Republicans afraid to mention his name?
We already know how much you hate the idea of women owning control over their own bodies or even having any possession of self that permits them to tell a man “no” on occasion.
Lost in DUMMOCRETIN translation…
Pepsi, Visa and Chevron hate wimens too per the vomit producer. Why do Pepsi, Visa and Chevron GET AWAY WITH pontificating on any morality and most certainly when it comes to other people’s medical care?
See how easy that was to translate?
Sux to be the very idiotic vomit producer and the hanging human teabag licker HHTL!
Ahhh yes the very monomaniacal (ID’d by another leftist pinhead)
salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS went monomaniacal again!
Still has a small monomaniacal hard-on (genetically made that way) on Dr Ben Carson. Can’t comment on it without getting that baby sized stiffie! So monomaniacal, for so long now.
Meanwhile at the Clinton Crime Family Foundation…
Meanwhile at the Clinton Crime Family Foundation…
The loon @68 “Meanwhile at the Clinton Crime Family Foundation…”
The loon @69 “Meanwhile at the Clinton Crime Family Foundation…”
Others have noted the loon’s double posting. To merely mention it triggers something, it sets him off. I figure that Trump bringing the GOP party of fascists to ruin has caused the loon to turn to drink and substance abuse.
@50 Perhaps it’s time for some political activism to get some buzz going. Maybe horseapples for the Republican’s voting for charter schools. Some kind of special delivery on camera. Maybe delivered by a masked man and his sidekick.
Or the shadow as he knows what lurks in the hearts of men including Republicans!
@31 Notice your folks left out the fact the Justice Department attorneys have filed for a mandamus because the court has overstepped its authority. This baby is going to the Supreme Court! It will either be all eight justices telling this court to stuff it, the Republican jurists because of their support of Walmart and against cases with lots of plaintiffs. Each plaintiff should have to sue by themselves. And the Liberals because the court has overreached. That individual taxpayers have a right to privacy of course all the plaintiffs are right wing non profit corporations, sueing an understaffed IRS over issues that Congress has left up to the IRS and these are political issues that Congress refuses to address.
Or it could just be four to four and the justices just might be able to decide this case and drag their feet on it to illustrate the fact the Republicans need to vote on the justice President Obama has put up. Won’t that just get these tea partiers goat. When that goat goes BAAAA we can go HA HA from Horses ASS, and can do it with Irony!
Mandamus Puddy!
@52 Well it can happen here. Hitler was not that unpopular here in the United States until he declared war after Pearl Harbor. Yep his popularity here took significant hits after Poland 1939, but outside of Superman Comics most Americans paid him no mind, poked fun at him, or said nice things about him and Germany and how about Italy having the trains running on time. Some even like wearing those spiffy SS uniforms and brown and black shirts. Some like a fella named Ford build factories in Germany. Some like an aviator who flew over the Atlantic thought we should side with Hitler if we got involved in WWII.
We have had our Wounded Knees. We put our fellow citizens of Japanese descent in concentration camps out of fear and greed after Pearl Harbor. We exploded the Castle Bravo bomb, a single event with more power than all the bombs dropped in WWII and WW I including both atomic bombs, and displaced whole populations from their island homes. We allowed the trail of tears. The Federal Government having to send notice to all state judges you can’t do debtors prison.
@55 He could vote for Cruz. Or he could do a write in vote and you know who that will be for. Or he’s found his calling at the American Nazi Party website and is now a non-Aryan helping them out.
AS despicable and ugly as the American Nazi party is I support it existence. Those folks have the right to express their political views and to see how far they will go in the public forum. Thank goodness that openness is such a good disinfectant….ohh they tend to be a little secretive and are really serious about keeping strangers out of their events until they are vetted. Hmmm so it could happen here.
@56 And the New York Trump will respond when you leave her and the kids at home and off the stage and don’t bring them to the convention I’ll think about it.
I don’t think Cruz is keeping it a hundred here. Maybe Heidi can reach out in a Christian way to Trump’s wife since her husband certainly isn’t a true Christian according to Cruz bud Glenn Beck. Maybe Heidi is the true Christian in the Trump camp and has found the light.
They both just need a strong black woman in their lives who will set them all straight. If she is a progressive enlightened black woman she might not demand they divorce their wives as poly is the true Republican way of love!
@59 Since the Little Sisters are using the fact our female service members cannot get abortions and have difficulty getting other family panning services through the military. This is because our military is prohibited to provide these services because Congress won’t pay for them, due to political pressure. A great deal of that comes from the Catholic church opposition to abortion. This affects service members dependents who cannot get an abortion through the military medical system. Yet now the little sisters are using the results of their religions opposition to abortion to say they shouldn’t have to pay even for condoms. They are getting to have cake and might get to eat it too. Then again without the influential originilist in the court maybe 5 judges will come to a decision. Wouldn’t that suck for the Republicans as the Nuns will loose.
Roberts could become more and more liberal as the years go by it’s happened before. Better get that new guy on the court before Roberts goes off the Republican Reservation. After all he seems concerned about the courts legacy a bit more than conservatism. The kind of judge who might innocently tell the Republicans that if only the court had a judge of a certain caliber he might offer arguments that the court should acquiesce to the will of Congress in its decisions.
@66 Because they are our multi national corporate masters. Even nuns drink pepsi, buy gas and in spite of vows of poverty occassionally use a VISA card to buy gas, pepsi, or a tuna sandwich if they don’t have cash on them.
@67 So you and Ben are dating now. Need a cake for consummation day you love birds?
@70 No it’s spring and he hath love for the Dr. Ben Carson and like Thumper he has an uncontrollable finger as he is twitter patted.
Hurray for love!
@76 How about if insurance provides condoms to non-Catholics? Do they have a problem with that? Why should non-Catholics live by Catholic rules? Oh, I forgot, imposing religious tyranny on others is man’s oldest impulse. Republicans think their ancestors fled European religious tyranny in order to live under religious tyranny here. I guess it all depends on whose tyranny it is.
HEAD EXPLODES!!!! Fiend, your beloved kook-a-nut FAYLED to fulfill your fantasies of kult power..
While shuffling a few bucks into its pockets and the pockets of the kult.
Klownservatic nutjobs like YOU! Sux to be you!