Went to my neighbors house last night for dinner. Had an elk tenderloin bigger than your fist with a fresh potato from their farm and veggies from their garden….plus a 6-pack of Moose Drool. Brought an apple pie using apples we just picked from our trees…topped with fresh Whipped Cream. SOB. Had a nightcap of 4 alka-seltzers.
A whole lot better than the free-range tofu garnished with week-old sprouts most of you non-meateating KLOWNS probably choked down last night with Chai Tea.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Wow, the Seattle Times endorsement of Dino Rossi was fabulous. I feel like I wrote it myself!
Rossi made the right move in focusing on the Budget Fiasco Gregoire created by increasing spending 33% or $8 BILLION in the face of a recession. This $3.2 BILLION Deficit did not just happen, it was because of a series of Gregoire decisions. The Times gave this example:
“the proportion of health insurance paid by the employee. In the private sector, the employee’s share differs, but averages more than a third. At the state, the employee’s share is 12 percent.
A few months ago, Gregoire agreed to keep it at 12 percent. She could try to take back this gift, but it would be difficult. For Rossi, it would not be so difficult. He would probably say that in the midst of an economic crisis, it was unfair to save an employee’s benefit by raising taxes on other employees who don’t have that benefit.”
What the Times failed to do…and Rossi now MUST do is connect the dots and that is:
It was brought up here the huge conflict Gregoire had “negotiating” with the State Employees Union while taking their money & help from “foot-soldiers”.
This is what she did.
Taxpayers should be outraged.
Connect the dots quickly Dino…launch all torpedo’s now…and the Governor’s Mansion is your new home.
Ah, Saturday morning cartoons, with a big bowl of Fruit Loops or Cocoa Pebbles. Do Saturday morning cartoons still exist in this day and age?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Two Major GOP Newspapers Endorse Obama!
“Two large newspapers that have never before endorsed a Democratic presidential candidate throw their support behind Sen. Barack Obama. ‘We have tremendous confidence in his intellectual rigor, his moral compass and his ability to make sound, thoughtful, careful decisions,’ the Chicago Tribune says. Likewise, The Los Angeles Times says, ‘Obama is educated and eloquent, sober and exciting, steady and mature. He represents the nation as it is, and as it aspires to be.'”
(Quoted from AP under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What’s going on here is not only editorial admiration for the personal qualities of a Lincolnesque individual, but also profound dismay at McCrazy’s mental and character implosion: “The Tribune … added that it’s ‘hard to figure John McCain these days.’
The Times … said McCain’s campaign had left the candidate ‘nearly unrecognizable.’ His selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for running mate was ‘irresponsible,’ it said. ‘Palin is the most unqualified vice presidential nominee of a major party in living memory,’ the Times said. ‘The decision calls into question just what kind of thinking — if that’s the appropriate word — would drive the White House in a McCain presidency.’ The Times said the U.S. needs a president who displays grace under pressure, is not prone to volatile gestures and understands the legal foundations of American freedom.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
In Your Guts, You Know They’re Nuts
What’s going on here is that sober and detached journalistic observers are looking at the McCain – Palin campaign and shaking their heads. This is not the John McCain we know, they’re saying. And Palin scares the hell out of contemplative editors who see in her a shrill, ignorant, and crazy bantam rooster who is hell-bent on tearing our divided country apart — and might blow up the world if she ever got her claws on the nuclear codes. Stalwarts who have supported the Republican Party and its candidates through thick in thin — even through the dark days of Nixon’s madness and Bush’s extremism — are running away from this ticket like it carried the germs of the Plague. McCain’s temper tantrums and bad judgment scare them, and Palin is so over the top they see in her an Eva Braun or Jill the Ripper. Meanwhile, Obama is a stunningly attractive candidate who provides a bright alternative to the black insanity into which the Republican Party and its leaders have descended.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Do Saturday morning cartoons still exist in this day and age?”
Yes. See ##1 & 2 above. Looks like Cynical spent another sleepless night playing with his wang.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Which National Park did your environment- and wildlife-hating Republican pals poach an elk from? Not accusing anyone of anything, just curious that’s all …
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Actually Rog–
People in my area have respect for wildlife and follow the laws to the “T”. The NRA, which strongly endorses McCain, is a model for protecting our environment and managing wildlife. People out here HATE pouchers and those who fail to follow the hunting laws.
You might want to try an elk tenderloin sometime….cooked just a speck more than rare. Eating carrots all day grown in someone elses sh*t is obviously causing your noticeable deterioration in your mental capacity.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
From today’s Rasmussen:
Saturday, October 18, 2008
“Obama is viewed favorably by 55%, McCain by 53%. Those figures include 40% with a Very Favorable opinion of Obama and 30% with a Very Unfavorable opinion of him. For McCain, the comparable numbers are 23% Very Favorable and 24% Very Unfavorable.
Forty-four percent (44%) of voters are certain they will vote for Obama and not change their mind. Forty percent (40%) say the same about McCain. Thirteen percent (13%) have a preference for once candidate or the other but still say they might change their mind.”
While I still do not believe McCain will pull this out, it is interesting that 70% of voters have a very strong opinion of O-blah-blah one way or the other vs. only 47% have a very strong opinion of McCain.
I think that is because McCain’s negative campaign has pushed folks one way or the other on O-blah-blah. A negative campaign MUST be balanced with a very clear message however….and that is what McCain has failed to do well enough.
I tend to believe these numbers. It’s also amazing how many voters still say they could be swayed…..not that McCain has the campaign to sway them. But they are unconvinced by O-blah-blah.
The tanking of the stock market has really hurt McCain badly. Had all this bad economic news happened post-election, we would be looking at a dead-heat.
McCain has run an amateurish campaign. I’ll still vote for him anyday over Mr. “Government must spread the wealth” O-blah-blah.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Rabbits are vegetarians, dummy! We don’t eat meat! And we especially don’t eat our woodland friends! That’s, like, near cannibalism dude!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Elk Hate F***ing Rabbits Rog.
Elk find rabbits both shallow & annoying!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Great presidents don’t necessarily win by great margins, and candidates who landslide elections don’t always turn out well. Nixon won 49 states in 1972 — and look how that turned out. On the other hand, Lincoln won only 39.8% of the popular vote and only 180 of 303 electoral votes in 1860 — yet is widely considered our greatest president. President-To-Be Obama, like Lincoln, will lead a bitterly divided nation in which one side is clearly right and the other side is clearly wrong; and, like Lincoln, will face profound and vexing challenges. And, like Lincoln, he will win not because a majority of the electorate senses his inchoate greatness — a few do, but most don’t yet — but because his opponents are so vapid and inadequate that many voters will choose him by default. Only later will they realize how lucky this nation was to have him at the helm through perilous and difficult times.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Get your cyanide pill ready for Nov. 5, Cynical. It’s been fun playing with ya, pal. But if you’re not around after the election I’ll understand.
Two Dogsspews:
@1. What the hell are you talking about? Your diet is a lot like mine. So what? Your politics suck.
Two Dogsspews:
@12. I agree. But there is a sizable faction, mainly libertarians, who don’t think Lincoln was so great. To them he was responsible for the first great federal power grab, followed by the progressive era, followed by the New Deal. I think we may be hearing more of this form the right as President Obama comes to be seen as Lincolnesque.
“NEW YORK -The misadventures of Joe the Plumber were just the latest stumble for Republican John McCain as he veers from one idea to another in a thus-far elusive quest to slow Barack Obama’s momentum.
“Joe Wurzelbacher was supposed to be the Republican presidential candidate’s ace in the hole …. But Wurzelbacher’s story didn’t quite hold up ….
“The McCain campaign has always felt more improvisational than Obama’s well-oiled machine, and the Arizona senator’s years as a Navy pilot left him with a taste for daring feats. …
“Policy proposals have been floated and postponed. Lines of attack have been launched, then abruptly changed. And Joe the Plumber, like Sarah Palin before him, was pushed onto the national stage without a complete examination.
“‘When you run a campaign without a strategy and everything becomes tactical and your tactics don’t work, you respond by finding other tactics,’ Republican consultant Ed Rollins said. ‘Unfortunately, that’s [made McCain look] erratic and not stable.’ Republican pollster John McLaughlin said … ‘the McCain campaign [is] thrashing.’
“McCain aides, meanwhile, carry on their duties with an acute sense of grievance against the national media ….”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This story aptly describes McThrash’s campaign: It lacks a central vision or strategy, takes reckless gambles, and has no coherent message; and when it inevitably fell apart, his staffers blamed the media instead of their candidate’s and their own incompetence. So very Republican. And exactly what this country doesn’t need in these unsettling times. What it boils down to is the shrill little guy raising his voice and waving his arms isn’t ready to lead.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Of course the right hates Lincoln. They didn’t want to give up their slaves, and 150 years on, still dream of restoring slavery. In fact, if there’s one central theme of Republican philosophy, it’s enslaving the working class. That’s why I don’t work! Why should I work for those fuckers? Why should anyone? Fuck ’em, make ’em do their own work, and make ’em pay the same taxes the rest of us have to pay. That isn’t “spreading the wealth,” it’s just being fair.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Interestingly, California voters will also be voting on a massively expensive rail project — a bullet train route from San Francisco to
Los Angeles projected to cost $5 billion. Like Seattle’s hugely expensive light rail scheme, it faces opposition, and for similar reasons.
“A diverse band of small-government advocates and rail enthusiasts … support high-speed trains in concept but believe the current plan is an ill-conceived disaster about to slam the state. Several transportation experts agree.
“Professor James Moore, director of the University of Southern California’s transportation engineering program, calls it ‘a dumb project’ with overblown ridership and construction estimates, inflated profit forecasts and wildly optimistic speeds and travel times. … ‘When it comes to predicting the actual cost of systems like this, I just say a zillion and leave it at that.’
“A report commissioned by … foes compared the plans with what is rolling on the ground now in Europe and Asia. Instead of a profit, the California trains could yield financial losses as high as $4 billion, the report contends, predicting at least 60 percent fewer passengers than promoters project. … The final construction tab, they say, would swell beyond $80 billion, and other studies support that conclusion. A Danish researcher who analyzed more than 250 big infrastructure projects determined that new rail lines typically cost 45 percent more than originally estimated.
“‘I’m a transportation guy, but this is a wasted opportunity that sets the cause of high-speed rail back by years,’ said Ken Gosting of Transportation Involves Everyone.”
(Quoted from Seattle Times under fair use.)
I had salmon that I caught, veggies that I grew and homemade bread (not from one of those machines!). Later on I had applesauce made out of apples from a tree a couple miles from my house.
Elk is yumy!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
two dogs & Michael–
Glad to see you haven’t fallen victim to the “progressive-elite” diet habits.
But I’ll bet you guys do have reqular purified Yukon River water enemas!
But I’ll bet you guys do have reqular purified Yukon River water enemas!
I doubt I’ve fallen victim to the “progressive-elite” anything. I’m working class.
re 23: How does one enter the ranks of the ‘Major Jews’?
Is Noam Chomsky a ‘Major Jew’? How about Leonard Nimoy or Captain Kirk? These are all major Jews in my Torah.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Racist Voters Swinging To Obama
One of the most fascinating subsets of data coming from recent polling shows that a significant number of voters with racist attitudes are leaning toward Obama.
Ben Smith of Politco.com reports,
“(Oct. 18) – New polling and a trickle of stories from the battleground states suggest that Sen. Barack Obama’s coalition includes one unlikely group: white voters with negative views of African-Americans. …
“’What you see is it’s perfectly possible to hold a negative view of at least one aspect of African-Americans and yet simultaneously prefer Obama,’ said Charles Franklin, a political scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. ‘Racial feelings are not as cut and dried — not as black and white — as people often say.’ …
“Anecdotes … suggest that there’s a significant minority of prejudiced white voters who will swallow hard and vote for the black man. … One Obama volunteer told Politico after canvassing the working-class white Philadelphia neighborhood of Fishtown recently, ‘I was blown away by the outright racism, but these folks are … undecided. They would call him a [racial epithet] and mention how they don’t know what to do because of the economy.’ …
“‘The economy is trumping racism,’ said Kurt Schmoke, the dean of Howard University Law School and a former Baltimore mayor. ‘A lot of people who we might think wouldn’t vote their pocketbook because of race — now they are.’
“‘If you go to a white neighborhood in the suburbs and ask them, “How would you feel about a large black man kicking your door in,” they would say, “That doesn’t sound good to me,”‘ said Democratic political consultant Paul Begala. ‘But if you say, “Your house is on fire, and the firefighter happens to be black,” it’s a different situation. The house is on fire, and one guy seems like he’s calm and confident and in charge, and that’s the only option,’ he said. …
“One senior congressional Democrat mused about prejudice among his own supporters. ‘They’ve all got one black friend,’ he said, ‘and they won’t stop talking about their black friend. That’s Obama,’ he said.
“And some argue that elements of Obama’s story and persona make him specifically acceptable to voters who hold broadly negative views of African-Americans. ‘Not all whites associate the generic African-American with Obama,’ said Ron Walters, a longtime student of race and politics …. ‘They give him credit for having half a Caucasian ancestry, and give him credit for his education, and give him credit for his obvious ability to take complex subjects and parse them.’ …
“His campaign … may actually have overestimated the number of white Democrats … unwilling to vote for him because of his race. Obama had ignored West Virginia, for instance, until a spate of positive polls prompted him to start advertising there this week. …
“For black observers of American politics in particular, Obama’s ability to win over voters who harbor negative views of African-Americans at large is a complex, but hopeful, sign. ‘I didn’t think the election itself is necessarily going to transport a lot of people, but I’ve been changing my view on that a bit lately,’ said Walters. ‘I’ve been in personal circumstances where I said to myself, “I wonder if this person sees me differently because a black person is about to be the president of the United States?'”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve been wondering about this, especially in recent weeks as poll results have swung strongly in Obama’s direction. Certainly, we’re a less racist country than 50 years ago, when I was a young bunny — not only in terms of overt behavior and speech, but more importantly, in people’s feelings about race. This may be largely due to older generations having died off and being replaced by more tolerant young generations. But even so, there is still a significant amount of latent racism in this nation.
As I read the final paragraphs of this article, it dawned on me that something very dramatic is about to take place. A light bulb just came on in my rabbit brain. Now I know for certain that not only will Obama win the election, but he also will be a great president. And his greatness will erase the remaining vestiges of our racist past and transform America into a truly racially tolerant society. Yes, a successful Obama president means the end of racism in America.
You see, this was all foredained. Maybe generations of suffering black Americans wondered why, if there is a caring Deity, why She didn’t intervene to make this world more just and to throw down some lightning bolts to purge Her chosen land of racism.
Well, She just did. That’s right, the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit planned all along that Obama would be the half-white, half-black man who will lead America out of the darkness of its racial past into the daylight of a racism-free future. And what the GMRS wants, She gets! Believe me, as an Alpha Rabbit, I know that for a fact!
Ironically, the Bible-thumping Republicans who have claimed all along that God-wants-this and God-wants-that were right: God (aka the GMRS) gets what She wants! They were simply wrong about what She wants, and how she’s going to get it. Far from being part of the GMRS’s plan, these Republicans are the idiots She’s going to grind under her hindpaws into the dirt as She leads Her chosen leader, Obama, to the White House where he will lift America up out of racism forever.
My favorite is the Palin Nazi who could only name three black leaders.
It looks like General Sherman had it backward. He should have not touched the infrastructure, and just killed the people.
Oh well, I am sure he tried his best.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Focus Groups Show ‘Joe The Plumber’ Ploy Backfired
Republican pollster Frank Luntz’s post-debate focus group revealed that McOop’s cloying use of “Joe the Plumber” turned people off. By the end of the debate, several undecideds had shifted to Obama, none to McOops. Focus groups conducted by Democratic pollsters produced the same results.
(Source: Business Week)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s another tidbit about “Joe” (aka Sam): He’s lived in Ohio only a few years, and his home state is — you guessed it — Arizona.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Even rightwing bloggers like Martin Eisenstadt realize McCain is an idiot and bungler:
“John McCain did great tonight in the debate. But every time John mentioned ‘Joe the Plumber,’ some of us in the campaign banged our heads against the wall. If Steve Schmidt had any hair left, I hear he would have been pulling it out tonight. He reportedly screamed at John’s debate prep team tonight (out of earshot of reporters, of course). ‘You idiots – he’s related to Charles Keating… of the Keating Five scandal!’ They thought they had a real live Joe Six-Pack who’s spurned Barack Obama’s tax plan. But what they forgot to do was check on Joe Wurzelbacher’s background.
“Turns out that Joe Wurzelbacher from the Toledo event is a close relative of Robert Wurzelbacher of Milford, Ohio. Who’s Robert Wurzelbacher? Only Charles Keating’s son-in-law and the former senior vice president of American Continental, the parent company of the infamous Lincoln Savings and Loan. …
” … [A]t a debate where John goes full bore on Obama for guilt-by-association with William Ayers (and dodges a bullet by Obama not mentioning Keating Five), the press is going to bring it … front and center by … tomorrow ….”
(Ripped off from Eisenstadt’s web site; if he doesn’t like it, he can sue me — and I’ll claim fair use!)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: McCain’s campaign has been full of “oops moments,” like when he ran the Paris Hilton ad before checking whether the Hiltons were big donors to his campaign — which they used to be. Picking some lying shmuck off the street and elevating him to national stardom before checking to see whether he might, for example, remind voters of his connections to Charles Keating wasn’t one of his best moves, either. There’s a serious lack of brains in the McCain camp, especially between their candidate’s ears. McCain doesn’t come off looking exactly like someone you’d want in charge in a crisis.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Does anyone know why Drano Joe isn’t registered to vote? Many states don’t let ex-felons vote. Hey, I’m not suggesting Joe is an ex-felon … I’m just wonderin’ why he isn’t registered to vote, that’s all. Hey Richard Pope — could you research something for us?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Not many trolls around here today. Did the Rapture come last night? If 144,000 trolls are now in heaven, that’s not enough, but it’s better than nothing.
Roger @ 28- They forgot to check his background! Why does that sound familiar?
Cannot wait to see Sarah tonight on Saturday Night Live.
Dave Neiwert has picked up on that as well.
Marvin Stamnspews:
What, no mention of that angry obama supporter attacking that middle aged woman in new york that had a mcsame sign?
Oh yeah, I forgot.
Liberals can attack people and get a free pass from the media.
For a democrat, it’s not about right/wrong, good/bad, legal/illegal, it’s all about party.
6. Roger Rabbit spews:
Looks like Cynical spent another sleepless night playing with his wang.
Considering your age and health, you sound jealous.
Marvin Stamnspews:
16. Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This story aptly describes McThrash’s campaign:
Tell us about obama’s campaign and why they are only up a handful of points.
What’s wrong with his campaign.
If bush, the war, the economy and everything else isn’t enough to get obama wiping the floor with an old man what will?
The truth is, acorn and voter fraud are the best hopes for obama.
After all, if mickey mouse and 7 year olds are voting for obama he probably will win.
Marvin Stamnspews:
24. Roger Rabbit spews:
One of the most fascinating subsets of data coming from recent polling shows that a significant number of voters with racist attitudes are leaning toward Obama.
The bradley effect.
Exactly what happened to tom bradley in the liberal democrat state of kalifornia when he ran for governor.
Strange how white democrats always talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.
Remember, the only racists that will stop obama are democrats. Conservatives won’t vote for someone as liberal as obama no matter the color, stripes or polka dots.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Mahatma Gandhi, who led millions of freedom seekers and who spent years in prison for his convictions. Gandhi was nominated for the nobel peace prize five times but was never awarded. He did as he preached.
Al gore won the nobel peace prize for living the lifestyle the exact opposite of what he preached.
Gotta love liberals and their double standards.
Do you believe McCain has run a competent campaign, Marv? Take a serious look.
Obama is running uphill. Yes, I know what the political and economic conditions are. I also know Obama is coming on as a little known candidate just over a year ago to managing a national campaign. He is running with a “funny” name and yes as a black man in a nation where that still is a challenge. Count the number of campaign missteps and changes of course on each side. Tell me who is more competitent.
OMG!!! A partisan lefty site from Seattle didn’t run with a story from a partisan right wing site from NY.
Yeah, that sure proves we’re all a bunch of haters.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Now we see why letterman had so much hate for mcsame when he didn’t show up.
The Thursday night telecast was seen by 6.5 million viewers, and received a 1.7 rating in the adult demo. That’s the largest audience for the show since December, 2005, when Oprah Winfrey appeared. “Late Show” also topped Jay Leno’s “Tonight Show” (4.6 million viewers) by 43%, and Leno had Joe Biden as a guest.
Maybe people thought biden was going to give another math lesson and figured they would rather listen to someone that could count to 4.
Marvin Stamnspews:
39. K spews:
Do you believe McCain has run a competent campaign, Marv? Take a serious look.
Yet he’s only a handful away in the very liberal biased polls.
Without the liberal media running cover for obama do you honestly believe obama would have a chance?
Look how the liberal media savaged joe the plumber for simply asking a question that obama answered honestly.
If obama answering “spread the wealth” didn’t hurt big time why did the liberal media devote so much time to discredit an average person.
Marvin Stamnspews:
40. Michael spews:
OMG!!! A partisan lefty site from Seattle didn’t run with a story from a partisan right wing site from NY.
The truth is the truth.
Like the Right wing conspiracy handbook says…
Truth to liberals is like kryptonite to superman.
Daddy Lovespews:
Im John McCain and I approved this robo-call:
“You need to know that Barack Obama has worked closely with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, whose organization bombed the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, a judge’s home, and killed Americans. And Democrats will enact an extreme leftist agenda if they take control of Washington. Barack Obama and his democratic allies lack the judgment to lead our country.”
Daddy Lovespews:
42 MS
If obama answering “spread the wealth” didn’t hurt big time why did the liberal media devote so much time to discredit an average person.
If it DID hurt him, why haven’t his numbers dropped?
Daddy Lovespews:
McCain picking up one of Maine’s electoral votes? I don’t think so…
McCain (R) 38
Obama (D) 53
1st CD
McCain (R) 35
Obama (D) 58
2nd CD
McCain (R) 41
Obama (D) 52
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 “Yet he’s only a handful away in the very liberal biased polls.”
Is this your idea of a joke? McCain has to win all of the following states and is ahead in none of them: Florida, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado.
Daddy Lovespews:
Barack Obama today in St. Louis, MO:. Did I mention that there were ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE who came out to listen to him?
“It comes down to values — in America, do we simply value wealth, or do we value the work that creates it? For eight years, we’ve seen what happens when we put the extremely wealthy and well-connected ahead of working people. Now, John McCain thinks that the way to rebuild this economy is to double down on George Bush’s policy of giving more and more tax breaks to those at the very top in the false hope that it will all trickle down. I think it’s time to rebuild the middle class in this country, and that is the choice in this election.
“Senator McCain wants to give the average Fortune 500 CEO a $700,000 tax cut but absolutely nothing at all to over 100 million Americans. I want to cut taxes — cut taxes — for 95 percent of all workers. And under my plan, if you make less than $250,000 a year — which includes 98 percent of small business owners — you won’t see your taxes increase one single dime. Not your payroll taxes, not your income taxes, not your capital gains taxes — nothing. It’s time to give the middle class a break, and that’s what I’ll do as President of the United States.
“Lately, Senator McCain has been attacking my middle class tax cut. He actually said it goes to, ‘those who don’t pay taxes,’ even though it only goes to working people who are already getting taxed on their paycheck. That’s right, Missouri — John McCain is so out of touch with the struggles you are facing that he must be the first politician in history to call a tax cut for working people ‘welfare.’
The only ‘welfare’ in this campaign is John McCain’s plan to give another $200 billion in tax cuts to the wealthiest corporations in America — including $4 billion in tax breaks to big oil companies that ran up record profits under George Bush. That’s who John McCain is fighting for. But we can’t afford four more years like the last eight. George Bush and John McCain are out of ideas, they are out of touch, and if you stand with me in 17 days they will be out of time.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 (continued) “Spreading the wealth” just might resonate with working-class voters who are tired of Republicans who take all the income and leave them nothing but taxes.
Marvin Stamnspews:
44. Daddy Love spews:
Im John McCain and I approved this robo-call:
The majority of that is fact isn’t it?
The only thing in questionable, would be-
Barack Obama and his democratic allies lack the judgment to lead our country
Why do you have a problem with the truth?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 “call a tax cut for working people ‘welfare.’”
What do you expect from a party boy who married $100 million?
Marvin Stamnspews:
47. Roger Rabbit spews: @42 “Yet he’s only a handful away in the very liberal biased polls.”
Is this your idea of a joke?
Like I said, liberal biased polls. You know it but don’t want to admit it.
Instead you mentioned states where the liberal biased polls aren’t reflecting the reality of the upcoming vote.
I just hope that when obama loses you and your left-wingnut cronies won’t point to the liberal biased polls as proof of voter fraud.
Marvin Stamnspews:
51. Roger Rabbit spews:
What do you expect from a party boy who married $100 million?
You didn’t feel that way about kerry.
Typical liberal double standard.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 It’s hard to get decent quality trolls for minimum wage.
Marvin Stamnspews:
45. Daddy Love spews:
42 MS
If it DID hurt him, why haven’t his numbers dropped?
Using your logic…
If bush lied, why didn’t rush report it.
The liberal biased polls are doing everything they can to discourage conservative voters. You know the truth but you are much more interested in your party winning than the truth. This is america so you are free to feel that way, except that doesn’t change the facts.
Did you see that ap/yahoo poll I posted yesterday that obama was up 5 despite 373 democrats and 252 republicans being polled??
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh my — the latest RCP electoral vote map has Obama over McCain by 286 – 155 with 97 tossups. That means McCain can’t win even if he takes every single tossup state. But you know what? Obama leads in states with 78 of those tossup EVs! It’s looking pretty grim for party boy!
Marvin Stamnspews:
54. Roger Rabbit spews:
@50 It’s hard to get decent quality trolls for minimum wage.
Okay, what part of that robocall isn’t fact?
You need to know that Barack Obama has worked closely with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers
whose organization bombed the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, a judge’s home, and killed Americans.
And Democrats will enact an extreme leftist agenda if they take control of Washington.
Fact. Spread the wealth.
Barack Obama and his democratic allies lack the judgment to lead our country.”
Matter of opinion. Depending how you view obama’s lack of executive experience and all his “present” votes to cowardly avoid taking a stand on issues.
To get to 270 electoral votes in November McCain needs to pickup 115 votes.
To get to 269 electoral votes Obama has to not lose 17 votes. I think we can handle that.
Marv, Marv, Marv, the Ayers angle is sooo tired. He served on a board with him. THere were others, Republicans and Democrats on a board. The appointments were to the Annenberg Challenge. You know, Annenberg, with the solid Republican connections. And a fund raising event.
And an extreme leftist agenda- like nationalizing the banks? Oh yeah, a Republican president did that.
@57 – You are exactly correct, no reasonable person would deny what you’ve written.
Marvin Stamnspews:
59. K spews:
Marv, Marv, Marv, the Ayers angle is sooo tired. He served on a board with him. THere were others, Republicans and Democrats on a board.
It’s only tired because it shows a side of obama that people on the left know hurts in the general election. Did you notice it wasn’t an issue in the primaries, hell, it even helped him in the primaries, proved his credentials.
Are those other dems/reps running for president?
Just out of curiosity, if Oklahoma seceded from the United States would anyone notice or care?
Folks, please trust ME to spread your wealth because you are too stupid to do so yourself.
Remember what my mentor, Karl Marx, said: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Vote for me. You’ll never have to work or think again in your life…I’ll do it all for you!
Are you going to move to the Republic of Oklahoma if Obama wins? I hear they’re fond of basketball down there…
It looks like Cynical has lost touch with reality. Take his fantasy life, for instance. He’s a weathy investor, you know, living on his ranch in Montana. Yet he dines often in Lacey, a short hop from the BIAW headquarters, and spends all day and night posting his fascist drivel on a Seattle area blog. Aaaah, ranching is such easy work.
Cynical, having a goat in the back yard does not a rancher make. I thought you should know.
And then there’s Marvin. Marvin is a L.A. studio musician who spends his days and nights posting on a Seattle-area political blog. What’s more remarkable is that he’s the only studio musician on the planet who can’t discuss simple chord progressions and musical scales. Say what you will about our friend Pudge, but at least he is a real musician. Marvin? Well, not so much.
Why are Cynical and Marvin so ashamed of their lives? Is it that the BIAW doesn’t pay much? After all, they do hate the minimum wage.
For the record, I really am a flat-broke working-class guy.
Marvin Stamnspews:
66. Steve spews:
And then there’s Marvin
Have you noticed you mention me in the majority of your posts??
Went to my neighbors house last night for dinner. Had an elk tenderloin bigger than your fist with a fresh potato from their farm and veggies from their garden….plus a 6-pack of Moose Drool. Brought an apple pie using apples we just picked from our trees…topped with fresh Whipped Cream. SOB. Had a nightcap of 4 alka-seltzers.
A whole lot better than the free-range tofu garnished with week-old sprouts most of you non-meateating KLOWNS probably choked down last night with Chai Tea.
Wow, the Seattle Times endorsement of Dino Rossi was fabulous. I feel like I wrote it myself!
Rossi made the right move in focusing on the Budget Fiasco Gregoire created by increasing spending 33% or $8 BILLION in the face of a recession. This $3.2 BILLION Deficit did not just happen, it was because of a series of Gregoire decisions. The Times gave this example:
“the proportion of health insurance paid by the employee. In the private sector, the employee’s share differs, but averages more than a third. At the state, the employee’s share is 12 percent.
A few months ago, Gregoire agreed to keep it at 12 percent. She could try to take back this gift, but it would be difficult. For Rossi, it would not be so difficult. He would probably say that in the midst of an economic crisis, it was unfair to save an employee’s benefit by raising taxes on other employees who don’t have that benefit.”
What the Times failed to do…and Rossi now MUST do is connect the dots and that is:
It was brought up here the huge conflict Gregoire had “negotiating” with the State Employees Union while taking their money & help from “foot-soldiers”.
This is what she did.
Taxpayers should be outraged.
Connect the dots quickly Dino…launch all torpedo’s now…and the Governor’s Mansion is your new home.
Ah, Saturday morning cartoons, with a big bowl of Fruit Loops or Cocoa Pebbles. Do Saturday morning cartoons still exist in this day and age?
Two Major GOP Newspapers Endorse Obama!
“Two large newspapers that have never before endorsed a Democratic presidential candidate throw their support behind Sen. Barack Obama. ‘We have tremendous confidence in his intellectual rigor, his moral compass and his ability to make sound, thoughtful, careful decisions,’ the Chicago Tribune says. Likewise, The Los Angeles Times says, ‘Obama is educated and eloquent, sober and exciting, steady and mature. He represents the nation as it is, and as it aspires to be.'”
(Quoted from AP under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What’s going on here is not only editorial admiration for the personal qualities of a Lincolnesque individual, but also profound dismay at McCrazy’s mental and character implosion: “The Tribune … added that it’s ‘hard to figure John McCain these days.’
The Times … said McCain’s campaign had left the candidate ‘nearly unrecognizable.’ His selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for running mate was ‘irresponsible,’ it said. ‘Palin is the most unqualified vice presidential nominee of a major party in living memory,’ the Times said. ‘The decision calls into question just what kind of thinking — if that’s the appropriate word — would drive the White House in a McCain presidency.’ The Times said the U.S. needs a president who displays grace under pressure, is not prone to volatile gestures and understands the legal foundations of American freedom.”
In Your Guts, You Know They’re Nuts
What’s going on here is that sober and detached journalistic observers are looking at the McCain – Palin campaign and shaking their heads. This is not the John McCain we know, they’re saying. And Palin scares the hell out of contemplative editors who see in her a shrill, ignorant, and crazy bantam rooster who is hell-bent on tearing our divided country apart — and might blow up the world if she ever got her claws on the nuclear codes. Stalwarts who have supported the Republican Party and its candidates through thick in thin — even through the dark days of Nixon’s madness and Bush’s extremism — are running away from this ticket like it carried the germs of the Plague. McCain’s temper tantrums and bad judgment scare them, and Palin is so over the top they see in her an Eva Braun or Jill the Ripper. Meanwhile, Obama is a stunningly attractive candidate who provides a bright alternative to the black insanity into which the Republican Party and its leaders have descended.
@3 “Do Saturday morning cartoons still exist in this day and age?”
Yes. See ##1 & 2 above. Looks like Cynical spent another sleepless night playing with his wang.
@1 Which National Park did your environment- and wildlife-hating Republican pals poach an elk from? Not accusing anyone of anything, just curious that’s all …
Actually Rog–
People in my area have respect for wildlife and follow the laws to the “T”. The NRA, which strongly endorses McCain, is a model for protecting our environment and managing wildlife. People out here HATE pouchers and those who fail to follow the hunting laws.
You might want to try an elk tenderloin sometime….cooked just a speck more than rare. Eating carrots all day grown in someone elses sh*t is obviously causing your noticeable deterioration in your mental capacity.
From today’s Rasmussen:
Saturday, October 18, 2008
“Obama is viewed favorably by 55%, McCain by 53%. Those figures include 40% with a Very Favorable opinion of Obama and 30% with a Very Unfavorable opinion of him. For McCain, the comparable numbers are 23% Very Favorable and 24% Very Unfavorable.
Forty-four percent (44%) of voters are certain they will vote for Obama and not change their mind. Forty percent (40%) say the same about McCain. Thirteen percent (13%) have a preference for once candidate or the other but still say they might change their mind.”
While I still do not believe McCain will pull this out, it is interesting that 70% of voters have a very strong opinion of O-blah-blah one way or the other vs. only 47% have a very strong opinion of McCain.
I think that is because McCain’s negative campaign has pushed folks one way or the other on O-blah-blah. A negative campaign MUST be balanced with a very clear message however….and that is what McCain has failed to do well enough.
I tend to believe these numbers. It’s also amazing how many voters still say they could be swayed…..not that McCain has the campaign to sway them. But they are unconvinced by O-blah-blah.
The tanking of the stock market has really hurt McCain badly. Had all this bad economic news happened post-election, we would be looking at a dead-heat.
McCain has run an amateurish campaign. I’ll still vote for him anyday over Mr. “Government must spread the wealth” O-blah-blah.
@8 Rabbits are vegetarians, dummy! We don’t eat meat! And we especially don’t eat our woodland friends! That’s, like, near cannibalism dude!
Elk Hate F***ing Rabbits Rog.
Elk find rabbits both shallow & annoying!
@9 Great presidents don’t necessarily win by great margins, and candidates who landslide elections don’t always turn out well. Nixon won 49 states in 1972 — and look how that turned out. On the other hand, Lincoln won only 39.8% of the popular vote and only 180 of 303 electoral votes in 1860 — yet is widely considered our greatest president. President-To-Be Obama, like Lincoln, will lead a bitterly divided nation in which one side is clearly right and the other side is clearly wrong; and, like Lincoln, will face profound and vexing challenges. And, like Lincoln, he will win not because a majority of the electorate senses his inchoate greatness — a few do, but most don’t yet — but because his opponents are so vapid and inadequate that many voters will choose him by default. Only later will they realize how lucky this nation was to have him at the helm through perilous and difficult times.
@11 Get your cyanide pill ready for Nov. 5, Cynical. It’s been fun playing with ya, pal. But if you’re not around after the election I’ll understand.
@1. What the hell are you talking about? Your diet is a lot like mine. So what? Your politics suck.
@12. I agree. But there is a sizable faction, mainly libertarians, who don’t think Lincoln was so great. To them he was responsible for the first great federal power grab, followed by the progressive era, followed by the New Deal. I think we may be hearing more of this form the right as President Obama comes to be seen as Lincolnesque.
Associated Press reporter Beth Fouhy explains why McErratic’s campaign is falling apart:
“NEW YORK -The misadventures of Joe the Plumber were just the latest stumble for Republican John McCain as he veers from one idea to another in a thus-far elusive quest to slow Barack Obama’s momentum.
“Joe Wurzelbacher was supposed to be the Republican presidential candidate’s ace in the hole …. But Wurzelbacher’s story didn’t quite hold up ….
“The McCain campaign has always felt more improvisational than Obama’s well-oiled machine, and the Arizona senator’s years as a Navy pilot left him with a taste for daring feats. …
“Policy proposals have been floated and postponed. Lines of attack have been launched, then abruptly changed. And Joe the Plumber, like Sarah Palin before him, was pushed onto the national stage without a complete examination.
“‘When you run a campaign without a strategy and everything becomes tactical and your tactics don’t work, you respond by finding other tactics,’ Republican consultant Ed Rollins said. ‘Unfortunately, that’s [made McCain look] erratic and not stable.’ Republican pollster John McLaughlin said … ‘the McCain campaign [is] thrashing.’
“McCain aides, meanwhile, carry on their duties with an acute sense of grievance against the national media ….”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This story aptly describes McThrash’s campaign: It lacks a central vision or strategy, takes reckless gambles, and has no coherent message; and when it inevitably fell apart, his staffers blamed the media instead of their candidate’s and their own incompetence. So very Republican. And exactly what this country doesn’t need in these unsettling times. What it boils down to is the shrill little guy raising his voice and waving his arms isn’t ready to lead.
@15 Of course the right hates Lincoln. They didn’t want to give up their slaves, and 150 years on, still dream of restoring slavery. In fact, if there’s one central theme of Republican philosophy, it’s enslaving the working class. That’s why I don’t work! Why should I work for those fuckers? Why should anyone? Fuck ’em, make ’em do their own work, and make ’em pay the same taxes the rest of us have to pay. That isn’t “spreading the wealth,” it’s just being fair.
Interestingly, California voters will also be voting on a massively expensive rail project — a bullet train route from San Francisco to
Los Angeles projected to cost $5 billion. Like Seattle’s hugely expensive light rail scheme, it faces opposition, and for similar reasons.
“A diverse band of small-government advocates and rail enthusiasts … support high-speed trains in concept but believe the current plan is an ill-conceived disaster about to slam the state. Several transportation experts agree.
“Professor James Moore, director of the University of Southern California’s transportation engineering program, calls it ‘a dumb project’ with overblown ridership and construction estimates, inflated profit forecasts and wildly optimistic speeds and travel times. … ‘When it comes to predicting the actual cost of systems like this, I just say a zillion and leave it at that.’
“A report commissioned by … foes compared the plans with what is rolling on the ground now in Europe and Asia. Instead of a profit, the California trains could yield financial losses as high as $4 billion, the report contends, predicting at least 60 percent fewer passengers than promoters project. … The final construction tab, they say, would swell beyond $80 billion, and other studies support that conclusion. A Danish researcher who analyzed more than 250 big infrastructure projects determined that new rail lines typically cost 45 percent more than originally estimated.
“‘I’m a transportation guy, but this is a wasted opportunity that sets the cause of high-speed rail back by years,’ said Ken Gosting of Transportation Involves Everyone.”
(Quoted from Seattle Times under fair use.)
I had salmon that I caught, veggies that I grew and homemade bread (not from one of those machines!). Later on I had applesauce made out of apples from a tree a couple miles from my house.
Elk is yumy!
two dogs & Michael–
Glad to see you haven’t fallen victim to the “progressive-elite” diet habits.
But I’ll bet you guys do have reqular purified Yukon River water enemas!
I doubt I’ve fallen victim to the “progressive-elite” anything. I’m working class.
For those who need a scorecard, SJNews has just published a list of the major Jews involved in both the Republican and Democratic campaigns. Seattle is mentioned twice, including a link to HA.
re 23: How does one enter the ranks of the ‘Major Jews’?
Is Noam Chomsky a ‘Major Jew’? How about Leonard Nimoy or Captain Kirk? These are all major Jews in my Torah.
Racist Voters Swinging To Obama
One of the most fascinating subsets of data coming from recent polling shows that a significant number of voters with racist attitudes are leaning toward Obama.
Ben Smith of Politco.com reports,
“(Oct. 18) – New polling and a trickle of stories from the battleground states suggest that Sen. Barack Obama’s coalition includes one unlikely group: white voters with negative views of African-Americans. …
“’What you see is it’s perfectly possible to hold a negative view of at least one aspect of African-Americans and yet simultaneously prefer Obama,’ said Charles Franklin, a political scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. ‘Racial feelings are not as cut and dried — not as black and white — as people often say.’ …
“Anecdotes … suggest that there’s a significant minority of prejudiced white voters who will swallow hard and vote for the black man. … One Obama volunteer told Politico after canvassing the working-class white Philadelphia neighborhood of Fishtown recently, ‘I was blown away by the outright racism, but these folks are … undecided. They would call him a [racial epithet] and mention how they don’t know what to do because of the economy.’ …
“‘The economy is trumping racism,’ said Kurt Schmoke, the dean of Howard University Law School and a former Baltimore mayor. ‘A lot of people who we might think wouldn’t vote their pocketbook because of race — now they are.’
“‘If you go to a white neighborhood in the suburbs and ask them, “How would you feel about a large black man kicking your door in,” they would say, “That doesn’t sound good to me,”‘ said Democratic political consultant Paul Begala. ‘But if you say, “Your house is on fire, and the firefighter happens to be black,” it’s a different situation. The house is on fire, and one guy seems like he’s calm and confident and in charge, and that’s the only option,’ he said. …
“One senior congressional Democrat mused about prejudice among his own supporters. ‘They’ve all got one black friend,’ he said, ‘and they won’t stop talking about their black friend. That’s Obama,’ he said.
“And some argue that elements of Obama’s story and persona make him specifically acceptable to voters who hold broadly negative views of African-Americans. ‘Not all whites associate the generic African-American with Obama,’ said Ron Walters, a longtime student of race and politics …. ‘They give him credit for having half a Caucasian ancestry, and give him credit for his education, and give him credit for his obvious ability to take complex subjects and parse them.’ …
“His campaign … may actually have overestimated the number of white Democrats … unwilling to vote for him because of his race. Obama had ignored West Virginia, for instance, until a spate of positive polls prompted him to start advertising there this week. …
“For black observers of American politics in particular, Obama’s ability to win over voters who harbor negative views of African-Americans at large is a complex, but hopeful, sign. ‘I didn’t think the election itself is necessarily going to transport a lot of people, but I’ve been changing my view on that a bit lately,’ said Walters. ‘I’ve been in personal circumstances where I said to myself, “I wonder if this person sees me differently because a black person is about to be the president of the United States?'”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve been wondering about this, especially in recent weeks as poll results have swung strongly in Obama’s direction. Certainly, we’re a less racist country than 50 years ago, when I was a young bunny — not only in terms of overt behavior and speech, but more importantly, in people’s feelings about race. This may be largely due to older generations having died off and being replaced by more tolerant young generations. But even so, there is still a significant amount of latent racism in this nation.
As I read the final paragraphs of this article, it dawned on me that something very dramatic is about to take place. A light bulb just came on in my rabbit brain. Now I know for certain that not only will Obama win the election, but he also will be a great president. And his greatness will erase the remaining vestiges of our racist past and transform America into a truly racially tolerant society. Yes, a successful Obama president means the end of racism in America.
You see, this was all foredained. Maybe generations of suffering black Americans wondered why, if there is a caring Deity, why She didn’t intervene to make this world more just and to throw down some lightning bolts to purge Her chosen land of racism.
Well, She just did. That’s right, the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit planned all along that Obama would be the half-white, half-black man who will lead America out of the darkness of its racial past into the daylight of a racism-free future. And what the GMRS wants, She gets! Believe me, as an Alpha Rabbit, I know that for a fact!
Ironically, the Bible-thumping Republicans who have claimed all along that God-wants-this and God-wants-that were right: God (aka the GMRS) gets what She wants! They were simply wrong about what She wants, and how she’s going to get it. Far from being part of the GMRS’s plan, these Republicans are the idiots She’s going to grind under her hindpaws into the dirt as She leads Her chosen leader, Obama, to the White House where he will lift America up out of racism forever.
My favorite is the Palin Nazi who could only name three black leaders.
It looks like General Sherman had it backward. He should have not touched the infrastructure, and just killed the people.
Oh well, I am sure he tried his best.
Focus Groups Show ‘Joe The Plumber’ Ploy Backfired
Republican pollster Frank Luntz’s post-debate focus group revealed that McOop’s cloying use of “Joe the Plumber” turned people off. By the end of the debate, several undecideds had shifted to Obama, none to McOops. Focus groups conducted by Democratic pollsters produced the same results.
(Source: Business Week)
Here’s another tidbit about “Joe” (aka Sam): He’s lived in Ohio only a few years, and his home state is — you guessed it — Arizona.
Even rightwing bloggers like Martin Eisenstadt realize McCain is an idiot and bungler:
“John McCain did great tonight in the debate. But every time John mentioned ‘Joe the Plumber,’ some of us in the campaign banged our heads against the wall. If Steve Schmidt had any hair left, I hear he would have been pulling it out tonight. He reportedly screamed at John’s debate prep team tonight (out of earshot of reporters, of course). ‘You idiots – he’s related to Charles Keating… of the Keating Five scandal!’ They thought they had a real live Joe Six-Pack who’s spurned Barack Obama’s tax plan. But what they forgot to do was check on Joe Wurzelbacher’s background.
“Turns out that Joe Wurzelbacher from the Toledo event is a close relative of Robert Wurzelbacher of Milford, Ohio. Who’s Robert Wurzelbacher? Only Charles Keating’s son-in-law and the former senior vice president of American Continental, the parent company of the infamous Lincoln Savings and Loan. …
” … [A]t a debate where John goes full bore on Obama for guilt-by-association with William Ayers (and dodges a bullet by Obama not mentioning Keating Five), the press is going to bring it … front and center by … tomorrow ….”
(Ripped off from Eisenstadt’s web site; if he doesn’t like it, he can sue me — and I’ll claim fair use!)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: McCain’s campaign has been full of “oops moments,” like when he ran the Paris Hilton ad before checking whether the Hiltons were big donors to his campaign — which they used to be. Picking some lying shmuck off the street and elevating him to national stardom before checking to see whether he might, for example, remind voters of his connections to Charles Keating wasn’t one of his best moves, either. There’s a serious lack of brains in the McCain camp, especially between their candidate’s ears. McCain doesn’t come off looking exactly like someone you’d want in charge in a crisis.
Does anyone know why Drano Joe isn’t registered to vote? Many states don’t let ex-felons vote. Hey, I’m not suggesting Joe is an ex-felon … I’m just wonderin’ why he isn’t registered to vote, that’s all. Hey Richard Pope — could you research something for us?
Not many trolls around here today. Did the Rapture come last night? If 144,000 trolls are now in heaven, that’s not enough, but it’s better than nothing.
Roger @ 28- They forgot to check his background! Why does that sound familiar?
Cannot wait to see Sarah tonight on Saturday Night Live.
Dave Neiwert has picked up on that as well.
What, no mention of that angry obama supporter attacking that middle aged woman in new york that had a mcsame sign?
Oh yeah, I forgot.
Liberals can attack people and get a free pass from the media.
For a democrat, it’s not about right/wrong, good/bad, legal/illegal, it’s all about party.
Considering your age and health, you sound jealous.
Tell us about obama’s campaign and why they are only up a handful of points.
What’s wrong with his campaign.
If bush, the war, the economy and everything else isn’t enough to get obama wiping the floor with an old man what will?
The truth is, acorn and voter fraud are the best hopes for obama.
After all, if mickey mouse and 7 year olds are voting for obama he probably will win.
The bradley effect.
Exactly what happened to tom bradley in the liberal democrat state of kalifornia when he ran for governor.
Strange how white democrats always talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.
Remember, the only racists that will stop obama are democrats. Conservatives won’t vote for someone as liberal as obama no matter the color, stripes or polka dots.
Mahatma Gandhi, who led millions of freedom seekers and who spent years in prison for his convictions. Gandhi was nominated for the nobel peace prize five times but was never awarded. He did as he preached.
Al gore won the nobel peace prize for living the lifestyle the exact opposite of what he preached.
Gotta love liberals and their double standards.
Do you believe McCain has run a competent campaign, Marv? Take a serious look.
Obama is running uphill. Yes, I know what the political and economic conditions are. I also know Obama is coming on as a little known candidate just over a year ago to managing a national campaign. He is running with a “funny” name and yes as a black man in a nation where that still is a challenge. Count the number of campaign missteps and changes of course on each side. Tell me who is more competitent.
OMG!!! A partisan lefty site from Seattle didn’t run with a story from a partisan right wing site from NY.
Yeah, that sure proves we’re all a bunch of haters.
Now we see why letterman had so much hate for mcsame when he didn’t show up.
Maybe people thought biden was going to give another math lesson and figured they would rather listen to someone that could count to 4.
Yet he’s only a handful away in the very liberal biased polls.
Without the liberal media running cover for obama do you honestly believe obama would have a chance?
Look how the liberal media savaged joe the plumber for simply asking a question that obama answered honestly.
If obama answering “spread the wealth” didn’t hurt big time why did the liberal media devote so much time to discredit an average person.
The truth is the truth.
Like the Right wing conspiracy handbook says…
Truth to liberals is like kryptonite to superman.
Im John McCain and I approved this robo-call:
42 MS
If it DID hurt him, why haven’t his numbers dropped?
McCain picking up one of Maine’s electoral votes? I don’t think so…
McCain (R) 38
Obama (D) 53
1st CD
McCain (R) 35
Obama (D) 58
2nd CD
McCain (R) 41
Obama (D) 52
@42 “Yet he’s only a handful away in the very liberal biased polls.”
Is this your idea of a joke? McCain has to win all of the following states and is ahead in none of them: Florida, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado.
Barack Obama today in St. Louis, MO:. Did I mention that there were ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE who came out to listen to him?
@42 (continued) “Spreading the wealth” just might resonate with working-class voters who are tired of Republicans who take all the income and leave them nothing but taxes.
The majority of that is fact isn’t it?
The only thing in questionable, would be-
Why do you have a problem with the truth?
@48 “call a tax cut for working people ‘welfare.’”
What do you expect from a party boy who married $100 million?
Like I said, liberal biased polls. You know it but don’t want to admit it.
Instead you mentioned states where the liberal biased polls aren’t reflecting the reality of the upcoming vote.
I just hope that when obama loses you and your left-wingnut cronies won’t point to the liberal biased polls as proof of voter fraud.
You didn’t feel that way about kerry.
Typical liberal double standard.
@50 It’s hard to get decent quality trolls for minimum wage.
Using your logic…
If bush lied, why didn’t rush report it.
The liberal biased polls are doing everything they can to discourage conservative voters. You know the truth but you are much more interested in your party winning than the truth. This is america so you are free to feel that way, except that doesn’t change the facts.
Did you see that ap/yahoo poll I posted yesterday that obama was up 5 despite 373 democrats and 252 republicans being polled??
Oh my — the latest RCP electoral vote map has Obama over McCain by 286 – 155 with 97 tossups. That means McCain can’t win even if he takes every single tossup state. But you know what? Obama leads in states with 78 of those tossup EVs! It’s looking pretty grim for party boy!
Okay, what part of that robocall isn’t fact?
Fact. Spread the wealth.
Matter of opinion. Depending how you view obama’s lack of executive experience and all his “present” votes to cowardly avoid taking a stand on issues.
To get to 270 electoral votes in November McCain needs to pickup 115 votes.
To get to 269 electoral votes Obama has to not lose 17 votes. I think we can handle that.
Marv, Marv, Marv, the Ayers angle is sooo tired. He served on a board with him. THere were others, Republicans and Democrats on a board. The appointments were to the Annenberg Challenge. You know, Annenberg, with the solid Republican connections. And a fund raising event.
And an extreme leftist agenda- like nationalizing the banks? Oh yeah, a Republican president did that.
@57 – You are exactly correct, no reasonable person would deny what you’ve written.
It’s only tired because it shows a side of obama that people on the left know hurts in the general election. Did you notice it wasn’t an issue in the primaries, hell, it even helped him in the primaries, proved his credentials.
Are those other dems/reps running for president?
Just out of curiosity, if Oklahoma seceded from the United States would anyone notice or care?
Barrack Hussein Obama’s Robo-call:
Are you going to move to the Republic of Oklahoma if Obama wins? I hear they’re fond of basketball down there…
It looks like Cynical has lost touch with reality. Take his fantasy life, for instance. He’s a weathy investor, you know, living on his ranch in Montana. Yet he dines often in Lacey, a short hop from the BIAW headquarters, and spends all day and night posting his fascist drivel on a Seattle area blog. Aaaah, ranching is such easy work.
Cynical, having a goat in the back yard does not a rancher make. I thought you should know.
And then there’s Marvin. Marvin is a L.A. studio musician who spends his days and nights posting on a Seattle-area political blog. What’s more remarkable is that he’s the only studio musician on the planet who can’t discuss simple chord progressions and musical scales. Say what you will about our friend Pudge, but at least he is a real musician. Marvin? Well, not so much.
Why are Cynical and Marvin so ashamed of their lives? Is it that the BIAW doesn’t pay much? After all, they do hate the minimum wage.
For the record, I really am a flat-broke working-class guy.
Have you noticed you mention me in the majority of your posts??
I like that you can’t stop thinking of me.
Another following bitch.