Be afraid. Be very afraid. And don’t forget for one minute, as everthing around Palin becomes more and more surreal, that McCain thought she was the best choice. And now everyone with a pulse in our country knows more about Palin than mcCain did when he picked her.
The Real Markspews:
Talk about distraction. Barack Obama spends his adult lfe with corrupt organizations like ACORN… spends his adult life in hate-filled “churches” run by charlatans like Rev. Wright and Father Pfleger… spends his political career kneeling and servicing the corrupt Chicago Democrat machine and terrorists like William Ayers… and the best you’ve got is a one-time comment from the GOP VP candidate?
You nutroots are so desperate it has gone from “funny, but sad” to just plain sad. But what else would you expect from the gang that nominated Ned Lamont (how’d that work out for ya?), Barack “Can’t Talk Without a TelePrompTer” Obama and Joe “Gaffe Master” Biden? The only thing funnier (and sadder) would be if you did something like try to run that little moppet Darcy Burner for office again. Oops! You did!
And between Christine Gregoire taking tribal bribes and her fiscal malfeasance, you’re going to lose Washington State, too.
Ahh… to be a psychiatrist in November. I’d make a killing when you idiots dive back into therapy over the election results. Or maybe you could do Americans a favor and make good on your promises to move to Canada.
Broadway Joespews:
Silly wingnut, back to reality for you! Palin is already god’s gift to Obama with her constant stream of lies and hate, and her kooky witch-hunter pastor just signalled the final extinction of what was once the Party of Lincoln. At last Honest Abe will stop spinning in his grave. And between Muthee, Rev. Akinola of Nigeria (who is on the verge of splitting the Anglican asunder over his homophobia) and good ol’ Rev. Hutch the Hatemaster, Christianity is getting yet another black eye (no pun intended).
This demonization of Palin will backfire. Democrats bashing her are coming off as hate-filled and intolerant, pushing undecideds away from their party.
Gosh, why didn’t we here stories of any Republican’s portfolios going down in flames with the recent financial turmoil? Pelosi, Kerry, all of them were in bed with these companies, and when they went down those who propped them up fradulently went with them.
No surprise there, and also no mention of it because the nutroots who love to claim ‘science, science, science’ are incapbable of anything remotely objective.
Don Joespews:
Puddy, do you remember the exchange we had in the comments thread for this post back in February? Do you remember siding with Sam Zell who claimed that, “The US economy will avoid recession as the housing market begins to recover this spring.”
Have I not warned you of the perils of accepting someone’s conclusions based on who they are rather than taking a close look at the quality of the analysis that backs up their conclusions?
Silly Puddy. What an unbridled fool you are.
Don Joespews:
@ 5
Gosh, why didn’t we here[sic] stories of any Republican’s portfolios going down in flames with the recent financial turmoil?
Quite likely because the “librul” media at Bloomberg cherry picked Pelosi and Kerry, but chose to leave out the heaviest congressional investor, Robin Hayes.
Or, mayhaps, those “librul” media aren’t anywhere near as “librul” as you think they are.
Daddy Lovespews:
Just run 24/7 ads showing wolves being shot from airplanes and document her support for same (bouties for bringin in wolf “forelegs,” abnd so on).
No one likes someone who supports cruelty to animals. The images will overwhelm the lme protestations of the Right and drive voters to Obama.
I’m sure there are many quite republicans thinking, “we’ve got some good principles, but we’ve got some pretty lousy representation.” We only hope that there is a thread of honesty. I’d vote for McCain over Palin any day, but she cancels him out.
Daddy Lovespews:
ABC News reports that John McCain is lying about Obama allegedly urging Iraq to delay the Status of Forces Agreement. But then, McCain lying is nothing new, right?
Numerous Republicans present at the meeting have come forward to say that, on the contrary, Obama supported the Bush administration negotiations and that he “stressed to al-Maliki that he would not interfere with President Bush’s negotiations concerning the U.S. troop presence in Iraq, and that he supports the Bush administration’s position on the need to negotiate [the SoFA] as soon as possible…”
But the lies feel so good when you tell them, I guess. Can you confirm that, Puddy? Troll? PI?
re 2: Take care, Mark. Without social services, you wouldn’t be able to exist in that alternate universe you’ve created.
If you read about socialism from the people who came up with it, socialism is not about taking care of everyone in as fair and equal a manner as we can devise: That’s Liberalism and Progressivism.
Socialism is about a small cadre of people controlling all the resources and dictating to everyone else who shall get what and under what conditions. The corporatism that you have been sold as the ‘free market’ is a sham.
It’s textbook socialism.
You are like the poor, southern white trash after the civil war who were taught to hate the black man and see him as the cause of all their woes.
Hate to sound like an old hippie, but I think if you give a listen to Dylan’s ‘Only a Pawn in their Game’, you’ll see where we are coming from and how we Progressives view people like you.
“During questioning by Congressman Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas), Joseph Christoff, Director of International Affairs and Trade for the U.S. Government Accountability Office, admitted that the Iraq troop surge has failed to achieve most of the benchmarks of success originally articulated by the Bush Administration in January 2007.”
You think Obama will raise your taxes?
Just look at this McCain proposal to give you worse health care, and tax you for it.
Republican health care plan 2008: Don’t get sick.
Meet the new Republican candidate, same as the old Republican candidates.
So divorced from reality it’s hilarious! Sad too but I’m having too much fun!
Palin’s numbers are in free-fall. A flash in the pan. Obama/Biden has a “nice lead”. The country is sick and tired of those same old policies of failure and of the lie factory that’s McSame’s joke of a campaign.
The Dems are going to pull this one out easy.
Because the Republicans think Main Street has too much health care.
But every time Wall Street gets sick, they roll out a sweet treatment for them!
Princeton Election Consortium says: “…the post-GOP convention bounce is definitively over. Nine polls give a median margin of Obama leading by 4.0% +/- 1.3%.”
We’re back where we were, except that NOW the press is actually documenting McCain’s nonstop lies, and NOW the truth about Sarah Palin is driving her favorable rating into the crapper, so all the ‘Mo’ is with Barack Obama.
‘Privatize’ = Steal from the Public x wingnut emotional approval = current crisis.
Daddy Lovespews:
MCaiin’s health care plan:
Reduce health insurance costs by reducing the scope of health insurance coverage (the result of deregulation). It makes sense, to a Republican. After all, a policy that covers less stuff will pretty certainly cost less. But that’s not a plan that helps ANYONE get the kind of health care they need when they actually need it at any kind of price they can afford.
The “hail mary pass” has been tipped and is landing way short of the goal line.
Another Democrat blunder.
What we need today to fix the health care problem is to terminate every Ambulance chaser and stop giving away money to the Democrat party.
This will put the end as history has shown to the problem.
But was Sarah Palin aware of the witch hunt?
Did Sarah Palin drive over to Africa and participate in the witch hunt?
Did Sarah Palin have executive authority over the witch hunt?
And is Sarah Palin a member or officer in good standing in the witch hunting union?
These are all serious questions that must be answered by nonpartisan members of the Democratic National Committee.
Lordy, lordy, that witch hunting pastor made it in the paper back when the hunt was on. I remember everyone I work with having a good laugh about it.
Palin/McCain are toast.
Off topic, plus it’s not true and not what you boy McCain plans on doing anyway.
Daddy Lovespews:
25 M
How can he be “off-topic” in an open thread?
I admit I can’t tell what the fuck he’s talking about, but this is America.
What they’re saying about Palin
“The one thing that frightens me more than anything else are the ideologues. We’ve seen too many.”
Donn Spegal, 80, St. Petersburg, Republican Air Force veteran
“I’m truly offended by Palin. You’re somebody’s mom and what are you going to do, say, ‘Excuse me, country, hold on?’ ”
I love Moore’s comment near the end about the beliefs and actions of Palin’s pastor and his flock being “weird, even for Alaska”.
I see the a column in this morning’s fishwrap makes mention of Mars Hill Church’s hosting this weekend of a “nationally recognized speaker” known for exhorting the faithful to beat their kids for Jesus.
You’ve got a point there.
The left stands for nothing today or tomorrow.
It’s always finding someone else to blame for their failures. God forbid me for saying but some times I wish your mothers believed in Abortion.
Good bye losers
31. John spews:
Good bye
Don’t let the door leave a blood blister on your worthless REPUBLICAN ass as you leave.
31 Awwwwwww….don’t go away mad.
Just go away.
How does the Palin/McCain ticket feel about this:
“Impressive evidence is in the Senate defense appropriations bill, where Mr. Stevens was once again the chamber’s champion ear-marker, garnering $215 million worth of home state contracts.” http://theboard.blogs.nytimes......rk-coming/
And that is one fiscally responsible governor:
“Alaska may not have a Bridge to Nowhere, but it now has a Road to Nowhere.
The state this week completed a $25 million gravel road that was intended to lead up to the bridge linking the city of Ketchikan to its airport on a neighboring island.”
Buh-bye. While you stew in your own pathetic loserdom, either get used to being hated by the vast majority of the world, let alone Americans, or just spare us your bullshit and fall on your own sword.
As if your plaintive wails could cause anyone to stay of leave.
What an interesting pathology to behold.
Back to the original topic…
Palin belongs to a church that believes in the Rapture. That means she believes the world will end sometime soon. Which means that she will have no interest in environmental issues, or possibly even world peace since the Rapture has to start with a massive war in the middle east. And all the Jews voting for McCain/Palin should read up on the rapture since Jerusalem and the temple play a big part.
Doesn’t this bother anybody? It does me!
Be afraid. Be very afraid. And don’t forget for one minute, as everthing around Palin becomes more and more surreal, that McCain thought she was the best choice. And now everyone with a pulse in our country knows more about Palin than mcCain did when he picked her.
Talk about distraction. Barack Obama spends his adult lfe with corrupt organizations like ACORN… spends his adult life in hate-filled “churches” run by charlatans like Rev. Wright and Father Pfleger… spends his political career kneeling and servicing the corrupt Chicago Democrat machine and terrorists like William Ayers… and the best you’ve got is a one-time comment from the GOP VP candidate?
You nutroots are so desperate it has gone from “funny, but sad” to just plain sad. But what else would you expect from the gang that nominated Ned Lamont (how’d that work out for ya?), Barack “Can’t Talk Without a TelePrompTer” Obama and Joe “Gaffe Master” Biden? The only thing funnier (and sadder) would be if you did something like try to run that little moppet Darcy Burner for office again. Oops! You did!
And between Christine Gregoire taking tribal bribes and her fiscal malfeasance, you’re going to lose Washington State, too.
Ahh… to be a psychiatrist in November. I’d make a killing when you idiots dive back into therapy over the election results. Or maybe you could do Americans a favor and make good on your promises to move to Canada.
Silly wingnut, back to reality for you! Palin is already god’s gift to Obama with her constant stream of lies and hate, and her kooky witch-hunter pastor just signalled the final extinction of what was once the Party of Lincoln. At last Honest Abe will stop spinning in his grave. And between Muthee, Rev. Akinola of Nigeria (who is on the verge of splitting the Anglican asunder over his homophobia) and good ol’ Rev. Hutch the Hatemaster, Christianity is getting yet another black eye (no pun intended).
This demonization of Palin will backfire. Democrats bashing her are coming off as hate-filled and intolerant, pushing undecideds away from their party.
From the ‘follow the money files’
Gosh, why didn’t we here stories of any Republican’s portfolios going down in flames with the recent financial turmoil? Pelosi, Kerry, all of them were in bed with these companies, and when they went down those who propped them up fradulently went with them.
No surprise there, and also no mention of it because the nutroots who love to claim ‘science, science, science’ are incapbable of anything remotely objective.
Puddy, do you remember the exchange we had in the comments thread for this post back in February? Do you remember siding with Sam Zell who claimed that, “The US economy will avoid recession as the housing market begins to recover this spring.”
Have I not warned you of the perils of accepting someone’s conclusions based on who they are rather than taking a close look at the quality of the analysis that backs up their conclusions?
Silly Puddy. What an unbridled fool you are.
@ 5
Gosh, why didn’t we here[sic] stories of any Republican’s portfolios going down in flames with the recent financial turmoil?
Quite likely because the “librul” media at Bloomberg cherry picked Pelosi and Kerry, but chose to leave out the heaviest congressional investor, Robin Hayes.
Or, mayhaps, those “librul” media aren’t anywhere near as “librul” as you think they are.
Just run 24/7 ads showing wolves being shot from airplanes and document her support for same (bouties for bringin in wolf “forelegs,” abnd so on).
No one likes someone who supports cruelty to animals. The images will overwhelm the lme protestations of the Right and drive voters to Obama.
PalinNuts beware:
Her favorabilty is dropping and unfavorables are rising rapidly. She’ll be an albatross for McCain, not a magic bullet.
I’m sure there are many quite republicans thinking, “we’ve got some good principles, but we’ve got some pretty lousy representation.” We only hope that there is a thread of honesty. I’d vote for McCain over Palin any day, but she cancels him out.
ABC News reports that John McCain is lying about Obama allegedly urging Iraq to delay the Status of Forces Agreement. But then, McCain lying is nothing new, right?
Numerous Republicans present at the meeting have come forward to say that, on the contrary, Obama supported the Bush administration negotiations and that he “stressed to al-Maliki that he would not interfere with President Bush’s negotiations concerning the U.S. troop presence in Iraq, and that he supports the Bush administration’s position on the need to negotiate [the SoFA] as soon as possible…”
But the lies feel so good when you tell them, I guess. Can you confirm that, Puddy? Troll? PI?
re 2: Take care, Mark. Without social services, you wouldn’t be able to exist in that alternate universe you’ve created.
If you read about socialism from the people who came up with it, socialism is not about taking care of everyone in as fair and equal a manner as we can devise: That’s Liberalism and Progressivism.
Socialism is about a small cadre of people controlling all the resources and dictating to everyone else who shall get what and under what conditions. The corporatism that you have been sold as the ‘free market’ is a sham.
It’s textbook socialism.
You are like the poor, southern white trash after the civil war who were taught to hate the black man and see him as the cause of all their woes.
Hate to sound like an old hippie, but I think if you give a listen to Dylan’s ‘Only a Pawn in their Game’, you’ll see where we are coming from and how we Progressives view people like you.
You’re only a pawn in their game.
Here’s another view of Palin’s free-falling favorable ratings:
Quote of the day (video):
You think Obama will raise your taxes?
Just look at this McCain proposal to give you worse health care, and tax you for it.
Republican health care plan 2008: Don’t get sick.
Meet the new Republican candidate, same as the old Republican candidates.
LMAO @ Surreal Mark!!!
So divorced from reality it’s hilarious! Sad too but I’m having too much fun!
Palin’s numbers are in free-fall. A flash in the pan. Obama/Biden has a “nice lead”. The country is sick and tired of those same old policies of failure and of the lie factory that’s McSame’s joke of a campaign.
The Dems are going to pull this one out easy.
Because the Republicans think Main Street has too much health care.
But every time Wall Street gets sick, they roll out a sweet treatment for them!
Fucking Hypocritical Republican criminals.
RealClearPolitics now shows Obama up +2.0 in their poll average.
Princeton Election Consortium says: “…the post-GOP convention bounce is definitively over. Nine polls give a median margin of Obama leading by 4.0% +/- 1.3%.” shows Obama 47.5%, McCain 44.5%
We’re back where we were, except that NOW the press is actually documenting McCain’s nonstop lies, and NOW the truth about Sarah Palin is driving her favorable rating into the crapper, so all the ‘Mo’ is with Barack Obama.
‘Privatize’ = Steal from the Public x wingnut emotional approval = current crisis.
MCaiin’s health care plan:
Reduce health insurance costs by reducing the scope of health insurance coverage (the result of deregulation). It makes sense, to a Republican. After all, a policy that covers less stuff will pretty certainly cost less. But that’s not a plan that helps ANYONE get the kind of health care they need when they actually need it at any kind of price they can afford.
The “hail mary pass” has been tipped and is landing way short of the goal line.
Another Democrat blunder.
What we need today to fix the health care problem is to terminate every Ambulance chaser and stop giving away money to the Democrat party.
This will put the end as history has shown to the problem.
But was Sarah Palin aware of the witch hunt?
Did Sarah Palin drive over to Africa and participate in the witch hunt?
Did Sarah Palin have executive authority over the witch hunt?
And is Sarah Palin a member or officer in good standing in the witch hunting union?
These are all serious questions that must be answered by nonpartisan members of the Democratic National Committee.
Lordy, lordy, that witch hunting pastor made it in the paper back when the hunt was on. I remember everyone I work with having a good laugh about it.
Palin/McCain are toast.
Off topic, plus it’s not true and not what you boy McCain plans on doing anyway.
25 M
How can he be “off-topic” in an open thread?
I admit I can’t tell what the fuck he’s talking about, but this is America.
What they’re saying about Palin
“The one thing that frightens me more than anything else are the ideologues. We’ve seen too many.”
Donn Spegal, 80, St. Petersburg, Republican Air Force veteran
“I’m truly offended by Palin. You’re somebody’s mom and what are you going to do, say, ‘Excuse me, country, hold on?’ ”
Philinia Lehr, 37, Largo, Republican full-time mother
“That was almost insulting. Do they think we’re really stupid? … I’m definitely leaning toward the Democratic side now. Sarah Palin scares … me.” ”
Rhonda Laris, Temple Terrace, Democrat
“She is Dick Cheney with a dress on.”
Bill Chever, 56, St. Petersburg, Independent Air Force veteran
I love Moore’s comment near the end about the beliefs and actions of Palin’s pastor and his flock being “weird, even for Alaska”.
I see the a column in this morning’s fishwrap makes mention of Mars Hill Church’s hosting this weekend of a “nationally recognized speaker” known for exhorting the faithful to beat their kids for Jesus.
You’ve got a point there.
The left stands for nothing today or tomorrow.
It’s always finding someone else to blame for their failures. God forbid me for saying but some times I wish your mothers believed in Abortion.
Good bye losers
Don’t let the door leave a blood blister on your worthless REPUBLICAN ass as you leave.
31 Awwwwwww….don’t go away mad.
Just go away.
How does the Palin/McCain ticket feel about this:
“Impressive evidence is in the Senate defense appropriations bill, where Mr. Stevens was once again the chamber’s champion ear-marker, garnering $215 million worth of home state contracts.”
And that is one fiscally responsible governor:
“Alaska may not have a Bridge to Nowhere, but it now has a Road to Nowhere.
The state this week completed a $25 million gravel road that was intended to lead up to the bridge linking the city of Ketchikan to its airport on a neighboring island.”
A road linking to nothing.
Buh-bye. While you stew in your own pathetic loserdom, either get used to being hated by the vast majority of the world, let alone Americans, or just spare us your bullshit and fall on your own sword.
As if your plaintive wails could cause anyone to stay of leave.
What an interesting pathology to behold.
Back to the original topic…
Palin belongs to a church that believes in the Rapture. That means she believes the world will end sometime soon. Which means that she will have no interest in environmental issues, or possibly even world peace since the Rapture has to start with a massive war in the middle east. And all the Jews voting for McCain/Palin should read up on the rapture since Jerusalem and the temple play a big part.
Doesn’t this bother anybody? It does me!
Yeah, it is scarier that shit.