There will be a free concert next week (location TBA) promoting the Mass Transit ballot measure this fall. Donations will be accepted at the door. Visit our Facebook for more info.
CAMPAIGN On CPSRTA Prop. No. 1 UPDATE: We got a GREAT response at the Husky game yesterday. Spirited volunteers handed out ‘fridge magnets and bumper stickers.
You’re laughing now, but will you be laughing in November? The cumulative effect of he hate speech and intolerance on HA, and thousands upon thousands of others who are continually bashing and belittling: Christians; Working mothers; Parents of special needs children; Parents of underage mothers; Parents of large families, Small town people; etc., will, I think, have the gradual effect of moving people toward voting for those who are being belittled, and not those doing the belittling.
This tactic, this joking, is going to backfire on us Democrats. Just watch.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Obama admitted that john mcsame hasn’t talked about his muslim faith.
Even people in thailand can see the writing on the wall.
Obama will spend the rest of his life wondering why he rejected the obvious road to victory, that is, choosing Hillary Clinton as his vice presidential nominee. However reluctantly, Clinton would have had to accept. McCain’s choice of vice presidential candidate made obvious after the fact what the party professionals felt in their fingertips at the stadium extravaganza yesterday: rejecting Clinton in favor of the colorless, unpopular, tangle-tongued Washington perennial Joe Biden was a statement of weakness. McCain’s selection was a statement of strength. America’s voters will forgive many things in a politician, including sexual misconduct, but they will not forgive weakness.
That is why McCain will win in November, and by a landslide, barring some unforeseen event. Obama is the most talented and persuasive politician of his generation, the intellectual superior of all his competitors, but a fatally insecure personality. American voters are not intellectual, but they are shrewd, like animals. They can smell insecurity, and the convention stank of it. Obama’s prospective defeat is entirely of its own making. No one is more surprised than Republican strategists, who were convinced just weeks ago that a weakening economy ensured a Democratic victory.
Biden, who won 3% of the popular vote in the Democratic presidential primary in his home state of Delaware, and 1% or less in every other contest he entered, is ballot-box poison. Obama evidently chose him to assuage critics who point to his lack of foreign policy credentials. That was a deadly error, for by appearing to concede the critics’ claim that he knows little about foreign policy, Obama raised questions about whether he is qualified to be president in the first place. He had a winning alternative, which was to pick Clinton. That would have sent a double message: first, that Obama is tough enough to make the slippery Clintons into his subordinates, and second, that he is generous enough to extend a hand to his toughest adversary in the cause of unity.
What, the left-wingnuts on daily kos aren’t happy with obama not fighting back? He’s the man of change, not being a copy of the republicans. Change, change and hope. Well, more hope than change since he decided to bring in biden as his veep. A man that only got 3% of the votes for president from the people that knew him best.
Here in NJ, the enthusiasm of the Obama supporters I helped build is waning fast. There is a “what’s the use” attitude creeping in. Many of these people were Kerry supporters and they saw how he wimped out in defeat and now they see the same thing happening with Obama. My team points to Congressional Democrats and their unwillingness to fight Bush on virtually anything.
The question I cannot answer this morning is: are democrats and Obama willing to fight for anything? Are they satisifed to just be in the same game as the republicans even though they get run over?
LOL! You’re quoting an article in a foreign newspaper by a person who’s listed only as “Spengler”?
Hahahahaha! Are you required to wear a helmet at all times?
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Marvin Stamnspews:
Kudos to the community organizer for all his hard work in chicago.
This is not the kind of change that america wants or needs.
Maybe the police should pull out of chicago since there seems to be some kind of civil war. [Insert your cute liberal catch phrase for wanting to get out of iraq here.]
An estimated 125 people were shot and killed over the summer. That’s nearly double the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq over the same time period.
Yes, it’s called the drug war, dummy. And politicians like Obama will start talking about it when people like you stop being too stupid to figure out why all the violence happens. Sadly, we still live in a time where a politician’s honesty will cause him to lose, and idiots like you are the reason.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Marvin Stamnspews:
7. Lee spews:
Jump, Marvin, jump!
It makes us trolls happy when we get copied.
Here’s something for you to work on for the upcoming years.
Mcsame stole the election.
You might as well start practicing writing it now, you’ll be writing it for a few years to come.
A week or so ago, I researched the top ten cities with the highest homicide rates. 9 of the 10 had Democratic mayors. And 9 of the 10 had African American Mayors.
Do we really want them to do to all of America what they are doing for our large cities?
Do we want all of America to turn into Detroit, St. Louis, or Baltimore?
Do we want George Washington replaced with Jeremiah Wright on the one dollar bill?
Do we want Christian school girls to be forced to wear burkas and forced to convert to Islam?
Do we want all public and private schools closed, and reopened as madrassas?
I don’t necessarily agree with the above questions, but my professor once told me there are no dumb questions, so I thought I would just put them out there.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The lies from the liberal media about the clinton supporters backing obama is just that, lies.
When you’ve even got hillary supporters mentioning that the biased media is in the tank for obama and smearing palin you know the party is falling apart.
SUcks to be a supporter of obama when such a large segment of his voting block decides to vote for mcsame.
Follow the link and read the threads. And then drown your sorrows at tuesdays drinking party.
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. Troll spews:
A week or so ago, I researched the top ten cities with the highest homicide rates. 9 of the 10 had Democratic mayors. And 9 of the 10 had African American Mayors.
The one not being african american being mayor viagra-osa from los angeles? Wasn’t he the one caught cheating on his wife with a reporter that had done many stories abut him?
Do we really want them to do to all of America what they are doing for our large cities?
We need leaders that care about the poor, not just turn their backs on the people that don’t have enough $$ to contribute.
Marvin Stamnspews:
CNN is starting to rethink the palin troopergate scandal.
Oh well, no doubt the liberal media will make up something else to smear her with.
The story is how he married into, then divorced out of, Alaska’s first family. The trooper finds his life at the center of the one and only potential scandal I can find concerning Gov. Palin, John McCain’s choice for running mate.
The scandalous allegation is the governor used her power to try and get her sister’s ex fired. When that didn’t work, it’s alleged Gov. Palin fired the public safety commissioner.
In our interview, Wooten rattled off a disturbing number of “mistakes” he’s made in his career. He admits tasering his stepson, illegally killing a moose and admits to multiple reprimands in his file. A state trooper investigation even found credible evidence he was drinking in his patrol car.
But please tell me if you think his tale — dubbed Troopergate by Gov. Palin’s political enemies — is really the scandal that will bring down the newest star on the political scene.
I have a respectful questions. Are there any females or African Americans with posting privileges on this blog?
Marvin Stamnspews:
14. Troll spews:
I have a respectful questions. Are there any females or African Americans with posting privileges on this blog?
I’m sure anyone that wants to post here can. I’m still posting so they obviously don’t ban people.
But why would a woman want to post here, all the hate, profanity and fantasies about goat sex not to mention bibigoober and his wonderful way with words.
And with the racists that post here why would african americans want to post here.
It’s a choice that women and african americans make not to post here.
No, I mean the posters or bloggers. People like Goldy, Lee, Geov, Darrly, etc., who write and post all the various individual posts. I know anyone can comment. I’m not talking about people like us. I want to know if any African Americans or females have open posting privileges here, or if it’s just a white male club. I basically want to know how diverse it is. That’s all.
Marvin Stamnspews:
16. Troll spews:
I want to know if any African Americans or females have open posting privileges here, or if it’s just a white male club. I basically want to know how diverse it is. That’s all.
My bad.
It’s the ole boys club. White males only.
If you mean diverse by being employed or unemployed, yeah, it’s diverse.
If you mean by diverse washed or unwashed, yeah, it’s diverse.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Even reporters in the UK can see the liberal bias in the media and thier hate for people not like them.
How much longer until the media is forced to do their job and not the job of the democrat party.
My colleagues in the American liberal press had little to fear at the start of the week. Their charismatic candidate was ahead in virtually every poll. George W Bush was so unpopular that conservatives were scrambling around for reasons not to invite the Republican President to the Republican convention. Democrats had only to maintain their composure and the White House would be theirs. During the 1997 British general election, the late Lord Jenkins said that Tony Blair was like a man walking down a shiny corridor carrying a precious vase. He was the favourite and held his fate in his hands. If he could just reach the end of the hall without a slip, a Labour victory was assured. The same could have been said of the American Democrats last week. But instead of protecting their precious advantage, they succumbed to a spasm of hatred and threw the vase, the crockery, the cutlery and the kitchen sink at an obscure politician from Alaska.
For once, the postmodern theories so many of them were taught at university are a help to the rest of us. As a Christian, conservative anti-abortionist who proved her support for the Iraq War by sending her son to fight in it, Sarah Palin was ‘the other’ – the threatening alien presence they defined themselves against. They might have soberly examined her reputation as an opponent of political corruption to see if she was truly the reformer she claimed to be. They might have gently mocked her idiotic creationism, while carefully avoiding all discussion of the racist conspiracy theories of Barack Obama’s church.
But instead of following a measured strategy, they went berserk. On the one hand, the media treated her as a sex object. The New York Times led the way in painting Palin as a glamour-puss in go-go boots you were more likely to find in an Anchorage lap-dancing club than the Alaska governor’s office.
On the other, liberal journalists turned her family into an object of sexual disgust: inbred rednecks who had stumbled out of Deliverance. Palin was meant to be pretending that a handicapped baby girl was her child when really it was her wanton teenage daughter’s. When that turned out to be a lie, the media replaced it with prurient coverage of her teenage daughter, who was, after all, pregnant, even though her mother was not going to do a quick handover at the maternity ward and act as if the child was hers.
Hatred is the most powerful emotion in politics. At present, American liberals are not fighting for an Obama presidency. I suspect that most have only the haziest idea of what it would mean for their country. The slogans that move their hearts and stir their souls are directed against their enemies: Bush, the neo-cons, the religious right.
When a hate campaign goes wrong, however, disaster follows.
I don’t hide the fact that I’m a troll. It’s in my name, after all.
And I AM mostly a Democrat. Honest. If you were to list a dozen or so of the top political issues, I would be more on the Democratic side. You know, like Environment = Dem. Foreign Policy – Dem. Abortion = Dem. And so on. Only on a few issues do I side with the R’s.
But as a professional troll, it’s my job do things that may not align with my true politics.
And about the truly stupid questions?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Marvin Stamnspews:
22. Marvin Stamn spews: =KSemkPChvHo
1:06 into the video Gaddfi says that Obama is a Muslim.
Someone is posting using my name.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Marvin Stamnspews:
Marvin Stamnspews:
Daddy Lovespews:
4 MS
Yeah, that’s what the guys who are BEHIND and who remain BEHIND tend to say.
Daddy Lovespews:
2 T
I have a really hard time believing that in any way you can speak honestly of “us Democrats.” But then, I don’t believe you are honest either.
Tommy Tompsonspews:
John McCain’s newest Celebrity – Sarah Palin, Trig and Bristol.
Tommy Tompsonspews:
Marvin – you’ll be wondering why you voted for the McCain-Palin ticket when McCain croaks.
Tommy Tompsonspews:
@22 So your going to start believing Kadafi, you are see saw.
Tommy Tompsonspews:
I can hear Marvin screaming for help like a little girl. I guess we do have women that leave comments here.
Rock band Heart have called in lawyers after US vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin used their track Barracuda at a Republican Party rally.
Singers Ann and Nancy Wilson said a cease-and-desist letter had been sent to the party asking it not to use the song, a US hit in 1977.
“The Republican campaign did not ask for permission, nor would they have been granted permission,” they said.
Funny that the Republicans would choose to use music created by people that can’t freaking stand Republicans. Heart, Jackson Brown and John Mellencamp all very open about being very liberal.
What? Mcsame beat obama with teev viewers? Oh well, it’s not as if records are supposed to stand for ever. Although I’m sure the left wingers thought mcsame wouldn’t come close.
Didn’t biden give a speech? Is biden still alive, you don’t hear much about him anymore. He’s kinda disappeared from sight. I wonder if he’s soon to be under the bus.
Marvin Stamnspews:
30. Tommy Tompson spews:
Marvin – you’ll be wondering why you voted for the McCain-Palin ticket when McCain croaks.
Did you see mcsames mom at the convention. When he talked about her she jumped right up from a sitting position. Good genes.
I bet the rabbit wishes he was as spry as mcsames mom.
Has obama quit smoking yet?
Palin brings a vile attitude, obstruction of justice charges, book-banning, creationism, Dominionist beliefs, budget overruns, earmarks, abuse of power, pro-life in cases of rape and incest, moral issues, investigations, vendettas, flip-flops and a knack for hiding in undisclosed locations. She’s too late if that’s the kind of change she’s hoping to bring to Washington.
They might have well as nominated Marvin the Goatfucker, for all the good Palin will do them.
Marvin Stamnspews:
31. Tommy Tompson spews:
@22 So your going to start believing Kadafi, you are see saw.
This is exactly what the liberal media is trying to do to palin. Make up lies and stuff then let small minded people repeat ad nauseam all over teh internets.
That was by most like headless lucy posting under my name.
Van Halen doesn’t want McCain using his (their?) music either. Why wouldn’t you check this out first? Maybe because you don’t give a shit what other people think?
The unofficial theme song for the John McCain/Sarah Palin ticket is “Right Now,” the hit song by Van Halen, and as with anything involving the most engaging soap opera in rock and roll, it’s causing a bit of friction between former and current members of the group.
Publicist for the band Janie Liszweski said the group was unaware that McCain planned to use the song.
“Had they asked, permission would not have been granted,” she said.
Marvin Stamnspews:
38. Steve spews:
They might have well as nominated Marvin the Goatfucker, for all the good Palin will do them.
Something we can both agree on… If I was the veep pick obama wouldn’t give me the time of day. On the other hand, he’s scared of palin. Otherwise he wouldn’t spend so much of his time talking about a veep pick.
Obama even had to ask hillary for help dealing with her. Some people would call that hiding behind a woman’s skirt.
There will be a free concert next week (location TBA) promoting the Mass Transit ballot measure this fall. Donations will be accepted at the door. Visit our Facebook for more info.
CAMPAIGN On CPSRTA Prop. No. 1 UPDATE: We got a GREAT response at the Husky game yesterday. Spirited volunteers handed out ‘fridge magnets and bumper stickers.
Vote yes for green transit in November!!!
You’re laughing now, but will you be laughing in November? The cumulative effect of he hate speech and intolerance on HA, and thousands upon thousands of others who are continually bashing and belittling: Christians; Working mothers; Parents of special needs children; Parents of underage mothers; Parents of large families, Small town people; etc., will, I think, have the gradual effect of moving people toward voting for those who are being belittled, and not those doing the belittling.
This tactic, this joking, is going to backfire on us Democrats. Just watch.
Obama admitted that john mcsame hasn’t talked about his muslim faith.
Even people in thailand can see the writing on the wall.
What, the left-wingnuts on daily kos aren’t happy with obama not fighting back? He’s the man of change, not being a copy of the republicans. Change, change and hope. Well, more hope than change since he decided to bring in biden as his veep. A man that only got 3% of the votes for president from the people that knew him best.
You’re laughing now, but will you be laughing in November?
Any time you leave retarded comments in this thread, we’ll be laughing at you.
LOL! You’re quoting an article in a foreign newspaper by a person who’s listed only as “Spengler”?
Hahahahaha! Are you required to wear a helmet at all times?
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Kudos to the community organizer for all his hard work in chicago.
This is not the kind of change that america wants or needs.
Maybe the police should pull out of chicago since there seems to be some kind of civil war. [Insert your cute liberal catch phrase for wanting to get out of iraq here.]
Is obama going to say anything about this, explain why it’s happening or just turn his back on a problem?
Yes, it’s called the drug war, dummy. And politicians like Obama will start talking about it when people like you stop being too stupid to figure out why all the violence happens. Sadly, we still live in a time where a politician’s honesty will cause him to lose, and idiots like you are the reason.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
It makes us trolls happy when we get copied.
Here’s something for you to work on for the upcoming years.
Mcsame stole the election.
You might as well start practicing writing it now, you’ll be writing it for a few years to come.
A week or so ago, I researched the top ten cities with the highest homicide rates. 9 of the 10 had Democratic mayors. And 9 of the 10 had African American Mayors.
Do we really want them to do to all of America what they are doing for our large cities?
Do we want all of America to turn into Detroit, St. Louis, or Baltimore?
Do we want George Washington replaced with Jeremiah Wright on the one dollar bill?
Do we want Christian school girls to be forced to wear burkas and forced to convert to Islam?
Do we want all public and private schools closed, and reopened as madrassas?
I don’t necessarily agree with the above questions, but my professor once told me there are no dumb questions, so I thought I would just put them out there.
The lies from the liberal media about the clinton supporters backing obama is just that, lies.
When you’ve even got hillary supporters mentioning that the biased media is in the tank for obama and smearing palin you know the party is falling apart.
SUcks to be a supporter of obama when such a large segment of his voting block decides to vote for mcsame.
Follow the link and read the threads. And then drown your sorrows at tuesdays drinking party.
The one not being african american being mayor viagra-osa from los angeles? Wasn’t he the one caught cheating on his wife with a reporter that had done many stories abut him?
We need leaders that care about the poor, not just turn their backs on the people that don’t have enough $$ to contribute.
CNN is starting to rethink the palin troopergate scandal.
Oh well, no doubt the liberal media will make up something else to smear her with.
I have a respectful questions. Are there any females or African Americans with posting privileges on this blog?
I’m sure anyone that wants to post here can. I’m still posting so they obviously don’t ban people.
But why would a woman want to post here, all the hate, profanity and fantasies about goat sex not to mention bibigoober and his wonderful way with words.
And with the racists that post here why would african americans want to post here.
It’s a choice that women and african americans make not to post here.
No, I mean the posters or bloggers. People like Goldy, Lee, Geov, Darrly, etc., who write and post all the various individual posts. I know anyone can comment. I’m not talking about people like us. I want to know if any African Americans or females have open posting privileges here, or if it’s just a white male club. I basically want to know how diverse it is. That’s all.
My bad.
It’s the ole boys club. White males only.
If you mean diverse by being employed or unemployed, yeah, it’s diverse.
If you mean by diverse washed or unwashed, yeah, it’s diverse.
Even reporters in the UK can see the liberal bias in the media and thier hate for people not like them.
How much longer until the media is forced to do their job and not the job of the democrat party.
The upcoming disaster for liberals is obama losing to mcsame.
What exactly do you intend to accomplish with your “questions” @ 11, troll? Do you just make up silly stuff and hope it gets google hits?
Seriously, changing the dollar? burkas?
Just stop the lie that you are a democrat and embrace your trollness.
I don’t hide the fact that I’m a troll. It’s in my name, after all.
And I AM mostly a Democrat. Honest. If you were to list a dozen or so of the top political issues, I would be more on the Democratic side. You know, like Environment = Dem. Foreign Policy – Dem. Abortion = Dem. And so on. Only on a few issues do I side with the R’s.
But as a professional troll, it’s my job do things that may not align with my true politics.
And about the truly stupid questions?
Someone is posting using my name.
4 MS
Yeah, that’s what the guys who are BEHIND and who remain BEHIND tend to say.
2 T
I have a really hard time believing that in any way you can speak honestly of “us Democrats.” But then, I don’t believe you are honest either.
John McCain’s newest Celebrity – Sarah Palin, Trig and Bristol.
Marvin – you’ll be wondering why you voted for the McCain-Palin ticket when McCain croaks.
@22 So your going to start believing Kadafi, you are see saw.
I can hear Marvin screaming for help like a little girl. I guess we do have women that leave comments here.
Girls from Renton kick ass.
Funny that the Republicans would choose to use music created by people that can’t freaking stand Republicans. Heart, Jackson Brown and John Mellencamp all very open about being very liberal.
What a bunch of clueless chumps.
Nice try. That was the fake me that was doing the obama impersonation.
Obama gave a speech with a record number viewers watching, 38.3 million. Quite impressive.
Palin only had 37.2 million
Mcsame only had 38.9 million.
What? Mcsame beat obama with teev viewers? Oh well, it’s not as if records are supposed to stand for ever. Although I’m sure the left wingers thought mcsame wouldn’t come close.
Didn’t biden give a speech? Is biden still alive, you don’t hear much about him anymore. He’s kinda disappeared from sight. I wonder if he’s soon to be under the bus.
Did you see mcsames mom at the convention. When he talked about her she jumped right up from a sitting position. Good genes.
I bet the rabbit wishes he was as spry as mcsames mom.
Has obama quit smoking yet?
Palin brings a vile attitude, obstruction of justice charges, book-banning, creationism, Dominionist beliefs, budget overruns, earmarks, abuse of power, pro-life in cases of rape and incest, moral issues, investigations, vendettas, flip-flops and a knack for hiding in undisclosed locations. She’s too late if that’s the kind of change she’s hoping to bring to Washington.
They might have well as nominated Marvin the Goatfucker, for all the good Palin will do them.
This is exactly what the liberal media is trying to do to palin. Make up lies and stuff then let small minded people repeat ad nauseam all over teh internets.
That was by most like headless lucy posting under my name.
Van Halen doesn’t want McCain using his (their?) music either. Why wouldn’t you check this out first? Maybe because you don’t give a shit what other people think?;rfi=6
Something we can both agree on… If I was the veep pick obama wouldn’t give me the time of day. On the other hand, he’s scared of palin. Otherwise he wouldn’t spend so much of his time talking about a veep pick.
Obama even had to ask hillary for help dealing with her. Some people would call that hiding behind a woman’s skirt.
Speaking of hillary, have you seen how her supporters are falling in line behind mcsame?