“Other” at 1%. Is this mostly Nader, Ron Paul supporters, or a half-half combination of both? I wonder what happens to this number if either or both of them drop out.
The 4% “neither” vote is interesting. My guess is that it is disenchanted Republicans who think McCain is too liberal, but I could be wrong. I’m assuming they will just sit this one out, but when push comes to shove, I could be wrong. I doubt it’s Democrats who won’t vote for a black man – those left the party a long time ago. Possibly also includes a few Hillary supporters. Both sides may be fighting for this group, trying to scare the other into voting for the “lesser of two evils”, as the saying goes.
I started to try to figure out how this works out (what portion of the undecideds McCain has to get in order to fill the gap), but then I realized it’s a useless endeavor. The electoral college map is what’s important.
Everything I’ve seen to date says that Obama will carry at least every state Gore and Kerry carried in the last two elections, and will pick up additional states – enough to put him over the top. McCain will carry quite a few states by a large margin, but I’ll bet he wishes he could take some of those “excess” votes and distributed them among some of the more contested states.
Yes, Gallup has Obama up by three and no, the race has not significantly changed in three months.
Tsk, tsk . . . Rasmussen has McCain up by one among likely voters (just below the Gallup poll, btw). The closeness is still a surprise. Any ideas why Obama isn’t up more?
State by tate is what counts – national polls mean nothing -see 538 website:
Link: http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/
Obama is winning big there on a electoral vote approximation.
Windbag McCain will drop – especially since the lobbyist ties to the oil industry will undercut his integrity and waffling on drilling.
Windbag McCain will drop – especially since the lobbyist ties to the oil industry will undercut his integrity and waffling on drilling.
Let’s revisit in a month. Thus far these polls have defied a lot of expectations (including mine!).
Marvin Stamnspews:
4. correctnotright spews:
State by tate is what counts – national polls mean nothing -see 538 website:
I like this quote- Michael Crowley, my colleague at the New Republic
The new republic, the left leaning rag? Hhmm, I wonder if 538 is biased and has a vested interest in the race.
Also from 538
The apparent underperformance of Obama can partially be explained by structural factors, most notably the fact that the Democrats have a wider, more diverse coalition than the Republicans. It is therefore more difficult for any one Democratic nominee to please all his party’s constituents.
So if obama doesn’t please everyone does that mean they aren’t going to vote, or when asked by a pollster answer mcsame?
Holy crap, she now put in the fire in her house as something she had to deal with….I was waiting for this. Should we put this into the same area as (see voter pamphlet) “She is raising her son and their golden retriever just outside of carnation.
Glad she didn’t add the guinea pig to list.
And that helping women succeed at Microsoft ? Just because you are a member of Hoppers doesn’t mean you actually help women…geeze..
And I sure like the pic where she’s standing with generals…:-)
4. correctnotright spews:
State by tate is what counts – national polls mean nothing -see 538 website:
So if obama doesn’t please everyone does that mean they aren’t going to vote, or when asked by a pollster answer mcsame?
And this does raise the intriguing possibility of Obama winning the election . . . but losing the popular vote.
Jim, (a genuine musician)spews:
Just what we need.
Another uppity woman trying to get wars stopped and lead out of kids’ toys and stuff.
Obama Supporterspews:
Hey did anyone go out an buy their tire gauge yet?? They are available in all 57 states.
I’m confused about this one. Can you explain what the difference is between John McCain talking about using sunscreen and Barack Obama talking about using tire gauges?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
From Today’s Rasmussen Poll—
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Monday, August 04, 2008
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows the race for the White House is tied with Barack Obama and John McCain each attracting 44% of the vote. However, when “leaners” are included, it’s McCain 47% and Obama 46%.
This is the first time McCain has enjoyed even a statistically insignificant advantage of any sort since Obama clinched the Democratic nomination on June 3
Mr. Cynicalspews:
O-blah-blah should be 10 points ahead after his President of the World Yer-A-Peein’ Tour!!
With the MSM gloating all over him and 95% of the Black vote.
It appears the “Progressive” bowel movement stopped before it started.
What has your “Progressive” Congress accomplished besides a 9% approval rating??
It appears you KLOWNS spend way too much time jerkin’ each other off….and too little time noticing how offended more & more Americans are by the O-blah-blah bullsh*t.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
White House is tied with Barack Obama and John McCain each attracting 44% of the vote
Nope. It McCain 45% and Obama 44% as of today. Oh I can’t wait until the debates. Obama will be toast.
Marvin Stamnspews:
13. Mr. Cynical spews:
What has your “Progressive” Congress accomplished besides a 9% approval rating??
Funding of the war
The upcoming offshore drilling
Passing minimum wage and unemployment going up right away
That’s not what you meant is it. You were wondering if the democrat led congress has done anything the left wanted. Nancy pelosi was on the view and when asked about impeaching bush said bush hadn’t committed any crimes.
The speaker kicked off her book tour on ABC’s “The View.” Asked by Joy Behar why she won’t impeach Bush, Pelosi said:
Just in case you don’t believe the liberal la times, here’s a video of nancy saying it. Watch and enjoy hearing that bush hasn’t committed any crimes. And who would know best, some bitter hateful left-wing bloggers or the most powerful woman in america.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
See this in today’s Seattle Times?
“Gregoire orders hiring freeze, fuel and travel cuts
Gov. Christine Gregoire is telling state agencies to cut hiring, travel and fuel costs as the weak economy continues to take its toll. In a memo released…
By The Associated Press
OLYMPIA — Gov. Christine Gregoire is telling state agencies to cut hiring, travel and fuel costs as the weak economy continues to take its toll.
In a memo released Monday, Gregoire tells agency directors to cut gas consumption by 5 percent. She also orders freezes on hiring, out-of-state travel, service contracts and extra equipment. There are some exceptions for emergencies.
Officials say the steps could save $90 million in the current budget.
The freeze comes as Gregoire works on a new two-year state budget. The Democrat has been asking agencies to find service cuts to balance the budget. She says tax increases are a last resort.
Gregoire won’t say how big of a deficit the state is facing. But legislative budget experts say the gap could be about $2.7 billion.”
I suggested a Hiring and Spending freeze many months ago. She’s a lot slow on the uptake, ain’t she.
The devil is in the details on these “freezes”. How will we measure what Gregoire actually does????
Mr. Cynicalspews:
And where are the “lay-offs”??????
This appears to be campaign window-dressing….period.
Marvin Stamnspews:
14. Jane Balough’s Dog spews:
Oh I can’t wait until the debates. Obama will be toast.
Don’t make any plans to watch it. Obama will probably call in sick that day.
On second thought, he’ll probably treat it like a vote and say “present.” That way he won’t have to take a stand on any issues that he is only going to have to backtrack on once the polls come out.
@15 That’s not what you meant is it. You were wondering if the democrat led congress has done anything the left wanted. Nancy pelosi was on the view and when asked about impeaching bush said bush hadn’t committed any crimes.
Hence the 9% approval rating, Einstein.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Marvin Stamnspews:
Those evil wal-mart people. They got what they deserved, getting caught backdating stock options.
Oh crap!!
It’s costco, the company that donates to the democrats. No wonder it didn’t even get a word written about it here on this left-wing blog.
The lawsuit alleges that Costco leaders were part of a scheme to manipulate information to “secretly maximize” personal profits. The scheme reaches back to 1997, the lawsuit says.
Thankfully for you left-wingers, you give tacit approval to crimes committed by anybody that gives $$ to democrats so it’s no big deal.
Marvin Stamnspews:
19. Lee spews:
Hence the 9% approval rating, Einstein.
Like nancy said,
If somebody had a crime that the president had committed
Face it, the democrats lied to you to get in power. Once in power they dumped you like a bag of rotten vegetables. And now obama is throwing the rest of the party under the bus.
This is one of those times I’m ashamed to be a liberal. Turns out that trigger-happy 14 year old white trash piece of shit bear hunter didn’t have any adult supervision with him. It was just him and his 16 year old brother. Their grandfather dropped them off. I just know one of my fellow liberals isn’t going to prosecute the young, blood-thirsty murderer. And if they do, a liberal judge will let him off.
If it were up to me, he would be dead right now. Executed. As well as the grandfather. After a trial, of course.
This whole thing has become madness. I just found out that someone took my visa card for a $1500.00 plus bank charges ride. I called the Pierce County Sheriff’s office for justice… what I got was just us…same as usual for this crack squad. They took my report and gave me a case number. Nothing further will ever be done in this matter I assure you. Don’t get me wrong, my bank will make this right, but I feel that Pierce County owes me more than a report by telephone for a real criminal. The alternative they choose is making shure I am belted in and not driving 5 mph over speed and using my signal. I think that our tax dollars should be spent to protect us….
Almost everyone there is pissed about the queen and her lack of ability to lead. Which is the opposite of the folks here that adore her. Isn’t goldy a quasi stalker of her?
But on the bright side, taxes will be going up. As long as she says “it’s for the children” you will be happy working for less.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 The difference between a left-leaning publication and a rightwing rag is that the former report facts while the latter spew fantasmagorical propaganda.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This week, Newsweek and FactCheck.org call bullshit on a G.O.P. Party senator’s ad blaming high gas prices on his Democratic opponent.
In fact, Newsweek’s weekly FactCheck.org feature always calls bullshit on Republican campaign ads.
Our troll friends will argue that’s because Newsweek is a lefty magazine and FactCheck.org is a lefty organization.
The truth is more prosaic: Newsweek and FactCheck criticize mostly Republicans because they do most of the lying.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
The liberal MSM is dying on it’s own bias, we as republicans have the responsiblity to speed up the dying process. Who said we were against assisted suicide. hehehehehe
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 There is no liberal media. MSM is owned and controlled by rich Republicans. That’s why the country is such a mess.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
28 There is no liberal media. MSM is owned and controlled by rich Republicans. That’s why the country is such a mess.
Well in that case we need to bankrupt the rich republicans who own NBC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, NY Times, LA Times ect. There is too much competition and clutter. Who said we repubs are the party of the rich. roof roof.
Marvin Stamnspews:
28. Jane Balough’s Dog spews:
The liberal MSM is a dying on it’s own bias,
The left-wing rags the la times and ny times are being sold in pet stores to line bird cages, that’s about all they’re worth these days. This is the result of putting ideology over news. The la times won’t even allow their reporters to report on john edwards and his affair. Of course being caught in a hotel at 2 in the morning and running into a bathroom to hide from reporters isn’t enough for a left-wing rag to investigate, unless it’s a republican than that’s all the proof they need.
abc, cbs & nbc are sinking so fast they are trying to figure out how to spell titanic out of their call letters.
At least olberman picked up a viewer, sure, he’s still way behind orielly but that doesn’t matter.
Is air america even on the air anymore? A station so unworthy of listening to there were probably more democrats listening to rush than the collection of boys club charity thieves assembled in the air america studios.
Once the media realizes that being in the tank for the democrats isn’t working for them anymore and they play it straight up the democrats will be nothing but a footnote in history.
The liberal agenda does not play well with america anymore. One only has to look how close obama & mcsame are in the polls to grasp the concept of defeat.
Note to horse ass liberals… Start working on the excuses for obama losing to mcsame. Yeah, you can use the old and tired he “stole” it bit, no one is going to believe you after crying wolf the last couple elections.
If mcsame having a commercial with obama and a couple white girls is going to cause racists not to vote for obama why in the hell would obama have white girls in his own ads. Wouldn’t the supposed “racist” republicans be even more offended that obama was rubbing it in their face?
Even donna brazile said it was obama that injected race into the campaign.
Marvin Stamnspews:
29. Roger Rabbit spews:
@28 There is no liberal media. MSM is owned and controlled by rich Republicans
When republican bias comes up it’s always faux faux faux. No one ever mentions any of the other stations.
And let’s pretend I believe you…
Name the conservatives that have shows on abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, msnbc.
Sorry to break it to you but if Burner couldn’t get elected in the tidal wave in 2006…she kind of sucks.
Granted this time around she at least looks like she’s old enough to vote and her house has burned down…but still, has she like…ever been elected to anything? Is “helping women help women help women” at Microsoft really better than being an “executive” like she was last time?
If you can’t win a congressional district in Washington state that John Kerry carried when you have a Democratic tsunami and as much $$ as the incumbent….you suck. Or Reichert is really awesome.
Which is it?
@6 The difference between a left-leaning publication and a rightwing rag is that the former report facts while the latter spew fantasmagorical propaganda.
OK. From the New Republic:
“Despite the ecstatic throngs in Berlin and the impeccable Sderot photo-op, Obama’s lead hasn’t grown in the polls. In fact, as of this writing, it has actually diminished in some polls of Ohio, Michigan, and Minnesota–and evaporated in Colorado. National polls show McCain hanging within a stunningly small margin. (According to pollster.com’s average of all polling, he leads by just 2.5 percent.) What makes this margin so stunning is that nothing has gone right for McCain this past month.
. . .
“If you journey to Obama’s website, you’ll find a slew of terrific policy proposals to fix financial markets and salve the worst blows of the downturn. But if you watch his ads and listen to his speeches, you’ll struggle to hear him articulate a consistent narrative for our economics woes. His campaign has been notably devoid of the populist criticism of Al Gore’s 2000 campaign–which is a shame, because there are corporations and banks well deserving of opprobrium just now. And, more importantly, he hasn’t found a clear, compelling way to explain the contours of this current crisis–how it reflects structural changes and manifests itself in peoples’ lives–a prerequisite for building faith in his capacity to solve it.”
Doesn’t sound like the FACTS are what democrats want to hear these days.
I wonder if they are regretting that they let their white liberal guilt force them to select obama instead of hillary.
Wow, the nutters are out in force tonight.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
The news keeps on getting better and better for repubs. Pelosi turning the lights out on a vote to open up drilling is a God send. Watch for the dems to go into panic mode once in September. I am sure you will see more than one incident of dems sabotaging themselves and blaming the repubs of racism. It’s coming.
has anyone heard of a polling outfit Nbi institute or similar? I was polled tonight asking about the Ladenbug – McKenna AG race, and was thrown off because the telephone interviewer asked whether the following (negative) statements made me more or less likely to support either candidate. Negative statements were made of both candidates which confused me. I was thinking it was a McKenna push poll, but after the anti-McKenna statements, I began to worry.
My one potential clue was that I was asked whether I had a favorable or unfavorable impression of the US chamber of commerce.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
The melt down has already begun with the dems, check this out:
HERBERT: There is an image right there in that very beginning of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and there is an image of the Washington Monument. Look at the beginning of that ad again, and you tell me why those phallic symbols are placed there, pow, right at the very beginning of that ad.
hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha I am sure there will be a lot of dems seeing lots of phallic symbols in the coming months. hehehehehehe
Hey, “Troll”….suuuuure, I believe you’re a liberal.
I also believe that Bruce Ivins mailed the anthrax letters, just like I used to believe McSlime when he went on Letterman’s show and said it was Saddam.
I’m also interested in buying the Brooklyn Bridge.
Rick D.spews:
Judging by her campaign ads, Darcy Burnout is even more of an empty vessel than the Jr. Senator from Illinois.
Burner’s message is:
My brother’s in Iraq, so vote for me!
My house burned down, so vote for me!
I have my obligatory power femenist glasses on so you have no choice but to…Vote for me!
Sorry hon, no Sale!
My we’ve had a massive right wing circle jerk in this thread. For some reason the challenger to Mr. Muscles and Hair brings out the worst in these right wing losers.
Nothing like linking to msnbc, why not just say bush is the worsest person.
And unlike the author, nancy pelosi said bush didn’t commit any crimes.
Who do you trust, your elected official or some left-winger trying to sell a book? I’ll answer for you, you’ll believe anyone that says what you want to hear.
Burnout 2008 is the same Burnout who lost during a dem. landslide year. No new qualifications, no new ideas. Still running against President Bush (read her ballot statement). This race is a yawner. HA’ers can’t even stick to this topic. All you can talk about is BHO and your overspending governor. Proof that this race is a yawner. Reichert by 7 points in 2008.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Who’s next under the obama bus??
Probably bill ritter, someone that was being considered for veep.
When asked why he [ritter] wouldn’t be a good choice for veep.
Ritter: “Well, just because, I think there are a lot of things that he has to take into consideration. I’ve been governor for 18 months. My experience before that was as a district attorney. I loved being a district attorney…but I don’t think that’s what Barack Obama’s looking for in a vice president. I’ve been governor for 18 months. It’s been a great experience. But it’s just 18 months…Obama has to think about experience…levels of experience…”
caller: “Governor, you said 18 months’ experience wasn’t enough experience as governor to be the vice president. Would you want to contrast that with the 143 days’ experience Obama as senator before he decided he had enough experience to be president.”
Bill Ritter’ “All I can tell ya is I am a fan of Barack Obama’s. Met him in 2004 during his campaign for Senate…You meet him and discover there’s something very different about him. That’s all I’ll say.”
There goes my theory that everyone on the left are idiots. At least one person understands how important experience is. After all, if he doesn’t feel his 540 days as governor isn’t enough experience for veep, how can 143 be enough experience for president.
No doubt this is going to be a new ad for mcsame. And considering it’s from the mouth of a democrat considered for veep, it’s going to leave a big mark.
I wonder if obama keeps screwing up and dropping in the polls if the super delegates will pledge their votes to hillary. Nope, that would be the end of the black vote, the end of the democrat party.
With the bad news coming in waves for the republicans, it’s no wonder that they have nothing left other than to rely on lies, deflection and misdirection. But in the last three special elections – two of which were held in long-time “GOP” districts, Democrats WON! ALL THREE SEATS. And yes, the right wing ass-licks used the same racist, bullshit, fear-mongering they always do and guess what – it didn’t work.
Eventually people figure out that Karl Rove – like his pal Marvin, is a pervert. And they stop listening.
Marv- I hear your parole officer is looking for you by the way. Did you forget to register as a ped?
Many consider cook county jail the worst in the nation, not because it’s not painted a nice cheerful color but because of the number of inmates that “accidently” die at the hands of the guards.
(Cook county is in the state that obama did so much good for, just like he wants to do to america)
Now, there are problems getting the kind of guards they want, the kind of guards that represent the view of the city & state leaders.
It’s getting tougher for the dishonest, the mentally unstable and the overweight to get hired as Cook County jail guards these days. As a result, fewer guards are getting hired.
Last week, a federal report on Cook County Jail conditions found a culture among guards that fostered beatings to the point of hospitalization when inmates talked back or rebuffed orders. Many of the beatings brought lawsuits and costly settlements.
See, liberals/democrats are capable of learning. It just takes you longer. I could have figured out that having lying fat crazies working as guards wasn’t a good idea in a matter of seconds.
Of course most of the inmates getting beaten and killed were black so it doesn’t get much time on abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, msnbc. Don’t hold your breath for olbermann to award one of these guards the worse person of the day, after all they are in a union and vote democrat.
Marvin Stamn is about the most idiotic Republican on this comment board and man have we had some doozies here.
With each post he’s whipping himself into a tighter and more intense frenzy that will fizzle out upon an Obama victory in November.
It’s going to be so sweet.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Nothing like attack ads… even before they know who to attack.
Isn’t this the kind of stuff that obama says he’s above?
Of course, people on the left disclose facts while people on the right smear. (wink wink)
With the bad news coming in waves for the republicans, it’s no wonder that they have nothing left other than to rely on lies, deflection and misdirection.
Right. It’s gotten so bad that McCain is virtually tied with Obama in the polls. Some data:
In the table labeled “McCain-Obama: Trust on Issues” 14 issues are listed. On the economy there’s a tie. In 9 out of the 14 McCain is given the nod. In 4 out of 14, Obama. On Iraq McCain is trusted more by a 51 vs 39 percent margin.
And here’s what the San Francisco Chronicle, hardly a right wing rag, has to say on some of Obama’s latest moves:
Barack Obama should not have to hit a three-pointer to win this election. It should be a lay-up. Yet if Senator Obama is doing so well, why is he doing so poorly? And if John McCain is doing so poorly, why is he doing so well?
Considering the basketball reference, do you think the author believes all blacks play basketball?
This is the trap Barack Obama has made for himself, the one he cannot escape, the one Hillary Clinton foresaw, the one that may doom him. The Obama campaign knows it too. In fear the dream is being lost drop-by-drop, they are going negative on John McCain. Maybe the aliens should ask to meet McCain, as well.
Yup, obama is going negative. Add that to the long list of obama flip-flops.
Best comment award goes to-
Given McCain’s weakness, even among Republicans, Obama should have a commanding double-digit lead. That he doesn’t begs the question, why not? Imagine if you can a Reagan/Obama match up. Obama would be crushed.
It looks like for the 3rd straight presidential election the democrats put up a fatally flawed candidate.
Marvin Stamnspews:
55. YLB spews:
I love it. The architect of collapsed bridges, Tim Pawlenty, is talking about cutting taxes.
Since tim designed the bridge he should be forced to pay for it, as much as he can. If he has to get a minimum wage job, well, his fault for being such a terrible architect.
Wow! An inspiring picture of Stamn’s favorite Republican:
They’re very good at negative campaigning. They’re not so good at governing.
When he’s right, he’s right.
Marvin Stamnspews:
58. YLB spews:
Wow! An inspiring picture of Stamn’s favorite Republican:
I’ve provided a bunch of links today, is that the best you can do refuting them.
Did I make it too tough for you by linking to left-wingnut websites?
The silliest Republican on this comment board (Marvin Stamn) so much wants people here to take his talking points seriously.
Now that is hilarious!
Marvin Stamnspews:
61. YLB spews:
The silliest Republican on this comment board (Marvin Stamn) so much wants people here to take his talking points seriously.
Now that is hilarious!
Don’t take me serious, I’m a troll.
Take the links seriously, that’s why I linked to left-wingnut websites. Or bury your head in the sand and start repeating mcsame stole the election since that’s all you’re going to be saying for months and months, if not years.
The silliest Republican on this comment board (Marvin Stamn) so much wants people here to follow the links he drops to support Republican talking points.
Yup, that’s a knee-slapper!
Marvin Stamnspews:
Is paul krugman jumping off the global warming bandwagon? I thought not believing in man-made global warming was akin to being a holocaust-denier. If the debate is over, how come he even questions it?
It’s true that scientists don’t know exactly how much world temperatures will rise if we persist with business as usual. But that uncertainty is actually what makes action so urgent. While there’s a chance that we’ll act against global warming only to find that the danger was overstated, there’s also a chance that we’ll fail to act only to find that the results of inaction were catastrophic. Which risk would you rather run?
10 cents a comment maybe? Gotta make ends meet somehow..
The Princeton Election Consortium has the lastest state-by-state collection of data, including McCain’s recent upward bumps. Their conclusion?
Electoral college results: Obama wins 306 electoral votes to McCain’s 232. They basically project (via Darryl’s favorite Monte Carlo) about a 99% chance of Obama winning the presidency.
Daddy Lovespews:
64 MS
So saying that there’s a “chance” that some danger of global warming being “overstated” equals “not believing in man-made global warming?”
Only in your world.
And taking a column in which Krugman argues that we are very likely not doing enough to combat global warming (sample quote: “It’s sheer irresponsibility not to do whatever we can to eliminate that threat.”) and spinning it as a repudiation of the very concept is so audacious as to insult our intelligence and lead us to further question your own.
Marvin Stamnspews:
65. YLB spews:
10 cents a comment maybe? Gotta make ends meet somehow..
$.10 a comment? Yeah, like I would work for those wages.
Sign up, troll and the $$ just flys in. I’m sure goldy has wondered why mcsames’ ip shows up so often in his logs, it’s just checking on my work.
They send me a list of talking points in the morning, and then paypal me the money in the afternoon.
I’m sure you realize this isn’t the only blog I make big profits off of.
Just like the name marvin stamn, google to find other studio trumpet players and change the last letter of their names and then you can google to find some of my other work.
Marvin Stamnspews:
67. Daddy Love spews:
So saying that there’s a “chance” that some danger of global warming being “overstated” equals “not believing in man-made global warming?”
If the debate is over, how is there a chance? Maybe we should still be debating it.
And please do me a favor, don’t use MS, spell my name out. Every post that has my name spelled out doubles the ad revenue.
Daddy Lovespews:
69 MS
Yeah, like I’m taking advice from you.
Anyway, the debate that is over is that global warming is occurring and that humans activities contribute mightily to it. http://www.ipcc.ch
The “chances” are how severe the consequences are. More Krugman:
Martin Weitzman, a Harvard economist who has been driving much of the recent high-level debate, offers some sobering numbers. Surveying a wide range of climate models, he argues that, over all, they suggest about a 5 percent chance that world temperatures will eventually rise by more than 10 degrees Celsius (that is, world temperatures will rise by 18 degrees Fahrenheit). As Mr. Weitzman points out, that’s enough to “effectively destroy planet Earth as we know it.”
So there’s a 5% chance that we are going to destroy all human life. Got it yet?
Reading HA is akin to watching Short Attention Span Theater. Isn’t this a thread about Darcy Burnout’s first ad? After 70 posts, I’m having trouble finding more than a handful of on-topic replies. I guess other than her stalker, Goldy, nobody give a damn about her. I know I don’t. Reichert by 7 points in ’08.
Marvin Stamnspews:
71. diamondshards spews:
Reading HA is akin to watching Short Attention Span Theater. Isn’t this a thread about Darcy Burnout’s first ad?
It’s labeled at the top of the thread as an “open Thread.”
What do you mean short attention, you did know this was an open thread didn’t you.
@66 They basically project (via Darryl’s favorite Monte Carlo) about a 99% chance of Obama winning the presidency.
If the election were held today . . . it makes no claims for November.
Ignoring the moron who can’t read the title of the topic..
In other news, high gas prices have cut consumption three percent or so in the USA, but our refiners have to meet their capacity production plans so what do they do?
74. YLB spews:
In other news, high gas prices have cut consumption three percent or so in the USA, but our refiners have to meet their capacity production plans so what do they do?
They export!
So what?
What would make you happy, if the oil companies go out of business? Windfall profit taxes?
Something that doesn’t get explained on dailykos is where those windfall profits go.
How many oil ceos are there compared to the number of americans invested in mutual funds and city/state pension funds?
Strange no mention is ever given to entertainers earning millions and millions of dollars without producing any thing of importance.
Marvin Stamnspews:
75. YLB spews:
Here’s a really good one for our silliest Republican, Marvin Stamn.
Advice on premature ejaculation from Faux Noise:
I’m a little shocked that you are thinking of my sex life.
Yes, Gallup has Obama up by three and no, the race has not significantly changed in three months.
Re: Gallup Poll (see comment # 1);
“Other” at 1%. Is this mostly Nader, Ron Paul supporters, or a half-half combination of both? I wonder what happens to this number if either or both of them drop out.
The 4% “neither” vote is interesting. My guess is that it is disenchanted Republicans who think McCain is too liberal, but I could be wrong. I’m assuming they will just sit this one out, but when push comes to shove, I could be wrong. I doubt it’s Democrats who won’t vote for a black man – those left the party a long time ago. Possibly also includes a few Hillary supporters. Both sides may be fighting for this group, trying to scare the other into voting for the “lesser of two evils”, as the saying goes.
I started to try to figure out how this works out (what portion of the undecideds McCain has to get in order to fill the gap), but then I realized it’s a useless endeavor. The electoral college map is what’s important.
Everything I’ve seen to date says that Obama will carry at least every state Gore and Kerry carried in the last two elections, and will pick up additional states – enough to put him over the top. McCain will carry quite a few states by a large margin, but I’ll bet he wishes he could take some of those “excess” votes and distributed them among some of the more contested states.
Yes, Gallup has Obama up by three and no, the race has not significantly changed in three months.
Tsk, tsk . . . Rasmussen has McCain up by one among likely voters (just below the Gallup poll, btw). The closeness is still a surprise. Any ideas why Obama isn’t up more?
State by tate is what counts – national polls mean nothing -see 538 website:
Link: http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/
Obama is winning big there on a electoral vote approximation.
Windbag McCain will drop – especially since the lobbyist ties to the oil industry will undercut his integrity and waffling on drilling.
Windbag McCain will drop – especially since the lobbyist ties to the oil industry will undercut his integrity and waffling on drilling.
Let’s revisit in a month. Thus far these polls have defied a lot of expectations (including mine!).
I like this quote-
Michael Crowley, my colleague at the New Republic
The new republic, the left leaning rag? Hhmm, I wonder if 538 is biased and has a vested interest in the race.
Also from 538
So if obama doesn’t please everyone does that mean they aren’t going to vote, or when asked by a pollster answer mcsame?
Holy crap, she now put in the fire in her house as something she had to deal with….I was waiting for this. Should we put this into the same area as (see voter pamphlet) “She is raising her son and their golden retriever just outside of carnation.
Glad she didn’t add the guinea pig to list.
And that helping women succeed at Microsoft ? Just because you are a member of Hoppers doesn’t mean you actually help women…geeze..
And I sure like the pic where she’s standing with generals…:-)
4. correctnotright spews:
State by tate is what counts – national polls mean nothing -see 538 website:
So if obama doesn’t please everyone does that mean they aren’t going to vote, or when asked by a pollster answer mcsame?
And this does raise the intriguing possibility of Obama winning the election . . . but losing the popular vote.
Just what we need.
Another uppity woman trying to get wars stopped and lead out of kids’ toys and stuff.
Hey did anyone go out an buy their tire gauge yet?? They are available in all 57 states.
I’m confused about this one. Can you explain what the difference is between John McCain talking about using sunscreen and Barack Obama talking about using tire gauges?
From Today’s Rasmussen Poll—
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Monday, August 04, 2008
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows the race for the White House is tied with Barack Obama and John McCain each attracting 44% of the vote. However, when “leaners” are included, it’s McCain 47% and Obama 46%.
This is the first time McCain has enjoyed even a statistically insignificant advantage of any sort since Obama clinched the Democratic nomination on June 3
O-blah-blah should be 10 points ahead after his President of the World Yer-A-Peein’ Tour!!
With the MSM gloating all over him and 95% of the Black vote.
It appears the “Progressive” bowel movement stopped before it started.
What has your “Progressive” Congress accomplished besides a 9% approval rating??
It appears you KLOWNS spend way too much time jerkin’ each other off….and too little time noticing how offended more & more Americans are by the O-blah-blah bullsh*t.
White House is tied with Barack Obama and John McCain each attracting 44% of the vote
Nope. It McCain 45% and Obama 44% as of today. Oh I can’t wait until the debates. Obama will be toast.
Funding of the war
The upcoming offshore drilling
Passing minimum wage and unemployment going up right away
That’s not what you meant is it. You were wondering if the democrat led congress has done anything the left wanted. Nancy pelosi was on the view and when asked about impeaching bush said bush hadn’t committed any crimes.
Just in case you don’t believe the liberal la times, here’s a video of nancy saying it. Watch and enjoy hearing that bush hasn’t committed any crimes. And who would know best, some bitter hateful left-wing bloggers or the most powerful woman in america.
See this in today’s Seattle Times?
“Gregoire orders hiring freeze, fuel and travel cuts
Gov. Christine Gregoire is telling state agencies to cut hiring, travel and fuel costs as the weak economy continues to take its toll. In a memo released…
By The Associated Press
OLYMPIA — Gov. Christine Gregoire is telling state agencies to cut hiring, travel and fuel costs as the weak economy continues to take its toll.
In a memo released Monday, Gregoire tells agency directors to cut gas consumption by 5 percent. She also orders freezes on hiring, out-of-state travel, service contracts and extra equipment. There are some exceptions for emergencies.
Officials say the steps could save $90 million in the current budget.
The freeze comes as Gregoire works on a new two-year state budget. The Democrat has been asking agencies to find service cuts to balance the budget. She says tax increases are a last resort.
Gregoire won’t say how big of a deficit the state is facing. But legislative budget experts say the gap could be about $2.7 billion.”
I suggested a Hiring and Spending freeze many months ago. She’s a lot slow on the uptake, ain’t she.
The devil is in the details on these “freezes”. How will we measure what Gregoire actually does????
And where are the “lay-offs”??????
This appears to be campaign window-dressing….period.
Don’t make any plans to watch it. Obama will probably call in sick that day.
On second thought, he’ll probably treat it like a vote and say “present.” That way he won’t have to take a stand on any issues that he is only going to have to backtrack on once the polls come out.
Change… daily.
That’s not what you meant is it. You were wondering if the democrat led congress has done anything the left wanted. Nancy pelosi was on the view and when asked about impeaching bush said bush hadn’t committed any crimes.
Hence the 9% approval rating, Einstein.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Those evil wal-mart people. They got what they deserved, getting caught backdating stock options.
Oh crap!!
It’s costco, the company that donates to the democrats. No wonder it didn’t even get a word written about it here on this left-wing blog.
Thankfully for you left-wingers, you give tacit approval to crimes committed by anybody that gives $$ to democrats so it’s no big deal.
Like nancy said,
Face it, the democrats lied to you to get in power. Once in power they dumped you like a bag of rotten vegetables. And now obama is throwing the rest of the party under the bus.
This is one of those times I’m ashamed to be a liberal. Turns out that trigger-happy 14 year old white trash piece of shit bear hunter didn’t have any adult supervision with him. It was just him and his 16 year old brother. Their grandfather dropped them off. I just know one of my fellow liberals isn’t going to prosecute the young, blood-thirsty murderer. And if they do, a liberal judge will let him off.
If it were up to me, he would be dead right now. Executed. As well as the grandfather. After a trial, of course.
Gov. Gregoire orders hiring freeze
Nothing like getting ahead of the curve . . .
This whole thing has become madness. I just found out that someone took my visa card for a $1500.00 plus bank charges ride. I called the Pierce County Sheriff’s office for justice… what I got was just us…same as usual for this crack squad. They took my report and gave me a case number. Nothing further will ever be done in this matter I assure you. Don’t get me wrong, my bank will make this right, but I feel that Pierce County owes me more than a report by telephone for a real criminal. The alternative they choose is making shure I am belted in and not driving 5 mph over speed and using my signal. I think that our tax dollars should be spent to protect us….
The seattlepi must be a right wing rag.
Almost everyone there is pissed about the queen and her lack of ability to lead. Which is the opposite of the folks here that adore her. Isn’t goldy a quasi stalker of her?
But on the bright side, taxes will be going up. As long as she says “it’s for the children” you will be happy working for less.
@6 The difference between a left-leaning publication and a rightwing rag is that the former report facts while the latter spew fantasmagorical propaganda.
This week, Newsweek and FactCheck.org call bullshit on a G.O.P. Party senator’s ad blaming high gas prices on his Democratic opponent.
In fact, Newsweek’s weekly FactCheck.org feature always calls bullshit on Republican campaign ads.
Our troll friends will argue that’s because Newsweek is a lefty magazine and FactCheck.org is a lefty organization.
The truth is more prosaic: Newsweek and FactCheck criticize mostly Republicans because they do most of the lying.
The liberal MSM is dying on it’s own bias, we as republicans have the responsiblity to speed up the dying process. Who said we were against assisted suicide. hehehehehe
@28 There is no liberal media. MSM is owned and controlled by rich Republicans. That’s why the country is such a mess.
28 There is no liberal media. MSM is owned and controlled by rich Republicans. That’s why the country is such a mess.
Well in that case we need to bankrupt the rich republicans who own NBC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, NY Times, LA Times ect. There is too much competition and clutter. Who said we repubs are the party of the rich. roof roof.
The left-wing rags the la times and ny times are being sold in pet stores to line bird cages, that’s about all they’re worth these days. This is the result of putting ideology over news. The la times won’t even allow their reporters to report on john edwards and his affair. Of course being caught in a hotel at 2 in the morning and running into a bathroom to hide from reporters isn’t enough for a left-wing rag to investigate, unless it’s a republican than that’s all the proof they need.
abc, cbs & nbc are sinking so fast they are trying to figure out how to spell titanic out of their call letters.
At least olberman picked up a viewer, sure, he’s still way behind orielly but that doesn’t matter.
Is air america even on the air anymore? A station so unworthy of listening to there were probably more democrats listening to rush than the collection of boys club charity thieves assembled in the air america studios.
Once the media realizes that being in the tank for the democrats isn’t working for them anymore and they play it straight up the democrats will be nothing but a footnote in history.
The liberal agenda does not play well with america anymore. One only has to look how close obama & mcsame are in the polls to grasp the concept of defeat.
Note to horse ass liberals… Start working on the excuses for obama losing to mcsame. Yeah, you can use the old and tired he “stole” it bit, no one is going to believe you after crying wolf the last couple elections.
If mcsame having a commercial with obama and a couple white girls is going to cause racists not to vote for obama why in the hell would obama have white girls in his own ads. Wouldn’t the supposed “racist” republicans be even more offended that obama was rubbing it in their face?
Even donna brazile said it was obama that injected race into the campaign.
When republican bias comes up it’s always faux faux faux. No one ever mentions any of the other stations.
And let’s pretend I believe you…
Name the conservatives that have shows on abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, msnbc.
Sorry to break it to you but if Burner couldn’t get elected in the tidal wave in 2006…she kind of sucks.
Granted this time around she at least looks like she’s old enough to vote and her house has burned down…but still, has she like…ever been elected to anything? Is “helping women help women help women” at Microsoft really better than being an “executive” like she was last time?
If you can’t win a congressional district in Washington state that John Kerry carried when you have a Democratic tsunami and as much $$ as the incumbent….you suck. Or Reichert is really awesome.
Which is it?
@6 The difference between a left-leaning publication and a rightwing rag is that the former report facts while the latter spew fantasmagorical propaganda.
OK. From the New Republic:
“Despite the ecstatic throngs in Berlin and the impeccable Sderot photo-op, Obama’s lead hasn’t grown in the polls. In fact, as of this writing, it has actually diminished in some polls of Ohio, Michigan, and Minnesota–and evaporated in Colorado. National polls show McCain hanging within a stunningly small margin. (According to pollster.com’s average of all polling, he leads by just 2.5 percent.) What makes this margin so stunning is that nothing has gone right for McCain this past month.
. . .
“If you journey to Obama’s website, you’ll find a slew of terrific policy proposals to fix financial markets and salve the worst blows of the downturn. But if you watch his ads and listen to his speeches, you’ll struggle to hear him articulate a consistent narrative for our economics woes. His campaign has been notably devoid of the populist criticism of Al Gore’s 2000 campaign–which is a shame, because there are corporations and banks well deserving of opprobrium just now. And, more importantly, he hasn’t found a clear, compelling way to explain the contours of this current crisis–how it reflects structural changes and manifests itself in peoples’ lives–a prerequisite for building faith in his capacity to solve it.”
Doesn’t sound like the FACTS are what democrats want to hear these days.
I wonder if they are regretting that they let their white liberal guilt force them to select obama instead of hillary.
Wow, the nutters are out in force tonight.
The news keeps on getting better and better for repubs. Pelosi turning the lights out on a vote to open up drilling is a God send. Watch for the dems to go into panic mode once in September. I am sure you will see more than one incident of dems sabotaging themselves and blaming the repubs of racism. It’s coming.
has anyone heard of a polling outfit Nbi institute or similar? I was polled tonight asking about the Ladenbug – McKenna AG race, and was thrown off because the telephone interviewer asked whether the following (negative) statements made me more or less likely to support either candidate. Negative statements were made of both candidates which confused me. I was thinking it was a McKenna push poll, but after the anti-McKenna statements, I began to worry.
My one potential clue was that I was asked whether I had a favorable or unfavorable impression of the US chamber of commerce.
The melt down has already begun with the dems, check this out:
HERBERT: There is an image right there in that very beginning of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and there is an image of the Washington Monument. Look at the beginning of that ad again, and you tell me why those phallic symbols are placed there, pow, right at the very beginning of that ad.
hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha I am sure there will be a lot of dems seeing lots of phallic symbols in the coming months. hehehehehehe
Hey, “Troll”….suuuuure, I believe you’re a liberal.
I also believe that Bruce Ivins mailed the anthrax letters, just like I used to believe McSlime when he went on Letterman’s show and said it was Saddam.
I’m also interested in buying the Brooklyn Bridge.
Judging by her campaign ads, Darcy Burnout is even more of an empty vessel than the Jr. Senator from Illinois.
Burner’s message is:
My brother’s in Iraq, so vote for me!
My house burned down, so vote for me!
I have my obligatory power femenist glasses on so you have no choice but to…Vote for me!
Sorry hon, no Sale!
My we’ve had a massive right wing circle jerk in this thread. For some reason the challenger to Mr. Muscles and Hair brings out the worst in these right wing losers.
In other news, Bush lied and people died:
Nothing like linking to msnbc, why not just say bush is the worsest person.
And unlike the author, nancy pelosi said bush didn’t commit any crimes.
Who do you trust, your elected official or some left-winger trying to sell a book? I’ll answer for you, you’ll believe anyone that says what you want to hear.
Burnout 2008 is the same Burnout who lost during a dem. landslide year. No new qualifications, no new ideas. Still running against President Bush (read her ballot statement). This race is a yawner. HA’ers can’t even stick to this topic. All you can talk about is BHO and your overspending governor. Proof that this race is a yawner. Reichert by 7 points in 2008.
Who’s next under the obama bus??
Probably bill ritter, someone that was being considered for veep.
He stepped in it on a radio interview.
It’s in the beginning of the audio linked above.
When asked why he [ritter] wouldn’t be a good choice for veep.
Ritter: “Well, just because, I think there are a lot of things that he has to take into consideration. I’ve been governor for 18 months. My experience before that was as a district attorney. I loved being a district attorney…but I don’t think that’s what Barack Obama’s looking for in a vice president. I’ve been governor for 18 months. It’s been a great experience. But it’s just 18 months…Obama has to think about experience…levels of experience…”
caller: “Governor, you said 18 months’ experience wasn’t enough experience as governor to be the vice president. Would you want to contrast that with the 143 days’ experience Obama as senator before he decided he had enough experience to be president.”
Bill Ritter’ “All I can tell ya is I am a fan of Barack Obama’s. Met him in 2004 during his campaign for Senate…You meet him and discover there’s something very different about him. That’s all I’ll say.”
There goes my theory that everyone on the left are idiots. At least one person understands how important experience is. After all, if he doesn’t feel his 540 days as governor isn’t enough experience for veep, how can 143 be enough experience for president.
No doubt this is going to be a new ad for mcsame. And considering it’s from the mouth of a democrat considered for veep, it’s going to leave a big mark.
I wonder if obama keeps screwing up and dropping in the polls if the super delegates will pledge their votes to hillary. Nope, that would be the end of the black vote, the end of the democrat party.
With the bad news coming in waves for the republicans, it’s no wonder that they have nothing left other than to rely on lies, deflection and misdirection. But in the last three special elections – two of which were held in long-time “GOP” districts, Democrats WON! ALL THREE SEATS. And yes, the right wing ass-licks used the same racist, bullshit, fear-mongering they always do and guess what – it didn’t work.
Eventually people figure out that Karl Rove – like his pal Marvin, is a pervert. And they stop listening.
Marv- I hear your parole officer is looking for you by the way. Did you forget to register as a ped?
Here’s a link to a visual representation of obama’s energy policy.
Many consider cook county jail the worst in the nation, not because it’s not painted a nice cheerful color but because of the number of inmates that “accidently” die at the hands of the guards.
(Cook county is in the state that obama did so much good for, just like he wants to do to america)
Now, there are problems getting the kind of guards they want, the kind of guards that represent the view of the city & state leaders.
See, liberals/democrats are capable of learning. It just takes you longer. I could have figured out that having lying fat crazies working as guards wasn’t a good idea in a matter of seconds.
Of course most of the inmates getting beaten and killed were black so it doesn’t get much time on abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, msnbc. Don’t hold your breath for olbermann to award one of these guards the worse person of the day, after all they are in a union and vote democrat.
Marvin Stamn is about the most idiotic Republican on this comment board and man have we had some doozies here.
With each post he’s whipping himself into a tighter and more intense frenzy that will fizzle out upon an Obama victory in November.
It’s going to be so sweet.
Nothing like attack ads… even before they know who to attack.
Isn’t this the kind of stuff that obama says he’s above?
Of course, people on the left disclose facts while people on the right smear. (wink wink)
With the bad news coming in waves for the republicans, it’s no wonder that they have nothing left other than to rely on lies, deflection and misdirection.
Right. It’s gotten so bad that McCain is virtually tied with Obama in the polls. Some data:
In the table labeled “McCain-Obama: Trust on Issues” 14 issues are listed. On the economy there’s a tie. In 9 out of the 14 McCain is given the nod. In 4 out of 14, Obama. On Iraq McCain is trusted more by a 51 vs 39 percent margin.
And here’s what the San Francisco Chronicle, hardly a right wing rag, has to say on some of Obama’s latest moves:
Ba-deep, ba-deep, that’s all folks.
The several references about women and mommy’s have Mommy Love clutching his panties and jumping for joy while shreiking “my hero, my sister hero!”
Hmmm. Republicans (like Marvin Stamn) are meeting in Minnesota.
How fitting a symbol of their governance:
I love it. The architect of collapsed bridges, Tim Pawlenty, is talking about cutting taxes.
Yep, one-eight percent off the sales tax!
Where do Republicans come up with these guys?
Even the left-wing blogs are seeing the light.
Here’ one from huffington-
The Molten Core of Barack: Why Obama Can’t Win
Considering the basketball reference, do you think the author believes all blacks play basketball?
Yup, obama is going negative. Add that to the long list of obama flip-flops.
Best comment award goes to-
It looks like for the 3rd straight presidential election the democrats put up a fatally flawed candidate.
Since tim designed the bridge he should be forced to pay for it, as much as he can. If he has to get a minimum wage job, well, his fault for being such a terrible architect.
Wow! An inspiring picture of Stamn’s favorite Republican:
Don’t look at me, I can’t stand the fucker.
Barack Obama on Republicans:
When he’s right, he’s right.
I’ve provided a bunch of links today, is that the best you can do refuting them.
Did I make it too tough for you by linking to left-wingnut websites?
The silliest Republican on this comment board (Marvin Stamn) so much wants people here to take his talking points seriously.
Now that is hilarious!
Don’t take me serious, I’m a troll.
Take the links seriously, that’s why I linked to left-wingnut websites. Or bury your head in the sand and start repeating mcsame stole the election since that’s all you’re going to be saying for months and months, if not years.
The silliest Republican on this comment board (Marvin Stamn) so much wants people here to follow the links he drops to support Republican talking points.
Yup, that’s a knee-slapper!
Is paul krugman jumping off the global warming bandwagon? I thought not believing in man-made global warming was akin to being a holocaust-denier. If the debate is over, how come he even questions it?
10 cents a comment maybe? Gotta make ends meet somehow..
The Princeton Election Consortium has the lastest state-by-state collection of data, including McCain’s recent upward bumps. Their conclusion?
Electoral college results: Obama wins 306 electoral votes to McCain’s 232. They basically project (via Darryl’s favorite Monte Carlo) about a 99% chance of Obama winning the presidency.
64 MS
So saying that there’s a “chance” that some danger of global warming being “overstated” equals “not believing in man-made global warming?”
Only in your world.
And taking a column in which Krugman argues that we are very likely not doing enough to combat global warming (sample quote: “It’s sheer irresponsibility not to do whatever we can to eliminate that threat.”) and spinning it as a repudiation of the very concept is so audacious as to insult our intelligence and lead us to further question your own.
$.10 a comment? Yeah, like I would work for those wages.
Don’t tell anyone, but here’s the link.
Sign up, troll and the $$ just flys in. I’m sure goldy has wondered why mcsames’ ip shows up so often in his logs, it’s just checking on my work.
They send me a list of talking points in the morning, and then paypal me the money in the afternoon.
I’m sure you realize this isn’t the only blog I make big profits off of.
Just like the name marvin stamn, google to find other studio trumpet players and change the last letter of their names and then you can google to find some of my other work.
If the debate is over, how is there a chance? Maybe we should still be debating it.
And please do me a favor, don’t use MS, spell my name out. Every post that has my name spelled out doubles the ad revenue.
69 MS
Yeah, like I’m taking advice from you.
Anyway, the debate that is over is that global warming is occurring and that humans activities contribute mightily to it.
The “chances” are how severe the consequences are. More Krugman:
So there’s a 5% chance that we are going to destroy all human life. Got it yet?
Reading HA is akin to watching Short Attention Span Theater. Isn’t this a thread about Darcy Burnout’s first ad? After 70 posts, I’m having trouble finding more than a handful of on-topic replies. I guess other than her stalker, Goldy, nobody give a damn about her. I know I don’t. Reichert by 7 points in ’08.
It’s labeled at the top of the thread as an “open Thread.”
What do you mean short attention, you did know this was an open thread didn’t you.
@66 They basically project (via Darryl’s favorite Monte Carlo) about a 99% chance of Obama winning the presidency.
If the election were held today . . . it makes no claims for November.
Ignoring the moron who can’t read the title of the topic..
In other news, high gas prices have cut consumption three percent or so in the USA, but our refiners have to meet their capacity production plans so what do they do?
They export!
Here’s a really good one for our silliest Republican, Marvin Stamn.
Advice on premature ejaculation from Faux Noise:
So what?
What would make you happy, if the oil companies go out of business? Windfall profit taxes?
Something that doesn’t get explained on dailykos is where those windfall profits go.
How many oil ceos are there compared to the number of americans invested in mutual funds and city/state pension funds?
Strange no mention is ever given to entertainers earning millions and millions of dollars without producing any thing of importance.
I’m a little shocked that you are thinking of my sex life.
Do you visit faux news often?
More where that came from:
If Stamn’s dysfunctional reasoning abilities are any indication….
I guess you do visit faux news often. You seem to know your way around the sex problems pages.
Poor Stamn – been “faking it” all the time:
79 billion. Sorry Paul Wolfowitz, not even freaking close.
Thanks for your interest in my sex life.
Thanks for all those hits to the faux news website, I’m sure my check will reflect your help.
Another treat for our silliest Republican.
Can you say “money laundering”?